#can't wait for more i adore watchers
robby-bobby-tommy · 2 years
Guys, guys, I just watched Martyn's episode and it was a banger. But the last bit with rhymes really caught me off guard so I want to talk about it.
Firstly I'm glad watchers returned! Their lore is super interesting and I'm looking forward to more of it. But all it is left for me to do now is overanalyze the rhymes they've left.
Secondly I know nothing about the original meaning, it's just mine interpretation. There's a high possibility that awaits you below is just mine undiagnosed apophenia (the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things)/j. So buckle up, and enjoy the ride.
"Every grain that passes comes to rest"
Hm, there's nothing special about this line. Implied passage of time mb.
"A pillar built another test"
I'm very dumb so I'm a bit confused about this pillar part. Which pillar are they talking about? My guess is Skynet, but I'm not sure.
The test is probably the test of trust. How much Scott trusted Martyn with his life and vice versa? Will TIES go on each other? Will Bad Boys betray each other? Will Bdubs kill Scar as he promised to Etho? The list goes on and on. The trust was always a big theme in Traffic SMP, but now it's very important. Like the amount of trust you need to have to let your buddy kill you in a survival game is just enormous.
"These fickle unguided hand"
Well.... Yknow..... Hand. Martyn's nickname from wayyy back in the third life, given by the red king Ren diggity dog himself. And, as we all can see Ren isn't in this season (this explains the word "unguided"), but in some clip from Martyn's stream I've seen he wanted to collaborate with Ren. So what if he'll appear as a watcher? Watchers made it clear that they like Ren very much, so why can't he speak through/be a part of watchers? In the Watchers Lore video ( https://youtu.be/UlMVxRNSPhQ ) Martyn said he'd like to link himself to Ren so in every season they'll be together at some point. And the Hand kept his promise cuz him and his king were in the same team in both Last Life and even Double life. Maybe they'll be able to connect through Watchers?
" Forever moulding in the sands "
This is probably represents this survival games in general. This people will always "mould" back in these servers, kill each other, suffer and ect just to please Watchers' desires. They have no choice nor way to escape from this eternal battle.
The sands might represent either the sand in watches or the desert from the third life, who knows.
" The thrill to kill The fleeting gill "
Now this is pretty obvious. It's just a description of the events from episode.
" All washed ashore To settle still"
Now this line probably resembles the end of the hunt for greens and the start of yellow mellow peace.
" A single day and then it's gone "
Now this is a bit confusing. I don't actually know what it means. It may refer to the end of the season, that is the last day. Or maybe something else..
" Doomed to repeat: Our will be done. "
Now this goes back to my take on eternal, inescapable cage of this survival game. They all are doomed to repeat this circle of death, unable to ever stop.
"Our will be done" Is the most interesting Watcher phrase.
Honestly, the phrasing is very important in this poem so maybe I misinterpreted some of it, but it's all I can think of rn.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 1 month
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 103... You have been warned...! 👌
This was such a cute little chapter to return to after the month long break...!! 💗😊💗
Mission 103 was a short, but fun little chapter staring the Forger family, so let's talk about it shall we...? 😄
We start this chapter with an EXTREMELY bored Anya on break from school...!!
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Anya always be lookin' so dang goofy when she's bored, I LOVE IT!! 😂
After Twilight comes home and makes Anya do her homework, Anya sees a news report about a seal named Belle and decides that she wants to go see her...!! 😆
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...But, Loid quickly declines Anya's offer because he isn't letting her go anywhere until she finishes her homework...! Then Twilight goes to change the channel and is annoyed to see that other channels are also talking about Belle the seal, when brings up a good point to the frustrated Loid:
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I COULDN'T AGREE MORE YOR!! 😊 I can't even watch the news sometimes because of how sad and depressing it can get, so it's always nice to wholesome stuff like Belle the seal for change...!! 💗
So the Forgers decide to go see Belle and guess who they run into...:
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(Also I love this panel with Beck...!! 😂😂😂):
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Anyway, it turns out that Becky is also here to see Belle and even asks Anya if she would like head over to the news crew and possibly get on TV, but because Anya read Twilight's mind about how that would be a bad idea (i.e. he's a spy and must not draw attention to himself and she's originally from an orphanage), Anya must decline Becky's offer...!! 😌
After waiting awhile (and even wanting to throw hands with the seal for not showing up 🤣), Becky decides to head home while the Forgers stick around...!! Anya starts getting bored of waiting and goes to play for a bit while Yor sit and talk in my probably favorite part in this entire chapter...!! 😁:
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I adore that Yor is doing her very best to get Loid to relax for a bit, it truly warms my heart...!! 💗🤗💗 Also, the two page spread in this chapter is just SO BEAUTIFUL!! 🥹
After that beautiful moment, as Bod and Anya are playing, they stumble across the elusive seal Belle...!! 😲:
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It turns out (after Anya read her mind) that Belle was hiding because the humans kept following her around, which is totally understandable for Belle to do because usually when some people see a cute animal, they don't really consider how that animal might be feel about all this new found attention they're getting... 😔 So, the Forgers decide to sit quietly near her and after a while of watching her, Belle decides to leave and get them a crawfish as a parting gift!! 🤗 After that exchange, Twilight has a thought:
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He thinks back to what Handler said all the way back in Mission 78 and wonders if Belle could be another animal experiment... But before he could think any further on that, Bond gets bit on the nose by the crawfish that Belle left and decides that he might be over thinking this and so, the Forgers finally decide to head home after their little adventure with Belle the seal...!! 😄
And that was Mission 103, a really fun and sweet chapter to return with after the month long break...!! 💗😊💗 I just loved everything Yor did throughout this chapter (though I love Yor all of the time), she was most definitely the best part this chapter...!! 😍 Loid was quite grumpy this chapter (he even called Anya a brat at one point) and though I understand where he's coming from, I hope that he'll fully take Yor's advice to heart one of these days...!! 🤗 Also, Belle was SOOO ADORABLE, I love her!! 💗😍💗
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanna say, so until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 😄SEE YA!! 👋😁
Actually... THIS was my TRUE favorite part of the entire chapter:
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Okay, now I'm done...!! BYE! 👌😎
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finnitesimal · 10 months
Since we fully in a pissa drought- what’s your favorite pissa moment or what made you enjoy the ship? Or maybe just talk in general why you adore the ship so much.
The first adoption day was an experience I only got to it because I heard "philza minecraft got egged" and I came running. Mistake #1
It was a breakthrough in the cphilza community Ive been told. Slowly but surely gaining guys to not fall into the dadza trope and suddenly we're getting a New Govt-assigned Husband. To flirt with for three hours and become irrevocably obsessed with since
It's Missa's pov where I started spiraling I started going WHO IS THIS GUY and looked up his vod and
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You know it. It was the falling-in-love-with-missasinfonia that got me. Their vibe together was genuinely so sweet and adorable I started staying up to watch the streams live. I was not a philza watcher until missa came along. It's that one post about the hispanic players only being brought up for their ships but the other way round sorry bird man but I like your husband more
Thinking of it as romantic before I watched any of it is probably why every moment of them hit hard those first few weeks. I've already assigned "ahaha gay" in sparkly lights above them Before I started hearing "darling" "partner" "querido" and it just kept escalating with every stream "I'm taken for/I'm so happy with my partner"painting Phil's portrait "let's break the springs [of the bed]", taking him aside to craft missa armor, "I've been alone, so very alone" and then Missa was leaving for a week (<- wasn't a week. It was not one week. ) and I'd already resolved myself to wait for him like a dog at the door
I can't give you a Favorite moment because I'm scarfing up these scraps with my hands they're all delicious tasty oneshotkills me you understand. It'd probably be one of the times phil expresses his usually repressed feelings/attraction ("so did you get me anything?"/the bike clutch "you're looking awfully bare"/"Im not missing missa I don't want to talk about it")
I like that they're both cute and soft mutual pining and unwavering trust and loyalty and also just. Freakish about all of it. Phil hearing that he has to "choose" and dyeing his answer into the weight that lets him move normally. Missa initially wanting Phil's head as his backpack decal. Phil fixated on him at every opportunity. Missa's almost religious devotion/creep behavior. The jealousy the gifts the overdependence. Phil still hasn't touched that first house they built together.
They're my little guys I want them to never kiss or express their feelings I want them to stay weird about each other always
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4 Minutes Ep 1 Thoughts
I really liked the first ep. It was intriguing and well done.
First official braind deal 4 minutes and it's about a cat, lol. What is it with bls and cat food brands? Also showing off that Bible can speak English super well right away.
Intellectually I understand that this is probabrly part of a character arc™️ unfortunately as a disable person in a family of disabled people and with countless of horrible doctors expieriences between us Thyme is getting on my very last nerve.
Korn's dad just springing the secret department on him with no contex and then he finds out that it's illegal stuff on the fly is insane behavior. Just what? why? what if he had morals? I do realize I am asking a lot from a rich kid but still.
FUAIZ!!!!!!!!! My baby is here, and he is still adorable, and still baby and somehow still dating a massive red flag. Can someone please give this boy a love interest that is green flag, just once.
Also good on the BOC for fucking up the pair, at least for a bit, not sure if Fuaiz and JJay are a thing in this too. But at least Korn and Tonkla are dating, kissing and fucking (Can you fuck me raw and LUBE!! 👀👀👀🤯🤯🤯🤯🔥🔥🔥😳😳🥳🥳🥳🥳). There are production companies in the BL/QL space that could never (not just GMMTV, domundi almost went there in two worlds but then didn't Nat's character never slept with the other guy).
Nothing better happen to my boy. I want to see his character happy and in the best releationship possible at the end understand. I know my fellow DFF watcher know what I am saying.
Side note I didn't realize that Bas and Bible were playing sibilings. That's so funny to me.
I do realize I am jumping the gun calling Korn a red flag but honestly his nonechalent response to secret illigal gambling being dumped on him was a red flag, at least to me.
He seems to be a nice enough brother at least. Curious to know if the fact Korn's mother is dead will play a factor. I'm having Kinnporsche flashback.
Yes Yes I understand Thyme is poor and a has good gradma and is a good boy™️ at heart. He is still being a dick at work to his patients. Maybe when he starts remembering their names I will be impressed.
Nice ending. I am very curious about the fact that there are more people who can do thing. I can't wait for the next episode. I am seated.
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harper44 · 1 month
Wonderhole Ep 1 Initial Thoughts
I had so much fun watching Episode 1! I'll put spoiler-y stuff below the cut, but overall, I truly enjoyed every minute of it. I am so glad they have decided to stop asking permission and started banking on the company and fan base they've built.
