#can't even dislike bugs anymore
harmofud · 11 months
You fall in love with one biology major and suddenly you can no longer blindly dislike certain species because you are shown your partner's childlike wonder for the beauty of the world 😔
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sophvilla · 2 months
Her Warmth, My Peace
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<<<Pairing : Bf!Jay x Gf!FemReader
<<<Synopsis: As Soon as you came into Jay's life things weren't the way it used to be and He Loves that
<<<Genre: Nonidol!Jay x nonidol FemReader , Fluff, Tooth-roting fluff , Jay's in so much Love ( as well as reader) , Realisation of Love etc
Jay’s side of the bed wouldn't even be called Jay's anymore. you sleep there nearly every day, blaming it on how the pillows smell of him.
Jay’s clothes aren't his anymore, you're sleeping in his shorts and t-shirt tonight. you wore his shirt yesterday, and took his ties for some clothes experiments last week.
Jay’s sacred Guitars are no longer his own, he finds you on the floor as you try to make up a new Melodies out of it & Sometimes you just forgot to put them back at its place, leaving them on floor or table.
Jay's Love for Making food has Grown more as he made his mission to try out recipes that you picked out for him to make every weekend, Even though sometimes they don't turn out to be great you still devour his creation like it's not bland in taste only for Jay to practically steal the plate forcefully from you as it's not healthy to eat a Raw Steak as he settles for a take out while laughing at your pout
Jay’s mugs are now shared, always in the dishwasher even when he doesn't recall using them at all.
Jay’s thoughts don't belong just to him anymore. you'd bug him about it all day if he doesn't share what he's thinking so he, with an exasperated sigh while chuckling at your intrigued expression, tells you what's on his mind.
Jay’s salary doesn't go straight to his savings account like it used to, instead taking a portion of it to spend on you. 'you' means gifts, flowers, dates, Restaurants, trips, trinkets, and so on.
Jay’s weekends aren't as quiet as they once were; now they're chaotic, full of so much of you.
Jay’s fridge is full nowadays. candy, leftovers, ice cream, cheese, cake, bread, and the list goes on. so many things that don't go along with his diet fill the once-empty shelves.
Jay doesn't spend as much time in his study as before you moved in. now old books are left to collect dust, long forgotten in a room that's never lit. even when he decides to pick one up and read it, it's the minute that he sees your face the book is tossed away.
Jay's Happiness still comes from days off, but now it's because those days are spent with you. days when he slept long and ignores the world are long gone, now he gets to sit and focus on you, watching as everything else becomes nothing but background noise.
Jay has always been sure he's not looking for marriage, at least not right now. but he swears that ring looks so perfect for you. there's no way he'd miss it.
Jay stands in front of the bathroom mirror 5 minutes late every day because you're still figuring out how to fix his tie the right way without any help. he can't seem to rush you, though what's being precisely on time have on your little giggles as you sit on the sink and struggle to finish a task he could have done in under a minute?
Jay has been spending so much time eating as of late, more time than he can afford. while he used to finish a meal in approximately fifteen minutes, now dinners could stretch to two hours. he couldn't get off the table early when you sit across from him, talking and joking and doing anything that's not eating. he simply can't possibly not indulge in the little conversations, appreciating every moment he gets to spend in your presence.
Jay’s trip to his Parents house isn’t like before anymore as He’s grinning from ear to ear as he listens to your and his mother rant about something but he can’t seem to focus as his eyes stays on and his mother.
It isn’t like before when at dining table all his parents could ever talk about is You making Jay indulge in every conversation as he states what’s your like and dislike.
Jay’s life wouldn't even be called his anymore. you're a storm, invading his life all at once, bringing in your chaos along with you. you've infatuated him, you've assailed his senses and changed his very being. every time Jay’s eyes align with yours, he prays your presence isn't a fleeting one. he silently hopes you don't leave as suddenly as you came, that you plan to stay.
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quimichi · 2 months
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TW: obsessive behavior, stealing
SUMMARY: He couldn't take his eyes off you...why are you so...catching? So pretty to look at...Why do you have to have this beautiful soul...and why would he do anything for you?
CHARACTERS: SUB!Yandere x F!Reader
*character in the picture: Yoshiki - The summer Hikaru died
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¡! ❞ Akito always loved beautiful things. Since childhood he loved to watch the sunset or sunrise. His parents always had to stop their car when there was a rainbow so he could take a picture with his little kids toy camera. When he got older, he also hot into poetry. He found his mothers poetry book in the bookshelf before he could even understand half the words written there. He just knew those words and phrases must be pretty.
¡! ❞ All things fascinate him, because all things are beautiful in some way. So it wouldn't have been much of a surprise that when he sees you, he would fall hard.
¡! ❞ But...it was. There he was, standing his eyes almost popping out of his skull while he introduces himself to the class. He just moved here, everything i so new to him. There's so much to discover! But he had no idea he would discover love...discover you.
¡! ❞ He stared, directly at you, you saw and felt it. Normally, you'd think its really weird, cause it is. But since he appears so cute and innocent, you shake it off as a nervous fixation. Surely someone like him wouldn't be THAT weird. Wrong...
¡! ❞ The teacher decides the best place for him to sit, is the free place beside you. There are many more free seats, but you were one of the nicest in class, so your teacher figured it would be best if Akito sat beside you. Maybe you will even show him around? Introduce him to the new environment?
¡! ❞ So he sat down beside you, and immediately introduced himself, "Akito." He extends his hand, wanting you to shake it, and of course you place your hand in his...oh-your hand is...so warm? It feels nice against his skin. Your skin against his. Youe have really nice hands, with hands like these you MUST obviously do something. Art? Maybe you compose songs? Poetry maybe! "I know-!" you giggle as you shake his hand. Akito tilts his head, "Huh?...oh-i already introduced myself-!" He's a little ashamed, but he had worse situations. Your beauty is just...he doesn't know how to describe it, it caught him off guard a bit.
¡! ❞ "I'm Y/N, it's really nice to meet you." You shake his hand, you can't deny it, he's kinda cute. But the introduction was short lived because the lesson was about to start. While you were able to pay attention, Akito was not. He doesn't dislike school, but neither does he love it. Hes a pretty good student, he can pay attention. But rn the lesson is just bugging him the wrong way. It cut you off, you couldn't talk to him anymore...He wanted to hear more of your voice...what a shame, truly.
¡! ❞ But its ok, he can just sit there and learn about you! Oh, now he knows what those hands do. Your handwriting is pretty, the way that pen flows over the paper makes it look so elegant, so easy. You wouldn't pay much attention to it cause well, its not really important is it? Its just your handwriting. But Akito already memorized how each letter is written, connects with the other, how they look in combinations.
¡! ❞ You, again, notice his stare. And, again, you shake it off. You move your hand over and turn the paper into his vision, "there." You honestly just thought he wants to see your notes and maybe copy some of them. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO NICE??? Why is his heart pounding so much?? Is this love? No, it can't be you two just met??
¡! ❞ at the end of class he noticed how one of your pens mustve rolled off your table. Seems like you also didn't noticed...so you wouldn't notice if he would take it, right? You're so nice you wouldn't mind one pen less right? Its also the pen you took your notes with!...that means your warm soft hands touched it...pretty hands.
