lilith-of-stardust · 1 month
Best part of living in a city is everyone is a neighbor. People are always delighted when you say "oh, you live in X Square? I live by Y Square, just a 10 min walk, we're basically neighbors!"
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storydays · 6 months
Welcome to Heaven P1
(3rd POV)
*Dream Start*
"(Y/N)...." sang a masculine voice, making (Y/N) gasp and look around. That voice..he  know that voice anywhere. "(Y/N)...."  the voice called again. The prince looked around realizing he was on the  streets of Hell, and started running past other demons who were almost frozen in place,. "I-I'm coming!" he called, running as the voice sang for him again. The mismatched eyed demon panted as he came to a clearing with a singular figure facing away from him. 
"There you are, (Y/N)." The figure turned around to reveal (Y/N)'s previous lover, Archer with a serene smile. 
(Y/N)'s eyes widen, and he felt the world stop around him. "A-Archer?" 
The  red fox demon smiled and held a paw out towards the prince. "Come on, ya slowpoke!" called the Cantabrigian demon. "Wait for me, Archie!" (Y/N) tried running towards him but his feet were stuck to the floor. 
"(Y/N)!" Angel cried, making the prince look up in alarm. "Tesoro?"
Suddenly his two lovers were  killed in different ways: The white furred spider was stabbed through the heart, killing him instantly. Archie  was sliced in half, just like he was all those years ago. 
A choked noise escaped (YN)'s throat as he met sharp lime green eyes before the gray hooded figure raised their spear and charged at the frozen prince. 
*End Dream*
(Y/N) gasped sharply, sitting up in bed, heart racing. Mismatched eyes looked around the room anxiously before noticing Angel laying on his stomach, face smushed against their pillows. Heart still racing, the blond prince carefully slipped out of bed, and snuck out to his balcony, closed the door, and lit a joint. 
He hadn't needed to smoke in a while, but that literal nightmare shook him to his core. (Stop at 58 secs)
The prince jumped feeling arms wrap around his waist and felt Angel's head press into his back. "Sorry, did I wake you?" (Y/N) sniffed, wiping his tears away. "No, bambino, but why are you crying?" He asked, pulling the blond into his lap. "Nothing, go back to sleep." (Y/N) said, stubbornly, putting out the joint in his hand. 
"Okay, we can sit together until you're ready." replied the spider. That simple statement was the straw that broke the camel's back, and (Y/N) turned around into Angel's chest fluff and started sobbing, gripping onto his fiance with a desperation that Angel had never seen before. 
Angel's mismatched eyes widen at the initial shock before wrapping 3 arms around the prince, one hand running through the blond hair. "Let it out, amore mio. I'm right here." The Italian stood with the prince in his arms, carried him to the bed, and laid himself down, not letting go of the emotional blond, not once.  Angel started humming a song his mother sang when he was a kid, and smiled softly as (Y/N) drifted off to sleep, clinging to his fur, even his sleep.
"I'm right here."
*A few hours later with Chaggie*
"Okay, I have my warm weather clothes, and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket, and rain jacket. Wait, does it rain in Heaven?" Charlie rambled excitedly. "Charlie," chuckled Vaggie, rolling her eye, "You're only going to Heaven for a few hours." 
"Vaggie, we are only going to Heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared. It's our last chance to convince Heaven a soul can be redeemed." Charlie smiled. 
"Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that thing..." Vaggie trailed off. "What thing?" Charlie questioned, hands on her hips. "The thing with the...thing, um, fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar."
"Vaggie, you're my partner. I need you there with me." Charlie held Vaggie's hand, looking at her hopefully. 
"Fine," sighed Vaggie, smiling as Charlie cheered, before pressing a kiss to the one eyed warrior's nose, sharing a loving look. 
Angel burst into the foyer with a heavy sigh. "Oh, fuck." He leaned against a nearby wall, jumping as Nifty popped up from a nearby plant. "You look messy! What happened to you?" She giggled, looking him up down. "It's who tried to happen to me. And the answer is everyone..." Angel grumbled tried walking away before pausing in thought, "Twice!" He called, cracking his back as Nifty dusted him off. 
