#canada insolvency
sataniccapitalist · 1 month
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atlanticcanada · 6 months
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Women's hockey blew itself up last night.
The PHF has been bought out by the owners of the PWHPA. For better or worse, there will only be one pro women's hockey league in North America this upcoming season.
As a women's hockey fan and as a prospective sports agent, I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter. This post is unrebloggable because I don't want it spreading beyond my bubble. You can absolutely ask me follow-up questions over DM or through my ask box, though.
The PHF, formerly known as the NWHL, began operations in 2015. At the time, it was one of two major North American women's hockey leagues, the other being the CWHL. At the time, the NWHL was a big deal as the first league to actually pay its players a stipend, but it was not a livable wage. the CWHL collapsed overnight in 2019.
In response to this, over 200 pro women's hockey players formed the PWHPA, which is a players' association, not a league. The PWHPA's goal was ultimately to have a league that could commit to providing living wages for pro women's players. When their relationship with the PHF fractured, they decided to create a new league from the bottom up. This was slow-going.
Enter yesterday's news.
Late last night, the owners of the PWHPA announced that they had purchased the PHF. Beginning in January 2024, there will be one league with six teams (3 in Canada and 3 in the United States). Each team will have 23 players. PWHPA players will take priority in tryouts.
Most of the controversy over this acquisition is overblown, or shows a lack of understanding over how pro sports work.
"This is a hostile takeover by the PWHPA!" The PHF had been financially insolvent for its entire tenure and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Its options were overnight dissolution like the CWHL or acquisition by another company.
"Two leagues are better for the sport." This is not true. The CWHL and NWHL routinely cannibalized one another when they were both in operation. Player leaders in both leagues have *always* had one unified North American league as their end goal.
"Hilary Knight and Marie-Philip Poulin are evil masterminds who wanted to devour this other league." PWHPA players were informed of the acquisition at the same time as everyone else. The only people who had a say in this happening were the owners of the respective organizations.
"Oh, so these Olympians get to swoop in and take all the credit at the end, not the people who built up the league?" Most of the senior leadership in the PWHPA were former CWHL or NWHL players who had horrible experiences in those leagues and had no intentions of being burned again.
"Oh, so PHF contracts all get voided but PWHPA ones don't?" Correct. This is how a union works. Your enemy is the ownership that promised six-figure, multi-year deals and couldn't deliver. Not the women who protected themselves.
"What have Knight/Nurse/etc. actually done to grow the game?" More than the PHF. I only know a handful of PHF players, most of whom are UW alumni and thus I know through mutual friends. Both Knight and Nurse have been commentators for ESPN, TNT, and other national sports stations. PWHPA members are at the NHL All-Star Game. Sarah Nurse was on the cover of a video game. Every league needs star talent. The PHF has never had that. (This is, of course, the part where I clarify that even the worst PHF athletes are probably better than your median NHL player.)
"Oh, so the Olympians automatically get a better deal in this?" Yes. This is how every sport works. Aaron Judge and Bryce Harper make more than Travis Jankowski and Brandon Marsh. When leagues and agents negotiate salaries, they care about stats, hardware, and name recognition. A 3-time Olympic gold medalist carries a lot more weight.
Wow, the PHF really screwed its players over. Shortly before the acquisition, many players signed six-figure contracts for multiple years. They just left their families and bought houses near teams that no longer exist.
Contraction of the league. From a financial standpoint, there's no way this new league would be able to operate with a dozen teams. However, between the PHF and PWHPA, there are now 250-ish athletes fighting for 138 spots. This also doesn't take into consideration trainers, coaches, grounds crew, medical staff, and every other non-player who keeps the ship afloat.
So, about the WNBA... It's well-known that, because people don't care about women's sports, the WNBA is kept afloat by its tight financial relationship with the NBA. This isn't as much of an option in women's hockey, because the NHL sucks with money. Like, "the Arizona Coyotes got kicked out of their arena for not paying rent" sucks-with-money. There's not a clear-cut answer for how a WoHo league might become solvent when the respective male league is such a shitshow.
The PWHPA is shady too. In addition to having a noted transphobe on their board (not that the PHF is great with trans athletes -- see Digit Murphy), there's some concern about the association marketing itself as an official labor union when, per the Department of Labor, that's not actually true.
Most of the ire currently being directed at PWHPA athletes should be levied at the PHF ownership that let things get as bad as they did. The athletes that protected themselves with collective bargaining and who have gold medals to back up their skills are inherently in a better position than those who signed at-will contracts fresh out of college.
