#canibalism tw
mastcrmiind · 8 months
here is my valentines event plotting / starter call. i haven't decided if i'm dropping my pre-event threads yet, i may try keep them in my drafts for afterwards, though i will definitely be continuing anything majorly plot heavy. i'm taking from marios idea & offering 2 in fandom starters, and 2 out of fandom starters per muse. this also doesn't apply if our muses are each others dates, they will go separate as well. also here is a link to my currently unfinished outfits !! like & I'll dm you, or reply with any starter requests !!
albus dumbledore - going it alone 
Albus just wants to have a nice night out, and look at all the exhibits at the museum. If anybody asks him to dance he might say yes?
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
anastasia tremaine - blind date with vesta blackbeak
Anastasia is just really excited to be able to put on a pretty dress, and dance all night long. She’s already dragging her sister off to help her pick a dress, and wants to make sure both herself & drizella have a good time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 andrew deluca - blind date with lee hongjo
Andrew would like to forget about everything wrong in his life, and get his mind off of work for one night. Let this man have the fresh start he needs, he’s hoping for the potential of love.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
threads: carina deluca
arizona robbins - going with amelia shepherd
Arizona is happy, thank you very much. She would like to spend the night dancing with her girlfriend and forget about all the horror her loved ones have faced in the past few months.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
threads: sofia robbin sloan torres
 atticus lincoln - going with jo wilson
Link and jo just had a baby, they deserve this night out. A night where they don’t have to worry about the kids at all! Though, maybe there’s still a little worry. Link is going to try make sure that jo has a great time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 bash de poitiers - currently going solo
Bash is going to try find himself love, not realising that the only person he wants to talk to is the girl who keeps telling him to keep his distance. She’s on a date, but maybe he could ask her for a dance?
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
bonnie bennett - going with enzo st john
After the disaster that was last valentines day (and every holiday since) bonnie would like a nice night with her husband, but she’s also ready to fight if need be. 
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
brittany s. Pierce - going with santana lopez
Brittany just wants to wear a pretty dress, and dance the night away with her girl. That’s it.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
threads: quinn fabray
 celeste kipper - blind date with feng yu
Catch these two having interesting conversations about current events. Celeste just wants a nice night out, and to forget for even a minute about all the death in her life. She’s trying to adjust to this new place, but doesn’t quite trust anybody.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
threads: mags flanagan
 charlotte king - going solo
The only reason charlotte made it was because she found a babysitter, and wanted a reason to get out. She’s still upset about the fact cooper & mason aren’t here, but she’s trying to live her life as best she can.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 cleo sertori - blind date with jesse st james
Cleo just wants to have a nice time, and is on the look out for love. She’s been single for a while now, so is hoping this blind date works out, or at the very least she has a good night.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 coriolanus snow - blind date with edwina sharma
Luckily for everybody else, coryo has no memories. He is still a judgy dude, but he’s not here trying to put anybody in the hunger games. He doesn’t know why he signed up for a blind date, but he’d rather be at home.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 Diego - going with bree tanner
Diego is looking for nice night out with his girlfriend, though being very aware that he is around a lot of humans he might need to keep some distance from.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
edmund bridgerton - going alone
Edmund doesn’t want to date anybody, the man is loyal to his wife. He’s here to watch his children have a good time, and maybe find somebody to have a quick dance with.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
threads: eloise bridgerton
Eleanor davis - going alone
Eleanor only just arrived in town, but the minute she found out there was a ball, she thought why not. She’s here for the free food and drink only.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 enola holmes - blind date with branwen
Enola doesn’t really do balls, they’re not her thing, though she’s here to try and have a good time and meet new people. She might try her hand at dancing, but she will mostly be exploring and getting to know her date.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
ginny miller - blind date with noela
Ginny wants to have a good time. That is all. Catch her dancing and chatting with her date, hoping things go well.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 harriet kepner-avery - going alone
Harriet will be finding people to flirt with, and definitely indulging in a champagne or two even though she’s underage. If she gets asked nicely enough/drunk enough she might even dance.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
harvey hufflepuff - blind date with do dohee
Harvey wants what his sister and mum have. He is hopeful that this blind date might bring him love, but at the very least he’s looking forward to a night out. 
