#does cardio defend work
reviewbanker · 1 year
CardioDefend Reviews: Should You Buy Cardio Defend Heart Health Supplement?
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If you're in Canada and searching for a natural heart health supplement, CardioDefend might have caught your attention. Heart disease is a prevalent concern, and finding a reliable heart health supplement is essential. In this user-friendly product review, we will explore CardioDefend, a popular heart health supplement, to help you decide whether it's the right choice for your heart health journey.
What is CardioDefend?
CardioDefend is a dietary supplement specifically formulated to support heart health using natural ingredients. As people in Canada seek alternative ways to maintain cardiovascular well-being, CardioDefend has gained popularity. Designed to be a part of your daily heart-healthy routine, this supplement aims to provide targeted support and protection to your heart.
Ingredients of CardioDefend
The success of CardioDefend lies in its thoughtfully chosen ingredients. Key components include hawthorn extract, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), L-Carnitine, magnesium, and potassium. Each ingredient plays a vital role in supporting overall heart function, making CardioDefend a comprehensive heart health supplement.
How Does CardioDefend Work?
CardioDefend's powerful formula works by harnessing the potential of its key ingredients. Hawthorn extract is believed to improve blood flow and strengthen blood vessels, while Coenzyme Q10 supports energy production in heart cells. L-Carnitine may assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, and magnesium and potassium are essential minerals for heart function. This targeted approach aims to provide the heart with the support it needs.
Buy CardioDefend Before it's SOLD OUT
Should You Buy CardioDefend?
Considering the importance of heart health, the decision to buy CardioDefend should be informed and well-researched. Here are some factors to consider:
1. Effectiveness:
CardioDefend has received positive feedback from users, with many reporting improvements in energy levels, overall well-being, and heart health. However, individual results may vary based on lifestyle and overall health.
2. Safety:
CardioDefend is considered a legitimate product and is generally safe when used as directed. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
3. Customer Reviews:
Real customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and potential side effects of CardioDefend. Look for reviews from verified customers to make an informed decision.
4. Canada-Specific Information:
Ensure that the product is readily available and shipped to Canada. Buying directly from the official website can ensure the authenticity of the product and may offer access to special promotions or discounts.
5. Personal Health Goals:
Consider your specific heart health goals and whether CardioDefend aligns with your overall health journey.
Buy CardioDefend Before it's SOLD OUT
In conclusion, CardioDefend appears to be a promising option for individuals in Canada seeking a natural approach to support heart health. Its carefully selected ingredients work synergistically to provide targeted support to the cardiovascular system.
Before making a purchase, it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider factors such as product effectiveness, safety, customer reviews, and your personal health goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional is always advisable, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
If you're ready to take proactive steps towards heart health, CardioDefend may be a valuable addition to your daily routine, alongside a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Get Access Now: CLICK HERE .
READ MORE ➡️ Cardio Defend Reviews — Ingredients, Side Effects, Customer Risks (CardioDefend Complaints)
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READ MORE ➡️ CardioDefend Reviews - Real Cardio Defend Results or Serious Customer Fraud Complaints?
READ MORE ➡️ LeanBiome Reviews: BEWARE SHOCKING RESULTS – Read Before You Buy
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Sexism in TOS: Worst Offender, or Progressive in Retrospect in Comparison?
I see a lot of folks claim that TOS was the most sexist of the Star Trek shows by a landslide -- and while I agree that it definitely suffered from the sexism of the times, I also have other perspectives to share to give some food for thought.
I am of course not insinuating that TOS isn't sexist -- it is, but I have to ask folks to consider the breadth and depth of Berman's sexism in his run and ask yourself: Was Gene Roddenberry genuinely more sexist in his storytelling and delivery than Rick Berman?
I'm not telling you to feel one way or the other, but all I ask is that you hear me out and consider some perspectives and make your own balanced assessments. Nobody is obligated to share my opinion, but it means a lot just to have folks hear it and see their thoughts on the subject. So here is what I was originally responding to:
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Someone's response to this photo:
"Devil's advocate. This was a part of the popular form of cardio during the production time of TNG. Yes, it was heavily sexualised by men, but so is literally every other way women work out. Men have been caught taking pictures of women while trying to do dead lifts, running on tracks and working on sled machines. They post them online to share too. The fact is, there is no way a woman can be shown working out without it going there. And yeah,t hat includes the combat forms of workout they do in Star Trek. Just look at how Dax dresses when she spars with Worf. Yes, they're dating, but still, same goes when 7 does and any other female.
Aerobics routines like this were made dirty and cringy. This was what women wore then by and large. This is how the workout was done. We make it cringy."
My response to them:
"I respect your take, but I disagree on a few fronts.
The miniskirt was chosen by the TOS female cast, not the male cast, specifically requested by Grace LW and affirmed by Nichelle and Majel who would go on to vehemently defend the miniskirt over the years as comfortable and embraced by them.
Grace said it was comfortable and seen as a symbol of female sexual empowerment during the 60s and thought it would be a progressive garment (and turns out that it was, as it was later adapted and worn by male crew as a skant on TNG) -- FYI those were designed by a gay man and Gene approved them.
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This was also supposed to be Spock's TMP outfit:
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Literally lingerie.
We saw both Uhura (who saves Kirk in from Marlena Mirror Mirror) and Yeoman Landon (the first to initiate combat with a classic Kirk-esque kick to help the Captain being attacked in The Apple) carry out their combat training in their Starfleet uniforms without ever being made to change into any ridiculous workout gear.
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In fact, I'd argue Jim Kirk was sexualized even more than the ladies of the week on the show and I saw his naked body more than anyone else's on a fairly regular basis. He wore red yoga tights while topless in Charlie X while the women wore full length gymnastic suits that covered their entire body. If anything, it went out of its way to avoid sexualizing women practicing fitness in those scenes and instead focused on Kirk.
Gene confessed that he asked to have Shatner filmed in suggestive/provocative ways to "give something to the ladies", so he -- as he said -- liked to "film him walking away" or have him conveniently busting out of his shirts in just about every episode as it were, because Shatner apparently had great assets. LOL
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Gene made an effort to at least sexualize both if he was going to sexualize one, and he carried that attitude forward in wanting the m/m and f/f scenes in the background on Risa for TNG. He also insisted that the men and women wear skimpy outfits on THAT TNG planet. You know the one. LOL I mean the dudes even had on less than the women:
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Gene also gave permission to K/S shippers to have their conventions back in the 70s when he was asked for permission. Gene and Nimoy felt with all the skimpy outfits they had the ladies wear, why not let the ladies and gay men have their fun, too? It's how we ended up with moments like this:
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Yes, those are two people dressed up as Kirk and Spock's penises doing interpretive dance. Gene didn't give two damns. LOL
In my eyes, that was a very progressive take on Gene's part for the 60s. It was actually PARAMOUNT STUDIOS who had the big problem with K/S stories and vehemently tried to shut them down. Gene literally hired slash authors on his payroll and even had several slash stories/writers published in his official Star Trek books (The New Voyages & The New Voyages II).
I feel I saw Uhura and women in TOS engaged in more physical combat/altercations defending themselves that Troi or Bev were shown holding their own.
In fact, Kirk used to get furious when someone would "dress up" his female crew members without their consent (Trelane episode, Shore Leave episode) because like his male crew members, he wanted them to be treated professionally and to also have his male crew act professionally.
