#capital QT
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i just discar’ded a cumtown thirstpost. y’uo’re welcome
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girllblogging777 · 1 month
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↳ soft!mattheo because he’s just the best
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✩ he has a diary full of sketches, poems, random quotes and all of his thoughts. it’s messy but somehow beautifully artistic just like him
✩ he is good at everything he tries and by that i truly mean everything. play guitar ? he taught himself. drawing ? he never took any classes but still manages to be talented. however, he doesn’t brag and prefers to keep his talents to himself
✩ i lied when i said he’s good at everything. he sucks at board games (sorry not sorry.) try playing monopoly with him and he’ll just send the game flying and shout about how “capitalism sucks anyway”
✩ i don’t know who started the adhd and bipolar headcannon but it makes SO MUCH sense. sometimes he forgets to take his meds and ends up having enough pent up energy and rage for the whole slytherin house
✩ he hates reading. unlike his friends who do, he can’t concentrate for more than a couple of minutes because of his adhd and reading is probably his biggest nightmare.
✩ speaking of nightmares, he has those often. this man hasn’t had a proper night of sleep in years because of insomnia and memories of the past haunting him in his sleep. that’s why you’re most likely to find him at the astronomy tower in the middle of the night.
✩ the biggest marvel fan you’ll ever meet. he’s obsessed with spiderman and could talk about the mcu for hours, it’s cute to see him so excited about something.
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a/n : just some of my late night thoughts ! i’m also thinking about making some of these but about dating him, tell me if you’d be interested <3
likes, comments and reblogs would be appreciated !
@iris-qt @helendeath @fluffycookies22 @reys-letters @fbvreadingblog @yikesitslush @222lolamunson @jolly4holly @redeemingvillains @pizzaapeteer @mattheosdior @shiftingwithmars @tateshifts @icantkeepmyplantsalive @bellatrix-lestrange5 @justscrollinthrough @dexoq @elsie-bells @deadghosy @sp7-mr @myunperfektstorys
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khepiari · 2 months
Why are so many creative people using AI?
So, a few days back, I ran into multiple people having a meltdown on Twitter about a seasoned and reputed artist who had been using AI tools and experimenting with them to create new works. Most of these people were hurt because this artist person is an icon and has impacted many young people.
The most common QTs that I read had more or less the same dilemma framed as a question, which when paraphrased boils down to: It’s hard to understand why amazing artists are turning to using AI?
The answer that many are seeking isn't that hard to find: IT IS CAPITALISM.
Isn’t it simple: the physical and mental labour behind an original work does not yield the money these talented and hard-working artists deserve. So if something makes their life easier and pays the same for less effort, why will they not use the latest tech? Which in their case is the AI. To many artists, using AI for certain aspects of their work is like using Grammarly for us copyeditors, they see it as a tool.
Art is labour-intensive, that’s why you demand better pay or watch your heroes doom.
Instead of screaming from a moral high ground and calling out, understand why talented people are tempted to use AI. They are not slithering to the Dark Side because they lack artistic integrity, they are slowly being made to feel that playing by the set rules is not in their favour. And I am not talking about AI prompters calling themselves artists here at all, those parasites can fall off the face of the planet. I am talking about actual artists with years of training and learning using AI because of poor pay-scale, unfair working conditions and unethical practices in IP Laws.
Likewise, I have said this before, AI is not limited to just gen AI like Chatgpt, Sora or the one used in Midjourney. AI has existed for a while in many industries. It is extremely helpful in healthcare, accounting, agriculture, and cancer research, albeit its usefulness can be exploited by people with money and power and copyright and patent. And who are these people; they mostly work for the tech companies. These companies and industries monopolize each field of knowledge for profit and will use AI and anything that comes after it to squeeze out profit at any cost. Many artists have understood this and are quit-quitting on their efforts, and can we blame them? Why do I know this, as a former book-editor I know many book-cover designers, who are refusing to stretch their creative selves for new work. AI-developing companies have stolen their work to train their systems, so they are using those AI tools to cut down on the raw material called the thinking process. Eventually, it will become a cycle where the snake eats its tail, only with the presence of AI rendering the snake might look like a snake, but an idea of a snake!
So before calling out individual artists: CALL OUT CORPORATIONS! They are making the creative and innovative fields hostile to originality and harming the most important factor of creation; the need for time to think. Everyone and everything is being churned, good art and good results come with patience. Capitalistic demand for everything instantly is destroying not only our attention span but the long process of conceiving an idea, planning the project and executing the idea and deliverance! Because remember, talented people not from only art but also from other branches will and are using AI. If they find the value of their hard-work is undermined. They will use AI to get by. Thinking and doing creative work is an exhausting process. So if clients and giant companies can’t respect that, more and more people will become frustrated or just decide to use any tech that helps.
And do not bring environmental issues here just to call out artists. Yes, we have every right to be angry at what the use of AI does to the planet. But having a public meltdown on social media, and harassing underpaid exhausted artists, is not the answer.
The problem of environmental safety again lies with big tech, Fortune 500 and the oil companies who are fucking the planet at the very moment while the entire human population sits tied, bound and gagged to a chair like a hostage.
It's sad, I can understand that it hurts to see your creative heroes sell out and go to the other side, but these are consequences of long-term inaction.
Hence, bring out the sticks, stones, and boulders and riot. Grieve out openly and make it a headache for organizations who are replacing the human workforce with AI.
P.S: Before you call me pro-AI, I am not. I am someone who is currently unemployed because AI literally took over my job. I am trying to be sensible and make sense of the bigger picture, which is beyond the 280 character count.
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sleepynegress · 1 year
Guess Who Already Got a Season 3 Filmed?
UPLOAD is back. I am down for the strike, but selfishly happy this show got another season filmed. It'll drop in October. That second season was mid so I'm hoping they recapture the magic they had in season 1.
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So, I said some ish in the tags, but I'm gonna make my case for why #ThisIsARec (at least season one is) here, since I never see or hear much talk about it! The show centers on a young woman named Nora (played by Prince protegee and Cameroonian actress and musician Andy Allo) who is in a capitalist future dystopia working as a low-paid customer service agent for a digital "after-life" conglomerate. So, it is one of the only shows lead by a black woman (mixed race). One of her clients is a newly dead digital "upload" of a man who may have been murdered for his freeware version of a digital afterlife (played the non-problematic member of the Amell family, Robbie). The show is a sitcom, without multi-cams or laugh tracks, created by the people who brought us Parks and Rec. It dropped in the mid-2010's but is weirdly prophetic with all the near-future markers, from masks to casual treatment of insane classicism and an inflation economy, far-beyond living wages...
There are even hints at the solar-punk solution that was well covered in Pop Culture Detective's recent video about it, centered on the Disney bomb (another one that they didn't promote but should have, Strange World another rec, btw). It's dark comedy, but somehow comforting to watch too? IDK how they did it. The leads have good chemistry ( a scene where she touches his arm has more heat than full-blown sex scenes in other media) and she actually has black family and a black BFF(!), which is like a 'there can be only one' Highlander rarity in media...They never let WOC/black women socialize in these things! Mind you, I did think her friend, Aleesha, played by Zainab Johnson leaned a little bit too much on the sassy trope, but after rewatching, I like that she round-the-way, but *still* the smartest in the room. It's just QT and charming and a lovely uplifting watch, with an underpinning of that dark laughter of recognition of how well it skewers capitalism.
