#cardio defend label
reviewbanker · 1 year
CardioDefend Reviews: Should You Buy Cardio Defend Heart Health Supplement?
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If you're in Canada and searching for a natural heart health supplement, CardioDefend might have caught your attention. Heart disease is a prevalent concern, and finding a reliable heart health supplement is essential. In this user-friendly product review, we will explore CardioDefend, a popular heart health supplement, to help you decide whether it's the right choice for your heart health journey.
What is CardioDefend?
CardioDefend is a dietary supplement specifically formulated to support heart health using natural ingredients. As people in Canada seek alternative ways to maintain cardiovascular well-being, CardioDefend has gained popularity. Designed to be a part of your daily heart-healthy routine, this supplement aims to provide targeted support and protection to your heart.
Ingredients of CardioDefend
The success of CardioDefend lies in its thoughtfully chosen ingredients. Key components include hawthorn extract, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), L-Carnitine, magnesium, and potassium. Each ingredient plays a vital role in supporting overall heart function, making CardioDefend a comprehensive heart health supplement.
How Does CardioDefend Work?
CardioDefend's powerful formula works by harnessing the potential of its key ingredients. Hawthorn extract is believed to improve blood flow and strengthen blood vessels, while Coenzyme Q10 supports energy production in heart cells. L-Carnitine may assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, and magnesium and potassium are essential minerals for heart function. This targeted approach aims to provide the heart with the support it needs.
Buy CardioDefend Before it's SOLD OUT
Should You Buy CardioDefend?
Considering the importance of heart health, the decision to buy CardioDefend should be informed and well-researched. Here are some factors to consider:
1. Effectiveness:
CardioDefend has received positive feedback from users, with many reporting improvements in energy levels, overall well-being, and heart health. However, individual results may vary based on lifestyle and overall health.
2. Safety:
CardioDefend is considered a legitimate product and is generally safe when used as directed. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
3. Customer Reviews:
Real customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and potential side effects of CardioDefend. Look for reviews from verified customers to make an informed decision.
4. Canada-Specific Information:
Ensure that the product is readily available and shipped to Canada. Buying directly from the official website can ensure the authenticity of the product and may offer access to special promotions or discounts.
5. Personal Health Goals:
Consider your specific heart health goals and whether CardioDefend aligns with your overall health journey.
Buy CardioDefend Before it's SOLD OUT
In conclusion, CardioDefend appears to be a promising option for individuals in Canada seeking a natural approach to support heart health. Its carefully selected ingredients work synergistically to provide targeted support to the cardiovascular system.
Before making a purchase, it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider factors such as product effectiveness, safety, customer reviews, and your personal health goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional is always advisable, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
If you're ready to take proactive steps towards heart health, CardioDefend may be a valuable addition to your daily routine, alongside a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Get Access Now: CLICK HERE .
READ MORE ➡️ Cardio Defend Reviews — Ingredients, Side Effects, Customer Risks (CardioDefend Complaints)
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READ MORE ➡️ CardioDefend Reviews - Real Cardio Defend Results or Serious Customer Fraud Complaints?
READ MORE ➡️ LeanBiome Reviews: BEWARE SHOCKING RESULTS – Read Before You Buy
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
The popular conception of chivalry, as a moral code guiding the behavior of honorable knights, is flat-out, laughably wrong. That’s a creation of 19th-century authors like Walter Scott, and the popular fantasy authors (basically up until George R.R. Martin) who built on their worldview in the 20th.
In reality, chivalry was all about one particular version of Guys Being Dudes. Chivalry could refer to a few different things, but the most common meaning was simply battlefield deeds, executed with some style. This, what knights referred to as “prowess,” was at the core of the broader ideology of chivalry: raw, bloody, physical performance, violence done effectively and to an agreed-upon aesthetic standard. The second major concern of chivalry, honor, grew directly out of the first. Honor wasn’t an abstract concept to medieval knights; it was a possession, a recognition of their particular status and place in the social hierarchy, which they were well within their rights to violently defend and assert through their prowess. Piety was the icing on the cake, but no knight really doubted that God approved of their actions.
An oral culture, passed around during training sessions and drinking bouts and feasts and military campaigns, produced this culture and inculcated new knights into it. A whole universe of texts, the kinds of things knights read or had read to them, sent the same message, like this 12th-century poem called Girart de Vienne:
When I see the whinnying war-steeds plunge
With worthy knights into a battle’s crush,
And see their spears and cutting blades well struck,
There is nothing on earth I love so much!
These were dudes who loved getting after it, and for them, getting after it meant blood-soaked deeds on the battlefield. It’s not that there was nothing more to it - sure, there were some bits about romance and ladies, debates about religiosity and moral actions, exhortations to do better - but the core was always physical, male violence. And it obviously wasn’t for everyone: Knights were members of a hereditary military aristocracy, and their possession of chivalry was what set them apart from dirty peasants.
Two aspects neatly parallel modern Bro Culture: first, the emphasis on physicality and the body, and how that provided both a sense of the self and secured social status; and second, the restricted, bubble-like world that produced and emphasized it, with its fictional and real heroes, its stories about great deeds, its values, and its models to be emulated. Your average knight would absolutely identify with and appreciate this impossibly toxic meathead sentiment:
Obviously, there are pieces that don’t neatly parallel, the biggest ones being the hereditary and explicitly military nature of chivalry. You don’t have to be a soldier to be a Bro, though it doesn’t hurt. And - much more important - you aren’t born into being a Bro; you become one, by doing worthy deeds of prowess.
That’s a quintessentially American value: the idea that anybody can make something of themselves if they work hard enough, move enough weight, run fast enough, practice enough to shoot a tight grouping, make the right sacrifices. The physical meritocracy (and its potential rewards of fame and fortune) is open to anyone willing to do whatever it takes to climb the ladder. Even the least intellectually gifted meathead can make something of himself if he does the workouts, takes the right gear, and builds his audience on YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, and smash that follow button.
In a moment of stagnant social mobility, rising inequality, and incredible uncertainty around the future, this strongly visual message of self-betterment and improving one’s socioeconomic status through literal sweat can resonate deeply. It’s all within the individual’s control, if they simply work enough - an antidote to all that uncertainty, everything that’s so obviously beyond an individual’s control and reckoning, no matter how misleading and incomplete the formula actually is.
That’s especially appealing to the many millions of American men who don’t have college degrees (many more of them than women, given the gendered trends in undergraduate enrollment) who are effectively locked out of professional-managerial culture and its straightforward path into the comfortable upper-middle class. Accomplishment through physical prowess is thus a means of building both a sense of self and community.
The connections to this particular moment in American culture and history go much deeper than that, though. This whole edifice of Bro Culture grows out of the broader rise of influencers, performative self-branding through social media, and the construction of identity through consumption.
With the right protein powder, shilled by your favorite strongman, you too can deadlift 800 pounds, or at least tell yourself you’ll get there someday. With the right brand of CBD tincture, which sponsors your favorite Crossfit athlete, you won’t feel that burning pain in your rotator cuff after you clean and jerk too much weight with suboptimal technique. By religiously listening to the right Bro-approved entrepreneurship podcast, hosted by some guy who happened to get booked on the Joe Rogan Experience during a slow week, you too can buy a McMansion in an affordable suburb.
Much of what happens in Bro Culture is driven by lifestyle consumption: ads for sunglasses on Barstool Sports’ Pardon My Take podcast, brand partnerships between supplement companies and YouTube stars, tactical holsters for concealed-carry that an ex-Marine with a million Instagram followers wants you to buy. It’s self-actualization through sponsor codes.
The tactical lifestyle craze, a natural outgrowth of this particular slice of Bro Culture, is the logical endpoint of all this. It’s where entrepreneurial late capitalism and influencer trends meet imperial wars, the militarization of the police, and the emergence of Gun Guys as a default protected class within American society. You’re not a Crossfitter anymore; you’re a “tactical athlete,” doing varied types of interval, cardio, and strength training so you can be a more effective soldier or cop or firefighter or whatever, or you just want to feel like you could be one. The physical training is only part of this, since you can prominently declare your tactical affiliations with a variety of lifestyle products, ranging from coffee mugs to American flag stickers for your car to, naturally, firearms....
Just as much as its coffee, whose quality I can’t speak to, Black Rifle Coffee Company is selling the tactical lifestyle. They offer a staggering variety of T-shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, thermoses, and stickers, many of them prominently branded with the eponymous “black rifle” of the brand. There are a lot of American flags and pieces of law-enforcement and military iconography, signifiers of the in-groups to whom the consumers of BRCC’s products belong, want to belong, or for whom they want to signal their support. BRCC has explicitly labeled itself as a coffee company for conservatives, an active participant in the culture wars. If you don’t like Starbucks and its effete, refugee-supporting, liberal tendencies, buy some Black Rifle product instead. If you like Trump, you’ll be at home with BRCC. Don Jr. endorsed them.
After the picture of Rittenhouse in the Black Rifle Coffee Company shirt appeared, its founder Evan Hafer quickly disavowed the youthful shooter. Even for an explicitly MAGA coffee company, supporting a teenaged AR enthusiast with blood on his hands was a bridge too far. But Rittenhouse had already been shaped by the world BRCC and its fellow-travelers have made. He got the message, loud and clear: You too can become a hero, or at least dress and drink coffee like one, by purchasing the right products, watching the right videos, and following the same Extended Bro Culture influencers. Don’t forget to like and subscribe.
The Veteran-owned piece of BRCC’s appeal isn’t a coincidence. They’re selling a position in the culture wars, a sense of belonging, but also a particular vision of what it means to be American, a man, and an American man. A staggering number of this part of Bro Culture’s key figures are veterans. Jocko Willink, perhaps the best known (and least openly political) of the bunch, was a Navy SEAL officer; he was actually the commanding officer of the famous sniper Chris Kyle during the Battle of Ramadi in 2006.