Although I haven't been a fan for as long as a lot of people have, I have been around a few years now. This new project feels to me like a love letter to themselves and a love letter to their biggest fans. Casual GMM watchers aren't going to like this or even click on it. But those of us who love them and their comedy are going to love it.
I could easily tell how much time, effort, and care went into every second of the video. Rhett and Link were having fun and being themselves. They're making what THEY want to make. It's almost like you could tell they knew they had the last call on what would be kept and what would be cut.
I've seen discourse before on Rhett and Link leaning into the more explicit jokes, especially to provoke the shippers. I personally have no issue with it. I think they totally have the right to make whatever jokes about their relationship that they want. They have fun with it and they know we eat it up with a spoon.
On the subject of more explicit content, I adore that they didn't make a particular effort to sensor themselves or make it family friendly. Their type of comedy is for adults, skirting on the edge of ridiculous. I know that GMM has slowly relaxed on that front, but it is delightful to see them with that guard totally down.
I loved the mix between vlog/documentary style and fiction/comedy. I know it's very similar to what they were doing for the past year or so, and I'm so glad they saw what was working.
I can't wait to see what the next episode brings! I'm so glad that they decided to release it like an actual TV show because it gives us time to talk about it and it leaves me enough time to write fic about it!
I wonder if the episodes are going to be connected? I can't wait for episode 2 because the sci-fi vibes look really cool. I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did!
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mochiwrites · 2 months
Guess who's back? Back again? Anons back! Tell a friend.
Lol sorry I'm once again back. The same anon who sent a bunch of questions about night life a while ago since I was rereading songbirds blood au. Soo uhm here's more
1. Mochi why does scar say in villainous thing that he has put his head in a werewolfs mouth??!?!?!?!?!? Scar mah dude u ok???? (Lowkey would wanna try it but I probably would leave the werewolfs mouth with a head 😊)
2. Grian.Trans.Canon? (Or scar? Or maybe both???)
3. With the glyphs is there only one way to use them or could you possible make them a tattoo and still you them. Since they are then constantly touching the glyphs they could possible do the magic of a mage. If they had multiple glyphs he could mix the glyphs somehow.(like how Luz mixes the glyphs by drawing them with eachother but instead they do it with their ✨️MIND✨️)
4. Also I love the idea of papapulse. Like I imagine Pearl or grian (most likely grian:^P) and Impulse going full demon mode tl protect them. (I saw that you tagged "Parent impulseSV (Video Blogging RPF)" in troubke in the dead of night🥺👏😍) Also is there different types of demons and what type of powers do they have?
5. In the fic "sitting in the garden at your feet" they have a whole picnic and all the adorableness. Do they go on more picnics frequently? (I really hope soo) I would guess they do since in villainous things they were also on their way to a picnic...but then yeah...poor birb tbh and poor scar
6. Have Ren and Martyn already have their wedding or are they still waiting? I wanna see treebark and I want to see mumbo ask grian go with him as his plus one to the wedding<3
(Though treebark owns my heart, Grumbo will always win) Don't talk about scarian I've never left the desert and don't plan to either😘
7. Okay soo in the fic "weight of living" there was this one scene where etho stared at grian. Here's the quote: "Etho eyes him for a moment, his gaze unreadable as he does so. It leaves Grian with chills. Weird."
Is it possible that etho is a Watcher? I'm mean   he is definitely not human(or maybe he is an immortal human?)  Etho may recognize grian, either as an old Watcher or a new Watcher to be made. Or maybe etho just thinks it is weird to see scar with grian(A HUMAN) The last one is more logical <:^)
8. On that note with Etho. You never confirm nor deny if grian is the "lost watcher" but what if I were to ask you if EFFO is the lost Watcher. I don't have proof but-...yeah idk
Wait wait just had another thought what if Pearl is the Watcher???? When the dream bugs ate her dreams there was a purple mist! Huh huh gotcha!/silly this is purely a joke🤣
9. Will we see a bad boy grian phase or possibly a drag queen phase🥺👉👈. Since it often mention that grian was a dare devil(still is:^P) or did grian have such phases. One of my friends is kinda a dare devil and he did drag once and I feel since grian might be the same there...
10. What did Scott do with the shard? Did he just entirely get rid of it? Also is Scott pure evil or broken. Maybe with the lost of his brother(Xornoth) did he turn evil or was evil just in his genes?
Those are all the questions and theories for now thank you for listing to my literal brain rot<3
This time it was numbered
(There will possible be more to come>:^] )
see me rubbing my paws together with a big grin >:3c no apologies needed !!!! I love questions hehe. as always, I can't answer everything clearly, because of spoilers but I'll certainly answer as much as I can!
1- WHEEZE scar just feels like the kinda guy to me to stick his head into the mouth of a werewolf for fun, y'know? he'd try it once just to see what would happen (and I mean, he's got no reason to fear dying, all things considered LOL)
2- GRIAN TRANS CANON !! honestly, just operate under the assumption that any grian I write is trans JFGDHFKKJDFG it's my comfort character and I get to project on him /silly (no trans scar though </3)
3- WAUG OKAY -- I've answered this kind of question before but for the life of me I can't find it D: I'm gonna keep searching for it, and when I find it I'll reblog this with that information mjfdhkfghfjg I don't wanna contradict myself LMAO
4- PAPAPULSE MY BELOVED 🥺I really wanna write more with him ueueue. I actually haven't done much world building for sb!demons but I'm going to say that yes, there are different types of demons! and they all have a wide range of different abilities :3
5- they def go on picnics yeah!!! I think it becomes one of grian's default methods to drag mumbo out of the manor when he can <33
6- ren and martyn haven't had their wedding yet :3 I actually hadn't thought about when their wedding would take place but ;w; oh that gives me some ideas....
7- etho isn't a watcher! the current lore is well. no one really knows what etho is. except maybe bdubs and joel. but their lips are Sealed (he's not the lost watcher either I'm afraid </3)
9- so currently I don't have any plans for a bad boy or drag queen phase to pop up in the story (though that could change, if any ideas come up) but they were certainly things he did when he was wayyy younger
10- what scott did with the shard hm? he broke it :) and I'm afraid evil is just in his genes unfortunately </3
hehe thank you for your questions!! :D
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ex0rin · 3 months
oh look a distraction from work!
tagged by @jdeanmorgan (thanks! 😘)
10 questions for 10 writers
How many works do you have on AO3?
195, would have been more but i recently orphaned a whole pile of them (sorry if this is the way you're learning of it)
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
i know i haven't written anything in like two months, but i'm still going to put The Walking Dead since all of my active WIPs are from that one - but like, in general i write whatever i'm into at any given time (prev: The Boys, TFATWS, CA: TWS, Witcher, Watcher Entertainment, general rpf, etc etc)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I SWEAR I TRY i'm just so fucking bad at it, when i'm in an upswing of writing i don't want to stop to reply (which makes me an asshole) and then when i can't get words out i'm just too sad to try and respond to everything... usually once a year (right before @febuwhump i do a full two weeks of JUST responding to as many as i can from the previous year) (so i guess if you haven't heard from me, wait till January 2025 😅)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i have! multiple times. almost ALL rpf from Buzzfeed Unsolved stuff weirdly enough
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also yes! i think the only one(s) posted are the ones with @ponderosa121 (Gotham, Constantine) but i've done some Very Good and Very Long RP fics with @sparklingbinjuice that one day i'm going to make into actual fics and post
What's your all-time favourite ship?
why do people keep asking me this 😅 if you asked me RIGHT NOW (which is kind of what's happening) i would say neggie (negan x maggie) but this answer is subject to change at the drop of a hat. a month ago it would have been cegan (negan x carl), seven months ago it would have been butchie (butcher x hughie), and before that it was winterbones (rumlow x bucky) or hell, roosmav (rooster x maverick) and so on and so forth
What are your writing strengths?
smut. descriptive smut.
What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue. jesuschrist i hate writing dialogue (esp for negan, fuck that guy and his tone and innuendo and run on sentences) (affectionate but still annoyed)
First fandom you wrote for?
first posted on AO3 is for NBC Constantine but that's only from 2015 and i've been writing smut since the late 90s 🙃 reader-insert for Star Wars was probably the first thing i ever wrote (before i even really knew what fanfic was tbh) (luke x me babyyyy) but some of the first stuff i published to an audience back in the yahoo groups days would have been the UK queer as folk or... shit, gundam wing probably?
(also, sidenote but tfw you realize charlie hunnam was in the UK QAF on this day of our lord 2024???) (just need a moment while my childhood watching queer as folk collides with my adulthood adoration for pacific rim crash into each other)
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okay, anyway, tagging: @sparklingbinjuice @the-ravening @unlikelymilliner @winterbonesthings @duchessonfire @sequencefairy @crushcandles @grianhole @stunt-lads (my tenth @ is whoever would like to participate! you can say i tagged you)
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lunawho47 · 1 month
I just bought myself a ticket to the Ghost Files show in DC!!! I'll finally get to see the Ghoul Boys in person! I can't wait to laugh in a room full of other Watcher fans and see what antics Shane and Ryan get up to in the new, unseen episode they'll share with us that day.
(And to see Katie Leblanc, or whomever is their emcee on this tour, have to deal with their ridiculousness in real time.)
I'm really excited because I've wanted to see Shane and Ryan in person ever since I started watching them in Unsolved back in 2018. I've got the merch and the Unsolved: Supernatural book they put out a couple of years ago, and I've been a subscriber to WatcherTV since its beta launch. The only thing I hadn't done yet was see them on a Ghost Files Live tour, and that's only because they didn't really come anywhere near me last time. I debated with myself whether I should pay up for this because a month ago I had a cancer scare and then had to have major surgery to take care of the problem that thankfully turned out to not be cancer. TLDR; I have a lot of medical bills and debated with myself whether a $60 ticket to see an episode in person that I would see on their streamer within a few weeks was worth it. But I do adore the boys, and I haven't been to a show that's just for me in a long time, so I decided to spend money on it. And I'm glad I did, even if end up regretting it when the bills start to really pile up. I doubt 60 bucks is going to be the breaker on bills that are literally tens of thousands of dollars more than I have in my account anyway.
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physics-of-one-piece · 3 months
Hiya! Just popping by to say I am in LOVE with this blog!!!!! It is SO MUCH FUN to read through your explanations and you’re incredible at dumbing it down just enough for us mortals to understand. I was never great nor really interested with anything physics or math related in my entire life haha but I’m honestly and unexpectedly having such a field day reading through your posts!