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Berman brought some of his own personal biases into Star Trek that in some ways regressed it. While TOS had blatant sexism and was called on it time and again, that show was made in the 60s -- a solid 21 years before TNG. We as a modern audience understood why some of it was cringe/sexist due to the time period -- look at any other media coming out in the 60s and Star Trek was miles ahead of what other shows were doing.
Compare that to Berman who was churning sexist stuff out when women like Starbuck and Scully were simultaneously on screen on other programs airing, and we had already had Sigourney Weaver and other strong women in Holywood playing respectful roles.
In my eyes, there was no need of the sexism seen in TNG but especially VOY and ENT. There was no excuse for it when other shows were writing women far better and a number of those weren't even set in the future like Trek was, making it age even faster due to having those dated perspectives frequently highlighted.
In the Center Seat documentary as well as "The Fifty Year Mission" book you will find cast members, writers and other studio alumni who attest to this. Some discussions from "The Fifty Year Mission":
"First, Berman was supposed to have been a real sleaze ball . . . According to Terry Farrel, he would go on constantly about how her breasts weren't big enough, how she should do something about it, and how his secretary was a good example to follow as she had huge breasts. She even had to have fittings to get larger bras, and that was all done at his behest.
Later Berman and Braga developed a name for Jeri Ryan's character prior Seven of Nine. They originally called the character "perineum" which if you look it up it is the area between the anus and the scrotum. Later they floated the name "6 of 9". I mean, what does it tell you about where these two were coming from in the development of this character if they had names like that put forward in all seriousness for her?"
Gene Roddenberry also had some of his own more progressive ideas for TNG cut or watered down by Berman. Roddenberry agreed TNG should have homosexual relationships and representation at a con in the 80s and insisted on it in a meeting with his writers -- something Berman later would not honor. Gene wanted the AIDS episode, showing m/m and f/f in the Riza scenes -- these were some of Roddenberry's requests to include in TNG that Berman later stonewalled.
Berman's era was sadly dated by his own misogynist bias, IMO, to the point that it can somewhat hurt the shows he worked on through his cringe egoism and blatant disrespect toward his female cast.
There is a reason why Gene could keep female actresses working with him and Berman had a revolving door of women that he couldn't seem to keep working for him -- he was abhorrent to women, on and off set. Gene wasn't perfect at all, he had a lot of issues himself -- but Berman was a whole other level. Just look at what he did to poor Jolene Blalock, Marina Sirtis and his toxic commenting on her body weight which exacerbated her struggles with eating disorders, or how he treated and talked to Terry Farrell.
Anyway, just some food for thought. I'm not saying anyone is wrong regarding a take like that, but there are a variety of ways to look at this. Gene Roddenberry isn't a saint by any means, but it definitely bothers me how folks will tote the Berman era as if it were the lesser of two evils or the more progressive depiction of women when I felt there were far more concerning portrayals of women in his era with far less justification.
(P.S: I don't event want to go near the sheer amount of "creepy old dude/villain preys on innocent/naïve/scared young woman or little girl" stories there were in Berman's era, either. But that's a whole other can of worms I can write about in a part 2.)
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dollywheeler · 3 months
October 24th, 1996
Mike is such a DOUCHEBAG! What? Just because he’s back in town he thinks he can dictate how I live my fucking life?! I knew this would happen! Knew he would just go back to looking at me like the goddamn 5 year old he couldn't give a damn about! That was nothing but a nuisance!
As if I can’t take care of myself! God, if he thinks I give a shit about his opinion he’s going to be sorely disappointed! Sure, not jumping four feet in the air and possibly breaking my neck at seven in the morning where no one will find me for at least another hour, made sense. That I can place and admit to being dangerous! But just running? What? I’m so fragile I might twist my ankle?
Fuck, and the way he yelled at me? Like I’m some dumb child that should know better?? I do know better! Which is why I always leave a note with my exact route and expected time of return - not even because I think anything might happen, but because I have common human decency and don’t want mom to worry when she wakes up to find me gone! Something he could’t give a rat’s ass about!!
Seriously, it’s so fucking rich that he thinks he has the right to scold me about running around Hawkins - Hawkins of all places, as if there are more boring towns than this! - in the dark without adult supervision! I’m so mad it’s insane. I don’t think I’ve ever been this pissed off before, it’s genuinely quite impressive.
To think that an hour ago I was so content to wake up early and go for a run before school. I was in such a good mood too - he ruined it.
He just doesn’t understand! I already can’t practice my routine - not the full, difficult parts of it - so the least I can do is work on my cardio and stamina! But when I tell him that he’s all like “just ask a friend to come along next time!” And I try to tell him that’s not an option but he just - ugh. He doesn’t get it. There’s no point in practicing extra when everyone knows you’re doing it. It will just make everyone think I’m being a try-hard or a suck-up or whatever! Or just think I’m being weird for needing the extra practice!
Great, now I’m crying again because I'm pathetic! Fucking Mike. Fuck this shit.
Okay, so I didn’t actually finish this entry, for many reasons. I didn’t even start it properly - not that the “dear diary” really matters, I guess, but it’s the principle of the thing.
Anyway, even though it’s been hours, I’m still pissed off, don’t worry, but at least now I have the time and state of mind to finish. I’m skipping English as I’m writing this down - I know it’s terrible for a lot of reasons.
1, my school record, but what is Mike going to do? Report me? Fuck that. And fuck him.
2, It’s letting him win. I recognise that. But I guess I’m weak because I really can’t deal with seeing him right now. God I hate him.
3, Danny is probably wondering where I am, which means I’ll have to tell him what happened.
Damn - maybe I didn’t think this through. I can probably spin it - say I wasn’t feeling well or something. Except I don’t want to lie to him either… Well, it’s not technically a lie. Still, I’ll probably just tell him some part of the truth - he can know I was pissed at Mike. He doesn’t have any siblings but he’ll probably understand anyway.
To think that for a while I considered myself an only child… tragic. I was so fucking close to just having a cool older sister that was too far away to meddle in my life. I was in control of my life - I still am!
Mike just thinks he has a say all of a sudden - which he doesn’t. Two weeks of being civil does not a brother make!
Seriously, it was so disorientating to just be running one minute, thinking nice thoughts, wondering about the english assignment, only for Mr. Wheeler himself to actually see me and come storming out freaking out about me running in the dark! It's Hawkins in October! It's dark all the time!
I was so shocked, I could barely defend myself. God, the neighbours will probably have wondered what the fuck was going on - If our shouting match didn’t wake them I’m sure they’re dead.
The worst part was that I still had to go to school after… I'm sure everyone could tell I was off. Or at least Dylan would have, if she hadn't been a thousand miles away today herself. I'm kind of glad for it. Danny sending me worried glances was more than enough, and just getting to listen to Whitney rattle on about yearbook and today's lunch and whatever else was not living up to her standard was nice. Distracting.
Still, I wish I could just go home already - I want to lie down and mope and pretend like it's still three months ago when Mike was far far away! Then I wouldn't have to deal with his judgement and his meddling and his passive-aggressiveness towards mom and dad. And I could just kiss my boyfriend in school without fearing he might see.
