#can't wait for them to be converted and recruited!!
pushing500 · 8 months
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Today there was a spectacular space battle over Parish-by-the-Expanse, so our cultists were looking forward to some fresh meat and potential new recruits.
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These two survivors in particular caught my eye, so we'll start trying to convert them ASAP.
Euclid is a genie with level 17 crafting skill, which we need to craft a new leg for Socks so she's not stuck with the peg leg anymore.
Magic Man is a Drakonori and, I'll be honest, I didn't even look at his skills or traits. His name is Magic Man, and he looks like fun to draw, so he's staying whether he likes it or not.
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Laursen put his skills to good work making a new bed for Cecil, who I'm sure will appreciate the effort.
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And finally, I wanted to show off the girls' new bedroom because I'm quite proud of how it turned out. You can even see Cecil's masterwork human-leather bed in the bottom left, next to Salvatore's human-leather cat tree!
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lulu2992 · 3 months
Something I'm still struggling to grasp about the Project at Eden's Gate is their initiation and training process. I guess it's because of how isolated the regions are from each other story-wise.
To keep it short, I can't understand how does "cleanse, confess, atone" mesh with "train, hunt, kill, sacrifice", what is mandatory and what isn't, how does "walk the Path" fit into all of it and how in the world can anybody survive the Leap of Faith without a haystack.
It’s hard because the game doesn’t clearly explain everything and even contradicts itself at times. The story went through several changes too, and it seems that, in early versions of the script, all members of the Project, including those who chose to follow the Father, were abused when, in the game, I believe violence and coercion are only used against those who were captured and have to be converted. Also, the final, current story suggests this only started happening when the Reaping began, but there are still characters who talk about the cult abducting and even killing (even though their goal is to save people, but anyway) Hope County residents long before that, so the lore is confusing…
Story-wise, the three regions are indeed supposed to be way more isolated from one another than they are on the in-game map. People who live in the Holland Valley admit they weren’t aware of what was going on in the Whitetail Mountains, for example. I don’t think the Heralds necessarily like or approve of each others’ methods, but NPCs explain John sends whoever he doesn’t keep to his siblings, that Faith deals with those who said “no” to him, or that Jacob “recruits” soldiers in the Henbane River, so while they each have their own territory and personal (trauma-inspired) ideology, they still work together.
My understanding is that anyone who joins Eden’s Gate must meet John first so they can be purified and rid of their sin. In his letter to Nick, he mentions there are many mothers and children in John’s Gate, so I think families composed of “regular” cultists who joined the cult willingly (or were born into it) and can’t fight just go live there when the Reaping begins to wait for the Collapse. I guess these people don’t do much except be part of the Family and among the 3,000 souls the Voice asked Joseph to save.
Then, I’d say those who want or have the potential to become soldiers can (try to) join Jacob’s army or become Chosen. It seems every candidate has to go through the trials and make a sacrifice. If they do all of that and manage not to die, they’ve proven their strength and devotion and are worthy of being part of the Project’s army; Jacob is confident they will be able to survive in extreme conditions and effectively protect the Family. According to a note, he has a youth training program as well, but there’s only one mention of that so we don’t know much about it or if it’s still a thing.
I think Faith makes Angels of people her brothers can’t convert and who resist them, or members of the Project who are too scared or doubtful and need to be… pacified. If you’re exposed to too much Bliss, because it apparently passes the blood-brain barrier and can never be purged out, it just keeps accumulating and, the more Bliss you come into contact with, the closer you get to ending up “zombified” because of it. Now, that’s if it happens accidentally, but it appears Angels are forcibly made too. A deleted note suggests the first ones were volunteers, but I don’t know if that’s still true. In any case, they’re literally brainwashed and very docile (on top of being able to “resuscitate” because Bliss, especially the liquid form, apparently has the power to do that), so the cult makes them fight and carry out arduous tasks. They’re reportedly fed dog food too, but as weird as it sounds, it seems Faith genuinely “loves” them because of how pure she believes they are.