¡! ❞ Quickly he shoves it into his pocket before someone notices him and walks out right after you, following along like a lost puppy. You know where the next class is, so you don't mind. But he actually forgot about this fact and just wanted to follow you, because...well youre interesting. He keeps playing with the pen in his pocket, the material is nice. You must probably like the pen if you take notes with it. And he saw more of the same brand laying around on your desk. Is it your favorite brand? Should he buy you some?...Or do you have enough? Wait-why did you stop walki-
¡! ❞ He bumped into your back, or more specifically, your backpack. "Sorry-! I uh...didn't pay attention to where i was going..." You laugh it off, saying its ok while walking away to a friend.
¡! ❞ Odd...this feeling in his stomach, the sudden drop. Perhaps...jealousy? Is he truly jealous of your friend? Just because you walked over to them to talk to them instead of you? Cause your attention shifted?...
to be continued?
I realized I take waaay to long so--more parts? Was it even good???
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sarenhale · 5 days
I'll be honest, i dont like going on a whole tangent like this about dragon age/bioware because I recognize there's still (weirdly) some people that love the game and are passionate about it, and I dont want to be the party pooper and be annoying telling you you shouldn't enjoy a game you enjoy. Do what you want.
So don't read this post if you don't want to get mad.
But at the same time it genuinely baffles me how this company (talking about EA mostly cause they're the one at fault for almost all the bad decisions) has consistently fucked their employees by firing them with no severance or heads up, for no reason that wasn't cutting costs to make more money, introduced the idea of having ad breaks IN games, fucked their fanbase repeatetly with shitty and badly made games (anthem everyone?)that weren't ready to be launched and launched regardless with a thousand bugs and promised a lot of things without ever delivering them.
After the fiasco that was dragon age inquisition and mass effect Andromeda i personally checked out dragon age/mass effect completely and I'm happy to only play the old games without acknowledging their stupid shit, but I can't help getting a bit mad when news about da4 resurface and apparently everyone has magically forgotten all the shit EA has done to its employees and players? You know, just magically?
I hope we can at least remember all the employees and long time members of the studio that were completely fucked over and fired for no reason, or all the players that took it in the ass when they bought a non functioning game and never received a refund and got treated like shit, and were promised stuff that was never delivered. I'm not saying don't play or enjoy the game, again it you're passionate about this game do what you want to do, I ain't your mom.
But at least reflect a bit on what this game was build upon, all the layoffs and bad treatment the creators of this game endured, and the fact that the vast majority of them isn't even there anymore cause they got randomly fired.
Game companies do this ALL THE TIME and apparently it's good to criticize blizzard and other companies that are 'disliked' and became the bad guy, but when it's EA creating da4, it's suddenly crickets? I'm really tired of the perpetual forgiving and ignoring the problem of a lot of people in the dragon age Fandom, I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy the game if you want, but be for fucking real and at least acknowledge that this game was built upon lies, layoffs, bad treatment, dishonesty and horrible development.
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tcshi · 2 years
itoshi rin.
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it's a bit hypocritical of rin to think this way.
seeing as he'd gone out of his way to express his undisputed dislike towards you on quote, “saying i hate you is to feel immensely, and i don't have that kind of sentiment for you. i don't hate you, i just dislike you.”
he'd also ensure that you know where you stand exactly in his life - nowhere.
to make matters worst is that he always successfully deterred your advances by being the biggest asshole known to existence just so you can piss off because he can't have someone or something as trivial as you disrupting his plans on surpassing his older brother and becoming the world's greatest striker.
he can't have any distractions.
he will never let himself, NO.
but even then, the moment you stopped coming by the field or loiter near the hallway of his classroom pulled at his heartstrings.
the eyes that used to stare at you, cold and distant grew to seek for your presence in the places where you mostly used to bug him.
you were just never there anymore.
but truly, how could you even return to show your face when rin himself was the cause for you to run away in the very first place?
how could someone continue pushing their selves onto someone with the likes of the younger itoshi brother who not only embarrassed you multiple times but trampled on your confidence because he can't have any distractions?
you grew fed up and tired.
rin knows that too.
but as he continue to stare at you from the other side of the field, disregarding the noise, the amount of people and the media coverage who covered the current game live surrounding him, he couldn't help but think that you were too good for someone like isagi yoichi.
isagi yoichi who expressed his love for you in many more ways than one.
isagi yoichi who held you in his embrace when rin and his heartless decisions rendered you teary-eyed with aching heart.
isagi yoichi who wasn't afraid to show you just how much you mean to him.
isagi yoichi who would give you the world if you asked.
isagi yoichi who was a better person and a better man than itoshi rin who as much as the latter wouldn't admit, was the perfect person for you.
and maybe somewhere along those lines, you realized that too.
leaving the crippling reality of what rin lost and what you gained.
rin sighs, throwing his water bottle beside his seat before closing his eyes.
it's such a dreary thing to see, but dismally appalling for rin to realize that he lost the very person to show him a lot of what he could've gotten.
“well isn't this fucking upsetting...”
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delopsia · 1 year
Bestie i need more headcanons on cuddle bug rhett 😭🐛
I feel like I could go on about Rhett being a cuddle bug for HOURS
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When you first get together, Rhett is very, very hesitant to touch you. Not out of a dislike for it but because he tends to forget how strong he is, and he's mortified that he'll hurt you. He's had a lot of instances in the past where he's hugged someone a little too hard or otherwise caused some sort of accidental harm.
But once you establish that you're not breakable! and that he isn't going to break your spine simply from hugging you from behind; all bets are off.
He used to always argue that he's not touch starved, saying something about lack of physical touch not bugging him in the slightest, but in reality, he's just grown so used to it that he doesn't see the signs anymore.
That argument went out the window when one day, you reached up and cradled his cheeks in your palms, and his face softened with a realization that he'd never had before.
Touch is a very intimate thing for him. He never had a lot of it growing up, and for a while there, it was only a thing he could find in his weekend hookups. It's something that makes him feel safe, feel real, like he's not just an invisible being whose only purpose is to work.
Rhett's favorite thing is to have you lying on his chest. There's just something so comforting in having you on top of him, safely secured in his big, strong arms. He could lay like that for hours if you'd let him.
There is a designated kiss for every occasion. Hello and goodbye kisses, just picked you up in his truck kisses, cheer-me-up forehead kisses, bedtime kisses, I didn't expect to run into you here kisses, giggly nose kisses because it's cold out and our noses feel like they're made of ice. For everything you do, there is a reason for a kiss or two.
Kisses your injuries, too. From bruises to cuts to old scars, they all deserve kisses!
He loves it when you kiss the scar on his chest. He's never really paid much attention to it until you started doing that, and now its become one of his favorite scars.
Autumn and Spring are his favorite seasons. Not because of the weather but because sometimes you misjudge the weather and wind up snuggling into him for warmth.
Laces your pinkies together when you walk. It's subtle, just a loose little link that doesn't result in hot, sweaty hands after a few minutes.
Drops everything to cuddle with you if you ask. It doesn't matter what he was doing beforehand; he's already halfway across the room with his arms open wide. Do you want to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie? Go to bed and take a nap together? Hell, he'll even carry you there!
Recently, Rhett's been introduced to the theaters with big couches instead of tiny seats, and he's been hooked. A movie with his sweetheart, in a comfy loveseat where he can cuddle with you and not spill the popcorn?? Sign him the fuck up.
It's a bit of a drive, considering Wabang is close to nothing, nothing, and more, nothing, but he doesn't mind it. That just means he gets to spend more time with you!
He won't admit it, but he really enjoys being the little spoon. Especially if you let him tuck his head up under your chin and go to sleep there. It's nice to feel small and delicate every once in a while.
Turns into a damn glue trap when he's drunk. Once you let him touch you, he's not coming off.
