#caption is very lighthearted I promise
smiisevenwhyplus · 2 years
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smii7y i love u but this is one of the most horrifying faces u have ever made
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aroclawthornes · 3 years
Blooming Brilliant, an Aroace Willow Park Manifesto
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[id: a gif of a heart locket opening. One half of the locket displays a picture of Willow Park from The Owl House, winking and making peace signs with her fingers. Blue and yellow stars surround her. The other half reads "willow park my beloved." /end id.]
Greetings! It’s me, User Aroclawthornes, and instead of working on all the time-sensitive homework I have I sat down and wrote an essay explaining why I think Willow Park OwlHouse could plausibly be read as aroace, and why it would be a thematically enriching interpretation. I’ve never written anything like this before, so it’s oddly formal, a little pretentious, and contains a lot of qualifying language, but I'm confident that it gets my point across. I’m not intending to speak over other interpretations of Willow or assert that it's the only true way to read her, but it's a headcanon I find interesting, and I think there’s a lot of evidence to back it up, between certain elements that Willow’s arc employs to some good old overanalysed symbolism. If you're aspec, I hope this is validating; if you're not, I hope it's interesting; if you don't care, scrolling past it is quick, free, and easy.
Some disclaimers on terminology: I’m speaking from an aroace perspective, and so when I say “aspec coding” I’m generally referring to both orientations as a catch-all - a lot of the coding surrounding Willow could go either way. I’m also going to be talking about commonly accepted “aspec” narratives, but I’m aware of the limitations of this insofar as my experiences are only a single facet of the diverse range of aspec people in this world, so anyone who wants to add or argue anything - respectfully - is encouraged to.
Analysis below the cut!
The Thing About Plants
I’m not going to pretend that an association with plants is historically indicative of aspec coding, because, frankly, there haven’t been enough aspec characters to establish it as a convention, and it’s also a fairly wide-reaching branch of symbolism. However, I am going to propose that lighthearted comparisons between asexual people and plants (however misguided on functions of plant reproduction they are) are fairly common elements of budding ace teenage humour, as are related quips about photosynthesis.
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[id: a screenshot of Willow from "I Was A Teenage Abomination", depicting her sitting on the ground while casting a spell over a small, pink flower. /end id.]
I’m also not going to claim that the colour green Belongs To Aromantics, and therefore that All Plants Are Belong To Us, but in tandem with everything else I’m about to cover, the connection between Willow and plants seems like a fairly plausible nudge to a relatively common element of aspec humour.
“Half-a-witch” Willow and the Late Bloomer Experience
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[id: a screenshot of Willow with glowing green eyes, from "I Was A Teenage Abomination", depicting her summoning a mess of thorned vines. /end id]
Willow is literally nicknamed “half-a-witch”, in reference to her supposedly incomplete state - this is a sentiment eerily reminiscent of the pressure to find one’s “other half”, which affects aspec - especially aromantic - people particularly profoundly. She’s considered a late bloomer, someone who hasn’t reached the societal milestones of growth at the expected age, and who is derided and considered immature as a result of this perceived failure. However, we quickly discover that Willow is, in fact, an exceptionally competent and powerful witch - taken out of the restricting frame of the Abominations track, she’s able to grow into her own, “complete” person, therefore proving that she was never really lacking in anything in the first place. Like real-life aroace people, she was perceived as limited and immature based on the expectations and judgements of other people, but Willow was never deficient in anything, least of all herself.
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[id: a screenshot of Willow and Luz from "I Was A Teenage Abomination". They are holding hands - the former is laughing with her eyes closed, and the latter is grinning, while covered in abomination goop. /end id]
As far as symbolism goes...the track Willow is initially put in literally requires her to conjure up another humanoid entity, with the expectation that she will therefore prove herself to be a whole and mature person. Only with this ability, she’s told, will she be successful and happy as an adult. The shapelessness of her attempts at conjuring an abomination reinforces this connection in my mind - if I may reference this quote from Ducktales 2017‘s (absolutely stellar) A Nightmare On Killmotor Hill, in which the protagonists explore their own subconscious fears via. the dream realm, for a second:
“I think that’s supposed to be my romantic interest, but I’m too threatened by the concept, so it never takes shape.”
A lot of young aroace people find themselves in situations where they attempt to convince themself of their interest in someone in an attempt to be “normal,” or end up lying in response to family members or friends’ questions about crushes. While Willow’s abominations, first and foremost, represent the expectations from her school, classmates, and family to be a successful, “complete” witch with a profitable future, I think that with an aroace interpretation of Willow they could also very easily be read as representing some latent insecurities over a lack of attraction, or pressure to find a significant other.
(I’m not condemning Willow’s dads, by the way - they seem like perfectly lovely fellas, and I’m confident that they were doing what they thought was best for her. They’re certainly very quick to drop everything to assure her future in Escaping Expulsion, so obviously they care about their daughter very much.)
Greens, Blues, and Yellows: Colour-Coding Willow Park
A while back, I made this post comparing Willow’s palette to the aromantic and aroace flags:
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[id: a screenshot of a post depicting the aromantic and aromantic asexual flags, colour-picked from images of Willow in her Hexside uniform and casual dress respectively - these are overlaid on top of the flags. The caption reads "observations on willow park". /end id.]
The grey-and-green aromantic flag has long been the accepted mainstream symbol of aromanticism, and, as the above post - and many others - demonstrate, Willow’s palette reflects it near-perfectly. This could easily be a coincidence, owing to the palette of the standard Hexside Plant Track uniform, as well as her hair and eye colours - which are obviously supposed to be reflective of her plant-related abilities. However, given how fond of employing hidden meanings The Owl House has shown itself to be, I don’t think it’s far-fetched to claim that there’s at least a chance that her palette was constructed with the flag in mind.
The latter is...a bit more problematic for me, although it’s fun to joke about. The blue-and-yellow aroace flag was only created in December 2018, relatively late into The Owl House’s initial production, and it’s still relatively obscure, although on the rise in popularity as the accepted aroace flag (I only recently started using it myself), so I don’t know if Willow’s casual wear is enough to verify the presence of any deliberate subtext. I think it’s a fun coincidence, however, and (as was pointed out in this post) it’s cool that these blue and yellow stars surrounding Willow occur in the same frame as Luz’s bisexual decor:
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[id: a photograph of Luz, Gus, and Willow, all surrounding a disgruntled-looking Principal Bump. Luz has flowers in the colours of the bisexual flag decorating her hair, while Willow is surrounded by bright blue and yellow stars. /end id.]
also seen above: powerful bi/aspec solidarity
Do I genuinely believe that Willow is being deliberately written this way? If you’d asked me, say, two months ago, I’d have said probably not - as far as queer representation in kids’ cartoons has come, it has a ways to go, and focusing on transgender characters seems like a more obvious (and equally invaluable) route to go down. I can name maybe five explicitly aspec characters off the top of my head, two of whom have been written as alloromantic and/or sexual in adaptations or continuations of the source material (I have...some grievances with 2005 Doctor Who). But the emergence of Raine, an explicitly nonbinary character on Disney Channel, has given me a little spark of hope, and so, even if it’s never confirmed, it’s comforting to be able to see a character with such strong elements of aspec coding and think to myself, just maybe, that there might be some intent behind it.