"Because I'm free now, dickbags think they can still use me as Val's toy. Fuckin' pieces of shits!" He grumbled, collapsing on the couch, face resting on (Y/N)'s thigh, a hand coming to rub his upper back. "Did you have a nice time in town, tesoro?" "Mmhmm, " hummed the spider as he turned on to his back, to look at the other's mismatched eyes. "Yep, and I've got a surprise for later, sweetness." Angel pressed a kiss to (Y/N)'s thigh before smirking as he twitched from the touch.
Everyone in the foyer yelped as an explosion echoed in the hotel. "Arghh! What the fuck is that wall?" groaned Angel hands covering his face."What up, hoes!" laughed a heavy Australian accented voice.
Angel suddenly perked up with a laugh, "Holy shit, Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!" 
"Angie, you bitch! You been texting me depressing shit all day; figured we could tear shit up like old times." grinned the Cyclops, playfully punching Angel in his stomach. "It's been fuckin' forever! Here, hold this." She tossed a bomb over towards Charlie who panicked, tossing it back and forth, "Ah! Oh my God!"
"Nope, gimmie that." Vaggie grunted as she tossed the bomb out of the broken wall. "I love seein' ya, Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass for a couple of hours before Sweet Cheeks and I go out for the evenin'."
Angel made a move to fall back onto(Y/N)'s lap when Cherri caught him by the back of his shirt. "Oho, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead!" the Cyclops grinned as the spider looked down at her with a fond look. "Come on, what you really need to do is a recharge, a re invigoration, a re--" 
"Responsible night on the town!" Charlie chimed in with a big smile. "That is a great idea. Hi, Charlie." She introduced herself as Angel sat on the arm of the couch, yawning. "That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. Aagh, he never brings anyone around." Charlie hummed thoughtfully, missing the smirk between the two friends. 
"Wonder why?" snorted the blonde sinner sarcastically, arms crossed. "Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun." 
"W-w-wait, they?" asked Cherri as Charlie grabbed everyone's attention. "Yeah. Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!" 
"Wait, I am only here for An---Ooh! Never mind. Let's go!" cheered the cyclops as (Y/N) sent her a huge stack of cash. Angel looked up at his fiance as he pressed a kiss on Angel's head. "Don't worry, Tesoro, the drinks are on me tonight. Have fun, and I'll be back in time for our plans." Angel quickly sat up and gave (Y/N) a chaste kiss before the prince got up to get ready to leave. 
"Grazie cara.(Thanks, babe.)"
"Anyway, the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..." "Now!" Charlie screamed in delight before she tossed Vaggie into the portal without a thought.  
"Bye!" she called, (Y/N) chuckling under his breath as he walked through.
Just as the portal closed, Sir Pentious finally came out of the kitchen, drinking a juice. When he saw Cherri, he spat his drink out. 
"Well, if it isn't my arch-nemesis!" He called with a dramatic flair, making Cherri roll her eye. "Have you come to meet your battle, Cherri Bomb?" 
"Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I got to drag your sorry asses along." she shrugged, popping a piece of gum in her mouth. "O-Oh, you and me are going out, like, for fun? I, I didn't think this would ever happen. What do I do? What do I wear?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder, wincing as she crushed his hand. 
"Don't fuckin' touch me, you munted dickhead!"
*In Heaven*
"Vaggie, (Y/N), look at this place! It's so clean! Isn't that amazing!" gushed Charlie as she looked around. 
"Yep. Super cool. Heaven. Wow." deadpanned the one eyed woman, making (Y/N) raise an eyebrow at her. 
"Hiya! Welcome to Heaven!" called a perky angel as he popped from behind a podium. ""Can I get your names, please?"
"Oh! Uhh, uh, uh, Charlie Morningstar!" stuttered the princess. "Charlie Morningstar, hmm." Hummed the angel as he scrolled through his book. "I'm not seeing you on my list here. That's so odd. " 
"Well, our dad got us this meeting." (Y/N) spoke up, cringing at the angel's voice. "Oh, Dad! Okay." the angel replied as Charlie looked down. "Try Lucifer Morning....star." She said, hesitantly.