Thank you for creating this! Keep it up, I can’t wait to read on the next topic you’ll approach ✨
Thank you, anon! I'm happy to know you're enjoying the blog! I'm having fun doing this stuff!
Honestly, from an anime watcher, neither was I interested in doing calculations or physics-thinking. It never crossed my mind until recently. Blame Doflamingo. Or thank him. 🤣 I love him. He's my fluffy pink man.
One day a week ago now I woke up and was like thinking about Doflamingo's height or sth and I really wanted to just... JUST KNOW HOW BIG ARE THOSE LIMBS OF HIS, and I thought it might be fun to do some calculations! And it was! AND NOW I FINALLY KNOW THE LENGTH OF HIS ARMS AND HANDS AND FINGERS, HELL YEAH!
@fanaticsnail was really encouraging, and so were everyone, so I gathered my guts and made this sideblog to keep my geeking limited to it.
After I did some calc, I was like "oooh, so that's how big Doflamingo's limbs are" or "oooh, so that's how much kinetic energy Luffy uses" and during the weekend I went into a bit of quantum physics for Law's ROOM and got a bit bored at one point bcs it's subatomic. I will say, the quantum physics theories & principles are fun. I'll expand on them when we cover Shambles & Takt. But calculating quantum formulas... No thank you. I'll be here with my classic physics, have a great day, sir.
It makes me very very happy to hear that I managed to make it understandable. 😊
I think while watching the anime you and me and everyone, we simply take it all in and enjoy it, and we don't think about things like math (ew, math, yuckie).
You know what we humans do do?
Many people see a mountain and say "whoa, that's big" and it usually ends on that unless we google how tall the mountain is. Scaling things is hard with our eyesight, we either recognise height as "giant, big, medium, small, tiny" bcs it's how we are. We don't need to know because we can recognise it by our eyes. Not the exact numbers, but we feel and understand the size of the mountain. We do have a sense of scale, we just don't put numbers to it at that moment.
Same for One Piece.
We know the characters are FAST, we know they're SUPER STRONG. It's anime, it's supposed to be fun, you're supposed to relax and enjoy it. We don't need to think too hard on it because we recognise deep in our guts these characters would wipe the floor with us within 0.000000001 seconds just as the villains do to the poor One Piece civilians.
Seriously, I feel so bad for the civilians of One Piece. The villains need to pick on someone their own size!
And then they get beaten by someone half their size, ah, irony.
Hmm, I hope I managed to convey what I mean...
I guess I'm the "how big are Doflamingo's hands" search option now. I'm the "how tall is Mt Everest" for the people who want to know a bit more, I guess, haha.
I'm just glad it's fun for everyone! 🎉
I've been working on what I will title Doflamingo's Day Trip To Punk Hazard ie analasys of how fast that flamingo man flew to that island. Only problem is knowing the distance he travelled. Once more, another day passes without the map of One Piece's world and another day I have to wing it.
Oh, well, Luffy set out to sail with one single plan "Enter the Grand Line, become the Pirate King." and he's doing pretty well.
Also, expect Fujitora, cus I fckn love gravity. Oh, and Sanji. I adore Sanji, I can't wait to post some stuff about him, too!
Thank you for the ask, sorry that I went on a bit of a long answer. 😅 Anyway, I'm happy you like the blog and are enjoying it!
Much love to you, anon ❤️
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 5 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Short Mission 13... You have been warned...! 👌
This seems to be the first time that we've ever had 2 Short Missions released one after the other (I mean, after the BOMBSHELL that was dropped in Mission 96, it's no wonder why Endo is taking his time to give us Mission 97...!! 😁) But just because it's another Short Mission (and a Special Illustration), doesn't mean we don't have anything to talk about!! So let's get into it, shall we...? 😉
First up, let's talk about the Special Illustration...:
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Anya looks so adorable it and the cherry blossom scenery is STUNNING!! 😆 This is definitely a new favorite of mine!! 😁
Now on to the Short Mission, which was all about Bond...!! 😄
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The family left for the day, leaving poor Bond alone and bored. But, that didn't stop him from having an eventful day...! First, a delivery man came by...:
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And since no one answered the door, the delivery man left, which means Bond did his "job" and starts looking for some food, when:
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I was honestly confused by how Bond could hear Agent Penguinman's thoughts, but it made laugh, so...!! 😅
It seems like Bond still feels bad about attacking Agent Penguinman all the way back in Short Mission 3, so he brings the stuff animal the fish that the Forgers were gonna have for dinner as an apology...! Then, Bond thinks about his past:
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This image breaks my heart so much... The people who experimented on Bond and those other dogs are awful human beings and hope that they'll eventually get what's coming to them...
Then right after that memory, Bond does this to Agent Penguinman...:
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Then when the Forgers return home, Yor wonders what to the fish that was in the fridge as we cut to seeing Bond sleeping next to Agent Penguinman with the fish in front of Anya's door...! 💗
And that was Short Mission 13, a nice and sweet little chapter...! 🤗 Seeing a little more of Bond's past really hurts my soul, none of those animals deserved to suffer like that... People who hurt animals and children are the lowest of the low, so I hope that whoever was involved with those experiments is stopped completely, but only time will tell...
Also, I didn't get to say this the last time because I forgot to mention it, but...
I can't wait to see what Endo has in store for us next in future...!! 😁
Lastly, this Thursday, two days after my birthday...
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So look out for my review of it...!! 😁👍
Anyway, that's all I gotta say!! So, until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! LATER!! 👋😊
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changingplumbob · 11 months
New Goth Household: Chapter 2, Part 5
The bizarre sims code decided to have Marta propose living together 3 interactions after she asked Keira to be her girlfriend. For storylines I made it the other way around. I didn't want them taking a relationship hit so they're living together but still taking some time with their relationship since Keira doesn't have lots of experience and Marta's last relationship was a whirlwind emotionally abusive one.
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In this part the household adjusts to the fluffy and human additions, Joey checks out Geekcon and we see Alexander's younger brother Milton.
Keira: I didn't expect you to have absolutely nothing
Marta: But it's a lot
Keira: When we put it away I'm sure it will be fine. We may just have a few boxes around, but I'll take stuff out so we can both share the dresser
Marta: And the bed?
Keira: Yeah... I've been thinking about that
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Keira: I'm happy you moved in and I get to see you more but-
Marta: You're worried I'll get memories of my last whirlwind romance
Keira: I'm not going to place blame on you for a me issue. Living together is a big step, I want to savour it. Not run up the whole staircase at once. Don't mistake me-
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Keira: I absolutely dream of woohooing you
Marta: *laughs*
Keira: But I'd like to keep the bed for sleep for now. Are you worried about your bad memories?
Marta: A little. He was the only partner I've lived with before you. But I like your plan. Can we still cuddle in bed
Keira: Just try and stop me
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So Keira and Marta fall asleep. It's been a day of changes, becoming girlfriends, having their first kiss, moving in together, they don't want to rush anything else just this second. Sleep is all they do, at least until something bizarre happens. Gertrude wakes them up, despite being locked out.
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I deliberately locked the cats out of Keira and Joey's rooms. But Gertrude (seen in birds eye view on the left side, between the seat and stairs) manages to yowl awake the women. Yep, you read right. Through a planter box and wall her wails rouse them from slumber. Darn mischievous cat.
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Marta: It's 4am, why are we awake
Keira: Cats defy physics. I really need to be rested for class
Marta: Don't worry, I'll go tell her off, back in a minute
Gertrude: *yowls*
Marta: Ay dios mio, quiet! You have dads you can wake up
Gertrude: *yowls*
Marta: It's not polite to wake up people in the middle of the night
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Marta: I think she'll stop for a while. Hey you okay, you looked spooked
Keira: I just had a bad dream
Marta: Tell me, that's what I'm here for no
Keira: I was crushed by a murphy bed
Marta: Eek. Sounds awful, but it's over now carino. No murphy beds here
Keira: You're right, let's go back to sleep
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They slept for a bit before Marta had to get up for her barista shift. Keira would have slept in but this little scamp, Hamlet, copied Gertrude. Yep, he woke her up from the other side of the wall and planter box. James slept in, it's not like they couldn't wake him up.
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Me being me though, I can't stay mad at cats. Hamlet is just so adorable. Marta heads off early to work and I spend most of the day following the cats while the humans juggle classes and homework.
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Poor Joey. He dislikes fitness but I still force him to workout now and then to keep him healthy. He's probably going to keep his beanpole physique for a while yet. I'm not a completely terrible watcher and give him a trip to Geekcon. Joey enters the hack-a-thon, but gets a pretty low score despite his level 10 skill.
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He takes some time to play around with the tech on offer. Then he checks out the sparklers. Having never tried them in game before I'm entranced! I wait for the hack-a-thon results... and wait... and wait... and the festival is over with no results. You win in my heart Joey!
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Joey: Hey pa
Aaron: You were going to be here for dinner
Joey: Sorry, there was a glitch with the festival
Aaron: Well come in, I have some case work to file but let's talk before you leave
Joey: Any update on getting Milton for Alexander
Aaron: Nothing new at the moment
Kelly: Ew it's you
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Joey: I'm also thrilled to be in your presence
Kelly: Get up to any chaos lately
Joey: Sure. The watcher has been perusing new mods
Kelly: You're so weird and loony
Joey: There's this one all about dreams that's being trialed
Kelly: Sure there is
Joey: Just wait. You think you'll have a good day then wham! Nightmare!
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Kelly: But that won't be a kid problem
Joey: Who knows, the watcher can't remember if kids will have nightmares but I think they will
Kelly: You're lying
Joey: Anyway you'll be a teen soon. So many things to have nightmares about
Kelly: Shut up
Joey: Acne! Social mortification! Puberty!
Kelly: MA! Joey's being a turnip!
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Calista: Let your brother be
Kelly & Joey: He started it!
Calista: Go to bed Kelly, it's getting late
Kelly: Whatever
Joey: Good to see you ma
Calista: Did you come just to wind up Kelly
Joey: No. I'm taking this knitting course-
Calista: You are! Sweet
Joey: Can you give me some help
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Calista: Of course I can, I practically knit in my sleep
The two sit down and talk yarns, hooks and needles. Joey is still learning but Calista gives him some good starter tips for his projects.
Calista: Thanks for coming by, you're a good son
Joey: I try ma
Calista: I love you
Joey: Me to ma
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Joey: What did you want to talk about
Aaron: Are you being safe
Joey: Of course. Besides the watcher doesn't include the WTD part of RPO
Aaron: I mean with pregnancy son
Joey: Oh yeah, of course I am
Aaron: Because if you end up fathering a kid, you need to look after them
Joey: Pa, I'm being safe, promise
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Aaron: I'm not against you having kids-
Joey: I know, you're always championing our Italian genes. I want kids someday, but not yet
Aaron: You do?
