#cannot wait to see how it goes south
time-slink · 8 months
really loving the hint of a start of HOA drama going on here courtesy of ren
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oniikabuto · 1 year
one bed!
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-- sfw --
characters: kyle broflovski, kenny mccormick, stan marsh, eric cartman
a/n: i did this for a different fandom like a year ago. i love the one bed trope i just had to write a new one for south park....,,, lmk if you want part 2
notes: fluff yayyy; gn reader; characters have a fat crush on you live laugh mutual pining;
guys requests are very much open rigjt now pleasseeeekksflkdfnkjs
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— ⛧ k. broflovski
sweetest guy. he doesn't want to take your bed, but you insist.
he also hangs his jacket on the door and keeps his hat neatly on your desk... which is kinda funny and cute that he tries so hard to be neat
freezes up and goes red when you slide into the bed next to him. poor boy is about to melt.
"dude why are you so sweaty are you okay"
"huh- what? yeah, yeah it's cool i'm fine it's..,,,,,,,"
wakes up with a puddle of drool and a wet cheek. he panics and wipes his face and looks over to see if you're awake. you pretend you aren't for kyle's sake. he's so cute.
his nose also does that stupid whistley thing it's so funny
a relatively still sleeper. he just kinda curls up and.. sleeps. sometimes he murmurs something in his sleep.
"cartman.. shut up..",
"what?", you murmur groggily.
"kyle??? are you awake??"
(no response)
genuinely cannot remember any of that when he wakes up.
— ⛧ k. mccormick
it's like 1am and you turn off the movie as the credits roll.
when you look over at kenny, he looks like a baby that had just woken up.
"dude, what time is it..", he murmurs.
"um.. late." you definitely did not mean to have him over for so long.
"do you wanna go home, or like.. stay with me?"
kenny perks up immediately when you offer to let him spend the night. huge, shit-eating grin spread across his face.
"dumbass", you laugh. but you kinda wanted him over, too.
he sits in your room and pokes at all of your plushies while he waits for you to go get a change of clothes for him. ("no way you're sleeping in that eyesore of a parka!")
almost faints when you change your shirt in front of him
youre the only person that can fluster him like that.
sleeps curled up like a little car
makes funny noises
like when a dog is sleeping
you'll wake up with his face in your chest and he'll swear it was an accident. it was not
— ⛧ s. marsh
you were at your desk doing homework and stan was on your bed on his phone, both doing your own thing as music played from your speaker.
it's not until that last math problem that you realize it's late. really, really late. you look over at stan, and he's face-down dead asleep on your bed, phone still in one hand.
you don't want to wake him up and tell him to go home, so instead you take his hat off and leave it on your bedpost.
he's splayed across the bed right in the middle.
how?? are you supposed to move him???
after a moment of deliberation, you hold your breath and roll him over, praying he doesn't wake up.
he does obviously
"ow..???? y/n??"
"shit. sorry. it's late, just go back to sleep. you can walk home tomorrow morning."
"wha- okay"
he's too tired to object
plus he secretly loves being in your bed. it smells like you
snores and breathes kinda funny once in a while
no matter how still he looks when you get into the bed with him, somehow you wake up with his limbs sprawled out like a spider.
in the morning, his leg is on top of you and his hand is on your face.
— ⛧ e. cartman
actually such a bitch about staying over
he definitely tried to distract you so that he would HAVE to spending the night
he just loves spending time with you but he doesnt wanna ask :(
"but the couch will make my back stiff! i'll be soo sore in the morning!"
"just say you want to sleep in my room with me, cartman."
"whaat?? if you insist, i guess!"
makes himself absolutely at home. if you want to sleep in your own bed, you'll have to sleep on top of him or touching him.
he definitely does that on purpose
as much as it pains you to admit it, cartman is actually like really really comfortable.
even if he's squishing you to death
and he claims he has no idea he does that in his sleep
smells like a dove soap bar or like. baby shampoo and its actually really nice
snores like a monster truck engine
leaves his shit all over the floor but also offers to help clean up to impress you
(he cant clean for shit but at least he tried??)
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Written in the Stars - Yandere!Idol!Yeosang X Tall!Chubby!Reader
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Soft Yandere AU & Idol AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor, Slow Burn
Pairing: Yeosang X Reader (ft. platonic Ateez ensemble)
Words: 11,875
Warnings: Slow burn. This story is going to be very self indulgent on my part, so please bear with the first few chapters. Jongho is an over excited fanboy. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: So, I decided to just say 'fuck it' and post it anyways! I got too excited and just had to share, so I really hope you all enjoy what I have planned. I have SO much already for this series, and like I said in the warning, it's definitely going to be quite self-indulgent on my part but it IS based off my own dream, so... anyways, as always feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist
A low exhale escapes you through your nose as you stand in line waiting to board the plane. Absentmindedly, your thumb brushes over the front of your passport, your boarding pass tucked neatly inside. 
Shifting your weight onto your opposite foot, you adjust the straps of your backpack slung over your shoulders. Despite your best efforts to pack light, the heaviness weighs you down, feeling the corner of your laptop harshly digging into your shoulder blade. Perhaps you should have packed a few more of your books into your checked luggage after all. 
It’s not every day that you get to move to South Korea for approximately a year or more, depending on how well writing your next book goes. The decision had been meticulously planned out, seeing as your publisher has arranged a fairly large book signing in the heart of Seoul a few weeks from now. 
To say you were pleasantly surprised to learn how well your books are doing in South Korea is an understatement. You were more than happy to agree to it, especially when you have also been personally invited to perform a new piece of writing at one of the many award shows this season. It seems the organizers really appreciate your way with words, and want you to compose a short poem of sorts to encompass the emotions and influence different types of art has around the world.
It seems as if you’ve become a somewhat popular international author within the country, and you are more than happy to attend any and all events they ask you to. Subsequently, the offers were too good to refuse, and you’ve always wanted to move to Seoul for a few years. At least now you have a good reason to stay.
It has taken you years to get to where you are now, but being a well established international author has truly been everything you could have ever asked for. Writing has always been your passion, and you’re just glad that you can share it with the world. With a little extra on the side, of course.
Slowly, the line begins to move in front of you, and you blink to regain your focus. It looks as if they’re finally boarding for zone two, and you honestly just can’t wait to get settled in your seat and sleep. You’re hoping to at least catch a few hours before you attempt to work on a bit of your next book. The idea you’ve been mapping out is a big one, and you’re hoping the words flow just as easily for this one as all of the previous novels you’ve written.
The length of the flight has yet to be determined if it’s your enemy or ally.
Maybe you’ll just watch a few movies instead…
As more and more people advance, you can feel those familiar jitters of excitement coursing through your veins. Every time you visit another place, but especially when it relates to your writing, you cannot hide your eagerness. The adventures you can have are endless, and you honestly cannot wait to see a few of your friends again. Some, you’ll even be meeting for the first time. Well, if their schedules allow.
When you had arrived at the airport, getting through security after checking in had been a little heinous. 
First of all, you had a few too many bags, but since you’ll be moving to a completely new country, you need almost all of your things to take with you. Plus, you don’t want your new home to be too empty. You’re just grateful your mother will be sending along a few care packages with some of your bulkier items, like your favourite blankets and a few of your trinkets once you’ve gotten settled in.
Then, came security.
There seemed to be a rumour floating around that some celebrity or something was supposed to be on this same exact flight. A few overheard hushed whispers, and you determined the celebrities to be some Korean pop group. Though, you doubt that’s the case. Despite not really paying attention to the other passengers, you haven’t exactly seen any idols around.
Needless to say, security took longer with all the fans trying to sneak through.
At least you still made it to the gate with plenty of time to spare. You even had some free moments to browse the airport bookstore, noticing a small display of your own books near the front table. The way the workers had stacked your newest release in a mini-pyramid of sorts still makes you smile. The fact that you signed a few of the copies had made the workers’ day, taking a few photos with one of the girls who happened to be a big fan of your work.
Looking back on it now, you cannot help but to grin to yourself as you begin to make your way onto the plane. The worker who scanned your ticket seemed to look on you in awe, brief understanding lighting up their eyes after handing you your passport back. They probably recognized your name, if anything. The fact that you nodded back to them in acknowledgment seemingly made their day.
Truly, this is a dream come true.
Stepping onto the plane, you’re quick to find your seat. You made sure to pick the window of the very last row in premium, as you’ve always enjoyed watching the scenery as you fly. Take off and landings are your favourite parts. Plus, with no one behind you, you can recline without worry or fear that you’re infringing on someone’s personal space.
Luckily, it doesn’t appear that your seat partner has arrived yet, and for that, you’re grateful. Honestly, you hope no one actually sits beside you just so you can have a bit more space to yourself. Plus, it’ll make you more comfortable if you decide to actually get some writing done on the plane. 
You’ve always had a sense of paranoia about writing around strangers, given how often people like to snoop. The last thing you want is to be writing some steamy scene, or something completely gruesome, and offend the person you’re sitting beside. Though, you mainly only get that feeling when writing on your laptop.
Sliding your overstuffed bag beneath the seat in front of you, you settle into your own. Your purse gets shoved to the side beside your feet as you unceremoniously kick your backpack as far beneath the seat as it will go.
The joys of premium economy: much needed leg room, and better seating. Though, you can just hear your publisher’s voice in the back of your head, chastising you for not buying business class.
You huff lightly to yourself as you click your seatbelt on. Like hell you’re going to pay something ridiculous, like four grand, in order to have your own private podlike seat. That’s way too much for a one way ticket, and besides, premium is just fine. You’ve been lucky enough to fly it before, anyways.
Settling fully into your seat, you pull out your phone. Unlocking the device, you shoot a quick text to your family letting them know that you’ve just boarded the plane and are waiting for take off.
Of course, they reply quickly, telling you to have a safe flight and that they’ll miss you greatly. Most of all, though, to have fun on your new adventures.
A soft smile paints your features as you tell them that you’ll message them once you land, and if there’s time, phone once you make it to your new apartment. As soon as you see their response in confirmation, you’re turning your phone on airplane mode and grabbing your headphones out of your purse.
Movement from your left catches your attention, and you see a few people settling into the seats near you. You take a moment to assess your new seat buddy before turning back to your phone, plugging in your earbuds without another thought.
Looks like you’ll be sitting next to a guy for the entire flight. Not that you mind, but the last guy you sat beside on a long flight like this tried to talk your ear off about politics and how ‘kids these days don’t have the same respect they used to.’
The worst part? The man didn’t look that much older than you.
Oh well, it could have been worse. It could have also been like that one time you sat beside a lady who told you everything wrong with your first book, and what she would have done to fix it and make it better.
Holding your earbuds in one hand, you scroll through your playlist, searching for a song you want to listen to before putting them in.
From beside you, you can hear some hushed whispering in Korean, each voice distinctly male. The words ‘writer’ and ‘newest book’ catch your attention in-between the bustle of the other passengers boarding the plane, and you nearly let out a sigh.
Just as you go to place your buds in your ears, you hear a gentle voice pull you out of your thoughts.
“Excuse me?” The words are low, cautious, as if he’s unsure of himself. Surprisingly, they’re in English.
Lifting your head, you shift your gaze to the side. The way your eyes blink in mild surprise, caught immediately off guard by who you see sitting beside you, is apparent. Ever so slightly, your breath hitches in your throat.
“Are you…” he trails off, brow furrowing as if he’s searching for the right word in English.
Out of the corner of your vision, you see a face peering out across the aisle from the row in front of you. His hands grip the seat firmly as he angles his body towards both you and the male beside you. Though, from the way his face keeps being blocked by more passengers boarding the plane, what he attempts to whisper to his friend goes unnoticed. At least, by the unsuspecting male. However, at the way you can hear the word ‘author’ lightly cut through the crowd, you grin softly.
“It’s alright, I can speak Korean.” You reply casually.
The way you see the male visibly freeze in his spot, body seemingly relaxing immediately after has you chuckling slightly.
“You do?” The surprise is clear on his features, but he’s quick to hide it in the next second.
“Not very well, but sufficiently enough.” You say. “My Japanese is better.”
You can see the way his brow twitches slightly in acknowledgement, that same look of surprise shining within his gaze.
“Anyways, my friend would like to know if you’re actually the author that wrote this book.” He says, lifting the object slightly in his hand.
An object of which you didn’t even notice before, too wrapped up in your own little world.
Sparing a glance at the book, a soft smile graces your features. For there, resting in his hands, resides a copy of your latest novel from the airport bookstore.
“I am.” You confirm with a small nod.
The male turns back to his left, seemingly having a silent conversation with his friend across the aisle. From his body language alone, you can tell that your seat buddy is slightly exasperated. Especially when his friend looks about ready to lunge across the aisle after the one sitting beside you asks him very lowly if he has to.
The announcement for final boarding call is heard over the speakers, the cabin crew now moving to secure the plane for take off.
You can only quirk a brow in amusement as your seat buddy heaves a tremendous sigh before turning back to face you.
That’s when you notice two more heads popping up over the seats in the middle section, one row in front of you. One sports bright, flaming red locks, while the other has a head full of black hair. They not so subtly peer over the back of their seats, looking in your direction as the one sitting right next to the aisle with bleached locks still has his eyes locked on you.
“I’m so sorry to do this to you; you probably get this a lot,” he sighs, and you can literally feel the death glare the male directly across the aisle from him is sending his way. “But do you think you could sign this for him?”
The plane begins to move. Briefly, you hear a flight attendant tell the three males in the row in front of you that they need to sit properly in order to prepare for take off.
Your brow quirks. “I thought I already did.”
This causes the male across the aisle to practically fall out of his seat as he reaches across to tear the book out of your seat buddy’s hands. You notice that he practically shreds through the front page in order to flip through to where your signature practically shines back up at him.
You notice a vibrant red beginning to creep up his neck as you chuckle lightly.
“I can still add a personalize message, if you’d like?” You lean forward slightly, looking directly past the male sitting beside you.
The way you visibly see the male perk up, practically throwing the book back at the one sitting beside you has a large grin pulling at your features. You can feel your own face heating from this interaction, heart pounding in your chest.
“Flight crew, prepare for take off.” The captains voice is heard over the intercom, and you realize you missed the entire safety demonstration. Not that you haven’t seen it all before.
“That would be great,” the male sitting beside you says, seeing as the other one seems too excited to speak for the moment. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” you smile, reaching down to grab a pen from your bag.
“Excuse me, Miss,” the soft voice of a flight attendant draws your attention to the aisle beside you. “Please remain in an upright position until the plane has left the tarmac.”
“Right, sorry,” you smile sheepishly, a nod to your head.
Turning back to the males beside you once the flight attendant walks away, you pat the cover lightly.
“I’ll sign this as soon as we’re in the air, okay?”Your voice is sweet, holding the book lightly in your lap.
“Thanks again,” the male beside you nods.
“Of course,” you repeat. “It’s not everyday an idol from one of your favourite groups asks you to sign something for them.”
Four heads whip in your direction: the male sitting beside you, the two directly across the aisle from you, and the one who had been turning around to face you one row up. The surprise is clear on their features, and you’d bet anything that the two you saw peeking over their seats earlier would be doing the exact same thing once again if they could.
