Amplifying Impact: Make It Monthly 2024
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prongsmydeer · 8 months
A few Canadian-specific resources for those looking to donate to Palestine:
E-Sims for Gaza (Canada-based crowd-funding for e-sims if you'd rather not purchase directly; can use credit or PayPal through that link or e-transfer through the information on the Disability Visibility website)
Medical Aid for Palestine (via CanadaHelps, also accepts credit card, PayPal, Google Pay, Visa Gift Card)
Canadian Red Cross Middle East Humanitarian Crisis Appeal (via RedCross website, accepts credit card or PayPal)
UNICEF Appeal for Children in Gaza Crisis (via the Canadian website, requires a credit card)
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (the link is to their general fund on the Canadian website but they are actively working in Palestine, requires a credit card)
Non-financial means of support/action: Read the open petitions tagged with 'Palestine' in the House of Commons website and sign those petitions like e-4745 which call for an arms embargo with Israel and an investigation into the use of Canadian weapons or weapon components in Palestine
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in charities, so while I tried to point to charities I know of that have financial transparency, this is not a review of these charities, but rather, quick and direct information on ways to donate in my region! Also, I know that PayPal is on the some lists for BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions), so that is worth bearing in mind while choosing your method of support.
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noahreidbday2023 · 1 year
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It’s time! It’s 6 weeks until Noah’s 36th birthday, and this year we’d like to raise $10,000 for Toronto’s Neighbourhood Land Trust! 
Fans of Noah Reid know that he cares deeply for his home city of Toronto, and speaks out regularly about the housing insecurity many of his fellow Torontonians face. 
The Neighbourhood Land Trust is a not-for-profit charitable organization that owns and manages land in a community ownership model. NLT partners with experienced social housing providers, who then provide high quality affordable housing, supportive housing, and community economic development programs. NLT is dedicated to ensuring the perpetual affordability of all properties which it owns. The NLT is the charitable arm of the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT). You can learn more about their work at pnlt.ca.
Donations are being handled directly through CanadaHelps, which processes international donations from all over the world. You can also find the fundraiser on Instagram @ noahreidbday2023. Please share and help us raise money for a great initiative to celebrate a great person!
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themarvelhorse · 2 years
Hi, Marvel! Hope you're doing well. Was wondering if you knew of any good causes or charities that could use more attention from folks wanting to make the world a little better.
Hello! I hope this isn't too late especially since this time of year has lots of groups and institutions asking for donations and stuff.
First off, thank you for contacting me! I appreciate you reaching out and believing that I would know a good answer to this! Bless you anon, I hope you're well too!
Second, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Admittedly I can't quite say for sure which causes or charities could use more attention. I don't like to tell people who to vote for politically even though I secretly hope they do vote for one party over another. It's satisfying enough knowing that they'll vote.
But to that point, I would like to at least provide what you may need to know!
The Small Change Fund might be what you're looking for, but its very Ontario and environmentally focused right now.
CanadaHelps is a fundraiser dedicated to streamlining the donation process, which could go a long way if you don't know where to send your support.
This can probably give a general overview of who's doing fairly well I suppose.
Charity Watch and Charity Navigator I believe are both decent places to check if you're not sure about how well said charity is spending your goodwill, they're US focused mind you.
Charity Intelligence is Canada focused version of those American charity accountability orgs, gives grades based on their need for funding and other metrics too!
It's hard to really pin down and say who to donate to, causes or charities or otherwise. The world is handling some difficult circumstances right now, and everyone seems to need help. I know a local food bank received more donations than in the past few years, but that doesn't mean stop donating. Inflation (and oligopolic grocery corporations) have made it so they really need more help.
So your local food bank could be a good place! Or maybe another organization working towards a problem you've heard about recently?
I know the American Red Cross has had its scandals in the past, but the Canadian Red Cross seems alright, as do other Red Cross organizations in countries facing challenges of their own. You could also donate to their international version, like the main ICRC one. Hard to go wrong - the Red Cross has helped in Canada with covid response (and even "post covid" with the failing provincial health system), and they support climate change action and the like. Funds are always needed before disasters to adequately respond to them when they do happen.
