#cannabis for menstrual cramps hand
gasmonkeyshop5 · 1 year
5 Benefits of Using Cannabis for Menstrual Cramps and Other PMS Symptoms
Benefits of Using Cannabis for Menstrual Cramps and Other PMS Symptoms For many women, menstrual cramps and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be a major source of discomfort and pain. While there are a variety of traditional remedies available, such as painkillers and hormonal birth control, these options can come with their own side effects and drawbacks. In recent years,…
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mamabee · 1 month
Managing Endometriosis: 5 Tips for Period Pain Relief
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Menstruation associated with endometriosis is a continuous battle that cannot be resolved alone. However, there are strategies you can adopt to help you defeat the pain and restore your peace. Here are five practical tips to help you manage the discomfort and symptoms associated with endometriosis:
CBD for Pain Relief: Focus on using cannibidiol oils and cannabis products into one's regular schedule to reduce inflammation and relieve menstrual pain.
Explore Holistic Healing: Take a look on CBD products because they are some of the components that play a crucial role in sleep improvement and in reduction of pain sensation.
Save Money with Coupons: You don’t have to worry to end up in penniless situation if you precisely deal with pain caused by endometriosis. Type in prescription coupons into the internet search engine to receive affordable options for your medication or consult with your pharmacist.
Consider THC Products: THC in cannabis products, on its part, is used for fueling the end of menstrual cramps and inflammation. Try applying these methods as an alternative such as the tinctures and THC capsules that can be in use to ease off the discomfort.
Access Telehealth Services: Digitalize the communication with healthcare providers such as doctors through Telehealth services and his first-hand experience. If you are wondering if a telehealth consultation is a better way to be guided over your pain management, or you need a discount for a prescription, then this is a perfect convenient option.
By practicing these things, you can undertake behavioral approaches to effectively reducing the pain caused by endometriosis and thus significantly improve your quality life. Make sure to consult your healthcare provider for guidance; the message should be specifically designed for each individual's needs. Stay strong, endo warriors!
Read more: Relieving Endometriosis-Related Menstrual Pain
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gsstownmedicinal · 1 year
How To Lose Cheap Weed Delivery Surrey In 9 Days
 Weed, also known as marijuana, pot, or cannabis, is a psychoactive cheap weed delivery surrey drug that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. The active ingredient in weed is THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is known to have therapeutic effects on a variety of conditions, including pain, inflammation, anxiety, and seizures. In recent years, there has been a growing body of scientific evidence to support the use of weed for medicinal purposes.
One of the most well-known medicinal properties of weed is its ability to relieve pain. In a recent study, patients with chronic pain who were treated with weed reported a significant reduction in their pain levels. Weed is also effective in treating other forms of pain, including headaches, menstrual cramps, and nerve pain.
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Weed is also known to be effective in treating inflammation. In a study of rats, those treated with weed showed a significant reduction in inflammation. This anti-inflammatory effect is thought to be due to the action of THC, which binds to receptors in the body that control inflammation.
Weed is also effective in treating anxiety. In a study of people with social anxiety disorder, those who were treated with weed showed a significant reduction in their anxiety levels. Weed is also effective in treating other forms of anxiety, including post-traumatic stress disorder and general anxiety disorder.
Finally, weed is also effective in treating seizures. In a study of people with epilepsy, those who were treated with weed showed a significant reduction in the frequency of their seizures.
There is a growing body of scientific evidence to support the use of weed for medicinal purposes. Weed is effective in treating a variety of conditions, including pain, inflammation, anxiety, and seizures. If you are considering using weed for medicinal purposes, be sure to talk to your doctor to make sure it is right for you.
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How Cheap Weed Delivery Can Help You Get the Medication You Need
Weed delivery is a great way to get your hands on the medicine you need without having to leave the comfort of your own home. There are a few things to keep in mind when you're looking for a cheap weed delivery service, though. Here are a few tips to help you get the best deal possible.
1. Compare prices. There are a lot of different weed delivery services out there, and they all have different prices. Take some time to compare the prices of a few different services before you decide which one to use.
2. Consider the quality. Just because a weed delivery service is cheap doesn't mean that it's going to be of poor quality. However, you should still take the time to read reviews of different services before you make your final decision. This will help you make sure that you're getting what you expect.
3. Make sure the service is legal. This is probably the most important tip of all. Make sure that the weed delivery service you're using is legal in your area. This way, you won't have to worry about getting into trouble with the law.
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4. Ask around. If you know anyone who uses a weed delivery service, ask them for recommendations. This is a great way to get an idea of which services are good and which ones you should avoid.
5. Do your research. This is another important tip. Don't just go with the first weed delivery service you come across. Take some time to do your research and make sure you're getting the best possible deal.
these tips, you should be able to find a cheap weed delivery service that can help you get the medication you need.
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potsmart · 2 years
10 Historical Figures Who Used Marijuana
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The legalization of marijuana in certain parts of the globe is significant, but cannabis has been a around for a long, long time and was quite popular among some of history’s greatest and most celebrated figures. After reading this, you’ll understand just how much of an impact cannabis has had on our world.
#1: George Washington
The general of the revolutionary army and the first President of the United States liked to grow hemp on his farms. The fibres of the plant were perfect for making rope, but the president also hailed it for its medicinal benefits. Washington liked to smoke marijuana to help with his chronic tooth pain. Some sources claim the president said that a pipeful of cannabis paired well with any drink. This wasn’t uncommon behaviour for the time either, with Thomas Jefferson and James Maddison being two other U.S. presidents to enjoy some ‘erb from time to time.
#2: John F. Kennedy
Perhaps there’s something about being president that leads one to take up smoking weed. John F. Kennedy was known to suffer from severe back pains. At least, that was his rationale for smoking a joint every so often. And, with the immense pressures of the Cuban missile crisis (among other things), a little doobie here and there likely served to ease his nerves as well.
#3: Christopher Columbus
There’s no hard evidence that this the troubled world explorer smoked any weed himself. However, it is known that Columbus brought hemp seeds with him on his expeditions to the new world. The crew would grow marijuana wherever they went, and never have to worry about running out. Pot was widely used on their travels across the Atlantic, so we can see certainly understand why there might be problems if supplies were to run low. It seems Columbus may have been oner of the world’s first pushers. ;)
#4: Queen Elizabeth I
Marijuana was commonly grown on farms in the early Americas, but they had to get it from somewhere. Queen Elizabeth I was supposedly a strong supporter and user of cannabis. It’s purported, that she would fine residents if they owned 60 acres of land and didn’t use any of it to grow pot. Sources say she always had a stash of quality cannabis on hand for medicinal purposes, or if she was just in the mood. Could it have been the relaxing properties of cannabis that made Queen Elizabeth I advocate for peace in her country? We’ll leave that one up to the historians (but yes, it most definitely was.) ;)
#5: Queen Victoria
Those English Queens sure knew how to party. Being the second-longest ruling monarch of Britain would have to be somewhat stressful. Perhaps that’s why Queen Victoria liked to use marijuana to treat many of her ailments. Her private physician would prescribe cannabis for everything from menstrual cramps to headaches. He wrote in his notes that marijuana is “one of the most valuable medicines we possess.” An entire era was named after Queen Victoria, due to her influence over the UK and Great Britain which, without this miracle drug, might look a lot different today.
#6: Carl Sagan
One of the most influential astronomers and authors of his time, Carl Sagan changed the way we see the universe and how we think about and contemplate life beyond our own planet. Carl Sagan also loved to smoke weed and wasn’t remotely shy about it. Although at first, he advocated in print for the destigmatization of marijuana under the alias of “Mr. X” while there was still a huge stigma around cannabis use, later in life, he left nothing to interpretation, stating unequivocally that recreational weed helped him to generate ideas for his books. 
#7: William Shakespeare
Speaking of marijuana helping to get the creative juices flowing, William Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights in history, was seemingly a prolific cannabis user. Clay pots on his property were found to contain traces of cannabis in them, which date back to when Shakespeare was alive. Some people believe there’s no way one person could write so much in their lifetime, but if the man was smoking reefer then that would pretty much explain it.
#8: Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas is one of the best-known French authors in the world. His fictional works entertain people to this day, while his non-fictions shape how we understand the past. The author of The Three Musketeers, has said that pot has helped him find inspiration when working on his books. If you consider his output, it’s clear that he’s “gotten inspired” quite a bit over his lifetime.  
#9: The Ancient Greeks
Weed was so common in Ancient Greece that we can’t single out any one individual. Seriously, read some Greek mythology; Zeus turned into a goose in order to seduce a woman?? It appears that everyone was smoking pot during this time period. But on a more serious note, so much of western philosophy and civilization came from the Greeks. If marijuana was so widespread during this critically formative period, then this humble plant has truly had a massive amount of influence on the entire world as we know it.
#10: Hua Tuo
This ancient Chinese physician and surgeon is arguably one of the most influential medical practitioners in history, creating the first general anesthetics to aid with surgery. But Hua Tuo is famous for another reason: He invented another herbal anesthesia called Mafeisan, a mixture of wine and hemp, to relax his patients. We presume that Hua Tuo tested his potion out before giving it to patients. Perhaps he never touched it himself though. Yeah – right. ;)
In the history of humanity, Mary Jane has been a major playa. It has impacted, influenced and inspired some of our greatest thinkers, artists and leaders. It’s hard to imagine a world without it. The importance and significance of marijuana is quite apparent, as we continue to make it more widely accessible to people today. 