After retiring, Willink turned his SEAL experience into a career as a leadership consultant, motivational speaker, media personality, and energy drink salesman. His intensity, built on his military service, is legendary: His exhortations to do hard things regularly, to live by a code, and take responsibility for oneself, resonate with millions of people. And Willink is far from the only one to do so, turning overseas service in imperial wars, especially as a special forces operator, into a key component of his entrepreneurial appeal. This isn’t a judgement on his military service; it’s a statement of fact. Being an undeniable badass is a the core part of why Jocko Willink is a quintessential Bro Hero.
Imperial wars overseas always come home eventually, and they do so in complex ways. The fact that millions of people listen to Jocko Willink, buy Black Rifle Coffee Company merchandise, and dabble in more extreme fringes is a product of decades spent elevating not just military service writ large but violent combat overseas against ill-defined Others. For every Jocko Willink, there’s an Eddie Gallagher, the SEAL who was convicted of and then recently pardoned for war crimes after becoming a cause célèbre for large swathes of the online right.
If these are the heroes Bro Culture puts forth - special operators accustomed to high-intensity, high-volume fighting overseas, who then develop enormous media platforms - it’s obvious what message Kyle Rittenhouse and the innumerable police officers, tactical fitness enthusiasts, and more run-of-the-mill viewers and listeners will take. Millions of people listen to Joe Rogan when he talks to Jocko Willink, Tim Kennedy (the Green Beret and MMA fighter and increasingly open right-wing figure), or Cameron Hanes (who advocated for Eddie Gallagher’s release). They’re warriors. Joe Rogan isn’t a soldier, but he’s a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a former competitive kickboxer, a bowhunter, and a firearms enthusiast. If these are the people at the core of Bro Culture, a culture that directly touches tens of millions of American men, then there are bound to be knock-on effects. If they’re constantly telling their listeners to be ready, to be tactical, to be prepared to fight and to be good at it, that means something.
This is why I think Bro Culture, or at least its extended reaches, deserve more scrutiny and attention. The code of American manhood that’s developing out of this social-media melting pot has some aspects that bear watching: A love of firearms centered on tactical usefulness (for use in what context, exactly?), a vision of muscular physicality, self-defense as a personal obligation, an unquestioning hero-worship of military culture, and far too often, a deep suspicion of people who don’t subscribe to this precise view of being a guy. Support the Troops, and if you don’t, you’re not really a man at all. If cops - quintessential subjects of Bro Culture - are told that they need to be bigger and stronger and quicker on the draw, that they’re basically Troops, and that the targets of violence deserve what they get, what’s the likely outcome of tense interactions between police and the people they’re supposed to serve?
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maximumsunshine · 4 years
Welcome to Me
New intro post?  New intro post!
Some of you are new here, and I'm about to hit a follower milestone.  I’ve had an intro post pinned but a lot has changed in the past (roughly) 6 months.
My name is Max and I've been on this site a hot minute.  I'm that time, I've watched my identity become more and more defined.
I've been in a long term relationship some 18 years now, at this point.  Together we have 4 kids. Three I birthed (17, 12, and 9) and one I rightfully stole from an abusive household early in 2020 (Iris, 21).  While I'm distancing myself from Harry Potter, letting you know I'm a highly feral Hufflepuff (honey badger) will explain a lot. I keep collecting abused kids.  But these 4 are the only kids I have that live with me.
I'm a nonbinary ace lesbian in an polyamorous marriage with a trans woman.  The ace bit is tricky, because it's less that I don't experience sexual attraction and more that I'm severely germ phobic and therefore have an aversion to body fluids and am sex repulsed.  It took me a long time to arrive at these labels and I have much to thank tumblr for in coming to realize them and grow comfortable in them.  But I've settled into them now and they are home.
As of December 2020, my wife currently lives in Seattle (I’m in Ohio) for many complicated reasons.  Some good some not so good.  We’re going to work on self improvement and growth as individuals over the next few years then we’ll see if we can manage to live together again in a few years.  We are still very much married and still very much in love.  But sometimes relationships are complicated.  The kids live with me.  We visit as much as we can.  We work hard to co-parent the kids even at a distance.
I have many hobbies including reading and writing things.  I hope to take up my teenage hobby of sewing again in 2021.  I want to make fun things like sleep pants and skirts for me and my kids. 
I am currently employed as an at home care giver for senior citizens.  I’m assigned 1-2 long term clients at a time and do whatever is needed of me to allow them to continue to live at home as long as possible.  It’s challenging but rewarding work.  I value my place in society highly. 
A long term goal is to get training as an EMS.  I won’t be allowed to use it on the job (I’d be a liability) but I’m hoping to help volunteer in my local queer community.  Once covid is over I hope to return to the gym and work on gaining the strength needed to lift a patient as needed.  I enjoy working out.  Even cardio day.  I also look forward to the EMT class.  My original goal was summer 2021, but I think it’ll need to get pushed back to summer 2022.  This makes me sad, but I don’t want to deal with being a student while covid is a thing.
Speaking of, I have done my time in the classroom.  I was an adult student and it took me almost 7 years, but I earned my BS in Applied Psychology in summer of 2019.  The degree itself looks at how psychology applies in a business setting, but self study has taught me a lot about the mental health world.  Some of this is necessitated by me and my family being long time patients of various things.
I'm not going to lay out all my traumas and medical/mental conditions, but they are there.  I drop them into conversation when they apply, but I no longer offer up my triggers to bullies.
I will, however, own up to being neurodivergent and in some 37 years I’ve learned a few tricks on how to defeat my brain in battle.  So if you need a community elder, I’m here for you.
TERFs, exclusionists, racists and Nazis aren't safe here.  The rest of you I'll defend with my life.
Edit well after original posting:
I’m apparently writing fic now and posting it on AO3 under the username madhattermax.  It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything new, now that I’m back to work after early covid unemployment, but there are some lovely Good Omens fics up if you enjoy that fandom.  My Ineffable Husbands are strictly ace and will never do more than kiss.  If you want smut, I ain’t got it.  If you want confessions, I’m your enby.
If you like what I do here and want to kick a tip my way, there is never an obligation but it's always appreciated.  I'm working now but I don't make a ton.  So we're set on bills, rent, and food.  But I do enjoy the occasional coffee.  Plus my gym membership is like cheap but still only barely in reach.  So securing that so I can get buff and steal your women is always appreciated.
My ko-fi is here.
You can paypal me here.
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Game Night
@local-alicia sent me this request:
Could you perhaps write a smut where y/n is having a sleepover with the maknae line and things get out of hand?
So this request I took as ‘things get out of hand with all of them’ :P So of course for a one shot this means there’s definitely some crack and some Ho behaviour; but it was super fun to write... so thank you and hope you enjoy!
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Maknae Line x Reader (Sleepover AU)
Genre: Smut, slight crack :P
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (Oral F receiving, implied M receiving, penetrative sex, thigh riding, tiny tiny bit of throat compressing), mentions of alcohol, spilt nachos (the tragedy).
Enjoy :)
“Hey!” you whined as Tae shoved you in dramatic victory when the kill scores finally came up on the screen.
“You only got two more than me, not exactly a sliding victory” you defended re-calibrating your cross legged position on the sofa.
“A victory’s a victory” he rightly stated beaming that beautiful smug box smile at you, recently washed fluffy chestnut hair draping over his forehead like an ethereal waterfall.
“Fine, snack break?” you’d let him have this round, confident in your ability for the rematch. Tae offered you a hand pulling you up. The douche purposely pulling you too hard flinging you sliding across the wood floor, your socks acting as perfect catalysts. You stopped yourself going any further by grappling onto the divider wall behind the flat screen
“Dick!” you bit, sticking your tongue in his direction in retaliation.The kitchen was neat and open, a large rectangular black marble topped island surround by a few bar stools. Your first mission, find the popcorn. You had a selection of white cupboards above the sides to choose from, your silent hesitation cried for assistance.
“Third cupboard” Tae directed with his head as most of his body was shielded behind the silver door of the fridge, the light illuminating the shine of his brown hair.
“You guys never put stuff in the same place twice” you complained, crinkling of the plastic wrapper from the popcorn, the butter aroma quickly rising to you.
“You really expect us to be organised?” The chip and dip was now joining the box of popcorn on the island.
“Fair point” you agreed beeping in the three minutes on the microwave leaving the pair of you with just the whirring and slow popping starting.
“When will the others be back they know its game night right?” leaning against the island.
“Yeah, you know what those two are like with their dance practice, they shouldn’t be late”
“Well that depends if Jungkook has a shower there doesn’t it”
“You know what, I’ll message them” he announced, you chuckled lightly.
“You’re so pretty when you smile” the camaraderie in his tone had dissipated and all that was left was a sincere compliment.
Weird, this is soo…
Before you’d even shoved your thoughts into order you were pressed against the counter, willingly wrapping your arms around his neck welcoming his lips to yours with an intensity out of nowhere. You didn’t fight any of it fully surrendering, his body pressing to yours. His hands fighting their way under your shirt. His hands traced your outline fingers dancing delicately on your skin.
“No bra?” he breathed taking the easy access in his stride.
“It’s a sleepover night, got to be comfy… easier to beat you” you breathed, suppressing the moans in your throat both of your lips twisted up into a smirk against each other
“How’s that working out for you” his raspy voice replied at your ear
“Its..” your head rolled back, answer hindered by the hand that had trickled down under the waistband of you trackies
“Feels like you like losing” he acknowledge through an impressed exhale at your neck. A faint click reached your ears, a small warning. The pair of you parted; quickly! Launching yourself away from each other. In the fluster and scurry all the tortilla chips scattered across the tiled floor.
“Shit! You exclaimed
“Easy Y/N you started drinking without us?” Jungkook toyed, holdall on his shoulder tugging his oversized black tee revealing the prominent defined collar bones
“No, this idiot just thought he’d be funny and tackle me” His eyes grateful for the save while yours told him to sort himself out.
