couldtranssavethem · 4 months
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Submitted by: @cantarella-rose
Reason: From the project imas wiki "Her dad is a professional race car driver who wished to have a son, and therefore has raised Makoto as a boy, leading to her tomboyish demeanor. After Makoto one day discussed with her dad how she wished to be more feminine, her dad came to the conclusion to make her an idol, and introduced Makoto to 765 Production." Ladies, gentlemen, other esteemed guests: she's a wholeass trans girl.
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pleuvoire · 1 year
Very 👀 at fairy tale kenhaji
ohh that one's fun. it's a fantasy/fairy tale au of them that's kind of like the shape of water except if the shape of water took place in a fairytale "small village surrounded by scary woods full of monsters". i haven't worked on it in like a year but i still want to get back to it someday
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transmascutena · 8 months
episode 37 is my favorite episode easily i love it so much there's not a single scene that doesn't hit me like a truck
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bubreherro · 1 year
Requiem of the Rose King and Cantarella
I've stumbled upon Requiem of the Rose King anime this past weekend, signed up for a free Crunchyroll trial, and now I am binging right through it. I also bought the first five volumes of the manga and I'm eagerly awaiting them. Anyhow, all that to say I have so much to say and nowhere to say it.. or with whom to share it.. So here it goes, Tumblr..
While so much is different, I am getting such strong Yu Higuri's Cantarella vibes.. both protagonists--RotRK's Richard Plantagenet and Cantarella's Cesare Borgia--are the odd ones out of a prominent family (both are dark-haired in a family of blondes even!), both have an accusation of being a demon from their surroundings from their youth, both are exceptional, both had an 'angelic' being in their proximity that kept the 'demon at bay,' both lost said person only to drown into their demonic side, both will conquer the seat they chose by being cunning and inspiring loyalty, and both have that political genius as an ally. And both have been regarded by history as treacherous and blood-hungry.
Anyway, that's it. I may be the only one to see the parallels, but I guess I wanted to put them out there...
I only came to this anime because I wanted to hear Midorikawa Hikaru's Henry VI... I came away with what I love from those historical Japanese media.. Can't wait to see if the manga is as good (probably better).
If you want to discuss (I know I'm a year late to the party, but heh), here I am!
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arscorpii · 1 month
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these aerial shots of the streets in the scene where anthy was about to jump off a building in episode 37 remind me of a network of blood capillaries gradually flowing with some foreign substance (the way the red lines were drawn certainly resembles some liquid substance). the camera panned towards anthy from the 1st to 4th picture, and the streets gradually turned from pure white to white with some red.
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before the suicide scene, utena and anthy were enjoying tea and cookies at akio's place, and they were wearing their school uniforms. anthy indirectly hinted at "poisoning" the cookies. in response, utena directly stated that she had "poisoned" anthy's tea. both accepted the poison into their systems (bodies) without any hesitation or qualms. noticeably, in this scene, utena didn't wear the rose crest ring that she took off at the beginning of the episode. i'd like to think of the streets gradually turning from white to flowing with red liquid as the visualisation of the poison they consumed in this scene gradually circulating in the system (via blood vessels and capillaries); thus, these points represented utena and anthy's bond/relationship with each other up until before the suicide attempt (white) and after (flowing with red).
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up to at least the moment utena found out about anthy and akio at the end of episode 36, utena and anthy hadn't been honest with each other, despite utena saying to anthy that she could come to her if anthy had any problems, and that they can help each other through anything (episode 25). from the point akio began making bold moves in grooming utena (episode 30 onwards), which led to sexual assaults and rape, utena had started to keep things out of anthy's knowledge/unable to tell certain things to anthy.
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a prominent example of this would be the scene in episode 36 where anthy asked about utena's whereabouts the night utena went to the dueling arena with touga. other examples are in episodes 30 and 35. anthy, on the other hand, hadn't been honest with utena from the very beginning. from my understanding, from both sides, the dishonesty with each other came from the dire need to preserve the sanctity/purity of their bond (and the despairing inability to open up about respective sufferings). both utena and anthy didn't wish to taint their bond with their ugly stories of truths. the situation was more adverse for anthy because letting utena know the truth could derail all of akio's plans.