And the lead couple is *chinhands* shippable. It's a very quick binge with 9 half-hour eps and one slightly longer pilot ep. You know I am super-picky with my recs. I can distinguish from my terrible but beloved media which you won't see me tag with #thisisarec.
So, even tho that second season is a rushed, mid, disappointment... #ThisIsARec
UPLOAD is on AmazonPrime
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ismaelslaughter · 29 days
Central Banks' Roles in Forex
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Central banks play a pivotal role in the forex (foreign exchange) market, influencing currency values, setting monetary policy, and stabilizing financial systems. As the primary monetary authority in their respective countries, central banks wield substantial power in the forex market through their actions, such as setting interest rates, intervening in currency markets, and managing reserves. Their decisions can have far-reaching effects on global trade, investment flows, and economic stability. For traders and investors, understanding the roles and actions of central banks is crucial to navigating the complexities of the forex market. In the forex market, central banks serve multiple functions that impact currency values and market dynamics. Their activities range from direct intervention to maintain currency stability, to more indirect methods such as influencing interest rates and inflation. These institutions aim to achieve macroeconomic objectives, including controlling inflation, managing employment levels, and fostering economic growth. The actions taken by central banks are often monitored closely by forex market participants, as they provide insights into potential market movements and economic trends. Below, we delve deeper into the various roles of central banks in the forex market, highlighting their significance and the mechanisms through which they operate. 1. Monetary Policy Implementation Influence on Interest Rates Central banks are primarily responsible for setting and implementing monetary policy, which directly influences interest rates in their respective economies. Interest rates are a critical tool in managing economic activity, as they affect borrowing costs, consumer spending, and business investments. In the context of forex, interest rate changes can lead to significant currency value fluctuations. For example, an increase in interest rates typically attracts foreign capital, boosting demand for the currency and leading to its appreciation. Conversely, lower interest rates may deter investment, causing the currency to depreciate. Open Market Operations One of the key methods central banks use to implement monetary policy is through open market operations (OMOs). This involves the buying and selling of government securities in the open market to regulate the money supply. By purchasing securities, a central bank injects liquidity into the economy, potentially lowering interest rates. On the other hand, selling securities can drain liquidity and push interest rates higher. These actions, while primarily aimed at domestic economic goals, have direct implications for currency values in the forex market. Quantitative Easing and Tightening In times of economic crisis or severe downturns, central banks may resort to unconventional monetary policies like quantitative easing (QE). QE involves large-scale purchases of financial assets, such as government bonds, to inject liquidity into the economy and encourage lending and investment. While QE aims to stimulate economic growth, it often leads to currency depreciation due to the increased money supply. Conversely, quantitative tightening (QT), the process of unwinding QE, can lead to currency appreciation as the money supply is reduced. 2. Foreign Exchange Interventions Direct Currency Market Interventions Central banks may directly intervene in the forex market to stabilize their currency or achieve specific economic objectives. Such interventions typically involve buying or selling large amounts of their own currency against another currency to influence exchange rates. For example, a central bank might purchase its currency to prevent depreciation or sell it to curb excessive appreciation. These actions are often carried out to maintain export competitiveness or control inflationary pressures arising from volatile exchange rates. Sterilization of Interventions To neutralize the impact of forex interventions on domestic money supply, central banks often engage in sterilization. This process involves offsetting forex interventions through domestic monetary operations. For instance, if a central bank sells its currency in the forex market (which would increase the domestic money supply), it might simultaneously sell government securities to absorb the excess liquidity. This ensures that the intervention achieves its desired effect on the exchange rate without disrupting domestic monetary conditions. Coordination with Other Central Banks At times, central banks may coordinate their interventions with other central banks to manage global economic imbalances or address crises that threaten global financial stability. Such coordinated interventions can be more effective than unilateral actions, as they involve multiple central banks working together to influence currency values and stabilize markets. A notable example of this was the coordinated intervention by the G7 central banks in 2011 to address the rapid appreciation of the Japanese yen following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 3. Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves Purpose of Foreign Exchange Reserves Central banks maintain foreign exchange reserves primarily to manage their currency's value, ensure liquidity in times of crisis, and support their economic policies. These reserves typically consist of foreign currencies, gold, and other assets. The level of reserves a central bank holds is often a reflection of its ability to intervene in the forex market and stabilize its currency. For example, a country with substantial reserves can use them to buy its currency in the forex market, thereby supporting its value. Reserve Management Strategies The management of forex reserves involves strategies to maximize returns while maintaining liquidity and security. Central banks often invest their reserves in low-risk, liquid assets such as government bonds of stable economies. The allocation of reserves is also influenced by the need to match the currency composition of the country's external liabilities or trade relationships. Effective reserve management is crucial for a central bank's ability to respond to external shocks and maintain confidence in its currency. Impact on the Forex Market The accumulation or depletion of foreign exchange reserves can signal a central bank's intentions in the forex market. For instance, rapid accumulation of reserves might indicate that a central bank is preparing to defend its currency or counteract speculative attacks. Conversely, a significant drawdown of reserves could signal economic distress or a loss of confidence in the currency. Forex traders closely monitor changes in reserve levels as they can provide early warnings of potential market interventions or shifts in monetary policy. 4. Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Stability Role in Controlling Inflation Central banks often adopt inflation targeting as a primary goal of their monetary policy. By maintaining price stability, central banks aim to foster economic growth and stability. In the context of forex, inflation differentials between countries are a major driver of exchange rate movements. Higher inflation in a country relative to its trading partners tends to erode the value of its currency, as it reduces purchasing power and makes exports less competitive. Conversely, low and stable inflation generally supports a stronger currency. Exchange Rate Regimes and Stability The exchange rate regime adopted by a central bank—whether it is a floating, fixed, or pegged system—significantly influences its approach to managing inflation and exchange rate stability. In a floating exchange rate system, the currency's value is determined by market forces, and the central bank may focus on domestic inflation targeting without direct intervention in the forex market. In contrast, under a fixed or pegged exchange rate system, the central bank actively intervenes in the forex market to maintain the currency's value within a specified range, often prioritizing exchange rate stability over inflation control. Balancing Inflation and Exchange Rate Objectives Central banks often face the challenge of balancing their inflation targets with the need to maintain exchange rate stability. For example, a central bank may need to raise interest rates to combat inflation, but this could lead to currency appreciation, potentially harming export competitiveness. Conversely, efforts to devalue the currency to boost exports could stoke inflationary pressures. This delicate balancing act requires careful calibration of monetary policy to achieve both inflation and exchange rate objectives without compromising economic stability. 5. Crisis Management and Financial Stability Central Banks as Lenders of Last Resort In times of financial crises, central banks act as lenders of last resort to provide liquidity to the banking system and stabilize the financial markets. By offering emergency funding to financial institutions, central banks prevent panic and restore confidence in the banking system. In the forex market, such interventions can have significant implications, as they may influence investor sentiment and currency values. For instance, during the global financial crisis of 2008, the U.S. Federal Reserve provided extensive liquidity to both domestic and foreign banks, which played a crucial role in stabilizing the U.S. dollar. Exchange Rate Stabilization During Crises During periods of extreme market volatility, central banks may intervene in the forex market to stabilize their currency and prevent disruptive exchange rate movements. This is particularly important in emerging markets, where currency depreciation during a crisis can lead to capital flight, inflation, and a deterioration of economic conditions. Central banks may use their forex reserves to support the currency or implement capital controls to prevent excessive outflows of capital. Coordination with Global Financial Institutions In managing financial crises, central banks often work closely with global financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These institutions provide financial assistance and policy advice to countries facing balance of payments crises or severe economic downturns. Central banks play a critical role in implementing the recommended policies and coordinating with other central banks to ensure global financial stability. Such coordination is essential to prevent the spread of crises across borders and maintain stability in the global forex market. 