I also...really want to see interesting things done with Willow. We’re halfway through Season 2, and despite some promising setup for her arc in the Season 1 finale, she’s sort of been left by the wayside lately in favour of developing the more “plot-relevant” characters, such as Luz, Amity, Eda, and Hunter. Frankly, I think it’s a disservice to her Season 1 development, despite how much I adore all the characters I just listed - beyond any personal motivation, the prospect that Willow could be aroace adds a lot of sorely-sought depth to her, and, as detailed, a lot of this has already been set up in her earlier episodes. I just...I think it’d be neat. Rarely do you get a kids’ show so brazenly queer in its themes as Owl House, and aspec people deserve to be included in that.
Willow would also be great aroace representation because, well - those five or so aspec characters I mentioned being aware of are all white or “raceless” (...also written as white, basically), and so an aspec Asian character would be a really lovely step forward in this area. Additionally, all the characters I referred to are also conventionally skinny, and Willow is not only fat, but written in a way that doesn’t treat this feature as a caricature. People who are more knowledgeable on these topics than I are absolutely free to make additions, as is anyone who feels like I’ve left certain details out.
tl;dr: Willow’s association with plants could be read as a cool nod to aspec humour, her “late bloomer” narrative is eerily reminiscent of some common aspec experiences, her palette speaks for itself, and it’d be really cool if we could diversify the so-far fairly bland sphere of aspec representation.
I’m going to conclude this by linking Rose by The Oh Hellos, because they’re my favourite band, they share The Owl House’s initials, and I also think it’s a good Willow song. Peace out.
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toorusquill · 4 years
Hewow there!! I just wanna say you and your writes are absolutely amaziinggg❤️❤️. So I've decided to send in a request UwU. Can you do oikawa, tsuki and akaashi finding out their s/o is actually a wonderful pianist? Srry if it's kinda weird😅. I'm just hungry for some love ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ).
oikawa, tsukishima, and akaashi with a pianist s/o
pairing: oikawa tooru x gn!reader, tsukishima kei x gn!reader, akaashi keiji x gn!reader
genre(s): fluff.
warnings: -
a/n: anon!! thank you so much hehe. and this is definitely not weird!! it’s very cute!!
-he visits your house for the first time, and he sees the piano sitting there and he’s already so excited,
-”y/n-chan, you can play the piano? play something, play something for me please!!”
-he lowkey screams when you take a seat and prep yourself, and he leans on the piano, watching you with stars in his eyes, as you begin the first few notes.
-he pulls out his phone midway, and begs you not to stop!! he posts it on his private story with the caption, “my baby is so talented!!”
-when you’re done, he kind of just gawks at you. you pat his cheek lightly, giggling at his reaction, and then the compliments just gush out of him,
-”that was amazing!!! you should play more often!! do it again so i can save it as a recording!!”
-you two are at a music store for a date, just messing around and browsing through the selections, when you spot the piano in the far corner.
-you make your way over to it, tsukishima trailing behind you, and he’s like, “we came here to buy CDs, not to buy a piano,” and you just hush him
-you lift up the piano cover, and take a seat before starting to play a really short, but still impressive piece, and tsukishima swears that he’s never been more in love with you.
-when you’re done, you have to snap your fingers to get him to stop staring, and once he does he just resumes to lighthearted joking,
-”if i had known you played it that well, i probably would’ve bought the piano for you.”
-the next time you play for him, he’s ready to record the audio and i promise you that HE SAVES IT.
-headcanon that he plays the violin, so when he hears the first few notes of a piece that he’s also learning on the piano, he’s excited and it shows!!
-you’re waiting for him to finish practice in your home so you decide to practice, and he comes in to visit before going on your date and rushes to where you are because he heard you.
-he waits for you to finish, before he speaks up from the doorway,
-”hey, that was lovely. we should duet with my violin sometime.”
-he smiles when you blush shyly at the compliment, but you switch demeanors when you’re like, “wait you play the violin???”
-he nods, telling you that next time he’ll bring it when he comes over, and now he’s urging you to play something new.
-sits behind you as you play another piece, and he rests his chin on your shoulder, closing his eyes as he savors the music you play
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bluekayanite · 5 years
(SU:F Theory - Snow Day) Has Steven REALLY Changed That Much?
...Or is he just still dealing with an old issue?
(I intended to post this last week, but apparently forgot to actually, you know, post it. >_<  I’ve got another one upcoming, but here’s this one for now.)
EDIT: Some edits have been made.  Not gonna stress myself over the details this time.
My Feelings on the Ep
Okay, I dunno about you, but I actually found the story of Snow Day pretty upsetting.  The whole thing was about Steven running from his childhood favorites, and he pretty much stated that it was because he didn't want to be seen as a kid.
Sure, I can get behind not liking when people assume you haven't changed, especially when the changes in question have to do with you learning and growing (been there... -.-), but it didn't feel like that was the real issue.  I mean, there's growing up and changing, and then there's more-or-less trying to hide, or to erase the past.  IMO, this ep showed Steven trying to avoid "kids stuff" to an extreme.  He literally jumped over the edge!
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And not just the kids stuff, but it feels to me like he's been avoiding silly stuff in general, like that goofy charm that seemed like an essential character trait throughout the first series.
Even the idea that he could've left behind so much of the goofiness I love was pretty distressing - it really feels like he's trying to run away from a part of himself, essentially killing a part of himself (or at least a version thereof).  But that's not the whole of the issue for me.
To me, it really kind of felt like Steven believed the Gems were wrong to still want to appreciate the old stuff with him - not because of “seeing him as a child, still,” but... like they couldn't still appreciate the way he used to be, even in a nostalgic sense.  Like he believes that they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the silly stuff, either.  Or the little things in general.
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(If you're not taking the time to pet something cute, I'd say it's pretty serious.)
Also: come on!!  The Cheeseburger Backpack and Together Breakfast are two of the most iconic things of the series-es!  And personally, like I kind of said, I’d say Steven's goofiness is right up there with them!  Even the vegetarianism!  Remember how big Steven was on hot dogs?
"I think there isn't such a thing as a bad [hot] dog, though.  Only bad chefs!" - Steven, Wacky Sacks Unboxing minisode
It was even in the first opening of SU!
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I don't mind that SU:F is more mature than SU, but it feels like it's missing a lot of the heart that made SU so easy to love.  I’m even noticing that there's been a shortage a star-iris-endings.  I’m pretty sure the last iris was used in Guidance... for a fake ending.
Not that I think the star-iris should be forced, but it seems like it's not being used, even when Crewniverse has a perfectly good chance to do so.  The fact that they've used it at all suggests that they're not trying to avoid using it - more like they've fallen out of the habit, or something.  And I’m really starting to feel the absence of the little bit of lighthearted warmth that it typically brings.  It just kinda quietly punctuates just how serious the show has been.
...It's pretty depressing, really.
But yeah, in general, I'm not a big fan of the idea that you have to let go of kid things as soon as you grow up.  Doctors believe that play is just as important for adults as it is for children.  Heck, that article even mentions reading aloud to someone (and I'd say, by extension, being read to) as a form of play... one of the forms that Steven specifically avoids.