“Honestly Tae, think of the chips” Jimin added filing in after Jungkook slumping his bag at the door.You took an interlude to the popcorn duty and found yourself down on the floor cleaning up the mess, side eyeing Tae disappear to his room.
“Hope you’re ready” Kook checks collecting various bottles of alcohol from the cupboard, clanging them on the side.
“Hope YOUR ready, I swear if you shoot me this time just once. You’ll wish you never been respawned” Jungkook seems to have an ‘accidental’ habit of shooting you despite all of you campaigning on the same team. He’s never quick enough to hide the smirk that grows seconds before he pulls the trigger.
“I’ll do my best” he chuckles.The bass of the sound bar reverberated through the room in a dull boom as Jimin booted up all the sound systems. Tae emerged swamped under multiple duvets, chucking them on the floor before shuffling to fold them and create a comfy space in front of the TV.
“I guess I should go grab some more chips from the shop before we start, and don’t even say they are fine Jeon Jungkook, that’s gross”
“Fine but I’ll come with you”
“I’m more than capable of carrying some tortillas”
“You say that” he motioned his hands to the bin
“Besides the walk will be more fun with me”
“Fine” playfully rolling your eyes for him to see. Genuine lights sparked up from behind eyes as he bounced and grabbed his shoes.
The air was surprisingly warm given the 7pm time, everywhere was still bright and a low energy breeze caught you pleasantly as you strolled towards their apartment behind the security gates.
“I reached a new bicep curl PB” Jungkook beamed as we approached a door labelled ‘Gym’ prompting this new development. The hall way was carpeted a light royal blue, the walls papered a pale beige adorned with a more silvery beige pattern of fancy floral design. More like a feature wall than a hallway one but the luxury mirrored the apartment’s status.
“Yeah? Even the 30kg weight I set you?” your tone pitching at the end. He nodded.
“Prove it” you challenged, enabling Jungkook’s pride. It was cute, so you were happy to humour him. He beamed as he typed in the code on the door; thankfully the gym was empty. You followed him past the spotless cardio equipment to the free weights area. Plonking yourself and the carrier down on one of the benches your eyes following his every move as he thinned his layers down to just his t-shirt rolling the sleeves up for maximum bicep view. You certainly wasn’t going to complain.
“I thought you were showing me your bicep curl” you’d watched him step over to the next area with nothing but blue mats and sat himself down
“Warm up push ups”“Oh I see” you lightly chucked mildly unimpressed. His form was perfect, back straight, going low enough and legs straight. He made them look so easy.
“Get on my back” he ordered in his soft tone, smile making it hard to respond in turn.
“Sit on my back” he said again. You made your way over to him with hesitant steps.
So they ARE easy for him
You exchanged amused glances, two people unsure of where this was going. You slid off your shoes and did as you were told.
“Mmm higher, more in the centre of my shoulder blades” he instructed adjusting to your weight.
“Perfect, try and keep your weight all in your body and not in your legs so much, ready?”
Your right hand was pressed at the base of his neck the other was screwing his shirt up within your fist for any type of support. The ripple of his muscles did not go unnoticed beneath you, the room was silent, just his concentration and his controlled breathing as he slowly lowered and pushed you back up a few times; you giggled as you wobbled slightly. He followed suit his concentration and strength breaking as he collapsed under you. You fell backwards tumbling half on the mat, your legs nearly clipped his head. He shuffled onto his back in beat while you quickly found your way to your knees.
“So you’re not THAT good then” you toyed
“You distracted me” he countered, his hair half covering his forehead in a messy picture framing his face.
“You asked for it!” you protested smacking his side. Before you could retreat you hand was gripped in his. You followed his pull caving in to where he wanted you.
What is with these boys today. Why am I not complaining? what is wrong with me?
“Can I ask for this now?” so innocently spoken, like a puppy asking for your last biscuit and not palming you through your loose trackies;
“Think you need to be more specific” you teased greedily rolling in to his palm biting your lip through a smirk stifling a moan. Your body flushed with adrenaline, you needed some kind of relief especially after earlier. You took his hands at your mercy pinning them above him your hips rolling being greedy for all the contact of his bare thigh, shorts had been pushed up slyly on purpose by yourself. His eyes latched onto your movement
“Don’t go shy on me now Kook!” you teased nudging his head to the side stealing a gasp, lips nipping at his collar bone.
“I want this” he breathes
“I want to see you fuck yourself on my thigh” hips grinding harder for a stroke.
“But I want to feel you” he added, you’d do anything for those eyes, hazel shimmering pools of lust right now so you slipped off your trackies.
“And the rest” he added eyes greedy transfixed on your underwear falling to the floor. The direction of your focus however was on the door.
“No one comes in here at this time, trust me!” oddly you did, if anyone was going to know the extent of the gyms usage it was him.You both unanimously groaned at the contact
“Good?” you breathed holding your hips motionless
“Feels really fucking good” Your hands found their way underneath his shirt and your nails lightly indented at his chest, you damn well wanted to feel those muscles tensing underneath you. This was clearly a thing for the pair of you.
Your hips took no time in finding the perfect rhythm, the way his eyes stared at down at his thigh watching every movement. His eyes beautifully blown out often switched up to you watching your face crease in pleasure. Seeing his face crease equally was a sight you wanted etched in your mind; the small breathy groans tied your stomach in knots adding to the build-up you could feel in your core.When your hips started pushing harder into him happily gaining momentum chasing your high he threw his hands pressing into your sides stopping you.
“I want to be tasting you when you cum” Supporting you with one hand he had you on your back, tracing down your body with kisses gently nipping your breasts. You pressed your hips up to him when his mouth covered your clit hands tangling in his soft long hair.His tongue flat licking the length of your folds before honing his attention to your throbbing bud. Sucking lightly before going side to side in rapid movements, simultaneously thrusting a finger into you
“Jesus Jungkook” you cried. He hardly faltered only stopping a few frustrating times to catch his breath.
“Right there, god don’t stop”
You bucked your hips harder against his tongue and stilled his head gripping tighter in his hair as the sweet pulses surged oxytocin through you. He carried on applying pressure until the aftershocks had finally stopped.
“We better get back” his chin glistening with his work, satisfied smirk plastered at his lips.
“I don’t think so” you disagreed pressing up onto your elbows pulling his chain having him captured in a kiss.
“You are not going anywhere until I’ve sorted that” head looking down at the bulge in his shorts
“Seriously where have you guys been, we’re snack deprived wasting away here!” Taehyung moaned, pausing the race Jimin and him were competing in.
“One that’s not dramatic at all is it, two we just got chatting on the stairs, sorry” poker face level pro.
Finally managing to beat all the boys in the arena mode! You’d spent months coming second to JK, victory was definitely sweet. It was standard on game nights to finish with a film, after much procrastinating on Netflix you’d finally agreed on Thor Ragnarok. None of them ever stayed awake for the whole thing. It wasn’t strange for you to cover them with blankets, they were dead adorable when they were sleeping. Another bonus of this was there was three beds free for you to choose from. Like the old Goldilocks story you always went for Jimin’s because his was the softest. It was like sinking into a marshmallow, absorbing you to sleep the moment your head hit the pillow.
Nudged awake by the feeling of the bed depress beside you. A gentle smile adorning your lips feeling him slowly creep up so his chest was flush against your back. Head nuzzling into the back of your neck; you shuffled back into him, grinding once your ass into his crotch. Big mistake, but not really.
Taking this as a que he ground back, this carried on until you felt him grow hard against you and the warmth began to pool in between your legs and your breaths had become more audible. His hand travelled underneath your shirt, exploring your skin. Leaving a trail of goose bumps up to your chest, kneading them still pressing into you from behind. Nipples perked with him rolling them in between his fingers. His warm breath fanning your neck in between the wet firm kiss at the top of your shoulder and the side of your neck. He pulled your hips more into him, legs slightly widening allowing him access to the top of your waistband. The tease ran his fingertips along your inner thigh upwards avoiding where you needed attention.
“Please, stop teasing” you whined in a whisper.
“But it’s fun” you rolled your head. He carried on teasing driving you insane; until you couldn’t take it anymore. You grabbed his hand and forced it onto your core. You moaned rolling your head forward into the pillow, his moaned dragged from yours.You left your hand resting on top of his as he took over circling your clit, only stopping to tease his fingers at your entrance. Enticing you to want more than his hand. Pulling his hand away, turning to him enveloping your hand either side of his head and pulling into you, kissing him with everything you could.  He rushed, desperately clambering on top you. Knee in between your legs giving you something to have contact with.
“God I can’t wait to fuck you” he panted scrambling both of your t-shirts off.
“Please, hurry up!” you whined still quietly conscious of the noise; disturbing the other boys.Bottoms discarded somewhere on the floor. Nipping at your neck, collar bone and your hand gripping round him in an attempt to hurry him up.
“So impatient” he smirked.
“Mmmhmm” you breathed. Following your wishes he finally lined himself up at your entrance.
“Beg!” he asked. Forehead against yours moans mixing in between you.
“Yep”The teasing of his cock at your entrance rendered you way more than happy to beg.
“Fuck Jimin, please fuck me, I can’t wait to feel you inside me. Need to cum around your cock” you pleaded.
“Jesus didn’t know you could be so sexy with your words” approving thrusting into you. Your cry was uncontrolled and loud. One which tugged hard at Jimin’s pleasure centre. As much as he wanted to see how loud he could make you; he did not want the others to know, tarnishing his innocence. His hand lightly pressing against your mouth.
“As much as I wanna make you scream, you gotta be quiet baby” you nodded, completely agreeing.His hand slid down from your mouth, your moans sheltered as best you could. His hand gently compressing at your throat. Your head rolled back louder moans escaping. He just felt so good and the compression on your throat blew your mind, making your thoughts cloudy and blissfull. More moans escaped you, his brows knitting together leaving you empty and clenching around nothing.
