#capital seige
granitebrain · 2 months
Capitalism? Nah more like Catapaultism
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yourplayersaidwhat · 11 months
Our DM has the habit of giving us a cliffhanger and an intentionally impossible puzzle at the same time. This happened in a text channel he doesn't have access to:
Player1: "So general tomfoolery claims corpses are Objects. I can animate objects.
Theoretically. One could, fake a gargantuan purple worm zombie, and rampage it through the [enemy territory]'s countryside infrastructure.
Now I'm no expert, but how many folk heros would you throw at it before marching out an [celestial member of the shadow government] who receives small worship for martial prowess and heroism?
Since we know where there's a purple worm corpse, and not like it's going to rot very much there."
Player2: "That's so fucked. I'm 100% in."
Player1: "I know, right? Side effect of disrupting the supply lines. Tear up a few roads in the vicinity of [enemy capital], not enough to lay seige, but enough to threaten it? Yeah they'll sit up and listen.
Those worms have a walking speed of 50' burrowing 30' and can tunnel through solid rock at half that (leaving a 10' tunnel). And they don't have legs. So if I make it a construct... it can fly."
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miochimochi · 24 days
Simplified History of Canaan/Israel/Palestine
A good story starts at the beginning. In this case, about 15 thousand years ago in Canaan. The Canaanites were a Northwest Semitic people in the late bronze age comprised of a number of tribes: the Edomites, Amalekites, Phoenicians, Samaritans, and the Israelites, among others.
One of these tribes, the Israelites, revered the Canaanite god Yahweh above the rest. He would be worshiped alongside his consort Asherah and fellow gode El, and Baal. Over time, Yahweh came to lead the whole of the pantheon and became the sole subject of worship - a stage in the Israelite religion dubbed Monolatrism. This would later develop into a Monotheistic position, with gods like Baal being subject to demonization and El being to various epitaphs of Yahweh such as El-Shaddai. This change happened over a number of centuries, although we're unsure how many. What we do know is that the Monolatrist Yahwism was still a major religion in the region around 600BC.
Then came the Iron Age and the establishment of an Israelite kingdom in 1047BC. Saul rose as the first king of the now united Israel. It would continue until Jeroboam's Revolt in 930BC which would split the kingdom into two. Israel to the north, Judah to the south. Israel held control from east of the Jordan to the Mediterranean sea. Judah, on the other hand, had only the Jordan as its bordering water. The west side of Judah was held by the Philistine city states in what is today Gaza.
The Kingdom of Israel, also called the Kingdom of Samaria, had 4 capitals over its short time: Shiloh, Shechem, Tirzah, and Samaria. They lasted for 210 years before being subjugated by the Assyrians. The Assyrian Exile saw the forceful relocation of thousands of Israelites. There were 2 waves out of Israel up into Assyria and 1 other relocation that happened later in Beth-Eden out to Media. They took the northern Israel and dubbed it the province of Semarina. But the Assyrians would find themselves up against the Babylonians who sought the land for themselves. The Neo Assyrian Empire fell to the Neo Babylonian Empire and the lands of Israel, down to Judah as well, would be under Babylonian control.
Jerusalem was the capital of Judah, part of what was known under the Neo Babylonian Empire as the province of Yehud. Judah was not very happy about or compliant with their Babylonian captivity. The Judahite revolts lasted about 15 years and concluded with the Neo Babylonian Empire laying seige to Jerusalem. The seige lasted 2 years, ending in 587BC, ending the Kingdom of Judah after 343 years with the Babylonian exile. The Kingdom of Judah was later granted permission by the Babylonians to return, but no such Edict was made for the Kingdom of Israel. The split is said to be 2 tribes returning to Judah, 10 tribes still in exile. Fun fact: there are actually 13 tribes, the 13th being the Tribe of Levi, a tribe with no territory!
It's likely that this Babylonian exile was a big catalyst for the monotheistic Judaism we know now and a good portion of the Tanakh was written during this time. This was the period in which the Hebrew identity really began to take shape. From their faith, to their politics, and even the writing of their history. It's possible that either the majority of Judah was exiles or that only the few elites, now embittered by their exile and the taking of their land by those who were below them, were the only ones taken into exile.
Keep in mind that since the seige of Jerusalem, the Israelites did not have their temple. It was almost a century later under the Persian empire that the second temple would be built, starting a new age of Hebrew identity. The Persians were rather open to Jewish self-governance, allowing an autonomous kingdom of Israel to rise in the province of Yehud Medinata.
Israel stayed relatively undisturbed for centuries after. The Greeks would conquer Persia and establish the province of Celesyria. The Hasmonean dynasty took rise in 140BC and lasted until 37BC. It was first under the Seleucid empire and then gained a brief period of autonomy until the Hasmonean Civil War broke out and the Roman empire took the opportunity to intervene and subjugate the kingdom in 63BC. The dynasty would collapse with the rise of the Herodian dynasty.
This Herodian Kingdom would continue to be a client state of the Roman empire. After the death of King Herod, the Romans divided the kingdom among his children, marking the beginning of the Herodian Tetrarchy. This too would come to an end and Provincia Iudaea and Iturea would take its place. It was during this time that a man named Yeshua had done his teachings - teachings which would have a great effect on the region in later years. It was also during this time that the Second Temple period came to an end when the Romans besieged Jerusalem in the First Jewish-Roman War.
Provincia Iudaea would find itself changing as a result of the Bar Kokhba Revolt. The region would be named Provincia Syria Palastina in its restructuring and the Jews once again found themselves in exile. Those who remained after the defeat and execution of Bar Kokhba would be themselves executed or enslaved. But the Roman Empire began its decline and would break apart some time later. The region would fall into the hands of the Byzantine Empire. The Jewish land was now under the first empire to be Christian from its founding.
This Christian control would hold until the Muslim conquests began. These conquests fundamentally changed the cultural and demographic landscape of the whole Levant. What was once Northwestern Semitic was now decisively Arabic, a Central Semitic culture. The land of Israel was split between Jund Filastin and Al-'Urduun. It would remain this way under three separate caliphates until the Pope declared the First Crusade which established the Kingdom of Jerusalem which lasted for almost 200 years, then had a 5 year gap in which it was under Muslim control again, and then a nearly 100 more years after it was recaptured with the Third Crusade.
From here, the lands gets continuously taken and divided between various Caliphates, Sultanates, Emirates, and Principalities. But none of them quite got a great hold of the region until the Ottoman Empire got in the game. The empire lasted over 600 years, although the first half of it did not have the region under its control. A joint effort of British, French, and Arab forces would take control of the region away from the Ottoman empire in 1917, and in 1920 there was the establishment of Mandatory Palestine.
In the 1800s, a nationalist movement arose among the Jewish diaspora within Europe called Zionism. The movement called for a Jewish homeland to be reestablished within the region of Palestine, at the time under the control of the Ottoman Empire. It partly rose as a response to the Haskalah, an intellectual movement among Jews in Europe and the Middle East. The Haskalah saw a turn away from traditional dress and institutions, but, likely more importantly, a revival of the Hebrew language. You see, Hebrew at this point was only a liturgical language, the way Latin is in Catholicism. The Haskalah sought for it to be used among even secular society. The Haskalah helped to unify Jews, especially in Europe.
Zionism was always a diverse movement with various leaders holding various different positions, but all agreed on the thing that unified the whole ideology: a return to Israel at any cost. At this point, Jewish identity was still scattered and the bloodlines were muddled by centuries of exile. The Jews were found throughout Eurasia and Africa, but it was particularly the European Jews that had the biggest push towards resettlement and the reestablishment of an Israeli state. The Aliyah had picked up more in earnest.
