#capitan kirk
baytadax · 1 year
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My original fanart...
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And a good number of Dall-E generated artworks based on my own, which are kind of better and kind of more slashy 🖖
I'm in love
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theoldthirdjm · 2 years
Ser Humano, es ser complejo.
Una de las tantas frases ciertas del Captain Kirk, esta del capitulo 19 de la tercera temporada de Star Trek.
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hornyverymuch · 15 days
it's cool to see Jim being vulnerable like this, he always does his best to be the perfect capitan for them, almost forgetting that the weight of the responsibility for all the lives aboard the spaceship would get to everyone, even him
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so it's nice to see him talking about his worries to Bones, he's actually kind of a backbone of this crew, he can be bitchy at times, but don't that fool you, he actually cares a lot about them and helps out Kirk or even Spock whenever they need it
and I love his answer (video cuz it'd be too many screenshots lmao):
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noraleedoes · 1 year
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Community Palette Project - Update!
We're currently at 464/720 shades claimed.
Things stalled out a little as life got busy, but I'd really love to see this project to its completion. Doing so will require some help, though!
I can't name all those remaining shades by myself. If you have any Cyberpunk 2077 Vs or OCs that you haven't added to the project yet, please feel encouraged to add them, no matter how new or minor they may be in your lore. Do not feel guilty about adding a dozen or two of your most obscure Cyberpunk2077 OCs at this point; I'd love it if you did.
You can also name shades after your fave Cyberpunk 2077 NPCs and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners characters! You can find a list of the main NPCs that are still missing colors beneath the cut, but please keep in mind - if you adore a rather minor NPC, they may not be on this list, but that doesn't mean you can't use the form to name a color after them <3
For Vs, OCs, and NPCs: You can ⭐complete the form here.⭐
Please reblog this post, as outside links can interfere with posts showing properly in the tags. <3 Also, please feel free to send this link to friends, or to share it on other platforms; any visibility that will help the project is appreciated.
"Main" Cyberpunk 2077 NPCs and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Characters Up For Grabs (as of May 8th):
Anders Hellman Arthur Jenkins Bob Sagan Brendan Cassidy Righter Declan "Brick" Griffin Delamain Denny Dexter "Dex" DeShawn Driss "Scorpion" Meriana Elisabeth "Lizzy Wizzy" Wissenfurth Elizabeth Peralez Faraday Gloria Martinez Henry Jefferson Peralez Jeremiah Grayson Kirk Sawyer Kiwi Lucyna Kushinada Lyle Thompson Maiko Maeda Maine "Maman" Brigitte Mateo Thiago Matilda "Sasquatch" K. Rose Meredith Stout Michiko Arasaka Milt Nauman Muamar "El Capitan" Reyes Nix Ozob Bozo Pepe Najarro Pilar Placide Rhino Roxanne Sumner Ruby Collins Saburo Arasaka Saul Bright Simon "Royce" Randall Susan Abernathy Susanna "Susie Q" Quinn Theo Price Tom Caldera Yawen Packard Yorinobu Arasaka
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mai-komagata · 10 months
the nexus
making this a separate post: does anyone else ever feel the nexus is sorta like the bad place? or a very weird vision of heaven if at all? Like I know picard misses his nephew and that is a sweet thing to want, but like Christmas with family and A LOT KIDS sounds like the opposite of what Picard would want after 5 minutes. And I guess he is only there for 5 minutes but that must have gotten his spidey senses tingling.
Also Kirk would not want to be in a cabin in the woods chopping wood and riding horses. That is like Captain Pike's ideal vacation. It is literally the first five minutes of SNW. Captain Kirk would be out there free solo-ing El Capitan before absconding with the Enterprise.
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taranhunt · 1 year
Hi Taran, are you a Star Trek fan? If so, do you like Strange New Worlds? Who is your favorite Capitan? Favorite character? And favorite show?
I love Star Trek, and I'm very excited to elaborate on my love of Star Trek:
If I had to pick an overall favorite show, I'd have to go for The Original Series (because you can't beat the Kirk/Spock/Bones triumvirate), but it faces some serious competition. Voyager was my childhood Star Trek, and therefore very dear to my heart*. Next Generation is just a really solid show--and like Voyager, I watched [the reruns] as a child. ST: Picard is my current favorite, since it combines so many characters I like from previous series along with themes that I particularly enjoy**. I haven't watched Strange New Worlds yet but I'm planning to--I've heard great things.
I couldn't possibly pick a favorite captain!*** But my favorite character is easy: Seven of Nine. She is ferociously intelligent, icily composed, totally dignified, very beautiful****, socially awkward (and treats human interaction like something she can get a good grade on if only she studies the rules to precision), direct and logical to the point of rudeness, yet also ethical and deeply curious.***** This character description is a brief list of my flaws and the virtues I hoped to have (as I understood my flaws and desired virtues at age 10, anyway). I identified with her VERY strongly and still like her very much.******
*Despite its...flaws. Like that lizard episode. My God, that lizard episode.
