#captain twitchery
gmalaart · 4 months
gotta hop in with a 🎲 for cavendish & twitch if you'd like!! >:3 (they're around 6'2", refs are all in my '#fred draws' tag!)
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A night on the town
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neathyingenue · 4 months
🎲 forrrrrr,,,twitch and silvia?? (sorry silvia)
I rolled 32--a kiss while someone is watching. (with apologies to @zeebreezin)
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capn-twitchery · 5 months
killing me that with the rowdy corsair in evolution and now the unsanctioned zubmariner, twitch has met Two pirate captain ladies that are weirdly similar to themself, and they have Fucking Hated both of them
the minute they order twitch what to do on a ship or try and explain zailing things to them twitch immediately hates them so bad. you can't order them around like a captain. THEY'RE a captain. how dare you
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violant-apologia · 8 months
exceptional short story & hastily scrawled warning note for the ask game?? >:3
hastily scrawled warning note – if you could go back and change one decision you made in the game, what would it be? (2!!!) i already answered this here, but a second, minor thing is:
I would ever have named any companions ever. 'Cause you can never undo it! Like yeah, you can name them something else, but once they've been nicknamed they can never go back to an un-nicknamed state – the best you can get is Wretched Mog (Wretched Mog) which kinda sucks.
exceptional short story – what exceptional stories, if any, would you consider canon for your oc(s)? I'm going to do this for the Apologist, given that I haven't done any with Avery (yet?). And there are quite are lot which are "canon" in that they don't contradict any Apologist lore, but they're also not important to his character/story at all – so I won't include those. So, in chronological order:
A Columbidaean Commotion, in which a young Apologist (the Inquisitive Vandal, at the time) manages to help secure the pigeons' place in the Neath just as he's securing his own. (and he picks up a pet!)
The Shallows, in which the Apologist makes some Mistakes and leans a little further into Steadfast in response.
A Devil's Due takes place when the Apologist is very much under the wing of devils, and begins to seed the idea that they may not actually like him back. (might replay this actually...)
For All the Saints Who From Their Labours Rest/The Brass Grail both take place at similar times, with the Apologist gaining somewhat of an affinity for Grand Devils (which never really fades).
Flint happens pretty directly after the Apologist's year of Seeking and contextualises his ending as a triumph over the obsession rather than a failure to follow through.
Caveat Emptor is when he's becoming a Correspondent in earnest, and the existence of the Vicomte further inspires his study.
Cricket, Anyone? gives him the idea of nontraditional forms of the Correspondence which later becomes integral to his style.
The Path of Blood and Smoke is another journey which threatens to influence the Apologist towards cruelty, which he this time manages to overcome.
Shades of Yesterday gets him a neat pen.
The Bloody Wallpaper establishes a deep-seated hatred of the Manager
The Sinking Synod establishes him as an official bishop, which he later uses when establishing the church at Burrow.
Homecoming is another Spices scheme foiled, cementing their (friendly?) rivalry.
The Icarian Cup – Oops! Dawnburnt!
Adornment is the beginning of a relationship(?) which defines the Apologist going forwards.
ask game here!
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anomalouscorvid · 2 months
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@capn-twitchery's twitch of captain fame
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thedeafprophet · 3 months
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@capn-twitchery and how long is the dear captain going to manage before they tear these to shreds in their adventures?
Blues for Twitch, of course, anything else would be a crime. Edges of gold i think too, reminicient of their combo of jacket and glasses in regular clothing. In a way i think the dresses are also formal but still flouncy, well designed, with interesting additions to things like buttons and accesories.
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The Jovial Contrarian and (if you're doing FL OCs) Twitchery for the character opinion bingo! - @lord-emerson
From here
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My friend Jovy (He would be so annoying)
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and my friend Twitch! (they are so annoying)
I don't know all that much about the Calendar Council and such yet but I know a TON about Captain Twitchery Lazaret and will continue to cause him problems o7
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capn-twitchery · 10 months
in hindsight maybe having my ocs name as my url wasn't the best choice bc i am a fool who has to double take everytime someone calls me twitchery
but i am too stubborn to change my url (at least til i find a better one) so i will continue regardless 😌
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capn-twitchery · 1 month
OC smash or pass!!
