#can’t wait to figure out how to draw dogs again tho
frisfras · 2 years
Feels nice drawing cats again tbh
0 notes
shirecorn · 3 years
how about 17 and 24? what inspires you and how do you deal with art block?
Long post warning.
Art block...
I don't actually get art block, which is probably a combination of neurodivergence and drawing every day for the last 3 years
I wrote an entire tutorial about how to do that, but didn't feel like illustrating it. Would people want to read it even without visuals?
Maybe... I'll just start rambling.
There's a couple different types of art block, and it's really just a philosophy puzzle to get past them. I'm going to assume that the things I think of slow days, or art mud, is a milder form of art block and work through that.
Art block is a symptom, not a disease. You probably have something deep inside that you don't want to face, or don't know how. Sometimes you need to discover the cause, sometimes just power through.
Method 1: Rest
Let yourself just Exist. The act of consuming art is part of the process. Watching shows and playing games, taking a break and going gardening or focus on school. This is what you need for burnout-induced art block.
Method 2: Action
I always choose action, sometimes it means a tiny 2 min sketch per day. Ugly or super simplified. As long as I don't stop moving.
Toss everything. Start every piece thinking you will throw it away.
The act of drawing moves you forward; pinning it to the fridge does not. Don't work things until they are perfect. Work them until they are there.
Art block causes and solutions:
- No Inspiration
Not sure what to draw, nothing seems appealing. Art won't come out like it used to.
Do studies from life or photos. Sketch, paint, digital, traditional, doesn't matter. Rocks, fruit, figure drawing, landscapes, buildings, anything.
Study and copy professional's work. Old masters are best, like rubens, michalangelo (only his men tho) etc because they will teach you anatomy while you work. If you copy someone with a lot of flaws, you will repeat those flaws.
Trace to learn, not to earn. Trace photography and art from anyone you want. Don't post it unless you have the artist's permission or they are dead, whichever comes first. This is strictly work for yourself, on yourself. It's not about the finished drawing.
Find an artist with a fun style and try converting stuff into their style. Don't make that your new style though and especially don't start selling it. Your style is a chimera of everyone you love, not a clone of one person.
Take blurry photos. You don't need a fancy camera or good skills or beautiful subjects. Doing studies from your own photos can spark life into your workflow.
Make challenges for yourself. Randomly generate things to combine. Try fusing characters! Don't try to make it look good, just be fun.
Doodle patterns, swirls, lines, random stuff. Try looking up art warmups and doing some of those.
- Everything Sucks
You finally see how bad you are. Or somehow you got worse. Every piece is a fight and you spend hours trying to get something right only for it to be stiff and disgusting and STILL wrong.
Why are you trying to draw good? It's enough just to draw.
Accept that your art is bad. Every artist can see flaws in their work. Your problem is that those flaws outweigh anything remotely worthwhile and hurt to look at.
So what? You're in a period of growth, not a period of production. Keep that wonky second eye. Let them have hot dog fingers.
Show everyone! Show no one! No piece of art can ever be a reflection of the artist. Not their worth, not their skill. The only thing your art says about you is "Held and moved a pen for a bit."
Make bad art. It's ok. Most of the time, the pressure to perform and get things Right is what made them wrong in the first place. Relax.
- No Motivation
The #1 killer of artists everywhere. On some level you think you should draw, on every other level you think you should stay in bed.
You are not lazy. You wouldn't have read this far in a post about art block if you were lazy. You wouldn't CALL it art block if you were lazy. Laziness is wishing you didn't have to do anything. A block is wishing you were doing something. If you think you can namecall Yourself into productivity again, you're wrong and You need to unionize so that you don't treat You like that anymore.
Consider Mental Illness. Losing interest in something that brought you joy can be a symptom of depression. I know it seems obvious, but if you're waiting for a sign that it's "bad enough," it's bad enough. Seek care if you have the means. Forgive yourself if you already know this.
Selfcare. Examine yourself for neglect. Nutrition, exercise, enrichment, social need, and sleep are all part of the art process. Eat three meals and sleep 8 hours. That's your gaymer fuel. You deserve it, I promise. Depriving yourself of your needs will make your blocks worse, not kick you into making them better.
Identify potholes. Sketchbook falling apart? Tablet cord frayed? Half your pencils missing? Chair uncomfortable? Desk hard to reach? There's a lot of things that you tell yourself to work around and get over. Just because you CAN workaround something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. A difficult work environment can cause secret dread deep inside that you don't recognize and just think you're lazy. What you think of as "no motivation" might actually be "I don't want to deal with my tablet disconnecting every time I move it wrong and I have to wiggle it for a few seconds to make it work again." These little things are like potholes in the road. Sure you CAN still drive through them, but eventually you're going to look up and realize you haven't voluntarily left the house in weeks.
Repair potholes and roadblocks. You might feel bad about buying a new pencil, headphones, tablet, car, etc because technically the old one works if you hustle. But if you're running into so many potholes you've ground to a halt, it doesn't Actually work anymore, does it? Invest, save up, request, and require working equipment and suitable conditions. This stuff isn't just cushy privilege, it's an investment in yourself and your art. You are worth the effort it takes to clear the way. If you can't afford reliable (reliable! not perfect or luxurious) equipment, then say it. If cardboard is all you can afford, draw on cardboard. But know that you deserve canvas, and one day you might be able to make the jump. Acknowledge that sometimes, if you don't have it in you to smear burned twigs on wet cardboard, the problem isn't motivation, but opportunity.
- Haven't Drawn in So Long
A unique type of art block that self perpetuates. The thought of starting again is so stressful you can't do it. Or maybe you'll do it tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow for sure.
Face your fears. Are you ashamed of your lack of drawing? Are you anthropomorphizing your paper and thinking it's going to judge you, like "oh NOW you come back >:/" I internalize voices I hear and project them onto other people, concepts, locations, and inanimate objects. Your paper, computer, WIPs folder.... none of that is judging you.
Reframe your WIPs. Do you feel shame when you see "unfinished" projects? Why? Who says you MUST bring everything you start to Finish? You don't have to. A sketch is a finished art piece; it's called a sketch! If a sketch is a fully realized creation, pages that are half colored, 75% lined, or partially rendered are all fully realized creations too. Unless paid otherwise, art is done when you're done working on it.
Lower the stakes. Draw a chibi or grab some crayons. Get messy and slowly ease yourself back into the flow over the course of a couple days. It's fine.
Get a buddy! Find an art meme, do an art trade, get a study subject, or just wing it. Drawing art alongside someone can help you get past that block.
Pretend you never stopped. Don't think about the gap, how long it's been, or rustiness. As far as anyone knows, you drew the mona lisa yesterday and didn't break a sweat. Today, you drew a starfish on your hand with a gel pen. Keep up that streak, good job!
Just keep drawing. Make a goal to do one sucky drawing per day on the back of a napkin. Don't make up for missed days, just pretend they didn't happen. Who's going to judge you? The calendar? That's pieces of paper; it doesn't have an opinion. Draw a cat on it. Done. Keeping up the momentum is a great way to prevent art blocks in the future.
TLDR: Draw imperfectly and toss it. Selfcare is king. Draw often and don't judge yourself.
Art is a process, not a product.
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Thought about something cute like reader and 5sos singing on the same festival and she’s dating cal 😭 and they switch with her guitarist and drummer boy and at first she didn’t notice but they they start to have so much fun together at the stage dancing together and doing stupid shit them following her around as she tries to prevent herself from giggling too much and actually singing 🥺🥺 and later she walks down when 5sos are performing with crystal Kay and Sierra omg 😳
+ I’m sorry I’m annoying but part two to my last asks!! I just imagine calum being all heart eyes for her minding his own business tho playing his guitar but every time he doesn’t have to use vocals or his bass he caught her hand or keep her close and ahh singing wildflower to her!!’ When at first the girls just wanted to have fun on stage with them but Calum just keeps her close the whole time singing to her and her singing back with him and being all funny and giggly together ooof
Thanks for your suggestion! It took me a minute to get to it. I did combine it with a few other suggestions. One person asked for drama and someone asked for angst. And viola! Here it is.
This is the last part of the Distance series! I’ll do an epilogue if folks want to send in some suggestions for it! HUGE thanks to everyone that sent me ideas! This series wouldn’t be what is it without you guys! 
Find the Distance series masterlist here!  Here’s my main masterlist! CW: 18+ (Smut). Angst. Lots of Fluff. 
Songs I played: Woman and From The Dining Table by Harry Styles!
Here it is at a WHOOPINg 9.6k. Enjoy!
The release of her album is followed by a tour. At first, she’s excited. Her mind runs wild with possibilities. Her fingers can’t keep up fast enough with every wonder and question she sends to Calum and thankfully, he doesn’t seem to mind the incessant buzzing. He takes each question in stride. It’s nice, in a way, for him to have the wisdom to give her. Like she doesn’t have to go in blind like he did, especially since it’s just her. He hopes he can make her feel a little less alone on the road. It can be a hard road to travel alone.
 The glimmer starts to wear off fast. Rehearsals turn her into a zombie. She’s up fairly early stretching, taking her dog for a walk, trying to remind herself that everything’s going to fall into place like it needs to, but the second she walks into the rehearsal space it feels like everything is going to fall apart. That somehow everything she’s ever wanted on tour is just too much, too much out of the budget, too much because she doesn’t have the weight to her name just yet. And maybe it’s a lot of glitz and glamour. Maybe she is asking for too much. Maybe that would be her downfall. 
Her phone buzzes. And she pauses, sitting on the floor with her mic in hand, and glances over to it. It’s Calum again. Another message that she won’t actually read until some ungodly hour in the night. He’s got to be up to his throat in worry. She can’t seem to think enough to text him back during the day. Too much is going on. She feels like she’s going to sink, just through the carpeted floor and through the concrete foundation and bury herself into the dirt. Maybe that would be a better fate for her. 
She turns her attention back to her notebook, with the crude drawing she made when she was trying to set the stage. “Let’s just,” she sighs. “Let’s start from scratch.”
And it works. Though it’s long and arduous, she’s able to figure out how to set the stage, finalizing the neon design. There’s a rough draft at the video that will be playing behind her for a wardrobe change. By the time she’s able to crawl into her sheets, it’s nearly 1 am. There’s barely enough energy to keep her eyes open to send Calum an apology text. When she wakes, she grins at her dog waiting patiently at the side of her bed.  “Ready to go, bubs?”
They give a tiny whine and rest their snout on the covers. She laughs, “Yeah, you’re ready to go.” She manages to brush her teeth and slips into a change of clothes before going out for a run. 
Between showering and getting dressed, she checks her messages. Happy to hear that you got things straightened, baby. Reach out whenever you get a breather, reads the text from Calum. 
She responds with a good morning text and then switches over to her email. At the top is an email with ‘urgent’ in the subject. She’s praying it’s not more bad news. She doesn’t quite have the heart to withstand more bad news after the progress they made yesterday. It’s details about a festival date in LA. That perfectly lines between her break between the European leg of the tour and the North America dates. She doesn’t even think twice about agreeing to the festival show. 
Right as her day winds down, from a shockingly smooth day of rehearsals, Calum calls her. And though she’s drenched in sweat from the light choreography and running it for hours, she stops and answers. “Hey, baby.”
“Oh, she lives!”
“I know, I know. Sorry.”
“Only kidding. I know you’re hard at work. It’s just really good to hear your voice. How are rehearsals?”
“Really good now. Once we got over the hump, it’s like smooth sailing.”
“Good, I’m glad. I was calling. We got word a couple days ago about a festival show right when you’re on break between legs. And I was hoping you had some free time, just to hang out.”
She can’t contain the smile, leaning her head against the window. The evening twilight has already settled outside. “I’m joining that festival too. And we’ll be hanging out in LA for a few days for rehearsals and then shipping out. So absolutely, we can hang out. I miss your face. And Duke. God, I miss Duke.”
He laughs. Of course she emphasizes her longing for his dog over him. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I really can’t wait to see you.” It falls from his lips in a whisper, a secret between the two of them that no one else can be in on. But the boys see it. Everytime his phone buzzes he does his best to look at it as soon as he can just in case it’s her. It’s harder to get out of bed, especially when he hasn’t talked to her in a while. “Can’t wait to kiss you again.”
“You’re a sap, you know.”
“But I’m your sap.”
She giggles, softly, watching cars whizz by. “Yeah, you are my sap.”
Her tour starts off well. And even though it’s her first time being out on the road like this, a constant bouncing around, and completely flipping her normal routine, she manages to cope pretty well. And it helps of course when she calls her friends, or talks to her dog. But it’s still definitely draining, pouring every bit of herself out on stage and then having just enough time to recoup before doing it all over again. There’s value in it, when the lights lift, and she can see the crowd that’s gathered just for her. It’s surreal and makes her feel like she could do this all the time. That the only thing she’d ever need is the sound of a crowd singing her songs back to her. 
In her dressing room, she swaps the gold earrings for a pair of acrylic ones, these jade green. “You’re too quiet on me,” she says, flicking her gaze down to her tablet. 
Calum picks his head up. “It’s hard to say much when perfection’s staring you in the face.”
She grins, hooking the earring back on. “Thank you, but that’s not what I meant.”
“We just got word about two more festivals in the same week you have your break. One’s in LA still, the other one’s a little ways out.” There’s no need to fake the funk anymore, or hide it away. She has another three weeks of shows before her break. And maybe he expects her to fly off the handle. Maybe he expects her to throw a fit, about how they had made plans, and it’s the only time they’ll get for each other for months. 
But she doesn’t. She nods, fingers twirling over her rings. “What are they others saying?”
“They’re itching to get back on stage. And from a business standpoint, it’s money in the pocket of course. But I know we made plans and I feel like an ass. But there’s also the band, too.”
“Our jobs aren’t easy,” she sighs. “Take the gigs.” Calum can see her eyes tearing up just a little. “Mind if tag along on the LA show?”
“Of course not. I’m really, really sorry, buttercup. I’m so sorry.”
She waves her hand, trying to keep the tears back. If they fall, they become real. It’s his job. Just like it’s hers. “I get it.” It’s tight as it leaves her throat. And it takes her a second, plus a few sips of water to get control of her emotions, and clear out all the tears that threaten to fall. He wishes he could say more, or do more. But it’s like the words die in his throat. And he’s left, mouth gaping, wishing and wanting, but unable to do anything. 
“Does it look bad if I just forgo my heels tonight from the start? They’re killing my feet on stage,” she laughs. 
It’s a small grin, upturns a corner of his mouth but doesn’t keep it up for long. “You usually end up kicking them off anyway, halfway through the show.”
“Someone’s been scrolling through my name on Twitter, huh?”
He does. Watching her is mesmerizing and he’s sad that he can’t get the chance to see it in person, so he resorts to the fan videos. But he’s yet to admit to it. “I do not do such a thing.” And there’s giggles. A fit of laughter as she looks over the outfits and plucks her oversize denim jacket and figures even in the shorts, she can make the docs Calum surprised her with work. So she slides into the worn red leather shoes and starts lacing them up. 
Calum whistles, heart racing just a little. He didn’t know those shoes had made the cut. “Look at you.” 
She strikes a pose but laughs. “Do I look good?”
“You look fucking amazing, buttercup.” 
The sound of the crowd roaring before her ears turn on will always make her heart race. Calum said he would try to sneak side stage, but considering that he had to play on the mainstage right after her set on the side stage, it might not be for long. She didn’t mind that. But she hadn’t seen him. Not a blond crop in sight, of course if he hasn’t changed his hair since the last time. Her bassist strums the opening cord and it sends the crowd into a tizzy. With her guitar strapped around, she rolls out her neck, lining up. 
As they walk out onto the stage, they launch right into the first song. She feels her fingers buzzing as she strums. But it feels good. The LA sun is hot but she kind of welcomes it versus the heat of the stage lights. There’s still a small breeze. It comes in waves for sure and she can tell that her pits are going to be soaked by song three. “How’s everybody doing?” she shouts into the mic. 
There’s cheer in response and she laughs, hearing it reverb for just a moment. “That’s what I like to hear. Just want to say thank you for coming to see me play today. Your support truly means a lot to me.”
She continues on for just a few more seconds and right as she goes to introduce the fourth song of her set, everyone in the crowd starts to get rowdy. She thinks nothing of it, as the song starts. But she knows something is happening and she turns to check her drummer and in her spin, there’s Calum, her bassist’s bass slung over his shoulder, fingers sliding over the frets, plucking at the strings. Not that she doesn’t think Calum would go for a mint green bass on his own, but she hasn’t seen one in his collection just yet. 
If it weren’t for the verse coming back up, she knows she would just stare. Singing into her mic, she throws a few glances over to him. Waiting as the harmony comes in and Calum slides up to the music, voice smooth in her inner ears, she almost melts right there on the spot. She hadn’t quite thought about the way his voice would sound with hers, but god, he harmonizes like an angel. She finishes the verse, with a small break before the chorus again. The stage is kind of small but while facing the crowd, she can’t quite see to her sides. 
She knows though. She can almost sense when Calum approaches her. She giggles just a little into the mic, watching him smile at her. His head bobbing like it always does when he gets into whatever he’s playing or listening too. Calum plays next to her, watching the way the sweat trails down her forehead, but doesn’t streak an ounce of her makeup. He almost gives in, almost bends in to kiss her on the cheek, but he doesn’t. He lets her voice and the song carry him away, into his spin and up to the drummer’s stand. One foot on the riser, Calum bobs along, laughing at his expression, the raised eyebrow that says it all. 
She gets a small break to watch the way Calum interacts with her band. Almost as if he’s known them just as long as she has. And in some ways, he probably has. She talks about Calum to them and talks about her band to Calum all the time.  Once the song ends, Calum throws one hand in a tiny wave, before smiling over at her. “Didn’t scare you, did I?” he asks, away from the mic. 
She shakes her head, sure that her cheeks will hurt after this. Laughing, she thanks Calum as he walks off stage. And she knows, she knows she shouldn’t. But she jogs after him, as her bassist comes back on, sending a smile over her shoulder too. It’s in that moment that it becomes clear, this was planned. Catching Calum right in the wings, she catches his wrist, tugging him in close before kissing him. It’s quick, but Calum’s heart races in his chest. She runs back out. “Sorry about that guys. I did not expect that.” 
And as they get back to their set, Calum watches her for one more song, the way she dances around the stage. Their gazes lock just before he leaves and he blows a quick kiss, before his security are running him down the stage steps and across the festival grounds to get back to the mainstage in time. “How’d it go?” Michael asks.
“Well,” Calum grins, throwing his brown and black bass over his shoulder. 
“Get any smooches?” Luke teases, smacking his lips together, while his arm is slung over Sierra’s shoulder. 
“And if I did?” 
“On stage?” Michael screeches. 
“No, side stage. I almost kissed her on stage. But I didn’t want that all over the internet.” Considering that they aren’t official publically in any capacity, it would just cause more headache. Their set begins and Calum knows she has to run across the festival, so he’s not worried when by the time they step out and get three songs in, she hasn’t shown up at the side of the stage. And by the time, Calum regains consciousness enough to check again, there she is, standing off to the side, still in what she performed and breathing hard but she waves, gently from the side. 
Out of reflex, once the chords are played, he gives a small wave in return. She returns the blown kiss from earlier and the other girls laugh softly at the action. “God, you guys are so fucking smitten with each other, it’s insane,” Sierra jokes.
There’s no denying it she knows. They’re like lovesick puppies and though it would normally annoy her, it’s nice. Without another word, she sips at her bottle of water and watches Calum, with all the laughs and grins he gives, pouring his soul out onto the stage. 
And though the video calls, and the calls, work. They’re not quite enough. Her tour comes to an end, but just around the corner is Calum’s tour with the band. She think she might be able to sneak another week away before she starts working on her album, but then she gets asked to perform at some more festivals in her home country. And, who is she to turn that down? The more shows she plays, the more her name is out there, the more streams, and the merchandise is purchased. It becomes an endless wheel. Things just keep going, and going, and going and the whole time, she keeps looking for the breaks. For the thing that can put her life on pause and let her feel normal again. 
Everytime she thinks she can get real time with Calum, it ends up short. He has something that comes up. She has something that comes in. It was the festival in LA and now her festival run. It’s his tour and her sophomore album. Why had she met Calum when she did? Was the universe playing a cruel joke on her? Was it taunting her that it could give her everything she wanted and then threatening to have it crumble? Sitting her hotel room, her phone shakes, another call from Calum. She doesn’t answer it, staring at the fridge in her room. She could get a drink. Wouldn’t be hard just take it from the mini fridge. 
Her phone stops shaking. And then a minute later, it chimes, letting her know that a voice message has been left behind. The third one and more likely than not it’s from Calum. She wants this. She wants the relationship, but lately, it felt like there was no time. There was no time for anything. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t pause. And that’s all she wanted. That’s all she wants right now. She doesn’t want to open that voicemail to Calum pleading with her to answer. She wants to get back to when things were easier. And obviously, they were easier because they both had nothing to do. 
Swiping her room key and her wallet, she heads down to the bar in the hotel. She orders herself a glass of wine. The glass makes a soft click as it settles down in front of her. She takes one sip. And it’s a little bitter, the red drier than she remembers it being. Soon the glass stares back at her and she can see her warped reflection. Would it just be easier for them to take things down a level? Is she afraid of hard work or more afraid of heartache?
With another two glasses of wine in her, she climbs back into the elevator and it takes her up, floor by floor until it digs and the doors slide open. The room is dark when she reenters like she left it the AC blasting. But she can see the blue light of her phone, on the desk, lighting up that corner of the room. Is it fair? If she wants to bolt, if she wants to cut ties so it makes things so much easier for them? Why couldn’t it be easy?
Calum’s sure he’s going to pull all his hair out. One moment, things are going good. They get a little tight for sure with their schedules never quite lining up to allow them more time together. But this is the third day in a row that he’s gone with nothing from her. No texts, not a returned call. Not even a meme in their Twitter thread. Nothing on her finsta. Her regular account post mainly about her upcoming shows. But he is as closed to being blocked without actually being blocked. 
“Hey, I-I don’t know if something’s gone wrong. But please, please call me back. Or text me. Or send me a voice message. Something. Anything. Please? If I did anything, please let know what it was? I’m worried. Am I losing you?”
He ends the recording and sends it. Maybe he ought to stop reaching out so much. Should he wait for her to respond before sending more? But he doesn’t want to lose her? He doesn’t want to lose what they have. He hasn’t found it with anyone else in all his searching and even in his not searching. This fell into his lap and he can’t stand to lose it. Not when there had to be something to do to save it. 
His phone sits for another day and half before she calls. He hands shake as he goes to answer it. He almost doesn’t want to answer it. His vegetable stir fry even threatens to come back up his throat. It’s not even burnt this time. But somewhere in his mind, somewhere deep, he had figured she wouldn’t ever call him back. He would be cursed to always wonder what went wrong. “Hey,” he breathes as he answers the call. 
“Hey.” It’s croaky, like she might’ve been crying. And then it’s silent. Neither one of them are sure how to bring it up. Neither of them know how to ask what’s lingering between the two of them seems almost too much for words.
“Did I do something?”
“No,” she sighs. It would be easier if he had. It would be easier if she had. It would be easier if both of them were just bad for each other. “It’s just hard.” 
“Talk to me. Let me in. We can figure it out.”
That’s the whole crux of her issue. She had let Calum in. She had let him so far in that it was starting to seem impossible to stay in her country and work. She had let him so far in that she wasn’t sure it would be possible to go months without seeing him properly. He was in everything, her bookshelves, her closet, her studio, her lyrics, her studio, in her sheets. Everything reminded her of him. And it just hurt in a way that she didn’t think being in love could hurt. In her silence, Calum continues on, “Let me look at something.” He scrolls through the emails, looking at the dates. 
“How? How do we figure it out? On your tour, the only break you have in my country I’m in promo. And after that, you only get a day here or there. Everything’s so mismatched now.” 
Calum blinks the tears that are stinging at his lower lash line. “Something’s gonna give.” Something has to give. There has to be something. Calum goes back to emails. What would be the magic code for them?
“I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
His throat jumps at her words, heart racing. “No, don’t say that. If you say that, I know what comes next.”
“Maybe it would just be easier, Calum.” 
He is sick of it. Sick of things always blowing up in his face. But he can’t make her do something. He can’t make her take the words back, even if he wants her too. “We said there was an us.” It’s not accusorary as it falls from his lips. It just hurts. Things were going so well for so long, until time proved herself the ultimate judge yet again. “So what now?” The walls of his house start to push in closer on him. 
“I’m not saying I never wanted more for us. I’m not saying that I want to cut you completely out of my life, Calum. I wanted so much more for us.”
“Me too. I want more for us.” 
“Is now a good time though? Is now going to allow us more?”
Calum wants to laugh, it bubbles in his chest and he knows it’s delivery would be dry but he swallows it back down. “If you’re always waiting for the perfect moment, you’ll be waiting for a long time.”
“Maybe there’s a better time for us. Not a perfect one. Just a better one.”
“Maybe,” he whispers. 
“You know, you’re in everything right? When you said to let you in, I couldn’t help but think that was my problem. You’re in my goddamn sheets. You’re in everything. When the sun rises, it’s like watching you smile. If you think I’m shutting you out, that I’m trying to save myself, I want you to know that I’m doing the exact opposite. I am drowning. In everything. In you. In whatever the fuck it means to be a musician. I am drowning and I can’t bear taking you down with me.”
He couldn’t possibly be in everything, not when she was in everything for him. In his journals, in the strings of his bass. When he sits down at a piano, he can’t help but think of the throaty notes that start the song she wrote about him. He can’t help but hear her voice, Brown irises and black tattoos. Maybe they were both drowning and couldn’t see anything but the water invading their own nostrils and lungs. “You’ll always be there,” Calum says, sniffling. The tears shock him, he hadn’t felt them until they’re running down his neck. He doesn’t even know where there is, but he feels it in the cavity of his chest.
That video is going to haunt him. And it’ll haunt her too. Whenever they see the videos and pictures of when Calum surprised her on stage it always shows just how fucking happy they were with each other. How things really were working for them. But right around the corner, right as she runs behind the edge of the stage, the world doesn’t see the kiss. They don’t see the tears that followed phone calls. They don’t see how schedules always seems to be running in parallel but never fucking intersectiong. That’s all they needed. Just one point to intersect, to meet again at, and maybe they would still be tagging each other in stupid memes. Maybe they would still be talking until crazy hours of the morning. Maybe they would still be writing small poems about each other and always posting them, but never saying who they were about. 
Maybe if they just had the one chance to intersect again, her second album wouldn’t be about him. Maybe she could’ve talked about the way the clouds surf in the sky. Maybe she would have pondered the questions of existence without it being tied up in lost love. Maybe Calum would’ve had more to say in interviews. Maybe then, no one would ask him about his love life and it wouldn’t hurt to goddamn bad every time one of the other boys would jump in to save him. Maybe Calum wouldn’t feel like a rock sinking to the bottom of the river and seeing the sunlight just above him, but never having the willpower to push back up. 
He hadn’t removed her number. Hadn’t unfollowed her on her finsta. Hadn’t blocked her on a goddamn platform. Because somehow that felt like a harsher step. Like a permanent close, like he was trying to erase who she was and what she had meant to him. It’s stupid, he knows. It’s insane and it’s not helping him in the slightest, but he can’t bring himself to do it. Maybe part of it was that natural and sometimes detrimental curiosity if that person was suffering just like you. He wanted to know if she bled just like him, if her pain was just as vicious as his. 
Calum watches the video loop back again. The way she bites her lower lip but runs after him. The crowd is still screaming. They are still cheering. They are still buzzing. After saving the tweet, he drafts a message to her: I know you’ve moved to New York. I hope you’re enjoying it. City makes you feel anonymous doesn’t it? I have two days off during this tour. Maybe we have our better time now? I’m sure by now you know all the best places in town for pizza. I could be down for some cheesy delights. 
Should he send that? His fingers shake. What’s left for them after a year and a half? They’ve still supported each other. He retweets about all her singles and videos. She praises the band’s new music in interviews. They aren’t unknown to each other. But somehow they feel like two ghosts. There’s a glass wall between and they look at each other just in passing. They never touch. They never intersect again. Instead, he exits the messaging app, but doesn’t actually delete the words. 
When he goes back to the message thread, about a week from their dates in New York, there’s no shock that the app hasn’t saved it. And he feels partially relieved. He exits the app again and goes back to his mindless scroll through Instagram. An app saved him this time. 
There is nothing to save him though, when he walks into the green room and spies her shrugging a coat on. The New York mornings are a little cool to the start. His heart is now in his throat. He’s not sure if he should swallow it back down. “We can go,” Ashton says quietly, taking him back his arm gently.
And somehow, like her ears are tuned in on everything, she hears something like her name, something like a soft wisp of a voice. When she looks up and sees Calum, donned in all black, though his long lined jacket has some white stitching and embroidery, she’s sure she could melt into the floor. He still looks good. Still has the same quiet pout to his face that makes him look slightly less approachable but it changes in a heartbeat when he smiles. She grabs the strap to her bookbag purse. 
She knows it was her that ended things. She knows that seeing Calum here in front of her, should make her feel embarrassed. But somehow, all she wants to do, all she’s ever wanted to do since that phone call is embrace him one last time. Tell him that he’s still handsome as ever. Promise him that she meant what she said, that he was and still is in everything. “C’mon. We gotta go,” her security tell her. 
But all she can do is stare at Calum. Unzipping her purse, she finds the note, the letter she never had the courage to send him and with a deep breath, she walks over. Ashton looks like he could probably murder her. And she doesn’t blame him. She could never blame that instinct to protect the ones you love especially from the ones that hurt them the most. “I’m sorry,” she says, holding out the white envelope. “For everything. And if we don’t ever get that better time, know I’d only ever wish the best for you.”
Calum’s fingers barely grasp onto the note before she’s sidestepping him. The boys circle around him, like they’re just waiting for his word to pounce. She steps through the heavy glass door. And she’s leaving him again. She’s going to slip through his fingers. Again. Pushing through Luke and Michael, Calum swings open the door. “Wait!” he calls out. 
She stops, spinning on her heels to face him again. Calum jogs down the corridor. All the offices have windows. Everyone is probably watching. With both hands cupping her face, letter between his fingers and all, he pulls her in close. “You’re not leaving me again. You’re not going to walk out my life a second time. Not without me putting up a hell of a fight.”
“You shouldn’t fight for me. Not after what I did.”
“Meet me tonight. Let’s actually talk about it. I’ve been holding so much inside and if, god forbid, if it’s not now if we had our shoot and we fucking blew it, at least I’ll know for sure.”
“Does 8 work for you?” She tries so hard not to wrap her hands around his wrist, not to slide it up his forearms and tug herself into his chest. And god, he still smells the same. Old Spice and Gain. It feels so right to press herself into his chest. 