Joey: Yeah, I'd love a mini me. I just don't want a wife to raise them with
Aaron: And you're making sure the ladies know that
Joey: OMW yes pa
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Back home Joey gets stuck in making a mobile app. Gertrude wakes up James from a nap but he teaches her not to wake up sims. Hopefully no cat alarm now. But a mischievous cat will not be contained. The next day Gertrude kicks trash out of the bin and encourages Hamlet to try eat it. EWW
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Unable to avoid it any longer, Keira has to do some baking. I mean she's doing a baking paper after all. She still gets a tense moodlet from not liking cooking (but girl this is baking). She makes some oatmeal cookies with raisins. Joey gets my inside jokes.
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What is that small speck? Let me zoom in. It's Milton! Having gotten bored with Dina and Nina fawning over newborns he has decided to break out and come see big brother Alexander. Yes it's a different neighbourhood but after crossing the road to see Cassandra, no distance can stop waddling Milton!
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Alexander: Milton! What are you doing here
Milton: I want fun. Newborns boring
Alexander: We should get you back home
Milton: I like here. Story time please
Alexander: Okay one quick story, then we'll get you home
Milton manages to get Alexander to read a couple of books and play with him
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When Alexander knocks on the door to his old house Nina answers with mild surprise.
Nina: Oh Milton, we've been looking everywhere
Alexander: You look frantic. Dina, delivery
Dina: What were you doing with him
Alexander: Excuse me
Dina: Did you kidnap my son
Alexander: My brother knocked on my door
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Dina: Surprised you heard it over the sound of your golddigging
Alexander: You're one to talk
Dina: Get out of my house you spoiled brat, you're never getting Milton
But arriving home Alexander has an idea.
Alexander: You said to call if anything came up? How about some surveillance footage
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bucketorandomness · 2 years
I would ADORE some solid BNHA/My Hero Academia recs if you have any! I’m in dire need of a good longfic to commit to 🥲
Your wish is my command! I have a lot of these, so check them out under the cut >^.^<
((A small note, since I appear to have forgotten it: An "Inactive" fic is one whose last update was ~2 years ago with no mention of either Hiatus or Abandonment))
Edit: Fam, Tumblr keeps posting this without my permission, so this is gonna update quite a bit before I’m through. I’ll let y’all know when I finish properly!
Edit 2: We did it! All done! Hopefully the next rec list isn’t quite so awkwardly executed XD
So, first up we're gonna filter results to be just fics with at least 50k words or more ((that's a whole novel!!)) I'll provide approximate novel counts along the way. I'll also see if I can't give these a bit more of a sense of order in case you're looking for anything more specific later.
Starting strong with Fics That Don't Have Plot-Relevant Romance
A Little Luck From a Black Cat Vigilante (1 novel. Incomplete) Izuku decides helping others can't wait for a license and becomes the vigilante they called Black Cat. Also the hacker Zuk, that earns a bit of a soft spot with the heroes. How will UA and Aizawa handle a sassy and confidant Izuku?
Adoption is the Solution (2 novels. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku is a rough kid who acts more like an alley cat. Eraserhead has always been the kind to take strays home for some love and affection.
AllMightAllTheTime said at 12:13pm: (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku is inspired by his online friends to start a channel called "Heralytics" that accidentally gets some massive traction since it's genuine analysis and humor instead of the mainstream reality TV "news" stations.
Insincerely Yours (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) In an effort to create a rehabilitation program for villains, eight UA students take part in a pen pal trial run where they are assigned a random, anonymous villain to correspond with. Todoroki finds his pen pal to be startlingly similar to him.
Internet Enemies (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku doesn't get much positive interaction in his daily life, so he turns to the internet to fulfil those needs, where unfortunately he turns into a kind of Vigilante and gets forced into a touch of Villainy, but everything's fine!
Kamino's Ward (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku Midoriya worked hard during the rise of Quirks to help defend his people from the government. Now, he wakes in a time not his own, suddenly a venerated historical figure. Lost on literally everything, Izuku dances between All Might attempting to make the boy his successor and All for One, who really just wants his son back.
Kitsune, the Night Watcher (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Midoriya Izuku died 6. Akatani Mikumo died at 11. Kitsune is the Watcher of the Night, a Vigilante. When he's given the opportunity of a lifetime, nobody expects things to spiral out of control quite as spectacularly as they do. At least Izuku's misery is entertaining.
Love Letter Analyst (1 novel. Incomplete) When U.A.’s hero class 1-A started to find binders on their desks, there were two notable things about them: one, that the analysis in them was creepy but insightful; two, included in the back of each notebook was a small, folded up letter with sweet compliments and gushing, more personal, comments about the people behind the quirks. Mina promptly dubbed them the “Love Letter Analyst.” Deep in the support labs, Izuku sneezed.
Missing Everything (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku misses a very important reveal and ends up with a villain-filled soda bottle instead. In the ensuing chaos, he befriends someone named Toshinori Yagi. All Might misses the chance to make a snap decision and ends up mentoring a very heroic, very determined child who has no idea who he really is.
Once in a Blue Moon (A Feather Will Float Down to Earth) (1 novel. Incomplete) Izuku is 1A's Guardian Angel. He's a little over-enthusiastic about doing is job, though, and his superiors aren't too happy with how hands-on his approach is.
What We Cannot Undo (1 novel. Angst. Complete) There's a new vigilante in town. The news dubs him Specter. Eraserhead wants to know who this "ghost" is and why the kid keeps following him (and his new class) all over the city. Nedzu wants a new student. Bakugou Katsuki wants redemption. Midoriya Izuku wants one more chance to change his mind.
Wisteria Floribunda (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has an immortality Quirk, despite his Quirkless diagnosis. After watching his mother die, he does his best to become a vigilante feared by more than just the villains.
With Confidence (1. Incomplete) Izuku is hit with a confidence quirk that really messes with his Scared, Quirkless, Deku image at Aldera and beyond.
Zutopia (1. Complete) As a young, quirkless genius, Izuku turns to the internet for stimulation and entertainment. Completely unrelated, but Nedzu has made his first human friend in a very long time. Maybe they should meet without a screen between them.
A Happy Medium (2. Inactive) Izuku lost everything. He's not sure if it was his Quirklessness, himself, or the ghosts that were to blame. No matter! He'll become a Hero anyway. Helps when he finds a couple very tired friends to help him.
Blindfolded Birdie (2. Angst. Complete) Keigo is rescued from the Hero Public Safety Commission as a child, but it was not a smooth rescue. Now, he must deal with the aftereffects of his time with the Commission and manage his desires for the future.
Cat Days (2. Angst. Complete) A series where Izuku has a shapshifting quirk he struggles to control and ends up stuck in cat form. Aizawa, of course, is willing to adopt weird stray cats at the drop of a hat.
Complicated Creation (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted, and doing his best. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the Heroes now think he's a Villain working for the League.
Dāku, The Hero in Plain Sight (2. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku got lost trying to escape his bullies and found Eraser beat up on his way back. He accidentally kidnapped what appears to be a sentient scarf and decided it was a good enough sign to start his serious journey to Heroics. Good thing he's got all of Jr High.
Detective Midoriya (2. Incomplete) All Might told him to become a police officer, and while his dream has been thoroughly cushed, Izuku has always been an over-achiever at heart, and this is a way he can still help people!
Out of Sight, Out of Mercy (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku was 5 when he was diagnosed quirkless. He was 8 when he lost his sight. For years, everyone had told him to give up on his dreams of being a Hero. But when did a couple little obstacles ever stop him? It's time for the Vigilante Akuma to rise.
Secondary Colors (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Hitoshi transfers to a new middle school and finds the local punching bag to be far better friend material than their explosive Most Likely To Top Hero Charts classmate.
Severance (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku Midoriya has All for One, but everyone around him mistakes it for an erasure quirk.
Smile and Spite (1 novel. Incomplete) A second Sludge Villain encounter never happens, and Izuku Midoriya goes Vigilante in order to take advantage of one of UA's lesser known means of enrollment.
The Capture Scarf Caper (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku found Eraserhead's capture scarf in an alleyway while trying to find the man himself and decided to take it home. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so hopefully the hero won't be too upset if he ever finds out about a certain Vigilante look-alike.
The Forest Thing (1 novel. Complete) The Bakugou family go on a camping trip for the weekend and come home with a new family member, one who isn't exactly human.
The Mystery of Student No.18 (1 novel. Angst. Complete) After receiving One for All, Izuku gets caught in an accident before the start of UA's term. Stuck in a coma, Izuku astral projects to attend class unseen. Meanwhile, 1A tries to solve the puzzle that is the empty seat of Student 18, who hasn't shown up once since the beginning of the year.
The Scarlet Thief (1. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Inko discovered her husband was a Villain by the time Izuku was 7. Since then, Izuku's been working hard as the Scarlet Thief to support himself and get revenge on his dad with some assistance from Melissa Shield. With his promotion from Criminal to Villain, though, Izuku's getting more attention from Heroes than he's ever had before.
To Be Human (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has a Villainous blood-quirk, and he's willing to suppress the Villainous parts of him so long as he can be a Hero. Only, you can only bottle everything up for so long before something breaks.
Vigilantism of Olympic Proportions (2 novels. Angst. Incomplete) The Pantheon was quickly becoming one of the most successful vigilante organizations of all time, and with little to no information on them, the HPSC is getting antsy.
What We Cannot Undo (1 novel. Angst. Complete) There's a new vigilante in town. The news dubs him Specter. Eraserhead wants to know who this "ghost" is and why the kid keeps following him (and his new class) all over the city. Nedzu wants a new student. Bakugou Katsuki wants redemption. Midoriya Izuku wants one more chance to change his mind.
Wisteria Floribunda (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has an immortality Quirk, despite his Quirkless diagnosis. After watching his mother die, he does his best to become a vigilante feared by more than just the villains.
With Confidence (1. Incomplete) Izuku is hit with a confidence quirk that really messes with his Scared, Quirkless, Deku image at Aldera and beyond.
Zutopia (1. Complete) As a young, quirkless genius, Izuku turns to the internet for stimulation and entertainment. Completely unrelated, but Nedzu has made his first human friend in a very long time. Maybe they should meet without a screen between them.
A Happy Medium (2. Inactive) Izuku lost everything. He's not sure if it was his Quirklessness, himself, or the ghosts that were to blame. No matter! He'll become a Hero anyway. Helps when he finds a couple very tired friends to help him.