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
henrietta beckford - going with elaine st john
Henri is going to spend the night dancing with her girlfriend, thanks. Though, she might find time for a little snack later on the evening.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 imogen adams - blind date with alec
Imogen is hopeful that this date is going to work out. She doesn’t really trust people all that much with what she’s been through, but she’s going to go out and try have a good time regardless. She may spend more of her time dancing with her friends than socialising with her date though.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
jack dawson - going with rose
Jack knows very little about balls, so he’s putting all of his trust in rose. He wants to have a good time with the woman he loves since their time was cut so short before. He also wants to explore the museum and learn whatever he can.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 jacob black - blind date with kenna
Jacob wants to find love, and forget about how confusing people have been since he arrived in dc. He’s hoping this works out (though is confused about the dude who seems to be watching his date) good luck getting him to dance.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
jessica stanley - blind date with rachel amber
Jessica isn’t holding out hope on this date, but she’s excited to put on a dress and look hot. She will be dancing, drinking, and all around having a great time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 jo laughlin - going alone
Jo is mainly just here to watch her daughters. She doesn’t want to be at a ball, but she wants to get to know her daughters more, and insure they have a good night.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 karen shetty - going alone
Karen didn’t get the dress code memo, but she looks hot. This is like halloween, right? She’s not got a date, but when has that ever stopped her? She will be dancing, flirting and having a great time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
laurent da revin - going with anne sutherland
Laurent doesn’t do these kind of things, but anne invited him so he’s going. He may dance, if she asks but he doesn’t really want to be here.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
lexie grey - going with mark sloan
Lexie is excited for a date night with her husband. She will be dragging him onto the dance floor, drinking and having a great time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 lily luna potter - going with harriet hufflepuff
Lily is nervous, though she’s been on dates with harriet before they generally end in disaster. She’s prepared with her wand on her this time, hoping she doesn’t have to use it and she can just have a good time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 lola fleming narcisse - blind date with kaya dura
Lola doesn’t have a very good track record with love, but she’s hoping to turn things around here. At the very least, she will be dancing because my girl loves a ball, and has missed things like this since being in dc.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
Lydia - going with cynthia
Lydia came to dc to start her life fresh, and here she is at a ball with her ex. Not that she’s upset about it, cynthia is still the only person she really trusts or cares about. She will be dancing, drinking and maybe if she gets drunk enough trying to make new friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
melissa glaser - blind date with beth greene
Melissa has recently regained her memories, but she’s still going through with this blind date thing. She wants to drink, dance and forget everything. 
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
mia thermopolis - going alone
Mia is no stranger to balls. She’s got a pretty dress, her tiara and she’s ready to have a good night, with or without a date. She will be keeping an eye on her grandmother, though maybe from a distance as clarisse doesn’t believe her. She will accept any invite to dance as that is what queens do.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
threads: clarisse renaldi, quinn fabray
mika yasuda - going with taryn helm
This is only mika and taryns second date, and a ball seems like a big deal. She will be trying to get to know taryn more, as well as trying to make some new friends as well.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
missy cooper - blind date with elsa
Missy deserves this date with a literal queen. She has found herself the prettiest dress she could, pairing it with converse because who wants to spend a night in heels, gross. She will be getting to know her date as well as trying to make new friends & exploring.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
threads: paige swanson
 noel kahn - blind date with april kepner
Noel doesn’t really know what compelled him to sign up for a blind date, but he’s going to make sure she has a good time regardless. If she wants to dance, he will dance with her, but he will also be people watching and trying to make some friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 penelope park - blind date with lizzie saltzman
Penelope is trying to deny her feelings for josie. She told her how much she loved her back home, and hasn’t heard a thing since being here (though she also hasn’t mentioned anything herself) so she decided to sign up for a blind date. She’s not going to be happy that it’s with her worst enemy who also happens to have the same face as the woman she loves, so expect a lot of nasty words, and magic coming from these two. Penelope is big mad.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 primrose everdeen - blind date with willa lykensen 
Prim is a little worried about this blind date, but if it gets her to stop studying for one moment then it’s probably a good thing. she is hopeful it works out, but is just excited for a night off.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
princess audrey rose - going alone
Audrey loves an excuse to dress up, so she’s here in a pretty dress ready to dance the night away with whoever wants to dance with her.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 rebecca pearson - going alone