“Yeah,” he mumbles into the top of her head. It’s still the same scent as before in almost two years, he can’t even believe it.
She takes a step back, patting at her pockets and pulls out a pen. Pulling the envelope from his fingers, she scribbles down a name and address. “If this place is too far from your hotel, just call me.” He watches her, jotting down more numbers. “It’s my new US number.” While handing the infor back to him, she grins just a little. “Don’t lose it now.”
Calum laughs, remembering the first time she delivered that line to him. “I won’t. Promise.”
Dear Calum, 
There’s no real way to say this that doesn’t make my chest feel like it’s been punched  in. I shouldn’t have let you go. There was a way to make it all work. There was a way so that you and I could’ve pushed through. I was just too scared of things going too right, going too well. Maybe that sounds dumb. Or maybe that sounds insane. But the truth of the matter, I messed up. I’m sorry. And you don’t have to ever forgive me. You deserve the ability to move on. You deserve everything good that comes to you in the future. I want you to be happy. Even if it’s not with me. Even if our better time has passed. 
You deserve to be happy. 
Calum reads over the letter again. Still not sure how his lungs are still operating because he was positive all the air had been exhaled. It’s the fourth time he’s read it today. Since he had Michael read it out to him in the green room. He would’ve asked Ashton, but knew that Ashton would’ve told him not to worry, to keep moving forward. Because he had, in a way. He had thrown himself into music. He had tried to chase after her in other people. He had read all the books on poetry, and love, and philosophy. But something down in his gut told him that he would never let her go again if he got a second chance with her. 
He looks at the date. She wrote it six months after everything went south. Maybe she forgot to send it. It had his name on it--just never fully addressed out though. She could’ve messaged him. Emailed. Called. Literally anything and he would’ve answered. But hadn’t she? What held her back? And just as he goes to read it over one more time, the door chimes open. He looks at his phone. Just as the time ticks over to 8. And when he glances over his shoulder, there she is. In the same jacket from before. 
The little pizza shop isn’t too loud. Most people come in just to get their few slices and then dip right back out. She smiles, waving just a little before sliding onto the stool next to him. She points to the letter, that he hasn’t even moved to put up, “Sorry it’s not my best work. I thought about finding a synonym for happy but nothing fit right.”
With a breathy chuckle, Calum folds the letter up, slipping it into his pocket. “What do you recommend off the menu?”
“God, with this place, anything.” 
They settle back down on the stools, paper plates not fully supporting the extra large slices and a stack of napkins between them. The grease runs down his chin and Calum feels it rolling too. But his hands are full trying to keep his slice from falling. She laughs, dabbing at his face with a napkin. “I still see you’re the messiest eater around.”
“Hey, hey, it’s not my fault,” he grins. Their giggles dissipate as the bell chimes again, a signal of another patron entering. “What happened?” The question doesn’t feel full enough, doesn’t feel like it fully encapsulates all the confusion he holds. But yet, those are the only words he has.
“A lot started happening all at once. Your tour, my second album. More shows. It just-I felt like I couldn’t breathe. That I wasn’t a person. And maybe part of it was selfish. Maybe I was trying to save myself all along and I was just telling myself and you that I wasn’t selfish. I really am sorry. Like, if I had known, god if I had known that doing that would’ve caused all the pain it did, trust me, I wouldn’t have. If I could go back and tell myself, that crazy shit happens and you just gotta learn how to keep your cool, I’d do it in a heartbeat. It was a mistake letting you go. But at the same time, reaching out felt wrong too. Like I would’ve been ruining the peace you had created for yourself. And I didn’t want to do that either.”
“You know, I felt like we had something different. Like that was really going to be it for me and I had finally figured out this whole being in love thing. That I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. And maybe that was my mistake. Maybe I saw something happening and didn’t do anything.”
“We were living continents away. With everything happening, you weren’t seeing all of it. No need to blame yourself.” She takes his hand, slipping her fingers between his, twisting at the silver band around his middle finger. “I do want you to be happy, Calum. I want you to be so happy it just can’t be contained.”
“I was with you.” He squeezes her hand, willing her to look at him and not the street in front of them, through the glass. 
“I’m still not in L.A.”
“But you are in the same country as me now and I will take that.”
“You’d still take me back after everything?” When she looks at him, brows furrowed together, Calum knows he’s a goner. He always was with her. 
“I would.” 
“You’d be crazy.”
“I am already crazy. Because I’m tempted to ask you where you’re staying and if I could stay the night.”
He’s leaned in to her, just a hair. And she leans in too, resting mostly shoulder to shoulder. “You are crazy,” she laughs softly, taking in the reflection of the neon lights on the street. “But maybe I’m also crazy too.”
The night is cool again. Both of their boots scuff the concrete. She doesn’t stay far from the small diner, a ten minute walk really. With fingers threaded through each other, they walk huddled close up the sidewalks. The wind whips across their faces. They dodge piles of trash on the edge of the sidewalks and they keep their heads down so as to not attract a crowd. “How do you like New York? Got to be a huge shock?”
“It most definitely is. I like feeling anonymous here. With so many people around.”
“I know you said you don’t do well with people and New York feels like the opposite of the place you want to. Especially not in the city.”
“I mean, I still don’t do great with people. I’m in the city for the time being. But I have my eye on a few places further out. But after everything, I felt less lonely here. I don’t know. No one cared about who I was. No one cared what the fuck I was doing here. And I liked it better that way. Back home, everyone knew. Everyone looked at me like I was a broken vase. Here, no one gave a shit. It’s move or be moved here. Forced me to come to terms with everything. Forced me to accept everything I was trying to hide.”
“Do you need to go to your hotel? Grab or bag or something?” She asks just before they pass the opening for the subway. 
“I have my roomkey. It’s all good. All the interviews were today.” 
“As long as you’re sure.”
He gives her hand another squeeze. “I’m sure.” They reach the door to the complex and she digs out her keys, opening the front door. Calum follows her through the second set of doors. The elevator is a little janky as it carries them up, and definitely tiny. In the space, they’re pressed chest to chest. There are a few extra lines around her eyes, he notices and runs the pad of his thumb over the skin. It’s just as soft as it’s always been. She feels so familiar under his touch, yet so new. 
It’s not a far ascent and she laughs when he pouts as she pulls away. “Just like four more steps.” 
It’s true to word, when they step out of the elevator, her door is directly in front of it. Her keys jingle just a little as she works the lock and pushes into the chipping red paint of the door. Her dog leaps from the couch, greeting her and then barking just a little when they spot Calum. He laughs, kneeling to hug them to his chest. “You still remember me, huh?” he laughs, as they attempt to lick his face and jaw. “Oh, too long, I know. Sorry, bubs. Didn’t forget about you.”
She takes his jacket, hanging it by the door. “Want anything to drink?”
Calum shakes his head from her couch, working at his shoes. “No, I’m good, thank you.”
She nods, watching as her dog claims Calum’s attention. But she can’t find an ounce of herself to be mad or annoyed. So she slips out of her shoes and puts them up, before getting herself a bottle of water. When she settles onto the couch, she just laughs at the antics. Calum keeps trying to say something but at every twist, her dog is right there, plopping themselves in his lap. Calum eventually gives up and wraps his arms around their body, scratching lightly at their fur. 
“Someone missed you too,” she teases, putting her two fingers really close together. “Just a tiny bit.”
His laughter echoes in her head. “Yeah, clearly just a little.” He lifts his head just a little when he feels the wet tongue at his chin. “So, you’re working on your third album?”
“On and off,” she admits. “Playing more shows than anything for the time being. I don’t have to think. Everytime I think too much I end up fucking something up. So I’m just taking it easy for the time being. Taking some brand deals.”
“You’ve got a collab coming out soon, right?”
She nods at the question, laughing as her dog finally settles down. “Yeah, next month. I’ve always lived kind of a boring life, you know that.”
“There’s a lot I don’t know.” He can finally shift, as her dog wanders over to the water bowl, so that he can sit in front of her. It’s a dangerous game. He’s played it before with her. But he takes her chin into his hands. “We haven’t really talked in a while.”
“Is there something you want to say, Calum?”
“Yeah,” he returns simply. Her breath hitches, eyes searching his brown ones for something, anything that tells her what’s going on. “I wonder if your lips still feel the same. I always thought about the way you’d laugh sometimes into a kiss. And it used to haunt me. But right now, I want to find out if anything else has changed.”
She wastes no time, pushing up and sealing her mouth around his. His hand slides to the back of her neck and she pulls at the collar of his shirt. They fall into each other, then falling into the arm of the couch. She exhales her laughter, still pecking at Calum’s lip. Her fingers tease the skin of his upper chest and neck.
“I was right,” he grins. 
She hooks her finger around the gold plate. “I guess you were.” She pulls him back in for another kiss, slipping her hands into his hair. 
As his lips trail over her jaw and down to her neck, she thinks about the time at her apartment back home, Calum woke her up with kisses down her jaw. They still feel the same. Maybe even a little bit better. His finger push up the hem of her shirt, squeezing at the flesh of her side. She sighs and Calum groans at the sound. It sets off everything in his body when he hears her quiet noises of pleasure. 
“Is this okay?” he asks, pulling away to look at her as his fingers brush over her skin. “I don’t want to push you or take things too fast this time.”
Being with Calum feels like no time has past, if she’s honest. She doesn’t have the butterflies, just the comfort of someone she’s known for a year. And it sort of feels like they’re picking back up from where they left off. “I’m okay with it.”
He grins and she sees it--that rising sun in the gleam. His forehead rests against her. “I kinda feel like we have a lot of lost time to make up for.” His lips brush just over hers as he speaks. 
She exhales her laughter again, but agrees. “Just a little bit. I really am sorry.”
“We all make mistakes. You just have to communicate with me, okay? That’s all. Talk to me this time. If you feel like you’re drowning, let me help. Please.”
She pushes up and Calum settles back down into the cushion, taking her hands into his. “I know things won’t be like, perfect now. But I guess, it’s really important that we do get to spend quality time together.”
“It is. And I know my tour schedule is pretty packed right now, but there’s another longer break in about three weeks. They’re LA shows. I don’t know if you have plans, but if you do, we can hang out then.”
She has to laugh because here’s the trouble all over again. “Booked recording sessions then.”
“Okay, well, the week after that is the break between legs. What are you doing then?”
“Nothing.” There’s a break between sessions, and she had just planned to use the time to breathe. 
“I’ll fly you out then. Just you and I and my rehearsals. But that’s besides the point.”
Laughing, she rests her head into his bicep. “Just you, I, and your rehearsals. Got it.”
“We’ll have to better plan out things, that’s all. We’ll have to look at both our schedules and make sure that there’s sufficient breaks and time together.” He guides her head up. “I want you. And I mean all of you. I can’t stand to lose you again.”
“I just have to make sure Ashton doesn’t kill me.”
“He’s protective, yes. But not an evil. I’ll talk to him. Don’t you worry.” 
“He did write a whole song about how he’d bury a body for you. So I think I have a little bit to worry about.”
Calum laughs, shaking his head. “Maybe just a little bit.” Her grin makes him want to bottle it. He wants to carry it with him in his pocket. Leaning closer, he kisses her again. “But right now, it’s just you and I. There’s nothing else but time for us right now.”
She hums. “I like the sound of that.”
Fingers trail back under shirts. She drinks down his moans as they tease, barely touch. Calum’s shirt is discarded in the living room and her is pulled off in the hallway. Calum holds her face in his hands, memorizing the way her teeth sink into his bottom lip in the gentle nip. He moans. Fuck, she feels so good against him. 
Her spine shivers as his fingers trail to her back and unsnap the band of her bra. As the fabric falls from her shoulders and she tosses it somewhere, Calum takes a hand just to cup her. His fingers roll the erect bud and she sighs again, mouth falling slack against his. He laughs. “Hmm, that’s right. Someone does like their nipples played with.”
She grins though, blinking open her eyes. “Don’t think I forgot that you don’t listening to rules and like a little pain.”
Finding her waist with both hands, Calum holds her in close. “You wouldn’t dare.”
She bends her knees, just a little and with hot and open mouth kisses she trails down his chest before taking her teeth into the meat of his peck. Calum jolts, a grunt falling over his lips and throat. “I would dare,” she returns. 
They fall into her sheets, the same golden ones from before. They’re just as soft against Calum’s skin. It’s warm, as their skin heats up. Her skirt has landed somewhere to the floor and Calum pushes his hips up as she shrugs the denim down. She kisses over his thighs, moaning just a little. Calum lets his eyes flutter close at her soft kisses. 
Everything just feels right. Even as Calum takes a nipple into his mouth, tongue teasing her just a little. Or when she kisses over his length. But right now, she tosses her head back when Calum pries her legs open kissing up her inner thighs. “I’ve dreamed of this,” he whispers, watching as she clenches, more of her arousal leaking from her. 
She huffs, pulling a hand through her hair. “You sure do know how to make a girl sweat.”
“It’s a speciality,” he laughs with a wink before kissing her clit. She balls on fist around her sheets, stomach completely clenched. The last thing she wants is to have to wait much longer for anything. The anticipation can be a good thing, though she’s doing everything she can to keep her cool. That is, until Calum finally takes the first lap from her and she unravels, a moan leaving her throat as it mixes with a whine. 
He takes his time, pushing her thighs and knees to give him all the access he could ever want. Calum licks another stripe over her, before sucking her clit into his mouth. She taste better than he could’ve ever imagined. Every sound she gives--moans, groans, or a whine--rattles in his brain and spurs him on. One of her hands finds it’s way into his hair and she tries to push up with her hips and his face down into her core. But it’s not like he needs the assistance or the reminder. When he trails down to her opening, his nose brushes over her clit and her body is reeling. 
“Oh, fuck,” she whines, feeling the coil in her lower gut tightening. 
Calum hums at the sounds, and when she praises him, tells him that he’s the only one to make her feel this fucking food, he rewards, slipping a finger into the mix, pushing up into her. “Is that so?” he asks, watching her head dive deeper into the pillows. 
“God, Calum,” she huffs. 
Another finger finds it way inside, pushing and curling in all the right places. Her body feels like it’s on fire. She feels like she’s a coil so tightly wound she’s going to break. His tongue flicks across her click, lapping at her. And that’s it, that’s the right combination to send her over the edge. Over she goes, with a yelp, her orgasm rocking her frame and toes curling as she cries out for Calum. 
He keeps her going, keeps curling his fingers at her. So lost in the way she sounds. And when the huffs turn into a hiss, he pulls back. She beckons him up, kissing him and tasting her own arousal coating his lips and tongue. He’s careful not to settle fully against her, but it’s quickly changed when her legs come up and lock around his waist. “I’m not gonna break,” she laughs, when he finally let’s go and sinks into her. 
She swallows his response with a kiss but it doesn’t matter anyway. Her hips come up and Calum rolls onto his back, letting her settle atop him. Her nails rake down his skin and she sucks at his neck, he’s sure it’ll bruise just a little but it’s okay with him. His nails dig into the flesh of her hips, not sure if he wants the friction right now or if he just needed to revel in the feeling of her against him. 
“Shit,” he whines when she rocks over him. “I-fuck.”
She laughs, pulling away to reach into her drawer. “That sounds about right.”
Calum delivers a swift swat to her ass at the joke, but laughs anyway. “That is not funny.”
“Then why are you laughing.” When she turns her attention back to him, condom in hand. She stretches down to kiss him again. “Did I ever tell you you’re not the only one that likes a little pain?”
His eyebrows arches and he smooths over her ass before delivering another spank to her opposite cheek. She sighs, eyes fluttering close just a little. “Oh, buttercup, you should’ve never told me that.” 
“We can save it for another time? Because right now the only thing I can think about is riding you until the sun rises.”
Kneading at her breast, Calum grins. “Now, that sounds about right.” 
There’s a moment, right as she settles down on him fully, that they both moan at the feeling. Calum because of the warmth and slickness, her because of the stretch. Her head is dizzy again with need. She steadies herself with her hands planted on his chest and rocks. All she can focus on is the girth of him, stretching her completely open. It makes her toes tingle and she falters, falling into his chest, but starts a new cadence, pulling up and settling back down on his length. 
“Holy shit,” he huffs. She buries her face into the crook of his neck and Calum coaxes her out, to look at him. “You don’t get to hide from me, not again. Wanna see that pretty face when you cum.”
Her hips are still rocking but she nods, eyes fluttering close just for a moment. Calum kisses her, and it’s his turn to swallow down the moan she feeds him. She pushes back up, pulling her own breast between her fingers. Calum loses the top of his head, he’s sure, watching as she rides him. His fingers trail over her hips, up to her stomach. “Why’d you have to be so handsome?” she teases breathy. 
He’s not sure how to respond. Unsure of the heat he feels is a blush or the sweltering of arousal flooding his body. She takes one of his hands, trailing it towards her heat. And Calum takes the hint, thumb circling the bundle of nerves. Her head falls back on her neck as a hum builds in her chest. Calum kneads at her right breast, pulling and pushing at every button he can to have orgasm again for him. 
A high pitched squeak falls from her. The bed taps against the wall, but neither one of them really cares. Her orgasm washes over it, like a wave crashing into the shoreline. She shudders, clenching around him and falls again into his chest, but pushes up onto her elbows, remember Calum’s early demand. “Fuck,” she whines when he starts to fuck up into her. He pulls her body up and she’s useless, body still like jello from her orgasm. Her words catch in her throat. 
“It’s okay,” he whispers into her ear when she bites down onto his shoulder. “You know I like the pain.”
“Feel so good,” she returns. “Calum, shit, you feel so good.” His hips start to stutter, trying to ride out for longer, but knowing that inevitably he’s at the end of his rope. She kisses over his neck. “Cum for me, yeah? Please.”
Who is he to deny her? Who is he she to defy her? He ruts up once, twice, and she clenches hard, taking most of the wind of his third thrust but he cums hard, arms squeezing her to his chest and he knows he’s loud in her ear as he groans. Though, it’s suspected that’s just the sound she wanted to hear as she seals his mouth with hers. 
Calum wraps the towel around his waist. She’s already under the cover, with them flipped down for him. She pats the spot in the mattress. He can see some of the hickies covering her chest that he left behind. Without much thought, Calum dries off a bit more and then slips between the sheets. “Hey,” she whispers. “Come here often?”
“My first time actually. But the first of many, I hope.”
Her nose scrunches as Calum taps it. “Yeah, of many. I brought your phone into the room. Put it on my spare charger. And I know that it’ll go off at 5:55 AM. No, you don’t have to turn it off. I know it’s important to you.”
“You--you still remember that?
“I don’t know if you really remember. But when I said that you were in everything, you were everywhere. I meant it.” She turns to her back, the sheets tucked up to her chin. Both of them are bare beneath them. 
Calum’s taken up drawing random patterns on her stomach as he holds himself up on his elbow, facing her. “I remember. Could never forget that.”
“Guess we might’ve meant for something more, something better.” Her voice is soft. The blinds in her window let the lights of the city in. Nothing about it is quiet as sirens pass by. Calum lets his head fall into her pillows. She turns, both of them now facing each other again. Her arm slides over his waist. He throws one of his legs over hers. 
She’s content like this, where she can kiss across the tattoos on his chest. Though she can’t really see the one just under his peck, she thinks about the question poised there. Why would she choose anything other than Calum? It remains quiet for a while and she thinks he’s fallen asleep until his chest rumbles. 
“We were. It was just a matter of getting there. Finding the right path for us.” He’s positive, as she shuffles in a little closer that this is it for him. And if he has to fight hell, heaven, or high water, he’d do it all for her. 
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Book Four - Part 9
Dapper wakes up somewhere new, feeling unwell, while Trick struggles alone in his room. Red, Blue, and Dok come home to help.
Tws for imprisonment, major illness, psychosis, sedation, and verbal and physical aggression from Anti.
Part 9 - The Locked Room
Anonymous asked: Sorry for saying you were a joke... it's just that your source material didn't really paint you in a nuanced or multidimensional way, and that's mostly what we're all basing our understanding on... You're a bit of a prick tho
Your camera comes back to life in unfamiliar hands as afternoon light spills across black hair and turns it to gold. Silver turns you gently in his palms, curious and bright-eyed, the panic of the night before gone from his face. Closer up, you can see some of the ways in which he is not Mark - a pair of small scars across his chin, a habit of picking at his lips that leaves them raw and red, a gauge in one ear.
As for your camera, the tiny symbol of an eye that usually resides in the corner, either opened or unopened, has been replaced by a small, presumptuous G.
“Hi,” says Shep, sat on his bed and looking at you. He hears footsteps down the hallway outside his room and furtively tucks you against his side, waiting for the steps to pass before he draws you out again.
“Hi,” he repeats, beginning to smile. “This is cool. I actually have a way to talk to you. Yeah, no, it’s okay. My source material is a joke, that’s why I said it even before you did. But - a prick?”
He pauses, glancing away.
“A prick,” he repeats in a mumble. “I think that’s new… I like that, let me just…”
He hops out of bed and takes a journal from one of his dressers, and then opens it up to reveal a long list of descriptors, some more inane than others, all printed in scrappy handwriting down the lines of his notebook. There are general adjectives in some places - “strong,” “bold,” “foolish,” “cute,” “conniving,” “selfish,” “clever,” “sweet” - but other places have full phrases or apparently random words - “you fucking annoyance,” “loves kids,” “buddy,” “your own kind of superhero,” “my soldier,” “a joke Mark forgot about,” “martial arts nerd,” “eats all the fucking candy in the house” - and it goes on for pages and pages.
On the first open line, he pulls out a pen and writes “a bit of a prick.”
Anonymous asked: damn, shepard. what happened to you lot?
Shep puts down his pen and turns to you, grinning. “Ah, you’re gonna have to be a little more specific than that. It’s been a long… eight years? And you haven’t exactly kept up to date with me. Which isn’t your fault. I guess. Not really.”
He side-eyes you, flipping his pen between his fingers.
“Anyway, this is my first year back in Dark’s houses for a while. I was living in the city for a few years after Dark kicked me out because I kept, uh. Bringing criminals back to the house for interrogations. They said I brought too much attention to us, so they had Google throw me out. Guess I deserved it… it turned out to be mostly okay. I had my own apartment for a while. My own pet rat. I was teaching martial arts and making rent. Then I kind of got into some trouble trying to be a fucking hero again… and I got lonely. Stressed all the time. Can’t keep a girlfriend. Rat died. Kind of a breaking point for me. So I came back here. Because of course I did. Because I always do. Because I don’t have any purpose without somebody else fucking giving it to me.”
He sighs bitterly, scratching at the web of cuts on his leg from Anti’s vines last night. Some of them are fairly deep, but he’s just stuck a mess of Band-Aids over the top and went to sleep with a towel beneath his legs just in case.
Anonymous asked: are you happy with this, shep? i'm trying to figure out how much we can trust you.
“You can trust me entirely, we’re just not on the same side,” answers Shep frankly, raising his eyebrows at you. “What’s not to trust? I belong to Dark. That’s true. There you go. Make of it what you will. And as for being happy, it doesn’t bother me. I’ve done much nastier things for Dark and enjoyed them much more. Parts of my life are still hard on me, but I’ve done what Dark tells me for the better part of eight years, ever since I pulled my head out of my ass and realized Mark was never going to come back and make me a real hero. So now I make my own choices. Sometimes I make ones he probably wouldn’t make for me. Sometimes I make ones almost no one else would be able to make. And that’s freedom. That adrenaline… that knowing that you are changing someone else’s life, that you matter, even in the worst fucking way possible… that’s freedom.”
Anonymous asked: are you doing ok, shep? seems like your life's been a bit of a mess.
“Yeah,” laughs Shep. “Honestly, things are fine now. I’m just never getting out of this house, you know? I don’t know. Ippy moved out two years ago. Yan’s in prison and nobody wants to bust her out after what she did. Dark has Google throw out or kill anybody who annoys them. Wil travels half the year, Eric works at the aquarium, Host’s published, even the twins have jobs, haha. And Bim…”
Silver scratches bitterly at his legs, maybe trying to draw a little blood now, bored of the scabs.
“Ran off about four months ago,” he mutters. “I miss him. Asshole. Didn’t tell me where he was going. Doesn’t answer his phone. Could have taken me with him. There was nobody quite that chaotic. I don’t know, maybe Dark just killed him to stop him from making our faces too public like he always wanted to, the little showman. But no, it’s okay. I’m like Google, you know? I’m just always going to be stuck in this fucking house. But I like it pretty well. Dark keeps me busy. And I like when the others come visit. I’m pretty much friends with everybody. Maybe I’ll get another rat soon.”
He flashes you a sudden look of alarm, his hands drawing away from his legs.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m… first time I get to talk to you in years and I don’t have anything worth saying, I just - I can tell you stories! Maybe. Uh. I’m not good at telling stories. Ask Host. I should have taken video then so I could have something to show you. You’re going to forget again and then all of this will be for nothing and no one will even see me differently. Eight years! Fuck. Do you want to go talk to somebody else? I bet you do. Well, sorry I’m not good enough for you, okay? Guess I never was. Whatever.”
He shoves the camera onto the bed, picking tersely at his mouth.
The door swings suddenly open. A figure in a long coat leans against the doorway, crossing his arms.
“I can hear you being a little bitch all the way from my room,” drawls Host.
“Oh, fuck off!”
Host laughs and leaves him again. He’s not interested in chatting.
“This story isn’t about us,” he calls back at Shep. “Don’t damage the narrative integrity with your need for their attention. Let them see their baby brother. He’s not well.”
Anonymous asked: hey, shep, don't you start saying you're not good enough for us. no matter what mark says or did to you, made you a joke or whatnot, that doesn't mean you can't become something different. and i have no doubt that one day, people will know you, and people will love you. maybe you'll have your own story. you just... can't rely on mark to write it for you. sometimes you have to do things like that for yourself. and for what it's worth, i think you're pretty cool. you're different. for example, what's up with that book you just wrote in?
Shep grins weakly, acknowledging the foolishness of his own outburst.
“I try to get rid of the thoughts of him,” he says. “You should hear Dark snarl about the stories Mark told about them… but I’m just jealous. It’s stupid. And you guys - you never - ”
He shrugs and lets out a huff, the irritation fading again. He knows it’s all useless and unfair, but it never stops eating at him. What could have been. But he tries to cheer up for you.
“These are just things I am or might be,” he says, hefting the book. “Things other people have called me. I try to figure out which ones are true. And which ones I want to be. I’m not good at that part so much, though. Sometimes I decide I want to be, like, nice, but then next thing I know I’m shouting at somebody for looking at me wrong, ha. I’m glad the others put up with me. I mean, some of them are dicks. But we kind of make a team together.”
“I’m not what I was then,” he adds after a moment. “So maybe I broke away a little. But at the same time, I’m not sure the story I’ve told is the one that I wanted. Or the one that I want.”
Anonymous asked: it's okay, shep, we don't mind hearing you talk. could we go see dapper, though? i'm a little worried about him.
Shep lets out a sigh, breathing out some of his anxiety. “Yeah. Sure. Is that actually his goddamn name? We’ve got some pretty nutty names around here, but not ��Dapper.’ I guess it’s kind of cute.”
He gets to his feet and scoops you up, wandering down the stairs. The house is quiet but for the whirling of a fan overhead and the buzzing of a show somebody left playing on the TV. Out in the yard, you catch a glimpse of a few of them playing badminton, dropping the birdie most of the time and then racing each other to pick it up and bring it back to their side. Wilford’s booming voice drifts into the house as though from much farther away than it is. Around their feet, barking joyfully, is a dog almost as enormous as Anti’s wolf-like form, wagging its tail furiously and racing to the birdie along with its owners.
“Actually,” says Shep, pausing outside the only door with extra locks. “I’m not sure Ippy will want me inside. Let’s see if he’s in here.”
He pushes the door gently open. Edward only glances up for a second before turning back to his notes. It’s a makeshift clinic room, barely even the size of the bedrooms, and it’s cramped with a desk and a bed and some examination equipment and dressers with supplies in them. Dapper’s on the bed, tucked up tight, asleep.
“What’s that?” asks Ippy.
“Uh, a camera.”
“Is it now?” he answers dryly.
“There’s an audience or something.”
“Is there someone who can tell me what’s going on with my patient?”
“Well. I guess. I think.”
Ippy reaches out, beckoning for the camera. Shep hands it over and Ippy drops you on the bed, still scrawling in his little notebook. “I’d like medical history, please, allergies, recent injuries, notable behaviors, sleeping habits, blood type, next of kin, etc. Start talking.”
Shep chuckles at his bluntness and pulls up a chair beside him, grinning at his friend as he works.
“What are you looking at?” mutters Ippy, and he reaches out to shove playfully at Shep’s head. “Called me in on my day off for this, huh. Fuckers. You’re lucky he’s actually sick or I’d be peeved.”
Anonymous asked: you can always change. seriously, shep, it's never too late to become someone different. and i'm sorry that none of us did anything. it's difficult, when mark made so many videos and gave so many more characters attention and left others with nothing. you did not deserve that, and i'm genuinely so sorry. does mark still even make videos? we haven't heard anything about him in a long time.
“You’re talking to them about this?” asks Ippy.
Shep shrugs, settling down in his chair.
“It’s very simple, Shepherd. Mark doesn’t have much control of his power and even if he did you were still early enough that you would have been created.”
“I know, Ip.”
“Telling a story about you would only limit your freedom and subject us to more publicity, which is dangerous.”
“I know, Ippy.”
“The audience can’t do anything for us without videos and them dwelling on the thought of us does not make you any more of a - ”
“I know, Edward!” snaps Shep. “Okay?”
Ippy rolls his eyes and turns back to Dapper.
“Mark makes videos sometimes, but he focuses on bigger productions,” adds Shep with a sigh. “I think he mostly wrapped up ego stuff, but you never know with him. We don’t talk. And ever since he got that bigger deal as a real producer - ”
“Can we not talk about Mark?” asks Ippy. “I don’t like hearing about him. He’s fine, I guess, but I just prefer to live a Mark-less life at this point, thanks. A life unmarked by Mark, as it were.”
“You really are peeved today.”
“I just have boundaries, Shep, maybe you should learn some.”
Dok wakes to the buzzing of the lights in the bathroom.
He shifts uncomfortably, feeling his back protest, but the cold plastic of a hospital chair is much better than waking up in that room back in the house, aching on the unfinished floor, dreaming of spiders crawling over his skin. He shudders and sits up, pulling his - oh. This is Red’s hoodie, wrapped around him. He sighs and glances at his brother splayed over the side of Blue’s bed, dead asleep.
The bathroom is silent but for those burning lights. He waits a long time, but nothing moves.
“Blue?” he calls wearily, getting to his feet. He knocks his fist gently against the door. “Okay? Want the nurse or something?”