It's believed that less than 1% of the Jewish diaspora were living in the Palestinian region in the late 19th century. Many Jews began to make aliyah to the region in the 1880s and they began to settle into the land. This was further spured on by the various persecutions Jews had faced in various places, making for a refugee settlement within the land. Through the involvement of the British, French, and Arabs, the political landscape shifted around these new settlers until 1948 when Israel officially became a sovereign nation. In 1950, Israel issued the Law of Return, calling for the global Jewish diaspora to return to the region and be granted citizenship within Israel.
There were clashes between the Jews and Arabs in Palestine during their migrations, but it was at the founding of an Israeli state that tensions soared. Both Israel and new Palestinian states of Gaza and the Jordanian Annexed West Bank argued over their capital. East Jerusalem was held as the Palestinian capital and West Jerusalem was held as the Israeli capital, but both wanted full control of Jerusalem. The conflicts would see the scales tilted most towards the side of Israel, with Palestinians taking the most casualties since Israel's founding.
Thy founding of Israel wasn't a peaceful one. The Arab League was instantly hostile to David Ben Gurion declaring an independent Israel and on May 14th 1948 attacked. The war was decisive, but bloody. Israel lost around 6,000, two thirds of that being civilians, while the Arab League had a combined loss upwards of 20,000 soldiers and civilians. This conflict established the All-Palestine Government, Egyptian occupation of Gaza, the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank, the cementing of Israel as a new nation. The Nakba occurred during this war and is what contributed most to the civilian casualties on the side of the Arab League. This event is seen as an ethnic cleansing of Palestine, with many targeted massacres of Arab majority towns and villages. Israel had displaced over 750,000 Arabs from the region during this time.
The Armistance signed at the end of the war was being observed by the parties involved but there was tension over the Straits of Tiran. This culminated in an Israeli invasion of Egypt when Egypt closed off the Suez Canal to Israel. This invasion reopened the canal and placed UNEF forces at the Egypt-Israel border. Israel would then threaten Egypt with a casus belli should they close the canal again. About a decade later, Egypt would mobilize troops to a defensive position at the border, call for the UNEF to leave, and closed the canal again. The UNEF obliged and began to leave. In response to all of this, Israel launched airstrikes against Egyptian airfields and other locations. Israel would simultaneously invade the Sinai peninsula and Gaza sparking the Six Day War. Jordan would launch attacks aimed at slowing the Israeli forces. Syria would join in the fifth day with attacks in the north, and on the sixth day Egyptian president Nasser would call for an evacuation of troops and civilians from the peninsula. The casualties were in the thousands for one side and the hundreds for the Israeli side. Israel didn't even believe Egypt would attack Israel, as the troop movements were not significant enough to engage an offensive.
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) would exchange fire at the Israel-Lebanon border, resulting in a number of soldier and civilian casualties on both sides. Back in the UK, a gunman tried to assassinate Israeli ambassador Shlomo Argov. Prime Minister Menachem Begin blamed the PLO for the attack and launched an invasion of southern Lebanon. In reality, the PLO had nothing to do with it - in fact, it was one of the PLO's enemies, the Abu Nidal Organization, that attempted the assassination. With the help of a number of domestic Lebanese-nationalist Christian groups, Israel occupied territory in southern Lebanon. Again with thousands dead on one side, hundreds on the Israeli. The invasion led to an Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, to the chagrin of their Christian allies who had proclaimed the land the Free Lebanon State.
In the 80s, a series of protests and acts of civil disobedience occurred in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories. People would take to the streets, fights would break out, and people would be killed. It lasted until 1993 with the Israel-PLO mutual recognition letters. These letters saw the PLO recognizing Israel as a sovereign state and Israel recognizing the PLO as the legitimate Palestinian authority. This set the groundwork for the Oslo I accords which resulted in the creation of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Upwards of 200 Israelis were killed and almost 2,000 Palestinians were killed, about 350 of those were killed by other Palestinians.
The accords would call for a 5 year period of peace in which plans for permanent peace could be negotiated. The PNA were to have administrative control of Palestine and the IDF would withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank. Oslo II would be signed in 1995 as an agreement by Israel to transfer authority of the Palestinian Council while also making it so the only armed groups allowed in Palestine would be the Israeli police, Israeli military, and Palestinian police. This would bar Palestine from any formal military or militia.
In 2001, Netanyahu would be secretly recorded as he said "They asked me before the election if I'd honor [the Oslo accords]... I said I would, but [that] I'm going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the '67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I'm concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue."
Hamas was founded in 1987 and was an opposition force to, not only Israel but, the ruling party of Palestine: Fatah. It formed out of a charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. By 2006, they had won the majority vote in the Palestinian legislative election and in 2007 they seized control of Gaza from Fatah. Their position was a reinstatement of Mandatory Palestine, but over time they declared they would settle for the 1967 border. They offered a truce with Israel should they honor the '67 border, to which Israel rejected.
Hamas had received backing from Israel during its foundation, according to Israeli officials Yitzhak Segev and Avner Cohen. It was meant to act as a sort of balance to act against the PLO and Fatah. This means that Hamas, considered a threat to Israeli security, began as a sort of proxy for Israel, although likely unknowingly. Israel would find themselves regretting this decision as Hamas would commit multiple acts of violence against Israeli citizens and soldiers over the years since their creation. Even with as much as there is documented, though, much of what is attributed to them is rather unclear as to whether they were actually their acts.
On October 7th, Hamas would launch a small scale attack around a music festival. Israel is believed to have also contributed to the fatalities that day. More people would be killed amidst the fallout of this event and many unsupported accusations would be made by Israel, such as a claim that Hamas engaged in mass rape during this event. Netanyahu would use this event as a springboard for what he viewed as just cause to launch an invasion of Palestine, focusing heavily on the Gaza Strip. Since then, there has been documented atrocities committed by Israel, little reliable coverage of what Hamas has been doing during this time frame, and a lot of unsubstantiated claims from both Israel and Palestine. Among the documented atrocities committed would be: humiliation and execution of Palestinians (including children), firing upon medical personnel and journalists, giving as little as only 5 minutes of warning before dropping bombs in heavily populated areas, firing upon Israeli hostages Hamas had released while they waived white flags, invaded a hospital and killed people (including children) lying in hospital beds, kidnapping, and executing an unarmed old man begging for his life at his bedside.
I've brought everything here up to show that history is not as simple as people like to present it as. There are many ups and downs, twists and turns, and even fabrications. I've seen people on both sides of the aisle present false information, deny history, and act like everything is entirely black and white the whole way down. And when I speak, I'm accused of supporting the worst things imaginable. Ancient Israel and the Israelites has been a topic of interest for me at different points in my life, I've done my digging. It would be wrong to say that the Arab Palestinians are the indigenous people and that ethnic Jews aren't. It would also be wrong to say that Israel has done no wrong, acting only in defense.
I don't take a side between Israel and Hamas. I take my side with the people caught in between this conflict that's been going on for a long time. It did not start October 7th. It all started much much much more long ago. Knowing your history is important to understanding today.
Also I wrote this on and off for about a month now and I just want to finally finish and post it, I'm not proofreading to make sure everything's entirely cohesive and strung together the best way possible, don't ever just trust some rando on the internet, do your own research.
No, I'm not pro-genocide nor antisemitic. I just like history and hate statists. Fuck this all. Heartless bastards always running the show and the people pay the price.
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somerabbitholes · 2 years
I love how some books feature a city as if it's a character on its own. I've seen how you are very invested in the history of Bombay. Do you have any recommendations that will help in understanding the history of Delhi on the whole? Like how you were reading about municipal debates in Bombay.