6. Communication and Market Expectations Forward Guidance and Market Communication Central banks increasingly use communication strategies, such as forward guidance, to manage market expectations and influence forex market behavior. Forward guidance involves providing explicit information about the likely future path of monetary policy, including interest rates and other policy measures. By clearly communicating their intentions, central banks can reduce uncertainty and guide market expectations, which in turn can stabilize currency values and reduce volatility in the forex market. Impact of Central Bank Statements on Forex Markets Statements and speeches by central bank officials, including governors and board members, are closely monitored by forex traders and investors. Even subtle changes in language can lead to significant market reactions, as they are often interpreted as signals of future policy shifts. For instance, a central bank's mention of concerns about inflation might lead to speculation about potential interest rate hikes, causing the currency to appreciate. Conversely, dovish comments suggesting a more accommodative policy stance could lead to currency depreciation. Transparency and Credibility Transparency and credibility are vital for central banks to effectively manage market expectations. When a central bank is perceived as transparent and credible, its communications are more likely to influence market behavior in the desired direction. A lack of transparency or inconsistent communication, on the other hand, can lead to market confusion and increased volatility. Central banks strive to build and maintain credibility by consistently aligning their actions with their communicated policies, thereby enhancing their influence in the forex market. 7. Global Economic Impact of Central Bank Policies Spillover Effects on Global Markets Source: https://forixo.trade/central-banks-roles-in-forex/ The policies of major central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Japan, often have significant spillover effects on global financial markets and economies. For example, a tightening of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve, which leads to higher interest rates, can result in capital outflows from emerging markets, causing their currencies to depreciate. Similarly, expansive monetary policies in major economies can lead to an influx of capital into other countries, appreciating their currencies and affecting their trade balances. Currency Wars and Competitive Devaluations In a globally interconnected economy, central bank policies can sometimes lead to competitive devaluations, where countries intentionally devalue their currencies to gain a trade advantage. This phenomenon, often referred to as "currency wars," can lead to tensions between countries and destabilize global trade. Central banks must carefully consider the international implications of their policies to avoid triggering such conflicts and ensure that their actions contribute to global economic stability rather than exacerbating economic imbalances. Role in International Policy Coordination Given the interconnected nature of the global economy, central banks increasingly engage in international policy coordination to address common challenges, such as global financial crises or pandemics. Through forums like the G20, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and other multilateral institutions, central banks collaborate to align their policies and share best practices. This coordination helps to prevent policy spillovers that could destabilize global markets and ensures a more stable and predictable environment for the forex market. Conclusion Central banks play a multifaceted and critical role in the forex market, influencing currency values through a variety of mechanisms. From setting monetary policy and managing forex reserves to intervening in the currency markets and coordinating with global financial institutions, their actions have profound implications for both domestic and global economies. For forex traders, investors, and policymakers, understanding the roles and actions of central banks is essential to navigating the complexities of the forex market and anticipating potential market movements. The ongoing evolution of central bank strategies and the increasing importance of communication and international coordination underscore the dynamic and influential nature of these institutions in the global financial system. Table: Key Roles of Central Banks in Forex Markets Role Description Impact on Forex Market Monetary Policy Implementation Central banks set interest rates and manage money supply through open market operations and QE/QT. Influences currency value through interest rate differentials. Foreign Exchange Interventions Directly buying or selling currency to influence exchange rates and stabilize markets. Affects short-term currency movements and market sentiment. Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves Maintaining and managing reserves to support currency value and ensure liquidity during crises. Signals central bank’s capacity to intervene and stabilize currency. Inflation Targeting Using monetary policy to control inflation, impacting purchasing power and exchange rate stability. Stable inflation supports stronger currency; high inflation weakens it. Crisis Management Acting as lender of last resort and stabilizing financial markets during crises. Restores confidence in the currency and financial system. Communication and Market Expectations Providing forward guidance and transparent communication to manage market expectations. Reduces uncertainty, guides market behavior, and stabilizes currency. Global Economic Impact Central bank policies influence global markets and may lead to international policy coordination. Spillover effects impact global currency values and trade balances. Understanding these roles and their implications can provide valuable insights into the forces shaping the forex market, allowing participants to make informed decisions in a complex and ever-changing environment. Read more: forixo.trade
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Bank of England's Potential £11 Billion Windfall Could Boost Starmer's Prospects
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Proposed changes to the Bank of England's bond-selling strategy could potentially provide Sir Keir Starmer with up to £11.6 billion annually, as predicted by economists. This anticipated windfall arises from expectations that the Bank will scale back its quantitative tightening (QT) program in the coming months. QT involves selling bonds acquired during quantitative easing (QE), a measure used to stabilize financial markets and lower borrowing costs during crises like the financial downturn and the pandemic. While QE initially eased financial strain, the Bank is now incurring losses as it sells bonds at a significant markdown, which burdens taxpayers with billions annually. According to estimates from Deutsche Bank, active bond sales under QT are costing the Treasury approximately £11.6 billion per year. Halting QT, as widely anticipated later this year, would potentially bolster Labour's spending initiatives under Starmer's leadership. Labour's economic proposals have faced scrutiny for perceived lack of ambition and funding clarity. Additional fiscal room from halting QT could alleviate financial pressures, noted in analysis by Goldman Sachs. Emmanouil Karimalis of UBS argued for suspending active QT, anticipating economic benefits. Paul Dales of Capital Economics forecasts GDP growth of 1% in 2024 and 1.5% in 2025, with inflation projected to drop to 1.5% by year-end, allowing potential interest rate reductions by the Bank. James Moberly of Goldman Sachs expects a slowdown in bond sales under QT, which could free up fiscal space. However, not all economists agree on halting QT completely, cautioning that changes may only defer losses rather than eliminate them entirely. Official figures indicate projected QT losses exceeding £100 billion over eight years, significantly impacting government finances compared to other central banks like the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. Christopher Mahon of Columbia Threadneedle suggests alignment with international peers like the Fed and ECB, possibly influencing the Bank's decision-making under Governor Andrew Bailey. Read the full article
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astramarket · 6 months
Blackstone's $25 Billion Data Center Dynasty: Fuelling the AI Revolution
Blackstone’s colossal $25 billion investment in the data center industry, heralded by its acquisition of QTS for a staggering $10 billion in 2021, underscores the firm’s strategic foresight in championing the AI revolution. This move strategically positions Blackstone as a dominant force within the burgeoning data infrastructure market. By recognizing and capitalizing on the exponential growth in…
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ennovance · 8 months
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Lightspeed taps private equity playbook as it eyes $1bn asset sale
#Venturecapital firm plans to roll holdings into continuation fund as sector seeks ways to return cash to investors
Continuation funds can also be controversial with LPs, because they have to decide whether to lock up capital with a VC for another lengthy period or cash out potentially at a discount.
https://www.ft.com/content/18430e05-33c0-4f48-8c87-fae74ff29bbf via @ft #VC #VentureCapital #QT #startup #investor #valuation #investments #ennovance
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What are the likely losses for the German Bundesbank from its QE bond buying?