The good thing is, that means he's the last person to go missing in a bar. The bad thing is, you literally cannot get him off of you. He's hugging you from behind, sleepily kissing your cheek as he fusses about how he's sleepy and wants to go home.
And what do you mean that he can't snuggle into you in this booth because you're in public? That couple over there might as well be having sex against the wall at this point, and they're not bothered! So why can't he cuddle you??
"Just one kiss?" Rhett pleads, batting those pretty, long lashes of his, "please?"
"Rhett, I've already given you one," you regret the words the very second they come out of your mouth because his eyes drop to his lap, disappointed. You might as well have just backhanded him.
What's worse is you know he's not doing it intentionally. He just doesn't know how to control his expressions when he's drunk. If he's feeling it, you can see it written all over his scruffy face.
Reaching over, you take hold of his jaw and tilt it up, pressing a soft peck to his lips.
The corners of his eyes crinkle as he giggles.
It even works to get him out of those petty bar fights. All you have to do is run your hand up his back, speaking gently, and he's backing out of it. Might have a few more choice words for who he's angry with, but it works. Perry calls it the Magic Touch.
In the event that you tell him no, he does one of three things, he either pouts, accepts it, and moves on, OR he turns it into a game of 'who's gonna crack first.'
He always cracks first.
All you have to do is cozy up somewhere, open up your arms, and he's gone.
It's rare that he gets to join you, but bubble baths are his favorite way to wind down with you. It always starts out with him sitting across from you, legs tangled up as you talk about everything under the sun, but as the water starts to grow cold, he scoots over to sit next to you.
Play! With! His! Hair! There is no quicker way to make the man nearly purr. Sleepily blinks at you and smiles all big and wide while you do it.
Shamelessly loves the sparkly bath bombs you use every once in a while. he gets a real kick out of seeing the glitter on his skin the next day, and you usually get a picture of his shimmering hand with the caption, "darlin', I'm sparkling in the light again."
This past summer, Rhett got the big idea of putting a hammock behind the house, tucked safely into the shade of the trees. Really went all out and got one of the bigger ones because, hey! Potential cuddle spot!
Sometimes you'll find him out there, knocked out cold with his hat flat on his face, and you'll climb in and join him in his afternoon cat nap. He's too deep of a sleeper to notice your arrival, but he's always grinning like an idiot when you wake up. "Didn't expect to wake up with an angel in my arms."
Does that thing where he places his hand on your lower back as you step past him. He doesn't even intend for it to happen; it just winds up there, gently pressing into you until you're out of reach.
Nuzzles you with his nose like he's a dog. It's the first thing he does once he's got you in his arms, nose wiggling against you as he finds himself a nice, comfortable spot. It tickles, and your giggles only make him do it even more.
Who would have thought a cowboy could be so cuddly?
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offical-ouroboros · 2 months
Fear's Nature - 2
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CW: kidnapped reader lol, yandereish/puppy dog dredge, some violence against reader (its a killer. What do you want?), multi person/hive mind dredge, angst??? Kinda, Stockholm Syndrome? Bro I don't know I'm just silly.
You were starting to get used to this.
Not really.
But they saw it that way.
You'd been spared from trials, for the time being. So had the realm. So had…
The Duranee.
You… Didn't know if you hated them anymore.
Disliked, sure. Were terrified of, yes.
But hate?
. . . You couldn't hate something like that.
You were used to the brutal nature of the killers in trials.
You'd seen what it was capable of.
And for a time before it had grown attached to you, you'd even felt the agony it could bring.
It had cut and roughed you up, leaving marks surely to bruise if the Entity didn't have some form of rapid healing in store to keep Her… Toys alive.
The moment the Dredge had you…
The second it saw your broken, teary face. Groveling under it.
Not daring to heal. Not daring to crawl away.
When it picked you up, you didn't struggle. You squirmed a bit- Trying to get… Comfortable. Before your agonizing moment of being placed on a meathook.
. . . It couldn't hurt you.
Not ever again.
The moment it touched you like that…
Held you.
Just the sound of your sniffles of pain.
Its mind… No longer raced. No longer craved violence. No longer felt such fear. Such need to rip and tear.
Holding you made everything go quiet.
It contemplates putting you down. For a moment, its grasp slips.
And then the fear. The pain. The screaming. Everything comes back.
Its arms hold you tighter, making you take a sharp breath of pain.
It was so scared to lose its comfort again.
The way they had once felt. The promised Utopia. The safety, the unity, the-
They were all together now.
And you could be their new beacon.
You knew it was back from the clattering downstairs.
It had really let the place go, having you now.
Every so often it fled- Always coming back with more toys, more clothes, more food- More of anything you asked for.
It was usually covered in some semblance of blood, too.
You knew exactly what was happening.
The Entity would allow Her pet to keep its own little prize.
And She'd give it anything it wanted.
As long as it sucked up to her, and slaughtered as much as it could.
Killing everyone in a single trial was the least work it had to do to get anything nice for you.
It hoped you appreciated it.
And some sick part of you did.
It would stumble into the room, slightly gurgling as it panted. Drool hung from its open, slit mouth.
It almost seemed to shake in excitement as it brought something over to you, entangled in its many hands.
It was…
A… Box.
A heart shaped box.
A Valentine's box.
Your usual bitter and fearful expression dropped slightly, a more untrusting and curious look replacing it.
Sitting up a bit, you hesitate.
It urges the box a bit closer.
Your hand touches it.
It feels like it's going to go crazy.
It knows what this means.
Well, assumes anyways.
It remembered.
Remembered what these treats meant.
Remembered that you accepting them…
Meant you accepted it.
To you, it was nothing of the sort.
But it didn't really matter what you thought.
Both of your hands are on the box now. You carefully slip it away from the Dredge.
You brace yourself as you get ready to open it.
You're half expecting to find bugs, like in some weird kids movie.
But… It looks like chocolate.
It looks edible.
It looks…
Your angry looks completely vanish. Your eyes are a bit wide, hopeful, desperate expression crossing your face.
Like it was playing a trick on you.
You take a piece out, lightly squishing it between your pointer and your thumb.
It felt like chocolate.
You glance to the side. Then up- Er, down at the Duranee.
Its looking at you so expectantly.
You take a bite.
You can't help it as a whine escapes you.
The pure ecstasy of something so sweet.
Something you've been deprived of for so long.
A little whimper, you're quick to eat the rest of the piece you grab. Tears are in your eyes- The sweetness is overpowering.
With a quivering lip…
“T-Thank you.”
Thank you.
You thanked it.
You had never once been so kind.
Never once thanked it.
Never once regarded it with anything other than hatred.
You thanked it.
You accepted its gift. Its… courtship. And you thanked it.
Did that mean you'd stay forever?
To your wishes, hopefully not.
To its own, it would make sure you did.
“You like… Like it. Do you like it?” Their many voices echoed out.
It's… Unsettling to say the least.
A gentle symphony of an entire town of people- Maybe even more by now. Their cries, their screams, their whimpers. Yet above all… A strange, harmonious tune.
You don't really want to engage with it. But…
Really, it wasn't… Doing anything bad.
It… Never hurt you. Your first time ever meeting it was the first and last time that would ever happen.
It liked being near you.
It liked holding you.
It wanted to make you… Feel the same way you made them feel.
“ . . . Yeah.”
