#cant sleep until lizard warm
thepurplecatdork · 2 years
Power's out! It's fuckin cold out too. Time for my favorite game: Is my paranoia unfounded, or is my preparedness a blessing?
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suckinitup · 1 month
thinking about mark Still. i think that after his wife died he had a really hard time sleeping with an empty bed and i think it got even worse after he was lizarded. at first he was just lonely but then he was cold. piles of blankets and holding his head under the covers and even then he couldnt get comfortable. i think he gets so frustrated by it one night he accidentally zaps his blanket and sends sparks thru it and now its mildly burned and a lil crunchy but. warm. and all the other blankets on top keep the heat in. so for the first night in years he has a good sleep
Anyway time passes. he hits a routine. tide comes over for whatever reason and mark needs some tool or whatever he left in his room when he had to fix some broken furniture and he doesnt give a shit about tide following after him, talking with him seriously about whatever problem beought tide directly to mark’s home, and then tide just stops. he asks about the blankets. mark doesnt answer because Fuck You and prompts tide with the problem again and rhe blanket issue is dropped.
Until. christmas. which is coincidentally just a week later. when a strange bundle is pushed into marks hands by a certain hero. its an electric blanket.
i think mark fucking hates it. i think he only takes it to keep from destroying his alliance with the guy who watches his kid 50% of the time but i think is response to gratitude and confusion is Rage. he doesnt want to take handouts from stupid fucking asshole water bastards. he throws it jn the corner and doesnt think about it again until that night when hes Exhausted, climbing into bed and just waiting to be cold again. he used up a lot of energy today and hes genuinely worried that id he zaps any blankets or anythjnf then he will start a house fire. ashe is asleep just down the hall. he slept freezinf in his bed for a week the last time he started a real fire and he really doesnt want a repeat of that anxiety.
and there js that blanket in the corner.
he wants to rip it to pieces. he picks it up snarlinf and prepared to do just that but he cant. because its blue. its an awful reason blue isnt even his favourite colour but he cant bring it in him to actually destroy it. so he brings it back to bed instead. plugs it in, doesnt think about what he’s doing. he turns it on and is disgruntled because its not even doing Shit and then he thinks oh as the warmth slowly seeps into him. The blanket heats slowly, letting that warmth burrow into his sore muscles, and against his will he finds himself relaxing more and more and in the morning he doesnt even remember falling asleep. its awful. its one of the best gifts he’s ever been given. he keeps the blue blanket at home (because it would be a hassle to move it NOT to keep it safe) and buys himself a boring beige electric blanket to bring on missions with him. he sleeps so soundly now and tide smiles when he sees those heavy bags under mark’s eyes start to disappear
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ps-i-dont-even-know · 4 years
Devil may cry headcanons
You know I wasn't expecting you put a lot of Kyrie stuff in this one but I couldn't help it. Also there's dadgil in here because I really love it, sorry for no young Dante and Vergil I'm running out of ideas since I can't remember most of my childhood. Also for those who are interested, I’m thinking of starting taking request/ask for headcanons and writing, possibly drawing but their not the best, but I need to work stuff out at the moment.
Sometimes when Vergil has a mission near Nero and Kyrie, he stops by their house
The first time he did this was shocking to Nero, not only was Vergil there, but V and Urizen was there too, and it was going to be extremely ridiculous to explain this to Kyrie
And he knew how this was go and how she is protective over Nero since losing her brother and nearly losing Nero.
"Nero, who's at the... door", " Oh, um Kyrie I would like to introduce you to my dad, er … Dads?", "Your, Dads?", "Look its complicated and a long story, anyway this is my main Dad, Vergil, he's kind of nice but doesn't really talk that much. This is my dad's human half, V, he's nice, likes poems and has animals, strange one that is. And lastly is my dads demon half, um I'm not sure if he's nice or not since he raised the demon tree", "Oh that's nice, by the way which one was the one that hurt you", "Wait, Kyrie, No!"
Nero has to hold Kyrie back from trying to attack Vergil, mostly for her safety. Of course she doesn't forgive Vergil at first, because of what he has done and while she gives off a nice demeanor, her glares and scowls are anything buy warm and welcoming. Which Vergil approves of Kyrie dating Nero, having someone who will fight for you instead of turning tail when something bad happens
After a while Kyrie finally forgives Vergil, because she shouldn't hold grudges that are already in the past, and to move on. But she does tell him that if he were to do something like this again she would not hesitate to hurt him, and Vergil knowing that it would be impossible for her to hurt him agrees. And the tension is finally gone and she is more welcoming to him. Which is great for Nero's case since he felt like he was being smothered in between all their glaring and the tension.
Kyrie also makes apple pie when Vergil visits, since apples are one of his favorite fruits and because the one time he visit she made some for the orphans and she asked if he would like a slice and at first he said no, but soon gave in and had a slice, well maybe two or three but he wont admit to it.
He will also go grocery shopping with her when he has free time and Nero is busy, only to help find ingredients for new food Kyrie wants to try, and to get to know each other better.
On holidays when Vergil and Nero will help Kyrie cook some of the food. Sometimes Dante will try to sneak some sweets only for his hand to be hit by a spatula as Kyrie tells him, he needs to wait or he'll spoil his dinner. In which Dante's pouting, Nero and Nico are giggling, and Vergil is smirking.
Nero has Kyrie fix his jackets when he comes back from missions sometimes, normally he will tell her he doesn't want to put work on her, but she wants to do something nice for him. She also teachers Nero how to sew and stitch so when there are days she can't fix he can do it himself, which took a while but he got it down and not only does he fox his jacket but also helps make clothing for some of the kids, sure his stitching or sewing not the best but they love it nonetheless. Kyrie has also has sewn cat like ears on one of Nero jackets without him knowing until Dante was laughing at him, he chewed him out but still kept the ears on his hoodie because he likes it.
Kyrie got Nero into cooking and remodeling house shows, sometimes he’ll turn it on just to see how the house changed and kind of debated on doing it with their house. What surprised him was the time he came into the living room where the tv was and saw Kyrie watching crime investigator shows, saying she finds its interesting about how they solve the problems, which Nero also got into, along with most of the kids.
The kids will dog pile both Dante and Vergil, Dante loves it, play fighting with the kids and stuff. Vergil on the other hand he doesn’t expect it and isn’t used to the contact, so he gets stiff and weirded out.
He got a school suspension, because well doing his first judgement cut on an apple sitting on a desk while cutting the apple but also the desk was something he wasn't supposed to do, and also because there not supposed to bring weapons to school
Nero had brought the Yamato, Cerberus, Nevan, and Agni & Rudra to his school show and tell, because he want to knock the socks off the kids who brought in pets, toys, or food from a different country
Vergil was frustrated that he had gotten a call from the school that his son brought weapons to school and was being suspended because of it and was mad that Dante let the Nero bring the weapons to school in the first place because it was Dante’s day to take the kid to school and he was busy
He was proud that Nero had done a judgment cut for the first time even if it was tiny and told him not to do this again.
Nero technically has two dads. Vergil and V, he loves when V visits him because of his strange pets, and the way he acts, he's mysterious but kind and loves his poems
Nero will not sleep unless V or Vergil reads him something be it a poem or story, and will try to stay up when Vergil is out on a mission. Being read to helps Nero sleep
On that subject of sleeping, Nero has frequent nightmares. It might be something he has gotten from Vergil, but there will be times where Nero leaves his bed and walks to his dad's room asking if he can sleep in bed with him, and half awake Vergil will agree. Sometimes Vergil will softly sing to Nero because after his nightmares it takes him a while to get back to sleep, and god forbid if Dante heard him singing he knows that he will not let him live this down.
Nero wanted to learn an instrument because his dad knows how to play a violin, and his uncle knows how to play both the drums and guitar. Though the problem was he didn't know which one to go with, there was many to choose from, he kind of stuck with a trombone since it slides a lot and the style is kind of it is great, also he can get away with spitting on Dante.
Nero has only two fears, spirits/ghost and frogs. Its mostly Dante's fault for letting Nero watch paranormal horror movies at night. And Nero doesn't know why he is afraid of frogs, maybe its the way they look or something he doesn't know nor care.
When he was at the park with Nico and Kyrie, did his fear of frogs really show. They were over by the pond and Nico comes over to Nero with the frog in her hand, only for him to scream and start running, while Nico chase after him giggling. Kyrie was also giggling watching Nero run from Nico was too funny.
Nero also begged his dad and uncle for a pet, he didn't care what it was as long as its not a frog. Dante was close to getting Nero a hellhound or Cerberus, but Vergil literally had to stab smack some sense in his brother. They decided on ferret, they didn't want a cat or bird because V has one and they weren't sure if its territorial or not. Hamster and Guinea pigs are tiny and live I cates not much fun there same with Lizards. Dogs are a hassle and no one wants to clean up after it, so a Ferret is what they decided on.
Nero absolutely loves it and its a noddle he can wrap it around his neck and wiggle the creature. He decided on naming it Furret cause it looked like the Pokémon and he couldn't think of anything else
Every year for fathers day Nero will try and make Vergil something, he's make weird cup looking thing that you cant drink out of it because of holes, macaroni art, drawings, cards filled with glitter galore, paper hats, the list goes on and on. But he tried making those flower thing Dante makes, he asked him how he did it and Dante responds it comes to him naturally which doesn't help at all. So he tries only for nothing to appear to his disappointment, he tries and tries until he gets the tiniest and wimpy looking thing. But happily gives it to his dad who really appreciates it.
Vergil's refrigerator is covered with child like drawings given to him from Nero, he loves them and encourages Nero to do more and that he will be the greatest artist.
When Nero first met Patty was the same day Dante was given the mission to babysit her. She was kind of bratty and annoying at first and he didn't like that she would take all of Dante's attention. They argued a lot and Dante would yell at them to stop because it was giving him a headache and they should try to get along. After having to take Patty to retrieve her family money he did start to get along with her and they started to both annoy Dante together.
Nero absolutely loves dinosaurs and has loads of toys of them, and when he was going to the Zoo with Vergil he told him he was excited to see Dinosaurs there. Only for Vergil to tell them that there aren't any dinosaurs at the zoo. (This happened to a friend of mine).