"Oh, fuck! Yeah. Hoooo, hehehe. Yikes, am I right?" He laughed akwardly. 
"No. No you aren't right." snapped (Y/N), glaring at the angel who was now eye level with them. "Are you sure you're in the right place, because I think you might be a little lost." 
"Oh, here we go." Vaggie rolled her eye. "No, uh..we're, we're here for a meeting." Charlie explained. 
"Saint Peter." called a melodic voice, making the group turn. "We can take it from here." a tall woman smiled as she and her companion changed forms and landed. 
Saint Peter bowed as the two beings approached. "Greetings, children of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high Seraphim of Heaven. You are gifted to be here." 
The other being with Sera, squealed excitedly as she approached. 
"Hi! I'm Emily, the other Seraphim." (Y/N) and Charlie smiled at her enthusiasm. "Though, you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want. I go by whatever. Welcome to Heaven."
(Y/N) walked behind as Emily and Charlie dragged Vaggie into a tour. He looked around lesiurely, barely listening as Charlie rambled on, wincing softly at how bright everything is. 
Adam and Lute were enjoying a walk with one of their exorcist friends, who wore a mask over his face when suddenly they all froze before turning around."Holy fucking shit balls. Am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?" Adam asked Lute who glared at the princess who was now doing some weird crab walk. 
"What is she doing here? How did she even get up here?" snarled Lute. "Who cares? I'm handling this shit right now." The yellow eyed angel growled, starting to follow the group. "Wait, you want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?" asked the figure in the mask, Cambridgian accent heavy. "Better than waiting for the fucking extermination." He snapped, before Lute grabbed him by his shirt and hushed him harshly. 
"Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule?" she demanded. "Ughhhh, 'no one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations'. I know, fine. "Adam whined, drinking his drink. 
"Don't fucking shush me, bitch." He glared. 
"You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam." Sera snapped, appearing suddenly and making the two exorcists jump in fear. 
"Fuck, Sera! You can't sneak up on a guy like that, jeez." He replied.  "Your Highness, forgive me, but what are the hell spawn doing here?" asked Lute. 
"Well, you failed to control the demons unrest, and now Lucifer is involved. Setting up an audience for his misguided daughter." Sera rolled her eyes slightly. "I never would have agreed to your....yearly activites if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it." 
"What do you want from me? I'm just one guy." Adam shrugged. 
"I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?" The seraphim leaned down to look into Adam's face as he grinned. 
"Yeah. Got it." He sighed.
*Back with Charlie*
"Okay, I love Heaven! Vaggie, did you see the ice cream shop? They had sprinkles made of rainbows." She squealed, flopping on the bed. 
"Those are just rainbow sprinkles." Vaggie replied boredly.
"Emily's going to take me to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft. You coming?" 
"Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me." Vaggie sat on their bed, smiling softly. 
"O.M.G. Can you imagine an actual koala? Ahh! See you later!" Charlie called before leaving. Vaggie sighed before groaning when a knock echoed in her ears. 
She opened the door to reveal Adam and Lute and their friend behind them. 
"Hey there, Vag-asaurus!" greeted Adam with a shit eating grin. 
"Charlie will be back soon. You need to get out now." Vaggie replied, as Adam came in anyway. 
"I'm not looking for the blonde, babe. I'm looking for you." "Why?" the Latina place her hands on her hips, eyebrow raised. 
"Maybe because you left the band. You tried for a solo career. Or I guess it's more of a solo career. But I guess it's more of a duet." Adam grinned leaning closer.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Vaggie replied, voice trembling slightly. 
"Do you really think I wouldn't recognize one of my top girls just cause you're out of uniform?" 
Vaggie's eye widen as she remembered her old life as an exorcist. "You were on the front lines. I wouldn't forget a bad bitch like you. It's why I named you after the best thing ever....Vagee." Adam hummed. 
"It's actually pronounced Vaggie." She scowled. 