Sadly, I still have cheer practice and I can't skip it. It's already bad enough that Dylan has a brace around her wrist again.
This just reminded me I'm still wearing Mike's bracelet - it really shouldn't make me feel better but it does. It's petty as hell, and he probably doesn't even remember it exists, but whatever.
He should just go back to not remembering me.
- Holly
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now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts (Fleury - Lyon Postgame Thoughts)
Plus side: we won by a comfortable margin.
Downside: literally everything else.
It's impossible to have watched that game and come away with any degree of confidence. It was a win, sure, but it was ugly as fuck and if we're being frank, paints a pretty bleak picture of the future. So let's talk our way through the issues.
Before I rip into the team, we need to talk about the state of the pitch because I am an equal opportunity hater. It was appalling and that Lyon walked away with no (obvious?) longterm injury is quite frankly a miracle. The French Federation cannot be bragging about how they have revamped the league while having teams play on a pitch like Fleury's. By the end it looked closer to a carpet design than actual grass.
Pitches in conditions like that aren't going to encourage players to play in the league and they're not going to encourage broadcasters to broadcast the games. This is something that needs to be fixed, urgently at that. It was ugly to look at and it was ugly to play on. No one, absolutely no one, enjoyed it.
So let's move on to the game itself.
Lyon's mentality, which used to be such a strong defining characteristic of the team, was absolutely shocking this evening. To have conceded in the opening seconds not just in the first half but also in the second half is just unacceptable for a team of this alleged caliber. They have played games before. In what world should they have switched off so easily? This isn't their first time playing in a new league against an unfamiliar opponent. They aren't amateurs even if the beginning of each half begs the contrary.
The defense wasn't ball watching on the goals which actually makes it even worse. If they were ball watching then they were jut being lazy. Instead they were unprepared and disoriented and got rightfully punished for it. People will argue that it's expected since the defense isn't used to playing in a 3-4-3.
Fine. But they shouldn't be playing in a 3-4-3 anyway.
The system doesn't work when you have the outside backs that Lyon does. Svava and Carpenter both like to break forward and be part of the attack because that's simply how Lyon plays. But in order for the 3-4-3 to properly work you need the defense to sit back the entire game. A 3-4-3 with two outside backs like Carpenter becomes more of a 1-2-4-3 and that leaves the goal incredibly exposed.
If Fleury were able to score two quick goals, imagine what teams with a bigger fire power (PSG, Paris FC) will do to that defense. The system just simply doesn't work with the defenders Lyon has.
Well, the remaining players. Gilles shouldn't have played 90 mins considering she missed the entirety of preseason due to injury. While I will celebrate Montemurro protecting my mental health by not starting Sylla and Sangare, we're back to the real problem: Gilles played because the other option was worse, and the other option was worse because Kang/Ponsot/Montemurro collectively decided that losing Mbock was acceptable because they would give academy kids playing time instead.
Twist and turn it all you want, but academy kids are not on par with Mbock. If only we had a third experienced CB who could have perhaps stepped up and played instead ...
I've ripped on Marozsan so much in the past. I still think we should sell her and I still think she's unnecessary expensive dead weight. BUT I am also not to proud to give credit where credit is due. She has been playing well lately and seems to have remembered that cardio will not, in fact, actually kill her. I'm not sure who was more surprised when Marozsan ran back and did a good defensive slide tackle, myself or the Fleury player. I don't think Marozsan's defensive efforts were necessary in a scouting report. Canal Plus also had interesting speculations about why Marozsan sat on the bench so much last season but that's something we can discuss privately.
The midfield overall was pretty meh. Van de Donk didn't play well but didn't play badly either, but definitely could have done better. I am perplexed at her fucking nutcase stans on Instagram who do not seem to understand that a player can be subbed around the 60th minute for rotation purposes and not because of injury. She is a player who wasn't playing an outstanding game and has openly spoken about burnout. There is nothing shocking or concerning about her being subbed around the 60th minute unless you a deranged parasocial freak.
Horan actually played better than I was expecting. I'm a bit like ??? at some people's willingness to vilify her. Like, she's not in my list of Top 20 players I like, but there seems to be a real interest in putting her down lately while conveniently forgetting both what she has accomplished on the field and other players who have made much more controversial decisions but seem to get a pass because of a bunch of reasons (association with Love Island FC being one of them). Anyway, it's fine, beef with whomever you want, not gonna tell you not to, but is Horan really the most unlikeable player in the world? Like, really?
Damaris was a bit meh at the beginning, was sloppy and careless for Fleury's first goal, but actually got into the game more and seemed to become more interested in the outcome of the game as it went on. Her assist was really good. Just sucks we're going to lose her for several weeks/months at one point in the season as is tradition.
Dumornay has got to learn to control her frustration better. It's frustrating as a fan because when Dumornay keeps her head down and does her job, she's really good at it and is fun to watch. But then she starts being fouled or calls going against her or whatever and she starts committing unnecessary fouls. I'm not fond of the argument "she's young and is still learning." No. Cut that shit out and focus on your job. Which she did in this game.
Canal Plus ripped into Chawinga a fair amount as well and some I think was a bit out of line and some I agree with. Is Lyon a more "technical" team than PSG? I'm not super convinced about that. I think in terms of passing and ball possession, they're not that different from each other. So I don't buy the argument she struggled because she isn't used to being on a technical team. PSG has very good technical players, this isn't the first time she would have been around quick passing.
I do agree she was making sloppy mistakes. There was a moment when she was trying to control the ball and then just kicked out of bounds from 20 cms away for a Fleury throw. She also didn't really have a go at the Fleury defense which we know from her PSG days she can do. Now again, I'll concede she is playing with a new team, but she has played in the league before and she has played against Fleury before. There wasn't really a whole lot of new if you think about it.
Diani woke up as the game went on. Scored, could have done better, have seen her ghost so I know what that looks like and this wasn't it. It'll be interesting to see what her form looks like as the season progresses.
And going back to Endler - I expected better from her. I know she is probably used to sleep watching her way through league games so she is going to be in for a rude awakening if Montemurro continues with this 3-4-3 formation. Before Endler had a stellar backline in front of her. Now she doesn't really have one at all.
Tl:dr version: this game did nothing to make me feel better about how the rest of the season is going to go.
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zack10x · 4 months
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Discover Cardio Defend: The Natural Solution for Optimal Heart Health
Cardio Defend is a revolutionary formula designed to enhance blood circulation to the heart and prevent cardiovascular issues. This supplement features a 100% natural blend of powerful ingredients aimed at reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Cardio Defend comes in an easily dissolvable powder form, offering protection against heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, and other heart-related conditions. The primary ingredients in Cardio Defend include vitamin C and vitamin K, which are known to lower blood pressure, protect the cardiovascular system, and promote overall heart health.
Manufactured in the USA, Cardio Defend adheres to stringent standards to ensure safety and efficacy. The clinically tested formula provides rapid relief without the adverse effects of artificial additives or toxins.
How Does Cardio Defend Work?
Cardio Defend adopts a multifaceted approach to tackle the root causes of poor cardiovascular health, enhancing various aspects of well-being. Here’s how it works within the body:
➢ Strengthens the Heart
Cardio Defend enhances heart function by fortifying the heart muscles, making it easier for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. This support reduces the risk of coronary heart diseases, enabling users to live without the fear of future heart issues.