Ultimately, I do think that this move was a good one for women's hockey. Having one league helps when acquiring corporate sponsorships and other financial aid, but the NHL's incompetence is a continued problem here. On a human level, the people I feel worst for are the athletes who thought they had a guaranteed contract and are now being pushed out of the league.
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loanspotca · 1 month
Navigating Financial Freedom with Canadian Debt Relief Programs
Managing personal finances in today’s fast-paced world can be challenging, especially when debt becomes overwhelming. For many Canadians, this challenge is all too real. Fortunately, there are various Canadian debt relief solutions available to help individuals regain control over their finances. Whether you're dealing with credit card debt, student loans, or other forms of unsecured debt, understanding the options for Canadian debt relief programs is essential for anyone seeking financial stability.
Understanding Canadian Debt Relief
Canadian debt relief refers to a set of strategies designed to reduce or eliminate the amount of debt owed by individuals or businesses. These strategies can include debt consolidation, debt settlement, credit counseling, and, in extreme cases, bankruptcy. The goal is to provide a structured pathway out of debt, making it easier to manage and eventually pay off.
One of the critical aspects of Canadian debt relief programs is that they are tailored to the unique needs of the individual. Whether you're struggling with mounting credit card bills, personal loans, or other unsecured debts, these programs are designed to offer a lifeline to those in financial distress.
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Debt Relief Program Canada: An Overview
When it comes to debt relief program Canada options, there are several avenues to explore. Each program offers different benefits depending on your financial situation. Here are some of the most popular options:
Debt Consolidation: This approach involves combining multiple debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate. By consolidating your debts, you can reduce the number of monthly payments and potentially save money on interest.
Debt Settlement: This involves negotiating with creditors to settle your debt for less than the full amount owed. This option is typically available to those who are experiencing severe financial hardship.
Credit Counseling: Non-profit organizations often offer this service to help individuals develop a budget, manage their debts, and work out a repayment plan with creditors.
Consumer Proposal: A legal process that allows individuals to negotiate with creditors to pay a portion of their debts over an extended period. This option is available to those who cannot afford to pay their debts in full but wish to avoid bankruptcy.
Ontario Debt Relief: Provincial Assistance
For residents of Ontario, specific Ontario debt relief programs are available to assist those struggling with debt. These programs are similar to those available nationwide but may have unique features tailored to the province’s residents.
One popular option in Ontario is the Ontario Debt Relief Program, which offers a structured approach to managing and reducing debt. The program typically involves working with a licensed insolvency trustee who will assess your financial situation and recommend the best course of action. This may include filing a consumer proposal, entering into a debt consolidation program, or, in extreme cases, filing for bankruptcy.
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Bad Credit Credit Cards Canada: A Tool for Rebuilding Credit
While dealing with debt is a priority, rebuilding credit is also essential, especially for those with a poor credit history. Bad credit credit cards Canada are specifically designed for individuals who have struggled with credit in the past. These cards typically have higher interest rates and lower credit limits, but they can be an effective tool for rebuilding your credit score.
Using a bad credit credit card Canada responsibly can help you demonstrate to future lenders that you can manage credit effectively. This can be an essential step toward financial recovery and qualifying for better credit products in the future.
Loanspot: Your Partner in Financial Recovery
When navigating the complex world of Canadian debt relief programs, having a reliable partner can make all the difference. Loanspot is committed to helping Canadians find the right solutions for their financial needs. Whether you're exploring debt consolidation options, seeking credit counseling, or looking to rebuild your credit with a bad credit credit card Canada, Loanspot is here to guide you every step of the way.
At Loanspot, we understand that every individual’s financial situation is unique. That’s why we offer personalized advice and tailored solutions to help you achieve financial freedom. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions about your financial future.
Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Financial Future
Debt can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to define your future. With the right Canadian debt relief strategy, you can take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free life. Whether you're considering a debt relief program Canada, exploring Ontario debt relief options, or looking to rebuild your credit with a bad credit credit card Canada, there are resources available to help you on your journey.
Loanspot is here to support you with expert advice and personalized solutions. By understanding your options and making informed decisions, you can pave the way for a brighter financial future. Remember, the first step toward financial freedom is taking action, so don’t hesitate to reach out for the help you need.
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creditdocca · 2 months
How Can Yukon Residents Achieve Debt Relief?