"Mmmmm no! Anyway, you sure fucked up, didn't you?" Vaggie looked down as she remembered being wrongfully punished for letting a child go: She lost an eye, very painfully, and lost her wings and place in Heaven. "Sinful filth like you has no place in Heaven!" Lute growled before she and Adam walked away. 
"To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilth's little hottie. 'Grats on that, I guess." 
"Their love is vile and blasphemous." The two women glared at each other. "Hot as fuck, though. But I wonder what your bitch would think if she found out you are actually one of us. Hmm?" Adam smirked. 
"What do you want?" Vaggie asked through gritted teeth. "Simple: You work for me again, and at the hearing, you're going to help me shut this kindergarten snowflake bullshit down for good." 
"Oh, yeah. You know, that's totally cool. I guess I'll just tell little miss butterlfies and rainbows that she's been fucking someone who's killed thousands of her people. I'm  sure your relationship will be fine. See you in court!" The three Angels left, Lute with a smirk on her face. 
Vaggie put her head in her hands, heart racing. "Well," She gasped hearing (Y/N)'s voice, and sat up, seeing him leaning on the door, normally gentle eyes now glaring red at her. "I've had my suspicions....but hearing it come from their mouth's and you didn't deny not one word, confirms everything." He entered the room and slammed the door behind him. 
"Wait, you knew I was an exorcist? How?" Vaggie asked. "You have a giant X over your eye and wield an angelic spear. It's not rocket science." He rolled his eyes before his sword was suddenly pointed at her throat, making her freeze. 
"Vaggie, do you know how easy it'd be to kill you where you stand? To make you feel the pain you've inflicted onto thousands of my people?" He growled, fangs glinting in the light as Vaggie started shivering in fear. 
"But..in doing so, I'd be hurting Charlie and I love her too much to do that to her. You'd better be lucky that Charlie put her marking on you." Putting his sword away and taking a step back, (Y/N) sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
"I won't spill your secret, but it'd hurt Charlie less if she heard it from you, and not that dickwad." (Y/N) started to leave before pausing and turning to the ex-angel with a slightly sorrowful look on his face. 
"We're friends, Vaggie, but hurt her again, and not even her mate marking with save you from myself or our father."
With that final thought, he slammed the door and left Vaggie to her thoughts.
*In court*
Charlie groaned, seeing Adam and Lute and their mysterious fly into their seats. "Oh no, not him again!" "What up, baby!" sang Adam. "Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow, Karen." 
"We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar?"
"Thank you, Seraphim." Charlie cleared her throat nervously, before starting to read from her index cards. " 'Webster's dictionary defines redemption as--'" 
"Objection! Lame and unoriginal!" Adam called. "Sustained. No further dictionary references, please." 
"Right, okay. Uh, uh...Uhhhh....Mmm." Charlie groaned, flipping through the cards, seeing multiple references. 
"If you have actual evidence, then show it already." Adam said, crossing his arm boredly.
"We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress." "Who?"  questioned the angel. "Angel Dust." Charlie replied confidently, not seeing (Y/N)'s flinch at the mention of his lover. He'd gotten so head over heals over the spider, and proposed, that he'd forgotten that Angel was working towards redemption....and they might be separated, forever. 
But...he couldn't deny Angel the chance for a better life, even if that means.....
(Y/N) shook his head before turning back to the meeting. "Oh, yeah. The porn demon. He's totally worth being redeemed." Adam blew a raspberry like a child. 
"Yeah, babe, and that talented mouth of his....ooh, so redemptious." (Y/N) sighed sensually, watching in satisfaction as the angels cringed, and Adam actually gagged.
"If you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?" Charlie snapped, sending her brother a disgusted glare. "Ummm, w-w-well...Uhhhhh." 
"Aw, does the big bad Adam have nothing to say?" mocked the prince.
"Is everything alright, Adam?" Sera asked coldly, glaring at the yellow angel. "Give me a fucking minute, okay?" He snapped, pulling out a quill and paper and started writing and muttering to himself.