You could also always donate to the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite what people say about the UN and how useful it is, I truly believe its better that it exists than otherwise. Setting the SDGs is a start to making things better. The UN can be a tool for colonialism, but I'll paraphrase Romeo Dallaire - the UN can be a force for good, but how good it is depends on the member states. Its voluntary, so projects at the UN rely on member states' money, or yours. Or your vote and voice if you tell your reps that you want them to help implement the SDGs. Think Elon Musk refusing to donate $6 billion to end world hunger.
Sorry, a bit ranty there. The SDGs are good because you have your choice of goals, or can split your donation evenly among them. It covers almost every basis of improving society/life on earth for everyone.
Your home region may also have an organization dedicated to improving democracy. The Democracy Engagement Exchange, Democracy Watch, Fair Vote Canada, and Apathy is Boring are all great causes to support, you may likely have something similar wherever you are!
I mention those because at its core, I think we have a lot of undemocratic stuff going on. Which worsens or outright causes all the other problems. Did you know Canadian food banks were supposed to be temporary? The organization Food Banks Canada is trying to eliminate the need for them. Policies like those that support affordable housing are needed. So when we have a policy failure, we have a political failure, a failure of democracy when people either don't vote or feel like their vote doesn't matter, or they don't have the time to participate. You may even want to donate to a political party you believe in. They do need your money to do what they say they'll do. It's like tumblr - kinda funny that they're trying all these things to make money, but the only other ways to keep it going would be to collect and sell your data, show more and more ads, and do all kinds of dumb stuff. If parties get donations, that's less they need from rich people/corporations that have it in order to campaign and win elections and stuff. You could donate to a party that has a lot more minority representation - that'd be even more likely to get widespread support for that minority group too.
ACORN Canada is a neat organization that supports low-moderate income Canadians, there might be something there for your region!
I'd say donate to climate change orgs - 350.org, David Suzuki Foundation, Sunrise Movement, the Climate Reality Project...
Truth is, there's lots of what feels like repetition. A lot of these orgs in the same field are competing for donations. They say things like they'll run ads to advocate for change, and more money lets them spread that influence (and ofc do other things). But like, why? Why can't they just pool money for this kind of work? Wouldn't that be more effective? I don't know honestly. I haven't worked for an NGO in any such way that I'd have insight. Wish I did...
(Sorry, gotta get back on track)
Leadnow is pretty neat since they cover a lot of the things I mentioned, all in one - equity, just society, environment, democracy. They ask what their members want them to focus on, and try to facilitate advocacy campaigns around it. They're also struggling to hit their fundraising goals this year.
Also consider donating to your local marginalized group. Spend money at their businesses and the like too! It can go a long way.
Another organization that facilitates the stuff we need to address all these other issues is the Tamarack Institute. Again, Canadian, but take a look and see if your region has something similar! They work on building better communities, which means resilience, climate action, ending poverty, helping youth, and addressing equity and inclusion. In that vein, the Community Tool Box is from the University of Kansas but is freely available to use (and donate to).
Oh, also can't go wrong with the Wikipedia donations of course.
I hope this isn't overwhelming - donor fatigue is a real thing, and its hard to feel like its worth it in the end. But it really does help~
I also realize I may not have mentioned many health care orgs, which you know is a concern for me since I've added my voice in the tags enough (what're u doin in my private but publicly available tag thoughts anyway HUH?! Jkjk I never realized this may come back to me someday lol). Truth is though, I'm not well versed in those - there's a lot and even individual hospitals around here need donations to fund what they do. It fuckin sucks.
In sum: Decide what you believe is important. Everyone from their own field will say their own thing is most important. It's hard to argue for or against it since I don't quite know every field. Causes that need more attention might be more local and need community support, or they might need funds to be more impactful even if the organization is big. But that's probably because the problem is big and doesn't get the attention it needs. Or it could cover so many other issues, or it may (appear to) be the core where the problem stems from. Its hard to parse, I know, but I do hope this helped in some way.