Rebecca is slowly coming to the realisation she’s stuck here, without her family and is trying to make the best of it. She’s here to dance, drink and have a good time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 rebekah mikaelson - blind date with pyrrha alexandra
Rebekah has just gotten her memories back, and isn’t sure she wants to be on a blind date after all. She’s going to try have a good time, regardless. At least she enjoys an excuse to dress up and dance.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 robin hood-mills - going with alice jones
Robin is excited to have a date night with her fiance. She adores alice, and is ready to put on a pretty dress and dance the night away. Though she may have some time to talk to other people and make friends as well as explore a little bit.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 ruby lucas - blind date with trafalgar law
Ruby is trying to get herself out there but also has terrible luck with love, she did eat her first boyfriend after all. She’s here to dance, drink and have a good time, even if the date doesnt work out.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
 simon basset - going with daphne bridgerton
Simon is just excited to have a date night with his wife, doing something he knows she loves. He is ready to tell her how beautiful she looks, and dance with her and only her all night long.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
tatia - blind date with michael guerin 
Tatia doesn’t really understand any of this, but she’s here regardless. She will be trying to get to know her date, and perhaps make some new friends & learn more about this new place she’s found herself in.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
victoria hughes - going alone
Vic thinks that the blind date idea was stupid, why would she want to go on a date with somebody she doesn’t know? She’s here to have a good time, and spend some time with her friends, thank you.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
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The inherent homoeroticism of cannibalizing someone.
shh you’ll wake the Hannibal fandom
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werexcat · 8 months
continued from 🐈‍⬛ with @bcund's cyrus !
Looking at this man now, with his red hair and his red eyes, it was like looking at another predator. In fact, he was eating a human, and Gabriel didn't need eyes to realize that. All he had to do was scent the air because all humans had a particular smell that made them, essentially, human, and there was no escaping that.
... And this man was anything but.
Green eyes didn't flicker to the meal for even a moment as he addressed the man.
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"I'm not sure I can trust you," he replied, honest but wary. "You could try to make a meal out of me."
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sollilua · 2 years
unrelated but im fighting back the urge to tell all my friends from outside of brazil that our president has,,,, admitted that he wanted to eat human flesh but the only reason he didn’t do it was because his safety team didn’t want to go with him,,,,,,, yikes.
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jawzxcm · 6 months
Boys with fucked perceptions of love.. I need to replay Zeno.
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ehud1564 · 9 months
✔SMT Live Action✔ The Epicurean Daughter of Evil, Conchita
OMG what. What the hell?! This is so terryfying! So well made! So utterly hilarious! I can't believe this is 11 years old and I'm only seeing it now. This is amazing!!
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aethergate · 1 year
Hey Bill, how long could the human race survive on only cannibalism?
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Longer then you'd think! I'll give humans a little credit here and say that after being in a frenzy of eating each others flesh left right and center, eventually they'll pick a certain point to say you're on the menu! Like some sick sort of birthday, except you get turned into the cake. So they wouldn't wear the population down faster than it could repopulate - even if people would turn on each other way faster - and that's still not even considering the fleshborne illnesses! Or the degradation of humanity itself after a certain point, even if that would be the fun part! Not that they'd get there anyways, thanks to those diseases that'd kill them since they're eating each other. Sad, really, that they can't even handle their own meat. I'd give them two decades and a half maybe.
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sketchyface · 6 months
Can’t stop thinking about Alastor letting Rosie eat him cuz he trusts her
Fuck sex! Let Rosie gently cannibalise Alastor, pussies!
Edit: Continuation!
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sttinkky · 2 months
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A kiss leads to cannibalism…
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novaisheartless · 1 year
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thefruityaquarius · 4 months
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screw romeo and juliet i want what these bitches had
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jaimeski · 1 year
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dogdecay13 · 30 days
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Some stamps I made free to use to all,
If you want to tag me if you use them I'd appreciate it but no worries if not!
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openfleshwound · 4 months
i want to taste your insides. i want to open you up and explore every inch of your body, as i watch you squirm. i want to hear you scream.
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caretortta · 8 months
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tongues--and--teeth · 6 months
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First day in the town square: jumped a middle schooler
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this did happen.
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