nevernoneart · 10 months
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I have two paintings left in my #Capistrate series. This is the next one, “Roseate”. I’m starting to use a lot more texture in my images, and I think this is the first example of that. Now I need to work out what words I’m going to illustrate for Capistrate Part Two…
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in ‘Our Solar Backyard’ - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/earth-sized-planet-discovered-in-our-solar-backyard-technology-org/
Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in ‘Our Solar Backyard’ - Technology Org
A team of astronomers have discovered a planet closer and younger than any other Earth-sized world yet identified. It’s a remarkably hot world whose proximity to our own planet and to a star like our sun mark it as a unique opportunity to study how planets evolve.
Young, hot, Earth-sized planet HD 63433d sits close to its star in the constellation Ursa Major, while two neighboring, mini-Neptune-sized planets — identified in 2020 — orbit farther out. Illustration by Alyssa Jankowski, UW–Madison
The new planet was described in a new study published by The Astronomical Journal. Melinda Soares-Furtado, a NASA Hubble Fellow at the University of Wisconsin–Madison who will begin work as an astronomy professor at the university in the fall, and recent UW–Madison graduate Benjamin Capistrant, now a graduate student at the University of Florida, co-led the study with co-authors from around the world.
“It’s a useful planet because it may be like an early Earth,” says Soares-Furtado.
Here is what scientists know about the planet:
The planet is known as HD 63433d and it’s the third planet found in orbit around a star called HD 63433.
HD 63433d is so close to its star, it completes a trip all the way around every 4.2 days.
“Even though it’s really close-orbiting, we can use follow-up data to search for evidence of outgassing and atmospheric loss that could be important constraints on how terrestrial worlds evolve,” Soares-Furtado says. “But that’s where the similarities end — and end dramatically.”
Based on its orbit, the astronomers are relatively certain HD 63433d is tidally locked, which means one side is perpetually facing its star.
That side can reach a brutal 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit and may flow with lava, while the opposite side is forever dark.
What you should know about the planet’s star:
HD 63433 is roughly the same size and star type as our sun, but (at about 400 million years old) it’s not even one-tenth our sun’s age.
The star is about 73 light years away from our own sun and part of the group of stars moving together that make up the constellation Ursa Major, which includes the Big Dipper.
“On a dark night in Madison,” Soares-Furtado says, “you could see [HD 63433] through a good pair of binoculars.”
How the scientists found the planet:
The study’s authors are collaborating on a planet-hunting project called THYME. In 2020, they used data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite to identify two mini-Neptune-sized planets orbiting HD 63433.
Since then, TESS took four more looks at the star, compiling enough data for the researchers to detect HD 63433d crossing between the star and the satellite.
What comes next:
The researchers, including UW–Madison study co-authors graduate student Andrew C. Nine, undergraduate Alyssa Jankowski and Juliette Becker, a UW–Madison astronomy professor, think there is plenty to learn from HD 63433d.
The planet is uniquely situated for further study. Its peppy young star is visible from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, increasing the number of instruments, like the South African Large Telescope or WIYN Observatory in Arizona (both of which UW–Madison helped design and build) that can be trained on the system.
And the star is orders of magnitude closer than many Soares-Furtado has studied, possibly affording opportunities to develop new methods to study gasses escaping from the planet’s interior or measure its magnetic field.
“This is our solar backyard, and that’s kind of exciting,” Soares-Furtado says. “What sort of information can a star this close, with such a crowded system around it, give away? How will it help us as we move on to look for planets among the maybe 100 other, similar stars in this young group it’s part of?”
Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison
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netmassimo · 8 months
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An article published in "The Astronomical Journal" reports confirmation of the existence of the exoplanet HD 63433d, a rocky planet with a size close to the Earth's that orbits a star very similar to the Sun in a system that was already known. A team of researchers led by Melinda Soares-Furtado of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Benjamin Capistrant, now a student at the University of Florida, used data collected by NASA's TESS space telescope to identify HD 63433d within the THYME (TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets) survey. Its close proximity to its star probably makes it a so-called lava planet since on the dayside, the temperature on its surface is estimated at over 1,500° Kelvin.
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spacenutspod · 8 months
Astronomers working with TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) have discovered a planet that’s been left out in the Sun too long. Or at least half of it has. The newly discovered planet is tidally locked to its star, and one side is completely molten. The new planet was discovered orbiting a star named HD 63433. The star is young, only about 400 million years old, and it’s about the same mass and radius as the Sun. It’s also a G-type star like our Sun. The planet is named HD 63433 d, and it’s the third planet found in the system, though the other two were found a couple of years ago. It’s rocky and about the same size as Earth, but that’s where the similarities end. HD 63433 d is less than 500 million years old. That puts it in a particular category since of the thousands of confirmed exoplanets we’ve found, only 50 are estimated to be less than half a billion years old. It’s also the smallest Earth-like planet found this close to us. It orbits its star in about 4.2 days and is about eight times closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun. The result? The side of the planet that faces the star gets no reprieve from the star’s powerful radiation. The planet’s dayside reaches 1,257 C (2,294 F.) That means it’s blistering hot lava and will likely spend billions of years in this state. This rules out any potential habitability, and habitability is the holy grail of exoplanet research. But HD 63433 d is more than just another lifeless exoplanet. It’s a valuable piece of the puzzle in the quest to understand how planets form and evolve. This type of planet is such an important target in science that TESS has an entire project aimed at them: THYME. The discovery is presented in a new paper titled “TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). XI. An Earth-sized Planet Orbiting a Nearby, Solar-like Host in the 400 Myr Ursa Major Moving Group.” It was published in The Astronomical Journal and presented in a Jan. 10 presentation at the 2024 American Astronomical Society Meeting. The lead author is Benjamin Capistrant, a graduate student in astronomy at the University of Florida. “Young terrestrial worlds are critical test beds to constrain prevailing theories of planetary formation and evolution,” the authors write. The fact that HD 63433 d is half lava doesn’t change that. Studying it will help planetary scientists study atmospheric loss. Also, the light from its star is so bright that it enables accurate spectroscopy. This figure from the research illustrates how rare exoplanets like HD 63433 d are. The x-axis is the distance from Earth, and the y-axis is the planetary radius. Each grey circle is a known exoplanet, while each blue pentagon is a known exoplanet younger than 500 million years old. The yellow star represents HD 63433 d, the nearest, young, Earth-sized exoplanet discovered to date. Image Credit: Capistrant et al. 2024 “The apparent brightness of the stellar host makes this transiting multiplanet system favourable to further investigations, including spectroscopic follow-up to probe the atmospheric loss in a young Earth-sized world,” the authors explain. The first few hundred million years in the life of a planet is critical. Young solar systems are dynamic places. Collisions between planets and