#feel free to tell me if i got something wrong btw
kirider · 6 months
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The Tumblr Ride Kamens OCs Universe /j
With characters by @missmako-chan , @cantarella-rose and @gemlighter , who's who under the read more ↓
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ginalinettiofficial · 11 months
oh anyways i know have a decent amt of teens & college aged ppl following me here so just in case no one has told you this - it’s important for you to know that the “freshman fifteen” is just a stupid way society has framed the fact that human bodies are still growing and developing in their young twenties.
you may not gain fifteen pounds from age 18-19 but it’s VERY likely that you WILL be 10-30 pounds (minimum!) heavier than you were at 18 by the time you’re 24. and that is good AND healthy AND damn near unavoidable!!! as a slightly adultier adult (late 20s) i can tell you with absolute certainty that the VAST majority of people gain a decent amount of weight in their early twenties. your weight also tends to redistribute around this time so physically you may look different than you did as a teenager.
all of this is NORMAL and HEALTHY and not anything that you are doing wrong and it’s not a sign you’re making bad lifestyle choices. it’s simply the way human bodies work.
so if you’re in this life stage or just coming out of it and finding that you look different than you used to, that you’ve gained a lot of weight despite not really changing anything about your lifestyle, that your face looks fatter, that your tummy is fuller - none of this is a flaw, none of this is a failure. it’s what human bodies DO. it’s aging. it’s growth. it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
i just know that while i DID hear a lot about the “freshman fifteen”, i didn’t ever hear anyone warn me about this tendency to gain and keep on weight slowly over those college years, and the way that your face shape can change, and it took me a while to stop looking at myself and thinking “how did i do this to myself, what is WRONG with me!” before i looked around me and realized it happened to literally every other person in my life too, that it’s not something i did wrong or needed to be worried or embarrassed about, that it’s just something human bodies do.
anyways here’s a picture of my sister and i ages 17 & 19 vs aged 27 & 29 for posterity. you don’t stop growing & changing just because you exit puberty and anyone who says you do is trying to sell you something.
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koolades-world · 2 months
can i request MC randomly staring at them, and when questioned abt it, MC responds with something similar to “sorry you’re just so pretty” or maybe “do you know how pretty you are?”, or anything else like that with satan, solomon, barbatos, and lucifer?
side note completely unrelated to the headcanon: if i was sent to hell to hang out with the most beautiful men in existence, i don’t think i would be able to stop staring. you know? and i think they need some more compliments and praise. luci, that poor old man working and trying to keep the boys out of trouble 24/7. i don’t think i even need to explain mr. barbs, bro lives, eats, and breathes his job. AND BOTH OF THEM STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL DOING IT. my excuse for adding solomon and satan is just that they’re pretty and they need to know it. i am just yapping at this point but if i was MC i would probably start with mammon and levi. it has probably been centuries since mammon has heard anything positive said about him and levi is just literally the epitome of insecurity. OOH and maybe even prioritize asmo while we’re at it, someone has got to tell him that his looks are not his only lovable trait 😭😭idk, am i allowed to ask for your opinions on silly questions outside of the headcanon request?
hello!! it's totally fine to ask my opinion on non-headcanons requests <3 it's so fun just getting to rave about things like that and it's always great to get the creative juices flowing haha. if you and other readers ever want to do this, feel so free!! i'd love to chat with you guys about the reason we are all gathered here today haha
you are so right anon. you are so incredibly based because omgod what the hell how are you all Adonis????? if I got teleported suddenly to the Devildom like that, I think I might pass out because hello??? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with so many gorgeous people? how are they so effortlessly attractive 😭 all of them need positive reinforcement and i think we would all jump at the chance to be their cheerleaders haha. knowing me, I would try to call them pretty and stumble over ever single word in the process, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
cute request btw!!
enjoy <3
Mc calls Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos and Solomon pretty
he was probably working but you somehow managed to get him to take a rare break
you’d brewed him his favorite; hell coffee. the smell plus youe big puppy dog eyes did the trick
he kind of expected you to want to chat, but to his surprise, the two of you sat mostly in silence
when he asked what the matter was, since you loved to talk during his breaks, the last thing he expected was for you to call him pretty
he blinks a couple times and stares at you back
he couldn’t get many words out, but he did manage to say thank you
as he sips his oh so bitter coffee, he couldn’t help but smile and wonder how he got so lucky
he probably acted like he expected it and responded smoothly while behind that put together, suave expression was a overthinking mess haha
the cafe you were at was busy, so the two of you were patiently waiting for your drinks
he was telling you all about the book he’d finished reading this morning, but you weren’t engaging with him like you usually do, so he asked if something was wrong
when you told him you were distracted by how pretty he was and how his excitement only made him even more attractive, he knew the perfect counter
despite that well timed and ready compliment back, he still found himself thinking about and getting bashful over your words
thankfully for him, your drinks finally arrived and the conversation took a different turn
but he won’t stop thinking about what you said
he doesn't notice you spacing out at first
he's in the middle of cooking dinner, and is currently refusing to let you help because you're his guest
in the middle of multitasking, he finally notices your eyes on him
he didn't stop working but he called out to you, asking if something was wrong
after you told him you were just admiring his beauty, he thinks about your words but continues to work
your words and unfaltering gaze actually managed to fluster him
congratulations :) you’ve done the impossible
he thinks you’re joking at first actually
being silly and poking fun playfully is just so very him and he was probably in the middle of doing just so
maybe the two of you were attempting to do some homework or just lounging around together
you said that he was pretty so suddenly that he didn’t really register what you’d said so when he treats it as a joke, you repeat yourself
now you’ve got his attention and he makes you repeat it one final time
he calls you a cutie, or something along those lines and continues his fun banter, but you notice his lingering, adorable grin
it’s moments like this that make you realize you should tell him just how pretty everything about him was
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moonstruckme · 6 months
hi :3
everytime i send you a request my personality’s different HAHA
okay, sooo, i was thinking (rare occasion) about your casual dominance story (LOVE btw)
so, how about that EXCEPT reader is the casually dominant one >:)
feel free to ignore this, ik this isnt like what u normally do
love ya MWA
Okay so I swear I tried to do dominant reader but it just turned into this, idk how it happened. She’s not super dominant but she’s not submissive and she definitely gets her way, so I hope you like it <3
cw: alcohol, suggestive content + a bit of light degradation, mdni please
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 601 words
You find the marauders in the living room. At the center of the party, as usual. 
“Hey, gorgeous.” Sirius’ eyes find you instantly. He grins. Remus follows his gaze, and immediately starts talking to James about something else. “I was just thinking about you.” 
“You’re always thinking about me,” you say, bypassing the space he makes for you on the couch to sit in his lap. 
He scoffs, settling his hand on your thigh. You know he can smell your conditioner. You hope he dreams about it. “Sweetheart,” he replies, breath warm on the shell of your ear, “you’re projecting.” 
You let your head fall back on his shoulder, batting your eyelashes up on him. “That’s a five dollar word there, baby. You taking lessons from Remus?” 
Sirius makes a sound like he’s choked on a laugh. He covers it up by taking a sip of his drink. His cropped shirt lifts when he raises his cup, and you swiftly turn around on his lap, covering the slice of abdomen from view. 
He raises an eyebrow at you. He knows what you’re doing, but he hardly minds. You’re conveniently placed to feel something stiff and familiar poking at your heat through his pants. 
You grin and shift a little, delighting when his cheeks pinken. 
Black fingernails dig into your thigh in an attempt to still you. 
“Doll,” Sirius says warningly. 
You ignore him, plucking the cup from his hand and swirling it, sniffing at the liquid inside. Sirius holds your stare as you take a sip. 
“How many of these have you had?” you ask. 
“That there’s my second.” 
You hum, taking another sip. Strong, but not bad. 
“I’m gonna finish this one off,” you tell him. “I think you’re good for tonight.” 
He raises an eyebrow at you. “And why’s that?” 
You lean in close, wrapping one hand around the side of his neck and murmuring against the shell of his ear, “Because it’s no fun fucking you if you’re already stupid when we start.” You back up an inch, looking into eyes now eclipsed by pupil. “Okay, honey?” 
Sirius swallows. You feel the movement of his throat under your hand and stroke the side of his jaw with your thumb. Roll your hips again, just because you can. 
He takes in a sharp breath, hands clamping down on your hips to try and keep you in place. 
“Sirius, mate,” James says from the other side of the couch, “are you alright?” His brow is creased in concern, but you can see the tensed muscles around his mouth from the effort it takes to keep from smiling. Beside him, Remus is doing a much better job at exercising his poker face. “You look like your drink’s gone down the wrong pipe or something.” 
Sirius might normally see the knowing in his friend’s look, too, but he doesn’t take his eyes off of you. “I’m fine,” he says, voice impressively blase for someone who seems like he could cum in his pants with a couple of strategic movements on your part. “Just thinking it’s time me and my bird get out of here.” 
“What?” You make a show of leaning away from him, and the shift in your weight has Sirius gripping desperately at your hips. “Babe, it’s so early. We’ve only just got here. Let’s give it an hour at least, yeah?” 
“Really?” Sirius asks quietly, urgently. 
You take a slow sip of his drink, letting him see the way your throat bobs when you swallow. 
“Yeah,” you exhale as you finish. “Why, are you in some kind of hurry?”
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lovebugism · 2 years
could you do some drunk Eddie blurbs or oneshots? Thanks! I love your stuff btw
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summary: "you're drunk, eds" / "yeah, super drunk. and in the morning, when i'm sober, you’ll still be beautiful… i’m just gonna be too chicken shit to tell you." pairing: best friend!eddie munson / f!reader word count: 3.8k warnings: talks of alcohol, getting drunk, and taking care of a super drunk eddie! barely proofread so pretend any typos are nonexistent <3 a/n: i'm learning it's next impossible for me to write blurbs. i get an idea for one and boom. it's nearly 4k words. thanks for the request, anon! hope you like it xoxo
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Eddie didn’t realize until he was halfway through his fifth beer, that he probably should’ve stopped at his fourth. 
He’d stumbled upon that finicky little fork in the road at the crux both drinks, a line he was toeing all night between blissfully tipsy and borderline obliterated. You can only really maneuver it if you’re smart about it, and in true Munson fashion, Eddie opted for the exact wrong decision.
It wasn’t like he’d ever prided himself on being a man of self-control. He was gluttonous to a fault, green and greedy at times, especially when there was free alcohol involved.
Eddie had been a grumpy little stick in the mud when you and him first got to Steve’s place. He didn’t feel like partying that night or sharing you with people he could barely stand. They were your friends, after all, not his. He only tolerated the bunch of them because you did. He spent the entire drive lamenting about how illegal it was — to be his best friend and have other people in your life you cared about the same way you cared about him. 
“That’s obviously against the rules,” he joked.
You only scoffed in response. “Obviously.”
Undeterred by his complaints, you drug him halfway across Hawkins with you like a storm cloud on a leash.
When you arrived, he found that it wasn’t a party at all. It was just Steve and Robin drinking together on the couch while Nancy and Jonathan stirred around in the kitchen and scolded Argyle for rifling through all the cabinets.
Music spilled lowly from the radio, a platter of snacks were laid out on the coffee table, and everyone smiled at you when you walked in. It wasn’t nearly as loud or as overwhelming as he’d dreaded it might be on the drive over.