Feeling pleased, he sent the paper to Vaggie who read it aloud, " 'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man.'" 
"Are you fucking serious?" (Y/N) growled. 
"Uh, yeah, sure got me here, didn't it? Right, Sera?" 
"He was the first human soul into Heaven." agreed the Seraphim. 
"Well, I bet Angel is doing all of these things right now!" Charlie stuck her nose in the air, confident in the spider.
"Then let's fucking see it, brah!" Adam snapped his fingers, and a giant white glowing orb appeared. 
"Your Honors, may I present exhibit A..."
*With the rest of the gang*
"Woo! Isn't this place the fuckin' best?" Cherri grinned. "I'll admit, 'Consent' is a good name for a sex club." Husk agreed. 
Pentious looked down to see Nifty with a broom on her hands, sweeping aggressively. "Niffty, dear, what are you doing?" He asked. "I'm sweeping! Urgh, look how icky is is in here!" She scowled at the floor, hands on her hip. 
"That's because we're at a club, dear." soothed Pentious. "Oh! I thought the hotel looked different!" Niffty dropped the broom, and giggled before wandering off. "Ms Bomb, I-I'd like to buy you a drink." He offered. "Why? Didn't you say we're arch-rivals?" Cherri smirked, loving how flustered the snake was.
"Um..uh..because I'm buying everyone a drink!" He called loudly, the patrons cheering louder. "Free drinks! I love alcohol!" 
"Good. I need a drink after today." Angel sighed. "Ever since I was released from Val, it's like all any demon sees is a free opportunity. But since I've been free, I've only been wanting (Y/N). It's like....I don't even like sex unless it's with my bambino. (baby). Is that weird?"
"Nah, man. It just means you care about the Prince. That's called being in love. Trust me, I know a thing or two about love." Husk huffed a laugh into his drink. "Here, take one of these, and you won't be worrying about nothing." Cherri promised, holding a hand full of different pills. 
"Here we go." Husk rolled his eyes. 
"Ohhh! Look, the drunk sobered up long enough to judge us!" Cherri mocked, elbowing Angel. 
"I ain't the one trying to get into Heaven. I also ain't the one who's engaged to the prince, and made him a promise to try and stay clean. You wanna fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just thought you were better than that." shrugged the cat demon.
"Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Come on, Angie, let's get fucked up! It's been too long!" 
Angel looked down at his ring on his upper left ring finger, thinking about the one who gave it to him.
"I, uhh, I don't know. It's been a long day, and I don't need to go too wild." 
"Mmhmm." Husk hummed, smiling to himself, proud of his friend. 
"Come on, bitch. If you've really been stressin' that hard, you deserved a little R and R and some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw fuck it, let's see where the night takes us, huh?" Cherri grinned, not noticing Pentious returning with drinks in his hand. 
"I-I guess."
"Cherri, I bought you a shot." Pentious's smile wavered at the deadpanned look she gave him. "B-Because I bought everyone another shot! Hoorary!" He cackled. "Yeah, another drink! I love alcohol!" A patron cheered. 
Angel and Cherri tossed back the shots with a satisfied sigh. 
"Aahh, fuck it! Let's do it!" 
*End chapter! Enjoy!*
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kata4a · 2 months
becoming inspired to write a «city novel» in the vein of ulysses or st. petersburg about my hometown of boston, and then being cancelled when it gets out that I'm actually a cantabrigian
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worstjourney · 1 year
Time is an Illusion (especially in Cambridge)
When I'm down a research rabbit hole, the past seems very close; the howling blizzards of the second winter at Cape Evans just an alternate Now.
Then, sometimes, I visit a place, or see a thing, or meet a twice-removed descendant, and the chasm of time yawns deep and wide and mercilessly uncrossable.
But just now I read about a great debate in the Cape Evans hut as to "the uselessness or usefulness of Cambridge" and it slammed right shut again, because I have been present at that debate, it is still happening, probably every night at every pub in town, if not also the combinations rooms and SCRs. Lives and fashions come and go, but Cantabrigians being blind to the big picture are forever.
