#car service North Dublin
dougielombax · 4 months
50 years ago today.
17th May 1974.
34 innocent people (all civilians) were killed when the UVF (a loyalist terrorist group backed by the British govt who from their inception were set up to kill as many civilians and innocent people as possible, since they viewed Irish people as being inherently evil and subhuman, which we are NOT!), operating in collaboration (collusion is the preferred term for some) with the British government set off numerous car bombs in Dublin and Monaghan.
These bombings were carried out during the Ulster Worker's Council Strike by loyalists and unionists in Northern Ireland, who opposed the Sunningdale Agreement, that called for power-sharing with Irish nationalists.
The bombings left 34 people dead and hundreds more injured.
The Irish government of the time practically bowed down in response to British demands to stop the investigation into the bombings. Like a bunch of cowardly old women.
Their response at the time (or lack thereof?) was and still is BEYOND shameful. A textbook display of bootlicking cowardice.
Followed by the usual policy for the time of turning a blind eye to the suffering of the Irish in the north, tut-tutting at the PIRA and even blaming them for British attacks. All while washing their hands of the matter and parroting the British state’s propaganda.
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Above: A memorial to the victims of the bombings in Dublin.
A campaign by families of the victims led to an Irish govt inquiry in 2003 under Justice Henry Barron, that criticized the Garda Síochána's investigation as well as the inaction of then Labour Govt.
Many idiotic Irish politicians and revisionists today insist that the bombings either didn’t happen, or were an accident or were committed by Sinn Fein. (They were not)
None of which are true.
Reports have stated that there is a VERY high likelihood of British security and intelligence services being involved alongside the UVF.
But the British government refuses to release the documents to this day.
I’m posting this here today 50 years on from the bombings because I believe in accountability.
(Also because I study history but that goes without saying)
Reblog the shit out of this.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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The award winning Scottish screenwriter Troy Kennedy Martin was born on February 15th 1932 at Rothesay on the Isle of Bute.
I’ll hazard a guess many of you will not know the name here, but the vast majority of you, well here at home anyway, will know one of the most iconic lines out of a classic movie, the words  “You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off.”  
His father was an engineer and his mother a teacher. Moving frequently because of the second world war and his father’s work, his was a talented and creative family.
The family established themselves in north London, only to have the household income, never large, halved by the death of Troy’s mother when he was 15. The Catholic church helped to keep them afloat, and Troy went to Finchley Catholic grammar school, followed by Trinity College Dublin. After completing his National Service he wanted to move into the Foreign Office, but Troy, although having a toffee nosed name, did not speak with toffees in his mouth and was rejected. He thought if he was a published writer this might be a route in so set about work on a short work of poetry of novel, his novel, Beat on a Damask Drum but it wasn’t this that kick started his career on civvy street, but an article he wrote on boy soldiers in Cyprus the BBC picked it up and asked him to adapt it into a TV play. Based on his own experiences during national service as an officer with the Gordon Highlanders, this became the television play Incident at Echo 6, screened in 1958.
And that was the start of a career spanning over five decades, Troy Kennedy Martin is responsible for an impressive body of work and has left an indelible impression on the history of television. His work has touched the lives of millions of people all over the world and shaped the vocabulary of television today.
Kennedy Martin’s array of television successes include Z-Cars, The Sweeney and Edge of Darkness. He also made regular forays into cinematic script writing, most notably with his screenplay for The Italian Job. Another fantastic film he penned was  Kelly's Heroes, which featured some great actors in Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland and Harry Dean-Stanton 
Innovative and influential, Kennedy Martin showed that quality drama could be accessible. His nuclear thriller, Edge of Darkness , one of the key television works of the decade, was repeated on BBC1 a mere 10 days after the final episode had been transmitted on BBC2. His ITV production Reilly: Ace of Spies is another favourite of mine was also highly praised and was one of several works screened at his 2006 British Film Institute retrospective. Based on the true story of  Sidney Reilly, I never knew the story beforehand and I was shocked when Reilly played brilliantly by Sam Neill fell after a shot rung out and was left lying in the snow, I was willing him to get up....... Kennedy Martin;s script really hit home. 
They were a talented family, his sister Mo, was a member of the London/Irish folk group folk group The Tinkers, his brother was also a talented writer for television, he created the popular BBC Cop drama, Juliet Bravo, and The Sweeney, enlisting Troy to pen some of the episodes. 
Described as a “ A talented, generous and agreeable man, he was dedicated to his work. He married the Z Cars cast member Diane Aubrey in 1967 and remained devoted to their two children after their divorce.
Troy  Kennedy Martin  died of lung cancer on 15th September 2009 aged 77, in Ditchling, East Sussex.history television movies films
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arturskolovs · 5 months
Haha! I'm already laughing my ass off! here in Ireland. Irish people Love Love to be silly. It feels that the essence of life here in Ireland is all about having a proper good laugh and hearty dinner after a long and stormy day!
I spent one day and one night in Irish Ferry and mighty sea waters and finally, me and my bicycle stepped on the Irish land! The weather!? Haha! Well it was everywhere! I was pulling my bicycle direction towards the old town of Dublin, searching for bike repair shop. Later I had 2h to get lost into the city centre while my bike tire is being fixed. Walking and walking into the spells of sunshine and getting some intense showers and freshness of Irish weather! I wanted to be part of the history and there I was, also the rain, the wind and sun... and then something magical happened! While I was soaking into the rain and being part of the history in the streets of the old town, I got pranked! ;D
Pure joy...! These tree boys passing by, one of those many beautiful bridges. That goes across the river in the centre of Dublin... but then one of the guys said :"Excuse me Sir, you dropped something!" Then he pointed at ground and I looked down, then he said "Your Gay card!" Ahaha, so good! xxD very warm welcome into the Ireland.
Well cheers then, to You and the Good luck! The taste of Guinness is still so, so good! Also, I'm so happy that I made it here before St'Patricks day. This was my goal, to get here all the way out from the winter in Latvia and step into spring in Ireland. Most inportantly, before St'Patricks day! So happy and what a relief, that the trip is finished for now... It's an Great, great, great experience to be on the road and travel the spontaneous way, "Alexandrer the Gre... Nono, Arturo! The Great! ;D I was without any idea where I will sleep, or which road to take. All that I had was the direction, West and that's it :D at some point I felt like being a Pirate that had lost the direction of sea and boat. Hahaha! Compass would be handy tool, I was trying to guess which way is the west (Ireland), but it was a tough cookie, as they would say. The clouds, clouds and more clouds. Oh my! Way to much of them and d to tell where is the sun and sunset... Good Luck! About the weather.... in the beginning of March it was just raining every day, I was cycling from Belgium and going direction France (heading for seaside town Cherbourg) and it was super cloudy, rain, rain...ehhhh ehhheheee. Well it's better then ice and snow storms, right? I felt very alive and adventurous, when the warm and stormy air was blowing and the showers, showers with freshness of the spring. Arrrrrr :D!
Going back in time; I started my great journey on 2.March, with the min van service Latvia-Netherlands. Simple and easy way to skip snow and the cold north. So, after 17h "racing" on the highway I got dropped out in Groningen @4am, then I tried calling my friend Dori. Early bird e?! :D It was super nice to meet her, I stayed there 3days... feeling confused by the season change... Actually the first day when we went outside I noticed that the air has the same smell as in Ireland/Uk. Also the humidity and chips!!! :D Only the "sexy" streets are well maintained in NL. One night we went out to eat some fried goodies and the chip-shop we're sitting in was facing the hooker street. Oh my! So good :D porn food, literally! Ahaha fun times with Dori in the North of Netherlands... I noticed that the "bicycle world" there is fantastic! Right? The city has this good vibe, when there are bicycles and bicycles and more bicycles. Actually you meet or see more people in open air. It just feels better when there are people cycling not racing with those cars... also it's a super flat country... e! Easy and boring to cycle around :D One morning in Groningen, I was going for my bicycle,"I think this is the routine for everyone in NL" but, but, but... there were 3 used sk8boards next to my bicycle, the neighbour was moving out... leaving his trash on the street, I was so close to take them, but my little bicycle was already packed with shit to carry... Ehh! Let it go... I have my fingerboard with me anyway :) So, after three days of Groningen I was planning my next step, facing Antwerp(Belgium) that's the most fanciest town in Europe "The Pirate Bay", speaking of history and food. The trade of quality goods happened there! Arrr like the Pirate! :D Also "The birth of Chocolate", I recommend it very much to visit! It's so small and so packed with life! Around the central station, also known as "Train Cathedral", it's the neighbourhood of Jewish community and there are only Diamond shops, shops, shops literally all street is only for the jewellery and some gold shops to. It's a good vibe, the shining jewellery!!! It's a pleasure to be surrounded with shining gold and diamonds. Oh my as they shine so much, I felt like a God for some minutes :D! Antwerp is small town as I mentioned, but still I was getting lost all the time when cycling around in those little streets... when it curves a little I'm lost :DD My travel destinations and goals are all about food and some history too :D,but mostly food, food, food. Arrrrr :D I highly recommend this travel-cooking show. If you are in travelling and food. Actually after watching this I wanted to go to Antwerp.
Back on the journey... the day I was planning to travel in direction to France, in the morning there was a blizzard outside! Nasty snow from the north caught up with me! Bastard!:D 8th of March was the last day when I met snow! Ahaha... but now, still I can see a bit of it on the hill tops of Northern Ireland, but it's so far! No chance to get to me. I think. Soon, soon the March will pass and season of pleasures and lazy and long days and nights will come... Hmm, I can tell you something about French life...after I left Belgium/Netherlands also the well spoken
English language stayed there :D
The border town FR/BE, I went for the espresso "double or nothing" and also to have some directions and the conversation already was floating into this juicy and finger licking French/English. Well it felt like I might end up in somebody's bed if I don't stick with my plan... France it is! The northern French region is packed with industrial factories and there are a lot of industrialised places around where I was cycling and trying to find my way and not to get on the Mighty motor-way!!! But, but :DD somehow on the first day when I was cruising on the French countryside roads and try to find right direction without map, just following the river.... :D But two hours before sunset I was on the Fucking motorway! :DD the road just sucked me in, on my way in direction Paris, Lille. Lille was direction and city to find... but not on the Fucking-motorway! :DDD So, this was the best and also the worst struggle of my great journey... me cycling couple km in noise, rain and trying to get off the motorway as soon as possible! People taking pictures and beeping as I went on! It felt like a race :D "One man against cars" Oh God so funny, but I was very focused and my boots were full of water, but I'm not on the boat?!...am I? :D Just cycling on the motorway :D Arrr the Pirate inside! It got darker and darker, but there was the road out!!!! And Oh Yes, Yes! It felt so (me cycling) slooooow, because the cars are going and going and going fast. But why? E? Hehe... anyway I got out of this madness and found a little French village. There was a golf course somewhere :D I saw a direction sign. I followed it and it got better and darker... there was the golf course and another sign pointing to Camping! Oh Merci, Merci!!! I got in and for free, it was late and nobody was there, just some little rabbits running away! :D about the weather, yes! Still raining, raining and raining, I set my tent up in the almost "swamp" like camping ground...
What a day! Arrrr!
Everything else in France was so chill after this motorway experience. I didn't go on it again fortunately! Just boring countryside towns and villages... France is sexy and dirty, you can feel it and see it! The streets are completely packed with trash after the end of the day and very risky to cycle around, when there are broken glass on the roads... so, :DDD I got a flat tire after a while and also it's was still raining and my bags got heavier and heavier, they were soaking, also all my stuff inside... ehh ehh! Arrr, after that my best friends were garages and people who work there... I needed to pump up my tire... one guy said " this is my Tour De France" and gave me two bottles of water. You know, it really felt like being in the race, "Tour de france", Arrr! All this trip... to continue about the weather. Rainy and windy, no sight of sun and complicated to find the right direction (West), when there are XXXL clouds, but I got better in reading French road signs... but still to much rain for me! Fun fact... during the winter months in Latvia, at some point I did learn one phrase in French and how to pronounce it. There was this smart girl who spoke French... and guess what was the phrase that I learned! "Merde il pleut!" ahaha! Merde il pleut!!! I'm done with this... so I decided to dry out in hotel and all my stuff too. Then I switched on TV. Watching how French are managing with water and when it's raining to much! XxD :D so, from that moment I chose to go and continue with Trains and it makes so much sense! I'm going in direction Uk,Ireland and they are the pioneers of travelling in comfort and train. :) Ee?! a funny or not funny fact is, that If you want to get somewhere very far "North, West, East, South", in France you will have to go to Paris, that's the only way and the trains are sold out one day before! So you have to book the ticket in advance, because everyone is going to Paris. Hello, You know! :D There I was, with my bicycle and bags going to Paris with style and dry... oh well, I didn't plan to be part of Metropolitan life in France, but also I didn't plan to end up with my bicycle on the Motorway direction Paris :D e!? So, that's the flow of France and trains. Paris it's! After arriving in central station, I had my lovely cigarette and calm moment, packed my stuff and off I went "down the rabbit hole." Police, Please! Police are the only help in the station, if you need some directions or help... well I did :D
so, it turned out that, I had to go inside the metro world, actually there were two metros to catch. "It's was a good decision to have my sweet cigarette brake before", I thought... because now, I had to catch my next train, and before I can catch this train, I need to catch two metros :DD and get out of Metropolitan ways of life! Fucking mad rush of metro!, same as motorway... crazy, crazy world! ...The day started simple, I was watching the wind, blowing into the palm trees with mighty force and thinking,"spring is really trying to get here." And now what! :DD trying to catch metros with my bicycle. Ee? Actually two metros with price of 4.20€ haha, It's a good sign. Yes? My god, the underground goods didn't want me to exit the underground! So, there I was learning the map of metro and the underworld.:D oh Paris... dirty girl you are! Also I realised that, me and my bicycle are equal as women with trolley +baby in it. Haha, same ways you have to go into the mighty world of underground. After a while... with calm mind as Englishman I got out of that bloody underground and back into world of trains. So let's call it a day... what a day!!! Metropolitan bitch I was... ...but lucky I was, to miss my last train out of Paris. What I got was one night in Paris, right? The sun will go down very soon... organise, plan! Got myself a lovely room for my bags and stuff and off I was, going to hunt for some dinner, before its too dark. You see, I live as the primitive man, even in the streets of Paris. It's more complicated to find something you want,need, when there are so much options to choose from. Keep it simple, as I say!