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And if you ask me, The No Home Boys sounds like its pretty deep - not just a basic, “silly” kids’ story.
"My favorite story is this classic one where the No Home Boys are chased[...] by a mysterious pursuer, which turns out to be the very fear resting within themselves." - Steven, On The Run
At the very least, it's what led to him having an adventure that led to him learning something important, and to bringing to light - and resolving - some previously-unspoken tension between Pearl and Amethyst.
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So at the very least, I wouldn't cast aside childish things so quickly, if only for all the good that they have already brought.
There's also the fact that adult play has been accepted as a pretty important thing in our current society - it's basically our culture now.  As said on the YT Channel Lockstin & Gnoggin (in response to COPPA), "This isn't the 1970s anymore[...]  Adults are no longer afraid to be interested in things."  I mean, heck, I think odds are pretty good that if you’re reading this, you're probably an adult who enjoys “kids stuff.”  I know I technically fit in that category - I’m getting old enough that I don't like to think about it. ^_^;
Personally, I believe that the “adults can still like ‘kids’ stuff” thing could really use more representation in mainstream media, ESPECIALLY after the whole COPPA thing.  Personally, I’ve always believed that this would be done through Steven Universe.
And personally... I still think odds are good that it will.
Why I Think There's Still Hope for the Subject
The “adults enjoying ‘childish’ stuff” thing isn't just a thing with Millennials and the Internet in general: it's a pretty strong part of the culture of the Crewniverse, what with them actually enjoying Together Breakfast for the release of the ep by the same name.  Not to mention donuts topped with Pop Rocks fire salt (exact quote - for Joking Victim), a big bowl of macaroni-and-nothing (for Warp Tour), and even a Rice Krispie temple that promptly got pummeled by a giant hand (technically for Bismuth, but also referencing Jailbreak).  And those are just a few examples.
And in general, I've noticed that SU is very Millennial show, featuring values like that the reason for work should be to enjoy life, rather than to make money (Drop Beat Dad), and I've already said that being able to enjoy "kids stuff" as an adult is a pretty Millennial thing.
So to me, it seems like it's probably inevitable that Steven's going to get over the "trying too hard to adult" thing.  Heck, if anything, I'd say that Snow Day is just another part of the long-running-buildup.
Steven has a history of trying to cut everything “childish” out of his life, and/or being embarrassed when it's brought up.
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This felt like an extension of that history - to me, it feels like this issue leveled up, like he's trying harder than ever before to avoid being associated with "kids stuff."  His reaction to Garnet presenting the Cheeseburger Backpack certainly looks like one of embarrassment, and one of not even appreciating the gesture, regardless.
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And if you look, this whole thing started when the Gems implied that birthday parties were a "kids thing."
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(My apologies for VUDU’s captions - they got better, I promise.)
Since then, he’s been stuck on the idea that he would have to leave things behind as he got older.
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Before that, he was trying to convince the Gems of just the opposite.
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Little did Steven know that they actually came around, while he was away...
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But now?  Now that they've obviously come around, he's still having trouble getting over what was once said.
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He's even overtly objecting to being called "cute," or like a kid!
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I think this is a pretty good example of how one little thing can result in a problem that a person struggles with for a long time afterward; how one idea can result in a person pressuring themselves to try and be something or not, even if the people who gave the idea have changed their minds.  I think it's a pretty good example of the kind of baggage - the kind of problems - we carry around with us.
And you know what the official description of SU:F says?
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"[A]s [Steven] runs out of other people's problems to solve, he'll finally have to face his own."
I very much believe that this is one of them. =3
Before I saw the movie, I had been spoiled by the “catchup” vid for the last season clearly being narrated by an older-voiced Steven.  (So sorry, Hilary, that you want through so much trouble, but the neck wasn't much of a secret to me. XD; )  And spoilers aside, it had been pretty well hinted that he was going to grow up, via both of the “Birthday” episodes. 
(Personally, I’m kind of disappointed that we missed the magic growth spurt - I always thought it would've been hilarious. X3)
I’d often thought that Steven was going to grow up when he realized that he didn't have to leave “childish” stuff behind - that he can be grown up without having to "stop being a kid," or worrying about how people would see him if he didn't.  I kind of figured it would allow him to feel more comfortable about growing up, and so he would grow up.
But, apparently, that's still a thing he needs to work on.
And sure, I'm glad Steven came around at least a little, but I wonder if it's really enough... especially since he doesn’t even seem sincere on loving that the Gems upgraded the Steven Tag game.
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But also, it seems to me like this issue is affecting more of his personality than just his desire to have fun... like he's losing quite a bit of himself.  Remember how Pearl once described him?
You have to feel like yourself!  Sweet and considerate, and only occasionally obnoxious! - Pearl, So Many Birthdays
It does seem like Steven's been having trouble with the considerate angle, lately.  I mean, he kept busting into Jasper's hideout, he took over Amethyst's mentorship program (completely ignoring the feelings of the Gems being mentored), and in general, he's kinda... asserting himself and his opinions more than listening to others(').  I'd even say that he's lost a lot of his sweet, and he's... probably more than occasionally obnoxious. ^_^;  I mean, Aquamarine and Eyeball certainly think so. X3
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Now?  Well... I'd say that the Gems have at least as much of a point as Steven does.  I have to admit, I feel a lot like Amethyst - I think she has a point about the direction Steven is (or had been) heading, and about what kind of example he was setting.
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I agree that the issue is serious enough for Pearl to be justified in being willing to join in (which I really love her doing =3).
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(Seriously, I’ve actually been worried for Steven.)
...And now I’d say that her old plea to feel like himself again is even more valid than ever.
In a way, Snow Day felt a lot like So Many Birthdays in reverse: instead of Steven trying to spend time with the Gems and making them feeling awkward about silly stuff, we now have the exact opposite.  Now, instead of allowing himself to still be a kid, Steven tries to convince them not to make him be a kid.  ...Which, again, is fair, but still.  I'd say it goes too far when he hates the idea of "kid."
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But yeah...  I figure this has gotta be addressed sooner or later.  Personally, I can't wait fo the day when it is. XD;
...call me crazy - call me super crazy - but I’m hoping that a certain Pink Doofball* will talk some more sense into him. X3  That, or maybe his dad.
(*If you're not familiar with my blog... well, here's my main theory, in case you're interested.  I know it probably sounds insane, but it would mean a lot if you'd give it a look.)
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writingwitchly · 7 years
HELLO! could you write an angsty Remus X reader imagine in which she is best friend with the Marauders especially with Remus and has a huge crush on him. James, Sirius, and Peter know about her crush on Remus and encourage her to tell him when she finally builds the courage to do it, Remus introduce them to a girl (maybe a Hufflepuff?) and it's obvious they like each other and the reader has to pretend to be okay because Remus goes to her for advice because she's his best friend.  Love you! ~ @thedarklordsdiary <3 (espero que te guste y que sea un poco como te lo imaginabas)
Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader Word count: 2,9k (why are my texts always so long) Warning: jealousy / angst / some fluff A/N: I was not really comfortable while writing angst!Remus, so I switched it to angst!reader (teen Remus as I imagine him just isn’t capable of being angry XD). Also, I made it my fight to end every single one of my imagines in a positive tone, because there is already so much negativity in this world, that we don’t need to add more. Anyway, I hope you all like it!