“On your front, if you can’t be quiet at least the bed will absorb some of it” he rushed passing you a pillow to put under your hips. You lifted yourself onto your elbows only to be shoved face deep in the sheets. Good thing as he thrust back into you, fists curled in the linen, angling your head directly into the bed. Any cries now muffled.
“Much better” he grunted, hands planted at your hips keeping them secure. The angle he was hitting your sweet spot had all of your muscles at your core taking a heated run up to your release.
“You gonna cum for me baby?” the words had you clenching tight around him resulting in him choking out ‘baby’ and leaning forward more onto you. Lifting your head up from your hair as he re-stabilised.
“Fuck..Jimi…yes” You were gone. Seeing stars convulsing around him. Jimin’s hips jerked into you cursing your name.
“Please can this happen every game night” he panted crashing beside you on the bed.
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matildaknutson-blog · 6 years
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supplement vitamin store

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itssashasharma · 3 years
Inspection Machines Market : Technological advancements in the field of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device
According to the new market research report “Inspection Machines Market by Product (Vision Inspection, Checkweigher, Metal Detector, Software), Type (Manual, Automatic), Packaging Type (Vials, Syringes, Blisters), End User (Pharmaceutical, Medical Device), COVID-19 Impact – Global Forecast to 2025″, published by MarketsandMarkets™, the Inspection machine market is projected to reach USD 871 million by 2025 from USD 671 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period.
Browse in-depth TOC on “Inspection Machines Market” 134 – Tables 46 – Figures 231 – Pages
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The growth of this market is majorly driven as companies are now increasingly adopting inspection systems throughout their production lines due to the growing concerns to the regulatory mandates introduced by the government and regulatory bodies in the healthcare industry to maintain compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Furthermore, the increasing adoption of automated inspection systems in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, growth in the number of product recalls, an increasing number of inspection checkpoints throughout the production line, and technological advancements in inspection systems support the growth of the market. However, the growing demand for used and refurbished inspection systems is expected to restrain this market’s growth to a certain extent. Also, the complexities of introducing inspection machines in a production line may hamper the market’s growth to a certain extent.
Since the beginning of 2020, the majority of the countries worldwide shut down their borders and limited transportation in a bid to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, thus, creating impediments for international trade and transportation. This had disrupted the supply chains for the inspection machines market, temporarily leading to a fall in demand due to uncertainty in the global economy and capital markets.
The software segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period
Based on product, the inspection machines market is segmented into vision inspection systems, leak detection systems, X-ray inspection systems, combination systems, checkweighers, metal detectors, software, and other inspection systems. The software segment is projected to witness the highest growth in the market during the forecast periods (2020-2025). Growth in this segment is driven mostly by the increasing demand for faster inspection of products in the manufacturing process and minimal human inspection leads to the growth of adopting digital solutions for better imaging and accuracy. Software integrated with such systems is improving the overall process efficiency.
The fully automated machines segment is expected to account for the largest share of the market
Based on type, the market is segmented into fully automated machines, semi-automated machines, and manual machines. The fully automated machines segment accounted for the largest share of the inspection machines market in 2019. The large share of the fully automated machines segment can be attributed to these systems benefits, such as high throughput rate, maximum inspection accuracy, high detection rate, and compliance with high standard regulations compared to the other systems. The real-time defect tracking capability of these systems makes it a choice to avoid re-inspection, and are thus being adopted across various industries.
Syringes segment is expected to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period
Based on application, the inspection machines market is segmented into ampoules & vials, syringes, blister packaging, bottles, and other packaging types. The syringes segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, primarily due to the increasing adoption of inspection machines being used to check pre-filled syringes as these syringes are witnessing a surge in adoption for injectable drug delivery and vaccines. Also, the benefits of reduced drug wastage increased product life span, and the easy self-administer of injectable drugs at home are expected to support market growth in this segment.
The pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies end-user segment is expected to account for the largest share of the market
The inspection machines market, by end-user, is segmented into pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies, medical device manufacturers, food processing & packaging companies, and other end-users (nutraceuticals and cosmetic companies). The pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies segment accounted for the largest market share in 2019. Inspection machines are widely used in pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies for quality checks and quality assurance, which is a major factor in driving the market growth. Furthermore, a growing number of pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies are utilizing inspection machines owing to factors such as the increasing compliance to GMP guidelines and the increasing number of inspection checkpoints in the production & packaging lines, stringent government regulations, the increasing need to combat counterfeit pharmaceutical products, product recalls, and the prevention of loss of business revenue due to the deployment of inspection machines.
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Asia Pacific is expected to account for the highest CAGR for players operating in the market
The Asia Pacific inspection machines market is expected to grow at the highest CAGR from 2020 to 2025. Factors such as the increasing number of regulatory mandates in the healthcare industry to maintain compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMP); the growing number of pharmaceutical & biotechnology manufacturers; significant economic development in emerging markets such as China and India; tremendous growth in the pharmaceutical, food processing & packaging, and medical device industries; and favorable government initiatives to promote the inspection of products in the pharmaceutical & biopharmaceutical industries are expected to drive the growth of this market during the forecast period.
The prominent players in this inspection machines market are Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany), Körber AG (Germany), METTLER-TOLEDO International Inc. (US), ACG Group (India), Cognex Corporation (US), OMRON Corporation (Japan), Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (US), Brevetti CEA SpA (Italy).
Browse Adjacent Markets: Pharmaceuticals Market Research Reports & Consulting
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perspective · 6 years
21, 33, 70!
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active
dance (zumba is amazing okay)
boxing or any form of martial arts tbh i think it’s amazing that you’re learning to defend yourself as well as becoming fitter
HITT is aggravating but i think it’s much more effective than just pure cardio
33: Top 3 things you’d buy if you gained three million dollars
i won’t buy this but i’ll pay off all my parents’ debts first 
a fully furnished beach house
set up my own record label to find more artists tbh
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors
top threes
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
So Who Replaces The Count?
May 30th 2018
First we can begin with what I figure is a fair yet short talk on "The Count" Michael Bisping. There are a hundred different words to describe Michael Bisping's legacy and they range from as sterling as the label of pioneer to as damning as simply referring to him as an asshole. If I had to find a single word to describe Bisping, I'm pretty sure I'd go with professional. In a sport where everybody from promoters to the fighters seems to be rife with amatuers getting the Peter Principle treatment, Bisping was a rare pro's pro. He never missed weight, he took fights all over the place against anybody offered him, he kept himself in shape to be able to fill in at any time, he always seemed mentally prepared for every fight he was taking and even if Bisping didn't always win, you never had a fight where you felt like he didn't give himself a chance to win. Even if Bisping was all sorts of limited athletically, his cardio, pacing and fight IQ always gave him a shot against any opponent. Put this way; here were the first five TUF season winners at the start of 2018:
Forrest Griffin- Retired Diego Sanchez- Active, on a two fight losing streak, 2-3 in his last five fights Rashad Evans- Active, lost four fights in a row Joe Stevenson- Trying to salvage his career outside of the UFC Michael Bisping- Former MW champ in 2017, two straight losses to guys in the top 10 Kendall Grove- Trying to salvage career outside of the UFC Matt Serra- Retired Travis Lutter- Retired Nate Diaz- Retired?
Most of them are out of the sport, some of them are scrapping to try and stay alive in MMA and some are just trying to hold on for a little bit longer in the UFC. As amazing as it sounds, guys like Rashad Evans and Diego Sanchez have just been trying to hold onto whatever remains of their relevancy. Michael Bisping headlined the biggest PPV of 2017----and then took a fight a few weeks later for the fuck of it. That was also the first time Michael Bisping lost two fights in a row which speaks to his absurd consistency and longevity. Not bad for a dude who I think most of us would consider limited athletically. Also worth pointing out that DJ Mikey B had his career renaissance with just one eye as well after Alan Belcher damaged it with an inadvertent eye poke. Bisping was even a professional asshole; a dude who understood how to promote fights and be the heel that MMA needs sometimes. Bisping's resume is highlighted by his insane win total, the TUF win and his KO over Luke Rockhold---but the one thing I hope he's remembered for is how he embodied professional fighting in so many different ways.
Having said all that, let's chit chat about what you need to remember about Michael Bisping and what the UFC is going to miss going forward. Of  Michael Bisping's last 10 fights, 9 of them were main events and only 2 were in the US. Bisping was Mr. International and the sort of fighter the UFC could use to either break into new markets or just guarantee fans a main eventer of consequence. He was a reliable headliner for free TV at the very least and his truest value may have been as a Fight Pass star for international fans. That's a lot of main events to make up, especially internationally. Who can the UFC turn to be the next big UK Star potentially? Well let's look at some dudes (and a lady!) who might be capable of filling up that spot:
1- UFC WW Darren Till
This is the easiest of the choices possible and the one that seems the most likely. In six UFC fights, Darren Till has headlined twice, both overseas. Till is really young, has weight division versatility at WW or MW and he is probably the best fighter out of the UK now that Bisping has retired. Till has the Bisping personality (although his shit talk seems more matter of fact and less humorous) and he's building himself up a crazy fanbase. Darren Till is the best fit for the spot but ironically enough, he might be TOO good. Bisping was always consistently above average (minus his second half career renaissance around Thales Leites) whereas Darren Till already has wins over Donald Cerrone and Wonderboy on his ledger. Dana has already said his next fight is going to be in Las Vegas so clearly Till's going to get his first real test outside of the United States. If Till turns out to be a draw, he's not playing around in the UK. Conor McGregor only headlined one time out in Ireland before it was straight up Vegas and MSG. Darren Till's talent might prevent him from being the next Bisping.