Blue doesn’t answer.
“Hey, Blue, no silences,” he begs with a sigh, rubbing at his head. “Too many nights finding Trick hurting himself in the bathroom. Come on.”
Blue mumbles something. Dok grimaces and pushes open the door.
He’s okay, which he’s grateful for, though he’s almost too tired to be relieved. He steps forward and takes Blue carefully by the wrists. He was just standing there staring at them. Too intently. Too blankly.
“What’s going on?” asks Dok.
Blue turns to look at him and his eyes are fogged and all but blind. Dok touches his cheek to ground him, sighing in his brother’s stead.
“Don’t have to be sorry. Tell me what’s up.”
“I don’t… know. Just… looking at myself. So weird.”
“What’s weird?”
Blue reaches out and touches his own reflection on the surface of the mirror.
“Not me,” he mumbles. “More and more often, it’s not me. Not real. It makes me feel really… I don’t… I don’t like it.”
Dok shifts on his feet and pulls his sibling’s fingers away. “That’s called dissociation,” he says. “I get it too sometimes when Anti uses me. It can’t be easy having been possessed so often lately.”
Blue shakes his head numbly, managing to fix his eyes on him for a moment. “Dissociation,” he repeats.
“Let’s ground. Tell me three things about your body.”
“Look. In the mirror. Tell me three things about yourself. Anything. Obvious things. It’s okay.”
Blue stares into the mirror, blinking. His mouth parts. But he doesn’t say anything. After a moment, there are tears welling in his eyes.
“Blue,” breathes Dok.
“Sorry,” repeats Blue frailly, turning away from the sight of himself, covering his face with his hands. He doesn’t want to see himself. He doesn’t want Dok to look at him. He doesn’t want anyone to look at him ever again.
“What’s going on?”
“I just want Anti’s fucking head, alright?” snaps Blue. “I just want to murder him. And then I’ll feel like myself again, and I’ll get my magic back, and then my body back, and we can have a chance to be okay again. And until then I just have to deal with this. Until I rip his goddamn throat out. Like I promised him I would. When my hands are covered in his blood, then I’ll feel better.”
Dok looks at him, taken a little aback. His hands curl together nervously on his stomach. He stares down at the floor.
Blue sighs bitterly through his teeth, shaking his head. “I know you don’t like talking about blood. Sorry.”
Dok shrugs. “Is fine.”
“Dok, I just can’t take much more, you know that, I know you feel the same way… surely you get this same bloodlust, don’t you, my darling? He’s been torturing you. Don’t you want to torture him back?”
Dok’s stomach turns. He takes a step back, shaking his head.
“I would not like to ever torture anybody ever again,” he says quietly. “I have had my fair share, thank you.”
They stand side-by-side in the bathroom, frowning together, cold.
“What if it doesn’t make it better?” asks Dok.
“What if killing Anti doesn’t make it feel better?”
“Killing Anti will solve most every problem of mine I can think of,” answers Blue soundly, straightening up.
“Oh, goodness,” grumbles Dok, rolling his eyes. “I’m not even going to start with you.”
“Better not, you sassy little monkey man.”
“Monkey man? I am monkey man? How dare you say this.”
“Yeah. You’re bananas.”
“Blue, I will end you.”
But he’s laughing now and that’s what matters. Dok snorts and rolls his eyes, trying to let himself laugh a little too. He leaves the bathroom and flops down on his chair, gazing at Blue as he limps back into his bed and sits down. They look at each other for a long moment, trying to make each other smile with their own tired grins.
“I’m sorry you’re hurting,” whispers Blue. “I wish I could keep all of you safe.”
“Don’t have to be sorry,” Dok says again, letting his eyes slip shut. “I know you’re trying so hard. It’s not your fault at all.”
“I’ll kill Anti for you,” Blue swears, his eyes shining through the haze that seems to lie over them most days. “Then we can be okay again.”
“And what if we can’t?” asks Dok, barely even registering the words before he feels them leave his mouth. “What if we can’t kill him, Blue? What happens then?”
Blue stares out at the smog of the sky, wishing he could see the stars.
“Then I think he’ll kill us instead,” he answers simply. “And then, either way… it’ll be over.”
Dok nods slowly, not opening his eyes. Blue reaches out. They hold each other’s hands in the low light.
Anonymous asked: Hey there Ippy, we don't know much about Jameson medically, besides that he has schizophrenia and takes the medicine Haloperidol/Haldol, and he's allergic to rowan (as though he might be a chageling?). He's not a regular human either, he's basically Jacksepticeye's version of you guys.
“Ohhh,” says Ippy, standing slightly outside his clinic, arms crossed over his chest and eyes wide. “Schizophrenia. I’m relieved, actually. Because if this was fever delirium… we would have a problem.”
Google leaps out of the room, synthetic blood dripping down his neck, and slams the door hard behind him, panting. From within the room, hissing.
“Kid’s fucking nuts,” Gigi snarls.
“Kid’s fucking delusional,” answers Ippy sharply. “And that’s not his fault. This is on you for kidnapping somebody with a psychotic disorder.”
“He would have died there anyway,” sneers Gigi, stalking past Ippy. He has a red shirt now instead of blue. “That little monster wasn’t going to get him any help for that infection. And if you don’t do something fast, he’ll die here instead. He’s exhausting himself. Sedate him again.”
“No. Too much sedating. We have to calm him down. I’ll give him his Haldol intravenously so he can’t throw it up with this fever. You just have to steal some for me.”
“I only take orders from the Darkness,” answers Google.
Ippy sighs and shakes his head, turning stonily back to the door of his clinic. “If this doesn’t change, I’m sending him back to his brothers.”
“That place has no family. And Dark will speak with him before he’s let go. You get him well enough that he can have a discussion, then he’s free to go.”
Anonymous asked: JJ, honey, are you doing alright? I know you must be absolutely terrified right now, but at the very least you're getting medical treatment and they plan to give you back to Anti after you have a discussion with the Darkness. I know it'll be absolutely terrifying, but I think it's the only way to get home. Ippy is going to give you Haldol, if you'll let him? You'll feel much clearer if you do, then maybe you can make plans on what to do next.
JJ has not struggled this much with his symptoms since he and Red were homeless in Columbia and he knows it.
But he can’t make it stop.
“Tell my big brothers to come get me if they have to kill everyone in this house to do it!” his hands scream, and that is the last coherent thought you get out of him.
He moves! He has to move. He doesn’t just pace, he darts around the room, he races. His hands strike strike strike every surface. He pauses only for a moment to be sick over the waste basket, leaving him pale and dizzy, but even then his body is consumed by wracking spasms and shakes. He spins in a circle. He can’t stop looking at the lights no matter how hard he tries. His eyes are up, up, up. Fluttering, rolled back. Watching the light. Fixed on the light. If he looks away bad things will happen. The cameras told him so. Didn’t they? Someone did and he knows it must be true. He has to look at the light or the Darkness will get him.
“I’m already here,” whispers Dark’s voice in JJ’s head. He spasms and jolts back with terror, rubbing at his arms and shaking himself like he’s trying to act out a seizure, but despite his frantic motion and his fear, his face is numbed to any emotion, blank as it was when Red would struggle to understand him in Columbia. Dapper starts to sign wildly, but the words don’t make sense together to anyone but him.
“Skin. I was in. Blood up tree branch he made me go there and I didn’t want to! Can’t Red come? Miss candy and bedsheets, where? The radio, turn down. Does my blood come up? Does my blood rise?”
Ippy peeks his head inside the room. Dapper turns and sends a lamp flying towards him, smashing it against the wall, and Ippy ducks away again. Dapper grins joylessly, with his teeth, his eyes rolled towards the lights on the ceiling. He holds up his wrists and his hands dangle as though on string. Then he crumples to the ground, dazed and panting, scratching at the fever in his face.
“Jackie,” he begs. “Chase.”
Anonymous asked: dapper, jamie, my dear. you're okay, yeah? we would tell you if we thought you were in danger. and now i'm telling you to try to be calm, okay? we'll tell you if we think you're in danger. i promise.
For just a moment, he manages to drag his flickering eyes over to you. There’s a red light on the camera. That counts, right? Does it? His hands search the floors for his bear. Trick packed his things. Didn’t he? But what if it was a trick? Isn’t that why he named him that? Also guns and grey shirts.
He rubs at his aching, pounding head, and swats at a tactile hallucination on his legs. Just a snake, though, and those you don’t have to worry about. It’s dogs and cats that will tear their teeth into you.
He registers the promise vaguely, but his paranoia is so high he could be home safe and sound and still feel that Dark was slowly killing him. He casts his eyes over your message, counting the y’s. Nine. Does that mean something? He knows it means something. The universe is trying to talk to him. God is trying to talk to him. He just needs to listen.
Anonymous asked: ippy's gonna get you your haldol, okay? he's kind. he won't hurt you. do you think you can agree to that, dap? that way, if you are in danger, it'll be clearer, and if it's a hallucination that'll be clearer too.
He would like his Haldol. He would. That’s one of the only mercies Anti usually grants him. He registers that someone is coming into the room and you said it was okay. He rocks his head back and forth, trying to think, feeling drool clinging to his lips. Where is he?
Ippy tries again. Creeping, patient, quiet.
“Are you feeling up to talking?” he asks quietly, when he manages to get into the room without being assaulted. Dapper learned from Anti and when he does not have a blade he makes use of his teeth and his mean white fingernails.
Dapper rocks his head, still trembling from the catatonia, burning with fever.
“I don’t know where to fucking start,” Ippy mumbles, kneeling down beside him. “You’re going to puke up your medication. Google might get you some of the liquid stuff, might not. Depends how generous he thinks he’s being. And what Dark tells him…”
Dapper shudders, baring his teeth.
“Please turn down the radio,” he says, clawing at his ears between signs, but it just looks like more frantic movement to Ippy. “So many people talking all at once.”
“Can I give you something for the fever?” asks Ippy, getting up to get him some water and medicine. “Yeah? Try to keep you hydrated? I need to look at your wrist.”
Dapper clutches his arm to his chest, squirming. “Anti? You’re playing games with me? Can I come out, please? Been good.”
scunneredzombie asked: Jay, they're going to give you some of your medicine. You have a really bad fever right now, it's most likely making the psychosis much much worse. We're here to help and so is Ippy. You will be okay. Breathe, Dapper, just breathe. You will get through this. Remind yourself of things you know are real, things that are unchanging and true no matter what. Cling to those for now. That's what I do during my psychotic episodes.
What’s real? What’s unchanging? What’s true?
Dapper squints his eyes up at the light on the ceiling and tries to think. His hand is still searching for his things. Ippy passes his backpack towards him and Dapper finds his bear, dragging his gaze down to it. Red and Blue and Dok got it for him for Christmas this year. He’s had it for months, even in Columbia. The fur is alpaca. It doesn’t feel quite like any other texture. Cloudy and thick at the same time. Warm. It still smells, faintly, of their home in Peru.
He tries to breathe.
“Okay, I’m going to try to give you some medicine here,” Edward warns him carefully, moving closer. “It’s good for you. Just to bring the fever down a little. I’ll look at your wrist again here in a minute.”
JJ scoots away, shaking his head, but it only makes him dizzy. A hundred voices speak to him. Edward’s is rich and deep and all too familiar. He concentrates on the faint beep of the camera, a sound he’s grown used to over months and months of what would otherwise be total loneliness.
He hopes Trick is okay at home. He’s sorry he left him alone.
Anonymous asked: yeah, you're doing well, dap. just gotta hang on a little longer, okay? and ippy will help you, dap. you don't have to trust him, but you trust us, don't you? and we trust him. it's okay, dap. you're gonna be okay.
Ippy takes his chin in his hand and angles him towards him.
Anchors fall away and Dapper feels something inside himself snap. This has always been the rule. This has always been the rule, the rule he has learned since his creation: no one touches him but Anti and his brothers.
No one.
And the punishments he’s seen Anti inflict on those who broke that rule -
Dapper does not often wish for a voicebox that works. But right now, all he wants to do is fucking scream.
His teeth flash and bite down hard on Ippy’s hand, making Dark’s look-alike yelp in alarm. Dapper slams their heads together and grabs him by the throat, burning with fury, burning with fear, burning alive on a pyre he did not set, and then Google is there, and he has him by the hair, and he shoves a needle deep into the neck of Anti’s most savage attack dog.
Dapper quails, gripping frantically at Gigi’s hand. He chokes and looks up into deep brown eyes. There is no red glow.
He slides to the ground, asleep. Google lets him go.
“Alright?” asks Google quietly.
Ippy swears under his breath and puts his hand to his forehead, teeth marks indented in the skin. “I’m fine, goddammit.”
“Keep him asleep til he’s better,” says Gigi. “I will not tell you again.”
Edward shakes his head slowly, biting his lip, but he doesn’t protest.
Jamie sleeps. The fever is burning in his flesh.
Anonymous asked: Trick is right, Anti. You keep asking, multiple times now, "why did this all fall apart?" And the answer is because you constantly excuse your cruelty, excuse your abuse and all the pain you cause, by blaming Jack and saying you "can't control yourself". You, sir, are just as capable as anyone else in the world of controlling your temper and controlling your aggression. You need to stop making excuses. They will leave over and over and over if you do not change.
“Leave over and over,” mutters Anti under his breath, his eyes angry, aglow in the morning light through the great window in the master bedroom.
Trick is still asleep, though he shifts now, his hair mussed around his eyes. The roots have turned brown. The bright green is beginning to fade to yellow.
Anti wraps his arms around his waist, tugging him close. Trick rolls over with a yawn, trying to rise, but Anti’s grip holds him in place. Trick cracks open an eye and finds himself pressed against him.
“Anti, hey, wake up,” he mumbles, rubbing at his sleepy eyes. “Lemme go. I want a shower and some coffee.”
Anti is already awake, but Trick can’t see that, and he doesn’t move. Trick pauses. He starts trying to squirm out of Anti’s arms without moving enough to wake him if he is sleeping, but he doesn’t have much luck. Anti tightens his arms around him as he tries to escape.
Anti glares out the window, ignoring his wriggling. Eventually, blinking in surprise, Trick just stays in place.
Leave over and over. Anti grips his ribs until his fingernails put cuts in Trick’s shirt. Leave. Ha. He isn’t going anywhere.
Anonymous asked: are you alright then, anti?
Anti gets out of bed after a half hour has passed. Trick is hot and uncomfortable, needing to stretch and change out of his sweaty sleeping clothes and use the bathroom. But he’s stopped struggling by the time Anti releases him.
The glitch gets to his feet and picks out an appearance for the day in the mirror, settling on the younger man he wore when Dapper was created, ruffling teal hair in the mirror. Trick sits up and gives him a smile. Anti doesn’t answer your question, but the way he looks at Trick - he focuses on the bruises someone left in his wrist as they pulled him along. Something simmers in Anti’s eyes. He turns towards the door.
“Where are you going?” asks Trick, hurrying out of bed. “Hey - Anti? Come on, have breakfast with me or something. Don’t leave me, dude.”
“I have to go get your little brother,” answers Anti. “Just stay here, Trick.”
“Anti, I - ”
He glitches away.
Trick stares at the door, mouth slightly parted.
Anonymous asked: You gonna do something that will stop Dark from kicking your ass a second time?
“Where in the narrative did Dark kick my ass?” snaps Anti, stalking into the forest. “Last I checked I was tearing them and their fucking soldiers a new one when Bubblegum McGee scoops my kiddo off the ground and disappears like the deranged little thief he is. And then all of them went sprinting for the hills. No. When I find Dark, I’m burning down everything they love and tearing apart that mangled excuse for a spine of theirs. Then we’ll see if they remember me.”
Anonymous asked: Trick? You want to talk for a bit?
“Yeah, uh, yeah,” says Trick, trying to recover quickly, nodding his head and straightening up. “Yes, please. House is super quiet without anybody else! Last time I was this alone was when Blue was in hospital and I’d come back to the house and try not to worry about everybody else too much. But I do have Noodle! He’s always got my back. I’m just going to get changed and then we’ll go make some breakfast and check on kitty cat, yeah? Doesn’t have to be a sucky day just cause things are trying to go bad. I can stay positive.”
Anonymous asked: Alright, we'll just have a bit of a "you" day. Decompress a bit. It's good to check in on yourself and have a little time off. (Give noodle some pets please!)
“Yes,” laughs Trick. He worries at his hands, yes, kneading his fingers into his palms, and you can see the edge of a breakdown somewhere in the back of his eyes, but he has survived a lot and he wants to prove to himself that he can be okay even without Dok sometimes. Maybe even to be okay when Dok isn’t, so he can look after him better. So he can look after all of them better.
Next time they’re scared enough to run away, he wants to be someone they can trust.
“Decompress - play some games, probably - chill with my cat - cook a ton - swim, maybe… yeah!” Trick pulls his shirt over his head and turns toward the door, grabbing the handle. “I’ll - ”
It’s locked.
Trick stops. Tries it again. Stares. Glances at you. Tries again.
It’s still locked.
He stands in front of the door. His hand rests on the door handle.
Outside, a mewl.
Anonymous asked: can the window open, trick?
“The… window?” he asks. “Yeah… yeah, it can. But I’m on the second story.”
He moves to the window and lets it swing open. The fresh air and the scent of the forest are refreshing, but the red brick of the patio is still several meters down.
Anonymous asked: where's noodle?
Claws pick at the carpet outside Anti’s bedroom. Trick hurries back to the door and kneels down, crouching to try and see his cat through the crack beneath it.
“Mrow,” complains Noodle loudly, scraping at the carpet with his claws out. “Meehhhh.”
“Daddy’s here, kitty cat, I’m right here.” Trick reaches for him as though he could pull him beneath the door. Noodle attacks one of his fingers, chewing on the end, but Trick doesn’t even mind. “Are you hungry? I’m sorry I didn’t let you out last night. Things were crazy, baby. But I’m coming, boyo, I’ll… I’ll, uh…”
What is he supposed to do?
Anonymous asked: do you think anti will be mad if you leave the room?
“I don’t know. It was probably an accident.”
Noodle yowls on the other side of the door. Trick stares at his kitten’s paws, his eyebrows drawn back in worry. You see him look down at his feet.
He knows it wasn’t an accident. And he wouldn’t have locked it if he was okay with Trick leaving.
Anonymous asked: Okay unless we know a for our window downstairs is unlocked, I wouldn't use the window, don't want you getting locked out of the house entirely. You think you might be able to find a key or break the lock if you need to?
“It’s… maybe I could? I don’t want to get in trouble. But there’s no keyhole on this side. I’d have to really bust the door up. And then he’d be so angry.”
Trick steps back from the door, chewing on his nails. He closes his eyes and tries to breathe.
“Okay,” he says after a moment. “Okay. I wish he hadn’t done this, but he did. I’m safe in here. I have a bathroom with water and all the stuff I packed into a bag in case I got kidnapped is here. Dapper was keeping food in the drawers. I’m okay. But my poor cat…”
Anonymous asked: for now, at least, you can make sure noodle has food, right? is the food only in there? maybe you can grab a little something and push it under the door
“That’s a good idea. Okay, let me look.”
He goes back to the bottom drawer and pulls it open to reveal Dapper’s stash. He recoils a little, scrunching up his nose - he hadn’t realized how bad it smelled in the panic of last night, but now he notices.
“This is kind of nasty… we’ve only been here a couple weeks. Why would he keep - ugh, cheese!” Trick chucks the hot string cheese towards the trash, making a gagging motion. “He has to know this would go bad right away, right? Why even take it? Look, my cookies from last week. Hard as rocks cause he didn’t even ask me to wrap them. There’s lint on them. He just shoved them in his pockets. Fuck’s sake… oh!”
Here’s some stuff that should still be edible. Crackers still in their packs. A couple apples. Tupperware with brownies. One pack of raisins, one pack of dried cranberries. And a little pack of Dapper’s favorite - jerky. Most of it is gone, but there are a few good chunks still at the bottom.
“At least I can give him something, then,” says Trick, taking a breath.
Anonymous asked: Anti keeps his favorite trophy locked up in a case when not in use
Trick looks at you, eyes wide, and then away, trying to make himself scowl. He crouches down beside the door and pushes dried meat towards his cat. Noodle seems to accept the offering. He goes quiet and Trick hears him chewing. It’ll take him a while to get through that.
Trick sits back on his heels and stares at the door.
“Always wanted to be Anti’s favorite trophy,” he mumbles, something frightened and tired passing across his face. “Or thought I did, I guess.”
Anonymous asked: you have a choice, then, trick. do you want our help in leaving the room, to go to noodle? or will you stay here and wait for anti to come back and let you out?
Trick sighs and slumps down against the door, rubbing at his face. He stares out the window and thinks.
“You know… I think I’ll try to stay here for a while,” he says, giving you a smile that looks more like a grimace. “It’s not bad. We’ve definitely stayed in much worse places! I have lots of room and a clean bathroom and everything I need. Maybe I’ll take a bath. Yeah… it’s okay.”
He glances around the room. How long has he been in here? Two hours? Oh, twenty minutes. He bites his lip and sighs. He puts his head between his knees and rubs at the back of his neck.
“Always kind of knew it couldn’t really be fun for anybody to be locked in a room all day. But I thought maybe, with Dapper’s nerves, it was better for him just to stay up there with Anti. And when I imagined it, I guess I made everything nice. Him getting to eat his own food, sleep whenever he wants, just working on his art all the time. Doing whatever he wanted, you know? I usually imagined Anti actually… being here, though. Yeah. I guess that I thought that when he loved me, I’d be able to feel it.”
Trick pauses, looking up. Looking out at the sun.
“That’s always the thing with me, though,” he says. “Even when I know for a fact people love me - it doesn’t always feel that way. And I thought - well, Anti, he just… with his power, it’s like he can make me feel that way. Or maybe it’s just him. But those days when I would just spend all my time praying to impress him… and then he would brush his hand across my hair or smile at me… it would be my favorite part of the week. Like I finally got it all right. Like I’m finally worthwhile.”
He puts his head down again, looking at the carpet, his fringe falling into his eyes. It occurs to him that he doesn’t really like bright green. Or dying yellow.
“I love him,” he says, a little hollowly. “But I think maybe Dok was always right. Nobody else can magically fix me. I need to stop expecting Anti to put everything right in my head. That’s not fair to either of us. I should have been happier just being with Dok. Cause Anti gave me these bursts of joy, yeah, and he’s trying to be better to me these days - but Dok has been the earth beneath my feet for months now.”
He stares at the food in the drawer, rotting. He tugs uselessly on the door handle. He stares around the silent, empty room, and the silence stares back, and says nothing.
“I shouldn’t have been jealous of my little brother,” says Trick, heart sinking. “I should have been making sure he had ground to stand on too.”
Anonymous asked: yeah, i get that, trick. and i think anti does love you, as much as he can love someone anyway. although, trick, you don't have to answer this now, and if you don't want to talk about this right now i'll stop, but trick? if given a choice between dok and anti, who would you choose?
“Oh, hey,” protests Trick, a little weakly. “That’s family both, we don’t talk like that. Hey, it’s okay to love people in different ways, and I know you don’t like Anti. But the truth is that just because I’m closer to Dok, I would never ‘choose him’ over any of the others. We all gotta just love each other in the way we need. I want to do what’s best for all of them. If… if Dok and Red and Blue need some space from Anti, well… maybe they should have some. But even if I lived with some of them instead of the others, it’s not because I’m trying to pick someone as my favorite. We just all need different things at different times. Whoever needs me most is who I ‘choose.’ Whoever I can help. And I hope it’s always… all of them, you know? When you’re a family, helping one person is good for everyone.”
Anonymous asked: It's easy to fall into a "grass is greener" mentality but abuse is abuse no matter if you're crouched by a window with a gun, locked away in an attic, or running through the streets with stolen drugs. I don't blame you for wanting a higher standing with Anti but he's not going to give you what you want, to no failing of your own.
“Ha! Okay, fair… maybe being in the basement and being in the attic both kind of suck. But I’ve always had Dok. Having someone there with you is what makes it not sucky. Look, this house is fucking awesome! But there’s no one here with me right now. And that does kind of suck, even worse than when Dok and I were sleeping in the same pile of cheap blankets beside a window in a broken down cabin during a Norwegian fall. We had a good time in Norway, didn’t we? Before everything went wrong? Do you remember… we got fish in a restaurant in town, ha… and I got my crinkle paper…”
Trick pulls it out of the pocket of his basketball shorts and presses his fingers to the crinkly baby paper, familiar and fond. He smiles while his eyes grieve.
Anonymous asked: Those sound like fair conclusions, Trick. It sounds like you've been thinking a lot about yourself and how you've interacted with your family in the past. That's really good; well done. For what it's worth, I am really sorry you got left here alone. You don't deserve that. Are you sure you don't want help leaving, or looking for something else to do?
“Aww, you guys are like my therapists now,” laughs Trick, genuinely pleased. “That’s sweet, thanks. No, um… I’ll stay here a while, I guess. Think Dap would mind me looking through his sketchbooks? Maybe I’ll draw a little myself. Or… write, maybe. Yeah. Maybe I’ll write a little.”
Anonymous asked: trick, that's admirable. and i do mean that. you have a lot of loyalty. but trick, it's not just that they need some space from anti. anti has hurt them, time and time again. family doesn't hurt each other like that, trick. anti has gone too far, many, many times.
“I am loyal,” he agrees quickly, because that’s something he’s always known and one of the few things he’s almost always liked about himself. “Yes. Mh.”
He pulls his eyes away from the rest of the message uncertainly, fiddling with his hands as he sits down on Anti’s bed and pulls Dapper’s latest sketchbook off the bedside drawer. He’s grinning for a minute. They’re mostly pictures of animals. Some people scattered in there - dancers and babies and old people in love. Dapper’s good and he’s gotten even better since the last time Trick checked in on his art, which was… how long ago?
But there are other things in the pages too.
Faces that almost hurt from how familiar and yet unrecognizable they are. Images Trick recognizes from Dapper’s hallucinations, painful and threatening. One baby that is not like the rest in a way Trick can’t express. And… himself?
Himself burning?
Trick takes a moment to realize what this is. The night he got the burn that now laces from his palm to the back of his hand. He hadn’t realized Dapper remembered, or was even there, watching, as it happened.
In the image, a dark figure shoves him towards the fire. His shirt sleeve is already ablaze, his hand consumed, and yet - despite the fire, despite the pain, his eyes are like those of a monk in Mass, wide, adoring, tear-filled - and those eyes are fixed on the creature pulling him into the flame.
Trick shoves the sketchbook away from him, squeezing his eyes shut.
“I don’t want to talk about this right now,” he croaks, turning his face away from you. “Later. Okay? Later, I promise, just… not right now.”
It is the second time he has pushed your concerns aside in as many nights. There are messages waiting for him that he’s avoiding. But he still isn’t ready to hear it.
Anonymous asked: okay. that's okay, trick. do you wanna talk about something else, then? i can tell you a funny thing one of my birds did, if you'd like.
“Ha. Birds, wow, that’s awesome. Yeah, sure! Tell me.”
Anonymous asked: alright! so, my sister has an obvious favorite, and the bird knows it, and likes to hang out on people's shoulders and stuff. and today, she flew up onto my arm, and then stared at me face very curiously, and so i started talking to her, and she immediately tried to eat my teeth. very smart bird, who apparently does not quite get what is or is not food. she's very funny.
Trick snorts and covers his mouth with his hand. “Oh, no! I do not like the sensation I am imagining. A beak picking at my teeth, haha. Geez. Sounds like a funny bird. Noodle likes to try to eat toes when we move at night.”
Anonymous asked: oh, yeah, my friend's cats are kinda like that too. for a while, when they were kittens, we had to be careful because they would try to attack our feet. is noodle chaotic like that?
“Half the time he is nuts-o crazy boy, and then half the time he pretends he’s a perfect angel and he just wants all of Daddy’s attention and all of Uncle’s attention and everybody’s attention one hundred percent of the time. And he looks up at you and cries until you scratch him.”
Anonymous asked: oooo, do you write, trick?
“Well, I thought since I’m sure jabbering your guys’ ears off, I could write some shit down. Dok had me do that for a while once. It was right after… well, there’s blurry spots in my memory. It was right after I started being his twin. I was pretty low. I was, um. Self-harming a lot. Losing a lot of my memories. So he recommended I write stuff down. Whatever I was feeling. And he said even he wouldn’t read it, he promised. We were in this kind of warehouse place at the time, and there was nowhere to sleep. Not a lot of privacy except my pieces of paper. They’re gone now. But I think they kept me focused on something, at the time.”
He holds Dapper’s pencil in his hand, taking a loose sheet of paper. But his eyes get fixed on the stretched out sketchbook on the floor once again. He looks away from the image of himself with a grimace.
That night - that look on his face - that wasn’t what he remembers. Not exactly.
Want to know a secret? he writes.
He has scrawling, beautiful, messy handwriting.
I was pissed at you that night. You left me and Dok to freeze. I don’t even think I started that fire because I was trying to keep Dok warm.
He pauses, squeezing his eyes shut. Bites on his lip. Puts his pencil back down.
I wanted to make you angry. I wanted there to be a confrontation. I was angry at you. But I didn’t know how to tell you because you didn’t care about me back then and that was what burned, more than this goddamn scar on my hand. I wanted to hurt you for hurting me. But all you did was hurt me worse. You act like you want things to be good between us now but we’ve never even talked about
He stops and sighs and scowls before crumpling the paper up, scratching at his scalp.
“Forget it,” he mumbles. “Not that. Just…”
Noodle mewls at the door, beginning to get bored with his jerky. Trick smiles softly and chuckles, turning away.
When you were a kitten your body was like a slinky and I could feel every one of your bones. Hot little spine rubbing against my wide palms. Big fuzzy leaf ears. When you were a kitten you made a weight beneath my throat and when I breathed I would feel the tiny thump of your heart. You are the memory of someone I lost.
And Trick is stopped again, closing his eyes again, turning away again.
“Maybe I’ll just go get a hot bath. Relax a while. I’m okay. Poor kitty cat. Don’t be lonely, okay, baby boy? I’ll be back in a while.”
Anonymous asked: Keep your head high and your standards higher, Trick.
“My standards for this rich guy’s bath are high as fuck right now,” he says, slinging a towel over his shoulder. “Motherfucker got bath bombs and everything. This better be some Spirited Away experience or I’m out. Minus the evil lady, though. Just the big steamy bath and the nostalgia, please. Hey, keep an eye on my kitty for me, yeah? You’re still in the cameras all over the house? I’ll be out in a little while. Maybe a long while. Thanks, guys. Uh. For real.”
Anonymous asked: I'm sure noodle is going to be okay, Trick. If you're worried about him just stay near the door and he should be fine óvò You might want to try to slip him something to eat tho, I have no idea when was the last time anyone could've fed that kitty
Trick slips him one more piece of jerky and lets him chew on his finger for a moment before he slips into the bathroom. Noodle has his snack happily outside the door, and then, deprived of Trick’s presence, he goes exploring.