I don’t know if the Pilgrimage is mandatory for people who join the Project willingly, but like Jacob’s trials, it’s definitely used to attempt to convert those who resist. They’re forced to walk it (sometimes on their knees, say civilians) and either accept the Father’s message, become Angels, or die, whether on the path or after jumping off the statue of Joseph at the end of it. As you pointed out, the leap of faith is not always lethal, but how do people survive it? Well, like Bliss, I suppose it’s just “magic” and only those who are considered worthy and pure will live. It’s also possible they don’t actually jump and just believe they do because it all happens in the Bliss; I’m really not sure because, again, that drug is basically magical and can “explain” a lot of things that seemingly don’t make sense in Far Cry 5.
So yeah, that’s just my evidence-based headcanon of how Eden’s Gate works, but I agree that it’s not always clear, logical, or consistent in the game…
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middlingmay · 4 months
Runaway!Gale Part 2
Read part 1 here.
The next day, Gale heads to the local recruiting office. He hasn’t quite shaken his perception of the military as a brighter future. But it comes tumbling down like wet cardboard when they tell him he needs a permanent address, and can’t enlist without parental consent before he’s 21.
And just like that the spark that had been getting bigger and brighter since he stepped on that bus is all but snuffed out.
John finds him staring into nothing on a park bench later that day. His hands and ears are freezing and John shoves a dark knitted cap over Gale’s head and makes sure the tips of his ears are tucked inside. And he just sists with Gale, until he can finally tell John what happened.
Not cruel or dismissive, John checks Gale's shoulder with his own and says, “I don’t know what you know about the military, but they’re not big on individualism, buck.”
But he might know of a job going, if Gale is any good on farms. His buddy, Crosby’s family are looking for a stablehand as their last one is heading off the college. John is be happy to put in a good word for him.
In fact, he takes Gale to meet them that day.
Crosby’s family see what he’s like with their most cantankerous horse, a grumpy old mare, and offer him the job on the spot.
John beams with pride beside him.
The Crosby’s ask where he’s staying and when they hear he’s looking for somewhere more permanent, they offer him the converted barn loft, with food and board at a discounted rate. And if Gale accepts with shiny eyes, they’re polite enough not to say anything.
When they go, Gale hugs John. He can't remember the last time anyone hugged him, let alone when he initiated it, but John is the kindest person he’s ever met. And he tells him so.
He also asks if he can buy John something to eat as a thank you, finally prepared to eat something more than the odd bag of chips or piece of fruit now he’s gainfully employed.
John says no, but he can buy him something to eat as a date. If he wants, and when he's ready.
It goes well. John has him laughing until he nearly snorts milkshake out his nose. Gale flushes with embarrassment, but John looks delighted, like it's an achievement. They talk until closing and have to be kicked out.
John walks Gale back to his motel - for the last time since he’s moving to the Crosby’s barn tomorrow. Gale thinks it’s very sweet and when John says goodnight, John has to bite his lip and force himself away from Gale.
They take things slow. Even though things are on the up and up, Gale is still going through a lot of upheaval. He has a whole new life ahead of him full of potential, so John follows his lead.
Gale does start to let John push him out his comfort zone a bit. He lets John talk him into going to a party with his friends. Crosby’s there and still sweet and friendly. He meets Rosie who’s clever and a good conversationalist. He meets Curt who is full of life like John, with a little more bite, and Ken and Brady and Benny and Meatball.
Meatball loves Gale. Benny and John get jealous.
Gale also lets John take him to a baseball game. Gale keeps his anxiety under wraps, waiting to see if John is a betting man like his dad, but John just buys them each a hot dog, and sits with his arm around Gale's shoulders the whole time.
John also nudges Gale into social situations, to allow him to get to know more people. Gale already knows more people than he ever has in his life and doesn’t quite think it’s necessary, but he indulges John. In a way.
He gets to know Chief Harding and Alderman Huglin and Helen Nash, the Principal of the local high school. And Bucky teases him for making friends with all the straight laces. But the first time Gale manages to talk Harding out of writing John up for a ticket - for something he’d definitely been warned about approximately two dozen times before - he stops teasing Gale. And probably starts plotting a hundred ways to have fun with that development.
But through it all, John never tries to kiss Gale. He’s too afraid to scare him off.
It comes in a quiet moment.
John is hanging out with Gale at the ranch. Gale isn't on the clock, but he likes spending time with the horses whenever he can.