gravitational interactions can force planets to migrate or follow eccentric orbits. There are also abundant impacts by asteroids and planetesimals, which can go on for a long time. In regions of dense star formation, neighbouring stars can even affect the planets in nearby systems. “Detailed observations of planetary systems in such environments are, therefore, crucial to understanding the general formation history of the exoplanet population,” the authors explain. This artist’s illustration shows an exoplanet tidally locked to its star. The side facing the star is so hot it’s molten rock. Image Credit: NASA/Kepler Mission/Dana Berry Besides its size and proximity to Earth, why is HD 63433 d important? It comes down to exoplanet atmospheres. “Currently, one of the most important inquiries in exoplanet science is understanding in which circumstances planets keep or lose their thick primordial hydrogen/helium atmospheres and what physical processes drive this phenomenon,” the authors write. There’s a mass gap in the radius distribution of small exoplanets that scientists refer to as the small planet radius gap. For some reason, there’s a scarcity of small planets between about 1.5 and 2 times Earth’s radius. There’s no reason to think that planets don’t form at these radii, so scientists believe planets lose mass and end up smaller. A histogram of planets with given radii from a sample of 900 Kepler systems. The decreased occurrence rate between 1.5 and 2.0 Earth radii is apparent. [Fulton et al. 2017] Planetary scientists aren’t sure what drives the mass loss that creates the gap, but two primary mechanisms could be responsible. One is extreme ultraviolet photoevaporation. Young stars emit powerful UV radiation that can drive the atmosphere away from a planet into space. The other mechanism is core-powered mass loss. With this mechanism, the luminosity of the cooling planetary core provides the energy for atmospheric loss. These cores start out hot due to their assembly and formation, as the gravitational energy that binds them together is converted into heat. As the cores cool, the heat can drive away the atmosphere. These mechanisms work on different time scales, and that’s why the youthful HD 63433 d is such a compelling subject for study. Since its radius is below the radius gap, it’s likely rocky. But if mass loss takes longer than 500 million years, it could still have a thick atmosphere. “Because Earth-sized planets orbiting young, Sun-like stars have so far been difficult to detect, HD 63433 d presents a particularly compelling case study for atmospheric investigations of close-orbiting Earth-sized planets,” write the authors. This discovery is important because the planet is such a valuable target for future, more detailed observations of its atmosphere. “It would be valuable to interrogate the planet’s mass using precise radial velocities and determine whether the composition is indeed rocky, as expected based on observations of older planets,” the researchers explain. The first step is confirming that HD 63433 d is, in fact, a rocky planet. The JWST has a role to play in this, as its MIRI instrument has already been used to capture the thermal emissions of rocky exoplanets. These measurements provide a benchmark astronomers can use to compare JWST observations of HD 63433 d with other rocky planets. “Moreover, the star’s unusual brightness should provide plenty of photons to make these sensitive measurements,” the authors write. Most rocky planets, Earth included, are magma ocean planets after they initially form. Repeated impacts keep the planet’s surface molten. But some, like HD 63433 d, remain half-molten for billions of years. That may doom them to eternal lifelessness, but as this research shows, they have much to tell us. It could be the key that unlocks the mystery of the small planet radius gap. The post Half of this Exoplanet is Covered in Lava appeared first on Universe Today.
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brightstar1001 · 11 months
Garage Doors San Juan Capistr
Garage Doors Installation Pros San Juan Capistrano
Types of poster and Residential Garage Doors Garage doors assistance an important do something as they pay for permission to your home or situation and along with help guard your vehicle and supplementary valuables. The type of garage admittance you pick will have a big impact on the see and functionality of your property. In this article, we will discuss the different types of poster and residential garage doors, the factors to decide with choosing a garage door, and some frequently asked questions.
Top Grade Residential Garage Doors San Juan Capistrano
Different Types of Garage Doors There are many types of garage doors to pick from, each with its own unique style and features. Some of the most common types of garage doors tote up sectional, roll-up, slide to the side, side hinged, tilt-up canopy, and tilt-up retractable Sectional Garage Doors Sectional garage doors are made stirring of several panels that are attached to a track. The panels are lifted upwards and stored overhead with the admittance is opened. This type of admittance is ideal for homeowners who desire a admittance that is easy to do something and requires minimal maintenance. Roll-up Garage Doors Roll-up garage doors are same to sectional garage doors, but they are made of a single fragment of material that rolls stirring on a cylinder with the admittance is opened. Roll-up garage doors are ideal for those who desire a admittance that is durable and easy to maintain. Slide to the Side Garage Doors Slide to the side garage doors are same to sectional garage doors, but instead of lifting upwards, they slide to the side with the admittance is opened. This type of admittance is ideal for those who desire a admittance that is easy to do something and takes stirring minimal aerate in the garage.
Privacy Garage Doors San Juan Capistrano
Side Hinged Garage Doors Side hinged garage doors are made of two panels that are hinged on either side of the admittance frame. The panels different admittance with a standard admittance with the admittance is opened. This type of admittance is ideal for those who desire a admittance that is easy to do something and provides maximum accessibility. Tilt-Up Canopy Garage Doors Tilt-up canopy garage doors are made of a single panel that tilts upwards with the admittance is opened. This type of admittance is ideal for those who desire a admittance that is easy to do something and requires minimal maintenance. Tilt-Up Retractable Garage Doors Tilt-up retractable garage doors are same to tilt-up canopy garage doors, but they retract into the garage with the admittance is opened. This type of admittance is ideal for those who desire a admittance that is easy to do something and provides maximum accessibility. Factors to decide with Choosing a Garage Door When choosing a garage door, it's important to decide several factors to ensure that you pick a admittance that is right for you. Some of the factors to decide tote up the size of the door, the material of the door, the finish and color of the door, and the special options you desire to use. Size The main difference in the midst of poster and residential garage doors is the size. Residential garage doors are typically in the midst of seven and eight feet tall and eight to sixteen feet wide, depending on whether it's a one or two-car garage. poster garage doors, on the supplementary hand, can be double or even triple the size of residential garage doors. https://garagedoorsnewportcoast.blogspot.com/2023/10/garage-doors-san-juan-capistrano.html Garage Door Pros San Juan Capistrano https://www.tumblr.com/starlight10101/731454703080226816 https://garagedoorssanclemente974.blogspot.com/ https://garagedoorsorangeca889.blogspot.com/2023/10/garage-doors-san-clemente.html https://garagedoorssanclemente.blogspot.com/2023/10/garage-doors-san-clemente.html https://www.tumblr.com/seal-beach-carpet-clean-dt29/731363176522924032
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starlight10101 · 11 months
Garage Doors San Juan Capistr
Garage Doors Installation Pros San Juan Capistrano
Types of advertisement and Residential Garage Doors Garage doors support an important do something as they give entrance to your home or issue and with help guard your vehicle and extra valuables. The type of garage entrance you choose will have a big impact upon the see and functionality of your property. In this article, we will discuss the every other types of advertisement and residential garage doors, the factors to consider in the same way as choosing a garage door, and some frequently asked questions.