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[NSFW AU] Forest god Shuichi, bounty hunter Kokichi
Bunny: i didn't think Too deeply on it but basically. roaming bounty hunter kokichi + monster shuuichi kokichi gets in over his head :)c probably vine tentacles involved, because i like those [a little bit later] forest cryptid shuuichi…mmm good stuff the people who hired kokichi to kill him are maybe Not Great they kept fucking with his home it's not his fault he had to dissolve them like a pitcher plant can i add seed ovi
Me: Yes Do it
Bunny: they think kokichi's dead bc he doesn't come out of the woods SNDKHBJJFG
Me: He lives there now Becomes a planter, the way he's full of seedlings
Bunny: he does leave sometimes to take care of business but mostly. happy vine time his feet rarely touch the ground anymore. shuuichi spoils him
Me: Oh? Carries him around or keeps him in bed?
Bunny: i think mostly literally holds him up in his vines shuuichi is the forest, to some extent …does he have a bed, actually?? MAYBE THAT'S WHY KOKICHI HAS TO LEAVE SNDBJFJG u get kidnapped by a hot cryptid and he doesn't even have a house smh
Me: Mossy nest
Bunny: mossy nest could also work!!! comfy little cave
Hina: Is Shuichi a plant?
Bunny: shuuichi is a cryptid/monster that's like. the avatar of a forest? its spirit, but also its guardian
Hina: So do plants grow in him?
Me: I think in this case the seeds have to go Become airborne as seeds do Find some soil to settle into
Bunny: also, airborne??? what do you mean by that bc i can not be seeing the same image you are
Me: I don't have access to translator now but I mean like When the stuff from trees just fly off and people have allergies to that
Bunny: okay yeah i did understand we were having different ideas of the size of these seeds i'm pretty sure
Me: I assumed that they're tiny and in a huge quantity Seeds just suggest that idea
Bunny: they do!! however i usually go for Very Large bc it's fun to me
Me: Like. I thought of tiny orchidea seeds, bc orchideas are cursed with those so I was made to read about that once See, that was fitting in the mer au, but if Shuichi IS the forest then it makes sense he'd have A Lot
Bunny: ooohh that's true but how would that Feel
Me: Grainy cum Not dry tho Just textured Like chia seeds in a drink But more density [everyone disliked that, idk why]
Beez: in my head shuichi just looks like millennial tree
Me: In my he has like a gown with moss covered vines and flowers holding it together Flowers in his hair too, maybe elfish ears, probably lil antlers
Apollo: Okay but if Shuichi is the forest, does he have eyes everywhere? Like he sees everyone coming to destroy his home/him then sees a cute hunter and goes You. You're gonna be mine now.
Bunny: yes, yes he does :) kokichi never stood a chance :) i can't believe this was started over me liking swordkichi a little Too much [design from the official anthology]
Apollo: Imagine just walking into the forest to get rid of a creature but the whole ass FOREST decides you're its pet/partner or whatever now
Bunny: he was gonna melt him into bone soup but he sensed a pure heart and pretty face ok
Apollo: No need to live pay check to pay check when the forest is constantly fucking and breeding you
Dra: Damn does he do that [melt someone] to anyone else when Kokichi can see
Bunny: not when he can see he's very big, he can take care of forest-killers and his favorite pet simultaneously
Me: Feeding his favorite human handpicked berries and honey
Apollo: He's made him a little flower crown that won't die and is making sure he only eats the best things possible
Me: Tries to feed him bugs too, to get him some protein, never again, lesson learned
Bunny: kokichi is half-awake and being lazily fucked so he only realizes when he feels a leg wiggle against his lips IF ONLY THERE WAS BOOKS ON HUMAN CARE he's Struggling i jusg think. kokichi being suspended above the forest floor, strange smooth vines stuffed in every hole large enough, dizzily wondering what theyre pumping into him he's having a very blissed out time kokichi accidentally cuts his hand after gripping onto shuuichi's antlers and shuuichi is HORRIFIED he's pretty sure kokichi is Actually Dying
Apollo: He's never seen blood and Kokichi is currently too blissed out to notice that he's bleeding
Bunny: IN HIS EXPERIENCE HUMANS ARE FUCKEASY TO KILL OK HE JUST DROPS THE GROUND OUT FROM UNDER EM A LITTLE AND THEY EXPLODE he should probably have a much more intimate knowledge of death than this being a forest god but. it's funny
Apollo: Okay but Kokichi accidentally gags when his mouth is being fucked and Shuichi freaks out at that because does that mean he did something bad???? Kokichi seemed to like it though??? He's hopeless at caring for his little human but he's trying his best
Bunny: im imagining their first meeting,, maybe shuuichi's forest is extremely sheltered and humans have only recently started trying to "develop" it.. kokichi shrieking and swinging his sword around while vines hoist him higher and higher they start stripping him and he thinks he's about to die but they just end up poking around curiously wherever they can reach, trying to figure him out
Apollo: Shuichi that's not how you properly get a boyfriend smh
Bunny: he doesn;t know that!! he IS the forest there's nothing for him outside of it
Apollo: Shuichi appears but is absolutely zero help because he also starts poking Kokichi in curiosity
Bunny: he thinks shuuichi is there to help but no, he just wanted to feel kokichi's interesting textures more clearly the human makes cute noises when he pokes him there :D
Beez: would that mean cutting it down hurts him. .. . .
Bunny: yes sometimes death is a natural part of the forest lifecycle but you can't cut him all the way down and expect him to live
Beez: yeah i imagined if it happened naturally he would be fine but if there was smth interfering he would Feel it
Apollo: Kokichi tries to kick him and Shu just pouts because he doesn't know how to respond. He's just interested in this cutie
Bunny: kokichi tries to bite him and gets a vine stuffed in his mouth
Me: This is where verbal communication ought to step in
Bunny: when does verbal communication ever work when kokichi's involved /j
Apollo: This isn't how Kokichi wanted to be seen in front of a hot forest spirit damn it. He couldn't even flirt before getting naked /j
Kai: Human try developing Shuichi's forest and Kokichi is just "AW HELL NAH THAT GUY FUCKED ME TOO GOOD FOR YOU TO UP AND KILL HIM!"
Bunny: maybe the fantasy seeds he has kokichi incubate are replacements for the killed trees OOO
Dra: I'm sorry but my mind just went to that fucking bird (there is a type of tree that doesn't grow unless the bird eats the seeds first)
Me: Yeah, the forest grown since Kokichi came around
Me: I was thinking something a lil more lovey dovey when you said he stayes in the forest
Bunny: it's lovey-dovey once they get past the Poking phase. shuuichi is very curious and has literally no idea what boundaries are maybe kokichi offers him a deal,,,like 'u can keep touching me wherever as long as you promise to stop eating people'. he does not have his sword and has literally no way to enforce this and is also currently wiggling toward shuuichi's hand but it's fine he's a very serious business man shuuichi is very diligent about aftercare even though he has no idea what that is and tries to feed him a bug he goes "well some of the animals like this" and pulls kokichi into his lap to start petting him humans need protein he's pretty sure he's doing his best
Apollo: Throws touch starved Kokichi into this /j
Bunny: funny you say that :)c the implications of kokichi being a wandering bounty hunter are that he has nowhere to go Home to, yeah? would also explain why he stays in the forest,,,
Apollo: Kokichi really went from being alone and living paycheck to paycheck to being taken care of by the forest itself
Kai: "I got no home but the willow maid fucked me good and hard so i think i like it here"
Bunny: kokichi is like 'stop it i'm not a pet >:(' and shuuichi is like b̶̀̌ȗ̶̏t̷̅̈ ̷̏̚ḯ̷̋ ̵͒̀c̵̃an ̵̓̏s̵͐͠m̷̃͑e̷̎͝l̸̂͗l̸̀ that ̚i̸͗t mak̷̃̎e̶s you ̷̅̚h̵͑̒ä̸͠p̵̎̂p̴̢̆y̵?