You throw a glance at the clock, sigh, and pout.
It’s only 5 p.m.
Your husband will be home in about an hour, but his promise to bring you to the theater, something very rare because of the war going on, makes you impatient.
To occupy yourself, you pick up the books from the table next to the fireplace and, after circling around the room without knowing what to do with them, you end up putting them back where they were.
Fighting the urge to check the time again, you fold some covers that laid forgotten on the back of a chair.
Then, you glance up.
It’s as if the time moved backwards.
Suddenly, as a thought crosses your mind, you childishly clap your hands together: you know what to do while waiting.
Careful not to bump against anything in your excitation, you half-run, half-walk toward a very old commode, a family piece of furniture you got from your grandmother when you got married.
From one of the drawers, you take a small, wooden box. It is covered in multicolor paint, shallow grooves filled with dust, and blackened burns.
Lovingly looking at your precious treasure, you take a seat in the comfortable sofa, and delicately open the box, from which you extract a stack of pictures.
As you make your way through your school memories, your vision becomes blurry, and a few sighs escape you.
“This one,” you mutter to yourself, looking at the image of your younger self, probably fourteen or fifteen years old, repairing a pair of glasses right on the nose of its disheveled owner. A plump boy next to you is showing all his teeth in a lighthearted laugh. “Was taken by Sirius.”
You turn it over, and a sentence in round, tight letters says:
Y/N fixing James’ glasses after he tripped while trying to impress Lily Evans. I almost died laughing. 4th year
With a smile, you put the photograph aside.
The next one you grab shows three teenagers, the middle one being you, flashing huge smiles through the opening of their helmets. In the back, a big motorbike can be spotted.
Behind this picture, you read:
Y/N, Sirius, and our deer friend, after their first ride on Pads’ new motorbike. 6th year
Then, you pick one of the portraits you’ve cherished the most until this day. It’s of you and the most amazing boy you’ve met during your school years. Remus has been your best friend, but also your teenage crush, and this for so long you can’t even remember when it started.
You flip the photo:
With love to my wonderful best friend, Remus. 7th year
A tender smile curls your lips.
The next few images all include you and your full group of best friends in seventh year, when Y/N and the Marauders became Y/N, Lily, and the Marauders.
A particularly messy caption describes the six of you as:
The most gorgeous creature ever (me), the second most gorgeous creature ever (Pads), my future wife (Lily), the best best best friend in the whole world (Y/N), my best friend guy who reads TOO MUCH (Moony), bagel boy (Wormy).
After laughing for a great deal of time, until two big tears come rolling down your cheeks, you put this picture aside as well.
However, the next image instantly sobers you.
Remus stands in the middle of it, an arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders. Until this, everything is perfect, besides your frozen smile. But it’s what he is doing with his other arm that sucks the cheerfulness out of you: it's wrapped around the waist of a blond girl with cute dimples and an affable smile.
You don’t need to read the caption to remember what happened this day, nor why your smile looks so… fake.
The call comes from behind you. Without even turning around, you speed up. You know this grating voice way too well, for its owner has been following you non-stop in the past two weeks.
“How many times will I have to tell you, Adam? I am not interested in going out with you! Nor with anybody else,” you point out. Which is a blatant lie.
If Remus asked you out, which, according to Peter and Sirius is bound to happen sooner or later, your answer would be a big yes.
Before Adam could reach you, the corridor ends, and you find refuge on the moving staircase. With a wave, you dismiss your insisting pretendant as the stone steps rotate to the left.
Convinced that you’re out of danger, your pace slows down to normal walking.
Today is the big day. You have finally managed to build enough confidence -- or craziness, you still can’t decide which it is -- to face the situation. James has encouraged you to do so for at least two months now. His exact words were, “Go big or- go big anyway, because Remus likes you as much as you like him.”
By the end of today, you will declare yourself to your best friend, who has become the person you dream to kiss.
But before, there is something you have to do.
As you enter the next hallway, holding your books firmly in your arms, your eyes widen. A short, blond guy with a bright smile is looking at you with what he surely believes is a seductive smile.
“What do you want from me?” you snap, knowing perfectly well what he is waiting for.
“Now that you ask about it, a kiss would be perfectly fine,” he answers in an irritating, honeyed voice.
“Listen,” you say, tired of having to bear with this child’s advances, “You are an attracting boy, but go find somebody else to harass. Somebody of your age, Gilderoy.”
A bit taken aback, the boy doesn’t protest as you stride away.
Two in a row. This is not a good omen.
You want to reach your destination before anybody else, more accurately any of the members of your fan club, can stop you again. Is it asking too much?
You were ready to spit a cutting response, but you manage to hold it back at the last moment.
James’ call came from a few feet behind you, and you swing round to face him.
“What are you doing?” he asks as he gets closer, nonchalance in his steps and his hands in his pockets.
“Breathing, walking, avoiding guys… Common stuff,” you answer, a hint of laughter in your tone.
“I’ve had enough smart answers coming from Evans this week, please spare me yours during the weekend,” he says, rolling his eyes. Then, his gaze falls down on the schoolbooks you are carrying. “You’re not going to study on Sunday, are you?”
His disgusted look makes you smile.
“We’re three weeks away from our N.E.W.T.s, Potter. So yeah, I’m going to study.”
“You’ve studied enough in the past two years, brainiac! You have to have some fun, come on! We’re all by the lake. If even Lily agreed to drop her essays for a day, you can do it!”
You sigh, unsure of what to do.
“Remus is there too,” he adds, with a mischievous smirk, to convince you.
“Fine,” you breathe, biting your inferior lip, and the two of you join the rest of the group.
As you approach the shadow of the trees bordering the Great Lake, you spot black, mousy, and red hair contrasting with the green grass where Sirius, Peter, and Lily are lying.
A bit upset because of the absence of the light-brown-haired boy you like so much, you still imitate them under Lily’s supplications.
For nearly half an hour, the five of you stay spread on the ground, looking at dragonflies and talking about random topics. Then, shuffling makes you look up.
Your silent wish has been granted: it’s Remus coming toward you, and your heart skips a beat.
However, your excitement drops as you focus on the person next to him. Blond locks, dimples, joyful smile, round curves: Janet Seidel.
Your heart shrinks a bit. Remus has been talking about her for so long now that you don’t know what to expect.
For the third time in the day, you react to your name. But this time, the call makes your interiors melt.
“Remus,” you greet him as you stand up. The boy gives you a tight hug, to which you respond with as much enthusiasm as if you hadn’t seen him in a long time.
Is Janet watching? She better be. You don’t like to share, and Remus is yours. Even if he doesn’t know it yet.
“Can I talk to you?” your tall friend whispers in your ear, “I have something to ask you.”
Your breath accelerates, and you look at him in hope.
“Something to ask me?” you say, as if it was the strangest thing in the world.
He glances at you quizzically.
For a split-second, you had almost forgotten that you are his best friend, ready for a talk whenever he needs one, and the insane word ‘date’ had popped into your mind.
“Yeah, of course,” you promptly add, which dissipates his perplexity.
He grabs your hand -- for Merlin’s socks, your arm goes numb -- and walks you toward a deserted place a few feet away from where, you observe from the corner of your eye, Janet is now chatting with Lily.