Top Grade Residential Garage Doors San Juan Capistrano
Different Types of Garage Doors There are many types of garage doors to choose from, each in the same way as its own unique style and features. Some of the most common types of garage doors augment sectional, roll-up, slide to the side, side hinged, tilt-up canopy, and tilt-up retractable Sectional Garage Doors Sectional garage doors are made happening of several panels that are attached to a track. The panels are lifted upwards and stored overhead in the same way as the entrance is opened. This type of entrance is ideal for homeowners who want a entrance that is simple to do something and requires minimal maintenance. Roll-up Garage Doors Roll-up garage doors are similar to sectional garage doors, but they are made of a single piece of material that rolls happening upon a cylinder in the same way as the entrance is opened. Roll-up garage doors are ideal for those who want a entrance that is durable and simple to maintain. Slide to the Side Garage Doors Slide to the side garage doors are similar to sectional garage doors, but on the other hand of lifting upwards, they slide to the side in the same way as the entrance is opened. This type of entrance is ideal for those who want a entrance that is simple to do something and takes happening minimal look in the garage.
Privacy Garage Doors San Juan Capistrano
Side Hinged Garage Doors Side hinged garage doors are made of two panels that are hinged upon either side of the entrance frame. The panels every other entrance in the same way as a traditional entrance in the same way as the entrance is opened. This type of entrance is ideal for those who want a entrance that is simple to do something and provides maximum accessibility. Tilt-Up Canopy Garage Doors Tilt-up canopy garage doors are made of a single panel that tilts upwards in the same way as the entrance is opened. This type of entrance is ideal for those who want a entrance that is simple to do something and requires minimal maintenance. Tilt-Up Retractable Garage Doors Tilt-up retractable garage doors are similar to tilt-up canopy garage doors, but they retract into the garage in the same way as the entrance is opened. This type of entrance is ideal for those who want a entrance that is simple to do something and provides maximum accessibility. Factors to consider in the same way as Choosing a Garage Door When choosing a garage door, it's important to consider several factors to ensure that you choose a entrance that is right for you. Some of the factors to consider augment the size of the door, the material of the door, the finish and color of the door, and the special options you want to use. Size The main difference between advertisement and residential garage doors is the size. Residential garage doors are typically between seven and eight feet tall and eight to sixteen feet wide, depending upon whether it's a one or two-car garage. advertisement garage doors, upon the extra hand, can be double or even triple the size of residential garage doors. https://garagedoorssanjuancapistrano.blogspot.com/2023/10/garage-doors-san-juan-capistrano.html Garage Doors San Juan Capistrano https://garagedoorssanclemente.blogspot.com/ https://garagedoorssanclemente.blogspot.com/2023/10/garage-doors-san-clemente.html https://holistichealingwestpalmbeachfl.blogspot.com/ https://automotiverepairshopvistaca647.blogspot.com/2023/10/holistic-healing-west-palm-beach-fl.html https://termitetreatmentcostoceanside.blogspot.com/
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healthmedsblog · 2 years
Discover great information on Interstitial Lung Disease and services for the many conditions at Paloma Medical Group. Call 949-443-4303 or use our convenient Request an Appointment form. We serve in San Clemente, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and San Juan Capistrano, California.
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thanidiel · 5 years
Prompt Five: “Vault”
Mr. Capistrant and his Foundation-bred mistress were out on the viewing deck. 
They’d be there for a while: brunch was being hosted there today for the guests. She and E’leyna had been mocking the menu descriptions earlier during the morning’s prep, when they were practicing the recitation by memory: First course, goat’s cheese mixed with cinnamon and cranberries atop a green salad and drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette. Second course, croque provencal on country bread and koshu ham with bechamel. Third course, yuzu curd topped with mint-chocolate cream.
So there was that to steal a good two bells, especially with the alcohol being served with the leftover yuzu juice. Then, the guests were likely to take advantage of the good weather to be above-deck for a good half-bell, at least. 
Which was great - excessive, even. Really, all she needed was ten minutes, tops.
Her master-key popped that lock right open.
And she stepped into the vault.
The suite was messy; messier than what she saw when they had requested a bottle of dessert wine last evening. The sheets were close to being pulled off, the comforter hazardously pushed off to the side of the bed. Their suitcases, and the drawers of the dresser, all spilled out hazardously. A chair was pulled close to the bed, two coats strewn over it.
She took in a breath, counting herself lucky for the ship’s filtration system, and took a ‘snapshot’ of the room.
Nothing could look out of place yet.
She needed Capistrant and Amelie to ‘live’ here more, shift around more of their luggage, make their marks, misplace their things. Tomorrow, she’d swing back with fresh amenities and a truffle box, she thought. No mischief; a cheery, nice, sort of interaction they’d be hard pressed to think beyond if they realised their losses in time. 
She knew there was probably at least one hidden cache here. Between the mattresses or squeezed behind the dresser or in the nook behind the ceramic base of the bathroom sink. The poor woman seemed the sort to squirrel away new, precious, things; as if she couldn’t believe she actually had them in her possession. Touching that was too obvious. Xiaohu would have to wait and see if the girl’s trip of a lifetime with Capistrant dulled her memory, or ‘make the bed’ the noon before they dock and then let something slip that would make the nobleman rush their packing later. 
It was the Elezen’s goods that she’d be swinging for. Those everyday jewels and bits that he failed to notice nowadays in their regularity, that scattered all through the room. Like the round sapphire ring she saw on the end-table amongst a dozen other adornments. That one would be the unmissed piece. She knew that because it was his least favourite - he had only worn it once compared to the square-cut sapphire or his collection of spinels and pearls.
So she pocketed that particular one. Then delicately restored all of the other rings and bracelets that had rolled away just slightly from the brush of her fingers. After that, she picked through the clothing, and placed it all back meticulously into its original mess down to the hazardous folds once she found both of the loose diamond cuff links that had pulled out of the shirt he had evidently strewn off of himself yesterday, and fell into the crevices of his luggage. 