Trish and Lady likes to take Nero out shopping, normally he doesn’t mind going with them, as long as he gets something out of it. Poor Dante and his debt when he finds out how much stuff they bough for Nero
Dante watching Nero while Vergil out can lead to many, many, different ways, and Vergil dreads all of them. Dante could feed Nero only sweets and junk food instead normal healthy food, Dante could probably lose Nero somewhere be it the park or his own damn shop, Dante could probably get Nero in danger because of the demons that show up to his shop and destroys it.
Nero does get into a lot of fights at school, half of them are kids making fun of him others are he’s a hard head and doesn’t let go of grudges. The school is very frustrated in how Nero always gets into these fights, but are nervous of his dad, because of his stubbornness and how he knows that half the time its not Nero’s fault. Like one time a teacher and Nero argued about how Demons do exist and how his dad, uncle, and two aunts go out and defeat. It resulted Nero getting embarrassed in front of the class and being sent to the office and a very angry Vergil that nearly killed the teacher.
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Got7: Snow White and the Seven Princes
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The young princess runs away in horror from the huntsman. He released his hound dogs that here on the search for her. She finds a stream and gets in and to loos her scent from the dogs. She she gets out she keeps running and continuously trips on a rock or a root from the trees.  Every time she heard a howl, she ran faster and losing her breath. As soon she finally stopped and hoping that she lost the huntsman and the dogs. She finally caught her breath and leaned against the tree. She felt a strong sharp pain in her leg and looked down to see it bruised. She believes that it happened when she fell and tripped all those times. She looked around her surroundings and realized that she was lost. She knew she need to find a way out. She got back up and and kept going. It was already dark and and she thanked the moonlight to help guide her through the darkness. As she kept walking as it got darker she found an opening and noticed a small cottage and a well.
The princess walks up to the well and and lowers the bucket down to the bottom. She pulls it back and and used her hands to scoop the water. She drinks the cool water and puts the bucket down on the ground. She turns around and looks around the landscape that she enter in. She walks up to the near window of the cottage and sees that it had a table and small kitchen and a fire place.
“Some one must live here.” She thought out loud. “Hello? Any one here?” She yelled out hoping for someone to answer.
There was no answer that she move on to the next item to the cottage. She finds a shed next to a empty horse stable. She opens the shed and sees a pile of straw and decides to sleep on it until morning. She closed her eyes and drifted into a slumber.
It was the next day and the princess woke up by seven loud voices. She looked around a noticed that she was in a warm bed and soft blankets.
“Hyung! There was no way I was going to leave her out there!” A voice that sounded very young was the first thing she was able to hear clearly.
“I don’t care! What if she was a witch?” A grumpy voice shouted.
“Come on Jaebum, that girl looks so innocent just by looking at her.” Another voice that was sounded deep and mature yet it was it was kind.
“Well ask her who she is when she wakes up.” Another voice that was deep but sounded playful spoke out.
“For some reason I can’t help it but she seems so familiar Mark.” The next voice was very gentle kind.
“You felt it to Youngjae? I thought I was the only one.” This voice sounded very much like someone she knew of but she cant remember.
“I’m gonna go check on her. She might be awake.”  The last deep male voice said in a cheerful tone and she heard and the sound of footstep came closer to the room she was in.
She got out of the bed feeling the pain in her foot looked at he bruise. She hurried back up from the pain and went to the near a window and used it a mirror and smoothed her dress and hair real fast.
The door opened and she looked at the direction from the sound of it and noticed a man peeking his head through. He notices that she saw him and put his head back to the other side. She giggled at the sight of his action. He knocked on the door and she replied for him to come back in to the room. He reopens the door and walks in. He kept his distance as he got closer. He bows and introduces himself.
“Hello. Sorry for disturbing you. I hope you slept well. My name is Jackson.”
The princess smiles and looks at him and curtsy. “It alright. My name is Y/N. Thank you for letting me sleep here.”
“No problem. There was no way we would leave a lady in the night alone. I hope you are hungry. My friend has made breakfast,” he reaches out his hand and welcoming his kindness.
As she steps forward her foot made her wince and fall hard towards the ground. Jackson swiftly went to her side and helped her up.
“Are you alright?” He grabs her hand and she winced again. “Are you hurt?”
“It’s my leg,” Y/n confessed. She lifted part of her skirt reveling the bruise to the boy.
“Here let me help.” With out any hesitation, Jackson picked up Y/N bridal style. She gasped and was stunned by his action as he walked out the door and down the stairs to the kitchen. As he made his movement she looked at his face and blushed very slowly.
Y/n got very nervous and and tried not to let her nerves show to the man. She never got carried like this before or met a man like him before. Her stomach started to churn as she got more nervous when when she heard the other voices and their volume started to increase.
Jackson brought he in to a the small dining room where six other young men were talking loudly towards each other. Jackson set her gently on an empty chair and place her a plate of some apple slices and a bowl of soft oatmeal. He smiled at her and gave her some water. As soon she was set for her meal, he begin to devour his.
“I hope you are hungry. Please eat as much as you can,” he told her politely.
“Thank you,” said the milady very quietly. As she started to eat the young man on her left place a piece of bread with honey. She looked to the young man and saw his bright sunny smile yet it was so soft it could warm her up. She kept her eyes train on his as if she knew in so well.
“Would you like a piece? I hope you like honey?”
“Yes. Thank you,” Y/N accepted. 
“I’m Youngjae. I hope you are well today.”
“I am a bit. But thank you for asking though. My name is Y/N.”
As she nibbled her honey bread. She watched how some of the other men were to busy eating to noticed her presence. Until the she locked eyes with twin mole eyed man at the edge of the table. She wasn't sure if she should look away or would it seemed rude. Before she could say anything the male said a word towards her.
“Sorry if we woke you. I hope we weren’t that loud.”
“No it is alright. I’m fine. but thank you though for your consideration,” she just mumbled.
The male just chuckled at her reactions and decided to introduce himself. “I’m Jaebeom.” As soon he introduce himself the others were doing the same.
“I am Yugeom,” as announced as he winks before drinking his water. “This is BamBam,” he points at the other one beside him.
“And I am Jinyoung,” she turned her head slightly as they young men states thier name. Jinyoung looked at her and gave her a slight smile that welcomes her.
“I’m Y/N.” As soon she said her name she got nervous but tried to remain calm. 
“Wait,” said the brown eye one wearing gray and white looked at her. “Y/N? As if Y/N, Princess of Gardenia?
“Yes,” she question of the male that asked her.
“It’s me. Mark. We used to play when we were kids,” he got up to her an knelt to her. “And Youngjae he was there with us.”
“It is you,” Youngjae smiled.
Y/n’s eyes were open wide as she looked at the two men before her and sees the little boys she once knew in the face and eyes. She indeed remember a smaller versions of them from another kingdoms that used to visit her home. Before she had any words come out of her mouth she wrapped her arm around both of them for comfort. 
Mark and Youngjae hugged her back to make sure that she felt safe. She let her arms let go and tried not to cry in front of the others. She looked at them both questioned him about his place here. “Why are you here? 
“We should be asking you the same question as well,” Jaebeom stated. “We are very surprised that someone actually found our cottage. This place is actually hidden by a cursed forest.”
“Cursed? How is it cursed?” She looked at the men very confused.
“We are banished from leaving here,” BamBam answered.
“During the last invasion from the dragon that terrorized the eight kingdoms. We all traveled to defeat it. We worked together to bring it down. But it was also a trap,” Jinyoung stated.
“It was a trap and test to find the bravest and strongest men from the all of the kingdoms. We thought we defeated the giant lizard but it was a witch tricking us.” Y/n looked at Yugeom as he continued the story. 
“She gathered all of us to get us away from our kingdoms to set them all into sleep slumber and take our magical treasure the protect our people. She took our kingdoms magic and ours”, BamBam says. 
“She took all of us and place us here, away from home and powerless,” Jackson added.
Mark look at Y/N, “But how did you get here and how? We thought no one could ever find us. Not even this place.”
“I don’t know. I ran away from home. The huntsman was trying to kill me... But I didn’t know where i was going. I tripped and fell and woke up here.”
“At least you are safe now with us. We wont let anyone hurt you now,” Youngjae squeezed her shoulder. 
She thanked them and looked at them all. Hoping that they were right and hope that they are safe here.
Hi everyone. I know it has been so long. I’ve been working alot and hard to keep up. But I’ll do my best to update.
-Admin DJ
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savage-rhi · 4 years
Gene and Higgs OMFG I need more content :33333 👕  :    your  muse  helps  my  muse  get  dressed  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness .
Here you go honey bunches💙
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“Alright missy, down you go.” Higgs said playfully as he eased Gene off of his back, lowering her to the ground where they would make camp for the night. Higgs grunted as he got the rest of Gene’s luggage and his own belongings off of him. He felt much lighter while he stretched, popping his back in a few places before sighing in relief. 
“Darlin’, you sure gave me a workout today.” He chuckled. 
“You--didn’t have to carry me.” Gene choked out, trying her best not to have another coughing fit as she settled her upper body against a rock. Higgs waved her off. 
“Nonsense. You were hacking up a storm back there. I would’ve been an asshole if I didn’t help ya.”
Carrying Gene for the last several hours on top of everything else wasn’t an easy task. Higgs hadn’t done porter activity in years so it was a challenge at first, but instinct took over and he found himself back on the saddle. 
Gene smirked. “Aren’t you always an asshole?” 
Higgs feigned he was hurt, furrowing his brows as he put on a pout. “Owch. I guess someone doesn’t want a ride tomorrow. I’m kind, but I ain’t your pack mule.” 
Higgs chuckled as Gene rolled her eyes, he waited for a comeback but was met with another round of coughs. Higgs’s demeanor changed as he crouched beside Gene and felt her forehead after she was done.
“Phew, you’re sweatin’ up a storm.” Higgs murmured. 
“I feel like I hacked up a lung,” Gene said faintly as Higgs quietly laughed.
“Surprised’ you didn’t. Goes without sayin’, you took getting hit with them flu darts like a champ.”