“So, um- This is not easy to say-” Remus starts. Your attention is abruptly redirected to him, and his eyes, and his scars, and…
Y/N, stop it.
“Well. There is this person that I have been liking for quite long-”
“Funny, friendly, and pretty-”
Red signal.
“I like it when we hang out together-”
Is this about you?
“We’ve been friends for long now-”
There are signs that it’s about you: you’re funny and friendly, you’ve been his friend for so long.
“And I guess I have to take a step forward-”
The word ‘date’ keeps popping in your mind.
Yes please, I want to go out with you.
Your palms are all sweaty.
“So I wanted to ask you-”
Yes, yes, yes…
Your heartbeat is faster than the Hogwarts Express.
“If you have any advice to give me.”
“What?” you ask, startled.
“Yes. You know, as so many boys have asked you out, and you’ve always said no, I am sure that you could tell me exactly what I shouldn’t do,” he laughs.
Somebody dropped a bucket of ice on your head, or the whole content of the Great Lake has been poured on you. There is no other possible reason to describe your inside reaction to his comment.
“Excuse me?” you let out, more like a defensive answer than a question.
Remus’ grin fades a little. He understands you better than anybody else, so your sudden change in humor couldn’t go unnoticed.
“You- Are you talking about Janet?” you ask, as desperation already makes its way through your body.
“Yes,” he confirms, and the sparkle of amusement in his eyes disappears. “Why?”
“Oh, nothing,” you whisper in a cold tone, your gaze lost on the surface of the lake.
An uncomfortable silence falls like a wall between Remus and you and, for the first time in years, you don’t know what to tell him.
A bitter taste invades your mouth, and the despair you were feeling slowly turns into something else. Something cold. Something ugly.
“That’s what I am useful for, then, huh?”
Tears threaten to leave your eyes, but you hold them back. You have hidden your feelings for so long that you are not going to ruin everything, make a fool of yourself, by revealing them now.
Now -- that you know who he prefers.
“What are you talking about, Y/N?”
His furrowed brow makes him look even better tha-
Stop it, you silly, don’t make it even more painful!
“‘m just reflecting about how useful it is for you to have such a cold hearted friend,” you say miserably. The words don’t even make sense, but your heavy heart needs to be relieved. And this works just fine.
“Wha-” But you cut across him,
“Yeah, that’s what you think, isn’t it? That I refuse every boy’s advances because I have no feelings, right?” Shocked, he opens his mouth to answer, but you don’t give him this opportunity, “But guess what, Remus Lupin-”
You are not responsible for what you are saying anymore. Your brain and tongue are far away from each other, in opposite worlds, not tuned together.
“I haven’t accepted to go out with anybody because, out of all the people who asked me out, the right one hasn’t asked and-”
Oh, crap. You’re already on the run, you can say it.
“I discovered that he likes somebody else.”
Your revelation apparently paralyses him.
“Y/N,” he breathes, an upset expression on his features, and you suddenly wish you hadn’t said all this. “I am sorry. If I had known that somebody broke your heart, I wouldn’t have talked to you about this.”
He thinks that you’re talking about somebody else.
“I’ll help you to fix this,” he whispers, as he takes you tenderly in his arms. “Do you want to talk about it?”
It all went so fast that the logical part of you is relieved, but the emotional one doesn’t know what to do.
“No,” you sigh.
Resting your head on his chest, you slowly let some tears flow.
Mybe it’s better like this.
“If it can help you,” he murmurs, “I like Janet, I like her very much-”
Merlin’s beard, how is this supposed to help you?
“But there is somebody else I like more, with whom I may even be in love,” he says, regret and sadness molding his tone, “Unfortunately, this person doesn’t show any interest in me, and I am trying to convince myself that I have to move on.”
You groan, feeling an additional ton of grief crushing your heart.
There are two people he likes.
“I won’t ask Janet out,” he finally decides.
Your brain needs a few seconds to process the information, but when it does, you’re confused.
The greedy part of you approves, but then: Janet is the best you could wish to Remus. If you can’t have him, you’d be less upset to see him with her.
Yes, less upset, not happier.
“Why?” you finally ask between two muffled sobs.
“Because I will stand by your side and support you,” he answers. “You’re the most important person in my life. I don’t want my best friend to be hurt.”
Oh, Merlin. He is so caring. You feel really bad about your selfishness.
After all, he deserves to be happy, and the fate doesn’t want you to be his other half.
“I think you should.” This costs you a huge effort. “She seems to like you.”
You smile, and he grins back, but both of you look more desolated than anything else.
“You two there! Come here for a picture!”
Sirius’ strong voice reaches you through the sound of the lake’s waves and the tree’s dancing leaves.
In a common decision, you walk back toward your friends, arm in arm.
As soon as you get to them, Janet pulls Remus toward her, laughing like a child.
“I want one with you!” she shouts, and you draw back to allow them some space. “Y/N, you too! You’re Remus best friend!”
How can Hufflepuffs be so adorable? Even if this girl is your rival in love, you can’t despise her.
You sigh, take a few steps forward, and let Remus grab you by the shoulders.
Immersed in your memories, you haven’t noticed the loud ‘crack’ noise announcing that your husband is back.
“Y/N, darling, are you okay?”
A bit lost between the past and the present, it costs you a few seconds to realize that he is standing in front of you, his face contracted in an expression of concern you know so well.
“What happened to you?”
It’s just when he sits by your side and wipes a tear from your cheek that you understand his worry: you’d been crying.
Then, his gaze travels from your face to your hands, which are still clutching the old photograph.
“Oh,” he simply breathes.
With unmasked empathy, he pulls you toward him, and you end up sitting on his lap. He wraps you in a warm embrace, and delicately kisses your forehead. You smell the scent of rain, old manuscripts, and chocolate swirling around you.
“Did you finish planning the mission?” you ask, wanting to relax the atmosphere.
His eyes meet yours, which make your cheeks burn.
Oh, for Merlin’s sake, Y/N, you’ve been married for a whole year now.
“Let’s not talk about the Order now, okay? Let’s make it just about us. Ready for the theater?”
Gratitude and love fill your heart, and you repeat to yourself once more how lucky you are to have such a great husband.
“Of course,” you say eagerly, “I have been looking forward to it since you left.”
“I love you, Y/N,” he smiles.
“I love you even more, Remus,” you smile back.
Just a short list of quick facts:
Remus never dated Janet, he cared too much about your feelings and wanted to be 100% present for you.
Janet ended up going out with Adam, and they married two years after leaving Hogwarts (one year and three months after their first date). You stayed friends and went to their wedding.
Remus and you finally admitted to be in love with each other a few days before leaving the school (with the guys’ help, of course).
You two married shortly after James and Lily.
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Reactions to SO getting a annoyed that their partner can spend so little time with them, so they retaliate by buying a cheap bodypillow and sending the bandmembers photos of them while they are on tour doing menial stuff with it. SO and pillow at the restaurant, SO and pillow at the movies, SO and pillow on a rollercoaster etc. Just some lighthearted teasing ala "if you're gone so often, this will have to do."