A feature of the economic response to the Covid pandemic was that central banks intervened on a grand scale. We saw more interest-rate cuts and a surge in bond buying under QE programmes. However as I have pointed out many times QE was not the free lunch it appeared to be as whilst some claimed it was, in reality it exchanged a fixed interest-rate or coupon on the bond for a variable…
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In the 21st century, increasing corporatization and its effects make the music landscape often impossible to navigate, for artists and consumers alike. One genre, however, has emerged somewhat unseen as a radical and disruptive force– hyperpop. The recent announcement that revolutionary label P.C. Music would be shutting down new music production and only revisiting archival content from here on out, I decided to write a bit about an art phenomena that I believe is more important than it might let on. 
While often written off as musically immature and ultra-niche, hyperpop challenges traditional notions of rhythm, melody, sampling, and genre boundaries with grace– not to mention artistic philosophy, especially in the context of an infinite internet. At its core, it is a product of the uniquely “free” digital age and late-stage capitalism. Hyperpop, short for "hyperactive pop," took inspiration from, for one, 2000s rave and electronic music culture, growing into itself in online forums, SoundCloud uploads, and the alternative DIY aesthetic of the early 2010s.
In the early 2010s, artists like SOPHIE, Arca, and AG Cook (who collaborate(d) regularly) began experimenting with a frenetic, maximalist approach to production. It often features exaggerated, pitch-shifted vocals, glitchy electronic beats, and a disregard for traditional song structures, incorporating elements from genres such as hip-hop, pop, electronic, and experimental noise. These blends reflect the diversity of musical influences and globalized nature of the internet, and usage of platforms like SoundCloud and Band-camp to share music across the world bypass traditional labels and gatekeepers. Not only does their music take full advantage of the internet’s infinite and hyper-accessible reserve of hundreds of years of music, individual samples, electronic tools and instruments, but it’s also a meta reflection on this abundance.
"Hey QT," was an early collaborative project between A.G. Cook, SOPHIE, Harriet Pittard, and performance artist Hayden Dunham, who appeared as BladeRunner-esque singer QT. This track, with its catchy, hyperactive melody and playful, consumerist lyrics, stood as an ironic reflection of the digital age's excesses. "Hey QT" didn't just embrace the internet era; it satirized it with an ironic promotional campaign, including a music video that was an ad for a fake energy drink, that questioned the lines between music, “content”, and commerciality. "Hey QT" became a symbol of subverting expectations and utilizing the irreplaceable digital canvas, all while critiquing the commodification of music and fame that is exaggerated by that very digital realm.  
One of the key drivers of Hyperpop era is the P.C. Music collective, founded by A.G. Cook back in the early days of the genre. P.C. Music's artists have pushed the boundaries of what is considered "pop" music. They provide a more IRL commune for artists who challenge listeners to question what defines authentic music and invite them into a both surreal and hyperreal world of sound.
Hyperpop trancents borders, and reflects the globalization of music, allowing artists from all over the world to exchange and collaborate. This global exchange of ideas has enriched the genre, leading to a vibrant ecosystem of artists who each contribute their own twist to the hyperpop sound, so much so that it now has taken the shape that artistic eras usually do by splitting into different factions that are growing into their own genres. 
Many of us may know the duo 100 Gecs– a slightly more angry and hard-edged hyperpop duo that revolutionized the genre with their surprising and somewhat random main-stream popularity around 2020. As the internet often manifests, 100 Gecs eventually fell from the type of widespread (basic?) social media buzz they held, but have progressed into their prior alternativity– this time with more artistic prowess, and a critically praised name for themselves. While it may seem as though the musicians were simply dropped back where they were before their “15 minutes”, the fact that hyperpop had its moment in the main stream limelight and is now developing beyond itself is significant. Many believe it is the reason for P.C. music’s halt of new production and reflection/remixing on the past decade of its work. Its time has come!
Cook himself has certainly changed. He continues to produce various levels of hyperpop and electronic music– the less intense of which have gradually made their way into the main stream. (Charli XCX; Kim Petras; recently, Beyoncé) 
Hyperpop’s boundary-pushing spirit and innovative production techniques will likely continue to influence mainstream and alternative music alike, pushing the envelope of what is possible within the realm of sound. It serves as a testament to the power of the internet and a thrilling chapter in the evolution of music. 
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Food To Go
This last weekend I had occasion to find myself in Taos New Mexico. I was in town to hike Wheeler Peak, the highest point in New Mexico. That all went exceedingly well, but that’s a story for another time. It was while trying to patronize a few restaurants that I experienced first hand the struggle many outlets have in finding employees, which, as it turned out, became fodder for this blog.
For example, I tried to eat at two Chinese restaurants, only to walk in and find out they do not offer in-house dining anymore, only takeaway. Not enough employees. And then there was my quick stop at the McDonald’s en route to the trail. I don’t eat at McDonald’s, but I did want to get a cup of coffee and visit the baño one last time. You know. Because McDonald’s is kind of America’s Rest Stop like that. You can almost always count on them.
Except this time. I arrived shortly after 6:30am, their opening time. I saw cars lined up for the drive-thru, but the lights were on inside and I went to the main door. Locked. Barred. None shall pass. A sign bore their message, apologizing for the inconvenience and explaining that they could not find crew members. They thus had shuttered the complete front-of-house, not just for breakfast, but for the entire day!
“Whoa,” I thought. They are now stuck with a very expensive building, of which they are using maybe half. This does not bode well for them. I have already heard of fast food chains planning new downsized buildings with little or no indoor dining, catering only to walk-up and drive-thru for in-app and online orders, as well as Door Dashers.
And then there’s the new Whataburger Digital Kitchen that just opened on the west side of Austin. It’s small. It doesn’t take cash. It doesn’t have a drive-thru. All orders must be placed in-app, online, or at onsite kiosks, all outside, of course, because you aren’t going in. There is zero human contact. Food is then delivered via secure lockers. And forget about the baño.
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The new shop will be open 364 days a year, 24 hours a day, and have a crew of 50. That may sound like a lot for a place without all the trappings of a traditional fast food joint, but a typical McDonald’s employs between 90 and 120 and they are not even open 24 hours.
Whataburger has been a Texas staple for more than 70 years, a regional favorite many people will tell you is better than In-N-Out and Five Guys. It’s also a chain that did something very politically incorrect 40 years ago when it featured country crooner Mel Tillis as their spokesperson on TV ads. Tillis is a stutterer, and they made light of it by letting him stutter away. It was self-deprecating I suppose, and I guess Tillis was OK with it all, but that would never fly today.