➢ Improves Blood Flow
By aiding the heart in pumping blood more efficiently, Cardio Defend helps regulate blood pressure and improves the heart’s systolic and diastolic functions. It also repairs damaged muscles that impede blood flow and stabilizes the heartbeat, ensuring healthier blood circulation and nutrient delivery to all body tissues.
➢ Boosts Energy Levels
Cardio Defend is packed with ingredients that accelerate metabolism, enhancing fat breakdown and energy production. This increase in energy levels helps users feel more active and energetic, reducing feelings of sluggishness.
➢ Strengthens Arteries
The supplement supports arterial health, which is crucial for overall cardiovascular function. Weak arteries can lead to irregular blood pressure and internal bleeding. Cardio Defend contains natural extracts that fortify artery walls, improving blood flow and overall cardiovascular health.
➢ Enhances Fitness Levels
Cardio Defend contributes significantly to physical fitness. The ingredients boost energy and improve heart health, facilitating better blood flow. These benefits enable users to engage in physical activities like running, biking, and hiking with reduced risk of heart-related issues.
➢ Reduces Oxidative Stress
The accumulation of free radicals can harm the heart and other vital organs. Cardio Defend is rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and help eliminate toxins from the body. This reduction in oxidative stress not only improves cardiovascular health but also enhances the function of other organs, promoting overall health.
Cardio Defend’s natural ingredient blend is free from side effects, ensuring a safe and beneficial boost to heart health and overall vitality.
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larsnicklas · 4 months
"am i a petey blog" u are THE petey blog. i come on to your blog to see you bitching (pos) about the hate petey gets on twitter dot com and i feel better about getting legitimately angry and defensive over a man i've never met. i love u and the way u love petey
u know what i can live with this. i do really have a specific and intense fondness for pete that i can't really explain and i am HAPPY to validate your feelings about him and the frankly very silly takes on twitter dot com. like obviously at the end of the day i'm not affected in any material sense by what people say about my hockeys and i'm not losing sleep at night but at the same time if people are going to get worked up and really spew the most vicious hatred i think it's only fair for there to be people also defending him with their lives and sometimes i do take up that mantle when i get particularly fed up!!!
and it's really like. i think it's fine to say things like oh i didn't like x part of his game / he wasn't good / he needs to be better etc. like those are all normal and fine takes to have. and i even agree half the time, i just don't spend my time posting about it because enough people already do lol. it just drives me nuts when people start insinuating that he's coasting since he's gotten paid, or that he's mailing it in and doesn't care about the team or that he isn't TRYING HARD like..... can't you see he'd be playing at his top level if it was possible. be serious you KNOW how dominant he can be when he's at his best, and even at his worst he does a lot of very good things. i think it's true that he could be playing better, and also true that his linemates are barely even doing cardio at this point. and also true that he is likely nursing some sort of ailment, whatever it might be, because he does not look right and i genuinely do not think we can simply chalk it up to "the playoff pressure is getting to him" because he was really fighting the game in the last third of the season or so too. like please people let's use our brains...
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clowngags · 2 years
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Joker’s Hobbies && How She Spends Her Time
Cooking. Joker has no idea where she learned to cook, but it soothes her. She’s an extremely methodical person, and cooking is all about the process. Also she loves food. She makes a pretty spectacular cedar planked salmon with roasted asparagus, and her creamy pesto sauce is also noteworthy. A close third is her seared tuna with wasabi butter sauce– she serves it over angel hair, and it’s pretty great. Joker prefers to cook alone and to eat alone, and being invited to dine with her is a big deal. Most often, she cooks for Frost (and Noam Chompsky, of course). She’s a strict pescatarian and is extremely finicky about her dietary standards.
Collecting. Joker collects books, particularly vintages and first editions. Her tastes are eclectic and vary widely, but she’s interested in histories and philosophies, in political works, and largely Southern literature (particularly Southern Gothic). Her living room and study are full of books, and she employs a private collector to obtain works for her. If she needs to create a code of some kind, the cipher is invariably something from her collection. People also like to give her clown figurines as gifts, which she’ll keep if she likes them or if she cares at all about the person who gave it to her. She also has a fairly extensive collection of designer watches, many of which were taken from people she’s killed, and she owns way too many pairs of boots.
Fitness. Staying in shape is extremely important to Joker. While she is a fairly vain person, largely this is also a survival necessity. She emphasizes cardio and core strength and also is extremely advanced in krav maga (one of the most deadly martial arts in the world, developed by Israel). Part of her motivation lies in the fact that she’s very small for such an infamous criminal, and in constantly fighting for her life and her cause, she must be able to defend herself from a larger and likely stronger opponent. A majority of her fitness regime is geared towards fighting, and her specialty is knives, but she does know a fair bit about gunsmithing and employs a gunsmith.
Joker can also juggle and is fairly talented with a ukulele. She very much enjoys chess and card games. She has a strong interest in explosives engineering.
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fittheorem · 2 years
Getting in Shape: Overcoming Shyness to Join a Fun Cardio Kickboxing Group Fitness Class
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Are you looking for a fun and challenging way to get in shape? If so, cardio kickboxing group fitness classes may be the perfect solution for you! These classes are a great way to improve your strength, endurance, and coordination. They are also a lot of fun and provide a great cardio workout. However, some people may be hesitant to join a class because of shyness or intimidation. Here are a few tips for overcoming this obstacle and joining a fun cardio kickboxing class today!
First, it’s important to remember that everyone in the group fitness class is there to get in shape and have a great time. Everyone is at varying levels of experience and ability, so there’s no need to feel intimidated or shy. Most cardio kickboxing classes offer modifications for different fitness levels, so don’t be afraid to ask the instructor for guidance.
Second, cardio kickboxing classes are a great way to make new friends and meet people with similar fitness goals. Most cardio kickboxing instructors encourage participants to work together as a team and motivate each other during class. This can be a great opportunity to form meaningful relationships and have fun while getting in shape.
Lastly, cardio kickboxing classes have numerous health benefits. Regular cardio kickboxing can improve your cardiovascular fitness and strengthen your muscles. It can also help increase flexibility, balance, and coordination while burning lots of calories. With all these benefits, there’s no reason to hesitate any longer!
So if you’re ready to get in shape, join a cardio kickboxing group fitness class today! It’s the perfect way to start your journey to better health. Additionally, if you’re still feeling shy or intimidated, remember that everyone is there to learn and support each other – so don’t be afraid to take the plunge and get started! With the right attitude, cardio kickboxing classes can be an incredibly rewarding experience. So what are you waiting for? Get up and go join a cardio kickboxing group fitness class today! You won’t regret it!
Get Fit with Cardio Kickboxing 
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When it comes to getting in shape, there are a lot of options out there. One of the most popular and effective ways to get fit is by doing cardio kickboxing. Cardio kickboxing combines martial arts moves and exercises that can help you get into peak physical condition. It’s great for people of all ages and fitness levels, so let’s take a closer look at why cardio kickboxing should be your go-to workout. 
Burn Fat & Build Muscle 
One of the main benefits of cardio kickboxing is that it helps burn fat while also building muscle. The combination of various martial arts techniques with other exercises makes it an intense full-body workout that will have you sweating in no time! In addition to burning calories and fat, kickboxing also activates all major muscle groups, helping to build strength and tone muscles throughout the body. 