John asks Gale question after question about them and what Gale does with them. Eager, Gale leads John over to see them, to introduce him to them, excited John seems so interested in them and maybe this was something they could share.
But the closer they get, Gale notices a bit of fear in John’s eyes, and the horses definitely notice and they snort and stomp and John gasps a small, nervous, “Fuck!” and takes a step back.
And Gale realises John’s not asking because he’s interested in horses. He’s asking because Gale loves them, and he wants to let him talk and talk and talk about them.
Right there, in the barn, Gale kisses John with one hand in his hair and the other cupping his jaw.
John is dazed when Gale pulls back. Gale smiles sweet and walks away. He’d like to think he’s being coy - but inside he’s panicking and just doesn't quite know what else to do.
John snaps out of it and tackles Gale into a pile of hay, then Gale gets good and kissed, John's weight pressing down on him and a laugh on his lips.
John crowds Gale’s head with his arms, and his legs lay either side of Gale’s. John’s lips are a warm, pillowy pressure against his own and when John draws one lip between his own and sucks, Gale gasps at the tingling burst of pleasure.
And that’s all John needs. He licks inside Gale’s mouth, against Gale's own tongue in a firm, thick stripe. Gale feels full in a way he never knew could be so satisfying.
So he scoops up his own taste of John, greedily sliding his tongue over John’s, suckling on the pleasure there and pushing it into John's mouth until his kiss couldn’t possess, claim, take John any further.
Then Gale pulls his tongue back and softens his kiss, just so he can enjoy those needle like shocks that come as just the very tips of their tongues flirt and touch and tease.
John full damn body shudders and he whines and violently jerks his hips away from Gale as they break their kiss.
They stare at each other, breathing hard and heaving and Gale beams. John topples off him and collapses into the hay beside him. It prickles against his skin.
John jokes, “Who knew you could kiss like that?”
And Gale says, “Had to find out sometime, and you were taking your damn time about it.”
And John is already so gone on this man, but that’s where he decides he’s keeping him.
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thornfield13713 · 2 months
Do you have any favourite settlement-building things, and how do you explain them narratively (since I know narrative is a big thing for you)
Uh...I'm pretty proud of how the Red Rocket turned out! It's set up very much as Georgia's own home, and I used a lot of junk to make it feel homey and lived-in - she's got a teakettle and a lot of mismatched scavenged cups, that golden grasshopper she found on a case with Nick, a cat, a little vegetable garden, lots of posters...and also two yellow buses on the roof, which have been pressed into service as 'guest bedrooms' for anyone who might happen to come and stay - so, her friends, passing Minutemen, occasional Railroad agents on the way up to Mercer safehouse. I am not explaining how the buses got up there. They just...did. Don't worry about it. I kind of regret that we can't get radchickens, even once they're a thing in Far Harbor, because a coop of those would've been a nice addition.
In terms of other settlements...well, first thing I did once I had access to the Vault-Tec reactors from Vault 88 was swap out Sanctuary's reactors for one - I love using Vault elements in Sanctuary, because it made a lot of sense to me that the settlers there would take everything that wasn't nailed down out of the Vault for their own use or to be repurposed in various ways. I know a lot of people like to wait and leave it, but for me, it made sense to make use of it as a resource, and to bury the dead of Vault 111 as quickly as possible, even if that isn't an in-game possibility. One of the keystones of Georgia and Preston's early friendship is that he helped her bury Sam. But it made sense that they'd want to take the reactor, and that the reactor for that Vault would be a very powerful one, as on top of all the other running costs of a Vault, it also needs to power all those cryo pods apparently indefinitely. Oh, also, one house is set up for MacCready and his son, and another is designed as Preston and Sturges' place, since I started shipping them after a while (refitted by the end of the game to include a bedroom for Synth Shaun, since I've headcanoned Sturges taking him in).
I also had some fun with Home Plate - first setting it up as a family home for Georgia and a ten-year-old Shaun, and then stripping everything out after the Institute reveal and leaving it bare until after the endgame, at which point it got converted into the Minutemen headquarters in Diamond City - somewhere for recruits from the Great Green Jewel to meet and work, and a bunkhouse for Minutemen who happen to be passing through on the way to somewhere else.