2- UFC WW Leon Edwards
After nine fights in the UFC, almost primarily in Europe, Leon Edwards gets the opportunity to headline for the first time in the UFC against Donald Cerrone in Singapore. Edwards is under 30, he's fought plenty of times in the UK and he's the sort of guy who has earned his reputation by virtue of a tremendous glut of wins against good enough competition. It's taken a long time for Edwards to get his first main event which kind of is the problem; he's really nondescript. He's showcased some good wrestling but not great, he's had some pop in his hands but nothing recently, his fights are prelim memorable but not exactly the sort of fights you'd show to your friends. He's another one of these really good WWs who just doesn't generate any sort of excitement. If it was about results, Edwards would be a lock but unless he wow's vs Cerrone, this feels like a case of "We needed a guy" and not a case of any genuine enthusiasm for his future.
3- Cage Warriors FW Paddy Pimblett
Paddy "The Baddy" Pimblett is one of those fighters who I have a tough time figuring out. I've watched him fight about five times in Cage Warriors and I still don't quite know what he is. Maybe it's the Marc Diakiese effect where a fighter who seems to have serious issues often getting fights where they need to be leave me on edge. Be that as it may or may not be, Paddy is already a big star in Cage Warriors, a Liverpool native who has tremendous character and some absurd grappling chops. He's one of those guys who "gets it" about how to promote and market yourself. He's not perfect but I suppose that's part of the charm. Paddy opted to re-up with Cage Warriors in March so he'd be a ways away I suppose from getting the call. Pimblett has a lot of Michael Bisping in him but again, there's some Diakese here.
4- Bellator WW Michael Page
Currently the attention of Bellator's next big free agent is Michael Chandler which is understandable. Talent at 155 lbs like Mike Chandler, still technically in his prime-ish at 32 years, are wanted on the open market. The reality though is that if I had to choose between two fighters with one fight left on their deals, I'm not entirely sure that Chandler would be the guy I'd want. That would probably have to be Michael Page even with the concern. I know Michael Chandler will be a decent LW in the UFC (maybe a little better, maybe a bit worse) whereas MVP could be the best WW or the worst WW. The pacing of his career suggests he's not going to be there---but if the UFC is looking to replace Michael Bisping, you'd HAVE to want to be in on MVP. He's a "star" in the UK, he's loaded with personality and while we've seen him put up stinkers time and time again; he's the sort of dude who has the ability to be a Vitor Belfort who lives off of the highlight reel. They'd have to sign him away from Bellator obviously but we can't let facts get in the way!
5- UFC FW Arnold Allen
There's something very Ortega-y about Arnold Allen. The late comebacks are obviously a part of it but there's something to be said about a guy who always seems to find a way to win under any circumstances vs opponents who are worlds higher in rank and stature. He's really flawed but I stop assuming guys are lucky and stop figuring they're bound to find a way to lose after their third "How'd he do that shit?" win. I don't know if Allen will ever be a superstar but he's young, he's talented, he has a knack for pulling off miraculous wins and he's cutting his teeth in a ridiculously tough division. It's worth noting that Allen has a checkered legal past (a bar fight where he apparently either hit a woman or was defending his girlfriend depending on who you ask) and we saw Jimi Manuwa struggle to get fights outside of Europe because of that.
6- Women's boxer Nicola Adams
By all accounts Adams is an MMA fan and considered making the move over to MMA at one point. It may be worth checking in and seeing just whether she'd reconsider that. She's obviously not a sure bet to develop into a "star" and at 35 she's a weathered athlete BUT wouldn't you rather take a chance on someone like this knowing what the upside could be? Even if you have her for 3-4 years before she retires, you're still getting arguably one of the greatest women's athletes you've ever had.
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seawaterentity-blog · 6 years
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In the conventional American boxing movie, Rocky, the main persona trains with very little tools. He chases chickens around for agility, uses dangling various meats for a large bin and pours upwards the measures of Philadelphia's Art Museum. This all creates the impression of the male which came from absolutely nothing, utilizes work that is hard but virtually no fancy tools and also becomes a planet champion. You are able to create your personal Rocky story at home, learning how to box with very little or maybe small supplies. Discover the technique for your blows and boxing concept from reading guides, watching educational DVDs and figuring out the basic movements.
Even though it probably won't be regarded as among the easiest or maybe less extreme sports activities and also health and fitness pursuits actually to have been invented, boxing provides a lot of advantages for the human being brain and body. It can burn an impressive number of calories per hour, and it can assist boost opposition and also create confidence in individuals that have issues making into modern culture as well as struggling with issues just like bullying. Good boxing comes from breathing accordingly. Depending on precisely how hard you hit a bag for cardio exercise training, you will be putting a mild level of stress on the heart of yours. Your lungs will in addition have to push to be able to allow you to do the job harder. And additionally guess what? You'll additionally improve your blood flow with all of the punches and jabs you will be throwing. In case you're hooked by the benefits of boxing and you desire to make your own personal gym you are able to come across information saying about boxing machines in this article at Megaboxsack.com.
An example of Muhammad Ali's biggest rivals, Joe Frazier, co-wrote this instructional boxing book. He goes over suggestions as well as techniques through his expertise like a renowned boxer. He'll educate you with regards to the rules belonging to the game, how to value as well as defend yourself, supply you with a boxing history session as well as have some suggestions on real matches. Some individuals declare you are able to merely learn tips on how to box on the web for fitness. Many people smooth out say that it's impossible to learn how to box on the web. These folks annoy the shit out of me since they seem to think they were given the power to determine how and where somebody will get to learn how you can label. For me personally I do not believe that it is so black or white - that you are able to or cannot discover how to package online. I do think the achievement condition may have with an internet program differs by individual - although I know - plus I've proven it frequently - that a single can form moderately wonderful boxing skills aided by the appropriate web based boxing program.
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frontproofmedia · 3 years
Jessica McCaskill: A Million Dollar Purse Awaits
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By Steven Weinberg
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Published: April 28, 2021
In mid-March, Chicago’s Jessica McCaskill (10-2, 3 KOs) defended her undisputed welterweight crown in a rematch with the former first lady of boxing, Norway’s Cecilia Braekhus (36-2, 9 KOs).
McCaskill dominated the bout with scores of 100-89, 99-90, and 98-91. (Braekhus had a point deducted in the seventh round for excessive holding.)
Seven months earlier, when McCaskill first took Braekhus’s belts by scores of 97-94, 97-93, and 95-95, Braekhus hinted at retirement. This second loss to McCaskill is likely to send Braekhus into retirement for good.
McCaskill's trainer and manager, Rick Ramos, believes Braekhus’ poor performances may have had something to do with going through three trainers in three years. Despite losing for the first time in her career in 2020, Braekhus stayed with Abel Sanchez for the rematch, obviously, only to lose a second time.
Ramos says, “Look, I respect Abel, but I don’t think he knows how to train girls. I think Cecilia is the first girl he’s ever trained. I always tell Jessica, I’m not going to train you like a girl; I’m going to train you like a fighter. You’re going to fight men. And if you can fight men, girls are easy. Abel was talking to her, “Hey, sweetie.” That softens the mind. You’ll never hear me say that. He was treating her like a puppy.”
Ramos’s approach obviously works.
When the rematch started, McCaskill charged to the center of the ring.
“I’ve come out of the corner countless times, whether it’s to do mitts or to spar. We watched the fight that night, and it looked like I ran to the center of the ring. I couldn’t believe it. I was so ready to punch her in the face. We just practiced and practiced. It’s part of the intimidation factor.”
Ramos adds that in the first fight, Braekhus was always at the center of the ring before the bell rang. He believes it was done to keep McCaskill away from the ropes. This time, however, the referee made Braekhus stay closer to her corner.
McCaskill appreciated the referee pushing Braekhus back. “It was either he was going to push her back, or I was going to start halfway with her. It wasn’t going to be her fight.” And as a result, it was McCaskill's fight from the get-go.
“I tried doing everything my corner told me to as soon as they said it. There were a couple of times where I kind of slowed down and was like, okay, time her punches, and then she hit me, and I was like, I don’t want to sit and think and try to box. I want to put pressure and keep my punch count high. My punch count was only six less than [in the first fight], but my “punches landed” was a lot higher.”
The fight started with fireworks as McCaskill hurt Braekhus in both the first and second rounds with overhand rights. She continued to have success with that punch all night long. Reflecting on repeatedly connected with that punch, McCaskill says, “She would charge in. We would sit there for about half a second, and then she’d make . . . she has tells. She’d give a tell that she’s coming in, and I’d be like, here she goes, so I’d just dip and throw that overhand right. She’d just charge in so, I think, and a lot of old school fighters think, “run at her.” I’ve heard people say, “go straight at her, run in,” and it’s just like, what? That’s bad advice. That’s what she was doing. I kept thinking to myself, this is connecting every time, so I’m going to keep doing it.”
Despite McCaskill's reputation as a brawler, she worked the outside a lot more than in previous fights. She did so largely in part to Braekhus’ holding.
“Yeah, I knew she would hold. Rematches . . . they always hold. They know how hard you hit, so they just hold more. We practiced long punches. We practiced going to the head, going to the body. You saw me jab to the head, right hand over the top. Or, jab to the head, right hand down below. So, I think you saw a lot of that coming through, which is what we practiced over and over again.
"So, when I got close, it was really difficult for me to punch on the inside because I think she was holding me around my neck, and it was hard to get down and dig. That’s why Rick was saying in the corner, “you need to use your legs, bend your knees, and get down.” It’s just the way I was being held made it a lot harder. So knew if I got close, I wouldn’t be able to work that much unless I stepped over, which I was able to do and get some left hooks off that way. But, outside was just, pick her apart.”
What was incredibly unique about McCaskill's success in boxing was that she was the aggressor in the first half of the fight and a counter puncher in the second half.
“She made it a little easier for me. My corner told me, “she’s going to come in.” So, I let her lead, and yeah, she went right to me. Rick even yelled a few times, “She can hear me, and she’s still going to walk right into it.
