#cant photoshop for shit but i needed this
toonfinatic · 1 year
Technology is so against me today
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vampiresinforks · 2 years
petition to A) use pictures of the same size when putting them in photoset and B) not fucking including other people's graphics and gifs in them
the rise of twilight aesthetic posts that just slap rando google pics with other people's gifs together is alarming!!! and the note counts on them are even more alarming
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nectar-cellar · 10 months
Ur facial hair sets are the best I’ve ever seen. Has anyone ever converted them to Sims 4??? I need to know
OMG STOP 🥺 i cant believe u would say that because im alwaysss looking at sexy bearded ts4 men thinking "they have so many better beard options than ts3" 😭 i feel like the ts4cc community is so much bigger, they must have every beard style covered by now right? @/igorstory alone has made so many 😍
thank you very much 💖💖💖 i couldnt have done it without the work of the creators i credit in every post though, i think drawing beard textures from scratch is far beyond my abilities, i just copy + paste shit together in photoshop and see what happens 🙈
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nameforadragon · 4 months
I keep seeing posts being like "omg. The kids don't know how to use computer! They don't know how to use a mouse! They don't know what a command line is! They can't even use a browser. The kids don't know anything about technology if not app on phone:("
And idk dude like. I'm not gonna accuse these people of lying but I am gonna accuse them of being completely biased with absolutely no self reflection at all. You sound like your parents. Like holy shit. First of all, LOTS of us [aged<20] have had computer classes. "Computer lab" was a class all throughout primary school for me, and in grade 8 I had a required course where I learned some Python, had to use Adobe Photoshop, that kind of stuff. I know so many people who go further than that (including myself) and take elective coding classes. Now, it would be incredibly fucking biased of me to conclude that, because almost everyone I know is at the very least functional with a computer and can use a mouse, this means everyone is. Of course not. But thats what these posts do. "I only interact with children who don't know this, therefore no one under 20 knows anything and they're all stupid with their little tik toks" you have a very incomplete sample of kids at this age, and you barely acknowledge it.
Secondly, more on the self reflection bit. This is absolutely a privilege issue. Not a "the kids are so dumbb omggg" issue. Kids don't have computer classes? It's a privilege I was able to get that education. Should we mock people who didn't have music classes growing up and don't know the difference between a rhythm and a beat? If your answer to that is no, then maybe we shouldn't mock kids for not knowing the difference between a search engine and a browser. I know plenty of people bring up the issue to try and get at this, but I cant shake the undertone that all of these posts have in common, which is essentially this air of superiority, like people who grew up with desktop computer access are somehow better than people who didn't, which is just kind of terrible?? Like no joke, I've seen people complaining about uni students who don't really know the ins and outs of programming yet in undergrad and its like,,, did you just not want them to go to school because they didn't know that prior to post secondary? Like, what do you think school is for? Being perfect all the time and telling the teacher that you know everything already? I was under the impression that school was for acquiring knowledge and skills that you previously didnt have.
I also know people who are much older than me, and could have been coding all of their life, but didn't so much as touch a computer until after college, and they learned how to use it, and how to code, and now it's their career! You don't need to learn how computers work when you are five! I grew up scribbling on ms paint and being confused how solitaire worked, and struggling to comprehend minesweeper strategy on a very old version of Windows. I could functionally operate a mouse at the age of one, and that's all privilege. I'm not smarter, or better or more refined or anything, I was literally just born into a family that had desktop computers. And again, to point out the bias, I know way more adults that fit the whole "don't understand it if it's not an app on my phone" than kids.
Finally, a minor nitpick but I feel like it's warranted since the people authouring these posts often present themselves as being more knowledgeable about computers than the average teen? Don't go just saying incorrect bullshit. If you mean PC, say pc. If you mean a desktop computer, or a laptop, say that. Phones are not "fake computers" they just ARE computers. They are computers that have been engineered to be tiny. Their size does not mean they are not computers, it just means they are small. Furthermore, an "app" isn't a "thing u use on a phone." It's literally just the word application shortened. Anytime you use an application that you download on a laptop, or a pc or whatever, you are using an app. Your browser application is an app. I hate to tell you, but it must be said.