Thinking back to the Taos McDonald’s, though, this sounds like the perfect model for them. It’s just too bad they already have such a big footprint, something that was once normal, but is now rapidly falling out of favor.
If a customer is digitally-averse, they’ll just be out of luck here. You have to have fully embraced the digital lifestyle in order to feel comfortable here, not to mention eating in your car or elsewhere. There’s probably a Circle K or QT down the street if you need to do other business.
I suspect all eyes will be on this new shop, not just internally at Whataburger, which is now owned by Chicago-based BDT Capital Partners. Whataburger has plans to reintroduce itself to Florida, and this concept could work very well there. And then there are all the other chains looking for ways to simultaneously save money, yet also address the dwindling labor pool. I see this being replicated far and wide.
Better yet, these smaller restaurants take up a lot less expensive real estate. To be frank, they have almost stolen a page from the playbook of Dutch Bros and Scooter’s Coffee chains, with their minimalist drive-up only shops. Commercial real estate, including land and building, is not cheap these days.
Interestingly, we have pretty much come full circle now. I remember the McDonald’s not far from my first childhood home. I would ride my bicycle about a mile to place my order at a window, and then sit on the curb to eat it. There was no indoor seating, no massive playgrounds, no Ronald McDonald and Hamburglar statues. It was strictly a walk-up restaurant, take it or leave it.
And I kind of like this new Whataburger. It’s a nice throwback to my much younger days, something that my students don’t have stored in their memories, but with a modern twist. What is old is suddenly new again.
While I quickly pivoted from the McDonald’s that morning to the Allsup’s down the street, I did grumble a bit about the Chinese restaurants, because I had a taste for a sit-down meal of tasty Asian food. I settled for a very nice New Mexican restaurant and zesty fajitas instead. I suspect, though, that this may new normal for a lot of places in a lot of cities, and like in all things, we’ll just have to adapt.
Change can be painful, just like climbing a mountain. But once you get over the hump, it’s all downhill from there.
Dr “We’ll Get Over It” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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ferrolano-blog · 1 year
¿Hay una crisis en curso? Sí. Todos los indicadores están en rojo... El único sector económico con un crecimiento muy fuerte de la producción es el sector militar. Se trata de una gran crisis del sistema capitalista globalizado, la mayor crisis desde las de los años 1914-1945... A pesar de la enorme acumulación de riqueza por parte del 1% más rico, a pesar de las colosales ganancias de una serie de grandes empresas, especialmente en los campos de la energía, la alimentación, la Big Pharma (las grandes empresas farmacéuticas), el transporte marítimo, la industria armamentística... en general, la tasa de beneficio no aumenta lo suficiente como para que el gran capital reactive una gran ola de inversiones productivas... Aparte de las empresas muy grandes que obtienen beneficios extraordinarios aprovechando crisis como la de la pandemia, la energía, las guerras... la gran masa de las empresas se enfrenta a una caída de la tasa de beneficio, a una caída de la productividad, a pesar del agravamiento de las condiciones de explotación y precarización de la fuerza de trabajo... El cambio de política de 180 grados desde 2022, pasando de Quantitave Easing (QE) (flexibilización cuantitativa) a Quantitave Tightening (QT) (Contracción cuantitativa) provoca una gran inestabilidad financiera y en particular quiebras bancarias. En resumen, la decisión de los gobiernos y los bancos centrales de aumentar los tipos de interés, en particular para combatir la inflación, conduce al estancamiento (o incluso a una posible recesión) y a las crisis financieras, sin lograr reducir la inflación de manera significativa... y una nueva crisis de deuda afecta a toda una serie de países del Sur... Países que tomaban prestado entre el 3% y el 6% de interés anual antes de 2021 se enfrentan a un aumento de los tipos para los nuevos préstamos, del 9% al 15%. Esto también es insostenible (Eric Toussaint)
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queeryouthassemble · 1 year
AMC is no longer showing this movie, but other theatres still are!!
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[ID: A reddish-brown box. A paler, slightly misshapen rectangle with rounded edges is in the top center. Overlayed on the rectangle, white bubble letters outlined in black read "Protest the anti-trans film screening at AMC Theaters across the country" in all capital letters. Below the rectangle is a graphic of three smiling people of diverse appearances and clothing styles. They each hold a sign with one word on it; together the signs form the message "Protect trans kids" in all-capital letters. End ID.]
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[ID: A reddish-brown box. A paler, slightly misshapen rectangle with rounded edges is in the top center. Overlayed on the rectangle, white bubble letters outlined in black read "We need your help!" in all capital letters. Below the rectangle is plain black text which reads, "AMC Theatres is hosting a nationwide screening of an anti-trans healthcare propaganda documentary on June 21, 2023. This film features interviews with six detransitioners and various "experts" who have spoken against gender affirming care such as Stephanie Winn, William Malone, and Michael Biggs (who testified in favor of Florida's SB254) among others. Queer Youth Assemble is joining rapid response efforts to cancel the showings and combat the spread of misinformation." The date June 21, 2023 is bolded. At the bottom are two images cropped in the shape of a paint spill. The first is the outside of an AMC theatre, and the second is the logo of "No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care," which is the film being protested. End ID.]
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[ID: A reddish-brown box. A paler, slightly misshapen rectangle with rounded edges is in the top center. Overlayed on the rectangle, white bubble letters outlined in black read "Sign the petition & email AMC executives" in all capital letters. Below the rectangle is plain black text which reads, "Take action with The Queer Trans Project and sign their petition! They additionally have made a template available on their website to email AMC Theatre's Executive Leadership to stop this showing. Visit queertransproject.org for more information." At the bottom is a graphic of a queer youth with short blue hair and round glasses writing on a piece of paper. Next to the graphic is The Queer Trans Project's logo, a rainbow-striped heart with the words "The QT Project, est. 2021." End ID.]
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[ID: A reddish-brown box. A paler, slightly misshapen rectangle with rounded edges is in the top center. Overlayed on the rectangle, white bubble letters outlined in black read "Stop the spread of misinformation" in all capital letters. Below the rectangle is plain black text which reads, "Share QYA's upcoming social media campaign debunking some of the most common pieces of misinformation about gender affirming care for trans & non-binary youth." At the bottom is a graphic of two queer young people. The one on the left has short, pale hair and holds a laptop with a MLM pride sticker. The one on the right has short, dark red hair and holds a pamphlet with a trans flag and binder graphic on it. Both are smiling. End ID.]
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[ID: A reddish-brown box. A paler, slightly misshapen rectangle with rounded edges is in the top center. Overlayed on the rectangle, white bubble letters outlined in black read "Join QYA'S protest against AMC Theaters" in all capital letters. Below the rectangle is plain black text which reads, "Keep an eye out for more news about QYA's upcoming rapid response efforts!" At the bottom is a graphic of two pairs of queer youth. They have varying appearances and styles. Each pair holds a sign together; the one on the left reads "Protect trans kids" in all capital letters, and the one on the right reads "healthcare is a human RIGHT." End ID.]