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elisaenglish · 19 days
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“Lie beside me and let the seeing be the healing. No need to hide. No need for either darkness or light. Let me see you as you are.”
-Jeanette Winterson, Art & Lies-
There are cracks in the enormity that make us small, old in the way of retrogrades. But, as the Cantabrigian carousel slips into September, I hear it in my heart that we—as us—begin again...
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codswallopia · 1 month
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57 days (or so) until submission / 361 (more) days in America
what are the discreet charms of the cambervillian/bostonian metropolitan/cantabrigian/massachusettian bourgeoisie? join me for this special report.
In this episode: the bakery offered the same loaves in a tinned or boule form. Curiously, a sourdough loaf cost is LOWER than in London. The bakery also radiated a proper 'we serve the community' smell, and none of that fake cinnamonish gailsian-jolenian stench that makes London's middle class go haywire.
so, in the end, sorry, nothing to report about the local bourgeoisie today
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cheat-tv-show-i9 · 2 years
cheat tv show mod menu VJ9%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Cheat: With Katherine Kelly, Molly Windsor, Tom Goodman-Hill, Lorraine Ashbourne. Centered around a dangerous relationship between university professor Leah. Drama centered around a dangerous relationship between university professor Leah and her student, Rose. After a series of events take place, things escalate. This box-ticking thriller sees a Cambridge university lecturer and her utterly believably threatening student locked in mortal combat over –. A four-part psychological thriller, Cheat sees two fiercely intelligent minds; one student, one teacher, at odds and unwilling to back down. Compelling four-part thriller about the deadly effects of cheating in academia. When a student submits a suspiciously good essay. This box-ticking thriller sees a Cambridge university lecturer and her utterly believably threatening student locked in mortal combat over — what exactly? S tripped across four consecutive nights, Cheat has lucked out with the weather. Another perfectly efficient ITV drama, nuts and bolts firmly in place, gears working smoothly enough to pass inspection — you can imagine a white-coated Narrative Consultant reaching the end of a neatly-ticked column of boxes on his clipboard — is just the thing for a cold snap. It might not compel on a spring evening pregnant with possibility but, during a chilly spell, curled up on the sofa, its machinations unspool at just the right pace and with the right amount of predictability. It is the perfect fireside storyteller. Cheat is the tale of two women locked in what looks like — if the prison and morgue scenes that frame the flashback meat of the thing are anything to go by — mortal-for-someone combat. Leah Dale Katherine Kelly, doing her best in a part that requires her to do little more than narrow her eyes in suspicion is a Cambridge lecturer hoping for a permanent post at the university and maybe not the baby she and her husband Adam, played by Tom Goodman-Hill are trying for. It is not clear whether it is the impact a baby would have on her career, or the fact that she is given to masturbating furiously in the nearest loo after any conversation she has with a certain colleague of Cantabrigian handsomeness, that most puts her off the idea of crotchfruit. It is she, alas, who overhears Leah in the loo post-handsomeness. Every exchange between them, thereafter, torques the relationship and gives Windsor a chance to rise, in pitch-perfect increments, to the occasion of creating a chilling character of utterly believably threatening proportions. Rose needles Leah about working at the same university as her own father is Leah keen to punish Rose because she thinks they are both riding on paternal coat tails, or is she annoyed, as she would be by any coasting student? Soon Leah is reporting her suspicions to the university and humiliating the still-work-shy Rose in class. Humiliating, though not technically libellous, based as it is on truth, graffiti about Leah appears in the loo of self-pleasure. And hang on — when was the last time anyone saw the cat? The closing scenes bring us back to the present, where the escalating feud seems to have ended in murder. He is not convinced they have arrested the right one. Back at the prison, the visit between Rose and Leah is intercut with images of a punctured male body in the morgue. Do you feel guilty? Cheat review — a chilling drama, perfect for a cold snap. The perfect fireside storyteller Katherine Kelly and Molly Windsor in Cheat. Photograph: ITV. Reuse this content. Most viewed.