Also, in larger settlements, I like to have bathhouses. It just makes sense to me that, rather than deal with hauling water to one's own home to bathe, there'd be a business or two set up that took advantage of a prime location near the pumps/filters to be the place where you can go and rent a bathtub and maybe a private room/sectioned-off area to wash in. I mostly put these in settlements that approach 'small town' in size, though, as opposed to smaller homesteads where building space is at a premium.
Oh, and the Castle. I am very proud of the Castle. I don't think I've ever needed to fire a shot myself when the place has been attacked in-game. And, of course, we've got missile launchers facing out over the water this time, to make absolutely sure that if there's another Mirelurk Queen incident, it's going to go differently this time. I've also set up greenhouses inside the walls, and an additional pair of water pumps in addition to the purifier, because I really didn't want to consider the possibility of somebody cutting off access to the one outside the walls.
Starlight Drive-In is pretty neat, too - I love using all the neon I can in this build. I really like the idea of the town of Starlight City maybe one day growing into the northern Commonwealth's answer to Diamond City, and using a lot of film posters and neon gives it a very distinct character.
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How to Convert Audio Files into Subtitles Using an Auto Subtitle Generator
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Are you tired of manually transcribing audio files into written text? Fret not, as technology has paved the way for various auto subtitle generators that can easily convert your audio files into subtitles. In this blog, we’ll walk you through how to convert audio files into subtitles using an auto subtitle generator. Plus, we’ll highlight some of the best free subtitle generators in the market.
What is an Auto Subtitle Generator?
An auto subtitle generator is an advanced technology software that transcribes audio files into written text or subtitles. The software uses advanced algorithms to identify and transcribe the audio content into text format. With the help of an auto subtitle generator, you'll be able to save time and effort compared to manually transcribing audio files.
How to Use an Auto Subtitle Generator
Using an auto subtitle generator to convert your audio files into subtitles is relatively easy. Below we have compiled a step-by-step guide on how to use the auto subtitle generator to transcribe your audio files into subtitles.
Related: 10 Benefits of Using Auto Subtitle Generator in Your Marketing Strategy
Step 1: Find a Reliable and Free Auto Subtitle Generator
The first step to convert your audio files to subtitles is to find a reliable and free auto subtitle generator. The internet is flooded with countless auto subtitle generators, but not all of them are reliable. Some of the best free auto subtitle generators include SubtitleBee, HappyScribe, and Otter.ai.
Step 2: Upload Audio File
After selecting the auto subtitle generator, you'll need to upload the audio file that you need transcribed onto the website. Most auto subtitle generators allow you to upload audio files in various formats such as MP3, WAV, and WMA.
Step 3: Select Language
The third step is to choose the language of the audio file. Most auto subtitle generators have the capability of identifying the language spoken in the audio file. However, if the audio is in a different language or the generator can't recognize the language, you'll need to input the language manually.
Related: Challenges of Auto Subtitle Generator
Step 4: Wait for the Subtitle Generation
Once all the necessary information has been entered, you'll need to wait for the auto subtitle generator to transcribe the audio content into written text. The time it takes to transcribe the audio file may vary and typically depends on the duration of the audio file and the capability of the auto subtitle generator.
Step 5: Edit and Export the Subtitles
After the auto subtitle generator has transcribed the audio file into written text, you'll need to edit the content to ensure that the subtitles are accurate and error-free. Most auto subtitle generators have an in-built editor that allows you to make changes to the transcript. After editing the transcript, you can then export it in various formats such as SRT and WebVTT.
Related: 9 Reasons How Subtitle Generators Can Simplify the Recruitment Onboarding Process
Top 3 Free Auto Subtitle Generators
1. Simplified
One of the best free subtitle generator is Simplified. It uses advanced algorithms and Artificial Intelligence to transcribe audio files into subtitles accurately. The software supports various file formats such as MP3, WAV, and WMA. Additionally, SubtitleBee can be integrated with various video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and Sony Vegas Pro.
2. HappyScribe
Another fantastic free auto subtitle generator is HappyScribe. HappyScribe uses advanced technologies to accurately transcribe audio files into subtitles. Additionally, the software supports over 120 languages, making it an ideal choice for individuals who need subtitles in different languages. 