Little treasures for the vault-hunter.
@jessipalooza @rn-rp @stormandozone @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
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nevernoneart · 1 year
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“Vertebrate” is the next in my series of hooded ladies. Just in case you’ve ever wondered what a hoodie made of bones might be like…
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netmassimo · 8 months
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista "The Astronomical Journal" riporta la conferma dell'esistenza dell'esopianeta HD 63433d, un pianeta roccioso con dimensioni vicine a quelle della della Terra che orbita attorno a una stella molto simile al Sole in un sistema già conosciuto. Un team di ricercatori guidato da Melinda Soares-Furtado dell'Università del Wisconsin-Madison e Benjamin Capistrant, ora studente all'Università della Florida, ha usato dati raccolti dal telescopio spaziale TESS della NASA per identificare HD 63433d all'interno dell'indagine THYME (TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets). La sua notevole vicinanza alla sua stella lo rende probabilmente un cosiddetto pianeta di lava dato che sul lato diurno la temperatura sulla superficie è stimata a oltre 1.500° Kelvin.
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ericfruits · 7 years
One Email An Insufficient Response
The Minnesota Supreme Court has disbarred an attorney for misappropriation and failure to cooperate
Capistrant was admitted to practice law in Minnesota in 1987. We indefinitely suspended him in 2015, with no right to petition for reinstatement for 6 months, for refusing to promptly return a client file, not informing a client that his Wisconsin law license had been suspended, neglecting two lawsuits in Wisconsin, and failing to cooperate with the disciplinary investigation. In re Capistrant, 863 N.W.2d 398, 398 (Minn. 2015) (order). Capistrant has not petitioned for reinstatement and therefore remains suspended.
Capistrant’s misconduct in this case, which largely predates his 2015 suspension, relates to a single client. The client sought legal services from Capistrant to handle his son’s probate action and revise a trust that named his deceased son as a beneficiary. Capistrant met with the client only twice. At their second meeting, Capistrant presented the client with an invoice in the amount of $2,643. The invoice itemized $547 as "advances" for future filing fees and related costs for the probate action. The client paid the invoice in full.
Shortly thereafter, Capistrant abandoned the client’s case altogether. He never deposited the $547 into trust, stopped communicating with the client, and did not file the probate action. Months later, the client finally received his file back from Capistrant. Although Capistrant had agreed to refund the $547, he never did so. The client subsequently filed his son’s probate action on his own, proceeding pro se, and again incurred the filing fees that he had previously paid to Capistrant.
In late 2015, the Director sent three notices of investigation to Capistrant, none of which he answered. In 2017, the Director personally served Capistrant with a petition for disciplinary action alleging: (1) misappropriation of client funds; (2) client neglect, including failure to communicate with the client and to diligently pursue the client’s case; and (3) noncooperation with the Director’s investigation. Because Capistrant did not answer the petition, we deemed the allegations admitted under Rule 13(b), Rules on Lawyers Professional Responsibility (RLPR). In re Capistrant, A17-0429, Order at 1–2 (Minn. filed June 28, 2017).
Aside from one e-mail exchange with the Director suggesting that he was entitled to "mitigation," which Capistrant sent nearly 16 months after the Director first attempted to contact him, Capistrant has otherwise failed to cooperate with the disciplinary process. He has not filed any document in this proceeding, nor did he appear at oral argument
The court found no mitigating factors. (Mike Frisch)
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Andrew O'Keefe's most controversial moments | Andrew O Keefe
High-profile host, Andrew O'Keefe announces he's leaving Weekend Sunrise, after 12 years, to focus on his family. The stage was set for Granite City junior Andrew O'Keefe to win a sectional championship on his home course of Wilson Park. Andrew O'Keefe, Granite City, 14:56; 8. He will continue to host of Seven's quiz show The Chase Australia, and focus on other projects with the network.
Zempilas filled in for O'Keefe on Weekend Sunrise in June. Granite City junior Andrew O'Keefe, who won eight races this season, finished 100th with a 15:28 in the Class 3A boys race. A fraction of a second was all that separated O'Fallon Township's Lucas Capistrant from a sectional championship and the all-time cross country course record at Wislon Park in Granite City on Saturday.Another shake-up of breakfast television has just been announced with long-time Weekend Sunrise host Andrew O'Keefe announcing he's leaving the show after 12 years. It's the topic that just won't go away and on today's episode of Sunrise, the show's hosts debated over whether older people should lose their licences.
The Chase Australia's Andrew O'Keefe works up a sweat at Bondi Beach performing a series of sit-ups before appearing to take a tumble. The Channel Seven host made the announcement on Friday.Andrew O'Keefe made the shock announcement on Friday that he's leaving Weekend Sunrise after 12 years. On Friday he revealed was leaving Weekend Sunrise after twelve years in order to spend his precious Saturdays and Sundays with his young children. He was previously tipped as a potential replacement for Koch on weekday Sunrise, but executive producer Michael Pell shot down those rumours last month. The Weekend Sunrise team farewelled Andrew O'Keefe this morning after 12 years behind the news desk. In a season when traditional state powers O'Fallon and Edwardsville have relied more on team depth than individuals, Granite City junior Andrew O'Keefe has established himself as a dominant cross country runner in Southern Illinois. Every year the event has grown, and last year the Canadian co-founder of White Ribbon Day, Dr Michael Kaufman, joined 3000 men, women and children to march from Gillies St to Parry Park.
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healthmedsblog · 2 years
Discover great information on Interstitial Lung Disease and services for the many conditions at Paloma Medical Group. Call 949-443-4303 or use our convenient Request an Appointment form. We serve in San Clemente, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and San Juan Capistrano, California.
