#can’t fucking stand ml bitches
moriphyte · 11 months
mom: do you wanna take this food home?
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djarrex · 3 years
Hi everyone, just wanted to address what happened last night along with some other things from before that all tie in together.
There’s multiple parts to the following post - please make sure you read all of it if you’re gonna take the time to even start.
It was midnight and y'all were still jumping in on anon and telling me how I'm awful for not commenting, owning up, or taking responsibility - I should have been in bed. I have a life and job outside this app; and with the several of you in my inbox and it being too late at night to address each, I’m gonna do it now. I can’t not say something about all of this. I just can’t keep quiet and ignore the problem - it’s not fair to you all. Deleting one post already has you guys even more riled up and all I wanted to do was offer something better than a “half-hearted apology” (it was very late at night when I wrote that very short apology, and wanted a redo tbh). 
I really didn't want to make a long post like this. I reached out to a select few on here because I care about them (there's more of you, but like I said, it was at the time after midnight and I was fucking exhausted). but I was being demanded for accountability. So here I am.
Allow me to be real with you all, if that's ok. If it's not, well, idk. First I wanna address all you anons, who, instead of speaking to me one on one about all this, want to criticize me and shame me and my writing when truthfully it feels like you haven't even read more than a handful of my work. I didn’t realize that I write the clones all the same way? That I always make them super aggressive and uncaring and dom? “you write every single clone as so dominant instead as unique individual men with their own personalities” Interesting. See, that right there tells me you haven't read nearly enough of my stuff for me to believe that's true. That's one accusation I absolutely will not back you on because I know it’s inaccurate - saying how I group the clones into some overly-aggressive, and uncaring category - that I always write all of them as mean in bed because they're men of color. And hey, if I do write rough smut - which yeah, it's out there and I write it, as do a lot of you - there are warnings at the beginning, aftercare, dialogue, reader sharing their feelings, and most importantly... consent between the two. That’s what warnings are for, so that you know what you’re going to be reading. That’s why I, as we all do, appreciate warnings listed at the tops of fics; honestly, write them sub or dom or switch or however you want but don’t come at me like that. I’m sorry if I'm coming across as rude because I'm usually not, I’m one of the nicest people you’ll meet, but I will not stand idly by while you chastise my writing (writing that is pretty much the same type of stuff a lot of you write & rb with the same characters) that you haven’t read enough of to back such claims.
Next: Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart,
I get it. Really, I do. I fully understand the problem of whitewashing in SW along with almost everywhere else, and I do not agree with it. It's a huge problem, and it needs to be rectified. Now just because I don't speak publicly about it and opt out of publicly shaming TBB, doesn't mean that I agree with what’s going on. Not everyone is comfortable with sharing their opinions on a subject, no matter what that subject is or which side they're on. You live and you learn when it comes to that. 
It has never been my intention to fetishize POC in my writing, which btw, the same people who are saying that it is my intention are the ones claiming I portray all of the clones as the same, aggressive men, lacking their individuality. It’s a claim that is simply not true, and I know I have followers on here to back me up on that. I know what I've written; how about you check it out and tell me that you don't see the words "soft" or "fluff" or "cuddling" or “gentle” or “tender” within my work linked in my ML. Clone character being a good partner and father? Tender love making? Holding each others faces in their hands? “We/you survived” sex? Taking care of their partner? Saying “I love you” to one another? Confirming the safe word and going slow at first? Oh my - riveting and harsh stuff - totally unacceptable.  
Now: My admittedly problematic writings of Rex + Zygerria,
I went into writing that rp fic totally unaware and unknowing of the true implications. For that, I sincerely apologize. When I posted the NSFW alphabet, that’s when I was called out on that rp fic - not when I first posted it. Which the timeline doesn’t matter, I know that, but it concerns me a little bit that no one spoke up about it sooner - letting me dig myself deeper into a hole that I didn’t realize I was inside of in the first place. I've apologized once, and I know that doesn't negate what happened; I acknowledged my mistake back then, but I suppose that wasn’t good enough. I had asked you, anon, to message me to give me guidance, to teach me on what to do about the fic - you stayed hidden. Well, respectfully, what the fuck? I know we're all adults but don't lecture me and avoid me when I’d literally reached out for guidance on how to properly rectify the issue. I fixed my wording in some of my fics (the things I’ve caught upon rereading them) because I recognized and more importantly learned about and from my mistakes along with the unintentional negative implications of how I wrote those characters. Some of y'all wanna tell me that I "haven't learned"? Who are you, my personal blog police? My professor? My life coach? Are you even my friend? If I'm wrong and haven't learned, then fucking educate me. I worked hard on that rp fic, just like I do with a majority of what I write, but it doesn’t matter because I will delete it knowing that it’s harmful to others and I apologize for inadvertently romanticizing slavery with what I wrote - it was unintentional, and I’m truly sorry to those who have been hurt by it. I know it’s wrong, and there’s no proper excuse for it. Can’t go back in time, but consider it gone now.
Since that first wakeup call, I’ve been working hard to ensure I avoid using certain words and ideas when describing the clones in my fics. If there’s still something you see that isn’t correct or is inappropriate, please tell me! Don’t hold it in but then jump on the “attack M” bandwagon. Private message me, or come peacefully off or on anon, there will be no hard feelings. I don’t mind being corrected when I make a mistake - that’s just part of life, we all make mistakes and we live and learn from them. Making mistakes doesn’t = scumbag human. When you hold your breath and choose not to take the time to guide me, and if I appear to still be making the same mistakes, well, idk. I’m telling you right now that I do not mind if you message me with the good intention of pushing me in the right direction. When you come at me with hostility on anon, well, no thank you. To the anons that came without rage: thank you! I read what you wrote, and I have a better understanding as to how my writing had hurt the lovely followers of mine, and tried to address as much as possible in this post. See, angry mob anons? It costs zero credits to be kind and offer up your thoughts and advice with a good heart. I’m not going to hate you or block you if you try to correct me. I don’t block unless you’re a snoopin’ minor. Just don’t hold a knife to my throat.
Now: Why did I delete the tags and then my response to that anon ask? 
Simply put: I felt awful. Deleting it doesn’t immediately mean I’m hiding from it and ignoring the issue. I wanted to come up with a better apology, explanation, whatever you wanna call it, because my followers deserve that. The ones who enjoy my work, the ones who interact, the ones who I call my friends, the ones who know that I’m a good person. Didn’t want to leave the tags/post floating around all night, giving more people time to sharpen their pitchforks and join the mob while I attempted to sleep. Trust me, I know saying that I had no ill intentions when tagging that post doesn’t make it better nor does it make it go away. I’m just trying to show you my point of view, that I knew immediately how I should not have tagged it that way, so that’s why I deleted them. I corrected my mistake. But y’all are too fucking quick I swear.
One more thing:
I know some of you who had called me out with the passive-aggressive inbox messages are still following me, and for what? You don’t like what I post, which is why one would follow another in the first place, so why bother sticking around? Do you feel like you need to police my blog? You want to be there the literal minute I make a mistake? I’m gonna turn off anon for a bit, so if you wanna discuss, message me. Just know that if you’re going to come at me with knives out, I probably won’t reply to you. 
To conclude:
I’m sorry. Truly sorry for the entire Rex + Zygerria outfit + slaver ordeal with both the fic from a while ago and then the tags from last night. We can’t go back in time; the only option is to correct past mistakes that are able to be corrected, and then move on with new knowledge that’ll aid in me working even harder to ensure my writing isn’t inappropriate or offensive, and doesn’t hurt my followers nor the characters I write for. I’m still going to write self-indulgent filth and fluff, post-order 66 Rex, and other misc shit. I enjoy writing fanfic, as I know a lot of you enjoy reading what I write and love to talk to me about it. I hope that this didn’t come off as me being a bitch, because I’m really not. I enjoy interacting with the handful of people on here that I’d call my friends, and I love reading your reactions and tags to my fics when you’re excited and/or horny (LOL). It’s just after lunch time where I’m at, so I hope you have a great rest of the day/night/morning whatever for wherever you are.  
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klance-fics · 3 years
college/university aus:
if the silence was a song
“It’s … Your show is on so late at night,” Keith tries to explain, as if Lance didn’t know this already. “I guess I was just wondering why that is.”
A crackling silence answers him, and Keith’s stomach sinks. Did Lance hang up? Keith can’t exactly blame him.
But then he hears Lance make a noise––a short huff of breath that might have been either an impatient sigh or a quiet laugh … Keith has no clue.
“That’s the reason you’re calling? To complain about my time slot?”
or, Keith starts anonymously calling Lance's college radio show and develops an unexpected crush.
it grows stronger
College campuses are a cesspool of awkward encounters. Some more unnerving than others, as Lance comes to find. He thinks it's important to note that in all those instances, Keith is there to witness them. Actually, that's unfair. Admittedly Keith happens be useful in getting him out of those situations. Affection, as it goes, grows stronger when you're constantly being "saved" by a protective rival – but mostly friend at this point.
Or 5 times Keith helped Lance out of a situation and the 1 time Lance tried to pay back the saves.
thread our way through a string of stars
Lance is a humble astrophysics student trying to conduct research, which turns out to be a bit difficult to do when he finds a strange guy sitting in his customary research spot. A strange guy looking for aliens, no less.
Lance isn't going to stand for this.
you should date me
“I can read you, Keith Kogane. You’re tired and maybe a little sad, and this mask will lift your spirits, heal your aura, align your chakras. Trust me.”
“I chrusht myou,” Keith says through his fish lips, Lance's hands warm against his squished cheeks, his heart pounding ridiculously in his chest.
Dewey Despicable
"To the toddler who left coffee stains all over the ancient myth books – have you ever heard of these fantastic things called lids? You can put them on all sorts of things; cups, Tupperware, a coffin. Which is exactly what I’ll be shutting you in if you desecrate my thesis paper’s primary sources again."
when the lights go out
Date and a Fifth: a type of party in which everyone must come with a date and a 750 ML bottle of hard alcohol (fifth). However, you must stay zip tied to your date until the two of you finish the entire bottle together.
(In which Lance needs a date, Keith needs cash, and maybe they fall in love along the way.)
Very Gay a.k.a Keith Kogane
“Can I get a name?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, I’m - “ Keith pauses, if only for a moment, because he could not only get drunk over the voice that barista is graced with, but also in those eyes. Those cheekbones, lips, eyelashes. That skin, hair, nose. And woah, just woah.
Don’t fuck this up, Brain.
“I’m - uh, I’m gay.”
You’re an asshole, Brain.
[Or based on the prompt that Keith is too gay to function and he's at the mercy of a cute Cuban boy with bright blue eyes behind the counter.]
Blade of Ducklings
“Hey, babe?”
Keith hums, eyes never leaving his phone as he leans forward for his greeting kiss, something Lance provides without hesitation.
“Are you aware there’s a baby duck on your head?” Lance asks as he pulls away from his boyfriend’s cheek to stare at the small duckling on Keith’s hair, snuggled up and quacking softly.
“Yeah, turns out I have a son now.”
“Cool. Does he have a name?”
“I don’t even know why I ask.”
[The one where Keith adopts a duckling my accident and comes to realization that letting your child fly away is the hardest part of being a parent.]
unmixed signals
Lance honked his horn. “Keith, get your bitch ass in my car before I run you over.”
“Sorry my dad taught me not to enter strangers’ cars.”
“You’re gonna get sick standing out here just get in.”
Keith cupped his hands around his mouth. “HELP!” he yelled. “I don’t know this man! He’s trying to kidnap me!”
In which a rainy Sunday morning brings with it some wet groceries, a valiant rescue, and some much needed romantic clarity.
Inspired by a post on Tumblr!
Lance is the only one listening to the current presentation, and oh boy is it something to listen to. The kid has been rambling on about aliens for ten minutes and he is trying so hard not to laugh. So hard. Turns out the kid didn't even think Lance was paying attention, so when he finds out Lance was he books it. Like, as fast it takes Lance to turn his head, that kid was gone.
Keith wants to die. The Hot Guy in his bio class was actually listening to him talk about aliens. That's it. He's done. Kill him now.
Poor Shiro is just trying to keep his little brother sane.
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bleachification · 3 years
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ml = male lead
the reader (who just had a fight with the ml because the ml is a dumb stupid man who said dumb stupid things) runs out crying and in order to forget about said dumb stupid man, goes out clubbing/partying with friends and NATURALLY gets super fucking hammered; red in the face, dancing on bartops, scream-singing the boo york monster high soundtrack drunk. so NATURALLY your best friends who are super worried about your crumbling mental state calls to inform the ml who’s sitting in a corner of his room, stewing in his little cocoon of depression and silently crying (like a whipped little bitch) over how much he regrets what he said and how much he misses you.
and because ml is secretly head over heels in love with you even though you don't know it (his fault for not growing a pair of balls and telling you) he runs his ass out of the apartment as fast as possible because of course he cares, he cares more than you know, more than anything. which makes it all the more worse when he pulls up to the nauseatingly crowded nightclub all panicked and shit just to see you on the dancefloor, with your arms wrapped around some random (and hot, which crushes ml’s ego even more) guy looking like you’re having the time of your life, like you aren’t as painstakingly heartbroken as he is — you are, you’re just too drunk to remember.
now he’s angry, confused, jealous, and upset all at the same time even though he knows he has no right to be. after all, it’s not like you two were together. still, it’s late, and maybe the intoxicating atmosphere was messing with his perception, or maybe he’s lost his damn mind, because that is the only rational explanation for his next actions. before he can process how bad of an idea this was, he’s making his way towards the dancefloor and the only thing he can see is you. he sees you smile and the way your eyes crinkle when you do, he sees your hips sway to the music, a song he knows every single lyric to because you once told him it was your favourite so he played it on loop for weeks just so he could sing it with you at karaoke — not very well, but the embarrassment he felt was worth it; he had made you laugh.
for a second he just stands there to drink you in, he even hesitates as he realizes how happy you look with someone else. he thinks that maybe this is for the better, maybe this is a sign you don’t need him like he needs you, maybe he should let you move on in a way he could never do. so this dumbass just stares at you as he spirals down this miserable rabbit hole until he sees the guy you’re dancing with make clear unwanted advances towards you. now all the ml sees is red.
with a speed you can’t even comprehend, the creep is wrenched from you and sent flying across the dancefloor as a pair of familiar arms wrap themselves around you in a protective gesture. you sink into his embrace without a second thought, because even through your drunken stupor, you knew it was him, and you knew he would keep you safe.
he takes you home and fortunately for the ml — but unfortunately for you, you are a very honest drunk. so honest that you end up crying and confessing all your heartaches to the very man who caused them, and he is absolutely devastated, because the one person he swore never to hurt was in pain because of him. yada yada yada you both make up and everyone’s all happy forever the end
so basically a little angst, some jealousy sprinkled here and there, lots of drunken antics, heartfelt confessions, and a happy ending
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seokmins · 3 years
The way chayoung is presented, esp in ep 19, is incredible (and all the other characters bc I ramble)
I'm the first person to get annoyed with a FL and while she wasn't my fav at first, she's accelerated to the top of my list
The way she (and miri) shield Vinny and she screams to stop it when he's knocked down by the thugs
She admits the vengeance and methods she pursued with Vinny were uncomfortable and outside her moral code - but she chose them bc she trusted him and wanted to get the bad guys when the law couldn't
Plus Vinny always giving her choice to back out and "protect her virtue" doesn't bother me bc he genuinely lets her make her own choices but takes care of the dirtiest part of the work. He doesn't hold her back nor like necessarily shield her. The work side by side.
The little antics between them as she preps for her little outing is top tier married behavior, you can't change my mind
Even tho she was kidnapped and is taking on the more cliché role of "don't hurt the man I love, hurt me instead", there's no theatrics or tears. She's a boss bitch ™
"I love you, sunbae."
"you're a monster that never should've been born."
Typically I get annoyed when the FL flounders and takes the hit for ml. But I didn't in Vincenzo. Bc there was no floundering. Chayoung wasn't some damsel in distress tbh.
Myunghee is so fucking funny. Like she's doing her zumba and singing in jail and she's so damn ambitious and gives 0 fucks. Like if she was on Vinny's side, I'd be rooting for her 💯 but like I can't bc she's downright evil.
But I love how powerful each female character continues to shine in this show. Like damn. 👏🏼
And can we please talk abt hanseo's character development and loyalty/attachment to Vinny? He's terrified and traumatized from the way hanseok has abused him and other ppl and yet he took the stand and whacked his bro 👏🏼
This is a stretch but I do wonder if hanseo's initial behavior and attitude in the beginning of the series could also be the effects of drugs? Like, I know he prolly played dumb to survive too but overall I wonder if the drug use had any effects on him. But yeah, best Boi. I absolutely love how he's grown on all of us. It's also interesting that hanseok didn't shoot him.
I was surprised that Vinny didn't try to placate hanseok and save hanseo at all but like I'm sure there's a reason to that. All kinds of shit and emotions happen in the last 20m of these episodes and throw me off so much 😂 this is a rare drama that I can't fully predict the ending but the action scenes for ep 20 look bomb as hell.
I'm looking forward to the finale so much even tho it's bittersweet. It's the first airing drama I watched and enjoyed so much! Literally cried when the airing sign switched off on mdl 😭
N e ways - Vincenzo is high key quality writing with great characters, comedy, and actors.
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parkynson · 4 years
manga/manhwa reading update
The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady - SO, SO, SO DAMN FUNNY! No slapstick humour, no weird forced comedy. While the situations the FL gets into is super funny, the thing I enjoy the most is her internal monologue. Someone give her an award. She is so candid and natural, she has got to be the most logical, stoic, and relatable ‘reincarnated in an isekai’ character. And she’s just so funny I can’t. I love the way she’s so passive about whatever’s happening in her life rn, as if she’s just a ‘side character’ that needs to do her scene and scram. Also love how the ML is supposed to be some big tough guy and he’s trying to keep her happy (read: seduce her) but he’s just falling head over heels for this peculiar woman. I love the complicated situation the characters are in right now, the side characters’ reactions. The misunderstandings, the confusion, give it to me!!!! Also love the fact that the scanlation group leaves one-line commentaries after a ridiculous or intense scene. Makes reading so much more fun!