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cheat-tv-show-3d · 2 years
cheat tv show trainer 7QA!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Cheat: With Katherine Kelly, Molly Windsor, Tom Goodman-Hill, Lorraine Ashbourne. Centered around a dangerous relationship between university professor Leah. Drama centered around a dangerous relationship between university professor Leah and her student, Rose. After a series of events take place, things escalate. This box-ticking thriller sees a Cambridge university lecturer and her utterly believably threatening student locked in mortal combat over –. A four-part psychological thriller, Cheat sees two fiercely intelligent minds; one student, one teacher, at odds and unwilling to back down. Compelling four-part thriller about the deadly effects of cheating in academia. When a student submits a suspiciously good essay. This box-ticking thriller sees a Cambridge university lecturer and her utterly believably threatening student locked in mortal combat over — what exactly? S tripped across four consecutive nights, Cheat has lucked out with the weather. Another perfectly efficient ITV drama, nuts and bolts firmly in place, gears working smoothly enough to pass inspection — you can imagine a white-coated Narrative Consultant reaching the end of a neatly-ticked column of boxes on his clipboard — is just the thing for a cold snap. It might not compel on a spring evening pregnant with possibility but, during a chilly spell, curled up on the sofa, its machinations unspool at just the right pace and with the right amount of predictability. It is the perfect fireside storyteller. Cheat is the tale of two women locked in what looks like — if the prison and morgue scenes that frame the flashback meat of the thing are anything to go by — mortal-for-someone combat. Leah Dale Katherine Kelly, doing her best in a part that requires her to do little more than narrow her eyes in suspicion is a Cambridge lecturer hoping for a permanent post at the university and maybe not the baby she and her husband Adam, played by Tom Goodman-Hill are trying for. It is not clear whether it is the impact a baby would have on her career, or the fact that she is given to masturbating furiously in the nearest loo after any conversation she has with a certain colleague of Cantabrigian handsomeness, that most puts her off the idea of crotchfruit. It is she, alas, who overhears Leah in the loo post-handsomeness. Every exchange between them, thereafter, torques the relationship and gives Windsor a chance to rise, in pitch-perfect increments, to the occasion of creating a chilling character of utterly believably threatening proportions. Rose needles Leah about working at the same university as her own father is Leah keen to punish Rose because she thinks they are both riding on paternal coat tails, or is she annoyed, as she would be by any coasting student? Soon Leah is reporting her suspicions to the university and humiliating the still-work-shy Rose in class. Humiliating, though not technically libellous, based as it is on truth, graffiti about Leah appears in the loo of self-pleasure. And hang on — when was the last time anyone saw the cat? The closing scenes bring us back to the present, where the escalating feud seems to have ended in murder. He is not convinced they have arrested the right one. Back at the prison, the visit between Rose and Leah is intercut with images of a punctured male body in the morgue. Do you feel guilty? Cheat review — a chilling drama, perfect for a cold snap. The perfect fireside storyteller Katherine Kelly and Molly Windsor in Cheat. Photograph: ITV. Reuse this content. Most viewed.
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erisis · 5 years
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Ready to March! (again!) On my way to join the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition contingent in Boston Pride! Watch for us!! And remember, Pride started as a Protest!!!! #trans #adventurer #activist #pageantqueen #mtpc #transfemme #bostonpride2019 #bostonpride #massachusetts #boston #mbta #transgender #cambridge #cantabrigian (at Porter (MBTA station)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byc5DP6h6bf/?igshid=gjrhfi0phijg
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dozydawn · 2 years
some of my favorite recurring people in nick dewolf photographs. aka the only ones i’ve noticed. some were taken 1-3 years apart (1971-1974) but i’m fairly certain they’re the same people.
fiery redhead.
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octagonal glasses (same belt too)
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miss purple/blue shades walking the sunny streets of cambridge.
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some kind of musical woodland fairy creature playing a recorder instead of a pan flute. i’ve spotted her thrice, always around music.
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pupil-of-law · 2 years
does anyone want to swap lives with me. you have to learn 12 chapters of two textbooks written in academic german in 2 weeks. apply with pics please.