“You know who we are?” The one from directly across the aisle sounds completely awestruck. “You know who I am?”
“Yes, I do,” you nod gently in his direction, a small grin tugging at your lips. “Choi Jongho from Ateez.”
You swear that this man is about to faint from how red his face goes.
“Right now, though, you’re all just some guys on a plane,” you say. “And we all just so happen to be heading to the same destination.”
A slight whine from the row in front of them draws your attention.
“Joong, tell Yunho to stop kicking the back of my seat!” With the familiar intonation, you can just tell that it’s Wooyoung.
“Well, then stop hopping around.” Said male turns briefly towards his opposite side before turning back to continue observing this interaction between you and the other members.
You huff out a laugh, feeling as the plane begins to accelerate for take off. A moment later, and that familiar sense of weightlessness takes over, signifying you’ve left the ground.
“So, you’re a fan, then.” A statement, rather than a question comes from the man sitting beside you.
“For my part,” you hum, a tender smile pulling at your lips. “I saw you guys in concert a few years ago when you came to my city. You’re all incredible performers.”
You notice all four of them that are still looking at you become a little bashful at your words. Mutters of gratitude escape their lips as they bow their heads in your direction, and you are once again reminded of just how humble this group is.
“Then, you know who all of us are.” Again, another statement leaves the male beside you as he observes you with curious eyes.
“I do indeed know who you are, Kang Yeosang of Ateez.” You repeat your little phrase from earlier. A moment later, you shrug. “It’s like I said, though, right now you’re just some guy.”
A ding sounds, indicating the seatbelt sign going off once you’ve reached altitude. As soon as you hear it, realization flashes across your features, and you lean forward to grab a pen out of your bag.
“So, did you want me to address this to you, or is there a specific nickname you’d like me to use?”You direct your question towards the youngest member sitting across the aisle from you.
“Uh…” Jongho blinks, shifting forward slightly as he undoes his seatbelt. “Nickname?”
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Sometimes people like me signing a term of endearment from one of my books in front of their name, or even instead of their name. I can do that, or something else. Just nothing weird, like ‘Daddy’, or anything like that.”
A head pops up over the seat in front of you. “Someone’s asked you to sign a book for them addressed to ‘Daddy’?”
“Oh, hello, Song Mingi from Ateez.” You blink in mild surprise.
“Hello.” A subtle nod and an immediate look of meekness crosses his features. Almost as if he couldn’t help but pop up and join in on this conversation with you.
“I thought we were all just some guys to you right now?” Yunho quirks a brow at you from down the row.
“Listen, this is the only way I know how to-“ you search for the right word, looking up at the ceiling of the cabin all the while. A slight tilt of your head in realization is the only sign they get that you’ve thought of the word, “dispel my excitement for the moment. I’m pretty sure my heart is about to burst from how furiously it’s racing right now.”
You see Seonghwa poke his head around the edge of his seat to look at you. Only, you see him flinch in the next second, slowly shifting so he’s now peering over the top of his seat just as Mingi does.
Looks like Hongjoong didn’t like the fact that his sight was being blocked.
“I think the feeling is mutual,” at the way you see Yeosang motion towards Jongho with his head, you crack a grin.
“So,” you catch the last dregs of the glare Jongho sends Yeosang’s way before the youngest is meeting your gaze once more. “Nickname?”
Knowing grins tug at a few of the male’s faces around you, Yunho nudging Jongho teasingly in his side.
Again, the youngest shoots a pointed look at the male on his opposite side before turning to look at you. Red begins to creep up his neck as he averts his gaze to the floor before continuously flicking it up to meet your own.
“I’ve always liked ‘Darling’,” he admits, and you notice how Yunho nudges him teasingly while more of the guys shoot him knowing grins.
This time, it’s your turn for your cheeks to heat as you hum. “How fitting.”
Flipping open to the page with your signature, you twirl the pen in your fingers once. A moment later, and you’re scribbling out a message.
To My Darling Jongho,
The stars look up to you. Keep shining!
Signing it off with a ‘Your Fan’, you’re quick to add your name. However, before you hand it back to him, you add a little note at the bottom.
P.S. You have a lovely voice.
Adding a small smiley face, you’re quick to cap your pen and shut the front cover.
The moment you hand the book to Yeosang to pass back to Jongho, you notice a few of the other members sliding back into their seats. The youngest eagerly snatches the book back from the elder, opening to the page with your signature on it without a second of hesitation. The way you see him visibly shake in excitement, a large smile stretching onto his features warms your heart.
There’s a part of you that really wants to ask him about his favourite characters, and what he’s thought about your books, but you hold off for now. You wouldn’t exactly start a conversation with him otherwise, and you don’t want to bother him too much. Besides, he seems far too content to pull out the Korean translation of your previous book from his bag shortly afterwards.
Figuring he wants to read, you turn back to face the seat in front of you. Leaning down, you go to put your pen away, kicking your bag lightly back beneath the seat.
“Yeosang,” you hear a harsh whisper from your left. “Switch seats with me.”
A moment of silence where you notice the aforementioned male shoot a disinterested look towards Jongho. 
“What do you mean, ‘no’?” Jongho practically seethes, a frown tugging at his features. “I swear to god, Yeosang, I will split you in half like an apple.”
“Yes, I’m sure your favourite author would love to sit beside a man who just threatened to snap me like a twig.” Yeosang deadpans, reclining his seat back as far as it will go.
You’re about to make a comment on the situation, torn between jokingly saying that that’s actually kind of hot, or telling them that you don’t mind at all, when a voice draws your attention from in front of you.
“So,” it’s Seonghwa, peeking over the top of his seat once more. His hands grip the headrest, and you cannot see his mouth, but the way his wide eyes shine as they look towards you nearly makes you swoon. “Who’s your bias?”
You notice that this catches all of the member’s attention, and you suddenly sink back into the seat you’re in. That is, until you quirk your brow, a teasing grin causing the corners of your lips to twitch upwards.
“My ult?” You tilt your head. “I think I’m very explicit about it being Lee Taemin.”
You can visibly see the way his shoulders deflate at your words, and you briefly look around at all of the males that now seem to be peering at you from over their seats.
“No,” Seonghwa practically whines. “Of the group!”
“Which group?” The expression you wear is nothing short of amused as you see Seonghwa begin to pout before you.
If someone had told you that you’d be making the Park Seonghwa from Ateez pout because you wouldn’t tell him your bias from his group, you would have laughed in their face. Even more so when you notice Hongjoong staring at you with a mildly pointed look in your direction. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear that he’s almost daring you to say that it’s anyone else but him.
“Our group, of course!” He frowns, leaning the slightest bit forward to rest his chin on top of his hands as he watches you carefully.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice San lean into Wooyoung from a row ahead.
“Has she answered her bias yet?” The male not so subtly whispers to the younger.
“Shh, not yet.” Wooyoung hisses back. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out.”
“Who’s your bias in Ateez?” Mingi is the one to ask you this time, and you shift your attention to him for the moment.
Again, your cheeks flare with heat.
“Now, isn’t that the million dollar question?” You breathe, letting out a chuckle as you grab your phone in your hand once more. “Nah, sorry boys. If you want that answer out of me, you at least have to buy me a drink first.”
“Is your bias your lockscreen?” Jongho asks, an eager gleam in his eyes as the males closest to you now divert their gazes to your phone held in your hand.
“My lockscreen definitely takes priority,” you grin knowingly, and you watch them all eagerly lean in to catch a glimpse of the photo. “Since I won’t have wifi for such a long time, I always change it to a list of things I should probably get done on the plane."
Clicking the side button reveals said list on your screen.
A collective sigh of defeat is heard from the males around you as you chuckle. Only, in the next moment, your brow furrows.
“Wait, how do you know I usually keep one of my biases as my lockscreen?” You turn towards Jongho.
“Lucky guess?” He shrugs, another blush creeping up his neck.
“He started screaming about it during one of your lives once someone translated your remark.” Yeosang casually states, shifting slightly in his seat to get more comfortable as he settles in for a nap.
You swear that were it not for the way another passenger walks by to use the restroom, Jongho would have lunged at the male sitting beside you.
Still, you cannot help the way your eyes shine in awe. “You watch my lives?”
Jongho avoids your gaze, fumbling over his words for the moment. His hands nervously toy with the pages of the book in his lap, and you nearly coo at how bashful he suddenly looks.
“When he can.” Yunho supplies for him with a soft smile. “Sometimes Hongjoong and I watch, too. It helps when Joong can translate some of the things you say.”
Your heart skips a beat in your chest at the implication, and you cannot keep the hopefulness out of your voice. “You guys have read my books, too?”
“Even if it weren’t for Jongho ranting and raving over your writing, our other friends are pretty persistent.” Hongjoong replies, a soft smile pulling at his features. “You’re very popular back home.”
“Yeah, Changbin told me that Felix recommended him this book, so he just had to tell me about it.” Wooyoung supplies.
“Members of Stray Kids have also read my novels?” You say, though with how lowly you whisper it, it’s more to yourself in awe.
“I know! I was surprised, since Bin will barely even look at books half the time,” Wooyoung laughs, eyes crinkling in joy.
“You’d be surprised by how many of us read your novels.” Yunho hums, settling back in his own seat for the moment.
“Wow,” you breathe. “Honestly, it’s something I always think about, but I still never expect it. The only idol I know for sure that reads my books is Mark Lee of NCT.”
“Oh, yeah, we didn’t hear the end of that for weeks,” San calls out over his chair, shooting a look towards Jongho.
“‘Why can’t we get personalized signed copies of her books?’” Wooyoung imitates the youngest, nearly getting shoved out of his chair in response.
“I’d send her a full on review along with our albums if she gave me a chance,” Hongjoong laughs, receiving a harsh kick from Jongho to the back of his seat.
“Remember the one time he said he’d serenade her?” Yunho supplies, a fond chuckle falling from his lips.
Jongho instantly wraps his one arm around Yunho’s throat, pulling the taller man into his side as the elder hunches over uncomfortably. “Want to die?”
You cannot help the way you laugh, eyes falling shut as you lean back in your seat. Your one hand rests over your chest as you catch your breath, blinking away your tears of joy shortly after. The scene is much too comical for you not to react, anyways.
The moment your vision clears, you notice Yeosang having turned to face you. He wears a somewhat neutral expression, but his eyes are soft, a hint of awe residing within.
You chalk it up to him just being tired.
“You really said you’d serenade me?” Your inquiry is tender, nothing but a sense of wonder pulling at your features as you lean forward to look his way.
Slowly, he releases the chokehold he has on Yunho, nodding lightly all the while.
“That’s honestly so sweet, oh my goodness,” your one hand comes up to cup the side of your face as you tilt your head to the side.
The way Jongho’s eyes begin to shine as he meets you gaze says it all.
A moment later, and your attention is being drawn to the male peering his head over his seat in front of you.
“You like anime, right?” Mingi has an eager look on his face, arms crossed over the back of his seat as he rests his chin on top of them.
“I do indeed!” You reply, an excited gleam sparking in your gaze.
“Uh-oh,” Hongjoong says. “This is going to take a while.”
“Shut up,” Mingi frowns, turning his suddenly harsh gaze towards Hongjoong for a moment before turning back to you with an eager grin. “Which one’s your favourite?”
“Definitely Jujutsu Kaisen, but Naruto will always hold a special place in my heart since I’ve loved it since childhood.” You reply. “Haikyuu will also forever be my comfort series.”
You see him nodding along to your every word.
“What about you?” You reply, blinking lightly up at him.
“I really love Demon Slayer,” he replies, a giddiness to his tone.
“Oh yeah, the animation for that series is beautiful,” you nod along to his words. “I also remember when Atiny’s went feral for your Rengoku hair. Now, that was a look.”
You swear the male nearly tumbles out of his seat as his lips part in awe. A subtle blush begins to tint his ears, as he smiles bashfully in your direction.
“Thank you,” his voice is soft. That is, until his sharp gaze is locking on the male sitting beside you. “Hey, Yeosang-“
Pointedly, the male turns away from you, pretending to be asleep.
“I don’t think any of us are going to get him to move any time soon,” Hongjoong chuckles. “Anyways, sorry for bothering you.”
“Not at all!” You shake your head, a kind smile tugging at your features. “Honestly, this has made my entire week.”
“Likewise,” Jongho breathes, and you turn your smile towards him.
“Oh, wait,” you lean forward, pulling out your backpack and riffling through it in the next minute. Once you have what you’re looking for in hand, your eyes are lighting up, pulling the item out of your bag quickly. “The translation isn’t due to drop for another month, but they sent me some early copies. I’d like you to have this one.”
Carefully, you reach over a somewhat asleep Yeosang to hand Jongho the book in your hands. You can see his own shaking as he grabs the novel from you, a look of complete awe on his features.
“Thank you,” he meets your gaze. “I’ve been waiting for this one to drop since you announced it. It’s why I bought the English version.”
“I do that, too, with a bunch of my manga. I think I have at least four copies of volume four of Jujutsu Kaisen just for the one panel alone.” You chuckle.
“Not the cover?” Mingi quirks a brow.
“Oh, god no.” Your face scrunches in distaste. “Kakashi two-point-oh is most definitely not a character I like. I’ll stick with the original, thank you very much.”
From beside you, you notice Yeosang’s shoulders start to shake with mild laughter.
“Anyways,” you chuckle. “That’s a topic for another day.”
The way you see Mingi visibly pout as he sinks back into his seat has the corner of your lips quirking upwards. A second later, and you’re turning your attention back to Jongho on your left.
“I hope you enjoy the book, it’s definitely darker than some of the other ones I’ve written.” You comment.
At this, you notice Hongjoong’s brow quirk. “Darker, you say?”
“Twisted, if you will.” You shrug a shoulder casually.
“Hey, Jongho, once you’re finished with that, let me borrow it.” Hongjoong turns to the aforementioned male who already seems to have begun reading your book.
Jongho’s eyes flash, protectively hugging the novel to his chest. “Get your own.”
The two males begin bickering over your book, and you notice how the other members have all settled back into their seats. You decide to get comfortable in your own, leaving the conversation at that for now as you put in your headphones. A moment later, and you’re putting on one of your softer playlists to help you fall asleep. It works, too, for in no time at all, you’re succumbing to the realm of dreams.
Of course, it doesn’t last too long, for the flight attendants come around offering drinks shortly after. The meals are served following that, and then finally, you’re able to sink back into the comfort of sleep once more.
A few hours later, you wake to more hushed whispers coming from your left. It sounds as if Jongho is attempting to convince Yeosang to switch seats with him once more, much to the elder’s annoyance.
“I said, ‘no’,” Yeosang grumbles, his arms crossed over his chest.
“But I want to ask her about her new novel,” Jongho whines.
“Ask her some other time,” Yeosang huffs out a breath. “She’s sleeping.”
Jongho leaves it at that, but when you crack open your eyes to assess the situation, you notice he’s already almost halfway through the book you’ve given him. A large pout rests on his features as he pointedly flips back to the page he had last been on, continuing to read without another word.