“Wow. Such high praise.” Gene said sarcastically, getting Higgs to grin from ear to ear. He appreciated Gene’s snark when it would show itself. It reminded Higgs of how he used to be when he was a porter. Sure, he still had it but a lot had changed since those days. 
“Only the best for my girl,” Higgs said proudly, watching as Gene grimaced at his comment. Higgs brushed it off, sighing as he got up and onto his feet. 
“I’m gonna find a water source. Don’t do anythin’ dumb, okay?” 
“I don’t think I could even if I wanted to,” Gene said, closing her eyes and letting her body rest. Even though she got a ride from Higgs, the rough terrain he had taken them both through was strainful. The bouncing didn’t help her ailment. She could still feel the migraine that came on about an hour before stopping to make camp. 
By the time Higgs returned with some essentials he found, or otherwise confiscated off of unsuspecting travelers, he found Gene had gone through the trouble of getting their sleeping mats, tent, and a fire started. He rolled his eyes, letting out a breath while approaching.
“I thought I told you to stay outta trouble,” Higgs said firmly, to which Gene shrugged as she was lying against the rock from earlier on. 
Higgs shook his head, deciding not to fight her this time around. Gene’s stubbornness was something to behold at times, and others Higgs wished he could have slapped it out of her. It was a trait that had its perks nonetheless. Gene had ambition and grit to go along with it, and in Higgs’s mind that made up for things.
“I gotcha some water,” Higgs said, holding out a canteen for her after capping the top off. Gene’s fingers shook as she grabbed the bottle, then started to drink slowly. 
“At the rate your fever is goin’, you should be over this in another day or two.” Higgs assured Gene after she was done drinking her share. 
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience,” Gene said, coughing for a moment. Her skin trembled. Higgs could see even though she was close to the fire, Gene had goosebumps all over her arms. The pale color they had too indicated how cold she was as Higgs sat beside her.
Higgs took off his cape, pulling the hood over himself while taking it off then carefully wrapped it around Gene. He laid a hand on her shoulder, watching as she glanced between it and his eyes.
“Heh, no biggie,” Higgs said and moved back to give space. “Anyway, you caught me red-handed. When I was a terrorist, I used to sell flu darts to MULEs all the time. Hot commodity them things are. I don’t know if you ever heard of a komodo dragon, but they were these big lizards. Had nasty bites. What they’d do is they’d snap a prey item, and let it go. Then they’d track the scent of that creature and wait until they’d perish from sickness. Their saliva was heavily debated, whether they were venomous or not. It’s what those darts are based on. The maker of them passed away about three years ago. Surprised to see MULEs using them anymore.”
“Too bad he ain’t alive so I can kick him in the nuts,” Gene said bluntly, to which Higgs laughed. Some relief washed over his face seeing Gene smile. He had been worried about her, more than he let on. 
“Well, it sounds like we both have a common enemy,” Higgs said. “But tell me somethin’ aren’t ya at least a bit happy to know I killed all the MULEs back there that did you dirty?”
Gene thought it over before giving a rapid nod. Higgs chuckled and reached over, tucking one of Gene’s small braids behind her ear so it wouldn’t go over her sweat. 
“I knew you’d come around,” Higgs said.
“What do you mean?” Gene asked.
“Well, not to be a dick but your little stint about not killing people unless you have to is gonna put you in harms way more so than just offing people from the start.”
“That’s why I have you. You have more balls in that department.” 
Higgs made a face. “So, you didn’t want me on this trip for the companionship?”
Gene flexed her hand, emphasizing her answer as she smirked. “Maybe a little.”
“Bitch.” Higgs huffed playfully. 
“Fuck wad.” Gene countered, smiling up at Higgs as he returned the favor. He was about to make another remark, then noticed Gene’s tank top had been damp from all the sweat she was losing. Higgs scooted over to Gene’s porter pack, taking a small box off that had some spare clothes in it that she kept around. 
“What are you doing?” Gene asked.
“Gonna help you out. Can’t have you shakin’ like a naked chicken all night.” 
Gene giggled from his remark, getting Higgs to smile sincerely as he felt his cheeks burn up a little. 
“Higgs, it’s not necessary.” Gene protested as he took out a black t-shirt, then scooted back to her side all the while Gene removed his cape from earlier and started to pull her clothes off.
“I insist,” Higgs said. He tried his damned hardest not to let his mind drift off where it shouldn’t go, but he’d be lying to himself if he wasn’t affected. Gene was attractive. Since going on this delivery run with her, it opened up Higgs’s mind to the fact. There was always a sentimental nature he regarded towards her, but like many things about Higgs, his affections had layers. When it came to Gene, he didn’t know where it ended and where it began. All Higgs knew was he was screwed and pining for something he couldn’t have. 
Higgs kept his gaze away, but only darted back to Gene when he heard her wince. 
“You alright darlin’?” Higgs asked, canting his head curiously at her. 
“Yeah--I just ache everywhere,” Gene said truthfully, then managed to get the tank off in full. Higgs observed her, swallowing a lump in his throat as he fiddled around with the shirt, then reached out and gently guided Gene’s hands into the sleeves, before helping her poke her head through the neck area. Higgs gently tugged down on the sides, making sure the shirt was secure on Gene and covering her enough. 
“Now you don’t look like you’ve been bathin’ in a swamp.” Higgs muttered, smiling as Gene snorted at his remark. Their eyes met each other as Higgs regarded her by cupping her face with his hands, once more removing strands of hair from her face along with debris. Gene continued to smile up at Higgs, her hand resting on his arm before he pulled back. 
“Would it be too weird if I requested somethin’ of ya?” Higgs asked after clearing his throat. 
“At this point, nothing you say can surprise me.” Gene said truthfully, coughing into her arm for a time. 
“Can I hold you?” Higgs blurted out, feeling himself nervously shake. The way Gene was looking at him made Higgs feel weird. Maybe he crossed a line, but before he could say anything to take it back, she was already getting herself comfortable and moved closer to Higgs. He smiled, letting his arms scoop her up into his lap as she cradled against him, her face pressed against his shoulder near the crook of his neck. 
“You're warm,” Gene muttered, her throat scratchy as she nuzzled into him. Higgs could feel her skin quake under his fingertips, dragging his cloak back and putting it over her. He tucked the sides into her body and leaned his head down against hers. 
“I gotcha darlin’.” Higgs said quietly.
“Why are you doing this?” Gene asked. 
There was a long pause. Truthfully, it was because he craved holding her. It made him feel like he could protect something, someone important to him for once in his life, but Higgs wasn’t ready to face the music. Nonetheless, there was another reason. Something he could share with Gene and not be ashamed of it. 
“Cause’ this is what I wished my daddy did for me when I was sick.” Higgs replied, adjusting some to look at Gene’s face. She stared up at him sadly upon hearing that, but she was growing too tired to say anything. 
“Rest up, okay?” Higgs said as Gene nodded against him, her eyes soon closing as she relaxed more in his arms. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulled her to sleep. All the while, Higgs watched her before resting his own eyes. As shitty as the situation was, Higgs was thankful for it to some degree. This gave him an excuse to be close to another person. One he held in high regard. 
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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James is rubbing my shoulders while I'm writing this. I am extremely tired and hurty today. But it was such an excellent day I dont want to complain. Just going to be thankful I have tomorrow off.
I slept Okay last night. Thankfully my internal clock is excellent. Because I forgot to set an alarm and still woke up 2 minutes before I needed to be up. I got up and dressed, James helped me with the strings of my bathing suit. And I headed out.
I went to dunkin for a sandwich. And went yo thr bus. Which was very late but I still got to the school at 830. Excellent. The kids were getting in. We were having breakfast. And soon enough we were doing roll call and making sure everyone was there and accounted for. And then we were getting on the bus. Bre'asia was my bus buddy. And i had all of my class sit on the left hand side. So then the big kids could be on the right. I got pictures of all of them and we rolled out basically on time.
We had no traffic at all. So we hot to thr water park 40 minutrs early. And a half hour before the park opened. So we hung out in the grass. Put sunscreen on the kids. Which i had not. Considered. How white it would make all my little black children. It was hilarious. But they let me run it in all over their faces and ears. Gotta keep them safe!!!
Finally the other site got there and we were able to go in. And it was excellent!!!! We all sat together. And the water was warm. At some points later in the day it was to warm even! But it was a blast.
I swam. I helped the kids float. I pulled them around like a tug boat, like my dad when i was a kid. I went on the slides!! Even the scary ones! I had cheese fries for lunch. And a small sandwich.
It was such a nice day. I had fun at the little kids playground with my students. We went down the double slides while holding hands. I just had such a great time. I love our kids.
We had one scary moment where one of our less strong swimmers went on a slide and didn't realize you landed in the deeper part. And she had tobbe rescued and that was very scary. I had her come sit with me and she was okay. It was just frightening. But then we went on the other slide together and that was much nicer. Safer.
We had to leave like a half hour early. But that worked out really well. We all got cleaned up as best we could. Got dressed. Got water. And we're on the bus around 315.
We took the back roads. And so we passed a lot of cows and corn and horses. The kids were screaming, they were so excited. And were singing old town road at them. It was hilarious.
I listened to my podcast half heartedly. Bre'Asia fell asleep on me. So I rested my eyes too, but soon enough we were back at the school. An hour in a school bus is tough but it was good to be back. I had to carry a sleeping child. But i got lots of kid practice today and that was good.
We chilled in the cafeteria until everyone was picked up. And then Adina took me home.
I got my bike. And discovered i had cut the botton of both my big toes. Sucks, but I made it home with only minimal waddling.
I told James about my day. And got a shower. He helped me pick an outfit. And I tried to deal with my toe cuts, but the new skin liquid bandaid hurt so bad I was shivering. So regular bandaids it was and we left to go to art scape!!
I had fun looking around. Might go back and buy a couple things I really liked. Met some artists I knew of from the city and talked about some of my own work which made me so so jazzed to get back into making. I cant wait to have a studio again.
We also ran into a girl that James got hired at ships with!! So we got to tell stories and it was great. I really just had an excellent time.
I got a moss ball jar thing and a keychain of a lizard. Excellent purchases that I am very very excited about. And then we got some food.
We looked at some big installs. And James took pictures, and then we came home.