Didn’t mean he was any happier about it, though.
“I don’t know about this,” he cautioned in your ear from where he stood behind your shoulder, seeking a familiar refuge in you once all the greetings were done. “We talked to everyone, can’t we just, like… go? I don’t think I’m gonna have a good time here, babe.”
Babe, he calls you, a nickname that’s left half of Hawkins believing the two of you were really dating. You stopped blushing about it some years ago, when the novelty of it wore off and it ultimately replaced your actual name.
You shrugged, grasping for a reason to make him stay. “Steve said he had a keg.”
The big silver thing next to the kitchen island didn’t catch his eye until then. You peered up at him, finding a sudden sparkle in his gaze. His bushy brows bounced and his pink mouth fell soft agape at the sight of it. Something swelled in his heart then, a distant and boyish happiness. 
“…I’m gonna try.”
He was pretty much a goner after that.
The beer was pretty stellar, but more than anything, the keg kept it cold. Eddie could barely drag himself away from the damn thing — the red solo cup hadn’t left his right hand all night. And when Steve let him handle the music, that was even better… Well, technically, he let you handle the music, but you sifted through his tapes and picked only what you knew Eddie would like — just like you always did.
Any other time, Eddie might’ve asked what the hell King Steve was doing with so many KISS cassettes, but he was already too drunk to think logically about anything by the time “Detroit Rock City” started playing. He stopped caring and let all the beer and music coursing through his system do all the work for him.
And while stumbling for his sixth refill with Robin, he concludes that he is, in fact, completely and utterly and unabashedly drunk. He’s still sober yet, enough to make such an admission to himself, but too far gone now to stop drinking.
He crouches slightly to bring the nozzle to the rim of his cup without much resistance. His tongue pokes through his tingling lips as he pours all of his concentration into aiming the beer into his plastic chalice and not completely toppling over onto the kitchen floor below him.
That’s when he spots you and Steve sitting on the couch, a little too close for his liking.
The brunette boy has his arms sprawled over the back of the sofa like he owns the place (Eddie’s too drink to remember he does, in fact, own the place) and your legs are delicately crossed and turned towards him, too enraptured in whatever conversation you were having to notice that your best friend had run off (you’d been trying to look after him all night, it wasn’t your fault he kept dodging you).
And it wasn’t his place to be jealous, he knew that. You didn’t belong to him. You could do whatever the hell you wanted to.
If he wasn’t so sloshed, he might’ve been able to recall that you don’t have a thing for Steve — that you’ve never had a thing for Steve, because you’ve spent your entire life in love with your best friend.
But you were too chicken shit to tell Eddie and Eddie was too oblivious to see any of it and it left the both of you in a permanent limbo of unsaid feelings.
So much so, that he once encouraged you to conquer the feat of King Steve one night, many moons ago. He thought he’d noticed the two of you being overtly touchy in the back of a dimly lit club.
Eddie was sober enough then to make fun of it all while still feeling every ounce of his misplaced jealousy as he playfully promised you that “you had his blessing to screw Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.”
You should’ve known you were screwed when you told him that you didn’t want to screw Steve because “you had your eyes on someone else,” and he completely missed the brave, longing look you shot his way.
Eddie spent the rest of the night pestering you endlessly about your crush, while you just sat there, red hot and embarrassed about the whole thing.
Now he’s the one feeling like a fool, watching his best friend make nice with the dowager king of Hawkins.
Being without you makes the distance feel somehow wider from where stands across the too big house, feeling like a stray puppy everyone adores but never actually choses.
Robin taps him on the shoulder to bring him from his stupor before he can waste the foaming beer rapidly filling his cup, though there was no stopping the drunken war path he goes on after.
You and Steve giggle to yourselves as you watch Nancy twirl drunkenly to the tune of the Joan Jett, louder when Jonathan fights to keep her from stumbling over herself. The boy leans over to you, whispering a joke only you can hear, and smiling when it makes you laugh.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Eddie scolds when he stumbles up to the couch. “What’re you two love birds whisperin’ ‘bout over here, huh?”
The two of you blink up at the boy, surprised by his sudden visit and how much drunker he’d gotten since you spoke to him last.
He’s all flushed out, cheeks glowing red with the alcohol in his system, and slurring something fierce — the kind of drawled out garbles that only sound clear to the one that’s speaking.
“We were talking about you, Eds,” you smile without missing a beat. “Been missin’ you over here.”
Steve nods with a dumb, tight-lipped grin. “Yeah. You’ve been making friends with that keg instead of the rest of us, man—”
“Yeah, right,” the boy scoffs out a laugh with a bitter nod. He less than gracefully squeezes between your legs and the coffee table. “Scooch over, Harrington. Make some room. ’S too damn cuddly over here.”
With no choice but to comply, the two of you part.
“Scooch?” you hear Steve mutter under his breath with a faint laugh that has you giggling too. Eddie’s not drunk enough to miss the glance that both of you share, seemingly having some sort of silent conversation that’s left him, yet again, out of the loop.
He’s got a full on pout on his numbing face when he settles between you and Steve, losing his balance briefly before landing in a clumsy pile between the both of you. The beer in his freshly filled up cup sloshes over the rim and splashes into your lap. The alcohol stains the belly of your t-shirt, leaving it cold and clinging to your skin.
And it’s not as dramatic as the movies make it seem, where a guy spills a drink on a girl and something terribly melodramatic ensues. You weren’t trying to impress anybody, least of all with your outfit — hell, you’d probably stolen it from Eddie himself a lifetime or more ago. You don’t get angry or rush out of the room for a good cry.
Actually, you smile sweetly at him, with the realization that it was time for you and your way-too-drunk-to-function best friend to head home.
Eddie gets all sad about it anyway, though, because to him it really does feel all that dramatic. His face screws up like he’s just done something irreversible. His umber eyes glimmer at you with a particular sadness only a drunk person could possess. 
“Shit, babe… I’m so fucking sorry.”
“It’s okay, Eds—”
“No, it’s not okay. I’m sorry,” he slurs with the sloppy shake of his head. “Please don’t be mad at me, babe. I didn’t mean to.”
“No one’s mad at you, Eddie,” you affirm with a soft laugh, dabbing at the wet spot of your shirt with the bunch of napkins Jonathan (the only other half-sober person aside from you and Steve) haphazardly hands to you.
“I can give you another shirt, if you want,” Steve offers, already standing to retrieve it for you. “Might be too big but it’s—”
Eddie’s head snaps away from you and to the brunette boy. A cartoon-like anger coats his buzzing features. “Like hell you will, Harrington,” he tries to threaten, though the words come out half-jumbled together. “Won’t have my girl wearin’ your shit, Steven—”
You burn red hot at the new nickname, equal parts embarrassed and delighted as you stand from your position on the sofa. Suddenly eager to escape the situation, you reach for Eddie’s hand. “Alright, Eds. Let’s go.”
He accepts your touch without question, rising on swaying feet and forcing you to keep an arm around his waist to keep him steady.
He’s already forgotten what he just said. He has no idea that your heart’s just done a billion backflips for him. He focuses, instead, on the thought of a new adventure with you. “Ooh. Where we goin’ now?”
“I’m taking you back to the trailer, okay?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, suddenly displeased again. “Yeah, whatever… You wanna spend more time with King Steve, I see what you’re doin’—”
“I’m coming with you, Eds,” you laugh.
It’s like the switch flipped and he’s grinning all sloppy and stupid at you again. He tosses the smug look to the boy standing at his other side. “Suck it, Stevie—”
“Eddie!” you scold.
“You guys can just take the spare bedroom,” Steve offers despite Eddie’s teasing. “I don’t want you driving like this.”
“Oh, how fucking chivalrous,” your best friend grumbles under his breath.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” you press with brows furrowed in concern. “I don’t want to, you know, intrude or whatever. I’m good to drive—”
“No, it’s fine. Really. He should probably lie down anyway.”
“Yeah… Okay.”
“You know where it is, right?” he asks you and you nod
Eddie takes great offense to your affirmative answer.
“Wait, why do you know where it is?” he pouts down at you, figuring there’s something dirty hidden in the fact you’ve slept in your friend’s guest bedroom before. You shake your head and opt not to answer as you help him towards the stairs. “Why do you know where it is?”
“—Go upstairs, okay?” you shout over him, trying your best to stay patient. “I’ll check on you in a second.”
He lingers on the first stair and juts out his lip. His pointer fingers trails the intricate carvings in the wood of the banister while his glassy puppy dog eyes glimmer down at you. “…Promise?”
“Yes, Eddie. I promise.”
With that, he makes careful work climbing the stairs, hanging onto the railing for dear life as he goes. You watch attentively, prepared to rush to him if he stumbles, and able to breathe out a sigh of relief when he makes it to the top step. 
You turn away from the hallway of the staircase and back to your friends, who — save for Steve and maybe Jonathan — haven’t yet bothered to acknowledge the situation.
Robin is rifling through Steve’s cabinets for food, Argyle’s at the keg pouring beer into his mouth straight from the nozzle, and Nancy hasn’t stopped dancing the entire time. You’re not even sure if she knows the song.
“I didn’t know you guys were dating,” Stevie remarks with a smile. “No wonder he was being so… like that.”
You shake your head and duck your gaze. “We’re not. Dating, I mean— he’s just, like, super drunk.”
“Really,” you breathe out a laugh at the way your admission make this face twist in confusion.
“I’ve just— I’ve never heard a drunk person talk that way about someone they didn’t, you know… like.”
A part of you so desperately wants that to be true.
Eddie’s never been particularly shy about calling you babe or sweetheart or honey in front of people — sometimes he did it just to throw them off. But something about him getting jealous over a guy you’ve never liked, calling you his girl to bat the believed ‘affections’ away, has a foreign feeling swirling in your belly.
You force yourself to swallow your hopes down.
“Well, you’ve never met drunk Eddie,” you tell him with a shrug. “The freak’ll say just about anything.”
You make your way up to the guest bedroom and find Eddie slouched at the top step. He looks terribly sad, pouting with his elbows propped up on his knees and his hands on his chin. But he lights up like a christmas tree all over again at the sight of you.
“What are you doing, Eddie? You were supposed to be laying down,” you scold softly.
“I missed you,” he whines, gazing up at you with twinkling, red-rimmed eyes. “And I got lost… And then I forgot how to walk.”
You try your best to keep a straight face as you help him up again, trying to ignore the way your heart thrums like a hummingbird when he leans completely into your side. 
You walk the staggering boy the short distance to Steve’s guest bedroom.
It’s as extravagant as the rest of the house, complete with large windows and expensive furniture and a thousand throw pillows on the freshly made bed. The entire room practically sparkles, there’s not a single crease in the bedsheets; it probably hasn’t been touched since the last time one of you spent the night there.
Eddie flops onto the bed when you urge him to sit down. He makes himself comfortable with ease, legs still hanging over the side as he throws his arms out, melting easily into the newly laundered blankets.
You navigate through the darkness, illuminated only by a subtle moonlight, to the seating area across the room. The newly granted privacy of the guest bedroom allows you to strip off your damp shirt. The wet spot sticks to your skin when you peel it off of you. The feeling makes you grimace. 
You don’t think twice about being in your bra in front of Eddie — he’s not even looking at you now — and besides, he’s seen you in less. You’ve been friends for far too long to care. Being naked in front of each other stops meaning so much after accidentally catching each other changing a half a billion times.