There are numerous methods available to Yukon people who want to decrease their debt. To begin with, regulate the amount of debt you have by assessing your financial status. Debt consolidation, which combines numerous debts into a single payment with perhaps lower interest rates, and consumer proposals, which let you bargain through creditors for smaller payments, are common debt relief choices in Yukon. Choosing the appropriate course of action and making a strategy to restore financial constancy can be greatly aided by speaking with a certified failure trustee or credit counselor in Yukon.
Options for Debt Relief throughout Canada
Saskatchewan and Quebec's Debt Relief
Residents of Quebec who are having financial matters might look into bankruptcy, consumer proposals, and debt consolidation, amid other debt relief strategies. By combining several debts into one easier-to-manage payment, Debt relief Quebec can lower total interest rates and streamline your financial commitments. Speaking through a certified credit counselor or insolvency trustee will help you control the best course of action for your conditions.
In a alike vein, Debt relief Saskatchewan provide choices such as consumer proposals and debt consolidation. Debt consolidation can help Saskatchewan occupants save money on interest and simplify payments. You can select the finest course of action for reaching financial stability by consulting through local financial experts.
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Debt Reduction in Nunavut and Debt relief Northwest Territories
Bankruptcy and debt consolidation are dual of the debt relief substitutes obtainable to residents of the Northwest Territories. Combining your bills into a single, expectable payment will help you make sense of your financial promises. Bankruptcy in the Northwest Territories proposals a way to erase your debt and start over if you need relief that is more drastic. Speaking through a certified insolvency trustee will help you obtain specific guidance and assistance.
Similar debt relief choices, such as debt consolidation and bankruptcy, are obtainable in Nunavut. While bankruptcy offers a way out of more serious financial problems, Debt relief Nunavut enables you to syndicate numerous bills into a single, lower-interest payment. You can steer these possibilities and find the utmost fit for your situation through the help of local financial professionals.
 Alberta and Debt relief Yukon
Consumer proposals and debt consolidation are two potentials for debt relief obtainable to Yukon residents. Consolidating your duties into a single payment will help you accomplish your finances more effortlessly and possibly even save money on interest. In Yukon, consumer offers provide a means of bargaining through creditors for a more feasible payback agenda. You can select the optimal course of action by speaking with a financial specialist.
 Debt consolidation and consumer offers are additional selections forDebt relief Alberta. In order to lower interest rates and the amount of payments required, citizens of Alberta can advantage from debt consolidation. In Alberta, consumer proposals offer you the chance to work out a lower debt repayment schedule through your creditors. You can efficiently achieve your debt and restore financial stability by looking for advice from a certified insolvency trustee or credit analyst.
Ontario and British Columbia Debt Consolidation
Debt consolidation British Columbia provides a workable way to handle several debts by lumping them all together into one payment. This can lower interest rates overall and make money management easier. In Ontario, debt consolidation facilitates debt payments and may result in reduced interest expenses. When selecting the best Debt consolidation Ontario plan for your circumstances, financial advisors in both provinces can offer insightful advice and helpful assistance.
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atlasnorth579 · 3 months
Professional Guide For Investing In Real Estate Of Winnipeg
North Atlas Commercial Real Estate is your dedicated partner in Manitoba’s commercial real estate sector. We offer market insights and professional guidance to business owners, lenders, insolvency trustees, government officials, and non-profit organizations in the province. Allow us to help you make well-informed decisions. Book a consultation today to see how we can support your real estate goals.
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rkillen01 · 5 months
How a Richmond Hill Bankruptcy Advisor Can Aid in Your Debt Relief
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An insolvency advisor in Richmond Hill can help you comprehend how the bankruptcy procedure works to help you get financial obligation relief. An accredited insolvency trustee, or LIT (previously called a personal bankruptcy trustee), can be this kind of consultant.
A LIT can give insightful, timely and practical suggestions and orient you in the right direction as you deal with life-changing choices in a precarious financial circumstance.
Comprehending How Insolvency Functions
Bankruptcy in Canada is a legal proceeding handled in federal courts, following guidelines according to the Personal bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
When an individual can no longer repay arrears, declaring personal bankruptcy can provide a fresh monetary start. It does this by disposing of unsecured debts, such as charge card financial obligations and medical expenses, while offering the debtor instant protection from financial institution actions like harassing collection calls and legal risks, while at the same time permitting some procedure of payment to the creditors utilizing the individual's possessions to repay a portion of the outstanding debt.