James helped me put some stuff away. Discovered sweetp had eaten the hotdog buns. And now we're watching videos and i am very excited to sleep. And have a day off tomorrow!!
My plan is to work on quilt. Then go clean at the old apartment for a while. Then maybe try to go get me and Jess's pottery? Because the train is messed up that makes it hard. But we'll see. Then May be artscape again. James gets done at 630 so i will probably take a nap in the middle and then go do art scape walking with him again? Just wanna spend time with him and buy art.
Time for sleep now. Take care of yourself!
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bts-jimin16 · 7 years
Camping Trip With Taehyung
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Request: Can I ask/request a fluffy camping trip w Tae like ya know cuddling  making s'mores ahaha if you cant write it , i totally understand! again Good Luck w your exams! you’re gonna do great!!
Word Count: 2,878
Genre: Fluff, smut, fluff, smut, fluffy smut….. just a lot of fluff and smut
For: Taesbae😉 
I hope you like it Hun!!!!!!!!!!!! 😙❤❤  ~Admin Nish
“SHIT” you cursed out loud, an automatic reflex you had acquired as a result of hanging out with Yoongi so much during the past 2 years. You rubbed your injured arm, a slight pout adorned your pink lips.
You shot daggers at the slowly growing red bump on your arm due to a mosquito, which unfortunately for him, you gave no mercy to. Slumping your shoulders, you make a big fuss about the slightly stinging pain on your arm. You tugged on your boyfriend’s flannel, complaining that all the mosquitoes and other insects were personally out to get you.
“I swear Taehyung, I could feel it’s hatred when it bit me,……….it’s like it knew I killed it’s friend earlier” you wondered out loud which only lead to you starting to think that maybe the insects formed a cult with their main goal being to assassinate your entire existence.
Maybe it was a bit much but you couldn’t help but let your mind wonder sometimes, maybe that’s why you and Tae were together. Both of your wild and crazy thoughts made y’all the perfect couple and an envied one at that. The comments you both got on a daily basis about how cute you were together were way past your expectations, for all you saw was the weird quirky couple that fantasized over anime and basically lived in band t-shirts and baggy joggers. 
“Don’t worry my fair maiden, I’ll protect you from the arch nemesis known as the Mosquito of Death” he said in the most ridiculous accent trying to imitate someone from the medieval era, but sounding more like a strangled Englishman. The way he stretched his arms out as in to protect you from God knows what in combination his facial expressions of trying to look fierce had you flailing over grabbing your stomach erupting in laughter. Only Taehyung could ever make a sour situation into an immensely hilarious one; one of the many reasons you were with him. Finally composing yourself from your laughing fit, you pretended to wipe the fake tears from your eyes as you stared up at the unbelievably cute box smile shining down at you. Smiling and grabbing your boyfriend’s hand, you continued down the somewhat deserted and shaded path to the camping site.
The sun was slowly disappearing from the blueish grey sky as the evening started to set in. You and Taehyung had spontaneously came up with the idea of going camping the other day after watching an extremely cheesy movie where the couple did the same. It looked like a perfect idea for a vacation, that is until you were basically attacked by bugs and becoming practically burnt from the scorching sun because a certain brown haired dark eyed boy forgot to pack the sunscreen, despite the endless nagging from you not to forget it.
Dodging the low hanging tree branches and the multiple jagged stones that obstructed your path, you were surprised you hadn’t tripped and face planted yet. It was something that happened to you more than you would like but that’s what you got for being a clumsy person that pays little to no attention to what’s happening around you. Luckily for you, you had a nice caring boyfriend that was always there to pick you back up, after laughing at your failure at life that is.  
Seeing the empty outstretched fields come into view, you sighed out of relief, tired of walking for so long. Exercise wasn’t your favourite activity and walking definitely wasn’t a substitute either, the only exercise you ever got was when things got heated between you and Tae.  
“Finally, I thought I was going to die from all that walking” you exaggerated immediately dropping your backpack to the soft welcoming grass following shortly after. A contented sigh left your lips as you stretch out on the warm patch of grass under a shady tree. You looked up at Tae as he looked down at your comfortable form. You crossed your hands behind your head smirking at your boyfriend making yourself more comfortable.
“Wouldn’t you like to join me Tae?” You asked seductively tapping the spot next to where you lay.
“No thanks” he smirked down at you nonchalantly putting his hands into his black jeans.
“Why not” you frowned a little disappointed.
“Because you’re lying on an ants’ nest”  
And as soon as the words left his mouth you were scrambling to your feet at the speed of light frantically brushing your hands all over your body all the while screaming at the pitch of a drowning cat. As you practically ran around trying to get rid of the horrible bugs on the verge of tears, you could hear the hysterical laughter coming from your evil boyfriend. Stopping in your tracks and snapping your head in his direction, you glared at him ready to strangle his neck. Taking a deep breath trying to compose yourself from the burst of fear and anger, you stomped your way over to your bag grabbing it from it’s place on the ground and putting it somewhere else away from the devil insects.
“You see what I mean Tae, they’re after me, they’re out to get me” you huffed pretty confident on your theory.
“I told you not to worry babe, I’ll protect you.” He assured you although you could sense the humour behind his voice.
“So why didn’t you warn me about the ants??” You retorted crossed your arms.
“I did tell you didn’t I?” He smirked, his words laced with cockiness making you roll your eyes.
“Whatever, just stop being a dick and help me set up the tent” rolling your eyes again earning a chuckle from Tae. 
After choosing a suitable spot, away from all of the devil’s creatures, you and Tae begun to assemble the tent, which under normal circumstances would have been a quick and easy task, had you not decided to go camping with the weird child you called your boyfriend. He was constantly using the sticks that were meant to hold up the tent as a sword he would swing about and pretend that he was battling with it. After giving him a light scolding, you both were able to put up the tent before the moon was out. Unpacking your sleeping bags and setting them out under the tent you took out your food supplies, spotting marshmallows, chocolate and some crackers.
“Tae, let’s build a camp fire, I want to make some s’mores!” you exclaimed bubbly, spinning your head around to bring his crouched down frame into view. His face immediately lit up at the suggestion, his frame came tumbling over to your side as he visually assessed the ingredients you had before nodding frantically. You giggled before grabbing his hand, pulling him up and out of the newly set up tent and out onto the camping grounds, you squinted your eyes looking around the area for some camp fire wood. Within a span of 5 minutes, you had spotted a pile, pulling Tae eagerly towards it. Halting in front of it, you looked up at Taehyung expectantly.
“Tae, grab some and let’s go.” you urged him. He looked down at you in response.
“Why can’t you grab them? My back hurts from carrying those heavy bags.” He whined. Sighing, you moved forward to grab them when you caught a slight movement among the wood. You screamed, jumping behind Tae for protection. 
“Calm down y/n, it was just a lizard” He spoke mentally shaking his head at your childishness. You shook your head huffing, pretending you weren’t just expecting a wild raccoon to jump out and eat you alive.
“I am not touching that wood. What if that lizard jumps out and bites me on my nose?” You exclaimed frantically. Practically speaking, the chances of that happening, and today of all days, were actually fairly high and you didn’t want to take any chances. You doubted that mother nature would let you off for the third time in a row.
Rolling his eyes, Tae bent down to pick up the fire wood, slightly groaning at what you assumed to be the ache in his back. He then proceeded to walk towards your tent, with you trailing behind him like a lost puppy. After a short walk, you arrived back at your tent.
By the time you had reached the place where your tent was set up, Taehyung, bless his sweet heart, had taken it upon himself to set up the wood and start the fire. You soon found him scurrying around the tent, in search of the ingredients you had found earlier. After he found them, you assisted him in assembling the marshmallows on the metal skewers you had brought, before finding yourselves sat in front of the fire, cuddled into one another with a blanket over your shoulders and marshmallows pierced by skewers in both of your hands.
“You know, I once tried to roast marshmallows on the stove when I was younger” you chuckled to yourself remembering back to that time you wanted to see if it would be the same.
“And how did it turn out” he asked genuinely curious about your adventurous methods of when you where a little kid.
“First of all, it tasted like burnt sugar which was horrible and secondly, don’t use wooden skewers, unless you want to start a mini fire and get grounded for a week” you both laughed at your story of when you were a curious and obviously dumb seven year old. You loved the sound of his laughter, it was like music to your ears and could listen to it til the end of time. You were completely whipped for him and you were fully well aware of it. You loved him and you would give up anything for him because you knew he would do the same. Aside from the constant quarrelling and childlike behaviour you both portrayed, he was the love of your life, your first love, and you wanted it to stay that way.   
Leaning your head on his shoulder, you took a deep breath, taking in the moment. The peaceful sound of the crackling fire mixed with Taehyung’s calming breathes was the perfect getaway you could ever ask for. Twirling the softening white ball of sugar a few inches above the calm fire you wished it could always be this way, with him by your side. 
Looking up at his perfect face, sense of heat flooded through your body causing a knot to grow in your lower region. The affect Taehyung had on you was no joke but you couldn’t help it, he was too hard to resist sometimes. You gazed up through your eyelashes to take a peck at his chiselled jawline before moving to kiss his soft perky lips. You shifted your body in order to get a better look at his face. Him, feeling your movement, turns to look down at you just in time for you to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. You let your lips move against his in sync, long forgetting about the marshmallows that had been forgotten and cast aside, probably burning into nothing in the fire. Keeping your lips connected with his, your hands started to travel up his heated body as you pressed yours against his, desperate to feel close to him. He wrapped his arms around you in response copying your actions as his hands wandered your clothed body, feeling the same heat you felt, feeling the need to be close to you, feeling the need to feel your naked body against his, feeling the need to be inside you. 
Getting caught up in the sudden change of mood, you could feel Taehyung’s excited member poking against your stomach before he pulled away, gasping slightly for breath.
“Let’s go back to the tent. At this rate, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself” he breathed out through his swollen lips, his voice low and husky as his breath fanned across your face, causing your eyes to flutter. All you could manage was a hasty nod, wanting this just as much as he did. Taehyung delicately picked you up, seemingly forgetting about his back ache, and carried you back to the tent where you could get privacy from the onlooking empty trees and outstretched forest.