Leaving your shirt in a crumpled pile on the arm of the couch, you make the silent decision to sleep there for the night. Many a bed has been shared between you and Eddie, but he’s going to need all the comfort he can get tonight — the hangover he’ll have tomorrow will feel like hell, no doubt.
You look across the dark room at Eddie and find he hasn’t moved an inch. “Take off your clothes, Eds. You’re not gonna be comfortable sleeping in jeans.”
“Mm,” he groans in the darkness, as though in protest, already half-asleep.
“You’re already gonna feel like shit in the morning, especially if you’re sleeping like that,” you advise with a soft laugh. “Come on, Eds. At least take off your shoes.”
“…Don’t know how,” he murmurs.
You roll your eyes at him, even though he can’t see you, even though you do it all for him anyway. It was second nature to you, taking care of Eddie, and you do it with an ease that makes his drunken little heart swell. 
You start with his shoes, not having to untie them because they’re so loose on his feet. His jeans come next, a far bigger struggle because you do it with little help from the boy in the bed. His belt is strangely tricky and he claims his body feels too heavy to lift his hips for you.
But what he lacks in assistance, he makes up for in cheeky one-liners — “At least, take me out to dinner first, babe” and “If you wanted to see me naked so bad, you coulda just said" to name a few.
Once he’s clad in nothing but his Hellfire t-shirt, R2D2 patterned underwear, and hand-me-down socks that barely fit him, you maneuver him so he’s lying properly in bed.
You toss away all the pillows that are more for decoration than anything else, pull the covers down and over his body, and Eddie doesn’t do a single damn thing but watch. 
He couldn’t do anything even if he wanted to because his heart is so far in his throat he can’t breathe. 
You’re so unfamiliarly soft with him — sweet in your way than anyone will ever be to him in his lifetime, than anyone will ever be to anyone else.
The love you bathe him in half-sobers him and tosses him into a spiral of self-hatred. Why did it take getting drunk at Steve’s place to realize he’s been so head over heels for you he hasn’t stood up straight in years?
Drunken words sit impatiently on his tongue. He lacks the self-control to keep the hidden.
“You’re so beautiful,” he mumbles tiredly.
Your hands almost immediately still where they bunch the covers up at his chest. Your eyes dart to his face and it takes everything in you not to duck away all over again, when you see the way he’s looking at you. 
Eddie looks so soft, basked in a soft moonlight streaming in through parted sheer curtains.
His brown eyes twinkle with stars of their own. He gazes up at you like you put them there.
He doesn’t miss the shock that coats your features. Your eyes widen in surprise of his words at first, before your brows furrow and you shake your head to yourself in denial — like you’re not deserving of them. Like you’re not standing over him in your baggy jeans and five-year-old cotton bra after he spilt his beer all over you, taking care of him because he’s too drunk to take care of himself, doting on him like it’s second nature to you.
As far as Eddie’s concerned, there’s never been a sight more beautiful than this one.
“Stop,” you manage a laugh, still swallowing down that glimmer of hope that lingers on the back of your tongue. “You’re drunk, Eds.”
“Yeah. Super drunk,” he nods unabashedly. A distant smile hints at the corner of his lips as he gazes up at you like he’s trying to commit your features to memory — the angle of your nose, the shape of your jaw, the softness of your lips, and the way you’re looking down at him like you’re wondering if he’s real or not. “And in the morning, when I’m sober, you’ll still be beautiful… I’m just gonna be too chicken shit to tell you.”
You never thought Eddie would say something like this — not something so profound it makes your heart stop and especially not to you. You always dreamed that he might. And you had nightmares that it wouldn’t. That he would utter them to someone who wasn’t you.
But here he is now, loving on you and calling you pretty and hating himself for not being able to tell you that, and you don’t know what to do.
“…Okay,” is all you can say in response, nodding your head like an idiot. You force yourself to move on quickly, focusing instead on tucking him further into the unfamiliar bed.
It’s easier than concentrating on your racing heart that ticks like a time bomb seconds away from going off.
“Thanks for taking care of me, babe,” he murmurs quietly, blinking slow and heavy up at you. “I’m sorry… I know I don’t deserve it—”
“I’ll take care of you forever, Eds. You know that,” you interject without thinking. “And you don’t ever have to apologize to me.”
Eddie lets your words settle over him like the cozy blanket you cover him with. They bathe him like warm water, prickle his skin like they’re cleansing him.
The intent behind them means more than he could ever comprehend, half-drunk or sober still.
He rises abruptly, disrupting the cocoon you’d just tucked him into, as he works with disoriented hands to peel off his shirt. “What are you doing, Eds?” he hears you laugh when his head and arms get caught in the fabric.
You help him out of it anyway, tugging the cotton over him and gaping at him when he hands the bunched up t-shirt over to you.
“Here,” he offers like you’re supposed to know what to do with it.
“Want you to wear it… And to go downstairs so Steve will see you in it.”
You roll your eyes though a smile plasters itself on your mouth. You slip the thing over your head and pretend it's just to appease him. It isn’t the first time you’ve worn something of his, but this time feels so much different. 
“Better?” you tease.
Eddie nods with a childlike happiness.
You’ve always been his, in your own special way, but wearing his shirt? It’s like you’re waving a big, brightly-colored flag — a lit up I’m with stupid sign with a flashing arrow pointed right at him. It makes him grin like an idiot.
“Now, go to sleep, alright? We’ll talk in the morning. When you’re so hungover you wanna die,” you joke, still perched at his bedside.
Before you rise, you lean over and press a quick peck to the tip of his warm nose. 
You want to do more than that, so much more than that, but you know that he’s still half-drunk — and that he might not mean a single word of this come sunrise.
You’ll revel in this softness now, either way it goes.
“And, for what it’s worth, I think you’re beautiful too.”
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oceantornadoo · 5 months
hii! can you do what it would be like asking price to put pads on the shopping list?? and then when price goes shopping he has to call you to ask for what size ?? 😭😭 btw i love love your work, hope u had a good day💞.
im pretty sure you're referring to this post but i decided to make this price x reader so :) enjoy!
bsf marriage pact!price x reader, he's slightly creepy but he's sweet (this is actually a bit dubcon but its in good spirit)
you had had a shit day. actually, make that a shit week. emotional the whole time, feeling lonely, depressed, and with the weirdest cravings. right when you were about to call your best friend and rant about how terrible you felt, you had went to the bathroom and- oh.
that explains a lot.
and now here you were, sitting on the toilet for the past ten minutes, contemplating. you were completely out of all period products and your flow was so heavy there was no way you were making it to the store free bleeding or with toilet paper as a makeshift pad. of course, that's when john decided to call you (let's be real, who doesn't take their phone to the bathroom. don't judge.)
"evenin', duckie."
"ugh john, i told you not to call me that. its so annoying."
john grunted a chuckle into the phone, swiping a hand over his beard. "you love it." silence. he could practically hear your eye roll. "dinner tonight?" he was pacing his apartment, uncharacteristic for a man like him. calm, cool, collected. never when it came to you.
"can't, sorry. maybe in a few days." he grunted. "could order a takeaway?" you sighed in his ear, the sound a melody he craved to hear over and over again. on lazy saturdays and in-between small fights over laundry. baby steps, though.
"its just not in the cards tonight, john, i'm sorry." you were never like this, withholding information. even when you cancelled on him, it was with a long-winded explanation with the names of about seven people he didn't know and plans you didn't want to go to. "'s wrong, duck? got a hot date or somethin'?" he mentally crossed his fingers, not allowing a physical expression. he wasn't that whipped. not yet.
"no, im just sick. and tired." his muscles relaxed. he started putting on his boots and grabbed a fleece, something gaz insisted was not too tryhard for someone like him. "i'll run to the store and grab ya medicine, hm? what'dya need?" you sighed again, rubbing your fingers to your forehead. he obviously was not giving this up and you did really need pads...
"ill text you a list when you get there. thanks john."
"anythin' for you, duckie."
list: pads, advil, that one chocolate candy you know i like, something for dinner
shit. price had been with a woman or two, but had never had to buy her pads. of course, he'd never let it get to that stage, not when he had you to take care of. but now here he was, staring at playtex and always and what the fuck was a diva cup? he'd better call you.
"all ok, john?"
"ya didn't give me a color on your pads, duck." you giggled. of course he paid attention to the green versus orange pads.
"its pretty heavy so some of the overnight and extra daytime ones would work." silence.
"...there's numbers." your cheeks warmed. you couldn't believe you were talking about this with john of all people.
"god, john. this feels so embarrassing. so weird to talk about with you."
"why? gotta know this for the rest of my life, duckie." shit. he was referring to that night a couple weeks ago, when you confessed to him you thought you'd never find love. when he said he'd marry you in a heartbeat, just say the word. when you compromised by telling him if you were still single in two years, you'd go to the courthouse then and there. when you didn't see him turn and write the date in phone, just as a reminder.
"5, john. there should be a moon symbol or something. and then 3. should be green, i think?" he grunted an affirmation, putting the respective pads in his cart. he turned around, having said goodbye and ended the call, and was subsequently greeted by three women, staring. paused in their product selection, staring openmouthed at how nonchalant he was about buying pads.
30 minutes later he was at your place, groceries and takeaway in hand as he used his spare key to let himself in. "duck?" all quiet. he stalked through your place and noticed the light on in the bathroom. one, two, three quick knocks. "john?" "'s me. can i come in?" "no i- need you to get me something." he waited patiently. "can you go to my dresser and grab a pair of underwear. something ugly, lots of coverage." who was he to say no to a free invite to your underwear drawer?
john dropped the pads outside your bathroom door and headed to your bedroom. finding your dresser, he had to give himself a second. calm down, old man. they're all clean.
that didn't stop him from sniffing a few, reveling at the scent of your laundry detergent. he almost groaned at the scent, imagining you in them. even in the "unsexy" pairs, your curves clothed in cotton and elastic, wrapped up in a lovely package. all his.
john selected a pair with "lots of coverage", whatever that meant, and headed to your bathroom. he opened the door with ease, setting your pads down on the counter. you shrieked.
"john! im half naked, you need to knock." obviously, the sight of your bare thighs and the top of your mound peaking out was most welcome, but he was more concerned about getting you off the toilet and putting food in your belly. "jus' me, duckie. come on, show me how to do it." he gestured at the pads. he couldn't be serious.
you slowly unboxed them, taking care to cover your naked body as much as possible. even while moving slowly, your shirt still shifted and he caught glimpses of your pretty pussy. an image for another day, when you weren't in pain. he focused on your fingers, deftly putting the pad on your underwear with years of practice. he memorized how you placed the pad, ensuring it stuck to your underwear before tearing the paper off the wings and tucking them on the other side. you looked up at him and he nodded, mission complete. "thank you, by the way." he kissed your forehead, so quick you could have missed it in a blink.
"turn around, i have to put it on." he sat back on his haunches, staring. "go'on. 've gotta learn somehow." you were too tired to care, ready to devour your dinner. you missed his hungry gaze as you revealed your cunt to him, wanting even though it was covered in blood. you missed his fingers twitching as you slowly pulled on your underwear, fabric caressing your skin like he yearned to. you got up, flushed, and washed your hands, missing how he tucked his fingers in belt loops and leaned back into the wall, a move he'd done many times in his tac vest.