By the Potmaster General, for Potsmart
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salmontee-shop · 2 years
Ok I Won’t Be Doing Any Of That But Thank You Shirt
Will we see VB recreate her go-to comfort food: a piece of whole grain toast sprinkled with salt, which she also revealed on Rogers’s podcast? Time will tell. This is the Ok I Won’t Be Doing Any Of That But Thank You Shirt besides I will buy this first instance in which Victoria has combined the fashion and beauty arms of her brand empire with her personal life—a smart move that will strengthen her identity as a businesswoman. “TikTok is a super exciting platform, it’s new territory and a different audience, but it felt like the next natural step,” the designer tells Vogue. “I can’t wait to share what we’ve been creating. On a personal level, I had to give in to the kids at some point—just don’t expect any dance routines!” Watch this space. For over a decade, London-born DJ and cannabis activist Chelsea Leyland experienced debilitating period pain, visiting the emergency room intermittently as she coped with fainting and vomiting spells—and tried to get to the bottom of it all. “I waited over 10 years to receive a diagnosis,” says Leyland of finally learning she has endometriosis, a disorder that affects 1 in 10 women in which the tissue that lines the woman’s uterus grows outside of the uterus, causing pelvic pain and abnormal periods (including excessive cramps and heavy menstrual flow). Medically, the only solutions offered to Leyland were, first, birth control and subsequently an unsuccessful surgery, leaving her searching desperately for other ways to manage her symptoms. “I began to look towards alternative medicine,” says Leyland. As someone who also suffers from epilepsy and has found relief in using medical cannabis, she knew that becoming her “own best advocate” was the only way forward. “I discovered the power of botanical medicine, acupuncture, and other different healing modalities, and my endometriosis started to improve beyond anything I could have imagined,” she says. The downside? “I was using a combination of so many different botanical products and supplements, but it took so much effort to find these solutions that had no substantial medical input or proof of safety or efficacy, and that made me nervous,” she continues. That’s when Leyland decided it was time to take matters into her own hands.
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Buy this shirt:  Click here to buy this Ok I Won’t Be Doing Any Of That But Thank You Shirt
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imalreadyhighlol · 3 years
•Chamomile- When infused as a tea, the gold liquid relieves anxiety and is sedative. By smoking chamomile, you will earn the same benefits as of drinking chamomile tea.
By smoking chamomile you inhale the molecules it contains and in that way you consume the healthy properties of the herb. (Same as happens with cannabis)
•Lavender- When smoking lavender, you'll receive a relaxing feeling that can also be described as euphoric. However, you will never feel high when smoking lavender.which is why most mix it with cannabis .
•Mugwart- Many ancient cultures smoked mugwort to promote vivid dreams. It also produces a very mild psychotropic effect while you’re awake.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a light smoke with a pleasant, slightly sweet flavor.
💥💥 note that mugwart can cause issues with pregnancy💥💥
•Blue lotus- The dried flowers of the Blue Lotus plant are smoked or steeped in a tea in order to give the user a sense of peaceful relaxation. Blue Lotus is noted for its calming euphoria, aphrodisiac qualities, and sedation.
•Mullein- Mullein has a long history of use as a lung tonic. It can actually help you stop coughing when you're sick. Smoking Qualities: The smoke is extremely light and mild, almost like smoking air, and virtually flavorless.
•Blue skullcap- Skullcap has a mild calming effect when smoked.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a medium smoke, with a fairly neutral flavor.
•Red raspberry- Raspberry leaf contains a lot of medicinal compounds such as tannins,flavonoids, ellagic acid,vitamin A, C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Raspberry leaf is also useful to overcome various diseases such as diabetes, menstrual disorders, fertility disorders, diarrhea and others. Raspberry is often used as a herbal tea ingredients.
Benefits and effects
* An alternative for those who want to stop smoking
* Neutralize poison that had been caused by the nicotine content in tobacco
* Lowers blood sugar levels
* Reduce pain in childbirth
* Increases the fertility for men and women
* Tighten the skin
* Sedative and muscle relaxant
•Lions ear- The dried foliage of Leonotis - both Wild Dagga and Klip Dagga - can be used as a legal substitute for marijuana (ganja, cannabis, hemp).
* Smoking this dried herb gives an euphoric-like effect and exuberance.
* The flowers are the most potent part and can be smoked or used as a calming tea.
•Mint- Mints are used primarily to impart flavor to smoking blends. There are many varieties worth experimenting with, including spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, Close relatives of mint, including lemon balm (lemony flavor) and yerba buena (sweet menthol flavor), are often incorporated in smoking blends, as well.
•Spearmint- Smoking mint leaves improve blood circulation and relax nerves.
•White horehound- Women use white horehound for painful menstrual periods. unique herb native to the Mediterranean, white horehound is a very potent anti-inflammatory, specifically regarding respiratory inflammation.
•Peppermint- Peppermint leaves clears the lungs and respiratory passages and can make breathing easier.
•Angelica- Smoking the leaves of the Angelica plant is said to increase clairvoyance and visions.
•Coltsfoot- Coltsfoot is an expectorant, helping to free phlegm from the lungs.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a light smoke with a neutral flavor, but can cause harsh coughing if used in a high concentration in smoking blends.
•Bear berry-The smoking blend known as Kinnikinnick is said to increase gifts of vision and prophecy, purify ritual space, and carry prayers to the heavens. Combine equal parts Bearberry and Tobacco leaf. Smoke in a pipe, or burn as incense prior to magickal work.
•St. John’s wart- One of the most common medicinal herbs in the world, St John's Wort is best known as an all-around “feel good” plant. It's a mood stabilizer and enhancer that has been used for centuries to alleviate depression and melancholy. St John's Wort can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). When smoked, St John's Wort acts as a mood-elevating sedative, erasing signs of tension throughout the body.
•Wormwood- contrary to popular belief, you won't bear witness to any dancing green goblins after ingesting this unique herb. It's a light anesthetic, providing relief to pain and muscle/menstrual cramps. Smoking wormwood releases mild effects that help reduce pain, headaches, and even rheumatism.
How to Make Your Own Herbal Smoking Blend
* Smoking mixtures are largely a matter of personal tastes and preferences – experiment with different herb combinations to see what suits you best – but here are the basics to get you started.
1. Harvest fresh, young leaves, ideally in the morning after the dew has evaporated.
2. Dry the leaves slowly indoors – try hanging them in bundles from the ceiling or spreading them out on a window screen(Don’t dry them fast in an oven, as you want the leaves to retain a bit of moisture for a smoother smoke.)
3. Once dry, crush the leaves by hand into an even consistency.
4. Combine according to the guidelines below:
~General Guidelines~
* Marijuana is the ideal “base” for smoking blends in my humble opinion. It should form about 50 percent of the mixture.
* Then add several other herbs for the “body” of the blend. Mugwort and skullcap create a headier smoke, while uva-ursi gives it more of a tobacco-like quality. Add a bit of coltsfoot if you’re lungs are irritated from frequent tobacco use. Combined, these herbs should constitute about 40 percent of the blend.
* Use flavoring herbs, like mints and sages, for the final 10 percent of the blend.
* If the blend is too harsh when you smoke it, trying spritzing the dried herbs with a spray bottle to reintroduce moisture.
* Store smoking blends in glass jars or resealable plastic pouches.
✨Please research each herb before you smoke it, because there are side effects to each of them especially if you're on other medications.✨
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witchbitchblue420 · 3 years
Chamomile- When infused as a tea, the gold liquid relieves anxiety and is sedative. By smoking chamomile, you will earn the same benefits as of drinking chamomile tea.
By smoking chamomile you inhale the molecules it contains and in that way you consume the healthy properties of the herb. (Same as happens with cannabis)
•Lavender- When smoking lavender, you'll receive a relaxing feeling that can also be described as euphoric. However, you will never feel high when smoking lavender.which is why most mix it with cannabis .
•Mugwart- Many ancient cultures smoked mugwort to promote vivid dreams. It also produces a very mild psychotropic effect while you’re awake.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a light smoke with a pleasant, slightly sweet flavor.
💥💥 note that mugwart can cause issues with pregnancy💥💥
•Blue lotus- The dried flowers of the Blue Lotus plant are smoked or steeped in a tea in order to give the user a sense of peaceful relaxation. Blue Lotus is noted for its calming euphoria, aphrodisiac qualities, and sedation.
•Mullein- Mullein has a long history of use as a lung tonic. It can actually help you stop coughing when you're sick. Smoking Qualities: The smoke is extremely light and mild, almost like smoking air, and virtually flavorless.
•Blue skullcap- Skullcap has a mild calming effect when smoked.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a medium smoke, with a fairly neutral flavor.
•Red raspberry- Raspberry leaf contains a lot of medicinal compounds such as tannins,flavonoids, ellagic acid,vitamin A, C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Raspberry leaf is also useful to overcome various diseases such as diabetes, menstrual disorders, fertility disorders, diarrhea and others. Raspberry is often used as a herbal tea ingredients.
Benefits and effects
* An alternative for those who want to stop smoking
* Neutralize poison that had been caused by the nicotine content in tobacco
* Lowers blood sugar levels
* Reduce pain in childbirth
* Increases the fertility for men and women
* Tighten the skin
* Sedative and muscle relaxant
•Lions ear- The dried foliage of Leonotis - both Wild Dagga and Klip Dagga - can be used as a legal substitute for marijuana (ganja, cannabis, hemp).
* Smoking this dried herb gives an euphoric-like effect and exuberance.
* The flowers are the most potent part and can be smoked or used as a calming tea.
•Mint- Mints are used primarily to impart flavor to smoking blends. There are many varieties worth experimenting with, including spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, Close relatives of mint, including lemon balm (lemony flavor) and yerba buena (sweet menthol flavor), are often incorporated in smoking blends, as well.