~ He was a littleconfused at first when he received a picture of you and a blue body pillow atyour favorite restaurant. You sent a text following a picture that said, “Atleast HE spends time with me.” 2D frowned at the text. He sent one back saying,“You know I can’t help it.” You smirked at the text. “It’s a shame. When we gethome we’re going to watch your favorite movie. Wish you were here
~ You pulled the bodypillow inside your room when you got home and threw it on your bed. You checkedyour phone for a text from 2D. There were two messages. The first one read, “That’snot fair! );” You snickered. The second one read, “I’ll be home soon! I promiseI’ll spend more time with you!” You grinned as you slipped off your pants andstraddled the pillow. You took a very well angled picture of yourself in thatposition and sent it to 2D. You laughed and awaited his reply. You could almosthear his voice when you read the text, “I’ll remember that.” Said the text. “Maybenow you’ll actually spend time with me.” You sent.
~ You knew you wereplaying a dangerous game but Murdoc should have spent more time with you whilehe was home. You had just bought a cheap body pillow at the local shop and youwere going to take it everywhere. You got dressed up in Murdoc’s favorite outfiton you and took a selfie with the pillow. He sent it to Murdoc with the caption“Heading out with my favorite guy!” Murdoc replied immediately with a, “Whatthe hell does that mean?” You smirked down at your phone screen and typed, “Wellsince you’re so busy and won’t spend time with me, this little guy will have todo.”
~ You could practicallyhear Murdoc growl. “It’s my job to take to you out.” He sent back. You laughed.“Maybe you should do your job better (;” You were enjoying torturing the oldman. You walked out of the house with the body pillow and drove with it buckledin the passenger seat. You took another picture with it and sent it to Murdocbefore driving off to the movie theatre. Murdoc was having a fit. You keptsending picture of you holding onto the pillow or kissing it. He was pissed,but you kept going.
~ At the end of thenight, you stripped off all your clothes and pulled the pillow over you tocover most of yourself. “He’s a better lover too (;” You couldn’t wait forMurdoc’s response. When your phone buzzed you had a text that read, “THAT’S IT!I’M GETTING A PLANE TICKET HOME RIGHT NOW! THE FUCKING ALBUM CAN WAIT!” Youlaughed at the fact that Murdoc just got jealous over a $10 body pillow.
~ Noodle didn’t likeleaving you so soon after not getting to spend much time together. You knewthat but you also knew she was the overprotective type. You sat on your bedpouting about your missing girlfriend. You snuggled up to your giant bodypillow that you used when she was gone. You closed your eyes, hoping to take anap, but you suddenly sat up because of a brilliant idea you had. You grabbedyour phone and took a picture of you snuggling with the body pillow and sent itto Noodle saying “I miss you ):” Noodle replied a few minutes later with an, “Imiss you too, baby doll. But you won’t need that body pillow much later.”
~ You were impatient. Yougot up and ran into the shower. “Brb just gonna take a quick shower (:” Youtook a picture with the body pillow sitting in the tub. Noodle was confused, “Areyou really going to shower with the body pillow?” You laughed and sent, “I haveto. My girlfriend isn’t here to help me wash up.” You giggled. “I’ll showerwith you as much as you want when I get home
~ Russel didn’t likebeing away from you for so long. Especially since he barely got to see you whenhe was home for his break. You weren’t very happy about it either. You spentmore time alone than you had wanted to. You tried to pass the time by watchingfilms or sleeping but you could only do so much. You sat up from your bed andgrumbled. You decided to shower and actually go out tonight.
~ You stripped andstepped into the shower. You took your time washing your body and just lettingthe hot water hit your back. After your shower, you dried off and put on somenice clothes. You admired yourself in the mirror before heading out. Yougrabbed your phone and your keys and walked to the car.
~ You drove through townuntil you passed a shop that a bin full of body pillows for sale. You got anevil grin on your face and found a parking space. You walked to the bin and grabbedbody pillow. This was perfect. You went to pay for it and put it in the frontseat of your car. You snapped a picture and sent it to Russel. You giggled toyourself when you saw him reply suddenly, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
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cover2covermom · 5 years
*Books included in this batch of mini book reviews: Normal People by Sally Rooney, The Nickle Boys by Colson Whitehead,  How to Stop Time by Matt Haig, and The Book Worm of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson
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» Normal People by Sally Rooney
Normal People is about two characters, Connell & Marianne, and their evolving relationship as they grow from adolescence into adulthood.
Normal People is one of those books that you don’t necessarily enjoy while reading, but it is a compulsive type of read.  Despite the fact that I didn’t necessarily enjoy reading this, I flew through it in one evening and the following morning.  I just had to know how the story was going to pan out.  Normal People is a very interesting look at themes like mental illness, insecurity, toxic relationships, abuse, the importance of communication, coming of age, identity, etc. 
Normal People is very much a character driven novel.  It is an in depth look at relationships, and how insecurities and lack of communication can stand in the way of two people who truly love each other.  These characters will frustrate you, baffle you, and make you want to knock some sense into them.  Despite the fact that Connell & Marianne are not really likable characters, I can say that they feel very real.
This was my first experience with Sally Rooney’s writing.  Rooney’s writing was very quiet & understated, which suited the tone of the story well.  I must forewarn you, Rooney does not use quotation marks around dialogue, which can be a bit of an adjustment on the reader’s part.  I did find it challenging at times to decipher where the dialogue started and stopped, but this eased as I adapted to the writing style. Another thing I noticed about Rooney’s writing was that she left certain aspects of the story up to the reader’s interpretation.  Some may say that these were plot holes or unresolved portions of the book, however I feel it was intentional on Rooney’s part. 
I found the tone throughout Normal People to be very foreboding.   If you enjoy tragic stories like Wuthering Heights that are more on the dismal side, I’d give this book a go.  However, if you enjoy lighthearted reads with happy endings, Normal People is not going to be the book for you.  This book also had a few similar elements to A Walk to Remember, but without the happy parts.
Even though Connell & Marianne start out as teenagers in this book, I would not classify Normal People as young adult.  The intended audience is more in the new adult to adult range.
***Trigger/content warnings: toxic relationships, mental illness – depression, suicidal thoughts, sibling abuse, etc.***
» The Nickle Boys by Colson Whitehead
The Nickel Boys is a fictionalized account of the abuse and misconduct of the Dozier Reform School in Florida.  Set in the 1960s, The Nickel Boys follows a promising boy named Elwood.  Elwood is sentenced to The Nickel Academy after he innocently accepts a ride from a stranger, and that ride results in dire consequences.  Now he finds himself in a hostile environment and must survive the atrocities that occur within the walls of Nickel.
Whitehead tells Elwood’s story in two different timelines, one in the past that includes the lead up to Elwood’s sentencing and details his traumatic experience at Nickel, the other timeline occurs in a modern day setting where we see the lasting effects of the abuse Elwood suffered.  At first, I was not sure about the dual timeline structure for this story, however it all becomes clear at the end why Whitehead chose to tell this story this way.   This structure ended up complimenting the story well.
After reading the description, I was anticipating a plot driven story, however The Nickel Boys is more of a character driven novel.  At the core, The Nickel Boys is about Elwood’s struggle to stay true to his convictions based of the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr, that there is good in the world, despite his current horrific situation.   Elwood’s ideals are challenged numerous times throughout the novel, but he always remained hopeful.