So, I got a nice table at some cafe,bar like thing. You know those places with little tables outside on the side of the street, so you are still a part of what's happening outside on the streets. What a show! Hehe, perfect place for the evening. Had some Pastise with ice and water to get the hunger going :D some cigarette or two and let's finish this theatre with espresso shot, but just one "it's to late for double",You know.... when I saw Paris in the night shining and mighty city it is! I though of Antwerp and those diamonds. Probably they came from there. Arrrr, what a life e? On the next day, I went off with morning train to Cherbourg. "The city of the sea" as they say. After a movie like train trip and 4h later I was there! The smell of fresh seaside air, warm sunshine. I'm happy, I'm home-like emotions... peace. Ee! But then...
And the race is one again! Arrr!
Trying to find my ship and sail the seas and arrive in Ireland! Haha! Easy you might think, but it's not so easy for those immigrants, who are trying to get in the harbour by climbing over a fence and then running.. and running faster then the wind it self. When I saw this group of lads trying this... it felt like GTA3, but this is reality you know! How fucking crazy it is for them, the game of crossing the border... "cat and mouse game" as they call this immigrant flow here on the harbour, so much happening all around! Arrrr! I can taste the sea! So, I found my ship, but it we will sail tomorrow @4pm. Arrr.... so,there will be dinner to catch today here in the "La Cité de la Mer." I found a beautiful camping spot, just next to the harbour and the museum of the sea. Well played I say! I will pee into the sea and I have free access for the drinking water in the museum. Ahahaha... all good, this city is connected with my ways living. Pleasures of freshness and warm seaside air, some bottle of Pastise and traditional meat "pates" of French countryside and sweet pastries, pastries of all kind... I was well, I was lucky and safe here in the Cherbourg. Around 7pm I finished my dinner and went to sleep in peace, with some beautiful church bells and seagulls songs at the camping. "The bells got crazy, it sounded like good Techno." So, tomorrow is Sunday, the church day... ...breakfast sunshine and sip of Pastise, maybe two or three... and I found myself into this church, the one I heard yesterday, before falling into sleep. Good Sunday I say, Arrr! The day is blessed and so is my journey to Ireland. Let it be, Arrr! The mighty sea of death will not take my life yet! Race is on again! Arrr! :DDD I was running with my bicycle to the ferry... because I bought the ticket for me and my bicycle just 10min before the departure time! Ahaha Arrr, what a Race!!!! Ahahah "Tour De France",as they say! Arrrr
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IRELAND: Flood streams across road as heavy rain forces evacuations in Irish capital
Heavy rain brought flash flooding to Dublin on Saturday, August 5, forcing emergency services to rescue trapped residents and disrupting transportation as roads were blocked and rail services suspended. Eight people were evacuated by the city’s fire service in the seaside neighbourhood of Clontarf, where an underground car park was also inundated: Crews from Phibsboro, HQ and North Strand are in…
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corkcitylibraries · 1 year
When JFK came to Cork | 28 June 1963
by Mary Horgan
This summer marks the 60th anniversary of the visit of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America, to Cork.  As part of his historic four-day trip to Ireland, five months before his assassination in Dallas on 22nd November 1963, he visited Wexford, Dublin, Galway, Limerick and Cork.  JFK’s eight great grandparents had emigrated to America during the 19th century.  Welcoming him back to the homeland of his ancestors was for so many, like welcoming one of their own home again. 
Interestingly, a visit to Cork was not originally on the agenda, but anticipation rose two weeks before the president’s arrival in the country, when the Evening Echo reported that ‘Mr. Kennedy himself had asked specifically that Cork be included as part of his Irish itinerary’ as some of his ancestors had hailed from the county.
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Evening Echo, 14 June 1963
But also, Cork people don’t like to be excluded and can be very persuasive; remember, how in 2011, Cork made certain that Queen Elizabeth II would not leave Ireland without visiting the city.  At a meeting of Cork Corporation on 26 May 1963, it was agreed that the Freedom of Cork should be offered to President Kennedy.  On 11 June, he was formally nominated and elected a freeman of the city of Cork, with the actual conferring to take place during his visit on 28 June 1963.  This was the second time that a U.S. president became a Freeman of Cork; the first being, Woodrow Wilson, in 1919.  As the day of the visit drew closer, the public learnt more about the planned itinerary through the local press.  On 21 June, Lord Mayor Seán Casey, T.D. issued an appeal to employers to allow their staff time off work to welcome the U.S. President and requested that businesses and houses along the route of the motorcade would decorate their premises for the occasion.  Sixty telephone lines and specialized wired photograph facilities for members of the world’s press were installed in the City Hall and 900 gardaí were allocated to be on duty during the Cork visit. 
On the morning of Friday 28 June 1963, five helicopters left Dublin carrying JFK and entourage.  Shortly after 10a.m. the sound of helicopters could be heard above the streets of Cork.  Ten minutes later, the President landed safely on the square in Collins Barracks, on the north side of the city. The official welcoming party included Lord Mayor Seán Casey, Jack Lynch, T.D. who was Minister for Industry and Commerce at the time and Walter McEvilly, the City Manager.  The combined pipe bands of the 4th and 12th Infantry Battalions played ‘The Boys from Wexford’ and ‘Kelly the Boy from Killane’. 
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President Kennedy inspects a Guard of Honour as he departs Collins Barracks
(Courtesy of Irish Examiner Archives)
The Presidential motorcade consisted of fourteen vehicles, including three buses for members of the world’s press and a Secret Service car – not a common site on the streets of Cork.  An estimated 100,000 people, some carrying American flags, lined the streets, as the motorcade made its way down Summerhill, along MacCurtain Street, over Patrick’s Bridge, then along Patrick Street, Grand Parade, South Mall and over Brian Boru Bridge to the City Hall.  
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(The Irish Times, 29 June 1963)
The bells of Shandon rang out across the city, and it seemed that at almost every corner, musicians felt compelled to show their joy at the visit by taking up their instruments.  The Irish Times reported that: ‘Rose petals, confetti streamers and ticker tape were strewn along President Kennedy’s path as almost 100,000 Leesiders roared a Céad Míle Fáilte, again and again’.  Businesses had followed the Lord Mayor’s request to close and erected signs such as: ‘Closed, gone to meet President Kennedy’.  In their excitement, sometimes the crowds surged forward, eager to shake JFK’s hand, make eye contact, clap him on the back, thank him for coming, while concerned Secret Service men looked on.  But he was in no danger in this place, and he must have felt that because sometimes he even leaned forward from the car and brushed hands against the outspread fingers of people nearest the motorcade. 
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President Kennedy’s motorcade nears the top of Patrick Street
(JFK Library)
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President Kennedy accompanied by Lord Mayor Seán Casey waves to cheering crowds as the motorcade makes its way along Patrick Street
(Courtesy of Irish Examiner Archives)
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Evening Echo, 28 June 1963
When the motorcade finally arrived at the City Hall, 2,000 invited guests awaited the president inside the Concert Hall, where his entrance was greeted by a fanfare of trumpets from the Southern Command Band. 
On behalf of the city, the Lord Mayor welcomed him with the following words:
‘Throughout its long history, Cork has received many famous visitors from many parts of the world but I can confidently say that no man has ever come within our walls who is more welcome than John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the great republic of the west, leader of the powerful nation to whom we all owe so much’.
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President Kennedy with his hands on the Freedom Casket as he accepts the Freedom of Cork in the City Hall
(Courtesy of Irish Examiner Archives)
President Kennedy accepted the Freedom Casket containing his Certificate of Freedom.  Designed by the well-known Cork firm, Wm. Egan & Sons, it was made of solid silver, gilded in fine gold, mounted on a plinth of Connemara marble and engraved with shamrock, Celtic design, the Cork Coat of Arms, the U.S. Eagle Crest and the Kennedy family crest. The President’s concluded his eight-minute speech, which was relayed over loudspeakers to the crowds outside with the following words:
‘So I must say Mr. Mayor, that when I am retired from public life, I will take the greatest pride and satisfaction in not only having been President of my own country but a Freeman of this City.’
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(Courtesy of Irish Examiner Archives)
This photo shows JFK leaving the City Hall en route to Marine One helicopter waiting at the Marina Park, Victoria Road, which is now known as Kennedy Park in his honour.  A crowd of about 5,000 had made their way there with some running in under the whirling blades of the helicopter.  The pilot had a difficult job to clear a path through the crowd before executing a take-off which had him hovering with the wheels almost touching the heads below. 
The Irish Times reported:
‘A White House Press Corps man wiped perspiration from his brow and said: “Gee, that was the most dangerous take-off I’ve ever seen in many years of covering American Presidents.  Cork outdoes anything I’ve seen before. I thought the mobbing in Berlin was bad, but now I know better.  My message home will be of this one helleva hooley we had in Cork.’
JFK’s visit to Cork was a short one, but in the words of The Cork Examiner:
‘Cork indeed will remember, and President Kennedy will never forget’.
Sources consulted for this post may be viewed at the Local Studies & Learning department, Grand Parade Library, Cork:
Harvey, Dan. & White, Gerry. The Barracks: A History of Victoria/Collins Barracks, Cork. 1997.
Tubridy, Ryan.  JFK in Ireland: Four days that changed a president. 2010
Quinlivan, Aodh.  The Freedom of Cork: A Chronicle of Honour. 2013. 