Kai: does Kokichi ever repay ;) him
Bunny: yes frequently
Kai: can a forest get off?
Bunny: nnnnot…really? at least in my interpretation he enjoys seeing kokichi happy maybe he finally decides to manifest himself some genitals to see what all this fuss is about NSDJBHSHDGJ
Kai: does he at least smooch Shuichi?
Bunny: YES shuuichi tells him that he is not a baby bird and does not need to be fed. then he tells him to do it again because it felt nice
Apollo: I'm crying because imagine if he made his dick real big because he's not sure what a good size is meant to be
Bunny: kokichi is munching grapes and watching him like no…a little bigger…little smaller…move that a little bit to the left…
Kai: peppers his face in kisses and Shuichi has no clue what he's doing but makes the correct assumption that it's a human sign of affection sorta like wolf licks and accepts it
Bunny: he does it back very clumsily it's too hard and knocks kokichi over (shuuichi vc) ẁ̷͑h̶̎͑a̵͂́ṫ̸͘ ̷̟̈i̶͌͆s̷̉ th̆e̷̽̕ ̵̑̾p̵͑̏o̶͒̕ǐ̷͠nt of t̶͋̚h̸is? ̛i̴̛ have ̓̔ă̵͝l̴̈́̿ṙ̵̐e̸̚̚ạ̸̈dy reprodụ̸͛c̶̛̃ȅ̶̈́d̸̆̕ ̸͐throug̃͠h̸̖̏ ̴you,̿ i do n̸͝͝ò̶̓t̵̂̽ ̴̒́n̴͛̈́e̵͌͊e̴d mammalī̴͘a̴͂̀n̷̾̈́ ̶̔͘feature̷͘͠ṡ̷̆-̴͑
Apollo: Okay but how long would it take for Kokichi to be able to understand him or can he understand him off the bat?
Bunny: he can understand him, he just rarely speaks and his voice is unnerving and layered like all the trees are speaking at once :D and the trees are DOWN TO FUCK- im gonna say there's no elk in his forest. just so kokichi doesn't have to hear his partner make the elk honk
Kai: he's better at birdcalls anyways why can i see him taking Kokichi's clothes off when they meet cause he doesn't understand clothes and thinks the human just got caught in something weird what buisness does a forest spirit have wearing clothes anyways
Apollo: Kokichi trying to explain that he sorta needs clothes and Shuichi does that little head tilt that dogs do because he just doesn't understand
Bunny: i think part of the reason he keeps kokichi is because of how INTERESTING he is. he's making offended noises about shuuichi taking him out of his strange false-skin one second and the next he smells like pleasure because shuuichi touched his chest NOT THE HEAD TILT…. with those antlers bro'd probably knock something over
Apollo: Shu can use magic right? Can he make it that Kokichi is no longer human (at least fully) cause humans don't last forever you know?
Kai: connect him to the forest become one with the moss
Bunny: yes, but it takes kokichi several decades to realize time is Weird okay. he was too busy getting fucked all the time to realize he wasn't aging- he could've ASKED about the mysterious green goo shuuichi was pumping into him it's his own fault really now there's TWO scary forest spirits, good job morons
Kai: what made Kokichi finally realize?
Bunny: would be funny if some humans came through and he realized his clothes were WILDLY out of fashion now bc remember this all started from an outfit
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Bunny: hey do you think shuuichi has to be taught what holes are okay like does he go ok mouth makes him happy. ass makes him happy. time to try the urethra- IT WAS AN APPROPRIATELY-SIZED VINE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHY KOKICHI IS SCREAMING!!!!!!
Beez: are u saying he tried to stick it in his ears or smth a NOOOOOO
Bunny: he tries this too but kokichi thinks he's being silly and laughs it off mistake
Kai: god help him
Bunny: god just tried to stick a vine in his dick
Kai: Shuichi finds out it doesn't feel good going in the dick, but the dick going into something sure does
Apollo: Does Shuichi switch between parts or does he just have both at the same time?
Bunny: shuuichi is smooth like a barbie doll
Kai: both is more badass he either has both or none, there is no inbetween
Bunny: he grows whatever kokichi is interested in that day, if they're having face-to-face sex actually both might add to the 'divine' feeling like. he Is life to some extent.. maybe shuuichi eventually lets some people move in,,, just be respectful to the earth and leave offerings of human food with neat textures on the shrine and you'll be alright he's grown strangely fond of humans lately! imagine that
Apollo: Everyone remembers the stories of the forest killing people but nope. Forest dude is calm as long as you're respectful and leave little snacks
Bunny: just…don't seek an audience with him. he'll probably grant you whatever you ask, but is it really worth him having a squirming man in his lap the whole time…?? shuuichi doesn't see the problem
Apollo: Does Kokichi still look 100% human or does he have more fae like features now? (I dunno how to explain it lmao)
Bunny: i think he slowly gains them over the years never as much as shuuichi. but enough to be a little unnerving,, he wanders the villages vaguely unnerving everyone around
Apollo: He would though. He just walks away and everyone rushes into their houses because that's the forest's like boyfriend? Husband? Queen? Theyr'e not sure but they know not to mess with him
Bunny: he brings back lost children
Apollo: He has enough common sense to put on at least a skirt when he leaves the house only Shu gets to see him 100% naked
Bunny: he's wearing the same fucking clothes from several hundred years ago they don't age either, don't question it
Apollo: That would sorta suit the forest spirit vibe though
Bunny: it really does! he's killing it by shoving the offerings into his mouth like a goblin though
Kai: dude dressed in ancient samuri clothes who's rumored to be the spouce of the foreset spirit walks into town-
Apollo: He brings his sword around as well despite not needing it. It's badass okay? It's just annoying trying to return these lost kids to their parents while they're trying to mess with the sword He's sorta missed human food okay
Bunny: they ask him to teach them
Beez: what if he gets a new sword that sorta wraps around his wrist n whenever he wants to bring it out it uncurls
Apollo: He saves the kid of like a rich family and finds a shiny new magic sword among the offerings He sends a bird with a thank you note to their house and the village realizes that they don't just have to offer food. Kokichi also likes shiny stuff People start to think Kokichi is like a crow so whenever he comes to the village, he's wearing new shiny stuff they left for him
Bunny: that cave is about to get So Crowded that's why he walks so weird…he's got bird feets….. definitely……..
Apollo: Kokichi plays along with it and Shu says fuck it and like magics some wings for him because he finds it cute that everyone is calling him a crow
Bunny: (chanting) wing sex, wing sex, wing sex-
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
How do you think Quaritch, the Sully’s & the scientists would react to Spiders new name?
I cannot believe that Norm and Max wouldn’t be upset a bit. I mean they came up with Spider’s name.
Also, what would Tonowari’s family have for nicknames for Spider? I think they would use nicknames to show they care for Spider, but also because of some of the reactions (negative) that others to when Spider’s family would use his Metkayina name.
I think that it would be less of a hostile situation and more just... touchy.
I think spider getting adopted by ronal and tonowari forces everyone to face how horribly they treated spider, so having his name change, for him to be given an actual name is kinda like the icing on the cake.
I think its less that they're angry more ashamed and taunted by the change.
max and norm (norm canonically according to the comics was a adoptive dad to na'vi kids) have to face that fact they couldn't all spider by his given name or give him his own na'vi name, instead they referred to him as a bug. spider will always be spider in their minds, not h'i'tsyil, so they tend to call him that more often, and I think spider would start to dislike that. I think it would be a sorta like they can't see spider as anything else than the little kid who ran around their lab, and not a metkayina person, not as hi'i'tsyil. it makes spider uncomfortable cause that isn't who he is anymore and he needs people to accept that.