The Problem of My Love Affair - another funny romcom. Didn’t like the visuals of both leads at first but they grew on me. ML is such a tsundere (MY WEAKNESS) while FL is a no-bullshit, not-weak, badass lady. I love me some strong female protagonists. Also I love drunken mistakes. I am a glutton for punishment. 
Survive as the Hero's Wife - Since it’s scanlated till the end of Vol 2 this manhwa offers some closure. There’s no high stakes love game rn. Both leads are more or less secure with each other, so this was a nice, leisurely read. 
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Desperate Situation! On the Verge of Doom - This is like reading bakarina fanfiction. Sooo satisfying. And the destruction flag avoidance game is more high stakes because man Katarina was a right bitch her whole, how is she gonna fix it now? Also, sadistic Gerald/Geordo? I want. 
A False Confession - Two Words. Cabel Willard. 
The Evil Lady's Hero - most possibly my fave manhwa rn. A drunken one night stand with consequences is my favourite trope but a drunken one night stand with the guy who’s gonna lead you to your death takes the cake for me. I like how the FL thinks. Love the art style. Also the smut. Def the smut. 
For Certain Reasons, the Villainess Noble Lady Will Live Her Post-Engagement Annulment Life Freely - Light and entertaining. Also there’s a new villain in town that’s /not/ the FL soo can’t wait for the her relationship to progress with the ML! Claude is a refreshing ML with no signs of the usual ‘I’m a righteous dumbass’ trait. 
Game: Suit no Sukima - fuck buddies with a colleague... a bad idea? DUH. But that doesn’t stop these two from doing so. The latest chapters aren’t scanlated on mangadex yet but the ML is a fuckboy. Waiting for his redemption!
Skip Beat! - oh my god. long awaited confession. The latest let me down idk why. I’m okay with them not going into a relationship at this point of their career but I didn’t particularly like the execution of the whole scene. 
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Onsra-Chapter 31: Broken Like Me
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banner created by: @envity ♥️
pairing: vampire!jungkook x female reader (also tae x ga-in oc & jimin x yuri oc)
genre: romance, drama, horror, angst
warnings for this chapter: language, mentions of blood, mentions of past attempted rape, PTSD, panic attacks, and fluffity fluff cuz I'm a weak ass bITch
trigger warning
word count: 8.8k
Onsra: ML, Previous
idek have anything smart to say so let's just get into it :')
You’re staring at him in complete and utter bewilderment.
“Y-you what?”
“You heard me, I said I love you.”
You blink a few times, trying to process what the heck is going on right now. He must be joking, right? He can’t possibly be serious.
“Please, y/n.” He looks at you desperately. “I’ve been looking for you for so long. Ever since that night they took you, I haven’t stopped.”
You don’t say anything, your mind is in a blur of confusion and anxiety. If what he says is true, you don’t know what to say. You don’t want to hurt him, but you don’t see him like that. There’s a pit in your stomach as you try to figure out what to do now. Seungwook takes a step closer to you, “I’ll explain everything. Please just give me minute to talk.”
You nod wordlessly and sit down on a rock. Seungwook sighs and starts to speak. “A friend of mine told me about them…the vampires. The day you saw my journal over my shoulder I knew you were in trouble.” You swallow thickly but let him continue. “My friend was teaching me how to hunt them and how to tell them apart as they were hiding among us. I knew there were some in our school and they knew I was a vampire hunter. That’s why I got so scared when I realized you saw my journal.”
It all starts clicking into place as he finishes. “They steered clear of me for the most part, but they must have seen you being curious, so they targeted you next. That night I was trying to get you and Ga-In out, but they got you before I could. All I really remember was you being dragged into the dark and then Ga-In and I were jumped. She was gone in a minute and they left me unconscious on the ground. I don’t know why they didn’t kill me.”
You nod slowly. “I was afraid they’d killed you when I woke up and you weren’t there.” You say, remembering everything. “I don’t recall what happened after being kidnapped and before waking up. But Seungwook, you don’t understand, the vampire I was with saved me from them.”
He scoffs and you sigh in annoyance, “I’m being serious! They saved Ga-In and I and another girl, we found out later that they aren’t even real vampires. They were humans that were bitten and turned, but they didn’t have them long enough to lose themselves completely. They hate vampires as much as you do.” You look at him pleadingly and his eyes narrow.
“That’s a good story. I don’t blame you for believing them.”
“It’s true!”
“Even if it is true, they’re still monsters! They drink human blood, they have to!”
“They don’t though!” You’re panicking now. “They only drink animal blood. Please Seungwook, you have to believe me.”
Seungwook looks away from your face, his jaw clenching. “You care about him, don’t you?” He whispers angrily. You hesitate for a moment, afraid of what he’ll say if you admit it.
“Yeah, I do. He isn’t a monster, Seungw-”
“You love him.”
After he just confessed to you, you would’ve thought there would be some trace of sadness in his voice, but all there is, is anger and disgust.
“I do love him.” You say confidently, hoping Seungwook will at least try and understand. “And I care about you too, you’re my friend. I don’t want either of you to get hurt.”
He chuckles darkly at that, but you continue. “Please, just understand that they aren’t the ones you want to kill, please don’t hurt them.”
Seungwook looks at you, his expression unreadable. “They have plans to turn you, and more. Don’t go while believing I didn’t warn you. And don’t come to me for help when he betrays you.”
With that he turns to walk back into the trees. You stand up, but don’t follow him, “Seungwook, wait-“ He just ignores you and disappears into the shadows. Your stomach is turning with anxiety as you hold your flashlight tightly in your fist.
He doesn’t understand.
You’re so scared that he might tell his other men and now since he knows where you’re all at, he’ll lead them right to the front door. You look back at the house, then turn out your flashlight and mentally curse. You glance back towards the house once more before taking a breath and walking into the woods where Seungwook just went.
After a few minutes, you hear him walking and relief floods through you that you found him again. He’s stomping through the woods angrily, so he isn’t too hard to follow. After a few minutes he stops abruptly, and you hide yourself behind a tree. You peek out and see two more figures walking towards him.
“Had a bad day, Wook?” One of them says, the other stays silent. Seungwook growls and flips his hair with his hand, “Shut up. Did you find it?”
“Yeah, we did. It’s about six miles from here.”
What is?
What’s six miles from here?
You feel your heart pounding as you try to listen to what they’re saying.
“Good, let’s go.”
“I want to check it out before we do anything.”
Your plan was to find out where Seungwook was staying, then you could warn the boys and come up with a safety plan. You don’t think there are any other safe houses to go to, but you’re sure you can all figure something out. Now, it seems like they aren’t going back to their place anyway, but a nagging feeling in your belly tells you to keep following him.
But, six miles?
The three of them start walking away, so you wait until they’re far enough ahead, but you can still see them from the light of the moon before you sneak after them.
This is a terrible idea.
“What were you doing anyway?” One of the others speaks up.
“Nothing, stop asking.” Seungwook grumbles.
You keep following them for another hour. By now you’re exhausted from trying to be quiet and not trip on the rocks and shrubbery while you walk. But they keep going, barely talking, as they walk without even stopping to catch a breath.
Another hour passes and you’re trying your best not to collapse. You know six miles isn’t much for some people, but for you, it has you in stitches. It’s also the middle of the night and you were already tired before deciding to stupidly follow them.
You suddenly remember promising Seokjin not to run out again and you feel a horrible pit in your stomach.
I broke my promise.
You feel tears pricking your eyes from how tired and scared you are, and the guilt of not letting Seokjin know is eating away at you. But by now, you’re already so far from the house you might as well keep following them. I’m sorry, Jin. Suddenly, you hear them come to a stop, so you hide yourself behind a tree.
You peek out and see a building through some trees with a few lights on inside.
Seungwook cocks his head to the side, “It isn’t very big.”
“It’s not. But there are a lot of them inside.”
Seungwook sighs, “How many?”
“I’d say at least fifty.”
Suddenly, this whole idea smacks you in the face as by far the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. You’re guessing there are vampires in there. And apparently, there’s at least fifty of them.
Y/n, you are so stupid.
Then, the door bangs open to the building and the three Hunters quickly hide in the bushes. Your heart is pounding out of your chest as you press your back to the tree after hiding yourself again.
A few vampires step out and one chuckles, “I’m so hungry I think I’m smelling things.”
The others laugh darkly, and they take off into the woods, thankfully not close to where you’re hiding. When you look out again, you watch in horror as Seungwook and the other two Hunters run noiselessly into the dark.
Leaving you all alone.
Oh fuck.
You never gave much thought to the fact that you would have to be finding your way back home.
How stupid can you be, y/n? Apparently pretty fucking stupid.
You feel sick to your stomach as you try to rack your brain to remember the way you came. You know it wasn’t just a straight line. You suck at directions, this is bad. This is very bad.
Tears spring to your eyes, you wipe them away and turn to start back the way you feel like you came from, that really being your only choice now.
I’m so stupid, I’m so stupid I hate myself.
You think miserably as you trudge through the woods and fight the temptation to turn your flashlight on. It seemed like a dandy idea to keep everyone safe when you first thought of it, and now you’d pay anyone to beat some sense into your thick skull.
You’ve lost all sense of time and direction about half an hour into the walk back. You’re mentally scolding yourself as you try to keep the tears to a minimal torrent, when you hear something snap. Your body freezes and you breathe so slowly and quietly that it doesn’t feel like you’re breathing at all.
“Oh sweetie, you make this too easy.” A sultry voice comes from your left and you turn your flashlight on to shine it at the disembodied voice, panic surging through you when you see the tall man’s pale skin and red eyes, his black hair tousled.
Please, please, please, no.
Please, no.
You hear something to your right, then another vampire steps into the light, a crazed look in his eyes as he sizes you up, his bleach blonde hair catches the light of your flashlight. A third one comes up from behind you and puts his hand on your waist. You scream and jump, turning to see him smirking. He’s stockier than the others but still at least a good head taller than you. You back up until your flush against a tree, they advance with each of your backward steps, then you’re feeling the rough bark of the tree scratching your exposed skin.
“Fuck, you look tasty. I can’t believe the luck.”
“What should we do? Share her?”
“No.” The first vampire growls. “I don’t like to share what’s mine.”
“How is she yours, you fuck? I found her first.”
“No, I did!”
You watch all three of them bickering over who gets to drink your blood as you try not to cry. The first vampire looks at you and chuckles at your failed attempt to hide your tears.
“Crying, sweetie? Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.”
You’ve done it now. There’s no way you’re getting out of this one.
“Looks like the cat’s got her tongue.” The brown haired stocky one laughs.
“What are you doing out in the woods all alone, and not far from our place, girlie?” The blonde muses as he takes another step. “It’s almost like you’re begging for us to take you.”
The first vampire laughs, “I think she is. Why not have some fun while we’re at it?” He turns to you, “Ever play tag, sweetheart?”
Your blood is rushing in your ears as you clutch your light, willing your hands to stop shaking.
“Here are the rules.” He continues nonchalantly, “Whoever catches her first, gets her.”
The other two’s smirks widen and the stocky one rubs his hands together. “Fuck yeah.” He looks at you like he’d devour you right then and there if the others weren’t there.
“You heard the game, sweetie. Now play it.” The first vampire watches you carefully. “I’ll let you get a twenty second head start.”
He steps forward, then seems to change his mind. “I’ll make you a deal…you escape, then you can live.” The others chuckle darkly. and he looks at you with an amused half smile.
He wants you to run?
He wants you to run so he can have his fun before he drinks your blood?
This is the worst thing that could’ve happened, and you hate yourself more than you ever have before.
Maybe you should just stay still and let them kill you, they will eventually anyway.
“Two…one…run, sweetheart.”
Your legs take off before you can even tell them to wait, running faster than they ever have.
One, two, three, four…
Come on, y/n.
Seven, eight, nine, ten…
Your lungs are already starting to burn but you don’t stop. Then you remember the flashlight in your hand, its beam flying around and making you obvious.
You chuck it over your shoulder and pump your legs faster.
Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen…
Your legs are screaming at you to stop, but your mind screams louder for you to go go go.
Maybe you’ll have a chance.
Then Jungkook’s words suddenly cram their way into your frazzled mind.
Hide, if you run, they’ll catch you.
You need to hide. The twenty seconds are up and they’re already coming. You need to hide, now.
You dive into a random bush and grab the branches to make them stop shaking, then you clamp your hand over your mouth. Not a few seconds later, you hear something.
But it isn’t footsteps.
It’s breathing.
Ragged, hoarse, and breathy.
The sound makes chills go down your spine, as it is only a few feet away from you. If you had thought to hide a few seconds later, he’d have caught you for sure.
You close your eyes and pray silently that your luck stays.
You honestly can’t believe you made it this far.
Maybe you’ll make it after all.
“I’m going to find you, and you’re going to be fucking delicious.” The way the last word rolls off the vampire’s tongue makes your stomach turn. You just stay as still as you possibly can, then the breathing fades away and you let yourself breathe quietly.
When you don’t hear anything for a good ten minutes, you lay your head down on the cold dirt and curl your legs up. You’re not going anywhere for a while.
~               ~                 ~
Jungkook walks into the kitchen the next morning, still sour after waking up and not finding you next to him for the second time. His brows furrow when he doesn’t immediately see you sitting at the table, stuffing your face and giggling with Seokjin.
The eldest looks up, “Morning, Kook.”
“Where’s y/n?” Jungkook asks, brushing off the elder’s greeting. Ga-In clears her throat, “She uh, she went to your room last night. Didn’t she stay with you?”
Jungkook ignores the looks of surprise from everyone at the table as the sounds of chewing stop at Ga-In’s words. He shakes his head, worry already seeping into his mind. “She wasn’t there when I woke up, I thought she had gone back in with you.”
“Maybe she’s in the restroom?” Hoseok suggests, but Jungkook immediately shakes his head again, “She isn’t.”
Jin sets his fork down, “Ok, so she isn’t sleeping in and she isn’t in the restroom. No need to panic, maybe she went out for a walk.”
Everyone nods, but Jungkook can tell that Yuri and Ga-In are thinking differently. He just turns and heads out of the kitchen, making his way to the front door and hurrying out.
“Y/n? Y/n!” He shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth to make himself louder. When he hears nothing but the chirping of birds, his stomach drops to his feet. The grass is covered in a thin layer of glistening drops from it having rained last night.
“Where would she have gone?” Jungkook turns to see Ga-In and Yuri behind him, worry clear on their faces. “I don’t know.” He mutters. “But I’m going to find her. Tell Seokjin hyung I’m leaving.”
“No need.” Jungkook sees the eldest step out of the door, his brows creased in worry. “I’m coming with you.”
“Me too.” Taehyung speaks up, the others crowding out from behind him. Ga-In looks like she’s about to say she’s coming, but Tae pecks her on the mouth quickly and shakes his head. She frowns, “She’s my best friend.”
Jin puts a hand on her shoulder, “And that’s why you girls need to stay. If she comes back, someone needs to be here. If it’s dangerous, she wouldn’t be too happy about her loved ones joining in.”
Jungkook puts his hood up and walks down the steps, not wanting to waste any time. He heads for the forest, deciding to start at the clearing.
Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi all follow him. Jimin and Namjoon agree to stay with the girls just in case anything should happen.
“Should we split up or stay together?” Hoseok speaks up as they reach the clearing and find no sign of you.
“Splitting up makes me nervous, but we’ll cover more ground if we do. We should at least go in pairs, though.” Jin sighs, not happy about splitting but more anxious about your safety. Yoongi nods, “Ok, you, Jungkook, and Tae go one way. Hoseok and I will go another.”
Seokjin nods, then he hurries after Jungkook and Taehyung who have already walked off. He catches up to Tae and whispers, “Why are we going this way?” The boy shrugs in response, “Jungkook just said he had a feeling, and it isn’t like we have a lot of options.”
Jin just stays quiet as they follow Jungkook, keeping their eyes open for any sign that you’re around. Jungkook keeps a straight face, glancing side to side as he walks, he looks completely composed.
But on the inside, he’s panicking. He can’t imagine what could’ve happened to you to make you walk off in the dead of night. It’s taking all of his strength not to break down and have a full-blown panic attack. He keeps repeating comforting thoughts in his head, telling himself you just went for a walk and didn’t hear him call, and you would go home and he’d find you safe and sound when he got back.
But a horrible feeling in his stomach is telling him that he’s very wrong.
“Tae.” He suddenly snaps and the pretty blonde jogs over to walk next to him, “Yeah?” Jungkook clenches his fists, “You haven’t seen any signs of her?”
Tae shakes his head reluctantly, “No, nothing.”
Seokjin catches up to them, “She’ll be alright, Jungkook.”
Jungkook fumes at that at first, but then he feels a little spark of comfort in his chest and he silently thanks his oldest brother for trying his best to keep him calm. But he won’t be calm until he knows you’re safe and you’re in his arms.
After a good hour of walking, Taehyung stops the little group as he walks over to a random spot on the ground. He bends down and gently touches a few broken twigs. “Someone was here, I don’t know if it was her though.”
“How can you tell?” Seokjin asks curiously and Tae stands up, dusting his hands off. “The way the sticks are broken is unnatural. Someone had to have stepped on them and broken them to make them look like that. But I still can’t say who it was or when it happened, it could’ve been days ago.”
Jungkook stares at the little sticks, his chest aching as tears form in his eyes. He wipes them away quickly. “Can you tell which way they went?” He asks, his voice hoarse.
Tae crouches again and moves along the ground slowly. “Yeah, I think I can.” A new lift is in his voice. Then he starts off, the other two boys following close behind.
Another hour passes and Jungkook is restless, the other boys trying to calm him down. “She’s hurt, I know she is.” His breaths come in short puffs as he digs his hands in his hair.
“Kook, just take deep breaths. You need to calm down if we’re going to find her.” Seokjin says firmly but gently. Jungkook nods and swallows thickly, then he squints at something a few feet away. He hurries over to it and grabs it.
“It’s one of our flashlights.” He huffs out a breath of relief as he turns the wet flashlight around and switches it off, wondering why it was on. “We’re going the right way.” Then his mind takes a different turn.