3. Otter.ai
Otter.ai is a great choice for individuals who need their audio files transcribed quickly and accurately. Otter.ai uses Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning algorithms to transcribe audio accurately. The software can also differentiate different speakers in the audio file, making it an ideal choice for individuals who need subtitles for interviews or group discussions.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, auto subtitle generators are excellent tools that can simplify the process of transcribing audio files into subtitles. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can easily convert your audio files into written text. Additionally, with the free automatic subtitle generators highlighted in this blog, you can get accurate transcriptions without breaking the bank.
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lafcadiosadventures · 2 years
assorted interesting shots/situations from Splendeurs 1975
This shot of Esther right after being exposed at the bal-masqué is so so good, quietly eerie like a magritte painting. (this chapter was all about mirrors)
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Then we get a bit of unexpected physical comedy. Vautrin tries to break in Esther's appartment bc there's no answer when they call, her tiny landlady mimicks knocking while he bangs his fist against the door and pushes this massive man while he's trying to bring it down
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We get to see some of what Lucien calls the “dangerous games” Vautrin likes to play. Remember how turned on he was about the possibility of Rastignac could be wishing his death,way back in père Goriot? Well. Vautrin hands a pistol to Lucien:
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but he can't bring himself to do it.
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This is what happens.
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Balzac describes a verbal discussion that ends with Lucien trying to hit Vautrin only to fall into his arms. this series though this needed even more powerplay and implied blow jobs (it fits so I'm not mad, it's not gratuitous)(vautrin thinks people trying to kill him and then yielding to him is kinda hot so)
This Vautrin-Herrera is actually willing to walk into the prison. again, not in the book but it's something he could have done, it's equivallent to his disguising as William Barker while only wearing a blue pince-nez. He's laughing at everyone, walking straight into their hands and getting away with it.
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He recruits some prisoners, waving his arms widely in a fatherly embrace, « approchez, mes enfants! » (plotting ensues)(meanwhile the authorities think he's just succeeded to make them convert to christianity)(typical balzackery)
then we got the canne de combate scence I didn't screen cap. (it was good. very violent!)(and now extreme zooming in which is something this show loves!!)(but would not work at all as just stills)
we also got to meet Jacqueline and Prudence, but so far Jacqueline is totally ruined, turned into an stern shouty woman, and Prudence hasn't done anything of note yet except looking like an evil soubrette.
Vautrin has a fabulous robe de chambre but he's one of those persons in a period movie who under no circumnstances remove their wig :P (I get he dislikes his shaved head but. It would be cool to see him unwind and be wig-less) (at least in the all too brief bedroom scenes) Here he's chilling, waiting for Lucien to get back from work, having a drink, looking generally pleased with himself...
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Only to be interrupted by Paccard who's stressed bc he killed some mouchards with his cane and is super upset. Vautrin kicks him out bc he wants to be alone with lucien some more claiming he'll get everything fixed later. But of course gets distracted by Lucien and is not shown to be getting the dead mouchard situation fixed at all. End of chapter.
(the paintings on the wall are worth paying attention to as well, his and Lucien's are all mythology scenes in a neoclassical style whereas Esther's new appartment is wallpapered on some kind of rousseau inspired state of nature paradise scenes)
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snoozeagustd · 2 years
ive successfully recruited @adoveamongdemons as army 😭😭✨✨💕💕
this is such a proud day for me you guys. i love this girl with all my heart 💖💖💖💖💖💖
@yoongukie-ff @sugarwithtea @jjkeverlast yall just wait for this angel to come back from her hiatus, she'll be causing chaos with us 😭
her comments from her latest email to me (sorry darling, but i just HAD to share this):
"I want to say that I obediently watched the Butter official music video, then watched the “hotter remix” and I am actually crying because that is the most magnificent chaos I have ever seen in my life. These boys are truly extra precious. Also thanks bunches for getting Chicken Noodle Soup stuck in my head."
"Oh my god I just looked up the lyrics to Filter and My Time and they’re so intense? So emotional? My Time is downright heartbreaking??? Why hip thrusty???? I’m not complaining about the hip thrusting AT ALL but I couldn’t actually breathe for almost the whole five minutes of Jungkook’s performance because jesus christ…."