•Spearmint- Smoking mint leaves improve blood circulation and relax nerves.
•White horehound- Women use white horehound for painful menstrual periods. unique herb native to the Mediterranean, white horehound is a very potent anti-inflammatory, specifically regarding respiratory inflammation.
•Peppermint- Peppermint leaves clears the lungs and respiratory passages and can make breathing easier.
•Angelica- Smoking the leaves of the Angelica plant is said to increase clairvoyance and visions.
•Coltsfoot- Coltsfoot is an expectorant, helping to free phlegm from the lungs.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a light smoke with a neutral flavor, but can cause harsh coughing if used in a high concentration in smoking blends.
•Bear berry-The smoking blend known as Kinnikinnick is said to increase gifts of vision and prophecy, purify ritual space, and carry prayers to the heavens. Combine equal parts Bearberry and Tobacco leaf. Smoke in a pipe, or burn as incense prior to magickal work.
•St. John’s wart- One of the most common medicinal herbs in the world, St John's Wort is best known as an all-around “feel good” plant. It's a mood stabilizer and enhancer that has been used for centuries to alleviate depression and melancholy. St John's Wort can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). When smoked, St John's Wort acts as a mood-elevating sedative, erasing signs of tension throughout the body.
•Wormwood- contrary to popular belief, you won't bear witness to any dancing green goblins after ingesting this unique herb. It's a light anesthetic, providing relief to pain and muscle/menstrual cramps. Smoking wormwood releases mild effects that help reduce pain, headaches, and even rheumatism.
How to Make Your Own Herbal Smoking Blend
* Smoking mixtures are largely a matter of personal tastes and preferences – experiment with different herb combinations to see what suits you best – but here are the basics to get you started.
    1. Harvest fresh, young leaves, ideally in the morning after the dew has evaporated.
    2. Dry the leaves slowly indoors – try hanging them in bundles from the ceiling or spreading them out on a window screen(Don’t dry them fast in an oven, as you want the leaves to retain a bit of moisture for a smoother smoke.)
    3. Once dry, crush the leaves by hand into an even consistency.
    4. Combine according to the guidelines below:
~General Guidelines~
    * Marijuana is the ideal “base” for smoking blends in my humble opinion. It should form about 50 percent of the mixture.
    * Then add several other herbs for the “body” of the blend. Mugwort and skullcap create a headier smoke, while uva-ursi gives it more of a tobacco-like quality. Add a bit of coltsfoot if you’re lungs are irritated from frequent tobacco use. Combined, these herbs should constitute about 40 percent of the blend.
    * Use flavoring herbs, like mints and sages, for the final 10 percent of the blend.
    * If the blend is too harsh when you smoke it, trying spritzing the dried herbs with a spray bottle to reintroduce moisture.
    * Store smoking blends in glass jars or resealable plastic pouches.
✨Please research each herb before you smoke it, because there are side effects to each of them especially if you're on other medications.✨
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messengerhermes · 2 years
A BigAss, Nongendered Period Pain Management Post
Hey, uh, if you're someone who gets periods, and have found either post COVID or post-vaccination that your uterus is raging like it never raged before, I wanted to offer some tips for shit that's helped me, as someone whose uterus has attempted to secede from my body's union for twenty goddamn years now. I recognize we are two years into the pandemic, so this post comes a bit late, but with Omicron sweeping through and vaccinations still rolling out. Anyway, in no particular order, here are some tips if you find yourself attacked by monster cramps, soaking through towels, achey all over, and unable to fucking eat:
if you're getting those sudden "ow goddamn, did I swallow a knife" wave of cramps that last several minutes, try dropping to a crouch and sitting with your head between your knees while breathing as deeply as you can. I've found this helps with the nausea and dizziness these cramps bring.
Belly breathing can help make cramps pass a little faster if they're the kind that come in waves. Check if you're belly breathing by placing one hand on your chest and the other on your tummy, when you inhale, you want your belly to rise and your chest to stay still.
If you use menstrual cups and find you keep springing leaks, cramps may be causing you to clench hard enough to break your seal. Adding a liner to your underwear, using that middle school trick of keeping a sweatshirt handy if you do spring a leak and get your clothes bloody, dumping out your cup more often, or sizing up your menstrual cup if you have the financial ability to can all help reduce leaks.
If you're springing leaks at night when you weren't before, consider combining menstrual products (ie wear a menstrual cup and a pad, or a tampon and a pad) and sizing up whatever you're using (if you don't normally use a maxi size pad, go up a level, same thing with your tampon, use a larger menstrual cup). If you have a dark sheet set, stick to that set, and if you don't have a waterproof mattress pad on your mattress, consider layering a towel or an old, thick blanket between your mattress and fitted sheet as extra security against leaks.
If you can't get comfortable lying down, try rolling up a towel/sweatshirt or taking a small pillow and putting it under your lower back/hips to keep them a little raised, it can help with pressure.
Staggering doses of different pain meds can help keep you covered without risking long-term harm from taking too many (as someone who used to take like 6-7 advil at a time to be able to walk around at all...I don't recommend that). In other words, if you're taking an NSAID like Aleve and it says "Take one pill every 6 hours" but the pain starts rising again by hour 4, at hour 4, take a dose of Ibuprofen to get you through that gap, and repeat as necessary. I'll be honest, pain meds don't erase the headaches/cramps I get, they just allow me to move without groaning like a centuries-old iron gate.
If weed/cannabis/what have you is something you're comfortable with and have access to, might I suggest: get fucking stoned. Your choice on if you want to be off the planet or a few feet off the ground, but it can help with cramps, body pains, and nausea.
If you're having sharp, localized pains in your bits (including your butthole because butthole cramps come straight from hell), consider a topical CBD oil or weed lube that's safe for mucus membranes to help keep those muscles from cramping.
If you're comfortable touching your junk massage can help with cramps that are localized to that area. (so can jerking off, or sex that involves slow, deliberate fingering that's working in a lot of firm circular motions if you're into these activities and not off-put by menstrual blood). You can use slow circular motions either inside yourself, or pressing in that hollow/soft spot way up your inner thigh where your leg meets your crotch to work out tension.
Heat is your friend. Hot water bottles, heating pads, those disposable hand and body warmers you find in winter, a sock filled up with dried beans/rice and microwaved, a particularly cuddly small pet, another human with warm hands and a willingness to snuggle, all of these are options to consider. I like to sandwich myself with one heat source at my lower back, and the other on my lower belly.
A warm bath with Epsom salts can help with muscle aches and tension that works into your body from cramps.
I know stretching is the last thing you want to do with cramps, but stretching can help. Specifically exercises that open up your hips and stretch out your lower back. One of the simplest ones I've found to help is the dead bug pose where you lie on your back with your feet up in the air and knees bent and hold on to your toes/the arches of your feet. Another hip opener that works for me is one where I get on the floor on my elbows and knees and slide my knees out away from my body as far as I can comfortably go, attempting essentially to push my hips to the floor.
If the world has kept this knowledge from you, hydrogen peroxide gets blood of of fabric like magic. Try to get to the stain as soon as you can. Pour hydrogen peroxide on the fabric and massage it in (you may need to do this a few times), then rinse with cold water. It will dramatically reduce the intensity of the stain.
Eat smaller, more frequent meals if you find yourself really nauseous, and consider eating vegetarian meals if you're like me and meat and eggs make you queasy on your period. Try to get in dark leafy greens and legumes to get more iron into your body, coconut water and bananas can help with cramps because of their potassium and magnesium levels.
Try to keep foods handy that don't require a lot of prep or heating in case you're feeling like hot trash and don't have anyone around to make something for you. I have had periods where I have schlumped around my home with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon, chocolate chips, and a bag of arugula and baby spinach so I could graze
If solid food is fucking hard, try protein shakes/whey powder mixed into water or your milk of choice. This can make sure you're getting something of substance into your system. If you're up for using a blender, toss some frozen/fresh fruit and yogurt in there, some spinach even, bam, smoothie time, meal complete.
Buy a cheap TENs unit for muscle cramps. Please don't buy the $100 Especially for period ones, I promise you the $30 one is the same thing.
If your period is shifting or you want to track symptoms you haven't had before to see how long they last, try a website or a tracker app. I use MonthlyInfo.com, it's ancient, simple and offers a spot for me to write notes on any date about how I'm feeling. It also has a little line graph that tracks my average cycle length.
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Roll Some Mo'
Summary: Bucky Barnes x Black! Fem! Reader, When you and Sam learn of Bucky's night terrors, you two come up with a solution to his problem. What you two don't know, however, is that will create more problems than initially meant.
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Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, and your beautiful self! <3
A/N: mentions and use of marijuana, slight swearing, this is my first fanfic, let me know your thoughts! :D
It was a little known fact that you smoked weed. The earthy, floral scent when it was fresh out the bag? You loved it. Tricks such as the Ghost and French Inhale? Mastered with ease. Not to mention all the afternoons spent bonding with Sam over funny stories about each other's lives. That's wasn't the main reason why you smoked it, though.
You had really bad menstrual cramps. You'd always had painful cramps, but as you got older, they seemed to get worse. So bad, you got sick and had to miss out on some missions, and there was no time for that. So when your best friend Sam took you to a doctor to get a weed card and to a dispensary one day, you had finally found a solution that worked. Though you used medical marijuana with CBD in it, you'd occassionally buy goodies with THC in it, so y'all got high and did all the fun stuff.
It was just you, Sam, and some cannabis against the world.
That's when Bucky crash landed into your lives. He was a bit rough around the edges and closed off to most, but once you sat down with him and got to know him, he revealed himself to be shy and sweet. He was so adorable!