Sorry if anything I said in this is straight up wrong, I am not immune to hypocrisy, yadda yadda you know the deal. I also AM NOT an expert on computers, I have (what I, a teenager consider to be) a relatively baseline understanding of computers. And I'm writing this exhausted because I can't sleep. Admittedly on the mobile app, (which explains any typos) but I swear to you that I have a laptop and I use it more than I use my phone most days. I doubt anyone will really see this post but thanks for reading if you got this far I guess. Maybe let's just not fearmonger about "the kids these days" when we should be trying to help kids become functioning adults. I didn't get past my struggles with reading as a kid by being told that I was stupid, or getting mocked. I got past them by finding a book that I loved, and by being encouraged to read by adults who genuinely cared about my education. I really don't see how computers are different, that's all I have to say.
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curltee · 7 months
(my bros commentary while watching THC1 )
"Are those his dogs? Hes crying cuz its badly photoshopped"
"Crying while carrying a whole ass gun"
"Bitch thats the point of a present"
"Whats this suspicious nightclub theyre going to."
"Does she know how phones work?
"Shes the dumb bitch in this group"
"Straight up, the drama team needs to learn how to take phone calls like he does. Fake phone calls"
"Um whys he looking like that when he injects her?"
"The sexual tension of this scene right now...wild. Pls tell me rn that this is secretly a torture porn???"
"Ofcourse hes gonna take it personally you twig"
"He can be a gardener"
"What a gentlemen, he even carries him"
"Dang he got a screamer here. And i thought those two girls were bad enough"
"Im sorry i just cant get over the shape of his fucking head"
"Hes like attractive, but in a creepy way"
"jenny gives me the mom come pick me up im scared deal"
"Can we appreciate that he has the decency to not hit the women. Yeah straight up he just awakens them so calmly. with the girls its like "hi besutiful goodmorning!" Then just fucking smack the guy on the face
"Id rather let him wake me up by smacking me than creepily stroke my hair like that"
"Why not hit that glass with your butt?"
"Why is he apologizing for not shooting her?"
"Oh my god shes really is the dumbest bitch alive. I thought jenny was but no"
"Fuck both jenny and the asian dude bitch runnn"
I could watch somebodys head cut off but not a butt removal"
"Okay but why the guy who screams alot placed at the front ???"
"Dang should have put jenny at the front to get a head action. unless hes into dudes"
"Do you think he has sex with it? If so which end would he prefer more? Or do you think he sees it as innocent but creepy way? Like this is my centipede child i love you"
"If he gives them painkillers does he only have the choose one but triple the amount of painkillers?"
Poor girls, one is literally eating her friends ass...forever"
"Okay so..nazi european madman. kamikaze shithole..What racial slur would be next"
"His chicken noise reminds me of squilliam"
"Is he dying? Oh shitting my bad."
"Did he atleast take their tongues out? or do they taste everything? Thats jsut nasty "
"These dudes are definitly not trained to be cops. They just claimed they are on a random day "
"Why do they dressed like our uncles?"
"Out of all stairs why the spiral ones"
"A wild human centipede 🎶 got chased by a doctor 🎶 will the centipede make it🎶 or get eaten alive 🎶 find out in our next episode of planet earth"
"Oh yeah hes licking it. thats gross"
"He really just crawled themselves into a room with no plan. its going good so far"
"So did she just assume the glass was still broken. Does she have no concept of time. Probably not "
"The amount of grunts they had to record for this"
"Thats a deep cut"
*Heiter got shot* "Thats satisfying"
"Annnnd shes dead. or passed out atleast. Oh no shes really dead"
"I swear they hold eachothers hands very much"
"Oh they shot this scene really well. Like the angle and everything. Props to her can translate dread into her eyes. This is makes me sad."
"Imagine being in the middle and your counterparts are fucking dead. Thats gonna be her motto is she survives this"
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You know it's funny he claims that this real Joseph guy supposedly died but it's kind of weird he uploaded a profile picture about 5 years after the fact.. But love he had that pinned post to bc he wanted me to see it how cute he is still waiting on me and obsessed so he is still sending himself anons to have a "reason" talk about me.
By the way how do we go from that you're not the one guy and then when I figure out who you are all the sudden everybody's mad that I doxed you supposedly but now again of course the story has changed for the hundredth time with you all and that's not you and the person is dead but was apparently an inso and frequented all these incel websites? And somehow "Joss" knows of Joseph's "fate"
Lmao okay jan. Have fun sending anons like you did to brenda and will continue to do to your "friends"
But I say it all again if I'm not right about what I say about you then why are you so worried about this page and what I have to say on here if it doesn't concern you buddy it just doesn't make any sense or let me guess are you "just getting picked on again for no reason whatsoever"?