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(note the network of streets) with regard to the series, colour theories were ever-present in every visual aspect. white was equated to purity and innocence; red was synonymous with violence and danger. i think these meanings suited the visuals of the post-suicide attempt scene, the purity of their bond was incrementally coloured with violent truths from one another. moreover, i also think the post-suicide attempt scene further reified the cantarella scene. in other words, the post-suicide attempt scene was the more literal take/depiction/iteration of the cantarella scene (if that makes sense), with the visuals of the white streets flowing with red as the connecting factor between the two scenes.
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the final visual of the "poisoned streets" before anthy urged utena to leave the school. the poison was freely and fully flowing through every street. throughout the suicide scene, utena and anthy were both in their sleepwear. this may connote a more vulnerable and honest disposition without any facade, as well as a better understanding and more equal footing with one another, compared to when they were in school uniforms during the cantarella scene. utena was also wearing her ring here, which may highlight her choice to play the role of a prince for anthy's sake to the end.
in addition, i think the streets flowing with poison could also be seen as a network of empty/dried blood capillaries finally flowing with blood; akin to a dead body coming back to life. after a person dies, the first visible change would be pallor mortis (within 15 to 20 minutes), wherein the body begins to pale because blood stops moving through the capillaries. with regard to this information, the visuals may indicate a sign of rejuvenation of the bond between utena and anthy after opening up to one another. the bond between them became more human, alive (flowing with blood), as opposed to being hollow (dried out blood capillaries; like death). to me, i believe both interpretations could work simultaneously for the visuals of the streets.
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midnightfox450 · 11 months
SA Mention //
The cantarella scene in Utena is so so so good and nearly every bit of it has been analyzed over the years (for good reason!). But can we take a moment to talk about how the music skips?
Right after Anthy suggests she poisoned Utena's cookies. The background music starts skipping. It's an obvious loop too, once you hear it, it's hard to unhear. The music doesn't pick back up until after Utena admits to poisoning the tea, AFTER the spinning red rose. It picks back up at "The tea is delicious".
At the most basic level, the skipping is just another method by which RGU creates emphasis.
But it just. It can't help but remind me of the most significant case of music skipping in the franchise. In Adolescence of Utena, right before E-Ko and F-Ko show the tape of Anthy's assault (another scene which has to do with something being put in Anthy's drink).
So then, the skipping could represent honesty. The brutal, uncomfortable bearing of the truth. Statements that ring in the ears and choices that maybe aren't the most delicate or harmless but had to convey the intended message somehow.
(If anyone else has watched seebeees' video essay on transfeminism in utena [which you should, it's really good], it reminds me of their point on the way Adolescence could be using static to represent Anthy's trauma. Records and CDs skip when something has dirtied them. Scratched them. Damaged them).
It could represent repetition obviously, but it could also represent the exact opposite. A breaking of the cycle, a momentary reprieve from the looping record that is Anthy and Utena's lives at Ohtori. When they confess their love for each other in that moment, in such an odd and uniquely utenanthy way, it catches the narrative off-guard. They are cracking the shell of their egg. Their love is forcing itself through the narrative.
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n2nataliegoodman · 1 year
God every time I watch episode 37 it feels like repeatedly getting stabbed in the gut with a knife. Utena asking Akio out on a date because now that she knows what he’s doing to Anthy she tries to keep him away from while also taking off the ring in place for the sweater Anthy knitted for her. And Akio somehow not getting the hint that she knows who he is. What he is.
Anthy saying all girls are like the Rose Bride before taking Utena’s hand, knowing that despite both of them trying to keep Akio away from the other they’ve both failed and Akio’s abuse has changed both of them.
Saionji and Touga being honest with one another about how they feel and seeing each other as allies rather than rivals, while letting Akio believe that Utena is still completely under his spell.
Anthy echoing what Akio said a few episodes earlier, how she wishes she and Utena can be friends forever and her unchanging slight resigned smile as Utena rips up the letter because, regardless of what Akio thinks, she will choose Anthy and herself over him every time. Because choosing Anthy is choosing the moment she changed her destiny from that of a princess in need of rescuing to a prince. Choosing Anthy is choosing herself.
Juri, the only other explicitly sapphic character who gave Utena the sword to “take back her self”, forcing Utena to confront the fact that she and Anthy are not just friends and that Utena doesn’t even have the words to describe their bond.
Everyone, but most evidently Nanami, believing that Utena is still naive to who/what Akio and, more importantly, Anthy are while she gives them all a knowing smile without actually answering.