"I never thought I'd become an ARMY this year, but here I am, quite thoroughly converted by your enthusiasm. You clearly love these boys so much, it's infectious and adorable and I can't wait to listen to you gush about them some more. "
and my fav part:
"my YouTube recommended feed is full of videos with titles like "Run BTS moments that outsold comedians" and "jungkook's duality being a threat to humanity for 8 minutes" and they're so funny I can't breathe...send help~"
i literally cannot wait for dove to come back pleASE😭💕
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space-blue · 3 years
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Crosshair Chip Theory
Assuming Crosshair is NOT lying and has not been lied to by the Imperials... In episode 3, Replacement, at time stamp 4:30, Crosshair comes out of the machine and tells AZ to go away... And Tarkin is watching.
Nala Se : "The data shows he's responding favourably to the procedure."
Tarkin : "Let's see if he stays that way."
Chip enhancement isn't mentioned, and Crosshair has already been submitted to very strong enhancement in episode 1. They cranked it up already, why show us this? What "Precedure" is this??
Well, what if it's when they take the chip out? Or de-activate it?
Because, see... Maybe Tarkin knows clones are loyal by training, and FOR SURE he knows they delivered Order 66. So the chips work (mostly) but Tarkin also sees rogue elements like CF99 and he's bound to be left to wonder.
So my theory is that in that scene, Crosshair indeed has his chip removed or de-activated. We can maybe excuse the lack of scarring due to the procedure being done by Kaminoans themselves, and not a helper droid under duress or a scrap yard broken medbay.
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Why would Tarkin do that? Well, to test whether a clone with his boosted chip can remain loyal. Crosshair would be a sort of guinea pig. And maybe he's efficient enough that they go on with War Mantle and have commandos train the new recruits. Presumably all under their chip's power. Gregor is another proof that clones with defective chips can't be trusted by the Empire.
Crosshair, being told his chip is gone and he's being evaluated, might still be reeling under the influence of the chip, or not—and still decide to carry out his orders.
In my fic Cross Over My Heart I made Cross a willing Imperial, after a year of chip influence (the chip decays naturally in this AU) and when faced with his brothers 5 years later, he's thinking stuff like this :
At least now he's got more than one purpose, and he's still a soldier. It feels right, to do the thing he was created for, and be respected for it. He suspects his old brothers might have lost touch with that.
It's the Old Loki version of Crosshair, seeking "Glorious Purpose" or really any purpose at all. And to be fair to Crosshair, the lack of purpose for the TBB boys and Omega has been a running gripe of mine and many other fans throughout this first season. Being on the run, chased all the time, working odd jobs and running in with the Pykes and doing jobs for the Hutts, turning into arms dealers... That's not a very appealing life. Crosshair's got a great point regarding Omega. Letting her go, say, to wherever Cut and Suu live, would be much kinder than dragging her around in these conditions.
Anyway. This would mean that this :
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Is not the quiet, repressed sadness of a man trapped in his own body, but the darkness of someone who just did something terrible for the sake of the path he's chosen. Which, arguably, might be the only path he felt he had.
Maybe Crosshair WAITED. He certainly calls out Hunter, tells him he didn't have a choice either. Maybe Crosshair waits and waits and waits and no one comes to rescue him.
Imagine, in that case, the gut punch of Hunter telling him he's acting like this because of his chip on Bracca!
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So Hunter thinks Cross can't help his behavior... But he still happily left him to rot with the Empire. Either way, the neglect has GOT to rankle. Maybe that's why he misses his shots but he orders someone else to incinerate them. I mean, that was fucked, there's no excusing that act.
Crosshair allegedly wants to convert them. "Join me, do war crimes together" that sort of jazz... He too misses them. Working with natborns just isn't the same. Having them return would be potential to reunite and reinstate CF99.
Yet the moment his kills his troopers to make his point, Tarkin's little experiment is over. Chipless clones can't be trusted. They're more loyal to each other than the new Empire.
And so they fire from orbit and will begin phasing clones out.
Here we go folks, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Now for predictions...