It is absolutely astounding that none of your friends care that you were a groomer pedophile I mean you can't help being an incel.
Also all this other "evidence" you all are just now coming out with that you were just sitting on this whole time? It was clearly shitty photoshop done by mac and had the crazy girl post it for him like a coward.
But even if that screenshot was true she was 18? Plus nothing happened nor do any of you actually care or you would have a problem with officialmacincel everyday carry item gayman 🤣
Again you all need attention from the rest of those Boomer ass old men that creep and simp for you all bc unless my name is brought up none of you get any notes on anything 🤷‍♂️
Hate and cowardice brings you all together as well as your collective love of having rules you impose on others while being guilty of the same shit. Like I said earlier I mean you're not on this message is we're off and then nothing was happening because he doesn't want to show that it's actually him and then all the sudden you all get bored and you throw them on so he starts sending you more crap and you can act like you're being bothered because you're so popular or somebody's jealous or XYZ when you're just a bunch of delusional weirdos that can't get over getting your ass handed to you 4 years ago.
Even Tyler cant stand you dumb fucking bastards anymore.
So if I'm an asshole so be it I would rather be that than a creepy stalker groomer pedophile incel, a gaslighting sociopath sleep apnea having ebegging dumbass, a delusional deluded reactionary insufferable woman that thinks a bowl cut makes her a man and the rest of those crayon eaters like irl Nigel Thornberry Lilyana or bearded lady pale as a ghost Genevieve but she seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. Was it another Kit situation where she asked why u all were still going at this and then you couldn't justify anything so you all just got mad and shit bricks?
I hope you all trip and fall into rusty barbwire net and suffer 🤷‍♂️
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beelzeballing · 9 months
yknow i think seeing a blue whale in real life would fix me. being in the water next to one? i would be healed. i am extremely fascinated by HUGE ASS FUCKIN creatures and also huge statues of humans. i have photos of some saved on my phone right now. dont believe me? well. why dont you look at THIS.
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i love THIS STATUE in particular because apparently its like. right next to a random boring ass road. so the SCALE is immediately so much more apparent. its so menacing. im fucking obsessed with it. it needs to be BIGGER. but yknow whats even better?
thats right baby. the SENDAI FUCKING DAIKANNON.
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now you might say to yourself "moogs. what makes this statue special"
well my silly goofy friend. it is simply the following: this thing is SMACK DAB in the middle of what appears to be a fucking. residential area. and you know what that means?
photos like these.
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this thing looks PHOTOSHOPPED IN in EVERY FUCKING PHOTO thats taken of it at ground level because its so ridiculously close to those houses and i LOVE IT. the sense of SCALE. THE SCALE. it is HOVERING above you watching your every move. imagine leaving your house and looking up into the sky and you see THAT. fuck thats so fucking cool.
see you wouldnt get this with the fucking statue of unity because while that thing is goddamn HUGE its also in the middle of ass fucking nowhere surrounded by fucking NOTHING so the SCALE is diminished. and these things are all about the SCALE.
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i dont even have a photo of this thing saved because it looks so fucking boring on photographs. wow great theres a guy and i guess hes kinda big. why cant i get a picture of him peeking over the mountain? huh???? COME ON. THIS SUCKS. he feels SLIGHTLY bigger than average at best.
now i know this is probably at least partially the photographer's fault for being shit at conveying the gravity of this colossus. but like... idk if youre more than 500 ft tall and thus the tallest statue of the world... maybe people shouldnt struggle to depict your glorious mass on photos... just saying...
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spidey-bie · 10 months
spidersona infodump!!!!!
name: ??? alias: peacock spider
age: ???