Blindfolded Birdie (2. Angst. Complete) Keigo is rescued from the Hero Public Safety Commission as a child, but it was not a smooth rescue. Now, he must deal with the aftereffects of his time with the Commission and manage his desires for the future.
Cat Days (2. Angst. Complete) A series where Izuku has a shapshifting quirk he struggles to control and ends up stuck in cat form. Aizawa, of course, is willing to adopt weird stray cats at the drop of a hat.
Complicated Creation (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted, and doing his best. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the Heroes now think he's a Villain working for the League.
Dāku, The Hero in Plain Sight (2. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku got lost trying to escape his bullies and found Eraser beat up on his way back. He accidentally kidnapped what appears to be a sentient scarf and decided it was a good enough sign to start his serious journey to Heroics. Good thing he's got all of Jr High.
Detective Midoriya (2. Incomplete) All Might told him to become a police officer, and while his dream has been thoroughly cushed, Izuku has always been an over-achiever at heart, and this is a way he can still help people!
Feral (2. Angst. Inactive) Izuku is abandoned in the local forest, where he grows up and does good by what he understands the definition to be. Doesn't mean Adults don't get concerned when they find a feral child out on his own.
Here We Go Loopty Loo (2. Angst. Incomplete) Something has gone wrong. The Hell Class makes it all the way to graduation, only to wake up on the first day of 1A. Again. And again. And again. And again.
In the Nick of Time (2. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku has a Quirk that teleports him to safety, and he uses it primarily to jump off buildings and get a nice adrenaline rush like a normal person.
Leviathan (2. Angst. Hiatus) Izuku's only used his quirk once. He was 4 when he took 32 lives. He's sworn never to let that power possess him again. He hides behind the mask of a useless, showy quirk, refusing any connection to the creature recognized as the Leviathan. Lies don't last forever, however.
The Wrong Right Hero to Kidnap (2. Complete) Hitoshi and Izuku are homeless, living on the run from the Yakuza with Eri, who can't control her Quirk, to Izuku's misfortune. When the young girl gets sick and her Quirk starts to get out of control, they decide the only way to help her is to kidnap a Hero who might be able to help them turn the Quirk off.
This is Your Life, There's no way to Run From It (2. Angst. Incomplete) In which Midoriya never receives One for All, becomes the vigilante Carbon Cat, and tries to keep everyone at arm's length. Doesn't mean they'll let him, though.
Viridian (2. Angst. Inactive) The world is ending, and the only chance to save it is to send Izuku Midoriya back to his 14 year old body. "When the time comes, give him this. You'll know he trusts you when he calls you Problem Child."
Who Said the Only Green Thing About him was his Hair? (2. Angst. Hiatus) Izuku decides that Kacchan was right, but he also knows that taking that swan dive would ruin Bakugou's chances of becoming a hero. Instead, he runs away where nobody can hurt him and he can provide all he needs out here in the woods.
Deku? I Think he's Some Pro... (3. Angst. Complete) Izuku gains himself a modest following online as a freelance analyst. The Pros who ask for his assistance don't know his age, Quirk status, or his dream to be a Hero.
Hawks-Sensei (3. Inactive) After the USJ, the Commission is concerned about the security of UA. Hawks does not want this job. He has many other jobs that need doing. The kids are kind of cool though.
Out of Sight, Out of Mercy (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku was 5 when he was diagnosed quirkless. He was 8 when he lost his sight. For years, everyone had told him to give up on his dreams of being a Hero. But when did a couple little obstacles ever stop him? It's time for the Vigilante Akuma to rise.
Secondary Colors (1. Angst. Incomplete) Hitoshi transfers to a new middle school and finds the local punching bag to be far better friend material than their explosive Most Likely To Top Hero Charts classmate.
Severance (1. Inactive) Izuku Midoriya has All for One, but everyone around him mistakes it for an erasure quirk.
Smile and Spite (1. Incomplete) A second Sludge Villain encounter never happens, and Izuku Midoriya goes Vigilante in order to take advantage of one of UA's lesser known means of enrollment.
The Capture Scarf Caper (1. Inactive) Izuku found Eraserhead's capture scarf in an alleyway while trying to find the man himself and decided to take it home. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so hopefully the hero won't be too upset if he ever finds out about a certain Vigilante look-alike.
The Forest Thing (1. Complete) The Bakugou family go on a camping trip for the weekend and come home with a new family member, one who isn't exactly human.
The Mystery of Student No.18 (1. Angst. Complete) After receiving One for All, Izuku gets caught in an accident before the start of UA's term. Stuck in a coma, Izuku astral projects to attend class unseen. Meanwhile, 1A tries to solve the puzzle that is the empty seat of Student 18, who hasn't shown up once since the beginning of the year.
The Scarlet Thief (1. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Inko discovered her husband was a Villain by the time Izuku was 7. Since then, Izuku's been working hard as the Scarlet Thief to support himself and get revenge on his dad with some assistance from Melissa Shield. With his promotion from Criminal to Villain, though, Izuku's getting more attention from Heroes than he's ever had before.
To Be Human (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has a Villainous blood-quirk, and he's willing to suppress the Villainous parts of him so long as he can be a Hero. Only, you can only bottle everything up for so long before something breaks.
Vigilantism of Olympic Proportions (2. Angst. Incomplete) The Pantheon was quickly becoming one of the most successful vigilante organizations of all time, and with little to no information on them, the HPSC is getting antsy.
Repeating/Rephrasing/Rewriting History (4. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku remembers being quirkless, knows how dangerous quirks have to be careful. He's seen and heard enough to know that not everyone is satisfied with the quirk they were born with. There is something he can do: take other people's quirks and give them away. It's a strange quirk, but he's found a way to help.
Useless Monster (3. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku, homeless at seven and alone from before then, is doing his best. That's difficult, though, when your Quirk turns you into a monster even Heroes are scared of.
Anyone (4. Incomplete) Despite the world being against him, Izuku tries to be a Hero. In the process, he accidentally creates a pseudo-criminal organization and not so accidentally steals One for All
Canary (5. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku thought he was quirkless until he opened his mouth to sing, but he has terrible confidence in himself. It's a good thing a certain radio host thinks he's got the potential to be an amazing Hero.
If I Only Had a Heart (5. Angst. Inactive) Izuku is determined to be a Hero with his massive intellect, inventions, and a heart too big for a world that isn't friendly to the quirkless.
Pied Piper (5. Angst. Incomplete) After UA's rejection, Izuku picks up some colored contacts and a stray pipe and does his darndest to be the most efficient Vigilante out there. Things spiral rather spectacularly after that.
Live a Hero (6. Angst. Complete) "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Or, you're raised a villain, rebel when you're nine, and fight against the odds to become a hero anyway. That's how it is in Izuku's case.
For the Want of a Nail (6. Angst. Incomplete) A series of unrelated fics where Izuku gets to be both Quirkless and Badass in various epic ways. From Villain to Vigilante to Hero to Civilian, Midoriya Izuku goes Plus Ultra and makes quite a few waves doing it.
Congrats! You made it through the gen fics! Now it’s time for the fics with Plot Relevant Romance Involved!
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Midoriya Izuku | Deku
Burn the World (Make a Home) (3. Angst. Incomplete) Midoriya Izuku, homeless Vigilante extrordinaire, is going to become a beacon in Hero Society alone and Quirkless, and then his soulmate decides to get involved and help him with his impromptu family.
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Shirakumo Oboro | Loud Cloud / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Pied Piper (5. Angst. Incomplete) UA rejects Izuku, and he decides to become a quirkless Vigilante that fights with environmental weapons. To help him channel his inner Katsuki, he gets some red contact lenses, which works great until he's caught with only one lense in after a fight.
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
A Light in the Darkness (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku is homeless, has been for a while, and keeps the secret from even All Might. Aizawa, Yamada, and Shinsou find out and decide to help. "Well, Kacchan. It's not exactly a swan dive off a roof but,"
A Twisted Fate Never Alters Destiny (2. Angst. Complete) Aizawa Shouta suddenly finds himself homeless during his time as a Hero student. Inko Midoriya finds a homeless teen and decides he needs support and affection she can provide.
Black Cat Cafe (1. Angst. Complete) A bitter Aizawa makes cafe Switzerland, adopts 20 heroes-in-training, some villains, and Shinsou, then kicks All for One's ass into next week. And maybe falls in love.
Hide and Seek (5. Angst. Incomplete) The last thing that Izuku hears from his Mama is to hide. Izuku takes those words to heart, especially when his Quirk comes in. Meanwhile, Shouta learns that an owl has settled in his area.
Maybe Getting Kidnapped by Space Pirates was a Good Thing? (1. Incomplete) Tricked into launching an emergency escape pod he can't control, Izuku finds himself a space orc in a universe that is very much intimidated by him and his inability to communicate in Common.
Morals of a House Cat (1. Angst. Complete) Aizawa started life as nothing but a quirked kitten adopted by Inko Midoriya. At some point, he is hit with a quirk that makes him turn human. Now, he has to figure out how to person while taking care of his younger brother and balancing his desires to be a cat with his reality of being a person.
Through Thick and Thin (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku has never been allowed to learn even the most basic things about being an Omega. From scenting to nesting to platonic cuddles, UA is willing to help him learn, especially those in his dorm. (Purely Platonic A/B/O Dynamics)
Throw me a Goddamn Rope - Just Enough to Hang Myself With (2. Angst. Incomplete) Aizawa has jumped to the past in an effort to prevent the Bad End by keeping Midoriya Izuku alive. Now, he has to wring All Might's neck for not telling him anything helpful before sending him decades into the past and a young Quirkless child hanging on his every word.
Takami Keigo | Hawks / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
An Idiots Adventures in the Galaxy and the Friends he Made Along the Way (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku is a space orc, one of two kids accepted into the space program and abducted by aliens. At least his cell has trees. And company, even if they're a little scared of him.
Takami Keigo | Hawks / Todoroki Touya | Dabi
Darling, Thank God it's This Universe We're in (and you can Annoy me as Much as you Please) (1. Complete) Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and moves all four of her children into a small apartment next to a boy with wings as read as the hair of her eldest son.
Another Option (1. Angst. Complete) When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.
Omeletverse (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Hawks lays an egg and all the shenanigans that follow.
Dabi | Todoroki Touya / Midoriya Izuku | Deku / Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Welcome to the Family (3. Angst. NSFW. Incomplete) While searching for a place to end it all, homeless Izuku stumbles upon a meeting of Villains. Intrigued by the skittish shrimp, Shigaraki offers him a second chance.