Juri and Miki admitting that Utena has caused a revolution for each of them too and that they have been able to change thanks to her.
The Shadow Girls saying they really are “true friends” before kissing paralleling Utena’s inability to truly answer Juri’s question about her feelings towards Anthy.
The car scene showing that, despite everything, Akio has to work harder than ever to keep Anthy under control, and even then it’s still slipping.
The iconic cantarella scene. No words are possible. That scene makes me feel so many things every time. All I’m going to say is that it’s Anthy’s final attempt to try to make Utena run away from Akio, but instead Utena shows she’ll stay no matter what.
And following this, Anthy choosing that, no matter how much pain she’s been in, Akio’s abuse of Utena was the last straw and she would rather die than let it continue. Because if not for her, Utena has no reason to continue down the path towards revolution. And if she can’t make Utena run away she has to try the only other thing she can to free Utena from the duels.
“Whoever believes in true friendship is a fool.” “Didn’t you know? I am a fool.”
Both Utena and Anthy choosing to confront Akio: Anthy through taping the letter back together, Utena by putting on the ring.
Not to mention the fact that this idiot pedophile honestly believed that Utena would choose him over the girl she’d been fighting to protect the entire time, for longer than she even remembers.
No piece of media has ever made me feel the way this specific episode does and I don’t think any piece of media ever will again.
And no piece of media will ever make me absolutely loathe a character the way RGU does with Akio. I have never had a villain turn my stomach the way he does.
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kirider · 6 months
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The Tumblr Ride Kamens OCs Universe /j
With characters by @missmako-chan , @cantarella-rose and @gemlighter , who's who under the read more ↓
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missmako-chan · 7 months
Thank you, Kings of Kings!
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Boonboomger released its first episode this week, and together with some discord friends we decided to have one last send-off to the Ohsama Sentai featuring our OCs. So thank you, King Ohger, for inspiring us so much!
(Full transparents of the OCs and their makers and artists under the cut!)
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Scarlet Redbeard, made and drawn by @ridebooker
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Magi Dustani de Zammara and Falca Radox, made by @diamondchili and @cantarella-rose respectively, and both drawn by the former
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Maple Campa and Mendica Pharo, both drawn by @meganechan05, with Maple being made by them and Mendica belonging to @kaydiant
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Valentine "Grub" Angustus, made and drawn by @plushie-sentai
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And Atica Ikebo, made and drawn by me :)
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mokushiyami · 2 years
I’ve seen so many people say that the cantarella scene is their favorite but other than their promise to have tea in 10 years, i kind of get that it’s a love confession but that’s it. As the resident blog i go to for questions about utena i guess i’ve trying to ask if you can give an analysis about that?
I’m getting rgu asks again and im so happy tbh. i love the Cantarella scene so much, but i can understand how it can be missed because honestly i did take me finishing the series and rewatching it to fully grasp it, so here it goes.
The cantarella scene is a love confession but it is not only that. It comes after everything is laid out in the open, utena knows about anthy and akio, anthy knows about akio and utena. Utena asks anthy what does she want to do in the future and she says she’ll be happy as long as she gets to grow roses, but we know roses are restrictive to her, utena still suggest she becomes a florist. Then anthy talks to utena about cantarella. It’s a nice nod to the borgias who are very closely associated with anthy and akio. Utena is happily eating cookies but when anthy finishes her story about cantarella and asks her how the cookies are, utena flinches, but still finishes the cookie. Anthy does not outright say the cookies are poised, but utena does so about the tea, and anthy happily drinks it, saying its delicious. They are not acknowledging they love each other, they’re acknowledging that even though they love each other, they hurt each other.
Anthy says this by hiding behind a story, akin to what actually happened, the hurt didn’t come from anthy doing something in front of utena, but from what was untold. Utena says it outright, anthy knew about her and akio all along and she doesnt need a story to convey the hurt. They continue to eat the cookies and drink the tea, knowing that the hurt will continue, but still deciding to partake in it because they care about each other more.