gen lore: -was bit by radioactive peacock spider -spider expermented on by alchemex; girlie was working for them at the time; someone didnt follow lab procedure; spider got out and bit him -left alchemex for another science place -a plot is ending alchemex as a corp + getting rid of the corrupt higher ups -before getting bit didnt rlly know abt the corruption + bad things going on at alchemex -after being bit, starts investigating the corp and finds out bunch of evil shit -b plot is activism and socia justice -joins protests as both spidey and civilian self -as spidey helps deal w larger problems w/ their society like taking out corrupt ppl and politicians -as civilian helps deliver food, provide transport, get resources for ppl in need, + more subtle political changes that need to happen
specific story: -is dating this universe's deadpool -dp is his "mj" except they dont break up bc they understand the spidey thing
alchemex lore: -alchemex is vv corrupt -owned by this univerese's kingpin -funded by the osborns
changes from bite: -produces web from spinerettes on wrist (wears braelets to conceal/protet them when out as civilian) -sticky bc of small hair everywhere -developed chelicerae in jaw; can open mouth normally OR can open all the way w/ chelicerae -chelicerae attach at chin and come up from cheek, sit in front of mouth -affects normal eating, wears mask in public bc of visibility -produces venom; bites causes fever, visual hallucination, and extreme anxiety/fear -visual hallucination changes colors of world to look like pattern of a peacock spider (like overlay layer effect in photoshop) -colors reflect the ones on his spidey suit -wears off in like 2~ hours, leaves no permanent aftereffects -super strength obvi, can lift like 2 tons or summ (idkk) -rlly spidery in general now ig?? -enhanced senses + spider sense -HATES mint bc it repels spiders (by proxy dreads christmas season) -gets urges to weave things/webs and makes blakets bc of this (donates the blankets) -can't get sick from raw meat anymore get urges to eat it if rlly hungry (still prefers cooked food bc of spices + flavors) -isn't affected by own venom -produces oil to keep from sticking to web (constantly washes hands/uses hand sanitizer bc of this; cant use fingerprint on phone) -uses webs as secondary security in apartment bc senses vibrations -can go weeks w/o food OR eats 4-5 times a day
You have to know that we have to set up that appointment for me to eat your brain kind sir. I'm also definitely stealing some of these. (Especially that venom thing. I was sitting here stumped for days on how my girl's venom affected other people 😭)
My girl and your guy would be like this 🤞🏽. They are both taking down their worlds Alchemax. My girl is just doing it by working from the inside. (And if I'd just sit down and finish writing this post everyone would know her story 🥹)
Love how you have a specific spider too. I just based mine on tarantulas in general because of a hyperfixation I had in my youth (my friend got one and I wanted one so badly but my parents said no 😞)
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localgardenweed · 7 months
Just as I sat down to continue working on the ask blog lore I get a little visit from the ao3 author luck fairies and my laptop refuses to turn on
It turned on earlier after a bit of button pressing but i sat there for 15 minutes pushing the on button for long times short times rapid times put the charger in put it out disconnected everything connected everything gave it a pep talk stared at it for a good 30 seconds and NOTHING
I can’t let this happen NOW OF ALL TIMES NOT ONLY DO I HAVE ASK BLOG SHIT I HAVE AP ART SHIT TO DO TOO HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IT NOW my school laptop is even shitter it can’t handle photoshop and crashes and lags if i even dare go beyond 300 pixels x 300 pixels and i cant download medibang cause i need the administrator code so im screwed there
I dont even think we have the budget to go and buy a new laptop rn and my aunt isn’t around to give me hers as a hand me down like my current one and buy herself a new one with her big girl money so we’re triple screwed
So many medibang files lost if this things dies rn. And also imma have to buy minecraft AGAIN so this is just perfect. Luckily thats the only blow major blow the rest are fine ill live without my 5 krita files and hopefully roblox will save my studio files and if not well there is already a better hetalia roblox game anyway, and like sure my hetalia x danganronpa rpgmaker game will be lost to time but i never finished it and it was shit so it doesn’t matter anyway. Everything else i either sent to friends or is for the best it dies and fades away with the sands of time
TLDR; We’re royally fucked laptop wont turn on and it has everything i need for the ask blog and also school shit and dont have the time/money to get a new one right now
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mysfated · 1 year
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𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎: honey
𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜: they/them
𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: discord
𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎: @khrused. currently on my mind: ruby matthews, christine daaé, gazala bravard, makawi-sa, esme cullen
𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎/𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 (𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜, 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜?): in general, i've been rping since uh 6th grade? so however long ago that was lol but on tumblr i started with liara t'soni back in 2013? i think? my sophomore year of college .
𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍: when i was a weee baby on the internet lol i started rping in forums. i eventually moved to skype, then tumblr! now add discord in and that's pretty much it.
𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎: ya know, every time i've joined a fandom it always ended up turning kind of gross or toxic but i think the very beginning of my tumblr rp years lol there were no rules. it was the wild wild west out there and its crazy that i still have rp friends from that era like tati, @vaedar and @wcsea ! and that's so fucking wild isn't it??? lol but i rly think the best experience was meeting my best friend who doesn't rp on here anymore so i can't tag him but i love him so much. we actually met via an ex who was in the ovw fandom, and when we broke up they were like !! right there bc that guy kinda fucked us both over so ya know we bonded and wow i love him so much rly owe a lot of my growth to him. wish you could read this rn milo bby !! and i would say meeting and befriending rosemary @musecraft who i would also like to thank for a lot of my growth as a person and friend and just...idk i love you so much too!!! and i think we og met as multis right? or was it hera? i think it was the multi! wow i cant even remember now bc i feel like i've known u my whole life and even tho we never met irl i feel like !!!! i have already? idk. u mean !! the world to me and i love you to pieces. and i truly truly thank u from the bottom of my heart for just !! idk making that move to speak to me one day and letting me be your friend <3 and lastly even though we're not on great terms anymore i guess but i gotta say rly thankful for my most recent ex. i just rly appreciate that they allowed me to explore my imagination and rly encouraged me to dive into characters i never thought i would before, or to dive further into the ones i already love. like london??? existing is all bc of my ex. lunafreya too. makawi-sa as well. they may not be my favorite person anymore but they rly gave me a space to be creative and i have to acknowledge that. AND LASTLY LASTLY gosh this is like a rly long thank u speech but @honnleathrose .... wow. i know we're not as close as we used to be anymore but meeting you, our friendship, everything you've taught me about photoshop and writing and just being a good person and standing up for myself. meeting you !! and having those laughs and skype sessions with you were everything!! and i love and miss you and truly meeting / befriend you is on my top list of the best things tumblr has given me. so as much as i complain about this site now... i got my reasons to stay <3
𝚛𝚙 𝚙𝚎𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚜/𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚜: i mean other than the usual don't be an asshole shit but when ppl are just ?? mean and angry?? for no reason??? there's truly no reason to be so up in arms all the time !! i rly think ppl, espec on the internet. are just... so in the defense all the time and its rly hard. as someone as anxious as i am it makes approaching ppl rly hard now. so yeah, if u give me that vibe. thats it. i'm done. also when ppl don't get that i just dslgdfjk i need time sometimes. i'm not fast !! ooc or ic. i'm tired and depressed and i want to write and talk when i want to , ya know?
𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝: 👀👀👀 all of them !! but y'all know smut has a special place in my heart. i love smut lol but also angst. pls hurt my feelings
𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜? both !! but definitely plotting. the more you plot with me, the more we create together the easier it is for me to write! to create and know how to respond. othertimes i get rly stuck on whether YOU'D THINK ITS OKAY. so truly the more we plot, the better!!!
𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜? i truly don't care !! just write with me <3
𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎?: when i'm smoking and drinking my coffee and got a good show or movie or podcast in the background uwu
𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎? in some sense there's a part of me in every muse! but i think the muses i gravitate towards the most are @khrused and rosalie hale, mainly due to their histories and pasts. hera was birthed as an exploration of my own trauma years and years ago when i was rly struggling with all the realizations in college. and rosalie.... i just... what happened to her is what happened to me (except murder ofc) and i've always HATED the way sm/eyer wrote her in the books... i just...it was a personal vendetta for me to get it right. so i own rosalie hale now. she is mine. and i will make it right. just like !! i worked through my own shit !! ya know?
tagged by: @wcsea thank u my love !!
tagging: @madewebs , @musecraft (if u haven't done so already lol), @whalefelled , @timpahura , @theysonder , @immobiliter !!
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takeachanceontoday · 2 years
Ask Meme // Shit said in the TBATT server, no context.
Change pronouns as needed. // Some suggestive content remember to specify muses for any multis! 
Trojan... tthe condom?
hes that big
he's just a grumpy boy. he needs a hug
why does this one have a more human face
It's sonic boom sonic sad with a Photoshop broken heart
I actually forgot it was in the thing we do not speak of
Your screaming is SO DAMN LOUD. I can't even watch my CesarFever stream
Meep meep
Okay but you may have to wait a few hours
I ated it.
This gave me psychic damage
That just makes you a beta cuck
GOD why cant i naturally close my eyes its weird
Gonna come like a fucking nuclear rocket
This is my favorite dad
Welcome to my brain
I can't believe this was the first place I decided to go to -- like UHM SIR THERE ARE OTHER PLACES
'Sup Bitch
They're starting that angst arc
It's the peepaw syndrome, dude
Whoops wrong chat
I'm lovely till you send shit I don't ask for
Barks Aggressively
You keep doing interactions, might as well do a ghost event
Ikea rip-off Velma
Shadow is pastel goth trash
I got a new power! The power... of self-reflection.
I'm skin hungry.
Nom nom, motherfuckers
Vector's faster than Sonic... what??