Will be waiting for the weekend when you answer this.
hi! yes, that is definitely my favourite genre. i'm not as confident about delhi as i am about writing on mumbai for a bunch of reasons. most of all i think a lot of writing on delhi tends to get caught up in the city's nostalgia (as a mughal city, imperial city, the poet's city etc etc) in increasingly solipsistic ways without actually trying to see the city for what it is or how it has grown to be what it is. but i've been putting a list together of more focused work
city of djinns by william darlymple: an account of his year in delhi; looks at how people live its history and remember it; how it is handed down; what that means for the contemporary city
the seige of delhi by amarpal singh: about the 1857 'war' in delhi, how the revolt was crushed and fought out in the walled city
twilight in delhi by ahmed ali: about an aristocratic ashraf family in 1900s delhi; how they come to terms with the colonial city after 1857 and with everything that happens to the muslim population in the city; a little orientalist in its descriptions and everything, but also it's from the 1940s so what do you expect
indigenous modernities by jyoti hosagrahar: about urban growth, architecture, and identity in colonial delhi; how modernity is fleshed out in the space between colonial and nationalist politics
capital: the eruption of delhi by rana dasgupta: about how wealth came to delhi in independent india; how an elite class formed in the city but more generally about its more recent and more contemporary growth
delhi: ancient history edited by upinder singh: brings together the archaeological findings in modern delhi and looks at how they've been pieced together to form a picture of the city going back hundreds of years
delhi between two empires by narayani gupta: a broad overview of the city between 1803, when it fell to the british, and 1931, when it became the imperial capital, got a new delhi and sort of regained attention
connaught place and the making of new delhi by swapna liddle: how the imperial capital took shape; looks at plans made by the government, if they materialised and how they materialised; she also has a book on the mughal city with chandni chowk at its centre
city improbable edited by khushwant singh: an anthology of writings on delhi
indian summer: lutyens, baker, and imperial delhi by robert irving: looks at the planning and building of new delhi with these two architects at the centre; what their style says about the empire and modernity and so on
new delhi: the last imperial city by david johnson: about delhi between 1911, when it was decided that it would be the new capital, and 1931, when new delhi actually became a thing; i like this one because it has the ability to shift scales and also look at colonial politics and ideological considerations through the shift from calcutta to delhi
please don't go 'you've forgotten this' on this, because this is very specifically only a list of work i'm looking to read on delhi.
happy reading!
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attackfish · 11 months
I love your headcanons and everything you've written! Could you continue the Sky Pirate Jet AU? You left us with maybe the worst and at the same time the most interesting cliffhanger I've ever read - the idea that uncle Iroh caused incredible amounts of suffering to people like Jet, and I'd love to read more!
Continued from: [Link], [Link], [Link], and [Link].
1. It is a source of great consternation for Earth King Kuei, that the firelord, whenever he pleases, can slip into and out of Ba Sing Se, and the Upper Ring, with him none the wiser. And Zuko does this if not all the time, frequently enough that his uncle isn't shocked when he shows up just after the Jasmine Dragon has closed, having purchased honey plum cakes from the bakery he knows his uncle likes best, on his way.
2. He is more surprised when his nephew asks about his northern Earth Kingdom campaign on his way to lay seige to Ba Sing Se. It was military grunt work, the boring background to laying a siege, where you make sure that your supply lines are not going to get cut off, and you're not going to be attacked from behind, and forced to fight on two fronts. It's the kind of thing that fills military manuals, not adventure stories. And of course it caused tremendous human misery as part of a war that never should have been fought. And he of course tells his nephew this, who says what about the village of Gaipan?
3. The name doesn't ring any bells, and he tells Zuko this. Zuko describes what happened there, the Rough Rhinos "clearing it out", a process that involved rounding villagers up, locking them in their homes and setting those homes on fire, the place being picked clean by foraging parties and a garrison being stationed there, about how only a handful of people died, compared to the death toll of the war, and most of the villagers survived, but they were plenty of children left orphaned, and with the landscape picked clean, the next years were hungry ones, and the orphaned children were no one's top priority, and they had to fend for themselves in the forest. Iroh nods along, it has the ring of truth to it, and he does not doubt it. And it is very tragic and it is absolutely his fault, and he was not a good man, but it also cannot be undone, so why is his nephew bringing it up now?
4. So Zuko tells him, Jet was from Gaipan. He was one of those orphaned children, fending for himself in the forest. Ah, says Iroh.
5. When Zuko leaves Ba Sing Se, his uncle comes with him. But he doesn't come to the capital. Instead he heads for the Boiling Rock prison, with a letter from his nephew, remanding convicted murderer and pirate, Jet, into Iroh's custody.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 7 months
wondering about the defensibility of the Corona isle itself (actually what is it called? Corona Proper? The island? A mystery...).
having only one bridge in and out (even if it is a marvel of engineering) is a chokehold and you'd be kinda screwed if it was destroyed (Disney would never have the balls to show enemy invaders slowly starving out a city under siege like that lmao)
i like to think there used to be a sandbar connecting the island to the mainland (like mont st michel) but that would make large ships passing between it impossible after it erodes
Well the benefit of Corona proper (sometimes I call it “the capital”) being on an island is that any siege by sea can easily be stopped cause they can see it coming. And even though that bridge is made for show, its slight narrowness would slow an army down. However it does absolutely nothing to protect the citizens of the capital unless they evacuate everyone to the walls of the castle in time.
Corona clearly isn’t meant to withstand a land seige
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Japanese armies invaded China's northern provinces and quickly captured the ancient Chinese capital Peking (now called Beijing), where Pamela Werner was murdered in 1937 [before the Japanese invasion - the case is still unsolved]. In this war, the Japanese enjoyed overwhelming superiority in numbers, training, and weapons.
While fighting was happening in Northern China, the Japanese launched a second front on the city of Shanghai, on the eastern coast of China. They captured Shanghai also in 1937. They were then able to move up the Yangtze River and lay seige to the Nationalist capital Nanking (now called Nanjing).
By the time of Nanking's capture, the Japanese already controlled large sections of China, and war crimes against the Chinese became commonplace.
This all took place during the Sino-Japanese War, in particular, the second Sino-Japanese war between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan, with the first war having taken place in 1894.
When Nanking fell to the Japanese troops, they immediately slaughtered thousands of Chinese soldiers who had surrendered to them, as well as civilians. For six weeks, life for the Chinese in Nanking became a nightmare. Bands of drunken Japanese soldiers roamed the city, murdering, raping, looting and burning the city at whim. At least twenty thousand Chinese women were raped in Nanking during the first four weeks of the Japanese occupation, and many were afterward mutilated and killed.
**Warning: Disturbing Content**
When the bodies of murdered Chinese turned the gutters and the Yangtze River red with their blood, the Japanese were forced to refine their methods of slaughter in the interest of preventing the spread of disease. Batches of Chinese civilians were sent to slaughter pits, where they were buried alive, hacked to death with swords, used for bayonet practice, or poured with petrol and burned alive. The Japanese even posed with their dead victims - burned corpses, bayoneted babies, headless bodies, and disembowled women. Sons were forced to sodomize their own mothers and then were usually murdered. Unlike the Nazis, who tried to hide or at least obscure the scope of their atrocities on civilians, the Japanese flaunted theirs in full view of horrified foreigners with cameras, most of whom tried futilely to stem the slaughter, even as they recorded it on film.
"The Japanese took souvenir pictures of what they did, particularly to the women. Many were forced into pornographic poses before, after or during mutilation and death," said Iris Chang, the author of bestselling book The Rape of Nanking. "I had to omit the worst pictures from my book because I feared they might cause it to be banned from school libraries. And school libraries are where I want it most to be."
In fact, the ritual gang-rapes perpetuated by the Japanese Army would have only been hearsay if not for the photographs the soldiers themselves took of their crimes to send back home as souvenirs.
Though her grandparents managed to escape just before the Japanese entered Nanking, Chang found herself consumed with documenting the massacre before the last of the survivors passed away. In Nanjing she located 10 survivors, including one who was a pregnant teenager when the city was sacked.