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How to get the services of ISO 27001 Certification in Canada?
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ISO 27001 Certification in Canada, The debate around information privacy and data safety is not new. Since the virtual data garage mode began, issues approximately its breach or loss also took a middle degree. Many nations evolved several law to ensure the records is properly covered. Canada, particularly, takes statistics protection very severely. Several legislations require entities and people to include sure controls to keep the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of records. In this regard, ISO certification in Canada in Canadahelps groups enforce a sturdy Information Security Management System that protects the information from threats of loss or alteration.
What is ISO 27001 Certification in Canada?
ISO 27001, greater exactly, “ISO/IEC 27001 – Information era — Security strategies — Information safety control systems — Requirements,” is a set of requirements posted through the IEC. ISO 27001 is one of the ISO/IEC 27000 collections for handling information safety. We also give ISO 27001 Certification in Canada.
The ISMS ISO 27001 Certification framework contains sure policies and procedures that an agency uses to establish a robust ISMS in an agency of any length or sector.
How ISO 27001 Certification in Canada helps Your business?
The information saved within an agency consists of three types: personal, economic, and data associated with intellectual assets. Any breach or lack of information or misuse via any unauthorized element can purpose a large loss to the organization regarding price range and popularity. With ISO 27001 certification in Canada, corporations can ensure their purchaser’s or customer’s information protection. Since all of the member international locations of ISO apprehend this fashionable, it’s far globally acceptable.
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ISMS specializes in defending the 3 major aspects of statistics:
Confidentiality ensures that the legal man or woman most effectively accesses the records.
Integrity- It ensures that the legal person alters the information.
Availability- It guarantees the availability of information at the disposal of the authorized man or woman.
ISO 27001 ISMS Certification in Canada
An Information Security Management System is a hard and fast rule designed to secure the statistics stored digitally by figuring out the risks to your records infrastructure. It also aims to meet your stakeholders’ expectations using imposing controls and constantly enhancing the ISMS to be consistent with the converting market requirements. These rules may be documented within the form of policies and strategies data or installed with non-documented technologies.
The implementation of ISMS and the usage of ISO 27001 Standard includes the subsequent benefits for the agency:-
Legal compliance – ISO 27001 Certification is evidence of compliance with all the legislation to secure the facts.
Gives you a competitive facet – An ISO 27001 certification boosts your picture in the marketplace for having strong ISMS, which places you among the superior alternatives for doing business.
Reduced expenses – Since ISO 27001 Certification is evidence that your statistics are shielded in opposition to breach or loss, there is a lesser danger for such emergencies, which enables you to obtain coverage at lower charges. It also saves legal responsibility costs that might have been incurred from emergencies.
Better control – ISO 27001 permits the streamlining of tasks and strategies and removes confusion regarding the roles of the workforce and prioritization of sports.
What are the layers of ISO 27001 Canada?
ISO 9001 certification in Canada, The shape of ISO 27001 contains elements- the primary element incorporates 11 clauses, while the sd one part has Annex A, which gives tips for 114 control targets. The first 4 clauses (clauses 0 to three) of the first element are introductory, specifically- Introduction, scope, normative references, and phrases and definitions) the rest of the clauses (clause four carry the ISMS’s mandatory necessities ISMS. Annex A carries non-mandatory requirements that guide the clauses and their requirements.
Clause four: Context of the organization – Every employer is particular. This clause permits the tailoring ofMS according to the context of your employer that considers the internal and external issues and the interest of the involved events.
Clause five: Leadership – this clause emphasizes the significance of top controrganizingnising and imposing the aid of assigning roles and obligations to the relevant man or woman and developing the policies for records safety.
Clause 6: Planning – assessing the dangers and possibilities is essential to plan the processes and tactics for ISMS. This makes must symphony with the organization’s information safety objectives.
Clause 7: Support – this segment offers the resources, competence of personnel, recognition, and communique, which are key guide structures for any management machine. It also guarantees the upkeep of documentation for the fulfillment of ISMS.