Trick has made toys for him out of anything he could find. He plays with string and a ball that makes a jangling sound. He zips around the house for a while. He searches for Trick and Dok, or anybody to give him some attention.
Usually they’re down in the basement. Usually they all stay down in the basement, Noodle himself shut in most of the day to avoid Anti, though he’s perfectly content to stay down there with everything he needs. But today, he gets to explore. The door was opened while Dark’s soldiers searched the house and he’s free to roam. It’s a little exciting.
He’s okay. For now, he’s okay. Trick has fed him and there’s a little water still in his bowl by the door. He’s okay.
But Trick was too hot in his bed for a reason. And he’s right - the windows do open.
Noodle gets tired of the basement. Noodle gets tired of his toys. Noodle wants to see Trick and the others.
He explores. The fresh breeze and the smell of the trees - the movement of the grass and the warmth of the sun - the song of the birds, the scurrying of mice, the cool water of the pool - they call to him.
He has not been outside since he was too small for anything but milk. Not until today.
He slips out through the window of Red and Blue’s room, and he explores.
Anonymous asked: hey, shep? dapper's brother has a golden cat, who we just saw leave, but he's away from the cameras at the moment so we can't tell him about it yet. could you and the others keep an eye out for the cat? his name is noodle, although i don't know if he knows it or not.
Shep hears the beeping in his pocket and pulls the camera out immediately.
“Shep! Come on, throw it in!”
“Just a second!”
His eyes scan your message and brighten, a hint of gold from the sun lighting up the brown curve of his irises. He feigns disinterest for a moment, pausing to kick a soccer ball back towards someone on the lawn. You can hear a dog barking and voices chatting. The sun is overhead. It’s a beautiful day.
“Would that make you happy?” asks Shep. “If I found the cat for you?”
He looks up at the forest.
Outside of the sunlight, Darkness reigns in more ways than one. The trees are thick and tall and heavy, shrouding the earth in a loving chill. Animals scamper across the dirt and lean plants curl up from the ground and latch onto the broad backs of trees, clinging to damp red wood. And for miles - for miles - it stretches on before him.
“Okay, then,” he says. “I will.”
Anonymous asked: it would help. thank you, shep. anti doesn't like animals, so i wouldn't recommend bringing the cat back to the house they're in, but you can bring it here and we'll tell the brother about it.
“I’ll start looking right now,” he says. “It’s a big forest. But I can do it.”
Anonymous asked: sleeby jj...Soff sleeby bean.. get well soon
His eyes slide open to your familiar light.
He stares at you for a second, his eyes heavy with shadowed circles.
Then he registers the message and manages to roll his eyes for the first time in days, huffing out a bit of a sigh.
“Not a bean.”
It’s only as he signs it that he realizes he’s no longer restrained.
He sits up slowly, pressing his palm to his forehead and grimacing. He doesn’t feel well at all. His stomach swims with nausea and he can feel his blood chugging sluggishly through his veins. But it’s better than the last few days.
He glances around the room, blinking slowly. He’s alone and there’s light streaming in through the barred window.
Alright. He’s had his nap. Time to start trying to escape.
Anonymous asked: Jj, think about this first. Anti is already coming for you, and if you try to escape you'll be in miles and miles of unknown forest, with no haldol, no medication for your fever, and no way to be sure you can get home. At least maybe wait until you've gotten over the infection and until you can steal some haldol to have with you? Just trying to analyze the situation fully before action is taken.
“I am not going to sit quietly while the monster who has haunted my nightmares - well, one of them - keeps me prisoner. I only do that for Anti. Come on, don’t be boring! Help me get out, yeah?”
He struggles to his feet, but as soon as he’s found a moment of balance he loses it again, tumbling into the wall and holding himself there on shaking arms and legs. He swallows thickly and turns towards the windows, yanking on the bars with his good hand. The other one is swaddled so thickly in bandages he can barely feel it, but at least his fingers stick out to let him speak most words.
That being said, he has about four good yanks on those bars before his head is swimming. He slumps against the wall, clinging to the metal. His whole body aches.
“Maybe you have a point,” he admits sullenly, rubbing at his face.
Anonymous asked: Haha, sorry Jay, not trying to be boring! I just want to make sure you've got a second voice to help think clearly. Look around you maybe? See any spare haldol or fever medication you can swipe and save up for when you do the grand escape?
“Thank you,” says JJ, grinning slowly, though nothing quite makes it to his eyes. “Okay, let me look. I think I must have something in me now because my psychosis is a lot less intense right now.”
He glances around the room. He isn’t hallucinating and his thinking is much clearer, but his expressions are still dulled, his face is twitching, and he isn’t sure what’s true and what’s not. He needs rest and a lot less stress.
He checks the drawers, but everything’s locked up.
nikkilbook asked: JJ, remind me again why Dark frightens you so much? I’m sorry, but I can’t remember clearly. He doesn’t remember any of you either. He showed up that first time because he didn’t know why Anti was trespassing in his territory.
Dapper looks over at you.
He turns away for a second, chewing on his nail. Shrugs. Sits down on the bed.
“Not a fun time,” he signs eventually.
scunneredzombie asked: Rest up, if you can, JJ! I'm almost completely certain you'll be safe here. Darkness won't hurt you because they want you healthy enough to talk to them. You need rest and to let your haldol take effect.
“Dark can do a lot worse things than hurting anybody,” he answers. “It’s the talking to them that’s more likely to fuck me up than anything. And I never want to see them again. Tell them to leave me alone! Where’s my big brothers? Are they coming to get me yet?”
Anonymous asked: How are you feeling, JJ? Still burning up?
“I actually feel quite cold.” He hugs his arms around his sunken chest, staring around the room. His lips are chapped to blood and his face is the color of bleach. He doesn’t look well.
“This is miserable,” he admits, his signs soft. “I remember when I was created I always had energy and felt strong and healthy most of the time, even when I got hurt. I bounced back. The last few months, I’m just… every day I’m sicker. My bones break and I catch every cold and infection. Keep have psychotic episodes. Don’t sleep well.”
He realizes he’s just complaining and makes himself stop, digging his nails into his palms. Won’t help anything. He needs to get out.
He creeps to the door and takes the handle in his hand.
“Going somewhere?”
He turns, spitting, back to his bed, the hair on the back of his neck standing up like an angry cat’s as he snatches a pen off the nearest counter for self-defense.
Wilford nods patiently, following his movements as he swings his legs on the side of the little clinic bed. “Very good, very good.”
“You stay away from me.”
“Oh, my dear, forgive me, I don’t understand a word of that. Shall I get you paper?”
Dapper steps away from him, watching him with glittering eyes. After a moment, he nods.
Wilford pulls a pad of paper out from behind his back as though it had been there all along and sets it on the bed beside himself, smiling.
“What are you so frightened of, young man? Come on, then, calm down.”
Anonymous asked: Are you wearing your dress-shoes? The heel might be good for smashing the locks off the drawers! Though you'd have to be uh... as quiet as smashing can be haha.
JJ looks down at his bare feet. He scowls. Just like the day he was created.
But Wilford has boots on. “Give me those,” he demands.
Wilford doesn’t speak sign language, but he gets the gesture. “Sure,” he says, tugging a boot off and tossing it to him.
Dapper slams a desk drawer handle remorselessly. A loud clang signals the death of the handle as it flies to the ground. Dapper yanks the drawer open.
“Ippy says you’re all sorts of unhealthy,” says Wilford cheerfully, still kicking his legs, halfway bootless now. “Do you feel better today? He said you have so little Vitamin D he could probably break your bones with a pillowcase. You need some sun, dear boy!”
Dapper searches through the drawer, but there’s nothing but cotton swabs, gloves, tongue depressors and everything boring. He raises the boot and smashes another dresser handle, a little breathless.
scunneredzombie asked: Anti is trying to find you right now, I'm pretty sure. I understand not wanting to see them, they're frankly a terrifying jedi-powers 3D glasses fender-bender in you all's life. You'll be home soon, JJ. But you need rest right now, you could end up hurting yourself if you're in a bad mindset or not with the proper medication. I know being careful is no fun, but right now it seems like the best option. I know this sounds fucked, but trust Anti to find you. Like he'd give you up that easily, ha,,
“You don’t want to see Dark?” asks Wilford, finally sounding genuinely wounded. “Oh…”
“You stop,” signs JJ fiercely, whirling on him. “You’re lucky you’re out of your mind or I’d call you a creep for staying around that horrible - that horrible - thing. Whatever. Leave me alone. You’re a killer just like them.”
“I think your camera’s right. You ought to sit. You don’t look very well.”
Dapper glares, panting a little. He glances around the room again, a sense of despair shuddering its way over him. Always locked in his room. Always locked in his room. Always locked in his room. He grips at his hair, breathing through his teeth.
“Hey,” says Wilford. “It’s okay. Can you hear me at all? Do I need to be writing things down too? My handwriting is very good. Would you like some water?”
He clears his dry throat, his eyes flickering over to Wilford. Actually, he would. He’s parched.
Wilford nods and gets up. He disappears for a second and returns with a glass of water. JJ takes it from him with shaking hands, sinking down onto the bed.
Anonymous asked: Hey Wilford, you're not... planning on hurting JJ, are you? You don't seems like you have any intention of it but knowing you we can never be too wary >_>
“Excuse me!” Wilford waggles his finger indignantly, making a noise like pshaw! again and again. “I have never hurt a living soul in my life. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. I’m a pacifist, actually. Excepting that door-to-door salesman who would NOT stop coming by…”
Dapper hisses out a breath, pressing at his forehead, feeling faint again. He scoops up Wilford’s pad of paper and sets Ippy’s pen to it. “You really have no idea what’s going on, do you?” he scrawls out in a bitter, looping cursive.
“Do you?” spits back Wilford just as quick, a little fire flashing through his eyes.
Dapper sinks in on himself, exhaling. “No,” he writes. “Not ever.”
Wilford eases again, grinning his nonchalant, slightly dazed grin.
“Why’d you come in here?” writes Dapper.
“To see you,” answers Wilford eagerly, clapping his hands together. “Finally, a new ego with a real aesthetic!”
“I’m not a new ego, Wil. Look, I don’t look like you.”
“No, you’re not like me - well, like him,” insists Wilford, undaunted. “You’re one of the boys that runs around with him sometimes. He can create things too, that’s alright. You can still stay here.”
Dapper softens a little, quirking his eyebrows. “You’ve met Jack?”
“Seen him! They made a lot of videos together for a while, do you remember? Every day!”
JJ laughs, shaking his head. “You’re thinking of Ethan.”
“No, who? Noooo. The brown-haired one. Loud? Bouncy?”
“They’re both - ” JJ cuts himself off, laughing into his hands. “Never mind.”
“I don’t have my glasses on.”
Anonymous asked: Hey JJ, did you and Wil knew each other before the whole timeline mess?
“No, not really,” JJ signs to you gently. “I’ve never really had anyone outside of Anti.”
“Are you mute?” asks Wilford politely. “What’s wrong with your voice?”
“I’ve never been able to talk,” he writes out. “Don’t worry about it. I won’t be able to stay for long.”
“Oh,” says Wilford, face falling. “Oh, I thought that was why you came.”
“You took me from my house. Do you remember?”
“No… you’re thinking of one of the others, I think?”
Dapper lets out a sigh and smiles. “Never mind. Just - ”
It’s then that Edward enters the room.
Dapper stiffens, rubbing his shoulders and staring down at the floor. Ippy looks relieved, stepping carefully into the room, as though approaching an animal caught in a fence.
“Hi,” he breathes. “Feeling any better?”
JJ looks away, uncomfortable.
Anonymous asked: Hey Dap? I just wanted to let you know that it's ok to be experiencing symptoms right now. You're under so, so much stress, your body must be having hell and two pence. It's ok if you feel apathy, have a hard time with facial expression, hallucinating. You will be okay. You will get out soon, and you will have time to de-stress, you will see your brothers again soon. Know even through the fear, everything will be okay. You were made for happy endings.
“Do you have symptoms like these often?” asks Ippy.
Dapper plays with the edge of his paper, unsmiling.
“Your, uh… friends? Said you had a psychotic disorder. When was the last time you saw a clinician about that? Seems like you’ve been on Haldol a pretty long time.”
Dapper draws circles on his pad, not looking up.
Ippy sits down in one of those backless chairs that doctors roll around their offices in. “Are you aware that you have a Vitamin D deficiency? Serious enough to be impacting your bone strength?”
Dapper glances at Wilford but doesn’t answer.
“Broken rib… infected wrist… some pretty serious scarring…”
Dapper leans down to write something. Ippy waits patiently. Dapper turns the paper around and he’s written “stop talking to me” across the whole page. Ippy rolls his chair away and lets out a grumble beneath his breath, getting up to -
“Hey! Who broke my drawers!”
Wilford and JJ exchange glances.
“Probably the dog,” answers Wilford wisely, and it almost, almost makes JJ smile.
It’s okay. He’s okay. It’s okay for him to be psychotic. He’s just got to get through it, like he always does. It’s okay to struggle.
Anonymous asked: Hey now! Let the doctor take care of you, bud. You deserve some proper medical attention, you deserve some healing after everything you've been through.
“That’s not my doctor,” signs JJ bitterly, glaring Ippy down as best he can, though he mostly ends up looking like he’s squinting. “Give me back to my brother.”
“Five questions,” asks Ippy. “Yeah? Then I’ll give you some space.”
“One question.” He holds up a finger.
Ippy holds up three.
Dapper turns his head away. Tries to glare again. Nods. Fine.
“When was the last time you saw a psychiatrist?”
He’s never seen a psychiatrist. That’s why they mostly just call it a psychotic disorder. Schneep says it’s probably schizophrenia, but he’s a surgeon. Until Anti stole Dok, he would just tell Dapper that Jack fucked his head up as bad as his voice.
“I don’t have a psychiatrist,” says Dapper. “The Haldol is fine. It manages most everything.”
“Most of the positive symptoms, I bet,” says Ippy. “And even if antipsychotics are helpful, they still need to be adjusted sometimes, and you should probably be seeing a therapist for behavioral therapy.”
“What’s positive about psychosis?” asks Wilford. “Is that like the fun kind of psychosis? A little LSD, anybody?”
“Wilford,” sighs Ippy. “Positive means something added. So things like hallucinations, delusions, hyperactivity, disordered thinking - those are positive symptoms. Most antipsychotics work best for those. But there are negative symptoms too - depressed mood. Flattened expressions. Lack of enjoyment or pleasure. Feelings of hopelessness.”
Dapper stares at the floor. After a moment, he writes “question two” pointedly.
“Why do you look like Mark’s friend?”
“It’s exactly what you think it is. Don’t waste either of our time.”
“Dark says Jack doesn’t have videos with you or any of the others.”
“Is that a question?”
“No, grumbles Ippy, rubbing at his forehead. “Forget it. Who gave you all your scars?”
Dapper’s eyes flicker. He glances away. “Self-harm,” he writes.
“Liar,” answers Ippy evenly. “They go all the way to your back.”
Dapper hisses, tucking his pad up against his chest for a second. He lets out a breath of air, shaking his head.
Anonymous asked: His ribs are broken because his "big brother" nearly beat him to death then left him sitting in filth for hours until he passed out. He's deficient in vitamin D because he spends his entire life locked inside one room and that same brother almost never lets him out. He's scarred from year of torture and abuse. Let's just say he doesn't have the easiest home life.
Ippy sits back, setting his clipboard aside.
Dapper closes his eyes. He doesn’t want to think. He doesn’t feel well.
“Please just leave me alone,” he writes. “There. You got your answer. My brother did all of it. Go away.”
Ippy gets up. He takes Dapper’s bear off the bedside table and hands it carefully over to him. Dapper swallows and accepts it, pulling the familiar warmth and texture and smell to his chest. It’s grounding.
“Want to come sit in the sun for a while?” asks Ippy.
Dapper looks up at him, eyes wide. Ippy waits.
Dapper sighs and shakes his head, curling up against the wall. Even if he wanted to accept anybody’s niceness right now, he’s too tired.
“Okay,” says Ippy. “You don’t have to. But you should know - now that you’re awake and talking - ”
“No,” Dapper is already writing, the pen shaking in his grip.
“They just want to talk. That’s all. They won’t - ”
“Tell Dark to stay away from me,” writes Dapper frantically, tears budding in his eyes. He underlines it. Again and again.
Ippy gets to his feet wearily. He unlocks one of his drawers and sets a Haldol and a Vitamin D tablet out on the dresser beside Dapper.
“Get a little sleep,” he says. “You’ll feel better.”
“I want Dok,” writes Dapper. “Please.”
Ippy is already shutting the door behind him.
nikkilbook asked: Edward, do you have any contacts in the city that work with homeless shelters or other kinds of emergency housing? I think that’s where three of his brothers are.
Edward’s eyebrows raise. “Oh? Sure, there’s some shelters. I usually refer them to LAAG. Sets you up in a hotel for a month or two if you’re out of somewhere to stay. Mostly for moms with kids, though. There’s some men’s and women’s shelters in town. Lot of homeless people out here, unfortunately. Hey, Gigi.”
“What’s the closest homeless shelter?”
“Are they finally kicking you out of that pigsty you call an apartment? The closest homeless shelter is Missionaries of Charity Relief Services, 23.6 miles away. There is an adjoining soup kitchen.”
“There you go.”
nikkilbook asked: Could you send someone (non/less threatening, if possible?) to ask after them, see if they’d be willing to come and help you with JJ? Though one of them, Marvin, is hurt really bad as well because of some messed up dark magic crap that Anti thought was a good idea. Schneep, the doctor that JJ keeps referring to, is doing his best, but he’s technically a surgeon with holes in his memory.
“Excuse me,” Google cuts you both off, stepping forward. “You have to run decisions like that past Dark.”
“Then ask Dark,” answers Ippy mildly. “I’m sure they’d love to worm their way into somebody else’s heart. They wanted that other kid that was there, right? Bet they’d be happy with you if you brought the other three back to them.”
“You think you’re very clever.”
“But I got you thinking about it, didn’t I?”
Google glares at him.
Then his composure breaks, just the smallest bit, and you see a smile on the edges of his mouth. Ippy laughs and trails past him towards the kitchen. “Come on, you goddamn sycophant. It’s curry night. You can help me make it.”
“I’m not your maid,” says Gigi stubbornly.
But he follows right after him into the kitchen.
Anonymous asked: Does seeing outsiders reaction help you realize it JJ? How horrible Anti really is to you? You're dying, Dapper. You might be dead if you hadn't gotten medical treatment. You have all the scars because of his actions. All of your pain was caused by him. You have a psychotic disorder and he's never /once/ taken you to a psychiatrist. If he was your brother, if he loved you beyond being his pet, he would have at least taken you to therapy. Can you see the damage he's done, Dap?
“Save the realization tactics for my brothers, my friend,” JJ signs quietly. “I’ve always known exactly what Anti is. I used to stay because I was scared of what he’d do to me if I tried to get away. Now I just know there’s no escaping. Not for me.”
And that is when the light from the sun flickers and dies.
Dapper closes his eyes. He knows. Right away, without pausing.
“Dark,” you see his mouth move.
“Feeling… hopeless?” asks a voice that echoes. “I can help with that.”
“No,” says Dapper. “No, you can’t.”
And he gets to his shaking feet.
Anonymous asked: They made a deal JJ. This is the last time. If you don't allow yourself to escape, allow yourself freedom and family, true family, love... Then I fear you'll be stuck with him forever. Let yourself escape. Let Jameson Jackson live. Let your soul breathe again.
JJ holds the camera close to his chest, sinking down beside his bed as his legs give out on him. It makes Dark tower over him. He closes his eyes.
Family, true family - what he wouldn’t give for them to be here right now. And it’s odd to him because most often, when he wishes for family, he wishes Anti were here to protect him.
Today, he doesn’t wish for Anti at all. Even if Anti would protect him from Dark, it doesn’t matter. He wants… fuck, he just wants Red and Blue and Dok and even Trick, because every one of them, he has begun to realize, would take care of him if they ever had the chance to. Blue would be shouting at Dark to back off, Red would already be on the attack, Dok would be making him feel better, and Trick, he thinks, would just be wrapped around him, holding him, just like he did when Gigi and Shep came to take him away.
Maybe he wasn’t stuck up in the attic or in the backroom or in Anti’s bed because everyone else hated him or didn’t want him around. Maybe it was always just Anti’s barriers.
“How interesting the pair of you are,” Dark says, looking down at JJ with your viewpoint in his hands. “To know him intimately… to speak with him. Even when I talk to you, it’s always me on the one side of the camera, and you never able to answer… Mark sees to that. How interesting, though, to be the ones to tell him he’s loved.”
Dapper takes the writing pad in his trembling hands. “What do you want?” he writes.
Dark leans down, too close to him. “I told you. Let’s talk. I want to know everything about that monster you live with - and just how I can get rid of him.”
Dapper creeps along the wall away from Dark, shaking his head minutely. He and Anti have their struggles, but he doesn’t sell his brother out, and especially not to Dark.
“Come on, little one. What are you so scared of? My soldiers have all seen the markings all up and down you. Wouldn’t you rather let me extract a little vengeance for you?”
“Not little,” writes Dapper. “What do you want with Anti? Why kill him?”
Dark cocks their head coolly, eyes flashing red and blue.
“If you don’t remember him, there’s no reason to be angry.”
Dark doesn’t answer. Dark never answers if they don’t have to. They don’t give up information, period.
“I hope you know I hate your guts,” says JJ.
And then Dark’s hand is on his throat.
JJ wheezes in alarm, grabbing Dark’s arm as the room seems to flood with a darkness so thick it seems to shove at his bones like a fist or a car collision. He kicks his legs desperately and, for a moment, manages a shrill whistle of alarm - and then Dark makes him still.
The calm is like an infusion of something, settling into his lungs and chest and softening his violent terror into a whimpering fear. Dark drags him back to his bed and throws him onto the mattress. And Dapper, shaking and petrified with a weepy, muted alarm, curls his body into a roly-poly and hugs his bear to his chest, staring up at Dark with huge, watering eyes, because the times when he acts childish and too cute to hurt have never been anything more than a fear response.
“There you go,” says Dark, sitting down in the chair beside the bed and leaning back, their eyes closing for a moment from the strain it puts on their spine. Anti’s attack has left them physically shaken and weak, the pain haunting them through waking and dreams. For that, they will have revenge - and for the way that the thought of Anti has haunted them for more than a week now. “Be good now and tell me how you know me.”
“My brother brought me to you some years back to reset me even better than he can alone,” writes Dapper shakily. “He manipulates thoughts and he can possess people. You manipulate souls and emotions. I woke up a different person. Since then I feel like I have a different personality every day. You and Anti took who I was from me.”
Dark shakes their head faintly, squinting for a moment. They glance at Dapper, at his eyes, at his chest. They don’t say anything.
“Please don’t hurt me anymore,” writes Dapper.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of,” says Dark gently, and they try to make it feel, in Dapper’s heart, that this is true, but all he does is close his eyes and hide.
Anonymous asked: hey, jamie, dapper, my dear. i know you've been hurt by dark before, and i'm not saying you have to forgive them, or trust them, or anything. but can you try to trust us, when we tell you that you are safe? i wouldn't say that lightly, dap. but right now, you are safe. deep breaths. we're here to help you.
“There, that’s right,” agrees Dark quietly. “Don’t be scared.”
Dapper shudders under another wave of their power. Affection and faith well up in his chest, and this feeling, at least, has an anchor of truth in his head, a foundation it can stand on. Yes, he remembers the days when you have kept him company, the days when you have warned him of danger or convinced Anti to leave him alone. He remembers Trick and Dok taking him for fish and chips, presents you picked out for him, and the beeping of the camera on so many of the nights in the past seven months where he would have been completely alone without you.
He sucks in a deep breath, closing his eyes.
“If I met you and your brother,” says Dark. “Why don’t I remember?”
“You are a creature manipulated by the stories your creator tells,” writes Dapper slowly.
“Mark did this?”
“No. Another storyteller. My creator gave me his power of manipulating stories. Last year I changed things without meaning to. There are inconsistencies now - people who remember things that never happened in this timeline, and people who have forgotten things that happened to them in another life. And then there are things like you, somewhere in the middle - torn between memory and loss.”
Dark’s eyes narrow, smoke curling off their shoulders.
“I know you don’t remember Anti,” writes Dapper. “But at the same time, you do.”
“Enough,” says Dark. “Quiet. Let me think.”
Deep black eyes pierce into JJ like a scalpel. He stares up at the light, trying to breathe.
“The truth is you know nothing of what’s happening around you,” Dark murmurs.“You’re delusional and ill. You remember things that haven’t happened because you have a disorder.”
“No,” signs JJ, shaking his head. “No.”
He does have delusions sometimes, very intense ones. But he won’t let Dark tell him that he doesn’t know his own power - the piece of himself that Jack gave him.
“Look at you.” Dark shakes their head, eyes glittering, and smoke curls around them like creeping cats wandering through the air. “The moment you’re away from him, you crash, is that it?”
Dapper closes his eyes, turned up to the lights.
Dark hums and gets to their feet, drawing out wine and glasses as though from the shadows themselves. They pour two cups of rich, black wine and press a cool cup into his hands. Dapper’s fingers wrap around the glass slowly, his eyes blank.
“Why did you become psychotic the moment you were away from him?”
His gaze flickers up to Dark’s. He doesn’t answer.
“Of course,” mutters Dark, backing away and sitting down in their chair. “You live with a mind manipulator. I bet he makes the voices quiet, doesn’t he?”
Dapper’s mouth parts, a gleam of something hard appearing for moment in his eyes before shifting away again, leaving him tired and only vaguely annoyed.
“Admit it,” says Dark. “You rely on him. Don’t you? You wouldn’t last on your own, not without him. The medication manages some of it and he manages the rest. When he’s away, you can barely survive. You need him – desperately.”
You can hear Dapper breathing now. His eyes are fixed on the light above. He holds his wine too tightly in his fingers.
“And he tells you so,” adds Dark slowly, staring at Dapper’s face. They tilt back their wine and they drink. “Doesn’t he? Constantly, I would guess. You and him both know that you need him – and he loves it.”
Dapper doesn’t have anything to say to them. He wants to be far away. He hates them.
“It must be difficult to be both – ”
“Don’t even fucking start with me, jackass, as if you know anything about what it’s like to be mute and psychotic and abused by the person I love most in the world, as if you’re not the one who fucking triggered my schizophrenia, as if you know anything about my life or what I’ve done to – ”
“Calm down,” says Dark gently, and Dapper feels a rush of unnatural calm flood over him. For a second of raw terror, he is completely aware that he’s being forced to feel something he doesn’t really feel, and then, the next moment, he is slumped back in his chair, letting out a low sigh of relief.
“I can’t understand sign language, so you’ll have to write for me,” says Dark. “We can have a calm conversation if you stay level-headed instead of getting so out of control. I’ll forgive you because of your fever.”
Dapper reaches dazedly for the writing pad, trying to keep his thoughts straight. This is happening again. He’s losing himself again.
“You talk about my brother controlling me and then shove your way into my chest yourself,” he manages, his handwriting scrawling and small. “Just tell me what you want from me or let me go home.”
Dark drinks from their glass again, never breaking eye contact.“What do you think I want?”
“I think,” Dapper scrawls. “That you don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on.”
It is Dark’s turn for their eyes to gain a hardness. Something glitters in black irises.
“And you hate that, don’t you, Darkness? More than anything. More than anything.”
Dark does not answer.
“You want to know how to kill Anti because you remember him,” writes Dapper. “The fragments of the memory of him haunts you because you hate not knowing and you hate being confused, and the thought that I somehow changed your story is second in bitterness only to the knowledge that Mark has already told it for you. Of course you don’t want to admit you don’t remember. It means someone else changed you without your permission. Your greatest fear.”
“Watch your words,” warns Dark.
“Anti hated you at first. We would agree that you were a creep, a control freak, an asshole. But you were insistent. How pretty he was, you would say, and how you had finally found someone who matched you in ferocity. After a while, it started to flatter him. He decided he was some sort of exception to you. You would be terrible to everyone else but good to him. He loved that. The thought of being special to someone. His abandonment issues made him look past everything horrible about you.”
“You’re making this up.”
“You taught him to dance,” writes Dapper, his words coming faster and faster beneath his scrawling hands. “Do you remember? Your hands on his waist as he finally trusted you enough to put his head on your shoulder. You would bring him flowers, roses he pretended he didn’t want and then put in a vase by his bed, purring to me about how wrapped around his finger you were. You would go hunting together and let him have the kill because you loved to see him lose his mind with the power and the fun of it all. His sadism was wild any time he was with you. He would come home and hurt me on accident - mostly - because he was so violent and worked up he couldn’t control his energy and his excitement. Do you remember?”
Dark’s eyes are raised to JJ’s now, staring at him, their mouth faintly parted.
“Have you been dreaming, Dark?” asks Dapper. “Killing him won’t make it stop. Speak with him. I don’t think the two of you know what love is, but you loved the time you spent together.”
“You’re sentimental as well as delusional,” answers Dark, tilting back their wine.
“I would listen to me if I were you,” writes Dapper. “Because at this point, Dark, there are outcomes - you cool his fury, or he will kill you.”
Red and blue in Dark’s eyes. Bone through their rotting fingers.
“My brother has taken on power he should never have stolen,” says Dapper. “You can’t beat him with Blue’s power combined with his own. Calm Anti down, Dark - or he will burn down everything you love.”
Dark blinks, revealing, if only for a moment, an unsettled look on their face.
Outside the window, the others are laughing and talking. Dark catches a glance of Wilford’s bubblegum hair and the movement of the enormous dog you spotted earlier. Host’s voice murmurs down to them through the ceiling and someone is cooking in the kitchen, making the house fragrant with garlic and spices.
“Please leave me alone now,” says Dapper.
“One last thing. Is it true that you can time travel?”
“Yes,” Dapper answers. “I know you can feel the power in my chest.”
“I could take it,” says Dark. “If I wanted to. Your power is a part of your soul and that, my darling, is my specialty.”
Dapper flips a page on his pad and writes across the full page:
“It would burn you alive.”
A flicker of a small on Dark’s coy mouth.
“Yes,” they say. “I suppose it would. I’m not as stupid as your brother.”
“Whatever you say,” writes Dapper dryly.
Dark gets to their feet, draining the last of their wine.
“Can I go?” writes Dapper desperately.
“Hm? Oh, no. We’re not finished, doll. Hey.”
Dark reaches out to cluck his chin, but Dapper jerks back, terrified. Dark laughs and takes their hand back, leaving Dapper with a sudden and painfully intense feeling of exhaustion. He crumples against the bed, his eyes flickering shut.