"thank you, john. truly." he gave you a grin under the muttonchops, all satisfied. task finished, mission accomplished. you had asked him to do this, a husbandly duty. after you dried your hands, you made a move for the door, but he stopped you with a hand to the jaw. he brushed his beard against you, feeling the shiver in your bones. his mouth hovered near your ear, accent coming out low and sultry. "anythin' for my future wife, duckie."
ngl this got a bit weird but i like it??? had to struggle to not lean into my simon riley weirdness tendencies as im still learning john as a character.
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vbecker10 · 2 months
Hi! So, I'm a bit new to your account but I loved your writing and the story's that I have read from soo, here's a request
So, Loki x fem!reader and Loki is like, mad at the reader for whatever reason and the reader like, hits her hand on something and Loki quickly turns towards her to check how she got hurt and stuff and she's like "Aww, you care about mee"
Sorry if this isn't a good description or wtvr. I'm not a writer so idrk how this goes...
Anyways, if you don't wanna write it, it's totally fine! And btw sorry for the long request. Love your writing!!💚💚
I'm Always Right
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N) - established relationship
Summary: You and Loki get into an argument and he tells you to leave but when you're accident-prone-self gets hurt right after, you see how much he really cares about you.
Warnings: Arguing (I have no idea what about but it's not super important so make it whatever you want lol), mild injury, very little bit of blood, some swearing, hurt/comfort
A/N: Welcome to my page! I'm so glad you love my work so far 😊 I love this request, thank you so much for sending it! I changed how Y/N got hurt and it got a little sadder than I planned, I hope that's okay. Hope everyone enjoys it! 💚
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"I'm tired of arguing with you," Loki sighs, sitting heavily on the couch in his living room.
"Then just admit you're wrong," you tell him, crossing your arms over your chest angrily.
"I'm not wrong," he argues back.
"Ugh!" you groan loudly, throwing your hands in the air.
"Well if that is your only argument," he rolls his eyes at you which he knows you hate.
"There's no point arguing with you," you tell him. "You're so stubborn, it wouldn't make a difference anyways. You never change your mind once you think you're right."
"If there is no point, then why are you still here?" Loki asks as he stands abruptly. "You know where the door is," he gestures with one hand towards the door to his apartment.
"Why am I-" you start to ask in surprise. "You want me to leave?"
"What I want is to end this argument and if you leaving will accomplish that, then so be it," he takes a seat on the couch again.
"Fine," you grab your jacket from the back of his arm chair dramatically. "If I leave, I'm not coming back," you warn him, assuming he will stop you.
He conjures a book and doesn't respond, crossing his legs as he opens it to where his bookmark is placed.
"You're an ass," you tell him, feeling your anger grow at his obvious lack of concern for you threatening to end your six month relationship.
"That's what I hear," he says without looking up from the book. You stand in his living room looking at him in silence, waiting for him to apologize or try to convince you to stay but he does neither. After a moment he turns the page and says, "I thought you were leaving."
"You were such a waste of time," you say and he looks up slowly from his book. "I can't believe everyone was right about you. I should have listened to them."
"Y/N, are you alright?" you hear Loki's voice close behind you.
You turn to leave, fighting to hold back tears when you reach his front door and open it a bit too quickly. The heavy door hits you in the nose, causing you to cry out in pain and surprise as you take a step backwards. Instinctively, you touch your nose but the pain radiates throughout your whole face.
"What the hell do you care?" you ask him, turning to face him, your anger still at the surface despite how concerned he looks.
"Your nose is bleeding," he informs you instead of answering your question.
You wipe the blood away with the back of your hand. "This just perfect," you mumble and turn away from him again.
"Let me-" he touches your shoulder lightly.
"Don't touch me. I don't need your pity," you shrug yourself free from him. "I'm leaving, just like you wanted."
He closes the half open door, "That's not what I want."
"Why would you say it then?" you ask him, wiping under your nose again as the blood drips a bit heavier.
He conjures a tissue, holding it out to you. You swipe it quickly from his hand and use it catch some of the blood. Standing there, silently looking at each other, you wait for him to answer you.
"Please, let me help you," he says.
"Fine," you agree, "But I'm still angry at you."
He nods and puts his hand on your lower back, guiding you to the kitchen. You stand next to the sink, still pinching your nose as he opens the freezer and takes out the ice cube tray. Silently, Loki comes back to you, setting the tray down then he puts his hands on your waist and easily lifts you onto the counter.
He touches your nose lightly, the pain intensifies and you flinch away from his fingers. "It doesn't appear to be broken," he says.
"Great," you tell him with as little emotion as possible. You scoot forward to jump off the counter but he remains in front of you, your knees resting against his legs.
"I am not finished taking care of you," he says, leaving you no room to make a quick escape. You watch him put ice in a clean towel and hold it to the bridge of your nose in place of the tissue you had.
"You don't need to do this," you tell him and his eyes met yours.
"Why? It's not like you still care about me," you scoff.
"I want to," Loki says in a tone you recognize but better then the one he used during your argument.
You had fallen in love with Loki's sweet, caring, protective nature and you were not used to his anger or unwillingness to compromise. It is not that you had never disagreed before, but this was the first time either of you said things deliberately to hurt the other person.
You fidget with the bracelet Loki gave you and look away trying not to make eye contact with him. "It's not your fault I can't even open a stupid door," you shake your head and he cups your cheek to keep you from moving.
Loki sighs deeply then says, "I'm sorry I made you think that because it couldn't be further from the truth." His hand holds your waist as he holds the ice for you carefully with his other hand. "I do not like when you are hurt."
He lowers his hand again, holding your waist loosely as he leans forward a bit closer to you. "I'm sorry I let that argument get so out hand," he apologizes and you lift your head slightly to look at him. "Don't tilt your head back too far," his voice is gentle as his hand moves to the back of your neck to keep you still.
He adjusts the ice slightly as it starts to melt and you feel yourself leaning into his caring touch. "If you still want to leave, I won't stop you," he says. "But I will never stop caring about you. I know I don't tell you this nearly enough, but I love you Y/N."
Your heart aches deep in your chest and without thinking you respond, "I love you too."
"I don't want to lose you," he says. "I never wanted you feel as if I was a waste of your time." You can see in Loki's eyes how badly you saying that hurt him and in the moment, that was exactly why you said it.
"You weren't," you tell him, putting your hand on his lower back. "I shouldn't have said that, I was just angry at you."
"Please don't leave," he says.
"I don't want to," you tell him honestly.
He removes the ice from your nose and runs his fingers gently over your skin, checking again that it is not broken and the bleeding has stopped. He steps away from you to throw the half melted ice cube in the sink and when he turns back towards you he seems unsure of what he should do. Loki takes a step closer and when you reach for him, he breaths a sigh of relief.
Loki stands in front of you, your legs dangle off the counter on either side of him and you pull him closer. You rest your head against his chest, careful of your nose and wrap your arms around him. Loki's arms hold you tightly and he kisses the top of your head lightly.
"I cannot apologize enough," he says quietly. "I should have just let it go, I never should have fought you so hard."
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"I'm sorry I was so focused on wanting to be right, I didn't even try to listen to you," you tell him.
"Tell me you'll stay and you can be right about everything from now on," he says and you can hear the smile returning to his voice.
You can't help but smile as you nod, "I'll stay Loki." You sit back so you can look at him and he cups your cheek, his thumb moving lightly on your skin. "And I'll hold you to that."
He chuckles, "I know you will." He leans down to kiss you, his lips softly sealing his promise. "I love you, Y/N," he says with the smile you thought you might never see again.
"I love you more," you giggle a bit, testing him jokingly.
"That's not possible," he falls easily into your waiting trap. "I love you more."
You smile and shake your head, "You already forgot, I'm always right."
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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shankschewtoy · 28 days
a/n - I’m alive I swear 💀 I just rewatched some of haikyuu so I’m more familiar with that rn 😂😂
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, fluff/crack, pre-timeskip characters btw, I don’t feel like making picture banners for all of them like I do with one piece forgive me for just putting text 🥲
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- yeah you just broke your bro’s heart into a billion pieces
- remember that time when he got nailed in the crotch by a ball in S4? Yeah that’s what it felt like
- “Isn’t he so cool Shoyo?!” -you
- but he’s also torn because he also thinks they’re awesome af 😭 so he can’t decide if he’s more saddened by the fact that you’re not saying that about him or if he’s excited that you also like one of his idols
- “…Yes he’s— very cool.” -him
- “…You do know my fav player’s always gonna be you though right?”
- oh you don’t even KNOW. How happy you just made him. You just turned his life around with just a single sentence
- bro could burst through the ceiling now
- he basically smothered you with a hug after that and did one of those koala hugs where he was basically just clinging onto you with pure adoration and affection
- it’s one thing if some random other student or little kid came up to him saying he was cool— like don’t get me wrong he’d probably freak out in a good way about that too
- but when it comes from you? He could have all haters but if he still had you? He’s totally fine. All bro needs is your support
- but do be careful because he might actually suffocate you one day if you compliment him too much
- each time you say something good about him his hugs get stronger?? If that’s even possible idk 😭
- you’ll have a great free chiropractor tho so woo hoo😁👍
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- bro has a thing for getting compliments or getting praise. I saw it VERY clearly when Hinata gave him that compliment about his spikes during the shiratorizawa training camp
- and then when Tendo said his bangs were cool bro was so happy 😭 (he’s so sweet oml)
- but of course when you watch his matches— I mean— you’re gonna be impressed by ushijima
- who wouldn’t be? Bros a literal nuclear bomb ahh spiker 💀
- after one of his matches you went up to him and started talking about ushijima and how cool his spikes and serves were
- “I feel like he’s gonna literally pop the ball everytime he hits it! It’s awesome!” -you
- he agrees wholeheartedly with you! But— man. He wanted you to say that about him 😭
- “Yeah— he’s amazing right..?” -him
- “He’s a third year right?”
- Goshiki nodded and scratched the back of his head sheepishly, looking a bit down
- “Oh so he’s just clearing the way for you then! There can only be one ace so he’s gotta move out of the way for you.”
(I couldn’t find the proper meme to put here so here’s the actual screenshot of him)
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- bro could ascend
- he could die right then and there
- but then he remembered he has to show off for you still so he stayed on earth
- ushijima heard you say that btw
- it looked like he wanted to murder you but in reality he thought it was very nice of you to say that to lift goshiki’s spirits
- he just— looks like he wants to crush you and send you to mars 💀
- also Tendo makes fun of him for being so happy about being praised
- “HAHAHAHAH— you LOVE it when y/n ever tells you something positive about you huh~??” -tendo
- yeah no he’s not gonna leave your poor bowl cut boy alone about it now
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- like the other two, he’s big on praise
- I mean before every match the manager tells him someone in the audience said he looks cool so he plays better 😭😭
- having you supporting him at his matches is like having an entire stadium full of people cheering his name
- you make Akaashi’s life less stressful. Good job y/n, Akaashi loves you for that and will legit pay you money to keep coming even though he knows he doesn’t have to. He’s that grateful for you
- I ain’t kidding one time Akaashi just started tearing up thanking you for being his fail safe plan if his 2000000 other plans to get Bokuto out of his emo mode don’t work
- he knows just like one compliment from you will cure Bokuto
- yeah so guess what you had to go and say right before a match started?