The scar on Crosshair's head is on the WRONG side to be burn scars.
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Hunter seemed dubious enough, and I swear, if the first step on the Marauder isn't to use Tech's gadget to see if he's truly free of his chip, I will riot.
Because there's still the possibility the scar is fucked up cosmetic, and that the long long long con is for Cross to infiltrate the Bad Batch and screw them from the inside. Maybe even at the cost of his team's lives. Certainly Rampart wouldn't mind... But that would mean he was lying to that trooper, so here's me, putting more clown make up on, hoping this is all first degree and Cross is truly on the fence and chipless.
What do YOU think?
Edit : Forgot to mention there's also the possibility the ugly scar is from removing the chip post Bracca, but that'd be a mystery. Why did it? Why? Why make a huge ugly scar? And why would Cross say he's been chip free "for a long time"? Which is why I doubt the scar is related.
Update : Made a fic about that sad shit. Forsaken, 664 words.
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mr-entj · 3 years
Hi mr entj, I started an internship in January and ends in August. I was told by my manager that they possibly want to extend it up until the end of the year but I recently graduated and I want a job. I am meeting with him this week and have emphasized I want a full time job. He is trying to make it happen but isn’t certain it will be possible until the end of the year. This company has a great reputation, but unfortunately I’m not sure there is a position available for me right now. I told him I want to discuss my future and I think they’re going to try to extend my stay and possibly give me a job by the end of the year. If they offer extending my internship instead of hiring me, should I ask for a higher pay for this internship and certainty of a future position by the end of the year? I know I’m really good at my job. We out performed in our intern project and everyone has pointed out my work. Nothing but great feedback. I was even asked to consider a leadership role. This possible extension is very frustrating. The other interns are in different departments but are already getting offered full time positions. Without sounding rude, they have not performed that well. It makes me feel undervalued and naturally, I can't help but compare myself especially since I have worked harder. I’m worried over extending will hurt my career. I am considering ending this internship in august but don’t have anything lined up yet. How should I approach this? thank you for all your help!
With rare exceptions, don't ever quit a job without having another job lined up. Unemployed people have a harder time finding a new job than already employed people due to bias among recruiters (and hiring managers).
Apply to other companies while waiting for your current internship to extend you a job. If you get another offer and your internship won't convert you, then leave. If you don't get another offer but your internship converts you, then your problem is solved.
For salary negotiations, interns who are converted to full-time employees rarely have negotiating power because they have no leverage. The best way to get leverage for salary negotiations is to get a competing offer or multiple competing offers. You can get these competing offers by applying to many other companies, securing offers, and using them as bargaining chips with your current internship's company.
Based on the offers you accumulate, make the choice that fits your career goals.
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leggypuppy · 3 years
I'm not the biggest expert on exile dlc but from what I remember: one thing you can do in exile is if you already have your next location scouted, you can send portable things like funds ahead so you're not stuck waiting around when you're trying to leave, and if you have a location scouted, you can also send an ally to create a false trail to get the reconers to leave you alone a bit longer (but there is a risk the allies die so be careful)
I think the best way of trying to get the amount of obscurity required is to either get enough pentiments and trade them for obscurity or to keep doing operations with 3 subtlety, as this can't generate traces and has a good chance of giving obscurity, as well as funds. Having only a few key items needed for your operations and having everything else sent ahead is a good way of making sure you keep as much obscurity as possible.
I think the way I did it was running a medical practice with count jannings and the guitar, since you only need an office and a year to run it, obviously it's very random where you go and therefore who you can recruit when but it's a tactic to keep in mind. Either ways good luck with Exile, it's pretty cool and some of the endings have interesting lore™️ implications
ah thank you for reminding me of a couple of alternate sources of obscurity! I'd been so focused on "well, relinquishing a trace turns into obscurity so I need to generate a trace, then look for enough Helps With Deception to convert it and hope I don't get caught in the meantime" I forgot that there were like. other ways. to semi-reliably create it.
I did already establish a routine of arriving in a place and instantly sending at least one Cash ahead to the next city, more if I could, so glad to know that works! I've had less luck with false trails, since I struggle to get followers, and the one time I did get one on the board, it killed the follower I had just managed to acquire. very annoying.
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