“Get some sleep,” murmurs Dark, turning their back and beginning to disappear back into the shadows. “Hostages are no good to me dead.”
Dapper fades into darkness.
Blue wakes up to a hand on his shoulder. “Mh? What is it?”
He hears his twin chuckle softly above him. “You make cat noises when you’re waking up.”
“Mmmhhhh,” protests Blue sleepily, cuddling down deeper into his blankets.
“You can go back to sleep,” Red whispers. “I just wanted you to know I’m heading back to the house for a couple days. Stay here with Dok and I’ll - ”
Blue is awake. He almost flinches out of the sheets, sitting up fast and grabbing Red’s sleeve. “Wait, no. I’m coming with.”
“No, Blue, you need to stay here and rest.”
“I’m feeling much better,” replies Blue, his tone brooking no argument. “And I am NOT going to be miles and miles away while you go back to an Anti who’s no doubt furious. I need to see the others too. I have to make sure they’re okay. That’s my job.”
“I’m coming too,” answers a quiet voice from the doorway - Dok slipping into the room with three cups of hospital coffee.
“Guys, no,” protests Red. “Please. I’d rather you be here. Dok, Anti threatened to kill you.”
Dok shrugs, placing coffee down on the bedside table. He plucks at his necklaces. “We might need these,” he says, picking at each raven talisman in turn. “And I… I need to see Trick.”
“We’re both going, Red,” Blue insists, touching his arm and squeezing reassuringly. “You don’t have to do this alone. We’re here.”
Red smiles weakly at the both of them. “Just… promise me you won’t try anything stupid, okay?”
“Promise,” says Blue.
“I never do,” answers Dok dryly.
The twins laugh quietly at his answer. It does not, however, hide the fear that trembles in Dok’s fingertips and rattles the insides of his chest.
He can do this. He can. He has to.
immabethehero asked: Good luck dudes!
“Thanks,” says Ro, looking up at the house. “Yeah, thanks, we appreciate it.”
Blue and Dok are behind him. He can hear them whispering to each other, but he doesn’t want to interfere. Blue is wrapped around Dok like a vice, rubbing his back as he tries to reassure him, and Dok clings to his necklaces and his sibling and hides.
“Is, um.” Ro stares at the windows and door. “Is Anti really angry? Is he in there right now? I don’t really know what to expect…”
Anonymous asked: uh, trick? i believe noodle has decided to go exploring. outside. i'm going to tell the others, so they can look for noodle too, but i thought you should know.
You find Trick kneeling by the door, scratching at the carpet and trying to catch his cat’s attention. Yesterday, he waited patiently for Noodle to come back. Today, four days after Dapper was taken, Trick has only seen Noodle twice, and the light in his eyes has become desperate and frantic.
“Baby!” he hollers, sticking the last piece of jerky under the door. “Come here, sweetie! Daddy’s upstairs. Where are you? No, no, no, he can’t have gone outside. Noodle, come here! He’s never been outside in his life. He’s always been with me. Noodle!”
He wipes at hot tears on his face, back shaking from how long he’s been crouched there. Anti has let him out of the room a couple times, but he’s been with him the whole time, so all he’s done is make himself dinner a couple times or watch a movie with Anti.
He wants things to go back to normal.
“Noodle! Please come here! You’re scaring me!”
Anonymous asked: Dok, what if you feigned that you were "taking off" your necklaces, but quickly clasped the animal one around Anti, then got him weak as you could and used the light? Or perhaps told him the only way to stop their power was for him to wear them, then put the animal one around his neck? Do you think a plan like that would work?
“Yeah, if I can manage that I would like to do this,” says Dok frailly, gripping Blue’s hand so hard it’s beginning to bruise. “Might not be able to trick him, but could maybe act fast and hurt him.”
“Remind me what all of these do,” murmurs Blue, touching his brother’s collarbone.
“This one is light, this one is transformation, and this one keeps Anti out of my head,” Dok whispers. “They said I should give the light one to a warrior.”
Blue glances at Red, pacing his way towards the house. He wants to be the first one inside, to bear the brunt of Anti’s fury. Blue pulls Dok after him, trying to think.
Anonymous asked: Trick has been alone for such a long time, and Anti has been locking him all alone in one room most of the days, he really needs you Dok, needs you to help him fight. As for Anti, he's been in and out of the place, we're not sure what he's doing.
“Anti locked Trick in his room?” asks Red.
“Let’s go,” says Dok, pulling away from Blue and hurrying towards the house.
“Dok! You don’t know if Anti’s in there!”
“He’s already seen us on the cameras from this close,” answers Dok, yanking open the door to the house and moving inside. “If he wants to come after us, he will. There’s nothing we can do about that. Right now, I just want to see Trick. Where is he?”
He runs down into the basement where they’ve been staying, but Trick isn’t there - and neither is Noodle. Dok returns to the ground floor, where Blue and Red are looking through their own room. Blue shuts the window that’s been open for days, making the room hot and airy.
“Where’s kitty?” asks Blue.
“I’m sure he’s just with Trick,” answers Dok. “Right?”
Anonymous asked: Trick is locked up in Anti's bedroom, and Noodle is missing, he escaped outside. Trick's been alone with no one but Anti for this whole time.
Blue and Red exchange wide-eyed looks, Red already pacing towards the door to look around for the cat. Dok races upstairs, feeling more awake than he has in weeks.
“Trick!” he knocks rapidly on the door and shuffling sounds greet him from the other side.
“Trick, it’s me,” Dok calls.
The way he calls his name is almost a sob. Dok scrambles with the lock on the door, turning the stiff lock to the right. Trick shoves the door open and meets his eyes.
“Are you okay?” croaks Dok.
“Fine,” whispers Trick, though his hair is limp and dry and his eyes hollowed out. “Are you?”
“Yes. I’m okay. Listen, Trick, I just - ”
Trick crashes into him and hugs him to his chest. They fall back against the wall, pinned together, skulls pressed together and arms wrapped around each other’s ribs.
“You don’t have to explain,” says Trick. “I should have protected you better, so you didn’t have to run away. I’ll be better for you, Dok. I’ll take better care of you.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I should have been someone you could trust.”
They wrap tighter around each other, rocking each other’s bodies against the wall, safe in each other’s grips.
Anonymous asked: He's here.
Blue is hugging Trick and Dok to himself, babbling at them about how he loves them, about how he missed him, about how happy he is to see him. Trick is relieved to feel less alone for the first time in days. He tells Blue he looks better and that he loves him too.
It’s Red who sees Anti.
He’s leaning against the banister at the bottom of the stairs, staring up at him with cold blue eyes.
Red swallows. Anti doesn’t say anything.
He signs “come here.”
And then he walks away.
Red feels a shudder down his whole body. He glances back at his brothers, celebrating the mini-reunion together, talking about everything that’s happened.
He doesn’t see Dapper. Anti must have him with him.
Red needs to see him.
He swallows once again, clearing his throat this time. He won’t be afraid. He can’t let himself get lost in Anti’s lies again. He sees what he is more clearly than he has in years and now - now he has to protect his brothers from the monsters in the middle of them.
He moves down the stairs after Anti.
Anonymous asked: Uh guys, look out, the big-bad wolf is here
“Big bad wolf…”
Anti turns back to Ro for a moment in the middle of the hall, his eyes burning red.
“That’s me, then, right, Jackie?”
Ro’s blood seems to frost over in his veins. He stops short in the hallway, mouth parted.
Anti narrows his eyes and turns away, leading Ro further down the hall. Red can barely bring himself to follow, but his nerves are tempered by his confusion.
Anti has never called him Jackie before.
“Where’s Dap?” he asks quietly, stepping after Anti.
Anti doesn’t answer. He steps into the office room where you once found Dapper drinking and waits.
Red steps in after him, chewing on his lip.
Anti closes the door behind him and sits down at the desk, propping his feet on the table. He glares at Ro, flipping a knife in his hands.
“You got a deathwish or something,” says Anti.
“No,” Ro manages. “No.”
“Tell me why you went,” Anti snaps.
“You were threatening Dok. Blue was sick. I got scared.”
Anti stares at him, eyes burning with flame.
Anonymous asked: Anti Blue was dying and you were threatening Dok. Don't punish Red for being their protector, that's literally what you make him be. Thanks to his action, neither of them are dead. You have him to thank for the time away you got to think about your temper.
Anti takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second. “Was that all it was?”
“Yes,” says Ro quietly. “I just didn’t want them to get hurt. Anti, you can’t threaten to murder Dok and expect me to - ”
“I can do what I want,” snaps Anti. “What’s your name?”
“What’s your fucking name?”
Ro licks his mouth anxiously, glancing around for a second. He wishes Blue were here.
“It’s Red, Anti.”
Anti sighs, shaking his head at him. His posture relaxes slightly, letting his head thump back against the office chair.
Anonymous asked: Dapper isn't with him because Dark's soldiers stole him away. It seems like Anti can't find him.
“What?” asks Ro, incredulous. “Wait, you mean you actually let that monster get their hands on him?”
“You weren’t here!” shouts Anti, glitching to his feet and making Red stumble back. “You were the one I chose to protect them, Red, but you ran away without him or Trick like they meant nothing to you!”
“I thought you would keep them safe!” cries Red.
“I would have been able to if you had been here and I had known about Dark!” Anti snarls back, slamming his hand into the office table, a slight tremor in his palms. “But you and them both turned your backs on me! I can’t trust anyone but myself!”
“You were going to hurt Dok!”
Anti’s palm connects with Red’s face, sending him staggering back. He feels blood rush to the handprint on his cheek and he grips at his face weakly, looking up at Anti with watery eyes.
“You would have been useless if you were here anyway,” growls Anti. “You’re terrified of Dark. Fucking coward boy. And to think, Jack called you a hero.”
Hurt and fury light up in Ro’s chest. He squeezes his eyes tightly shut, straightening his back again and clutching his hands into fists.
“I found Dark today,” says Anti coldly, turning away. “We can get Dapper back. If you help me, maybe I won’t fucking slaughter you for running away like the little bitch you are.”
“I’m not a little bitch,” says Red. “You… you’ve never liked me.”
“Correct,” answers Anti.
Anonymous asked: Jackie's throwing caution to the wind, you're willing to throw everyone's lives to the wind. Even moreso now that this is the last run-through, right?
“If you turn on me like that again,” says Anti. “I’ll kill you like I promised you I would.”
“You expect my loyalty,” says Ro. “But you don’t even like me. You threaten us and hurt us. How do you expect me to stay?”
“You’ll stay because if you don’t I’ll end all five of you,” snarls Anti, Jack’s teeth in his mouth giving way to those of a dog. “What, you think you did a good job, running away from me? Think you saved them from anything? I know you were staying in Ashley Valley Hospital Room 412.”
Ro’s blood is cold.
“I know the fake names you used, I know the food pantry where Dok was getting you food everyday, I know what Blue’s doctors said, I know, I know, I know. You can’t get away from me, Red. You never will. All the more because you’re a spineless, needy moron who can’t think of anything but a man who doesn’t love him anymore and whatever bullshit your mind fixates on on any given day. You’re broken, Red. Same way Jack made Chase and JJ broken. Even when you were Jackie, you were still pathetic.”
“Wonder why Marvin and I were able to beat you to hell, then,” says Ro.
It’s a mistake as soon as he’s said it. It’s a mistake. It was a bad choice. He shouldn’t have said it.
But he doesn’t regret it.
Anti takes a step back towards him, his eyes narrowed like a cat’s.
Jackie takes a step towards him too, fists clenched.
“When I said that you made me forget important things in the past,” he says. “I meant that you made me forget people I loved and the places I come from. But there are other things you made me forget too, Anti. You’re not as untouchable as you’ve always told me you were. And you know what else?”
Anti’s eyes are pupil-less, iris-less, white.
“I think you’re still afraid of me,” he says. “I think that every time you flinch back from a bird at the window, you are flinching away from the memory of just how bad I hurt you the first time you stole my baby brother.”
Anonymous asked: Stand strong, Jackieboy man. You've got a war to fight.
Stand strong. He straightens his back. The others need him.
“Come on, then,” he snaps, taking another step forward. Anti takes a step back. “I can see it in you. That you want to hurt me. It’s a look I’ve gotten used to. That you want to see me begging so you feel less scared.”
“You shut your mouth, Jackie,” says Anti.
“No,” spits Ro, clenching his fists. “No, I won’t. I’m tired of you silencing me. I’m not stupid and I’m not a coward.”
Anti strikes him, harder than the first time. Red backs off, grabbing his face with a gasp. Tears water in his eyes. He straightens up again, seething.
“You’re the fucking coward, Anti,” he croaks out, something snapping in his chest. His little brother really has always hated him, no matter how hard he tried to love him. “I won’t let you tell me differently anymore.”
Anonymous asked: Hey younger brothers, you miiight want to go to the office with Red and Anti, something tells me it's about to go downhill from here, and you'd be stronger together, protecting each other.
Blue blinks and looks around, realizing only now that his twin is gone.
“Oh, shit,” he breathes.
He turns and races down the stairs, tearing towards the office.
Anonymous asked: You are not pathetic, Jackie. You are a hero, through-and-through. You've spent your every waking moment protecting them from abuse in any way you were able. "Broken" is just Anti being an ableist, abusive asshat. You are stronger than him. You always have been, no matter what he tries to convince you of. Break free of him, Jackieboy Man.
“Yeah, you know what, they’re right,” Jackie continues, lifting his chin up and glaring at Anti as bruises form on his face. “You know what I think, Anti? I think you’re so desperate to believe that our creator - that Jack - ”
“Don’t say that name!” screams Anti, slapping him again.
Red laughs. “I think you’re so desperate to believe that Jack was in the wrong that you tell yourself he did something wrong to us just because of things like me being autistic. And that’s pretty fucked up, Anti. There’s nothing wrong with me. There’s nothing wrong with Dap and Trick. Honestly? I think Jack was probably an okay guy, and you’re the one who’s always been the villain.”
“Stop it!” screams Anti, driving his fist into Red’s chest. Red steps back, but doesn’t falter. “Stop it, stop it!”
“You like to act like you’re in control and you can’t even control your temper and your fucking daddy issues!”
“Red!” shouts Anti, his eyes flashing. “Stop it! You’re just like Jack, you’re just like Dark, everybody turns on me eventually! You were always just Jack’s little soldier, his failsafe! You think I made you a guard dog? Jack used you for years to get what he wanted.”
“Jack was trying to protect us from you!”
“You don’t even remember!” Anti grabs Red by the throat and slams him into the wall, crashing his head into wood. “Who have you been talking to? You - ”
“Hey, stop, stop!” cries Blue, appearing to grab Anti’s hands, trying to tear him off his twin. Anti kicks his cane away from him and sends him crashing to the ground.
“I ought to put both of you right back in the hospital!”
“Anti, don’t hurt him!” shrieks Blue. “Dapper’s not here! You can’t fix this if it all goes wrong!”
Anti’s grip tightens for a moment on Red’s throat. Ro chokes, gripping at his fingers.
Anti drops him to the ground.
“You’re right,” he spits, turning to grab Blue by the hair, dragging him back up to a sitting position. “So I’ll deal with you two once I have my boy back.”
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/Bio: @/chelseaaahodecor | 109k followers | hi babes! welcome to my life lovelies, please get comfy with this Prosecco im serving thru this screen! xx here’s my site if you need some light in ur life: ichelseahdgsondesigns.com 🏝💕
24 (25) years
From Buckinghamshire, England
Comes from a wealthy family
her father’s side of the family founded, “Hodgson investments” their company is built off of financial services
Her papo (grandfather) was arrested on tax invasion & served some time for doing so
Her father, Alistair now manages the company but under a different name
Her mother’s side of the family comes from old money...something about horses?
Her mother, Connie holds many events and seems to make $ from them but Chelsea isn’t quite sure what the woman does or if it’s fully legal
The family is all about protecting their image & if you don’t cut it, there will be repercussions
Feels a little like dynasty (I’ve only seen 2-3 episodes & never finished but get the point?) , maybe that’s why Chelsea & her sister enjoy watching it so much
Parents forsure held courtship events or either went to courtship events with their children (even Albie) & found suitors in hopes of marrying their daughters off (& finding Albie a new wife, only on Mrs. Hodgson’s part— mr. Hodgson seems nicer/easy-going)
Has older twin sibs: Albie-Crispin & Dolly-Georgiana
Often referred to as “the triplet” in the press
Well-known in their city
They’re all called by their first & middle name in their family household even tho their parents do not have middle names
Has a love/hate relationship with albie, he is selfish & has proven to do anything to drag others down to make himself look better
He’s a lawyer & has been married to his wife for about 7 years
Mrs. Hodgson, Dolly, & Chelsea all agree they do not like her but Chelsea puts on a smile whenever her sister-in-law is around while Mrs. Hodgson makes it known that she dislikes the woman, she thinks she’s beneath her son since her family does not make nearly enough $ put together between her & Mr. Hodgson
Dolly has a bf who’s a dental hygentist that she’s been dating for about 3 years but they’re both cheating on each other, she doesn’t think she’ll ever be married
She’s in office management
Chelsea fell in love with interior decorating from the moment she played with doll houses. Her grandparents made sure to send her the biggest doll houses they could find every Christmas. She’s always been in love with rearranging and picking certain items and best putting them into a space that works
She shit at drawing (she’ll leave that to the Architects) but she knows her furniture & patterns quite well
Has asked a few architects out on dates, some she worked with or stumbled across, only one seemed like it could have truly worked...I imagine him to look a bit like Henry Cavill with light facial hair (told you I’m a sucker for it, & Chelsea probably can tolerate just a bit not too much)
Yet Chelsea always has a wondering eye, she gets curious quite often which makes you wonder, is she really ready for love? To fully commit? One day she will be
It’s a competitive field and when she’s ready to battle she will but there are moments when she gets let down & has to pick herself up again
Has ADHD, goes to therapy for it & hates taking her meds. She’d rather stick to therapy sessions since it’s always nice to talk to someone
When she was younger she probably stole a friend or two’s bf & would definitely get mad if they did it back to her but they somehow still end up being friends in the end? Yikes
Hung out with the popular kids, was always at the parties making sure everyone was having a good time. Filling up the cups, directing where furniture should be moved, where the kegs should go, how many people should be there, etc...She doesn’t seem like the stuck up type like her mother but she is privileged & doesn’t realize it as much
Was a cheerleader & ran track, quit track to commit full-time to cheerleading since that kept her in shape enough
Dated here & there, had one bf where they would scream at each other and wouldn’t allow the other to leave or would be upset that the other didn’t come after them...yeah one of those couples
Broke up with her goth bf because he didn’t tell her he wasn’t coming to school for about a week; he had the stomach flu
Canon: Took a computer course in high school & in uni & found out she was at the top of her class for typing the fastest, she now loves the sound of her short pink ombré nails on the keys
Canon: Wanted to be a show jumper due to her mother’s side of the family & their history with horses
Goes to the stables every now & then, there’s one horse there that she’s absolutely in love with & loves to ride. Her father always offered to buy it for her but it’s not a animal she wants to own
Canon: loves finger foods + will get full off them at events quickly. She also doesn’t mind the tiny portions of food at expensive ass restaurants, it’s just enough for her
Takes hair supplements. Probably had long hair growing up that she always kept up in a bun or ponytail but decided to start chopping her hair off & getting layers & highlights which damaged her hair
Approves of plastic surgery
Is part of the itty bitty titty community & got a lift for them
Gets lip fillers for her bottom lip but isn’t a fan of needles + overlines her top lip
loves going to the dermatologist, the spa for facials & whatever else she’s willing to try & finding new skincare to buy
Tans & loves tropical hot summers
Buys an overload of bikinis even in the winter
Hates the rain, it messes with her mood
Loves a good lipstick & lipgloss combo, nudes & pinks are her to go to’s
Fav color is pink
Got herself a guinea pig after the show & named her “bubbly” after her baby in the villa
I feel like she would eventually get a tiny dog too
Has her own flat, that’s quite far from all of her family. She loves her dysfunctional problematic family but Chelsea likes her space from them too
Since buckinghamshire’s culture is more of a Middle Ages style, Chelsea made sure her home wouldn’t hold much of that style inside. It needed to be lively! Her family home was filled with dark wood & she can’t stand that
She loves going to the markets tho. She always seems to leave with something & either finds herself not liking it months later and ends up selling whatever item caught her interest
Her family tends to pop in whenever they want, especially her mother
Canon: talks about cat cafe’s when she’s drunk, says its her version of the chocolate factory + she’s the dancing drunk
Always down for a girls night out, girls trip & girls sleepovers
Probably goes to bed early around 10pm or earlier m if she’s not out having the time of her life, which makes her regret her choices the next morning
All her closest friends back home are a group of girls
Hangs out with Priya, Marisol, & Hope from the villa whereas the rest she’ll mostly communicate with them through socials or gatherings
Will host gatherings & expect them ALL to show up
Is dramatic when things don’t go her way
Loses focus more than gets bored in relationships? She’ll find other things or people to occupy her time which she doesn’t realize can be hurtful to others
When she does realize she hurts someone, she immediately wants to fix it
Canon: Is a blabbermouth. Cannot hold a secret for shit, also cannot tell a lie. Her body language gives it away first if she doesn’t spill it
Retail therapy is the best therapy if she doesn’t have a office appointment
Any spice girl song will be her karaoke song, she is always baby spice
Loves her Prosecco (me too sis!) & keeps plenty bottles in her wine fridge. She originally wanted a space with a wine cellar but got creeped out at the thought since it’s just her & bubbly living in the home
Has high cell phone bills, the girl loves a good chat
Cannot cook no matter how hard she tries. She’s been to cooking classes with an ex, watched videos, order from those food delivery sites to prepare food & it just never turns out well
Will spend hours in furniture stores, she’s had to be escorted out pass closing hours by security guards before & manage to make friends out of them. They all know who she is in majority of the stores she enters
Throws a party every time her following goes up. There’s never not a reason to throw one
Was upset that Carl unfollowed her once and figured Hannah made him do it. Which wasn’t true, Hannah was sure of herself now & doesn’t feel the need to be jealous, the man could follow whoever he wanted—she knew he barely stayed on IG in the first place. He thought it was too shallow
So when Chelsea called him one night sobbing he was utterly confused, he didn’t understand why a follow meant so much
He reluctantly followed her back
Thrilled to know Elijah, Lucas, & Carl all keep up with her. Oh & the rest of the boys ofc!
Chats with Jakub! They also hang out. They’re a bit of a odd pairing but they get along well, he’s basically another big brother to her but she actually likes him—
Afraid of the dark, keeps fairy lights lit throughout the night in her bedroom, keeps scent infused night lights in her hallways
Believes in feng shui
I feel like her voice is soft like jennifer Tilly’s?
Idk what her sun sign is? Is she a sag far as daydreaming cause she does that. I KNOW she has Leo in her chart, she’s dramatic, warm, likes to be admired & appreciated. Sun sign I need help? Maybe she’s a Sagittarius sun? + Leo moon + libra rising
Has a collection of celeb gossip magazines that she keeps on a stand next to her pink velvet chair beside her bow window
I think she will be the first islander that gets pregnant tbh & it’s by an architect (the guy I mentioned/envisioned that’s been waiting on her to realize he can give her the love she needs or prove he can balance her out) or firefighter or someone “manly” she wouldn’t end up with a islander I don’t think
she has a girl & names her, “adore”
Canon: Still wants 5 kids but we’ll see how that goes & if it’ll change, it’s been a bit difficult not drinking Prosecco but she’s got a lovely baby out of it
Crushes? Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Alfred Enoch, Alex Pettyfer, Joe Cole, Gregg Sulkin, Frank Dillane, Charlie Rowe, & Hero Fiennes Tiffin
Can listen to anything that’s got a good beat. But we all know she’s a pop & folk genre lover. She listens to: Astrid S, Maty Noyes, Cher Lloyd, Bebe Rexha, Allie X, Poppy, POST MALONE, etc.
Anthem? Gabrielle Aplin — Until the sun comes up
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Part 2 of The Letter
Pairing: small Jason Voorheese x MJ, MJ x Malon, kind of Freddy Krueger x Malon and MJ
Warnings: angst, small gore/wound mention and kidnapping
Don’t hesitate to tell me if I did some mistakes :)!
MJ waited and didn’t get an answer back. She was starting to worry her letter wasn’t sent or got lost.... Maybe it took more time to send?? She didn’t really know how long it took from Crystal Lake to where her parents were, but she didn’t think it would be that long...So with a sigh, she got up from the table and decided she wanted to go take a walk, her standing startling her daughter who was drawing on the floor. “Can I come with you mommy??” The female only nodded taking her small hand. “We won’t be too long or daddy will worry.” Malon nodded and smiled sweetly before they opened the door and walked toward the path Jason made for them. It was paved with small rocks, so they could clearly see the trail. When they came at the end, they stopped.... Hearing police sirens???
Before they could do anything more, police officers ran toward them, guns raised as they looked at the mother and daughter. “My babyy!!!—“ To MJ’s shock, her mother ran toward her and hugged her tightly, her father following closely behind as the officers looked around, their guns still raised and their dogs, that MJ just now noticed, even more on alert. What was happening?! They’re not supposed to know where she is!! “Do you remember the way you’ve come from ma’am?” A kind looking woman officer asked her when her parents released her. “I... What are you doing here?? How....” MJ was speechless, looking at her parents and the 3 officers with her, the others already scattered in the woods when she didn’t answer the question the blonde asked her. “We’ll protect you, okay? They can’t hurt you anymore...” Her mother caressed her hair as she let down some tears, MJ doing the same as she realized the danger of the situation. “I.....” The costumed woman released a sigh as she looked around, her hand hovering over her gun.
“M...mommy...?” There were small tugs on her dress. A gasp escaped her as she remembered that she almost forgot Malon. When her parents heard the small voice, they jumped in the air as they didn’t think that they would hear a child’s voice. Five pairs of curious eyes wandered toward the figure hiding behind her mother’s skirt. The latter put a protective hand behind her, holding her daughter’s and hiding her a little more. The girl was startled when she heard the woman who hugged her mother’s curious voice. “Who... Who could this little angel be??” The female officer, who tried not to listen at first, turned with surprise toward the small being behind their supposed victim. The redhead didn’t respond to the question, so after a moment of silence, MJ looked toward her mother with a face deprived of any emotions, glaring as she suddenly felt defensive. “She’s my daughter, Malon.” Everybody’s eyes widened at the revelation as they totally didn’t expect that answer. But still wanting to be polite with her long lost daughter, MJ’s mother forced a smile and nudged her husband. “We didn’t thought you would have a daughter. Malon’s a beautiful name.... is the father—“ She immediately cut herself as her eyes widened again, realizing her mistake.
MJ’s wet eyes darkened as the possibility of them finding her undead husband came to her. They probably wouldn’t, since Jason’s probably already watching and hiding, but she just couldn’t help but worry. Some time after they came back, Malon crying in her mother’s arms, they walked back with MJ toward their car, her trying to protest without sounding too defensive about her supposed kidnapper as she told them she was fine. “That’s not what you send us, honey. Are you feeling well?” MJ frowned at her father’s voice, seeing him sending her a glance from the corner of his eye.
She still couldn’t believe it, so she stayed speechless and only glared at her father. The male didn’t even looked ashamed. Why was he being rude and cold toward her??
When they finally left, MJ saw her husband’s figure trough the back window, and tears started to stream down her face. Thinking that it was from relief, her mother hugged her close to her, Malon sleeping soundly from the crying.
Jason couldn’t help but let out some tears under his mask, his heart breaking. A small part of him told him that it she planned this all along and modified the letter after she showed him. But he knew it wasn’t what she wanted, the pain on her face and tears showing it. He even saw Malon crying, and it totally broke his heart even more. He would find how they found them, he promises himself that.
At the station, MJ’s parents asked her if she wanted to come back with them, but she obviously declined, even if she was really happy to see them. So she stayed at the station, the police wanting to know everything about the killer of camp Crystal Lake. When she only said a vague description, like that he wears a mask, they looked kind of angry, but she seriously didn’t care at the moment. When she finished, she cared tho, because she didn’t have anybody to take her home.
Home? She, or more like they, didn’t have a home anymore.
With a sigh, she looked at Malon who sat beside her and told her that she’s going to relieve herself, having drunk three cups of water because of her crying and not having gone to the bathroom or eaten anything the officers gave her since they’re here. Watching her mother go, her big eyes trained on her figure, Malon sat quietly and looked at the officers who passed her with curious eyes, since she’s never been to a police station. She didn’t really like being around a lot of people, because she’s never been for the most part of her life. Why wasn’t daddy here?...She wants him here....
When the door opened, her sparkling green eyes fell onto a kind of familiar figure, a male with a green and red sweater with a really kind face and a brown leather jacket. When she tried to remember how she knew him, she could only recall that she’d seen him when she was younger, but he really picked her curiosity.
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He seemed to search for something, his kind eyes looking around the place and falling on her small figure, a soft and relieved smile appearing on his face. “Malon! You’re mother sent me to get you, darling.” He knew she wouldn’t remember his true form(for now), so he opened his arms and she hugged him, smiling. “Hi mister Fred!” A smirk appeared on his face as she called him like that, obviously remembering their talk they had. He took her by the hand, no officers protesting or finding it strange. They only made him sign a paper and show them his identity card, nodding and watching with a small smile the cute little girl going with her uncle. In the foreign car, the curious girl moved her feet back and forth from her seat, waiting to go find her mommy, her naivety helping in no way the situation she didn’t know she’s fallen in. While her thoughts were racing as she tried to remember more of how she knows him, his dark eyes looked into the rear-view mirror, a wicked smile spreading on his face as he finally had what he wanted.
“HELP—!!” The chair she’s bounded to rattle on the ground as she tried to get out of her binds, the skin of her wrists turning raw and starting to become bloody in her struggle. “Please.... somebody..........” Tears streamed down her face again as she sniffled, breathing heavily as what she could only guess as blood stained her forehead and dripped a little down. She didn’t know how long she’s been down here, but she felt really dizzy and her head hurt. There were scratches on her neck too, but she couldn’t see how bad it was, and she was kind of relieved since she could feel the burning and the blood still dripping. The air stung her wounds as the adrenaline dropped, her body growing weaker.... and her only thoughts being about how her little girl was alone with him.
I dare you @randomly-a-fan to do another part if you want to, I’m really curious <3👀
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barb610 · 4 years
@earthquakeofideas​ asked - pls may my lonely ass have a ship 🥺 i’m a girl w brown hair + blue eyes, glasses, and im kinda thicc and short. i rly like all things horror even tho i’m a huge chicken. i love to draw, and i also love indie music, and fashion. i’m also a vegetarian :-) i love reptiles and dogs. also, i’m a very empathetic person uwu! thank u bro 💕💗🥺🥰
Of course you can!  I am so sorry that this took so, so long!  Remote learning had really messed up my schedule (not that I really had one to begin with).  