I love you, I'll love you so much that it'll drown out every single hater out there
My fav grandma
wow what an absolute pleb
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Hey I got kinda emotional and into it here so. Skip this one if you dont care but if you're my friend idk read it see if it resonates or smth
I think ill never get over the feeling that im inept or a loser because its not the fact that I'm. You know. That. Its because before even making the comparison between this person's absolute best life and my sick week I already think that. Its bad to the point that whenever I see someone share good news abt. Anything. I get jealous
And like im rlly not trying to brag but I have a decent life by my standards. I have partners that love me but don't require my affection constantly, so when I kinda shut down for 9 hours as I often do no one freaks out. I have sex quite often! (Not right now because im sick and slowly losing my mind) (and yeah this is childish but im very hypersexual and if I did not have this it would be bad for the mind) like there are people who consider me a sexy being and want to have sex with me and then we do.that. often in trios which is such a thing that my 16-year old me would have said NICE!!! To me and now its kinda of the norm for me. When its not just me n my gf having like casual fun sex its a threesome. And that fucking rules!!! I have money now!!! Saved!!!! Im moving out in like four months!!!! I already bought like paintings and tables and shit. Im finishing uni and can go pursue my dreams of becoming a film professor!!!! My art constantly gets praise!!!! And yeah, we kinda got fucked festival season because we botched some documentation but I made people cry!!! With my writing and camera work!!!! And I did that with my friends, too!! No sellout shit, no contracting a pro to get good shots, no youtube tutorial bullshit, i got three people that really liked each other and we made a fucking movie!!! And people cried watching it!!!! Like I got a legacy now. Even if its a small, insignificant one, its a fucking legacy!!! Its there!!! I can like crochet now!!! And im good at it!!!! Better than my fucking aunt who mocked the stuff I made back then!!!! And I make money selling it?? Online??? To friends??? Thats fucking cool as hell!!! Im feeling pretty? Like actually pretty? Not in a fabricated, made up, photoshopped version of me but like. I look in the mirror and I see a girl. Shes kinda messy and probably needs to brush her teeth more but its a girl. I pass all the time??? Old people call me little missy and shit. And yet I have not lost the transfem swag.
Sure, maybe some shit is bad. Sometimes you feel like drowning. Still not quite over that one breakup. Sometimes there's nothing to do. Sometimes your friends are having way more fun than you and you have no excuse to not be having fun. Sometimes uni is suffocating. Sometimes you love people so intensely that you start hating them when they dont like you as intensely as you do them. Sometimes you still put other's happiness over your comfort or safety. Sometimes you still romanticize things to make it seems like you're a less boring person than you think you are. Sometimes you need more affection than you're getting from your partners and you simply stay quiet, because you fear you're becoming like your abusers. You still havent gotten over the "I was heavily emotionally abused for the better part of a month" and recovery should have ended by now. They moved on. Why haven't you? Why do you still think of them? Why everytime someone thinks the kind of sex you have is weird you remember them telling you that and then doing it anyway? You're still the black sheep of the family. No matter how many intense life-ending fuckups your cousins fuck up, you'll still be the worst one. Because you were supposed to be perfect, to study overseas, to be the golden child. And you failed. Sometimes you wonder if you're wasting your life trying to be happy. Sometimes you wonder if you even can be. Sometimes you cry because you're sure you cant
And we just.... gotta keep on living. Trying, succeeding and failing to be happy. To have my needs met. Isnt that what its all about?
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sojutrait · 2 years
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yeah im not holding my breath for a world adventures pack but along with generations that would be my fave 😭😭 i can see martial arts becoming a thing if they added a general hobbies pack tho
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its *train passes by*
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AWWW ur pfp is so cute! love me a green skin, blonde alien, best alien look hands down
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oh damn that sucks 😭😭 i cant troubleshoot i just started doing it yesterday skdfj
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fuck windows for not having the handshake emoji DSJDFK BUT YEAH they said we are twins in vibes only ✋
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in general or 😭😭😭 bc he has done ALOT i need specifics dkfjkfg
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ill let you know when i find mine 🗿🗿🗿
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my lifespan settings are in my faq and i have auto aging for unplayed sims and played sims on :)
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i record them with obs and edit them using photoshop
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hmmm i think it depends. its def not a pack youre gonna be using everytime you play, but i enjoy it for what it is. when it’s not buggy as shit (which it still is even after the patch) i do find myself enjoying it 
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nah its just a name i used to go by a year or 2 ago😭
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ahhh i think u have me mixed up with someone else, ive never been planning an editing tut
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nah she just straightens her hair sometimes
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bitchkay · 3 months
How’s that line art going broskie
Its been 4??????and a half hours????????