The Cork Examiner
Evening Echo
The Irish Times
Irish Examiner Archives
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stocklivemarket · 2 years
If you are thinking of traveling to Dublin, Ireland, you are in the right place. Dublin is the capital and largest city of Ireland. It is known for its rich history, cultural attractions, and lively atmosphere. If you're planning to visit Dublin, here are a few things you might want to know: Visa requirements: Depending on your country of origin, you may need a visa to enter Ireland. You can check the visa requirements for your country on the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) website. Getting there: Dublin is served by Dublin Airport, which is located about 10 kilometers (6 miles) north of the city center. There are several airlines that offer direct flights to Dublin from major cities around the world. You can also travel to Dublin by ferry from the UK or France. Getting around: Dublin has an extensive public transportation network that includes buses, trams (called the Luas), and trains (called the DART). You can also rent a car or take a taxi to get around the city. Things to see and do: Dublin has a wealth of cultural attractions, including the Guinness Storehouse, Trinity College, and the National Gallery of Ireland. The city also has a vibrant nightlife, with many pubs, restaurants, and live music venues. Accommodation: There are a wide range of accommodation options in Dublin, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, and vacation rentals. Prices can vary depending on the time of year and demand, so it's a good idea to book ahead. [embed]https://youtu.be/r3btlOJhJmc[/embed] Where to Stay in Dublin? Let us share with you some of the things you need to know when traveling to Dublin. Dublin has a variety of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. Here are a few suggestions for where to stay in the city: City center: If you want to be in the heart of the action, consider staying in the city center. This area is home to many of Dublin's top attractions, including Trinity College, Temple Bar, and Grafton Street. There are also plenty of restaurants, pubs, and shops in the area. Southside: The southside of Dublin is a popular choice for travelers, with a variety of neighborhoods to choose from. Sandymount and Ballsbridge are both upscale areas with a range of accommodation options, while Rathmines and Ranelagh have a more laid-back atmosphere. Northside: The northside of Dublin is less touristy than the southside, but it still has plenty to offer. Glasnevin is a residential area with a number of hotels and B&Bs, while Drumcondra and Phibsborough are more affordable options. Suburbs: If you're looking for a more suburban setting, there are several suburbs around Dublin that offer accommodation. Some popular options include Malahide, Howth, and Blackrock. These areas are often quieter and more residential, but they are also further from the city center. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); It's a good idea to do some research and compare prices before booking your accommodation in Dublin. Prices can vary depending on the time of year, demand, and location, so it's worth shopping around to find the best deal. Where to go in Dublin? Dublin is a vibrant city with a wealth of cultural attractions and things to do. Here are a few suggestions for places to visit during your stay: Guinness Storehouse: This popular attraction is located at the site of the Guinness brewery and offers a fascinating insight into the history of the famous Irish stout. The tour includes a tasting experience and a visit to the Gravity Bar, which offers panoramic views of the city. Trinity College: Located in the heart of the city, Trinity College is one of Ireland's oldest and most prestigious universities. The college's main campus is open to the public and includes several historic buildings, beautiful gardens, and the Old Library, which houses the Book of Kells, a 9th-century illuminated manuscript. National Gallery of Ireland: This art museum
is home to an impressive collection of Irish and European art, including works by Rembrandt, Monet, and Vermeer. The gallery is located in the heart of the city and is free to enter. Temple Bar: Located in the center of the city, Temple Bar is a lively area known for its pubs, restaurants, and live music venues. It's a popular spot for tourists and locals alike and is a great place to experience the city's nightlife. St. Stephen's Green: This beautiful park is located in the heart of the city and is a popular spot for relaxing and taking in the sights. The park is home to a variety of birds and flowers, and there are plenty of benches and paths to explore. Places to Visit in Dublin Dublin is a city with a rich history and a wealth of cultural attractions. Here are a few more places you might want to visit during your stay: Kilmainham Gaol: This former prison is now a museum that offers a fascinating insight into the history of crime and punishment in Ireland. The gaol was used to hold political prisoners during the struggle for independence and has a number of interesting exhibits and artifacts. Dublin Castle: This historic castle, located in the heart of the city, was once the center of British rule in Ireland. It is now open to the public and offers guided tours that explore its history and architecture. The Chester Beatty Library: This library, located within Dublin Castle, is home to an impressive collection of rare manuscripts, books, and artifacts from around the world. It is considered one of the best museums in Dublin and is free to enter. The National Museum of Ireland: This museum has four branches, each dedicated to a different aspect of Irish history and culture. The Archaeology Museum, located in the city center, is home to a collection of ancient Irish artifacts, including the famous Ardagh Chalice. The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA): This museum is located in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham and is home to a collection of modern and contemporary art from Ireland and around the world. The museum also has a café and a gift shop. Guinness Brewery Would you like to witness the adventure of existence of Ireland's famous black beers? A huge factory on the banks of the River Liffey. The Guinnes Brewery, which was produced until 1998, was turned into a giant museum in 2000. They teach the visitors of the museum how beer is made, how black beer differs from others, and a few little secrets about hops and barley. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); The pub, located on the roof of the museum, with a view of Dublin, is a nice place to discover the most popular beer after tasting and bring the evening to you, moreover, it also offers special Irish tastes. Providing a unique experience in its authentic environment, Guinness Brewery is suitable for both individual travelers and groups. The museum fee per person is 16.5 euros, and 13 euros for students and under 18s. While 6-12 years old is 6.50 euro, 14.85 euro is charged for the group. National Museum of Ireland-Archaeology – National Museum of Ireland The National Museum of Ireland, also known as the Natural History Museum, has been known as the Zoo of the Dead since 1857. Since its opening, the museum's distinctive Victorian architecture can be seen as a historical site, as the exhibition space has not changed. The museum has a special room with animals native to Ireland, from mammals to insects, that live in their natural habitat. When you first enter the museum, you encounter a 20-meter-long giant whale skeleton on the ceiling. The museum basically consists of three parts: archeology, decorative arts and history, urban life. There are Irish historical remains in the archeology section, some items used by the soldiers in the history section, and documents and items that give clues about the Irish in urban life. The museum is open between 10.00-17.00 on weekdays and 14.00-17.00 on weekends. Entry to the museum is free.
St. Patrick's Cathedral St. Patricks Cathedral is Ireland's 800-year-old oldest and largest cathedral. The cathedral, which was built between 1220-1260, has preserved its structure since its construction. At the same time, the 'living stones' section is a section that shows how the cathedral witnessed the city. Home to the tombs of great people like Jonathan Swift, who wrote Gulliver's Travels, the Cathedral has a mystical structure as well as a lush garden. st. Patricks is the one who brought Christianity to Ireland, and on March 17, St. Patricks Day. Especially visiting the Cathedral on this date will make you feel the Irish spirit. The cathedral is open from 09:30 to 17:00 on weekdays from March to October, from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekends, and from 09:30 to 17:00 on weekdays between November and February, from 09:00 to 17:00 on weekends. Phoenix Park Established to the north of the River Liffey, Phoenix Park is known as the largest urban park in Europe and the legacy of the era known as the George Era (1714-19830). In the park, there are long roads covered with trees on both sides, the official buildings of the President of Ireland, the fourth oldest zoo in the world suitable for natural life, the 'Dublin Zoo', and the Wellington Monument. The park is suitable for the natural life of animals, such that you may encounter deer or squirrels during your stroll, and you can watch swans in the lake. There are also bicycle and walking paths in the park. It will be very pleasant to rent a bicycle in the park and tour the park. The park has a visitor center where children are taught about wildlife and the history of the park. Next to the visitor center is the pre-17th-century Ashtown Castle. Transportation: You can reach the park by bus lines 25, 26, 37, 46A, 66, 66B, 67 and 69 or by taking the Laus Tram and getting off at Heuston Stop. When to go to Dublin? Dublin is a city that can be visited at any time of year, although the weather and the number of tourists can vary depending on the season. Here are a few things to consider when deciding when to visit Dublin: Weather: Dublin has a temperate maritime climate, which means it experiences mild winters and cool summers. The average temperature in the city ranges from around 7°C (45°F) in January to around 19°C (66°F) in July. Rain is common throughout the year, with the wettest months being October and November. Crowds: Dublin is a popular tourist destination, and the number of visitors can vary depending on the time of year. The busiest months tend to be July and August, when the weather is generally at its best. If you want to avoid the crowds, you might want to consider visiting in the shoulder season (April-May or September-October), when the weather is still pleasant and there are fewer tourists. Events: Dublin hosts a number of festivals and events throughout the year, which can be a great time to visit if you're interested in a particular event. Some of the most popular events include St. Patrick's Day (March 17), the Dublin Fringe Festival (September), and the Dublin Book Festival (November). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Ultimately, the best time to visit Dublin will depend on your personal preferences and the type of experience you're looking for. If you want to experience the city's vibrant nightlife and cultural events, then summer might be the best time to visit. If you prefer cooler temperatures and fewer crowds, then you might want to consider visiting in the shoulder season. What to eat in Dublin? Your trip to Dublin continues, if you can't decide what to eat, then it's time to talk about what to eat in Dublin. Dublin has a rich culinary tradition and offers a wide range of dining options to suit all tastes. Here are a few dishes and drinks that you might want to try during your stay in the city: Irish stew: This hearty dish is made with lamb, potatoes, and vegetables and is a staple of Irish cuisine. It's often served in pubs and restaurants around the city.
Fish and chips: This classic dish is a popular choice in Dublin, and you'll find many pubs and restaurants that serve it. It's typically made with cod, haddock, or plaice, which is coated in batter and fried, served with chips (fries) and tartar sauce. Guinness: No visit to Dublin is complete without trying a pint of Guinness, the famous Irish stout. The brewery is located in the city, and you'll find it on tap in most pubs. Irish breakfast: If you're looking for a hearty start to the day, you might want to try an Irish breakfast, which typically includes eggs, bacon, sausage, black pudding, and grilled tomato. Seafood: Dublin is located on the coast and has a long tradition of seafood, so you'll find a wide range of seafood options on menus around the city. Some popular choices include oysters, mussels, and salmon. Pub grub: Pubs are a central part of Irish culture, and many of them serve food, ranging from sandwiches and salads to more substantial dishes like burgers and steak. It's a great way to experience the local atmosphere and try some traditional Irish fare. Is it Safe to Travel to Dublin? Dublin is generally a safe city for travelers, and the crime rate is relatively low compared to other major cities. However, as with any destination, it's always a good idea to take some basic precautions to ensure your safety: Keep an eye on your belongings: As with any city, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas like public transportation or tourist attractions. Be aware of your surroundings: Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, especially at night, and avoid walking alone in poorly lit or isolated areas. Use licensed taxis: If you need to take a taxi, it's a good idea to use a licensed taxi service to ensure your safety. You can hail a taxi on the street or book one in advance through a reputable company. Follow local laws and customs: Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs to ensure you don't inadvertently break any rules or offend locals. Overall, Dublin is a safe and welcoming city, and most visitors have a trouble-free trip. By following these basic precautions, you can help ensure that your visit is enjoyable and safe.
0 notes
bestplacevisit · 2 years
Dublin is the capital and largest city of Ireland. It is known for its rich history, cultural attractions, and lively atmosphere. If you're planning to visit Dublin, here are a few things you might want to know: Visa requirements: Depending on your country of origin, you may need a visa to enter Ireland. You can check the visa requirements for your country on the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) website. Getting there: Dublin is served by Dublin Airport, which is located about 10 kilometers (6 miles) north of the city center. There are several airlines that offer direct flights to Dublin from major cities around the world. You can also travel to Dublin by ferry from the UK or France. Getting around: Dublin has an extensive public transportation network that includes buses, trams (called the Luas), and trains (called the DART). You can also rent a car or take a taxi to get around the city. Things to see and do: Dublin has a wealth of cultural attractions, including the Guinness Storehouse, Trinity College, and the National Gallery of Ireland. The city also has a vibrant nightlife, with many pubs, restaurants, and live music venues. Accommodation: There are a wide range of accommodation options in Dublin, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, and vacation rentals. Prices can vary depending on the time of year and demand, so it's a good idea to book ahead. [embed]https://youtu.be/r3btlOJhJmc[/embed] Where to Stay in Dublin? Dublin has a variety of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. Here are a few suggestions for where to stay in the city: City center: If you want to be in the heart of the action, consider staying in the city center. This area is home to many of Dublin's top attractions, including Trinity College, Temple Bar, and Grafton Street. There are also plenty of restaurants, pubs, and shops in the area. Southside: The southside of Dublin is a popular choice for travelers, with a variety of neighborhoods to choose from. Sandymount and Ballsbridge are both upscale areas with a range of accommodation options, while Rathmines and Ranelagh have a more laid-back atmosphere. Northside: The northside of Dublin is less touristy than the southside, but it still has plenty to offer. Glasnevin is a residential area with a number of hotels and B&Bs, while Drumcondra and Phibsborough are more affordable options. Suburbs: If you're looking for a more suburban setting, there are several suburbs around Dublin that offer accommodation. Some popular options include Malahide, Howth, and Blackrock. These areas are often quieter and more residential, but they are also further from the city center. It's a good idea to do some research and compare prices before booking your accommodation in Dublin. Prices can vary depending on the time of year, demand, and location, so it's worth shopping around to find the best deal. Where to go in Dublin? Dublin is a vibrant city with a wealth of cultural attractions and things to do. Here are a few suggestions for places to visit during your stay: Guinness Storehouse: This popular attraction is located at the site of the Guinness brewery and offers a fascinating insight into the history of the famous Irish stout. The tour includes a tasting experience and a visit to the Gravity Bar, which offers panoramic views of the city. Trinity College: Located in the heart of the city, Trinity College is one of Ireland's oldest and most prestigious universities. The college's main campus is open to the public and includes several historic buildings, beautiful gardens, and the Old Library, which houses the Book of Kells, a 9th-century illuminated manuscript. National Gallery of Ireland: This art museum is home to an impressive collection of Irish and European art, including works by Rembrandt, Monet, and Vermeer. The gallery is located in the heart of the city and is free to enter. Temple Bar: Located in the center of the city, Temple Bar is a lively area known for its pubs, restaurants, and live music venues.