"In the second half, we definitely did it a lot smarter, and they worked a lot harder. And that led to confusion in her corner, and that comes from changing up your game plan and changing your style of fighting and not knowing what you’re doing and trying to do something that is not you. I mean, she’s a boxer. She should have boxed me both times. She should have boxed and moved, both [fights]. I think we would have been ready for it, but she should have stuck to her game plan; it didn’t work to change it up.“
McCaskill's success is the result of her long hours in the gym.
“We do so much stuff in training that I want to explore all of it. We have a set of maybe ten combinations, and I look forward to trying all of them in a fight. The main goal is to be able to work whatever’s in front of me because I don’t want to be labeled as one thing or another.
“I definitely think I was a lot sharper; there were punches that I could parry very easily, there were punches I could see and slip really quick. I think we cleaned up a lot of rough edges this time through repetition and the type of training Rick had me do. I was in front of someone pretty much the entire camp. I wasn’t on a bag. There was an actual human being that I had to work with, and whether I knew it or not, I was working on footwork because they’re moving to try to get out of the way of punches, and they're throwing punches at me. We have headgear on. The work we did was amazing, and it made things better.
“For me, being a brawler, and working to sharpen up my movement, or working to stay close to someone, or working on going backward or going side to side, working my pivots, I need to have something moving in front of me, not just a bag.
"Something that’s going to keep moving, keep me busy, something that’s going to keep me honest. Otherwise, I’ll get bored; I’ll get lazy. I need something that’s sort of competition. Matt Hambrick, one of the heavyweights in our gym, will put on Big Bertha (the body protector) and the headgear, and we’ll go three rounds. Not sparing, but he would throw jabs, and I’d have to get inside on him and try to score.
"So, we did that Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays every week. After those three rounds, we’d do seven rounds of mitts and then 3-5 rounds of very concentrated, slowed-down footwork for certain situations. We’d set up, next thing I know, I’m in front of Cecilia, and I get to the side of her, then pivot and left hook, left hook, left hook. So, there were a couple of different incidents where I had the opportunity to work on those things in the actual fight.
“If you have someone in front of you, there’s no way you’re going to do worse than hitting a bag. It’s gotta be better, the footwork, the punching . . . you’re looking at a specific spot on their body to hit, you’re looking at a target on mitts. Whereas if you have a bag, there’s no precision to it.”
Coach Ramos adds, “The bag is babysitting you. I use the bag for cardio – do 2 minutes straight. I like the mitts for precision. I don’t like the speed bag. I always say coaches use it to keep their fighters busy – go play with that.”
During the fight, as McCaskill threw her right hand, Braekhus often threw slip counter-uppercuts. While Braekhus wasn’t able to slip, McCaskill took those punches to land her own, heavier punches.
“That’s one of the dangerous things about boxing. When someone doesn’t have power, you’re almost willing to take those punches. It’s not very smart or safe, but she didn’t have any power, so I wasn’t concerned. I felt like my legs were strong.
In the first fight, my legs weren’t as strong. You can see me stumble if she moved, or if there were an awkward tangle, I would stumble forward and then turn around and find her and say, “okay, let’s go back at it..” In this fight, I felt solid as a rock. There were times she would come in, and I would just stand my ground, and she would almost bounce off of me.”
Rick attributes the stronger legs also to a change in training. For the first time, McCaskill trained with 2 minute rounds instead of 3 minutes rounds, which he believes loosened up and released some of the tension on her legs.
He says, “I think Jessica is getting older, and I think the wear and tear of 10 3-minute rounds just puts more miles on her legs, and I wanted to ease up, so instead of 10 3-minute rounds, we did 12 2-minute rounds. We were, In my mind, already engaged where she has to pick up the speed to end the round as opposed to – sometimes you stretch a rubber band so far out that, I only need her “this gap” and not train her for “this gap.” I need her tighter and more compact, not looser and longer.
McCaskill adds, “When I train with 3-minute rounds, it’s hard to find where that two is, mentally, but if we’re in there, I know when I’m halfway, and I need to up my punch count, you just know mentally where it’s at.”
She also feels that training at 2 minutes instead of 3 minutes allowed her to keep her punch count high.
“There was one time when Rick was like, okay, you threw too many punches. But in my head, if they throw one punch, I need to throw two; if they throw a combination, I need to throw two combinations. That’s the math I’m doing in my head.”
As McCaskill cruised into the 10th round, Rick admonished her on the stool not to get lazy. If she went out, won the final frame and the fight, then a $1 million payday was waiting. Rick was, of course, talking about an anticipated rematch with Katie Taylor. He makes no bones about it; the Taylor fight is the money fight right now, with both fighters looking at $1 million purses -the highest ever in women’s boxing. And with Taylor fighting May 1, should she be victorious, it is very possible the rematch occurs in late summer or early fall.
While there has been talk of Claressa Shields moving down to welterweight to face Mccaskill, Ramos doesn’t think that McCaskill and Taylor's promoter, Eddie Hearn of Matchroom Boxing, wants that to happen, giving Shields the opportunity to become a three-division undisputed champion. At the same time, Taylor remains only a one-division undisputed champion.
According to Ramos, Eddie Hearn thinks Taylor will beat McCaskill in a rematch. If Taylor wins and takes McCaskill's undisputed title, it sets up a huge event between the two Olympians, Taylor and Shields. Therefore, whether Eddie Hearn will admit it or not, Matchroom needs McCaskill, which puts her in a better negotiating position.
Per Ramos, Taylor brings nothing to the table but a checkbook. McCaskill has six titles (WBA, WBC, WBO, IBF, IBO, Ring). Ramos thinks Hearn thinks Taylor can beat McCaskill at a catchweight of 144 pounds and may try to lure her down to 141 pounds, all to help Taylor.
Dropping the weight won’t be a problem for McCaskill, but she’s not going to lose the weight to help Taylor unless Hearn opens up the checkbook. Additionally, Ramos doesn’t think Taylor will agree to a rematch clause, despite McCaskill having the belts, which means buying McCaskill out of the clause.
Outright, the purse, as a result, will be at least $1 million. If that occurs, Hearn will then be able to promote the fight by taking McCaskill, who was briefly homeless as a child, from rags to riches. It will be a massive selling point, and as Ramos says, even if you’re on the fence about female boxing, the first million-dollar purse for both fighters will get people to tune in.
A Taylor-McCaskill rematch will certainly have to occur in Europe, where the bigger venues create larger gate receipts. With the prospect of having to travel to earn 1 million dollars, McCaskill says, “Let’s go, I’ve got my passport.”
(Featured Photo: Matchroom Boxing)
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lorrainemassey · 4 years
Reactive Hypoglycemia And Weight Training: What You Should Be Over Eating!
Despite Generate. Atkins protestations to the contrary, this also possible to lose weight on high carbohydrate, restricted calorie diets, particularly if those diets are along with complex carbohydrates instead of simple ones (think whole-wheat and brown rice rather than takeout and white bread). Nowhere in Dr. Atkins' book was there any mention of this dietary habits of with the rest of the world, where high carbohydrates within many cases are a necessity, and obesity is not rampant. Given a choice, low fat may be safer, and long term studies proven that consistent replacement of high fat snacks with low fat snacks (day-glow chips with air popped popcorn) gives the most consistent long-term weight. I can't tell you how long to begin with stay on their own keto diet, heading vary individually. However, after you think you reach ketosis (the state where your is burning fat as an electricity source), you'll be ready to re-introduce small quantities of complex carbohydrates (raw oatmeal) back into your body to work with you through exercise session. If you are going to be training, Impact Keto Max Pills Keto Max and particularly training hard, you need some associated with carbohydrates. In the Atkins diet book, Dr .. Atkins suggests using ketone-testing strips to determine your associated with ketosis during dieting. These small plastic strips are trapped in the urine stream and contain or perhaps a chemically treated absorptive protect. This pad will change color if ketones are observed in the pee. With the presence of ketones, the strip will change varying shades of pink to purple colours. There is a color scale on the label for this bottle to assist you you determine your ketone levels.
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Fat can be a longer term energy source for one's body that delivers some essential goodness such as omega-3 critical fatty acid for reducing inflammation. The straightforward chia seed provides seven.72 grams of fat per ounce. That has more fat per ounce than salmon at 1.68 grams and eggs at regarding.82 grams. For people eating a ketogenic, or in other words fat burning diet, providing a particularly good regarding bioavailable unwanted. While cut on interest rates seek to wrap Medical professional. Atkins into a neat little package, medical research does not fully vindicate him or fully condemn him. As the different eulogies roll out, I have observed several already that misconstrue his diet and then half-heartedly defend it. Sympathy for his passing does not make Physician. Atkins right, as his dying does not prove him wrong (slipping on the ice while getting exercise gives him trustworthiness. He lived his recommendations). I am not an Atkins' follower, but I am both a Naturopathic Doctor and a medical researcher, with a fantastic grounding in nutrition and biochemistry. My comments are based chiefly on the Diet book, (Dr.Atkins' New Diet Revolution, 2002) having a few comments on Atkins For Our life. The Ultrametabolism diet promotes eating raw, organic foods in exchange of processed items arrive in a can or box. You would like the investment in several different fresh fruits and veggies as well as liver organ. This raw diet merely helps to purge out toxins within this enzymatic tract that is certainly promoting fat storage, but can also improve your metabolism. Plenty of people who may see success using this plan have reportedly lost 20 pounds in just 2 various. I could no longer eat like before. I no longer train hard like in front of. I had no idea what was going on, what to enjoy and couldn't seem to buy straight answer from anyone on the things i should do. and yes, anyone included my doctors! For example, in the morning for breakfast, utilizing my serving of all kinds of cheese and egg whites, I'd personally eat in regards to a quarter bowl of raw oatmeal with butter, heavy cream, Impact Keto coconut oil but some blueberries. This mixture of Impact Keto Max diet facts excess fat with the carbohydrates would slow down by body's absorption rate and keep my when you've got from spiking. This in turn would keep my levels of insulin from spiking and resulting in a Hypoglycemic instance. Do slow, heavy cardio, such since elliptical set on one of the most heavy level, or the exercise bike set on the heavy factor. It should be hard. Participate for about 20 minutes per 24-hour interval. If you don't have to be able to a gym, try to perform outside, doing 60 seconds of sprinting as fast as it is possible to (up a hill if possible) then walk for 2 minutes. Do this for a total of 10 sprints.