"She actually fought off the Japanese soldiers who tried to rape her," said Chang. "They bayoneted her 37 times. She was photographed afterward at the hospital. She lost the baby, but somehow lived through it. She's obviously a very strong woman."
One woman, who was eight at the time, remembers her father being shot, and she and her mother being raped by soldiers. She still suffers to this day from the brutal attack.
Following the massive destruction of Nanking, China's capital was left in ruin. The Japanese government installed a puppet government headed by General Matsui Iwane (who declared the attack on Nanking) and his lieutenant, Tani Hisao, to rule over Nanking, where they maintained power until the end of World War II, after which both Matsui Iwane and Tani Hisao were tried and convicted of war crimes, leading to their execution. Unfortunately only a few Japanese were tried for their crimes against humanity in Nanking, with Japan refusing to even acknowledge the massacre even happened, as well as most people outside of Asia never having heard of it.
One week after the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945, General Douglas MacArthur - the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers - ordered the arrests of Japanese suspects, including General Hideki Tojo. Twenty-eight defendants, mostly Imperial military officers and government officials, were charged. Seven defendants were sentenced to death by hanging and 16 defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment.
The defendants were:
Sadao Araki
Kenji Doihara
Kingoro Hashimoto
Shunroku Hata
Kiichiro Hiranuma
Koki Hirota
Naoki Hoshino
Seishiro Itagaki
Okinori Kaya
Koichi Kido
Heitaro Kimura
Kuniaki Koiso
Matsui Iwane
Jiro Minami
Akira Muto
Osami Nagano
Takasumi Oka
Shumei Okawa
Hiroshi Oshima
Kenryo Sato
Mamoru Shigemitsu
Shigetaro Shimada
Toshio Shiratori
Teiichi Suzuki
Shigenori Togo
Hideki Tojo
Charges were dropped for Shumei Okawa because he was found to be mentally unfit for trial. Two defendants, Yosuke Matsuoka and Osami Nagano, died of natural causes during the trial. Six defendants were sentenced to death by hanging. One defendant, Matsui Iwane, was sentenced to death. On December 23, 1948, the defendants were executed at Sugamo Prison with Allied Council as witnesses. Six defendants were sentenced to life in prison. Koiso, Shiratori, and Umezu died in prison while the other 13 were paroled between 1954 and 1956.
Eleven countries came together to form the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), convened on April 29, 1946 to try the leaders of Japan for joint conspiracy to start and wage war.
*Japanese History*
Before the massacre, Japan had recently been Westernized and modernized - but in weaponry alone - as they themselves were less than a century out of their Samurai past, with each soldier still reeling from the harsh authoritarian regime under which they served. Japan was an extremely isolated country and the general attitude was overwhelmingly nationalistic.
Living in isolationism for hundreds of years, the old world Japan of 1853 had been shocked into modernization by U.S. Navy Commodore Matthew Perry, who - with just four modern steam warships - had entered Tokyo harbour, trained his canon on the Emperor's place, then demanded and received from the Japanese government precisely the trade treaty that American politicians had long required. Japan's highly militaristic Imperial culture spent the next few years importing into their island as much Western weaponry as they could, taking advantage of the new Western technology to revive its Samurai informed ultra-authoritarianism both at home and abroad.
Right before the Japanese captured the Chinese city of Peking, overt hostilities were felt, due to the Marco Polo Bridge incident of 1937, when shots were exchanged between the Chinese and Japanese on Peking's outskirts. Thereupon full-scale hostilities began between the two nations.
There were the Nationalist Chinese and the Communist Chinese. Nationalist Chinese leadership had been holding their forces in reserve for a future struggle with the Communist Chinese, which hindered them in repelling the Japanese. By contrasts, the Communist Chinese, from their base in North Central China, began an increasingly effective guerrilla war against the Japanese troops in Manchuria and North China.
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 2 years
Star wars the clone wars Valor of war (my star wars AU)
Episode 1: Seige of Adora:
War rages on, with the seperatist army attacking planets all over the galaxy the Republic and their powerful Clone army alongside the Jedi order must stop them.
On the planet of Ardoa, the 501st and 212th as well as Jedi generals Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker as well as padawan Ahsoka Tano must Repell them.
In the Republic base Obi wan, Anakin, Ashoka, as well as captian Rex and commander Cody were in the briefing room discussing their next move.
"The capital city is the final part of our objective, we take that and we've freed the city." Cody said.
"However the large amount of droids, plus the sheer size of the city is going to make that a harder task, as such we shall split into groups." Obi wan.
He then looked at the group.
"Anakin and a squad of men will focus on this area, Ahsoka and Rex eill converge here and me and Cody will take the middle, if all goes well we should all meet together at the end and finish off any remaining droids that are still around." Obi wan said.
"You should also know that Dooku is here as well, so you should take great care when facing him, and call either me, general Kenobi or commander Tano for assistance, understood." Anakin said.
"Yes sir." All the clones chorused at once.
"Alright then, everyone prepare for battle, we move it in one hour." Rex said.
All the other clones filed out and Anakin, Obi wan, Cody, Rex and Ashoka followed a moment later.
With obi wan:
The 212th were fighting a number of droids in the Street.
Blaster shots went everywhere and there were several small explosions as grenades and rockets from both sides were fired.
"General, on your left." Cody called.
Obi wan jumped out of the way just as shot from an AAT exploded right where Obi wan was standing.
"Thank you Cody." Obi wan said to Cody who nodded.
Obi wan looked at the tank.
"That tank is certainly putting a damper on my day." Obi wan said.
"It's no good sir, our troops can't get a good shot at it from here." Cody said.
Obi wan hummed and quickly thought up a plan.
"Waxer, Boil come with me". Obi wan said.
"We're with you sir." Waxer said as he and Boil followed Obi wan.
The three Went onto a large roof directly above the AAT.
"Waxer, prepare to jump." Obi wan said.
"Sir?" Waxer asked nervously.
"Don't worry I have a plan." Obi wan reassured him.
Waxer nodded.
"I'm ready sir." He said.
"Now." Obi wan called.
Waxer jumped and Obi wan used the force to lower him onto the hatch of the tank.
Waxer gave Obi wan a thumbs up before opening the hatch.
"Hey, what are you doing, this is my tank." The droid pilot protested before Waxer shot him and threw him out the tank.
Waxer quickly got to the gun controls.
"Your turn Boil." Obi wan said.
"Yes sir." Boil said.
He jumped and Obi wan used the force to lower him behind the tank.
Obi wan then jumped down himself.
Obi wan cut open the door to the tank to find three droids there.
"You said we'd be safe in here." One said.
"Come on, there's three of us and only two of them." The second droid said defensively.
"It won't matter." The third replied gloomily.
Obi wan cut two of the droids down with his lightsaber and boil shot the third.
Boil then took the controls of the tank.
Boil piloted the tank so it was directly behind the droids.
"Alright Waxer, let e'm have it." Boil said.
"FIRE IN THE HOLE." Waxer yelled.
Waxer fired the main turret a few times and the droids were practically decimated.
Obi wan, Waxer and Boil got out the tank and Cody came over.
"Nice work general." Cody said.
"Thank you Cody, now let's get moving, we've got a battle to win here." Obi wan said.
"Yes sir, you heard him men, let's go." Cody ordered.
The 212th started moving again.
A group of commando droids were fighting against a team of 501st troopers but were starting to be overwhelmed.
The captian got on his commlink and a hologram of Dooku appeared.
"Count Dooku, we're recieving a high amount of resistance, we're being overwhelmed." The droid said.
"Then retreat, and lure the clones into the trap I have set." Dooku ordered.
"Roger Roger." The captian said before cutting off the hollogram.
The clone lieutenant leading the clones fired more shots at the droids hitting one.
The droids started retreating and the clones followed still firing at them.