Bakugou Katsuki / Kirishima Eijirou
If We're Being Honest (1. Angst. Complete) Class 1A gets hit with a long-lasting truth quirk. Secrets are shared, some good and harmless, some not so much. Dark themes abound, but overall very comfy finish.
Bakugou Katsuki / Midoriya Izuku
Plunge Into Darkness, Bring in the Light (2. Angst. Inactive) Akatani Mikumo leads as happy a life as he can, being young, poor, and quirkless. Then, tragedy strikes, and he decides the best course of action is to survive on the streets and be a Hero there.
Midoriya Izuku / Sero Hanta
The League of Shirakumos (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Izuku ends up turning the League of Villains into his very own Found Family on his journey to becoming the world's first Quirkless Hero.
Midoriya Izuku / Shinsou Hitoshi
AU Where U.A. is Actually Good at Their Job (5. Angst. Complete) When Izuku wakes up after the entrance exam, he expected to be accepted into U.A. by the skin of his teeth, or for All Might to demand his quirk back when he failed. What he wasn't expecting was a group of teachers who give a damn about his mental wellbeing.
Bandersnatch (1. Angst. Incomplete) After witnessing the apocalypse, Izuku wakes up 15 again and does his best to fix what broke the future while struggling with his now out-dated and jaded mindset that nobody seems to really understand
Before my Heart Gives Out (2. Angst. Complete) The same accident that killed his mother takes Izuku's sight from him and poisons his body in the same move. Now on a time limit, Izuku decides to become a Hero, even if it's an illegal one.
Here There be Dragons (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku's been a Quirk suppressants since his violent manifestation. The only issue is, his Quirk is sentient, mildly terrified of being suppressed again, and wildly possessive of his new Hoard of classmates at UA.
Residual Hope (5. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku lets the Sludge Villain abduct him, but it turns out the Villain was simply suffering from Quirk Withdrawl and kept killing people in his haste to ease the pain. Now with a regular body-buddy and mental health referee, Izuku works on becoming a Hero without a Quirk.
Ripples on Deep Water (1. Angst. Complete) When All Might crushes Izuku's dreams, he crosses the path of someone who rebuilds them. Izuku's going to be a Hero, even if it won't be exactly as planned.
Youtuber Deku AU (1. Incomplete) A series where Deku is a youtuber who's quickly gaining popularity, and Mindjack is his best friendand editor who may appear in his videos from time to time while Izuku and Hitoshi navigate through U.A.
Midoriya Izuku / Shinsou Hitoshi / Todoroki Shouto
Datastream (1. Angst. Complete) Datastream is a digital Vigilante knowsn by most of the Underground Heroes and many of the better Spotlight Heroes as a master of surveilance, information, and coordination. To one Underground Hero, though, Datastream is better known as Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta's nephew.
Don't Dead, Open Inside (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku Midoriya wasn't like other children, but the most troubling and off-putting part about him was that he had died when he was seven.
Dreamer (6. Angst. Incomplete) Izumi’s dreams don’t belong to her. They belong to the lights, the people who are in pain. She helps them, every night, trying to forget the color of her mother’s blood and the light of her fathers flame.
Net Neutrality (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku beats the shit out of the Shie Hassakai and adopts Eri, then they live in a cafe together where Izuku develops a reputation as a vigilante and an info broker.
Player Two (1. Angst. Complete) Izuku has always been Tomura's emotional support center. The one to calm him and pacify his anger. It's what he was made for, but he's outgrowing more than just his clothes.
Reformation (3. Angst. Complete) Izuku is convinced his only future lies with the League of Villains. Paying room and board with analysis and hacking, he thinks all is fine until Toga and Izuku meet Eri. Tentatively, they put their futures in the hands of UA's villain reformation program.
Setting Hearts Aflame (1. Angst. Inactive) After being targetted by Villains for his powerful, emotion-driven fire Quirk, Izuku promises not to let anyone else get hurt, especially not like Inko now trapped in a coma.
The Grey Areas in Between (2. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Quirkless Izuku becomes the Vigilante hacker Grey Hat before making it into UA and falling in love. Oh, and also maybe becoming an official Hero on the way.
Midoriya Izuku / Todoroki Shouto
A Path to Recovery (1. Angst. Inactive) As Shouto begins his first year at UA, he's finally given a support system that wants to help him recover from his less than perfect childhood. Aizawa will figure out what Shouto's hiding, and 1A will make sure Shouto knows he's loved.
Awake and (Un)Afraid, Asleep Or- (1. Complete) Kirishima and Shouto accidentally start trending on Twitter and in retaliation, Shouto decides to make an Instagram to showcase all his Hero Deku merchandise, so that everyone knows how much he loves his boyfriend Izuku. No one expects how quickly it will all spiral out from there.
Bitch, I'm Incognito (3. Angst. Inactive) When a villain blew up Izuku’s apartment complex, everyone believed Endeavor when he said the young boy was dead. Except he wasn’t. With two friends and 6 years of vigilantism, he decides they’re going to Yuuei. As vigilantes. This is going to be fun.
Black Rabbit (3. Angst. Incomplete) For most people, waking up in the secret base of one of Japan's most wanted vigilantes would probably be terrifying. For Shouto Todoroki, it ends up being first stroke of luck he's ever had.
Come On Play Me Something (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku's just trying to keep his head above water and the bills from piling up. For the extra cash, he rents out his spare bedroom on Airbnb and hosts a striking young pianist. Shouto's coldly polite, highly mysterious, and unwittingly determined to drag out all of Izuku's once buried ambitions.
Four for Two (3. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku loves his soulmates. All three of them. Not that they know he exists.
I'm Here (25 novels. Angst. NSFW. Incomplete) <The Longest Fic Midoriya never got One for All, but Shigaraki got to him. Midoriya slowly descends into insanity and takes his crush down with him. They follow the timeline of the canon plot, but not everything goes the same when the main character is on the other side.
I'm Unsavable (Please Save Me) (1. Angst. NSFW. Inactive) When Midoriya Izuku is kidnapped by All for One at the age of five, he is turned into a weapon. But, one day when he is on a mission, he happens to run into someone willing to help. Todoroki Shouto is abused. When he needs a hero the most, he finds a villain.
Light My Fire (5. Angst. Inactive) While recovering from the battle trials, Recovery Girl discovers mutations within Izuku that can only be explained by an unmanifested fire Quirk.
Maybe in Another Life (1. Angst. Complete) A young Izuku is "helped" by a woman whose quirk should just be a temporary experience ended once Izuku uses his quirk. The catch? Izuku doesn't have a quirk to use, and the experience only ends at his death.
Quirk: Knife! (9. Angst. Complete) Izuku winds up homeless with a knife and decides being a sass master Vigilante is close enough to being a Hero, right?
Save Me, I'm Drowning (1. Angst. Inactive) Inko says he's quirkless. The doctors say he's quirkless. Izuku knows his medicine is quirk suppressants, because the one day he didn't take them, he saved Katsuki's life.
Survival in Numbers (1. Angst. Complete) At 4, Izuku Midoriya arrives at an orphanage with no memories and meets Shinsou Hitoshi. At 8, they become vigilantes. At 10, they are the most wanted and well-known vigilantes in Japan. At 15, everything changes. Izuku accomplished all this without a Quirk. Or so he thought.
Sweater Weather (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Izuku has a hoodie that he wears all the time, and Shouto is suddenly and irreversibly gay.
The Adventures of Chaotic Neutral Rat Bastard and Peppermint Boy (3. Angst. Inactive) A series where Dabi takes Shouto away from the Todoroki household and raises him while still trying to figure himself out.
Tightrope (5. Angst. NSFW. Complete) In a world where Izuku never meets All Might, never attends UA, he's still a stubborn problem child and ends up doing Hero stuff... more or less. He's a bit of a punk, and balances the tightrope between good and evil.
Widowmaker (5. Angst. Incomplete) Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and takes her four children into hiding. She later develops a bit of infamy as the deadly Widowmaker, a vigilante specializing in child and spousal abuse cases who shows no mercy to the perpetrators.
Midoriya Inko / Midoriya Hisashi
North Side of the Tree (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku is not human. He is, in fact, moss, a member of the fae that migrated to Japan centuries ago. He enjoys his life on the mountain and the young boy who comes to visit every year. That is, until the landslide took out his grove.
Midoriya Inko / Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Embers (2. Abandoned) Midoriya Izuku is born with a perfect combination of his parents' quirks. Given that he has literally the most impractical fire quirk in existence, becoming a Hero might be a little tricky.
Wow that is so many more fics than I thought I’d rec. And now, last but not least, I have Crossover Fics!!! ((I know you didn’t ask for them, but I’m on a roll now))
Avatar: The Last Airbender crossovers
The Notebook (1. Angst. Inactive) Todoroki Shouto / Zuko Izuku gives Shouto a journal for his birthday. The journal seems to write in itself, though, with maps of a place that doesn't exist. What happens when Shouto tries to contact the entity writing in the journal?
In His Element(s) (2. Angst. Complete) Aang chases some renegade spirits across world borders and makes some friends along the way. As one does.
Star Wars crossovers
You and What Army (1. Inactive) Midoriya Inko / Yagi Toshinori | All Might Midoriya Inko: Single Mother, Long Suffering Individual, and Renegade Jedi Master. When her son is declared Quirkless in a world that relies on them so much, she teaches Izuku the ways of the Force.
The New Normal (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku comes from a long line of secret Force users. Reconciling that with living as a Quirkless person in a Quirked world is interesting at best-- and that was Before his dad tried to make him commit murder.