He carefully laid you down onto the already laid out blankets, his eyes piercing your own pair as his hand sneaked down to caress every crevice, curve, nip and tuck of your body, earning needy moans from you. With his head buried in your neck, leaving heavy kisses and marks on your flesh, he slowly peeled away each article of your clothing with gentle hands pushing down his strong desires, making you feel as if the setting was a five star hotel instead of a camping ground in the middle of nowhere. 
Looking down at your fully unclothed body, a low growl erupted from the depths of his throat signifying he couldn’t wait much longer. Shifting your body forward, feeling Taehyung watching your every move, you helped him to remove the material that was preventing you from seeing all of him. Audibly gasping at the sight of his sun kissed skin peeking out as you removed his covers, you could never get used to seeing him like this. His body was one you could only describe as something you could only dream of, but luckily for you it was real and it was yours.
With you both completely bare and heavy breathing filling the confines of the tent, you gazed at his frame towering over you as you felt your heart speed up. No matter how much times you two got intimate, it always felt like it was your first time experiencing and feeling these sensual sensations his him.The feelings present were so intense that it made you dizzy and to the point you needed him right now. 
Coming down to your level once again, Taehyung paused for a split moment, looking in your shaking eyes before attacking your lips like he couldn’t wait any longer. Your hands immediately found their way into his silky strands slowly grinding your hips against his needing to feel him as much as he needed to feel you. Abruptly pulling away, causing a needy moan to leave your throat, already missing the feeling of his soft lips on yours, you were quickly silenced by the feeling of his tip at your aching entrance and a hand softly caressing your left cheek.
“Are you ready?” he asked with a low shushing voice brushing a loose curl behind your hair. 
You stared up at him through your lashes with wide eyes, a smile finding it’s way to your lips before nodding your head for him to continue. And with not a second passing, he thrusted into to you causing you to let out a long awaited loud moan of his name. Gradually picking up the speed of his movements, finally getting to feel you wrapped tightly around him after so long had him a moaning mess as his erratic noises matched yours. Finding your lips once again, his warm tongue explored your mouth making your moans slightly muffled as he kissed you with all the passion he could muster. Wrapping your legs around his waist, giving him easier access, you returned his actions kissing him back with all you had. He spilled his feelings and love for you with every kiss, every moan and every thrust, making you feel cherished and cared for. He was giving you pleasure only he was capable of giving and wouldn’t wish for it any other way. 
You wrapped your arms tighter around his frame, bringing him closer to you as he continued to bring your climax closer and closer with thrust and every touch to your body. You were a moaning mess and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer. His ragged breathing, his strong hold on your hips in contrast with the soft hold he had against the side of your face as he kissed you was too much for you to bare. His diligent thrust with all of those things joined together lead you to the most bone shattering orgasm you could possibly have as the scream of his name echoed around the tent. His breathing becoming more strained, you knew he was close too and after a few more thrusts he came shortly after with a low growl of your name. 
Breathlessly collapsing next to your heaving sweaty body, gasps and huffs filled the otherwise quiet tent as you both calmed down from your high. After a few seconds of only the sound of your heavy breathing, Taehyung pulled your tired frame closer to him still needing to keep you close to him. You cuddled into his side, placing your arm across his chest and tucking your face into his neck, you placed a sweet peck at the nape of it smiling at the moment you both just shared.
“Maybe we should make camping a regular thing huh?” He breathed out softly, finally catching his breath. You giggled, wrapping your arms around him tighter liking the sound of that.
“Yeah, maybe.”
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kuroandtheguys · 6 years
QUOTES (as in things i’ve said, not necessarily original things but things ive said.) FROM MUN HIKARY,HER DAD AND CLASSMATES AS RP STARTERS:
"get your fuck boy out of my house"
"Listen here you fuck nugget"
"don't touch me you bafoon"
"leave the soul alone"
"i got some shoes from my drug dealer, i dont know what he laced them with but i've been tripping all day...."
"Sure thing Chew-Brocka"
"the beatings will continue until morale improves."
"looking to protect yourself or deal some damage?"
"The egg-salts?"
"much cheese cake"
"baby,princess, dear,dearest. Do me a favorite and get your head out of my ass"
"Whats up gays!"
"Its 1 get the fuck up you lil shit"
"its a porch...not a deck....."
"when one plays the earth game twister one finds out more about the other's than they wanted"
"pain is your reward for being near me."
"oh it's the nasty crime boi"
"follow the yellow-dick road"
"these jokes arent the only thing that suck"
"stupid controls! I said walk to the side not jump off the cliff"
"Zarkon unhand my space father"
"sadness is merely a part of life."
"they're gonna play Mario cart"
"that's how friendship dies"
"Space Dad jokes are out of this world"
"space dad part of a balanced breakfast"
" i wonder whats over here, oh its plot"
"not all wood resists magic damage"
"destroy us all!"
"i could pee in a bucket and tell him it's beer."
"i would fuck lance because who wouldn't"
"Fite me!"
"fuck Shiro because, just look at him. Who wouldn’t?"
"I am tumblr senpai"
"Why is he grinding?!"
"They bonded by beating the shit out of eachother."
"ah ah put those grabby hands away." (wow without context that sounds really dirty)
"if I have social anxiety and YOU have social anxiety then who's going to order the food?"
"now if they made space dad shaped mac and cheese i wouldnt mind so much"
"it could be 1 of 2 things metal leg or morning wood"
"i like chicks not dicks"
"why cant you just say vagina?"
"Ok so if you ever need a break from your mech with a watersport kink let me know."
"I love you" "dude thats gay..." "we are litterly having sex"
"watch your mouth you little shit"
"yes daddy dearest"
"Let me hug you space child"
"i must adopt this lost space child"
"soft and warm space dad"
"omg your so extra"
"hgn those claws he could just rip me apart"
"we can go inside"
"i wouldn't want to expose you"
"he's see more of your girlfriend than you have"
"we had a bonding moment i punched you in the face!"
"I ate my school"
"this limp noodle"
"You wanna ride my huge dragon"
"and i don't know....somethin' bout friendship..."
"Tid be a pitty if i killed him off"
"you've been shanked" "..with a ruler..."
"did you just giggle your boobs at me?"
"It was an earth shattering shit"
"I am the pumpkin gardian"
"Hold my beer and watch this mother fucker
"Careful nuts make you swell, just ask your sister"
"My dad the crack dealer"
"balls deep in an au"
"Don't fuck on my expensive leather couch you cunts"
"He's a perceptive hoe"
"blubbering balls of teenage awkwardness"
"What can I say except~ FUCK OFF"
"I am the alpha dad"
"thats a kick in the danger clam"
"your gonna get your weiner stuck in the baby gate"
"I'm taking you back to the pound"
"I'm so sorry the princess had his feelings hurt"
“Hey demons, it’s ya boi, Satan. Give me the homie back”
"my name is stan, im satan"
"I Came Here For A Good Time And All I Got Was Porn"
"it went from warm to freezing because snow miser is shitting on us"
"Near death can be fixed with ducktap"
"I don't remember what I did with my pants"
"It smells" "You smell" "Your face smells" "You almost got punched I'm the face"
"Bueno bear"
“Gently bullied him into submission”
*Holds up fishing pole and bubbles* hookers and blow.
"To hard, to thick. I'd get hair stuck in my teeth" "...don't ever say that in public."
"Even lesbians like babies"
"My dad is like a fun vampire"
You are a steampunk blood warrior with a plan"
"You are a steampunk blood warrior with a flan"
"You've been hit by you've been struck by a smooth lesbian"
"You just made the inquisitior gay" "Yes" 5 minutes later "So what else us on the table" "The inquisitior"
"Did...did you just call the Cat a butt plug?"
"not like that you kinky fuck"
"kinky princess Matthew holt and his fluffy sidekick Mr whiskers."
"I'm gay and I'm ready to party"
"You founded a country on cocaine and prostitution?"
"You know what looks delicious" "What" "Your tight ass" "Your a hoe, like ben" "_ lemme smash"
"Human Sacrifice is always an option if you aren't a weak little bitch."
"Last time you had an imaginary friend I'm pretty sure it was a demon"
" I don't want to be propositioned by you in private!"
"Don't vore the dogs"
"Surely not everyone was kung-fu fighting" "They were" "..we're they fast as lightning?" "No they were slow, Tai Chi mother fucker"
"There’s a train of thought but it’s been de railed and Billy the kid robbed it."
"Shes just where burgers go to die"
"Im a priest to our lady of sin and this is my seeing eye dragon"
"Hello nightmares my old freind"
"they took some scaly lizard dick"
"I would go to Satan jazz club"
"Gandalf the off white"
"Stop kicking my puppy"
"You sleep darted that man in the dick"
"i didn't hit puberty...i just kinda shook it's hand"
"Tall, dark, warm and edgy. The perfect dad"
"Cerberus thinks he's a lap dog"
"thank god for incredible upper body strength"
"No ship wars. I multi ship like an adult" "Am I an adult I poly ship?" "Yes"
" my flaccid dagger"
"He's running around like a squirrel on crack"
"Could you please acidenly flex somewhere else your distracting me"
"It is the first day of Christmas fucker"
"Don't make me beat ypu with egg nog"
"Why did it suddenly become British?"
"Slav tellaported from another dimension to punch you in the arm"
"Floating kingdom of dabalon"
"I like my nightshade pomegranate flavored"
"dont dab on my boobs"
"The first vampire ran into the sun"
"I need a pocket sendak"
"Four score and 7 years ago our founding pirates"
"Been fueling up on....."
"Life is a highway?"
"the lyrics are coke and whiskey dumb ass"
"all i want for Christmas is the dreamiest daddy."
"patience yields fucking"
"Gray haired man on a house coming through" "I tottally thought you said gay haired man"
"Oh... mood"
"You wrap presents like a blind t rex"
"i take a look at me enormous-"
"white privilege."
"I swear to all of the gods I'm going to climb you like a fucking vine"
"The pellar, he uh.... loves his goat"
"whispers goat fuckerrrr"
"sleeping with slytherins" "dont you mean sirens?" "same fucking thing"
"No one told you life was gonna be this-" "Gay?"
"I am truly the hobo on top of the polar express" "No your the homo ontop of the polar express" "Can't she be a homo hobo?"