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zielenna · 3 years
The line between seeing things (in the sense of observing things which are there) and seeing things (in the sense of imagining things which are not there) is a finer one in literary criticism than it is in life in general. But the boundary between the two matters in several ways. Only a really good critic can take you up to that boundary and make you wonder which side you’re on. Bad critics tell you what you already knew, or else stride obliviously over the boundary between the noticed and the imaginary into their own fantasy realms of implausible readings. Good critics make you see things. They do it by redescribing texts, or paintings, or music, or posters, or advertisements, or cultures, so that something which was not fully visible before becomes legible. That act of making visible could be a matter of saying ‘look how the brushwork here creates a glowing shadow,’ or even ‘look at this correlation between poverty and the spread of disease,’ or it could be ‘look at all those -ibles and think about what they tell us.’ Criticism is an especially contentious discipline because the criteria for distinguishing the seen from the invented are themselves contentious. The plausibility of a particular piece of criticism depends in part on the persuasiveness of the critic and the willingness of an audience to see things a particular way, with facts and data also playing their part, but not a much more determining part than the judgment of the audience.
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aeide-thea · 4 years
lmao that was horrible, let’s never do that again
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conza · 6 years
One of Keynes's most unfortunate effects was his misconceiving of the history of economic thought, since his devoted legion of followers accepted Keynes's faulty views in The General Theory as the last word on the subject. Some of Keynes's highly influential errors may be attributed to ignorance, since he was little trained in the subject and mostly read work by his fellow Cantabrigians. For example, in his grossly distorted summary of Say's law ("supply creates its own demand"), he sets up a straw man and proceeds to demolish it with ease (1936: p. 18). This erroneous and misleading restatement of Say's law was subsequently repeated (without quoting Say or any of the other champions of the law) by Joseph Schumpeter, Mark Blaug, Axel Leijonhufvud, Thomas Sowell, and others. A better formulation of the law is that the supply of one good constitutes demand for one or more other goods (see Hutt 1974: p. 3)
Murray Rothbard, Keynes - The Man
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morwensteelsheen · 2 years
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Honour the Stars
Chapter 2
“Very well,” said Mr Sutton, looking uncharacteristically serious. “Then I will speak with as much concern as any true Cantabrigian would when the dignity of such a good young lady is at risk—we are, as I’m sure you know, much better respected than our Oxonian counterparts in our care for the needy.” Catherine did not know this—and indeed could not have distinguished Oxford from Cambridge save only in that Oxford was less easterly—but nodded nevertheless. “Quite. Well: in his defence, he had a very open temperament, and spoke most excitedly of his dogs and his horses. I was glad then to hear of his knowledge of the most fashionable events in town. You must forgive my past folly, for I am a bachelor in preparation for a long and dangerous tour in the colonies, and would take my merriments where I may. Had I known them what I know now (that he had made a promise in good faith to so gentle a girl), I would have corrected his behaviour at once. As it was, I had no such knowledge, and was vastly more amused to learn that a modest country priest was thus educated in the finer points of London’s evening fare. Though, on secondary consideration, Oxford men are quite like that, and I am more assuredly at fault for not drawing upon my knowledge of that university in making my judgements.” He took a deep, long overdue breath. “A shame too, for he was very knowledgeable about the breed of spaniel I was after.”
📚On Ao3📚
Fandom: Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Catherine Morland/Henry Tilney
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twosheds · 3 years
1, 17, 23, 29 pls
Oooh am guessing these are for the Monty Asks!
1. Who is your favourite member
That is Graham impossible to say!!
17. The Cantabrigians or Oxonians?
I pick the Cantabrigians purely on the fact that Graham was technically the most "working-class" of all of them (even though he wasn't at all working class, but you know...he didn't go to public school) and Eric because he actually was working-class and was probably the most anti-establishment out of all of them and was the first one to let girls join the footlights. Go Eric!
23. (already answered!)
29. One thing about Python you dislike/hate?
Hmm hate is a strong word, I don't think I hate anything about Python! There are probably some sketches in Flying Circus that have aged badly or that I tend to dislike but I can generally look past that!
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