I think the sully's would be similar, jake and neytiri feel like they lost even more of him, since they probably had some hand in the name. the kids only knew their brother as spider, as some human, so its a lot of change. I think tuk and kiri would take it the best, kiri always wants the best for spider and tuk is young and just wants her big brother back so I think she would hope taking his name with stride would make him change his mind and come back to the sully's (cause I can never let myself escape angst)
I think in time they can all get over themselves and their hangups, but its tense at first.
as for nicknames;
ronal calls him her little miracle/gift, no doubt in my mind. tonowari also uses the name, but personally calls him little warrior.
tsireya and ao'nung have a million nicknames for him, most of them are taunts/jokes (and same with spider and them, cause kids are idiots). but I think their go to is hi'ti (pronounced hee-tey) and little brother (he's technically older, but he's still the baby of the family).
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honeybeewhereartthee · 3 months
He wonder if it's him being turn into a 'harmless' doll. That made him think in such strange way.
He have heard some tales of dolls and toys 'caring' too much about their owner and 'adoring' them very much. Its quite new thing and a bit questionable.
But he think it's more of his great fullness for your aid and he would access you willingly since your helping his friends and fluffy creatures become humans.
It's makes him happy he can do something similar job he have before. Through his is more complicated and troublesome. Since it Evolve more souls than the selected sampling his fluffy friends as well other fluff is.
"hey you...! What are you to darling?" Little himawari, the lady of the house intriguing him once again when your not around. He tilt his head in confusion.
"Kanata 'doesnt' understand what you mean." Playing dumb with this person is sometimes the only way to stop what she's on about.
She's persistent.He look at her for a moment, her souls is similar to someone from a canon world. He wonders if his suppose to interfer with how it should been. As he think too deeply about such matter he doesn't realize his next actions.
He reach out his hand to take a peak of her soul till she slap his hand away as his eyes that seems to be looking through her kinda scared her for a moment. And she's swear she saw his hand went through her chest, reaching for something.
"what is wrong with you?!"she back away from him but he stared at her unblinking for a moment before he tilt his head slowly, it was weird. Really weird...
"[ do you wanna make a deal with 'me']?" He have a gentle eerie smile on his face, the shadows of the surrounding seems to cover haft of his face in that moment and the haft of his face in the shadow, his left eye that supposed to be green seems to glow golden for a moment.
"huh...." She doesn't like this but if she found a proof this person is dangerous and a plain out weirdo, he can't approach you anymore!he is would be burn to strikes and be gone for good! "Hmmp what kinda of deal is this?" She cross her arms.
"[ hmm.... ]" He hummed for a moment, staring at her, making her stay in edge for a moment. "[ I'll grant your 'wish'.]" He began, rasing the sleeve of his cloths to cover a bit of his face. His smile "[ you just have to agree and you'll have it ]" his words seems quite suspicious.
"and what's my wish? That's pretty dumb move if anyone agree with you without knowing the other stuff!" She clearly isn't going to be scam by someone. But it's only meet with a giggle from the weirdo.
"[ well... You won't agree now... I already know you will, one day....]" He pointed out as if the talk is quite useless since he knows the future, he seen it after all. "[ Hey you should careful after all ....]" He approaches her and whisper something that only she knows, at least that's what she thought. She froze as he lean away haft of his right eyes is almost golden and some marking seems to appear on haft of his face. "[ Now then... We can chat again in the future....]" He turn around with a soft wave leaving her staring in fear at him.
she felt her feet give in and fall down on her knees, quite shaken up. It was only been fix when her dad saw her in the hallway and ask her what's wrong but she doesn't reply. But it's one of the reason she dislike that doll called Kanata even more.
He sigh when his from far from her and rolled his eyes, he blink for a few times as the color of his eyes return to normal and rub his face to remove the spell he put for a scare purpose.
Honestly it's the only way to have her leave him be. He want his alone times sometimes to be honest and her bugging him when your not with him doesn't help either.
Scaring a human child is something that seems quite easy for him since some folklore have scary description about 'him' in some region. He can't help but giggle how he think that silly child was so hilarious being scared like that. Just in time he saw you passing by
"my dollmaker~! " He called out to you and walks toward you in hurry but careful steps. "Yo." You nodded at him as he approaches you with a soft smile on his face. "Did something interesting happen?" You jokingly ask him.
"Hmm." He nodded his head. "I scared the little human here. It was needed. She was bothering me." He explain and tell you in honesty.
"ehh... That's quite something... I hope you don't over did it."
He remembers something he knows that he seen in her soul timelines; future, present and past memories. "Oh don't worry. It's just a 'little ' scare." At least that's what he think it was.
You give him a look and let him be. Your not the type to question many things, it's quite troublesome personality of yours because you seen red flags yet did not care to run away. How troublesome. He thought.
He wonders how he can stop you from putting yourself in bad situation with that personality. But since time is something he doesn't lack it's fine for him to solve for later but his going to stay beside you till you don't need his help.
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mightyfloofy · 5 months
Talking a little on the recent mangas I've started reading this week😗✨📚(two of them are new to me, for the others, I've picked up on the manga after finishing their current anime seasons) 💚THERE MIGHT BE SPOILERS💚
1) Tomodachi Game:
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So i think I've only read up to around 12 chapters or so and it's so good????
The roller-coaster of emotions it's making me have though- like i started loving Tenji with my whole heart and soul then he...disappointed me. Then he earned my trust again- a whole twist.
Yuuichi is a pretty good MC so far. Bro is a cutie.
Sawaragi pisses me off a little. Idk how to explain it though.
Yuutori my girl 💜
Shibe um... 💀💀💀 Yeah. And no i don't dislike him for what he tried to do in chapter 2 or so. I just... He's too dumb.
Also the art?????? Muah
I watched some scenes of the anime in the beginning after i read a couple of chapters and it's...disappointing. Even the animation is wonky.
But just- the art style has me in luvvvv
Manabu-kun keeps on gaslighting, gatekeeping and girlbossing every chapter.
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Also, I'm praying for my boy Yuuichi's sanity. At first i was like "Sawaragi, i get hes cute but WHAT do u see in him??" and i see now. My girl has some amazing taste, at least for that.
2) Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
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I've only read 4 chapters but this shit has me ROLLINGGGG
It's so funny pls
The art is also pretty good too. I'm not really a fan of Slice of Life, but this one hits.
Also, pretty boi alert:
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My favorite character so far is this guy though:
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He's so babygirl ✨✨✨✨
3) Demon Slayer
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So I started reading it right after the events of season 3, of course.
Giyuu's backstory lowkey hit home-
He needs a hug. I won't say more.
Tanjiro is precious, as always, just like Nezukooo (a loud 'Nezuko-chan' came in my and after i typed that)
Oh yeah, Zenitsu:
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Me to Shinobu, "Doctor, hes out again"
Nah because he didn't have to chomp Tanjiro's sky wide forehead like that???? 😭😭😭
So i have two volumes of Demon Slayer at home and i gotta say, the art improved and it's nice to have seen it grow. I know it's like this for most mangakas, but here i didnt see a whole art style change or whatever but something becoming finer while keeping that style very present.