"Kinkshame me harder"
“Kinkshame me harder spicy papa”
"Male griffin returns and is like what the fuck did you do to my wife"
"Drug cloud please disperse"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Right in the paw patroler"
"Stuffed em up Mr patato head's butt"
"feed me"
"i swear if you start singing-"
"must be blood"
"here she gose again"
"must be fresh"
"i dont wanna hear this"
"Get on the fucking dragon or I will leave you in this tower"
"Vivia le roi" "LONG LIVE THE REVALUATION" "No.... long live the king"
"I'm a senior my vote counts more"
"I am gentle snek"
"The boner wizzard is a girl" "That's a dragon" "Girl dragon"
"my father the actual 5 year old" "thats right 5 times a whole bunch"
"why..... is your icon a crotch buldge?"
"Layers" "Like an oinion" "Yes and their all gonna make you cry"
"You blushing" "I'm pasty and I burn in the sun anytime I go out." "So your burned..?" "Yes fucker"
 "You should be careful dancing around with those daggers when I'm throwing fire" "It won't hurt me. It's friendly fire"
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kiss, opal, satin, matte
kiss: what do you want from life right now?
i want my brain to cooperate on one goshdarn interest of mine, hopefully coming through with smendel. i want to stop sleeping through things i care about, i want to stop sleeping, and i want to work up the nerve or something like it to do laundry. a couple days where conversation is borderline intuitive would be nice as well.
opal: talk about your interests and passions
ok one interest that was rekindled this week is my fucking ADORATION for california marine wildlife. when i was in first grade i read Island of the Blue Dolphins and demanded i be permitted to do a book report on it. it was up on our family’s website for a long time until we stopped paying for the domain, but learning about cormorants and abalone and wild dogs and all of it was so interesting and it was so close to me, all of it, i live in the dune-y part of the south bay, but the cliff-y part wasn’t that far, and I went to marine life summer camps, went to aquariums, hell i practically LIVED in the aquarium of the pacific in long beach, the little eel exhibit STILL is the light of my life, i wanted to be a diver, i wanted to be a marine biologist, i have wildlife of the galapagos species identification cards that my grandparents brought back from their trip to the galapagos, finding out about the sea lizards, the blue-footed boobies, the hundreds of year old turtles, it just seemed like the sea was the motivator for so much, i loved the touch tanks, the sting of the ice-cold sea water as it dried on your arms, i loved the wave tank at the aquarium, i loved the life-sized model of the blue whale that was hanging from the ceiling and how every hour on the hour they would close all the blinds and play a movie about blue whales, project the wavy water refractions on the walls and you could feel the livingness of the thing, i loved the movies they’d show in the aquarium’s movie thater, i loved the puffins and sea otters and penguins, i loved the sardines and making them change directions, i loved the tacky stickiness of the anemone, i loved the sea urchins’ grasp of my finger and the purple that was left there, i loved that i was the only one brave enough to touch them. i loved the sea cucumbers, how they were silky and yet not, i loved all the fish we weren’t allowed to touch. i loved the shark eggs, i loved the shark touch tanks, i loved to scare myself silly at the big touch tanks. my love of birds comes from the lorikeet cages there, although i was always too scared to let them climb on me. my sister was always better with clawed things, but i would touch the stinging things that weren’t strong enough to sting you, i’d dig up sand crabs until an event that made me not like that anymore, i LOVED kelp and kelp forests, i loved how BIG fish got underwater, it was all so intuitive!! i loved boats, how they worked, how they used to work when they had sails, i loved exploring boats on the pretense of seasickness, i loved the concept of being underwater and yet dry, investigating submarines (but not wanting to live on them) was amazing, i loved being near the ocean, on the pier, watching the surf, getting too cold, i loved diving into the water and the resignation of feeling grit in your hair when you get out, i loved diving into waves, i loved feeling graceful, i love feeling razor-sharp. i wanted to move like a fish, i wanted to be as cold as the sharks, the same texture as the bat rays, to chase down the colorful trpocal fish, to travel, to feel warm water, cool water but always have a soft spot in my cold little heart for the california oceans, the kelp forests and the abalone and the garibaldi and the deep green oceans of the pacific. in the intervening time i’ve seen the cliffs in the northern california shores, spun much more human-centric tales of stranded seagoers and marine biologists climbing down the cliffs. when i learned marine biology involved a lot more tanks and tubing than it did cold water, i resigned myself to it. it was fine, i would learn to do it, i did a summer internship-type thing in middle school. it was freezing i was allergic to my fleece and my hands froze and i didn’t know my hands would get so stiff. i was cold and wet and hated it. a fact about me is that i dont keep my heat i was freezing, miserable, snappish, and i just wanted to see a damn rock pool, not look at bubbling tanks of krill. i almost wanted to be a marine biologist, but by the time i was in high school, i knew the cold was bad for me, so i wanted to be a biologist. wall-e sold me on the good green growing things, on the soil and the fall of pebbles. and then i contemplated bio research. there was genomics, which i cared about because of jurassic park, and there were plants, which i didn’t much care for (i now realize because i was allergic to them. im not allergic to marine life.). i latched onto my other interests at the time, which were judaism and animal husbandry. and then social justice (which is a great hyperfixation for my mental health, especially when combining in jewish studies with a focus on the shoah. it’s great. fantastic. lovely). but goats and chickens are wonderful and warm, dumb as rocks, bless their hearts, but good and solid and now i know, conceptually, a hell of a lot about goats, sheep, chickens, and to a certain extent, cows. and to a much lesser extent, horses. definitely ponies, but not at all almost anything about horses.
satin: what never fails to make you happy?
listening to upbeat music i know the words to is THE defining depression pick-me-up of my life atm. the shrek 2 soundtrack, for example, completely unironically, which i rediscovered (aside from the fairy godmother’s song bc that never leaves me) today, accidentally in love is SUCH a good song. but like two of hearts, hold me now, i wanna dance with somebody, december 1963, you cant hurry love, africa, getting the chance to do late-night dance parties in the kitchen to my music this year has been SO good, dancing to two of hearts in the kitchen while everyone holds a spatula and you’re surrounded by people you like, even if it’s a little nervously, it’s SUCH a good experience. i love music. it’s so good. the tarzan soundtrack is also extremely good.
matte: what is something you are proud of?
every time someone accuses me of having made cursed content, i feel SO happy and proud. it’s a lil like the thrill of a recipe you didn’t think was going to work working!! im also proud of myself for all the times i went to class this month, and im proud of the first AAS midterm i got back today!
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lovingrot · 7 years
10 through 15 for the ask thing
10. do you have a creed?
whos that bitch
11. describe your ideal day.
i answered this already so copy/paste:
uhhhh….. maybe like… i do this thing where i stay up from the night before until like 7 am n then i cook myself “dinner” (breakfast time, but the placement would be dinner) of sticky rice and egg fish soup n i eat it while i watch the sun rise.. then i go to sleep and i sleep until like noon.. i go for a quick hike and listen to music n draw smth,, its mostly cloudy but with a breeze (not too warm not too cool)..  i take a nap (1hr) with the windows open then i go and hang out with my friends at the cemetery and around town.. i go home around 8pm and take a nap until 9:45 then i get ready n do rlly fancy makeup and wear fancy clothes and then me and my friend mersadies cruise around in the country and eat mc donalds (bad but fun its like a hting we do..) n go to the abandoned buildings and barns and then i get home at like 5 am,, 
(this all seems rlly specific but ive done all of these things just on separate days.. n i regularily hang out with my friend mersadies)
12. dog person or cat person?
i like foxes and bats and tiny bearded lizards
13. inside or outdoors?
outside at night/when its cloudy/rainy etc inside in the morning/when its sunny
14. are you a musician?
i know sum musics .  i can play the melodica (: n sum othr stuff but i can only play by ear i cant read music notes
15. five most influential books over your lifetime
the mysterious benedict society/the series of unfortunate events books. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sum political books i dont remembr th name of but i was recommended them by my fave teacher (he was….. cute ggg Bad) uhh uncle montagues tales of terror uhh the moorchild uhhhhh this is more than five n thers more bc  i read an Lot lel… n like they make my Personailty,,,,,,,,,,fjvnfvjkfnjfgkbfgb
(tell me if this is the right ask meme???? if not i hav no problem redoing it)
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skinksprite · 8 years
At least one person wanted to read my horrible self insert fic so now you all have to suffer
So it’s just a throwaway project that I occasionally go back to every so often, and I just write without caring too much about characterization or anything (which means we quietly ignore the fact that these characters would have zero reasons to speak to me in a civil manner, we just accept it). The bits I tried to string together into a plot are on ff.net here, and I’ve linked to chapter eight, which is the point where I came back to it and it goes from your normal ‘oh cool im in a videogame!’ self insert gig into ‘reality kicks in and everything goes to shit, you’ll probably die soon’ territory. Personally I’d like to ignore everything that came before it because it takes way too long to get to the good parts, and I wrote those early chapters when I was much younger. *shrug* Descriptive blood and gore start happening in that chapter, because I had to kill a Sarafan, and then other nasty things go wrong.
Anyway have two (stupidly long) bits from this huge disorganized 17k word file I’ve got floating around still. The second bit is my favorite, it is also horrible and involves blood. Lemme know if you want more, because there’s a couple other sequences I’m fond of that aren’t properly strung together.
The weather was absolute hell. The air of the swamp was already warm and unbearably humid, making it difficult to breathe, and the downpour didn't help things. My hood was down. Water in my face was only slightly more tolerable than a soggy piece of cloth on top of my head. The cooler mud came halfway up to my knees, and the wound in my leg was screaming from the strain. If my shoes weren't tightly strapped on, they would have been lost to the sea of muck by now. It went up my pant legs and into my socks, and my feet were beginning to go numb. I had already tripped up several times in exhaustion, and I was covered in grime and my own blood, the roots and stones hiding beneath the mud giving me scrapes on my arms and face.
The sword became heavier with each passing minute, and all I wanted to do was to collapse somewhere solid and never get up.