“W-why would it be on? And why would she have dropped it?” Panic settles into his mind again and he’s about to say something when someone comes out from the bushes. All three of them turn and see you stumbling out, your hair is in knots and your face covered in dirt. You’re completely soaked as you wipe at your eyes.
When you look up and see them, you flinch, prepared to turn and run as fast as you can in the other direction. But Jungkook’s voice makes you stop.
“Y/n?” His voice is shaking, and he drops the flashlight on the ground before running over to you. You’re engulfed into his arms as Jungkook holds you so close, you’re wondering if you’ll just mash into one body in a second.
“Fuck, y/n. I thought I’d lost you. Fuck, I was so scared.” Jungkook’s voice breaks as he starts to cry. The other two boys just watch, not sure what to do, the relief from finding you letting them take a breath.
You don’t say anything, just keep letting him hold you. Once he can process the fact that you’re real and in his arms, he pulls away just enough to see your face. “You scared me so bad. Fuck. I really thought you were gone forever.” When you don’t reply, Jungkook frowns and touches your face. You flinch a little and his stomach turns. That’s when he realizes you aren’t hugging him back.
“What’s the matter?”
You don’t say anything.
Jungkook tries to cup your face but you flinch away again. Then you seem to realize that you flinched, and your cheeks turn pink.
Taehyung steps forward cautiously, “Y/n? Are you okay?” You just look at him blankly and he feels his heart drop. You don’t meet any of their eyes.
Seokjin comes over, walking slowly. “Something happened. Don’t touch her, Kook. Maybe you should step back for a second.” Jungkook looks back at the eldest, fear and confusion swarming his thoughts. Jungkook steps away from you a little to give you some space, but his mind screams at him to hold you close and never let you go again.
“Ok, y/n.” Jin speaks slowly and clearly. “You’re alright. Everything is okay now, yeah?” Jungkook watches you slightly fold in on yourself, his chest aching. It looks like Seokjin realizes something and he takes Jungkook’s arm, pulling him away from you and stepping back himself.
“Tae.” He says gently. “Go to her and let her know she’s alright. But don’t touch her.”
Jungkook looks at him in confusion, not understanding why he won’t let him go to you. He’s the one you trust the most…right?
Tae makes his way to you carefully, then he catches your gaze and smiles softly. “Hey y/n, it’s Tae. Everything is okay now, we’re going to take you home.”
“Home?” Your voice comes out so quietly that they can barely hear you.
“Yes, Ga-In and Yuri and everyone else are waiting for you. You’re gonna go home and eat some good food and get some sleep. That sounds good, right?” Tae says gently.
“Ga-In?” You whisper and he nods encouragingly.
“So, come on now. We’re going to head back.”
You glance over at the two vampires watching you and Tae sees you stiffen. “Hey, look at me y/n. Just me.”
Jungkook’s chest is aching so bad he feels like he can’t breathe. You’re acting like you don’t even know who he is. What happened to you?
You look back at Tae warily, and he reaches out a hand. You stare at it for a second, then you take it. “Can you walk, y/n?” Tae asks and you shrug. “Would you like me to give you a piggyback ride?”
You hesitate for a moment, then nod. Jungkook watches you breathlessly as he sees your bruised and cut up legs through your ripped sweatpants when you walk closer to Taehyung. The boy crouches enough for you to get on his back, then he helps you wrap your legs around his waist.
Seokjin touches Jungkook’s shoulder gently and whispers in his ear, “I don’t know what happened, but she’s scared of us because we’re vampires. It’s a good thing Tae came with us.” Jungkook nods numbly, the worst thoughts popping into his head as he watches Tae start walking home with you on his back, clinging to him.
He tries not to look at you as you all make your way back, but he can’t help it. You look so small and helpless as you stare straight ahead, bouncing slightly on Tae’s back. A memory of him carrying you out of the forest when you hurt your ankle pushes into his mind and he swallows the lump in his throat before looking away.
An hour into the walk, Jungkook sees you glancing over at him. He just smiles at you softly and looks back ahead, willing himself not to cry. “Hold up.” Taehyung suddenly announces as you start trying to get off his back. He helps you down and you walk over to Jungkook, moving yourself closer until you’re practically squished into his side. Jungkook freezes, wanting to wrap his arms around you but not knowing if you’re okay with that. He looks at Seokjin for help, who nods and sends him a small smile.
Jungkook gently puts his arms around you. Feeling you shaking slightly makes his chest tighten and his eyes sting. “Hey, baby.” He whispers, starting to gently rub your back. Seokjin walks over to Taehyung and pats him on the back, “Good job, Tae.” He whispers and the boy smiles.
“Can I carry you, love?” he asks gently, and you nod. Seokjin helps you scramble onto Jungkook’s back, chuckling when you look like a baby monkey wrapped around its mother as you cling to him. Then you four set off once again.
You end up running into Yoongi and Hoseok in the clearing as they had just finished circling around. Hoseok smiles brightly and runs up to you four. “Y/n! I’m so glad you’re okay!” He stops jumping up and down though when Tae touches his arm gently. “What is it? Are you okay?” He asks but you just tuck your face back into Jungkook’s shoulder. Yoongi frowns and pulls Seokjin aside.
“What happened?”
Jin sighs, “We don’t know. She wouldn’t even trust anyone but Tae at first, I think it’s because he’s human.” Yoongi’s frown deepens as he watches you tighten your hold on Jungkook, his eyes scanning over your beat-up legs as the wheels turn in his head. Jin looks at him curiously as Yoongi speaks quietly. “Has she spoken?”
“Only like two words. What are you thinking?”
“I don’t know.” Yoongi keeps watching you, a sad look flitting across his face. “I’ll have to wait and see.”
The group makes their way back and you see Ga-In sitting on the porch steps, her chin in her hands. When she sees you all coming out of the woods, her face brightens and she runs as fast as she can towards you.
“Y/n! Thank goodness you’re alive!” She has tears in her eyes as she looks at your legs, “What happened? Why are you hurt?” When you don’t say anything, her heart sinks and she nods for Jungkook to take you back inside.
He carries you on his back up the stairs, walking as carefully as he can to your room. Yuri opens the door for him, and he brings you straight to your bed. He sits on the side of the bed and lets you slide off his back. When he turns to look at you, you’ve already hidden yourself in the covers, nothing but a little bit of the top of your head showing. Jungkook frowns and kisses your head that is sticking out before he stands and walks over to Ga-In who was watching from the doorway. She walks in and ushers Jungkook out before moving to you and ever so gently taking your wet clothes off. She puts your dry giant t-shirt on you and lets you hide under the covers again as she leaves the room.
“What happened?” She whispers, and Jungkook motions for her to follow him. It physically pains him to leave you, but he doesn’t want you to be overwhelmed. Ga-In closes the door softly and they make their way downstairs to discuss everything that took place.
~                     ~                        ~
You stare blankly at the wall, the covers up to your chin. You blink a few times, numbness overriding your senses. You’re so exhausted that you just want to sleep. Sleep it all away. But when you close your eyes, all the images crowd into your mind and make you open your eyes again only if to make them disappear.
You start to shake uncontrollably, but no tears come. Just a white blank panic clouding your vision as the images start to appear in front of your face even with your eyes open. You can feel yourself wanting to cry but it won’t come.
Nothing will come.
No one will come.
You’re alone.
You’re alone and it’s going to happen again.
You’re silently screaming for help, but no one can hear you.
~                     ~                      ~
“We need to know what happened.” Yuri says desperately, wanting more than anything to figure out how to help you.
“Yes, but we can’t ask her right now.” Jin has his head in his hands as he sighs.
“Then what do we do?”
That question is met with silence. Jungkook is sitting on one side of the couch, his hands clenching and unclenching as he tries to breathe steadily and control his urge to go back to you.
“We need to wait for her to tell us herself.” Yoongi speaks up. Ever since he saw you, it seems like he’s been thinking about something, but he won’t say what it is when the others ask.
“What if we-“
Jimin’s suggestion gets cut off abruptly when a piercing scream from upstairs rings in all their ears. Jungkook is on his feet and racing towards the stairs in a split second, Ga-In hot on his heels. He runs up the stairs two at a time and down the hallway. You keep screaming and screaming, making it sound like someone is torturing you. Jungkook opens your door and runs over to where you’re curled up in a ball on the giant bed. Your eyes are pinched shut and tears are streaming down your face as you cover your ears and scream bloody murder.
Jungkook doesn’t try to say anything, he just climbs on the bed and wraps his arms around you. At first you flail around and try to get out of his grasp as you sob, but when you open your eyes and see who’s hugging you, you clutch onto him and sob louder.
“Jungkook, make it stop!” You scream and bury your face in his chest.
Jungkook feels the tears streaming down his face but he pays them no mind, he just holds you and rocks you back and forth, “I’m here, baby. I’m here.” He keeps repeating it even though you’re plugging your ears and can’t hear him.
Ga-In watches helplessly from the door, wringing her hands and not knowing what to do. Jungkook turns and looks at her, then motions for her to come to you. She hurries over and climbs onto the bed, scooting close to you and wrapping her arms around you so you’re encased in the arms of the two people you love most in the world.
The others are crowded around the door, not making a move to go inside, but having come up to make sure you were okay. Seokjin sees Yoongi’s expression and touches his shoulder. “What is it?” Yoongi sees you starting to calm down as Jungkook and Ga-In both whisper softly to you.
“I don’t know what caused it, but it’s what I was thinking. She’s having PTSD.”
Jin looks back at you, wondering what the hell happened last night to trigger this.
~                  ~                  ~
The others have made their way downstairs again, knowing there really isn’t anything that they can do.
Only Ga-In and Jungkook stay in your room, stroking your back as Jungkook holds you and taking turns whispering calming things to you. When you’ve calmed down enough, now just sniffling every once in a while, Ga-In says she’s going to go and get some food for you to eat so you’ll feel better.
Once she leaves, Jungkook pulls back enough to kiss your sweaty forehead, then he puts his chin on your head and keeps rocking you gently.
“You’re okay, little flower. I’ve got you. Nothing is going to happen to you anymore baby.” His soft voice soothes your nerves and he smiles when he hears you yawning.
“Sleepy, love?” He asks as he pulls back again, moving your sticky hair out of your face. You nod, your eyes half closed. “Do you want to get some sleep?”
You immediately shake your head and put your face back into his chest. Jungkook smiles sadly, “I’m not going anywhere, so don’t worry, y/n.” You nod and he continues to rock you gently.
Ga-In comes in with a sandwich and they manage to get you to eat almost half of it. Then Jungkook lays you down and lies next to you, letting you wrap yourself around him sleepily.
You don’t want to fall asleep.
You know the nightmares will come back the second you do, and you can’t handle it. Not another second of it.
But eventually, you’re so tired that you feel yourself slipping out of consciousness. You grip Jungkook’s hand anxiously and he kisses your forehead, murmuring softly. “You can sleep, love. I’m right here. I won’t leave you, I promise.”
When you’re finally sleeping soundly, Jungkook lets his tears fall. He holds you close to his chest and wishes with all his might that he could just take away all your fear and pain.
~                  ~                  ~
A few hours later, you peel your eyes open and see Jungkook sleeping next to you, his arms still encircling you protectively. You cuddle closer to him and he sleepily opens his eyes when he feels you moving.
“Bad dreams?” He whispers with his hoarse voice.
You shake your head and he smiles, “Good.”
You two lay there in silence for a minute, then Jungkook speaks up slowly. “I know you’re not feeling well, but is there anything you want to say so I can make it better?”
You look at him for a moment before nodding. “Do you want to tell me?” He asks, but he gets a head shake. “How about Jin hyung?” Another head shake, “Ga-In?” You nod and he sighs with relief. He lets you cuddle him for another few minutes before he calls your best friend. He agrees not to leave you until someone else comes in.
Ga-In opens the door so fast he has a feeling she’s been waiting out there for a while. She walks over and climbs onto the bed as Jungkook gets out of it. She lays next to you and hugs you tightly. Jungkook smiles at the pair of you before making his way out.
“What do you think happened?” Tae asks quietly as they both sit on Jungkook’s bed, waiting to be informed about everything. “I don’t know.” Jungkook says simply, making Tae sigh.
After a good hour, Ga-In opens your door and motions for Jungkook to come to her. When he gets close enough, he sees her eyes are rimmed with red, meaning she cried. She sniffles and clears her throat.
“She’s asleep again, but I don’t think we should leave her alone for long.”
Jungkook nods and invites her to come to his room so they will still be close to where you’re sleeping just in case.
Ga-In sits on his bed and wipes her eyes, Taehyung and Jungkook watching her anxiously. When she finally starts to speak, their horror grows.
“She ran into vampires last night. She said she followed Seungwook somewhere, I couldn’t hear a lot of why she went because she was mumbling. But they ended up at a vampire camp. She said they caught her when she was trying to find the way home. They decided to make the whole thing into a game and made her run so they could chase her and whoever got her could claim her.”
Taehyung releases a very angry but controlled breath through his nose, but Jungkook stays silent as Ga-In continues. “She ended up hiding in a bush and they never found her. But a little later in the night she overheard them saying the things they wanted to do to her. I’m not going to go into any details.” She swallows and pushes on. “She tried to sleep under the bush to wait for morning, that’s when it rained. She was freezing and her body must have gone into shock from the cold and fear. She said that’s when all her memories came back.”
Jungkook looks at her in confusion, “What memories? What do you mean?”
Your best friend wipes her eyes. “The night we were taken. I was separated from her, but I made it out quickly, with a bunch of other girls that ran to hide. Y/n could never remember what happened before she woke up next to Yuri. Last night, it all came back.” She closes her eyes and Tae takes her hand, squeezing it gently.
“They gathered them all into a room, then they started beating them and biting people. She said she remembers pain from someone hitting her and seeing people bleeding and hearing screams. She thought she had been bitten but they only barely scraped her wrist as they were rushing through them all. She didn’t understand anything that was happening.”
Jungkook feels his throat close up, remembering how he had found you right after you’d been through all that, and how he’d treated you. It makes him sick to think about. But Ga-In isn’t even done yet.
“The last thing that came back to her was the night those Hunters kidnapped her. They tied her up and they had her in a chair. When she didn’t give them the answers about everyone else that they wanted, they slapped her.”
Jungkook’s stomach lurches.
“Then they tried to rape her.” Ga-In’s voice shakes and the tears she was trying so hard to control, slip down her cheeks.
Jungkook’s blood boils as he remembers seeing the man kneeling in front of you. He hadn’t known what he was trying to do at the time, he just knew he hurt you. And you never told anyone. You kept it to yourself all this time.
Jungkook stalks out of the room and down the stairs, throwing the front door open and pounding down the porch steps. He doesn’t even flinch at the painful burning sensation when the sun touches his skin. He just marches over to a tree and throws a punch at it, screaming and splintering the bark as his fist makes contact. He punches it again, and again, and again. Until both of his knuckles are shredded and bleeding. Before the skin can start to heal itself, he punches the tree once more. His irises darken and he screams angrily before grabbing his hair and yanking on it.
He wasn’t there to protect you.
He hasn’t done enough to protect you.
And now you’re hurting, because he failed.
“Jungkook, Jungkook hey calm down.” Hoseok comes over to the youngest, having seen him run out of the house. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, but he can tell it isn’t good.
“G-get away from me, hyung.”
“Look, Jungkook. I know you’re angry, but why don’t you help me figure out how to help you?” Hoseok tries again, gently.
“You can’t help me! No one can. Not unless you can turn back time so I can stop it all.” Jungkook’s eyes water and he throws another punch at the tree, hating how fast the pain disappears from his hand when the pain inside of him is so much worse.
“Jungkook, tell me what hap-“
“Just get away from me before I do something I’ll regret!!” Jungkook screams angrily and stalks into the woods before Hoseok can even process what just happened.
Jungkook ends up in the clearing under the willow tree. He sits there numbly with the tree against his back after sobbing for at least half an hour straight.
“Kook?” He looks up to see Jimin standing there.
Jungkook just ignores him and looks straight ahead again, his face unreadable.
“Y/n’s awake.”
Jungkook twitches a little at that, but his face remains impassive. Jimin walks over and plops down on the ground next to him, then he leans against the tree.
“It isn’t your fault, Kook.” He says quietly, “You hadn’t even met her when she was first kidnapped by vampires, and you had no idea she left last night.”
So, someone had told him what you said.
“Yeah? And what about when the Hunters took her? What about that?” Jungkook snaps. Jimin sighs and looks at the youngest, seeing his face set in anger but his eyes glistening with tears. “We all went after her that time, and you saved her.”
“I didn’t save her.”
“What?” Jimin looks at him questioningly. “What do you mean?”
“I didn’t get there in time for her not to be hurt, to be scarred. Now her own mind is what’s torturing her, because I couldn’t stop it in time.” Jungkook’s voice wavers.
Jimin shakes his head, “You saved her, Jungkook. If you hadn’t been there at that moment, things would’ve been a lot worse. She’s opened up about it now, so it’s off her chest. She doesn’t have to keep it hidden anymore.”
Jungkook listens quietly, the words sinking into his head as Jimin continues. “And she’s asking for you. She loves you Kook, more than I think you believe…so are you going to go to her?” He watches the young vampire closely.
Jungkook nods and wipes his eyes, then he stands up and Jimin smiles. Jungkook starts running back to the house as Jimin stands up, still smiling. “That’s my boy.”
~                 ~                  ~
You’re sitting on your bed trying to stomach some toast that Seokjin brought you, insisting that you needed to eat. All you can do is nibble on it, but Jin nods encouragingly no matter how small the bite.
“Where’s Jungkook?” You whisper quietly, chewing on a little bit of the toast. Jin is about to answer you when Jungkook steps into the room.
“I’m right here, love.” He says as he walks over to the big bed and sits on the side of it, close to you. “Hi.” He says sweetly and you nod at him, feeling comforted when he rubs your legs absentmindedly.
Jin smiles softly and announces that he’s leaving. You quietly thank him for the food, and he winks at you, “Jungkook is going to make sure you finish that. Right, Kook?” The vampire nods, but he doesn’t take his eyes off you.
Seokjin chuckles and leaves the room to talk to Yoongi about something that’s been bothering him.
Your cheeks turn pink as Jungkook watches you eat. “Why are you staring at me?” Your voice is so quiet he almost doesn’t hear you. He smiles and pats your knee, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. How are you feeling?”