In theory, it's a win-win agreement for everyone involved; the bankrupt individual gets relief from crippling debt and creditors get a reasonable share of the settlement for what they are owed.
When you total the number of bankruptcy duties and requirements, you get your discharge. The discharge from personal bankruptcy is what removes all debts declared in the bankruptcy filing.
Debts In Personal Bankruptcy
Personal bankruptcy can get rid of most unsecured debts, including:
credit card financial obligations,
medical bills,
lines of credit,
unsecured bank loans,
tax debts,
payday advance,
unpaid utility bills, such as electrical and telephone bills.
Safe financial obligations such as home mortgages and auto loans that are guaranteed with an asset or security can not be incurred in bankruptcy.
These financial obligations receive unique treatment in insolvency:
Trainee loans that are less than 7 years old (if trainee loans are between 5 and 7 years old, the trustee might appeal and make a challenge application to have them consisted of).
Kid assistance payments.
Spousal support/ spousal support payments.
The court ordered fines and restitution payments.
Debts acquired from deceitful activities.
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Richmond Hill Insolvency Exemptions
When you're faced with overwhelming debt and simply do not have a method to repay your creditors, the primary step is to talk with a certified insolvency trustee. A LIT will examine your monetary scenario and help you decide if filing for insolvency is the very best service for your financial issues.
Determining and assessing your finances will include an evaluation of:
Your earnings and budget, because you will be required to make a month-to-month payment into your personal bankruptcy based upon government limitations embedded in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. If your earnings are above the limit, you are required to pay for surplus income.
Your possessions may be utilized to repay the outstanding debt.
Though your assets might be sold and used for repayment of debts, insolvency laws in Canada enable exemptions based on where you live.
If you declare personal bankruptcy in Richmond Hill, you can keep:
Individual clothing for you and your dependents.
Family furnishings and home appliances.
Equipment/tools that you use to earn money are worth as much as $14,405.
All RRSP, RRIF, and SPSP savings, other than contributions made in the last 12 months before bankruptcy filing.
Automobile, truck, or any motor vehicle worth up to $7,117.
Your home, if the equity does not exceed $10,783.
If your home has an equity value over the exemption limit, your LIT can help you make plans with your lenders to buy back the asset by paying off the amount that exceeds the limit.
Your LIT can also explore other financial obligation relief alternatives to keep you home while still dealing with your debt. Insolvency options can consist of a debt management plan or a customer proposal.
How Do You Submit Personal Bankruptcy?
A licensed insolvency trustee will do all the paperwork and filing for you. After your initial consultation, when you have actually examined all your choices and decided that bankruptcy is the best option, you will need to provide more personal details to complete all of the needed documents. Your trustee will also assist in the process of preparing a proposition or official strategy for your creditors.
When all the documents are signed, the trustee will send all the paperwork to the workplace of the Superintendent of Personal Bankruptcy (OSB) and send a bankruptcy notice to all your financial institutions. At this moment, you are considered lawfully insolvent and this can not be reversed without a court order.
Upon submitting the insolvency, the automated stay of proceedings immediately works. This prevents creditors from continuing any collection actions against you. This stress eliminating feature "stays" or stops annoying phone calls, wage garnishments, freezing your bank accounts, and taking legal action against you.
If financial institutions continue to bug you, the automated stay gives you the legal protection to sue them and take them to court.
As a legally insolvent individual, you are required to carry out several insolvency tasks. These duties consist of:.
make your monthly payments.
attend 2 counseling sessions.
Report your earnings and costs regularly to your trustee,. offer essential tax details.
attend a creditors' meeting or evaluation, if needed.
If a financial institution's meeting or examination with the Official Receiver is called during the insolvency process, you will get a notice and will be required to take care of and respond to numerous questions under oath about your financial affairs.
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Your trustee will meet with you before the meeting or evaluation to go through a number of questions you are likely to be asked, and help you prepare for the assessment.
An automated insolvency discharge will apply after 9 months for a first-time bankrupt. A creditor, your trustee, or the Superintendent of Personal Bankruptcy can oppose your discharge if you have not completed any bankruptcy requirements.
Your personal bankruptcy can also take longer than nine months if you have surplus income. If you have effectively completed your bankruptcy responsibilities, your discharge will not be challenged, and you can begin a new life with a fresh monetary start.
If you are thinking about eliminating unmanageable debt, speaking to an insolvency advisor in Richmond Hill can help put things in perspective. A licensed insolvency trustee is the best consultant you can talk to, as they are the only debt professionals accredited by the federal government to deal with these legal procedures.