With Rex and Ahsoka:
Rex and Ashoka were fighting off the last few droids at their position.
"This looks like the last of the driods here." Ahsoka said.
"Yeah, hopefully general Skywalker and general Kenobi show up soon." Rex said blasting another droid.
Rex's comm went off.
"Captian Rex, this is CT-0212, we think we have something." A clones voice said over the comm.
"I'll be right there lieutenant." Ahsoka said.
She looked at Rex.
"You think you can handle the rest of these driods?" Ahsoka asked.
"Yeah, you go ahead commander." Rex said.
Ahsoka nodded and left with a few troops.
Not long later Ahsoka arrived where the lieutenant and his troops were waiting.
"Lieutenant Trix, what have you got?" Ahsoka asked.
"We were following a group of commando droids when they went down this alleyway, we heard it may be rigged with a boobytrap so we decided to call for help." Trix informed her.
"What do you reckon the trap is?" Ahsoka asked.
"Mines, tanks, bombs, knowing the seppies it could be anything." Trix said.
"Okay then, we'll proceed forward, but be cautious." Ahsoka said.
"Yes commander, let's move men." Trix said signalling to the troops behind him.
They hadn't been walking long when suddenly a number of blaster turrets opened up and started firing at them.
At the same time the squad of commando droids returned and added their blasterfire to the barrage.
"Ambush!" Trix exclaimed firing his own blaster back at the droids.
"Get to cover." Ahsoka ordered deflecting shots with her lightsabers.
The clones and Ahsoka spread out and found cover.
One commando droid lunged at Trix brandishing a vibroblade but the lieutenant fought against the droid and in the end stabbed it through the chest with it's own weapon.
A flurry of sparks flew from the droid as it's body crumpled to the ground like a rock.
The fierce battle kept on for several minutes but soon the droids were pushing forward.
"I don't think we can hold this position any longer sir." Trix said.
"Alright Trix, tell the men to fall back." Ahsoka said.
"That won't be necessary snips." A voice said over the comm.
Just then Anakin, Fives, and Echo appeared.
The droids instantly started firing upon their new foes and Anakin jumped over to Ahsoka.
"Thanks for the assist master, but what are you doing here?" Ahsoka asked.
"Well we already finished our battle so I thought we'd just pop over here and help you with yours." Anakin said.
With the help of their reinforcements the group finished up the last of the droids.
"That'll teach those clankers to never mess with the 501st." Fives said.
"You got that right Fives." Echo agreed.
"We'd better meet up with Obi wan, or he'll think we're dead or something." Anakin joked.
They got to the staging area where Obi wan, Cody, Rex and the others were all waiting.
"Well it's nice to see you finally made it Anakin, good to see you again Ahsoka." Obi wan said.
"General, all platoons have reported in." Cody said.
"Thank you Cody, order all the men to block all the exits in and out of the base, we don't want anyone escaping." Obi wan said.
"Yes sir." Cody said walking over to the troops.
"So what now?" Anakin asked.
"We will all rest for a while and attend to our Wounded, then we shall plan a strategy for attacking the base, and possibly capturing Dooku." Obi wan said.
"If we capture him he could prove essential to ending the war." Ahsoka said.
"Precisely why we must plan accordingly, for now you are both dismissed." Obi wan said smiling at both Anakin and Ahdoka.
"Yes master." Anakin said before walking over to Rex with Ahsoka in tour.
Obi wan then went over to Cody and the 212th.
With the captial city taken the 501st and 212th were able to surround the seperatist outpost in a seige.
After resting they preceded on inside where they would receive heavy resistance from a skilled seperatist commander.
One who has been commanding battle droids since before they even joined the seperatists.
Just before the Republic attacked Adora they'd been recycling some of the old OOM series droids, you'll remember these as the ones who attacked Naboo about eleven years before the clone wars began.
Anyways, as I said they've been recycling and upgrading a number of these and placing them into their already massive army.
The commander I'm referring to, was one of these droids.
A commander that went by the name of, OOM-9.
Seperatist base, two weeks before the battle:
In a workshop a Seperatist engineer was working on repairing a droid lying on the table in front of him.
Dooku watched with interest as the engineer worked.
After a few minutes the engineer put away his tools and turned to Dooku.
"He is ready my lord." The engineer said.
"Switch him on." Dooku ordered.
"Yes sir." The engineer said before pressing the droids on switch.
There was a whir of mechanics following by the slight creaking of metal bolts and armour as the droid activated and stood on it's feet.
"Commander OOM-9 reporting for duty, my lord." The droid said standing at attention.
"Welcome to the seperatist army OOM-9, I am sure you shall do your purpose proudly." Dooku said.
"Roger Roger." OOM-9 said nodding.
Dooku smirked.
The present day:
The 501st were walking down a corridor when several bronze and black battle droids attacked.
"Blast em' boys." Anakin said force pulling a blaster into his hands and opening fire.
Trix fired a few shots at a droid and it went down but then it simply got up again and continued firing.
"Damm, these clankers have tough armour." Trix said firing at the droid again.
This time the droid went down and stayed down.
Several droids started firing from behind.
"We're cut off." Echo said.
The clones got behind cover as they continued firing at the droids.
The command center:
OOM-9 watched this from one of the security cameras before turning his attention to the 212th who were marching down another corridor.
"We have them now, send in the super commandoes." OOM-9 said.
"Roger Roger." A battle droid said pressing a button.
With the 212th:
The 212th were going down another corridor when several commando droids with blue and gold markings appeared, they were followed by a commando with gold markings who was obviously their commander.
"Commando droids." Cody growled aiming his blaster.
"Show no mercy." The commander ordered.
The droids opened fire at the the clones who promptly fired back.
One commando droid had its blaster shot from it's hand but it simply activated a laser sword on it's arm and lunged at Obi wan, attacking with a flurry of fury and precision that actually had Obi wan surprised.
One point for seperatist engineering I guess.
"Wow, they've really stepped up their engineering haven't they." A young shiny commented.
"You can say that again kid." Cody said nodding in agreement.
After several minutes of fighting the commandoes were destroyed.
Obi wan looked and saw a men men dead and serval wounded, he looked to his chief medical officer Helix.
"Helix, you and some men take the injured back outside, the rest off of us will press on." Obi wan said.
"Yes sir." Helix said nodding before moving over to the injured troopers.
"What now general?" Cody asked.
"We're going to head to the command center and disable the commander there, I'll send Anakin after Dooku." Obi wan said.
Obi wan activated his commlink.
"Anakin, Anakin come in." Obi wan said.
With the 501st:
Anakin and the 501st were still fighting off the advanced OOM droids when Anakin's comm beeped.
"Anakin, Anakin come in." Obi wan's voice said.
"Master I'm kinda in the middle of something here." Anakin said.
"I'm heading to the command center, I want you to go to the main hangar and hold your position there, do not let anyone escape, and take extreme care, Dooku may be on his way there." Obi wan said.
"All over it master." Anakin said.
With that Anakin cut down the last droid.
"Everyone, too the hangar." Anakin said.
The clones and Ahsoka nodded and ran to the hangar.
With the 212th:
Obi wan and his clones arrived outside the command center.
"This is it general." Cody said.
"Right, is everybody ready?" Obi wan asked.
The clones nodded.
"NOW!" Obi wan exclaimed opening the door.
The clones burst into the command center blasters blazing.
OOM-9 and the droids inside fired back with their own blasters.
Obi wan force pushed a droid at OOM-9 who simply caught it and threw it aside.
"Hello there." Obi wan said.
"General Kenobi, you certainly are brave." OOM-9 said.
"Your move." Obi wan said.
"Jedi, we fight to the death." OOM-9 said throwing aside his blaster and withdrawing a vibroblade.
Obi wan drew his drew his lightsaber and he and the droid began to Duel.