“Better…it kind of feels like I just had a very bad dream.” You say before focusing on your toast. He nods and brings his hand up to pet your head sweetly. “Is this okay?” You nod and he smiles sadly. “Sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up.”
“It’s okay, you’re here now.” He’s about to respond when you speak up again. “I’m sorry that I’m so stupid.” Jungkook’s chest clenches at your words.
“You’re not stupid.”
“I am though.”
“You’re not.”
“I am-“
“Y/n.” His serious tone makes you stop fighting back. “You are not stupid, ok?”
You don’t say anything, you just keep eating your toast slowly. He feels a pang of guilt for raising his voice at you, so he reaches over and runs his thumb along your cheek gently. “I’m sorry, I just don’t like it when you talk about yourself like that. You’re constantly bringing yourself down, and I hate it. I just wish you could see what I see.”
You feel your eyes water and the toast feels stuck in your throat. When you finally swallow, you clear your throat. “There’s nothing good to see. All I do is break my promises to Jinnie, and make you think I don’t love you, and make everyone worry and come look for me when I was stupid and decided to leave without telling anyone. Everything that has happened to me was my fault, and I deserved it.” Jungkook feels his blood boil at your words.
“I don’t even blame the ones who hurt me. I practically set myself up to be hurt, it’s all my fault. I’m always causing problems and making others fix it. I’m just useless and I hate myself.” Your voice breaks and you set your almost finished piece of toast on the bed so you can bury your face in your hands.
If his heart was beating, it would have stopped at the words coming from your mouth. It would have shattered into a million pieces at the way you fully believe the words you’re speaking.
But all he can feel is a dull ache in the middle of his chest, making it hard to breathe as his hands shake and his throat closes.
Jungkook moves forward, taking your hands from your face and pushing you to lay down as he hovers over you.
Your eyes are flitting between his, trying to figure out what he’s doing. He just leans closer and touches his forehead to yours, his breath tickling your mouth. Then he nudges your nose with his before pecking it.
He kisses your chin.
Kisses to your cheeks.
“-all of you-“
One on your forehead.
“-more than you will ever know.”
Lastly, he kisses your lips, deepening it as his hand comes up to caress your face. You close your eyes and just let him kiss you, feeling a warmth spread through your body down to the tips of your toes.
Jungkook pulls away after a moment, “I could say every little thing I love about you, but I don’t want you to just hear me…I want you to listen.” He catches your gaze and stares into your eyes deeply. Looking at his deep red eyes makes you think about when you first met him, and how those unnatural irises terrified you. Now, you can feel yourself getting lost in them and never wanting to come out.
“I’ll prove it to you, that I care about you and I’m not lying. I’ll show you, y/n.” You feel a small smile creeping up on you when he repeats your own words back to you with a cute smile. Jungkook takes your hand and folds it into his, “Nobody else’s hand could fit in mine perfectly the way yours does, and nobody else can make me smile like you do. You’re kind to everyone, and it always makes me happy to see you laugh, the way your nose scrunches up.”
You sniffle as he continues. “No one can hug me the way you do or kiss me like you do.” With those words, he kisses you again. “Nobody could ever make me feel the way you do, y/n. No one deserves to be treated the way you’ve been, and I want you to believe that. You’ve only ever made decisions to do things when you had other’s interests at heart, and I love you for that. Seeing you hurting because of them kills me, and I’ll do whatever I can to take it all away.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and hug him to you, running your fingers through his hair to ground yourself. “I’ve got you, little one.” Jungkook whispers into your hair. You feel your eyes burn with tears as your emotions go into overdrive. Your heart aches with how much you love him, and the fact that he loves you just as much is so foreign to you, you don’t know what to do.
You wish everything would just be okay. You’re sick of being afraid all the time, and never being sure if you all are safe. It seems like all the horrors lurking in the shadows will never be gone.
~                           ~                            ~
A few days pass, and Jungkook diligently makes sure that you eat and get enough rest. You’re speaking normally soon enough, your brain having started to blur and block out all the images once again. It seems like your brain’s way of dealing with trauma is to pretend it didn’t happen.
A  few days after you got back from the vampire incident, Seokjin sees you come down to the table at breakfast time.
“Hey! There’s my girl! How are you feeling, y/n?” He asks you brightly, to which you give him your old bright smile as you sit at the table. “I’m feeling okay, thanks Jinnie.” He chuckles and sets a plate of pancakes in front of you.
“I hope you’re hungry, I made a lot today.”
You stare at the pancakes, wide-eyed and starving. “I am! Thank you.” Jin giggles and goes back to the stove.
Suddenly, a pounding on the stairs is heard and someone bursts into the kitchen, making you and Jin flinch as you turn to see who it is.
Jungkook does a double take when he sees you sitting there, then he sighs in relief. “You scared me, I didn’t see you in your room.” You laugh and cover your mouth that has a bite of pancake in it. “Sorry, Kookie. I was starving.”
Seokjin bites back a smile and turns back to the pancakes he’s flipping.
Once everyone is gathered at the table and eating happily, Yoongi speaks up. “I hate being the bearer of bad news. But we have a problem that we still haven’t discussed.” Everyone turns to him, setting their forks down and chewing while they give him their full attention.
“What is it?” Seokjin is the first to ask.
“Y/n, you said there was a vampire camp.” Yoongi looks at you sympathetically, like he hates to bring it up again. Jungkook takes your hand under the table. “You said there were a lot of them in a small building. I hate to ask you for details, but when I heard you say they were about six and a half miles away from us…” His voice fades but everyone knows what he’s thinking.
They’re too close.
You clear your throat, “It’s okay. I’m sorry I haven’t told you the details yet.” Everyone shakes their heads and a chorus of protests saying that you did nothing wrong floats around the table. You swallow and dive right into it. “My old friend Seungwook is a Hunter. I went to talk with him because I had seen him hanging around close to the house. I wanted to explain everything to him so that he wouldn’t hurt you guys.” Jungkook squeezes your hand encouragingly.
“He didn’t listen, and when he walked away, I figured I could follow him back to where he was staying so I could tell you guys and we could make a plan. When I found out he was going somewhere else, I decided to go anyway and see what was up. There was a small building, but I heard one of his Hunter friends say that there were at least fifty vampires in there.”
The silence around the table after you say that makes your tummy clench in anxiety. Jungkook keeps a grip on your hand as Yoongi nods. “So, what do we do?” He asks Jin.
It’s almost like something has snapped in the eldest vampire. His eyes are hard with anger as he slams his fork down and pushes his chair back roughly, making it skid on the hard floor. He grabs his plate and all but throws it into the sink. His gaze is almost distant as he glares at the dishes.
“We’re going to fucking end this.”
a/n: damn. seokjin fecking snAPped 👀
tag list: @jjungkook99 @ditttiii @rubinora @mygukandonly @elliegrace1999tvd @karissassirak @krystle1990 @your-best-behaviour @lettersforjoon @hopeworld-baseline @squidyelmosquidbutt @howbizarre @nikikookie @adelina1299 @jeonjungkookismyfuture @fekitza @xxxanimangxxx
178 notes · View notes
edorazzi · 5 years
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It’s the post everyone’s been waiting for! 
It’s taken a little while for me to get around to this, but it’s worth it for being able to make a full reaction post. This is really long so I’ll put it under a cut, but check it out for my complete scene-by-scene reaction of Miraculous’ “Felix” episode! (´∀`)♡
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Okay, I’ve been putting this off for days now so it’s time to finally get to it. I’m comfy and undisturbed and have my supplies ready to go.
I know next to nothing about what I’m going into. I’ve seen a little bit here and there because some people haven’t tagged their content properly, but I haven’t watched either of the trailers. I haven’t even looked directly at the images of Felix which have been going around. I’ve tried to stay as blind as possible, so as a result I’m pretty excited but also very anxious. I’ve taken two beta blockers today and I’m considering taking a third.
I usually liveblog episodes on our Ladybug PV Discord server (message me for an invite!) but this time I’m making a proper post out of it. I’ll be typing up my reactions as I go then cleaning everything up a little bit afterwards. I think it’s the first time I’ve done something like this on my blog so here goes!
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- “Script: Thomas Astruc” NO. HE REALLY COULDN’T JUST STEP AWAY FROM THIS EPISODE GRACEFULLY, COULD HE. HE HAD TO GET HIS HANDS DIRTY. I’m not going to say “fuck this man” but, you know, identical sentiments. I’m opening my chocolate bar.
- God, Emilie looks more like ET every time I see her. Such an awkward model.
- Oh but wait, Sébastien Thibaudeau was on the script? That does actually give me some hope! Next to Zag himself he’s the only writer on this mess of a show I trust. HE FIXED WAYHEM, CAN HE DO FELIX A SOLID TOO? PLEASE. PLEASE SÉBASTIEN OL BUDDY OL PAL OL FRIENDA MINE
- Does Gabe have anything else to say to his wife other than monologuing his Miraculous plan over and over? They say people in comas can still hear things but Emilie’s probably double unconscious from how boring her husband is.
- DON’T LIKE THAT KNIFE SOUND EFFECT FROM THOSE RINGS. Am I supposed to find it sweet that Gabe’s taking such good care of their wedding bands or is he about to use them for evil? Also where’s Felix.
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- ADRIEN SWEETHEART. I maintain that it’s weird to have a statue of your wife/mother/self in your own garden but it kills me that he’s just sitting there in front of it like a lost kitten.
- That wide-eyed look Adrien turns up towards the window is killing me even more. I’M SO SAD. I see he also hasn’t noticed he’s sitting in the middle of a giant butterfly circle, unless he’s so used to it being Gabe’s logo that he’s just not paying it any mind. When was this all built? Has Gabe always used a butterfly motif even before he got his Miraculous and it was just a great coincidence, or did he commission this whole garden area after Emilie went missing? I guess you could pass it off as eccentricity but in the real world that would be a HUGE red flag that Gabe murdered her. I dunno man.
- “It’s been one year.” HAS IT? Hasn’t Adrien been at school for at least a year now? Didn’t his mom vanish two years prior to that?! Maybe she’s talking about how long Gabe has been fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir but knowing this show’s messy timeline it could be anything. WHERE’S FELIX.
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- That’s the song from Chat Blanc! Was that something his mom taught him? OH NO, I’M EVEN SADDER NOW. This is what I mean about Sébastien’s writing, we’d never get this kind of focus on Adrien from Garbage Man Astruc. This kind of character exploration does wonders for ML whenever it’s brought up so I hope this is consistent.
- I do like that Adrien doesn’t get up when his dad comes to stand right next to him like that. It’s just informal enough. He’s waiting for Gabe to make the first move this time and that’s nice development considering how stiff and cold their relationship was in S1.
- OOOOH GABE THAT’S AN AWKWARD CROUCH. Any lower down and his back is going to go. He’ll be stuck there. I do LOVE that he’s trying though, I don’t even know what he’s going to say to Adrien but this is already SO good.
- “There’s something important I have to talk to you about.” Finally time for The Talk, huh.
- “I’ve noticed how close you and Nathalie have become!” CLOSE ENOUGH. Still in the ballpark of Adrien thinking his dad has real human feelings! 
- “HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK SUCH A THING??” I GENUINELY LAUGHED OUT LOUD AT HOW ANGRY GABE WAS ABOUT THAT. I’m not sure what to think of the “Nathalie replacing Emilie when Emilie’s technically still alive” plot either but GABE’S DECIDED FOR ME. Also good job yelling in your son’s face when you were JUST having a moment, good luck getting back up off your knees in order to storm away, old man.
- Oh alright, he did get up, but it was with a strange angry bow-legged prance. I think he still had trouble.
- I love the way Adrien just kinda wide-eye-blinks at him, like Gabe’s emotional outburst is going totally over his head. He’s been dealing with akuma FAR too long to be bothered by this.
- Guests, plural? I’m guessing Felix is one of them but is he with someone else? That makes sense given he’s (as far as I’ve gathered) the same age as Adrien so he wouldn’t be running around far from home unchaperoned, but OHHH this is so interesting.
- So they ARE claiming it’s been one year since Emilie vanished! This just doesn’t work as a Season 3 episode, especially with Nathalie and Gabe’s romantic development being as far along as it is. Emilie’s been gone for at LEAST three years by this point! Read your show bible once in a while you horrible garbage man!!! Also ADRIEN SWEETHEART THAT’S A LITTLE PREMATURE. You can say “went away forever” when you’re three years into her disappearance, the anniversary of one year really isn’t long enough to claim she’s never coming back!
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- OH NO, IT’S THE GIRLS. I’m already bored. Unless Luka is here I really just do not care what they’re all up to. I haven’t missed Marinette at ALL in the first two-and-a-half minutes and I don’t want to see her now. WHERE’S FELIX.
- I’m sorry, how are Lila, Chloé AND Kagami all on a video call together without any blood being drawn? Also for god’s sake PLEASE leave Adrien alone, you want to ask first if he’d LIKE some company or if he’d prefer a quiet personal day to think about his mom? OF COURSE NOT MARINETTE, YOU WOULDN’T WOULD YOU. 
- Okay, a video message is definitely a better idea than trying to break into his house AGAIN. At least then he can watch it whenever he feels up to it. The first good, safe, noninvasive idea Mari’s had for SEVERAL episodes when it comes to Adrien.
- I’M REALLY TORN WHEN IT COMES TO THE ENGLISH DUB. On one hand I hate how little screentime Nino has when he’s not just being Alya’s fashion accessory, but on the other hand I’m so glad they switched scenes the moment Nino started his video because I CANNOT handle his dub voice. Nino just deserves better in general really.
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- Her name is Amelie? So their parents had twins and named them Amelie and Emilie, and they turned out the same right down to the over-the-shoulder Dead Anime Mom hairstyles? That’s lazy parenting down to a tee, can’t mix your twins up if you never have to learn the difference between them in the first place! But that’s INTERESTING that Felix is (I assume, still haven’t seen him yet) from Emilie’s side of the family, I’ve always had the impression he was a petit Gabriel.
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- ADRIEN IMMEDIATELY JUMPING ON HIM IN A HUG IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. WHILE FELIX’S HAND IS STILL OUTSTRETCHED FOR A HANDSHAKE. I know this episode is going to go downhill because there’s no way it won’t, but this one single moment is EVERYTHING I WANTED. I should just close the tab now and leave it at this, I really should.
- “Do you remember when they used to have so much fun pretending to be each other? Once they had you and Emilie fooled for a whole weekend!” WHERE HAS THIS BEEN FOR MY ENTIRE ORDEAL GETTING THROUGH THIS SERIES. I don’t even care if this Felix is a stone cold bitch, it’s enough to know he and Adrien were besties when they were kids and Adrien still wanted to hug him the second he walked through the door. AMAZING.
- Aww, Felix is American (dubbed, anyway). I was really hoping he’d be British with all the references to London over the last season. He does have a nice voice though! I can tell he shares Adrien’s actor but he’s got the softness I’d have expected from his character. There’s kind of an interesting look about his face though, I wish they’d tweaked it a bit to give him a sharper look but I guess he IS like 14, he can afford to still have a bit of baby-cheeked roundness. I’m going to find the positives in every part of this because I will NOT give Garbage Man Astruc the satisfaction of being disappointed like I know he wants me to be. It’s been a fucking war from the moment I saw his name in the writing credits and my best weapon is being pleased about everything in this episode.
- Okay, he looks a little better in the following closeup where his eyes are slightly narrowed. I think it’s the slightly-below-the-chin angle which doesn’t really work for his character model with his soft cheeks and high collar. FELIX IS A BABY.
- WHY WILL NOBODY SHAKE HIS HAND. Adrien hugged him instead and Gabe is ignoring him completely, Felix is clearly so perplexed and I love it. He’s fourteen! He’s fourteen and doing his best with social graces but NOBODY WILL HELP HIM.
- “Felix, you know your uncle’s never been the physical sort!” HE KICKED HIS OWN SON RIGHT ACROSS PARIS IN THE LAST EPISODE BUT SURE, IF YOU SAY SO.
- “Oh, how sweet! You’re still wearing your wedding band!” YEAH? IT’S BEEN LIKE A YEAR?? Again this would make more sense if it had been around three years like we KNOW Emilie’s been gone for, but picking someone out for still wearing their ring after 12 months?! And why isn’t Amelie more emotional about this anyway, isn’t it her sister who’s missing? I wouldn’t be poking fun at MY sister’s husband for keeping his ring if SHE went missing. No wonder Felix seems like he turned out weird.
- I CAN’T MAKE OUT THE NAME OF HER BRANCH OF THE FAMILY AND IT’S KILLING ME. SOMEONE LET ME KNOW WHAT THAT WAS. Graham de Vanily? I can’t place the words. I mean I’m going to keep calling Felix “Agreste” no matter what but I’d like to know what canon is trying to get at.
- “It’s been a long journey from London” I KNEW IT, I FFFFFFFFFUCKING KNEW IT. SO THEY ARE BRITISH?! BUT THEY HAVE AMERICAN ACCENTS?! I mean I guess they’re French first and foremost, but what the fuck is with the American accents if you’re making a POINT about them being from London?! I can’t wait for the French audio to be released, I really want to know what Felix sounds like there. Regardless AAAH MY SON IS FROM MY CITY, I’M SO PLEASED.
- Poor Felix looks so depressed being saddled with Adrien. Sweetie it’s okay, think positive! You could be stuck with Marinette and THAT would be a true nightmare.
- Now why does Felix keep glancing at Gabe? Is there something going on there? Is he suspicious about what happened to his aunt? I can’t imagine he knows anything about the Miraculous so what’s the deal here?
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- UuuuuUUUUGH we’re back with the rest of the gang. I’M NOT INTERESTED, SHOW ME MORE FELIX.
- “Help me Tikki! What would you tell a Kwami friend who’s lost their mom?!” You’re talking to a 5000-year-old demigoddess, Mari, I don’t think she’s gonna relate.
- Should Tikki really be encouraging this?! I have no idea where in the timeline this is supposed to be. Maybe this is at a stage where she doesn’t know Adrien is Plagg’s chosen so there’s no reason to steer Marinette away from bonding with him. Or maybe every episode just plays by its own rules and there’s really no such thing as continuity in this series. I want to see Felix again.