They can help you understand how insolvency will affect you and your family and guide you through options that can likewise handle your debt problems.
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jtoddring · 9 months
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top100k · 10 months
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jeffstrue · 8 years
Alexander Shnaider: 5 Fast Facts You need to Know
Billionaire Alexander Shnaider and President Donald Trump had close business ties, and one of Trump’s hotels were funded by a Russian bank, a report by The Wall Street Journal said.
The article told the story of how Trump and Shnaider formed a business relationship for one of Trump’s staple hotels in Toronto, Canada.
The project encountered many hurdles since it was originally planned, but last-minute funding provided by a controversial Russian bank — which has ties to the Russian government — led to the plan going through.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. The Russian Bank Financed a Deal At a ‘Key Moment’ In the Project
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Russian-based Vnesheconombank, better known as VEB, is a state-run bank that’s undergone intense scrutiny by investigators in the United States.
The bank is alleged to have provided money to Shnaider, which he in turn put into plans to construct a 65 story Trump International Hotel and Tower in Toronto.
A person familiar with the U.S. probe told the WSJ that investigators are “looking into any ties between Russian financial institutions, Mr. Trump and anyone in his orbit.”
The investigation is specifically looking into the ties between Trump and VEB. The bank has been viewed by some analysts as the institution used by the Russian government to fund projects that are politically motivated, such as the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, which cost a reported $51 billion.
The bank was placed on the U.S. sanctions list in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea, and American businesses are banned from being involved with it.
But that didn’t stop Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner from meeting with VEB’s leaders in December.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Kushner’s visit was part of the transition and was used to establish the “primary point of contact with foreign government officials.”
2. Shnaider Sold Shares In a Ukrainian Company For Almost $1 Billion In 2010
According to the S&P Global Market Intelligence, Shnaider sold shares in a Ukrainian steelmaking company — Zaporizhstal — in 2010 for $850 million. The deal hasn’t bee made public, but the WSJ report said that Shnaider “was an entity acting for the Russian government.”
Following the sale of the shares and payout by VEB, Shnaider put forth even more money into the Trump Hotel project in Toronto. His lawyer, Symon Zucker, said that Shnaider put “about $15 million” from the sale into the Trump project. He responded back to the WSJ one day later via email, writing: “I am not able to confirm that any funds (from the stake sale) went into the Toronto project.”
Interestingly enough, when Shnaider made the deal, Russian President Vladimir Putin was the chairman of VEB’s board. That means that any deals such as Shnaiders would “have to have been approved by him,” a government official told the WSJ.
3. The Hotel Was a Joint Project Between Shnaider & Trump
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Plans for the Trump International Hotel and Tower project were revealed in 2007 and considered a “joint venture” between Trump and Shnaider. It was slated to cost about 500 million Canadian dollars, or about $367.6 million USD. At the time, it was the tallest residential building in Canada.
The original plan was for Trump to manage operations at the hotel while Shnaider would be the tower’s developer.
But the project encounter funding issues and a judge approved its sale during insolvency proceedings last year.
The groundbreaking for the project happened in 2007 and a majority of the units were pre-sold. But then the financial crisis struck, and many buyers pulled out, leaving a hole in the funding.
The tower ended up being funded through Shnaider’s stake sale, but it struggled to stay financially afloat since its opening. A judge recently approved the sale of the building to an investment firm in California for $220 million.
When asked about the potential links between Trump’s business deals and Russia, a spokesperson for the Trump Organization — Trump’s real-estate company — said there has been no involvement between the two sides previously.
The spokesperson said that the only connection between Trump and the VEB is that it “merely licensed ts brand and manages the hotel and residences.”
Trump himself has also said he has no business dealings with Russia. In February, he said: “To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does.”
4. Shnaider Was Born In Russia & Lived In Israel Before Moving to Canada
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Schnaider was born in 1968 in Leningrad, Russia. When he was just 4-years old, he moved with his family to Israel. A few years later when he was 13, he and his family moved to Canada, where he now resides and is a citizen.
Shnaider attended York University and received his bachelor’s of arts degree in science.
He’s married to Simona Birshtein and they live in North York with their three children.
5. Shnaider Is One of the Richest People In the World
Shnaider and business partner Eduard Shifrin founded Midland Group in 1994. The company was originally a steel producer that operated in Ukraine before the steel factories in the country were privatized. The company still has interests in steel trading, real estate, retail and manufacturing and Russia, Ukraine and Siberia.