You two had hit it off right away! He was such a sweetheart, and you just adored his innocence and sense of humor.
Then, he told you about his anxiety, and how Hydra had abused him. He told you about the night terrors he'd have, and how he'd never get a good night's rest.
That's when you got the idea to add him to your, as Sam called it, "Avengers Weed Fanclub," circle. You figured this would give him a chance to open up to you and Sam, and hopefully, sleep better at night. You wanted to let him know you truly were there for him.
So that night, after getting him a card and buying various products at your favorite dispensary, you sat him and Sam down on your bedroom floor, and taught him all you knew about cannabis, from how to roll a joint to how much of an edible to eat at a time.
"So, do you want to try some tonight before you go to sleep?" you asked Bucky, hoping he'd be open to this.
"Hell yeah," he exclaimed, making all three of us laugh at his enthusiasm. "Can I try the THC stuff, though? Just to know how it feels."
"My man," Sam said, giving Bucky a high five. "(Y/N), can you open some RAWs real quick while I grind these for Buck?"
"Of course," you say, as Bucky looks between you two, watching Sam open a bag of flowers and load the grinder with them, then to you folding your papers, then back to Sam twisting the cap back and forth, and finally, to him handing you the grinded buds to pack into the paper. He was totally lost.
He watched intently as you used your fingertips to pack the paper. You were tedious with your work, just to make sure every joint you made hit just right.
"Bruh, hurry up, it doesn't take that long to roll a joint." Sam said, obviously joking, but wanting to start smoking.
"Don't rush me, I'm not about to have an ugly lookin' joint that doesn't hit. My joint always look cute and always hit." You responded, earning an eyeroll from Sam and a chuckle from Bucky.
Finally, you added a filter and began to twist the paper closed in between your fingers. When you concentrated really hard, your eyebrows furrowed, your nostrils flared a little, and your lips did the cutest little pout. Bucky was intrigued by this, and he didn't know why, but he was just so drawn to your lips. Maybe it was the way your lip gloss made your lips pop.
But you were just friends. It was just a little crush, and he enjoyed being you friend. He didn't wanna ruin that.
It was after you pulled the final piece of paper closed and exclaimed "Alright, looks good," with that genuine smile that he loved that he snapped out of these thoughts and reached for the joint , careful not to ruin your "masterpiece".
"Have you ever smoked a cigarette before?" Sam asked him, wondering if he had to teach another person how inhale without them coughing a lung up.
"Yeah, I used to all the time," he said, putting the joint between his lips. "Mind giving me a light?"
You put a towel under the door, flicked the lighter with your thumb, and brought the flame up to his joint. You looked up and locked eyes with him, both of you holding each other's gaze. You weren't gonna lie, he was handsome. It was just so easy to love him.
You were just friends, though, and you didn't want to ruin that. You enjoyed his company, and you didn't want to scare him off with your feelings.
He inhaled deep, held the smoke in his mouth, and exhaled forcefully, coughing a little as he did so. All you and Sam could was give each other a look and chuckle to yourselves.
After a couple more hits, all he could muster up was, "Delicious," in a low, husky voice with a smirk on his face. You and Sam bust out laughing, because you knew it was already starting to kick in.
After a couple of hours of smoking more joints, talking about Steve's hilarious past behind his back, playing UNO, and having a genuinely good time, Bucky said "I'm tired,", followed by him yawning.
"Yeah, it is pretty late," said Sam, yawning as well. "We should probably go to sleep."
You got high, but you never really had the symptoms of it. The red eyes, poor muscle coordination, none of it. You just became goofy as hell. You did get the munchies sometimes, though.
These two, however, looked burnt as hell. Both of them were slumped up against your bed, with red and droopy eyes. They were fighting sleep and were currently sharing their third bag of chips.
"Alright, well, 'night guys," you said to both of them, getting up to light a Nag Champa. You loved how fresh weed smelled, but after it was burnt, totally different story. So you used the incense to rid your room of the smell.
"'Night," they said in unison, both tripping over each other a couple of times before actually making it out your room, leaving you rolling around on the floor laughing.
Finally, you gathered the strength to get back up. After a couple of minutes of watching T.V., you blew out your incense, changed into a t-shirt, and climbed into bed, letting sleep consume you.
---------------------4 hours later-------------------
Your eyes blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust to the darkness of your room. Usually, when you woke up in the middle of the night, you had a certain gut feeling, and it was never good. Something just told you to check on Bucky. Just to make sure he was okay and still asleep.
So, you got up, put on a robe and some slippers, and walked to Bucky's room.
"Bucky," you whispered into the dark room, earning no response. "Bucky, you okay?"
You pushed the door open a crack, just to look in to see if he was asleep, but you saw nothing.
"Bucky?" you called out, walking into his room, turning on his lamp, and looking around, only to find nothing.
"Damn it," you whispered to yourself. Now you had a man who had never been high before running around the Avengers Facility.
"Bucky," you called out softly. You were starting to worry where Bucky was. He was supposed to be asleep, not be wandering around the facility. What if he left the facility? What if he hurt himself? "Bucky," you called out a little louder. "Bucky, where are you?"
"Dude, shut up. I'm trying to sleep," Sam said groggily, rubbing his eyes as he left his room to see what you were up for. "What are you going on about, anyway?"
"Bucky's missing."
"Shhhhh, I don't want to wake anyone else."
"Oh, so you can wake me up at 3 a.m., but everyone else is supposed to be able to sleep?"
"Can you help me find him?"
"No, I'm goin' back to sleep."
"Sam, I'm begging you," you said, tears starting to prick your eyes from the worry taking over you. "Please."
He took a long look at you, rolled his eyes, released a dramatic sigh, and muttered a "Fine." This earned him a tight hug and multiple rushed "thank you's" from you.
"Yeah, yeah whatever," he said, patting you on the back. "Okay, you can stop now. If we don't find him, I'm takin' my black ass back to bed."
You guys looked everywhere. Well, maybe not everywhere. The facility was big as hell, and there was no way in hell you were going to search the whole base. You did, however, look everywhere you two thought he would be.
You searched the gym, the firing range, the lounge, etc. It wasn't until you went into the kitchen that found quite an interesting sight.
Did you find Bucky? Yes. How you'd found him? Well, let's just say when you two found him, surprised was an understatement.
Bucky was sitting on top of the refrigerator, eyes bloodshot, with the most blank expression, eating Sam's box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. He was so fried!
" Oh, hey guys," Bucky slurred out. "How you doin'?"
"Bucky, how the hell did you get on top of the refrigerator?" Sam asked, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.
"It's kinda complicated."
"Dude, chill. I'll buy you more in the morning."
"Sam, can you just help me get him down?" you somewhat whined back at Sam. You just wanted to get Bucky back to sleep so that you could do the same.
"Please come down, Bucky" you said, reaching your hands out for him like an infant wanting to be picked up.
"NO!" he shouted, frowning like a toddler and folding his arms over his chest in pure childishness.
It took awhile for you to get him down. With Sam arguing with Bucky on whether he should take his weed, and Bucky just being plain stubborn at this point, you didn't make any progress for awhile. You decided to insert yourself, telling Sam you'd take care of it and to just go back to sleep.
"Don't have to tell me twice. Good luck," with that, Sam was gone, allowing you to focus on getting Bucky down.
"Bucky, it's 3 a.m., how and why are you on top of the refridgerator?"
"I woke up in the middle of the night hungry, so I came down here and Sam's cereal was the one thing in sight, so I used the counter as a stepping stool to get to the top of the fridge, and since then, I've just been chillin' up here."
"Okay, can you please just come down, now?"
"Well, since you asked so nicely," he said with a smirk. "Yes, yes I will."
Bucky proceeds to somehow hop off the fridge, onto the counter, and finally, onto the ground before almost tripping. If you hadn't been there to catch him, he would've fallen on his face.
"Thank you," he mumbled into your shoulder.
"No problem. Now, let's get you back to bed."
Once you finally got back to the sleeping quarters, you bring Bucky back to his room, make sure he's situated, and then leave to return to your to room. You then notice as your walking down the hallway, you hear footsteps that don't quite match your own.
"Bucky, you have to STAY in bed to go back to sleep," you said not even turning around. You didn't even have to turn around to know it was him. He was the only still up aside from yourself, not to mention he was the only one still high.
"But I'm not tired."
"But I am, so you have to go to sleep."
"But I'm lonesome."
"When you're asleep, you won't have to worry about that."
"But I-"
"No more 'buts', just go to sleep."
"Can I just hang out in you room? Just until I get sleepy."
"Yeah, fine, whatever, just don't try to stay up all night, because I want to go to sleep."
"Yea! Thank you," he exclaimed, hugging you from behind and shaking his hair in your face.
"Shhhhh, you ain't about to be hollerin' all night, especially in my room."
"Okay, sorry"
You walked him by the arm back to your room, hoping he'd fall asleep as soon as you got him in.
"Okay Bucky, just, you know, fall asleep," you said, easing him onto the foot of the bed.
"Okay," he responded in a small, sheepish voice.
You leave to go use the bathroom one more time and get comfortable before you go back to bed, come back, and find him going through your edibles.
"Bucky, no!"
"Why do you have food on a shelf?"
"Those are edibles, and to hide them from nosey-roseys like you!"
"You should share these, man. They're delicious."
You paused for a good minute, inhaled deeply, approached Bucky, and said "Bucky, did you eat any of those?"
"Just a little piece, about a pinch." He said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Okay, just go lay down while I clean this up," you said, slightly agitated.
As you're cleaning, you hear Bucky whisper a husky "Damn, doll" under his breath. You forgot you had taken off your robe, leaving you in nothing but your panties and a t-shirt.