**Robots and sentience and regret!
***Kirk, Picard, Janeway: FIGHT!
****yes, the classic dilemma of a femme-for-femme bisexual like myself: do I want to be you or date you?
*****And now, as of ST: Picard, she is also canonically bisexual. :)
******You'd probably assume based on this that my second favorite character is Spock. It's McCoy. I find courage + sarcasm absolutely irresistible.
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karaokulta · 1 month
🚀✨ ¿El siguiente salto gigante en tecnología? ¡La computación cuántica viene a cambiar las reglas del juego! Amigos, hoy me pongo mi sombrero de futurólogo para hablarles de una noticia que, sin duda, llama a la puerta del mañana. La computación cuántica está saliendo de las sombras de los laboratorios y promete desatar una revolución digital sin precedentes. Aquí van mis predicciones, con un poquito de sazón y mucha imaginación: - 🧠 **Inteligencia Artificial Supercargada**: Imaginen IA llevada al extremo con aprendizaje autónomo casi instantáneo. ¡Como un gamer que pasa de nivel principiante a experto en un parpadeo! - 🔒 **Seguridad a prueba de hackers**: Algoritmos criptográficos que hoy parecen fortalezas inexpugnables podrían volverse castillos de arena frente a esta marejada cuántica. ¿Será el fin de las contraseñas y el comienzo de una era de llaves cuánticas? - 💊 **Desarrollo de fármacos revolucionario**: Modelaremos moléculas con una precisión inimaginable, como diseñadores de niveles creando mundos nuevos. ¿Será que los futuros remedios vendrán con un Desarrollado con tecnología cuántica en la etiqueta? Son tiempos emocionantes para ser un tecnófilo y un profesional de la información. Al fin y al cabo, ¿quién no disfruta de una buen combate entre la tecnología emergente y los retos del presente? Yo digo: ¡Que empiece la partida! ¿Cuáles son sus apuestas en este tablero cuántico? ¿Excitados, escépticos, temerosos? ⬇️ ¡Dejen sus movimientos estratégicos en los comentarios y etiqueten a los capitanes Kirk de su tripulación espacial (amigos geeks) que no pueden perderse este debate cuántico! #ComputaciónCuántica #Innovación #TecnologíaDelFuturo #InteligenciaArtificial #Ciberseguridad
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ao3feed-spirk · 10 months
Esta noticia lo cambia todo
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49247308 by Ikodo_TokumedaSC A Jim le ofrecieron promoverlo como Almirante. No era una sorpresa. Como uno de los capitanes más jóvenes, Kirk no sólo había cumplido las expectativas que Starfleet tenía en él cuando lo asignaron a la Enterprise, sino que las había superado. Era sólo cuestión de tiempo para que eso pasara. Y aún así... ¿Por qué se sentía tan mal con las nuevas noticias? Words: 1091, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek) Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk & Spock Additional Tags: Angst, Pre-Movie: Star Trek I: The Motion Picture (1979), I'm the x, Break Up, Divorce, Spock tiene un trauma, Es sobre lo de Chapel, Ella escogió bien pero pobre Spock, Not Beta Read, Translation read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49247308
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baytadax · 1 year
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When they are on shore leave, they just stare at the universe together.
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ljambrosio · 1 year
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Carol, The X is El Capitan! That is where Capitan Kirk climbed in a Star Trek movie. I told Michael “That’s why they named the mountain El Capitan! After Captain Kirk!” He looked at me as if I had three heads. What does Michael know? He doesn’t watch Vikings or Star Trek! -Ron
Visit ljambrosio.com to pre-order book Goddess Fish Promotions "Reflections on the Boulevard" is available June 7th
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STAR TREK: The Original Series
1x01 - The Man Trap
El Dr. McCoy se reencuentra con una exnovia y resulta que es un monstruo que finge ser distintas personas para succionar la vida a todos.
La trampa humana es uno de mis episodios favoritos. Aunque sigue la típica fórmula de «El Monstruo de la Semana», la criatura me conmueve. Debe ser una de las pocas ocasiones donde no estoy de acuerdo con las decisiones de Kirk. El capitán se deja llevar por su resentimiento hacia quien mató a sus hombres. Es una actitud vengativa parecida a la que le meterá en líos décadas después en el sexto largometraje de la saga.
Aparte de la trama intrigante, la dirección técnica y de arte ofrecen un trabajo delicado. Tenían poderosas razones para emitir este episodio antes que los cinco que ya estaban producidos. En las secuencias donde la criatura anda cerca, una música lejana susurra. Te hipnotiza igual que a las víctimas.
Por no hablar de las estatuas en las ruinas de M-113, que recuerdan a los tótems sumerios. Casi una década antes de El exorcista (1973), The Man Trap juega con tu anticipación mostrando un par de estatuas situadas en los sitios adecuados. A un lado del arco de entrada a la vivienda del Dr. Crater hay una arpía de piedra que sostiene un cáliz. Es la criatura, que te consume. Sobre el arco hay un hueco vacío, sin ninguna figura protectora. En otras palabras: la señora de la casa ya no está. Asimismo, el Dr. Crater ha pasado a identificarse con el monstruo y a defenderlo. Por eso cuando se parapeta entre las rocas a su lado hay un león de piedra.