I ship you with... 
Horace Somnusson!
I know this might sound strange, and I know that he is one of the younger wards of the loop, but let’s just assume that he’s a few years older!  I got a little carried away, so there’s a LOT of stuff under the cut
So you work at a small family owned boutique in a no-name town in Florida, it was one of those “My friend’s aunt who knows this lady, who’s sister-in-law owns this” kinda things
On one particular day, business was very slow, so you decided to listen to your own music through your earbuds instead of whatever trending pop music was playing over the intercom of the boutique today
You’re jamming out, folding some nice sweater, and hanging up dress on the “Sale! 10% Off” rack, so you don’t notice the bunch of people that walk in
You finally realize that they had walked into the store when you get a tap on your shoulder
You turn around to see a beautiful blond boy with impeccable fashion sense
I’d like to think that Horace gets quite a bit taller as he gets older so he’d kind of be staring down at you 
Hi miss!  Do you happen to have this dress shirt in a smaller size?  Wonderful blouse you have on there, truly quality craftsmanship.  Maybe a medium?  Or do you have any slimmer styles?
You were in awe of the style he had and the fact he had an elegant British accent, something very unusual for no-name town in Florida
Most guys that came in here were sent in by their girlfriend or wife with a picture of what they needed
This guy wore beautiful leather oxfords, exquisitely tailored slacks, and a button up that was probably nicer than a lot of the shirts in here
You had to look up at him to see his face (and he had a pretty nice one)
Oh, yeah, we actually have a few slimmer ones, they’re behind that display over there.
Responding to him makes you realize the group of people he’s with
There’s another boy older than the one you just helped, and one other boy that looks around the same age, he had almost cartoon-like bags under his eyes
There were two girls, one practically had fire in here eyes and one wore a quite tomboy outfit
Thanks, love!
“Love?” You thought to yourself, who calls someone they just met “Love”?  Is it a British thing?
You watched him walk over to the other side of the store and later helped him and his friends check out at the counter
You had an interesting conversation about cashmere versus alpaca wool while him and his friends payed for the clothes they picked out
The rest of the day, you kept the strange interaction in the back of your mind, wishing you had gotten his name
Once you had finished up closing the shop, you walked out, holding your sketchbook along with your other belongings and began locking the front door of the boutique
There was the sound of expensive shoes slapping against the pavement, but you didn’t think of it because there was always a bunch of rich kids running around this neighborhood
You turned around, only to see the boy from earlier running towards you and slam into you sending your sketchbook flying, papers floating in the air
They settled in the ground revealing your drawings of outfits and cute little reptiles
Oh my, oh dear, I am so sorry, so unbelievably sorry.  Let me help you pick these up, love
“Love? again?” you thought
He bent down and started to gather the pages that were strewn out all over the sidewalk
As the boy helped you pick up your sketches, he began to admire your sketches
These are quite superb!  I love this chameleon you have here!
You weren’t too sure on how to respond, you don’t even know why he ran into you in the first place!  Let alone his name!
Oh, you must be confused a bit on why I ran into you like a madman.  I truly am sorry, I was trying to get here before you closed the shop because, well, this must sound absurd, but I wanted to get your name.  I’m Horace by the way.  I just wanted to talk to you a bit more.
You were a little shocked, but you introduced yourself and the rest is history
You two started going out on the town as friends and it quickly evolved into something else
It wasn’t a surprise when he asked you to go on a real date with him
After a wonderfully planned date, he was walking you home when you both noticed that you were being followed
Millard, I know that you’re following us!  Please come out of the bushes so I can introduce you to her.  I figured this was going to happen sooner than later.  
When nothing stepped out of the bushes even though you heard the sound of rustling leaves
Horace introduced you to Millard, briefly going over the fact that he was invisible, something that seemed a lot more important to you than Horace apparently
I suppose I should explain the rest to you now shouldn’t I?
He took you to a large expensive house on the other side of town, where you were introduced to the rest of the gang
He explained the peculiardom to you, and told you what he could do
You were a little skeptical at first, but quickly realized that he wasn’t joking around
You guys were hanging out at your place when he fell asleep on the couch
This was after a mutual agreement to stop a horror film you guys were watching because of the antagonists’ mutated animal that would have given you both nightmares if you continued
At first Horace was just squirming a bit
Then he started to whimper and cry out for someone that you didn’t know
But you really understood what he was talking about when he shot up from the couch, eyes wide open and glossed over, not really focusing on anything
Oceans will rise to claim what was stolen from them, ashes will fall from the skies to punish the destructive, cities will burn in the name of greed,  after the fog lifts the only remnants will be of those who tried, we will be no longer, six-legged wings will devour us in the end
When he first started talking his voice sounded almost dreamy, but by the time he finished, he was shouting, his limbs flying everywhere, it was as if he was in physical pain, but it was only a dream
As soon as he stopped spewing out apocalyptic riddles, he slipped back into a restless sleep
You were so freaked out that you didn’t let him sleep for long, you woke him up and asked him what that whole thing was about
He told you that he didn’t remember anything he saw or said, and the ones he can’t remember barely every come true
You trusted Horace, so you relaxed and decided to put that horror film you stopped
It took a few scenes to remember why you had shut it off in the first place
Horace started taking a lot of naps at your place, he usually didn’t get a lot of sleep when he went to bed at night due to his visions
You weren’t aware how little sleep he was getting, oh the wonders of concealer 
Sleeping somewhere else didn’t stop the visions of seeing people he didn’t even know get in car accidents, get shot in a back ally, and many other worse things
He wanted to sleep wherever you were because when he would wake up in a cold sweat, he didn’t want to have to explain what he saw to Miss P, or answer Millard’s endless questions, or have to endure Enoch’s rude comments
He wanted to be with you
You would be there for him, if he wanted to talk, you would listen, if he wanted to just sit and think, you would be right next to him
He’d absolutely love your glasses!
He’d love picking out new frames with you
He’d search the whole store to find the perfect pair
And Horace would love to go shopping with you because let’s be real here, Horace is the only peculiar with any fashion sense whatsoever
Do you know happy he would be to have a conversation about fashion with someone who knows what he’s talking about
He would totally buy you outfits at completely random times for absolutely no reason
I just saw this and I knew that you would look spectacular in it, even though you look spectacular in everything under the sky, love
Did I mention that he calls you “love” all the time?
Well, he does and refuses to call you anything else
He has you in his phone (assuming he gets one when he’s out of the loop) as Love
Just Love
When he finds out that you’re vegetarian, he goes on a vegetarian kick himself
He learns a bunch of vegetarian recipes to cook for you guys
And the dishes he cooks taste so  g o o d
Horace totally revamps his own diet to match yours and is the most supportive boyfriend ever
Enoch makes fun of him a lot for it
Horace is would be an amazing boyfriend
I didn’t realize how long I made this!! I hope that you like them and I am so sorry that it took me so long to get to this!  I hope that it was worth the wait!
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Hi! Can I have a scenario of Law comforting his stressed s/o because she's handling most of the work on the group project she was assigned to, and her group members are being pricks by tossing work at her, even tho they know she has her own shit to do? Bonus if Law does something to them because it's happening to me right now and I would slap them if I could zzz thank you so much! :'D
Hi anon! I hope this isn’t too late, I was trying to go quick with it but it just was not coming to me I’m so sorry! I did this as a modern AU kinda thing, cause pirates don’t do group projects (not well at least). I hope you enjoy!! (Also yes: In modern AU land Bepo is a dog and he’s an American Eskimo cause they look like freaking polar bears and I LOVE THEM ok carry on lmao)
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Law walked into their apartment to see his girlfriend huddled over a rather large stack of books and papers. It was the week before finals, which meant they wouldn’t be spending much time together while she studied and completed projects. He was fine with this, so long as she still remembered to take care of herself; he was just glad he’d already graduated, and therefore didn’t have to worry. He unleashed his dog, Bepo, and hung up his coat. As the American Eskimo trotted over to her to be pet, she let out a half-scream, half-groan.
“ARRRGH!” She slammed her head on the table, hands fisting into her hair. Law raised an eyebrow, wondering just what had gotten her so stressed?
“Something wrong?” She looked up, looking absolutely defeated.
“I have my first final due tomorrow, and none of my group members took notes! So now I’m having to reread the book another three times, take notes on all of their sections, compile the entire presentation, all in one night, while they get to just show up, slap their names on it, and call it good!” Law furrowed his brows at this, sitting at the table next to her. He opened his mouth to speak, but she spoke once again before he could even start.
“I mean, it’s not like I don’t ALSO have other exams to study for, you know? Like, wow what a shocker, I can’t do the work of 4 people! But if I don’t, then we’ll all fail, and they know that I won’t let that happen.” Bepo let out a whine and Law tried to speak again. “And if I go to our professor about it, she’ll probably just tell me to suck it up and deal with it, since ‘we’re all adults and should be able to figure this out on our own’, but they wouldn’t even let me get a word in edgewise about it! When I tried asking for their notes they all just said they’ve been too busy! I’m busy too, dammit!” Law quickly grasped her shoulders, cutting her off before she could spiral further.
“Are you done?” She nodded. “Good. English 203, right?” More nodding. “Lucky for you, I did that project a few years ago, and she never deviates. I think I still have all the notes somewhere, let me go look.” He was up before she could protest, and she sat meekly at the table, absentmindedly petting Bepo as the sound of rustling came from their bedroom closet. After a short while, Law reemerged holding a folder bursting with papers. “Here, it’s a bit of a mess, but it’s all there and it’s legible. I promise.” He dropped the folder on the table and she pulled it towards her, hesitant to open it and look.
“I really appreciate this, hun, but I really shouldn’t cheat-” He stops her sentence with a sharp glare.
“You’re not cheating, you’re using your resources. Besides, you’re gonna make yourself sick if you stress out too much about this. Use my notes.” 
“Y-yes, dear…” She finally opened the folder and sorted out what she needed. True to his word, everything was right there; all she had to do was paraphrase into her presentation along with her own notes, and she’d be all set. “Thank you, Law…”
“No problem,” he grunted, making himself a pot of coffee. They sat in companionable silence while she worked, the mood considerably lighter now that she wasn’t facing such a monumental task. After only an hour or so, she was finally almost done. “Who were your group partners, anyway?” He asked, feigning innocence. She caught onto his tone and raised a brow at him in question, not sure why he’d want to know. Unable to come up with any malicious reasoning, she told him the names of three of her classmates, ones that he actually knew.
“Why do you want to know?” She finally asked, putting the finishing touches on her work. 
“No reason, just curious,” Law said. She wasn’t totally convinced, but let it be for now. She pushed away from the table, stifling a yawn. “I think I’m gonna take a quick shower, and then go to bed so I can rest up for tomorrow.” She stood and placed a kiss on his brow, smiling when he leaned into it. “Thank you again, you going to bed soon?” Law shook his head.
“I actually had some plans to meet Shachi and Penguin tonight, but I won’t be out too late.” She nodded and left towards the bathroom, Bepo trotting happily after her, and Law snuck out the door.
The next morning she sat at her table, going over her presentation notes one last time. Her eyes kept flicking to the door, anxiety rising. Out of everyone in her group, she was the only one to show up. She could just present herself, but she worried how that might affect the overall grade. When the door finally opened she perked up, only to sit back confused at the sight of her boyfriend. He slid into the classroom unhindered, thanks to the professor’s lax policy, and sat in a chair next to her.
“What are you doing here?” She asked him, trying not to sound upset at seeing him and not her group.
“I just came for luck,” he told her, smug grin on his face. Understanding began to dawn on her.
“Ohhh no, no, no, what did you do?!” She hissed, trying not to draw attention to themselves. “Wait, I don’t even wanna know! Just please tell me I’m not gonna find any severed heads in some back alley somewhere.” Law let out a low chuckle, not actually doing anything to assuage her fears.
“Don’t worry, all I did was teach them a lesson”
“Ok but what does tha-?” 
“Ms. (Name) is your group ready to present?” Her teacher’s voice piped up, drawing her from their conversation.
“Ahh, um, actually, ma’am, my group isn’t here, but I’m prepared to present alone, if that’s alright with you.” The professor let out a low sigh, marking something in her notepad.
“Very well, I’d like to see at least one of you get a grade”
Law wished her luck as she went to the front of the room and powered up her presentation. It went very smooth, as one might figure when you’ve done all the work yourself. She knew the content inside and out, and Law’s notes had even provided some extra insight into the book they’d been assigned to read. She grew more confident with each second that passed. She’d just finished when the door opened, revealing three disheveled looking students. 
“Wait, don’t start! We’re here, we’re ready!” The professor fixed them with A Look, and even (Name) felt chills crawl down her back at the ice emanating from her.
“Unfortunately for you three, Ms. (Name) has already presented a splendid project, one I get the feeling included no ‘group’ participation. All 3 of you get an incomplete. Ms. Name,” She turned to look at her professor, ignoring the stares her former group members were drilling into her back. “Nice work.”
The smirk never left Law’s face, even long after they’d left the classroom. She lets out a low chuckle, head still spinning from the overall experience, and she smiles at him. “I still don’t wanna know,” she says, causing him to glance at her. “But thank you.” She stands up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, causing red to bloom beneath her lips despite there being no witnesses. His smirk finally drops and he pulls her back down to stand flat on the floor, grumbling at the way she’s giggling at him.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it.”
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Fjorester in episode 59
Cracks knuckles. Raises hands to the air. Yells. 
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Jester: The haunting party is going to come back and they are gonna kill [the moorbounders]
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Fjord: Leave your animals behind for one stinking time.
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Jester: If they get hurt I’m gonna kill you.
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Fjord: No, you won’t. You love me.
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Really just:
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This whole:
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Is gold
I will sell my soul to whoever draws this whole thing with Fjord, Jester, and Beau because those faces give me LIFE.
Laura making sure to correct Matt when he said she was riding with Yasha because NOPE IT’S FJORD AND ME
Thank you our lady and savior 
because without it we would’ve have had the amazing moorbounder talk
Fjord: Finds 1 greater and 2 regulars.
Jester: What’d you find? I hear clinging.
Fjord: Just found somewhat looks to be healing potions.
Jester: Oh, that will be helpful.
Fjord: Yeah, for the non-clerics it’ll go a long way.
Jester: That was really cool how you found that stuff.
Fjord: Oh. Thanks.
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Fjord looks so genuinely surprised that he’s getting recognized by this accomplishment. I think it’s cute because “finding stuff” is not something that people usually get applauded, but it was very cool that Fjord took the time to find things for the party and that he got healing potions of all things and it goes to show how good of a leader he is.
Also, Jester is Fjord’s biggest advocate and has been calling attention to all the cool stuff he does from day one, so I think it’s very cute that she’s still doing that nearly 60 episodes later, you know? In her eyes, he’s still the best.
Fjord *playing it cool*: I mean I figured it was sitting waiting to be discovered, it just needed a keen eye.
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Fjord: Who do you think needs these healing potions the most?
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I LOVE THAT HE ASKS HER? Because this is something cool he’s found, but Fjord thinks about the team first and foremost... and when it comes to making this kind of decisions he still trusts Jester the most, and he fully trusts her judgment.
Jester: Uh, I don’t know. Caleb’s pretty weak. He goes down the most.
Fjord: Yeah... who else?
Jester: ...you know... I mean... I guess... I guess I could use one. I- I don’t have any.
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Fjord: *concern*
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Fjord: No- You don’t have any healing potions, Jester?!
Jester: Well, no, but I have spells so... you know. Beau could really use one too, she’s always up in the front.
Fjord: Yeah, it’s true.
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Fjord: *more concern*
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LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN tho. Jester has been very adamant about not taking healing potions for herself because she has spells and it’s a waste of money and she is constantly trying to put the other's well being before hers (no matter what Sam says). 
This has been happening ever since the first Gentleman mission, and you know who’s always been telling Jester to look after herself? FJORD. And you know who keeps giving Jester potions to heal her when she goes down? FJORD. And you know who always keeps a healing potion on himself even when he’s super hurt? FJORD. And you know who made a remark to Jester about how he’s put many healing potions into other party members when she commented he didn’t need them because he has two clerics? FJORD. 
Fjord: I tell you what, how ‘bout we use this regular for Caleb?
Jester: okay
Fjord: This regular for Beau
Jester: okay
Fjord: And we’ll give you this super powerful one.
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Jester: Fjord. Do you have any healing potions?
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Fjord: Nah, but you always look out for everybody, so you might as well have it.
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Sam and Marisha are me 100%:
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Jester: Yeah, but what if I can’t get to you?
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Jester: You keep it for yourself and, when you take it, just think of it like a spell from me, okay?
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Fjord: ...okay.
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Fjord: You sure?
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Jester: Yeah!
Jester and Fjord just pushing the life-saving potion at each other like NO YOU TAKE IT.
i also think this absolutely is Travis’s revenge for that time when Laura was like “no i’m sorry you weren’t protected earlier” because he realized he can use this against her and they are playing the same game now and I feel like this is no longer “you can’t romance me” and it's turning into “i’m gonna out-romance you!” and i am here for it
also look at these two watching fjorester happen:
Jester panicking a little after that heartfelt moment and turning to show Fjord the locket and Fjord immediately being flustrated by the “riské” picture in it
And then 
The awkward
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Fjord: What?
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Jester: Nothing! We just haven’t talked a lot lately, that’s all.
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CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FJORD WAS JESTER’S FIRST “REAL” FRIEND?! How she trusts and likes him the most?! How since the whole pirate thing they haven’t had much one on one time to talk because they had to go into crisis mode immediately to help Nott?
And now, Yeza is safe and they are back to their usual adventuring ways (more or less) and finally they can start bending some bridges and Jester is awkward at bringing it up but it’s nice and it’s important for her and it’s important that Fjord with his low-wis realizes he might be taking for granted and neglecting a relationship that is very important to him!!
AND HE DOES TRY to talk and fix it but now that it’s been brought up you can see the nerves boiling up and Fjord starts tripping over his words all over again
Fjord: Yeap. Seems like Yarnball has a good... you know... relationship with you.
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Fjord: What do you call it?
Jester: ...Yarnball?
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(I live for Sam’s face)
Fjord: Yeap. It’s a good... dog... horse... cat...
Jester *giddy*: Fjord you’re being really awkward!
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Fjord: No, I’m not.
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Jester: Yes, you are!
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Fjord: No. I’m disarming you.
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Jester: You’re being so awkward with me.....
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But also okay Travis what do you mean by “I’m disarming you”. WHAT. LIke, with your charm? Is Fjord saying he’s disarming Jester with his charm? Why does he want to do that, uh?
Jester and Yasha: *talking about the spider that made her sick*
Fjord: Yeah, I was gonna say, you looked kinda pale this morning, I didn’t quite notice.
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Jester: *panic* I WASN’T POOPING
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your crush knowing you had the runs is a nightmare but i want to focus on fjord yet again being concerned about jester’s well being
Also okay during the fight tho
Like how painfully foreshadowing was their moorbounder conversation??
Because they were both worried that the other would go down and they wouldn’t be able to help them
Fjord was taken by surprise and took a very big hit and Jester’s intention was going to his aid as soon as her turn came around but then she passed out on the spot
And you could tell how stressed out Laura was and how stressed Travis was that she was down
And then before Fjord could go to help her he went down
And these to dummies that care so much about each other were both about to go down mere feet away from each other, unable to heal the other, with their last intention having been to go to the other’s aid
I’m just
And then when they are finally okay, Jester is so DISMAYED when she hears from Nott how Fjord hurt is and she goes to him right away. 
And when Fjord talks about staying behind, Jester looks so concerned
A. Because leaving him alone means he might be even more vulnerable.
B. Because he’s doing very badly and if he goes into a fight he could go down for good.
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Also, this isn’t NECESSARILY Fjorester but I love that when Matt brought up the ghost jellyfish these two immediately jumped a little
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Anyway that was quite a rollercoaster. Sorry for the lack of screenshots for the second half of the thing but I spent like an hour unable to focus on anything past the Fjorester conversation and then being super stressed out about the fight. 
Let me know if I missed anything!
I’m pretty sure we have a big thing ahead next week! Fjord’s is super low in hp and a big fight still seems to be coming, so be ready for angst :D
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bulletdove · 5 years
if u could change anything about aoaf what would u change?
AAAA this is such a good ask, thank you, i spent Way Too Fucking Long on this
(disclaimer: i don’t exactly support RPF, but i think it’s fine to consume it critically. it’s part of fandom, whether we like it or not. and fandom is an area of academic interest for me, so... you can’t understand something without researching it. yeehaw.) 
so here’s AOAF: the extended cut. ideally part of a critical edition, because i have academic aspirations.
AOAF stands on its own really well as original fiction, because it didn’t get into heavy speculation and based itself off of “what if”. but the plot was more emotionally loaded than the characters were, i think? (so as far as RPF goes, it’s not that scandalous or ethically dubious.). extended cut would be an Original Fiction type of deal, the same basis as the original one but taking the characters in a different direction and obviously renaming them
the ship plot was good, but that’s extremely Fic (which is a draw of the genre, but also seriously limits the development of non-romantic relationships) so that’d be changed. more family interactions in the present that aren’t for the sole purpose of advancing the ghostf*cking plot, flashbacks to frank and his mom and frank and ray and frank and dewees. other friends hanging out, getting to know mikey. (i need to do a reread, but ray and bob and co. weren’t really that memorable...)
higher stakes. the kidnapping scene fell flat because you knew nothing was going to happen, mikey couldn’t die because he’s mikey, all that stuff. higher stakes for the dead character, too - i need to do a reread, but plausible risk of permadeath would help intensify things.
mikey subplot is of utmost importance. barely anybody who writes RPF seems to know what to do with him as a “character” - since his public persona is/was awkward, super quiet, but still super well-liked? and nobody really wants to figure out the why and how for a minor character, since he always ends up being a minor character - but i’d like some in-depth exploration. bringing out the parallels and differences between him and frank, the dead kid and the maybe-dying kid (assuming heightened stakes), and having them hang out more, is something i’d really like.
i’d have mikey and frank be friends, but also butt heads a lot and rub each other the wrong way - mikey’s a kid and he’s terrified of dying, doesn’t want his mom and gerard and his friends back home to go on without him, wants to explore this freaky town that feels like it’s breathing down his neck [it’s creepy, but he has a good feeling about it], wants to get the chance to be a kid again but also doesn’t want to die before he has the chance to grow up, and keeps having these freaky dreams about a marching band dressed in black. frank has (mostly) made his peace with being dead, thinks his family and friends have moved on without him and been pretty okay, wanted to get the fuck out and grow up but not sell out (gay punk rights), and he knows everything about this shithole and hates that it kind of feels like home. he’s a perpetual kid who knows he can’t grow up until he leaves; mikey’s too grown up already but he’s younger and moodier and both more and less at peace with life and death. they have a lot in common, but they can seriously butt heads.
i’d give mikey a heightened awareness of the supernatural, more mobility (definitely an ill-advised wander through the woods or three), and have him and frank have weird effects on each other.
i liked the sense of weird-hazy-small town that exists out of time, and not wanting to be there but also not really being able to leave (in different ways - frank’s literally trapped, the ways are just waiting and don’t know how long they’ll be stuck there, and their estimates keep changing.) deliberately developing that by having the teenage characters thinking about college and stuff or mrs. way thinking about plans for when they move away again and finding that those plans don’t feel pressing, that they might end up there forever, and maybe that might be liveable? (there’s definitely something wrong with that town, and it’s not just frank) good shit, more emotional depth, frank freaks out but they don’t know he’s a ghost at that point and don’t get it, fuck yeah
a more complicated plotline. more subplots. i think bringing in a different mystery than frank would make it more of a traditionally Literary work, and bring out unexplored dimensions in the characters and the worldbuilding. this time maybe it’d be donna? things around town are pretty strange, the police department is definitely corrupt, her kids keep vanishing in and out of the woods and not telling her the whole truth, gothic etc etc. haven’t thought that part out very much, tbh.
more character depth and development for gerard - AOAF would be the perfect time for him, a depressed kid with a sick brother and dead ghostfriend, to get really fucked up about life and death and his relationship to them, and stop feeling like an early death is some kind of romantic inevitability and realize oh god he really doesn’t want to die, he doesn’t want mikey to die it’s not fair, frank being a ghost is cool on the surface but really it’s just awful, and is it really fair for him to be dreaming about his plans for after he graduates when frank is trapped here forever, and mikey might be too? (could bring this in in the kidnapping bit, idk. and some late-night chats with donna.)
more explanation of Why Frank Is The Way He Is. more flashbacks, more backstory, more insight into how he has seriously mixed feelings about his undeath and is trying to be okay with being trapped in the woods forever but really fucking isn’t but also feels like him and the water washing over his bones run at the same frequency - it’s part of him, but he wants more. more detail about that part.
ray and frank interactions. frank looking in on ray’s family, years later.
frank exploring more of the town than the woods - he has to have stood at the edge of the woods and stared as far as he could, he must have been curious, he must have wanted to know what was going on. he gets out of the woods, runs around town, is proud of it for changing and getting kinda-sorta-better? in parts? but hates it for moving on without him. 
better ghost mechanics - i really disliked how it felt so easy and handwaved. blegh. the tree-phone was cute tho...  (frank would gain mobility in degrees, not all at once, i think. and there would be side effects. more thought needed.)
the epilogue/sequel/whatever was cute, i wouldn’t change that except to make gerard’s eventual successful career a bit more ambiguous - and maybe mikey would die instead of your suggestion of gerard dying, i think that could work maybe. might be between the main plot and the epilogue, though.
showing more of frank’s unlife, and more of the other ghosts - absolute must. mikey spends a weekend at home, sneaks out, sees a dog in the woods that isn’t there, dreams about guitar lessons. 
i swear there was other stuff that i talked about with you but i don’t remember... i didn’t mean to make this a whole Manifesto but i’m trying to get everything in in detail sfdklkfsdl rip
slower development of the romance plot, slower realization that frank is a ghost (but less over-the-top oblivious gerard), more developed main and side characters, more side characters (this story was a dudefest! where are the girls.), making the ending feel less contrived (all of their friends are suddenly there, and everything is okay? it needed a more drawn-out conclusion)
this wasn’t supposed to be this long, or take this much time >.
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dndbabes · 5 years
Red Wedding
want to get caught up? click this link
Wolf does the recap.
We head into the temple, the climb is around 30 mins. Toldar informs Tobi that non-dwarves haven’t really ever seen it. Tobi gives his word, as a “fellow dwarf”, that his party won’t tell.
As we’re walking, a boulder hits Tobi and Toldar. The party notices the remains of a tripwire. Weird. We continue on, Toldar saying he’ll stay back and protect the wounded (coward).
We arrive at the doorway and see two statues of welcoming dwarven figures. Beyond the arch, we see a open courtyard with a gathering outside of a larger dwarven statue. Many dwarves, and two figures taller than them in brown robes. They turn to Tobi as he interrupts a dwarven wedding. They invite us into the ceremony, tho.
Roscoe hands Tobi his flask, and Tobi refuses. The ceremony begings. There are 4 dwarves and 2 humans in the crowd. (Hindsight is 20/20, Toldar said humans don’t know where this temple is.) Everyone except Tobi, who is just jazzed to be at a dwarven anything, notices that the dwarves are wearing armor under their clothes.
Naivara and Roscoe notice small bumps under the robes where they’re concealing weapons as well. All thw dwarves are making side glances at eachother. Roscoe asks Tobi to go check on Toldar; but they notice Tobi start to leave. Tobi asks Ash to go check on Toldar.
Naivara and Tobi fail to make a good distraction as Ash tries to sneak out. Roscoe says “Yknow, this isn’t really our scene so we’re just gunna go......” Ash recognizes the two humans in the crowd. 
Naivara casts wall of fire. Oh god these poor fuckin dwarves. Ash suggests we find out who they work for. Wolf casts chill touch at the priestess. Tobi shoves a dwarf into the fire wall.
The humans fire at Naivara, Ash fires at them and kills one. We kill both humans fairly easily. Roscoe knocks a dwarf out. The dwarves all fire at Naivara, only one hits. The wall of fire drops tho. 
The priestess rises into the air and exhales a cone of cold at Tobi, Ash and Naivara. Oh no. We all pass, then she floats just above the statue. Naivara casts another wall of fire. There are no more dwarves. 
Ash fires at the priestess. Wolf casts Fly- wild surging! She creates a copy of herself. Wolf flies up to the priestess and says “You have 2 options, either we kill you, or you come down and answer some questions.” Roscoe and Tobi hold in case she gets aggressive. She becomes invisible. 
Wolf takes an opportunity attack on her- missing her, but ice knife means a dex save. The priestess’ invisibility is broken. Roscoe misses her attacks. Naivara tries to hold person her, but it fails. Wolf tells her to surrender again. Tobi breaks the wand of magic missile.. gg Tobi, you pissbaby.
The priestess tries to retreat again, and tells Wolf that her friends pressed the attack, so she will not be surrendering. We see her eyes go yellow, her form becoming large, her mouth filling with jagged teeth as she turns into an Oni in front of us.
Wolf and her clone her with 2 ice knives. The priestess is invisible again and she gets away. Ash seeking arrows her. Tobi and Naivara give chase, Tobi now aware that she’s an oni where Wolf was the only one who knew. We all give chase.
Naivara conjures animals; 8 giant bats. She also turns into a quetzcoatlus. Wolf shoulder bumps the priestess, then her clone casts chill touch on her. The bats converge on the oni, bc blindsight exists. They kill the oni for us.
Looting time! Naivara tells the bats to help Roscoe and Ash loot. they aren’t happy about these bats and are able to drive em off. Wolf tries to keep a human bone, Tobi loses it and tells her she can leave the party. He storms out. (The entire table afterwards like)
Roscoe pulls Naivara and Ash aside, and says he wants to do a painting of Harbuck for Tobi. We heal the one guy Roscoe captured and question him. Wolf’s clone goes off to the left path.
The guy who survived’s name is Fallon. We find out the oni was working for his boss, a dwarf named Grumik. Lately, the boss has been taking them on a bit of a treasure hunt. They have a human whose part of the “Stray Dogs”. They killed all of the clerics and, as far as he knows, the oni was the only supernatural employee.
Down the hallways there’s a shrine, then a sleeping quarters. Wolf-clone realizes she can’t hear her sisters at all. She backs out and hauls Roscoe off. There’s things she needs to tell him without letting the other sisters know. She tells him what she can now.
Eladrin are normally able to change what season they are. She’s been cursed, her emotions compartmentalized. Spade is her joy and happiness, Summer her passion, her kindness is Fable. She doesn’t know how to break it. She just needs to find a way to be whole again.