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ismaelslaughter · 29 days
Central Banks' Roles in Forex: A Comprehensive Guide
Central banks play a pivotal role in the forex (foreign exchange) market, influencing currency values, setting monetary policy, and stabilizing financial systems. As the primary monetary authority in their respective countries, central banks wield substantial power in the forex market through their actions, such as setting interest rates, intervening in currency markets, and managing reserves. Their decisions can have far-reaching effects on global trade, investment flows, and economic stability. For traders and investors, understanding the roles and actions of central banks is crucial to navigating the complexities of the forex market. In the forex market, central banks serve multiple functions that impact currency values and market dynamics. Their activities range from direct intervention to maintain currency stability, to more indirect methods such as influencing interest rates and inflation. These institutions aim to achieve macroeconomic objectives, including controlling inflation, managing employment levels, and fostering economic growth. The actions taken by central banks are often monitored closely by forex market participants, as they provide insights into potential market movements and economic trends. Below, we delve deeper into the various roles of central banks in the forex market, highlighting their significance and the mechanisms through which they operate. 1. Monetary Policy Implementation Influence on Interest Rates Central banks are primarily responsible for setting and implementing monetary policy, which directly influences interest rates in their respective economies. Interest rates are a critical tool in managing economic activity, as they affect borrowing costs, consumer spending, and business investments. In the context of forex, interest rate changes can lead to significant currency value fluctuations. For example, an increase in interest rates typically attracts foreign capital, boosting demand for the currency and leading to its appreciation. Conversely, lower interest rates may deter investment, causing the currency to depreciate. Open Market Operations One of the key methods central banks use to implement monetary policy is through open market operations (OMOs). This involves the buying and selling of government securities in the open market to regulate the money supply. By purchasing securities, a central bank injects liquidity into the economy, potentially lowering interest rates. On the other hand, selling securities can drain liquidity and push interest rates higher. These actions, while primarily aimed at domestic economic goals, have direct implications for currency values in the forex market. Quantitative Easing and Tightening In times of economic crisis or severe downturns, central banks may resort to unconventional monetary policies like quantitative easing (QE). QE involves large-scale purchases of financial assets, such as government bonds, to inject liquidity into the economy and encourage lending and investment. While QE aims to stimulate economic growth, it often leads to currency depreciation due to the increased money supply. Conversely, quantitative tightening (QT), the process of unwinding QE, can lead to currency appreciation as the money supply is reduced. 2. Foreign Exchange Interventions Direct Currency Market Interventions Central banks may directly intervene in the forex market to stabilize their currency or achieve specific economic objectives. Such interventions typically involve buying or selling large amounts of their own currency against another currency to influence exchange rates. For example, a central bank might purchase its currency to prevent depreciation or sell it to curb excessive appreciation. These actions are often carried out to maintain export competitiveness or control inflationary pressures arising from volatile exchange rates. Sterilization of Interventions To neutralize the impact of forex interventions on domestic money supply, central banks often engage in sterilization. This process involves offsetting forex interventions through domestic monetary operations. For instance, if a central bank sells its currency in the forex market (which would increase the domestic money supply), it might simultaneously sell government securities to absorb the excess liquidity. This ensures that the intervention achieves its desired effect on the exchange rate without disrupting domestic monetary conditions. Coordination with Other Central Banks At times, central banks may coordinate their interventions with other central banks to manage global economic imbalances or address crises that threaten global financial stability. Such coordinated interventions can be more effective than unilateral actions, as they involve multiple central banks working together to influence currency values and stabilize markets. A notable example of this was the coordinated intervention by the G7 central banks in 2011 to address the rapid appreciation of the Japanese yen following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 3. Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves Purpose of Foreign Exchange Reserves Central banks maintain foreign exchange reserves primarily to manage their currency's value, ensure liquidity in times of crisis, and support their economic policies. These reserves typically consist of foreign currencies, gold, and other assets. The level of reserves a central bank holds is often a reflection of its ability to intervene in the forex market and stabilize its currency. For example, a country with substantial reserves can use them to buy its currency in the forex market, thereby supporting its value. Reserve Management Strategies The management of forex reserves involves strategies to maximize returns while maintaining liquidity and security. Central banks often invest their reserves in low-risk, liquid assets such as government bonds of stable economies. The allocation of reserves is also influenced by the need to match the currency composition of the country's external liabilities or trade relationships. Effective reserve management is crucial for a central bank's ability to respond to external shocks and maintain confidence in its currency. Impact on the Forex Market The accumulation or depletion of foreign exchange reserves can signal a central bank's intentions in the forex market. For instance, rapid accumulation of reserves might indicate that a central bank is preparing to defend its currency or counteract speculative attacks. Conversely, a significant drawdown of reserves could signal economic distress or a loss of confidence in the currency. Forex traders closely monitor changes in reserve levels as they can provide early warnings of potential market interventions or shifts in monetary policy. 4. Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Stability Role in Controlling Inflation Central banks often adopt inflation targeting as a primary goal of their monetary policy. By maintaining price stability, central banks aim to foster economic growth and stability. In the context of forex, inflation differentials between countries are a major driver of exchange rate movements. Higher inflation in a country relative to its trading partners tends to erode the value of its currency, as it reduces purchasing power and makes exports less competitive. Conversely, low and stable inflation generally supports a stronger currency. Exchange Rate Regimes and Stability The exchange rate regime adopted by a central bank—whether it is a floating, fixed, or pegged system—significantly influences its approach to managing inflation and exchange rate stability. In a floating exchange rate system, the currency's value is determined by market forces, and the central bank may focus on domestic inflation targeting without direct intervention in the forex market. In contrast, under a fixed or pegged exchange rate system, the central bank actively intervenes in the forex market to maintain the currency's value within a specified range, often prioritizing exchange rate stability over inflation control. Balancing Inflation and Exchange Rate Objectives Central banks often face the challenge of balancing their inflation targets with the need to maintain exchange rate stability. For example, a central bank may need to raise interest rates to combat inflation, but this could lead to currency appreciation, potentially harming export competitiveness. Conversely, efforts to devalue the currency to boost exports could stoke inflationary pressures. This delicate balancing act requires careful calibration of monetary policy to achieve both inflation and exchange rate objectives without compromising economic stability. 5. Crisis Management and Financial Stability Central Banks as Lenders of Last Resort In times of financial crises, central banks act as lenders of last resort to provide liquidity to the banking system and stabilize the financial markets. By offering emergency funding to financial institutions, central banks prevent panic and restore confidence in the banking system. In the forex market, such interventions can have significant implications, as they may influence investor sentiment and currency values. For instance, during the global financial crisis of 2008, the U.S. Federal Reserve provided extensive liquidity to both domestic and foreign banks, which played a crucial role in stabilizing the U.S. dollar. Exchange Rate Stabilization During Crises During periods of extreme market volatility, central banks may intervene in the forex market to stabilize their currency and prevent disruptive exchange rate movements. This is particularly important in emerging markets, where currency depreciation during a crisis can lead to capital flight, inflation, and a deterioration of economic conditions. Central banks may use their forex reserves to support the currency or implement capital controls to prevent excessive outflows of capital. Coordination with Global Financial Institutions In managing financial crises, central banks often work closely with global financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These institutions provide financial assistance and policy advice to countries facing balance of payments crises or severe economic downturns. Central banks play a critical role in implementing the recommended policies and coordinating with other central banks to ensure global financial stability. Such coordination is essential to prevent the spread of crises across borders and maintain stability in the global forex market. 