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debbielouocean · 7 years
Late Night Shopping
Because I’m amused by Cat doing things normal people do and being highly scandalized by it (Supercat)
Kara stumbled into the living room, nearly taking a chunk out of the doorframe when she tripped into it.
“What are the symptoms of a concussion?” Kara asked, leaning up against the doorframe and hiding the slight paint damage with her arm. Cat looked up from her tablet, sliding her glasses up onto her head as she did so.
“You don’t have a concussion.” Even through the exasperation with Kara’s nearly breaking everything in her home, Cat’s worry was clear in her eyes as she looked Kara up and down. “Your sister wouldn’t have let you leave the DEO if you did.”
“I feel wobbly.”
“She did mention that might be a symptom of getting your head repeatedly smashed against the pavement,” Cat said, standing up and abandoning all hope of getting anymore work done now that Kara was bored enough to wander into her office. “Is there something in particular you wanted?”
“You know that ice cream with the little pieces of brownie in it?” Kara was practically bouncing as Cat walked towards her, her excitement at the thought of ice cream barely contained. She’d had a rough day that had culminated in some ridiculously violent Supergirl fighting; all she really wanted was to curl up on the couch with her girlfriend and some overly chocolatey ice cream.
“There’s ice cream in the freezer, dear.” Cat brushed past her, reaching back to intertwine their fingers and drag Kara down the hallway. “About four gallons of it, if I remember correctly.”
“Mint chocolate chip and vanilla and neapolitan. And cherry froyo. Not what I’m looking for,” Kara said, shaking her head and frowning. She tugged on Cat’s hand, guiding her away from the kitchen and towards the front door. “Let’s go.”
“Kara, I’m not even wearing shoes!” Cat had to swerve to the side to avoid being pulled directly into the coatrack as Kara walked around it to grab the keys off the table by the door. Suddenly she was being handed a pair of heels, which she’d tossed into a corner in her home office earlier that evening. She took the shoes, but refused to put them on just because Kara was giving her those awful puppy dog eyes.  “It’s midnight, nothing is even open.”
“No.” Cat didn’t even let the sentence get started before she was turning back around and thinking she might be able to get a bit more work done before bed. “You can go by yourself if you really feel you must.”
“But I’m injured, Cat,” Kara whined, trailing behind her through the apartment. She swayed a bit on her feet for dramatic effect, grabbing onto Cat’s arm gently to pretend to steady herself.
“I would be really happy if you came with me.”
Cat stopped, staring at the ceiling as Kara came around to face her. Kara’s hands snuck around her waist and pulled her closer, her head dropping onto Cat’s shoulder. “Please, Cat?”
“I said no,” Cat said, trying to stand firm in the face of Kara’s adorable begging tactics. If she let Kara have everything she begged for, they’d have a trampoline in the living room next. And she would be on the cover of People with one of those ridiculous “Stars: They’re Just Like Us!” captions if she let her girlfriend drag her into a Walmart. “We can get ice cream tomorrow, darling.”
Kara’s head shot up, her face all scrunched up in confusion.
“You know I’m going to Metropolis tomorrow. For like the whole weekend, Cat.”
Cat groaned, having forgotten what day it was. Three days without Kara were going to be excruciatingly slow, that was for sure, and she’d tried so hard to put it out of her mind. But Kara had promised Clark she’d watch the city while he was visiting his parents, since the DEO could handle anything that came up in National City while she was gone. “Oh, so you can go defend Metropolis but you can’t make it to Walmart by yourself?”
“Cat…” The whining back in full force, along with the pout. Kara’s hands rubbed up and down Cat’s back, holding her close. “Please?”
“Don’t say I’ve never done anything for you,” Cat said, bending down to slide her heels on while Kara squealed with joy in front of her, covering her mouth with her hands. Cat really, really tried to pretend that wasn’t one of the cutest things she’d ever seen.
“Have you ever even been in a Walmart?” Kara asked, dragging Cat through the parking lot by their connected hands. There might have been twenty cars in the entire parking lot, which suited Cat just as well: fewer witnesses. “I can’t imagine you just like… going to pick up laundry detergent.”
“I have people to do that for me, you know.” Cat’s face twisted into distaste as they walked inside and were bathed in harsh fluorescent light. “Where do you think the groceries come from?”
“Elves,” Kara said, making a beeline for the freezers and tugging Cat along with her. “Wait, you’re telling me that there’s a person out there who thinks you consume enough food for like ten people, weekly?”
“No, I have three separate personal shoppers who don’t know about each other. I had to hire the third one after you moved in.” Watching Kara stare at twenty feet of freezers full of ice cream was an experience. Her gaze darted around so quickly that Cat had to pray no one else walked into the aisle, as the movement was so clearly alien. Suddenly, her focus came back to Cat, her head tilted in confusion.
“Why did you need two to begin with?”
“No one on this planet needs to know how much wine I buy, Kara.” Confusion quickly shifted in disapproval, before Kara’s attention was back where it belonged. The faster she picked a flavor, the faster they could leave. “Would you hurry up? I thought you knew what you wanted.”
“I did, but now there’s so many choices, Cat.”
Cat walked around her girlfriend, grabbing the brightest colored container claiming ‘chocolate’ on the label, and tugged Kara away from the ice cream. “I’m not gonna stand her for three hours while you drool over ice cream.”
Kara grabbed three more flavors on their way out of the aisle, stacking them on top of each other and holding them against her chest with one hand. “You’re paying for this, yeah?”
“If you eat all that tonight, even you will feel sick in the morning.”
“I’m not gonna-” Without warning, Cat was being shoved behind Kara, who dropped two of the ice cream containers onto the floor. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Lillian Luthor was standing in the next aisle, holding a basket full of groceries and eating a churro. With no makeup and a messy bun, Cat was surprised Kara had recognized her. But the immediate hatred in Lillian’s eyes was unmistakable. She stalked down the aisle towards them with a scowl on her mouth, obviously about to start something. “I can’t even go to a goddamn store without some alien-”
“Wait!” Cat stepped out from behind Kara, holding up a finger to Lillian, who did actually stopped for a moment. “You weren’t here, we weren’t here.”
“I.. what?” Kara whispered to Cat, wondering what the hell her girlfriend was talking about. “Cat, she’s an actual villain, like a serious criminal.”
“But, she’s also got an image to uphold,” Cat said, pulling out her phone and snapping a picture of a Luthor in cardio pants. “And so do I.”
“You weren’t here, I wasn’t here,” Lillian agreed, sighing. “Not exactly the place for any of this, anyway.”
“I doubt the employees would mind,” Cat said, scoffing. Kara shuffled around behind her, picking her ice cream up off the floor. “Let’s go home, Kara.”
“Right…” Kara said, glancing back over her shoulder at Lillian as she was ushered out of the aisle with a hand on her back. “That was… anti-climatic.”
“Not everything in life has to be an epic superhero showdown, darling.” Cat shrugged her purse off her shoulder, digging around for her wallet.
“I’m still gonna call the DEO and tell them she’s here.”
“Once we’re in the car, you can tell whoever you like. Hell, send the picture to TMZ for all I care. This one time I won’t demand photo credit.”
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wxzmarilou61-blog · 7 years
A Hiking Expertise Without Outdoor Devices.
The town, on the other hand, continuouslies increase and renew while maintaining its own down-to-earth western spirit. The trail moved along the ridge leading, as well as we had even more recurring views compared to we had at Ragged Mountain range. Police and also forensic teams on foot and in choppers examined the system crash site about ONE HUNDRED km (65 miles) north from Nice. And Also with Cougar, our company offered 3 wonderful brand new apps optimized for iCloud - messages, which carries iMessage for the first time to the Mac, reminders, as well as notes. Mount Ragang possesses an altitude from 2,815 meters; merely 9 meters shy to the 6th greatest mountain range in the country. With world's very most raised mountain peaks, some amazing lakes, biggest ice sheets as well as the lowlands of astounding waterways which make Pakistan an agricultural economic condition, Pakistan has a large amount to offer. It is actually the home of Tirich Mir, the globe's highest mountain range optimal outside the Himalayan-Karakoram range.
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fitnesshealth-tech · 5 years
A Couple Of Basic Actions For Anybody Wishing To Reduce Weight
A terrific method to assist you slim down is to purchase a heart rate screen. Getting your heart rate in the ideal zone is a crucial method of getting the most out of the cardio that you do. By utilizing a heart rate screen, you’ll understand precisely how you’re doing. 
   Plan your meals ahead of time. You’ll be less most likely to wander off from your weight reduction routine when your healthy, low-cal meals for the whole week are made a note of on paper. Cross off each meal that you effectively consume as prepared, and this will provide you a sense of achievement. 
   Weight loss does not have to be challenging, however often we make it that method. Our pointers will assist you get down to the weight you believed you would never ever see once again and you will get there quickly and with no reasons. 
   The secret to excellent nutrition can be as easy as checking out the labels on the food that you purchase. Take a look at the calories and fat contents on foods. Aim to just purchase things that have thirty percent or less of their calories, originated from the overall fat material. 
   By keeping your blood sugar levels even throughout the day, you will prevent that afternoon energy crisis that frequently results in you reaching for the nearby unhealthy treat. Attempt consuming 5 to 7 little meals throughout the day, rather than 3 big ones. 
   Stick with it and you will lose the additional weight and keep it off. Weight loss actually isn’t as difficult as we can make it out to be. 