- YANKING AT AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE ON THE OUTER EDGE OF A BOAT ISN’T GOING TO END WELL. DON’T. I do love how :D Alya is about it though, if nothing else I love what a supportive friend she is.
- Oh, the tablet didn’t go into the water! I’m genuinely surprised by that. Though I imagine Felix is going to fuck things up in some way so he’ll probably be the one to destroy the video somehow. We all know the relationship development isn’t allowed to move forward so SOMETHING’S going to happen to it.
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- Thank god we’re back to the mansion. I’m surprised and pleased that (for now at least) we’re only getting the girls in small doses and the plot is mainly focused around the Agrestes. Gorizilla is my favourite episode to date and it did a similar thing with allowing Marinette to be a side character for once along an Adrien-centric plotline, so hopefully this episode will be similar. I’m liking its odds so far but who knows what Horrible Garbage Man Astruc has up his sleeve.
- “I’m really sorry I didn’t come to your dad’s funeral.” I’M SORRY WHAT? PARDON ME? THAT’S AN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM I DIDN’T EXPECT. As a side note I love Felix being killer at basketball for some reason, he doesn’t look like the athletic type at ALL but he still made that net over his shoulder without even LOOKING. Goddamn. Can everyone please appreciate how cool my son is!!!
- “My father thought it would be too hard on me, considering everything that’s happened this year.” So Felix lost his dad VERY RECENTLY. OUCH. DON’T LIKE THAT. Or I DO like that because it’s already giving his character some extra depth when we’re still only just getting to know him, but on an emotional level I don’t like that. 
- “He’s very... protective of me.” CHAT BLANC REALLY WAS A HOT MESS OF AN EPISODE WASN’T IT. 
- Now Felix is giving Adrien a hug?! I didn’t see that one coming. My canon Felix would mean it but I don’t quite trust this new Felix yet, he’s probably up to something.
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- WHAT A JARRING PIANO TRANSITION. Also why?! What does he have to gain from swiping Adrien’s phone? He’s probably got a terrible roaming plan on his own mobile, that’s always my problem when I go to France. If you truly loved your cousin you’d let him browse Reddit on your phone, Adrien. This is worse than not coming to his dad’s funeral.
- PLAGG KNOWS SOMETHING’S UP. He ought to, in another life he and Felix are STILL dealing with each other.
- Okay I take back what I said about Felix’s voice. Bryce Whatshisface isn’t doing a very good job separating the tones. I can buy that Adrien and Felix sound very similar but their delivery should be completely different! I really do want to watch this in French, I get the feeling it’ll sound much better.
- AH YES, HERE WE GO. I’m getting the feeling this is Garbage Man’s part of the episode. Squished cheese aside, I do like the implication Felix does (or did) card magic and karate. I’m thinking of that Mickey Mouse episode where he vanishes Donald’s car keys with a hand trick except it’s Felix vanishing Marinette’s phone when she’s about to text Adrien or something. I’ve got to draw that.
- “Mind if I take a shower?” WHY, FELIX. I mean I’d probably want to shower too after the London-Paris commute (and I’m sure he’s only going in there to wreak havoc, put food colouring in Adrien’s shampoo bottles or something) but what a weird time to ask!
- I mean Plagg has a point about difficult home situations not justifying bad behaviour (and I feel like that’s not what’s going on, with how he was glaring at Gabe I think he’s behaving like this for some other reason), but Felix’s dad LITERALLY DIED. Like they had a funeral and everything. Emilie is just “missing”. They’re SIMILAR but that’s still a false equivalence because Adrien’s got hope to hold on to and Felix doesn’t.
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- So we’re not going to talk about how Felix got into Adrien’s passcode-protected phone? I guess he could have done the fogging-up-the-screen trick from Oblivio. Standing around in a steamy bathroom in three layers of clothing is a great way to sweat yourself out and ruin your hair though, way to get even more gross than a five-hour commute between countries.
- “Of course that idiot has a crush on a superhero!” EASY THERE, MR HOWLING-ON-A-ROOFTOP-BECAUSE-HE-SAW-THE-GIRL-HE-LIKED. WE’VE ALL SEEN THE PV.
- I’ve just noticed Felix has a ring too! I don’t know how I missed that before this scene! That’s NICE. He’s still not allowed to have it on his middle finger (LET HIM SWEAR) but that’s a nod back to Chat Noir which I really appreciate!
- FELIX KNOWS CHLOÉ! THAT’S NICE, THAT’S GOOD. I LIKE THAT. That’s also a really nice little video from her, I love the few small moments we’ve had that affirm she and Adrien really ARE friends, whether she wants to date him or not. 
- OOOH HE DELETED THE VIDEOS. I’m curious about him borrowing Adrien’s clothes too, are they going to dress the same? You’d think Adrien wouldn’t give someone an exact copy of the outfit he’s currently wearing but I genuinely don’t know if he owns anything different. I hope they don’t just use two Adrien models for the rest of the episode, please let me see Felix properly :/
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- OOOH MARI YOU’RE NOT GONNA LIKE THIS. I can imagine Felix is going to say something nasty and that’ll set the girls off and bring about the akuma of the week. I’m mildly entertained but I’m still not engaged with this idea without any proper explanation. We’d better get something by the end of the episode which justifies what’s made Felix do this, because “he’s just evil lol” would be a reeeeally low move from Garbage Man Astruc. 
- Luka is such a nice character. Why does he get to be so high quality when Felix has been turned into a cheese-smashing phone-stealing gremlin? I mean I KNOW why, but I’d like to think the showwriters are better than this. They’re not, but I’d like to think they are.
- WHAT A VIDEO MESSAGE. I love how Luka’s just sitting there grimacing while Mari speeds off into battle, he doesn’t know what she’s about to do but he knows better than to try stopping her.
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- Back with Gabe and Nathalie. Is this what was being foreshadowed when Gabe claimed he wouldn’t be fooled by the boys’ identity switch twice? Is he GOING to be fooled again or will he be the one person who can tell immediately that this isn’t his son? 
- “FELIX.” WOW, HE REALLY WASN’T FOOLED TWICE. RESPECT. He may have trouble getting up off the ground if he sits down too low but he can at least identify his child in a difficult situation like this, props to Gabe this week.
- “All this disappointment might just help us get rid of our unwanted guests!” SHUT YOUR MOUTH, FELIX IS A DELIGHT. The only unwanted guest here is Astruc on the writing team.
- “Felix... I told you that you couldn’t fool me twice.” Way to blow your identity in five seconds Gabe. I guess he hasn’t sent out the akuma yet so this might just be a personal monologue, but he starts addressing his victims directly so often at this stage that I’m really not sure what they can or can’t hear. SHIT’S RISKY.
- OH OKAY, SO HE’S SENDING THIS TRIPLE AKUMA AFTER FELIX? AND/OR ADRIEN, DEPENDING ON HOW HARD IT IS TO TELL THEM APART? I guess that’s what he means by getting rid of their guests, if the house is attacked by a monster (or monsters?) they aren’t going to want to stick around, but I REALLY HOPE YOU’RE TAKING ADRIEN’S WELLBEING INTO ACCOUNT HERE GABE OL BUDDY :/
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- I’m gonna be honest, I’m not really interested in the girls. I was hoping for a real triple akuma (like Oblivio was apparently Alya and Nino together) but they’re all just villains we’ve seen before. There’s stuff I could comment on here but I just want to see more of Felix, that’s what I’m here for.
- “Nathalie, get Adrien to a safe place far from his cousin!” YOU’RE REALLY JUST GONNA SACRIFICE FELIX LIKE THIS. I guess that makes sense, I WAS complaining during Chat Blanc that Adrien is Gabriel’s weak point, so all things considered I’m not surprised that he’ll protect Adrien but just flat-out wants Felix dead. Fair enough.
- WOW. I THOUGHT ADRIEN WAS GOING TO BE HEROIC AND DEFEND FELIX BUT HE WANTS HIM DEAD TOO. Or was that a double bluff to make the akuma think he MUST be Felix so he can lead them away and keep his cousin safe? He’s just run off with a wild cackle so I’m thinking it’s the latter. HE’S A GOOD BOY AND A TRUE HERO.
- I also find it kind of funny how Nathalie will jump in harm’s way to defend him when there have been INNUMERABLE other episodes of Gabe just setting an akuma directly on Adrien for the hell of it. Maybe because there isn’t really any ‘harm’ here to start with; the three girls’ powers are probably the least violent of all the akuma we’ve seen so far.
- OH MY GOD HE IS GOOD AT IT. That’s cool! I was expecting him to totally flop considering how badly his imposter trick went down a few minutes ago, but it’s nice to see he’s as capable at fighting as he is at basketball. When do I get to see his magic card tricks?
- YEAH I FEEL THE SAME PLAGG. WHAT’S EVEN HAPPENING. Not that I think Adrien shouldn’t save Felix, I just want to know WHY Felix felt like he had to do this in the first place! I feel like “can I PLEASE get a waffle” except instead of watching the employees fight I’m watching this episode careening away with no pauses to explain what’s going on.
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- FELIX C’MON. STOP CAUSING PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE. I can tell Garbage Man Astruc still has the reins here because causing even MORE trouble even AFTER Adrien saved his ass is a completely illogical course of action. PUT SÉBASTIEN BACK IN THE WRITERS CHAIR.
- “WHICH PART OF THE WORD ‘NO’ DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!” Oh perfect, great, can’t let this episode end without accusing Felix of not respecting consent! That’s a hot button issue and if Garbage Man Astruc can get him on that bandwagon then fans HAVE to hate this character! Great move! Fucking pillock!
- WOW CHAT THAT’S MEAN. I guess accusing Felix of having no friends is justified in the context of the episode but yikes :(
- Was that a flash of humiliation from Felix there? God will one of the writers PLEASE save this character, PLEASE don’t let this episode end without someone getting him out of the Garbage Man’s big meaty claws.
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- Excuse me WHAT? Felix is talking directly to Papillon?! So he knows about all the Miraculous stuff?! Oh NO, is this about getting his dad back? I don’t know whether the One Wish is common knowledge (I don’t think it is?) but maybe Felix put the pieces together on his own back home, so all his behaviour here has been trying to incite an akuma that he can take advantage of to appeal to Papillon?! Or he could just be a bitch all on his own, which is probably what the Garbage Man would prefer, but this makes a lot of sense all of a sudden.
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- I’m expecting this isn’t over, because Felix still clearly wants something specific that he didn’t get, but I’ll take this cute hug for what it is. He didn’t have an evil expression behind Adrien’s back this time either and the music is all soft and nice, plus he FINALLY got a handshake from Gabe, but I absolutely do NOT imagine this episode will end without getting an extra shot in at the PV fans somehow. We’re not getting off this easy.
- Why doesn’t Gabriel want Adrien to go after Felix? Is he scared he’ll try to run off, or ask them to stay longer when he really wants to get rid of them?
- AHAHA FELIX STOLE GABE’S RING. WHAT A BRAT. Was that the “jewelry” he mentioned wanting in return for helping Papillon? I figured it was a Miraculous thing but maybe not.
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- OHHH, look how much Felix loves his mom! This is such a sweet scene. I particularly like the idea that Amelie was trying to get the rings back to give one to Felix because the way she was speaking to Gabe made it sound like she wanted them Just Because. But you can’t mention some wild story connected to the rings and then not explain it! I want to know what that is, I want to know why Felix is so fascinated with it!!!
- ALSO, FELIX GETTING A BIG KISS RIGHT ON THE FOREHEAD. EXCELLENT. I’ll fucking BET this is another scene Sébastien sneaked in because it’s such an emotional quality shift from the whole clone mess. Like what the fuck even WAS that.
- I was expecting a worse ending, but “Felix can’t ever come back to Paris because Gabriel will kill him with his bare hands if he does” is decent enough. If there’s no further confirmation (and NO, anything Garbage Man Astruc tweets later on does NOT fucking count so don’t try me) I’m going to take it that he WAS actually sorry for what he did to Adrien. That’s better than nothing.
WELL THAT WAS AN EPISODE. That actually wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be - it could have been a lot better but it could have been a lot worse too. The beginning and end were nice enough even if the middle part was Garbage Man Astruc’s usual atrocious mess of self-service, though I do particularly despise the hamfisted consent issue shoved in there just to generate extra reasons to hate the character. WE GET IT, YOU DON’T LIKE FELIX. OFF YOU FUCK. 
I’ve slept on this next paragraph to give myself time to formulate some concrete thoughts about the plot, so... Well, it was a mess, that’s for sure. They spent way too much time establishing how oH sO eViL Felix was and not nearly enough time actually explaining his character. 
Why is he acting out like this? What has he got against Adrien in particular? Is he really sore about Adrien not supporting him at his dad’s funeral or is that just what Adrien thinks is his problem? What was his relationship with his dad before he died? Was his troublemaking all about trying to provoke an akuma and ask Papillon to help him get his family rings back (which he was clearly trying to steal from the moment he walked through the door, only Gabe wouldn’t shake his hand the first time), or was that just a side effect of causing shit for no reason? Did he mean his apology to Adrien at the end? WHAT was the deal with the rings and the story attached to them? There’s a whole interesting story buried in here which just got completely overlooked by the emphasis on how terrible he was and that’s really disappointing. 
I did like his damaged-but-still-good relationship with Adrien though, there’s still hope there and maybe Felix (if he ever shows up again, which I only hope he does if it’s NOT another excuse for Garbage Man Astruc to shit on the PV fandom again, for the love of FUCK don’t give this guy multiple opportunities) will start coming around and making the effort to be a better cousin since Adrien’s given him a second chance. I don’t know. What I liked just as much was Marinette actually barely being in this episode at all, for the first time since Gorizilla she’s ALLOWED to be the supporting character again and that’s GREAT.
I don’t really know what else to say. I’m exhausted. Adrien’s a darling and I think I prefer my Twin AU, though canon Felix being a delightful little gremlin who causes problems-on-purpose is something I can work with in the future too. 
Thanks for coming on this... interesting journey with me! I posted a set of tweets last night which I’ll leave here to finish up:
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
jjk/qw: 1
➣ a little something that came about because of Jungkook’s outfit and the way he was mad feeling himself on day 2 of on:e
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❒ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
❒ genre: fluff(?), implied smut,
❒ alternative universe: mafia,
❒ rating: 18 +
❒ word count: 1.9 k
warnings/disclosures: no edit we die like men, a little bit of violence, implied smut, Jungkook is tall, dark and handsome, Hoseok is done with your shit, spanking, violence kink?? Is that a think?, cameo from yoongi, joongki must die I don’t think I missed anything but yeah let me know if you see anything!
main ml • AO3
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There isn’t much that bothers Jungkook, not by a long shot. He’s a particular kind of man; he takes everything with a grain of salt so he usually isn’t bothered by anything a simple grunt has to say about him. He is however annoyed at the way this grunt speaks of you. All the nasty things he’s got to say about you, how he thinks a cock hungry slut like yourself is fine with anyone as long as they can fuck you stupid. And Jungkook doesn’t like that one bit as he runs the tip of his tongue over his lips. It does nothing to quell the simmering anger that sits beneath the twitch of his fingertips. He can hear a few snickers here and there others throwing in their own thoughts.
Hoseok can see the glazed look that fills Jungkook’s eyes the longer their subordinates speak ill of you. He’s known the younger long enough to understand his limits and this was a limit. It’s a peculiar thing to Hoseok the way Jungkook is with you, he’s soft and sweet but not all the time. And Hoseok will admit he’s walked in on his fair share of your sexual escapades to know that you and Jungkook were something completely different. If he were to compare your relationship to anything he’d say a modern day Harley Quinn and the Joker except with a whole lot less crazy. You two had your moments but he hadn’t seen anything too extreme, yet. The fact was Jungkook ran the biggest underground operations in the world and you, well you were his biggest asset.
Hoseok knew you were good at your job, better than most almost as if you’d been born for it. Now he isn’t saying that you don’t play the ditzy slut well because you do but he knows you’re much, much more than that. You let the underlings believe you’re nothing but a dumb bimbo who likes to sit all pretty in Jungkooks lap when he so pleases. Let them believe you’re nothing but huge tits with a pussy made of gold to have their boss keep you around like he does. It’s laughable really, especially to Hoseok because he knows you.
He knows that Jungkook is the brawn, the face of the operation but you were the brain. You were the reason Jungkook now sat in a gilded throne like the king of an empire when he came from nothing, and he’d done it all for you. Because if Jungkook was king then you were the queen, his queen and Hoseok respected that. So who is he to try and stop Jungkook from harming easily dispensable nobodies? Truth is he could care less but recruiting is slow right now and he doubts Jimin would have anyone ready to replace the empty positions. He’s sighing before he can think better of it, but as luck has it you come waltzing in.
There’s a distinct click clack that comes from your Louboutin heels every time you step foot in the massive warehouse Jungkook runs the operation from. In fact the previous voices have gone quiet as you easily make your way to the back headed straight for the second floor where Jungkook sits and oversees the work of those beneath him. The long sleeved v-neck bodycon dress you wear molds to your figure in a way that grabs the attention of all of those who’d been previously lusting after you, but this outfit is for Jungkook.
You waste no time taking your rightful place in his lap, both legs thrown over his thighs as you sit sideways to better wrap your arms around his neck. Today he’s wearing red, a silk patterned shirt tucked into his pants with nearly all the buttons undone. His chest is out little glimpses of ink peak out from where the shirt lies open for your viewing pleasure. His fingers have found the slight sliver of skin that lies just above the top of your thigh high boots and below the hem of your dress. He’s quick to draw patterns on the only skin available to him, your gaze falls to the necklace that sits pretty at his collar. A thin silver chain you’ve seen once or twice, it makes him look sexier.
“Hello Hoseok.” you chirp never taking your eyes off Jungkook.
“____, to what do we owe the pleasure?” he asks.
“Can’t I just enjoy the company of my boyfriend and his right hand man?”
“No, there’s always something with you.” he sighs gaze moving to Jungkook who has begun to mouth at your neck as you giggle into his ear.