It's a popular spot for tourists and locals alike and is a great place to experience the city's nightlife. St. Stephen's Green: This beautiful park is located in the heart of the city and is a popular spot for relaxing and taking in the sights. The park is home to a variety of birds and flowers, and there are plenty of benches and paths to explore. Places to Visit in Dublin Dublin is a city with a rich history and a wealth of cultural attractions. Here are a few more places you might want to visit during your stay: Kilmainham Gaol: This former prison is now a museum that offers a fascinating insight into the history of crime and punishment in Ireland. The gaol was used to hold political prisoners during the struggle for independence and has a number of interesting exhibits and artifacts. Dublin Castle: This historic castle, located in the heart of the city, was once the center of British rule in Ireland. It is now open to the public and offers guided tours that explore its history and architecture. The Chester Beatty Library: This library, located within Dublin Castle, is home to an impressive collection of rare manuscripts, books, and artifacts from around the world. It is considered one of the best museums in Dublin and is free to enter. The National Museum of Ireland: This museum has four branches, each dedicated to a different aspect of Irish history and culture. The Archaeology Museum, located in the city center, is home to a collection of ancient Irish artifacts, including the famous Ardagh Chalice. The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA): This museum is located in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham and is home to a collection of modern and contemporary art from Ireland and around the world. The museum also has a café and a gift shop. Guinness Brewery Would you like to witness the adventure of existence of Ireland's famous black beers? A huge factory on the banks of the River Liffey. The Guinnes Brewery, which was produced until 1998, was turned into a giant museum in 2000. They teach the visitors of the museum how beer is made, how black beer differs from others, and a few little secrets about hops and barley. The pub, located on the roof of the museum, with a view of Dublin, is a nice place to discover the most popular beer after tasting and bring the evening to you, moreover, it also offers special Irish tastes. Providing a unique experience in its authentic environment, Guinness Brewery is suitable for both individual travelers and groups. The museum fee per person is 16.5 euros, and 13 euros for students and under 18s. While 6-12 years old is 6.50 euro, 14.85 euro is charged for the group. National Museum of Ireland-Archaeology – National Museum of Ireland The National Museum of Ireland, also known as the Natural History Museum, has been known as the Zoo of the Dead since 1857. Since its opening, the museum's distinctive Victorian architecture can be seen as a historical site, as the exhibition space has not changed. The museum has a special room with animals native to Ireland, from mammals to insects, that live in their natural habitat. When you first enter the museum, you encounter a 20-meter-long giant whale skeleton on the ceiling. The museum basically consists of three parts: archeology, decorative arts and history, urban life. There are Irish historical remains in the archeology section, some items used by the soldiers in the history section, and documents and items that give clues about the Irish in urban life. The museum is open between 10.00-17.00 on weekdays and 14.00-17.00 on weekends. Entry to the museum is free. St. Patrick's Cathedral st. Patricks Cathedral is Ireland's 800-year-old oldest and largest cathedral. The cathedral, which was built between 1220-1260, has preserved its structure since its construction. At the same time, the 'living stones' section is a section that shows how the cathedral witnessed the city. Home to the tombs of great people like
Jonathan Swift, who wrote Gulliver's Travels, the Cathedral has a mystical structure as well as a lush garden. st. Patricks is the one who brought Christianity to Ireland, and on March 17, St. Patricks Day. Especially visiting the Cathedral on this date will make you feel the Irish spirit. The cathedral is open from 09:30 to 17:00 on weekdays from March to October, from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekends, and from 09:30 to 17:00 on weekdays between November and February, from 09:00 to 17:00 on weekends. Phoenix Park Established to the north of the River Liffey, Phoenix Park is known as the largest urban park in Europe and the legacy of the era known as the George Era (1714-19830). In the park, there are long roads covered with trees on both sides, the official buildings of the President of Ireland, the fourth oldest zoo in the world suitable for natural life, the 'Dublin Zoo', and the Wellington Monument. The park is suitable for the natural life of animals, such that you may encounter deer or squirrels during your stroll, and you can watch swans in the lake. There are also bicycle and walking paths in the park. It will be very pleasant to rent a bicycle in the park and tour the park. The park has a visitor center where children are taught about wildlife and the history of the park. Next to the visitor center is the pre-17th-century Ashtown Castle. Transportation: You can reach the park by bus lines 25, 26, 37, 46A, 66, 66B, 67 and 69 or by taking the Laus Tram and getting off at Heuston Stop. When to go to Dublin? Dublin is a city that can be visited at any time of year, although the weather and the number of tourists can vary depending on the season. Here are a few things to consider when deciding when to visit Dublin: Weather: Dublin has a temperate maritime climate, which means it experiences mild winters and cool summers. The average temperature in the city ranges from around 7°C (45°F) in January to around 19°C (66°F) in July. Rain is common throughout the year, with the wettest months being October and November. Crowds: Dublin is a popular tourist destination, and the number of visitors can vary depending on the time of year. The busiest months tend to be July and August, when the weather is generally at its best. If you want to avoid the crowds, you might want to consider visiting in the shoulder season (April-May or September-October), when the weather is still pleasant and there are fewer tourists. Events: Dublin hosts a number of festivals and events throughout the year, which can be a great time to visit if you're interested in a particular event. Some of the most popular events include St. Patrick's Day (March 17), the Dublin Fringe Festival (September), and the Dublin Book Festival (November). Ultimately, the best time to visit Dublin will depend on your personal preferences and the type of experience you're looking for. If you want to experience the city's vibrant nightlife and cultural events, then summer might be the best time to visit. If you prefer cooler temperatures and fewer crowds, then you might want to consider visiting in the shoulder season. What to eat in Dublin? Dublin has a rich culinary tradition and offers a wide range of dining options to suit all tastes. Here are a few dishes and drinks that you might want to try during your stay in the city: Irish stew: This hearty dish is made with lamb, potatoes, and vegetables and is a staple of Irish cuisine. It's often served in pubs and restaurants around the city. Fish and chips: This classic dish is a popular choice in Dublin, and you'll find many pubs and restaurants that serve it. It's typically made with cod, haddock, or plaice, which is coated in batter and fried, served with chips (fries) and tartar sauce. Guinness: No visit to Dublin is complete without trying a pint of Guinness, the famous Irish stout. The brewery is located in the city, and you'll find it on tap in most pubs. Irish breakfast: If you're looking
for a hearty start to the day, you might want to try an Irish breakfast, which typically includes eggs, bacon, sausage, black pudding, and grilled tomato. Seafood: Dublin is located on the coast and has a long tradition of seafood, so you'll find a wide range of seafood options on menus around the city. Some popular choices include oysters, mussels, and salmon. Pub grub: Pubs are a central part of Irish culture, and many of them serve food, ranging from sandwiches and salads to more substantial dishes like burgers and steak. It's a great way to experience the local atmosphere and try some traditional Irish fare. Is it Safe to Travel to Dublin? Dublin is generally a safe city for travelers, and the crime rate is relatively low compared to other major cities. However, as with any destination, it's always a good idea to take some basic precautions to ensure your safety: Keep an eye on your belongings: As with any city, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas like public transportation or tourist attractions. Be aware of your surroundings: Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, especially at night, and avoid walking alone in poorly lit or isolated areas. Use licensed taxis: If you need to take a taxi, it's a good idea to use a licensed taxi service to ensure your safety. You can hail a taxi on the street or book one in advance through a reputable company. Follow local laws and customs: Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs to ensure you don't inadvertently break any rules or offend locals. Overall, Dublin is a safe and welcoming city, and most visitors have a trouble-free trip. By following these basic precautions, you can help ensure that your visit is enjoyable and safe.
0 notes
dooleycarrental · 3 years
Ireland is not known for having the best weather. Almost every traveller guide would warn you of-the rains! And you end up making a list of places that could be visited in lousy weather along with all the rainy-day gears and essentials. But, what if Dublin City gets a day of sunshine? The city becomes alive giving you plenty of options to enjoy. So, book a car rental Dublin City service to travel like a pro. Drive under the Sun and explore some of the best things you can do in Dublin.
0 notes
dreamscapestars · 4 years
The Ultimate Reylo Fanfic List
* = highly recommend (aka if you’re going to read anything off this list read this)
Canonverse AUs
***All Our Days - E - 221k - "I can listen no longer in silence."The hologram projection of his strangely handsome face is cobalt blue, flickering, and full of static. "I must speak to you, Rey. You… you pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me that I am not too late.” He groans, runs his hands through his dark, silver-streaked hair, then refocuses his gaze on the holorecorder. “I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight and a half years ago. Do not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death."Here the recording of Ben takes a deep breath, and looks down at something outside the holorecorder’s field of view. Perhaps at his hands, Rey manages to think, through the veil of shock and timid, fluttering hope. She wishes she were there with him, so she could take them in her own, and offer him the confidence to carry on.But this is only a hologram, so she must wait. Eventually, when he looks up again, his features have settled. He looks… Fierce. Determined. Self-assured."I have loved none but you," he says. - canonverse jane austen au 
trillions of molecules - T - 11k - Fake papers forged, contract signed and a navy blue jumpsuit with his name printed on the chest supplied to him, the man who called himself Solo was hired by the Felucian Transit Corporation as shuttle operator number B414. - tros fix it au 
There Shall I Be - N/A - 50k -She remembers the first and only time she saw him smile like this before and how it didn’t touch his eyes at the time and how it broke her heart.Now it fills her heart and gives her life.She shoves him back onto their blanket and climbs on top of him. She pulls off her sweater and takes him inside her again and rides him into the night. - canonverse far from the madding crowd au
*landscape with a blur of conquerors - E - 362k - "While I share your contempt for this situation in which we find ourselves, do not mistake it as apathy," he hissed through gritted teeth, dark eyes burning. "I hardly expect your disposition to sweeten, but I will be damned if I allow my future Empress to behave in a manner that reflects poorly on me and on the First Order!""If you allow?" She wrenched her arm out of his viselike grasp, batting his hand away for good measure. "I don't belong to you. I don't belong to anyone.""That might have been the case back when you were a scavenger on that pitiful scrap heap of a planet, but now?" His sardonic gaze flickered over her silk robes and the jewels woven through her elaborate braids. "Now you are the Chume'da, and the Chume'da belongs to her people. Their fate is entirely in your hands. Should you cross the line, it is they who will suffer for it. Am I making myself clear?""I hate you," she said bitterly. He sneered at her. "See? Already you are acclimatizing so well to married life." - arranged marriage au
Modern AUs
*the man, the stallion, and the wind - E - 17k - Weary and alone, Rey barrels west on the Trans-Canada Hwy in her old pickup truck. Weary and in need of a lift, Ben Solo stands by the side of the road with his thumb out, in the hopes of hitching a ride.One hell of a winter storm’s about to roll in, leaving them stranded. What ever shall they do? - hitchhiker au 
The Mechanic - E - 122k - It's a magical midsummer night, just made for following a persuasive, dangerous-looking lawyer to a hotel across the road from the party. But then reality catches up to Rey. - mafia baby au
*Soul Searching - E - 205k - Sixteen-year-old Rey finds out she’s soulmates with her English teacher -- in front of her entire class. Now the school gossips won’t leave her alone, prying for tidbits that Rey wouldn’t give them even if she had any. And she doesn’t. Because Mr. Solo is too horrified at being soulmates with an underage girl to even talk to her. - soulmate au
Mitan, Midi - E - 83k - After a French notary contacts Rey to inform her she's inherited a house in the Dr��me (France), she decides from one day to the next to quit her job and move there. The house is pretty secluded, there's no service, no internet, no way to reach other people aside from the landline in the living-room.Ideal conditions, by her standards, as those theoretically should allow her to be perfectly alone. Theoretically. - french country side au
*A Treehouse Covered in Salt - E - 34k -High school senior Rey Johnson has lived next door to Ben Solo her whole life. The two could not be more different and at school, Rey wouldn't be caught dead in his presence. That doesn't stop her from sneaking out to their treehouse every night. Despite her unwillingness to be friends with Ben in the light of day, he has always been there with her in the darkness. - high school au
Initial - M - 45k - A Soulmate AU in which you are born with the initials of your soulmate marked on the nape of your neck. Easy enough, right? Except for two people who don't use their real names. - soulmate au 
Killing Me Softly - M - 32k - Rey clings to the hope that her husband will regain his memories after he survived a car crash that left him with amnesia. During her monthly visits at a medical facility with Ben, who now calls himself Kylo, she struggles to cope as he tries to make her let go of the past, and in turn, him with it. - amnesia au 
only child of the universe - E - 98k - The first time Rey meets Ben, they're carefree strangers getting high at the fair, alight and in love for a night. The second time is different. The second time is in therapy— where the asshole won't even acknowledge her. - high school au 
a place to go - E - 52k - All Rey Johnson wanted was solitude. A place to go where she could escape from the daily stressors and mayhem of her job. A place where she could enjoy some peace and some quiet. Her mentor Luke Skywalker's small cabin up north seemed like the ideal place to do just that. A week of seclusion was just what she needed.And then Ben Solo arrived. - snowed in au 
into the great laughter of mankind - E - 30k - There is something about watching Rey put her mind to task. Ben can't put a name to this something, exactly— all he knows is that it fascinates him like nothing else has in a long, long time."Dr. Solo?" She glances over at him. "What do you think?"I think I'm doomed, he wants to say but doesn't. I think the curse of the pharaohs has nothing on you. I think you are my Egypt. - archaeologist au
(now it’s) Time to Learn - M - 86k - “You’re a teacher?” Ben doesn’t look like a teacher. At least not like any teacher Rey has ever had. - teacher au
For Now - E - 8k - There are plenty of things he could say, but he doesn’t. Buying you muffins makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning. I wish I could go back in time and be the kind of person you could like. I don’t remember my life before you. ---------- When Kylo finds his soulmate, she doesn’t know, and he doesn’t tell her. - soulmate au 
Cupcake Wars - E - 36k - Entirely by accident, Rey ends up fucking someone who works for Snoke's Cupcakery. She's just blowing off steam. It doesn't mean anything at all. It certainly won't come back to bite her in the ass. - bakery au
The Food of Love - E - 60k - Rey picked up her first violin at eleven, finding a mentor in conductor and former-violinist Luke Skywalker. With the First Chair up for grabs, Rey is thrust into the spotlight as the youngest violinist to take First Chair in the NY Pops. But Kylo Ren - former violinist, former NY Pops cellist, formerly Ben Solo child prodigy - may take issue with Rey Nobody sitting in his grandfather's chair. - orchestra au 
Orion - E - 14k - Rey Niima finds herself in the Saharan desert trying to heal wounds from her life, and Ben Solo is there too, fixing himself along the way. - roadtrip au
Embers - E - 34k - All the myriad things he’d been—someone who made her laugh; the warmth on the other side of the bed; her best friend—those things, Rey had buried. Rey left Ben two years, three months, and sixteen days ago. But who's counting? - getting back together au 
Gilded - M - 11k - Everyone had two marks, one for class and another to identify a soulmate. She only had one: green rings on her finger, proof she was part of the laboring class. It made matters lonely, but never unbearable.Until she met him. He had two sets of marks—had a soulmate—and she did not. - soulmate au
flutz - E - 27k - Rey was determined to have no distractions during her first season in Senior Ladies figure skating.She swore that Olympic medalist and figure skating legend Ben Solo was not going to change that, no matter how intent he seemed on proving her wrong. - ice skater au 
oh autumn, oh teakettle, oh grace - E - 30k - "So let me get this straight," he says. "You're a dryad.""Quite so," she cheerfully replies."Like an actual—" His hand rises to make a feeble gesture at the towering elms that surround them— "tree-dwelling, speaks-with-animals, has-magical-powers, frolics-through-the-woods-in-orgiastic-pagan-frenzy dryad?"She wrinkles her delicately freckled nose. "Well, I don't know about orgiastic frenzy, that's really more of a maenad type of deal."He looks her up and down, taking in her pretty face and her slender figure in the skimpy white dress."Too bad," he mumbles. - dryad roadtrip au
A Proposal by Any Other Name - E - 188k - Rey and Finn have been A Thing for a long time now. Since she was eighteen, to be exact. When Finn leaves on a trip to Europe for six months for work, Rey finally chases after him to Dublin to do what he seems to be putting off: propose.She wants a family, after all.The universe has different ideas. Her flights are delayed, storms hit, she loses her tickets and everything seems to be going horribly. To top it off, she ends up stranded around a rather irritating man by the name of Kylo Ren. It goes about as well as you'd expect. - leap year au
endless summer afternoon - E - 63k - “My son's room is always made up,” Han had said, hitting a light switch as Rey clung to a dirty backpack in the dark hallway, “he never comes home. Warm bed might as well get some use.”Rey spared Han some of the dignity of his own longing assessment of the space that clearly hadn’t been looked at in a long time. An empty room in a quiet house. As gruff as he was, handing it off to some runaway nobody just because she was helping him rebuild a car was one of the kindest gestures she’d ever experienced, and had a hidden weight that she knew needed a respectful amount of privacy. Mysteries were often about unresolved sadness, and were usually only solved by the people who didn’t feel it.Rey is offered a place to stay: a spare bedroom once belonging to the mysterious Ben Solo. What does she do when she wakes up with him wanting his bed back? - roommates au 
Dandelion - E - 45k - Rey's an ex con and orphan, just released from jail after killing Plutt. She follows advice from her former guardian, Maz, and finds a job at Luke's coffee shop. Ben's a lawyer who lost his job and moved back to his hometown. He falls for Rey, unaware of her dark past. - coffee shop au
A Few Small Repairs - E - 69k - Ben Solo is a ruthless property developer, and Rey Johnson is the lone holdout on the block. She does not intend to give up what's hers, not for anything. (Not even for a pair of pretty eyes.) - property developer au
Unbroken - E - 7k - He found her sleeping in the stables, curled up in the stall of his newest, unbroken colt...