To be completely honest, I was a bit underwhelmed with this story.  I read Colson Whitehead’s previous book, The Underground Railroad, and was blown away with his portrayal of slavery and the plight of the runaway slave.  The Underground Railroad was raw, brutal, and uncensored, which is what I was expecting here in The Nickel Boys.  This story felt watered down in comparison.  Instead of showing the reader the abuse these boys suffered, it is implied.  While I do not think a book needs to be overly graphic to get the point across, I think Whitehead did the story an injustice by just glossing over the scenes of abuse.  
I was set to give The Nickle Boys 3 stars, but I was blown away at that plot twist!  I was caught me completely off guard, and it redeemed this book for me.  Bravo Whitehead!
I appreciate when authors bring lesser known history to light, especially horrific history such as this.  It is important for these types of stories to not be brushed under the rug or forgotten.  After reading books like this that are rooted in history, I am always motivated to do some research of my own.  I was horrified by everything I read about The Dozier School of Boys and the ongoing investigations.
***Trigger/content warning: physical, sexual, and mental abuse – not graphic, but implied – racism***
» How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
*2.5 Stars*
How to Stop Time is about a man named Tom.  Now Tom looks like your average 40-something man… except he is over 400 years old.  Tom doesn’t age like a typical person, but rather ages 1 year after every 15 years that go by.  In order to survive, Tom reluctantly joins a secret society of individuals that also share his condition.  Every few years Tom starts over as someone new in a new place.  After centuries of loneliness, Tom yearns for something more, but can he have more without blowing his cover and bringing down the wrath of the society?
I loved the concept of individuals that age at a very decelerated rate, thus live hundreds of years.  How to Stop Time includes themes like aging, mortality, time, love, memory, grief, and loneliness.  This books brings about the though provoking question: is living “forever” worth it if you can’t have lasting relationships?
How to Stop Time follows Tom in his present life he is living in London, while jumping back into time as Tom is flooded with memories from his past.  The story line occurring in the past is not linear, which was a bit confusing at first, but didn’t take long to overcome.  This structure actually suited the story well.  You know that feeling when something jogs a memory that takes you back to another time & place?  This is how we experience the story and we slowly get to know Tom in bits and pieces as he reminisces about his life.
Despite the fact that the premise for How to Stop Time was interesting, unfortunately the execution of this story was off.  There were so many plot holes & underdeveloped portions of the plot: the secret society aspect, the love story, Tom’s daughter, etc.   Basically there were many different subplots thrown in but they were never fully explored.
How to Stop Time felt like an attempted mash up between The Time Traveler’s Wife with Tuck Everlasting, but didn’t generate the same level of attachment to the characters or emotional reaction that those books did.  I’d also like to note that the synopsis is very misleading.  From the synopsis you are lead to believe that How to Stop Time is going to be a beautiful love story, but this is not the case at all.  If you are anticipating a romance, you are not going to find it here.
Haig’s writing can be very dense at times.  It felt almost as if Haig was trying too hard to be philosophical, which made the writing feel forced.  This isn’t to say it was bad by any means, but that it didn’t feel natural to me.
By the end, I must admit that I was skimming.  While I think the concept for How to Stop Time was interesting & thought provoking, the plot was lacking & full of inconsistencies. 
» The Book Worm of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson
*4.5 Stars*
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek is a historical fiction set in the 1930s in the hills of Kentucky.   We follow Cussy Carter, a legendary blue person of Kentucky.  Not only does she face discrimination due to her gender, but also her skin color.   Cussy is a tenacious young woman who loves her job as a pack horse librarian.  It’s Cussy’s job to deliver books and other reading material to her fellow neighbors on her dangerous route across Kentucky’s unforgiving mountains.
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek is what I refer to as a “bookworm’s delight.”  I admit it, I am a sucker for any book that centers around a reader, books, libraries, bookstores, etc.  How could I NOT love a book about a pack horse librarian that braves the unforgiving land to deliver books to impoverished families?  Be still my heart!   I remember first hearing about pack horse librarians a few years back after an article circulated on Facebook.  I was tagged multiple times by friends and family in the article, which just goes to show you I am known for being a crazy book lady 🙂  Had I lived in Kentucky back in 30s & 40s, I would have definitely applied to become a pack horse librarian!  In fact, I’d totally deliver books via horseback today!  You can read more about pack horse librarians here ⇒ Horse-Riding Librarians Were the Great Depression’s Bookmobiles
Despite her terrible name, Cussy was a lovely main character.   Cussy is extremely passionate about promoting literacy to those that do not have access to books, so of course I adored her for that reason alone.  I think Cussy was a very realistic feeling character because despite her strength and determination in her role as a pack horse librarian, she is insecure about the color of her skin.  I enjoyed watching Cussy’s growth and character development over the course of the book.
If you enjoy historical fiction where the author really focuses on setting the scene and taking you back in time, I’d definitely recommend this book!  However, if you do not enjoy extremely descriptive writing, this might not be your cup of tea.  Richardson pays close attention to the smallest of details, even the mundane.  I could definitely see where her writing would not be for everyone.
My only criticism of this book was that it did feel a little unbalanced.  Cussy experiences one tragedy after another in this story line, which bogged the plot down.  There needed to be more lighter hearted moments to break this up.  It felt like Richardson was throwing Cussy one curve ball after another for the sake of moving the plot along.
***Trigger/content warning: racism***
Have you read any of these books?  If so, what did you think?
Comment below & let me know 🙂
Mini Book Reviews: August 2019 - Part 2 #BookReview #BookBlog #BookBlogger #Reading #Books #BookWorm *Books included in this batch of mini book reviews: Normal People by Sally Rooney, The Nickle Boys…
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
The bright spots in the dark era of Trump Twitter: political parody accounts
Image: mashable composite: Christopher Mineses
Over the course of his first months in the White House, President Trump notoriously turned Twitter into his personal outlet for unhinged political venting. That of course inspired the creation of dozens of parody accounts that became tools of resistance, coping mechanisms, and light-hearted distractions from the political chaos.
A simple Twitter search for “Donald Trump Parody” reveals a collection of over 50 accounts, and though each tackles Trumps presidency with a different approach, they all set out with a common goal: to make Twitter in the Trump era a bit more bearable.
SEE ALSO: Hit Trump where it hurts (his Twitter account)
To get a better sense of what it takes to challenge Trump on his favorite social platform, we reached out to the creators of two of the most popular Trump parody accounts on Twitter and uncovered some intriguing facts about the 24/7 job.
For instance: One of the most thought-provoking accounts on Twitter was inspired by Trump’s spat with the musical Hamilton.
While accounts like @RealDonalDrumpf and @mechanicaltrump attempt to imitate Trump’s unique online behavior, tweeting with an excessive amount of exclamation points and bashing Obama and the Democratic party every chance they get, others, like @aTinyTrump, give followers a good laugh with the help of Photoshop.
Wouldn’t it just be terrible if @realDonaldTrump saw our page and threw a little tantrum like this? That would just be tremendous. http://pic.twitter.com/twbHwJxPjI
TinyTrump (@aTinyTrump) February 19, 2017
The more serious parody account @DTrumpExposed, meanwhile, provides followers with essential information related to Trump’s presidency and his administration, serving as an alternative source of news for those who want to stay in the loop.