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Why Does It Hurt? The Fascial Distortion Model by Todd A Capistrant, DO, MHA 
Beaver’s Pond Press, 2015
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acerousacoria · 8 years
(( Note to self of words to use in new trolltags (from here); incomplete and very long because there’s a lot of words and Ctrl+F didn’t really help so I’m going through them all one by one
A - abditive (hidden/secret), abnegate (to renounce/repudiate), absinthial (bitter), acerous/akeratophorous (without horns), achroous (colorless), acoria (great hunger), aesopian (comprehensible only by members of a movement), aeviternal/aeviternity (endless/eternal existence), affrayer (attacker), affreux (scary), ageusia (inability to taste), agersia (unaging), agonistic (aggressive), allotriophagy (craving strange foods), anabiosis (return to life), anchorite, antiblastic (providing immunity), apterygial (finless), arrhizal (lacking roots), arrosive (gnawing), autarkic (independent)
B - bagarre (brawl), barratry (inciting violence), billingsgate (coarse language), brach/brachet (female hound / brat), brachycerous (w/ clipped horns), brachyology/breviloquence (abbreviated speech)
C - cachaemic (has poisoned blood), calver (to eat live fish), calvous (bald), canophilia (love of dogs), capistrate (hooded), carnassial / creatophagous / creophagous (flesh-eating), catarolysis (cursing to let off steam), cataplexy (feigning death), chlamydate/cucullate (hooded), cittosis (desire for strange foods). contumacious (stubborn/anti-authority), cryptadia (hidden things), cynegetic (hunting-related)
D - dacnomania (obsession with killing), dapifer (one who brings meat to the table), decalvant/depilatory (removing hair), dentigerous (bearing teeth), depascent (eating), diprionidian (serrated), diutiurnal (long-lasting), dolioform (barrel shaped), donnybrook (brawl)
E - ecdemomania (compulsive wandering), eclipsis (omission of words in speech), edacious (voracious), embonpoint (plump), epilate (to remove hair), esculent (edible), esurient (hungry)
F - 
G - gauntlet, gestatorial (pertaining to carrying), gnathal (pertaining to the jaws), gomphosis (excessive tooth growth), grobianism (boorishness)
T - tachygraphy (shorthand), talionic (retributive), temporicide (killing time), thyestean (cannibalistic), titanism (defiance of social norms), toxicophagous (eating poison), trachyphonia (roughness of voice), tramontane (uncivilized), tranation (swimming across)
A - abirritate (to habituate), aboideau (tide gate), abyssopelagic (ocean depths), acersecomic (someone who’s never had a haircut), agathism (belief that things proceed towards an ultimate good), alamode/ardass (silk), alembicated (over-refined), amaranth (unfading flower), apotropaic (designed to turn away evil), aulic (courtly),
B - bahadur (self-important official), baisemain (kiss on hand), baldachin (silk and gold fabric), barege/barracan/bombycine (silk), bienséance (proper thing), brilliantine (hair oil)
C - camaca/cendal/charmeuse (silk), caritative (generous), cervicorn (antler-like), cladose (branching), coralliferous (bearing coral)
D - dapatical (costly, sumptuous), dation (act of donating), deipnosophy (learned conversation), demesne (feudal manor), deontic (relating to duty), devoir (duty), didact, dispendious (expensive)
E - eirenarch (keeper of the peace), ennomic (lawful), éolienne (silk)
F - 
G - gazar/georgette/grenadine (silk), gracility (slenderness)
T - tabaret (silk), tabinet (silk), taffeta, talar (ankle-length robe), thalassiarchy (sovereignty of the seas), thalassophilous (loves the sea), thesmothete (law-giver), togated, tournure (poise), tulle
A - abrosia (fasting), achaenocarp (type of fruit), adelaster (plant with unknown flowers), adscript (bound to the earth), adynamia (helplessness), agrology (study agricultural soil), agrostology (study of grasses), alkanet (red plant-based dye), ambsace (bad luck), amyous (lacking muscle), anguiform/anguine (snake-y), apositia (dislike of food), asitia (lack of appetite), assibilate (speak w/ a hiss)
B - bistre (brown pigment), brunneous (brown), burnet/burrel (brown cloth)
C - carpogenous (fruit eating), castory/castaneous (brown), colubriform / colubrine / crotaline (snakelike)
D - doloriferous (bearing grief/pain), dormition (sleeping/death)
E - egestuous (desperately poor), elapid (cobra-like), emarcid (wilted), epitonic (overstrained)
F - 
G - gymnophobia (fear of nudity)
T - tabefaction (wasting away), tabescent (wasting/shriveling), tabific (consumptive), tatterdemalion, taupe (brownish-grey), tenne (orange-brown), thalassophobia (fear of the sea), torpid (lethargic)
A - acanaceous (prickly), actinism (radiation causing chemical change), aeneous (bronze color), agrypnia (insomnia), almagest (astronomy textbook), arreptitious (hurried), astrionics (spaceflight electronics), 
C - celidography (marks on a planet/sun), chevelure (comet tail), citigrade (fast), cosmosophy, cosmotellurian (like heaven and earth)
D - diddicoy (tinkerer, scrap-dealer)
G - gerascophobia (fear of growing old)
T - tanquam (person fit for education)
A - absquatulate (to flee), acatamathesia (inability to understand), accollé (collared), agacerie (allurement), ahimsa (non-violence), ambulophobia, aneabil (unmarried), anuptaphobia (fear of being single), apodysophilia (feverish desire to undress)
B - basial/basiation (kissing), blarney/blandiloquence/blandish, byssine/byssoid (soft)
C - cabriole (exuberant dance), cadge (to beg), caesious (teal), callipygous (has a nice butt), callisteia (awards for beauty), carcanet (collar), chirapsia (massage), cisvestism (wearing weird clothes), claque (sycophants)
D - deosculate (to kiss), discalced (barefoot), douceur (gentlessness / a bribe), dulciloquent (speaking sweetly)
E - effleurage (stroking), eleemosynary (dependent on charity), emollient (softening), epigamic (attractive), epithymetic (pertaining to desire)
F - 
G - galeanthropy (belief that you’re a cat), gawdelpus (helpless person), gremial (intimate; on lap)
T - tentiginous (lust-provoking), thalposis (feeling of warmth), torquated (collared), trangam (showy, worthless thing), twee
A - accourt (to entertain), accubation (reclining), ackamarackus (nonsense), aestheticism, ailurophilia (love of cats), alcatote (silly elf), amphibology (dual meaning), amphigory (nonsense), apistia (faithlessness), apolaustic (seeking pleasure)
B - bacchanal (reveler), bambosh (deceptive nonsense), bedswerver (unfaithful spouse)
C - cagamosis (unhappy marriage), cardiognost (one who understands the heart), cautelous (cunning), chicanery, chouse (to cheat), clinophilia (love of beds), cocker (to pamper), covinous (fraudulent), cozen (to coax/deceive), cubation/cumbent (reclining), cyrenaic (philosophy of pleasure-seeking)