6. Communication and Market Expectations Forward Guidance and Market Communication Central banks increasingly use communication strategies, such as forward guidance, to manage market expectations and influence forex market behavior. Forward guidance involves providing explicit information about the likely future path of monetary policy, including interest rates and other policy measures. By clearly communicating their intentions, central banks can reduce uncertainty and guide market expectations, which in turn can stabilize currency values and reduce volatility in the forex market. Impact of Central Bank Statements on Forex Markets Statements and speeches by central bank officials, including governors and board members, are closely monitored by forex traders and investors. Even subtle changes in language can lead to significant market reactions, as they are often interpreted as signals of future policy shifts. For instance, a central bank's mention of concerns about inflation might lead to speculation about potential interest rate hikes, causing the currency to appreciate. Conversely, dovish comments suggesting a more accommodative policy stance could lead to currency depreciation. Transparency and Credibility Transparency and credibility are vital for central banks to effectively manage market expectations. When a central bank is perceived as transparent and credible, its communications are more likely to influence market behavior in the desired direction. A lack of transparency or inconsistent communication, on the other hand, can lead to market confusion and increased volatility. Central banks strive to build and maintain credibility by consistently aligning their actions with their communicated policies, thereby enhancing their influence in the forex market. 7. Global Economic Impact of Central Bank Policies Spillover Effects on Global Markets Source: https://forixo.trade/central-banks-roles-in-forex/ The policies of major central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Japan, often have significant spillover effects on global financial markets and economies. For example, a tightening of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve, which leads to higher interest rates, can result in capital outflows from emerging markets, causing their currencies to depreciate. Similarly, expansive monetary policies in major economies can lead to an influx of capital into other countries, appreciating their currencies and affecting their trade balances. Currency Wars and Competitive Devaluations In a globally interconnected economy, central bank policies can sometimes lead to competitive devaluations, where countries intentionally devalue their currencies to gain a trade advantage. This phenomenon, often referred to as "currency wars," can lead to tensions between countries and destabilize global trade. Central banks must carefully consider the international implications of their policies to avoid triggering such conflicts and ensure that their actions contribute to global economic stability rather than exacerbating economic imbalances. Role in International Policy Coordination Given the interconnected nature of the global economy, central banks increasingly engage in international policy coordination to address common challenges, such as global financial crises or pandemics. Through forums like the G20, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and other multilateral institutions, central banks collaborate to align their policies and share best practices. This coordination helps to prevent policy spillovers that could destabilize global markets and ensures a more stable and predictable environment for the forex market. Conclusion Central banks play a multifaceted and critical role in the forex market, influencing currency values through a variety of mechanisms. From setting monetary policy and managing forex reserves to intervening in the currency markets and coordinating with global financial institutions, their actions have profound implications for both domestic and global economies. For forex traders, investors, and policymakers, understanding the roles and actions of central banks is essential to navigating the complexities of the forex market and anticipating potential market movements. The ongoing evolution of central bank strategies and the increasing importance of communication and international coordination underscore the dynamic and influential nature of these institutions in the global financial system. Table: Key Roles of Central Banks in Forex Markets Role Description Impact on Forex Market Monetary Policy Implementation Central banks set interest rates and manage money supply through open market operations and QE/QT. Influences currency value through interest rate differentials. Foreign Exchange Interventions Directly buying or selling currency to influence exchange rates and stabilize markets. Affects short-term currency movements and market sentiment. Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves Maintaining and managing reserves to support currency value and ensure liquidity during crises. Signals central bank’s capacity to intervene and stabilize currency. Inflation Targeting Using monetary policy to control inflation, impacting purchasing power and exchange rate stability. Stable inflation supports stronger currency; high inflation weakens it. Crisis Management Acting as lender of last resort and stabilizing financial markets during crises. Restores confidence in the currency and financial system. Communication and Market Expectations Providing forward guidance and transparent communication to manage market expectations. Reduces uncertainty, guides market behavior, and stabilizes currency. Global Economic Impact Central bank policies influence global markets and may lead to international policy coordination. Spillover effects impact global currency values and trade balances. Understanding these roles and their implications can provide valuable insights into the forces shaping the forex market, allowing participants to make informed decisions in a complex and ever-changing environment. Read more: https://forixo.trade/
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The Best Digital Marketing Company In Massachusetts
Our industry experts have explored and situated the best digital marketing company in Massachusetts, providing involved marketing endeavors across all channels and helping businesses drive development. Utilize our utilitarian channel gadget and find the company that suits your necessities and spending plan.
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Teczie Technologies – Digital Marketing Company in Massachusetts
Teczie goes past the domains of work area, web and portable application improvement. With north of 1,000 productive undertakings haggled for complete clients, we invest earnestly to be a one-stop asset for industry innovation. Teczie is the best digital marketing company in Massachusetts.
This separates Teczie from the pack:
Alloted bunches that are HIPAA agreeable for medical care projects.
Solid order of programming upgrading and site structure for various industries including trade, finance, training, manufacturing, wellbeing and wellness, and a solid spotlight on medical services plans.
A solid medical care programming improvement association looks to change patient thinking and streamline errands.
Far reaching site engineering and digital marketing company in Massachusetts to assist your business with achieving its leading edge objectives.
Teczie the executives habitats include web, portable, work area and cross-stage programming improvement:
UX, UI and responsive website composition
Digital Marketing Company in Massachusetts (including Website design enhancement,
ASO, PPC, Copywriting, and Web-based Entertainment Marketing)
application maintenance
cloud relocation
Machine learning and man-made intelligence progress the executives
Advancements Digital Marketing Company in Massachusetts utilizes:
Web: Respond, Precise, Node.js, PHP/Laravel/Yii/Magento, .Net, Java, AWS Serverless
Work area: C++/Qt, .Net, Java, Ruby
Framework and programming engineering: microservices design, multi-occupant models, multi-level engineering
Versatile: ReactNative, Ionic, Xamarin
DevOps: AWS, Google Cloud, CI/Album, Containers – Docker/Kubernetes
Information bases: SQL, MongoDB, Dynamo, Firebase
High level programming arrangements: 3D/2D designs, picture processing, AR/VR, PC vision, 3D calculations
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SEO Brand
They retain 88% of their clients, don’t have long arrangements, and love to assemble more modest brands! They do it another way and they will do it for your business, making them one of the most amazing digital
Marketing Company in Massachusetts:
Comprehend how your affiliation produces and spends its marketing capital.
Comprehend or attempt to assist with identifying your incentive.
Comprehend how your clients purchase from you, who your typical client is, and explain your business cycle beginning to end.
Intently catch your ongoing offers interaction.
Plan and comprehend everything you really want to be familiar with your rival and, all the more significantly, why you could lose an agreement against a contender whenever.
Totally plan and find the construction of your club.
Perceive and figure out the difficulties of your clients.
Perceive your client’s lifetime worth and return at an expense for each procurement.
Set up vivacious marketing research with your apparatuses that produce information about browsing information.
Completely comprehend how your client acts while making purchasing choices and utilize this information to give a smoother, more firm and steady shopping experience.
Focus on numerous automated channels to drive qualified clicks into your client obtaining climate.