- “I just saw itachiyama play and wow that Sakusa guy who’s one of the top 3 spikers was just as good as they said he was!” -you
- akaashi might just do a backflip off of the stadium roof at this point 🙂 hardcore parkour
- the way you could literally see Bokuto’s hair droop down is insane
- konoha and sarukui were like: holy shit we’re absolutely cooked 😀
- this wasn’t an emo mode this was an avant garde mode
- but right as Akaashi was about to seriously jump off the roof, you saved everyone from the disaster you created
- “I don’t know why you’re not in the top three though, imo you’re a lot better than that guy, and a lot cooler looking too.” -you
- Akaashi looked like he was gonna live again
- Bokuto’s hair flipped back upwards and he excitedly smiled at you, giving you a big hug before going onto the court with an ecstatic air about him
- Akaashi is genuinely terrified of how you can simultaneously destroy their team and bring it back together with singular sentences
- you’re Bokuto’s weakness number 38 which akaashi does not have a solution for 💀
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- Akaashi is honestly happy you’re just with him
- he doesn’t really mind it if you can’t come to see him play, of course he’d love for you to be there but he totally understands if you can’t, and won’t be destroyed about it
- he loves your support and will always appreciate you for cheering him on (and being his mental support because taking care of Bokuto is life draining and he probably gets about a month taken off of his life everytime Bokuto goes into his emo mode)
- during the match with nekoma, you noticed how the setter on their team was also quite an intelligent and skilled player despite seeming so bored and uninterested in the sport entirely
- he had a hold on Bokuto for a good while and it was impressive how he managed to put Bokuto in a slump so smoothly and discreetly
- after the match, you congratulated fukurodani on their victory, and akaashi thanked you for coming like the gentleman bro is
- “That setter on nekoma was really good— he was so calculating and calm about his strategy to make Bokuto go into a slump!” -you
- Akaashi was still a bit traumatized by Bokuto literally forgetting how to do cross shots entirely so uh— 😀
- yeah it didn’t really sound great to him
- bro had to pull out a whole ass speech plus hinata to get Bokuto back on his feet and then you say that 🥲
- he isn’t mad or anything but he isn’t very overjoyed either
- “Yes, he was a really tough opponent. Kuroo-san was too.” -him
- Akaashi was good at hiding his displeasure, so it just sounded like he was saying something normal like he usually would, in a straight steady tone
- “No match for you and the team though, you guys definitely deserved the win. And you actually look interested and not like you want to die on the court unlike that setter on nekoma— he looked like he wanted to collapse and sleep forever after the first set.”
- he wasn’t expecting you to say that, and he looked pleasantly surprised
- Bokuto grinned and put his arm around the setter
- “Y/n’s right as always, Kenma’s no match for akaashi!” -Bokuto
- the rest of the team wholeheartedly agreed, and akaashi felt glad, happy to know that his team, and especially you thought so highly of him
- no one else could handle Bokuto like he could, and no one could be as cool in your eyes as he was
- you could probably tell him his glasses looked nice and he would never take them off again—
- he’s the type of guy to listen to whatever you say a bit too much sometimes 😭
- he legit remembers the outfit you wore the day he first met you
- kinda creepy but sweet ig? 🤷
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- bro has a billion fans and only really cares abt you cheering him on
- like ofc he needs other people to be cheering him on too because he’s extra like that but it’s 80% you
- don’t ask abt the 20%
- yk how all those girls were asking for his picture and stuff? Ever since he got together with you, he’s been avoiding them a lot more
- he knows it’s probably especially annoying for you to see a bunch of random people asking your boyfriend for pictures and giving him handmade things
- just know that he thinks you’re better than any girl combined and if you ever like start walking away before he’s finished trying to get the girls away form him he will legit sprint after you while screaming
- my dude is running, and I mean running like a mf track star. You piss off his fangirls so much bro it’s so funny how they look at you like they want to poison you in your sleep💀💀💀
- he reassures you on the daily that you’re beautiful and amazing, but still it’s annoying to see all the girls fawn over him
- so you decided to give him a similar taste of his own medicine
- at the next matches, you were watching with him a match with karasuno and shiratorizawa. You know VERY well that he does not like karasuno or shiratorizawa
- ushijima is probably the one who’s the worst…
- perfect.
- “Whoa Ushijima’s serves are so cool!! And he uses his left hand too damn that’s unique! I’ve never seen a left handed player like him before, and those spikes look like they’re about to tear karasuno’s blocker’s arms off!” -you
- I don’t think he’s ever been more simultaneously heart broken, and pissed at ushijima at the same time before
- he’s such a baby about it too
- he’ll cross his arms and act like he doesn’t care when obviously he does, and with the way he’s pouting about it like a little kid was proof that your little plan worked very well
- “Hmph, I guess so.” -him
- “What, you salty since you lost?” -you
- “Would you mind not rubbing salt in it? It’s only been like two days!”
- you couldn’t help but burst out into laughing because of how upset he was by this— it was ridiculous
- if you had your phone out you would’ve taken a picture of his face and sent it to iwaizumi for shits and giggles
- “I’m joking Oikawa, I think you’re much cooler than ushijima. You have a lot more personality than him.” -you
- “That’s damn right I do!” -him
- “…I didn’t say a good personality or anything.”
- “Pardon me?! I’m very demure and cute thank you very much.”
- “You saying that just proves you’re anything but that.”
- “Y/N BE NICE TO ME :(“
- “No. :)”
- “I knew I shouldn’t have let you hang out with Iwa-chan, he’s turned you against me!”
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- you’re the carbon to his dioxide
- the hydrogen to his peroxide
- the deoxyribose to his phosphate group (I paid attention in science kuroo, yw)
- even if he doesn’t get to be interviewed by some reporter, and even if he doesn’t get to go to nationals
- if you’re there and supporting him he feels better
- talking to you and hearing you say how cool he plays is more than an interview could ever mean to him
- seriously you make him chemically insane
- like he does not understand how just being around you releases endorphins somehow (you’re magical)
- you had heard of their opponents nohebi from eavesdropping on a couple of random people’s conversations in the lobby
- they were a strong team, and you were intrigued by how a lot of people seemed to dislike them a lot for the way they played.. which was very underhanded
- but even with their underhanded tactics, they were a solid team with good technique and teamwork
- “Whoa the captain of nohebi is actually pretty good!” -you
- “Ugh I know right? Come on nekoma!” -Akans
- I feel like kuroo has horrible eyesight but then absolutely amazing hearing? Idk 💀 but whatever the case was, he heard that
- loud and clear
- mhm he’s ready to kill nohebi now
- bro is legit a one man Great Wall of china now
- he’s “powered up” as Kenma would say
- Kenma took note that you were kuroo’s power up skill, and would remember to use you in the future as well
- I’m serious bro is flexing so hard on you rn 😭
- yaku hasn’t needed to save the ball because kuroo’s trying so hard to impress you 💀
- honestly it’s kind of amazing— seeing him sprinting left and right and slamming balls down like it was no one’s business but his
- he checks like every five seconds to see if you’re watching his amazing skills
- and after the match— Kenma went up to you first and thanked you bc Kuroo did like 70% of the work for him 😭
- Kenma legit gave you a Nintendo gift card he’s had in his back pocket since 2019 as a thank you gift and as a “please continue making kuroo do all the work” gift
- god knows how it’s stayed in his pants that have probably been through countless wash cycles 💀
- “Oh kuroo! Fukunaga’s last spike was so cool! He totally hit that line shot perfectly!”
- way to stab kuroo in the back 🥲 he’s legit about to collapse from emotionally throwing out his back
- old man down over here
- he was so destroyed— you left no piece of him intact he’s in literal shambles
- “But kuroo you were so cool! You kept blocking and repelling the balls like you were oppositely charged from the ball!”
- and he’s alive again, you’re a magician
- complimenting him using a science reference?
- oh just marry him already 😭
- he knew you must just be dopamine bc he smiles like an idiot whenever you’re around
- somehow his smile gets even dorkier when you compliment him
- if it’s a science compliment he could quite literally ascend to the moon
- “Hehe thanks y/n.” -him
- “Were you tryna show off in the last set?” -you
- “…Why? Did it work?”
- “…Hm. Perhaps hypothetically, yes.”
- “How does one go about making that hypothesis a true statement? 😏”
- kuroo is so smooth but he’s so nerdy and his pickup lines are so bad that it just takes his smooth factor away 😭😭😭
- like pls when he first met you when yall were paired up to do a science project about magnetism— bro said
- “Even Neodymium would lose if it were to compete against your magnetic personality 😏🌹” -him
- “…What? 💀” -you
- you weren’t really sure if you should love bro for his effort or be scared of how bad his pickup lines were
- the answer is both
- it all ended up ok anyways— you’re bonded to him together since yall are oppositely charged ✌️
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a/n - no I don’t know how to make pickup lines 💀
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loves0phelia · 4 months
Please write about Rafe who believes in love and a reader who doesn't! I love your first fic btw
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Summery: the request
Words: 1k
Warnings: small injury, grammar mistakes (feel free to correct me)
A/N: thank you so much for this request! xxx
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Ever since you and Rafe met, he has been head over heels for you. He would follow you around like a lost puppy, he would get you anything you could possibly want, and always make sure you were okay.
In a way you loved how much he cared, but sometimes the feelings he left you with, made you confused.
In your head love was nothing but a useless feeling. The lovey dovey movies were fake and unrealistic, the people holding hands or kissing in the streets were disgusting and anyone who tried to prove you wrong was definitely not sane.
So why was Rafe Cameron making you feel this way? 
“Good morning pretty, got you your favorite like always” He says the second you open the door to his black pick up truck, and hand you the chocolate chips cookie from that bakery you adore.
“How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to get me something every time?” Even though you wish you kept your lips in a straight line, a small smile took place on your lips.
“But if i stop bringing you snacks how else will i see this pretty smile of yours?” immediately your cheeks became red, so you turned your head to look out the passenger window as he finally started driving away.
After what felt like hours, you got the courage to speak up and asked him where he was taking you.
“Well I figured you wouldn't like the movies because you claim its “too romantic” so I decided on going up to the hill with some food and a book, we could spend the afternoon together until sunset. Also I brought my laptop in case you changed your mind about rom coms…” he uttered the last words anticipating your reaction to them.
“Are you serious? that's like the most rom com thing ever!” you threw your hands above your head and looked at him in disbelief.
“Come on Y/n just give it a shot please” you looked at him with a glare not breaking against his attempt at begging.
“for me?” your fake anger vanished the second the words left his mouth. His soft blue eyes and pouty lips had you in a choke hold. You could never refuse him even if you tried.
“fine” Rafe shouts in victory before grabbing your hand and shaking it while still holding the steering wheel.
“You're not going to regret it baby, i swear” his happiness calmed and now you could only hear the soft music playing on the radio and the harsh sound of his engine. 
What you hadn't noticed though was how his hand was still holding yours on top of your thigh for the rest of the ride. 
When the car finally came to a stop, Rafe jumped out and rushed to your side to open your door. While holding the small bag with the cookie you haven't eaten yet in your left hand your right one grabbed his so he could help you climb out. This gesture was almost too familiar now.
You stood a few feet away as he grabbed the cooler filled to the brim with various beverages and snacks. Your breath hitch when you noticed his arms flex beneath his gray shirt. 