D - decumbent (lying down), desipient (playing the fool), diablerie (magic, mischief), dittology (double meaning), dizen (to dress gaudily)
G - gleek (a trick), glozing (flattery)
T - tergiversation (lying), tosh, tregetour (trickster), trumpery (trickery), twaddle
A - accessit (second place / honorable mention), agapeistic (loving selflessly), almandine (violet gem), altiloquence (pompous speech), amoret (love sonnet), appui (to support militarily)
B - bavian (unskilled poet)
C - caesura (breathing space in poetry), camaïeu (boring writing), cancellarial, cheville (unnecessary word in poetry), cimier (token of courtly love)
D - digladiate (to sword-fight)
E - encomiast (praiser), epinikion (ode to a winner), epithalamion (wedding song)
T - tabellary (auditor), threnody (dirge)
Cavmar (I guess Cavmar probably wouldn’t change his tag since he’s dead, but ...): 
A - aceldama (scene of violence), acinaciform (scrimitar-shaped), acratia (impotence), acyrology (incorrect pronunciation), agrize (to horrify/disfigure), algetic (creating pain), allision (intentional collision of ships)
B - bilge, blague (pretentious nonsense), bodach (churl/goblin), braguette (codpiece), bumptious (conceited)
C - cacoepy/cacology (bad pronunciation), caitiff (cowardly), capreolate (tentacle-like), carrack (galleon), chrematistic (about pursuit of wealth), cnidarian, conferva (algae)
D - dapocaginous (heartless), dispiteous/dolose (malicious), dolorific (causing sorrow), dontopedalogy (foot in mouth)
E - egoism
F - 
G - gilderoy (proud person), gulpin (simpleton), gulosity (greed)
T - tanacles (instruments of torture), terrisonant (sounding bad), tumid (bombastic)
That goldblood I kind of want to someday introduce who doesn’t have a name or design (I decided to name her after one of these words so now she’s) Aislin: 
A - abacinate (to blind), ablepsia/anopsia (blindness), akinesia (inability to move), algedonics (science of pleasure/pain), analgia (inability to feel pain), antalgic (relieving pain), antephialtic (preventing nightmares), antimnemonic (eliminating memories), aponia (painlessness)
B - bufotenine (hallucinogen)
C - calipace (turtle shell), cecutiency (tendency to blindness), chelonian (turtle-like), chrysopoetics (transmutation into gold), cimelia/cimeliarch (stored treasures), coenaesthesis (sensation)
D - dégagé (untroubled, at rest), demiurge (creative spirit), dreamery (place of dreams)
E - ecmnesia (loss of memory of a specific period), eidetic (vivid mental image), eidolon (apparition), eirenism (peaceful state of mind), emys (freshwater turtle), engram (lasting effect on memory), esemplasy (unifying power of imagination), eupathy (contentment)
T - testudinal (tortoise-like)
A - absolutory (forgiving), aby (to atone), acutiator (sharpens weapons), agathodaimon (good conscience), agnize (to confess)
C - cathexis (investment of emotional energy), chrysology (study of precious metals), cybernate (computer control)
D - doctiloquent (speaking learnedly)
E - elocation (removed from someone’s control), encephaloid (brain-like), ephectic (reserving judgment), exeat (leave of absence), expiate (to make amends), expiscate (to discover by examination), exstrophy (turning an organ inside out)
F -
G - gallionic (uncaring), gradgrind (one who manages with statistics)
T - tatonnement (experimentation), technocracy, tentamen/tentation (experiment)
A - alieniloquy (off-topic speech), armipotent
B - bavardage (prattle), brabble (to quarrel)
C - criant (garish)
D - dicacity (banter)
E - eft (a newt), effutiation (humbug), élan
F - 
G - gamin/gaminesque (precocious imp, boyish), gelastic/gelogenic (provoking laughter)
A - accentor (song bird), accoy (to pacify), adjutor (assistant), auceps/austringer (bird tender), avicular (bird-like)
B - boanerges (orator), bulbul (songbird)
C - caduceator (messenger), caliology (study of bird’s nests), columbaceous/columbine (dove-like), conure, culver (dove), cymotrichous (wavy-haired)
E - eirenicon (peaceful message), elchee (ambassador)
G - gregatim (in flocks)
T - tectrix (small feather)
Good-end empress: 
A - accismus (false refusal), acierate (to turn into steel), acracy (anarchy), acolouthic (after-sensation), adhocracy (unstructured government), adventitious (accidental), afterclap (unexpected effect), agist (charge with public burden), amaranthine (undying), anatreptic (overcoming), anemocracy (government by whim), anomic/anomie (lacking social norms), antibasilican (anti-monarchic), antonomasia (use of epithet instead of name), aristarchy (government by the best), astringe (binding obligation)
B - barbarocracy (gov’t by barbarians), bestiocracy (rule of beasts)
C - catholicon (cure-all), cementatory (binding), chirocracy (gov’t by force), ciplinarian (anarchist), cleronomy (inheritance), cosmarchy (devil’s rule over the world), curule (high authority)
D - debel/debellate (to conquer in battle), deicide
E - eclat (to make notorious), eleutherian (freedom-giving), émeute (uprising), enantiodromia (replacement by opposite), epinician (celebrating triumph)
F -
G - giganticide, gramercy (expression of gratitude/surprise)
T - tyrannicide
A - abessive (absence/lack), aboulia (indecision), absterge (to clean/purify), acatalepsy (unknowableness), accidie (sloth), acciaccatura (short note before long one), acedia (sloth, listlessness) acescence (souring), acharné (furious/desperate), aculeate (prickly), adespota (anonymous works), adevism (denial of gods), adiaphoron (belief something’s indifferent about), adnomination (punning), adonise (to adorn), adumbrate (to foreshadow), adust (scorched), aeolistic (long-winded), afferent (bearing), agelast (never laughs), agnosy (ignorance), agowilt (fear), aigrette (plume/jewel spray), aischrolatry (worship of filth), aleatoric (depending on chance), alethiology (study of truth), alible (nourishing), aliicide (murder), allemande (courtly dance), almoner (alms-giver/social worker), alterity (being different), altitonant (thundering loudly), amadelphous (outgoing), amerce (to deprive/to punish), amicicide (murder of a friend), anaerectic (destructive), anencephalic (brainless), anfractuous (winding/intricate), anglice (in plain English), animadvert (to criticize), anisothenic (being of unequal strength), annomination (pun), anoesis (not-understood sensation), antiloquy (contradiction), antiperistasis (resistance), antithalian (anti-fun), antipudic (concealing private body parts), appetence (craving), arefy (to wither), aristarch (severe critic), armigerous (entitled to bear arms), armisonant (loud with battle noises), asperse (disparage), aspidate (shield-shaped), assurgent (rising), ataraxia (tranquility), athanasy (deathlessness), athymia (melancholy), atimy (disgrace)