In February 2005, Shnaider got involved in auto racing. He bought Jordan Grand Prix from Eddie Jordan for about $50 million, renaming it Midland F1 Racing in 2006. The racing team was in turn sold to Spyker Cars.
That’s not the only dealing with sports that Shnaider has. He brought a soccer team in Istral — Maccabi Tel Aviv — for about 12 million euros in 2007. Two years later, he sold the team after investing $20 million into it.
In 2006, Forbes listed Shnaider on its list of the top billionaires in the world. He was ranked No. 486 on the list with a reported net worth of around $1.6 billion.
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atlanticcanada · 2 months
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besttryforuk · 11 months
Alexander Shnaider: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Billionaire Alexander Shnaider and President Donald Trump had close business ties, and one of Trump’s hotels were funded by a Russian bank, a report by The Wall Street Journal said.
The article told the story of how Trump and Shnaider formed a business relationship for one of Trump’s staple hotels in Toronto, Canada.
The project encountered many hurdles since it was originally planned, but last-minute funding provided by a controversial Russian bank — which has ties to the Russian government — led to the plan going through.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. The Russian Bank Financed a Deal At a ‘Key Moment’ In the Project
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Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, shakes hands with Vnesheconombank Chairman Sergei Gorkov during their meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow on August 3, 2016. (Getty)
Russian-based Vnesheconombank, better known as VEB, is a state-run bank that’s undergone intense scrutiny by investigators in the United States.
The bank is alleged to have provided money to Shnaider, which he in turn put into plans to construct a 65 story Trump International Hotel and Tower in Toronto.
A person familiar with the U.S. probe told the WSJ that investigators are “looking into any ties between Russian financial institutions, Mr. Trump and anyone in his orbit.”
The investigation is specifically looking into the ties between Trump and VEB. The bank has been viewed by some analysts as the institution used by the Russian government to fund projects that are politically motivated, such as the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, which cost a reported $51 billion.
The bank was placed on the U.S. sanctions list in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea, and American businesses are banned from being involved with it.
But that didn’t stop Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner from meeting with VEB’s leaders in December.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Kushner’s visit was part of the transition and was used to establish the “primary point of contact with foreign government officials.”
2. Shnaider Sold Shares In a Ukrainian Company For Almost $1 Billion In 2010
According to the S&P Global Market Intelligence, Shnaider sold shares in a Ukrainian steelmaking company — Zaporizhstal — in 2010 for $850 million. The deal hasn’t bee made public, but the WSJ report said that Shnaider “was an entity acting for the Russian government.”
Following the sale of the shares and payout by VEB, Shnaider put forth even more money into the Trump Hotel project in Toronto. His lawyer, Symon Zucker, said that Shnaider put “about $15 million” from the sale into the Trump project. He responded back to the WSJ one day later via email, writing: “I am not able to confirm that any funds (from the stake sale) went into the Toronto project.”
Interestingly enough, when Shnaider made the deal, Russian President Vladimir Putin was the chairman of VEB’s board. That means that any deals such as Shnaiders would “have to have been approved by him,” a government official told the WSJ.
3. The Hotel Was a Joint Project Between Shnaider & Trump
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Trump International Hotel and Tower in Toronto (YouTube)
Plans for the Trump International Hotel and Tower project were revealed in 2007 and considered a “joint venture” between Trump and Shnaider. It was slated to cost about 500 million Canadian dollars, or about $367.6 million USD. At the time, it was the tallest residential building in Canada.
The original plan was for Trump to manage operations at the hotel while Shnaider would be the tower’s developer.
But the project encounter funding issues and a judge approved its sale during insolvency proceedings last year.
The groundbreaking for the project happened in 2007 and a majority of the units were pre-sold. But then the financial crisis struck, and many buyers pulled out, leaving a hole in the funding.
The tower ended up being funded through Shnaider’s stake sale, but it struggled to stay financially afloat since its opening. A judge recently approved the sale of the building to an investment firm in California for $220 million.
When asked about the potential links between Trump’s business deals and Russia, a spokesperson for the Trump Organization — Trump’s real-estate company — said there has been no involvement between the two sides previously.
The spokesperson said that the only connection between Trump and the VEB is that it “merely licensed ts brand and manages the hotel and residences.”
Trump himself has also said he has no business dealings with Russia. In February, he said: “To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does.”