“You ready?” you snapped your eyes away from his muscles as fast as light and quickly nodded, unable to speak any word.
In silence you both climbed the small trail up to the hill. While you could've been watching the blooming flowers, your mind was on rafe, you were daydreaming not paying attention to anything.
“shit” were your last words before tripping over a small branch on your path. your exclamation immediately made Rafe turn on his heels, he dropped the cooler to the ground and ran to you, examining the damage.
“im fine Rafe i just wasn't paying attention” you tried to comfort him but his gaze was fixated on the small cuts over one of your knees.
“Do you want to go back? we can do this another day” he asked concerned and almost already getting ready to turn back the way you came from.
“No rafe. Really I'm ok it's just a small scrap and I don't want our day to be ruined because of me” you almost pleaded.
“Are you sure you can walk? cause i can carry you” he suggested.
“don't be ridiculous, you're already carrying all that” you laughed and optimistically went back on the way.
the entire pathRafe and a small furrow in his brown and he stayed close to you in case of another accident, he was ready to catch you,
When you two were finally settled on a blanket led on top of the grass he began unpacking.
“So a movie or a book? also I'm warning you, if you choose a book you need to read to me.” he smiled innocently.
“book please” you answered shyly before taking the book from his hand. instantly rafe led his head on top of your lap and snuggled while grinning, knowing what he was doing,
but surprisingly you did not comment, nor move away, you stayed like that even when you began to read the words out loud.
he was so peaceful he almost looked asleep but the soft and smooth movement of his thumb over your small injury proved you he was definitely awake.
“Whats up” your brows furrowed wondering why he was asking. 
“you stopped reading.” You hadn't even realized you had stopped and you definitely didn't realize he was looking up at you, admiring you for almost 2 minutes before saying something.
“i was just thinking how much i appreciate this,i never realized before now how much i enjoyed it” 
“yea?” He sat up with the brightest smile.
“mhm” you hummed and you felt like a magnet was pulling you to him so without a thought you crashed your lips on his.
he made a noise of surprise before rapidly returning the gesture while sliding his fingers in your hair and holding you to him.
passionately you and Rafe kissed until you couldn't breath and that's how you realized love was actually the best thing to ever feel.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
I am obsessed with how you write for one piece characters (especially angst-fluff XD) I was wondering if I could request a Sanji x male!reader where they both barely got together yet sanji still fawns over nami and robin which causes reader to start feeling insecure, then later in private reader asks sanji if he’d love him more if he was a girl instead. Angst to fluff/comfort pls:))
Btw idk if you have any rules so sorry if this goes against them! Feel free to ignore/delete this!<3
Please and thank you :)
So love this idea! I'm splitting it into two however! So don't worry this will have a happy ending I promise!
Curiosity pt. 1
Sanji x MaleReader
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Support me on Ko-Fi! Enjoy!!
P.s the sanji quote I used was actually in the Japanese sub so don't @ me
You sat there as silent as stone eating your meal as the chaos and laughter of the ship sounded around you. Nami angrily yelling, Zoro drinking, Luffy yelling for more food while eating, Usopp spinning another story and your boyfriend fawning over Nami's tits openly- In most cases you would have been embarrassed but at this point... the disappointment was expected.
You'd only been together for a few months, starting out as flirting with each other- Him approaching you since he had felt conflicted in his attractions and you guided him through the maze of identity and attractions. Finding him in your arms and in your heart-
Sanji later admitting you were the first guy he has ever liked and the first person he dated. You thought it was sweet- a romance unfolding that you two would one day tell the world... but that didn't seem like the case anymore.
"Nami~ Can I see your panties! Wait let me get a camera!" Sanji laughed loidly as you could see the love in his eyes as Nami looked red in the face and angry.
"You're vile" Zoro hissed at the laughing Sanji, his nose bleeding as Nami gave him another hard punch to his head knocking him to the floor.
Zoro had been getting more aggressive against Sanji- mainly due to the fact he find his acts disrespectful towards you.
Lowering your gaze at this you took another sip of the mixed rum drink your boyfriend had served. However the sweet cocktail tasting bitter on your tongue now- not bothering to announce you were dismissing yourself from the joyous dinner.
Zoro gave you a sympathetic nod, watching you silently stand as you gave him a tight lipped small smile in return and left.
Stepping out you take a heavy sigh- Trying to keep the tears from falling and Biting your lip to swallow the pain once more.
That ache in your heart had faded letting a numbness settle instead. Taking a seat on the main deck you stare up at the sky, watching the stars above you as the fading sounds of laughter echoed behind you.
Sitting out looking over the open ocean you thought- Thinking about the pain and embarrassment that Sanji had brought you. He had been the one to approach you, asking you out on a night like this. Thinking of how he held you close and whispered that you were his one and only. Yet you felt like those moments were now just empty words- Maybe they had always been that way even after such a short amount of time....
"(Y/N)! What are you doing out here?" You heard a all too familiar voice call out, seeing a cherry checked Sanji smile brightly at you. His smile did freeze slightly at seeing the rather stoic look on your faze, his brow raising.
"Is something wrong?" He questioned, stepping closer in worry.
"No" You say calmly, looking back out on the water. Knowing you would kill the mood of you brought up how you felt- however it seemed you couldn't have your way... He sat next to you nudging his shoulder against yours.
"Come on- I know my boyfriend well enough to see you're sad" He said sincerely. You didn't meet his gaze however, sighing in defeat instead.
"Would you have preferred it if I was a girl?"
Sanji's eyes widened at this, confusion and shock going over his features.
"What kind of question is that?- Of course I"
"You still fawn over Nami and the others.. stare at their chest and droll over their figure.." You say softly, touching the thin fabric that covered your lack of breast.
The blondes face falling as he realized what he had been doing to you-
"(Y/N) dont be ma-" He started but cut him off again.
"I'm not mad at you... I'm not going to scream at you or yell if that's what you're expecting.. I'm just telling you my reasonings" You explain and you could practically feel the dread rolling off him.
You nod softly at this, not having the heart to elaborate further on that. You see the flash of panic.
"I don't want to ruin the night Sanji so I didn't want to have this conversation now"
"We are having it now- I don't want you to go.. I care for you" You heard the careful side stepping of his words, avoiding love or like with 'care' it made your chest ache all over again.
"Like how you care about my feelings?... It's okay to say you were just.. experimenting-" You say and he grabs your shoulders suddently so you were facing him, a flash of anger in his eyes as he stared at you, the sharp rum from his breath burning your nose.
"You aren't a experiment to me okay? It's not like that? I just- It's hard to explain okay?" He tried to reason as he released your shoulders and reached forward grabbing your hand to try to reassure you. But you pulled away calmly.
"Do you still like Nami?.." You finally ask and watch his face twisted up as he tried to answer.. but couldnt-
You close your eyes, almost greatful he didn't answer. Not knowing if his excuse would hurt you more then his actions, standing up from your seat you smooth out the invisible Imperfections in your trousers.
"It's okay Sanji... I can understand if I was a curiosity for you. Thank you for the meal, I'm going to bed. Goodnight" You say calmly and head below to get some sleep- you still heard the laughter from the kitchens as you faded into the belly of the ship to hopefully hide your tears.
Sanji sat there, dazed over what just happened. Pulling out a cigarette from his pockets however he just silently started at the stick of tobacco, a heavy weight settling on his shoulders as guilt tore through his chest. Closing his eyes tightly like he was force away the shame he felt.
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Can you please write some (optional relationship, if not, romanse) headcannons for Geo and/or Hyugo with a weeb MC? They don't have to be strictly into anime, but just really loving Japanese and Japanese culture (bonus if they don't know Japanese).
Chronic Love (Geo + Hyugo x Weeb! MC/Reader)
Enjoy my amazing little weeb, have an awesome day! Solemnly thanks for entrusting me with writing this for you.
Also, uh, a minor sidenote, I am not an anime enjoyer or even remotely close to a weeb; so if I get something wrong/too exaggerated etc. feel free to publicly execute me in the town square. <333
You can read this from any perspective, as in, both in an established relationship setting and a solely platonic one. :]
A/N: From now on, Geo and Hyugo will be referred to as Geode and Hyugeode, if anyone in the Geo religion utters 'Geo', they shall atone. 😊😊😊/hj
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Chronic(ally): to a very great extent; extremely.
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Hyugo is honestly surprised when he finds out of your...intense love for Japan and its culture.
He won't be opposed to it, he'd find it a smidge endearing, considering he's Japanese; and you seem to be willing to learn anything about it. He's more than happy to tell you what you wanna know.
Do you take advantage of this? Yes.
Would probably eventually, to your joy, start telling you cultural appropriations and norms, along with a couple generic Japanese words/phrases (you say them whenever possible, feeling the language fall from your lips and off your tongue feels so right, you can't get enough!).
You ask him to tutor you Japanese at some point, to which he politely declines (he's got enough on his plate okay?!), but is willing to converse with you if you ask.
Just don't nag him, he fucking hates being nagged.
You'd probably mispronounce certain words, to which he'd correct you, until you get the hang of it.
Might take you to a Japanese candy store to tell you his personal recommendations (they're great btw).
If you like anime he'll be chill with it, just don't act like the stereotypical weeb and he's fine.
Learning words is one thing, overdramatizing, glorifying and exaggerating Japanese things annoys him.
Fortunately, you're reasonably calm with your devotion for it, and he doesn't mind.
Would get a bit nervous if you decide to actively pursue Japanese, after all, what if you overhear him talking to one of his shadier acquaintances and pick out the context?
Would overtime subtly monitor you, gauge how much you know and how quickly you're progressing.
Overall supportive though, enjoys the fact you like Japan. :]
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Literally doesn't care. At all.
You like Japan? Cool. Good for you.
Much prefers for you to not harass him about Japanese words and phrases, unless he tolerates likes you enough, to which he'll blurt out something along the lines of: "Go fuck yourself".
Will probably teach you insults (he says it's to insult you, but we all know the real reason teehee)
If you're hanging out somewhere and Geo spies Japanese text, he might point it out to see if you know it, to which you'll be racking your brain until he relents and tell you.
Eventually will start briefly telling you things about Japans' history and art. Especially bonsais, he loves those. He'll never tell you though.
Will probably take you to a Japanese market/restaraunt eventually, if he feels you've gotten good enough.
If you order fluently enough he'll be genuinely pleased (won't show it though).
If not, he'll do it for you (internally cringes at the sheer thought aaaaaa).
However, in the rare event that Hyugo calls him "Subaru" and you hear? And understand?
That won't be good.
He'll tell you to drop it instantly.
And he will give you the most murderous glare if you ever ask him why he goes by Geo.
If he feels you've forgotten about that incident you haven't, he'll be more relaxed again, but will maintain a veil of caution now.
After all, you can understand what he says in private now.
That's not a good thing.
If you like anime he's chill with it, just don't be over-the-top obsessive towards it and he's cool.
Is satisfied you want to learn Japanese though. Likes you a lot smidge more for it too.
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certainty2witch · 3 months
For Crocodad theory, imagine if the way everyone finds out isn't either of them admitting it. It's Sengoku being mad after the events of Marineford and deciding to hand over declassified info on the revolutionary army, collected by Cypher Pole, which proves that Crocodile is Luffy's birth parent, to Big News Morgan. Imagine everyone has just started their two years of training when they pick up the daily newspaper and right on the cover is confirmation that Crocodile is Luffy's parent.