“You guys are weirdly attached at the hip, it’s kinda gross.” Hoseok shudders, before snapping his attention to the sound of voices making their way closer to them. Jungkook, it seems, has also noticed the new arrival pecking your cheek one last time before he’s staring long and hard at one of their subordinates. A boy in his early twenties, Joongki he thinks his name is, personally Hoseok can’t stand him. The boy thinks he’s a hotshot because Taehyung had been nice to him a few times, and had managed to complete a job fairly quicker than some of the others. Had heard him boast that he would definitely be moving up in rank soon, maybe even to the same rank as Yoongi, which was laughable really considering Yoongi did a lot of one man jobs and was good enough to have been recruited to the CIA.
But he supposed a boy could dream, it would take him decades to get to Yoongi’s pay grade and even then it would never happen, not with the way you disliked him. Maybe it’s his arrogance, maybe it’s his swagger (or lack of) but something about his recruitment hadn’t sat well with you. You’d played your dumb bimbo part well when he was around giggling up a storm with him really boosting his ego because it was fun to watch him think your laugh was something he’d said and not actually him. Because as far as you could tell he was a goddamn joke, a real chump and one that they should’ve gotten rid of sooner. But you trusted Jungkook and the boys, so if they kept him around it was for a reason. You’d yet to see it though, today was no different.
Joongki saunters into the room, nose to the sky which already sets you off. Then he’s giving you a once over, the ugly shit brown of his eyes darkened as they zero in on the hemline of the number you’re wearing. You want to wrinkle your nose in disgust because eww you’d never. Then he’s greeting Hoseok and Jungkook like they’re friends, as if he’s on equal standing with them. But what really pisses you off is the way he greets you, the lecherous ‘hey doll’ he let’s slip past his lips makes your blood boil. Heat rushes to your cheeks, warming your skin to the point that Jungkook has to squeeze one of your thighs to reign in your anger.
“Joongki, why are you here?” Hoseok finally asks swallowing thickly, as tension fills the air.
“I’m a higher up now so I’m entitled to the second floor.” He grins, your eyes meet Hoseok’s in confusion, who had promoted this clusterfuck of a human?
“Who promoted you?” Jungkook asks, expression pinched.
“No one directly but Taehyung mentioned a rank promotion a few days ago and I’m the only one worth promoting.” You laugh, an ugly gut busting laugh that fills the halls and startles the others that occupy the floor.
“You stupid, stupid boy.” You say in between hiccups. His eyes narrow at you.
“What would a fucktoy like you know? You’re just here because Jungkook likes an easy fuck.” He spits. Oh what a poor fragile ego he has, you think with a smirk.
“Oh honey I’m more than an easy fuck.” You stand now, easily stepping into his space, in your heels you're a few inches shorter than him. Today was the perfect day for these, you think.
“Yeah, you fancy yourself a housewife? Sorry but whores like you could never be a housewife.” You land a solid blow to his cheek, stupid disrespectful kids. Your hand throbs, the warmed metal of the rings you wear press into your palm as you curl your hand into a fist again. You raise your fist ready to hit him again when a hand wraps around it, pressing into the split skin of your knuckles pulling a hiss past your lips.
“That’s enough, you hurt your pretty hand.” Jungkook says, prying your fingers from the tight fist you hold. Your gaze meets his anger burning in their depths, because this kid was so damn disrespectful. He needed to be put in his place, you refused to let a turd like him talk to you like that.
“Put your bitch in her place.” Joongki spits and Hoseok let’s his eyes fall closed because he doesn’t need to see what comes next.
You shove Jungkook against the wall, lips finding the skin of his chest easily. He groans carding his fingers through your hair, tugging on the ends a bit. He’s not surprised that you’d pulled him out the room after he’d beat the shit out of Joongki, it’s one of those things you’d liked about him way before you’d built up this empire. It’s never occurred to him to ask just what you liked about him beating someone up, but he wants to ask now. He wants to know what makes you so much more eager to take his cock, you’re nipping at his jaw, hands tugging his shirt from his pants. He moves to unbutton it but you stop him with a whine.
“Don’t take it off.”
“I like it like this, looks sexier.” You sigh, pressing your lips to his a little too desperately.
“Like this, fuck me like this.” You whimper rolling your hips into his. He smirks as you fumble with tugging his pants and boxers down to free his dick. His hands slide under the hem of your dress pulling your panties down, letting they slide down your legs. He pushed the skirt up around your hips landing a solid smack to one of your cheeks, you let out a choked gasp relishing the sting as he smooths his palm over the area. He’s going to thoroughly fuck you, he thinks smirking as you whine needily pressing your tits tighter to his chest.
Yoongi stands in the hallway when Hoseok makes his way out the room. He feels like he’s aged years just being in there for that long. He hates when he has to deal with the two of you.
“I saw the lovebirds scurry that way.” Yoongi offers, nodding his head in the direction of the sole bedroom in the warehouse.
“I figured, how’d the job go?”
“Fine, better than expected I had wanted to talk things over with ____, but she’s busy.” He laughs good naturedly.
“Yeah, those two can be domestic as fuck sometimes.”
“I think the word you’re looking for is dangerous. I’ve seen both of them do some pretty crazy shit.”
“Makes you wonder if maybe they’ll ever settle down.” Hoseok sighs.
“This isn’t a family kinda life.” Yoongi mutters, turning on his heel and leaving Hoseok on his own.
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crayonflop · 4 years
Is LUCA worth watching? I was thinking about picking it up but Kim Rae won gave me the creeps as the ML in Doctors so idk
luca is so fucking nuts and it somehow works i’m having so much fun i think it’s my favorite thing i’m watching right now lmaooo like i also can’t stand krw but it’s shockingly not affecting my viewer experience if anything my dislike of him is making this better bc his character is suffering so fucking much that i’m just like haha too true! and the rest of the cast is excellent so i’m like whatever about him lol but like the literal very first scene is a baby getting thrown off a building into a hole in the ground and that baby is an amnesiac electric eel man which really sets the tone for the rest of the drama like the last episode a man gets killed by a gorilla it’s incredible akdsfjsdkf do not recommend tho if u have a severe needles going into necks phobia bc there’s like 20 of those an episode as well as like lots of bitches getting their skin fried off.......spinal taps....torture.....can’t wait for next week!!
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icarus-suraki · 4 years
If you're still doing them 72, 121, 136 :D
Suuuuure, and I'm feeling down, so...
72. What colour are your towels? Blue. Technically. I have a couple of light blue towels that I got...longer ago than I realized until just now lol...and they're technically "my towels" but I supplemented my supply with a couple of very old and slightly tattered towels that I snagged from the linen closet at my parents' house that actually, like, absorb water? Where the blue ones won't (yet, at least). I supplemented those with a couple of cheap white towels because I had some sweaters that were supposed to be dried flat. I don't have the sweaters anymore but I do have the towels and I throw them in the dryer sometimes to help a load along. And then I got a couple of dark brown ones for cheap because I was messing around with henna hair dye and I didn't want to stain my other towels. Oh, and I think I got a dark blue towel for Christmas one year, but see above re: light blue towels that don't absorb any water and are just rude like that. Hopefully these inferior ones will improve with washing. Also my bathmat is yellow. Because that's what someone gave me, I think. I'm not very aesthetic, I guess. I'm just functional.
121. Are you mean? If you asked my "Mean Girl" classmates in high school they would definitely say yes. My college classmates would probably say yes. Given how I would argue with my parents and the things I’d say to them, they’d say yes. And if you ask me, I'd say yes too.
I mean, I'm snappish and angry and depressed and impatient and "bellicose." I'm bitchy and a bitch and sometimes a super bitch and sometimes a Super King Kong Mega Mega Biatch. People irritate me. I'm a snob. I'm grumpy and crabby. I used to be fucking anxious all the time, which didn't help, though now I'm not really anxious at all so I have a hard time giving a fuck about anything. I'm way too quick with cutting remarks and takedowns and shit. I'm always thinking I'm the smartest person in the room or at least being a giant snob.
Yeah, I mean, looking back on me in middle school, even the latter part of elementary school, even earlier than that--like, I was 2 and a half and tormenting my baby brother or fighting over dress-up stuff in 4 year-old preschool. Girls in my classes in high school were always like "Why can't you just be nice?" And I was like, tch, what does "nice" mean, anyway? And they'd say "It means not mean!" And I hated them because I thought they were shallow but also because they got way more positive attention that I ever did. They had people who liked them and boyfriends and nice things. I didn't have any of that and I knew I never would, so I wasn't left with much. I always wanted to be the smartest person in the room but I never was. I was just a snob, so I ended up covering it up by being a fucking asshole. I think I would have counted as a bully on a few occasions. I wanted people to like me, but that shit wasn't going to happen. I ended up with a couple of friends, not that that was always pleasant. I started shit with them a lot, probably out of envy.
College, I was always trying to bring on the sharp comments and starting arguments for the sake of starting arguments (I still think I'm right on a lot of what I said). I was made the editor of the school literary magazine by default, which was a fiasco, and I was bitchy about all the submitted works. I had basically no friends because I hated the people I thought I was supposed to spend time around despite our being complete opposites from art to politics to religion.
"Ha ha, I got so wasted in college all the time! What was college like for you?" Well, I was a sarcastic little shit in my literature classes and full of myself because I got to skip Freshman 111 English, but I mostly remember being woken up at 2 in the morning because my roommate needed her bible and concordances because one of our hallmates believed in predestination and my roommate disagreed.
And then I can look at how unbelievably shitty I was to so. fucking. many. people. from about c. 2007 to c. 2014, at least (probably more like 2016 or 2017) when I was involved in first Livejournal-based multifandom RP and later Dreamwidth-based multifandom RP. Like I was, in popular parlance, "a fucking psycho." I would fight with anyone about anything. How the fuck anyone put up with me I do not know. Ev.er.y.thing pissed me off and yet I couldn't walk away. It's literally been the closest I've ever come to an addiction because the very thought of leaving upset me, and let's not even get started about my constant fear of my games closing or just dying. I needed my RP fix. I needed it! But needing it like that made me an absolute shitheel. People who knew me both in person and online at that time can probably vouch for how shitty I was at the time. There's a huge number of people I would like to apologize to--not so they can forgive me or anything, but just so they can hear that I'm sorry. Won't get that chance, I don't think.
And that overlapped with retail hell and graduate school. Retail hell will make anyone mean. Graduate school was first boring and then frustrating because I was definitely not among the smart set there. I mean, I got my MLS, though I'm not using it anymore lmao.
Hell, even applying for jobs after graduating, I was given feedback that I have a reputation for being "grumpy and huffy" with patrons in the library. So fuck me, I guess. I got a library job where, if the library system sat down, that library would be immediately plunged into total darkness. The "red-headed stepchild" if you will. And that was like retail hell with less cash. Was I mean? Sure, I guess, because I got called to the manager's office more than a couple of times--once because I got tired of a creepy dude talking to me, so I brushed him off to go on my lunchbreak, and he told the managers and I got in major trouble for being "dismissive" of this guy. So then I wound up standing there from 5:15 (when my shift ended) until 7:30 while this guy talked at me and told me shit like "never cut your hair because it's such a beautiful color" or tried to figure out what color my eyes are and creepy stuff like that. And all because I just didn't want to get fucking fired. Nice, huh?
I'm meaner externally now than I used to be. I'm putting that down to a lack of anxiety again. I used to be totally unable to contain my frustration and irritability with other people. Then I got to be afraid of what someone would say or do to me if I was irritable at them. And now I'm just like "fuck it, we're all going to die, climate change is real, why do I have to play by these rules?" I mean, in a hundred years, everyone I know will be dead. Whomst cares?
So am I mean? Fuck YES I'm mean. And I have been for most of my life.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? O P E N and they must also be pushed ALL. THE. WAY. OPEN. Because of Boo Radley. "What?" I hear you cry. Here, I’ll let Scout explain.
Ever since seeing that scene in about 8th grade, I have had to push my door all the way open so far that the door is touching the wall just so no one is hiding behind it. Boo Radley is a sweetheart, so I don't want to vilify him and I actually feel bad about my whole response now, but I'm just not keen on having anyone standing behind a half-open door.
"And this is what you remember from To Kill a Mockingbird?" No, I remember plenty of it and I'll quote the opening passages with my mom in about late June when it's really hot and if you're from around here then you just about know all the characters personally, but I was briefly terrified by poor Boo hiding there--which says a lot about how people saw him, or didn't see him. It's actually a brilliant reveal, even if it did kind of unnerve me at age 13. (And now I watch horror movies like they're nothing lmao.)
Doors shut just feels kind of stifling to me. That's an easy answer.
You can ask the bitch who owns this blog stuff if you want.
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wildpokemon · 5 years
ML Season 3 Rewatch: Ladybug
Production No. 324
Okay, last episode of the regular season - only the two part finale left after this!! I actually can’t believe how close to the end we are lol. I still feel like I JUST watched those episodes. This episode however, feels like a long time ago lol. I was on vacation in England when this one came out and really only watched it the one time, so I am very ready to watch it again within the context of everything else. This episode had all the plot if I remember correctly, and I’m sure everything is gonna hit so much harder after seeing everything that comes before it. I haven’t even seen this since Chat Blanc and Felix came out, so this should be fun!!
theme song ends, and BAM, I’m in tears
Adrien makes it for her, is happy about it, but then Plagg is mildly discouraging bc it’s a gift that isn’t cheese (🙄), and so Adrien wants a second opinion... So, he asks.. his father.
he’s gushing about her :))))
and Gabriel is a dick about it of course
I wonder now that we know Gabe was previously aware of the birthday party if it'll make watching Befana any different now? Like, did he pick Marinette’s grandma specifically to akumatize or something? (i sorta doubt it, but I don’t remember the episode too well)
i die for the lucky charms holy sheet
ooooooo i never noticed that shot of Lila staring down at Marinette’s birthday party before. that’s new to this episode right?? i don’t remember Lila showing up in Befana at all. that’s siiiiick, good set up for the rest of this ep
Lila is back on her bullshit. And by bullshit, I mean that goddamn bench she’s always sitting on when she gossips with the forty-year old man
wait..... i’m confused about timelines now. after we see Lila looking down at the birthday party, it cuts to her on the bench and Gabe is all mad about Marinette’s “influence” on Adrien. But why is he SUDDENLY mad?? the way the episode is set up makes it imply that this gabe/lila conversation happened soon after the birthday party. but that makes no sense, since lila and gabe don’t make their deal until Chameleon, which was the definitive first episode of this season, sooo it doesn’t line up. I mean, there’s a slightly different color filter used in the bench talking scene that I think is supposed to imply it’s the present, and NOT soon after the birthday party. But now I’m just confused as to why gabe is suddenly mad about Marinette again.
oh, hm, okay. so then it flashes back to Lila threatening Marinette, and then Lila doing the shit with the tests. Both those moments have like a vignette type filter on them, so even her planting the test shit is in the past. okay okay, bench scene takes place in the present. just, dont know why Gabe suddenly all worried about Marinette again. maybe hes just miffed that Lila was supposed to unknowingly be helping him akumatize Marinette and it’s taking a while idk
“You work too hard sir” Nathalie says immediately after Gabe gets done striking a deal with a fourteen year old that involves expelling another fourteen year old girl, who happens to be one of his sons best friends. And they call that “work.” Ya know, just another day at the Hawkmoth Inc. Offices. Tomorrow will be coffin cleaning day smh
“I’m good friends with the best manga publisher in Japan.” fuck you Lila. You don’t have any friends at all, let alone good friends
did Miss Bustier really have to expose Marinette in front of the whole class
Alya immediately standing up for Marinette :))))
Lila half a second later, pretending to help >:((
aaand the only thing Lila IS actually good at? Egging Marinette on so that she reacts too harshly and makes herself look bad
fuck lila
lololol Miss Bustier gives NO fucks, just telling everyone Lila got the worst grade
(surely on purpose ofc)
Aaaaadrieeeen :)))) my boy, YES, defend her!!!
this BITCH and her GODDAMN fake disability/injury lies!!!! aaaaaaahhhh
(also, who tf would EVER believe Marinette would push someone down the stairs? lmao)
ooooooh boy, i’m getting heated lol
the animation is really good though, the shots so far are great, and this scene rn, Marinette is clench fisted in anger and you can see her ribs move as she inhales and exhales. it’s subtle since it’s her parents talking, but a very nice touch
let’s take a tally of reactions of everyone who sees the “proof” that Marinette stole Lila’s fox necklace: Tom and Sabine: shocked/surprised (but maybe unsure), Alya: mainly surprise and disbelief it looks to me, Alix: brows hardened, she looks angry tbh, Mylene: confused and worried, Adrien: the saddest eyes i’ve possibly ever seen. he low key looks distraught, bc he knowwws
and he does defend her too of course. or tries to before Damocles interrupts him
Nathalie as Catalyst got them Kylie Jenner lip fillers
tbh.... Scarlet Moth pretty ugly lmaoo. I don’t really like the all red look on him
Chloe defending Sabrina from the butterflies is almost cute
Princess Justice and Verity Queen, goddamn. what great names
wish we could have seen Adrien’s reactions to seeing them all get akumatized again, and Marinette too
damn, she immediately goes to take of her earrings. just wow. the danger is too real lmao
aaaaaaand Nathalie passes out. of course she does lol
should it annoy me how quickly HM drops his transformation to help a fainting Nathalie, when two episodes ago he was knocking his son around like a punching bag? cause uhh, I’m annoyed
aaaah this is where this episode suffers from only being 20 minutes. it jumps right from the butterflies leaving, to Marinette back in her room with Tikki. We got no Adrien reaction to anything, no reaction from anyone tbh. bummer
Alya is such a good friend, wow i love her
also, you kNOW she thinks Lila having that stupid fake fox necklace is shady af
awww, Marinette called her “Al” I’ve never heard her say that before. not many people in the show have nicknames lol
Marinette’s apron has a version of her signature flowers on it :)
“the wounds on the miraculous become your wounds as well” fascinatinggg
and him saying “never at that cost again,” with the dramatic pan to the family portrait with Emilie in it?? SO good. that (and Adrien’s comment in Feast about the dizzy spells) is confirmation enough for me that Emilie’s coma is indeed from wearing the Peacock Miraculous (hi, Kim from two days later here. i wrote this one before that Nathalie as seen by Gabriel Miraculous Secrets episode, where he mentions that Emilie DID fall into a coma from the Peacock Miraculous. So, hashtag confirmed my dudes)
ooo Alya is doin some sleuthing. I love her
Gabriel being asleep while sitting straight up, head barely drooping at all, is just further proof that he’s insane
why does Nathalie have to buy one of those stupid tourist Eiffel tower key chains lmao. she could have picked  a n y t h i n g as the object, and she goes out and buys on of those lol, like why
something super heroes and super villains have in common? they love the sewers lol
akjdaldksa Duusuu is so fun
Duusuu has a fucked up idea of how romance works lmao
she really is dying for her boss
I gotta say though, Mayura’s movements and everything to create Sentibug is really cool
Adrien overhears Alya trying to help Marinette, starts to walk to confront Lila, but then gets the alert about Ladybug fighting Mayura, and so he leaves but wow it makes me happy that he wanted to help her lol (he even says a scene later to Plagg that he is gonna help her, Ladybug just needs him more immediately)
also, Mayura’s fake evil laugh is funny. she knows how to play it up
man i really wanna know why everyone thinks HM just suddenly unakumatized them all. i need to know how that discussion went down. shouldn’t LB and CN be curious too??? i guess it’d be hard to talk about it together since they can’t admit they were in the room it happened in - but still, they could talk to Tikki and Plagg respectively. i wanna hear that talk so baddd
hahaha she covers herself in flour to get away from her dad for a minute and it doesnt even work lmao
:((( Chat’s so sad when he thinks Ladybug is hurt. “there’s something wrong, we’re supposed to be nearly invulnerable.” his voice does a little crack and i’m sad
really interesting parallel to Felix, in how Ladybug doesn’t believe Felix is Adrien pretty quickly, but Chat is more easily convinced. Then again, Felix as Adrien was a lot more out of character than Sentibug was.