Improve Balance & Flexibility 
Cardio kickboxing isn't just about punching and kicking, it's also about improving balance and flexibility. Martial arts kicks require a great deal of coordination between arms and legs, which helps improve overall balance. Additionally, by stretching before and after each session, you can increase your range of motion—and that means greater flexibility over time! With improved balance and flexibility come more efficient movement patterns—which can lead to increased performance in any sport or activity. 
Increase Confidence & Self-Esteem 
Not only does cardio kickboxing help you physically, but it can also help you mentally as well! By challenging yourself with new moves every day, you'll be able to see your progress over time. This will increase your confidence as well as self-esteem because you'll know that all the hard work has paid off in tangible results! Plus, when you learn how to defend yourself against an attacker (should the need ever arise), you will feel empowered knowing that you are capable of taking care of yourself if necessary. 
Visit a Gym in League City, TX for Professional Fitness Training and Equipment!
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Visiting a cardio kickboxing gym in League City can be an excellent way to get a full-body workout and stay in shape. Cardio kickboxing exercises is a high-intensity, fast-paced workout that combines martial arts moves with aerobic exercise. It is an effective way to combine both strength and cardio training into one efficient and fun session. 
A good cardio kickboxing class will involve a combination of warm-up exercises which include stretches to increase flexibility and dynamic movements that help to prepare your body for the workouts ahead. If you choose to join a cardio kickboxing gym in League City you can expect professional instructors ready to guide proper form throughout the class. The instructors will also ensure that everyone is keeping their heart rate at an appropriate level by providing modifications when necessary so that everyone can get the most out of their workout while minimizing the risk of injury. 
Cardio kickboxing gyms in League City typically offer both group fitness classes as well as private lessons depending on what your needs may be. Group fitness classes allow you to socialize and become part of a community while still enjoying the full benefits of a high-intensity workout without having individual attention from an instructor every second - ideal for those who want maximum benefit but are limited on time or budget constraints! Private lessons meanwhile give personal attention from instructors so progress can be monitored more closely allowing greater advancement within each session - great for those looking for more personalized instruction! So what are you waiting for? Join a cardio kickboxing in houston today!
To know more about cardio kickboxing and to know how to get started, visit Cardio Kickboxing League City pages:
Fit Theorem - League City Facebook Page
Fit Theorem - League City Instagram Page
Fit Theorem - League City YouTube Page
Fit Theorem - League City Twitter Page
Fit Theorem - League City LinkedIn Page
Fit Theorem - League City Mapquest
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dauntless-gothamite · 3 years
Prove Them Wrong [5/?]
Fandom: Divergent Pairing: Eric Coulter x Fem! Reader Summary: Y/N is a Dauntless transfer from Erudite, and she has a drive, an ambition that sets her apart--it always has, even back in Erudite. She brings her perseverance (and need to prove others wrong) to Dauntless when she transfers, and she uses her mind to make her way through the initiation process. Along the way, she makes friends and enemies, and she finds herself comfortable around the man most people in Dauntless avoid at all costs: Eric Coulter. A/N: I am so glad people are enjoying this so far! I am having a great time writing it, and I am excited about the chapters that are yet to come. I’d love if you let me know what you think of this new chapter, but no pressure, enjoy!!
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The next morning, as all the other transfers ran laps, you made your way to the infirmary for physical therapy. When you got there, the doctor who had stitched you up the day before waved at you in greeting. “Hello, Y/N, how is the leg doing?”
“Better than yesterday,” you replied with a small smile. 
“Glad to hear it,” she replied. “You’ll be working with Andre today, he’s one of our physical therapists,” she said and pointed to Andre, who was standing a few feet away and waved. 
“Alright, thanks,” you said and started walking towards Andre. “Nice to meet you,” you said and stuck out your hand.
“Likewise,” Andre said and shook your outstretched hand. “So the program I have designed for you focuses more on keeping your leg muscles engaged without running the risk of tearing your stitches open more than recovery because the injury is serious but ultimately, it is just a deep laceration.” You nodded in understanding, and he led you over to a stationary bike. “For the next half hour, you are going to ride this bike. I want you to work your leg muscles and cardio system, but do not put more strain on your legs than necessary, the last thing I want is to tear those stitches or for your leg to start bleeding. Here is a set of headphones that hook up to the bike’s electronic system; I know riding a stationary bike for half an hour can get boring, so feel free to listen to music while you work. I’ll come get you in half an hour, but you can call me over at any point.”
“Sounds good, thanks,” you said before getting on the bike and connecting the headphones to browse the music selection for a little while before settling on an upbeat song with a strong bass beat. Then you got to pedaling. 
You were sweating--not as much as you did during regular training, but you were still getting a good workout in--when the thirty minutes ended. Andre walked over to you and helped you get off the bike, and it took you a second to adjust to the solid ground beneath your feet. “Good job,” Andre said. “It really seemed like you were pushing yourself while still respecting the boundaries set by the injury. That’s smart, if you keep this up, you’ll probably heal quickly. Most dauntless go all out and reinjure themselves, so it takes even longer to heal. But I see you have some brains, a good quality for future dauntless.”
“Thanks,” you beamed at him.
“Y/N,” someone said, waving you over from the entrance of the infirmary. You turned to see Four standing there, and you furrowed your brow; you were supposed to be at physical therapy for another half hour before going back to the training room. 
“What’s going on?” you asked as you walked over to him, Andre right behind you.
“Eric changed the plan, we are working with crossbows today instead of fighting, and since you can participate in this, I came to get you while he explains what's going on to the other initiates,” he explained. “Although, perhaps leaving them alone with him wasn’t the best idea,” he said, half-joking, earning a smile from you. 
“Alright, let’s go then. I’ll see you next time, Andre,” you said to the physical therapist as Four walked with you back to the training room. “So… what’s up,” you said to fill the awkward silence that settled between you and Four as you two walked. He looked at you, amused. 
“Oh, you know. Training initiates.” You laughed at his bluntness. 
“Right,” you chuckled. “So, why did Eric change the plan?” you asked cautiously.
“I’m not entirely sure,” Four shrugged. “Though I suspect it has to do with the fact that he’s particularly… grumpy today, and he probably wants to shoot arrows at someone.”
“Well, that does sound like a very real possibility,” you agreed, and the two of you reached the training room to see Eric walking up and down the line of initiates holding crossbows and aiming at targets, aggressively yanking them into the correct positions, yelling all the while.
“Finally,” he snapped as you picked up a bow and walked to the end of the line, lining yourself up with the target. You closed your eyes to prevent yourself from rolling them at his comment while he continued roughly moving arms and legs of different initiates, sometimes making them wince in shock, surprise at the force, pain, or all three. When he got to Tris, who was right next to you, he looked her up and down, moved her arms, and said “Back straight, initiate! With that posture, you’ll shoot yourself in the foot, assuming you even get the arrow out of the crossbow!” He waited for a second for her to move, but he quickly became frustrated and yelled to Four, “Four, you deal with this one, I’m going to catch Y/N up, since she has finally graced us with her presence,” he said sarcastically. Tris made eye contact with you, and you knew she was wishing you luck, making you smile a bit. 