"Bucky, you're supposed to be sleeping, or at least trying to, not watching me."
"But you're so beautiful, especially without all that clunky junk you wear on missions."
"You think so," you say, laying on your stomach next to where he was sitting.
"I know so," he says, looking you in the eyes with his blood-shot, blue eyes.
"Nah, I think you're just high," you say laughing his "compliment" off.
"No, I mean it, really. You're a very beautiful woman," he says leaning back, laying his head on your butt.
"You just like looking at my booty!"
"Maybe I do. It is quite nice. It's like a pillow," he said chuckling under his breath.
"Are you gonna fall asleep like this?"
"Only if you'll let me," he says, looking up at you with his chin still on your butt.
"Bucky....get under the covers, you silly goose."
"Okay," he said as you both giggled at his actions.
You and Bucky got under the covers together and watched "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" reruns all night, or morning, long until you felt something laying on your bosom and you heard light snoring. You looked down to see Bucky had fallen asleep, and you were happy to see him finally sleeping, peacefully at that.
With that, you turned off the T.V., cradled Bucky's head to your chest, kissed his forehead, and whispered, "Goodnight, Bucky," to him, only earning a low rumble in return. Though Bucky may not remember it, this was one of the best nights of your life.
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eclectic-one · 3 years
•Chamomile- When infused as a tea, the gold liquid relieves anxiety and is sedative. By smoking chamomile, you will earn the same benefits as of drinking chamomile tea.
By smoking chamomile you inhale the molecules it contains and in that way you consume the healthy properties of the herb. (Same as happens with cannabis)
•Lavender- When smoking lavender, you'll receive a relaxing feeling that can also be described as euphoric. However, you will never feel high when smoking lavender.which is why most mix it with cannabis .
•Mugwart- Many ancient cultures smoked mugwort to promote vivid dreams. It also produces a very mild psychotropic effect while you’re awake.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a light smoke with a pleasant, slightly sweet flavor.
💥💥 note that mugwart can cause issues with pregnancy💥💥
•Blue lotus- The dried flowers of the Blue Lotus plant are smoked or steeped in a tea in order to give the user a sense of peaceful relaxation. Blue Lotus is noted for its calming euphoria, aphrodisiac qualities, and sedation.
•Mullein- Mullein has a long history of use as a lung tonic. It can actually help you stop coughing when you're sick. Smoking Qualities: The smoke is extremely light and mild, almost like smoking air, and virtually flavorless.
•Blue skullcap- Skullcap has a mild calming effect when smoked.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a medium smoke, with a fairly neutral flavor.
•Red raspberry- Raspberry leaf contains a lot of medicinal compounds such as tannins,flavonoids, ellagic acid,vitamin A, C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Raspberry leaf is also useful to overcome various diseases such as diabetes, menstrual disorders, fertility disorders, diarrhea and others. Raspberry is often used as a herbal tea ingredients.
Benefits and effects
* An alternative for those who want to stop smoking
* Neutralize poison that had been caused by the nicotine content in tobacco
* Lowers blood sugar levels
* Reduce pain in childbirth
* Increases the fertility for men and women
* Tighten the skin
* Sedative and muscle relaxant
•Lions ear- The dried foliage of Leonotis - both Wild Dagga and Klip Dagga - can be used as a legal substitute for marijuana (ganja, cannabis, hemp).
* Smoking this dried herb gives an euphoric-like effect and exuberance.
* The flowers are the most potent part and can be smoked or used as a calming tea.
•Mint- Mints are used primarily to impart flavor to smoking blends. There are many varieties worth experimenting with, including spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, Close relatives of mint, including lemon balm (lemony flavor) and yerba buena (sweet menthol flavor), are often incorporated in smoking blends, as well.
•Spearmint- Smoking mint leaves improve blood circulation and relax nerves.
•White horehound- Women use white horehound for painful menstrual periods. unique herb native to the Mediterranean, white horehound is a very potent anti-inflammatory, specifically regarding respiratory inflammation.
•Peppermint- Peppermint leaves clears the lungs and respiratory passages and can make breathing easier.
•Angelica- Smoking the leaves of the Angelica plant is said to increase clairvoyance and visions.
•Coltsfoot- Coltsfoot is an expectorant, helping to free phlegm from the lungs.
Smoking Qualities: This herb is a light smoke with a neutral flavor, but can cause harsh coughing if used in a high concentration in smoking blends.
•Bear berry-The smoking blend known as Kinnikinnick is said to increase gifts of vision and prophecy, purify ritual space, and carry prayers to the heavens. Combine equal parts Bearberry and Tobacco leaf. Smoke in a pipe, or burn as incense prior to magickal work.
•St. John’s wart- One of the most common medicinal herbs in the world, St John's Wort is best known as an all-around “feel good” plant. It's a mood stabilizer and enhancer that has been used for centuries to alleviate depression and melancholy. St John's Wort can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). When smoked, St John's Wort acts as a mood-elevating sedative, erasing signs of tension throughout the body.
•Wormwood- contrary to popular belief, you won't bear witness to any dancing green goblins after ingesting this unique herb. It's a light anesthetic, providing relief to pain and muscle/menstrual cramps. Smoking wormwood releases mild effects that help reduce pain, headaches, and even rheumatism.
How to Make Your Own Herbal Smoking Blend
* Smoking mixtures are largely a matter of personal tastes and preferences – experiment with different herb combinations to see what suits you best – but here are the basics to get you started.
1. Harvest fresh, young leaves, ideally in the morning after the dew has evaporated.
2. Dry the leaves slowly indoors – try hanging them in bundles from the ceiling or spreading them out on a window screen(Don’t dry them fast in an oven, as you want the leaves to retain a bit of moisture for a smoother smoke.)
3. Once dry, crush the leaves by hand into an even consistency.
4. Combine according to the guidelines below:
~General Guidelines~
* Marijuana is the ideal “base” for smoking blends in my humble opinion. It should form about 50 percent of the mixture.
* Then add several other herbs for the “body” of the blend. Mugwort and skullcap create a headier smoke, while uva-ursi gives it more of a tobacco-like quality. Add a bit of coltsfoot if you’re lungs are irritated from frequent tobacco use. Combined, these herbs should constitute about 40 percent of the blend.
* Use flavoring herbs, like mints and sages, for the final 10 percent of the blend.
* If the blend is too harsh when you smoke it, trying spritzing the dried herbs with a spray bottle to reintroduce moisture.
* Store smoking blends in glass jars or resealable plastic pouches.
✨Please research each herb before you smoke it, because there are side effects to each of them especially if you're on other medications.✨
Source: A post on fb manifestating magic ✨ virtual book of shadows.
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My Recent Weed dispensary Near Me
In my travels to promote the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, I have become aware that many people do not understand the benefit of a weed dispensary near me. They maintain that they don't want the associating stigma or the difficulty of purchasing pot at a "clinics". Let me assure you, those are very real concerns and should be considered.
When you consider that over 40% of Americans now use some form of cannabis, a weed dispensary near you is a necessary facility. In Denver, for example, there are hundreds of such facilities, some located within walking distance to your home and others right off the interstate. Why are more Americans coming out of the woodwork to patronize these marijuana dispensaries? The answer is simple: freedom.
Many women who are seeking relief from the discomfort that is associated with the discomfort of menstrual cramps will prefer to purchase their medication through a vaporizer or a topical application rather than walking into a clinic and receiving a prescription. Some will prefer oral medicine. In our free society, it seems to make sense to patronize the products that are offered closest to home rather than drive to a pharmacist and make a trip that can involve carrying large amounts of cash. This is why many marijuana dispensaries near me provide a wide range of products for those seeking to purchase discreetly and without the embarrassment associated with seeking medical advice in an unfamiliar area.
I recently visited a particular marijuana dispensary near me, which offers not only a plethora of different edible and topical products but also a wealth of products that help to relieve the pain associated with a host of medical conditions. I was greeted by two individuals, one of them in wheelchair, who were using an anti-spasmodic before using their new medicated edibles. Their enthusiasm for their new product and the carefree manner in which they used it is inspiring to me as I consider the impact that products like these can have on others suffering needlessly from various conditions. Their story serves as an inspiration to me as I ponder the potential benefits of using a cannabis suppository or orally in the same way.
The next stop for me would be at another local shop, this time one that specializes in pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. I entered and was immediately impressed by the sheer amount of medical equipment and pharmaceutical supplies available. There was even a section dedicated to the sale of topical and edible products including many types of gummies and suppositories. Most of the items for sale were of the "buy now" variety which gave customers plenty of time to decide if they wanted the products or not before purchasing. Several people bought edibles right there and then while others took advantage of the opportunity to try some of the other various products. The quality of the marijuana products at this particular store was top notch as well, especially in comparison to many online shops that require you to purchase via credit card, a process that can take days or even weeks to process.
A final stop would be the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. This school is dedicated to educating students on all facets of health and medicine as well as related topics. During my time there, I witnessed first hand the importance of weed edibles and the way that they can help patients who are suffering from various conditions like Autism, Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis to name a few. Even during my time there, I saw how important medical marijuana is to the medical community there and these clinics have continued to care for patients who need their services.
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practicalmxgick · 4 years
Man's forgotten pharmacy 🌻🌼
(Below are many herbs and natural products, be mindful majority have side affects and you or others may be allergic to them, always check this before using a specific natural remedy!)
Immune System:
Vitamin C - Immune boosting, detox.
Vitamin B12 - Immune System building, Cognition, Brain health.
Vitamin B Complex - Immune System building, Cognition, Brain health.