I'm not gon lie stink
I spent the first hour with ramen and started a backyardigans marathon
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No cus its literally the fact that you can see photoshop open in the background💀💀
I was tryna convince myself this was multitasking💀
That backyardigans video is 5 hours long too and that's only season 6, the way imma find the others for the other seasons and binge that shit, you literally will not hear from me
n e ways
After that I managed to hyper focus for three straight hours
In silence like I was tunnel visioned bitch
If my lack of sleep didn't start to catch up to me I well would've been all night
Its almost 2am rn
I managed to finish the grueling line art stage and put together the page set up
This what it's looking like
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I'm making illustration to make colouring sheets for an event at my college plus preparing actual prints for a sale the following week
It's not for a few weeks still but I have to hit a printing deadline so I can get all my shit together and ya know printed
Since I finally finished all the line art I've started laying on base colours for each character, heres what I got so far
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This is not the finished product whatsoever💀
However I've done the hardest part already so really im like three quarters done
I was also preparing other things I've done into printouts/colouring sheets which is really me extracting the line art, some things work better than other tho so it's either trial and error or mild edits
This one I'm debating on including just cus the original has more intricate details than not
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and I actually like it alot less without colour so theres that--
but I like the composition so wtv
I'm also gonna start a new drawing as well as digitize some other work for this too...
I like giving myself too much work yall dont @ me if I dont have new sensory stimulati I will kms anyways-
I also have like 20 painting in the studio at the school a few I need to start
It's so crazy how with art I convince mysethat I'm falling behind when the reality is I've got more artwork made in these past 4-5 months than anyone else in my program
I also get new ideas really fast so when I have an idea for a paint I have to stretch the canvas immediately so well now I have to do it and if I dont I cant focus on anything else and I claw at my skin in anticipation cus this will in fact be my best painting ever actually, all of the 19 in counting painting in my corner are not ba in my eyes this will become my favorite thing ever
and then I start painting and I hate it.
Anyway yeah, that is what I've gotten done in this time, I got alot done I think
I think I can get my shit done by the end of the weekend and if I don't well good luck charlie
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badxbabyyy · 3 months
Playing human is boring as fuck. What's worse is being an actual disgusting rapist human. Alhamdullilat to myself for never being able to be a human. Yes male or female, I'm lookin' at you Hailie Kaye White aka Hailie niggerfucker Banks on Instagram. You threatened Fadi Malkosh's job in secret to the men then made the faggots suggest Fadi Malkosh goes to the club where you were fucking men in the ripped open by a nigger baby vagina you have for $75 (real shit Fadi😂). Then you had his "crew" as the loser puts it suggest the nightclub and then you stood there with your ugly face and saggy implants, with your in-person photoshop technology ("LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO" -Fadi Malkosh) seeing if he'll make a move or he ends up homeless with no job. You didn't even want jobless, you planned homelessness with the women for him if he looked at you and thought anything ugly and didn't hit on you. Yet he STILL thought you were a butter face with a BIG FUCKIN HUGE NOSE. Yes it's rape and you tried to make my baby homeless, that's why I gave you the breast cancer I said I would when I telepathed you in jail. That's why you look sickly skinny right now, and can't get your mini Brazilian Butt Lifts and Liposuction for that wide-assss waist of yours. I will skin you alive with different knives and electricity once there's no laws and it's anarchy. And you'll keep getting cancer right now, and that plastic surgery melting off your face is Fadi Malkosh. Keep melting ugly plastic faced Jewish cuntess raggedy ann naturally fat and ugly Mongolian Turkish Jewish dark bitch. Keep bleaching your skin then spray tanning it, with your hammerhead toe shark toes. You too, CIA agent cuntess cop whore Nicolette Anne Huffman aka Nikki that made herself a playlist then did witchcraft and had your demon/soul float to Fadi Malkosh and create it with his physical body. I gave you bone cancer for starving yourself through anorexia, I know your biggest fear, being huge. Because you want small bones like mine. And to be naturally thin like me. Before the meds and fluoride dawg. So enjoy your growing giant bones and your feet are even uglier than Hailie's which I never thought could be possible once I saw hers in a photo with Fadi Malkosh on a boat. Why don't you take ME on a boat or yacht you fucking FAG Fadi Malkosh bitch??? You took me to fuckin ihop then posted about it on Facebook, lolllllll fuckin loser. Yes I deleted a couple of whores I got jealous of you talking to or potentially talking to, then some guys to make it seem less obvious it was me. I didn't know you had cameras all around your Tallahassee apartment. Even in the bathroom you creep. Then make fun of me with your cousin Omar Malkosh, who is the ugliest male I've ever seen in my entire life. He looks like a literal monkey walking around, or he got stuck between evolving into a human from a monkey. Anyway, take me somewhere romantic in Paris once so I can have the memory you bitch. Or I'll take you. I'm not marriage material. Marry your ugly fake lying about their virginity whores overseas. I'm straight on marriage. BUT I want to fuck u & make out still, you're scary when I let my gangster shield down but we're making out idgaf, u at least could give me that but if you're gonna talk like you're acting like you're human I need you to STFU because its a huge turn off. God being lame and boring is SAD and grOss, but I cant help you if you won't REMEMBER you're literal God of the universe & humans and that I'm your Goddess. Try harder to remember the beginning babe. I have visions from the past too, but I never told you because I know what it sounds like to a brainwashed by religion fucktard. Religion is comedic really.