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
tagged by: @esteemed-excellency & @the-dye-stained-socialite
i'll do both my guys but twitch up first 🫡
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name: captain twitchery lazaret (the captain is very important)
age: almost 40. somewhere around there
gender: no thank you but also yes all of them at once, at the same time
sexuality: yeah!
🏴‍☠️ pros:
great conversationalist! charming, kinda theatrical great sense of humour & mischief. fun at parties.
overconfident. zero shame. very flirtatious
down for anything, all the time. will try anything (or anyone) at least once. very adventurous (will take you zailing!). hedonist 100
wild. thrill seeker. you won't ever get bored
legs? very tall
very experienced, 95% dom. primarily power bottom but happy to switch good luck getting them to sub it IS a fight but it can be done. much easier if you're dating
❓❓vague mystery class zone
always on the go, does not stop. will talk forever. zero sense of personal space or etiquette
one of you is gonna have to have your eyes covered somehow & it will probably not be twitch. this is not up for debate (if it is debated they are leaving)
will tease you til you want to kill them. if they find a way to push your buttons they are slamming that thing
avoids emotions 100%, this is for funsies only. this is also not up for debate
🏴‍☠️ cons:
i'm gonna be real they are so fucking annoying sometimes
weird & intense. makes so much eye contact. feels like they're studying you
easily bored. they won't stay still for very long before they want to do something else
if you're hooking up there's an 85% chance they won't remember your name like a week after. is it the memory issues or did they just not bother to commit it to memory? yes
inconsiderate & kinda rude. not really in the bedroom but outside of it? yeah
adrenaline seeker (derogatory). enemy of the state (maybe that's a pro actually)
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violant-apologia · 5 months
i said i thought of a zee card for @capn-twitchery's twitch and i will deliver!
A card drawn with Very Infrequent frequency (half as common as Standard), anywhere at zee, but only with troubled waters 3 or less and at least one level of Acquaintance: the Epicurean Captain. (also it's discardable)
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Accompanied by the Epicurean Captain is a boon! It disappears when you dock at a port which clears Troubled Waters, and adds a little text about Twitch disembarking with a cheery "ciao!" and disappearing into the crowds.
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capn-twitchery · 7 months
hi this is @neathyingenue! your drawing of lt. grace and capt. twitchery was so dynamic and i would love to know more about their relationship if you'd like to share 👀
OHOHO rubs my hands together--you've activated my trap card >:3 (also thank you sm!! :D♥︎) SO-
short answer: their relationship is a complicated nightmare at best, and it changes a ton over time. they meet in weird circumstances, things stay weird for a long time, & they end up "together." what that means, i have no idea, bc i think they would die before they talked about it or said they were Actually Dating
long answer: they meet when twitch rescues a very nearly dead grace from the arctic. twitch thinks this poor guy looks very haunted, which is apparently interesting enough for them to reroute the entire ship so they have an extra couple months to hound him for secrets.
upon getting back to london, they want nothing more to do with eachother: twitch got all the secrets they could, grace wants to get far away from this weirdo, preferably as soon as possible, thanks
so they part ways, for a while. grace starts working with the constables (he thinks he can help people there. poor guy) they keep giving him the unwanted jobs: drag bodies back home, sort the paperwork, stand guard outside the cells because this new inmate is chatty and it's annoying everybody else and-oh, it's twitch. of course it is.
they get talking, since there's nothing else to do, and twitch is Very Persistent. they strike a deal: grace can use his connections to get twitch on the good side of the legal records, and in return, twitch will give him free zee trips when he needs it. twitch thinks this will be basically never, since grace has nothing going on, right? so they got the better end of this deal for sure-what do you mean he's on an unhinged revenge mission to murder a fucking master of the bazaar? oh, they have got to see this.