Lockjaw - M - 106k - Kylo finds Rey unconscious and near death on the side of a road, surrounded by twitching, wretched things looking to her for their next meal. Ever the altruist, he picks them off and takes her with him, saving her life in the process. It's no wonder that when she wakes she feels she owes him, and agrees to become his travel companion as he crosses the United States in search of safety and a new home. - zombie apoclypse au 
Everything to Prove - M - 13k - “The show,” he says. “It’s probably best if they don’t—if we don’t—”And Rey follows his line of thought at once. For all the program is one that doesn’t seem melodramatic—the height of drama in previous seasons came from someone’s cake falling over and that was about it—she does not doubt that the producers and cameramen would leap at the opportunity to make there be something out of nothing in their relationship—especially if there was something out of something.“Yeah,” she agrees. “Yeah, probably. We can pick baking stations that are…” but she doesn’t want to complete the thought. She likes baking next to Ben.“Or we can just be careful?” he suggests, sounding quite as pained by the prospect as Rey feels.“Yeah, careful. I can do careful,” Rey says at once and her lips are on his again and he’s laughing now, and she’s laughing, and she didn’t think laughter would be part of all this. She didn’t think it could be. But here she is, laughing and kissing and holding a man who, at some point, she’s going to want to beat.She does her best not to think of that now.It’s a friendly competition, after all. It’s not life and death. It’s baking. - great british bake off au 
*In Bloom - E - 13k - The flowers that bedeck her skin don’t lie—ballet dancer Rey is in love with her partner, Ben. But the years go by and his skin stays resolutely, devastatingly blank.He doesn’t love her. But when his hands are on her body, she can pretend. - ballet soulmates au
By Blood and Flame - E - 10k - Rey can’t go to her professors with this spell. She needs help, though, needs someone to do the spell with her, and she needs the best because it’s tricky. Dangerous.There’s a boy on campus. Powerful. Mysterious. He’s admired and envied, feared and loathed, depending on who’s talking, but for all everyone knows his story, no one seems to really know him. And Rey… Rey has been curious about him for… well, for longer than she wants to admit.She’s not sure if it’s good or bad luck that he’s the perfect person to help cast her spell. - magic college au
count the rings - E - 63k - “Because you’re sitting there all comfy, not looking at all bridal-” “I’ll just fetch the veil out of my backpack, shall I?” “-when you could be, you know, making a move on that fine-ass tree.” In which camping comes with unexpected consequences. - accidental marriage au
(won’t you let me) walk you home from school - E - 129k - Ben, a counselor in the upper school at the legendary Alliance Academy, keeps finding himself interacting with the lower school art teacher, Rey. He definitely doesn’t like it. - teacher au
follow in your form - E - 23k - Ben Solo wakes up paralyzed and angry about it.A story about dealing with change, holding onto hope, and finding love. - quadriplegic ben au 
*screwdriver - M -101k - Rey is a bright-eyed intern on her first campaign trail, Ben is an irritated data analyst, and how difficult can it be to get a legacy senator elected president? Apparently fucking impossible. - political au
9 pints - E - 83k - She knew next to nothing, and Google was largely unhelpful. All of her searches (“vampire sex rules” and “vampire dos and don’ts” and one very self-indulgent “average vampire cock size big?”) linked her to dated top ten lists written by anyone other than an actual vampire.Twenty minutes of frustrated scrolling eventually led her to a supernatural dating forum. The website was horribly aged, but still active. Questions were tagged, which meant that it was easy to narrow down her search. Vampire, she clicked, and Sex.--In which Rey gets suckered into shooting porn with one of Poe's pickiest vampire actors. - magical porn stars au
fine young cannibals - E - 27k - Kylo raised his head to the sky as he inhaled, his broad chest expanding even wider. His eyes fluttered shut, savoring the scent like a sumptuous meal. He grinned.“Oh,” he murmured, so softly Rey wasn’t even sure it was meant for her ears. His eyes slid to meet hers, scarlet and violent and hungry. “You brought a snack.”And then all hell broke loose.About three things, Rey is absolutely positive:First, she is totally, completely, and madly in love with her vampire boyfriend, Poe.Second, there is another vampire—an older, evil, definitely-not-hot vampire—that thirsts for her blood and wants nothing more than to kill her.And third, she is maybe not absolutely positive about either of these things. - twilight au
Epithumia - E - 46k- ἐπιθυμία, ας, ἡ: epithumia : desire, passionate longing, lust *** “No extra credit.” He made a noise that might have been a laugh. “You ask that every time.” “Well, I have to try.” Rey said, weakly. “Can you make an exception?” A lone eyebrow ascended his lofty forehead into his hairline. “Try harder, Miss Kenobi.” - college teacher/student au
Historical AUs (ranging from medieval to the early 2000s)
light carries on endlessly - M - 6k - “Traitor,” he told Cerberus gruffly not too much later, using both hands to scratch behind the hound’s many ears. What appeared to be a rat tail lay nearby on a blood-stained bit of stone. “What did I tell you about women with pretty eyes?”One wet tongue lapped at his wrist, and he sighed. “Right. Nothing.” - Hades and Persephone au 
The Witch in the Wood - E - 138k - As a knight errant of the kingdom of Alderaan, Kylo Ren has traveled the country, completing quest after perilous quest in search of redemption for the dark deeds of his past. When an evil witch captures the princess of a neighboring kingdom, Kylo reluctantly accepts the burden of rescue with the assumption that it will be a simple task.It is not. For the creature that lives in the woods is not a monster at all.Since her mentor died, Rey has lived in the witch’s tree and uses magic to maintain the balance of the forest. Her life is practical, repetitive, and simple—at least, until a wrathful knight thunders through her door and levels a sword at her throat. Yet something within the knight calls to her, a buzz beneath his skin that she recognizes.Without a doubt, he is not who he appears to be. - medieval witch au
Black Knight, White Queen - E - 53k - Luke Skywalker wrote his sister a letter on his deathbed, revealing that his ward is the orphaned heir of a family long thought extinct - and politically powerful. That letter fell into the wrong hands, and the secret of Rey's heritage is secret no more. The Emperor has managed to unite the Kingdoms, but he is old, and his son is weak. Seeking to ensure his son's claim to his throne, he sends his most trusted captain to bring the girl - willing or not - to be his son's bride. Rey is taken from her far-flung home, and plunged into a world of court intrigue, arranged marriage, political rivals, and would-be assassins - the black knight her constant companion and bodyguard. But even he, her dark shadow and protector, she cannot know whether to trust... - medieval bodyguard au 
Days to Remember - E - 42k - A man heads home after years of estrangement. What do you need from me? A woman leaves her world behind, a bird in a gilded cage. When we get to New York, I need help running away. -- I'll bring you to Boston with me. - titanic au 
*what if the storm ends - E - 61k - As a child, Rey is evacuated from London to the Yorkshire Dales during the Blitz. She spends the war in the care of the Solos on their farm, wandering the moors with their son looking for a legendary family artifact long lost. When the war is over, she returns to a city she no longer recognizes, and she writes a popular series of children's fantasy books based on her childhood in the Dales. After amassing fame and fortune with her stories, tragedy brings her back to the farm to see Ben Solo, once her greatest inspiration and now a widower. - post WWII au 
Take Me - E - 39k - Every night, at 8:30 pm, Rey and Ben get on stage and pretend to be in love with each other. At 9:15, they walk off stage and the actual fireworks begin. - 60s country singers au
I could have been wild, I could have been free (but nature played a trick on me) - M - 61k - “Did you know that I did not even learn your name until yesterday, when I married you?”His face flushed a darker red than it had at breakfast, and he attempted to defend himself with incompetent stammering, “I—I regret that. The situation, of course, would have been,” he wrung his hands together and stared at her feet, “It would have been preferable if we had known one another more. On several occasions, I did attempt to make myself known to you, but you seemed to have other preoccupations.”Rey could feel her face contorting into a sneer to spit out her barbed words, “Perhaps that was your cue not to marry me!” - regency arranged marriage au 
Patch - M - 20k - He is nineteen when he first sees her.She comes to the rink alone, laces her skates alone, strokes warm-up circles alone...He looks at her, really looks her in the eye, and he decides he likes what he sees.She may be young, but she is hungry and angry, and for now? That’s enough for him.It’s not like he has a lot of options. - 80 russian ice skaters au 
*The Great Big No - E - 165k - Kylo Ren is third generation rock royalty, a reigning brat prince starting to feel the burn of the fame he reached for with both hands. Rey is an aspiring singer on the verge of a big break, provided her A&R guy still has a job by the time she reaches LA. Their paths have crossed briefly, disappointingly, before. What happens when they collide? - 90s rock au
***go I know not whither and fetch I know not what - E - 119k - The year is 1994. The Iron Curtain has come down, the oligarchs have begun their rise to power, and Kyril Ren, a powerful member of the infamous crime syndicate Solntsevskaya Bratva, has been given a job: hunt down an estranged uncle who has been snitching to the FBI.Irena, nicknamed Rey by her adoptive father Luke, is a Krav Maga instructor in New York who has finally been able to obtain her original birth certificate from Russia. Turns out she was born in a little village named Vershinino, but if she wants to know more than that… she’s going to have to go there herself. - 90s russian mafia au 
we could plant a house, we could build a tree - E -124k - Ben takes a deep breath. “It’s—it’s a project. Conceptual art. You wouldn’t get it.”Rey presses her lips together to keep from laughing. She plans her next words quickly and carefully, determining what will get her the best reaction. “Really? Looks like you ruined a bedsheet to me.”His reaction does not disappoint. “Get out.” ** Seven-year-old Rey decides it's her duty to annoy the crap out of Ben Solo every single day she's alive. - 90s growing up together artist au
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 4.13
1111 – Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 1204 – Constantinople falls to the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire. 1612 – Miyamoto Musashi defeats Sasaki Kojirō at Funajima island. 1613 – Samuel Argall, having captured Native American princess Pocahontas in Passapatanzy, Virginia, sets off with her to Jamestown with the intention of exchanging her for English prisoners held by her father. 1742 – George Frideric Handel's oratorio Messiah makes its world premiere in Dublin, Ireland. 1777 – American Revolutionary War: American forces are ambushed and defeated in the Battle of Bound Brook, New Jersey. 1829 – The Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 gives Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom the right to vote and to sit in Parliament. 1849 – Lajos Kossuth presents the Hungarian Declaration of Independence in a closed session of the National Assembly. 1861 – American Civil War: Fort Sumter surrenders to Confederate forces. 1865 – American Civil War: Raleigh, North Carolina is occupied by Union Forces. 1870 – The New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art is founded. 1873 – The Colfax massacre, in which more than 60 black men are murdered, takes place. 1909 – The military of the Ottoman Empire reverses the Ottoman countercoup of 1909 to force the overthrow of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. 1919 – Jallianwala Bagh massacre: British Indian Army troops lead by Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer killed approx 379-1000 unarmed demonstrators including men and women in Amritsar, India; and approximately 1,500 injured. 1941 – A pact of neutrality between the USSR and Japan is signed. 1943 – World War II: The discovery of mass graves of Polish prisoners of war killed by Soviet forces in the Katyń Forest Massacre is announced, causing a diplomatic rift between the Polish government-in-exile in London and the Soviet Union, which denies responsibility. 1943 – The Jefferson Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C., on the 200th anniversary of President Thomas Jefferson's birth. 1944 – Relations between New Zealand and the Soviet Union are established. 1945 – World War II: German troops kill more than 1,000 political and military prisoners in Gardelegen, Germany. 1945 – World War II: Soviet and Bulgarian forces capture Vienna. 1948 – In an ambush, 78 Jewish doctors, nurses and medical students from Hadassah Hospital, and a British soldier, are massacred by Arabs in Sheikh Jarrah. This event came to be known as the Hadassah medical convoy massacre. 1953 – CIA director Allen Dulles launches the mind-control program Project MKUltra. 1958 – American pianist Van Cliburn is awarded first prize at the inaugural International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. 1960 – The United States launches Transit 1-B, the world's first satellite navigation system. 1964 – At the Academy Awards, Sidney Poitier becomes the first African-American male to win the Best Actor award for the 1963 film Lilies of the Field. 1970 – An oxygen tank aboard the Apollo 13 Service Module explodes, putting the crew in great danger and causing major damage to the Apollo command and service module (codenamed "Odyssey") while en route to the Moon. 1972 – The Universal Postal Union decides to recognize the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate Chinese representative, effectively expelling the Republic of China administering Taiwan. 1972 – Vietnam War: The Battle of An Lộc begins. 1975 – An attack by the Phalangist resistance kills 26 militia members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, marking the start of the 15-year Lebanese Civil War. 1976 – The United States Treasury Department reintroduces the two-dollar bill as a Federal Reserve Note on Thomas Jefferson's 233rd birthday as part of the United States Bicentennial celebration. 1976 – Forty workers die in an explosion at the Lapua ammunition factory, the deadliest accidental disaster in modern history in Finland. 1992 – Basements throughout the Chicago Loop are flooded, forcing the Chicago Board of Trade Building and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to close. 1997 – Tiger Woods becomes the youngest golfer to win the Masters Tournament. 2003 – A bus near the Vale of Tempe, Greece is involved in a major vehicle accident with a truck and multiple cars, leaving 21 students in the tenth grade of Makrochori, Imathia High School dead and nine injured during their return to their homes from a trip to Athens. 2017 – The US drops the largest ever non-nuclear weapon on Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.