Ash, Roscoe and Wolf go up the stairs in the room we killed the oni. Naivara, 8 bats, Tobi and Snowball all wait at the bottom of the stairs. Upstairs, they see 5 dwarves. 1 ready to kick ass, the others with picks and hammers. They’re digging a tunnel. They don’t see the human Fallon spoke of.
Tobi charges in and gets absolutely wrecked. He fails a death save. Naivara picks Tobi up off of Snowball, and all the bats converge into the room. Snowball guards the door Tobi is in. Human man appears and hits a bat 3 times. Wolf fire bolts Grumik.
Roscoe hits human guy real good a bunch. Ash draws his sword on human guy, trying to grapple him. Ash whispers “Felidae” in his ear and drags him towards the curtain.
One thug misses Roscoe, then Roscoe makes him stab his boss. The other thug hits him. The others in the room hit the bats a bunch. Grumik hits Roscoe, then a bat.
We cut in the middle of combat.
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wheelthefridge · 5 years
in honor of last night having been my last ever shift dishwashing at the same restaurant i’ve been at for the past four years here’s an absurdly long list of random chaotic moments that literally no one asked for that i’ve been compiling since day one:
bj, with a half full gallon of orange juice: this expired two months ago. *pours down drain* that was a long time ago
sam: YOU! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!! *carries on normally with no explanation* bj: smack that! that too! smack those vegetables! punch that burger in the nose! chop that bun! bob: no, flick the bun. you have to flick it. 
*bad and boujee playing* bj: walks into kitchen, singing bj: you better know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run bj: walks out of kitchen, still singing
me: hey can you put the wet floor sign out for me dylan: sure dylan: *slips while putting the sign out* me:
sam: get this- i haven’t smoked pot in like three days and my brain is ready to roll! yeah!
joe: ha! oldest trick in the book i just started writing 
dude @bar: ten percent of people are over 6'1" other dude: what about 6'2"  dude 1: what? no. ten percent of people are OVER 6'1" - so that includes 6'2" dude 2: idk I know a lot of tall guys. taller than me dude 1: what? i’m saying- just- ten percent of everyone in the whole world- you know how many people there are in the world? 7 billion– dude 2: i thought it was six billion  dude 1: no, 7 billion- ten percent of 7 billion—
joe, digging through the trash: i’m just gonna peruse through here,, aaaaannnd….. nope not here me: what’re u looking for Joe: …..a book
didi: is eating a pistachio  katherine: is that sour cream
sam: some dirty whorebag wants two pickles 
joe: sam she am. that’s right. dr seuss wrote a book about her 
katherine: oh my goddd this song is always on i’m so tired of it joe: is it? i don’t think i’ve heard it before carolyn: eh it’s all just one long brazilian song to me
katherine: look at my straw i put it in the pencil sharpener 
sam: i’m on crack cocaine. you heard it here
sam, aggressively putting silverware in the tray: just the way the cookie crumbles me: yeah? sam, fake crying: yes
adele: if you’re ready- sam: what if I’m not bob: too bad. she only cares if she’s ready
something: *breaks* sam: time for the mop. and by mop i mean… this thing *holds up dustpan*
mike: you should go on junior master chef…. and only make fries 
sam, quietly as she speedwalks by me: panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic
sam, beginning of the night: my goal is to make at least forty bucks tonight. hopefully sixty sam, later that night: i’ve made five dollars
sam, pouring a drink into the trash right next to the sink: you know, im not sure why i poured that in the trash. i’ve had a very off day
katherine, after accidentally spraying salsa on herself: i just sprayed salsa all over myself bj: i feel like that too sometimes. i love salsa so much
sam: can you imagine if i did like hardcore drugs how messed up i would be- i’m messed up soberly
someone: what’re you supposed to feed twenty kids  kerry: pizza bj: vodka 
sam: will you let bob know there’s gonna be seven in the snug bj: seven in the snug? that’s my band name. we’re really good
edson: *spins cover on counter and stares at it for solid thirty seconds before putting his finger down to stop it* edson: good. 
sam: what should i draw bj: you should draw casey, hanging from a cliff, with a pterodactyl flying towards them who is on fire, but, seems optimistic about it 
bj: life is too short for low fat cheese. remember that. 
sam, beginning of night, in a really good mood: guess what i’m drunk and high right now  sam, later that night: i was just pouring a beer and i dropped it. like my hand just let go of it sam, end of night: i’m never doing this again 
joe: you know who didn’t clock out yet?? i have two thumbs! joe: ……wait joe: you know who has two thumbs and hasn’t clocked out yet?? this guy!! me: there ya go buddy
bob: i’ve slept fifteen hours in the past four days me: that’s not good bob: yeah
edson: look edson: *holds out hand with top spinning in his palm* *giggles*
sam: i cannot wait for this day to be over  me: it’s barely started  sam: i took a shot before i got here. i have more in my car
bob: hi sam sam: hi bob  didi: hi sam sam: fuck off
joe: her? oh yeah her name is sarah whitaker  katherine: oh i think i know her joe: that’s funny because i just made that up. i’m willing to bet money that she’s nineteen tho me: why joe: bc i overheard her say that she’s nineteen
joe: i’m gonna send you a video but you can’t watch it now it’s needs full attention with headphones and the lights off 
bj: if you lose your hand, don’t replace it with a fork. that would be a bad choice. i know it’s probably the cheapest option, right up there with stick, but just spend the money. 
bj, on a different day: i think if you were to get your hands cut off, getting them replaced with plates would be a very bad idea. you can dig. and you can toss. but that’s about it. no playing the saxophone.  
colby: *doesn’t show up to work* bj: maybe i should leave him a message of just me crying 
katherine: i think an old man just asked me to live with him
sam: wait *pulls celery strings out of her mouth* that just came out of my throat
bob: i’m such a grump tonight. i’m in a good mood i’m just so grumpy.  bob: maybe i’m not in a good mood…
bj, after sending christa downstairs to get liquor for the bar: i put a live cobra down there too so… if she comes back with it dead in her hands…. she’s a champ. and that’s that. 
bj: i had a dog today did you have a dog? me: no bj: oh. well. 
dylan, holding phone camera at joe: hey joe can you pull ur shirt down joe, pulling the collar of his shirt halfway down his chest: yeah like this? dylan, taking picture: yeah thanks 
bj: HI-YAH carley: you’re a ninja!! bj: yes. don’t be alarmed. i only use my powers for good. 
bj, with one bottle in each hand, pouring water in the sink, mimicking cow milking motions: it’s like a cow. mooooooeeeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhgggg aaaaaauuuuuueuejhshhsii. that’s what cows sound like right?
bj: we have a dog, and we’re getting chickens. i’m not really sure why were getting chickens. do i consider myself a farmer? not really. 
bj: we should make a youtube channel of just me saying really random things to you and you not responding to me whatsoever me: mhmm
nancy: I’m sleeping
sam: *pours drink out on counter next to sink* sam: wHAT the FuCK was that!? why did i do that?? i’ve lost it! i’ve hit rock bottom!!
sam: *bends over* ughhhhhhhhhhhhh *straightens up* ok i’m fine
bj: yum! that’s how i rate the soup. two yums up!! *laughs for like a full minute*
sam: i got my motorcycle license over the weekend and now all everyone’s saying to me is “no don’t get a motorcycle they’re so dangerous” like shut the fuck up if i die i die it’s my choice 
bj: i think if i were to be turned into some kind of commercial type of food, if i got turned into a nugget, i think i’d be indignant. i’ve lived my whole life and now i’m a nugget??? “oh i was a great roasted-“ i was a nugget. i was eaten with fries out of a box with a small soda. 
bj: hello everybody. i have arrived. please remain calm.  bob: *screams*
radio: the fastest lawn mower in the world goes up to 150 miles per hour! bob: …….why??
sam: i just meowed in scotty’s face and he was completely unfazed by it. like a full on Meow. 
bob: lemme just touch these live wires with my wet hands  bj: bob has gone offline
katherine: i totally forgot to put their order in for i don’t even know how long me: ……..i’m sure it’ll be fine katherine: i mean, nothing matters, right? right. nothing matters. 
bj: hey did you guys hear that kate: yeah what was that bj: oh i was just yelling……….. about the soup kate: me: katherine: bj: i’ll try to keep it down next time
bob: you sleep a lot when you’re old. it’s just practice for death. getting ready for The Big Sleep. let’s see how do i wanna go out? on my back?? nah not for me. on my front babey! 
didi: hi sam sam: SHUT UP didi, quieter: okay…… sam: i love you  didi: no bj: so you’re a grownup now. that’s means you have to do grown up things, like, pay for dinner and stuff? me: uh huh bj: it’s all downhill from here 
bj: pon pon the van poco. right? me: mhmm bj: probably. i mean. i’m no doctor, but
random woman @ bar: we are the matrix. We. Are. The Matrix. 
bj, to the tune of frosty the snowman: clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk look at all this stuff. clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk making casey’s job tough! pretty good right?? i just made it up 
bj: *walks into kitchen* YES! that’s all i have to say. that’s it. BOBS killing it. DIDIS killing it. casey MURDERED it. you’re welcome. *walks out of kitchen* bj: today is the second day in a row my dog has eaten my lunch. yesterday and then today. it’s my own fault really bob: well you know what they say about men who like floppy french fries. *doesn’t elaborate*
sam: there’s a toy baby in my section. like just a toy baby taking up a seat in my section. what do i do like do i move the bitch? do i leave her there??
bob, talking to himself: if you get sick tomorrow, just remember. it’s your own fault for eating food off the floor. 
bob, to katherine: no, you don’t have to mop the carpet
bj: cheeeesy. 
laura: if i get through tonight without a heart attack it’ll be incredible. if i do have a heart attack tho just let me go
caldo: *unintelligible yelling* SELLING my BODY for SEX *more unintelligible yelling*
bob: my fathers brother sent all his kids to australia. i guess he figured at least one of them would make it
caldo: i don’t trust people who go out to eat tuna fish
bob: can you make some more guacamole soon we’re running low laura: pulls five (5) avocados from her pockets 
bob: he looks like jesus. well. he looks like what white people think jesus looked like
sam: yeah. Please. eat some more mother Fucking crackers. 
bj: i feel like i gave birth to the eggplant stacks tonight. and honestly? if my child looked like that? i’d be proud. proud to have an eggplant child
bj: alright everybody let’s get the fuf out of here!! i said fuf not f- it’s safe. f u f starts and ends with soft letters no one gets hurt. any word that starts with a soft letter and ends with a hard letter is bad news… i feel like every time i come in here i annoy you guys. casey’s one dumbass comment away from killing me. “hey so what are your thoughts on grass?” “that’s it” *mimics shooting a gun*
ilia: -and the dogs gonna get diabetes- katherine, indignantly: i cleaned it really well!
mickey: i’ll tell you one thing. crack is good. 
sam: some lady just rolled up to the bar, no bra, nipples beamin through the shirt- LETS GET IT!!!!
caldo: *speed walks into kitchen and shotguns a beer over the trash* ok i’m back. i should not have smoked this morning
dom: little kid just picked up a knife and went “oh cool i can stab someone” me, katherine, and sam in unison: good dom: yeah the dad took it away 
sam: my friend was like “why is your go to dance move just to snap” and i was like “i don’t know, i’m white” *shrugs*
bj: someone just asked me if i’m having fun. am i having fun? i don’t know if i’m having fun. there are certainly other things i’d rather be doing right now, but i don’t know if i can definitively say that i’m Not having fun. 
bj: some jobs require Only a ladle bj, thirty seconds later, after walking away and coming back: sometimes, also a funnel
bj, @ laura who’s eating cornbread: you cornbread eating chef!!!  laura: bj: laura: bj: i’m just saying facts in a weird way. you know like you’re in trouble. 
sam: *war cry* *spits out gum* *walks away*
bj: what kind of smoothie? Soup Smoothie!!
katherine: so this woman ordered some hot water so i gave it to her and her husband says you know what that’s for right and i’m like ….to drink? and he says nope! and doesn’t explain so i’m just like ………..okay! and walk away bc i don’t even want to know 
bj: there’s no shame in it! A Grown Man Can Bathe In Yogurt!!!
bj, leaning down very close to to-go box: i love you
bob: anyone want a drink? brian: whatever’s your strongest bob: milk it is
guy at bar: sUE HIM?!?!??? oh i’d sue him yeah
sam: who orders something extra cold?? like, you need to Die now thanks. 
sam: do you dare me to drink this buffalo sauce me: yes laura, walking by: snort it
sam: one more day. just one more day laura: of what sam: waking up
bob: *is trying to explain easter to jewish laura* laura: wait so he died… then he came back to life?? then he died Again??? bob: he died. then he came back just to tell people he was alive. then he said SEE YA and ascended to heaven
sam: i HATE margaritas. i don’t know why i just made myself one. 
bob: wow. i have this overpowering urge to just go home. 
bj, putting back a slotted spoon: this is a bad choice for dressing. a bad choice. 
me: *catches a plate about to fall* bj: woah! smooth moves!! spider-man? maybe. 
danny: so you know how at my other job everyone calls me daddy?
sam: *dumps out two full wine glasses* i fucked up. tell no one. 
me: remember when we used to be able to leave early? bob: no. i think we imagined it. 
danny: i didn’t realize we served DICK here -a few min later- danny: sorry i just got out of work and i’m all fired up
sam: my moms drunk and she won’t go home
bob: hey wasn’t that slang for mari- bj: cocaine. 
bj: *kicks kitchen door open* YEE-HAW!!!!
danny: sorry casey  me: what for  danny: for having to deal with me me: yeah *shrugs* danny: they should pay you more me: yeah
didi: i kill you ilia: do it now didi: no ilia: do it i wanna die
danny, about a burger: we’ve got ourselves a squirter!!
sam: is that a chicken patty  sydney: it’s my dog
sam, on my last night with her: lets get casey TRASHED tonight
sam: are you gonna go dancing in new york didi: yes laura: whore it up
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antoncutedobin · 6 years
my pleasure.
Tumblr media
requested? uh nope. requests are open though. 
summary! tyler takes your virginity. yolo. 
warnings! smut, swearing, virginity stealer tyler seguin. 
word count! 3333. that’s so weird. and long as fuck. 
authors note! this is filthy. just. so filthy. hardcore smut. much smut very inappropriate. i hope you enjoy it??? oh my god you guys are just gonna judge me it’s literally that DIRTY. my brain is so nsfw. if it wasn’t obvious this is nsfw. as usual tho please leave me asks/comments???? i would love to hear from u guys it makes me so happy. :’) ok that’s it pLS ENJOY i hope you have an ice bath ready you’ll need it after this
 Things were getting heated. You were straddling Tyler’s legs as he sat on the couch. Your fingers were tangled in his hair, tugging on it as he ravished your mouth. His hands palmed your ass through your jeans, squeezing tight as he pushed your hips together. Moans slipped through harsh breaths, the air around you crackling with electricity. 
 This was normally the time you pulled back to calm things down. Tyler had no idea you were a virgin… You were almost afraid to tell him, because you knew about how much experience he had. You thought he would never want you once he figured out how innocent you really were. 
 You weren’t cruel, though. You didn’t just tease him and leave him. 
 It was a well-known fact that Tyler loved head just as much as the next guy. It just aggravated him when you wouldn’t let him return the favor. I mean, hell, the only time he got you off was when he fingered you under your pants. He didn’t want to push you, and he had no idea why you wouldn’t let him see you naked. His mind ran wild with ideas but I mean… You felt normal down there. 
 “Baby…” He whimpered as your hand squeezed his cock through his jeans. “Fuck…” 
 Your mind was battling your body. It wasn’t that you were saving your virginity; it just… never was the right time or the right guy. Except… Now, it felt right. You wanted to give Tyler this piece of yourself; you just didn’t want to scare him off.
 “Ty…” You pulled back to tug his shirt over his head. “My Tyler…” Your nails scratched down his abs, enjoying the shiver that visibly passed through his body. “Do you want me?” 
 “You know I do, baby girl… Fuck.” His mind was being bombarded with sensation but this time, he was determined to get you off first, and with his mouth. 
 You squealed as Tyler unexpectedly stood up from the couch, holding onto you with his strong arms. You wound your legs around his back as he carried you, nuzzling your neck with licks and kisses. Closing your eyes, your head fell forward onto his shoulder. You couldn’t find it in you to tell him to stop, even though you had never been in his bed. You knew the temptation would be too much to handle. 
 Tyler walked through the open door of his bedroom, kicking it shut behind him with his foot so his dogs wouldn’t disturb you. He wasn’t taking any chances for excuses. Of course, he wouldn’t force you. He wasn’t that kind of guy. He just really wanted to return how amazing you made him feel and hear you scream his name. 
 Your back hit the soft bed, a groan falling from your lips. You felt yourself being pushed into the mattress as he crawled on top of you, his lips roaming your body. “Ty…” 
 His lips on yours cut you off. “Let me make you feel good, pretty girl.” His voice rumbled into your ears as he nibbled on them and you really didn’t want to stop him now. But you had to. He had to know… 
 “Tyler, stop… Please.” You pushed him back softly, teeth biting your lip nervously. 
 He let out a groan, pulling back and flopping onto his side beside you. You rolled to face him and he stroked your cheek with his hand. “Is it me?” He whispered softly, wondering if his past was what was stopping you. 
 You shook your head, running your fingers over his pouting lips, marveling how soft they felt under your fingertips. “It’s me.” 
 He let out a hard chuckle, “this is cliché.” 
 You pinched his lips together, tsk-ing softly. “Let me finish… I’ve been afraid to tell you this, Ty… I really like you. A lot. I think I lov…” You trailed off, closing your eyes. You didn’t want to finish the words, in case he didn’t feel the same. 
 His hand removed your fingers from his lips, tongue darting out to wet them. “I love you.” 
 Your eyes snapped open, eyebrows rising in surprise. “You do?” 
 “Of course I do… I’ve loved you since I met you… I’ve fallen in love you without trying. I just want to know why you won’t let me get close to you… I was afraid you didn’t feel the same.” He replied sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders. 
 “I love you too, Ty… The reason I always stop this,” you pointed back and forth between your bodies, “is because… Well…” You bit your lip, not wanting to say the words. 
 “Tell me, please…” He said softly, fingers stroking your cheek as he encouraged you to open up. 
 Feather soft, you whispered, “I’m… I’ve never had sex before… I’m… a virgin.” You closed your eyes again, not wanting to see his reaction. You expected to feel him get up and kick you out in disgust, but as the moments went by, he just pulled you closer. 
 A virgin? He never expected that… It terrified him and excited him in ways he couldn’t fathom. He’d never taken anyone’s virginity before… and that scared him, only because of how much he cared about you. He didn’t want to hurt you.
 There was also a masculine pride in his body, knowing that he would be the only one to have you. It filled some deep primitive need inside of him that he had never understood. 
 As the thoughts ravaged his mind, he realized he was pulling your body closer to him and he smiled, looking down at your face. The smile faded when he saw the worry etched in your lips, eyes shut in pain. “Look at me, sweetheart… Please?” 
 You blinked gently at his words, body warming in surprise when he pressed his lips to yours tenderly. “You’re… still here?” Your voice was wobbly, anxiety lacing the self-conscious words. 
 “Of course I’m still here, baby. Did you think I would really leave you?” 
 “I… thought you wouldn’t want me. I know nothing about sex… I’m so inexperienced; I can’t make it good for you…” You trailed off, stopping when he shook his head. 
 “You’re wrong. Knowing that you’re a virgin, that you’ve never given yourself to someone else… It’s the biggest turn on. I’m so fucking hard right now,” he punctuated the words by pushing his hips into yours, revealing his arousal, “I can barely stand it.” 
 You gasped as you felt his length press into the spot between your thighs, letting out a soft moan as the pressure increased in your pelvis. 
 “As for you making it good, it’s always the best with you. Even when you’re sucking me off, looking up at me with those doe eyes… It feels better than sex. It feels fucking incredible. The best moment of my life was getting to see your body relax after an orgasm, even if it was fully clothed.” 
 He paused, kissing you passionately, nipping your lip as he pulled back. “I just want to return the favor. I want to spend an eternity between your thighs, making you cry out and cum so many times you forget your name.” 
 You shivered slightly at his words, nodding softly and biting your lip. “I want that too, Ty… I want it all with you. I want to give myself to you, I’ve never wanted anything more…” 
 His eyes lit up in wonder, “why me?” He wondered what made him lucky enough to be the man you chose to give your innocence to. 
 “I trust you… I feel safe with you. I love you. I know you won’t hurt me… I feel like I’ve waited my entire life for you… I’m ready, Tyler. Only with you.” Your words were husky, eyes darkening in anticipation. 
 Tyler groaned, pressing his forehead into your neck. Your words were a contradiction for him. On one end, they made him feel a million feet tall, his heart warming with love for you. On the other, the thought that you wanted him as much as he wanted you almost made him cum in his pants. “I fucking love you.” He pulled back, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. 
 He needed you to understand that he wasn’t taking this privilege lightly. “I’m going to be gentle with you, baby girl. I’m going to make you feel so good, beautiful.” He kissed you, his tongue darting into your mouth as he situated himself back on top of you. 
 You knew he was right; he was going to give you everything you craved. 
 Tyler kissed down your neck, pausing to tug your shirt up, waiting for you to lean up so he could pull it off. His lips caressed every inch of your warm skin, sucking your nipple through the lace fabric of your bra. His fingertips stroked trails of fire under your breasts, reaching back to unclasp the bra. 
 As soon as your breasts were free, he groaned, nuzzling his face into the warm flesh. His large palm covered your left breast, palming the heavy weight gently. His fingertips rolled over your nipple as his mouth suckled on the other one, teeth gently nipping the tender skin. 
 You let out a moan, fingers laced in his hair. You couldn’t ignore the ache in your pussy any longer and pushed his head down. “Ty… Please… Make me cum…” 
 He looked up, a smirk drawing his lips. “My fucking pleasure, baby girl, my fucking pleasure.” 
 He unbuttoned your jeans, teeth biting your stomach and tongue tracing every inch of flesh he revealed by unzipping the denim. Tugging the material with one hand, he cradled your ass with the other, lifting your bottom half easily so he could pull the fabric down. He leaned up, dragging the material down your legs. 
 You lifted them and kicked to help him remove them, wanting him to touch you desperately. 
 Lying back down, he ran the tip of his nose up the lace of your panties, inhaling gently. “Fuck… You’re soaked, baby.” He pressed a kiss to your pubic bone through your panties and you groaned and lifted your hips, hoping for more contact. 
 He chuckled, running his tongue along the top of your panties before leaning his head down, biting at the lace. He makes eye contact with you as he begins dragging your panties down with his teeth. He gets to your knees before he lets your panties fall from his mouth. He removes the scrap of fabric with his hands as he caresses up your legs with his nose, kissing your skin softly. As soon as he reaches the apex of your thighs, he blows a stream of air onto your sensitive skin. 
 You moan out, the sensation sending shivers through your entire body. If you didn’t cum soon, you might explode. “Tyler, please… Please…” You plead with a shaky voice. 
 He shushes you, deciding to take pity as he pokes at your clit with his nose. “My pretty needy baby girl… I’m gonna drive you wild…” Finally, he flattens his tongue along your slit, stroking the sensitive skin fully. 
 You moan, your hands diving down to his hair as you press him closer to your center. 
 He stiffens his tongue, diving it shallowly inside you, his thumb beginning to run circles on your clit. “Fuck… You taste better than I imagined,” he practically growls as he pulls back. He switches his tactics, swirling your clit with his tongue. His finger pokes inside you gently and you moan, craving more. He inserts a second and hooks them upward, thrusting against your sensitive spot as he sucks your clit into his mouth. 
 He eats you out with vigor and your back involuntarily arches, as you get closer to your peak. You plead with him to continue, to give you more… Of course, he is happy to oblige. 
 As you prepare to orgasm, he shoves another finger inside of you, and you whimper at the pinch of pain. He doesn’t want to do it, but if he is going to fuck you… He needs to prepare you. He doubles his efforts on your clit in an attempt to distract you from the pain and he moans against you as you find your rhythm and your hips begin rocking against his face again. 
 He pulls back slightly, only enough to groan, “ride my face, baby. Make yourself cum for me…” His large tongue laps against your clit and you reach your peak, exploding into a fiery orgasm. 
 You barely feel him inserting the fourth finger inside of you and instead of it being painful; it only increases your pleasure. You scream his name as your hips twitch against his face, riding out the last of your fading orgasm. 
 Tyler doesn’t let up on you, and as he senses you coming down, he continues to lick you gently, pulling his fingers out. He lets you down easily, kissing your clit, his thumb still caressing it softly. “That was fucking beautiful.” 
 At some point during your orgasm, he had reached one hand down to grasp his junk, not wanting to cum in his pants. He was dangerously close to unmanning himself because seeing you cum was more erotic than any porn or sex scene he had been involved in. 
 You panted, limbs unable to move as you tried to recover after what was undeniably the most powerful orgasm you’d ever had. Tyler crawled back up your body, rocking his clothed hips against your naked ones, letting out a groan. 
 You opened your eyes; glancing down to see his member straining against his gym shorts and the sight reinvigorated you. You wanted him to fuck you, right now. You pulled his face to yours, kissing him like you were trying to consume him. You tasted yourself on his lips and it turned you on. 
 You ran your tongue around his wet lips, and at this, Tyler moaned loudly. Seeing you taste yourself was almost too much for him. “You’re so sensual, baby girl… I’m so hard for you…” 
 You nodded, “please, Tyler, fuck me…” Your foot came up to rest on his hip, pushing his shorts down. He groaned as he reached down, pulling his erection out of the way before kicking the material off of him and onto the floor. 
 Once he was naked, you reached down to stroke him and he let you for a few pained moments before he gently slapped your hand away. “I’m too close… Let me settle down, please…” 
 He lowered himself onto you, his full weight pressing against you. He inhaled your scent and nuzzled your warm skin as he took deep breaths. The one thing he didn’t want was to explode the second he thrust into your tight walls, especially because you were a virgin. That would be an awful first time… 
 He took his time soothing himself until he regained control. His hands stroked all over your body, caressing every sensitive area lovingly. 
 Once he was ready, he leaned up, kissing your lips softly. His fingers pushed your hair back from your face, looking into your eyes. “This is gonna hurt, sweetheart. I’m so sorry…” He trailed off softly and you nodded, knowing the pain would be worth it. 
 “I’m ready, Ty. It’s me and you.”
 He smiled and kissed you gently again, reaching towards his nightstand. In the drawers he pulled a condom out and a bottle of lube. You were wet, but he was big… And he wanted to do everything he could to make this easier. 
 He sat up and bit into the foil of the condom, pulling it out and wrapping it around his member. Popping open the bottle of lube, he squeezed some out into his palm and warmed it up by rubbing his hands together. Gently, he rubbed it against your slit before covering his member with it. 
 Now that he was ready, he laid down on top of you again, kissing your neck. He pulled back, “keep your eyes on me, beautiful.” He pulled your hand above your hand and laced your fingers together. Your other hand grabbed onto his arm. He placed soft kisses around your face as his free hand reached down to align his member with you and you could feel his tip poking at your entrance. His hand came back up and stroked your cheek, still looking into your eyes. 
 Slowly, he began pushing inside of you and your eyes watered at the intrusion. You whimpered softly and tried to focus on his hand grabbing yours and stroking your skin. 
 Once he met resistance, he whispered, “I’m sorry, baby,” and pushed hard to thrust himself past your barrier. 
 You yelped out in pain, tears streaming down your cheeks at the pinch of pain. 
 He stilled, trying to allow you to get used to him. His lips kissed away the tears on your cheeks, his hand squeezing yours in support. He did everything he could to comfort you, whispering words of adoration into your skin. “You’re doing so good, baby… The worst part is over… It’s gonna feel good soon, okay? I’m so sorry… I love you so much…” 
 You nodded as the pain dulled, reconnecting your eyes. “It’s okay… You can move.” 
 Very slowly Tyler pulled back out, watching your face for signs of pain. 
 You hissed at the uncomfortable sensation but as he kept moving inside you, it started to feel… pleasurable. You let out a soft groan and lifted your hips to meet his, encouraging him to move faster. 
 “That’s so good, baby…” He was so proud of you, enjoying the fact that you were starting to feel comfortable enough to meet his thrusts. 
 You clenched your walls around him experimentally and immediately, Tyler let out a loud moan, “fuck… You’re gonna make me cum if you do that… I’m barely holding on…” 
 Tyler tried to control himself, he really did. It was a chore for him to hold back his orgasm, he wanted to cum so bad. His blunt teeth bit into your shoulder as he tried to keep himself from exploding. “I can’t… I can’t hold back, baby…” The words were shaky, his hand trailing down to rub harshly against your clit. 
 “It’s okay, baby… Cum for me.” You bit his lip before kissing him soundly. “You don’t have to wait for me, just enjoy it.” 
 Tyler groaned loudly, his fingers moving against your clit at a fast pace as he tried desperately to get you to go off with him but it was hopeless. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore and with two more thrusts he lost all control, pushing deep inside you and cumming with a shout of your name. 
 His hips kept jutting into yours as he released, head dropping to your shoulder as he praised you, murmuring how perfect and amazing you were. 
 He didn’t allow himself to rest, as soon as he came down, he pulled out of you gently. You winced at the loss, and were surprised at how empty you felt without him inside. 
 He didn’t give you a minute to consider this before he slunk down your body, sucking your clit into his mouth. It took only a few sucks and passes of his tongue over your bud before you were shaking in an orgasm, moaning his name. 
 As soon as it was over, he collapsed beside you, pulling the condom off and tying it into a knot before tossing it into the garbage beside his nightstand. 
 You barely noticed as he gathered you into his arms, fatigue plaguing your body. Your limbs felt heavy and your eyes couldn’t stay open but you happily wrapped your body around Tyler. 
 “You were worth the wait, Ty…” you whispered before you succumbed to sleep. 
 Tyler was too tired to puff his chest out in pride but his lips stretched with a smile as he cuddled you close and drifted off, dreaming of doing that again… ASAP.
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wintryethereal · 6 years
Reviewing Brea's Stuff - BTS Soulmate AU (2/2)
PART 2/2 (Rap Monster, Jin, J-Hope, Suga)
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HI! \(OwO)/
I want to draw ya'll's attention to one of my friends: @jimin-jungshook-over-literalbae. She's a k-pop reaction/scenario/text writer, and not only have I missed her as a friend so much during my long hiatus, I've also missed her writing. Thankfully, there's a lot for me to catch up on! She asked me to give my opinions on her BTS AUs, and with her permission, I've turned my reviews it into a bit of advertising! If you wanna read the stuff I did, ya'll don't have to scroll super far to find it all. I'll be reviewing each AU from a Reader's Standing (silly, sometimes improper sentences; sO MUCH swearing; caps lock) and from a Critic's Standing (second reading; at least one paragraph).