   A great method to assist you reduce weight is to begin a weight reduction journal on an online forum. Not just will you have the ability to track your development, however other individuals can chime in and provide you recommendations. It will likewise offer you the chance to influence another person. 
   Do not provide in to the temptation to select something up from the quick food joint down the street or your school’s lunchroom. This method you can manage your parts. 
   Individuals who weigh themselves regularly and keep a weight-loss journal lose more weight than those who do not. Take a page out of their books! As tiresome as weighing in and composing whatever down might be, it will truly assist you to track your development and either stick to what is working or recognize what is not working for you so you can return on your weight-loss track! 
   Do not prevent any type of additional workout that you can get throughout the day. Little things such as strolling up the stairs rather of taking the elevator or not defending that close parking area the shop can burn additional calories! Every action that you take throughout the day counts towards calories and those additional pounds.
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stocksnewsfeed · 5 years
Alnylam Presents New Evidence Demonstrating Significant Association of V122I, a Highly Prevalent, Pathogenic Transthyretin (TTR) Mutation, with Clinical Diagnosis of Polyneuropathy
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALNY), the leading RNAi therapeutics company, today presented new results from an analysis of the UK Biobank – a prospective cohort study with genetic, physical, and health data on approximately 500,000 individuals across the United Kingdom – demonstrating a significant association of the V122I mutation, a highly prevalent mutation in the transthyretin (TTR) gene, with a clinical diagnosis of polyneuropathy. These results were presented at the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting being held September 13-16, in Philadelphia, PA.
“The data we and collaborators presented at HFSA indicate that carriers of V122I – a TTR mutation previously thought to be associated with a phenotype presenting primarily with cardiac manifestations – have a significantly increased likelihood of a clinical diagnosis of polyneuropathy,” said Eric Green, Senior Vice President and General Manager, TTR Program at Alnylam. “These findings demonstrate an association of V122I with the presence of a mixed clinical phenotype, supporting the need for a broader assessment of a patient’s overall health to look for multisystem manifestations of hereditary ATTR amyloidosis, which often include both cardiomyopathy and polyneuropathy.”
The V122I variant is the most common pathogenic TTR mutation implicated in hereditary ATTR (hATTR) amyloidosis in the U.S., with a reported prevalence of approximately four percent in African Americans1. Historically, the V122I variant has been associated with a predominantly cardiac phenotype. We presented findings from a phenome-wide association study demonstrating a significant association of the TTR V122I genotype with a clinical diagnosis of polyneuropathy (based on International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision [ICD10] diagnosis codes) in the black subpopulation of the UK Biobank. Among the 6,063 unrelated black participants, 243 subjects (mean age of 52.6 years) were carriers of the TTR V122I mutation, equating to an allele frequency of two percent. Among the carriers, polyneuropathy was significantly associated with the V122I genotype (odds ratio [OR] equals 11.2; 95% confidence interval [CI]; p equals 1.1×10–6). The significant association of V122I with polyneuropathy was further replicated in the Penn Medicine Biobank from 5,737 black participants with 190 subjects who were V122I carriers.
In addition, there was nominally significant evidence that carriers of V122I were at an increased risk for other signs and symptoms of hATTR amyloidosis, including carpal tunnel syndrome and urinary retention. There was no association of V122I with cardiomyopathy, potentially due to the younger age of the carriers in the UK Biobank at the time of analysis (mean age of 52.6 years) as compared to the age at which hATTR amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy typically presents (over 65 years in the V122I population, as reported in the literature2).
Other presentations at HFSA include:
Identifying Mixed Phenotype: Evaluating the Presence of Polyneuropathy in Patients with Hereditary Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloidosis with Cardiomyopathy Lead Author: Grogan M Date/Time: Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 6:15 pm ET.
Risk Factors for Mortality in Patients with Hereditary Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloidosis: Analysis of APOLLO and Global Open Label Extension Studies Lead Author: Polydefkis M Date/Time: Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 6:15 pm ET.
Impact of Patisiran, an RNAi Therapeutic, on Orthostatic Intolerance in Patients with Hereditary Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloidosis Lead Author: Judge DP Date/Time: Friday, September 13, 2019 at 6:15 pm ET.
Alnylam Act®: Heterogenous Disease Manifestations of Hereditary Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloidosis Lead Author: Malladi R Date/Time: Friday, September 13, 2019 at 6:15 pm ET.
To view these results presented at HFSA please visit www.alnylam.com/capella.
Alnylam will host an RNAi Roundtable to discuss the latest progress with its TTR programs on Monday, September 16, at 1:00 pm ET. This event will be webcast live on the Investors page of the Company’s website, www.alnylam.com, and a replay will be posted on the Alnylam website approximately three hours after the event.
Dhamarajan et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 2012;60:765-74.
Ruberg and Berk, Circulation 2012;126:1286-1300.
About Transthyretin (ATTR) Amyloidosis Transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) amyloidosis is a rare, serious, life-threatening, multisystemic disease encompassing hereditary ATTR (hATTR) amyloidosis and wild-type ATTR (wtATTR) amyloidosis, which result from either hereditary (genetic mutation) or nonhereditary (ageing) causes, respectively. In ATTR amyloidosis, misfolded TTR proteins accumulate as amyloid fibrils in multiple organs and tissue types. hATTR amyloidosis can include sensory and motor, autonomic and cardiac symptoms and is estimated to impact 50,000 people worldwide. wtATTR amyloidosis predominantly manifests as cardiomyopathy and heart failure symptoms, although patients may experience other manifestations due to extra-cardiac amyloid deposition. The disease is estimated to impact 200,000 – 300,000 people worldwide.
About RNAi RNAi (RNA interference) is a natural cellular process of gene silencing that represents one of the most promising and rapidly advancing frontiers in biology and drug development today. Its discovery has been heralded as “a major scientific breakthrough that happens once every decade or so,” and was recognized with the award of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. By harnessing the natural biological process of RNAi occurring in our cells, a new class of medicines, known as RNAi therapeutics, is now a reality. Small interfering RNA (siRNA), the molecules that mediate RNAi and comprise Alnylam’s RNAi therapeutic platform, function upstream of today’s medicines by potently silencing messenger RNA (mRNA) – the genetic precursors – that encode for disease-causing proteins, thus preventing them from being made. This is a revolutionary approach with the potential to transform the care of patients with genetic and other diseases.
About Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Alnylam (Nasdaq: ALNY) is leading the translation of RNA interference (RNAi) into a new class of innovative medicines with the potential to transform the lives of people afflicted with rare genetic, cardio-metabolic, hepatic infectious, and central nervous system/ocular diseases. Based on Nobel Prize-winning science, RNAi therapeutics represent a powerful, clinically validated approach for the treatment of diseases with high unmet need. Alnylam’s first commercial RNAi therapeutic is ONPATTRO® (patisiran), approved in the U.S., EU, Canada, and Japan. Alnylam has a deep pipeline of investigational medicines, including five product candidates in Phase 3 studies and one in registration. Looking forward, Alnylam will continue to execute on its “Alnylam 2020” strategy of building a multi-product, commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company with a sustainable pipeline of RNAi-based medicines to address the needs of patients who have limited or inadequate treatment options. Headquartered in Cambridge, MA, Alnylam employs over 1,200 people worldwide. For more information about our people, science and pipeline, please visit www.alnylam.com and engage with us on Twitter at @Alnylam or on LinkedIn.
Alnylam Forward Looking Statements Various statements in this release concerning Alnylam’s future expectations, plans and prospects, including, without limitation, expectations regarding the implications of data indicating that carriers of the TTR mutation V122I have a significantly increased likelihood of a clinical diagnosis of polyneuropathy, including the need for a broader assessment of a patient’s overall health to look for the multisystem manifestations of hereditary ATTR amyloidosis, and expectations regarding its “Alnylam 2020” guidance for the advancement and commercialization of RNAi therapeutics, constitute forward-looking statements for the purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and future plans may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important risks, uncertainties and other factors, including, without limitation, Alnylam’s ability to discover and develop novel drug candidates and delivery approaches, successfully demonstrate the efficacy and safety of its product candidates, the pre-clinical and clinical results for its product candidates, which may not be replicated or continue to occur in other subjects or in additional studies or otherwise support further development of product candidates for a specified indication or at all, actions or advice of regulatory agencies, which may affect the design, initiation, timing, continuation and/or progress of clinical trials or result in the need for additional pre-clinical and/or clinical testing, delays, interruptions or failures in the manufacture and supply of its product candidates, obtaining, maintaining and protecting intellectual property, Alnylam’s ability to enforce its intellectual property rights against third parties and defend its patent portfolio against challenges from third parties, obtaining and maintaining regulatory approval, pricing and reimbursement for products, progress in establishing a commercial and ex-United States infrastructure, successfully launching, marketing and selling its approved products globally, Alnylam’s ability to successfully expand the indication for ONPATTRO in the future, competition from others using technology similar to Alnylam’s and others developing or marketing products for similar uses, Alnylam’s ability to manage its growth and operating expenses, obtain additional funding to support its business activities, and establish and maintain strategic business alliances and new business initiatives, Alnylam’s dependence on third parties for development, manufacture and distribution of products, the outcome of litigation, the risk of government investigations, and unexpected expenditures, as well as those risks more fully discussed in the “Risk Factors” filed with Alnylam’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and in other filings that Alnylam makes with the SEC. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent Alnylam’s views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Alnylam explicitly disclaims any obligation, except to the extent required by law, to update any forward-looking statements.
The post Alnylam Presents New Evidence Demonstrating Significant Association of V122I, a Highly Prevalent, Pathogenic Transthyretin (TTR) Mutation, with Clinical Diagnosis of Polyneuropathy appeared on Stocks News Feed.
source https://stocksnewsfeed.com/businesswire/alnylam-presents-new-evidence-demonstrating-significant-association-of-v122i-a-highly-prevalent-pathogenic-transthyretin-ttr-mutation-with-clinical-diagnosis-of-polyneuropathy/
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