Since you mentioned the revolutionary army, I suppose you’re talking about my revolutionary crocodile au, even if you talked about Marineford.
And i take some time for adding a bit of lore for my au because is important:
(Answer for anon’s ask after the ‼️‼️‼️)
Crocodile was never evil and with so he never did something wrong in Alabasta. But, he’s still a warlord, and a fake pirate, because he’s a revolutionary undercover.
But let’s say that the marines discovered Crocodile is a revolutionary and that’s a way for putting him in impel down?
Iva obliviously, since is there too, save him and bring him at level 5.5, they both wait for the right moment for escaping (imagine Croc being uncomfortable around all that extravagant people, he doesn’t like loud people, and Iva likes to torment him because they think Croc miss Dragon and Croc says he doesn’t.
Is the truth btw he just wanna run into Dragon’s arms and kissing him).
And with so, Impel down arc happens, but Croc is always with Iva instead of being locked at level 6. His reaction to his son almost dead is pretty devastating, just imagine that… I mentioned in a recent post that they have a deep and special bond when Luffy was little. With older Luffy this keep existing!
So Marineford is pretty the same with Doflamingo bothering him (lmao, sorry babe your love is busy with the world’s worst criminal, he’s not a single man), with him protecting Ace (this time for Luffy and only for him💕) and other canon stuff.
And he suffers seeing his son losing his sense after his brother’s death. He obliviously protect him and Jinbe from Akainu (in every au he always saves him in that scene *sigh* good daddy).
So after Marineford he and Luffy separate, and he finally reunite with Dragon.
And now about the ask.
But first i add little warning.
Cw //mention of gender dysphoria!
Somehow Sengoku knows and decides to reveal everything (my god you should just close that trap sometimes, stupid marine) I honestly can’t imagine why he would know something like that, maybe due to Garp? (Close that trap too!!) because yep Garp knows Croc is trans and Luffy’s other dad.
Crocodile never liked the idea of people knowing his secret: him being Luffy’s other parent. He knows in that world people like him are seeing in a bad way and if others will discover he isn’t cis, my god I’m sure people will keep misgendering him… and he would hate that. I imagine his past full of transphobic people, keep using wrong pronouns with him and forcing him to just be like “Mother Nature made him”… you know useless things like this. So well he grow up frustrated and angry, Iva was his light, the revolutionary army were his light. Even after hrt, Crocodile felt the oppression of not being cis (mostly when he got pregnant of Luffy). But in this Au, he with the support of others started to feeling more and more comfortable just being himself. He’s not cis? Who cares!
But if people will discover he is Luffy’s dad too and with so, the father that gave birth to him, i like to imagine him asking his friends (and love) some support. He is more comfortable being trans, but something like that is hard to handle anyway, because nobody asked for his consent! If that was his secret, and he wanted to keep that hidden, well there’s a reason.
I hope I explained everything at least in a decent way, feel free to ask for some more if you are curious or to ask something else in the ask box.
And correct me or tell me to change something, if you think is inappropriate please.
For a dear anon that i still didn’t answer, if you are seeing this, just know that your idea inspired me. I will draw what you said, because I know what to draw hehe but i need time because i have other art first 🙏🏻
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pakhnokh · 2 years
Today, House of Gentians is one year old 🥳🎊🎉
You won’t believe the story of how it began….
I was 7 months pregnant, and have been suffering from intense itching in my lower legs for a month. I googled it and saw that it’s a warning sign during pregnancy and can have dangerous consequences so I went to my obgyn and he referred me to take a blood test to check it.
Fortunately it was clear from that problem, but we didn’t know the reason for the itching. He did say that some women suffered from an allergic reaction like this but he suggested that I go to a dermatologist to be sure.
So finding an appointment to a dermatologist in my country right away is a nightmare, and by some miracle I found someone who had a place for me in a few days but in another city. So I took the buss and went there and the doctor was there with a student who was working with him. Anyways he was extremely nice to me and that’s something completely odd with the doctors here, that make you feel as if you’re annoying them. He was really nice, checked me thoroughly, looked at my scratching wounds with a magnifying glass and all the while was talking with great enthusiasm to that student. Later at my second appointment I realized that the reason for this was that he treated me like a case study to show how pro he is to that student cause when he was alone in the second time, he was a complete jerk to me.
Anyways, at that first appointment he decided with great certainty that what causes my itch is scabies. And as someone who considered this possibility and checked for signs of a bug infestation, especially since I have experience with other bugs, this seemed unlikely. And I’m like, telling him of all the reasons that don’t match, like the fact that my husband sleeps in the same bed and he doesn’t suffer from it and for me it’s been an experience of a month now. Surely a thing such as bug bites would affect him too, no? But he was so determined and told me “your husband gonna get it soon probably” so he gave me a prescription for creams and told me to wash all textiles in my house at a high degree, and everything that can’t be washed, to close in plastic bags and leave the house for 3 days. And like I said, as someone who already had experience with another bug infestation this was something that I already knew how to do even if at first it sounds like a pain in the ass.
So I got home, told my husband, who really opposed this idea, but I insisted on it, especially cause if the doctor was right and there IS an infestation, then we have to treat it immediately before baby is due. So I did everything the doctor said, we packed some clean stuff and moved to live with his parents for 3 days. Like I said, later we discovered that the doctor was wrong, because nothing helped and the itching continued till the moment I gave birth, proving my obgyn was right and it was, what’s called “pruritus of pregnancy”, a severe itch that is not dangerous, but can appear in some cases. I still carry those itching scars on my legs btw, even though they’re faint now 🤣🤣
Anyways what the hell does this embarrassing story have to do with House of Gentians? It was on the first day we lived with his parents and I was working on the exclusive art I make for my patrons. I was in the coloring and rendering stage and it’s really a work that makes you be really focused on details and etc… I was already so tired, but when evening came and I was done with the piece, which is still one of my favs btw:
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I still wanted to draw, something quick and sketchy to “free my hand”. I just opened a new canvas and started sketching. At first I wanted to draw yllz seducing lwj, as if he was taken to cr after all and things got hot 👀🔥 But then I changed his teasing, smug expression to a sad one, and decided that it’s gonna be a Yiling Laozu who came back to Gusu with lwj and was put in LWJ’s mother’s house as his waifu 👀👀👀 and this idea had a dark side at first, with my horny mind thinking of yllz performing the duties of a spouse with lwj 👀👀👀👀 and it’s gonna be love/hate between them both.
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I was really hurrying this sketch too, because my husband was calling me to our evening quality time of having toasts while watching a series on Netflix so I posted it quickly on Twitter and left. When I opened the app again that night I was really surprised to see all the excited comments on this simple sketch I did, but they really inspired me to go on, just like your comments inspire me till this very day ❤️
And just look at it now, each week I’m working on more 4 pages, it turned to be the longest comic I did in my entire 25 years of drawing (160 pages till this day and counting) and I already have the entire plot written with like 9-10 arcs planned overall 🤣 Drawing this consistently also helped improve my art, as I look at the first drawings compared to the most recent ones I can see the progress I made and hope to continue making!
So thank you all for the love and support and the wonderful comments that inspire me to give you more parts each week!
And as a b-day gift, I give you a sneak peek to a panel from page 110 that I kinda like how it turned out
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
I've been curious on how Xiao and Scaramouche would be like if they had ruts/heats like Tighnari.
For Xiao I can imagine being a good friend occasionally seeing him at the inn since you work there but being worried he didn't show up like he usually does, so you go to his room to see if he's ok-
For Scaramouche it would make it more interesting if you're the Tsaritsa's daughter or creation so you're held in a higher rank then him. So of course when you needed to ask him something and can't find him in his office, you barge into his home(not sure if they have homes or have rooms?) Or maybe he seems you out despite the power difference
These thoughts live in my head rent free 🥴
a/n: I love writing Genshin boys in a rut. I hope you enjoy. I wrote a piece about a month ago about Xiao in heat. I'm very proud of it. Btw, I love the touch about the reader being the Tsaritsa's daughter.
Scaramouche x fem!reader Xiao x fem!reader Smut.
You'd been going up to the area on the roof of Wangshu Inn where Xiao always frequented. It was getting late, and he still wasn't back yet. Verr Goldet told you go home hours ago, but you insisted on staying.
Verr let you do as you pleased. You were a model employee, and she knew you were worried about Xiao. She knew it would be good for Xiao to know that someone was worried about him.
A soft gust of wind ruffled your hair. It wasn't any ordinary wind. It was a gentle breeze of Anemo. Your heart leapt when you realized Xiao was finally back. Your eyes widened when you saw the condition he was in.
Xiao was littered with cuts and bruises. His cheeks were flushed. He was panting quietly, his eyes looking slightly unfocused. You'd never seen him this way before. You immediately went to his side.
"Xiao, you are hurt? Let me you clean these cuts up. Some of them look painful," you said, quickly scanning him for bruises.
When your fingers brushed against one, he grabbed your wrist. "Stop (you were confused that he was panting quietly), it is best if you leave. I can do this myself," Xiao said.
"What's wrong, Xiao? Please let me help you. It's what friends do. I saw Qiqi playing outside before you got back. Let me tell her to fetch Baizhu."
Xiao slapped a hand against the wall next to your head. "Friends..help each other," he mused out loud. His hands were already starting to roam over your body. "Consider for a moment if you want to use your body to help me. I'm.." gritting his teeth, Xiao looked away, embarrassed, "in a rut. If you say no, I'll leave and take care of this myself."
You gulped. You couldn't deny how you felt about him. Waiting around practically all night proved that. You nodded, making his eyes widen in surprise. "I want to help you in any way I can, Xiao, whether it be with my body or any other way."
Bunching your skirt up around your hips, Xiao pushed your panties aside while he took his cock out of his pants. He took you right there against the wall., rubbing your clit when he heard you whimper softly in pain. "I'm sorry, the scent of your arousal is driving me insane."
You didn't think you'd cum so hard in your life that night.
Scaramouche would be different from Xiao when he was in a rut. You were the Tsaritsa's daughter, and her right hand woman. Your rank was equivalent to her's. You'd started receiving complaints from his subordinates because he wasn't around to direct them for the past few days.
The authority you held over him made it okay to just barge into his quarters. He was sitting in the dark, jacking himself off, his hands sticky with cum. At some point, his hand just wasn't enough anymore. Let's call his ruts an unfortunate (or was it now that you were there) side effect of being created.
"What do you think you are doing? I'm busy here. This has better be good," Scaramouche barked rudely.
"I demand to know where you have been the past few days," you replied, feeling embarrassed that you'd caught him such a compromising position.
"Don't think you can order me around, I don't care if you are the Tsaritsa's daughter. Get out," he snarled, glaring at you. Don't take it personally, he was frustrated.
"Oh, but I can. And I will," you shot him a glare of your own. Walking over to his bed, you picked up his hand, licking some of his cum off his fingers. You had to tempt him, Scaramouche had too much pride to ask you to help him.
When he yanked his hand away from you, you sighed and stripped yourself of your clothes. He was watching you now. You'd piqued his curiosity.
"We are going to fix this here and now. You have been causing a lot of trouble for everyone lately," you proclaimed, straddling him, his hard cock sinking into your pussy.