Full Spectrum Minerals - Immune System Health
Elderberry Syrup - Immune System Booster
Echinacea - Immune System booster.
Goldenseal - Immune System booster.
Garlic - Immune System booster.
Ginger - Immune System booster, digestive aide.
Beta Glucan - Immune System booster.
Oil of Oregano - Immune System booster.
Ashwaganda, immune tonic safe for everyday use. Good for stress relief.
Chinese Goldenthread - Purify blood, detox, & immune system repair
Turkey tail mushrooms - The natural anti-viral and anti-fungal qualities of this mushroom support the body in fighting off viruses infections. This includes a range of health problems, from the common cold and pneumonia to E. coli, Herpes, and HIV. They also are said to have anti-cancer properties.
Turmeric - Anti-inflammatory, digestive.
Molecularly distilled fish oil/Krill oil/Cod Liver Oil - Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, brain, mood/depression, and heart health.
Wobenzym - Anti-inflammatory, joint health, environmental toxins, blood clots, and heart health.
Zinc - Anti-inflammatory, immune system booster, free radical fighter, hormonal imbalance, and cancer help.
CBD Oil - Anti-inflammatory, cell regeneration, cancer help.
Cannabis with THC, Indica & Sativa - Anti-inflammatory, cell regeneration, systemic restoration.
Resveratrol - Protects cells from free radical damage, Inhibits spread of cancer, especially prostate cancer, Lowers blood pressure, Keeps heart healthy and improves elasticity in blood vessels, Normalizes anti-inflammatory response, Helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Stress relief:
Passionflower - It's a sedative; the German government has approved it for nervous restlessness. Some studies find that it can reduce symptoms of anxiety as effectively as prescription drugs. It's often used for insomnia.
Hair, Skin, & Nails:
Silica - Hair, skin, nails.
Biotin - Hair, skin, nails.
Magnesium Oil - Skin.
Emu Oil - Skin, sunburn.
Lavender Oil - Scars, stress, skin irritation.
Coconut Oil - Skin, hair, digestion, and immunity.
Tea Tree Oil - Skin blemishes
MSM - Skin
Glucosamine Chondroitin - Joints health.
MSM - Anti-inflammatory, connective tissues, scar tissue, Skin, muscles, and newly discovered help for getting over the flu faster.
L-Glutamine - Amino Acid that improves protein metabolization.
Calcium - Bone strength and development.
L-Theanine - Relaxation, and healthy vascular function.
Boron - Bone density.
Feverfew - Prevention of migraines & headaches, arthritis, reduce fevers, muscle tension and pain, helps lower blood pressure, lessen stomach irritation, stimulate the appetite and to improve digestion and kidney function. It has been indicated for colitis, dizziness, tinnitus and menstrual problems.
Kratom - lower blood pressure, relieve pain, boost metabolism, increase sexual energy, improve the immune system, prevent diabetes, ease anxiety, help with addiction, eliminate stress, and induce healthy sleep.
Ceylon cinnamon - Lowers blood sugar levels, reduces heart disease risk factors, high source of antioxidants, contains anti-inflammatory properties, protects heart health, fights diabetes, helps defend against cognitive decline & protects brain function, may help lower cancer risk, fights infections & viruses, protects dental health & freshens breath naturally.
Potassium -Relief from stroke, blood pressure, heart and kidney disorders, anxiety and stress, as well as enhanced muscle strength, metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and nervous system.
Chamomile - Muscle pain and soreness.
Tart Cherries - muscle relaxer, anti-inflammatory, & anti-oxidant.
Peppermint - Muscles relaxer, backaches, leg pain, & tension headaches.
Cayenne Pepper - Reduce muscle pain, stiffness, & inflammation.
Epsom Salt - Relaxes the nervous system, removes toxins, & helps with pain and inflammation.
Valerian - Muscle spasms
Arnica - Anti-inflammatory & improves blood circulation.
Lavender - Reduces pain, swelling & inflammation.
Passion Flower - Muscle spasms & joint soreness.
Raspberry Leaf Tea - Muscle pain & cramps
Magnesium oil - Topical for muscle pain & cramps.
Organ/Body Function:
Milk Thistle - Liver function in humans and dogs (great for hangovers)
Chromium Picolinate - Insulin, uptake of glucose into cells.
Dandelion - Kidney Health.
Cayenne - blood pressure, metabolism boost, lowers cholesterol.
Bilberry - Diarrhea, eye problems, varicose veins, poor circulation and even cancer .
Apple Vinegar Cider - Diabetes, cancer, heart health, high cholesterol, and weight loss.
Resveratrol - Protects cells from free radical damage, Inhibits spread of cancer, especially prostate cancer, Lowers blood pressure, Keeps heart healthy and improves elasticity in blood vessels, Normalizes anti-inflammatory response, Helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Digestive enzymes - Digestive health and also inflammation.
DGL - Licorice Root Extract that aids digestion and treats stomach complaints, including heartburn and indigestion.
Probiotics - Gut health, Immune system booster.
Marshmallow root tea - Acid reflux and heartburn.
Slippery Elm – against diarrhea, also as an intestinal and rectal coating to eliminate viral and bacterial infestions.
Quercetin - Natural Antihistamine (seasonal allergies an allergic reactions)
Nettle, Stinging Leaf (tea) - Allergies.
Vitamin C - Detox, and Immune system booster and repair
DMG (N-Dimethylglycine) - improves oxygen utilization, detoxification, cell protection, immune system modulation, and physical performance.
Glutathione - Super Antioxident, stress, and injuries.
King Chlorella - Cleaning out environmental toxins/heavy metals.
Iodine (liquid kelp) - Protection against radiation.
Beet Root - Body detox.
CoQ10 - Antioxidant, heart health, anti-aging.
Green Tea - Antioxidant.
Activated Charcoal - Detox.
Bentonite Clay - Heavy Metal Detox.
Diatomaceous Earth - Heavy Metal Detox.
Cilantro - Heavy Metal Detox.
Organic Citrus peels - Heavy Metal Detox.
Spirulina - Heavy Metal Detox.
Garlic - Heavy Metal Detox.
Oil of oregano - Purify blood, detox, & immune system repair.
Echinacea - Purify blood, detox, & immune system repair.
Goldenseal - Purify blood, detox, & immune system repair.
Chinese Goldenthread - Purify blood, detox, & immune system repair.
Milk Thistle - Liver Detox
Vitamin D - Mental health, Immune Boosting, scar healing, Bones.
Lithium Orotate - Mood Stabilizer.
Vitamin B-6 - Neurological Health.
Magnesium - Migraines.
Glutathione - Migraines.
Molecularly distilled fish oil - Depression
St. John Wort - Depression
B2 - Migraines.
Pantothenic Acid - (Vitamin B-5) generation of energy from fat, carbohydrates and proteins.
Eleuthero root - Stimulant.
Ginseng- energy boost.
Melatonin - Sleep aid.
Valerian - Sleep aid.
Chamomile - Relaxation, sleep aid.
Tart Cherry Juice - Sleep, gout, and illness prevention.
Mugwort- Lucid dreaming/helps with getting rid of bad dreams or anxieties before bed
Lavender- Relaxation/sleep aid
Essential Oils:
Tea Tree: Good for fungus, acne blemishes, and skin fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Also serves as a numbing agent for toothaches and eliminates infection.
Lavender: Works on bruises, cuts, and skin irritation too. Good stress reliever too (Sleep/Depression).
Calendula: Used to reduce the appearance of acne scars. You can also put a drop in your bath water to soothe psoriasis.
Chamomile: Used as a tea or oil for relaxation.
Peppermint: “Peppermint purifies and stimulates the mind. It also can increase mental alertness,” Also good for indigestion.
Frankincense: Relaxation, heal bug bites, scars, depression, inflammation, immunity, and awareness.
Oregano: This oil has naturally antibacterial qualities, which help to fight colds and other sicknesses.
Lemon: “Lemon oil can be used not only to detox the body but it can also help with acne." Also good for increasing focus and concentration. As a bonus, it can help keep fleas away when used on your pets.
Grapefruit: It’s a natural antiseptic, good for fatigue, and you can add it to your homemade household cleansers to keep your home safe and clean.
Eucalyptus: It has many antibacterial properties and has been known to stimulate the immune system, helps with colds, allergies, and nasal congestion.
Lemongrass: Used as aromatherapy to relieve muscle pain, externally to kill bacteria, ward off insects, and reduce body aches, and internally to help your digestive system.
Thieves: Supports Healthy Immune System and great as deodorant.
Olive leaf extract: Natural antiviral and immune booster.
Food poisoning remedies:
Basil (Purple Basil or Holy Basil):
Basil leaf is a fantastic herb that is widely acclaimed for its refreshing flavor and for its innumerable medicinal properties. Basil leaves can cure a variety of health conditions ranging from ear infection to food poisoning.
The potent anti-bacterial properties of basil leaves can heal acute stomach infection caused by eating tainted foods and / or drinking contaminated water. Basil leaves also provide immediate relief from diarrhea and vomiting which are the main symptoms of food poisoning.
Grind a handful of fresh basil leaves in a mortar and pestle. To the freshly ground basil leaves, add a pinch of black salt, a pinch of black pepper and three to four tablespoons of plain yoghurt.
Mix the ingredients well. Have the basil leaves and yoghurt blend a couple of times a day (at least three to four times) to overcome food poisoning.
Purple basil tea is also an excellent option
Garlic is an indispensable flavoring agent in cooking. But for over five thousand years, this humble herb has been used as a potent ingredient, in numerous traditional medicines to heal a variety of illnesses. Medical research has revealed the fact that the diallyl sulphide present in garlic, is one hundred time more effective than conventional antibiotics when it comes to curing food poisoning. The antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal properties of garlic ,can annihilate the microbes which are responsible for causing food poisoning.