They have finally realized their feelings about each other, they always knew but i don’t think they knew what name to put to it until that point. Then we see them talking about their little tea date in 10 years. I will always say that ikuhara is a genius director. While they are discussing the tea date, they are outside of the frame and a red rose appears on the top of the screen. The camera pans back to the table and window and they are not there, even though you can hear them talking. It’s a realization that this, them acknowledging each other, is the start of their journey of getting out of ohtori. Red roses symbolize love, and it shows up when they are not in frame. There are a lot of scenes that show that their relationship was build outside of the frames, it’s the only real thing in ohtori, it has been there even when we could not see it. It’s a love so pure that the mere existence of it is unfathomable within the confines of the school.
And then ofc the next scene we get is utena stopping anthy from jumping which is a whole emotional roller coaster on its own but it just adds to the importance the cantarella scene has for the show and for the audience.
I hope this isn’t too long and explained some things. There are plenty of essays and video essays on this topic that explain everything even with more details and i would suggest looking some up. If you have any other questions just ask me.
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wa3jetisbestpony · 26 days
okay spicy hot revolutionary girl utena take in the year of our lord 2024 but
I genuinely do not think Anthy likes roses/flowers. they're literally the symbol of the oppressive abuse controlling her life. and I see so so many people make like fan art and stuff of her post ending like growing a garden or working as a florist and truly dont think she'd want to do that once shes free. I think everyone is taking the line in the cantarella scene where shes like "I'll be happy as long as i can grow roses" at face value. but thats so baffling to me because the whole point of that scene is that she is not being honest about her feelings. and everyone seems to be on the same page about that? like its blatant. she promises to still be friends with utena in 10 years and then tries to kill herself almost immediately after. she's not being honest in that scene everyone talks about how much they love the tension and symbolism of that scene with neither of them telling the truth and they're saying one thing but they mean another, they say they poisoned the tea and cookies as a metaphorical way to admit theyd hurt eachother. but then they take the roses line at face value??
to me what shes saying in that line is basically "I'll be happy as long as I stay useful to Akio" because she still thinks thats what she wants, shes still telling herself thats what she wants. she cant bring herself to hate her brother despite how much hes hurt her (which is another thing is see get weirdly ignored by a lot of people BUT THATS NOT WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT IM STOPPING MYSELF FROM A TANGENT) and thats like the whole reason shes going along with the duels and all that right? because she is trying to do what he wants.
If you were to ask me what I think she would actually want to do I think she would want to do something with animals. she seems to really like animals, an animal serves as a symbolic expression of her true feelings throughout the show, the moments where she seems most happy and at ease often involve animals in some way. if i were to pick something specific I think shed become a wildlife rehabber because i like what that would say symbolically about her character arc.
and it really seems to me that a lot of Anthys despair towards the end of the series comes from her seeing that Utena has a real chance of changing the status quo and that scares anthy. i dont think she has any hope of things getting better with akio or going back to the way they used to be with him as dios. I think she was trying to keep things the way they were, where she could cling to some sense of still being important to him, even if its just that hes using her. and thats what shes saying when she says "I'll be happy as long as I can grow roses"
and so if the revolution, the triumph at the end of the series is anthy finally accepting she doesnt have to let him hurt her anymore and walking away, her realizing there really is a whole world outside of him for her to find meaning and joy in, then why should she still want to grow roses?
anyways stop drawing utenathy reunion scenes where utena just like walks into a random flower shop and sees anthy and start drawing them where utena has like a fucking raccoon inside her apartment at 2am just absolutely trashing the place and calls animal control and anthy shows up to catch it
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palms-upturned · 2 years
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Revolutionary Girl Utena + Frank Bidart’s The Yoke
Image description: 26 screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena paired with text from Frank Bidart’s poem, The Yoke.