Yes, that was copy-pasted, but you never know, someone might stumble onto this and be wondering why I'm doing it.
Let's get into this again! >o<
Rap Monster (Reader's Standing):
Back-up back stage manager Y/N while the official person is sick, interesting
'His voice, though muffled by the door, is attractive and masculine'—Yes, yes it is.
Shaking hands with soulmate warmth/fire, ooh, wow, that's really cool! I love that, Brea.
'You could feel when he was getting closer, that warmth growing within you'—Is Y/N therefore hot or cold? Hot, definitely hot.
Yes, Namjoon is gorgeous.
Y/N is secretly OCD while sweeping, I just know it.
Fated finding of Namjoon's phone is fated.
Intensifying level of heat to a bonfire was really nice to read, good metaphors, ooh.
He backed Y/N into the dressing table liKE A MONSTER. Yeah all right I need to chill. Brea, do you have some water I could drink, right quick?
*Oh no there's a typo, it's 'breathe' instead of 'breath'. I'm fine. This is OK. :D*
Ooh, Namjoon sensing where Y/N is with heat is such a cool thing!! I love that so much?!
'His fingers burn against the cool skin of your cheek'—*Hisses to add affect* OK wow that was hot. >:)
Y/N confessing their attraction to Namjoon is a win
Ooh yes, slightly possessive Namjoon is treat
Evenings spent together? Yes to a classic romance trope.
Fire becomes uncomfortable when Y/N or Namjoon is upset and Namjoon even dispelled a situation, bless that twist
Namjoon's little speech at the end was so beautiful and ugh
Also thanks for the small kisses across the knuckles and—
Oh god it's 'breathe' instead of 'breath' again. Brea I know autocorrect is a bitch, you're not to blame, just leave the typos. XDD
Rap Monster (Critic's Standing):
The scenario for this AU was interesting, and how Brea made sure to remember Y/N's job throughout the story. This review is going to be far shorter because I'm literally taken away by how fun and romantic this was? Fire is such a classic writing tool, and Brea used it so well, in this AU, I just loved it so much. I'm pretty sure this will be my favourite, when I'm done reading Jin's and J-Hope's, 'cause I'm sitting here and I can't find anything I would want to improve on this scenario, in terms of how it played out. Brea, this was perfect.
Jin (Reader's Standing):
I wouldn't be just sitting outside relaxing, I'd be on the look out for sp00ders.
But good solid first paragraph, in other words
Our boys are here and they're disturbing Y/N oh dear
Scared by Seokjin, oh Y/N, he wouldn't hurt a fly. ;w;
Ooh. Soothing soulmate feeling, that's so nice, it's like, the opposite of Namjoon's. Wait, that was your plan, wasn't it? 'Cause it worked, I'm so blown away by how nice this is, so far.
Wait 'figures over yours' Brea you missed the word 'stands'. You might want to fix that, some time. No pressure, relax, my girl. Wait, that was awkward for me, probably for you too, I'm sorry for being a millennial. XDD
Very surreal paragraph as Seokjin helps Y/N stand
Breeze from Seokjin disappears and suddenly Y/N feels stressed again, poor Y/N. :(
Good puppy for apologizing, he's so soft.
Yes puppy smiles that blessed my afternoon thank you Brea
Yes, Kim Seokjin is alluring.
And yes he has a beautiful face
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA he knows right away when you hold hands!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the amount of !'s but wow that was so romantic and I loved it
'I can't leave the children unattended'—Agreed, they're all children
Actor Seokjin is accurate, too
Heart emoji was cute oh my Lord
Good summary of Jin in one paragraph, demonstrates what Y/N learned about him
He dresses so softly though, ah
Loud laugh and mischievous, yep
Feeding Y/N food, thank you Brea, oh my gosh it's all so cute and just ugh
Aw they fell asleep on the couch
Jin (Critic's Standing):
This one had such a sweet aesthetic to it, it was so Seokjin, I enjoyed it so much! The guys messing around and disturbing Y/N's rest was on point, and Seokjin shielding Y/N from a baseball ball (try saying that ten times fast) was so princely of him. Timid Y/N was cute, too, and Seokjin again being a prince and helping them stand up. Not to mention the introduction of the calming wind soulmate cue that Y/N and Seokjin have, and how he immediately knows Y/N is his soulmate, that was just so... soap opera-esque, so well done and I loved it. Also, Taehyung apologizing and then smiling like the puppy he is was a bonus.
The first date was fun and pleasant to read, and as I said in the Reader's Standing, I really liked how you included things about Seokjin that Y/N know that ARMY already knows, it was a very nice and natural addition. Jin feeding Y/N was also a win, and the two watching movies and cuddling, then falling asleep on the couch, and Seokjin calling Y/N 'princess' before he left was just so smooth. I'd have to place this one as my current third, after Jungkook's and Namjoon's, who's still in first. Such a romantic and casual scenario, Brea, well done!
J-Hope (Reader's Standing):
Y/N is super busy in this one, hoo boy
Drink carriers are also called cup trays! I love how words can be called different words. :D
OK I need to drink some water hold on... yeah I'm good now, damn I'm getting tired of reading so much romance, my emotions aren't used to this much softness.
Bright red haired J-Hope is great thank you
Love hurts, hell yeah :D
Y/N works for advertising, neat
Ooh look, it's 3/4 of the hyung line!
Dancer Hoseok is accurate as hecc
Realistic company, very nice
'You might be blinded as if the sun were to glint off that smile'—Well, he is our sunshine.
Hello, 'taking a deep breathe' typo, nice to see you again.
And on opposite arms ooh
Whoa dang that was a long bow and dang Y/N straightened him that was a nice touch
Ye boys and girls it's a dinner date
The tattoo reminds Y/N that this isn't a dream, good catch there Brea
Hoseok admitting that Y/N looks cute was indeed cute
SHINE HOSEOK SHINE oh boy that car ride would have been fun
All the boys are here bless you Brea
Cute kiss is cute
And he kisses back of course, aww
AWEUROUEWI Hoseok's hands through Y/N's hair
Such a strong ending, Lord, bless this AU
J-Hope (Critic's Standing):
Y/N in this scenario is so relatable, they're a hard worker and—oh wait, there's Y/N's soulmate and it burns again. I'm serious, I'm not used to reading this much romance, I'm a little tired, want to take a nap but MUST FINISH, c'mon Faith, you've only got one left. That meeting J-Hope on 'accident' (it was fate, we all know it was fate) went together so well, it was very pleasant to read. Then they formally met and Y/N brought him to their office to review the proposal for footage, and Hoseok prompted Y/N to discover their matching flame tattoos, except each was on a different arm, and I thought that was a cool little feature. Not to mention that Hoseok bows low and for a prolonged amount of time before Y/N makes him stand because they think they're equals, that was a really nice touch. The car ride was fun to read, I could totally see Hoseok doing that. And we see the guys again—Jimin first, 'cause that puppy was so excited to see his hyung, apparently—and they seemed to have a really nice time. The fluff at the end was so sweet, and I just... it was so cute, I loved this one. Wouldn't change a thing.
Suga (Reader's Standing):
This one is probably going to dethrone Jimin as my bias someday because BOY IS SUGA R00D BUT CUTE AND IT FRUSTRATES AND PLEASES ME SO MUCH ugh, I love men
What a relaxing first paragraph...
Good reflexes, whoever saved Y/N
Ooh, icy cold soulmate. That suits Yoongi a lot, somehow.
'staring at him hand at shock'—When the 's' is an 'm' and you can't help but chuckle.
The 'hot' finger across the ice was honestly breathtaking to read, wow
He said 'holy shit' lmao thank you Brea I almost laughed out loud that would have been the end of me having a laptop XDD
Hoseok is here!! Hi sunshine!!
Casual phone number giving is casual and I liked it
This one is aesthetic too wow
Aw Y/N and Yoongi are both nervous about the whole soulmate thing that's so cute
'His outfit is casually sexy'—Bless you Brea that's such a concept
Speaking of smiles that pull at heart strings, that paragraph pulled at my heart strings.
Very pleasant and casual conversation between Y/N and Yoongi was really nice
The ice spreads oh my Lord that's so cool
The ice also might melt into Y/N's skin wow
Hello Jungkook and Taehyung nice to see you again
Awkward with words Taehyung and then apologizing real fast Taehyung was funny
'I'm glad I'm wrong'—Brea where is the 'I was'??
I thought the dog was Holly but nope it's Yeontan, my bad
Lmao at Yoongi's reaction to Jungkook's comment on how Y/N makes Yoongi happy
Soft kiss to the cheek garners more cool chills, nice
Dinner and movie with Yoongi was very relaxing. Uwu
Literally a very cool kiss, damn
WHY IS THERE NO MORE I'm a little sad now
Suga (Critic's Standing):
Never mind Namjoon's, this one was my favourite. I love how their meeting was so laid-back and romantic but had that literally icy cool soulmate twist to it, I absolutely loved this scenario. It was just a little more sweeter than the others because of how you portrayed Yoongi, and everything he did with Y/N. It was nice to see Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook again, and we even got an appearance by Yeontan! The way the ice spread and melted was so pleasing to read, and the little dinner and movie date Y/N and Yoongi had at his apartment was cute. I'm glad this was the one Brea started with, it was so so good!
I really hope Brea does more of these. I'd personally love to see Got7 or Monsta X (though Monsta X a little more, because Wonho has taken over my life). That's it, I'm out of here. >w< Go follow Brea. Do it.
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A perfect fit (part 5 end)
Summary : James Buchanan Barnes stumbles upon you, a lady that got him wrapped around her finger.
Warning/s: smut. If you’re under 18 please don’t read this.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader; Steve Rogers x reader (platonic)
Words: 2,501
Tags : @rodkrake @kaffekanden @namiiswan @destielinamoose @slender–spirit
A/N : English is not my native language … yeah coz writing smut in french sucks sometimes so excuse my rough english.
In the idea that Bucky and Steve came back to Brooklyn after the war and never went near a freaking train. It’s a pretty long one so I’ll do parts.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5(end)
You were enjoying a night out with Bucky, at the bar you’ve met. Seating in a corner booth, you’d been there for like an hour, talking about everything and sharing ideas, you were drinking while stealing his fries. One of your daily mission was to make Bucky blush and/or horny, obviously tonight was no different, as he was hailing at the barman for another two drinks, you slipped your foot out of your shoe then run it around his calf and ankle, he immediately looked at you, a mischievous smirk plastered on your lips. He shook his head. 
“Y/N, I’m warning you..” he said, then your foot slide between his thighs enjoying the warm and the way they clenched at your touch, reaching his crotch you soon felt his cock twitching under your toes.
Bucky cursed under his breath “fuck!” 
“Don’t threaten me with good things, Sarge!” you said in a lustful voice.
His eyes changed and you could see that you were in for a payback at home, your foot pressing and sliding along his clothe length making him breath heavier, his fist against his mouth maintaining eye contacts. 
“If you behave until we are alone I..” he was suddenly cut.
“Hello Bucky!” you both broke eye contacts surprised. A young woman was standing on Bucky’s side. She did not acknowledge you at all. Bucky’s eyes bounced between yours and hers. You quickly understand that she was an old catch, you leaned back amused, your bare foot still between his warm thighs. You wanted to see how he was going to get himself out of this situation. 
“I heard you came back from the war? You know I could make you forget it, Bucky!” she said in a sultry voice, you couldn’t help but scoff slightly.
“Hm.. as you can see..I am with someone!” He stuttered glancing at you, she finally realized you were here. 
“Hi!” you mouthed smiling while waving at her.
She raised an eyebrow at you and returned her attention to Bucky. You internally laughed so hard.
“I’m your best girl Buck, remember?” she said
“Oh really?” you said smirking, withdrawing your feet. He panicked a little at your doing, searching for your eyes, you crossed you arms staring at him trying to be as serious as possible.
“You know where to find me!” she winked at him before leaving, you could see Bucky was really uncomfortable.
“Doll...you’re not upset, are you?” he asked worried. You stared at him for few seconds, keeping a blank face.
“I’m gonna let you figure that out, dreamboat.” you did your best to hide your smile and stood up from the booth, making your way to the ladies room.
You were adjusting your make-up when someone plant themselves behind you.
“You should know, Bucky stayed with me the longest, he’ll come back to me!” she claimed.  
“Is that so?" You sighed. "Get over it hun. Little advice don't live in the past, it won't do you any good." you checked yourself one last time in the mirror and look at her reflection. You pushed the doors, leaving her speechless next to the sink. 
You reached your booth, getting a glimpse at an anxious Bucky. “Coming?” you asked him, he stood up at a fastness.
“Y/N..I..” he stammered, your hand went to his face gently, then you patted him on the cheek. “You’ll have to make up for this Bucky Barnes.” 
“Promise you, doll, I will!” he seized your middle bringing you against him. 
“Then what are we waiting for?” you purred near his lips.
You made it home in no time, no wonder you choose this bar since it's a block away from your place. Tearing down his shirt, you quickly removed his trousers, brushing his hard member on the way. He unfasten your pants and removed your blouse, and bra leaving you only in your panties. Walking backwards to the bedroom while kissing, you stopped beside the bed. Your hand sliding along his cock through his shorts. He grabbed a hold of your butt, fondling it, his other hand playing with your nipples while you kissed his upper body. He suddenly pushed you on the bed, earning a giggle from you.
"You've taunted me all night doll!" He crawled to you, making sure to let his hand caress your body from your ankle to the nook of your neck.
"Don't forget about..what's her name again?" You asked frowning your eyebrows.
"Let's not..talk about her honey. It's only you and me that's all that matters." He caught your lips in a searing kiss, his body enclosing yours.
His lips slide down your throat, licking his way down your collarbone. He took a mouthful of you breast while he roughly fondle the other one. His large hand went down on you, caressing your sex through your panties, you gasped as his lips kissed the skin below your breasts, grazing his teeth on your rib cage, pecking lingering kisses down your stomach he reached your sensitive part.
Holding the pink lips between his thumb and forefinger, working his way up and down, inserting your folds with his fingers you arched your back, his long fingers sliding into your body in a sweet rhythm while his tongue made wonders with swift flicks on your tight sensitive bud. Feeling your orgasm rising you tightened your grip on his silky hair and the sheet. Coming undone your body shuddered, moaning his name. You pulled on his dogs tags, bringing him up. His length filling you up, pulsing inside you, your nails digging into his butt cheeks as he thrust deeper into you resulting in both of you moaning and grunting. He made you reached peaks that you had never even brushed.
Bucky was coming at your place when he heard a ruckus behind your door, opening it in a crash.
“what the...” he stopped, furrowing his eyebrows wondering.
You turned to see Bucky at your door, looking very disturbed. 
“Don’t ask, that’s for science!” you said, returning your attention to the bottles on the living room table. Steve shrugged at Bucky. You were actually mixing alcohol to get Steve drunk, it happened after you both argued on his capacities..as always, he was totally in.
"You are both an embarrassment" Bucky scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Both of you look at him jaded, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Ok pal, gonna help or not?” Steve asked turning his upper body to Bucky.
You were about to take a shot of Tequila on your own, but you stopped the glass at your lips, waiting for Bucky’s answer. 
“Guys, ... I can’t let you two alone 2 minutes!” he patted Steve’s back as he sat on the couch, while you were sitting on the floor.
‘Don’t worry, I got it undercontrol.” you claimed grabbing bottles from the cabinet next your sofa. Somehow...you had lots of different liquors, you could have been a bartender in another life. Seeing the guys’ reaction they'd probably find that quite agreeable.
“Yeah you got it!” Bucky retorted chuckling.
About an hour later you were mixing every bottle that you had.
“Oh that’s one seems tough!” Steve snapped sniffing at it, Bucky took a sip and immediately coughed followed by Steve.
“What’s in it?” they asked between two coughs. 
“Hm ... I don’t remember..” they both looked at you in disbelief. “Hey for my defense I’ve done a lot of those concoctions.”
“Doesn’t matter what’s in it tho, it doesn’t make me drunk.” Steve announced standing up “Sorry Y/N it won’t be for tonight.” He bid goodnight as he closed your door.
“Why do you want to make him drunk so badly?” Bucky inquired, grabbing one your hand, pulling you gently to him, you eased yourself into his laps
“I want to get Captain America drunk, isn’t that legit!?” you exclaimed pointing at the door.
“Not exactly the word I would use.” He smiled and brushed your hair from your sleepy drunk face. The next morning was pretty hard but fortunately Bucky let you sleep in, he even stay in bed to cuddle listening to the radio which was playing one of your favorite, I know why by Glenn Miller. The rays of sun going through the fine curtains of your bedroom, lightning your legs intertwined, you tightened your embrace on Bucky’s waist, he drowsily kissed your hair. A perfect lazy morning, for once, in James Buchanan Barnes’ arms.
Few days later you went out with Peggy and Steve, at Peg’s favorite bar, sat in the corner booth, you had chips and some cocktail wraps. Steve and Bucky were talking about some baseball games while you and Peggy were enjoying your, 3rd? 4Th? Manhattan. Fortunately both of you were able to hold your liquor, now that Steve could no more get drunk, damn it, nor that he tried really hard before the serum, it was a bit unfair for Bucky who had to restrained himself. But being the smart cheeky man he is, he quickly found a way to distract himself from the drinks on the table.
Bucky's hand discreetly landed on your thigh, you slightly blenched. His thumb rubbing circles on your flesh. Your breath hitched at the sudden touch, Peggy didn't saw you glaring at Bucky who was still talking to Steve acting oh so innocent this little rascal!
Well if he wanted to play, you'll play! You reached his wrist, you saw him stealthily glancing at you maybe worried you'd removed his hand, you could have but why would you want to? Spreading open your legs a little bit more, you made his hand caress the inside of your thigh, slowly drawing him near you intimate parts, now he had your total consent, then he really look at you when he felt a string then lace, he tilted his head wondering what you were wearing and resumed his debate with Steve.
After this you let him handle, literally, he brushed his fingers on your clothe core, resting his palm on your mound, two fingers pressed lower stimulating your clit with small pressure, his fingers going further down sliding between your folds, his warm palm covering your sex, you clenched your thighs trapping his hand. At first you had your breathing under control until he pushed away your panty, your thighs loosen up in a matter of seconds, sliding two fingers on your folds, pressing and slowly moving left to right. His thumb soon circled around your clit, at this point he could see you trying to confined your moans by bringing the glass at your parting lips, you were so caught in the moment that you didn't notice Peggy watching you, she narrowed her eyes on you.
“James Buchanan Barnes!!” Peggy shouted, he abruptly removed his hand and fingers, you let out a silent moan already missing his touch. You laughed breathlessly seeing Bucky avoiding Peggy's look.
“Aouch” you couldn't help but giggled as Peggy hit your hand.
“You both are naughty!” she pointed at you two, Bucky was now wearing a devious smile, he shrugged at Peg. Steve was totally oblivious, wondering what was going on.
“I'll let you know, later..” she quipped cupping Steve's cheek. Bucky and you laughing at Steve's disoriented face. You leaned to Bucky's ear. “Why don't we head home, so I can show you what I'm wearing.” you mimicked him putting a hand on his strong thigh, squeezing it. “Oh, doll! I'd love that!” You pecked his lips.
You left Steve and Peggy when they went dancing, Steve had improved. Hurrying to your place Bucky get rid of your dress in a second, way to eager to see what you were wearing, and he was not disappointed. His eyes rested on a white underwear set with garters. His finger trailed his way up between the garter string and the flesh just under your butt cheek. That night was wild, Bucky definitely loved the new underwear set.
You were at the retail market, looking for new fabrics and inspirations when someone caught your arm.
"Y/N come with me! It's important!" Steve exclaimed nervously, pulling you out the market.
"What..Steve, what is it!?" You panicked, following his path.
"It's Bucky, he is.., come please!" He urged you to your store, you were so anxious by the time you arrived, to see that Bucky was not there.
"Steve where is Bucky?" you inquired, your heart couldn't keep still.
"Look Y/N, just trust me ok, it's.." he started to say his hand going up almost in defence.
"Don't go all Captain fuckin’ America with me Steve. I saved your skinny ass, so tell me the what's going on!!" You pointed at him with your purse.
"Be patient please Y/N! Gosh you're stressing me out!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, then put his hands on his hips.
At this point you were both talking loudly, you would say, well at the edge of screaming at each other.
"You're freaking me out! What is happening!?!" You threw your purse on one of the glass counters.
"Nothing! Just.. wait ok!" He sighed leaning on the main desk.
"Hey, could you both stop bickering!? You heard behind you and turned around, at least for today!” Bucky walked in, grinning.
Steve went to him, shook his hand and patted his shoulder. Then Oliver and Peggy came out the fitting room.
“Peg? What's going on?” you inquired getting quite anxious, is it how I die?
Oliver and Peggy giggled and stopped by the main desk.
“Doll, Y/N!” You focused onto him, brows furrowing in confusion.
"Bucky, tell me what.."
And all of sudden, he knelt down in the middle of the store on the blue carpet, getting a box out his pocket and popping it open just before your eyes. A shiny ring facing you, Bucky's bright blue eyes and huge smile in the background.
“Y/N, would make me the honor of .. taking me as your husband?”
A dead silence settled, leaving everone on edge. It's not that you didn't have an answer, but it's just wouldn't came out as you were so shocked, you did not expect anything like that when Steve brought you here in the middle of the day, scaring the shit out of you.
Peggy was smiling hard, clenching at Steve’s arm, Oliver was too actually, enjoying the feel of Steve's bicep. You gasped and find your voice back.    
“James Buchanan Barnes, I would be the one honored!” you answered smiling. He let out a long sigh, beaming at you. He slide the ring on your fine finger, your heart thumping in your ears. You caught his tie and pulled him into you, kissing him passionately, as he wrapped his arms around your middle.
Steve, Peggy and Oliver cheered and you hugged each one of them, you turned around after hugging Peggy to look at your now fiancé to noticed that he was wearing the suit you had made him, and it was indeed a perfect fit.
Thank you all for reading A Perfect Fit, I had a lot of fun writing it.
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entamewitchlulu · 6 years
Homura’s Flash Reviews [Spring 2018]
It’s the end of another animu season, so it’s time to give some flash reviews for the stuff I ended up finishing this season!
Under the cut for the length + all the gifs lol
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Comic Girls
After having storyboard after storyboard rejected, young aspiring manga artist Kaoruko moves to a dorm specifically for young mangaka, where she makes new friends, has fun adventures, and learns a lot about herself and her craft.
I liked this show way more than I expected to; it’s a very moeblob show and especially in the first couple of episodes there’s a lot of anime bullshit.  It IS a gag anime at the start and tends to default to a lot of the same tropes.  Despite this, I found it ridiculously hilarious, and I could relate to a lot of the #ArtistProblems and other things the girls dealt with regularly.  Not to mention, the characters were generally just really fun, cute personalities.  Despite some frustrations with some general character arcs feeling a bit stagnant, there were actually multiple places where I physically cried because despite the gag manga start, it gets pretty emotional later on regarding things like anxiety, artist’s block, and the feeling of stagnation, which was super relatable.  Also....Kaoruko is absolutely a tiny lesbian and I love my tiny lesbian daughter.  Actually I’m pretty sure they’re all lesbians, except for Rukki who is probably bisexual.
overall: 7/10
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Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card
Following the events of the original Cardcaptors, Sakura wakes up one morning to find that all of her Sakura Cards have turned clear.  Not only that, but there are more, strange new spirits appearing, and she’s been granted a brand new key from a dream.
Okay so....I have made mention of this one from a few other flash reviews since the first cour took place during last season.  And...my opinion has honestly worsened.  This was 22 episodes of obnoxiously boring fluff and little else. Don’t get me wrong: I love fluff. But I watch specific things for fluff. I don’t watch magical girl shows for 95% fluff, I watch them for sparkly, magical girl bullshit, cute costumes, fun magical experiences, and maybe just a little bit of worldbuilding.  Clear Card gave me next to nothing on all fronts.  When it wasn’t trying to be Cardcaptor Sakura: The Cooking Show, it was dragging its feet with 15 minutes of pointless chatter that did nothing to further characters or relationships, leaving them the exact same static characters they were in the original series.  Syaoran’s greatest draw was nearly completely erased once he became just a sedentary background love interest who did little. At least as a rival he pushed Sakura, but here, he just enabled the boring writing that did nothing to push the envelope.  The formula is nearly exactly the same as the last two series and the arc even mentions it.  Characters are unnecessarily cryptic, hiding things from each other, which only drags the story down.  The main plot is barely sprinkled in, magic stuff usually only happens for about 2 minutes towards the end of the mind-bogglingly slow fluff episodes, and the major plot??  Only appears for about five minutes in the final episode, addresses none of the questions we had and only reveals things we had already figured out fifteen episodes ago, gives no conclusion to any of it, and COMPLETELY ERASES THE ONLY CLIMATIC, STORY-FURTHERING SCENE BY USING TIME MAGIC.
And that’s...it, apparently.  I see no indication of a second season.  I assume the manga is still ongoing, but even if it is, this was an absolutely horrendous ending that did nothing to satisfyingly tie up ANY loose ends, further the world or the characters, or really do anything to add to the previous series.  Even the costumes were few and far between and the cards were almost all the same as the last set.  There was no creativity and nothing added here for the fans.  That brings me to my ultimate complaint: who was this show even for?! It can’t still be for kids, because new young fans of the original demographic’s age group would not have any clue what was happening with these characters, and it’s just lore-based enough to confuse any new viewers.  And it can’t be for the original fan group, who are all much older now and want something with just a little more substance. I’m not asking for a gritty cardcaptors show at all. Just something that respects us as adult viewers and gives us a little more to grab onto.  And that was way longer than any flash review has any right to be, so I will cut myself off there.
overall: 4/10
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Lostorage conflated WIXOSS
Though they believed it was finally over, former LRIG and Selector Kiyoi knows that the Selector battles will come again, and this time, they will destroy everything--and she is determined to bring the dark loop of suffering to a close once and for all by bringing together all of the greatest Selectors from every generation to take on the new threat.
Boasting the largest cast of any of the previous WIXOSS series and continuing both the story of Lostorage and the first two Selector series, this is absolutely the most ambitious take on the WIXOSS universe thus far: and it does fantastically with it.  There was not a single moment where I was bored; even during slower flashback and exposition parts, I was hooked.  This was one of the best ways to expand and complete the universe, as the ending here finally does feel like a decisive end to the anime franchise (though, so did the end of the Selector anime, so who knows lol).
As always, WIXOSS has some of the most fantastic character designs, relationships, dynamics, and animation among other anime, making it truly stand out.  The card game is more window dressing than actual substance, but that doesn’t matter, because the power of the relationships and the messages that this story is telling are far more powerful and attention grabbing.  The decision to make Kiyoi the protagonist of this series, while also bringing back previous protagonists Ruko and Suzuko, was an incredible decision and really made for a fantastic story.
overall: 9/10
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Golden Kamuy
After being discharged from the army after the Japanese-Russo war, Sugimoto is left with the dying wish of his comrade: to make enough money to support his fallen comrade’s wife and son and pay for their medical expenses.  He stumbles across an opportunity when an escaped convict tells him of a hidden trove of Ainu gold that can only be found by collecting the information tattooed onto the bodies of a group of escaped prisoners. With the help of an Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose tribe the gold was stolen from, Sugimoto takes on the mission to track down the prisoners and find the gold.
This show is absolutely fucking incredible.  I don’t think I can even give it proper words.  Like what a goddamn great season for anime this was??  Not only is the show clearly heavily researched, giving us insight into a part of Japanese history and Ainu culture that is rarely if ever discussed in Japanese culture, the story and characters are all so well done.  The animation can be wonky in places, but the expressions, the character banter, and god the soundtrack are all mind-blowingly good.  Unlike Clear Card, when this show decided it wanted to be a cooking show, I was completely on board, because I was learning something new about Ainu culture and also getting to see our heroes be adorkable and hilarious together.  The characters are absolutely where this show shines, and even though it’s a bit bloated at first, characters quickly become recognizeable and easily separated.  The relationship between Sugimoto and Asirpa, especially, is one of the most wholesome and fun friendships I’ve ever witnessed (I’m hoping, tho, that it stays platonic despite some jokes to the contrary lol).  This was only season 1, and season 2 will air in October, and you can bet I will be waiting at the edge of my seat for more of this incredible show.
overall: 9/10
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After a strange girl in a metal cocoon drops out of the sky and onto his head, yakuza Nitta finds himself the reluctant father of a needy young girl with psychic powers.  Shenanigans ensue around their strange new family and the dysfunctional adults and children that surround them.
This show was so much fucking better than it had any right to be; from the initial plot summary I was worried it was going to be awful, creepy-ish moe bullshit...but it was NOT.  This was a gag anime of the highest caliber.  The pacing was amazing, the characters were to a one endearing, the animation was BEAUTIFUL, and god...the punchlines...everything was so fucking funny the whole time.
You’ve got pretty much everything here: you’ve got the obnoxiously needy Hina, who is monotone in everything she does, you’ve got the Worst/Best Dad Nitta, you’ve got poor can’t-say-no-to-favors Hitomi, and the Most Pure and Wholesome Anzu.  There’s something to love in every character and every scene, and it’s ridiculous just how amazing this show is.  I can’t put it into words, please just watch it.  Where my other top shows of the season took awhile to grow on me, this one was hitting home runs from episode 1.  Do yourself a favor and watch it.
overall: 9/10
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Megalo Box
In a world where boxing is performed with powerful mechanical rigs known as Gear, a nameless boxer known only as Junk Dog is tired of being forced to throw fights in an illegal underground boxing ring to pad the pockets of his gambling organization.  When he crosses paths with the current champion of Megalo Box, he and his crew take a risky gamble to get him into the world’s first international Megalo Box competition so that he can fight the champion again, reinventing himself as Gearless Joe as he steps into the ring without any Gear.
This show took a while to really get onto my Awesome List, mostly because the aesthetic that it’s throwing back to was never really my thing in the first place.  I’m generally not a huge fan of the muted color palettes, the punkish music, or just the idea of boxing in general (a lack of significant female characters also always tends to put me off).  Despite this, however, the show ended up being stunning.  By halfway through, I was incredibly hooked on the high this show wanted me to ride, by the character arcs that were playing off each other, and I was even coming around to the music.  Boxing may not be my thing, but the character story that was told here was an incredible one, and definitely deserves its place among the Best Anime of 2018, which if it doesn’t win something come that time, I’ll be floored and disappointed with everyone.
overall: 9/10
Overall this was an incredibly strong season: I dropped a few things of course, but what I continued were almost all 9/10s.  I’m super pleased with the spring season and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s coming out for summer.
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