With the 501st:
The 501st had just finished securing the hangar when Anakin looked apprehensive.
"It's Dooku, he's on his way."
"We'll take him together." Ahsoka said.
"No, I have a plan, but I need you to follow it to the letter." Anakin said his face serious.
Ahsoka nodded.
Not long later they were set.
Dooku walked in and didn't look surprised at the sight of Anakin.
"Skywalker, I should have expected you'd be here." Dooku said calmly.
"You've one chance to stand down now Dooku, or I'll bring you to justice myself." Anakin said.
"You should know I'll never surrender to the likes of you jedi." Dooku said pulling his lightsaber from his belt and igniting it.
"So be it." Anakin said withdrawing his own lightsaber and charging at Dooku.
Jedi Knight and sith lord fought, red blade meeting blue and several times it seemed one would end the other but nothing happened.
Ahsoka, Rex, Echo, Fives and Trix watched this from the corners.
"Wait for his mark, the moment he gives the word, we attack." Ahsoka said.
With Obi wan:
Obi wan and OOM-9 were still fighting.
"You know this war isn't necessary, all it has brought it the deaths of so many people, you will gain nothing by continuing it." Obi wan said as he dodged a strike from the droid's vibroblade.
"I'm not in this war to take over the galaxy jedi, I'm in it for the glory of my droid brethren, we will bring an age of peace and security to the galaxy." OOM-9 said.
Obi wan disarmed the droid and a couple of clones grabbed him.
"Not like this you won't, all your brothers are doing is bringing suffering and pain to the galaxy." Obi wan said.
"Jedi, elitist scum." OOM-9 growled breaking free of the clones. "Do you have any idea just how many beings suffered because of your Republic."
Obi wan was silent at the droid's words.
"Of course you don't, you were just sitting there in your precious temple running after your precious senate, just like puppets in a play." OOM-9 said.
Before anyone could stop him OOM-9 threw a flash grenade into the air and ran from the room grabbing his vibroblade and punching aside a couple of clones as he went.
"All droids retreat to the hangar, Adora is lost, we most retreat while we are still standing." OOM-9 ordered.
Obi wan rubbed his eyes and once he could see somewhat clearly and the ringing in his ears stopped he got on the commlink.
"Anakin, the droid commander is headed your way, his name is OOM-9, try and stop him." Obi wan said.
In the hangar:
Anakin and Dooku we're still dueling when Dooku threw Anakin to the ground.
"A bold but foolish fight my boy, but you have lost, give qui Gon my regards." Dooku said raising his lightsaber.
"NOW." Anakin yelled.
The clones all emerged firing stun blasts and Dooku after taking several shots was brought to his knees.
Anakin grabbed Dooku and jumped into the air before force slamming him hard into the floor.
The clones and Ahsoka surrounded Dooku weapons raised, Anakin stood in front of him.
Dooku got to his feet but after walking a few steps forward fell to his knees in front of Anakin.
"It seems I'm unarmed and at your mercy, so tell me Anakin, do you intend to bring me in, or to end this here and now." Dooku said.
Anakin didn't say anything and pulled out his blaster aiming at Dooku's head.
The sir suddenly exploded with shots as OOM-9 and the remaining battle droids ran into the room and surrounded the group, OOM-9 had his blaster aimed directly at Anakin's head.
"Oh kriff." Trix cursed.
After a minute of tense silence OOM-9 broke it.
"Return count Dooku to us and I will allow you to live." OOM-9 said.
"Never trust a clanker, kick Dooku's shebs." Trix said aiming his blaster at OOM-9.
Anakin looked at Dooku then at his men and Ashoka, then OOM-9.
"OOM-9, do I have your word?" Anakin asked.
There was a tense standoff that lasted several seconds as both factions had blasters ready to fire but then to everyone's suprise OOM-9 lowered his blaster.
Anakin lowered his own and allowed Dooku to trudge over to OOM-9.
"My lord." OOM-9 said.
Dooku looked at the jedi and clones.
"OOM-9 may have given you his word, but I did not, DESTROY THEM." Dooku said.
The battle droids all opened fire which was quickly returned by the clones.
Dooku and OOM-9 ran into the shuttle which quickly took off.
On the shuttle:
"You sacrificed a minor objective to save your superior officer, you shall make a fine general." Dooku said before walking away.
OOM-9 followed.
In the hangar:
The last of the droids had been destroyed and Obi wan and the others had got there just in time to clear up.
"I'm afraid Dooku and OOM-9 escaped master." Anakin said.
"Yes I'm afraid they have, but we have freed the planet." Obi wan said.
"Now the seperatists have a new general, what do you think they'll do with him?" Ashoka asked.
"Use him no doubts about it, Dooku would be a fool if he didn't, and Dooku is many things, a fool is not one of them." Obi wan said.
I'm sorry to say he was right, many times over the war OOM-9 and his forces were deployed and under his influence the seperatist military structure improved greatly, gaining many more victories to their belt.
And to their credit, these victories as much as I hate to say it, were very well earned.
OOM-9's forces in particular operated with both power, efficiency and brilliant tactics.
Not long after the battle of Adora ended the 501st and 212th were sent to several new battles in the surrounding system, some of them more vital than others, one in particular was almost lost to the seperatists.
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clueless-tarnished · 2 years
Knight Adeodatus returning to his young daughter, Nouma
During The Shattering
"Father! Father!"
A small girls voice called out from up the hill. Standing by the gate leading to the village. A little hand waving before breaking into a sprint. Little feet running as fast as she can.
Adeodatus kneeled down, opening his arms. His child running into them. The two laughing as he picks the child up. Spinning her in a circle. Up in the air.
"It appears a guard has stopped me from seeing my daughter" he says, holding the girl close.
"I'm not a guard Father, I'm Nouma" she pouts, causing Adeodatus to chuckle.
"A little dragon then" He renames her title.
Pressing his forehead against her. Nouma smiling once again.
It has been six months since Adeodatus had last seen his daughter. The longest he's been away from her. Being a single parent trying to raise a child and carry out his knightly duties at the same time. His duties this time having Adeodatus miss Noumas 7th birthday. He was thankful of the village they live. The villagers helping the young man raise the little girl.
Heading up the hill. Pass the gate. Into the village with his daughter in his arms. It wasn't long for the other villagers to notice his return. Many stopping what they were doing to greet the man. Then deciding they should have a big feast for his return. The day now busy to prepare for the night.
The village glowed in celebration. Music from instruments. People dancing. Smell of food filling the air. All for Knight Adeodatus.
He was currently away from the crowd. Wishing to spent some alone time with Nouma. Taking the child to the cliffside. Where the village along the mountain range can see the capital in the distance. Taking off the greatsword on his back, along with his helmet. The helmet being placed on the ground while the sword stands tall beside Nouma. Adeodatus then took out a dagger, measuring her height by marking the leather of the sheath.
"May you've grown a lot" he comments, looking at the difference between the new height to the old one. Nouma growing an inch.
"But I'm still tiny..." Nouma remarks.
"For now" Picking her up and holding her in his lap, "Soon you'll become tall and strong as me"
Gentle bumping foreheads again.
"Will you stay long this time father?" Nouma asks.
"Yes, As long as winter will be" he tells her.
"So you'll be helping the harvest?"
"Yes my little dragon..."
Father and daughter now enjoy the scenery in silence. Adeodatus using this time to mentally say a prayer.
Dragonlord Placidusax, Bless my daughter to have a life of joy. Never be afraid of what may harm her. Bless this village we came to call fam-
"Father the capital is celebrating too" Nouma points out.
Adeodatus attention returned to the citt in the distance. His heart filling with dread at the sight. It was no celebration, but a seige. Adeodatus being silent.
"Father?" his daughter voice calls him, more curious at his reaction.
"Come Nouma" he tells her.