The story is at its peak right now, i reached up to the point where Muzan decided to heehee himself in the no-no place for him. (idk how to say this without spoiling)
I'm luving it so far
Also, my husband:
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I miss his gorgeous face LAWDDDDD HAVE MERCYYY
Though i already loved him before seeing his face.
I've finally memorised the master's name: Ubuyashiki
It's an achievement.
4) Blue Lock
Ok i can't add pics anymore but I'm confident most people know what it is without having watched it.
I wanted to share some nice Rin pics but guess it'll be for another time. (yall will be missing out on my man)
So, i picked up from where the first season stops and-
I miss Kunigami. A lot. He was one of my favs 😭😪
Shidou is special (him telling Isagi he'd love to see him explode again got me praying for him fr)
The story has taken a nice turn with the U-20 team rushing things up. I love it but i want to see Sae play already so I'm being an impatient little bug.
The art is MUAH as always. I love the lines added for light shading, ill probably inspire myself off it for future drawings.
Hiori needs to be friends with Chigiri so they can talk about hair products (Hiori is like a short-haired Chigiri with cyan hair. My boy has naturally long lashes (Rin's remain better 💅)
That's all, folks!
I hope to read even more in the upcoming days and hopefully I'll get to talk about them like i just did above.
Expect headcanons from each of these mangas 💜💜💜
And you can even send me recommendations 😙✨
It's midnight where I am like damn-
Bye byeeeee
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
How are the Nail-Master-Brothers fairing in your AU? Did Oro and Mato make up with each other and live in Dirthmouth? What about Sheo? Did he join them there? And is he together with the Nailsmith in the AU? What about Sly?
I haven't thought much about the Nailmaster Brothers to be fair, they're not connected to anyone from the family in any way, and I doubt they visit Dirtmouth frequently. Actually, now that I'm thinking, Mato definitely showed up there once or twice, I'm sure he'd hear rumors that Dirtmouth got a pretty big glow-up and decide to check it out (and find out what happened to Ghost). Depending on how much he enjoyed his time there, he may visit more often, and inevitably get to know the family, which would make him a more relevant character in the AU. I'll think about that, it sounds like an interesting idea to have at least one of the brothers have a bigger role in the AU. He does seem to be a bit desperate for family, or at least some kind of closer relationship, seeing how quick he was to see Ghost as his child, so maybe it's something he'd need. Not saying he'd become part of the FPK family, but I think he'd enjoy the familiar aspect they bring to the town.
Sheo doesn't seem like the type to leave his hut, aside from maybe visiting Iselda's store to buy supplies for his art? Since I'm assuming that would be the best source for such things, especially once Dirtmouth becomes a more attractive stop for merchants. But that would be the only reason he'd ever visit, I reckon. He has the Nailsmith to keep him company, after all, so what more could he ask for? I did consider making my vessel OC part of the AU, which would inevitably also connect Sheo to the rest of the character since he and the Nailsmith are the adopted parents to the vessel. But the timelines didn't quite match the way I'd like so I decided to keep them separate.
Oro doesn't seem the most social type so I doubt he ever visited Dirtmouth to be honest. I like the idea of him and Mato making up, but I think if one of them traveled to see the other, it would be Mato. I don't really have much to say about him, he's probably my least favorite of the brothers so I never really think about him. I don't dislike him, I just can't really connect to him the same way I did to the other two. Maybe Mato could drag him out of his hut and show him that the company of others isn't as bad as he thinks. Though I don't think he'd be as big of a fan of how lively Dirtmouth became as his brother.
As for Sly, he doesn't live in Dirtmouth anymore. He wasn't a fan of FPK and Grimm (it was mutual, he tried scamming Holly once and neither of them were happy about it), plus he saw an opportunity to expand his shop in the City of Tears. So he left his old hut and now resides in the city, where he slowly accumulated his wealth and maybe even climbed some ranks. Perhaps he'd start trading relics and become a kind of rival to Lemm, that could be interesting. And I can't imagine he would be very fond of seeing FPK in the city, so he's unfortunately in the crowd of bugs who treat him poorly whenever he visits.
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offsidekineticist · 8 months
🐲 for Giliys (very curious if he has grooming habits), 🌸 for Theo, and 👚for Qweck!
🐲 If they have facial hair, do they style it, remove it, or just let nature take its course?
Giliys does have grooming habits! He also has complicated feelings about them because his Tragic Backstory is that growing up he was the "pet halfling" of a particularly sadistic child. So as a kid, personal grooming was something done to him according to the tastes of someone who tortured him for fun. When he became free, he eschewed most personal grooming as a sort of rebellion, but also because he thought the issue was that he didn't care about how he looked, rather than not caring for how he was made to look. When he met Theo, he had a wild, unkempt, stereotypical mountain man beard. Not long after this time, though, he became a little self conscious about his appearance (for some reason - I have no clue what could have possibly made him want to look nice around the time he met Theo (sarcasm)), and he started figuring out what he wanted to look like. During that era he tried a few higher maintenance styles and learned anything that required daily upkeep just wasn't going to work for him.
Nowadays he has a fairly laid back routine - he keeps his beard short enough that he doesn't have to comb it out or anything, but long enough that he doesn't have to trim it too often to keep it neat.
🌸 What do they smell like? Do they wear a signature scent?
Theo's scent is subtle. He doesn't wear cologne and generally goes for scentless or near scentless grooming products (shampoo, soap, etc) because he's been sensitive to strong smells since becoming a bleachling. So his scent is a combination of plain soap and his body's natural odor, with the soap being the more prominent smell unless he's been prevented from bathing.
(It was a different story when he was younger - yes, Theo, that smells nice. No, Theo, not so nice we want to be overwhelmed by it whenever you enter the room. He learned to tone it down because kids tend to be more sensitive to smell than adults, but his preference was for overpoweringly strong scents)
👚 What kind of clothing do they typically choose to wear? Why? Do they have any sensory issues that affect their choices?
I had to think about this one because I'm not so good at planning my characters' outfits, lol. Qweck, when she is not in her priestly robes, prefers flowy, comfortable clothes - the kinds that are good for keeping cool during hot Chelish summers. Things like long flowy skirts with a light drapey tunic, or wide legged pants if skirts aren't appropriate. When she moves to Kintargo she adapts that into long coats or sweaters over closer fitted pants to keep warm and dry during the rainy Kintargo winters, before returning to her usual style in the summer. In terms of colors, she prefers that her clothes be more muted. Most of the color of her look comes from her bright green hair or her eyes or even her non-bleached skin. She also is not a huge fan of printed or overly embroidered clothes, preferring that each item of clothing be a single color, maybe having a second as an accent. (She makes an exception to her dislike of embroidery for clothes that Theo mended for her - before Rivad he was quite the embroiderer, and anytime he mended anything, it ended up with a happy little bug or flower stitched onto it. Those little bugs become even more precious to her after Theo can't make them anymore)
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fakevariety · 24 days
ok so just want to ramble somewhere about this outdoor camp thing i went to for the week so long post incoming
overall, it was so fun!!! i was in a tent with my friend group, including my bsf and someone who i'm getting to know better but they're hilarious and i really like her. however, in this tent was also a girl who is... not the best. she makes pretty awful jokes, like at at least half of the meals she made so many comments about how much food other people were eating, and one point she made some comment making fun of people who use neopronouns which is awful enough but she made it in front of someone who uses they/neopronouns??? she was just overall awful, and the worst part is most of the people in our tent, people who i've been friends with since sixth grade, were laughing at her jokes and joking along? it was so fucked up and really changed my perspective of them and showed me how much they've changed this past year and not in a good way.