Grind one to two whole garlic cloves in a stone mortar and pestle. Dilute the garlic paste in a glass of warm water. Drink this concoction to get relief from the symptoms associated with food poisoning.
Cinnamon known as the ‘spice of life’ can effectively fight the bugs which causes food poisoning. Cinnamon contains numerous potent components which can kill several types of bacteria including E.Coli. To cure food poisoning, drink plenty of freshly brewed cinnamon tea. To prepare cinnamon tea, add one or two cinnamon quills (about 3 inches long) to one and a half cups of water. Allow the water to slow boil in a saucepan for twenty to twenty five minutes. When the water starts to boil remove the saucepan from the heat source. Allow the cinnamon sticks to steep in the water for five minutes. Strain the tea through a very fine sieve into a clean cup. Sip this tea slowly to get lasting relief from the symptoms associated with food poisoning.
Honey (Manuka Honey):
Honey is not only nature’s energy booster, but it is also a wonderful natural remedy for numerous ailments. Honey which is touted for its innumerable beneficial properties is also an effective home remedy for food poisoning. Honey, especially organic honey like ‘Manuka honey’ has potent antibacterial properties that can thwart the growth of bacterial strains which are responsible for food poisoning. Organic honey also helps to reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract, due to food poisoning.
Dilute one teaspoon of organic honey in a glass of luke warm water. Drink this sweet concoction two or three times a day to get relief from food poisoning.
This rhizome is famed for its anti-septic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Eating raw ginger will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Increasing the natural acidity levels of the stomach can thwart the growth of harmful bacterial including E.Coli. Furthermore, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can provide instant relief from the numerous symptoms which are generally associated with food poisoning.
To prepare this particular home remedy for food poisoning, mash half an inch piece of whole ginger (after removing its outer skin) using a stone mortar and pestle. Add half a teaspoon of organic honey to the ginger paste. Mix the ingredients well. Have this mix once or twice a day to cure mild to moderate food poisoning.
Lemon Juice:
The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and immunity boosting properties of Vitamin C rich lemon juice makes it one of the top natural remedies for food poisoning. Drinking pure lemon juice (not diluted lemon juice) can increase the natural acidity levels of the stomach. This in turn can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria like E.coli and Staphylococcus. Lemon juice can also help to relieve the pain associated with food poisoning by reducing the inflammation of the intestinal tract. Individuals who are suffering from the ill effects of food poisoning are advised to take one to two tablespoons of pure lemon juice four to five times a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is a traditional remedy for food poisoning. The numerous amino acids, vitamins and minerals which are present in organic apple cider vinegar can fight off innumerable ailments including food poisoning. Apple cider vinegar can kill off the bacteria which are responsible for food poisoning.
Additionally, drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water can also help to rehydrate the body. To cure food poisoning, drink two teaspoons of neat apple cider vinegar twice a day.
People who are suffering from food poisoning should eat soft, bland foods like bananas. Bananas contain high amounts of potassium. Eating potassium rich foods like bananas can help to reduce the negative effects of food poisoning. Furthermore, bananas can also help to restore flagging energy levels. You can prepare a low fat banana shake by blending one whole banana with a glass of low fat milk. Drink the energizing banana shake two times a day to recover quickly from food poisoning.
Cumin Seeds:
The unassuming looking cumin seeds are known to cure a variety of health conditions including food poisoning. The aromatic cumin seeds can help to improve digestion. Cumin seeds also help to reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract due to food poisoning. To get relief from the abdominal pain due to food poisoning, crush one teaspoon of whole cumin seeds. Add the cumin seeds to a cup of warm water. Drink this concoction once or even twice a day to get instantaneous relief from food poisoning.
Broad Spectrum Natural Antibiotics:
Garlic - Antibacterial, anti-fungal, and even antiviral qualities, promotes the growth of healthy intestinal microflora by acting as a prebiotic (food for probiotics), protects against radiation & sunlight damage, & fights worms and parasites.
Onion - Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps prevent Colon cancer and heart disease, antimicrobial properties that effectively battle numerous bacteria, including subtilis, salmonella, and E. coli.
Turmeric - Helps gastric damage caused by the infection, & ulcers.
Curry powder - Prevention of cancer, protection against heart disease, reduce Alzheimer’s disease symptoms, ease pain and inflammation, boost bone health, protect the immune system from bacterial infections, and increase the liver’s ability to remove toxins from the body.
Ginger - Antibiotic effect against food borne pathogens such as salmonella, listeria and campylobacter, & calms indigestion.
Cinnamon - High Source of Antioxidants. Contains Anti-inflammatory Properties. Protects Heart Health. Fights Diabetes. Helps Defend Against Cognitive Decline & Protects Brain Function. May Help Lower Cancer Risk. Fights Infections & Viruses. Protects Dental Health & Freshens Breath Naturally.
Cardamon - Combats nausea, acidity, bloating, gas, heartburn, loss of appetite, constipation, and helps the body eliminate waste through the kidneys.
Pau d’Arco tea - Strong anti-fungal properties, candida overgrowth.
Olive leaf extract - inhibits the growth of not only bacteria, but also viruses and fungi.
Colloidal silver - Not only kills bacteria, but it actually kills bacteria that are resistant to all known antibiotics with no undesirable side effects.
Cayenne pepper - Strep Throat, & Effective at resolving vulvovaginitis, a common infection in women.
Echinacea - Colds, flus, sore throats, upper respiratory ailments, urinary tract infections, vaginal yeast infections, genital herpes, bloodstream infections (septicemia), gum disease, tonsillitis, streptococcus infections, syphilis, typhoid, malaria, and diphtheria.
Goldenseal - Colds, flus, sore throats, and other upper respiratory ailments. Kills C-diff.
Oil of oregano - Anti-microbial - GI tract infections - Foot or nail fungus, Parasites and infections, and sinus infections.
Thyme - Treats bedwetting, diarrhea, stomach ache, arthritis, colic, sore throat, cough, including whooping cough, bronchitis, flatulence, and as a diuretic, to increase urination.
Basil - Antibacterial properties and contains DNA-protecting flavonoids, source of vitamin K and Vitamin A, contains beta-carotenes, powerful antioxidants that protect the cells lining a number of numerous body structures, including the blood vessels, from free radical damage, helps prevent cholesterol in blood from oxidizing, helping to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and stroke.
Lavender - Effective against different strains of bacteria and types of fungus, antimicrobial activity of lavender oil inhibits the growth of methicillin-sensitive and resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA and MRSA).
Grapefruit Seed Extract - Candida overgrowth, and topical antibiotic.
Resveratrol - External fungicide.
Honey - skin healing, & mucous membrane healing of the GI tract. Manuka Honey shown effective “…clinical trials have found that Manuka honey is effective against more than 250 strains of bacteria, including:
- MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
- MSSA (methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus)
- VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci)
- Helicobacter Pylori (which can cause stomach ulcers)
{not my post, but thought it was good to share.}
(Edited by @practicalmxgick but If you know who the original owner of this is please tag them!! Thanks!)
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aarogyacbd · 2 years
There is a story in Bhagwat Purana about the churning of the ocean of milk. Legend has it that the Gods wanted to create the nectar of immortality. To achieve their goal, they went to Lord Vishnu who instructed them to join hands with their bitter foes, the demons, for churning the ocean of milk called Mount Mandara.
 It is said that before the arrival of the Amrita (nectar of immortality), a drop of immortality nectar emerged from the ocean’s depth as a result of the churning (called Samudra Manthan) of the ocean of milk. To commemorate the occasion, Cannabis Plant was named ‘VIJAYA’ which means victory, signifying the arrival of the coming Amrita.
 In Ayurveda, VIJAYA is recognized as one of the most potent and precious herbs. It is also called as ‘King of the Herb’; ‘Herb of the Immortals’; and “God’s Herb”. Today, Vijaya Cannabis Plant is said to be found growing in big numbers in the Himalayas while its extracts called ‘VIJAYA EXTRACT’ is used by recognized Ayurvedic practitioners for healing medical disorders.
 It is also well-documented that VIJAYA EXTRACT has been successful in aiding proper digestion and genital health.
 Vijaya Extract is acknowledged for
·  Possessing terrific detoxifying and healing properties.
·   Harboring high pain-relieving properties. One such property, ‘Trailokya Vijaya      Vati’ is used for curing chronic and arthritic pains. It is also said to relieve              menstrual cramps, colic pain, sciatica pain, and muscular spasms.
·   Treating medical issues like Impotence, Epilepsy, TB, Glaucoma, etc, with            success. It is also said to treat reproductive health if used properly.
·    Enhancing libido issues and also treating issues like sexual dysfunctions.
·   Treating taste, sense, and digestive issues. In Sushruta Samhita, there is a           mention that VIJAYA EXTRACT is a potent medicine that can improve                 appetite,   aid digestion, and treat diarrhea.
·    Treating digestive and respiratory tracts as well as healing anxiety issues,             infections, and UTI-related issues.
·    Inducing sleep quickly. This it achieves by reducing anxiety level.
·    Preventing mucus production, and treating phlegm as well as nervous                 system issues like fever, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.
·     Restricting the growth of tumors’.
  VIJAYA EXTRACT can also be used as a general tonic, and for promoting a steady state of mind and body. Thanks to its many properties, it is also been increasingly used for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.
 Cannabis Plant was used in Indian folk medicine in aphrodisiacs and treatments for pain. It is said that right from the ancient times, the fumes of burning Indian Hemp called Cannabis Indica was used as anesthetic.