After about another hour where you fall in and out of sleep, you decide that you’re too restless for the moment to succumb to the land of dreams. Adjusting yourself in your seat, you make sure not to disturb the resting male beside you. Leaning forward, you shuffle a few things around as you grab a notebook and a pen from your bag.
Might as well get a little bit of writing done.
The lighting inside the plane is low, but you’ll make do. The last thing you want is to disturb the people around you, and besides, it’s not like you can’t see anything. It’s no different than all of those nights you used to spend when you were younger sitting in the dark staring at your laptop’s screen as you wrote until the first glimpses of the sun’s rays peeked through your windows.
Turning to a blank page, you let out a small sigh through your nose.
Now, where to begin?
Quirking a brow, you smirk to yourself, putting the pen to paper.
Before you know it, two hours have passed and you’ve written a fair amount for the opening of your new book. Sitting upright reveals just how stiff your neck has gotten, bringing a hand up to gently begin massaging at the muscles as you stretch it out lightly. A moment later, and a few satisfying pops can be heard as you crack it, and subsequently, your back.
The way you notice Yeosang spare a look at you out of the corner of his eyes has  you smiling sheepishly. “Sorry.”
You begin to close your notebook before a final idea strikes you, scribbling the little note to yourself for later. Once done, you tuck it away, pulling out your laptop shortly after.
A brief silence settles over you as you place your laptop onto the little tray you’re using. That is, until a soft voice from beside you draws your attention.
“You have nice handwriting.”
Your entire body freezes, turning to blink at the male in shock.
“Do you always write everything out before typing it?” Yeosang meets your gaze, a mild curiosity lingering in his tone.
Slowly, you shake your head. “Not usually. I just prefer writing things out like this when I’m in public. I always feel like my screen is a giant ‘Look Here’ sign when I use my laptop. That, and you were sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb you with the light.”
“I thought I was ‘just some guy’ to you?” He quirks a brow, completely misinterpreting your words for the moment.
“You are.” You confirm. “I would extend the same curtesy towards anyone.”
“But not right now?” He quirks a brow, eyes briefly darting down to the way you open your laptop.
“You’re awake now, and I think I’ve earned myself a few episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen after actually getting some writing done.” You say. “Besides, my hand hurts from gripping the pen so tightly.”
“Oh?” The corner of his lips twitches upwards as he notices you stretching your writing hand out by curling and uncurling your fingers periodically.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Jongho nearly at the end of your book. His body is angled towards you, gaze flitting above the top of the pages every so often to check if you’ll notice him or not. At the way you smile tenderly his way, he’s quick to hide his face behind the pages once more.
“It’s a bad habit I have,” you shrug, setting up your screen with the first episode. “It’s one of the reasons I prefer typing. That, and both spellcheck, and the fact that I can type faster than I can handwrite.”
“I see.” He hums.
You blink, a subtle heat rising to your cheeks. “Sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Not at all.” He smiles politely. “I asked, anyways. Think of it as the mere curiosities of a stranger.”
“Well then, stranger,” you grin slightly, a playful gleam to your eyes as you properly introduce yourself. “It’s nice to meet you.”
An amused grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he introduces himself to you, following along with your antics for the moment. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”
“There,” you nod once, quite firmly at that, too, “Now we’re not strangers.”
“No,” he hums, “I suppose not.”
Turning back to your screen, you are more than content to leave the conversation at that. A moment later, and the familiar sight of the first episode of Jujutsu Kaisen pops up on your laptop, allowing yourself to connect your headphones before pressing play. You get about five minutes into the episode before you begin to feel eyes on you.
Shifting your gaze, you notice Yeosang glancing towards you, and then your screen every few seconds. Carefully, you shift your laptop in his direction so he can see the screen better, and you notice him stiffen slightly in his spot.
You chuckle lightly, silently offering him one of your earbuds.
You don’t even have to look at him to see the way he glances from that small item held in your hand, to your face and back a few times before accepting the offer wordlessly. A press of a few buttons and Korean subtitles appear at the bottom of the screen.
You can see the shock clear on his face as he places the bud in his ear.
“What?” You laugh. “Expecting English?”
He blinks. “Yeah, actually.”
“I think I mentioned my Japanese being better than my Korean,” you hum.
“Your Korean sounds fine to me.” He comments.
A warmth blooms on your cheeks as you divert your gaze to the screen.
“Thank you,” nothing more than a mumble escapes you.
“Why? Do you think you’re not speaking well?” He asks, the anime playing on in the background.
“I used to be friends with a girl who always harped on me for my pronunciation, so it made speaking all the more difficult for me.” You admit softly. “Which is really ironic, when she always complained about people correcting her when she was younger.”
“Harped?” His brow furrows. “How so?”
“She would always make fun of the way I would say stuff,” your nose scrunches in distaste as you recall the memories. “I would learn something new, and the first words out of her mouth would be something like, ‘you really think it’s pronounced like that? You sound like a Koreaboo.’”
His eyebrows raise significantly, “Koreaboo?”
“Yeah,” you confirm, turning your head to meet his gaze only to realize just how close he is to you due to the fact that you’re sharing headphones. A warmth blooms once more on your cheeks. “Ironic, since she wasn’t even Korean to begin with, yet she was correcting my pronunciation.”
“Was she a language teacher?” His brow furrows.
“Not even,” you sigh, shaking your head lightly.
“She sounds like a bitch,” he comments, shifting his gaze to your screen.
You spare a glance at him out of the corner of your eyes. “She was.”
“Well, I think your pronunciation is really good,” he says, somewhat nonchalantly.
You wish you could prevent the way your eyes light up. “Really?”
A soft smile graces his features. “Really.”
“Thank you.” Shyly, you avert your gaze back to your laptop, shifting slightly in your seat.
He smiles kindly at you in response, turning back to the show as well.
About two minutes go by before he’s breaking it again.
“So, how come you have Korean subtitles to a Japanese anime?” He inquires, a hint of curiosity leaking through in his voice.
“Well, back to the language conversation,” you begin, “I had always wanted to learn more than one, but every time I went to study, my mind just wouldn’t retain the information. Except for Japanese. So, originally, I wanted to learn Korean first, but it just wasn’t working out well for me. Another fact she harped on me for: my memory. Anyways, I realized I could remember things better in Japanese, so once I learned that, I learnt Korean from Japanese.”
Yeosang hums, clearly impressed. “I see.”
“It was easier to pick up phrases and stuff with Korean subtitles to my favourite shows, so I made the switch,” you go on to say, tapping the edge of your laptop with your finger lightly. “I still use English subtitles if my brain gets too tired, though.”
“Makes sense,” he nods. “Do you watch dramas?”
“On occasion,” your tone is light, a small hum to your words. “I’m really bad at finishing a series though. I tend to start one, and then not touch it for years before going back to it. I still think I have a few episodes of Goblin left. Which is really ironic considering I referenced the reaper in one of my first published series.”
“You did?” He sounds quite surprised, but curious, nonetheless.
“I did.” You confirm with a chuckle. “I make reference to a lot of things I like in my stories. Music, movies, shows, characters, you name it.”
“What’s the thing you reference the most?” He asks, resting his elbow on the arm of his seat in order to lean his head in his hand.
“Probably The Lord of the Rings,” you chuckle. “I love that series.”
“I don’t think I’ve properly seen it.” He admits.
“Really?” You look at him skeptically. “Forgetting that you’re just some guy for a moment, but you literally have a song called The Ring where you make reference to it in the final lines.”
The somewhat sheepish shrug he gives you makes you laugh.
“Alright, fair enough,” you grin. “If you ever get a chance, you should watch it. The extended editions, though. There’s no other way to properly watch those films in my opinion. You get so much more out of them that way.”
“Oh, really?” He hums, amusement dancing in his eyes as he quirks a brow.
“Literal cinematic masterpieces.” You continue. “There’s so many cool behind the scenes facts and tidbits I could tell you, but I don’t want to subject you to that right now.”
“Why not?” His question clearly catches you by surprise.
“I don’t know if you’d be interested,” you shrug, blinking in the next second. “I do also have the movies saved on my laptop, but again, I won’t subject you to that. They’re long as hell, especially if you’ve never seen them before.”
“Ah, so binging them all at once isn’t a good idea.” He nods in understanding.
“Oh, no, you could totally do that, but it’s like, thirteen hours or so.” You say. “Definitely worth it if you make a day out of it, though, Watching them back to back really immerses you in the story.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, then.” He smiles. “They’re based on books, aren’t they?”
The way your eyes instantly light up does not go unnoticed by him.
“They are!” You reply enthusiastically. “They’re honestly one of my favourite series both in film and on paper, but I wouldn’t go around recommending people the book series.”
“Why’s that?” He inquires, tilting his head slightly in curiosity.
“They’re dry as fuck,” you say, and you notice his eyebrows raising in amusement at your description. “Listen, they’re not for everybody. Even I usually take years to get through the first book when I read the series. It’s a very tedious journey, but if you enjoy fantasy, they’re a key staple to read. In any language. At least, in my opinion.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiles softly, and again, you can feel your whole body heating in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I tend to ramble about the things I really like.” You avert your gaze, fingers suddenly toying with one another in your lap.
“I don’t mind at all.” He’s quick to assure you, eyes crinkling gently in the corners.
A soft smile pulls at your lips as you keep your gaze fixed on your hands for the moment. You can still feel him looking at you for a few seconds longer before he diverts his gaze back to the screen.
The both of you sit in silence for a few minutes as the anime continues to play. By now, the second episode has started, and the corner of your lips quirks upwards as you watch the familiar interactions between the characters. You could probably recite both the original Japanese lines, and the English subtitles by now given how many times you’ve watched it.
A loud gasp from across the aisle draws your attention.
“Holy fuck!” It’s Jongho.
“What? What is it?” The somewhat panicked voice of Hongjoong reaches your ears as you see both him and Seonghwa leaning towards the youngest from the row ahead.
The younger male turns to you, his eyes wide and his lips parted in shock.
“You-“ he blinks, “I-“ he tightens his hold on the now completed book in his hands, “the twist!”
You grin. “I told you it was dark.”
“I just knew it. The way he was acting when he got back to the room was too suspicious.” Jongho mumbles, flipping through some of the pages to quickly reread certain lines. “It was there all along!”
“Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten about writing is that plot twists shouldn’t catch you suddenly off guard. The best ones are hinted at throughout, and if the reader can pick up on them, you’re doing a good job of laying out the clues.” You chuckle fondly at how eager he listens to you. Even the others look on you in mild awe. “Granted, you don’t want it to be too obvious.”
“It definitely wasn’t,” Jongho shakes his head, as if to reassure you. “It was all paced perfectly.”
“Thank you,” a brilliant, albeit bashful smile takes over your features, and again, you feel Yeosang looking at you out of the corner of his eyes. “I’m glad to hear you liked it.”
“Liked it?” Jongho looks about ready to vibrate out of his seat from his excitement. “I loved it!”
Once more, you thank him lowly, that smile never leaving your features. A warmth blooms in your chest from his words, and the fact that you can see him immediately opening the book back to the first page to begin rereading it has a happiness unlike any other building within. The way Hongjoong starts to pester Jongho about letting him borrow the book has you wiggling your toes to expel some of your giddiness.
You’re just about to offer the leader of Ateez his own copy when a voice from your immediate left draws your attention.
“Who’s your favourite character?” Yeosang blinks once before turning his attention to you from the screen.
“Huh?” You blink back at him, clearly caught off guard by his inquiry. For a moment, you think he’s asking you about your favourite character from your new book.
“Of the show,” he jerks his chin in the direction of your laptop where you see episode two finishing up for the time being.
“Oh,” you tilt your head in acknowledgement, noticing a familiar male peering over the top of the seat in front of you once more. Your cheeks flare with heat. “Probably Sukuna, but Toji is a close second.”
At the way Yeosang quirks his brow at you, you’re quick to continue.
“Look, my taste in fictional men is questionable at best,” you comment, shifting slightly in your seat. “Don’t ask me why I have a thing for the psychopaths, but I do. Bonus points if they have red hair.”
You notice Hongjoong quirk a brow out in your direction of the corner of your eye, only for him to quickly turn to the male sitting to his left. A moment later, and he returns to his previous position, Wooyoung popping his head over the seat to grin smugly in your direction. You simply raise both eyebrows curiously.
“So, you like red hair?” The smug grin Wooyoung wears says it all.
“I enjoy the colour, yes, but it’s not my favourite.” You confirm, noticing how the male wiggles his brows suggestively at you. “The colour suits you very well, yes.”
“Good thing he’s not a psychopath,” Seonghwa mumbles.
“Debatable,” Hongjoong sighs, and you nearly laugh.
“Then, what are your favourite colours?” Yeosang inquires, blinking at you innocently.
“Hair wise?” At the nod you receive, you hum, thinking it over for a moment before answering. “For some reason, I definitely have an affinity towards bleached hair. I love the look of blond locks. Bonus points if it’s long and the roots are starting to grow in slightly. My absolute favourite is lavender, though. As much as I love Taemin’s blond hair, his lavender hair gets me every time. Jeonghan from Seventeen also had really nice lavender locks, and they were long, too. Oh, and special shout out to skunk dyes.”
The way they all stare at you has you immediately shrinking into your seat. Even more so when you see Wooyoung grinning at you like a maniac from a little ways away.
“Sorry, I’m rambling again.” You chuckle nervously. “Here I am talking to literal idols about this stuff when we’re not even friends.”
The boys all share a brief look with one another.
“We could be.” It’s Hongjoong that offers, the others nodding along softly in agreement.
To say his words catch you off guard would be an understatement, and you have just enough time to compose yourself so that you’re no longer staring at him, dumbfounded. 
A blink, and a soft smile pulls onto your features. “I’d like that very much.”
A phone is nearly flung at your face, were it not for the way Yeosang quickly catches it midair.
“Jongho, calm down!” Yeosang harshly whispers to the younger beside him, gaze sharp as he shoots a pointed glare towards the male.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Jongho looks absolutely mortified when you turn to look at him.
“It’s alright,” you chuckle. “Honestly, not the worst thing that has been thrown at me before.”
The way they all look at you in confusion at you has shrugging a shoulder casually.
“When I worked at a bookstore on the operations team, I can’t count the amount of things that either got thrown at me by accident, or fell on me.” You say casually. “Books are also much heavier than phones.”
“I would imagine,” Hongjoong chuckles along with you. “Do you have kaotalk?”
“I do,” you nod in confirmation. “Though, we might have to wait until we land to exchange information. No wifi and all.”
“Ah, right,” you see his head tilt in acknowledgement.
A small pout pulls onto Jongho’s features as Yeosang hands the youngest his phone back.
“Then, we’ll exchange information once we land.” Mingi grins widely, practically shaking in excitement in his seat.
“Sounds good to me.” You grin right back, heart racing inside of your chest.
If someone would have told you that you’d not only be on the same flight as Ateez, but befriending them on said flight, you would have told them to stop fantasizing. However, truly being in this situation feels so unreal, even as you watch them all settle back into their seats with smiles on their faces.
“Thanks,” you mumble.
Yeosang quirks a brow.
“For catching that.”