So that's what I did. It took awhile for me to get up onto the slab of rock without tripping and hitting my head, as the wet moss made it slick and difficult to get a decent grip. The sword clattered out of my grip and almost slid into the mud, and I bumped my hand in order to save it. I laced my fingers through the decorative tassels so that I wouldn't have to concentrate on holding it any more, and sprawled out on the wet, rough boulder, desperately trying to catch my breath.
"Why" I abruptly half-wheezed, half-barked. The unfinished question was: 'Why am I doing this, why am I even here, and why can I never get enough time for a proper shower.'
Or maybe some food. Food would be nice. I'd been lamenting the loss of Adonathiel's pack the entire trip, but there wasn't enough time to go back and get it. What was important was that Vorador was ressurected, and probably teleported himself far away from the advancing Sarafan troops.
I felt my eyes get heavy. I don't think hanging upside down like that for so long was any good for me. I might have still been slightly concussed too. The only thing that kept me from fully going into sleep, was this annoying clanking noise on the edges of my hearing.
'Oh shit.'
My eyes snapped open and I immediately flipped myself off the rock, crouching into the muck to hide myself from the handful of Sarafan currently trudging in my general direction. I flipped up my hood and had to suppress a whine, as it dumped a load of watery muck all over my head and down my face. I was entirely saturated in the sludge, and it was unlikely that they would be able to tell the difference between me and another rock or rotted stump.
'I bet Vorador rarely makes the distinction! Ha!'
They passed slowly, struggling as they dragged along in their heavy armored boots.
"I don't think it was wise to leave the town unguarded."
"How so? Most everyone has moved away, and the fiend had fallen long ago."
The conversation fell out of focus, as I realized that I was slowly sinking. It was gradual, so gradual that I didn't notice it until now, but they needed to get a move on. I didn't come this far only to drown.
"What do you say we take a rest, Captain? Over there, on those rocks."
My eyes widened. I lifted my head just far enough to see that asshole pointing in my direction.
There was no way that I could adjust now.
They trudged their way over and did much the same thing that I did, their armor making it even more difficult to get a decent foothold. The Captain himself stood, refusing to sit, but the rest of them sprawled out on the rocks like basking lizards.
I heard a familiar clattering noise, and nearly jumped when I felt something sharp poke my shoulder.
"Ah, almost lost it..."
My mind screamed for me to move, to run, to do SOMETHING, but I forced myself still. I had to wait. There was no way in hell that I'm going to get captured by the Sarafan. God help me if they figured out that I'd already killed one of their patrolmen not two nights ago.
I discreetly straightened my back. It was up to my neck now.
The Captain himself seemed impatient and paced over to my side. Immediately I was yanked back down as his foot came down on the sword still tied to my hand underneath the mud. I craned my neck to keep my face above the enroaching stagnant filth, desperately trying not to make any noise while I struggled for air. I held back a gag as it crept up my chin and over my lower lip.
"Alright you lazy sods, we have to get back before sundown. Get a move on."
The Sarafan finally moved away, and my arm no longer felt like it was about to be twisted off.
The soilder above me sighed and slid off the rock.
His pike was extended out to his side as he did this, and it unfortunately bumped my shoulder.
"NGHCK" I choked, immediately hunching forward and away from the blade. Unfortunately, I had just submerged the rest of my face into the swamp water, and now there were eight alert sarafan who would no doubt hear me if I came back up for air.
I wrestled with myself to keep still and slow down my heart while they looked about, unable to find me.
"We should get moving. It was probably just some swamp creature."
They thankfully slid away and out of sight through the curtain of moisture, and I scrambled up out of the muck, gasping for breath. My shoulder was burning horribly, and I could feel the hot blood seeping into my already wet clothes, mingling with the horrid swamp water.
I needed to get somewhere dry, and soon. Lord knows what sort of terrible diseases were lingering in the water here, and the massive gash in my shoulder was already saturated with it.
The only good thing about this encounter, was that I knew that Ushtenheim was close, and that there wasn't anybody there.
The trek up the mountain paths were just as terrible. It was no longer raining, but it had gotten slightly chillier, and the stones were still slick. I'd left a trail behind me for quite a while before the mud finally dried, but I was too exhausted to care. It was literally an uphill battle. I was thankful that there was an actual path  up there, and that I didn't need to have spiderman powers to scale walls.
Amusingly enough, when I looked closely at them, there were little rounded indents in sets of twos and threes. It was a five hundred year old approximation of 'Raziel was here'.
I stirred beneath the sheets in the old bed, and pulled the covers up higher. I wasn't sure why I was still awake. It was still in the dead of night.
I was just about done with my sweep of the library. Predictably, the older pens I'd found quickly wore out. I made a new pen out of Janos' feather, hoping that perhaps vampire feathers would last way longer than normal feather pens. I figured I'd stay for an extra night or so before I made my way back down the mountain. I knew that I'd have to get used to a lot of traveling on foot, but it didn't mean that I enjoyed it.
The feeling of being watched wormed it's way up my spine, and I couldn't go back to sleep despite how tired I was.
"Might as well continue studying..." I mumbled, crawling out of bed. I really can't make this a habit...
The aerie was freezing at night. I struggled to control the shaking in my writing hand, despite the roaring fire I'd set up in the fireplace. I cursed as I nearly knocked over my ink. This wasn't working.
"What are you doing here?"
I jumped and flailed a little, fumbling with my pen as I broke into a harder fit of shivers. I looked up to see the disapproving face of Vorador.
He was a truly intimidating figure, especially with the intense light of the fire highlighting his face from underneath, setting his sharp eyes aglow. His eyes narrowed when I focused a second too long on the stripe of scar tissue encircling his neck.
My tired, frozen mind couldn't catch up fast enough. I found myself hanging from his fist by my collar. His eyes pierced mine. I could barely comprehend what was happening at the moment. I don't think I ever really came to terms with the reality of my situation.
"Are you mute, human? Speak."
I made a few choked sounds in an attempt to talk through my chattering teeth before getting any coherent sentences out.
"N-no. J-just st-tudyi-ngck."
He snorted skeptically, eyeing the feather loosely clutched in my trembling hand. "Do you realize who this place belongs to?"
I fought through a particularly violent set of shivers. How the hell could anybody live here with nights like these? And this was just spring!
"y-y-Janos Aud-dron. I-I'm S-sorry if you'd exp-pected s-superstition to k-keep this place vac-cant. I was only visiting."
"If-f it's any c-consol-lation, I'm sure he w-wouldn't want his knowlege t-to g-go to waste."
My hand went numb, and the feather fell, an errant breeze scooting it dangerously close to the fireplace. I jerked in it's direction, mentally pleading with it not to go any closer to the flames. As if in response, it inched even closer.
His fist wrenched even tighter, and I was forced to face him again. "And why would you think that?"
Dismayed, I watched as the cool breeze scooted the feather into the fire, where it curled up into itself like a dying creature.
"No, wai-!"
My words were swallowed by the overpowering racket of the teleportation spell.
The most unpleasant sound imaginable raked across my very being, like metal nails on a chalkboard, or repeatedly biting into something frozen that's still in it's package, the sensation painfully buzzing in my bones and setting my nerves on fire. My body wracked with spasms as I was thrown, skidding onto the floor and into a wall. My vision was made entirely of negatively colored swirls and spots, and my ears rang loudly. My head throbbed.
Apparently it wasn't quite Adonathiel's magic that was faulty. It's just that magic didn't do very well with me. Maybe it was because where I came from had no obvious magic like here.
When I regained awareness of my body, I realized I was being dragged haphazardly by the back of my clothes, like a misbehaving toddler in overalls. I winced, immediately curling my arms back into myself, trembling as the back of my hands stung from being ground against the stone floors. I had no clue where I was, it was far too dark to see.
I groaned.
"Ah, you're awake. Good. She's taken a liking to ones who can still scream."
"I have to stop getting myself captured."
I could practically hear his smirk.
"You're a strange one. I've no idea what sort of sorcery you've been using girl, but at the very least this will put a stop to it."
"I don't know any magic!"
I could feel the back of my shirt tighten. The collar of my shirt was starting to chafe my neck.
"Don't play stupid. It's disgusting."
"Look, it's not what I do, it's where I came from. Magic always goes really wrong around me."
"What's going to happen to me?"
I pursed my lips.
The darkness was almost impenetrable. We came to a stop, and the loud protests of a heavy metal door scraped against my senses, only heightening the creeping panic that was trying to claw it's way up my spine.
A frenzied panting echoed off the walls, and I lifted my head, barely making out two, red, dimly glowing points.
I was thrown again, into the center of the room, gasping as I felt the stitches in my back tug.
I lay there on the floor, listening.
The panting was getting closer. And closer. It suddenly stopped.
My own breathing quickened and my skin pricked with the thought of imagined horrors creeping ever closer to me.
A gust of breath swept past my ear in a deep hiss and I nearly jumped out of my skin, immediately scrambling backwards into something clammy and cold.
A pair of violet eyes, wreathed in red approached. I squeezed my eyes shut against it.
I winced as a clawed hand worked it's way into my scalp. I was shaking constantly now, having been on edge and awake for... for what felt like a whole day. I think. It was a wonder I haven't dropped dead from fright. Everything made me jump out of my skin.
It hadn't killed me yet. I was like a mouse in the paws of a playful cat, battered, shaken, but not dead.
My eyes had slowly adjusted to the near pitch back, and I was capable of 'feeling' the shadows and outlines of certain things. Otherwise, I might as well have been blind. I could see it's eyes clearly though, and it served as the only source of illumination in the entire room.
I did my best not to move. Every twitch, every hitch of breath would peak it's interest. I made the mistake of suddenly scooting my foot out from under me once, and it tackled me, eager, waiting for me to move again. It wasn't as if I COULD move very much after that. My arm was obviously broken. Moving would only make things hurt even worse.
Lately it had taken to playing with my hair and scratching at my head. I clenched my jaw as an errant claw pierced my scalp again.
I began trembling as a set of footsteps echoed beyond the heavy door.
It tensed behind me, and it's claws buried themselves in my skin. A gasp of pain escaped my nose as my arm shifted.
Light and slightly fresher air flooded the musty chamber, and I had to squint to keep it from hurting my eyes.
Vorador stepped in, dragging behind him a barely conscious man.
He seemed incredibly surprised to find me alive.