Clause eight: Operation – It offers ISMS planning, implementation and controls. This is wherein actions are deliberate in keeping with the assessed risks.
Clause 9: Performance assessment – With the help of tracking and measurement tools, the overall performance of your ISMS is frequently calculated for its efficiency
Clause 10: Continual Improvement – It is the main work to maintain your ISMS upgraded and efficient against the changing nature of cyber and statistics safety threats. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) management strategy is implemented to make sure the continual development of your ISMS.
Annex A (normative) Reference manipulate objectives and controls – 
It consists of a listing of reference control goals and controls. From Information safety rules (A.Five) to Compliance (A.18), Annex A has all the required controls to satisfy the specifications of  ISO 27001 Certification Canada.
Which are the ISO 27001 controls, and how can they be used?
To reduce the danger to facts safety, ISO 27001 carries positive controls that may be technical, legal, bodily, human, organizational, and many others. Annex A enlists 114 controls for this cause. Let’s examine how they may be carried out:
Technical controls: By using positive software, firmware, or hardware, which include antivirus software programs, backups, etc., these controls are carried out on data structures.
Organizational controls This deals with the policies that need to be followed by the workforce in the agency for higher safety. E.G., BYOD Policy, coverage for getting admission to manage, etc.
Legal controls make certain that the sports follow the felony requirements of policies, contracts, and so on. E.G., NDA (non-disclosure settlement), SLA (provider-level agreement), etc.
Physical controls use physical gadgets to maintain safety. E.G., alarm systems, CCTV cameras, and so on.
Human aid controls: This is completed by schooling the workers on their roles concerning protection renovation. E.G., safety attention education, ISO 27001 internal auditor training, etc.
ISO 14001 certification in Canada, With the arena getting extra digitized, we depend on digital manners for storing statistics. Any breach or loss of facts has massive implications for a character’s privacy and the state’s financial system. Therefore, countries and corporations worldwide are growing increasingly more stringent rules to test for this kind of menace. Therefore, it’s miles exceptionally beneficial for a corporation to include a management system that reduces or prevents such risks and apply for ISO 27001 certification in Canada to gain credibility.
Why Factocert?
We provide the best ISO consultants in Canada, Who are very knowledgeable and provide you with the best solution. And to know how to get ISO certification in Canada? Kindly reach us at [email protected] ISO Certification consultants follow the guidelines set by the international organization for standardization and help the organization to implement ISO certification in Canada in an easy way with proper documentation and audit.
For more information visit: ISO 27001 Certification in Canada
Related Articles: ISO 27001 Certification in Canada
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Maritime charities hope donations meet demand as more Canadians need help to get by
This is the fifth year that Nicole Martelle has collected new blankets to give Nova Scotia seniors living in long-term care.
Last year, she collected 600.
“It's a way for seniors to know that they're thought of,” says Martelle. “It’s about community as well.”
This year, Martelle has expanded her efforts.
“Previous years have just been Northwood, [but] as it’s grown it’s expanded to Oakwood Terrace, St. Vincent’s Nursing Home,” she says. “This year, we added Veterans Memorial Hospital and Fisherman’s Memorial Hospital, as well as White Hills Long Term Care Center.”
But 2 weeks into her campaign, she’s worried she won't get as many donations as she’s hoping for.
“The cost of living is going up, people are struggling to afford rent and food let alone donating a blanket,” says Martelle. “So I totally understand that, it's definitely been a struggle this year.”
It’s a common concern for big and small charities alike -- that inflation will eat away at household budgets, leaving little behind for charitable donations.
“Rising cost in living is likely a very significant factor when it comes to all of that,” says Nicole Danesi of the online fundraising platform, CanadaHelps.
A recent Ipsos survey conducted for the organization suggests more Canadians think they will need help to meet basic needs such as food and shelter in the next 6 months.
“Ipsos found that 2 in 10 Canadians are planning to access charitable services to meet essential needs,” says Danesi. “That is up from about 14 per cent in January 2022.”