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IRELAND: Flash flooding hits Dublin, forcing evacuations and submerging cars
Heavy rain brought flash flooding to Dublin on Saturday, August 5, forcing emergency services to rescue trapped residents and disrupting transportation as roads were blocked and rail services suspended. Eight people were evacuated by the city’s fire service in the seaside neighbourhood of Clontarf, where an underground car park was also inundated: Crews from Phibsboro, HQ and North Strand are in…
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The Cryptoliberal creep/the left is dead: Anarchist-Individualist critique of the left in Ireland
“Freedom is not something that anybody can be given; Freedom is something that people take and people are as free as they want to be” — James Arthur Baldwin
“I think my basic viewpoint is that everything the left and right say about each other is true. And the reason it’s true is because they have so much in common.” — Bob Black
The so called “radical left” has been a total failure, has done nothing and has not made any “radical change”. The “radical left” has only been successful in re-creating institutions of hierarchy and dominance via its parties, unions and front groups/campaigns. Many leftists building nice careers for themselves in the process.
The “radical left” of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s (most notably former members of the Workers Party) are now the very people that have been pushing and implementing neoliberalism in Ireland. The old “radical” leftists have swapped their radical language and false promises for Mercedes cars, designer suits and high waged state or union positions.
There is no doubt that many modern leftist will have the same faith as their counterparts. It’s not hard to imagine. The exact same problems that existed within the left today are the very ones that were always there. These problems can be broken down into factors such as: populism, opportunism, careerism, and reformism (to name but a few).
There is no order of importance, all these factors have equally damaging effects. These factors are not specific to any one current within the left but to the whole left. These factors contribute differently but equally to the left’s failure to create any “radical change” or transformation they proclaim to want.
Let’s break it down a little:
“SOCIALISM: Discipline, discipline; obedience, obedience; slavery and ignorance, pregnant with authority. A bourgeois body grotesquely fattened by a vulgar christian creature. A medley of fetishism, sectarianism and cowardice.
ORGANIZATIONS, LEGISLATIVE BODIES AND UNIONS: Churches for the powerless. Pawnshops for the stingy and weak. Many join to live parasitically off the backs of their card-carrying simpleton colleagues. Some join to become spies. Others, the most sincere, join to end up in jail from where they can observe the mean-spiritedness of all the rest.” — Renzo Novatore
Whether as an individual activists or as a member of a party, union or some other type of organization, leftist take part and use struggles for a whole lot of reason. These struggles could be in a workplace, housing, abortion rights, even supporting struggles in other countries that are a popular, etc. In struggles leftists use political maneuvers in order to hijack, centralise, and harness the energy, power, and enthusiasm of angry people for their own political gain, aims and motivations. Leftists use campaigns and struggles as ways of gaining followers and support for their programmes, building their own power cliques and personal networks, climbing the political or union careerist ladders, or even at the least, for activist scene points.
Many leftists take part in struggles to use them as means to build careers. The career could be in politics, unions, academia, journalism, NGOs, etc. Some Leftists becoming “experts”or “specialists” on certain topics/struggles, using the gained knowledge to further their career.
Populism is a curse in the fight for liberation. Populism is dangerous, populism risks losing or gaining “the party”, “the movement”, “the organization” or “the campaign” support, credibility or new members. Populism also creates a dynamic within left organisations that will determine what “the party” or “group” will support or what actions taken, projects, or campaigns they will get involved with. They will always go with the popular option, even if it is wrong. If activists in a campaign, party, or group swerve off the populist road, they are at risk of being punished and vilified by the majority. They could have their names tarnished, blackened, lies made up and spread about them. All attempts at discrediting and to remove people seen as opposition. Populism will make people tell lies to mislead others and tarnish opponents. Struggles have been destroyed and lost because of populism. These dirty tactics are used against any threats to their positions, to discredit and isolate people that are opposed to their strategies or views, to remove opposition in campaigns or projects to clear the field which will help with them hijacking, having more influence and control; making people look “bad”,“mad”, “crazy” or “troublemakers” so no one will listen to their opinion or ideas, to save or gain support.
A large majority of the left, whither they call themselves, socialists,marxists, leninists, trotskyists, and even some anarchists, are in fact crypto-liberals. These liberals disguise themselves with radical language and bullshit. They do not want to overthrow or destroy the state and capitalism, although they may say they do. They want to reform it away, make it more “nicer” for people bit by bit. They naively believe this can be done peacefully and with well thought out arguments, protest marches and lobbying. The “resistance” they proclaim is of pacifism, delegation, negotiation and compromise with the state and bosses.
Trade unions like all formal organizations based on growing in membership are prone to populism and the other factors I mentioned above. At worst union officials undermine and disempower struggles, compromising with bosses, negotiating deals on what would appear to be the best outcome for workers, but realistically contribute towards keeping this society intact. At best unions are reformist that help to make improvements to conditions of exploitation making the daily toil of work a little bit more bearable. Ultimately unions are a cog in the machine of capitalism, with the outcome of helping towards the creation of social peace between exploited and exploiters. There is no revolutionary potential from trade unions.
For the leftist politico their intentions are to run in elections which they hope to win so they can make “radical changes” to the state and therefore make life better for “the people” (as they view it anyway).
The politicos say if they do not have enough power in parliament to make “radical change” at the least they will be able to make “radical” challenges to the government.
The outcomes of such bullshit tactics are well known. If a leftist is elected into parliament they can make counter arguments to the government, this usually falls to nothing. We have seen this in the South of Ireland with socialist TD’s (elected representatives) making arguments against a variety of issues such as the use of Shannon airport by the US military, the Shell oil company plundering natural resources in Mayo, the struggle for housing, and the struggle against water privatization.
If a Leftist party wins enough seats to win power or share power with another party they end up watering down their “radical” views and implement the most right wing of policies, we have seen this in recent history with the Irish Labour party in the South of Ireland and we have seen it with Sinn Fein in the North of Ireland (not that either party had very radical views to start off with, but they gave lip service to socialism at some point), both parties completely selling out to every person that voted for them implementing neo liberalist policies.
Politicos running in elections and playing in the parliamentary circus water down their “radicalism” the more they take part in it, constantly being on the watch, making sure they don’t lose support and wanting to gain support. This inevitably makes them compromise and sell out little by little, till they finally stop preaching any type of “radicalism”.
During the struggle against water privatization we have seen the crypto-liberals use their vanguardist tactics blatantly. From when people from working class neighbourhoods defended their neighbourhoods against the installation of water meters in homes in many communities throughout Ireland. The resistance sparked off sporadically. People resisting from different neighborhoods linked up together to help each other. Politicos and union bureaucrats infiltrated different neighborhoods that were resistant, to hijack the struggle. The politicos (Parties such as Sinn Fein, Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, the Communist Party of Ireland, Eirigi; and unions such as Unite and Mandate) invented “Right2Water” a campaign group which plonked itself on top of the struggle attempting to claim to be the representative of the all the people resisting water privatization. The politicos used this campaign as means to bring the struggle down the road of parliamentary politics. In lots of areas the politicos were successful in their hijacking, in some neighbourhoods people were wise to them.
Every couple of months there would be a call for a “peaceful march” through the streets of Dublin with loads of bull shit boring speeches at the end, from politicos of course. Any people at the march that didn’t go by the “peaceful march” narrative were tarnished as the “bad protesters” and “trouble makers”. These so called “troublemakers” would block traffic or occupy buildings (usually banks) and blocking busy roads. These type of tactics didn’t suit the politicos because it was out of their control and did not suit their narrative. During a demonstration in a working class neighbourhood a youth threw a brick at a pig car. A Socialist Party politico (and member of parliament) that had infiltrated the water struggle, publicly condemned the youth calling for the pigs to arrest, charge and convict the youth. Others were denounced by politicos for burning vans that belonged to the company that was installing water metres.
The water struggle came to a head when the Right2Water politicos and union bureaucrats thirsty for any scrap of power, sat on “the Expert Water Commision” which was created by the government, and accepted that a private company would own the water services (ie the privatization of water). Charges for domestic use of water have been put on hold (for now). The leftist politicos and bureaucrats try to claim this as a “great victory”. To this day the Irish Water company continue to put in water meters into homes, laying the ground for in the future when it wants to implement charges for using water in homes. The politicos and bureaucrats done this without any consent, and ultimately they disempowered the struggle in the process.
These tactics are used time and time again by the crypto-liberals. It was seen in popular struggles such as: struggle against water privatisation in the late 1990’s, the anti war movement in the early 2000’s, struggle against bin charges 2000’s, struggle against property tax in the 2010’s and recently in the struggle for housing, with the same sex marriage and abortion referendums — crypto liberals maneuvering themselves into position of mediator between the state or bosses and excluded and exploited individuals. Of course all these struggles were (and some still are) hot topics and were high up on agendas for electionaring.
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gmiresearch · 3 years
Online Travel Market Research Report
The Online Travel Market is experiencing significant growth over the forecast period. This is attributed to the increasing implementation of technological advancements in the online travel industry, the propelling penetration of internet usage and smartphone users, and changing lifestyle of the customers shifting towards more enhanced services and comfort.
Request Sample Report of Online Travel Market:
Several factors stimulating the growth of the global online travel market include the growing tourism industry and accelerating penetration of the internet along with the increasing number of smartphone users. Moreover, the augmenting execution of technological developments in the industry and the rising usage of mobile applications have resulted in easier and flexible travel booking, thereby strengthening the online travel market size. Also, expanding per capita income, altering human lifestyle, economic expansion, rapid urbanization, and an inclination towards better services and comfort will fuel the market growth.
As per the online travel market analysis, the enormous advantages offered by online travel like online reviews for checking the hotels and transportation capability, easy & safe payment method, and free & easy cancellation policy will further boost the market growth. The augmenting faith of the customers in online payments and many advanced versions of mobile applications with better deals drive market growth. However, the rising consciousness towards safety and security at the time of online booking and payment may hamper the market growth. Moreover, the emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic resulted in a fall in market demand due to the lockdown across many countries and the sealing of the borders. The cessation of the airline industry, along with the increasing fear of catching the virus while traveling, persuaded people to stay at their homes. These factors have adversely affected the growth of the market. Nevertheless, the market is projected to recover in 2021 while escalating significantly from 2022 onwards.
Know more about the Online Travel Market:
Based on the mode of booking, Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) are anticipated to witness a higher CAGR during the forecast period. This is owing to the imminent adoption of this mode by customers led by remarkable benefits concerned with saving time & money as there are no consultancy fees, expert insights & a safety net to the trip, seamless multi-destination travel, and review check.
On the basis of age group, the 22-31 segment is expected to expand at a faster CAGR over the forecast period. This is primarily attributed to the growing number of travels by this age group as it comprises of young population with an increased budget on travel than other age groups. Furthermore, the tendency to explore new destinations and the surging use of smartphones to book them drive the growth of online travel industry.