one of those people is someone who used to be my best friend last year in seventh grade. i've posted about this, she basically pretty much stopped talking to me randomly and just stopped being interested in me, blah blah blah i'm kind of over it even though i won't really ever trust her again. anyways, she was one of the people laughing at these awful jokes and making similar jokes, and um. she was using she/her pronouns on me. which, just, wow. very much hurt. she was kind of friends with me since i first started using they/them, and it's never changed. i can't believe i used to trust this person the most and now she's using she/her pronouns on me like genuinely what the fuck it felt like a punch in the gut i was so thrown off i had to hide in a changing stall full of bugs so no one would see me crying lol. i do understand not getting people's pronouns right all the time, but she did when we were friends!!! she was great at it!!! and then this past school year we've only briefly talked because we aren't really friends anymore but my pronouns have NOT changed! and she kept using she/her pronouns on me a few times and then switching to they/them, but it seemed so purposeful as if she thought i used she/they, i have no idea where she would get that from since our friend group occasionally does pronoun checks with each other and i always say they/them. anyways, it really hurt and i kind of strongly dislike her now for multiple reasons.
also, this was kind of stupid but. basically there was a snake behind our tent which was cool! as long as it didn't bother us we liked it because snakes are sick. anyways a few minutes later i hear a squeaking noise, i look out at the snake is eating a baby bunny. i draw people's attention, and for the next 40 min or so, people just crowd around and watch the snake eat five baby bunnies, and it only left one alive (which some counselors took and are feeding and taking care of which is sweet) but i head a pretty big reaction i'm like very sensitive so that caused me to cry in the changing stall again but other than that i didn't cry so yay!!
and the last main bad thing that happened was last night our tent was talking and the girl that i really don't like said that at first she thought our counselor 'looked jewish'. i myself am jewish so i was like 'well it doesn't really work like that' and went on to talk about how while in history, jews have come from certain countries that have certain features, but in modern day times jews don't really have physical features that tells you they are are jew. the people in my tent went on to not acknowledge what i said AT ALL, and another person said how people think she is jewish and how 'it must be [her] nose'. i AGAIN said that you cannot look jewish, and everyone AGAIN ignored me. i didn't really realize that they were ignoring me until i thought over it the next morning and i just had a long talk with my dad about it as i always do when i experience antisemitism.
anyways yeah this was the notable bad stuff that happened overall it was so fun and i loved spending time with my friends
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ae-neon · 11 months
Jujutsu Kaisen s2 ep3
Overall I'm enjoying this because it's jjk but I have a few gripes ngl
Scroll away if you might be upset by a less than glowing review
I'm so sorry to these mappa employees and I completely understand why they went with the less detailed look but 😕 idk man
(I'm not bothered by the new style, I loved ep1 and enjoyed ep2 for the most part)
There's something missing in the weight and impact of the fight scenes. Kuroi and Geto's fight scenes in ep 2 didn't even make sense. Even the blood splatter looks a little lifeless.
There's a reason the more detailed, less "pretty" and a little rigid style worked for jjk. I understand that this season has better animation, background work and composition but there's something off in the feel of it
I also think they could have adapted and arranged this episode a little different from the manga. Like:
Reveal Geto and Gojo's thoughts on the merger and letting Riko go while they watch her at the aquarium
Give us a view of how Gojo sees sorcerers and humans and the CE they have or give off and then show us none coming from Toji to show us his invisiblity. Then have Gojo inner monologue about how that's impossible, but quickly move on to "if that's the case, it must be heavenly restriction allowing him superhuman abilities" or something
(jjk isn't really a hand holding show but some anime onlys haven't heard the term in 3 years, they might not know what he means)
Show Riko thinking about growing up with Kuroi while she's at the aquarium so we don't have 1 relatively silent montage followed by another
Show Geto looking at Kuroi holding back tears or having a trembling lip before she says she can't go any further
Show Gojo using his six eyes to figure out the inverted spear of heaven's ability then just have Toji say the name
Idk, I can't think of anything else rn but in all honesty, the impact of the fights not hitting quite as hard is the most worrying considering there's gonna be non stop action for more than half the season
I understand that with how much needs to be adapted, it wouldn't be practical to do what Sung Hoo Park did in extending and adding to the fights and I might be proven wrong when Gojo v Toji continues
(plus this can and might be addressed in a Blu-ray edition)
But I still think it's a shame that 3 out of the 4 fights so far haven't hit the way others in jjk have. Season 1, imo, put as much weight into even the smaller fights
Idk, maybe I'm just bugging. Don't kill me, I just needed to rant
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(s2 still above and s1 still below)
Someone posted this on twitter and (again I don't dislike the s2 look BUT) I can't deny that there's something special about the aesthetic of s1. Like his eyes don't just have a glow filter look to them, they have the actual sky. I understand and respect that they probably don't have the time to animate that anymore but I'm allowed to say I prefer it
Idk s2 kinda looks like an AI art
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wordsandrobots · 4 months
7, 12, 13
For this ask game.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
In terms of Iron-Blooded Orphans and Wishing on Space Hardware, I've enjoyed the heck out of playing with the Martian climate.
It bugs me inordinately when fic treats Chryse like a 'standard temperate region' because there so many fascinating details in the imagery. Like, notice how there are no trees at all outside the nicer areas of the city? And that the farmland is nestled inside a ring of hills/mountains? The ways the architecture of the place shifts depending on whether we're looking at the upmarket down-town areas or the poorer districts and slums?
Basically, I took the idea water is quite limited and Orga's comment from Episode 1 about how the reactor hall being the only warm place in the CGS base and ran with them. It's a desert but it's not a *hot* desert. For one thing, despite all the shirtlessness, Tekkadan's default uniform is not designed for somewhere warm. Those coats are thick. And perhaps the reason all of them look so dehydrated all the time is because they are? (OK, I'm not really being serious with that one but there are too many six-packs on display not to make the joke.)
So I wound up sprinkling in a lot of little details about water management and settled on a range of temperatures that are basically 'tolerable'. Chryse doesn't get very warm and it doesn't get especially cold during the day, either. It's the night you have to watch out for. Mars is arid; agriculture relies on stored water and irrigation. The city has lots of parks that have been carefully built up for the purposes of looking nice. Most people make do with showers; you probably have to be quite rich to bathe regularly. Rain, when it comes, is something of an event and heavily dependent on the season. Snow is vanishingly rare; at most you'd get hard frosts.
It's not a massively uncomfortable place to live. This is centuries into terraforming and a very established population centre; exposure is a risk but not necessarily an immediate death sentence. But I enjoyed thinking about ways it worked, even if they were never the focus of the story. And it feeds in to a recurring motif of water representing power and wealth which I liked threading through the whole thing.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
I'm not sure how to answer either of these, because it's pretty much always been the case that I can be sold on any premise if the writing is interesting enough. Even the most staid, played-out tropes can be fun if the story in which they appear is entertainingly written and cleverly constructed. There are things I wouldn't seek out, sure, but I can't say they've really changed much over the years.
I guess I'm writing a lot more polyamory than I used to? Not really a change in taste though, so much as meeting more people and finding the right opportunity.
Oh, I suppose as a lapsed Transformers fan -- I think I used to enjoy the 'both sides in a conflict team up against a third faction' trope more than I do now. It makes for fun fight scenes, but the older I've gotten, the more it's seemed to me like it short-circuits a lot of the ideological and moral aspects of a conflict in ways that can go in some fairly noxious directions. Again, if it's done well and with nuance, you could absolutely get me to enjoy it but in crude outline, it leans too close to some fascist shit for my liking.
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