The same survey also found some Canadians may be scaling back on donations at the same time, with only 13 per cent planning to give more.
A similar Angus Reid survey conducted for CTV News of more than 1,000 people found 61 per cent of Atlantic Canadians intend to donate the same amount this year compared to 2021.
Six-point-one per cent intend to donate more, half the national average.
Twenty-two per cent of Atlantic Canadians said they plan to donate less than last year, compared to 16 per cent nationally.
As Maritime charities enter the crucial holiday season, they hope donations will keep pace with demand.
“As the economy goes, so do we,” says Ron Dunn of Souls Harbour Rescue Mission.
Tuesday, the non-profit’s charity thrift store, Mission Mart, marked four years since opening its doors. Money from store sales helps Souls Harbour provide 400 hot meals a day to Nova Scotians throughout the province, with plans to expand into Cape Breton.
“The beauty is that we have folks that send us $4.85, which pays for one meal,” says Dunn. “That's amazing, and if everybody did what they could, we could help more people.”
The head of Greener Village Food Bank in Fredericton says many of the families it serves are reporting a negative income after paying for expenses, food not included.
“For people who are struggling, times are very, very tough,” says Alex Boyd.
Boyd says higher food costs mean more fundraising dollars needed to stock food bank shelves.
“The next six weeks are going to be critical to whether this year is a deficit year where we go behind and we're not able to do some things that we want to do in the next year, or if things come out right,” says Boyd.
“It really means that they're going to have to stretch their dollars even further when it comes to making sure that donors and the work that they're doing are making a really big impact,” says Danesi.
She says there are other ways to give back to charities, whether it’s through volunteering, or giving donations as holiday gifts. CanadaHelps has created a “12 Ways to Give” campaign to encourage Canadians to do what they can.
In the meantime, Martelle hopes donations for her blanket drive for seniors picks up soon, to meet her goal of distributing 500 blankets before Christmas.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/O2JTf9l
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assignmentwork507 · 3 years
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#canadauniversity #canadahelps #canadaassignment #canadacollege #canadastudent #canada🇨🇦 #canada #studentsabroad #studenthomework #studentshelp #assignments #assignmentwriting #essaywriting #thesiswriting #subject #engenering #physicspractical #physicalbiology #physicaltherapy #chemistrylovers #chemicalengenering #civilengineer #logotypedesign #designengeneering #designstudio #reasonable #price #qualitywork https://www.instagram.com/p/CV8iuQ5MKGz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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centreevolutionhq · 4 years
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Another small business who's kids trained at our school needs help. #supportsmallbusiness #teamevolutionhq #sendingyoupositivevibes #hopeoursmalldonationhelps Donate today to help support Canada's largest exotic animal rescue. They've been running for months on roughly zero revenue. They can not just simply close our doors to wait out the COVID-19 pandemic. They're asking for help. The government programs in place do not help small businesses the size of theirs and the $40,000 lasted them a matter of days with their costs to feed, care for, and maintain rather than months. Donate via their new FARE (Foundation For Animal Rescue And Education) nonprofit recurring donations program at: http://donorbox.org/save-canadas-largest-exotic-animal-rescue #donate #donation #donations #canadahelps #animal #animals #conservation #ottawa #igerscanada #igersottawa #littlerays #littleraysnaturecentre #canada #ontario https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1gaZYgWs0/?igshid=lxlsmdlmbupe
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prongsmydeer · 2 months
Hello there 👋
Islam, a 27-year-old from Gaza, is currently sleeping on the streets without any form of shelter or safety for himself and his family. Their home was demolished by a bombing from the Israeli occupation. While shelter is crucial, they also urgently need food and water. All of their necessities were taken away.
Islam tried sharing a donation link, but with limited followers, it wasn't reaching enough people. Thankfully, he created a GoFundMe account, making it easier for those who want to help.