@IfHillaryHad imagines American politics in an alternate reality, tweeting on a day-to-day basis as Hillary Clinton had she won the election. @BRIDGETTRUMPSD1 is a depiction of Trump’s diary entries if they were written in the style of Bridget Jones. You know, very normal stuff.
Which brings us to @HalfOnionInABag, the scrap of a vegetable just looking to get more Twitter followers than Trump. It hasn’t quite reached the president’s 28.4 million, but 739,000 followers is still pretty impressive for a vegetable.
What if this account that is simply half an onion in a Ziploc bag ended up with more followers than @realDonaldTrump? http://pic.twitter.com/D28lODPZLO
Half An Onion (@HalfOnionInABag) January 20, 2017
Trump now with maturity!
If there’s anything we’ve learned from the overzealous, typo-ridden 140-character messages posted to the president’s Twitter account, it’s where there’s a Trump tweet, there’s room for improvement.
One man decided to take on the taxing job of editing those tweets to try and make the president’s words sound more, well, presidential. Under the promise of anonymity, the 52-year-old creator of Mature Trump Tweets spoke to us about the inspiration behind the thought-provoking account, how life has changed since starting it, and what kind of impact he hopes his revised words have on the world.
Here’s how he edited one of Trump’s tweets about “fake news”:
The independent media have an important job to do. Informed Americans can ferret out the truth w/out my need to try to sully or discredit. https://t.co/URR1qsHxly
PresidentialTrump (@MatureTrumpTwts) February 25, 2017
Since several early followers wondered if Barack Obama were behind the account, the creator has decided to go by the nickname Barry.
“I think he’s failed to recognize, or worse doesn’t care, that his words matter.”
He began the account last fall, a few weeks after Trump won the election, as things on Twitter got more and more surreal.
“I think he’s failed to recognize, or worse doesn’t care, that his words matter,” Barry said. “I became almost numb due to the Twitter assault that seemed to attack first amendment rights and lack of civility in his tone,” he went on, identifying the president’s Twitter beef with the cast of Hamilton as one of the events that drove him to create the account.
“I needed to do something because I felt powerless. So I decided to recreate his tweets and tweet the way I think a true diplomatic statesman would. It was cathartic for me, and I had a hunch it would be for others too.”
Watched @nbcsnl for laughs b4 turning in. Just need @AlecBaldwin to purse his lips a bit more :-)If we can’t laugh at ourselves, we’re sunk. https://t.co/qOFVb2sg8n
PresidentialTrump (@MatureTrumpTwts) December 4, 2016
Throughout the course of the young presidency, Barry’s goals for the account have evolved. “Originally it was selfish. I needed an outlet,” he explained. “I also was determined to not allow this type of tone to be normalized. That’s a scary proposition.”
Retweets from powerful social media voices like J.K. Rowling, Ricky Gervais, Seth McFarlane, and Mark Cuban were soon to follow. Mature Trump Tweets has 123,000 followers, some of whom have reached out to tell Barry how important the account is to them, offering to start GoFundMe or Kickstarter campaigns to ensure it remains up and running.
The first 90 days of my presidency has been humbling. I’ll work tirelessly for you & this country. We have much yet to accomplish, together. https://t.co/9OvgFOoObr
PresidentialTrump (@MatureTrumpTwts) April 17, 2017
“Today, I have bigger goals,” Barry admitted. “I think this could be a counter movement. One that espouses kindness, civility, decorum things I think Americans and people around the world truly want and crave.”
Maintaining an account that directly responds to Trump’s relentless Twitter activity isn’t always easy. “I usually retweet Trump when he tweets, which means daily usually early in the morning or late at night,” Barry said.
Barry also tweets whenever he feels the president should be tweeting, even if Trump remains silent. “Those are often the most popular, because it demonstrates the fact he seems tone deaf on what’s important and what the majority of Americans want to hear from him.”
“W/so much negativity in headlines right now, know we really can & will build a better, kinder world together. Pls keep believing.” – Barry
PresidentialTrump (@MatureTrumpTwts) April 20, 2017
Embracing the chaos through humor
During Trump’s first month in office, executive order signing became something of a sport for President Trump and it wasn’t long before 34-year-old Mike Gaines took notice.
With each document Trump presented, Gaines thought he resembled a proud little kid showing off his drawings to his parents. Gaines was inspired to take a more lighthearted approach to manage his political frustrations. Trump Draws a brilliant collection of photoshopped GIFs was born.
kat http://pic.twitter.com/ra55wo0ulW
Trump Draws (@TrumpDraws) January 31, 2017
When Trump fired Sally Yates, the deputy attorney general who refused to defend his travel ban, the Los Angeles-based visual effects artist decided to transform the proud president into an ambitiously doodling toddler with the help of his iPad Pro, the app Procreate, and Adobe After Effects.
Gaines began posting to the account several times a week, showing Trump dramatically revealing drawings of cute little animals and holiday greetings, with timely political references. He misspelled captions (in too-real Trump fashion) and occasionally even doodled with his non-dominant hand to really capture the youthful aspect of his photoshop creations.
me http://pic.twitter.com/R64NwAYGKu
Trump Draws (@TrumpDraws) January 31, 2017
“In this increasingly divisive political world, the account somehow cuts through all the BS,” Gaines said. It’s “simply a way to laugh at the doodles of a very proud man, who just happens to be the president of the United States.”
After the account which is currently at 439,000 followers received such a positive response from Twitter users, Gaines decided to expand the endeavor to include paintings in the White House, presentation tools, and really any other white surface begging to be memed.
my office http://pic.twitter.com/rqjbKxRxgr
Trump Draws (@TrumpDraws) March 1, 2017
my lemonade stand http://pic.twitter.com/1T8SxB0BkQ
Trump Draws (@TrumpDraws) April 5, 2017
“I feel like these accounts really are a bright light in a pretty dismal world right now, he said. “Laughing and comedy are the best way to cope.”
Though Gaines refers to Trump as “a diamond mine for comedy,” he thinks the president’s seemingly unfiltered, unprofessional Twitter account is a true cause for concern. “Dude needs to pick a new game … maybe trying to run the country instead?” he suggested, clarifying that he’s not trying to use Trump Draws to make a political statement.
“I really just want to add some levity to this crazy political climate,” Gaines said. “Sometimes you just need to see Trump childishly draw an elephant to get you through the day.”
So simple, yet so effective.
my job http://pic.twitter.com/H0FL6n8JP5
Trump Draws (@TrumpDraws) April 28, 2017
Parodies FTW
Though its tough to say definitively whether Trump is the most parodied president in history I mean, even George Washington was subject to sketches The Donald does seem to have a big target painted on his back in the social media age.
Even when it comes to more recent presidents, a search for “Barack Obama parody” yields eighteen results on the platform. “George Bush parody” reveals a mere three. (Though, to be fair, Obama was elected when Twitter was only in its infancy.)
The takeaway? When it comes to being parodied on Twitter, Trump is winning. So much winning.
WATCH: Trump accidentally stood next to Darth Vader and this is why symbolism exists
Read more: http://ift.tt/2pvd9FA
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2qrR3kI via Viral News HQ
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