“No problem.” The corner of his lips twitches upwards.
“So,” you shoot a look at him out of the corner of your eyes, noticing how the anime has been continuing to play in the background this whole time. “Who’s your favourite character?”
“In this?” He motions to your screen with a jerk of his chin.
“Yeah.” You nod.
“Don’t know. I’ve never seen it before.” He replies casually, and your eyes nearly bulge right out of your head.
“You’ve never seen it before?” Your voice is full of disbelief as you look towards him once more. At the shake of his head, you’re quick to restart the third episode, muttering to yourself about talking over the show this whole time.
“It’s okay,” Yeosang chuckles. “I’m used to the chaos.”
You quirk a brow. “Are you, now?”
“Yes.” he deadpans, turning his head to shoot you a pained smile with a thumbs up in the next second. “I thrive in it."
You cannot help yourself. A loud, boisterous laugh escapes you, your eyes crinkling in joy. A fact which is only emphasized when Yeosang begins to chuckle along with you, only to steel his face and nod solemnly every time he notices you peering over at him.
The way he grins right along with you as you finally calm yourself down from laughing so hard says it all. Not even the way you can see Jongho flicking his gaze towards you from over his book, a clear pout on his features can pull you out of this moment right now.
For the rest of the plane ride, you either watch more episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen with Yeosang, or talk lowly with him. The conversations are somewhat short, but calm nonetheless. They mainly consist of one of you asking the other a simple question, and going from there. Truly, two strangers just passing the time and enjoying the other’s company, rather than sitting in silence.
At one point, you manage to fall asleep again, only to be woken up by the announcement that the plane is now beginning its decent into Seoul. The way you notice your laptop has gently been closed, your headphone wrapped up and sitting neatly on top of it makes you smile softly.
Stretching as much as you can, you move to put your laptop away. You keep your headphones out, just in case you want to listen to music for the last little bit of your journey. Then, once you’ve settled back into your seat, you turn your head to the side. 
Gazing out of the window, nothing but pure excitement shines within your eyes. It’s finally time, and as soon as you land, you feel as if everything will truly fall into place.
You can feel someone’s gaze on you every now and then. You figure it’s either Jongho watching you out of the corner of his eyes like you’ve noticed he likes to do, or Yeosang looking out of the window with you. Thus, you opt to sit back as far in your seat as you can, giving the male the perfect view to observe the ground getting closer and closer with each passing second. He’s probably missed his home more than you could ever imagine.
The moment the plane touches the ground, you cannot help the way your breath hitches in your throat. The small bounce of the wheels hitting the tarmac only serves to solidify to you that this is real. You’ve truly moved to Seoul for a year, and you have many adventures planned already to come. Starting with that award’s show, of course.
Turning your phone back on cellular for the moment, you’re quick to shoot a text to your family letting them know you’ve landed and arrived safely. It’s now early morning for them, so you’re not expecting a message back for at least another few hours. You also need to get a new data plan for the year you’ll be living in Seoul, so you add that to the mental list of things you need to do already forming in your head.
Five minutes later, and you’ve been taxied to the gate, the other passengers beginning to disembark. Honestly, you can’t wait to get off of this plane and stretch your legs. Your few trips to the bathroom did nothing to help. Besides, you can’t wait to get to your place and shower.
Holding your bags in your lap, you watch as Yeosang steps out into the aisle. Only, he pauses, motioning for you to go ahead of him.
“Ladies first.”
You smile politely, thanking him lowly as you step out of the row and begin to disembark the plane. You get about two steps onto the gate when Jongho steps in beside you, as if he was eager to follow you out.
“Holy shit, you are tall.” His awestruck voice reaches your ears.
An amused glance is sent his way out of the corner of your eyes.
“And the most common phrase said by males I meet goes to…” you huff out a laugh, seeing as he continues to scan you from head to toe, noticing how you stand a few inches taller than him.
A red hue begins to creep up his neck and onto the tips of his ears. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”
“No, no,” you wave him off with another laugh. “It’s just funny when no one believes you are the height you say you are. Used to happen all the time when I tried dating apps.”
“What do you mean?” Yunho steps in on your other side, and you notice Yeosang walking beside him. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say the shorter male looks slightly irritated. Though, from the way you notice him loop around to begin chasing Jongho, you know that the younger must have done something before exiting the plane.
“Well, where I come from, it’s really common for guys to add their heights to their profile. Which is really funny, when they are usually the ones that lie about it.” You explain, heading towards customs with the crowd from the flight for the moment. “So, I always found it funny when I would tell the people I matched with my height, or when they would ask about it, only to not believe me. Then, whenever we would meet, I would be significantly taller than Jeremy who proclaimed himself to be ‘six-foot three’.”
You see Yunho nod beside you, amusement dancing in his eyes.
“Got even more prominent when I started doing signings and people would stand near me.” You comment. “Not to mention the guys that would need to ‘prove’ how tall I was whenever they would bring their books up to be signed. On the other hand, though, it’s really cute to see so many people get flustered by it. Female presenting people and non-binary people especially. Though, I will never forget the fans who always ask me to cosplay Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Eight.”
“You’ve cosplayed Lady Dimitrescu?” Mingi attempts to hide his excitement with a clearing of his throat as he steps into the space once occupied by Jongho.
“I’ve thought about it,” you hum, stepping into the line to get through customs with him, Yunho, Yeosang, and Jongho right behind you. Looks like the others are a little ways ahead already. “Maybe one day I will.”
“I fully support whatever decision you choose to make.” Jongho nods, enthusiastically.
“Just say you want her to step on you and be done with it,” Yeosang sighs, crossing his arms over his chest.
The way the younger lunges for the elder has a laugh escaping you, especially when the two males start bickering and slapping each other’s sides.
“If you want me to step on you that badly, I have one condition,” you joke, stepping up to the front seeing as you’re the next person in line. At the way you seem to now have all four of their undivided attention on you now, you grin, feeling your cheeks beginning to heat. “Suffocate me with your thighs, first.”
Each male doesn’t even have time to respond before you’re being called over to the customs officer, but you definitely catch their stunned reactions. The way you see Jongho nearly fall over, his face turning bright red and looking like he might spontaneously combust has your shoulders shaking in laughter.
The other three aren’t fairing much better. Yeosang’s eyes look about ready to pop out of his head with how wide they’ve gone. Additionally, both Mingi’s and Yunho’s mouths part, subtle blushes of their own creeping to their cheeks before the eldest is clearing his throat. They don’t have much time to dwell on your comment, for they each get called up to their own customs officer to get through to baggage claim soon after.
Getting through customs doesn’t take too long, and before you know it, you’re standing in front of the terminal waiting for your bags to come through. You didn’t necessarily spot any of the other guys, but you haven’t really been looking out for them, either. That is, until you see a blur of red approaching you from the side.
Wooyoung hops right up beside you, stopping short as a look of complete shock crosses his features. “Woah.”
Sparing a glance out of the corner of your eyes, you notice his gaze scan your figure. He begins looking around the ground at your feet, as if to spot whatever it is you must be standing on to make you that much taller than he is. Once he finds none, his awestruck gaze is back on your face.
“Wooyoung, I thought I told you to wait for us,” Hongjoong’s exasperated voice reaches your ears.
Turning your head, you see all of the guys now walking towards you, a few of their staff in tow.
“I’m so sorry, has he been pestering you?” A male, whom you’re assuming is their manager, addresses you.
“Not at all,” you shake your head, a slight grin tugging at your features. “I think I might have broken him, though.”
At your words, all heads turn towards a stunned Wooyoung, his mouth gaping like a fish. He blinks a few times, a dopey grin tugging onto his features soon after as his face begins to turn as red as his hair.
“Wooyo, are you okay?” It’s San who asks, coming up to stand beside the male still blinking at you.
A second later and Wooyoung starts giggling like a maniac, “tall lady. Pretty, tall lady. Pretty and tall lady.”
“Okay, I think someone needs more sleep.” Yunho gently guides the muttering male away from you with the help of San.
“Sorry about him,” Hongjoong chuckles, stepping in beside you.
You notice Yeosang standing on your opposite side, not saying a word. Though, you can feel the way he glances towards you out of the corner of his eyes every now and then.
The terminal begins moving, signifying the start of baggage claim for your flight.
“Anyways, should we exchange Kaotalk’s now?” Hongjoong asks, his phone already held in his hand.
“Sure!” You reply, shifting to grab your phone out of your pocket. A few moments later and you’re holding your screen to him with your Kaotalk code on full display. “Here you go.”
The way his eyes light up has you smiling, and you notice the others all pulling out their own phones to add you as well.
“Feel free to message me anytime,” you smile, already feeling your phone vibrate in your hand with a new message.
However, before you can even check who has messaged you, a voice from your left catches your attention.
“Don’t forget about me.” Yeosang blinks up at you as you turn to face him.
You smile softly. “I could never forget about you.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say you’ve just made him blush. The way he averts his gaze, focussing so intently on your phone to make sure he’s added you correctly only confirms your suspicion.
A piece of luggage on the conveyor belt catches your eye. Just as you move to place your phone into your back pocket and grab your bag, you notice Yeosang stop you.
“Which one is it?” He takes a few steps towards the terminal, not even waiting for you to respond.
“The silver one, but I can grab it-“ by the time the words have left your lips, he’s already hoisted your bag from the belt and placed it gently beside you. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”
He smiles lightly. “I wanted to.”
You smile back. “I appreciate it.”
“Do you have any more?” He asks, eyes already scanning the moving luggage for similar ones to the bag he’s already grabbed for you.
“I have three, but I don’t expect you to-“
“Is this another?” He points to a larger silver hardshell case coming your way.
“Yes, but-“ again, before you can tell him not to worry about it, he’s lifting your luggage off of the conveyor and placing it gently beside your other one.
“Are the other two the same?” He asks, shifting his gaze towards you from over his shoulder.
“Same style, but red.” You blink, figuring you’re fighting a losing battle at this point if you keep telling him not to worry about it.
“Believe me, if I didn’t help you first, Jongho would have leapt across the room and done it himself,” Yeosang comments, pulling the first of your red bags off of the line for you.
The moment he wheels it over to you, you double check all of the labels, making sure these are indeed your bags.
“What about your bags?” You ask, noticing how he lifts your final bag off of the line in the next second.
“The staff usually handles them.” He shrugs, helping you wheel your bags over to a cart to help you start loading them onto it.
“Ah, so you wanted something to do.” You nod your understanding.
“Had to make sure all my muscles still work after a long flight like that.” He deadpans, the subtlest of quirks to his lips.
“Are you sure you didn’t just want to show off?” You quirk a brow teasingly.
“Depends,” he hums, shooting you a look out of the corner of his eyes as you both head towards the exit. “Were you impressed?”
You laugh, fake swooning in the next second. “My hero.”
Yeosang quirks a grin in response. “Fine then. Your bags were super heavy to lift, and I demand compensation.”
“I never forced you to lift them!” Your mouth falls open, a scandalized look crossing your features.
“I could have lifted them for you.” Jongho cuts in, seeing as they’ve all now caught up to you for the moment. “I would have been more than happy to.”
You chuckle, but you cannot help the way that you notice Yeosang fall silent as the younger inserts himself in between the both of you.
“It’s quite alright,” you smile softly. “Yeosang helped me just fine.”
“Do you have a ride to your accommodation?” It’s Seonghwa who asks, blinking at you with wide eyes.
“I do, thank you.” You nod. “My publisher sent some people to pick me up.”
You see a few of them nod back in understanding just as you reach the exit gate.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye for now.” Hongjoong turns to face you, stopping just off to the side to ensure they’re not blocking anyone’s path.
“You guys be careful out there,” you say, looking over all of them briefly. “I’ve seen some wild videos of how certain people can act towards all of you at the airport.”
“You, too.” Mingi sends a firm nod in your direction.
“Well, hopefully we’ll see you around!” Wooyoung grins, practically vibrating in his spot in excitement.
“Not to be ominous, but I have a feeling you will.” You smile knowingly. “Like I said, feel free to message me any time. Keep in touch if you can, and don’t be strangers.”
“We will,” Hongjoong smiles back, the corner of his own lips quirking knowingly as Jongho begins to pout beside him.
“I’ll see you guys around,” with a final wave, you’re grabbing your two luggage carts and steering them out of the exit.
You don’t even have to turn around to know that they follow you out a moment later. Given the way half of the crowd begins to bustle, practically swarming the opposite ramp as Ateez exits the terminal, you have a definitive answer. However, what you don’t expect is for a few people to be there for you.
“Miss, would you be willing to sign this for me? And could I possibly get a picture, too?” A girl asks, holding a copy of your first published book out to you.
“Of course,” you grin, having already given your luggage to the people you were supposed to be meeting at the airport that your publisher sent. Once you take the book and pen from her hands, you turn to face her. “Who should I make it out to?”
You’re so caught up in your own little world, completely awestruck by the fact that a small crowd had come to greet you at the airport, that you completely miss the feeling of eyes glancing back at you from across the way.
The last thing Yeosang sees before being ushered out to a waiting car is you signing some books and taking pictures with a few fans, a radiant smile lighting up your face.
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
To the Sockpuppets in my Asks
"Jimin is so private! What does he have to hide?"
*Flashbacks to Jimin's mail being "omitted" four times and his national ID and address being leaked online, which the press sat on until his OST With You dropped, or, years prior, when folks accused him of whoring and doing coke because he... [checks notes] played a forehead-flicking game at a pub restaurant in Paris*
"Jimin keeps saying he's all alone!"
*Jimin is seen at work, at the gym, taking trips for work and vacation, posting photos on Insta, and appearing on shows and in dance challenges*
"Jimin never goes out anywhere!"
*Yet another idol scandal is in the news, this time involving illegal drugs, yet somehow, Jimin's photo at the official Nike dinner with Joon gets circulated as him "out clubbing"*
"Jimin and Jungkook never show that they hang out! They are never together any more!"
*South Korea enacts  Article 92-6*
Look, conspiracy theories are bullshit, but ALSO:
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Jimin and Jungkook are both cooking big, big feasts for us before service and they are focused on that right now. There's still plenty of evidence they see each other and are on great terms, if you actually listen to them, so stop flooding my ask box under sockpuppet accounts, crowing that Jimin is all alone and Jungkook doesn't care about him.
Look, puppykitties...
I cannot tell you Jikook are dating. I do not live in their cupboards and watch them 24/7.
Yes, JK has been hanging out with 97 line friends these days and yes, Jimin and Yoongi (and Hobi) have all gotten super duper close (or are at least more comfy talking openly about how close they've always been) in solo era. And yes:
Jikook don't talk about Jikook these days.
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But what ISN'T being said sounds so loud that half this fandom froths at the mouth every other day.
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Jimin has two gaming chairs in his apartment--including one chair that really looks similar to the one Jungkook had.
Jimin traveled half-way around the world to be with Jungkook during his debut and we still have no idea what they were doing at the restaurant or on the boat. Let's wait patiently.