This has been a Bucket of Rec’s! Thank you for calling! Happy reading! >^.^<
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
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I posted 9,513 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
week two of #got7revival: fave era
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visually: JayB's Piercing Era
this was the first look and the first couple of pictures I've ever seen of Jaebeom, and although I wasn't present yet when it happened, mentally I'm still there and I cannot wait for him to maybe at least get his nose pierced again. YOU GUYS WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HAS HAPPENED!! I've seen the posts of non-ahgase asking who the "piercing guy in GOT7" was, and I wish I had already been a kpop fan at that time, but alas. ( the long hair is a very pretty bonus, too!! )
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10 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
week one of #got7revival: bias & wrecker
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bias: Jaebeom & Youngjae
jaebeom was the first member of GOT7 I found while looking for faceclaims for my fantasy novel about one and a half years ago ( march 2021 ) ; he got me and a friend into kpop and the rest is history. I love this weird cat guy ( affectionate ) with his twin moles and the utter passion and leadership he always brings to the table. I also adore that he talks about his depression and anxiety so relatively openly. he wouldn't need to, and yet he does, and I respect that a lot. it makes even me feel better about myself, and I thought I had a really good grip on mine.
once I knew the members and had gotten familiar with their character and all, I started gravitating towards youngjae as well. I sometimes wonder whether he wouldn't have been my ( actual / only ) bias in GOT7 if a) jaebeom wasn't so very special to me that it feels wrong to switch biases, and b) I had already known the members when I had gotten into GOT7, or if GOT7 hadn't been my very first group and I had already been much more familiar with how groups worked and all that. he's 97 percent shy, innocent maknae, and 3 percent a wicked minx who nobody can be mad at and I love that for him.
the bottom line is that I bias them both and they seem to be okay with having shared custody, if you wanna call it that. I'm calling it that now.
btw, I always consider those people the bias that I have a soft spot for, who I relate to on a personality level, who make me feel all warm and cozy when I watch them do their thing — and the wrecker is the one that just wrecks me with their visuals or voice or whatever it is. I can't look at them for long because that's overwhelming because they're so v attractive ( not saying my biases aren't, but the wreckers just take a bat and swing it at me, while the biases just don't cause that reaction in my brain ) idk, I hope this makes sense, but I've heard people describe biases as the ones that are in "first place" and the wreckers are trying to dethrone them and that's just not my definition of it. kakdif no hate tho! just wanted to explain that.
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14 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
not to be a nerd on main about this, but we should stop transcribing 형 / 누나 and 오빠* / 언니 as bro / sis. linguistically they have very different connotations and it's kinda driving me up a wall as someone who's very invested and interested in languages, like, I do realize that especially casual watchers of like kdramas, who just started getting into them after Netflix or whomever added a bunch of them to their library, don't really care and that's totally fine with me! it's a considerably small thing, and if you just wanna watch something without diving into the language or culture or anything, then you're totally free to, that's valid, honestly
just. that's not what those words mean, connotation-wise and every time I read "bro!" or "sis!" in Netflix's or even YT's subtitles I die a bit inside.
obviously I'm not Korean and if anyone who speaks the language well / lives in Korea and is well familiar with when those are used, wants to weigh in, feel absolutely free to!
but to break it down briefly, those are honorifics attached to a person's name if they're older than you, but not, like, significantly. older students, older colleagues at work if you're a bit more friendly with them, friends, and ( your actual ) siblings. they are normal and do not immediately imply you view the other person as a sort of sibling from another parent.
yes, they do basically translate to "older brother" / "older sister", but transcribing it with "bro" and "sis" respectively has an entirely different impact than what they are actually supposed to infer. it's a polite suffix, that can in certain situations also imply trust or a more intimate relationship, because otherwise ( especially outside of a school context ) you'd use 씨 ( shee ) after their name. just that nobody especially in a school context does that because they use 형 ( hyeong / hyung ) / 누나 ( noona ) and 오빠* ( oppa ) / 언니 ( eonnie / unnie ) — former is used by males and latter by females, both times to address an older 'brother' / an older 'sister' respectively — either alone or after their name.
the companion piece is adding 아 or 야 (-a for names with a consonant at the end or -ya for those with a vowel ) to the names of people younger than you ( or those you're close with ) — and for example in All Of Us Are Dead they do that all the time and it's not transcribed by cutesy-fying their names is it now. they just put their names into the subtitles and move on.
I personally think it'd be much better to simply use you in any other sentence and if some character yells 형! across the room in distress, to transcribe it with the other character's name for emphasis. that's for me personally the closest, connotation-wise.
or, you know, have hyeong / noona / eunnie / oppa* in the transcript / subtitles in italics and explain it with some translator annotation the first time it appears alone. but that's generally an issue with subtitles on such platforms I feel. they remove words when creating the subtitles and leave out such nuances because gods forbid they'd force casual viewers to pause the show to read the annotations akskdkf. either way,
tl;dr they don't use teen slang in kdramas all the time even if the subtitles would have you believe otherwise and it's probably a problem that stems from companies thinking they can't "bother" their customers with having to pause to read, but I think that's simply taking away important context to a depicted story and I'd really like it to stop, thank you.
*oppa is a bit special because it is also used as a sort of term of endearment by women towards their boyfriends, or like, when they flirt with them pre-relationship, so it can also imply a romantic interest, be mindful of that. but I'd assume then it'd be transcribed with some sort of babe or honey or something.
14 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
week three of #got7revival: fave choreo
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35 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
can't believe my dear friend Jonathan is so polite he didn't even get angry when his host simply destroyed his shaving mirror, the only working mirror in the whole castle, especially after he didn't see him in said mirror, like, I get you are finally seeming to catch up but Jonathan pls catch up faster, I'm begging
36 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
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girlwholovesturtles · 7 months
The Great Beast
Okay, I assume this is the Hunt domain? I'm worried we're gonna see Daisy and it'll be sad.
Fecken Wimdy?
Shadow? We just did the Dark, soooo...
I'm realizing that this is not the Hunt domain... what the hell fear is this?
The Vast? I only assume the Vast because of all the wind? Oh, wait, Jon just called the being vast. I'm guessing that's right then.
OH! So this vast monster is a collection of people who have been made into sort of a massive flesh golem. Hate that... Though it does remind me a story I heard of forever go. Can't remember the name but it was like two cities/town joined together and make monsters out of their own bodies and then they fought to kill each other. Two guys saw it, with one mystified and wanting to join the mass and the other horrified and killed as a result of the thing.
Oh, this all just sounds so bad but I guess that's the point. NO! I don't like heights! Don't want to think about any of this.
Really? I honestly don't think I would want to be alive in this world. I think I would choose death in literally every one of these domains.
"Is it much further." Martin, hon, it's the Vast, it's gonna be far. Oh, god, Jon just said the exact some thing!
Okay, don't be snippy.
What even counts as a day here? Martin asked that too! I'm on fire today, apparently... and Jon doesn't have an answer. Lovely.
These two are adorable.
Wait, Simon? Like Fairchild? Oooooo! Are we gonna get more old man murder?!
WHAT?! Crash? Did Simon just crash land in front of them?! Sir?!
Why are you still so delightful?!
I'm laughing so hard, this guy is just kinda fun to listen to. I want to hate you sir but you really are a fun character. He's so flippant and if he were around all the time it would probably get quite grating but right now he really is just fun to listen to.
Oh my lord! Pause!
More of this "no one is actually important" nonsense. That's the big thing I don't like about all the powers that be in this story, they're all so convinced that no one actually matters but it's so infuriating to listen to. I have some pretty strong opinions about the idea here and I don't care for the idea that people are inherently worthless unless they serve some greater power. I assumed that the series' story would challenge that idea at some point and I suppose there's still time to do so but it does feel like it's dodged acknowledging it so far.
Alright, unpause.
Wow, Martin, straight into the murder again. You are such an angry man. Like agree with you but maybe you should have a code word instead of "kill him!" You know, a little subtlety.
I don't know what's funnier to me, Simon asking "Can he do that?" or going "Seems a bit rude to be honest."
Jon! Murder, this man! JON! You let him go! Yeah, I agree with Martin!
What do you mean you didn't want to kill him?! He threatened your man! You know that, right?! I agree so much with Martin right now!
Like, look, I get it, this is certainly something to do with holding on to his humanity but Simon Fairchild is objectively a bad person. Even if the only way to undo the horrors of the world is to undo the Watcher's Crown, the assumption is that the world will go right back to what it was and Fairchild will just go back to what he was doing before. I hate to be that person but I'm all about side quests, so I think I would go through and get rid of as many of the mini bosses as possible. That way when the world is put back together, there will be less monsters in it.
Oh, hello Helen. "Honestly, I feel a little cheated." I do too!
"You're really not helping." "I'm not trying to." I love you both so much.
I agree with Jon that the apocalypse can not be saved. This world will be bad for as long as it is what it is. BUT I stand by my statement that once the world is right again, those people not being there will make the world better.
Helen, you got so mean!
"Hanging out inside myself..." What an interesting line. Literally no other series could make a line like that work and I respect TMA for that.
"You really want that old man dead." Every other line in this episode has me smiling! Because, YES, I also want all of these old men dead. They are objectively evil, bad people!
Did Jon not know he threatened Martin? I thought he listened to all the tapes? Would Jon have felt differently if he knew that I wonder?
Jon, you better kill Magnus or we're gonna have words!
AH! These two are seriously adorable sometimes.
You know what, it's been a while since I've genuinely had so much fun with an episode. For a few episodes now they've just made me feel very self-conscious and gross and sad and small. I get that that's the point, but still. Interesting that it was the Vast episode that didn't do that...
0 notes
disaster-j · 3 years
♧ GMMTV '22 Line Up Analysis Pt.3 ♧
《Dramas and Lakorns》
(Note: these are not official synopses this is what I got from the trailer)
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1. U.M.G: Unidentified Mysterious Girlfriend
My Synopsis
Mew has carried the guilt of his childhood friend, and first love, Erng’s mysterious disappearance for ten years, but now that she has returned he can't help but be suspicious. How does a girl suddenly reappear after a decade of being missing, acting as if nothing had happened at all? And is the thing that wears her face really the person Mew lost, or something else altogether? Perhaps, an entity from another world? 
My Thoughts
Has anyone here read the manga elDLIVE? Because I swear the trailer played and I was instantly transported back to when I was reading it in high school. I honestly love this one so much. I know sci fi mysteries likely aren’t most thai drama watchers’ cup of tea but they sure are mine. I’ve watched this trailer so many times already and I just know I’m gonna enjoy this one. The cast is amazing too, like NanonNamtarn? Incredible! Plus, Milk, Drake and Sing are here too! Absolutely cannot wait to see this one come to life. 
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2. Oops! Mr. Superstar Hit on Me
My Synopsis
All Cake wanted was to get her mother’s favourite actor’s autograph. So why is she waking up in bed with this man, who is twenty years her senior? When two people a generation apart fall in love, things are bound to get messy.
My Thoughts
Right off the bat, the whole trailer was one big red flag imo. Like, the guy is 40 and he not only knowingly pursues Jane’s 20 y/o character but also they clearly have sex when she’s intoxicated, going by her state the morning after. The whole thing gives me the creeps so, even though I adore Jane, I will be staying very far away from this one. If I had to give an unbiased review of the show ignoring the age-gap I would say it’s gonna be a pretty melodramatic romance and there’s likely going to be a pregnancy at some point. Do with that what you will.