oooooooop and now Mayura knows that Ladybug DOESN’T love Chat
also, i really like that Chat’s first reaction is to be confused, and ask what happened to the other boy (unlike *cough* Marinette in Chat Blanc *cough* i know i know it was probably a timing/pacing thing dw)
this is cruel :( poor Chat aaaaahh he looks so genuinely happy to be hearing his feelings be returned :(((
lips touched!! he kissed Sentibug oh my god
and real Ladybug shows up, and now Chat looks so devastated that it wasn’t real oh godddd
ngl though, the ~listen to your heart~  No! listen to your brain!!, is pretty funny lol
Sentibug sounds so weird lol. She’s more soft spoken
poor Chat, keeps clinging to it being real
she called him kitty :)
“I love you just the way you are My Lady” :))))
Senti-charm lol
heeyy, this time it’s a ridiculously huge gun instead of the Final Fantasy sword lmao
alakjdaljh i love that the fork gives Chat the absolute confirmation she’s Ladybug lmao. i love the lucky charms
Gabe wakes up from his stress nap, sees Nathalie is gone, and his first thought is to check the news... their dynamic is so weird and fucked up lmao
WHY, why did they have to do this whole thing where sentimonsters can be almost human and in control of themselves etc. it’s a cool concept, and it’d be sort of interesting to find out later that like, The Gorilla or someone has been one the whole time (unlikely though I think), but gOD i HATE sentimonster adrien theory. i hate it bc there’s nothing to refute it, and it just makes me feel awful lol. honestly, thinking about it in canon actually puts a pit in my stomach
Cat Noir and His Ladybugs lol
Chat gets so maaaaad when Mayura kills Sentibug
aaaaahhh, and then Gabe/HM being like “getting sentimental about a sentimonster” all sarcastically. like if Adrien WAS a sentimonster, then that would make sense why Gabe doesn’t give a shit about him, cause he thinks he isn’t real or w/e. goddamnit i hate this theory so much, makes me feel yucky
Chat calling Hawkmoth grandpa alkdjalsdhalsd
“regular kids. so fragile, so easy to break” 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
hawkmoth said yeet
the way Ladybug is holding/cradling Chat rn mirrors the way he was holding Sentibug earlier
they’re so sweeeeet together oh my god
“ladybug doesn’t sound half as cool” :((( this hits so hard post Chat Blanc. he doesn’t really need saving here, and they both know it. But she’ll save him every time so she never has to see him hurt again. i cry
lol Chat referred to Sentibug as “our Bugette” lol that’s cute
it IS cruel, Ladybug!! using the Peacock Miraculous to create real beings, control them, and then destroy them is CRUEL!! (so @ thomas astruc pls let adrien be a real boy thx)
“you disobeyed me again nathalie” alkdjaljdhasdjs why is this funny to me. why is it funny to hear nathalie be scolded the same way he scolds Adrien
she coughed so hard her glasses fell off lol
Adrien is all polite about asking to be left alone, but not one second after everyone leaves, he’s scowling
i love him
he’s. so. good.
“you hurt my friend Marinette, and that’s not okay.” NO. IT. IS. NOT. YES.
daaaang Nathalie overheard
alkdjaldhadjhajh Marinette’s face when she sees the photoshoot of Adrien with Lila is so funny.
can’t wait until marinette finds out he suffered through that for her
Ooooh wow. That was a lot lol. This episode was so so good, so much happening and it all felt really high stakes. But now I’m gonna scour the internet for canon baby photos of Adrien to prove he’s not a sentimonster. Hey, he was longtime childhood friends with Chloe, right? And the Agreste’s have only had the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculouses for about a little over a year? After their trip to Tibet?? Soooooooo, if Chloe was friends with Adrien before his parents got the Miraculouses, then he can’t be a sentimonster. There case closed, I can sleep tonight.
(i know a lot of that isn’t proven yet in canon. but let me enjoy my peace lol)
Anyway, on to the finale next!! Can’t wait!
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Hold Me By Both Hands: Chapter 27
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Chapter 26 | Chapter 28 | AO3 link
Instead of continuing home, Ladybug swings over to the hotel and yo-yos herself up the side of the building until she’s on the railing of Chloé’s balcony. It’s kind of funny how reminiscent this is of Chat Noir’s visit to her before Glaciator struck, to be honest; maybe Chloé needs this open ear just as much as Marinette had needed Chat Noir’s that time.
“Ladybug! You came to visit me!” Chloé leaps off her seat and is next to Ladybug faster than a heartbeat, throwing her arms around Ladybug’s neck. Ladybug yelps and would have fallen off the balcony if not for Chloé yanking her over to the white seats. “Well, I mean, of course you came to visit me. Why wouldn’t you?”
“I was on my way home and I saw you.” Ladybug’s already heavily regretting this decision as Chloé shoves her down into a seat and then sits down and drags her own seat so close that their legs are touching. “I…thought you might want to talk about today.”
For a split second, Chloé’s smile vanishes. But then it’s back, though with a rather plastic quality to it.
“Why?” Chloé says. “You kicked that akuma’s butt just like you always do. With help from moi and my heart-wrenching sacrifice, of course.”
“Chloé, you can drop the bravado,” Ladybug says. “I know you’ve been trying to be nicer. Why did you ruin Marinette’s gift?”
Chloé snorts loudly. “Perfect princess Dupain-Cheng? She thinks she’s just oh so good. And how dare Sabrina just tell the class about my mother like that! Dupain-Cheng had it coming.”
Ladybug bites down on her tongue so hard that she’s left with a faint metallic taste. “I hardly think that Marinette’s intention was to make you look bad,” she says dryly. “Especially since she’s been helping you become nicer.”
“Forget it.” Chloé slouches back in her seat and crosses her arms, blinking rapidly. Is she…about to cry? Chloé Bourgeois, crying? “I’ll never be nice. Why even bother trying?”
“Because you can’t keep lashing out, Chloé,” Ladybug says. “I know there’s probably history with your mum, and I’m not going to insist that you talk to me about it, but…other people have hard lives as well and they don’t turn it on everyone else.”
“Yeah? Well, none of them are me,” Chloé snaps. “I’ve got everything I want. Daddy gives me everything. I’ve got a devoted best friend. And it’s never enough. It’s never enough.” She hunches over and covers her face with her hands. “I don’t even know what more I want. How the fuck am I supposed to give others what they want? Why should I even care?”
“I think you just want someone to understand you,” Ladybug says softly. None of this excuses Chloé’s bullying and entitlement, sure, but…it’s hard not to feel something for her. “I just don’t understand how you and Adrien could have turned out so different when you’ve got such similar upbringings.”
“Well, Adrikins has always been the perfect prince,” Chloé snorts while dabbing at her eyes with her jacket sleeve, smearing mascara all over the yellow material. “And our upbringings weren’t that similar, apart from the rich and famous and shitty parent thing.”
“Are you sure?” Ladybug says. “Adrien once told me that his mother only disappeared recently. But he must have been sheltered for years, right? His mother –”
“– was an amazing woman,” Chloé says. “Auntie Emilie…okay, so she was way overprotective, but she loved her kid. There. That’s your answer. Adrien’s mother gave half a fuck about him.”
“I’m sorry.” Ladybug reaches over and rests a hand on Chloé’s. Chloé gasps but she doesn’t pull away or give any other indication of discomfort. “I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a parent like that. But that’s not an excuse, Chloé.”
“I just want her to love me!” Chloé stomps her foot. “I tell myself I don’t care and then I see her and it’s like there’s a switch that just flips. She’s my mother, but she treats me like – like I’m a nobody! Like I mean nothing to her even though she’s the one who gave birth to me, so you’d think there’d be some affection!”
“I get that.” How long has Chloé been bottling this up? “But how do you think everyone else feels when you take those feelings and push them on the people around you?”
“You think I don’t know that?” Chloé says. “It makes me feel…good. Like they can have half a goddamn clue how I feel.”
“Chloé, you’ve contributed to more akumas than anyone I know,” Ladybug says gently. “It makes our job harder. I was so proud when I saw you give that birthday present to Marinette and then stood up to Befana for her.”
“You were at Dupain-Cheng’s party?” Chloé’s eyes bulge. “And you didn’t say hi to me?”
“I didn’t really have time to talk to anyone,” Ladybug says, choosing not to point out that she tries not to talk to Chloé more than necessary. “Look, I’m not going to coddle you, because you have to be the one to put the hard work in. But I do see your effort, Chloé. I do see how you try. Consider this your official encouragement.”
“Encouragement for what?” Chloé says. “To paste on a smile and turn all princess nice and sugary sweet…to turn into someone I’m not? I can’t be nice. I’m not nice. Props to Dupain-Cheng for trying, but she failed.”
“Hmm.” Ladybug chews her lip, struggling to find the words that Chloé needs to hear. “You don’t have to be sugary sweet. There’s nothing wrong with being blunt and snarky. But you don’t have to be hurtful as well. You could just as easily turn that bluntness into helpful honesty and that snark into banter. And people will see that you’re trying. I’m sure of it.”
“Wait, so I can be a raging bitch and still be a good person?” Chloé says. “Because that’s probably at least achievable within my lifetime.”
“Well, probably not a raging bitch,” Ladybug says. “But you don’t have to be sugary sweet. Just…work on being less nasty. It’s as simple as not being mean. Don’t say the mean thing you were going to say. Instead, turn it into a snarky half-compliment if you can. Baby steps. But you have to consistently try.”
“Okay, cool, so where do I start?” Chloé says. She groans when Ladybug raises an eyebrow. “Seriously? I have to apologise to Dupain-Cheng? You know I’m not gonna mean it, right?”
“It’s still good practice,” Ladybug says. “The more you do it, the more natural it’ll become. And I’m sure Marinette will recognise that you’re trying.”
“I hate apologising,” Chloé mutters. “But ugh, fine, I guess. Just don’t expect me to be nice about it.”
“I don’t think anyone expects you to be nice about it,” Ladybug says. “You just have to be good and genuine.”
“Okay, fine,” Chloé says. “I’ll turn myself into the jerk with a heart of gold trope.”
“I didn’t think you knew what a trope was.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Chloé says, though there’s a light in her eyes that hadn’t been there a minute ago. “I’m not a dumb blonde. I’m just a lesbian disaster.”
“Huh,” Ladybug says. “I didn’t know you were gay, Chloé.”
“Yeah, no one does. But you’re Ladybug. If there’s one person who won’t judge, it’s you.”
“Of course I wouldn’t.”
“Wait!” Chloé cries when Ladybug slides off her seat and unslings her yo-yo. “Where are you going?”
“I really need to get home,” Ladybug says. “School tomorrow, remember?”
“Ugh, fine,” Chloé says. “But come back whenever you want! You know I’d never turn you away, Ladybug!”
Maybe not Ladybug, but definitely Ladybug’s true identity. “I’ll keep that in mind,” Ladybug says. With a wave, she leaps off Chloé’s balcony and swings over the rooftops to the next street.
“Everything okay, Alya?” Marinette says when she tumbles into her seat the next morning and finds Alya staring off into the distance in a daze.
“Hm? Yeah! Fine!” Alya says quickly with a strange grin on her face. “Just a dream I had!”
Uh huh. Sure. A dream. God, how Marinette wishes she could smirk without letting on that she knows exactly what’s got Alya on cloud nine.
“Did someone, like, slip something in her cereal?” Nino says, twisting around to stare. Adrien follows suit, and his cheeks pinken for some reason when he smiles at Marinette.
“I have no idea,” Marinette says. “But she was fine yesterday, so I haven’t ruled it out.”
“Maybe she got to make out with Ladybug,” Adrien grins.
“God, I wish,” Alya sighs.
“You really think she’d be here if she did, dude?” Nino says. “She’d be at home screaming at me over the phone.”
“Nino, we’re adopting cats when we get married,” Alya says. Stars rush to fill Nino’s eyes at the m-word.
“At this point, I’m wondering why they don’t just sit together permanently,” Adrien says.
“Because they’d spend more time making out than doing schoolwork and we’re the only reason that doesn’t happen?” Marinette says. Adrien snorts.
“Where’s Ms B?” Alix complains from the other side of the classroom. “Is she, like, shaken up about yesterday?”
“You could possibly be a little more sensitive about it,” Nathaniel calls over. Alix flips him off with a cheerful smile.
“Um – about yesterday.” Everyone whips around to stare at the front, where Chloé’s standing in front of Ms Bustier’s desk with a grimace. “Thank…you all for sacrificing yourselves to save me. I know it was for Ladybug and not for me, but I’m still…grateful.” She looks at Sabrina and adds, “And I’d like to…apologise for using you as a shield from Zombizou’s kiss. You’re my best friend and I shouldn’t have done that.”
Nobody says anything. They’re probably all thinking the same thing: has Chloé been akumatised? Her next words don’t help that conspiracy theory.
“And I’m also…s-sorry for ruining your gift, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloé forces out. “I’m sorry for lashing out like that because of my own issues. I should have apologised to you yesterday, not to Ms Bustier. It was just easier to say sorry to her instead of you.”
Huh. Chloé really had taken Ladybug’s words to heart. It’s the reminder that she’s Ladybug and she’s the one who’d nudged Chloé to do this that makes Marinette smile at her.
“Apology accepted, Chloé,” Marinette says. “I’m glad you’re still trying to be a better person. I know there’s good in everyone deep down.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to be smug about it,” Chloé snaps. Then she visibly takes a deep breath and clenches her fists. “I mean…thank you.” She rushes to sit down, not saying a thing when Sabrina starts pelting her with questions.
“Wow, Alya really is out of it.” Nino waves his hand in front of Alya’s face, but nothing shatters her goofy grin. “Chloé was just semi-human and nothing from Al.”
“Her love for Ladybug is just that strong,” Marinette grins.
“Ladybug? Where?” Alya blurts out. Nino reaches over to pat her hand.
“Nowhere, babe,” he says. “Just go back to your fantasies.”
“You’re a better man than me, bro,” Kim says.
“Oh, please,” Juleka scoffs. “Everyone has Ladybug on their freebie list.”
“No one has Chat Noir?” Adrien says as Marinette’s cheeks start to heat up at the knowledge that her entire class would apparently let her do them.
“You know I do, bro,” Nino says. Adrien’s eyes turn just as starry as Alya’s.
“Same here,” Marinette says. “Ladybug’s cool and all, but she wouldn’t be half the hero she is without Chat Noir.” Plus, having herself on her freebie list would just be…weird.
“I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just imply that Chat Noir can compare to Ladybug, for the sake of my redemption arc,” Chloé says loudly.
“Oh, I’d much prefer Chat Noir,” Lila says. Marinette resists the urge to roll her eyes at the sound of Lila’s voice. “Marinette was so right when she said that Ladybug would be nothing without him.”
“I didn’t say she’d be nothing.” No way is she letting Lila twist her words. “Just that she wouldn’t have a chance of saving Paris like she does without Chat Noir there to have her back. It’s a two-person job and even if she���s the only one who can fix Paris, she couldn’t cope without Chat Noir’s support. They’re a team.”
“Angels do exist,” Adrien murmurs, still starry-eyed.
“Aww, someone has a crush on Chat Noir,” Alix teases.
“What? No! Ridiculous that’s – don’t be silly!” Marinette babbles. The classroom goes so quiet that a mouse could fart and be heard clear as day.
“Oh my god, you do,” Alya says. Great, why can’t she be in a disaster pan daze when Marinette actually needs her to be in one? “And you didn’t even tell me?”
“I’ve had a lot on my mind!” Marinette says.
“This is so romantic!” Rose squeals. “He’s your knight in shining leather!”
“Rose!” Marinette wails. Evil, the lot of them, and she’s so not talking to her classmates ever again.
“What happened to your massive crush on Adrien?” Ivan says. Adrien throws his hands in the air.
“Could everyone else see it?” he cries.
“Yes,” choruses the entire class minus Lila and Chloé.
“Sorry, dude, you’re just dense as hell,” Nino says.
“Don’t make me revoke our bro-marriage,” Adrien threatens, and Nino’s eyes widen.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
“It’s still there,” Marinette says in answer to Ivan’s question while Adrien and Nino hash out their little bro-fight. “Adrien was my first real crush and I think there’ll always be something there, but…it’s manageable now, you know?”
“This is the most disgusting sap I’ve ever heard,” Chloé says but without any malice in her voice, which is about as close to supportive as Chloé Bourgeois will probably ever get.