There's been some highly suspect photos in the past of a guy in a white bucket hat with JK via CCTV at a quick mart (illegal, won't be posting) or of suspiciously similar-looking hands during game nights on JK's brother's Insta (family stuff, won't be posting). There's also video of someone who looks eerily similar to Jimin in expensive designer clothing at the arrivals terminal of the airport when JK got back from the World Cup--and later, just beyond the airport, footage of JK's car pulling away from another company car with fans screaming "Jimin!" to the riders inside (unofficial content, won't be posting).
Jungkook knows every single lyric in Jimin's songs, and his choreo, AND what he says, word for word, on his interviews.
Jimin took up boxing and has showed us he has a punching bag in house.
Jungkook muttered that Jimin moved his lamp.
Jimin went to the airport sporting what looked like a big dog scratch.
Vminkook went to a cafe in Jeju. K-Army said they spotted Jikook there well before Tae posted about it.
Jimin and Jungkook both watched the same random anime series recently.
Jimin ran up to Jungkook to cutely say "periri" so often that Jungkook was afraid he'd accidentally say it on stage.
JK quietly stopped by Jimin's docu-live, and Jimin lit up like a Christmas tree and then grabbed his moob.
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But don't come here with that "Jimin is always alone" and "JK only cares about his career, not Jimin" nonsense.
Please make better use of your time by watching JUNGKOOK'S GOLDEN PREVIEW and JIMIN'S SPECIAL TALK LIVE and then go watch YOONGI'S SUCHWITA WITH 2MIN for good measure!
And next time you come to my blog, if you can't say something nice...
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*hugs* Love, Roo
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hils79 · 3 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 5
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I love that he can't outright lie to her about renting a video from her store but he can pretend to be tired and fall asleep
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Aww she made a rainbow for him. That is so damn cute!
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I knew there would end up being a love triangle
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You can see the exact moment his brain goes offline because the girl he likes has asked him to go and see a movie with her
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She's trying so hard to shield him from any news about the olympic swimming events so he won't be sad and honestly I think he's so deep into I'm On A Date mode I don't think he'd have noticed anyway
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Aww she tried so hard! And then the fire alarm went off before the movie even started and of course there's a giant TV screen outside the cinema that's showing the olympics
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Wait, was that sus taxi from the previous episode a serial killer??? How many genres are they cramming into this drama?
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I was half thinking Im Sol's mum was going to end up dating Sunjae's dad with all the shenanigans they keep having. Can step-siblings marry each other? They're not biologically related.
I just went down a rabbit hole. So obv I don't know what South Korean marriage laws are like but here in the UK it is legal to marry your step-sibling providing you are not biologically related but you cannot marry your step-child which makes sense.
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Love Im Geum and Sunjae holding hands while they watch a Korean woman set a weightlifting world record on the TV
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Haha! Well, that bromance was very shortlived
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How have they managed as a band this far when their singer can't sing. Oh, if only there was someone handsome and with nothing to do now that he can no longer swim
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I don't know if it's the right way to do it or not but when me and my sister both learned how to ride a bike we did it on grass so it wouldn't hurt as much when we fell off
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Aww of course he's going to teach her
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Oh no Sunjae wants to start dressing like Taesung because he thinks that's what Im Sol likes
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Oh no! Taesung is wearing the exact same outfit. This is about to get incredibly awkward
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Yep, there it is
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Oh no they're due to perform any moment and they have no singer. Who can they get to full in? Wait I'm trying to remember now. Was Taesung part of Sunjae's idol group in 2022? I don't remember seeing him but then I didn't know to look for him either. I know Hyunjoo said he dropped out of school after Im Sol's accident. Maybe he dropped out of the band too.
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I'm getting all emotional because he looks so happy on stage but we know how unhappy he's going to wind up
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Still suspicious of him btw
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It's funny that in the last episode he got mad at her because he couldn't deal with his own feelings, and this time he did something nice for her and she got mad because she's worried about him.
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I was at the Ateez fanmeet livestream this morning and Jongho sang a bit of this song. Even for me as a fan I get all excited when someone I 'know' is singing on the OST of a drama I'm watching. I wonder what it's like for Seonghwa, who watches a lot of dramas, to have someone he works with every day on the OST of something he watches. Jongho has done a lot of OST work this year.
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Oh no last time she listened to this she ended up back in 2023. Is it going to happen again?
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newtdrawz · 11 months
YESE AHHH I'm so glad cuz I love making them 😭
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I love Two-bit with my whole heart and I love their friendship SO MUCH 😭😭 the amount of older brother figures this kid has is insane 😭
Two honestly loves Pony, loves him like a brother and Pony does too
When Two first met Pony he was pretty young (idk the ages of the gang when they all first met and I cannot find it anywhere 😭 so I'm taking it into my own hands) and he was honestly obsessed with him
Two always wanted a little brother so whenever Pony would tag along with his brothers Two would be pretty happy abt it while mostly everyone else was a little annoyed lol
Two was never really bothered when Pony followed him around or asked him a million questions while they were all out with the gang
Two always tries to get Pony out of his comfort zone, but not the way Dally does 😭😭
Two tries to encourage Pony to get out of his shell and get out more
He tries to get him to talk to girls more too (which honestly most of the time goes south 😭😭)
Two was really the only one who was able to get Pony out of the house after Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died, he was persistent enough that it ended up working (Soda and Darry thanked him a million times but Two-bit said it was no big deal) (he does the same thing after Johnny and Dally)
Two will steal gifts for Pony while Pony makes gifts for Two
Two-bit will steal art supplies for Pony or anything that he see's and makes him think of Pony
One time he stole like a pack of bookmarks that he thought where funny ("you'll never believe what I found, it's bookmarks with worms reading books!")
Pony will try and draw Two's favorite cartoon characters, especially Mickey Mouse, and give them to him
Two gets really excited each time and he'll hang them around his room at home or keep them safe in a box
Two has unspoken permission from Darry and Soda to give Pony talking to's when he does something stupid
Two also tries to keep Pony out of trouble the best he can, he also tries not to steal when he's with Pony incase someone calls the cops or anything
If he catches word of Pony doing something dumb or hanging out with people Darry specifically told him not to hang out with (COUGH CURLY COUGH) Two will swoop in, pull him away and scold him a little before his brothers can hear anything about it ("You're lucky I caught word of you doin' somethin dumb before Darry or Soda did. I'm not gonna tell em, but don't let me catch you doin it again.")
Two honestly doesn't want Pony to turn out like anyone in the gang so he tells him out right to not do anything he's doing (like how Dally does) ("You see me stealin all the time but don't go out and try and copy me, alright?")
Two-bit is ALWAYS rough housing with Pony 😭
Any chance the two get they're wrestling on the floor
Two-bit's obviously a little stronger then Pony, but Pony's faster
Two will lift him up or hold him down to try and win but Pony will run and try and tire him out to win
Darry HATES when they wrestle in the house, Two-bit tries to remember to wait till they get outside but he always forgets 😭
Two-bit and school do not mix but Pony somehow gets him to do work
They end up having a class together and it's the only class where Two-bit does the work/homework, only cuz Pony tells him too
Pony is NOT about to mess around in class and he outright tells Two-bit that 😭 (he's not trying to get the teacher to call home and get him in trouble)
The teacher is honestly bewildered (a little scared too 😭😭) to see Two-bit sitting quietly and doing actual work. They're even more shocked when he turns things in (are half the answers wrong? Yeah. Did he still do it and turn it in? Yeah.) (It's not that he's dumb he just doesn't care 😭)
Two-bit always tries to sit with Pony at lunch and get him talking. (Pony's honestly so quiet at school so Two tries to also get him out of his shell there too lol)
Pony honestly thinks Two is the funniest person he knows
Pony idolizes a lot of people but Two-bit is definitely on that list, maybe top 5 of people he idolizes.
Pony would never tell him or anyone that but he really does look up to him
He gets a little jealous of how extroverted Two can be and how confident he is so he tries to copy him just a little bit 😭 (like how Johnny pointed that out in the book lol)
He honestly doesn't realize how many mannerisms he's picked up from Two until someone points it out (Steve's the first to point it out and Pony gets so embarrassed but Two is honestly overjoyed by it)
Ah ok!! This one was really fun to do too!! I loves this duo sm 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 again anyone feel free to add on!!
(Again sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or if this is ooc 😭😭 I'm trying man)
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The Dancer and the Rockstar part 10:
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a/n: well, it’s finally over 🥲
Joe parked in front of the dance studio and then walked inside, he only saw Lia and a few other young girls in the lobby. For a moment, he felt a sudden emptiness, but he wasn’t sure what caused it. 
“Lia, hello!” He said to her.
“Hello, love! How was the tour so far?”
“Oh, it was great! The fans are awesome!” 
“That’s wonderful to hear!”
“So, uh, where is y/n?” Joe asked after a moment of silence. Lia looked at him, but she remained silent, “Lia? Where is my wife?”
“C-come with me, Joe…” Lia motioned for him to enter the dancer’s favorite dance room. 
“Lia, you’re scaring me…Where is y/n?”
Tahlia pulled out a newspaper with yesterday’s date and held it in front of Joe, one of the titles of the articles was ‘25 yr old dancer, Y/N Elliott, dies in severe car crash’
Joe looked up at Lia, “This is a joke, right?” 
“No, Joe, it’s not a joke,” Lia began to explain what happened. 
“3 days till Joe comes home!” The dancer cheered, “Alright, Lia, I’m gonna go pick up the Pyromania record, I’ll be back in like an hour!” 
“Be careful!” 
“I will!” The girl exits the dance studio to get to Lia’s car, she turns the car on and leaves the parking lot. 
“I can’t wait to listen to the songs!” She smiles as she stops at a stop light. When the light turns green, she goes on. All of a sudden a car from the right side of her appears and does not stop at the red light, it goes full speed, right into y/n’s car. She tried to move out of the way as fast as she could, but it was too late. Her car flips over and a fire erupts from it.
Police officers came to see what happened, the other car had already been long gone when the police arrived. 
The police pulled the girl out of the car and let her lay on the road, her heart was beating, but she was unconscious and her heart beat slowed down and eventually it came to a stop. 
“We cannot save her, but we can save the baby…” Said a paramedic, “Get her in the ambulance.” They got her in the ambulance, she was covered in blood, it was an awful sight to see. 
Once they made it to the hospital, they gave Y/N a c-section, so they could get the baby. 
“Who is this girl anyway?”
“Y/N Elliott, Joe Elliott’s wife.” 
“She lives in the apartment above our town's only dance studio, South Sheffield Dance Studio.”
“Call the dance studio.” And so the paramedics called the dance studio. 
“Hello, South Sheffield Dance Studio, how may I help you?” it was Lia’s voice.
“Is this Tahlia Matson?” 
“Yes, that would be me.”
“Y/N Elliott is here at the hospital,”
“What? Why?”
“Car crash, she did not make it, but the baby in her belly is still alive.”
“I’m on my way.” Lia and her husband made their way to the hospital and checked in. 
“We are here for Y/N Elliott.” 
“Who are you in relation to Y/N?” The receptionist asked.
Lia looked at her husband, “We are her parents…” she tried hard to fight back tears as they went up the elevator to the dancer’s room. 
“Oh, y/n….” She said as she looked through the window of the hospital room. The paramedics handed the baby to Lia and her husband. 
“Where is Y/N’s husband?” Asked one of the doctors.
“Her husband is Joe Elliott, he is on tour right now with his band. We will tell him the news when he comes back in 3 days.” 
Joe stared at Lia, growing angrier by the second. Lia wasn’t in the happiest mood either, “I’m so sorry Joe….it was nobody’s fault.” That was it…Joe turned and smashed the glass of the mirror in the room. 
Little pieces of glass covered the floor as tears filled Joe’s eyes, “WHAT…..THE….FUCK….” 
Lia said nothing, she just knew that she would’ve done the exact same thing. 
After a few moments, Joe leaned down to pick up the pieces that fell on the floor, each little piece had a different memory playing through it.
“I love you so much, Y/N…..” 
@stevesfuzzypinkslippers @joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @elliotts-personal-property @steveinscarlet @jimmysdragonsuit13
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memekais · 9 months
epic the musical sentence starters. the ocean saga. feel free to change pronouns as needed!
these waves and tides have grown in strength and size.
is it nature or divine or a blessing in disguise?
our home's in sight.
this storm's our final fight.
brace for a storm!
with home so close, we must keep pushing forward.
head towards the island but avoid the crashing waves.
tread where the tide is flat and then you will be saved.
have them follow my ship, i'll ensure that we prevail!
we're taking too much damage to survive.
at this rate, we won't make it out alive.
grab the harpoons, as many as you can find!
we're gonna shoot for the sky!
everyone grab a harpoon and aim it high!
we're shooting for the island in the sky!
luck runs out
please don't tell me you're about to do what i think you'll do.
you've heard the legends of the island in the sky, this proves they're true.
i'm gonna climb to the top and ask 'em for a hand.
you could be caught off guard and lose your life or piss off this god and infuse us with strife.
don't forget how dangerous the gods are.
have faith, friend, we've come this far.
how much longer till your luck runs out?
how much longer till the show goes south?
how much longer till we all fall down?
you rely on wit, and people die on it...
i still believe in goodness, i still believe that we could be kind.
lead from the heart and see what starts.
what will we do when it tears us apart?
i just don't wanna see another life end.
you're like the brother i could never do without.
suddenly you doubt that i could figure this out?
how much longer till your great days cease?
how much longer till your strength takes leave?
thank you for the concern but brother I can assure you our journey is almost done.
i understand that we're tired, i understand that we're fazed but don't forget how much we've already faced.
if you'd like to speak more, let me pull you aside then i need to talk to you in private.
i can't have you planting seeds of doubt, i can't have you disagreeing each route...
i need you to always be devout and comply with this or we'll all die in this, okay?
keep your friends close
our path to home is blocked by an impenetrable storm.
i ask for your assistance so we at last can go the distance.
i am the wind, twisting and turning, i give the fire enough to stay burning!
if you win, you will get what you're yearning.
take a look right here at this bag, it has the winds of the storm all trapped.
sounds too easy, what's the catch?
keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
never really know who you can trust.
sometimes killing is a must.
the end always justifies the means; friends turn into foes in rivalries.
we cannot let the treasure rumour fly.
now they wanna get the bag open so they can have closure.
sometimes sneaking is a must
for nine days, i've stayed wide awake.
i can't wait to make some new memories.
time for me to be the father i never was.
why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?
i keep on tried to embraced you both. why won't you let me?
we can save whatever wind we have to use another day, come on!
[NAME].... do you know who i am?
in all my years of living, it isn't very often that i get pissed off.
i try to chill with the waves but damn, you crossed the line.
i've been so gracious and yet, you hurt the son of mine.
i'm left without a choice and without a doubt!
guess the pack of wolves is swimming with the shark now!
i've gotta make you bleed, i need to see you drown but before you go, I need to make you learn...
ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves!
you are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great!
a greek who reeks of false righteousness, that's what I hate!
you fight to save lives but won't kill and don't get the job done...
you are far too nice - mercy has a price!
it's the final crack we're about to break the ice now!
unlike you i've got no mercy left to give.
now it is finally time to say goodbye. today, you die unless, of course, you apologize...
we meant no harm, we only hurt him to disarm him!
we took no pleasure in his pain, we only wanted to escape!
the line between naïveté and hopefulness is almost invisible.
so, close your heart the world is dark, and ruthlessness is mercy.
i am your darkest moment... the monster that always draws near.
any last words?