“Alright,” Eric said, turning to you. Turn sideways, aim down the line, legs shoulder distance apart. Don’t lock the knees, but stand straight. Non-dominant arm straight, other arm pulls the string back once the arrow is notched, pulling with the middle three fingers. Pull the string all the way back to your ear, look down the line, and shoot. Go,” he said, stepping back and watching with crossed arms. You took the stance Eric had described as well as possible, and Eric’s hands landed on your hips, turning them just the slightest bit. Then, as quickly as they had landed there, they were gone. “Same thing as with the punch, initiate. The angle of your hips matters; it’s where your legs and torso connect, so there’s a lot of power there. You can use your core to help your arm pull the string back further, allowing you to aim better and send a more forceful arrow.” You nodded, notching an arrow, pulling back, and looking down the arrow towards the target. Without hesitation, you released, and the arrow landed mere millimeters from the bull’s eye. “Good,” Eric nodded, walking away. 
As you reached for the next arrow, Tris said, “What the hell just happened?”
“What do you mean?” you asked. 
“Eric. He made us run fifty laps, then he changed up the plan and told us all to take an archery stance. Then, he walked up and down the line, pushing and pulling people into the right positions--I think he almost sprained Al’s shoulder! And then, just now, he just… what, turned your hips? No yanking or bending at unnatural angles or anything!”
“It’s probably just because I got injured yesterday and he doesn’t want to reopen the wound,” you shrugged. 
“Maybe,” Tris said with a sigh. “But still, that was… weird.”
“As opposed to the way Four helped you?” you countered, and she blushed. If she thought you hadn’t noticed the way Four had helped her by taking a softer approach than Eric, she was in for a surprise.
“It’s better to try and get into a position you have a hard time with when you exhale,” she defended, knowing you’d heard Four’s suggestion of a quick breathing exercise. 
“I know,” you smirked. 
“Ugh, let’s just get back to shooting,” she said, and you laughed.
“You two, shut up and get shooting,” Eric’s voice called out, quieting your laughter and causing both Tris and yourself to fall silent. You both made eye contact though, took aim, and released your arrows at the same time, each sending a swift arrow into the center of your respective targets, pride for both yourself and your friend rising inside of you.
“Ten more minutes,” Four called out. “After that, you will retrieve your arrows, put your equipment away, and get to lunch. So give it your all!” 
You took a deep breath, and each arrow you shot for the next ten minutes was aimed with extreme precision, resulting in a pretty crowded center of the target when Four called for everyone to stop. It also made the job of retrieving arrows easier since they were all in one area, which you were grateful for as you pulled each one out of the target. 
As you and Tris walked over to the storage cabinets to put your bow and arrows away, Will and Christina jogged over to you guys, having already put their stuff away. “How was physical therapy this morning, Y/N,” Will asked as he came to a stop. 
“It was good,” you replied, “I just rode a stationary bike so I could get a cardio workout and engage my leg muscles as well as my core in a more controlled setting.”
“That makes sense,” he nodded in approval. “I’m glad it went well. The rest of us had to run around here fifty times!”
“So I heard,” you said, still surprised at the number of laps your friends had run that morning. “And this one here,” he put an arm around Christina’s shoulders, “was one of the first people to finish!”
“Congratulations!” you said with a smile to Christina. She had set a goal for herself to improve her cardio, and it would seem she had reached it. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, blushing slightly at the contact with Will. “So, wanna get out of here and grab some lunch?”
“That sounds great to me,” you nodded, ready to go. 
“Y/N,” Eric said loudly from across the room as he strode towards you and your friends. 
“Before you go, I want to take a look at your leg; there’s a first-aid kit in here and I want to see if it needs cleaning seeing as you sweat earlier. The last thing I need to deal with is an infection.”
“Alright,” you said and walked over to the bench, your friends following you. You rolled up the leg of your sweatpants, and thankfully, the wound didn’t look too irritated. 
Nodding, Eric said, “It looks good, but make sure to clean it well later. Use soap and water, and halfway through the day or between workouts, I would recommend disinfecting it.”
“Is there anything I can use now? Just to be safe?” He nodded and grabbed the first aid kit from a shelf on the wall, opened it up, and grabbed a hydrogen peroxide wipe. 
“Here,” he said, handing it to you. “There is also some cream here which you’ll be glad to have once you feel the sting of that wipe,” he said, handing you some ointment. 
“Thanks,” you said as you ripped open the hydrogen peroxide wipe and cleaned the wound. 
You hissed as it stung, and Eric sounded further when he said, “Told you,” since he was putting the kit back. You grunted in acknowledgement, and after wiping the area down, you put some of the ointment on, which was a much nicer way of keeping the area clean. Then, you rolled down your pant leg, stood, and made to toss the ointment back to Eric, but before you could, he said “Keep it.”
“Thanks,” you said, surprised as you pocketed it. Eric simply nodded. 
“Now get out of here,” he said, “go eat lunch.” And with that, you were swept out of the training room by your friends. 
“So, we missed you at dinner last night,” Christina said as you and your friends sat down at a table in the dining hall. “Although I totally get that you had other things to worry about. You did get to eat though, right? We wanted to save you some food, but it was pasta night, and everyone had to fight just to get their fair share.”
“That’s sweet of you guys,” you said. “Four tried to do the same thing, but he was too late. “Luckily, Eric had a backup plan.” 
“Oh my god, did you eat dinner with Eric?” Tris whisper-yelled, making eye contact with Christina, whose jaw was hanging open. 
“Yeah, last night was a lot. I waited in his apartment while he got me some sweatpants, which are really comfy, and then he got back and made ‘low-carb enchiladas’ for dinner.”
“Of course they’d be low-carb, Will said, rolling his eyes.”
“Were they good?” Christina asked.
“They were so good,” you nodded. 
“How was the company?” Tris asked.
“Honestly it was fine. I think that the fact that we didn’t talk because we were both tired prevented an argument from breaking out.”
“That’s good,” Christina said. “I’m glad he wasn’t completely horrible to you after you’d just gotten hurt. Although, I have to ask, why wasn’t he completely horrible to you today? I didn’t think he’d have that long of a ‘grace period’ after injuries.”
“He probably didn’t want to reopen the wound,” you said, repeating what you’d said to Tris earlier. “Why are you guys so interested in him?”
“Because he is the scariest person here, and he just gave you some ointment for your leg, which is the exact opposite of what it seems like he would do!” Will said. 
“You do have a point,” you admitted. “Look, I don’t know, but it doesn’t really matter. Besides, we still have to talk about the way Four keeps eyeing Tris,” you said, smirking evilly as you turned the attention away from yourself, launching a new line of questioning, this time aimed at your friend.
Tag List: @shykoolaid, @taina-eny​, @parabatai-winchester​, @marvel-ousnesss​, @kid-from-new-zealand​, @polychr0matic​
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just-come-baek · 3 years
body rhythm
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Pairing: Taeyong x reader | mentions of Seulgi x Irene | mentions of Johnny x almost everybody
Themes: smut | fluff | dance!au 
Word count: 14.8k
Summary: Taeyong and Seulgi participate in a nationwide dance competition. However, due to unfortunate scheduling, she has to drop out of it, suggesting you, out of all people, fill in. Taeyong isn't pleased with how things manage to fall out of place, but he is in no position to be whiny about it. For him, it's either learn to work with you or lose yet another time to his arch-enemy.