B - badinage (banter), badious (chestnut-colored), barathrum (an abyss / someone insatiable), barnard (decoy), baryphonic (having difficulty speaking), bathysmal (in ocean depths), battue (indiscriminate slaughter), beldam,  bellecism (inclination to violence), belliferous (bringing war), bellipotent (militarily powerful), bellwether (leader), benefic (benign), benthic/benthos, berceuse (lullaby), bethel (seamen’s chapel), bewray (to divulge), bindle (blanket roll), bismer (shame), bletherskate (speaker of nonsense), boeotian (stupid), borborology (filthy talk), borné (narrow-minded), bourasque (tempest), boutade (sudden outburst), breedbate (someone seeking argument), breme (fierce), brimborion (nonsense/trash), brobdingnagian (big), bugaboo/bushwa (nonsense), bulimy (great hunger), bullyrag (to badger)
C - cacaesthesia (morbid sensation), cachexic (physically/mentally unhealthy), cacodoxy (wrong opinion), cacoethes (bad habit), cacogen (antisocial person), cacotopia (state of maximum bad), cafard (depression), calefacient (warming), callant (boy), calumniate (to slander), camarilla (king’s associates), camisade (night attack), camorra (traitors), camsteary (unruly), canaille (riffraff), captious (peevish), captation (seeking recognition), carnaptious (bad-tempered), carriwitchet (pun), casuistry (flawed moral reasoning), catachthonian (underground), cauponate (questionable trade), causerie (gossip), celation (concealment), celsitude (loftiness), cerberic (vigilant), charientism (euphemism), chevisance (gain), chrestomathic (useful knowledge), clinamen (prejudice), colluctation (strife), colytic (restraining), comity (civility), commination (threatening), concetto (witticism), concinnity (elegance/harmony), conspurcation (defilement), corybantic (excited/frenzied), cothurnal (tragic), crepehanger (pessimist), crescive (growing), croceate (saffron), cullion (rascal), cunctation (delay), curvet (frisk), cynosure (object of interest)
D - daedal (displaying inventive skill), damoiseau (male version of “damsel”), darraign (to vindicate), debarrass (to disentangle), declassé (below one’s class), decollate (to behead, to disorganize), decuman (large), decurtate (to shorten or abbreviate), dedition (surrender), deflexure (deviation), dégringolade (downfall), dehort (to dissuade), delenda (things to be destroyed), deliration (madness), delirifacient (causing madness), delphically (enigmatically), demersal (living underwater), deodate (gift from god), depaysé (out of one’s element), desiderium (longing), diacope (deep wound/incision), diamanté (glittering), diallelus (circular argument), diogenic (cynical), dirigent (guiding), disembogue (to throw into the sea), disimmure (to liberate), disorbed (deprived of authority), dissentient (dissenter), dithyrambic (passionate, frenzied), dodoism (stupid remark), dominicide (killing one’s master), doomster, donnism (self-importance), doxastic (of opinion), draffish (worthless), ducdame (meaningless refrain), duncical (stupid), dysaesthesia (loss of sensation), dysania (struggling to wake up), dysbulia (loss of wllpower)
E - ebullition (agitation, boiling over), ecbatic (indicates results without intention), egency (need), emberlucock/embrangle (to confuse), emicate (to sparkle), encraty (self-control), endarchy (centralized government), enervate, enosis (union), entelechy (perfect realization of ultimate goal), epicureanism, epideictic (done for show), epigon (successor), epinosic (unhealthy). equiparate (to treat as an equal), eremite (hermit), erethism (irritability), ergasia (workaholism), eristic (pertaining to argument), esclandre (unpleasantness), espiègle (mischievous), essoin (giving an excuse to not appear in court), eucrasy (fitness/physical well-being), eunoia (mental health), eunomia (being well-governed), euphuism (affected writing style), eupraxia (correct/orthodox action), eutrapely (wit/urbanity), exaugurate (to desanctify), excarnate (to remove flesh), exheredate (to disinherit), expatiate (to wander, to write about in detail)
F -
G - galbanum/galimatias (nonsense), galère (group of undesirables, unpleasant situation), gasconade (to boast), gaucherie (awkward remark), gaudiloquent (speaking joyfully), gaumless (stupid), gement (lamenting), genarch (head of family), genetrix (mother/female ancestor), geratology (study of decadence nad decay), gerent (ruler, manager), grandeval (ancient), grinagog (one who constantly grins), gripulous (greedy), grith (sanctuary), grithbreach (breach of the peace), groundling (commoner), growlery (retreat for when angry), guignol (something intended to horrify), gunarchy/gynaecocracy/gynarchy/gynocracy (government by women)
T - tacenda (secrets), tacent (silent), taction (touch), tahr (wild goat), takin (goatlike animal), tallage (feudal tax), tapinosis (degrading speech), taradiddle (nonsense), tarassis (manly hysteria), tardiloquent (speaking slowly), tardigrade (slow-paced), tarpan (small wild horse), tarriance (procrastination), taws (whip), taciturn, teen (grief), tegminal (protecting), telegnosis (clairvoyance), teleonomy (governance by purpose), telos (purpose), temenos (sacred place), temerarious (daring), temperative (calming), temporaneous (short-lived), tenebrose (gloomy), tendentious (meant to advance a cause), tenue (bearing, manner), teramorphous/teratoid (monstruous), teratism (monster), terraqueous (amphibious), thanatoid (deadly), thelematic (of free will, voluntary), thelemic (allowing people to do as they please), theomastix (god-send punishment), thereoid (bestial), thersitical (violent in speech), theriodic (malignant), thiasus (worshippers), thole (to endure), thrasonic (boastful), threnetic/threnodic (mournful), tigerism (swagger), timbrous (sonorous), tiro (novice), tonish (fashionable), toplofty (haughty), topophobia (stage fright), tortious (doing wrong), torvity (grimness), traditive (traditional), traduce (to slander), tralineate (to deviate), transpontine (melodramatic), tristiloquy/tristisonous (mournfu), troglodytic (cave-dwelling), trucidation (slaughter), tufthunter (toady)
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epchapman89 · 8 years
Going Somewhere Solo: Esther Shaw of Coptic Light Coffee
Welcome back to a new feature series on Sprudge, Going Somewhere Solo, in which we profile the people behind the new wave of so-called “nano-roasters”, the tiniest of new coffee concerns pushing quality and entrepreneurship in a big way. These are seasoned coffee pros who’ve struck out on their own (often in unexpected places) to launch roasting enterprises outside of the traditional coffee shop format, instead growing their businesses within collaborative spaces, home offices, garages, and of course, online. Know of a gutsy coffee startup? Email us!