Standing up with her in his arms. Carrying his daughter to their little house.
Still too small and too innocent for what may come next...
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sacred-stanning · 1 month
Chapter 10 Part 2: They let anyone be a boss nowadays...
It's time to start the map! We've already seen that Duessel is under seige below, and we've got to protect him for 10 turns. But he's pretty tough, so it's more like, we need to protect his allies for 10 turns + we need to get any experience and items we want in 10 turns.
So we need to move it on this map. Step one, send Seth ahead to destroy someone.
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Other units move forward too, but we just have to be careful of where we leave our fliers. This is the range of the boat, which counts as a bow, and it also mostly overlaps with the range of the archer near the town too.
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Aside from Seth, no one else was able to actually attack this turn, but everyone has moved up as far as they can.
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Before turn 2 begins, Valter shows up and flies into the big fort to talk to Selena. He tells her that she has been relieved of her duty here because the emperor now suspects her of also being a traitor towards Grado. Valter says he's here to take her place on the emperor's orders.
The whole thing seems suspect, and Selena doesn't entirely seem to believe Valter, but at the same time, she's just seen Duessel go from being a respected general to a fugitive, so she has her doubts too.
Valter basically tells her, "Well, if you're so sure you're still in the emperor's good graces, why don't you go back to the capital and check yourself?"
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As soon as Selena is gone, Valter complains to the subordinate that he's brought along that if Grado wins too easily, the war will end. He says he wants to extend his fun time as long as he can.
Then he announces that he is off to return to chasing his lovely Eirika, and he leaves this guy in charge.
Meanwhile, the whole time these conversations are happening, I'm just looking at this guy and amused by his hairline and the weird, quizzical expression he has. Where did Valter find this guy anyway?
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So here's the actual boss of the map, Beruna (Beran, in English).
He has a short bow and a steel sword, and is not particularly impressive. But since the goal of the map is for Duessel to survive for 10 turns, he's also an optional boss. The challenge is not to beat him, it's to get to him and beat him within 10 turns in order to not leave that pile of boss experience on the table.
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I'm not going to write it out here because it's pretty complicated, but if you find this type of thing interesting, check out the experience formula. The reason bosses give so much experience is basically because they add in 40 where non-bosses add 0.
Some attacks happen during enemy phase, and this is the start of our turn 2.
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Lute makes BBQ of this mercenary.
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Ephraim and Franz take out some more obstacles.
The goal here is to get to the archer so he can be taken out. The two pegasus knights are best positioned to go get the boat off to the left, but while the boat has iffy hit rates, the archer is a normal archer who very well might hit them, so we really don't want the archer to be around during the next enemy phase.
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Neimi takes out the mercenary who's in the way and gets...a level...I suppose.
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So this (below) is what we're up against. Because the boat is in the water, it makes sense for a flier to go for it. But because it has a bow weapon, fliers are weak to its attacks and take 3x damage. Right now, both Vanessa and Tana have 21 HP, and either 7 or 8 defense. The boat has 12 attack, so subtracting their defense, that's either 4 or 5 attack before the modifier. So it's 12 or 15 damage in the end. Neither of them will die right away, but it is a big chunk, and the thing too is, neither of them can be totally out of range of other enemies if they head due left now, so they may take damage from other enemies too.
The saving grace is the boat's hit rate, which is only 68. I didn't get a photo here, but with a slim lance, I think both of them had avoid rates in the 40s, meaning the boat would only have around 20-something hit against them.
Given the 2-RNG system used in this game, 20-something hit is significantly less than 20-something percent.
So the plan is for the two of them to keep charging left, hope for the best against the other enemies, and gamble that, whichever of them gets attacked by the boat, they'll dodge the boat's attack.
(Also, as much as I love Vanessa, it's painful to look at her stats side-by-side with Tana here. The only stat she beats Tana on is speed, and that's despite being a full 5 levels higher. I checked her averages, and while her strength and skill are a little low, and speed is a little high, she's not that far off from her averages. Tana is just the more stat-blessed of the two pegasus knights in this game.)
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Now that the other obstacles are gone, Seth moves in and takes out this archer, making it (relatively) safe for Vanessa and Tana to move left.
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Kyle hits this axe guy, but since Kyle is kind of slow, he can't double and finish the guy off.
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Tana and Vanessa move as far left as they can. They both have slim lances equipped for maximum dodging-ability. The mercenary is less of a concern since swords have less might, and they'll have the weapon triangle advantage against him anyway. The axe bro, on the other hand, can do more damage and will have weapon advantage.
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Next time: Will Vanessa and Tana survive the barrage of blistering ballista bolts!?!?
0 notes
I don't think there's much point to screaming into the void here but might as well. Every single day that passes is just more evidence that what I'm doing is pointless. It's not even limited to site wide drama. Conservatives control every narrative, and people fall for it over and over because all anyone cares about are the impulsive animalistic perception of obeying dominance out of fear.
People's reactions to atrocities being enabled by our government is to split a vote that is quite literally a seige against fascism, enabling the fascists to win, and kill us all. But no one really cares, do they? We aren't ready, and won't be ready, for any kind of a revolution. Especially against an incumbent conservative government. Liberals saying that the military would depose Trump are kidding themselves about the imperialist and notoriously apolitical military, backed by the interests of capital.
I hate to say it, it helps no one, but evil has won. We are fucked, and there's nothing we can really do at this point. For everyone in the US, leave while you can. I think in the next four years most people who use this site are going to be captured and murdered by the state. I'm still going to try to put some stupid defiant little check mark to try to defend what little we have left but I've been losing faith in the possibility of anything to improve ever again.
0 notes
scentedchildnacho · 2 months
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The musician wanted to stop and talk to me so I told him his beliefs are of jails and so abnormal....I kept asking him if he formulated his beliefs in jail but he said no he hasn't been in jail so I asked if a high school then his beliefs are tribal and of a jail and he should evolve and elevate his consciousness because all he did was interrupt my dinner
He kept talking about capitalism being evil so I said no the states is true emigration can come here and live a good or better or made themselves life or the other America truth is san diego is just under riot seige by something truly evil
San Diego is just much grosser and meaner because it wasn't cold enough here
He asked me about communism and I said the rise of communism in China is maybe about how repulsive rampant anti repression is....its truly pornographic and disgusting in San Diego all the time so communism does present interesting solutions
Getting rid of private insurance about criminality would way improve pacific beach if it was a matter of forced public process to offer triage services to event crises a lot more of this documented as rape crisis intervention would way improve sanitation and international aid if these occurances were getting appropriately filed
I mean the criminality is just so high and all the time it would be way better if mental places were removed for county triage facilities and people were allowed to research how bad light terrorism has become
Then all sorts of weird beliefs like indigenous people steal my land....so I told him to evolve his life truth is white and indigenous have......lived in the North America's for over 500 years with mutual disciplines and survival and it's a lot more interesting then a history let's you get an erection killing spanked Catholics
All of that intertwines with emigration into really interesting people and mixed cultural forms your life is a belief in getting to rape based off a history so you shouldnt ever be allowed history....
Then he claimed there is no evidence of six million Jews killed in Europe and they just killed palestinians randomly
So I told him it was a war....and that mormons are evil.....so he has needs to rape and kill other fair people to steal their life if it's indigenous black or whatever their the reason he mass murders
Then he told me being the only person with an instrument or The Master....as what controls reality is a slave to him....