1) From episode 36, Anthy sits on the edge of her bed while Utena sleeps. Text (italic): “don’t worry”
2) From episode 39, Utena’s empty hand lies on the ground at Akio’s feet. Text (italic): “I know you’re dead”
3) Same shot from the first image, but now Anthy looks over her shoulder. Text (italic): “but tonight”
4) Utena smiles at Anthy in bed. Text (italic): “turn your face again”
5) Utena and Anthy’s clasped hands in bed. Text (italic): “toward me”
6) From episode 37, Utena and Anthy’s clasped hands during the cantarella scene. Text (italic): “when I hear your voice there is now”
7) From episode 37, Anthy stands on the rooftop ledge. Text (italic): “no direction in which to turn”
8) From episode 34, young Utena sleeping in a bed of roses. Text: “I sleep”
9) The same episode, young Utena standing in the spotlight in front of where Anthy was suspended on the swords. Text: “and wake”
10) From episode 1, Utena looks at her ring, thinking. Text: “and sleep”
11) The same episode, Utena sees Anthy for the first time in the rose garden. Text: “and wake”
12) From episode 34, Utena sleeping next to Anthy’s empty bed. Text: “and sleep”
13) From episode 36, Utena waking to find Anthy’s bed empty. Text: “and wake”
14) The same episode, a closeup on Utena’s face as she sees Anthy naked with Akio. Text: “and”
15) From episode 37, Utena finds Anthy on the rooftop. Anthy looks back at her. Text: “but tonight”
16) Same scene, Anthy looks over her shoulder at Utena with a torn expression. Text: “turn your face again”
17) From episode 38, Utena grasping Anthy’s wrist on the rooftop. Text: “toward me”
18) Same episode, Anthy on her hands and knees on the rooftop. The door bars resemble a cage. Text (italic): “see”
19) From episode 33, Anthy holds a red phone to her ear. Text (italic): “upon my shoulders is the yoke”
20) From episode 38, Anthy and Utena on the rooftop, huddled together behind the bars and crying. Text (italic): “that is not a yoke”
21) From the finale (along with the following images), Utena’s bloody hands try to pry open the coffin. Text: “don’t worry”
22) Utena standing before the coffin, trying to open it, with the shadows of swords all around. Text: “I know you’re dead”
23) Light pouring in through the opening in the coffin. Text: “but tonight”
24) Anthy looks at Utena from inside the coffin with shock and deep emotion. Text: “turn”
25) Utena smiles tearfully at Anthy. Her hands are still bloody and raw. Text: “your face”
26) Anthy reaches out for Utena’s bleeding hand. Their fingertips touch. Text: “again”
End description
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tokuxsenshi · 1 month
forgor @stingyslegslookweird tagged me
favorite color: PINK!
last song i listened to: Gimikiss Darling from Kaiju on Stage might or might not have rigged this since I currently listening to music
currently reading: yall think I can read???
currently watching: I'm actually gotten back into rewatching king of the hill along with my endless rewatch of miracle tunes
currently craving: I just had dinner but I do want some mash potatoes
coffee or tea: mountain dew
hobbies to try: I want to get into model building I try but It scares my friends
current AU: yall heard of the best AU every invinted in my mind
Space X Heroine Celestars the amazing cross over of Kamen Rider Fourze and an OC GXH
tag 9 people you want to get to know better/want to catch up with:
@missmako-chan @skyland2703 @motionpotion54 @rosemirmir
@plushie-sentai @sunnypokegrapher22 @t-u-i-t-c @cantarella-rose
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transmascutena · 4 months
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i think a lot about akio's proposal in episode 37, and the role utena's rose crest ring plays in the final arc.
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in episode 34, the first episode of the arc, he comments on the way she's always wearing it (even on "that night", referring to the night he assaults her. i suppose that is when he expected her to give it up). this episode is, not coincidentally, also the one that reveals the real reason she wears it. it does not represent her devotion to the prince, but rather her promise to anthy from when they were children, and by extension her conviction to continue to fight for her.
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in episode 35 akio brings the ring up again in his discussion with touga about the earrings, and just like how utena worries about those not really suiting her, she says she's starting to think the ring doesn't suit her either in episode 37. this is when akio suggest getting one "more suited to her new look". the intent here is obvious: a real engagement ring. kanae is out of the picture by now, and we see in episode 38 that akio intends for utena to... replace her, pretty much.
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at the start of episode 37, utena takes the ring off for the first time. i believe she does this in response to seeing akio and anthy together the night prior, being unsure whether playing prince is really the right thing for her to do anymore, but the crucial thing here is that it happens after what was supposed to be her last duel, the one with touga. (we like to call the one with akio in 38 the final duel, but it wasn't really supposed to be one. it wasn't part of akio's plan for utena to try to fight him, but rather to accept his offer of eternity). she is taking it off right when akio doesn't need her to wear it anymore.
the rose crest ring, the thing that allows utena to participate in the duels, represents her role of prince, while the earrings and the engagement ring akio offers represent the role of princess (and bride). both are roles akio has been grooming utena into, and in this arc he is deciding that the first (of course the one that is most meaningful to her identity) has served its use, and that he wants her to give it up in favor of the other.