4. Shnaider Was Born In Russia & Lived In Israel Before Moving to Canada
Schnaider was born in 1968 in Leningrad, Russia. When he was just 4-years old, he moved with his family to Israel. A few years later when he was 13, he and his family moved to Canada, where he now resides and is a citizen.
Shnaider attended York University and received his bachelor’s of arts degree in science.
He’s married to Simona Birshtein and they live in North York with their three children.
5. Shnaider Is One of the Richest People In the World
@RVAwonk If they haven't already, folks should look into Trump Tower Toronto–which was financially backed by Alex Shnaider (and has since gone bust) pic.twitter.com/J5nNgLzlhs — Mangy Jay (@magi_jay) May 7, 2017
Shnaider and business partner Eduard Shifrin founded Midland Group in 1994. The company was originally a steel producer that operated in Ukraine before the steel factories in the country were privatized. The company still has interests in steel trading, real estate, retail and manufacturing and Russia, Ukraine and Siberia.
In February 2005, Shnaider got involved in auto racing. He bought Jordan Grand Prix from Eddie Jordan for about $50 million, renaming it Midland F1 Racing in 2006. The racing team was in turn sold to Spyker Cars.
That’s not the only dealing with sports that Shnaider has. He brought a soccer team in Istral — Maccabi Tel Aviv — for about 12 million euros in 2007. Two years later, he sold the team after investing $20 million into it.
In 2006, Forbes listed Shnaider on its list of the top billionaires in the world. He was ranked No. 486 on the list with a reported net worth of around $1.6 billion.
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onclicklive · 7 years
Alexander Shnaider: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Billionaire Alexander Shnaider and President Donald Trump had close business ties, and one of Trump’s hotels were funded by a Russian bank, a report by The Wall Street Journal said.
The article told the story of how Trump and Shnaider formed a business relationship for one of Trump’s staple hotels in Toronto, Canada.
The project encountered many hurdles since it was originally planned, but last-minute funding provided by a controversial Russian bank — which has ties to the Russian government — led to the plan going through.
1. The Russian Bank Financed a Deal At a ‘Key Moment’ In the Project
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Russian-based Vnesheconombank, better known as VEB, is a state-run bank that’s undergone intense scrutiny by investigators in the United States.
The bank is alleged to have provided money to Shnaider, which he in turn put into plans to construct a 65 story Trump International Hotel and Tower in Toronto.
A person familiar with the U.S. probe told the WSJ that investigators are “looking into any ties between Russian financial institutions, Mr. Trump and anyone in his orbit.”
The investigation is specifically looking into the ties between Trump and VEB. The bank has been viewed by some analysts as the institution used by the Russian government to fund projects that are politically motivated, such as the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, which cost a reported $51 billion.
The bank was placed on the U.S. sanctions list in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea, and American businesses are banned from being involved with it.
But that didn’t stop Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner from meeting with VEB’s leaders in December.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Kushner’s visit was part of the transition and was used to establish the “primary point of contact with foreign government officials.”
2. Shnaider Sold Shares In a Ukrainian Company For Almost $1 Billion In 2010
According to the S&P Global Market Intelligence, Shnaider sold shares in a Ukrainian steelmaking company — Zaporizhstal — in 2010 for $850 million. The deal hasn’t bee made public, but the WSJ report said that Shnaider “was an entity acting for the Russian government.”
Following the sale of the shares and payout by VEB, Shnaider put forth even more money into the Trump Hotel project in Toronto. His lawyer, Symon Zucker, said that Shnaider put “about $15 million” from the sale into the Trump project. He responded back to the WSJ one day later via email, writing: “I am not able to confirm that any funds (from the stake sale) went into the Toronto project.”
Interestingly enough, when Shnaider made the deal, Russian President Vladimir Putin was the chairman of VEB’s board. That means that any deals such as Shnaiders would “have to have been approved by him,” a government official told the WSJ.
3. The Hotel Was a Joint Project Between Shnaider & Trump
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Plans for the Trump International Hotel and Tower project were revealed in 2007 and considered a “joint venture” between Trump and Shnaider. It was slated to cost about 500 million Canadian dollars, or about $367.6 million USD. At the time, it was the tallest residential building in Canada.
The original plan was for Trump to manage operations at the hotel while Shnaider would be the tower’s developer.
But the project encounter funding issues and a judge approved its sale during insolvency proceedings last year.