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3. My Dear Donovan
My Synopsis
A hot and in-demand supermodel. An awkward but fun-loving kindergarten teacher. Opposites attract in this spicy romantic comedy of errors… with a twist?
My Thoughts
I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t given this one a lot of thought. It seems like your average romcom with a dash of ~spice~ added in. The cast is good, Namtarn is looking absolutely adorable and her and Luke seem like they’ll have good chemistry. It seems like a pretty solid romance. There’s really nothing wrong with it, it’s just very forgettable. Like, by the end of the event I’d completely forgotten what this one was about. That being said, I’m hoping the official trailer will stand out more because this actually does seem to have the makings of a good romcom. Will I watch it, though, depends entirely on what the final trailer is like.
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4. The Warp Effect
My Synopsis
When 17 year old Alex suddenly wakes up as his future self, the life he finds himself living is nothing like he’d expected. How exactly does a shy, awkward virgin turn into a hot and sought-after expert in female anatomy? What choices did his past and future selves make to land him where he is? And what wrongs must he right to be able to fix the mess that is now his existence?
My Thoughts
Literally 13 Going 30 meets Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, right? The first time I watched the trailer I honestly wasn’t sure if I liked it, but now that I’ve rewatched it multiple times and figured out who is doing what, I'm genuinely intrigued. The plot is interesting, the cast is great and there’s even multiple queer character and a whole wlw ship, so I’m definitely into it now lol. Jan as a lesbian! Fucking finally!!!! Also, I’ve never been a fan of New, I always felt his acting was underwhelming and the only show I liked him in was DBK (this does not include the other Kiss shows), but I think this one has a lot of potential. So yeah, will watch and probably will like. 
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5. Good Old Days
My Synopsis 
Six stories about six people, all loosely connected through six items found at an antique store. 
My Thoughts
Bored. The trailer started and I instantly lost interest. First of all, why does Krist keep popping up and narrating shit trying to sound all philosophical it doesn't fucking suit him. GMM stop casting him in every role ever challenge. Also, his character is a grown man trying to coerce a high schooler into dating him. Big yikes. The only stories out of the six that seemed interesting to me were Aye’s and Namtarn’s, so I’ll probably watch those. Otherwise I’m entirely indifferent. 
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7. You Fight, And I Love
My Synopsis
In the midst of preparing for the match of a lifetime, Chang finds himself falling for- and eventually pursuing -his friend’s little sister whom he swore to look after. Noo just wants her makeshift guardian to see her as someone he can love, but when she finally gets her wish things start to get complicated. 
My Thoughts
So. Here’s my issue with this show. Love is an adult woman. Her and Joss are only around four years apart in age. So why tf does she look fucking twelve in the very first shot? There’s absolutely no reason for her character to be in high school, they could have made her a college student and the plot would not change at all. They’ve made deliberate efforts to make her look like a child while dating Joss who’s made to look like a grown-up and it creeps me out. Getting major pedo vibes from the execution of the mock trailer so I’m going to stay far away from this one. 
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7. Midnight Series: Dirty Laundry
My Synopsis
____ (Film) runs an all-night laundromat and dreams of falling in love with one of her handsome regulars. But when chasing these dreams of romance leads her to a suitcase full of cash, she is faced with a big question. What’s more important, getting the guy or getting rich? Though, it seems, neither may be all that worth the ensuing chaos.
My Thoughts
Third and final part of the Midnight anthology. This is like if someone took the 3wbf concept and made a comedy out of it and I for one love it! The plot is so chaotic and funny and the cast is absolutely brilliant. Film and Nanon make a surprisingly good pair and seeing Jenny and Foei literally had me vibrating with excitement. Also, Jennie and Godji in the same show? Did someone read my mind???? And Nanon in drag? Absolutely glorious. This occupies the top spot with Midnight Motel and Home School in my most anticipated shows list. Holy hell this whole anthology is amazing, even though the cheating in the EM one will ruin me xD
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8. P.S. I Hate You
My Synopsis 
A murder, an affair, a wedding, a scandal and a bride’s violent fate. The story of six friends bonded together with love and secrets, as they struggle to keep their various transgressions hidden from the world. But now that there is a traitor amongst them, they will finally be forced to face the consequences of their actions.
My Thoughts
Hot women being messy and committing murder? Um count me tf in. This story gives me The Player vibes, which I wasn’t initially taken with but now can’t wait to watch, so I’m definitely into this. This is also the only female-led show in the whole line-up (which, wtf gmm?) so that’s another reason I’m excited for it. Bc in the past their female led shows have been the kind of lakorns I’m not into. Anyway, I loved this trailer, it left me with a lot of questions and I just know that when the show airs I’m gonna be spending a lot of time trying to crack this case lol. That makes four out of four shows I’m most looking forward to out of this line-up. 
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9. Devil Sister
My Synopsis 
Namcha has had a crush on his older neighbour Irin for a long time, despite her devilish reputation. When he finally has the chance to be with her, though, trouble arises in the form of her little sister Inn, who wants to have Namcha all to herself and colludes with ____ (Podd) to keep the two apart.
My Thoughts
Okay. Listen. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the trailer and concept. It’s a pretty classic romance plot. But that monologue Win's character has at the start calling women “nasty,” “moody” and “overbearing” instantly put me off and now I can’t shake the thought that the MC is gonna be a “nice guy” type. So it’s unlikely I’ll ever watch this. But aside from that it feels like a solid romance drama so if that’s what you’re into definitely give it a shot.
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swordofsun · 3 years
Wheel of Time episode 5 - Blood Calls Blood
Here be book spoilers. Just all the book spoilers. I take no responsibility for you being spoiled after this point.
I think I need to break this up via character. Possibly my favorite episode and I didn't expect to even think about throwing out the word favorite without even seeing Siuan or Min. The next three episodes are going to destroy me, I can tell already.
Rand and Matt (and Loial):
Again their story stays a bit simple, but lovely and full of foreshadowing.
Mat is increasingly paranoid which is great, but I wish we got to SEE the dagger a bit more. Like we got to see him clutching it, but it wasn't obviously the dagger.
That scene with Logain huh? They are keeping his Talet of seeing ta'veren it looks like. Seeing both Mat and Rand together must've been a trip.
At least Rand didn't climb any fucking walls here.
Rand picked up a book of Dragon Prophecies! Hell of a thing for an inn to just have on a shelf.
I know the ogre - ogier thing was for rv watchers, but it really gave a shout out to what a nerd Rand is in the books. We've all had that moment where we realize we've only ever read a word and don't actually know how to pronounce it.
Speaking of Loial I'm sad at the lack of ears, but understand the practical application was probably too hard and expensive.
Overall liked Loial, very excited about the humans and wants to make friends
Although a bit odd they kept the "chased through the city" stuff when changing the meeting to Tar Valon. Says a lot about Ogier that they aren't recognized on sight in Tar Valon of all places.
Rand recognized Dragonmount! That is both your birthplace and your grave you little ray of sunshine! I can't wait for the emotional and mental torment to really start destroying him. Not to mention the physical. (I heard Joshua was excited about the box. Can anyone confirm?)
I love that everyone was assuming the previous episode was her first time touching the One Power. Or course they haven't been spending the past month pushing her to break her block, they don't realize she has one!
Nyneave best still have her block. It's fucking important to her character.
Then we get Nyneave telling Rand about Egwene and the break breakbone fever! Her actual first Healing.
Side note I love Moraine's whole everything when Liandrin tried to suggest Nyneave might end up anywhere but the Yellows.
Nyneave's continued distrust of Aes Sedai and how little they are doing to fix that. Nyneave never fully buys into the White Tower propaganda and I love it.
The Warders:
I really liked how much time they spent on Stepin. So important to show the effect of the bond breaking, of a Warder losing their Aes Sedai.
Nyneave spending her time worrying about him and offering what comfort she can. She's been giving him sleeping tea! She told him his pain would never go away when it was exactly what he needed to hear! Such a good and compassionate healer.
I adore the deatb rituals shown. One of my favorite things about New Spring is the hints of actual spirituality RJ put in and the show expanding on that is perfect.
Alanna singing, the candles, arranging the bodies in a motherfucking circle!
"May the last embrace of the mother welcome you home." Don't mind me sobbing.
Everyone in Tar Valon knowing what an empty horse with a backwards boot meant. Such a small detail, but so good.
Warders returning their Aes Sedai's ring is such a good detail. Give them a reason to make it home and try to keep them alive.
The way all the Warders stood in quiet solidarity. I love the bits of Warder culture we got in the books and this adds to it so well.
The discussion about being chosen as a Warder and the honor in it.
How everyone was sad, but not surprised, that Stepin killed himself.
Stepin's funeral! I really like the idea that everyone morns, but one person is choosen to vocalise that grief. It takes the silly single wail we see so often in shows and movies and makes it a group expression of loss.
Moraine and Nyneave reaching for each other. I want them to be uneasy allies.
Between her discussion with Alanna and the funeral scene I think the groundwork for what she does with Lan's bond has been well laid. Especially because she can see how much Lan and Nyneave care for each other already.
Her shared grief with Lan. The pain and loss unique to Aes Sedai and Warders.
Her sexy silence about Siuan. I can't wait for them to finally have some scenes together.
Thought: If we're getting Min in Fal Dara it's likely Moraine has spent time with her before and perhaps been given some of Min's foretelling. Her expression during that talk with Alanna makes me wonder if she doesn't know that she'll be dying before Lan.
Egwene, Perrin, and the Tuatha'an:
I love that we got our first look at Tuatha'an dedication to non-violence at the same time as we got to see how far White Cloaks will go.
Poor Aram just left knocked out on the ground. We'll see you later!
Egwene being Egwene! This is the Eggy we know and love. Core of iron and unbreakable. Her entire discussion with Valda had me internally screaming about future Amyrlin Seats. So good.
Perrin finally told someone about Laila. That was such a good scene. He really needed to hear that it wasn't his fault.
Egwene splitting the threads! So sneaky and great!
Egwene just straight up stabbing Valda. Loved it!
Perrin is a bit more werewolfy then in the books. I like it.
He starting to understand the wolves and realize he's been adopted.
As gruesome as it was I adore the wolves just tearing apart the White Cloak camp. Saving Young Bull and being terrifying.
Are we gonna get Elyas next episode?
This has gone on too long so final thoughts:
I heard they 3D printed a lot of the set for the White Tower and cannot fault them if true. It looks gorgeous and the sort of intricate stonework the books talked about.
Was Alanna eating an apple or a peach? I need some better screencaps because it looked like a peach and I am not okay with that.
Peaches better still be poison. I need that bit of bizarre canon.
Still got penis mountain and vigina island.
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