grace is too reluctant to zail himself, has no other contacts & doesn't know anything about the neath. twitch is his only real, consistent source, and they want to see & know everything about how it's going-- this is like the most interesting story in the world to them! so they're spending a lot of time together. a weird amount of time together, really, for two people who don't spend lots of time around any one person in particular.
and it's...kind of fun? sure, twitch is very unreliable, their weirdness is still offputting to grace, sometimes-- but less than it used to be. they're nicer than he gave them credit for, smarter, and their enthusiasm is infectious. and grace is very helpful, it turns out, and it's nice to have company in the captain's cabin, and making him smile instead of looking miserable all the time starts to feel kind of like an accomplishment, and- oh, no.
they both react to their feelings about as well as you would expect: ignore them! or in twitch's case, ask the ship's surgeon to surgically remove them (and get refused. cruel.) they both deny their feelings for a long time. it could never work anyway, right? they're far too different.
except, not really. grace later finishes nemesis, and after parting (somwhat bitterly) with twitch & a brief stint at the grand geode, he realises maybe the laws here fucking suck, actually--maybe he doesn't need to uphold them to help people. lucky for him, twitch has a hell of a rivalry with the admiralty & it's only a matter of time before they cross paths again. he deserts the admiralty in the midst of a naval battle, onto twitch's ship.
til i give either of them an ending, they stay together from that point--at least, as much as they want to. old habits die hard--twitch still likes zailing off to do weird shit, twitch is still a criminal, grace is very much not (more of a vigilante, i guess.) they still can't talk about what they are, they still clash sometimes. but they make it work! captain & (honorary) first mate.
(& twitch's crew breathe a sigh of relief. bc they've been waiting for their emotional brick wall of a captain to semi admit it for at least a year)
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capn-twitchery · 11 months
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hello & welcome! you can call me freddie. 26, stuck in the UK (please help), cartoon villain enthusiast, morbid medical history connoisseur, hoarder of books, regretter of animation university.
this blog is for fallen london ocs, art, liveblogging, etc etc. asks and interaction always welcome, whether for me or OCs! (even if i'm a little shy sometimes)
(on a personal note, i have chronic pain & the consitution of a sickly victorian waif, so my replies & motivation can be sporadic, please be patient with me!)
(i also have a backup cohost under the same name but i don't post there yet)
two ocs currently on this blog are:
Capt. Twitch, The Epicurean Captain
chronically, morbidly curious hedonistic zee captain. wildcard with a penchant for stories, secrets and smuggling illegal goods. absolute fucking weirdo.
Temporary mini profile here!
(Username pestillum, character Twitchery on fallen london)
tag is #twitchery
Lt. Edward Grace, The Dutiful Vagabond
a recent addition to London, the final survivor of a lost arctic naval expedition. lawful, by-the-books guy who's strong sense of justice is currently clashing with...well, everything.
(Username fribbus, character name LtGrace on fallen london)
tag is #grace
calling cards & letters to my FL accounts always welcomed! (heads up that i'm slow to reply IC while i'm shaking off my writing rust!)
tags thus far:
#fredspeaks - for ooc, entirely unrelated ramblings
#londonmusings - for blog/oc relevant rambings
#fred draws / #wips - general art tag & wip tag
#flondonblogging - fallen london liveblogging/screenshots
thanks for stopping by!!♥︎
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capn-twitchery · 11 months
the hidden lore for twitch's immensely silly name is that i lost 5 captains and was expecting to lose 5 more, so i started naming them using a random word generator so i wouldn't get attached when they died
the first word i generated was twitch and they somehow survived forever, and then completed the immortality ambition, against all odds
(twitch was taken on FL so they're twitchery now instead,,, lazaret is just part of a ship)
in-universe they chose it themselves though. probably flicking through a dictionary at random
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