This week’s spotlight is on Esther Shaw, a longtime Chicago-based coffee professional who recently relocated to Astoria, Oregon to pursue a roasting dream.
Hi! Tell us what your roasting business is called and where you’re located.
Coptic Light, located in Astoria, Oregon.
What equipment are you currently roasting on?
A seven-kilo Diedrich for production roasting, and a Quest M3 for sample roasting
Who else is involved in the business right now?
David D’Andrea of Samaritan Press designs all of our beautiful packaging. He creates all of the art for our company and presses each box himself on this amazing 100-year-old letterpress machine. JR Robinson is an essential creative force who plays a major role in generating the aesthetic of our company and is in production and sales. And I am in charge of anything coffee-related—logistics, roasting, green coffee buying, etc. We each bring something different to the table and collaborate wonderfully together—I love working with JR and David!
What’s your background in the coffee industry?
My first coffee job ever was as a Quality Control lab assistant at Intelligentsia Coffee in Chicago—my dream job for starting out in coffee. From there, my position expanded fairly quickly. I started managing the lab, building QC data systems, coordinating green coffee inventory, and contributing to coffee buying decisions. After that, I was offered a very appealing position working with the amazing Dark Matter Coffee crew, heading up and building their quality control systems. They were always hugely supportive of my decisions yet always challenged me to view coffee and quality from a different perspective. Then, I did a short stint over at Quasar Coffee as well which was such an immense learning experience.
And drawing from all those valuable experiences, I am now able to run Coptic Light alongside David and JR. I also have a few side projects. I began working with cooperatives in Pu’er, Yunnan, China a few years ago and actually imported my first partial container last year. I also work as an SCA specialized instructor teaching cupping and roasting classes with a focus on China and Taiwan and help translate curriculum and testing materials from English to Chinese for the SCA.
How are you currently sourcing your coffees? What do you look for?
Being a new business, I knew we would be moving through a smaller quantity of coffee at a slower pace. I focused on sourcing delicious coffees which would be super sturdy and cup well over time. So I started off safe, solely sourcing washed Ethiopian coffees and then gradually some natural Ethiopian coffees. I get them through my friend Sean Capistrant over at Trabocca who is wonderful to work with.
However, as mentioned earlier, I have another passion which is working with coffee cooperatives in Pu’er to elevate specialty coffee standards. It was a personal venture I started exploring a few years ago. Last year, I started making a conscious effort to connect specialty coffee roasters to quality coffee from Pu’er. I was actually successful enough in 2016 to import my first partial container. I chose to purchase one of their experimental coffees in order to closely track its quality from start to finish, seeing it all the way through. This will be the next new offering on the Coptic Light menu.
What—or who—inspired you to go out on your own with roasting? Is there a coffee (or other) company you admire and would love to grow up to be like
I was at a point where I needed a bit of solitude in my life and was also realizing that life is fleeting. I felt an urgency to make a huge change in order to pursue all of my dreams and passions. So I chose to move away from my lovely friends and life in Chicago to the small town of Astoria, Oregon. And with that came Coptic Light, which represents this inspiration of starting something new, beautiful, and independent.
Other companies I currently admire or would like to grow up to be like—I have a lot of respect for what Steve Mierisch has done at Pulley Collective. He pursued a concept fairly outside of the box and the resulting collaborative model is so exciting to be around every time I visit them over in Brooklyn. I also really admire coffee roaster guru Chris Schooley and his company Troubador Maltings. He is one of the most giving, intelligent coffee people I know. He works hard, creates wonderful quality products, and naturally draws people to want to be around him.
What kind of risks have you taken in striking out on your own to launch an independent roasting business? Did you make any unusual decisions?
Nothing really out of the ordinary. I knew that starting off it would be difficult to distinguish ourselves from other coffee roasting businesses. I knew it would take time to gain some recognition and grow, so I would need to be patient and smart with the money I had saved up to start this business. I wanted to keep true to a few principles—simplicity, quality, and beauty. I aimed to keep the logistics and initial investment simple. I didn’t want to purchase a roaster and rent out a store space right off the bat, so instead we rent roasting time from a local roaster and focus on alternative outlets for sales. By simplifying the logistics, we are able to focus our time and money towards the important stuff, towards pursuing high quality coffee and beautiful packaging. The simplicity allowed us more freedom to execute things the way we wanted to do them.
How are you reaching customers without a retail cafe? Do you plan to have one someday? Where can people buy your coffee?
David D’Andrea has a huge following as a talented artist and printmaker. JR Robinson is a wonderfully talented musician with a following of his own as the leader of the band Wrekmeister Harmonies. And me–I know some people I guess! We just reach out to the following we currently have via social media by posting photos of our lives, our work and our beautiful product. We sell our coffee on our website copticlight.org, at a few cafes, grocery stores, and interestingly most of our sales happen when we are on tour with Wrekmeister, which I also play in, at the merch table. It’s actually my most favorite place to sell. People love seeing our coffee being sold as merch, and it naturally leads to many questions and conversation. I also love seeing when the music world and coffee world collide and chatting with people who are passionate about both.
Yes, we would love to have a retail café someday—it’s the dream. I have a plan for that maybe a few years down the road after we get our current online retail sales and wholesale accounts more steady.
It strikes us as a measurement of where the specialty industry is now that many small roasters are now cropping up across the landscape without a physical location to hang a shingle on. How will you stand out from others competing for shelf space in the world’s decreasing multi-roaster cafes?
Haha, I don’t know! I just know I love doing what we do. I love putting out delicious coffees in beautiful packaging and scheming with David and JR about the possibility of future Coptic Light events and pop-up shops. I am happy to keep this company at a small scale but would be happy if it does grow—like I said before the simplicity of our business model allows for this freedom.
Lastly, how would you describe your vibe in general? Is there a kind of music you like to listen to when you roast, do you wear lucky shoes, etc.?
Check out the song Coptic Light by Morton Feldman—it is actually what we named our company after and definitely representative of our general vibe. The piece is classical yet experimental. It is quiet and soothing, a bit noisy, mystical and beautiful.
Thanks, Esther!
Find Coptic Light coffees through their website at copticlight.org, follow them on Instagram, and like them on Facebook.
Liz Clayton is the associate editor at Sprudge Media Network. Read more Liz Clayton on Sprudge.
The post Going Somewhere Solo: Esther Shaw of Coptic Light Coffee appeared first on Sprudge.
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