Work on your company of deals valuable open doors.
Run these channels to deal with your rival’s portion of the more extensive industry.
Increase financial plans and continue on toward the following stage to rehash the cycle.
Safeguard yourself, scale your endeavors, and slowly eliminate your opposition.
Gemini Creative – Digital Marketing Company in Massachusetts
Gemini Imaginative is a little gathering of organizers, trained professionals, software engineers and innovative individuals. They coordinate well to offer imaginative work that they couldn’t do alone. They have a comparative objective: to assist clients in a way they with canning. Gemini Imaginative is one of Massachusetts’ leading digital marketing organizations.
Its outcomes include web piece, WordPress progression, and digital marketing, including Search engine optimization and SEM crusades.
For an extensive time frame they have constructed a situation on the ground by fulfilling the responsibilities they have made. Their family members are educator guides and specialists in their fields.
Each venture they arrange should have a business effect on improve things. They comprehend how inventive work prompts marketing that deals with the center worry of the client. They likewise need to additionally foster a company’s own picture. They help their clients look and feel more prolific and convey a message that rings valid.
You want to comprehend how well your picture lines up with what your crowd may be thinking and cause them to look further into your company. They show up at this response: they ask, they persevere and they tune in. You imagine everything you let us know that makes you extraordinary and you turn it around so you can see it. Then, at that point, your clients will see it. This makes them the best digital marketing company in Massachusetts.
They as a rule need to understand that there is more than one right method for doing something. They need to understand that their approach to doing things relies upon the debased convictions they have gained from their experiences. The second they set their inclinations to the side and join powers with their clients, they are doing something together that they acknowledge overall will work. Look for innovative thinking with an open viewpoint at whatever point what is going on permits. You will forsake that previously thought and check whether there can be something better.
Sent off in 2018, Gemini exists to serve the marketing needs of new companies at an especially undeniable level, with SMS, online entertainment, email, Website design enhancement, and branding fixes all in our perfect balance. They’ve dealt with projects ranging from managing different halls for the world’s most paramount shoe brand, The Distinction, to managing the whole Facebook network for the Massachusetts digital marketing company (and everything in between from schools to privately owned businesses: Business Visionaries).
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KHJ Brand Activation
KHJ Brand Enactment is a US based digital marketing company in Massachusetts. They assist clients with achieving the middle’s business goals through their improvement situated marketing administrations.
KHJ Brand Enactment is an independent, completely dealt with ladies’ cases image approach and actuation firm with inside and out information on the medical services, land, business-to-business, and purchaser brand marketing processes.
KHJ is broadly perceived for its capacity to bring a brand’s ‘stuff’ to life, igniting internal organizations and engaging outer accomplices to accomplish more elevated levels of execution. The moderate size company assists clients the nation over and all over the planet with achieving the imaginable with its constraining technique, the See and Realize™ Pathway.
They offer the following services:
Website Design & Development
Graphic Design
E-Commerce Web Design
CMS Design
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Marketing
Social Media Marketing
E-mail Marketing
Video Marketing
Business Strategy
Wakefly is Massachusetts’ leading digital marketing company that has been centered around creating the best moderate presence feasible for its clients for almost 20 years. Their gathering of skilled engineers and visionary publicists are experts in their fields, using the most recent to make cutting-edge sites.
This Massachusetts digital marketing company makes PC helped experiences enormous. They invest the normal energy to grasp the objectives and goals of their clients prior to starting work completely. Have zero faith in the clipping approach. Their determined, information-driven process guarantees they foster the best modernized game plan for you.
Whether you’re looking for an alternate site or need assistance updating an existing site, they act as an expansion of your gathering to assist you with achieving your objectives. They realize that having a website isn’t sufficient. Wakefly brings focuses through the commotion to arrive at your partners and convert your web traffic into leads.
Their services WakeFly Digital Marketing Company in Massachusetts provides:
Web Design and Development
Website Hosting
Conversion Rate Optimization
Paid Advertising
Search Engine Optimization
Web Accessibility
Website Performance Audit
Wakefly Security Audit
Website Migration to a new CMS
Website Upgrades
Ongoing Website Maintenance and Support
Connelly Partners
Independent individuals, however an independent association.
As the biggest independent digital marketing firm office in Massachusetts, they address the center worries of their clients, not the center worries of a holding company.
There are a few things that no one but people can do.
At the point when Steve Connelly, a clever leader and advertiser, established Connelly Accomplices in 1999, he set off on a mission to do a certain something: show the world that extraordinary individuals can accomplish amazing work.
They work perseveringly to utilize sympathy, innovation, and insight to convey brilliant arrangements. Which prompts work done by incredible individuals for good individuals. That is the reason they call themselves Rebelliously Human. This Massachusetts digital marketing company is comprised of 170 raucous human individuals who comprehend and draw in with individuals.
They trust in the force of compassion. It is your obligation to see the world through the eyes of your clients and your workers. They are best fit to brands that need to be brands of today, marks that perceive changing marketing governmental issues and need things tended to tomorrow. This is one of the most outstanding digital marketing organizations in Massachusetts.
What they do:
Advertising and Marketing
Advanced and Media
Social and Influencer
UX Design and UI
Customer Marketing
It’s what every one of them is doing out there that makes them who they are here.
With a respectable group, anything is conceivable, particularly an incredible work. As may be obvious, incredible characters make an extraordinary culture. What’s more, incredible culture draws in other extraordinary characters. Regardless of whether that meaning is floating near, it’s normal for noteworthy work to follow. Connelly Accomplices has been perceived for its working environment culture by Advertising Age, Boston Business Diary, The Boston Globe, and BostInno, among others. This makes them the best digital marketing company in Massachusetts.
Steadiness matters in a changing world.
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Blue Bumble Creative
They are a lady possessed company with a gathering of excited visual planners, web designers, and a digital marketing company situated in Massachusetts.
Blue Blunder Imaginative ensures results with industry-explicit marketing methodologies that have been demonstrated to create interest in your business and raise your picture. Your responsibility is to make the right decision for yourself and get the interaction.
Laid out in 2000, BBC is a complete response to premium brand upgrade and marketing. You need to make an arrangement or interaction well defined for your business that will separate you from your resistance and assist you with getting to the top.
As your clients’ businesses have advanced, so have they! They continually extend our marketing information to grasp current and future examples. In light of their clients and assistants, they offer more sorts of help to address their drawn out issues. They esteem themselves for the trust they have put in them and are content with the outcomes they have had the option to accomplish for them.
Blue Blunder is a Massachusetts-based digital marketing and brand consulting company specializing in B2B commercial centers. Blue Blunder has more marketing intelligence and creation company openness than other advertising or marketing offices in the more eminent Boston region. They have worked with north of 100 manufacturing and B2B organizations. They were in their works.
They talked with their agents. You have had conversations with your clients. Assuming you’re looking for inbound advertisers who can situate you to assist your chances with finding you, your inbound strategies can do exactly that. They are to some degree emphatic with huge shoulders and profound vision. Blue Blunder endeavors to convey more going on than might be expected and immediately answer its clients’ requirements with intelligence, inventiveness and flexibility. Blue Blunder is one of the leading digital marketing organizations in Massachusetts.
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