“Honestly, same,” Adrien says. When had he sorted out his bro issues with Nino? “I’ll always love Ladybug, and she’ll probably always be on this “freebie list” that everyone keeps talking about, but now…well, I think I realised it’d never happen.”
“Raise your hand if you’re in any way surprised to hear that Adrien was crushing on Ladybug,” Nathaniel says. If Adrien hadn’t told her so that one morning, Marinette would have been the only person in the class to raise her hand.
“I mean, you’re Adrien Agreste, so she probably would’ve tapped that,” Alix says.
“Alix!” Marinette and Adrien splutter. Alix shrugs.
“What? I’m just telling the truth. Literally everyone here’s been into Ladybug at some point. Nathaniel still draws gooey comics about Super Nathan and Ladybug.”
“Alix, I swear to god, I will stab you in the neck with this pencil,” Nathaniel says.
“Bring it on, tomato head,” Alix grins.
“Aren’t you aroace, though?” Mylène says.
“So?” Alix says. “She’s Ladybug. And I’m not totally aro when it comes to girls.”
“Yeah, which means all you bitches have to get in line behind me,” Chloé says.
“How about you go fuck yourself, Bourgeois?” Alix calls back down at her.
“Eat my entire arse, Kubdel.”
“Yeah, I’m sure this is exactly what we meant by being a good person,” Marinette jokes, seizing the change in subject with both hands like a lifeline so that she doesn’t have to keep hearing about how her classmates would do her alter ego.
“I’m becoming a better person, not turning into a saint, Dupain-Cheng.”
The classroom banter is interrupted by Ms Bustier finally entering the classroom, twenty minutes late. Everyone immediately shuts up and directs their attention to the front, no doubt remembering the events of yesterday after her akumatisation into Zombizou.
“Apologies for my tardiness, class,” Ms Bustier says with her usual smile, although there’s something a little strained about it if one looks too closely.
“Are you okay, Ms Bustier?” Max says. Marinette honestly resents him a little for having been able to largely avoid the classroom drama that had gone on just moments before with whatever device he was tinkering with.
“I’m fantastic, Max!” Ms Bustier beams. “What would make you think otherwise?”
Everyone looks around at each other, seeming to come to an unspoken agreement.
“That’s it,” Mylène says.
“Self-care time!” Rose says.
“Yay, meditation!” Kim adds as they all swarm around Ms Bustier. Even Chloé and Sabrina join them.
“You just want to fall asleep and not get in trouble for it,” Max scoffs. He visibly gulps when Kim sticks his tongue out and elbows him.
“Oh – class – I don’t –”
“You’ve done so much for us, Ms Bustier,” Lila says. “Even me, and I’ve only been here for a few months. Let us take care of you for a bit!”
Ms Bustier’s eyes fill with tears when she takes in her swarmed students. “You’re the best class I could have ever asked for,” she says shakily.
“You’re the best teacher we could’ve asked for,” Marinette says. Ms Bustier’s smile dims a little.
“That’s not quite true,” she says. “I was unfair to you yesterday, Marinette. I put the responsibility of being the better person on the one harmed instead of the one doing the harm, and I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if you had been akumatised because of me.”
“Wait, that akuma was for Marinette?” Juleka gasps. “But Marinette never gets akumatised!”
“And you took it for her?” Nino says. “Dude, you really are the best!”
“Thanks for your apology, Ms Bustier,” Marinette says. Honestly, having someone actually stop and take a minute to see just why she had been so frustrated shouldn’t be such a surprise, but that’s probably what happens after years of her bully bribing and pushing everyone around while the adults look the other way. “And Nino’s right: you really are the best teacher! If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have apologised just now.”
Ms Bustier’s smile this time as she wipes her eyes is one hundred percent genuine. “Thank you, Marinette. That means a lot.”
“I mean, I suppose I can arrange a spa session for you this weekend as a late birthday gift,” Chloé says, tapping away on her phone. “Even teachers need breaks too, I guess.”
“That’s…very nice of you, Chloé,” Ms Bustier says with a proud little smile. Chloé shrugs.
“What can I say? I’m the new Mother Teresa.”
“You do know that Mother Teresa provided subpar care to her patients, managed her charity funds rather suspiciously, and forced her colonialism on her patients to make them convert to Catholicism, right?” Max says.
“Hey, I guess Chloé’s just got really good self-awareness,” Alix grins. Chloé rolls her eyes.
“I repeat: eat my arse, Kubdel.”
“Make me, Bourgeois.”
“If this turns out to be the new Adrienette of the class, I swear to god,” Alya mutters.
“Wait, the new what?” Marinette and Adrien exclaim.
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talkingchat · 5 years
out here blogging on my depression blog but like... here’s a giant freaking miraculous ladybug rant about a whole bunch of shit i just need to get off my chest.
why are people so fucking mad at adrien constantly? don’t get me wrong the boy needs to grow a backbone but that’s? the entire fucking point???? he’s literally been sheltered by both his parents and y’all acting like one(?) year at school is gonna change his naivety?
the boy has flaws. this is his biggest one - he has no idea how the world works. he thinks believing in lila and not harrassing her is gonna help because the kid has had real friends for like a year (and his only friend before that was CHLOE and let’s be honest, he probably got used to ignoring shit because it was the only way to get past some of HER biggest flaws??). he thinks true love works like a comic book and acts like the teenager he is over it (because he is, like, what, 14??? this is literally how 14 year olds behave y’all). and no he’s not been learning any lessons - again, i really think that’s kind of the point? oni-chan really gave itself to this concept because he finally, finally had enough of lila’s shit, but he’s still too soft to completely shut her out (and for anyone bitching WHAT ABOUT MARINETTE, yes, he’s in the wrong, well done, but like, stop being so fucking whiny about it??? they’re friends. he literally. thinks. they’re. friends. he ain’t gonna do a huge grand gesture for someone who is, frankly, a newly developing relationship in his life. nathalie? gorilla? they are /family/. adrien feels very strongly about family, of course they’re gonna be the last straw!)
but going back to what seems to be most people’s gripes - his apparent playboyness/no backbone/no flaws. 
- he has no idea these girls are actually interested in him. he literally. has. no. idea. some people are this oblivious and, again, he doesn’t have a REAL frame of reference for this! oni-chan’s akumatised item - the rose, which makes everything finally click for him - is a huge deal to adrien. here’s this girl, who kept his rose, who likes him for him. not for the model and not for the fame but for him, who kept this freaking rose that was such an offhand little gesture and he probably thinks it’s super romantic? (also he wasn’t being funny with ladybug when he didn’t give her a fist bump, he was processing. let the boy fucking process something okay).
- how the fuck do you expect adrien to have a backbone with a dad like THAT? he has been kept from people and kept on a clear schedule for his entire life, it’s safe to assume. being chat noir is helping him become more confrontational and to stand up for himself - that’s why he (eventually) stood up to lila - but again, his dad isn’t actively letting him grow as a person. every attempt adrien makes is being quashed by his father trying to ‘protect’ him and just, y’all act like this boy isn’t emotionally fucking abused (which is then disney-washed and ugh it pains me).
- holy. fucking. shit. the show is painted through marinette’s perspective almost exclusively. we see a lot of flaws - his innocence, his unwillingness to get truly confrontational, his petty behaviour over ladybug’s affection (that’s really a post for another day and yes it can be toxic but again a) he’s a fucking 14 year old boy with no real frame of reference and b) HAVE YOU SEEN HIS FATHER? he treats his loved ones like his property. that’s the issue. adrien doesn’t know how to love ladybug properly, and that’s why kagami is so great, because she’s showing him this shit). but to get back on topic, she doesn’t think of him as flawed. so we’re slowly, SO SLOWLY, seeing marinette’s rose coloured glasses fall off (and we are - the last two episodes were great for it, because marinette now has an interest in luka and so she’s moving away and growing and it’s beautiful for everyone involved) and seeing adrien for who he is - still a sweet guy, but with a hell of a lot of growing up and unpacking to do.
honestly at the end of the day, all this salt is just fucking batshit. y’all act like these kids should be super woke paragons of virtue (and that IS what you’re expecting. you ask for flaws in both of them, and then when presented with them, turn around and say how shit they both are and honestly it’s the single most infuriating thing about going through the ml tag??? and i’m mobile most of the time so i can’t even block shit???)
and before y’all @ me, i’m down for lukanette. i’m down for adrigami. i’m down for adrinette. i’m down for what fucking ever the show gives us because it’s all cute as fuck but i come into these tags and can’t bring myself to look at any of the cute shipping stuff because it’s almost always accompanied by some form of character bashing and it’s just fucking insane. you want to take a good look at yourselves, miraculous fandom. seriously.
okay in summary:
- they’re all fucking kids they behave irrationally - adrien has no idea what’s socially acceptable and he’s freaking learning, give the kid a break - marinette has as many flaws as adrien does (she fucking stalked him, guys - s t a l k e d and some of y’all are out here acting like that ain’t the creepiest fucking shit but then crapping on him because he got upset that ladybug didn’t like him like????????? they both act entitled to each other jfc) - everyone is flawed (luka’s is that he’s kinda boring they need to flesh my guitar son out tbh) - all the ships are good -y’all just are impatient fucks who can’t wait for the entire story to be laid out before judging the shit
and yeah fine the show has a lot of issues and i agree with that but holy. fucking. shit. you all nitpick it so god damn much it makes me want to literally rip my eyeballs out????? i’m literally here to enjoy a cheesy ass superhero show and i want to scream instead. thanks for that, btw, clearly what i was really looking for. /sarcasm
idek this became hella incoherent but jfc.
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peachyrnjun · 6 years
Things you said when you were drunk
hiii omg love ur writing !! can i request a lucas angst to fluff when u feel tension ever since you met but you never knew it meant anything real to him until you kiss him when you’re tipsy ahhh
thank you! i'm sorry it's not my best work, writers block can be a bitch haha. i hope you like it
warnings: drinking, is angst a warning?
friends to lovers: lucas angst & fluff
"lucaasss~" the word came off as a slur into the phone as you swayed with the wind. Tipsy was a bit of an understatement for your current state, but at least drinking didn't carry the pain your best friend gave you.
-5 hours ago-
Your watched as your phone lit up, almost jumping from your seat to answer the message. You had asked your best friend, Lucas, if he wanted to get food with you. It was the closest you could come to asking him on a date, so you'd have to settle.
Lucas: I'd love to
Lucas: Do you mind if one of my friends tag along with us?
Your heart sank a little reading the messages. Of course you couldn't get the message across that you wanted it to be just the two of you without actually saying that, and asking would be too awkward.
You've wanted to scream at Lucas for being so oblivious to your passes on him, but at the same time, you couldn't flat out say that you really liked him. He had given you every reason to believe that he wasn't capable of returning the feelings. You were okay with settling for admiring him from a distance, as long as he would be happy in the end.
"y/n? why are you calling, it's almost 1 am." His voice suggested that he had just woken up, it was a sound you couldn't forget, drunk or sober.
"I forgot where i parked my car." you stumbled along the busy streets of seoul, more than likely a lot further from the bar you were just at. You hiccuped into the phone, making you let out a sluggish giggle.
Lucas sighed into the phone, "Where are you, I'll come and get you."
-3 hours ago-
"Y/n, this is Olivia, one of my new friends." Lucas introduced. "New friend" always meant something new to Lucas, but it almost always meant a new hookup.
You stared at the girl in front of you almost as if she intimidated you. Putting on the best smile you could, you said, "Nice to meet you." She stared at you with judging eyes and a smile so fake a blind person could tell.
But Lucas sometimes was the biggest idiot, "I think you two will get along well."
Boy was he wrong.
For the rest of the night, you had to sit, watching your best friend flirt with a girl who gave you dirty looks. Watching her giggle at everything he did hurt more than it should have.
You watched as she whispered something into his ear before excusing herself to the restroom. Lucas's eyes followed her body until she was out of sight.
"So what do you think of her?"
What was more important, the truth or your best friend's feelings?
"Lucasss, you're amazing you know that? Even if you act stupid most of the time." you giggled, clinging to his arm as he walked you back to his car. He was still in his pajamas and he seemed furious at your state.
"Just shut up, y/n. you're drunk."
"drunk in love~" you sang to him, a wide smile on your face as you tilted your head to look at him. He didn't return the smile unlike the other times.
"Whatever, get in the car."
-3 hours earlier-
Apparently the truth wasn't something he wanted to hear.
"What the hell do you mean you don't like her? She's great!" He almost seemed offended by your words.
"If bitchy means great, then yeah, I guess she's amazing." you rolled your eyes at him, slouching in your chair. You wanted to disappear, take back the message you sent him earlier that day.
"You're being childish. You're just jealous I actually found a great person." Really? You were childish? "It's getting late, you should really go home y/n."
His words stung like a knife to the back. A rock sat in your throat as you fought for the right words to say at his sudden seriousness. Was he really asking you to leave after you offered to take him out?
You sat in Lucas's car, humming slightly to the soft music in the background. The soft movement of the vehicle felt relaxing in a way, almost enough to put you to sleep.
"Lucass?" your words seemed to slur more than they did earlier. "I love you, like a lot." A lazy smile spread across your lips as you leaned your head against the window. "And today you hurt me a lot."
He could hear the slight pout in your voice and it made his heart sink. Lucas regretted asking for you to leave the moment the words left his lips, and being here with you drunk and upset hurt him even more.
"I love you so much, but you're a big ol idiot and can't see it cause you're stupid. A big stupid idiot." He smiled at your words, his hand reaching over to lay on yours.
"I know."
"But you don't!" You whined, sitting up properly enough to speak to him. The sudden movement made your head spin. "You've never known and you've never cared! If you cared, you wouldn't have told me to leave!"
"Oh really? I don't fucking care?"
"No!" You yelled, looking at him. If you focused hard enough you could see the anger in his eyes from your words. One hand gripped the steering wheel tight enough to make his knuckles turn white.
Lucas chewed at his lower lip before pulling the car over, turning it off completely. Though there was no one else on the road, he much rather have not been driving while arguing with you. He knew arguments with you could go on forever, both of you were very opinionated and stubborn.
"I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't care! And what about your birthday? I obviously don't care since i was the only person to celebrate it with you! Or all those night i spent up with you knowing damn well i would be tired in the morning but i guess it means nothing since i don't care."
"If you cared you wouldn't make me sit with your stupid one night stands or girlfriends that lasted a week!"
"I only made you meet them because if you're going to be in my life, i'd rather you get along with whoever i'm with! Your my best friend, my-"
"Yeah, your best friend." Without wasting another thought, you unbuckled your seat belt and got out of the car. The mixture of the cold air and alcohol made your vision go black for a few seconds. Your head spun as you stumbled away from his vehicle.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Lucas asked, grabbing your arm and turning you to face him. You didn't even notice him leaving the car due to your current state. "I'm taking you home. Now."
"I don't want to! You're being mean!" you sounded like a child throwing a tantrum. Stomping your feet and crossing your arms before wiggling out of his grip.
"y/n, stop this, let me take you home." Lucas's voice was soft now. He held out a hand for you to take, his eyes softer now.
"No! I hate yo-"
Warm lips on yours cut you off. You couldn't seem to think of anything as his hands cupped your face. The kiss was short lived but the seconds dragged on as his lips moved in sync with yours.
Kiss your best friend at 1 am in the middle of the street was something that seemed unbelievable just 5 simple hours ago, but nothing is ever impossible.
The end
[59 things you said ml]
[rules for requesting]
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bsbear · 7 years
Everyone talks about how happy BS and GS are! They are always together! Well of course they are she really doesn’t have much if a career and she can just follow him everywhere he goes. When he was with ML they were both very busy with their careers! If they were lucky they saw each other every 2 weeks! You can’t really compare the 2 relationships at all! The Voice ruined their relationship! The flirting in public with GS was really distasteful! The Tonight show was also distasteful!
Dear patrolpatron, or whoever you are, welcome. Your style of writing is so distinct that it really is a waste of time to hide behind anon. If you gonna be a bitch or an ass, be proud of it :)
Let me breakdown your insanity:
1) Yes, Blake and Gwen are together often for the following reasons: they make each other their priorities and seemingly coordinate time together and apart. They make Cali and Ok their home bases. They actually enjoy spending time with each other and make an effort to do so. Now they even have planes to travel more efficiently.
2) Sure, Gwen doesn’t have much of a career, she only travels internationally, does corporate events, put out 2 cds (a #1 Billboard album and one of the best selling xmas holiday albums, a partnership with Starbucks), is a Revlon ambassador, has a eyeglasses line, maintain her fashion empire, was the coach on the Voice for a season and now has a residency pretty much confirmed in Vegas. In addition, she has 3 kids and makes time for family. Yes, she totally has a lot of time on her hands.
At the height of Gwen’s career, it’s pretty much a peak that few has been able to achieve. Now as a women in her 40s and still having the opportunities and work she was been provided and secured is an accomplishment itself as stars fade after ageism kicks in, especially in the entertainment and music industry. She is still kicking ass and still relevant.
3) Yes, Blake and ML were busy with their careers cause they had to establish themselves like any other artists and country stars tour regularly. Saying that they didn’t have time or that the Voice ruined them pretty much states that they didn’t have much of relationship to begin with if factors as distance and time were the only barriers to them breaking up.
4) Nope, you can’t compare the two relationships at all cause each stands on their own flaws and merits. You contradict yourself telling people not to compare when you are selective in how you compare them yourself. Hence your ranting post on my blog.
5) Yep, flirting is a crime for sure and if you can only use the Tonight Show as your most convincing example of it, then you need to try harder. Fucking around when you’re married is a crime too, so shame on ML, she should be branded the letter A, and banished to isolation to repent her sins. It’s shameful how she milked her sad divorce story and promoted her album with the victim narrative. Shameful!
You’re really distasteful! It’s a shame that your life consist of trolling fan blogs, sad! Blah! Blah! Blah!
Feel free to drop by anytime as I won’t give you the satisfaction of blocking your IP. Depending on my mood, I can delete your posts or just mock you and provide some entertainment for my followers.
Piece of advice, if you gonna troll, please try to be more creative, it really gets boring and repetitive when there is no new content or arguments. However, I thank you for submitting a post which I can breakdown and mock as it’s been awhile since I have done it. Nice mocking exercise :P
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