Warnings: a moderate amount of fluff | Johnny flirting with everybody in plain sight | Johnny stalks people out on social media | cursing | Doyoung being a huge dick | Doyoung flexing his hips | reader has inappropriate thoughts about Taeil | Taeyong being very demanding dance teacher | stressfull situations | drinking | reader is kind of bratty and Taeyong finds it really frustrating | frustrated/angry making out | as per smut | oral!female receiving | unprotected sex (never try it at home or else Imma tell your parents) | they kinda fuck in the open and kinda check our their refection in the mirror |
A/N it's my entry for song association event, I hope you like it, and also don't forget to check out other entries ^^ they must be all out by now lol
“Are you ready?” Johnny inquired as he set his fourth coffee of the day on his desk and plopped onto the swivel chair in a cubicle next to mine. It was a really long day at work, and we both had trouble sitting through the end of it. Heaving a deep sigh, I looked at the pile of documents that required my attention, groaning before I sprawled across my workspace.
“I thought it’s canceled tonight,” I spoke as I looked at my wristwatch, wincing when I realized there was still one more hour until Johnny and I could finally clock out.
A few months ago, our lovely firm, instead of giving us a well-deserved raise, had decided to provide us with a variety of extra activities. Though I’d rather get some monetary benefits, together with Johnny, we chose dance classes. Our company was paying for it, so we might’ve as well attended.
Ever since then, every Thursday, we would go to a dance class to sweat out all of the pent-up frustration. I didn’t have plenty of expectations, still bitter after the company’s decision, but the dance class turned out amazing. Seulgi was our teacher, and although she was a bit demanding, she was patient enough to teach us some sick moves. If that didn’t scream talent™, I had no idea what did.
“Well… last week, she said she might be absent today, but I got a text from school that someone will fill in,” Johnny spoke matter-of-factly. I sighed, checking my phone, reading the same text message from the studio. I really didn’t have energy for dance classes, but there was no way Johnny would let me skip.
“Do you want to grab a drink after? I think I need one, or a few,” I proposed as I sat back in my chair, trying to let my eyes rest from the computer’s screen.
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Johnny asked rhetorically, smiling at me as if I just read his mind. It was almost Friday at this point, and we deserved a little treat.
Though it felt like an eternity, the clock finally struck 5 p.m., letting us leave our claustrophobic cubicles. Tomorrow we would come back for another dose of torture, but right now, we were free. Only for a few hours, though.
Quickly, I returned home to get my gym bag. Thankfully, I lived within walking distance from both – my office and the dance studio, so it wasn’t as troublesome to commute as it was for Johnny, who got stuck in traffic almost every day.
A few minutes before the dance class, I was already changed into my gym attire, waiting for Johnny. Though no one was texting me, I stared at my phone, furiously typing away. Moon Taeil, also known as my secret crush, was leaning against the wall on the other side of the corridor, and I tried every single trick my mind could come up with not to look desperate.
“At this point, he must think you hate him,” Johnny commented as he conjured in front of me out of nowhere. “You should hit on him instead of trying to bolt every time he approaches you,” he added, and I rolled my eyes at his yet another one shitty advice.
“Can you remind me why I don’t take dating advice from you?”
“Why are you attacking me? I just wanted to help. There’s no need to get so aggressive,” Johnny defended his case, not really answering my question. Johnny was a self-proclaimed love expert, but to me, he was more of a pathological playboy. Either way, he seemed to understand the secrets of flirtation to pick up girls whenever he set his mind to it.
“I am just trying not to be obvious,” I commented, stealing a glance at Taeil. It was a silly crush, and though Johnny encouraged me to go for it, I never decided to act on my feelings. Taeil probably didn’t feel this way about me, so remaining idle actually saved me embarrassment after an inevitable rejection.
“Speaking of which, I figured out why Seulgi is so resistant to my charms,” Johnny announced proudly, and I raised my eyebrow, waiting for the big reveal. Everybody in our group knew that Johnny was attracted to Seulgi, but every time he tried to approach her, she would brush him off.
“By figured out, you mean you stalked her, right?” I commented when Johnny handed me his phone, showing me Seulgi’s profile. According to what Johnny dug out in social media, Seulgi was getting married to Irene – her girlfriend of five years. “Huh,” I mused as I gave him back his phone, trying not to laugh at him. Seulgi was already madly in love with someone else, no wonder she could resist his charm.
“Call it whatever you want,” Johnny started, putting his phone away. “Just don’t hold me down when FBI finally recruits me for my impeccable detective skills,” he argued, and I laughed as I imagined him leaving our lovely company. That would be a shame; I couldn’t imagine anyone else sitting in the cubicle next to mine.
“The room should be open,” someone hollered, mentioning for us to open the doors and get inside. I had seen him a few times around the school, so I deduced he must’ve been our substitute teacher today.
Once everybody took their spot on the dance floor, the man cleared his throat. “Hello everybody, my name is Taeyong. Together with Seulgi, we run this school, and I hope we will have a lot of fun today with new choreography,” he announced politely with a practiced professionalism. Perhaps Taeyong didn’t seem as cool as Seulgi, but we had to give him a chance to prove us wrong.
Taeyong was intimidating. I wouldn’t want to be left alone with him. When he showed us a few moves, he was immensely focused on delivering one hundred percent. It was impressive and admirable, but at the same, Taeyong gave off a scary fierce aura. Though he was a great dancer and teacher, Seulgi was just better.
“I think I have a heart attack,” I panted, gasping for air. The new choreography required lots of jumping, and I didn’t expect so much cardio today. I wasn’t out of shape; however, after dancing to Taeyong’s choreography, I had some doubts.
“We should’ve skipped,” Johnny commented, bending over with his palms on his knees, supporting his huge body. Taeyong’s dance routine was too much for us, and we weren’t the only people struggling to breathe. Thankfully, next week Seulgi would be back.
“You’re not gonna believe this,” Johnny announced, craning his neck to look inside my cubicle. Heaving a sigh, I put my pen down, giving him my full attention.
This better be good.
“What is it? Who are you stalking this time?” I inquired, giving him the attitude. Johnny was spending too much time on his phone during working hours, but I couldn’t really frown upon it because I often caught myself doing the same thing.
“First of all, I thought we agreed to call it researching, not stalking,” Johnny clarified, and I rolled my eyes. “And second of all, it’s Seulgi. She and the other guy from the dance studio qualified for some dance competition. Check this out,” Johnny explained, handing me his phone.
Seulgi and Taeyong rocked the stage. Though I had nothing to compare their performance to, they just oozed charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent. Without any shred of doubt, they would make it to the grand finale.
“Wow,” I mused, not sure how to appropriately respond. I was happy for their success; after all, their performance was broadcasted during prime time on national television. At this point, Seulgi and Taeyong were celebrities.
“I can’t wait for today’s class,” Johnny added in excitement, hiding his phone away inside the pocket of his jacket. “I have to congratulate her.”
“Them. You have to congratulate them,” I corrected Johnny as he seemed to forget about Seulgi’s dance partner. It wasn’t a solo competition, so both Seulgi and Taeyong deserved praise. “And as if you’ve forgotten, Seulgi is not and will never be interested in you. You gotta let this one go, man,” I added, hoping Johnny would stop his relentless flirting with Seulgi. Though it was funny at the beginning, it was evident Seulgi would appreciate it if he stopped.