Based on the region, Asia-Pacific is predicted to lead the market during the forecast period due to the escalating number of travelers accompanied by the increasing disposable income and fuelling internet usage across the developing nations. The persistence of online travel agencies such as Yatra and MakeMyTrip and the increasing application of advanced technologies in the travel industry will contribute to the market growth.
Various notable players operating in the market include Booking Holdings Inc., Expedia Group, Trip.com Group Limited, TripAdvisor LLC, Hurb, Hostelworld Group, CheapOair.Com, Thomas Cook Group plc, trivago, and MakeMyTrip Pvt. Ltd., among others.
The global online travel market has been segmented on the basis of mode of booking, types of platform, services type, age group, and region. Based on the mode of booking, the market is segmented into direct travel suppliers and online travel agencies (OTAs). Based on the types of platform, the market is segmented into the desktop and mobile. Based on the services type, the market is segmented into travel accommodation, transportation, and vacation packages. Based on the age group, the market is segmented into 22-31, 32-43, 44-56, and >56.
Online Travel Market Segmentation:
Online Travel Market by Mode of Booking:
·         Direct Travel Suppliers
·         Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)
Online Travel Market by Types of Platform:
·         Desktop
·         Mobile
Online Travel Market by Services Type:
·         Travel Accommodation
·         Transportation
·         Vacation Packages
Online Travel Market by Age Group:
·         22-31
·         32-43
·         44-56
·         >56
Online Travel Market by Region:
•              North America Online Travel Market (Option 1: As a part of the free 25% customization)
o    North America Online Travel Market by Mode of Booking
o    North America Online Travel Market by Types of Platform
o    North America Online Travel Market by Services Type
o    North America Online Travel Market by Age Group
o    United States Online Travel Market
o    Canada Online Travel Market
·         Europe Online Travel Market (Option 2: As a part of the free 25% customization)
o    Europe Online Travel Market by Mode of Booking
o    Europe Online Travel Market by Types of Platform
o    Europe Online Travel Market by Services Type
o    Europe Online Travel Market by Age Group
o    UK Online Travel Market
o    Germany Online Travel Market
o    France Online Travel Market
o    Spain Online Travel Market
o    Rest of Europe Online Travel Market
·         Asia-Pacific Online Travel Market (Option 3: As a part of the free 25% customization)
o    Asia-Pacific Online Travel Market by Mode of Booking
o    Asia-Pacific Online Travel Market by Types of Platform
o    Asia-Pacific Online Travel Market by Services Type
o    Asia-Pacific Online Travel Market by Age Group
o    China Online Travel Market
o    India Online Travel Market
o    Japan Online Travel Market
o    Rest of APAC Online Travel Market
·         RoW Online Travel Market (Option 4: As a part of the free 25% customization)
o    RoW Online Travel Market by Mode of Booking
o    RoW Online Travel Market by Types of Platform
o    RoW Online Travel Market by Services Type
o    RoW Online Travel Market by Age Group
o    Brazil Online Travel Market
o    South Africa Online Travel Market
o    Saudi Arabia Online Travel Market
o    UAE Online Travel Market
o    Rest of world (remaining countries of the LAMEA region) Online Travel Market
About GMI Research
GMI Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, consulting services, and customized market research reports. Our reports are based on market intelligence studies to ensure relevant and fact-based research across numerous sectors, including healthcare, automotive, information technology & communication, FMCG, and other industries. GMI Research’s deep understanding related to the business environment helps us in generating objective strategic insights. Our research teams consisting of seasoned analysts and researchers have hands-on experience in various regions, including Asia-pacific, Europe, North America, and the Rest of the World. The market research report offers in-depth analysis, which contains refined forecasts, a bird's eye view of the competitive landscape, factors impacting the market growth, and several other market insights to aid companies in making strategic decisions. Featured in the ‘Top 20 Most Promising Market Research Consultants’ list of Silicon India Magazine in 2018, we at GMI Research are always looking forward to help our clients to stay ahead of the curve.
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Our relevant report: Global Connected Car Market & Global Used Car Market
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mechdor-design · 4 years
Top 08 Tyres Company In World.
What is tyre?
Firstly know the difference between Tire and Tyre. A Tire (American English) or Tyre (British English, see spelling difference).  So, Tyre is a ring-shaped component that surrounds a wheel's rim to transfer a  vehicle's load from the axle through the wheel to the ground and to provide traction on the surface over which the wheel travels.  Most tyres, such as automobiles and bicycles are pneumatically inflated cushion that absorbs shocks as the tyre rolls over rough features in the surface. Tyres provide a footprint called a contact patch, that is designed to match the weight of the vehicle with the bearing strength of the surface that it rolls over by providing a bearing pressure that will not  deform  the surface excessively. Lets start the topic.
Top 08 Tyres Companies:-
Apolo Tyres
Continental Tyre
Bridgestone corporation  is a Japanese multinational auto and truck parts manufacturer  established in  1,Jan,1931 by Shojiro Ishibashi in the city of Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan .The name Bridgestone comes from a Calque translation and transposition of ishibashi, meaning "stone bridge" in Japanese. Bridgestone business prensence  more than 150 countries. The Bridgestone has 143,589 employees all over the world. The financial data of Bridgestone of Net sales 3,525.6 Yen in Billions ($33.82 in Billions) and  the operating income is 326 Yen in Billions ($3.07 in Billions). Sales by markets:-
In Japan- 19%
In America- 47%
In EMEA- 19%
In China and Asia- 15%
As of 2017, the company is the largest manufacturer of tyres in the world, followed by Michelin (France),Goodyear (United States), Continental (Germany) and Pirelli (Italy).Bridgestone Group had production facilities in 24 countries as of July 2018.
Mechelin is a French multinational tyre manufacturer based in Clermont-Ferrand in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region of France. Mechelin is founded in 28/May/1889. It is the second largest tyre manufacturer in the world after  Bridgestone and larder than both Goodyear and Continental. In addition to the Mechelin brand, it also owns the kleber tyres company, Uniroyal-Goodrich Tyre Company, SASCAR, Bookatableand and Camso brands. Michelin is also notable for its Red and Green travel guides, its roadmaps, the Michelin stars that the Red Guide awards to restaurants for their cooking, and for its company mascot Bibendum, colloquially known as the Michelin Man. Mechelin have the 112,800  number of employees in 2017.
The Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Company is an American multinational  tyre manufacturing company founded in Aug. 29, 1898 by Frank Seiberling based on Akron, Ohio. Goodyear manufactures tyres for automobiles, commercial truck, Light trucks,  motorcycles, SUVs, race cars, airoplanes, farm equipment and heavy earth mover machinery. It also produced bicycle tyres from its founding until 1976. As of 2017, Goodyear is one of the top three tyre manufacturing along with Bridgestone (Japan), Mechelin (France) and Continental (Germany).
The company was named after American Charles Goodyear, Inventor of Vulcanized rubber. The first Goodyear tyres became popular because they were easily detachable and required little maintenance.
Goodyear is also known for the Goodyear Blimp. Through Goodyear had been manufacturing airships and ballons since the early 1900s, the first Goodyear advertising blimp flew in 1925. Today, it is one of the most recognizable advertising icons in America. The company is the most successful tyre supplier in Formula one history, with more starts, wins, and constructors championships than any other tyre supplier. They pulled out of the sport after the 1998 season. It is the sole tyre supplier for NASCAR series.
Pirelli is a Italian multinational company based in Milan, Italy, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 1922 with a temporary privatization period by the  consortium led by the chinese  state-owned enterprise Chemchina. The Pirelli was founded in 1872. The company is the top Largest tyre manufacturer behind Bridgestone, Michelin, Goodyear, Continential, Sumitomo and Hankook and is focused on the consumer business .  Its is present in Europe, the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, North America and ex-USSR, operating commercially in over 160 countries. Its has 19 manufacturing sites in 13 countries and a network of around 14,600 Distributors and retailers.
Pirelli has been sponsoring sport competitions since 1907 and is the exclusive tyre partner for the Grand-Am Rolex Sports Car Series for 2008-2010. FIA Formula One World Championship for 2011-2023 and for the FIM World Superbike Championship. Pirelli headquarters are located in Milan's Bicocca district. In the past it has been involved in Fashion and Operated in renewable energy and sustainable mobility.
Apollo  Tyres-
Apollo Tyres ltd is the world's largest tyre manufacturer, with annual consolidated revenues of US$2.46 billion in March 2018. It was incorporated in 1972. Its first plant was commissioned in Perambra Thissur, Kerala, India. The companynow has four manufacturing units in India, one in Netherlands and one in Hungery. It has a network of nearly 5,000 dealerships in India, of which over 2,500 are exclusive outlets.Number of employees at this organisation is 16,000. It gets 69% of its revenues from India, 26% from Europe and 5%from other geographies.
Apollo announced its entry into the two wheeler tyre segment with contact manufacturing in March 2016. In November 2016, the company signed a MoU with the government of Andhra Pradesh to set up a new factory in Andhra Pradesh to Manufacture tyres for two wheelers and pick up trucks. The company second plant in Europe, was inaugurated by the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban in April 2017. Apollo Tyres opens its first service centre in Malaysia.
MRF Limited is an Indian multinational and the largest manufacturer of tyres in India. The MRF in founded in 1946, Tiruvottiyur, Madras, Tamil Nadu, Indiia. The founder of MRF in K M . Mammen Mappillai.. Its headquartered in Chennai, India. The company manufacturer rubber products including tyres, treads, tubes and conveyor belts, plant and touys. MRF also runs the MRF pace Foundation Chennai and MRF Challenge in motorsport.
Continental  Tyres-
Continental AG commonly known as Continental, is a German Multinational automotive parts manufacturing company specializing  in brake system, interior electronics, automotive safety, powertrain and other parts for the automotive and transportation industries. Continental is based in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany. Continental is the world's fourth largest tyre manufacturing.
Continental was founded in 1871 as a rubber manufacturer. Continental Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Compagine. In 1898, Continental started development and production of the vehicle tyre with plan tread, which was the major success of the brand.In 1904, Continental  became the first company in the world to manufacture grooved vehicle tyres. Another major product Continental invented was detachable wheel tyres that was made for touring vehicles. In the late 1920s, Continental merged with several other major rubber industry companies to form the largest rubber company in Germany "Continental Gummi-Werke AG". As with many other German companies during World War ll, Continental used salve labor provided by the Nazi Party in their  factory in the 1940s at Hannover-Stocken, Hannover-Limmer, Hannover-Ahlem, and others, all offshoots of the Neuengamme concentration camp.
Dunlop Tyres-
Dunlop Tyres is a brand of tyres owned by Various companies around the world. Founded by Pneumatic tyre pioneer John Boyd Dunlop in Dublin, Ireland in 1890, It is owned and operated by Goodyear tyre and Rubber Company in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. In India, the brand is owned by Dunlop India Ltd. whose parent company in the Ruia Group. In several Other Asian countries (Japan, China, Indonesia, Thailand and Russia), Africa and Latin America ( except Mexiao) it is operated by Sumitomo Rubber industries. In Malaysia, the Dunlop Tyres brand has, since 2012, been wholly owned by Continental AG , which manufactures Dunlop branded tyres for sale in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.
In 1985, Dunlop Rubber Company  was acquired by BTR PLC and Sumitomo acquired the rights to manufacture and market Dunlop branded road tyres. Sumitomo did not acquire any Dunlop company. In 1997. Sumitomo gained agreement to use the Dinlop name in its corporate name, and changed the name of its UK subsidary to Dunlop Tyres Ltd.
In 1999, Sumitomo and Goodyear began a joint venture by which Sumitomo continued to manufacture all Japanese made tyres under the Dunlop name, while Goodyear tyre and Rubber Company nought 75% of the European and North American tyre businesses of Sumitomo.
The company has extensive manufacturing operations throughout the world. With the closure of the Washington Plant in 2006, Goodyear Dunlop Ceased mainstream car and lorry tyre production in the UK.
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dooleycarrental · 3 years
In many cases, they do get, but many times to fail to get. The best is to book the car hire Dublin airport service in advance to get the best package that would help to travel around.
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unitturkey39 · 4 years
The Refine Of Rekeying An Auto Door Lock.
This High Security Lock Is Almost Difficult To Choose.
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Repair Work Service For Porsche 1 Switch Remote Key.
On Conclusion Of Our Auto Locksmith Training Program, Trainees Will Certainly Gain A Recognizing Of The Complying With Subjects.
Cyndrical Tube Edge Locks (Yale Locks).
Specialist Car Locksmith Covering York And Also Surrounding Locations.
The Key Locksmith.
Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester Went To An Apartment In Ancoates Manchester To Upgrade Security.
Repair Service Service For Porsche 1 Switch Remote Key.
It's natural that a passionate work team which is experts in home security would think such points, nonetheless that is no excuse for the reality. Get in touch with your great locksmith Manchester now to find out exactly how you can improve on your house security circumstance without needing to spend a ton of money. With us your renewal will go to economical prices and making use of just premium quality items to maintain you well shielded. Of course, a range of other services is additionally readily available at a dial of our number, key cutting, security checks, maintenance, repair work and also much more.
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On Completion Of Our Automobile Locksmith Training Course, Pupils Will Certainly Gain A Recognizing Of The Complying With Topics.