As you started to ride him, Scaramouche gripped your hips, his eyes never once leaving yours as he thrust up into you. "What would everyone think if they knew that the Tsaritsa's daughter was fucking me right now, moaning like a little bitch."
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while! I was working for my finals, and now that I’m done I can post again! 
Here is the beginning of the “Ateez as your boyfriend” series, I haven’t done all the members of seventeen yet, but I’m working on it as well, it’ll come very soon!
So, Kim Hongjoong!
based on his mbti, the man is a lover of love
he is a hopeless romantic, and has a crush 24/7
he loves having a crush, daydreaming a bit about the person that attracted him
it kind of frees him from his busy everyday life
it inspires him for some of his lyrics as well?? (like i know ateez songs are about rebellion and stuff but i’m sure that this man right here has many romantic and cheesy songs about his ex-lover(s) or/and crushes)
anyways, so as I said, he has a crush on basically anyone
he never truly expects anything, like no relationship whatsoever, he really just enjoys the feeling of liking someone
so when he has a crush one you, he doesn’t expect much from it
maybe he saw you at a museum or in a shop or whatever
and he double-checked you like “oh- oh, they look great” (in his head ofc)
and maybe he liked your vibe, your outfit, whatever
he ended up giving you quick looks during your whole visit (if it’s a museum), like a shy kid
he knows he won’t see you again anyway because of his work, and [insert city name] is a big city, so he makes sure he memorizes you well
it really sounds weird but like
he WILL write about you, so he needs to remember details to talk about in his lyrics
As soon as he got home, he started writing his song, it was very quick lmao
so when he was done, he was satisfied and could go back to his work
until he saw you again, at the agency
his eyes opened wide and his jaw almost fell to the floor
he was clearly confused so he played it cool and ignored you as if he never knew you in the first place
like “damn, that not how it always goes”
but turns out you had to work together, because you were in charge of the production of some music videos, so you had to meet with the members to talk about the aesthetic and the mood of the songs, and what to tell in the video
the members quickly saw that hongjoong was acting weirdly around you
like during a meeting, anytime you looked at him he would look away from you, anytime he spoke up his ears would turn red because he knew you were watching him
so they mocked him lmao
and he threatened them back
but they’re ateez, they don’t really care, so they continued
until it got to you
you heard the members being like “hongjoong-hyung have you seen y/n’s haircut today? oh i’m sure you have right?”
“remember when he drew them?? in a cartoon-ish way, it looked cute tho”
“yeah, i want you to draw me too!- why not? is it because they’re your crush and i’m not??”
you were very confused and curious at the same time
so one time your curiosity took over, and you called hongjoong after a meeting with the members (ofc they mocked him when they heard you call him lmao)
you blutly asked if there was someting going on, because you heard stuff from the members, and you needed to know if you had done something wrong, or is they were mocking you for something. not even once considering he could actually like you
he would giggle shyly, hiding his face with his hand
and then he was fully honest with you
he said in a suprisingly confident way, that he hoped something would develop between the two of you, because he really appreciates you
and he asked you on a date btw
i know right
he couldn’t believe it either
the date went very well, you went to the cinema and then ate at the convenience store bcs you were hungry
it was very fun! and both of you started to get attached to each other
you got close very fast, you saw each other a lot at dates, your appartment, or his recording studio
you would just mess around a lot, laugh, eat, sleep, whatever
at some point he just HAD to tell you how much he loved you
you were both in his studio, you had drank a bit, hongjoong more than you, to give himself a bit of courage
he played the song he made after meeting you for the first time
the silence was pressuring to him, while you listened attentively to the song
then you looked at him, confused at what it meant (not really understanding that it was about you)
so he told you
his confession was a bit clumsy, he wanted to do well but he was too stressed, so stressed that he stuttered a lot
but it was also very sincere, his eyes did not leave you, the light reflecting in them made them look so bright and passionate that your heart started speeding up
when he finally said “i love you”, you smiled, and giggled like a child
his eyes were still on you, and you felt your ears burn and redden
you told him that you loved him too, in a quieter voice, shy to let the three words out
he smiled widely, he heard what you said, but he just had to tease you a bit
so he came closer, his face inches away from yours
“what did you say?” 
so you said it again, with a tiny pout on your lips
and he kissed you right after
Now, let’s see how the pirate king is as a boyfriend :D
i’m sure that even though he keeps showing his hate for physical touch on TV, he actually loves it
but only with you :)
when he gets home from work he comes to you and kisses you on the forehead, a hand holding your waist or caressing your back
will get grumpy if you don’t accept taking a bath with him >:(
while watching tv he either holds your hand or puts it on your thigh
same when he drives
loves spending special evenings or afternoons with you
like you both going shopping, taking pictures and enjoying the city
or discovering the new pet cafe <3
maybe an evening customizing some of your clothes, sat on the floor of the living room, with some 2000s songs playing in the back
or you dyeing his hair !
you also cook together at least 2 to 3 times a week
because you’re both bad at cooking but you want to get better
at first it was chaotic, now it’s better
having hongjoong as a boyfriend also means being a new parent for ateez
some of the members (like wooyoung and mingi) will call you mom as a joke
when they come to the appartment (randomly most of the time), you’ll have to handle them with your boyfriend, as much as you can
but hongjoong’s patience is so low you end up handling them yourself while he tries to beat up yunho in the back
hongjoong really has no patience, in your relationship its better
but he still gets angry easily
luckily, he doesn’t give you the silent treatment, he directly confronts you about what he thinks and what made him upset
very jealous, protective, and a bit possessive as well
at first it annoyed you a lot, so you told him and now he controls himself better
but he still always has a hand around your waist during social events, just so people know that you’re taken
i think that hongjoong “weak” side would be how shy he is when it comes to compliment you
he shows support through actions, he encourages anything you do in life and makes sure you know how proud he is of you
but its always hard for him to put it into words
when you’re not here he can describe you with the most loving words, and praise you as if you were a goddess (which you are for him)
but once you’re there he just giggles and smiles like a child
if you get prepared for an important event for example, and you arrive with a gorgeous outfit, beautifully done hair and all that
he’ll stop moving (maybe even breathing) for a while, his cheeks as red as cherries
and then he’ll hug you lovingly, maybe kiss you if you don’t have lipstick on 
it is very rare for him to put it into words
maybe if you get married he’ll finally praise you while you’re here, in front of him? ;)
anyways we’re done here :)
smutty part below!
I don’t think hongjoong ever had sex before you
or if he did it was with some one night stands he doesn’t remember
but still he was quite shy during your first time
he wouldn’t dare look at you at first, both because he thinks his face would go fully red, and because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
he still touches you a lot, a bit awkwardly at first because it wasn’t the same with no clothes on anymore :’)
might stare a bit even though he tries to control himself so you don’t feel too oppressed lmao
moans a lot, he can’t stay quiet, even when you’re just making out
no matter what position you’re in, he likes having a hand in your hair, caressing it as if praising you for whatever you were both doing
he talks quite a lot too
saying how he feels, asking you questions to make sure you’re okay, it’s like he says each and every thoughts that goes in his mind
“woah,, again please”
“do you like it that way? should i go on?”
“moan again for me honey”
“you can’t keep your hands to yourself, huh?” 
ofc he has to be a tease when he feels the most confident
i feel like he’s a switch, but still more on the dominant side
like he goes sub mode when you ask him to, but the rest of the time hes dominant
prefers doing it in bed, in your shared bedroom
maybe sometimes in the living room or in the bathroom, but never out of the appartment, even for a quickie
(so making him horny outside of home is very fun to watch, because he cannot do anything on the spot, and just glares at you while hiding his bulge as much as he can)
even tho he is a dom, i think he likes it when you ride him
he loves watching you on top of him
but still orders you around with his hands on your hips, his fingers tracing on your stretch marks
overall he has a great stamina, he could go for 2 rounds easily, maybe 3 sometimes :)
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toythrob · 3 months
Too shy to slide in your dms but I need to get something off my chest. I saw how detailed your answer to the last ask about edging regiment was (that wasn't me btw) but it made me believe you'd be the best person to approach
I'm extremely new to this side of Tumblr. I literally didn't even know about edging until a month ago. I'm very interested in learning more about it. But, I've been cumming non stop since I had my first ever orgasm years ago. I've had like 3 orgasms a day at minimum. So it's not easy for me to just flip the switch and not cum again. I tried getting into edging myself but I'd literally end up cumming on the 3-4th edge.
I realised I needed actual guidance from someone, someone who can teach me and hold me accountable, so I made this Tumblr. Since then, I've encountered a few doms/mutuals who claimed they could help me in this journey. But their instructions were always "don't cum for the next 3 days", "don't touch yourself for a week" and punishments if I broke the rules. Obviously it went nowhere because i ended up cumming pretty quickly.
This is just leaving me more frustrated now. I know what I need, i need a schedule, i need someone to let me cum in the beginning and then slowly increase the gap between when I'm allowed to cum. Use my love for orgasms as a way to ease me into edging. But no dom seems to understand it.
Am i wrong for wanting this? Is this an absurd approach to even expect? am i just a failure at being an edgeslut?
Sorry if this is too long. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to respond, i totally don't mind!
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I‘m happy to hear from you. I’m sure that you’re not the only one in this situation, so I‘ll try my best to answer this in as much detail as possible as this could be helpful for others as well.
First of all, you’re not in the wrong at all and you‘re not a failure. Sometimes people can be too impatient or inconsiderate. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for you to start off slow, especially considering that you’re still quite new to all of this. You should always have fun and not feel like you’re being pushed to do anything.
I‘ve got a few ideas on how you could ease yourself into this and slowly increase the intensity.
For the beginning, it might be enough to try edging just once. Make sure to stop when you feel yourself getting close…it’s better to stop too soon rather than too late. Over time you will get a better feeling for how far you can push yourself before you inevitably cum. Then take a break for a minute in order to calm down again.
This might already be the point at which you want to reward yourself and make yourself cum. But depending on how you feel, you could also stop altogether and just go about your day (to practice being denied) or start over again with another edge (maybe pushing yourself just a little bit further this time). You could even see how long you can keep doing this and just edge again and again until you can’t control it anymore and finally cum.
I don’t know what the right starting point for you is. I could imagine that you might want to start increasing the number of edges first in order to get used to controlling yourself and stopping in time. Once you think that you’re comfortable with that, try denying yourself…for example start with a manageable amount of edges in the morning and wait until the evening to give yourself an orgasm (or maybe just a few hours if that’s too hard in the beginning). Next, try to increase the denial period and/or number of edges.
Regarding an exact plan, I’m not sure what the right approach for you is…that’s for you to decide. Especially after hearing about your experiences so far, I could understand if you wanted to start on your own and explore how far you can push yourself. Needless to say, it’s easier when someone else is in control and tells you what to do (as long as that’s reasonable). I‘m of course more than happy to help with that if you need it 😉 (communication is easier if you dm me but it’s not a problem if you want to keep this anonymous)
And don’t worry too much about the occasional accidental orgasm…you’re still very new to this and need to learn how your body reacts. As long as you’re not doing it on purpose, I don’t see a reason for such harsh punishments 😉
I hope that this was helpful for you. Let me know how you get on with edging and denial. As this is public, maybe also let others know what helped you and if you have some other useful tips and ideas for starting off.
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