En órbita hay más detalles acertados. La criatura quiere vivir, busca alimento, y el capitán la tienta con pastillas de sal. Por su parte, el doctor McCoy no deja de pensar en solucionar el misterio y el monstruo lo tienta con pastillas para dormir.
Todo trekkie veterano sabe que otros capitanes posteriores hubieran dado asilo a la criatura, que solo trataba de sobrevivir. Pero en fin, en la serie original todavía se estilaba el Código Hays del Hollywood más autocensurado y la asesina tenía que pagar. ¿Y acaso no es tan memorable La trampa humana precisamente por su final trágico?
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terrireview · 2 years
Kansas city jazz club
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Notables of Kansas City jazz include pianists Pete Johnson and Mary Lou Williams, singer Big Joe Turner, trumpeter Oran “Hot Lips” Page, saxophonists Jimmy Smith, Buster Smith, Ben Webster, and Lester Young, bassist-bandleader Walter Page, saxophonist-bandleader Andy Kirk, and pianist-bandleaders Bennie Moten, Jay McShann, and Count Basie.It's, no longer Gadson, but The Coner and the customer service is horrible.I have placed a order for some chicken and french fries then someone came in after me place they order I had already been waiting 15 mins, I could never find my server don't know where she was at then three additional people came in place their order got their order before I got mine.I had to go up to the bar to make a complaint about my order that I have placed the lady at the bar did Apologize when I got my food there was no seasoning on the chicken I just said no salt on the french fries I sent my chicken back and they just put it in another basket and send it back to me so I asked for some seasoning to go on my chicken and they charged me for it horrible horrible horrible customer service. El Capitan Club was a dance hall and nightclub that provided some of the best live jazz performances in Kansas City. Hammond discovered Kansas City talent in the shape of Count Basie. After their official gigs, jazz artists would spend all night in jam sessions that helped create the improvisational tradition of Kansas City jazz. Kansas City jazz burst on to the national scene in 1936 when record producer John H. Just six blocks to the south, jazz also flourished at 18th & Vine, which became nationally respected as the epicenter of the city’s African American community. The Kansas City Jazz Orchestra is one of the nations preeminent big bands, performing classic and original repertoire in a variety of settings in Kansas. At its height, 12th Street was home to more than fifty jazz clubs. Kansas City’s 12th Street became nationally known for its jazz clubs. A saxophone player named Charlie Parker began his ascent to fame here in his hometown in the 1930s. Legends like pianist-bandleader Count Basie, saxophonist-bandleader Andy Kirk, singer Big Joe Turner, trumpeter Oran Thaddeus “Hot Lips” Page, and pianist-bandleader Jay McShann all played in Kansas City. At one time, there were more than 100 nightclubs, dance halls, and vaudeville houses in Kansas City regularly featuring jazz music. Only in Kansas City did jazz continue to flourish during the Depression. This “wide-open” town image attracted displaced musicians from everywhere in mid-America. During prohibition, he allowed alcohol to flow in Kansas City. Our upscale jazz club offers a luxe dining and music. Kansas City jazz flourished in the 1930s, mainly as a result of political boss Tom Pendergast. Relish in the history of Kansas City jazz music and a delectable pre-fixe menu at Lonnies Reno Club. By the mid-1920s, the big band became the most common. In the early days, many jazz groups were smaller dance bands with three to six pieces. In fact, the city’s first jazz recording by Bennie Moten in 1923 was “Evil Mama Blues.” Settings such as dance halls, cabarets, and speakeasies fostered the development of this new musical style. Blues singers of the 1920s and ragtime music greatly influenced the music scene, evolving eventually to Kansas City jazz-a new kind of blues that jumped with a jazz sound. Blues formed the basic vocabulary for KC-style jazz. Kansas City is world-renowned for its rich jazz and blues legacy.
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Ik this is such a stupid thought but ever since I watched that star trek movie w the whales (i forgot which one it is... iv?), I've been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium about twice, and each time I stood in the little outside balcony thing that's over the little tide pool that they have those snorkeling classes or whatever, and just thought to myself
"I'm on a star trek set. I've been on a star trek set probably 30 times before this and never knew"
But I also grew up in Yosemite which was also featured in a Star Trek movie bc Kirk (I think) decided that climbing up El Capitan was a good idea and Spock flew up on his fuckin rocket boots like "what are u doing". I saw that mountain every day for 9 years straight.
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theoraclehasspoken · 3 years
Kirk: How much blood do you have to lose until you can't get a boner?
Bones: What kind of life do you live?
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castilloenelaire · 3 years
«Deje la intolerancia en sus habitaciones; no hay lugar para ella en el puente.» 
 – Capitán Kirk, «Balance del Terror»
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Command: We are very disappointed in you.
Kirk: That's so sad, computer play Despacito
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