You can call us any time if there is anything on your mind worrying keys, locks or security. And with the effort locksmith Manchester here, you can expect the phone to be answered at any time you offer us a ring. At times the workers right here is surprised by the lack of basic security actions which can be implemented at essentially no cost in any routine household.
If you have home windows open all day, keep a check on which ones are open and for how much time. Don't leave front home windows open when you're in the yard and also only keep windows on ventilation setting over night. Follow locksmith professionals Manchesters easy support and also your security will certainly improve significantly. Improving the security of your house doesn't simply include what degree of residence security you have.
There are lots of locksmith professionals in Edinburgh, however our team believe we offer the best worth as well as solution. When you call us, you will speak to a fully educated regional Edinburgh locksmith NOT a call centre. We are additionally a neighborhood Edinburgh locksmith, so unlike huge national locksmith professionals with telephone call centres, we are able to estimate fairly exact rates ahead of time, over the phone. This ensures you you will not obtain a horrible shock when we turn up at your door.
On examination, we uncovered the gearbox had broken, and the client couldn't lock it, which presented a considerable security threat. We took dimensions and had to resource repairs for this discontinued lock. Moreover, there were great deals of problems with the frame, it was warped, however we handled to source all parts the same day and this afternoon went back to complete the task. Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester installed the brand-new multipoint locking device much to the consumers alleviation. He had actually been suffering with a temperamental lock for the previous 13 years, and also was delighted he might now lock the door without any issue.
Does Home Depot rekey locks?
In most cases your local Home Depot can rekey new locks to match your old key. If you have Schlage or Kwikset brand locks this is an easy process. In most cases your local Home Depot can rekey new locks to match your old key.
Cylinder Rim Locks (Yale Locks).
They had been having problem securing the door just recently so I realigned the door as well as serviced the securing system while I existed. There have actually been dublin locksmiths of robberies recently where access has actually been made easily due to Thumb Turn Locks fitted on Front Doors.
How much does it cost to have a locksmith make a key?
Locksmith Key Replacement PricesServiceAverage CostCar Key Replacement$70 – $250House Key Replacement$50 – $100
A locksmith was needed for trafford park and also quick as one of the industrial services had an inner door that would not lock. Lockforce Locksmith Manchester showed up within the hr and also repaired the lock to the utility room. I attended a brand-new develop residence in Castlefield Manchester where the occupant desired her wooden entrance protecting with greater than a padlock or gliding bolt. After some discussion she chose a Perry Long toss gate lock as they come with x5 keys, can be secured from either side of the fencing and give excellent security. Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester provided and fitted eviction lock and the Tenant was very delighted with the job carried out.
These locks are fitted primarily on new construct residential properties in order to abide by Fire Regulations. I would certainly encourage that a Thumb Turn is fitted to any of the various other doors in the residential property where there is no letter box or have a letter box guard fitted to your front door. If you would like our free advice please provide Lockforce Locksmiths Middlesbrough a phone call.
Can a locksmith open a car door?
Not all locksmiths can use a jiggler to open a car door, as it requires a lot of skill to do so. They will start by using a variety of demo keys to find the key that fits your vehicle. With enough skill, they can finesse the locking mechanism and allow the key to turn, unlocking your car.
Particularly as we relocate right into cozy summer months, delegate that is accountable for closing the downstairs home windows before bed? When you leave your house do you have a routine of inspecting what windows are open? Have dublin locksmiths with your housemates or family concerning things you can all do to relieve the burden of examining your house security is tight as well as protect yourself versus break ins this summer season. Most insurance companies now not only require the existence of a mortise lock, however a 5 lever British Conventional one.
We additionally understand that some locksmith firms fit inexpensively made locks to maintain their rates reduced. A client had their bag stolen whilst on a night out which included their residence keys as well as determined their address.
Specialist Auto Locksmith Covering York And Also Surrounding Locations.
On arrival we consulted with the staff of the shop who advised the key maintains turning yet the store door wont open. A damaged cylinder was diagnosed as well as Locksmith techniques made use of to unlock.
Locksmith Manchester has seen all kinds of ways that customers have actually endangered their security for many years. As well as we are here to inform you that there are things you can do to protect yourself today. This isn't just aimed at maintaining you safe, however conserving you time and money in the future also.
I was telephoned and asked just how much Lockforce charge for a phone call out. I encouraged we do not charge for telephone call outs and also only for work accomplished. I participated in the home and also the back door had a stopped working Advocet mortis Sash lock fitted. I took care of to open the door none destructively as well as I then fitted a brand-new 5 bar British basic Sash lock with x3 keys which I passed to the Denton Resident. Today Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester were contacted us to a customer in M2, Manchester who reported a trouble with their porch door.
How much does it cost to unlock a safe?
For home lock or safe installation or rekeying, expect to pay $50 to $100 per hour. Opening a locked car runs $50 to $100, depending on travel distance. Locksmith Charges.Hourly rate$50-$100Rekey car$50-$300Make new keys$10-$150Open safe$50-$400Electronic security installation$100-$4007 more rows
The Key Locksmith.
This suggests your mortise lock has an longer bolt throw, a security curtain which protects the levers from outdoors disturbance, and an anti-drill plate. Ring at any kind of hour as well as a locksmith Manchester service who comprehends your emergency situation will certainly always fast to the rescue. Booking in for a lock study or evaluation can be done at your ease, as well as you can trust that our prices will certainly be both affordable as well as economical. Locksmith Manchester experts will constantly look after your security. And prioritise your emergency needs to you be in a difficult situation.
City Locks are reliable neighborhood locksmith professionals in Norwich, providing a complete locksmith solution to the homeowners of Norfolk as well as North Suffolk. Our emergency locksmith professionals are offered 24/7 to aid you come back into your residential property as well as for emergency lock replacements.
We'll come to you, normally within the hour, and also we complete over 95% of tasks with one browse through.
Our specialists have learned to adapt their abilities to match the work they are finishing.
If you're having problems with accessibility to your property as well as call for aid.
Snapped your key, shed your key, harmed your locks or just can not get in, then offer us a phone call.
Problems with your lock fitments can happen at any kind of point, and this is why a locksmith is offered 24/7, as your emergency situation is our emergency situation.
We have a certified, guaranteed and also educated group to complete any type of work needed, as well as, help you with any type of security troubles you might have.
We have a wide variety of solution demands from our customers, so Lockman 247 offers a variety of solutions to match.
One thing that definitely has actually not transformed at Halls is our principles.
The entire Lockman group is totally certified, they likewise lug all ID required with them if you want to see it.
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Our specialist lock engineers have also begun to advise neighborhood homeowners take a fallen leave out of the book of entrepreneur and purchase a risk-free. The most crucial point you can do when you initially move home is guarantee that you have the locks transformed.
How much does it cost to replace a car key UK?
The average price of a new car key supplied from a main dealer in the UK is £252.
After the staff were inside the Didsbury service I then fitted a new anti breeze euro cyndrical tube which worked well as well as additionally included even more security to the Didsbury Village organization. As a locksmith in Manchester I get a great deal of phone calls as a result of UPVC doors becoming progressively harder to lock as well as the door take care of often has to be required. This overtime can cause the transmission in the door to fail/break which after that leads to the door ending up being not able to lock or worse, stuck in the secured setting.
Lockforce Locksmiths Middlesbrough were called by a lady locked in her home with her children as well as pet dog. I checked both securing systems and fitted repairs as I lug a high degree of stock leaving both doors operational and secure. A family had actually moved into a brand-new residence and also had actually only been left 1 key for each and every door that made them examine the number of keys remained in blood circulation for their residence. I upgraded all their locks to Anti Snap with 5 keys for each lock. A few of the doors would not lock and unlock correctly so I addressed the concerns to ensure they were all functioning smoothly.
It's with that in mind that it is great to transform the locks. Obviously, with a professional, handy locksmith Manchester this does not need to be a substantial cost.
Our Manchester locksmiths were contacted us to Moston this night after being called by a customer who could not lock their restroom window as the deal with had not been opening up the home window. We evaluated the window lock and took the handle off to examine even more.
This property owner in Droylsden required a reliable Manchester locksmith who chilly pick open up the lock and replace the cyndrical tube after the key went missing around Christmas time. The lock was selected open none destructively as requested to prevent any type of damages and also a brand-new anti breeze lock was provided and fitted. I was gotten in touch with by a wonderful couple who have lately bought a new house in Prestwich.
The client was extremely distressed and also worried that somebody might access their residential or commercial property, specifically as they lived alone. Lockforce Locksmiths Middlesbrough reacted to the call at 1am as well as got to the home within half an hour. I had the ability to fit brand-new anti-snap locks making the building safe as well as enabling the customer to feel risk-free in their residence.
We provide discount rate to very first time home owners to make certain the procedure runs as efficiently as feasible. Nevertheless, this can't guarantee the security of your property 100% of the time. After all, it can be difficult to stop a figured out robber and there may be various other means right into your residential property. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee that any possible wrongdoer doesn't also consider targeting your residence in the top place.
We changed the mechanism and also applied some lube as it was getting corroded, as component of our lock maintenance. The lock was great after servicing, and also the consumer asked us to replace the handle too and was extremely satisfied with our full Manchester locksmith solution. Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester got here within 35 mins and also obtained non harmful access as well as detected a malfunctioning edge cyndrical tube. A new one was provided as well as the Manchester pupil was offered a brand-new key as well as had the ability to proceed with her unpacking. Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester were phoned call to Didsbury Town for a malfunctioning front door lock which would not open up for a commercial company.
Whether you are told you call for a sash lock or predicament does not matter, as they are both a type of mortise with only small distinctions, typically depending on looks. This sort of lock is supplied as common by your locksmith Manchester and also provides reliable home security. The 5 levers are the number which need to be turned by the key in the lock, while the British Requirement insignia additionally tells you regarding the extra security devices existing in the lock.
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Unfortunately they had shed their residence keys on the means round. I reacted in half an hour as well as acquired non harmful access to the residential property.
A household needed to finish their house action as soon as possible due to the Covid-19 outbreak. I fitted Ultion 3 Star Cylinders Police Authorized providing ultimate security for their brand-new home. I was called by a Pet dog Walker that had been for a very long walk.
Speak to the friendly, rapid and also business security specialists at locksmith Manchester now and also begin your trip. And also the regular security examinations which maintain your features in leading condition. Successive from Manchester locksmith is a really straightforward and did we point out free idea is to involve your whole residence in your regimen.
Very educated and also priding myself on the use of only the first-rate locks and fitting strategies in the locksmiths industry, call me for a locksmith service upon which you can depend. To learn more, I likewise encourage you to click on the web links listed below to access the a few of the key info about my service you're looking for. Several household clients do not become aware the value of property saved in susceptible outbuildings. This is merely to ensure that you can avoid the problems that include poor quality keys which can cause damages to your locks, specifically if utilized as regular as a number of times a day. We comprehend just how important it is to have depth and relevant understanding into your personal security circumstance, to locate the appropriate solution for you.
What do locksmith use to unlock car doors?
In this situation, locksmiths use a broken key extractor to remove the broken key or key parts from the vehicle's lock and then duplicate the key and unlock the car. Locksmiths also use a door handle clip removal tool that helps in taking out the retainer clip that locks a vehicle's door handle to the door.
Replacing a gearbox and also possibly opening a fallen short MPL will be extra pricey than an easy door readjustment so its always much better to have actually the door taken care of at the first indication of trouble when securing. City Locks offer fast and professional lock modifications in Norwich as well as the bordering areas. If you are a property manager that requires a lock modification or lock fixing, we can use quick as well as specialist emergency locksmiths anytime of the day.
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Installation work when it comes to locks should constantly be dealt with by a skilled service technician with experience. Without appropriate setup vital aspects might be neglected. Speak to a locksmith Manchester specialist on the number above now to discover more details about your lock installment now. An additional top tip we have for boosting your safety is season details. We are all taking pleasure in the warmer climate as well as longer days presently.
Thankfully, your professional locksmith Manchester has a variety of hints and also ideas which you can remember to shield your residential property. The initial layer ought to be the real security itself which locks your front door. If you have a wood front door, your locksmith Manchester will constantly advises you have a 5-lever mortise deadlock as criterion. In fact, this must ideally be integrated with a latch lock, like those produced by Yale.
This is not indicated to be a scare method, yet more a method of ensuring you enter an excellent habit for every single time you relocate home. Your neighborhood locksmith Manchester suches as to remind you that you can never be specific when the locks on your residential or commercial property were last transformed.
Involve us to find out what a good long term customer and service partnership is everything about by experiencing the superb and friendly service we provide. If it's obstructed drains that need to be unblocked after that why not call our recommended close friends by complying with the web link. If you are curious to learn exactly how this attentive locksmith Manchester can help enhance your security, or if you are merely in an urgent requirement at the here and now, guarantee that you provide us a call now. It's never ever too soon to have a look over your own situation and brush up on the components which need it.
They suggested that they needed a Manchester Locksmith as they desired a modification of lock on the front door as well as the back door was locked as well as they had no key. Lockforce Locksmith Manchester participated in the building and transformed the front door lock to a British Criterion Dual Securing Night Latch. The back entrance Mortis Sash lock was picked open as well as a brand-new 5 Bar British Stadard Sash Lock was fitted with x3 keys.
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