Please consider sharing Islam's story and donating to his GoFundMe. Even a small contribution can make a big difference in their time of need. 🙏❤️
This fundraiser is on the following list of vetted ones and has been verified by @90-ghost and @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
Sure, I can share! I am not super well-versed in the process of verifying individual fundraisers, so while I can't personally speak to the above fundraiser, but I also know Operation Olive Branch has done a ton of work in organizing, sharing and verifying mutual aid requests, so I think they're a great resource to refer to as well.
And as someone who lives in Canada, I do also have a few resources for those looking to donate to Palestine from within Canada as well:
E-Sims for Gaza (Canada-based crowd-funding for e-sims if you’d rather not purchase directly; can use credit or PayPal through that link or e-transfer through the information on the Disability Visibility website)
Medical Aid for Palestine (via CanadaHelps, also accepts credit card, PayPal, Google Pay, Visa Gift Card)
Canadian Red Cross Middle East Humanitarian Crisis Appeal (via RedCross website, accepts credit card or PayPal)
UNICEF Appeal for Children in Gaza Crisis (via the Canadian website, requires a credit card)
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (the link is to their general fund on the Canadian website but they are actively working in Palestine, requires a credit card)
Non-financial means of support/action: Read the open petitions tagged with ‘Palestine’ in the House of Commons website and sign those petitions like e-4842 which calls for an immediate end to arms support to Israel by the Canadian government
I know it is amazing to donate directly to local Palestinian organizations and campaigns, but I also know that people experience different levels of access, knowledge, exchange rates, privacy concerns, etc. etc., so the above list can help with some of that!
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in charities, so while I tried to point to charities and resources I know of that have measures of financial transparency, this is not a review of these charities, but rather, quick and direct information on ways to donate in my region! Also, I know that PayPal is on the some lists for BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions), so that is worth bearing in mind while choosing your method of support.
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Help us win $10,000!! The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is happening right now! Every dollar donated to our charity through Canada Helps during the month of June enters us into a draw for a chance to win $10,000!! ($3 minimum donation to qualify us) Please consider donating online: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/gcgc/111629 Thank you so much!! #Canada #GivingChallengeCA #CanadaHelps (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/By3qzMthEdn/?igshid=1o9evjzfhzaoh
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madameraphaelle · 4 years
Elisa Lam case
So, watching the Elisa Lam Netflix documentary. Tragedy. Weird. Morbidly fascinating.
Obviously, someone modified the elevator video (no need to be a specialist to see that !) but, as a canadian tech. social worker I’m used to deal with mental health issues and weird situations associated to them. And in my head I have to question myself : if it’s only her mental health who was playing her ? If it was a mixed situation that lead to her death ? What if the Hotel Managing gang wasn’t really and totally helping the case... ? So much questions...
Mixed with the proofs we have (second person theory). I’m guessing : mental health issues (bipolar, depression, dark ideas maybe, vulnerability...) + ideas of new life (experimentations, traveling) + naked body found = suspish ! Somebody was there for sure.
But, maybe... I said MAYBE, she was so broken inside (as read on her Tumblr), that she asked for ‘’desperate help’’. The hotel is known for it’s weirdest situations and it’s location by itself screams ‘’weird’’. Skid Row is not safe for anyone. The Cecil Hotel is meaning of #truecrimecases #unresolvedcrimes such as : the Night Stalker, Unterweger, Black Dahlia last stays, many disappearances in the neighborhood (precisely women)... etc. And so many others we have not heard of (yet ?!).
Autopsy report delay ? LAPD delay to find the body ? Did they knew ? 
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atimefordragons · 3 years
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Kherson has fallen, and Putin will just keep going until he gets what he wants or the world governments somehow succeed in making him stop. 
the song featured above is 1944 by Ukrainian singer and 2016 Eurovision winner, Jamala, about the USSR’s deportation and attempted ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Crimean Tartars, the lyrics just as relevant now as in 2014, and in 1944.  
canadian redcross ukraine humanitarian crisis appeal 
unicef canada (might redirect you to your country’s unicef site, if it exists) 
savethechildren (also might redirect you to your country’s site if it exists) 
canadian-ukrainian foundation 
unhcr canada (you may be redirected to your country’s un site) 
canadahelps ukraine (lists multiple places you can donate to, to aid ukraine)
information on new immigration measures for Ukrainians (Canada is currently expediating Ukrainian passports and visa applications, including for reuniting family members) 
doctors without borders 
globalgiving ukraine crisis relief fund 
un crisis relief 
ukrainian world congress 
please consider donating to the following crisis's as well; war is not the norm for any country, and no country is an “uncivilized” place where you can “expect” an invasion or hostile occupation to occur. 