The groundbreaking for the project happened in 2007 and a majority of the units were pre-sold. But then the financial crisis struck, and many buyers pulled out, leaving a hole in the funding.
The tower ended up being funded through Shnaider’s stake sale, but it struggled to stay financially afloat since its opening. A judge recently approved the sale of the building to an investment firm in California for $220 million.
When asked about the potential links between Trump’s business deals and Russia, a spokesperson for the Trump Organization — Trump’s real-estate company — said there has been no involvement between the two sides previously.
The spokesperson said that the only connection between Trump and the VEB is that it “merely licensed ts brand and manages the hotel and residences.”
Trump himself has also said he has no business dealings with Russia. In February, he said: “To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does.”
4. Shnaider Was Born In Russia & Lived In Israel Before Moving to Canada
Schnaider was born in 1968 in Leningrad, Russia. When he was just 4-years old, he moved with his family to Israel. A few years later when he was 13, he and his family moved to Canada, where he now resides and is a citizen.
Shnaider attended York University and received his bachelor’s of arts degree in science.
He’s married to Simona Birshtein and they live in North York with their three children.
5. Shnaider Is One of the Richest People In the World
Shnaider and business partner Eduard Shifrin founded Midland Group in 1994. The company was originally a steel producer that operated in Ukraine before the steel factories in the country were privatized. The company still has interests in steel trading, real estate, retail and manufacturing and Russia, Ukraine and Siberia.
In February 2005, Shnaider got involved in auto racing. He bought Jordan Grand Prix from Eddie Jordan for about $50 million, renaming it Midland F1 Racing in 2006. The racing team was in turn sold to Spyker Cars.
That’s not the only dealing with sports that Shnaider has. He brought a soccer team in Istral — Maccabi Tel Aviv — for about 12 million euros in 2007. Two years later, he sold the team after investing $20 million into it.
In 2006, Forbes listed Shnaider on its list of the top billionaires in the world. He was ranked No. 486 on the list with a reported net worth of around $1.6 billion.
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atlasnorth579 · 5 months
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mirecalemoments01 · 1 year
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kritikapatil · 1 year
Credit Insurance Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2022
The Latest Released market study on Global Credit Insurance market provides information and useful stats on market structure, size and trends. The report is intended to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and strategic insights to help decision makers take sound investment decisions and identify potential gaps and growth opportunities. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses changing dynamics, emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, opportunities and restraints in Credit Insurance market. What’s keeping
Zurich Insurance Group Ltd (Switzerland)
AIG (United States)
Chubb (United States)
Euler Hermes (France)
Atradius (Netherlands)
Coface (France)
Credendo Group (Belgium)
QBE Insurance Group Ltd. (Australia)
Cesce (Spain)
Equinox (United States)
Keep Growing in the Market? Benchmark yourself with the strategic moves and latest Market Share and Sizing of Global Credit Insurance market recently published by AMA Credit insurance is an insurance policy and a risk management product offered by private insurance companies and governmental export credit agencies to business entities wishing to protect their accounts receivable from loss due to credit risks such as protracted default, insolvency or bankruptcy. Credit insurance product is a type of property and casualty insurance. Credit insurance is an insurance policy bought by a borrower that pays off one or more existing debts in the event of a disability, or in rare cases, death, and unemployment. It is marketed most frequently as a credit card feature, with the monthly cost charging a low percentage of the card's unpaid balance. Credit insurance is considered as one way to decrease this risk. Also, it is the overlying field of covering exporters against the risk they will not be paid for a range of reasons including political upheaval or simply default.
The Credit Insurance Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Application (Domestic Trade, Export Trade), Organization Size (Small & Medium Enterprise, Large Enterprise), Component (Product (Buyer: Turnover below EUR 5 Million, Buyer: Turnover above EUR 5 Million), Services), Insurance Type (Credit Life Insurance, Credit Disability Insurance, Credit Unemployment Insurance)
On the geographical front, the market has been segregated into North America (the United States and Canada), Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia and others), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia and others), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and others), and Middle East and Africa. What’s Trending in Market: Rising Attraction towards Simplified Insurance Claiming Procedures
Integration of Technology of Credit Insurance
Market Opportunities: Emergences of Credit Insurance Companies in Developing Countries
Market Is Penetrating At a Higher Growth Rate in Developing Regions Due To the Growing Export Business in the Regions
Highlights of Influencing Drivers: High Adoption due to Unbalanced Macro-Economic Factors
Growing Demand due to Improving Sales and Accounts Receivable Support Benefits
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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