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checkoutmybookshelf · 4 months
Rereading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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The more of this book I read, the less reasonable it seems to call this a reread. I definitely internalized almost nothing of this book the first time around. This time around though, we have fun things like Gandalf army crawling around Rivendell to troll Pippin, Boromir being the single person of the big folk to actually be practically concerned about the hobbits in the wild, and a personified and deeply pissed off mountain. So let's talk chapter three, "The Ring Goes South."
Literally the majority of the time we spend with the hobbits in Rivendell is in meetings. We JUST got out of the council meeting--which was a hell of an infodump chapter and frankly my head is STILL spinning over it--and now the hobbits are in Bilbo's room having their own little meeting. This is also kind of where I'm really starting to see the big folk totally disregard Merry and Frodo's relationship and lump Merry in with Pippin, because it's not even a QUESTION at first that Merry and Pippin will go along with Frodo and Sam. Which like...again...MERRY IS SOLIDLY 95% OF THE REASON THEY MADE IT OUT OF THE SHIRE AND TO BREE SAFELY. GIVE THE HOBBIT THE DAMN CREDIT HE DESERVES!!!
I can't say I'm not enjoying the Gandalf trolling Pippin dynamic, but it's wildly unfair to lump Merry into that, and frankly I cannot wait until our hobbit gets to Rohan and gets his own little adventure, because he deserves it.
In the meantime, however, all points to Sam for gently calling out that they'll "just wait long enough for winter to come" before leaving Rivendell to start their quest. I grew up in Alaska, and I am EXTREMELY with Sam on this one. A bigass quest in the winter is doable, if you're prepared and know how not to die of stupid or exposure or cold, but it is going to SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
I also deeply approve of Bilbo pinning the blame for THAT precisely where it belongs:
"That can't be helped," said Bilbo. "It's your fault partly, Frodo my lad: insisting on waiting for my birthday. A funny way of honoring it, I can't help thinking. Not the day I would have chosen for letting the S.-B.s into Bag End. But there it is: you can't wait now till spring; and you can't go till the reports come back."
The SHAAAAAAAAAAAAADE on Frodo giving Lobelia Sackville-Baggins Bag End on Bilbo's birthday there is amazing, and honestly this is an excellent point. That said though, it's also just a biiiiiiiiiiit harsh on Bilbo's part to blame Frodo for making a plan without full information. We do the best we can with the information we have at any given point, and I rather think that given his druthers--a a lack of Black Riders on the road--Frodo might have spent longer in Crickhollow and Bree, which could have meant that they would have been off on this trip in the spring. That would also have been entirely too late to do anything useful, but there you go.
We do just casually spend two months in Rivendell though, so it's literally the end of December before they get word that eight of the nine Black Riders were successfully de-horsed and de-cloaked by the rushing waters at the ford, which clears the party to officially form up and leave Rivendell.
I am not gonna lie, having largely grown up on the movies, I find it absofuckingloutely hilarious that Peter Jackson just kind of went, "Let's do 'I am Spartacus' during the council of Elrond to put the party together" and Elrond is basically like, "Nine companions...Cool beans!" And I have now discovered that the actual way this went down was a lot more "I am Elf Daddy, Hear Me Roar":
"And I will choose you companions to go with you, as far as they will or fortune allows. The number must be few, since your hope is speed and secrecy. [...] The Company of the Ring shall be Nine; and the Nine Walkers shall be set against the Nine Riders that are evil."
Ok, cool; they're an explicit parallel to the Black Riders. And thank you Tolkien for trying to subvert the dreaded movie title mention, even if Peter Jackson didn't take the hint and got cute with it (affectionately). I will say though, Elrond might have...ASKED FRODO if there was anyone in particular he wanted with him while he walked to hell. Like, this should have been a conversation, not a declaration. I grant, Frodo wouldn't have known all of what he'd need, but damn Elrond, way to not even bother to ASK.
Which is also why I am grateful Gandalf pipes up when Pippin insists that he and Merry are going. Because not only does Gandalf make up for the trolling a bit here, he also is willing to respect hobbits' desires more than LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE UP TO THIS POINT. Here's how this bit goes down:
"We don't want to be left behind. We want to go with Frodo." "That is because you do not understand and cannot imagine what lies ahead," said Elrond. "Neither does Frodo," said Gandalf, unexpectedly supporting Pippin. "Nor do any of us see clearly. It is true that if these hobbits understood the danger, they would not dare to go. But they would still wish to, or wish that they dared, and be shamed and unhappy. I think, Elrond. that in this matter it would be well to trust rather to their friendship than to great wisdom."
THEY ARE NOT CHILDREN JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE SHORT, ELROND. Frodo is like fully in his hobbit 30s, and everyone else is a legal hobbit adult. They get to make their own choices, even if your ass doesn't like them. And THANK YOU GANDALF for supporting hobbit agency at this time. Honest to christ, it's like big folk see small folk and go "child" and as a short woman (five foot one on a good day) this is deeply irritating to me. Height isn't some indicator of adulthood and intelligence. It's an indicator of HEIGHT.
And sure, even if the hobbits have no fucking clue what they're in for, that's not like...wildly unusual for newly adulted adults. We make all sorts of decisions in our early twenties (or have them made for us *glares in military drafts and student loans*) that we absolutely would not have made given more life experience. Like...welcome to adulthood, sit the fuck down Elrond.
Which he eventually does, we sort out the company roster, and everyone fucks off to go get kitted up.
Anduril just gets casually reforged so Aragorn can have a sword that is actually USEFUL on this leg of the trip. My favorite thing though? Absolutely has to be Bilbo's CASUAL DISREGARD FOR RIVENDELL'S ARCHITECURE:
"Here is your sword," he said. "But it was broken, you know. I took it to keep it safe but I've forgotten to ask if the smiths could mend it. No time now. So I thought, perhaps, you would care to have this, don't you know?" He took from the box a small sword in an old shabby leather scabbard. Then he drew it, and its polished and well-tended blade glittered suddenly, cold and bright. "This is Sting," he said, and thrust it with little effort deep into a wooden beam.
The absolute HELL I would have caught from literally everyone if I ever casually plunged a sword into someone else's house doesn't even bear thinking about. I also appreciate the casual hobbity disregard for Frodo's own sword. Like, it was broken, and Bilbo just...forgot to get it fixed? Part of me is like, "Well, he IS a hobbit," and the rest of me is like "THE FUCK YOU FORGOT, SIR. THIS IS A PLOY TO SET YOUR NEPHEW AND HEIR OFF WITH A SWORD YOU TRUST." Which is deeply relatable and honestly super adorably parental, especially since it is ABSOLUTELY Bilbo's fault that Frodo ended up in this position. (Yeah that might be harsh and it might ignore the Ring's own agency, but I stand by "magic rings shouldn't be passed down to unsuspecting nephews" thing.)
I do appreciate that Frodo gets Sting though, because that sword served Bilbo well in The Hobbit, and even I can appreciate the value of the inheritance that Sting brings to the quest in general and Bilbo in particular. Same with the Mithril shirt--although the word Mithril is not used in this chapter!!! Bilbo refers to it as dwarf-mail, and I would need to go back and look at The Hobbit to see if he knows it's Mithril there and I cannot currently be bothered.
What is really adorable is that Frodo takes one look at this thing--and its matching pearl and crystal belt--and goes "I should look - well, I don't think I should look right in it." And Bilbo AGREES!!! But it's darling, really, because he does the hobbitiest thing imaginable to get the protective gear on the nephew:
"Just what I said myself," said Bilbo. "But never mind about looks. You can wear it under your outer clothes. Come on! You must share this secret with me. Don't tell anybody else! But I should feel happier if I knew you were wearing it. I have a fancy it would turn even the knives of the Black Riders," he ended in a low voice.
The masterful parenting skills on display here. First, we validate the kid's feelings that yeah, it looks pretty stupid. But hey, nobody has to see, and it can be our cool little secret! And it would make me, your beloved, frail, old Uncle Bilbo feel better if you did. Do you WANT to get stabbed again? Because not wearing this is how you get stabbed again. This is literally just Bilbo running through the parenting manual at warp speed, and I kind of love it. Because ultimately, the Mithril goes on, and it will end up saving Frodo's ass.
Although admittedly it's not going to do much on Caradhras.
It then takes three and a half pages to get everyone out the goddamn gate, but a third of the way into this chapter, we do FINALLY get the fellowship setting forth. Before they can get out the door though, Elrond spends a weird amount of time going "EVERYONE IS A VOLUNTEER. THEY CAN LEAVE WHENEVER THEY WANT." It has very "Covering my ass to not get sued" vibes, and frankly while I appreciate the clarity--and yes, I get it, the choice to stay together is what makes the bonds strong more than some oath--CAN WE PLEASE GET THE HELL ON THE ROAD ALREADY???
It is getting toward January, so walking to the mountains is cold and windy and miserable but probably also deeply boring, so Tolkien kind of glosses over that until we get to the Misty Mountains and we get like fifteen names for each peak that I'm not spending time on because I don't care. The important thing is that we have to go up the Redhorn Gate on Caradhras and head for the Dimrill Dale, where we will descend the Dimrill Stair toward the Mirrormere and River Silverlode. Got it.
It does not take long for Aragorn to get anxious because the patterns of the land are disrupted, and I love that as per usual, when something important happens, it's Sam who is there. When the crebain pull their little flyover, it's Sam whose watch Aragorn shares, SAM who actually first sees the dark patch that heralds the spy birds, and Sam whose eyes we see them through. Sam is the keeper of knowledge for our hobbits, and I adore that this pattern is still standing strong, even if it means that these people can't stay secret or hidden for longer than a few days if their damn lives depend on it. Literally at no point have the forces of Mordor not known that the ring is moving, and they've generally had a rough sense of where it is too. Even Gandalf is over here going, "and I have no freaking clue how we're getting over the Redhorn Gate unseen, but we will burn that bridge when we get to it."
Unfortunately, by the time they actually do get to Caradhras, weather seems to be moving in, and Wizard Daddy and King of Gondor Daddy are fighting about the route and refusing to ask for directions:
"Winter deepens behind us, [...] the weather may prove a more deadly enemy than any. What do you think of your course now, Aragorn?" [...] "I think no good of our course from beginning to end, as you well know, Gandalf," answered Aragorn. [...] "But there is another way, and not by the pass of Caradhras: the dark and secret way that we have spoken of." "But let us not speak of it again! Not yet." [...] "We must decide before we go further," answered Gandalf.
But ultimately, they opt to go over the mountain, with Boromir super wisely piping up as the expert on traveling in deadly winter that hey, MAYBE THEY SHOULD BRING SOME FIREWOOD, because "it will not help us to keep so secret that we are frozen to death."
Like, Aragorn is a ranger, but he isn't used to these altitudes. Gandalf and Legolas aren't bothered by snow. Gimli is...a dwarf. But Boromir has probably seen people die in snow and cold, and I'd bet he knows that thanks to the weird thing where people who are smaller have higher surface-area-to-volume ratios and lose body heat faster. Boromir and Aragorn are big dudes, but the hobbits are literally child-sized. They're going to be in more danger from cold faster. So YEAH, bring the extra fire wood.
Seriously, they get partway up this mountain, and Gandalf and Aragorn are still having a pissing contest about the route they're now actively on, Boromir is hypothesizing that Sauron is yeeting a blizzard at them, AND NOT A GODDAMN WORD FROM GIMLI until the next day when Boromir is hearing fell voices in the air and BIGASS STONES ARE FALLING ON THEIR HEADS. And even then, it's not the full explanation we'll get in another couple pages, it's:
"Caradhras was called the Cruel, and had an ill name," said Gimli, "long years gao, when rumour of Sauron had not been heard in these lands."
This heralds probably the worst night that the company spends on this mountain. They have almost no cover, the snow nearly buries the hobbits, and had Boromir not been watching, they'd have fallen asleep and suffocated to death under snow or frozen to death. And it is SUPER clear that Gandalf doesn't understand how biology works, because in response to Boromir's "This will be the death of the halflings" (which, YEAH, no kidding!!!), Gandalf pulls out the Elven liquor. Specifically miruvor, or the cordial of Imladris, but that means jack to me at this point other than IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO KEEP THE HOBBITS ALIVE IN A MOUNTAIN BLIZZARD IN JANUARY.
Ultimately it's Boromir's foresight to bring some goddamn fuel and light a fire that keeps the hobbits alive, and frankly as someone who grew up where it could hit minus 50 Fahrenheit, Gandalf is no longer allowed to lead on mountains. If Boromir hadn't been there, they would have had four dead hobbits on their hands. Like, yes, eyes on the prize, but PERHAPS NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE LIFE OF THE RINGBEARER LESS THAN A MONTH INTO THE JOURNEY???
At this point, Gimli calls for, and is granted, a retreat, because the mountain is absolutely going to kill all their asses. Boromir again gets MEGA points for being the beefiest of beefy warrior men and breaking a trail to get everyone else down--WHILE CARRYING MERRY AND PIPPIN. Like, quite literally this bear of a man has one hobbit piggyback, one clinging to his front like a monkey, and STILL manages to keep clearing and widening the path for everyone behind him. And this goes on for like another day or two as they get off murder mountain.
Quite literally I am gonna need everyone to stop what they're doing and acknowledge that Boromir pulled everyone's asses out of the fire that Aragorn and Gandalf bickered them into. Like, I'm not gonna say this man was done completely dirty by the movie, because he gets little "protector of the hobbits' physical well-being" moments throughout, but HOLY TITS WAS THAT SCALED DOWN.
I think I'll leave it here, with Caradhras having quite handily handed the fellowship their asses, and Boromir being the only reason that the hobbits survived that little foray into mountain passes. Like, they gave it the old college try, and I'm sure that probably seemed like the least bad of all the shitty options for travel in front of them, but if anything was DESIGNED to murder the hobbits in their little hairy tracks, it was the angry, Elf and Wizard hating mountain that can yeet stones and whip up killer blizzards...
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lucky-lucky-duck · 26 days
Tokyo Debunker Match-up: Tasnim
Ahhhh, I'm sorry this took so long! I was having a week long mental breakdown over classes and then needed a day to recover a bit. c': But!! I really loved the one you did for me so I hope this makes up for the wait! Also, you wrote from the character's perspective so I responded the same way. Hope that's fine! @ithseem @courtofmatchups
Hey! I run the Court of Matchups blog. This is my main. I'm down to do a trade. Are you willing to do a Tokyo Debunker matchup for an OC? Her name is Tasnim. I'm gonna write this as if she's the one speaking so you can better grasp how they speak, for all intents and purposes, so... Here you go.
Appearance: I am a bisexual South Asian demigirl (she/they pronouns) with straight black hair and tan skin. I usually tie into a low braid because I think it looks cute, and I don't like the feeling of loose hair on the back of my neck. I also wear glasses. I am 160 cm tall and pretty scrawny. My favourite colours are pink and orange, and I present myself very feminine, but I do like to dabble in other aesthetics too.