[ palestine ] islamic relief canada, palestine emergency appeal | idrf palestine 
[ syria ] canadahelps syrian crisis page | islamic relief canada, syria appeal | unicef canada
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assignmentwork507 · 3 years
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#canada🇨🇦 #canadahelps #canadauniversity #canadastudent #canadacollege #universityofcalgary #westernuni #universityofwaterloo #mcmasteruniversity #universityofalberta #universityofmontreal #universityofbritishcolumbia #mcgilluniversity #universityoftoronto #augsburgcollege #augustanacollege #augustanauniversity #carletonuniversity #yorkuniversity #universityofvictoria #universityofmanitoba (at Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSaGQFRsZ0a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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revenge-of-the-shit · 2 years
Anyway now that the monarch is down, may she rest in piss, if you can, donate or spread the word to help the victims of colonization. The Queen was one figurehead among many who helped to destroy countless lives to fulfill their greed, and though she's done and gone to hell, the lasting effects of what she and her forefathers have done continue to last.
If you know any good resources, add them to the post in a reblog! I don't know much about other countries but these are good places to start for Canada:
Indian Residential School Survivors Society
Native Women's Association of Canada
Large list of Indigenous Charities in Canada from CanadaHelps
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
*Disclaimer: I am a settler on this land. I'm not of Indigenous descent. These resources are the ones I have been pointed to from Indigenous communities, but if there are any that should be removed/added, let me know!
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pumpkinpieimposter · 4 years
⚠️⚠️If you see this post please Read and repost⚠️⚠️
This is a different kinda a post to share my opinion about a topic I got into an agreement with a friend about.
I see a lot of people and including myself who are guilty of this. Ive recently deleted all my drawing that I have done this in. And that is Turing a white character black. Now before you come at me in the comment please let me explain. You shouldnt change a character Race. The reason I think this is no matter the intentions behind it it is quite a problem. And no this dosent include someone drawing a black character a couple shade lighter or a white character a couple shades darker some people have different colouring techniques, Especially people who use pastel normal not useimg dark solid browns, cause skin tons to be lighter.
It also different when drawing fanart for a cosplayer, let say a white person cosplay bow from she ra but he was white, if someone drew fanart fo the cosplay that isn’t whitewashing cause it supposed to be the cosplayers cosplaying bow and not bow himself.
Changing a character race because they might look better as a different race can be extremely offensive. Do not change a character skin colour. Don’t change a white character black or. Vice versa. 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿
I feel like this need to be said cause I use to do when I was younger a lot, and I’m more then regretful about it, I should have changed a character ethnic, cause you think they would look better. People can’t just change there skin colour, and not only that but when changing it to the other race you could run into som very very racist proportions that you “think” a black persons faces look like
If you made it to the end of the post thank you, I apologize for my Grammar I’m not very good at English and have a spelling and reading disabilitie so I’m sorry about that😅
Here’s some link to support the blacklivesmattee movement and lgbt fundraiser.
I hope everyone is staying safe during this pandemic stay home,take care of yourselves and keep in touch with others ❤️
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Media References
Adidas. (May 5, 2020). adidas | Thank You, Healthcare Heroes [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-pVZ7MCJfQ
CanadaHelps. (April 24, 2020). WATCH: A thank you to Canada’s healthcare workers [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgwUwL94fbc
Heroes at Heart: Aritzia CA. Heroes at Heart | Aritzia CA. https://www.aritzia.com/en/aritzia/community-care-program/heroes-at-heart.html.
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