 Also, the value of VIJAYA CANNABIS Plant was recognized in ancient India by sages and yogis. They evaluated it in depth which led to the development of several findings. Today, medical practitioners as well as ayurvedic experts are known to be leveraging the results of the findings for dispersing medical solutions. Several medical studies have also proven that VIJAYA EXTRACT can treat many medical issues.
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mp3366728 · 3 years
Best Ways to Utilize CBD E-liquid
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CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the numerous substances present in cannabis known as cannabinoids. CBD, unlike its more well-known relative, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is not psychoactive. CBD has recently become quite popular for a variety of reasons:
1.) People love the taste and effect of CBD vape juice.
2.) Since it is non-psychoactive, it doesn't get you high.
3.) It's great for both recreational and medical use! Many people take CBD e-liquid for anxiety, pain relief, depression, nausea, insomnia, and more!
Best Ways to Utilize CBD E-liquid
1.) Vape
Because of vaping's fast-acting effects, inhaling CBD e-liquid is by far the most popular way to utilize vape juice. Fill your cartridge or tank with CBD oil and start vaping!
2.) Use as a Sublingual
CBD vape juice can be placed under your tongue - just put a few drops there - and then hold it for about 60 seconds before swallowing the liquid into your stomach. This is one of many ways to get CBD directly into your bloodstream, which is why this method works faster than vaping (usually taking only 10-15 minutes to start showing effect).
3.) Use in Recipes
CBD oil can be incorporated into many recipes. The oil works well with various flavors, making it easy to cook CBD into almost anything!
4.) Apply topically
CBD vape juice can also be applied directly to the skin as a topical lotion or cream, great for pain relief and reducing inflammation. CBD has been shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite and is great for soothing sore muscles.
5.) Use as a suppository
Yes, although it sounds crazy - CBD e-liquid can also be used as a suppository! This method works best for quick pain relief (such as menstrual cramps) or insomnia. On the other hand, this method of taking CBD is not as effective as other forms; for example, it takes 1-2 hours to start showing effects.
So there you have it: the best ways to utilize CBD e-liquid! Vaping is the most popular method for many people because it allows them to be discreet and doesn't leave a strong taste or odor behind. Remember that different methods of taking CBD will affect your body differently; make sure to speak with a doctor before trying cbd vape juice or any other new products.
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bellmaria · 3 years
Seven Interesting Things About CBD
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Here are seven interesting facts you may not have known about CBD.
Many people by now have heard of cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD. The world is warming up to cannabis in general, which means CBD is finally being appreciated for its medicinal uses. But there’s still much the general public doesn’t know about this compound. Here are a handful of interesting facts about CBD to help boost your knowledge.
1. People have used CBD for thousands of years.
Although it was officially “discovered” in the 1940s, humans have been using hemp and cannabis plants for centuries.
Hemp was grown as far back as 2,700 B.C. for manufacturing and medicinal purposes. Historians have also found evidence that cannabis was used in Romania around 5,000 years ago, according to a paper published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
More recently, Queen Victoria of England during the 1800s was known to have consumed cannabis high in CBD to help with menstrual cramps.
2. CBD is just one cannabinoid out of dozens found in cannabis plants.
A cannabinoid is a name given to the various compounds found in cannabis plants. There are over a hundred discovered so far. Other popular ones include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabinol (CBN), and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV).
3. Combining CBD with other cannabinoids enhances the effects.
When shopping for CBD products, you may come across the terms full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate on the label. So what do these mean?
A CBD product’s spectrum refers to the range of other cannabinoids found in it. Full-spectrum products contain a wide range of cannabinoids, including THC and sometimes even essential oils and terpenes. Broad-spectrum items usually include a handful of cannabinoids, but not THC. And isolates only contain CBD.
Full and broad-spectrum products cause the “Entourage effect,” which is a term used to describe the synergistic interactions between different cannabinoids. For instance, combining high CBD content with THC helps to modulate the psychoactive effects of the THC, reducing negative effects.
4. In the U.S., only hemp-derived CBD is legal.
There’s a significant difference between hemp and marijuana. Although they are both cannabis plants, they are referred to as hemp or marijuana, depending on the level of THC.
Hemp is cannabis with a THC content of 0.3% or less. Marijuana can have any amount of THC.
Since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, only hemp-derived CBD is legal to produce and sell in the U.S. However, this can vary by state, as individual states have full control over the legality of cannabis.
The dispensaries in Dillon CO have the best cannabis products and if you need any kind of knowledge you can talk with the budtenders present there.
5. The body is naturally attuned to CBD.
It may come as a surprise, but the body is already configured to accept cannabinoids. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a network of receptors built into the nervous system naturally.
Consuming cannabinoids such as CBD will cause them to bind to specific receptors in the ECS, which causes the interesting medicinal effects of these compounds.
CBD is one of the only cannabinoids that bind to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Researchers are still discovering how this particular binding produces such exceptional medicinal effects.
6. CBD can treat an extensive array of ailments.
Medicinally, CBD almost seems like a super drug. Studies show that it can help treat ailments ranging from anxiety to epilepsy.
There is a CBD strain called Charlotte’s Web named after a child named Charlotte who had severe epilepsy. As soon as she began taking this CBD strain, her episodes dropped from hundreds per month to just a few times per week.
Asthma, cancer, drug addiction, and brain injury are also targets for CBD research and treatment. Its anti-inflammatory properties are potent and easy to deliver.
7. CBD is incredibly safe.
Not only is it virtually impossible to overdose on CBD, but its side effects are minimal. Side effects can range from dry mouth to drowsiness or diarrhea.
On the other hand, most over-the-counter drugs that treat the same ailments as CBD can cause severe side effects, and in some cases, overdoses or death.
There’s more to learn about CBD.
Research into CBD is only in its infancy. The 2018 Farm Bill has opened up much more scrutiny into the compound, so there are bound to be more exciting discoveries in the future. For example, scientists are still trying to learn how CBD interacts with the body via the endocannabinoid system.
Share some of these interesting facts about CBD with friends and family who may not know much about it. Increased public knowledge of the compound will help fuel more studies and better products.
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hempstrolcbd · 3 years
The World of CBD: Everything You Need to Know Hemp Extract
Cannabidiol (CBD) is the new “it” product in the category of health and wellness. And for good reason. While it has been gaining in popularity, it’s not new at all. CBD, one of the 133 cannabinoids or chemical compounds found in the hemp plant, has been offering a myriad of benefits for ages. It’s most well known for being a pain reliever. However, it has been equally effective in improving insomnia and alleviating anxiety and depression.
As the benefits of CBD have recently come into focus, consumers don’t know what they are purchasing and where they can find the product that fully delivers the said benefits. They are often confused with the terms. There’s CBD Oil Store India, hemp extract and then, there’s hemp seed oil. So, what are they? Do they provide all the benefits of cannabidiol? If you’re looking for the best product for yourself, then here’s what you need to know:
What is Hemp Extract?
Hemp Extract refers to an extract derived from any part of the hemp (Cannabis Sativa) plant. Full-spectrum hemp extract contains all the components of the original plant, including stems, leaves, and flowers. On the other hand, broad-spectrum hemp extract leaves out the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, all of them contain CBD, which one of the cannabinoids found in the extract, and secondary cannabinoids like CBC, CBG, CBN, etc. Hemp extract is either ingested or used topically.
It’s usually derived using either Ethanol extraction or CO2 extraction. The latter retains all 113 cannabinoids as well as terpenes, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids. It’s also the safest and most environmentally friendly way.
What is the Difference between Hemp Extract and Hemp Seed Oil?
Hemp seed oil is a carrier oil is derived by cold-pressing the hemp seeds. It offers a multitude of skincare benefits, including moisturizing, calming, and soothing dry, irritated and patchy skin. It also prevents signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles and relieves menstrual cramps. It’s usually used on its own or blended with essential oils.
While the hemp seed oil comes from the seeds, and CBD OIL INDIA is derived from the flowers and leaves, hemp extract can come from any part of the cannabis Sativa plant. So, a full-spectrum hemp extract offers all the benefits of CBD, hemp seed oil, and more.
It relieves pain and reduces inflammation in joints and other parts of the body. A 2016 study showed hemp extract effectively reduced arthritis in rats with no possible side effects. While clinical tests and trials on humans are underway, users of CBD products have reported a significant reduction of chronic and acute pain. Other animal studies have shown hemp extract’s effectiveness in reducing type-II diabetes and heart disease.
In human studies, the CBD in hemp extract has helped participants manage their manage anxiety and depression. These two conditions are associated with a low level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter. Hemp extract and hemp extract oil mimic serotonin, improving mood, appetite, sleep, and overall mental health. In a 2018 study, where individuals, who received CBD 90 minutes before undergoing a simulated public speaking test showed significantly reduced levels of anxiety on the Visual Analogue Mood Scale.
It has been acknowledged as a potential cancer treatment. According to the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, hemp extract oil can slow or prevent the spread of some forms of cancer growth. It’s also proven, FDA approved treatment of seizures in rare forms of epilepsy. Pet CBD oil 1000mg
Hemp Extract in India
Hemp extract has a legal status in India. The extract, as well as CBD and hemp seed oil, are available online. However, while buying, it’s important to make sure the product has Certificates of Quality Assurance and third-party verification. Also, it should be in its pure and natural form. Any additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, and flavors can diminish the effectiveness of CBD products.
In India, Hempstrol, a leading, socially conscious hemp company offers 100% pure hemp extract in India. It’s non-GMO, third-party verified and extracted using green extraction methods. You can explore their products and learn more about hemp extract here.
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