Personality: I like to say I'm a pretty cheerful and upbeat person. I try my best to smile through tough situations, though it can be hard sometimes. I also like to say I'm a family person, and I will do anything to protect them, and my friends. I am perfectionistic, but sadly I am a bit scatterbrained, much to the dismay of my parents and older sister. Hell, I almost burned the eggs I was making for the first time (I have gotten better tho). I have been working on my organizational skills though, and I’m happy to say that I’ve come a pretty long way. I can be quite petty too. If someone wrongs me, I tell them either bad puns or horrifying facts for a period of time as revenge. I'm also good at math, so my friends come to me for help with that. Also, in almost every friend group I'm in, I somehow become a therapist friend. Lemme tell you, THAT really takes a toll on me. I also have a soft spot for unabridged fairytales (they high-key have me in a chokehold). Some more lil' factoids about me: I wear my hair in a low braid because I don't like the feeling of hair on the back of my neck. My friends and family often told me my hands get pretty animated when I talk
Likes: Anime, drawing comics, video games, unabridged fairytales, sweets (my favourite dessert is caramel pudding) and spending time with my older sister
Dislikes: Cruelty, confrontation (I will kick butt if I need to, literally or figuratively), anyone who dares to threaten my friends or family, arrogance when it gets out of hand, black tea or coffee (I cannot drink it unless it is sweetened or if I have it with a LOT of milk)
Here's the design:
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I would match you with: Luca Errant☆
Luca is someone who can really appreciate your disposition, mostly because he's the same way. He's also a very family oriented person, so I think he would try really hard to mesh well with yours, especially if you spend a lot of time with them. He might make himself a little anxious trying to make sure they like him, so please give him a pep talk and maybe some advise.
I also think that he would find the whole scatterbrained thing very cute! Luca sees you as someone on the exact same level as him, like a partner. So, when he finds an opportunity to be the one to support you, he jumps at it. If you mention having plans, he writes it down and reminds you later. If you're cooking, he'll try to inconspicuously position himself close enough to react if you turn away and it starts to burn. (he cannot cook, though, so that's probably as far as that goes.) He wants to be everything you need, but he's very good about not overdoing it or overstepping boundaries.
Luca is very much an acts of service and quality time man when it comes to relationships, so there's not a chance in hell that you'd ever be forced into the therapist friend role. He'll probably have a problem with others treating you like that, as well. And unfortunately, Luca definitely doesn't shy away from confrontation when he sees if weighing on you. In the moments where the both of you are going through something tough behind closed doors, you'd be able the comfort the other in a way that doesn't leave either of you to take the brunt of the emotions.
Ask him to braid your hair for you! Please! I don't think he knows how initially, but he absolutely starts learning for you the minute you ask him about it. It's a small act that he can do for you, and it almost feels like he can braid in all of his affection and good will, which I think would make him feel better when he can't be around you for a while. He also keeps one of your hair ties on his wrist, just in case.
Also, how ironic is it that you're obsessed with unabridged fairy tales and then end up with the most Disney Prince lookin' ass in the whole franchise? He loves that you like telling him about your favorite things, and he'd get a lot of comfort just from listening to you ramble about it, even if it's the bloody and disturbing topic of unabridged fairy tales. All-in-all, I think this would be a really happy pair!
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londonfoginacup · 2 years
An Essay about Carolina, the classic song by Harry Styles, that becomes slightly unhinged as it goes along
Harry Styles has long been known for his incredibly nonsensical lyrics. By now he features a three-album catalogue of songs that the average listener thinks, “I might know what this is about”. The more advanced listener, who has then looked up the lyrics, follows that thought up with, “Actually I have no clue what he’s talking about.” This has long been a problem for Styles’ fans, who love to extract knowledge from his lyrical essays. I, personally, have spent hours pouring over lyrics in order to bring you, dear reader, the truth. 
In this essay, I will show how the classic Harry Styles song Carolina is, in fact, a song about the Queen of England.
Now the first thing to remember while deep diving on this topic is that Harry is British. This may be a difficult thing to remember, because his accent has only become more and more transatlantic nonsense over the years, but is very important to the context of this song. 
Now, to take a look at the first set of lyrics;
She's got a family in Carolina
So far away, but she says I remind her of home
The Queen could, of course, have any number of family members in Carolina, as North and South Carolina, as the combined populations of the two states amount to over 15 million. However, I believe he’s referring to Sir Walter Raleigh, the founder of North Carolina, who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I. Sir Walter married one of her ladies-in-waiting, which the Queen at the time did not appreciate, but that does make him an in-law of sorts. 
Now, it is pertinent to point out that the first American football that the Queen ever watched was a Maryland v UNC (University of North Carolina) match, so she could be referring here to her family-on-the-field, as it were. Regardless, while attending a football game, the Queen would think that Harry, with his British sensibilities of preferring to watch men in shorts running around, would remind her of home. 
Feelin' oh-so far from home
She never saw herself as a west-coaster
Moved all the way 'cause her grandma told her
"Townes, better swim before you drown"
The Queen’s grandmother was Mary of Teck, a woman who didn’t look particularly like a queen when I looked her up just now on Wikipedia. Mary of Teck died when Queen Elizabeth was reigning, although she had not yet been crowned. We can see how the phrase “better swim before you drown” would be used here, as the Queen was in her mid-twenties at the time and, as they say in the hit musical 1776, there was “a war on.”
(Okay there wasn’t actually, but I had read the year as 1925 instead of 1952, and had already written that stellar line, so we’re keeping it).
Regardless, the Queen obviously never saw herself as a west-coaster because she lives in England, not North or South Carolina. 
She's got a book for every situation
Gets into parties without invitations
How could you ever turn her down?
There's not a drink that I think could sink her
Now this may seem obvious, but one would never turn down the Queen if she were requesting to get into one’s party. Can you imagine turning her away from a rager? From a kegerater? Obviously you cannot. She is the Queen, and probably had very large bodyguards who would be more than willing to force their way in so that she could daintily sip her lukewarm post-beerpong-beer. 
Now, on the subject of books, a quick google search will come up with article after article. “4 Fascinating Books About Queen Elizabeth II”, “8 Best Queen Elizabeth II Biographies to Get”, “The 20 Best Books About Queen Elizabeth II”. I think we do not need to name every book about her to be sure that there is a biography for every situation. My personal favourite is an odd comic book I found where a younger version of herself seems to be crowning an older version of herself. Very mysterious. 
How would I tell her that she's all I think about?Well, I guess she just found out
Obviously, we can know this song is about the Queen because Harry has put so many references to the Queen in it, and she is a wise woman who listens to all of his albums on release day, because he is a British icon.
I met her once and wrote a song about her
I wanna scream, yeah, I wanna shout it out
And I hope she hears me now
I do not know whether the Queen ever heard him, although I assume she did, as I stated above.
Now, dear reader, this concludes my deep dive into Carolina, but this does not conclude Harry’s tributes to the Queen. Just two albums later, he followed this clear Queen-love-letter up with a second, just-as-obvious love letter.
Love of My Life.
Harry has stated in interviews that this song is about England. And it clearly is, but it is moreso about the ruler of England, the woman who made England what it is (or something. She sold some plates with her face on them at least, that wouldn’t be there otherwise).
I take you with me every time I go away
In a hotel, usin' someone else's name
I remember back at Jonny's place, it's not the same anymore
This song is a crooning sigh of longing for Harry’s good old friend the Queen. Clearly he uses the name Elizabeth in hotels. Someone should check on that.
Baby, you were the love of my life, woah
Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it
It's not what I wanted, to leave you behind
He lost the Queen, likely while they were playing hide and seek. But then he had to leave on a plane for a show, and it seems as though he never found her again.
Don't know where you'll land when you fly
You usually do, actually.
It's unfortunate, ooh
Just coordinates, ooh
Maybe Harry doesn’t know how to read a map.
I don't know you half as well as all my friends
I won't pretend that I've been doin' everything I can
To get to know your creases and your ends
Are they the same?
This is a complaint that, after Styles started his many world tours, the Queen began going to parties without him. Which is fair, because she can’t just be sitting reading books about herself waiting for him to come around.
But, baby, you were the love of my lifeNote the use of the past tense here. This album came out in spring, and the Queen passed in the fall (I think. I’m not looking anything up anymore). Could this be… premonition? Planning? Another vehicular manslaughter crime under Harry’s belt? Who’s to say? Certainly not the Queen…
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Brown Sugar Kisses - Chapter One: Need You Bad
Warnings: a little angst, tooth rotting fluff, LOTS of tension. Basically hurt/comfort. Sorry not sorry 😌
Pairing: bangchan x fem!black!OC
POV: main character Mikayla.
Synopsis: Kayla see’s that Chan wasn’t himself, she tries to address it. Things go south. Lots of crying, kisses and apologies happen that night.
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“You haven’t been yourself lately. Have you eaten?..Is..is everything actually okay Chris?”
“I’m fine Kay. Why are you always worried?”
“You know why. I remember hearing 42 for the first time. You know you can’t ever go back to that..I’m worried not for me but for you baby.”
I never want him to be mad at me. But it somehow happened. He never was mad at me before. I guess I worry too much about him and he’s giving me a reality check-in. He leaves the studio rightfully upset. I head back to our house upset too. We sit in silence in the living room.
“Are we gonna talk about it.” He says. Not as a question but a statement almost.
“About what?”
“Why I’m ‘not myself’ right now. I thought you wanted to know?”
“I do want to know baby I, I just. Ugh, to me you work yourself over the limit. I know you’re doing what you think is right—and I know what you’re gonna say how you know you and all that. I just want to take care of you..please? Just this once can you let someone just love you for once!”
Silence leaked from the walls. I started to get choked up. He didn’t say anything. He just let me stand there, crying.
“You give all that you have to people—“ I wipe my nose and eyes again. “—why don’t you let others do that for you? They won’t hurt you! I, I would never do that Mí Corazon.”
“I give my all because that’s all I know. Work, do this, come out on top or be roadkill. I do that so people stay.”
“So you just worked yourself half to death? Dammit Christopher I just cannot get you to listen for once!”
Now we’re both crying, great. My eyes were fixated on him, his eyes glued to the ground.
“Do you hate me?”
“No. Why would I? You’re perfect.”
“Then why do you worry about me ruining myself. I feel fine.” He has something in his hands, he’s twirling it. My mind goes back to a horrible place.
“Now we can fight, ion care. You hit me, Christopher, we are done..”
“No, love why would I do that?” He finally looks at me with some kind of care in his eyes.
“I’d never hit you. Wait —don’t leave! Please..”
“You’ve said enough. I’m going to Felix’s.”
We kept going back and forth with each other as I left, him begging me to come back.
I text Felix as I head out the door.
“I’m heading over. Y’all got ice cream?”
He responded.
“Yes. Come on over. 💙”
He opened the door to me in a Nirvana shirt, sweats with messed-up mascara. I was still crying.
He hugged me tight “What happened? I’ll kill him for you if you want..” I laugh for the first time in a minute.
“Gracias Felix. Really.”
“Of course. You asked for Ice cream so…I got a gallon. Titanic’s on. Wanna cry some more?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Few hours later, 1:30 am
I get a call from Chris, “Hey love.”
“I’m sorry.” I say.
“I know. I am too. Come home, I miss you. No, I need you here. You’re right. I need a little pick-me-up right now. Please don’t hate me M.K.”
I start to grab my stuff and say goodbye to Minho. “Of course, I’ll be there.”
I hang up and tap a sleeping Felix “Ah- yea?”
“I’m going back home.”
“Did he call or..?” The doorbell rings. Felix opens up.
“He’s here Kay.”
We look at each other in what feels like forever.
“I’m really so—“ I cut him off as our lips met.
We walk back to the dorms. I sit on his bed thinking. He stares back at me from the other side of the room. “What is it?”
“I feel really bad about what happened earlier M.K.”
“I know.” I lay my head on his lap. “The reason I thought you would hit me is because I used to have this friend. He liked me and I didn’t like him back, so when I said no, I came home beat up because I said no.”
I sat up, regretted it. He wrapped his arms around my waist, looking at me.
“You’re worthy of all the love in the word love. No one will ever hurt you like that as long as I’m here.” Many kisses later lipstick stained his neck and collarbone.
“So, now do you forgive me?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Well I’m going to bed and so are you. It’s late.”
“LATE?? LATE?!?? It’s only—“ He checks his phone. “1:45. Not late.”
I sigh. “There is clearly something wrong with you. Go. To. Bed. Please.”
“Fine, only because of you.”
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Give me your favourite blorbos and favourite headcanon for them
Is this a Christmas present for me anon? Bc if it is, I love it and thank you 😚💖😭😭
I have a lot of characters I like, but as far as absolute faves rn, here's Gambit and Nightcrawler :) thank you so much for this generous ask and enjoy!
Gambit's father tried to send Remy to receive formal education as a kid, but Gambit wasn't very cooperative about it (like, at all) and so he never finished
You would hardly know this though, as Gambit is not only, of course, able to read and write perfectly- but he is also bilingual (English and French), can write in cursive, and can read Roman numerals
Gambit grew up Catholic in comic canon, but as an adult he now carries and proclaims himself as atheist (this is also canon, I believe) however, in his heart of hearts, he's really more agnostic
Sometimes in dark hours, he will pray the rosary to soothe himself. That and, very rarely, he can sometimes be found sitting in the local chapel- just to think, he says
Also in comic canon, Gambit dreams of having a family and wants to be a dad one day- as for the headcannon, he'll never say a preference aloud, but secretly he hopes to have mostly girls
He has learned to braid and tie those big, glittery hair bows in preparation for this, but he would die before letting on about either of those skills
This is canon as far as the cartoon is concerned, but just for the record I hc that not only is Gambit indeed a really great cook, but it is also secretly one of his hobbies
Here's something interesting- in comic canon Gambit has his powers surgically reduced by Mr sinister so that he can better control them. For the hc, I believe this is where their red color comes from, but when he was at full power, his eyes were purple
Free fun fact! But this is how you can tell if the gambit I'm writing or drawing is at his full, godly power or not- I intentionally depict him with either color to suit my story/imagination
This might be actually controversial to some, but I am in this category of women myself, so do not fear: Gambit secretly is very (VERY) into curvy women, especially after having grown up in the south (he's a hips and thighs guy, if you're curious)
However, and this is the controversial part, he's one of Those Guys™ that feels ashamed of attraction, so he will very rarely pursue or even entertain them if anyone he knows is watching
If he thinks he can get away with it privately tho- he most definitely will go for it
In a world where he either doesn't end up with rogue or something tho, this weird embarrassment thing goes away entirely as he gets a little older and more emotionally mature
For my followers: this reservation does not exist at all in regards to dad bod Gambit. He proudly enjoys great food AND fine ass women- no holds barred
Gambit's love language is quality time, his myer briggs is ESTP, his sign is Leo, he's about 6'4 (I like to imagine him a little extra tall), and if you see me write/draw him with a dad bod he's at least about 34 years old
Nightcrawler cannot swim, at least- not formally
This has nothing to do with physical ability, but rather that he just never learned, mostly bc he has/had no need
He's never had any formal education either, and only learned to read and write at the monastery in his early 20s
This also means he barely spoke English until meeting the professor- now, he's fully fluent tho
I feel that some people are going to act like this is controversial, even tho it shouldn't be lmao- but I hc that Kurt is a virgin
I don't care what the comics say/imply or how old he is: on this blog he takes his faith very seriously and is waiting for marriage
While he grew up staunchly Catholic, as he has gotten older and had more opportunities to study religion on his own, he later converted to Christianity
On the subject of older Nightcrawler- as he ages, certain attributes of his mutation become more pronounced: his fur grows to a thicker, almost woolly texture, his top fangs are longer and protrude from his lip, and he gains slightly keener senses more akin to Wolverine's
On that note- Kurt's hair is naturally curly (although he does nothing to care for it) so once his fur starts growing thicker, this is where it gains it's interesting sherpa like quality instead of just the short, velvet like fuzz he's known for
While his human disguise changes all the time from comic to comic, I like to headcannon that Kurt's disguise is just his natural face and hair, but with human colors- obviously
I toyed with the idea that his human hair would be red/ginger like mother mystique, but ultimately I hc it to be a very light blonde and his eyes are honey brown
On virtue of being an extremely thin man, Kurt ALSO is strongly attracted to full figured women- unlike Gambit tho, at no point in his life does this attraction bother him nor impede his romantic pursuits
Kurt's love language is physical touch, his myer briggs is INFP, his sign is Cancer, and if you see me draw/write him with a dad bod he's probably about 38 years old
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Introducing my ikepri OC
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Estella Castillo de Reyes — first princess of Cinnabar
Hair color: black
Hair texture: soft waves
Eye color: gray
Height: 5’6 = ~171 CM
Siblings: middle child — 1 older brother, 1 younger brother.