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utena, of course, does not. she puts the ring back on at the end of episode 37, having regained the will to keep fighting for anthy and for their relationship, after the cantarella scene and their heartfelt conversation on the rooftop.
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and in the final episode, when the image of dios leans down to kiss the ring and she slams her fist against the ground, she shatters the ring, rejecting akio and everything he stands for, and giving up the role of prince as well. she doesn't need it anymore.
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demento-mori · 3 months
11, 13, and 16 for the ask game!
11. favorite and/or most interesting relationship (doesn't have to be romantic)
The evolution of Utena and Anthys relationship is one of my favourite parts of the show. There are so many little moments that make me want to explode. The only thing that gets a rise out of Utena in ep12 being Wakaba insulting Anthy, and Anthy in that same episode realising that she misses Utena. The moment in the black rose arc when Utena realises Anthy stayed up waiting for her. Anthy feeling guilt and responsibility for Utena's situation throughout the apocalypse arc, and trying to warn her even as Akio drives a wedge between them. The culmination of this in the cantarella scene, and anthy's attempted suicide. "Oh stubborn and reckless hero. You let me have a small taste of true friendship." THE COFFIN SCENE!! And "Wait for me, Utena." AAAAAAAAAA they make me insane!!!!!
Also, including this as an extra because it basically solely exists within my mind, but kozunami. Theyre everything to me.
13. character you think is underappreciated by the fandom
Ive gone on and on about this many times before but Kozue! Shes such a fascinating character, especially considering how little screentime she gets. Im glad shes been getting more love lately, me and my circle of kozue appreciators know whats up, but I still think shes very underrated within the wider fandom.
I also have to give a shoutout to Kanae. We dont talk about Kanae nearly enough.
16. character you relate to the most
I think I relate a lot to Nanami because her autistic swagger is off the charts. Fr tho, I feel like she really embodies the experience of being a teenage girl, and feeling like youre a complete freak for things that every other girl is experiencing, and trying so desperately to fit in to the sudden strict gender roles that have been forced upon you. The whiplash of being a child, and then suddenly being seen as a woman, and having to live up to that fucks. you. up. This is experience is only exacerbated by being autistic. I also heavily relate to her attachment issues, stemming from a place of neglect and loneliness. Having one person and being so so terrified of losing them because theyre all you have.
I also see a lot of my teenage self in Shiori. The ubiquity of being 15 and thinking youre the most evil, despicable person in the world and that everyone hates you is so real. Being a Shiori enjoyer really is the ultimate exercise in forgiving and loving your teenage self.
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ot3 · 2 years
can you explain the utena scene!!
i'm going to operate under the basis that you know nothing about utena because. well. how much a person knows about utena VASTLY changes how much explaining you need to do. i'll try and do this as simply as i can because to give it its due diligence i'd need to write you an essay. There's a lot of wiggle room for interpretation in a show as obtuse and metaphorical as utena, but here's what I think about it.
this scene happens really late in the show so there's a lot of context building up for it. the scene begins by establishing that anthy has resigned herself to her fate as the rose bride. Her plans for the future boiling down to 'i hope i can keep looking after my roses' show that she's not expecting anything but the one small pleasure she already has in her very bleak and static life. Her comment about the cantarella then serves to backhandedly try and confront utena with the fact that she is a manipulative and dangerous person. Additionally, the choice of cantarella and the mention of the borgia family specifically has a lot of weight here because of the prominent rumors of incest and poisoning surrounding lucrezia borgia and her brother. This is relevant here because one of the main sources of conflict in utena is the sexual abuse anthy has faced at the hands of her brother, and his current sexual grooming of utena herself.
Utena then hitting anthy with the joke about poisoning her tea serves as sort of a quiet acknowledgement of anthy's manipulative behavior and also and admission of her own imperfections. it also sort of shows them as being casually in sync and on the same page as each other to a degree. The fact that they both continue to eat/drink despite the allegations that they've poisoned each other shows they still trust each other. Then, utena promising anthy that they'll have tea together ten years in the future is as bold a declaration as anything else. Time doesn't pass at the academy - the very notion of 'ten years in the future' presumes anthy being freed from her eternal bondage as the rose bride, something utena herself hasn't given up on even if anthy has.
All of this character stuff happening so deftly pairs super well with the eerie direction of the audio and visuals to make just a super compelling, iconic, and functional scene. Fantastic show.
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