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grandhotelabyss · 4 months
Wait wasn't logo allways against Nietsche? What makes this rant unique? (Don't use twitter anymore so cant check it for myself) Still, I kinda get his position, there is that very anti-human bend of modern "nietschians", that allways have this misanthropic and mechanistic outlook, with everyone being just stupid and evil, which justifies their cruelty to them. And, because I am simmilar to logo, with being at the same time very emotioanl/moralistic while ironically being very logical, I just take the spite out in doing the whole "yes, and" thing from standup and turning the logic of nietsche back on the nietschieans - Aren't they the real last men? Just crying about the loss of traditions they only care for some abstract pragmatic value, allways whinning about the hypocrisy of the true alpha predator of the gendergoblin class of real overmen who actually are beyond morals - using them actually cynically to enforce their will of power - basically what I mean is that "the cold truth" is what exposes the absurdity of nietschianism - the aphex predator, the strong or better said "fit" isnt some homo-erotic ayan fantasy, some Aragorn photoshoped with blond hair blue eyes and sonnenrad on his shield, but the same "cockroaches" that they despise - as they are the only once surviving meteors and nuclear blasts that kills both the mighty dinosaurs and caesars, so are the "dysgenic woketards" the once that seize the day, the once that live like they would if they had to live again (cause thats the most optimised way to get power lol) Anyways, prolly should just put this all in my comic as a heavy handed illustrated didactic parabell, but till I get till that, this will do (or due? idk I cant spell in my mother tongue so english - no chance) Ofcourse, I know this is more than a vulgar way of making a charicature of nietsche, but maybe that is not so bad - cause that lets one get, what one means when they say "Nietsche is bad/stupid/midwit/propoganda". Still I will apreciate Nietsche for shitting on universitys, cause I felt so "validated" feeling the same while studying, one could really see how I was some loser with a tumblr account who writes questions anonomyosly on the off chance somebody will track this down lol
Yes, Nietzsche has to be read against himself, because all the biological stuff about eugenics that's in e.g. Twilight of the Idols is at odds with the other material about the shaping power of language in discourse and art (in "Truth and Lie" or The Birth of Tragedy), with the two strains confronting each other directly in The Genealogy of Morals, which I've recommended reading exactly backwards, so that the Jews and Christians are its heroes. Then there's also the very different Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which seems to me to lead to spiritual discipline and something like Jungian psychology. He's a suggestive, poetic writer interestingly and poignantly at war with himself, not a guide to life to be swallowed whole. His greatest legacy is the major modern writers he inspired. This is why I suggest thinking about him in a literary rather than philosophical lineage, alongside Goethe and Emerson and Joyce. But even he shrewdly warned his readers against going around calling themselves supermen and denouncing everybody else as last men in Zarathustra. He predicted how his own work would become for a certain type of alienated male its own bible of ressentiment.
Logo probably was always anti-Nietzschean, because, if I recall his "lore" properly, he's been under the influence of Groys and Kojève since his undergraduate days. Those men, however, are/were capable of confronting the heat-death of post-historical culture with a beatific bodhisattva smile. They would even be the types to welcome Nietzsche as the needed negative moment in the historical dialectic they so calmly diagnose and submit themselves to. I think. But I don't really care enough about philosophy to know for sure.
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