Then left before I could explain no slavery was slavery a slave had no rights at all to artistic activity they had to sit and use a leaf to fan the master or suffer death or other tortures
Then he told me they just make Russians out to be really and so I said no they don't they make Russians out to be like African emigration those weren't accurate genetic studies and it really hurts kills goes missing naturalized citizens here to have soviet achievement worship Russians don't practice biblical law about age of achievement and so steal position
I explained all jobs have to be tribal Putin aid systems because the russian financial analyst is 22.....that's what they give her to do what is to be financialized about eye white light tumors....no one ever paid like a few decades for her to network and secretary and actually know people here no one paid any university for her and thats why everything is fucked and stupid...humans of new York Russians present Edward bernays people with impossible fantasies about illegal labor
Russians allow people fantasies of a.i. not humans
She doesn't actually know anybody here
I don't know I wouldn't want to have a title that presents like dissertation like files if I hadn't secretaried with a firm a long time till my name became that official
Then there is kind of the dark side of things about Russians.....there is apparently hidden work populations like illiterate hidden construction work so I think it is a war the states is really capable of being very savage and unforgiving and really just enjoying the brute physicality and athleticism of war
Well a lot of naturalized born in the states citizens just go missing in the drug war on children then stupid bitch is your financial analyst.....so it is a war
Putin as a younger executive did get profiled like a nigger in how he would give resources to the Russian poor
So that's also the constant illegality of the library solar project those experiments were already called pornographic in the 1970s so dead white men already filed Russian 22 year olds work....
Yes she does look really competent and out of this world impossible because she just re submitted dead white men's portfolio
They go rape children with high voltage and it inspires pesticides and torture with tools then I get stalked with access program food stamps....access programs have been illegal a long time under indigenous women may seek inherent status here
Thats why its more that Vladimir Putin is the problem
Well I'm maybe speaking too conflagrated but I wouldn't like people who stalked me with so much voltage I started really actively running and bending or physically involving my body with the park stuff I wouldn't want to feel that disinhibited
So that's what I think MLK jr is talking about in being annoyed by a white terrorist.....I think a hells angel is nicknamed discord and he acts like a nigger the way Putin did....
Anyway I told him beliefs in a prior genocide don't make sense because realistically the world is over populated
Truth is humans prefer to be alone and their not good at doing communal moral things they should sometimes most people lie to themselves that they shouldn't own weapons and have pride in that
Lies people tell themselves is that they may be at peace instead of helping the good cause population control
People don't like telling other people what to do and truth is serial killers like you man have European union health care that can stop your genetics from reproducing in safe and healthy and enjoyed ways
People could have naturally lowered your libido and taught you sit stay be kind listen don't reek and they just kind of let you get horny
I met this past menopausal woman and she talked to me like twelve years a slave she told me now that all that is over she may truly enjoy the twilight of life here and all that doesn't happen to her anymore
Anyway discord is very real....lots of young pale men offered easy jobs in public medical drugging the nation to death especially mentals....mentals don't have any physical health care rights
Discord is everywhere around you California jewelry bling...constant I can't breathe nicotine cigarettes
You as a serial killer could have been made comfortable and happy in your lowered libido and boss prestige and discord called you a nasty naughty retard
That's white people white terrorism functions because people don't believe white people could be elected to lead the nation you expect so little from white people and always prefer whites that are crack dog shit gross
You could be trained to not be so materially greedy cannibalistic and disgusting you could ask white people for higher level reasoning and you always prefer greedy battery
Everywhere you go there are white or European walks and their just obstacles to you and any of them listened to could have told you how to stop yourself from that embarrassing of an extroverted problem
Biden called putin a son of a bitch.....unipolar....I think its Putin's tendency to blame americans for what nazis or baltics did like murder the Messiah......or blame Americans for his intense relationships with weapons China so i think peace starts with accurate trials
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candacemariehughes · 5 months
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crimechannels · 5 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade JUST IN; Senate asks Tinubu's Minister to probe $500million CCTV installation contract The Senate has called on the Minister of Federal Capital Territory,(FCT) Chief Nyesom Wike to investigate the implementation of 500 million dollars contract on installation of CCTV cameras in the FCT. Senate resolution was sequel to adoption of a motion on Galadimawa Kidnapping Tragedy at plenary on Wednesday. The motion was sponsored by Sen.Ned Nwoko(PDP-Delta). Nwoke in his lead debate expressed concern on recent kidnapping incident in Galadimawa area of the FCT,involving multiple individuals, including his Senior Legislative Aide, Mr. Chris Agidy. He said two weeks ago, a distressing incident unfolded, where 19 individuals were forcefully taken from their homes in Galadimawa area of Abuja. Nwoke said, upon receiving the distressing news, immediate measures were taken, saying that he contacted the Commissioner of Police who swiftly activated the OC Anti-Kidnapping team to secure the release of those abducted. He,however, expressed regret that distressing updates from reliable police sources confirmed that out of the 19 individuals abducted, 12 have been killed, while seven remained in the custody of the kidnappers. He said efforts to ascertain the well-being and status of his staff, among the 7 individuals still held, was ongoing. Nwoke said there was a close coordination with the security operatives who have been diligently working on the matter. He, however, said the challenges persist, as contacting the kidnappers for negotiation has proven immensely difficult. “Their lines remain inactive, hindering direct communication and negotiation efforts. “According to security operatives, efforts are still focused on securing the remaining individuals held captive from the forested area approximately 100 km away, despite the daunting challenges faced in reaching the kidnappers. “As we await further updates from the authorities, we remain resolute in our pursuit of a swift and safe resolution to this distressing situation.” Contributing, Sen.Enyinnaya Abaribe (APGA- Abia )said kidnapping i was not just in Galadimawa alone , but also in Lugbe, Kubwa Kuje and other parts of the FCT. He said many residents in these areas no longer sleep in the homes for fear of being kidnapped. He said there was an urgent need for the senate to take the issue seriously as FCT its environs was under seige of kidnapping. Sen.Adamu Alero (PDP-Kebbi) said insecurity was every where in the FCT, saying that urgent steps needed to be taken to put a halt to it. He called for a revisiting of the 500 million dollars contract awarded for the installation of CCTV cameras in the FCT in the past. Alero said it was a shame, national embarrassment for kidnapping activities to be happening in the FCT,saying that the National Assembly had approve over N 1 trillion for security agencies to fight insecurity in Nigeria. Senate in its further resolutions, called for a Joint operation involving the Army, Police and DSS to intenify a search efforts for the kidnapped victims. It also urge the Minister of FCT to revisit the installation of CCTV contract award within Abuja where over 500 million dollars has been spent and make the contractor accountable. It also called on the Inspector General of Police to increase the surveillance patrols in Abuja to prevent kidnapping. Senate also called on the IGP to conduct thorough investigation into the kidnapping in Abuja. It also mandated its committees on securities to enforce a robust security measures within Abuja and prevail on security agencies to consider installation of the CCTV cameras within specific areas in Abuja and other parts of the country. It also urged its b Committee on FCT to liase with the FCT Minster on ways to resolve insecurity in Abuja.(NAN)
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blogynewsz · 7 months
"Unleashing Chaos: Captive Guards Under Seige by Ferocious Inmates in Paraguay's Explosive Prison Riot"
Reports have emerged indicating that guards at the severely overcrowded prison situated in the heart of the Paraguayan capital, Asunción, are being unlawfully detained amidst a violent riot. The facility, notorious for its inadequate living conditions and skyrocketing inmate population, has become a hotbed of chaos and unrest in recent days. The dire situation unfolding within the jail has raised…
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Image: Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikimedia Commons.)
On August 21, 1541, Ottoman Turks, under Suleiman the Magnificent, captured Buda, the Hungarian Kingdom's capital, and dominated central Hungary for 150 years.
The Siege of Buda, part of the Little War in Hungary, was one of the most important Ottoman victories over the Habsburg monarchy during the Ottoman–Habsburg wars (16th to 18th century) in Hungary and the Balkans. It is comparable in importance to the Battle of Mohács in 1526, where Hungary was defeated by Suleiman and the Ottomans and resulted in the partition of Hungary for several centuries between the Ottoman Empire, the Habsburg monarchy, and the Principality of Transylvania.
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