"It seems Umah has taken a liking to you."
Umah? I almost turned, but as soon as the thought crossed my mind she had brought me closer to her body possessively, like a toddler holding on to a toy. I cried out from behind my teeth. A low hiss blew past my ear.
Vorador chuckled. "You are lucky to have survived this long, human. You may just come away from this with your life."
He tossed the man in and the door shut behind him, plunging me back into darkness.
Umah released me, I assumed she meant to eat the man. His painful howling confirmed my thoughts. But he wasn't dead. His cries had died down to a low moan. There was a shuffling, and then I jumped as something heavy was deposited in my lap.
I wanted to cry. The weight of a human head in your hands never quite leaves you.
Warmth slowly seeped onto my legs and I realized he was still bleeding.
I heard her growl in agitation. I was confused, too shocked and upset to think.
More shuffling, and the weight was lifted, only to be pressed into my arms. I couldn't help the hitch and sob in the back of my throat. My arm throbbed. I knew what she wanted now. Like a cat presenting a dead lizard, she wanted me to kill. To feed.
A dry sickness welled up in my gut. I licked my cracking lips, to no avail. The sides of my mouth ached from trying to produce saliva. The horror froze me, and an even more disgusting thought bubbled up beneath my despair.
I hadn't had anything to drink in almost two days.
My stomach flopped.
'How many potential mistakes can you make in a day? We knew our chances the minute we got here.'
My body trembled, and the vague dizziness that had come and gone came into focus.
I was breathing hard now, the pressure of my choice, however appalling, weighing down on me. Either drink, or get torn apart for refusing.
She hissed again, and the choice was taken from me, the man's neck forced into my face. I was overwhelmed with the metallic tang of blood. My good hand came up to the other side of his neck, feeling torn flesh. Umah didn't let him drop as I held my breath and began swallowing, trying not to taste it.
I began sobbing. The man accidentally jostled my arm as he spasmed, close to death, and my jaws clamped down, my teeth scouring new channels for the blood to flow from.
Umah finally let go, and I coughed, feeling myself dry heave. I pushed the corpse off my lap. She seemed satisfied with my compliance, and returned to 'stroking' my head, ignoring my crying. She was kneeling in front of me, that unthinking, curious look on her face, tinged with the closest approximation to a warm smile. Something changed then. Her hand retreated from my face, and the expression in her eyes shifted to confusion.
My head felt weird, and I could barely see the shadows of her eyes. It was hard to breathe. I was dimly aware of the fact that my vision was fading before unconsciousness greeted me once again.
My head hurt.
'My head hurts'
"My head hurts." I mumbled. My body felt heavy, and thrummed with a vague ache that threatened to cause me pain if I decided to do anything other than existing.
Luminescent eyes found their way into my field of vision.
A low moan of despair rattled in my throat. I tasted copper, and the dried ichor on my face cracked as I immediately withered. I was still here.
"Why won't you kill me?" I whispered.
The dim outline of her features contorted as if pained. "I am sorry."
This was different.
"I am so sorry."
I tried to move, to sit up, so I could speak to her face, but I was grounded by my painful headache and throbbing limbs. My hand went to grab at my broken arm, and instead of finding the bruised and swollen flesh, I instead found what felt like wood. A splint...?
"Please don't move."
I tensed as I felt her hand lift my broken arm, expecting it to be moved about as carelessly as before. I heard a tearing noise, and she gently placed my arm against me, wrapping it in place.
I saw her eyes turn away from me. A long silence followed afterward.
I took a moment to think the best I could through my pounding head. I was too exhausted to be scared anymore. It was obvious that Umah had been turned, but I never knew her to be the crazed creature from moments...hours? How long was I out? And what changed? Why does she seem so aware now? Why was she in this basement? Maybe it's what vampires were like for a while after turning? Whatever happened, she seems to regret it.
"I don't blame you." I hoarsely whispered.
"No, you should. After I-"
"You weren't yourself. It's... no, it's not fine. But I can't hold you accountable for something you weren't aware of."
"I...-" Her words died on her lips. Another silence fell over us for a while.
"How on earth can you forgive something like that?"
I sighed heavily. "I'm sure if you were... yourself, it wouldn't have happened."
"I remembered you. I don't know why, but I did. I tried to... but it was sick! I-!"
"Stop." I had to take a moment to breathe. "Don't think about it. It's over with."
The painful screeching of the door interrupted another long silence.
Vorador was there again, but he wasn't bearing another human to it's death.
"Good. You've finally come to your senses."
"Master?" Umah squinted against the light.
"Sire." He corrected, "You have the Dark Gift coursing through your body now."
I shifted on the floor and looked towards Vorador. He chuffed.
"Now that the initial phase of your transformation is complete, you may leave the basement. Finish off that poor girl, Umah, we have things we need to discuss."
Umah looked towards me. My mouth, blackened by old blood, was set in a hard line. I had no idea what to expect now.
"Sire, I owe it to this girl to let her live."
"Why? Are you indebted to her?"
Umah looked to the floor for a moment, as though caught in a lie. But when she met his eyes they were more certain than they had ever been, closer to the vampire she was destined to be.
"It's a debt that the both of us owe to her, sire. Without her help, I wouldn't have been able to bring you back."
Vorador's eyes widened in surprise. "I did not see her when I woke."
"She helped to find your head, sire. She had to leave before the Sarafan would follow her here."
He nodded his assent, finding no trace of a lie in his childe's eyes.
'I completely forgot about that...'
"Very well. A life for a life. However, I've never known of any humans who could survive in a room with a newly turned fledgling. Let alone for three days, and without food or water."
At that I felt time catch up to me. The blood and air in my gut churned. My breath left me and I suddenly felt very winded, the sensation of lost time pressing down on me. I felt like I'd been hollowed out.
"How on earth did you do it?"
I grimaced. "Blood is at least 60% water. Rich in protien." I said quietly.
Umah's momentarily panicked face snapped towards me, and I answered it with a small shake of my head. I'd never tell on her.
Vorador's slightly appreciative gaze soured in disgust.
I sighed internally. I had a broken arm, I hadn't had anything of substance in weeks, I'd been slogging around in the freezing mountains and the damp swamp, and I'm pretty sure that the cuts on my back hadn't healed properly. I also had a stranger's blood rolling around in my gut. I fully expected that I would catch the plague and die at any minute.
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85 Truths
Tagged by @lance-is-my-bias bless u, inquisitive nerd
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people. 20ish.
@my-aim-is-tru @i-cant-say-this-on-my-other-blog @daftpandaa
1. drink - water
2. phone call - my mum
3. text message - "i walked home"
4. song you listened to - a grease medley that came on the radio
5. time you cried - about 4.30 today, because i swallowed water wrong and it hurt when i coughed
6. dated someone twice - no
7. kissed someone and regretted it - no
8. been cheated on - no
9. lost someone special - probably not in this life
10. been depressed - at some point, but im doing good :)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - no! I am responsible.
fave colours
12. Lilac purple
13. Soft, pastel pink
14. A sort of blue based white? If that makes sense?
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yea, if work counts
16. fallen out of love - no
17. laughed until you cried - probably.
18. found out someone was talking about you - yep.
19. met someone who changed you - no?
20. found out who your true friends are - oui
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all of them but one guy i added by accident but he seemed chill
23. do you have any pets - oodles! A fatass ragdoll named angus, a black belgian shepard named hadrian who cant see very well, a turtle named antonio fernando carido (aph spain, heckin 14 year old me), a galah named ned kelly, and other assorted birds and fish. And one fatty fat lizard.
24. do you want to change your name - no, its kinda shaped me as a person and its unique
25. what did you do for your last birthday - got a hair style that wasnt really what i wanted and threw a party
26. what time did you wake up today -  6.52, then again at like 8
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping 
28. what is something you cant wait for -  true love? Idk
30. what are you listening to right now - the hoards of birds outside and my turtle clunking in her tank
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - i guess, but im pre sure it was about hentai  
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - that people keep stealing from the place i work out!! How desperate do you have to be to steal a $2 pack of lighters!!
33. most visited website - youtube
34. hair colour - it was kinda this mousy brown but i dyed it a richer brown
35. long or short hair - long
36. do you have a crush on someone - no one real
37. What do you like about yourself - idk really, i guess i really just want everyone to be happy and try to give them something to smile about. I like that about myself.
38. want any piercings? - I have the ears done, but i dont feel the need to get anymore
39. blood type - beats me
40. nicknames - Rhom, Rhommy? Princess from my neighbours, darling from my grandad. My other grandad used to call me “little rabbit” when he was alive.
41. relationship status - single pringle
42. zodiac - cancer
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - i dont really watch tv anymore
45. tattoos - no thanks, the idea of getting one makes me kind of anxious. They can be cool tho.
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - no
48. piercings - one per ear
49. sport - only school afternoon sport, which varied. I like soccer but i dont really follow the rules.
50. vacation - I want to see Europe, Denmark specifically
51. trainers - like the shoes or
more general
52. eating - sushi and asian noodle soups are amazing, but i really love lindt chocolate
53. drinking - iced tea, warm tea, crisp clean water                                                                       
 54.I’m about to watch - rob dyke on youtube
55. waiting for - like, a man? Not a boy but, someone i can just fall for that kinda has their life together.
56. want - to drive down a moderately busy highway at night in a fancy car listening to ocean drive
57. get married - please, just so i have a use for the heart shaped plates i saw ♡
58. career - something artsy? Im working in retail now tho 
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - depends on the person, but both are nice
60. lips or eyes - soft eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - older, but not like, super old
63. nice arms or stomach - a lean stomach
64. hookup or relationship - relationship 
65. troublemaker or hesitant - neither.
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - i mean, i guess 
68. lost glasses - yeah, they got stuck in my shirt when i took it off after being drunk as balls
69. turned someone down - yea….
70. sex on first date - no my dear
71. broken someone’s heart - idk??? I hope not…
72. had your heart broken - nah
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - yes
80. kiss on a first date- nah
81. Believe in angels- oui. Luv them.
82. best friend’s name - rachel, ebony
83. eye colour - a stormy sort of dark blue that kinda sucks
84. fave movie - howls moving castle
85. fave actor - im not really fussed?
0 notes