Father: King Maximino Castillo de Reyes
Mother: Queen Ophelia Castillo de Reyes
Around strangers:
She can come off as intimidating and almost hard to approach. When she steps into a room her presence is immediately felt.
Around residents of Cinnabar:
She’s kind and always ready to hear how she can help those who call Cinnabar home. All residents know she truly cares about the people and know how hard she works so everyone can live their lives as best as possible.
Around family & friends:
She’s a goofy, typical girl. Although she doesn’t like to admit it, she likes being spoiled and doted in every now and then.
A Typical Day
She enjoys her breakfast with her family. Most mornings after breakfast are spent training with the troops. After training she freshens up, and gets dressed, she heads to the markets and interacts with the public — she loves shopping and buying from the artisans that have set up for the day and buying fresh produce from the farmers. She always makes sure to get something for her family as well as something for her ladies-in-waiting. Once she’s done at the market she goes back home and distributes her gifts, and if she got something for herself she loves to try it on and make different outfits with her already extensive wardrobe. After a snack she does some light studying, it’s always something different; some days it’s the history of Cinnabar, maybe different fight/sword forms so she can improve even more, she just wants to keep learning. If she’s not in the mood for studying and just wants to have fun/let out some steam she goes to the dance hall and practices her dancing. Sometimes she’s in there alone but other times others join in on the fun. Once she’s satisfied with her practice, it’s usually time for dinner with her family. Dinner is a big deal at the Cinnabar castle— most staff join the royal family for dinner.
About Cinnabar
Capital city: Danburite
Other major cities: Coral, Amazonite, Larimar, Emerald
Location: South of Achrolite, West of Obsidian, does not touch Jade you can refer to the map in this post
Royal family crest:
Cinnabar is a nation rich with culture, art, cusine, and ore. Cinnabar started out as a small civilization that settled in the area. Slowly it expanded, and eventually the people discovered ores within their earth and the nation quickly expanded and improved. The first ore was Cinnabar which is how the nation would gain its name. As the nation expanded they found other ores to which they attribute their growth too, they would name their bigger cities after these minerals.
Besides ores and minerals, Cinnabar is abundant in fertile soil thus they have a variety of crops not found elsewhere and enables them to trade and make profits from other countries.
Cinnabar is a kingdom rich with culture. Its unique culture is unlike any other. With dishes that are hard to replicate, not only due to the ingredients that are unique to Cinnbar, but no precise measurements are ever used. Cinnabar also has traditional dances that date back to before Cinnabar was established. The more traditional dances feature rhythmic drum beats along with colorful headdresses. Cinnabarian modern dances feature lively melodies that often feature guitar and recently developed brass horns. Cinnabar also prides itself on its traditional embroidery that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, this embroidery is often donned on dance wear of the modern dancers.
Current state of Cinnabar
Cinnabar used to be an open country to all and had its borders open to all who wished to see its natural beauty for themselves. But all the eventually changed when Obsidian unexpectedly invaded, destroying a village near the Cinnabar-Obsidian border along with a large amount of land and crops. This day is known as “El día de oscuridad” (the day of darkness) in Cinnabar. King Maximino was also killed on that day. It’s unclear as to who murdered him, but there’s a rumor that the First Princess of Cinnabar is the one who did it. Ever since Cinnabar closed its doors to outsiders, nobody knows the inner workings of the once hospitable nation. The royal family no longer makes any public appearances outside of their country — should there be a meeting with another nation only a handful of representatives show up in lieu of a member of the royal family. This irritates the others but they can’t bring themselves to be angry since Cinnabar always delivers the results they promise. Outside of Cinnabar there’s rumors stating that Cinnabar is unstable, but anytime people trying to sneak into Cinnabar, they are met with the well trained troops stationed at the borders. But one recent rumor has everyone shaking with anticipation— Cinnabar is re-opening its borders soon.
Picrew refs for Estella
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Official Estella Art here
Her crest: a serpentining dragon with cuetlaxochitl flowers adorning it.
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(all links will take you to instagram)
Something you would see in the capital
A style of music heard around Cinnabar
A traditional style dance
Big dance productions like this are often seen at celebrations/festivals
Just ignore all the modern things 💀
Yeah ignore them here too
Here too
… I think you know the drill 🙈
Markets in Cinnabar
POV: you’re visiting Cinnabar for the first time
Estella’s group dance practice
Tags: @queengiuliettafirstlady
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Soooo I dreamed this last night... Everyone in the Gong family knows about Shangjue and Yuanzhi feelings for each other. Zishang being the caring sister she decides to take the matters in her hands to get the two together. She convinces Yuanzhi that the only way to get his man is to make him jealous so he has to fake a relationship with Young Master Hua (who is unwillingly part of the plan).
The three idiots planned the whole thing with open doors and Shangjue ears everything.
The whole thing ended up with Young Master Hua and Yuanzhi caught in a rather embarrassing situation the elders, Elder Hua almost having a heart attack and Shangjue shocking everything by laughing heartly and soundly for the first time in his life.
It's stupid but I woke up laughing like an idiot 😂
"Do I really have to?"
Zishang bravely resists the urge to roll her eyes because, oh, save her from those with short-sightedness. Xiao Hei purses his lips as he carefully watches how Yuanzhi manoeuvres his way into the gauzy pale green fabric of the hanfu. She'd bought it because a travelling merchant had said that it was the latest in summer styles from the south thinking she'd probably wear it out once but now as she sees the way the shade complements Yuanzhi's complexion, it was a good idea to hang on to it.
Xiao Hei nudges her with his shoulder and she tuts her tongue at him. Impatience is such an unattractive trait in a man.
"Why? Are you scared of what Gong Shangjue will do to you if he thinks you're corrupting his little brother?" Zishang teases, crossing her arms.
"More like, I am very invested in keeping my limbs attached to my body and my guts in me, thank you very much," Xiao Hei quips back without missing a beat. Which. Okay, point. Gong Shangjue is scary and she really would rather not cross him on his best days.
But it's for the cause of true love! It's justified! Zishang sighs inwardly, lamenting the fact that her brilliance could never be understood by mere mortals.
Yuanzhi is deeply in love with Shangjue and anyone with two eyes can see how much Shangjue adores him in return. It has been this way for years. While Zishang cannot begin to guess where that nature of love turned from the comfort and familiar to something much deeper and tempered by attraction, theirs is a love that lies unspoken and Zishang would be damned if she has to live through another tea session where Yuanzhi's moping because he missed his Shangjue gege when he's not around.
Nudging Xiao Hei, she mouths the words, Go help him. He rolls his eyes but doesn't talk back. Moving to where Yuanzhi is fumbling with the belt, Zishang feels a small sense of elation when he steps close enough to wrap his hands around Yuanzhi's waist and tighten the wrappings.
In another life, they'd make a good-looking couple, she thinks idly. She probably should have been paying attention because the next thing she knew, Xiao Hei and Yuanzhi were tangled together and bickering while stumbling around.
"I think this goes--"
"...hold still..."
"--don't tighten it...!"
Zishang is half a step into helping them when the doors swing open to a sputtering Elder Hua and a serenely smiling Shangjue behind him.
"This! This!" Elder Hua squeezes out, wagging his finger at his son. Xiao Hei, to his credit, quickly holds up his hands in a gesture of surrender, eyes wide and panicked.
Yuanzhi scrambles to close the front of his robes, going a bit crimson from the blood splotching his cheeks.
"What's the meaning of this!"
"Father, I swear it's not what you think--"
"Well, I think," Shangjue smoothly interjects, stepping into the room. Deftly separating Xiao Hei and Yuanzhi, he coolly throws his coat around Yuanzhi's shoulders, wrapping an arm (almost possessively) around his slender waist. "That we should be asking the mastermind of this whole endeavour, hm?"
Sharp eyes turn to Zishang who absolutely does not squeak under the scrutiny. Xiao Hei looks positively harangued when Elder Hua crosses the room to slap his shoulder, muttering exasperatedly about how he should know better than to covet Gong Shangjue's person.
"Zishang jie, would you mind explaining yourself?"
She manages a weak laugh before swallowing tightly around the nervous knot in her throat. Spying the way Shangjue's leaning in to whisper something in Yuanzhi's pink-tinged ear, she's gratified that, at least her matchmaking efforts have paid off.
Hopefully, Shangjue doesn't hunt her for sport for this.
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lumiereswig · 11 months
Next movie recommendation: "The Wizard of Oz."
The castle is dead and dark in the middle of the night, even Lumiere and Plumette long gone to bed, but Cogsworth cannot sleep.
He patters downstairs, his brown slippers dragging down low at the heel, the dark windows staring at him as he slips from hall to hall to hall. Each long mirror feels like an eye: he seems himself resting in the center, a small and moving pupil, walking into the gaze and out of it. His brown robe is knotted tight around him. He descends into the palace, each step darker than the last, losing the moon as he goes deeper inside.
The fight with Lumiere is still plaguing on his mind. He hasn’t felt right, since the curse. He still feels himself ticking away, and he’s infuriated by the idea that now that everything is normal again, he should just let time move on, not say, wait, hold on, there were ten years of grief and sadness there. Lumiere is dancing and laughing and it drives him mad, to see him human again, to remember all those years waiting stuck in metal and brass, to think that all the color has come rushing back when he just feels old, and old, and old. This palace doesn’t belong to him anymore. Lumiere doesn’t belong to him anymore. The curse is broken, and everything is new—too new for an old man, who always wanted everything to stay the same; who always wanted to keep to a certain beat, never too strange, never too colorful.
There is a small den, in the lower South wing, that no one really frequents much, beyond Lumiere in one of his recumbent moods. (Wild man, maniac, too colorful to be endured, thinks Cogsworth, soaked in the dark of the palace.) There’s a small white screen of canvas, here, and an odd contraption Lumiere calls a cinématographe. There’s a stack of old tapes, little ratty boxes, stacked high next to the machine. Cogsworth’s eyes take in titles: Rebecca, The Lady Vanishes, The 39 Steps.
He isn’t ready for those kind of movies tonight. He picks up an old favorite, The Wizard of Oz, and puts it in.
Nobody knows he watches this.
But he knows every beat, every refrain. Watching Dorothy run down the road, brown and grey and windblown, he thinks I know that feeling. That feeling of having to run away and toward every single problem that comes his way. You try to escape and you run into your problems anew, just in different forms: a witch is a witch, a fool a fool. The three farmhands go tumbling and Cogsworth shakes his head.
It isn’t fair an old dusty movie, brown and grey for its first ten minutes, should have so much meaning in it. For god’s sake, he thinks, as Dorothy touches down in Wonderland and has Munchkins coming out of every corner, you can practically see the glitter being dusted down on those children before they’re shoved out in front of camera. It’s all just Hollywood glitz and glitter. A little vaudeville shenanigans and some aging jokesters; this thing is a relic.
Cogsworth, tucked tight in his brown bathrobe, holding the popcorn he heated up in the dusty brown corner microwave, feels a bit like a relic.
But to laugh at how old the movie is to forget how enchanting Oz remains, despite of it all—no, because of it all. It is a joy to watch the Scarecrow’s dancing, old-school soft-shoe nonsense, and the gags that wore out before Lincoln was born, and to melt before Dorothy as she trembles and stumbles and remains oh, so brave—well, to laugh at the old would be to laugh at the joy, and Cogsworth will not have that. He will not give up on something he loves.
So he eats his popcorn, and mumbles along with the songs (“…if I only had a heart…”), and tells himself he isn’t tearing up when Dorothy breaks down, I’m frightened, Auntie Em, I’m frightened, and Auntie Em doesn’t hear her through the glass. An old man has no right to still feel so childish, so sad, so frightened. An old movie sits with him, in the dark, and glows ruby red and cornfield yellow and a green more green than emeralds.  
I want to go home.
This is a movie all about home, though we spend precious little time in the version Dorothy speaks of. She speaks of it, often, and her voice is never far from the cry I want to go back home—but vivid under that sincere wish to run back to dust, and brown, and the old broken things that were loved so much, is a clear and obvious counterpoint: Dorothy is already home. She’s home the second she finds her friends again, never mind their enchanted forms, never mind they don’t look quite the same or remember her exactly. Dorothy makes a home in Oz without even realizing it, because home doesn’t have a shred to do with the old brown chicken coop or the broken iron bed—the home she wants to go back to, the home she already has, is the one she made with her friends, those weird and wild characters, who love her as she is, whether in dusty brown or glorious Technicolor. Home was waiting for her all along, and though Glinda thinks it’s the shoes that take her there, he can’t help feeling it’s her feet—her feet that carry her out of one home into another, into one bright and honest and oh, I think I’ll miss you most of all.  
“I missed you most of all,” says Lumiere, over his shoulder, and Cogsworth would be furious if he wasn’t reaching up to hold his hand.
"You know I missed you most of all," says Lumiere, sliding over the couch and into his lap, "you know that didn't change when we were back to our old selves, didn't you?"
"I thought..." I don't know what I thought, thinks Cogsworth. "I thought maybe the ten years didn't matter. All the things we...we thought in those ten years. That maybe...maybe now that we're human again, we can't..can't feel the things we...."
"You are an old fool," says Lumiere, kissing him softly on the head.
"I guess some things never change," Cogsworth chuckles, and Dorothy is home again, home again free.
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