“I am all over her. Trust me,” Johnny reassured me, and I let out a shallow sigh, wanting to believe him. “Do you know Wendy from the HR department? I think I’m gonna ask her out. I am all over Seulgi,” he added, and it actually convinced me. Although Johnny didn’t seek anything serious at this point in his life, and when something didn’t go according to his plan, he would shake it off and forget all about it.
“Ok, I believe you,” I said, giving him a genuine smile. “Oh, and I was thinking… how about some beer and chicken after dance classes today? I’ve been craving them the whole day,” I offered, and Johnny enthusiastically nodded. It did sound like a solid plan.
Thankfully, this week Seulgi was back, and everybody appreciated it. Taeyong was a great teacher, but we were a group of beginners, and it was difficult for us to follow his routine. We just weren’t ready for such complex choreography.
Everybody had so much fun today. At first, we practiced some old routines, working on synchronization. Later on, Seulgi taught us a few new moves, which I recognized from her television performance. Admittedly, they weren’t as difficult as they looked. Maybe it was a little bold of me, but I was thinking I was doing a pretty good job today.
At the very end of the class, Johnny delivered a dramatic congratulatory speech, making people laugh out of utter cringe. It was a nice gesture, and Seulgi’s embarrassment was adorable. She would cover her blushed cheeks and turn around, hoping the ground could swallow her up. In all honesty, it seemed to be the only way to shut up Johnny.
Just when we were about to be dismissed, I heard someone calling my name. Surprisingly, it was Seulgi. She must’ve wanted to discuss something with me. Damn it, was she going to scold me for not improving? Or was it because I sat half of the song out? I just needed a short break; I had no idea it would get me in trouble.
“I am sorry,” I apologized even though I wasn’t sure what for yet. Seulgi would enlighten me in a second, so I cleared my throat to apologize to her once again. However, when she giggled instead of yelling at me, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
“I’ll wait for you outside,” Johnny hollered before he strolled out of the practice room.
“Am I in trouble?” I asked, and Seulgi smiled, shaking her head.
Great, it was a relief.
“Actually, I may sound crazy to you,” she started, fidgeting a little. It was strange, Seulgi was a strong and confident woman, but right now, she seemed rather bashful. “Would you like to participate in a dance competition?”
Her question took me aback.
“What?” I asked, trying to wrap my head around the topic.
“Let me explain,” she offered, and I reluctantly nodded.
By the look on her face, I could tell it wasn’t going to be a quick chit-chat. Seulgi had a lot of things to explain, so we decided to sit on the floor before she began her speech.
Patiently, I listened to everything she wanted to tell me.
Seulgi and Taeyong wanted to participate in a dance competition ever since they had decided to open up a dance school together. Last week they really thought they were going to achieve their dream. Unfortunately, as soon as they qualified and received the schedule, complications started to follow.
Maybe it was a little bit overconfident of them to think they’d make it to the finals, but it still made them anxious. Regardless of their talent, they wouldn’t be able to perform in the grand finale. Apparently, on the very same day, Seulgi was getting married.
At first, I wanted to interject that they could reschedule, but Seulgi beat me to it.
“It would be the third time we reschedule it, and I just can’t let that happen. I don’t want Irene to think I prioritize dancing over her. She means the world to me, and I’d quit a thousand times to get married to her,” Seulgi confessed, and I tried my best to contain my feels. There was something raw and pure about Seulgi’s love, and it moved me.
Seulgi’s proposition was genius in its simplicity. Together with Taeyong, she would perform, climbing up the rankings. And if by any chance, they would make it to the final round; she wanted me to fill in. Given I had been dancing at their studio for about four months I couldn’t comprehend why she chose me.
I was a rookie, for crying out loud!
Finding a substitute dancer made a lot of sense, actually. Instead of dropping out, they could find a replacement. This way, Taeyong could still make his dream come true. And next year, together with Seulgi, they could try to defend the title.
However, once again, Seulgi read my mind and answered my question before I voiced my doubts. She must’ve really thought this through before approaching me. It seemed she had rehearsed all possible inquires and came up with perfect answers.
“All of our dancer friends either compete against us or failed during qualifications,” she declared, and I hummed in response. “Unfortunately, people who already attempted joining can’t fill in for other dancers.”
“That sucks,” I commented, and Seulgi dryly chuckled.
“I think you would be a perfect fit,” she started, and I held my breath, wanting to hear what made her think I’d be able to rise to the challenge. “Everybody can memorize moves, but you have a natural passion for dancing. I can see it in class. Maybe you can’t see it yet because dancing is a hobby to you more than anything else, but I can tell you have the it™ factor.”
I was speechless. Seulgi, the dance prodigy, was praising my dancing skills. I couldn’t believe my ears. What kind of self-indulgent dream was it? Why couldn’t I dream like a normal person? I had tendency to toot my own horn sometimes, but it was just too much.
“I bet with proper training, you and Taeyong could win.”
“Let me think about it, okay?”
“Sure, of course! No pressure!” Seulgi replied enthusiastically, giving me enough space to clear my mind and think about it.
“See you next week.” I waved at her, exiting the dance room. Absentmindedly, I changed out of the gym clothes and walked out of the building, almost walking past Johnny.
“Hey, what did Seulgi want?” Johnny asked, grabbing my wrist, pulling me out of trance.
“She wants me to dance in her place if she and Taeyong ever make it to the finals.”
At first, I was hesitant about this whole thing. I wasn’t a professional dancer, and I really didn’t want to contribute to them losing the competition. However, Seulgi really made a point that they would have to drop out anyway, so in some twisted way, my participation gave them a slimmer of hope for victory.
Once I explained everything to Johnny, he really insisted I should help them out, spitting nonsense about fame and recognition and how I couldn’t doubt myself and just go with the flow. Opportunities like this rarely occurred, and I ought to welcome them with excitement.
So I did.
Every Saturday and Sunday, I dropped by the dance studio for practice. Taeyong still intimidated me, but I could deal with it. Seulgi was always around me to nag him whenever he demanded too much from me. They balanced each other very well, and it was fun working with them. Even though each practice left me with sore muscled, I was still excited. It was tangible proof I was improving.
Seulgi and Taeyong smoothly went through the contest, winning each battle with ease, slowly climbing in the ranking. There was still plenty of work until the grand finale, but everything looked they were to make it to the very top.
Unfortunately, the closer to the D-day, the less time Seulgi had to help us during practice. With her wedding coming up, she had a lot of preparations to deal with. As a result, Taeyong and I had to practice the dance routine on our own.
“No, you’re doing it all wrong,” Taeyong yelled in irritation when for the nth time, I turned to my right instead of my left. “Do it again; five, six, seven, eight,” he added, playing the song from the very beginning.
To say I was frustrated was an understatement of the century. I was aware that Taeyong really wanted to win the competition, but he didn’t have to be a dick about it. With no Seulgi to supervise him, he was unbearable.
“I think I need a break,” I declared once I turned to the wrong side again before Taeyong managed to scold me for it. Even though he shouted something again, I ignored it. With a deep sigh, I walked over to my gym bag to get my water bottle.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Taeyong asked, staring down at me with his arms folded across his chest, his demeanor dominant. His eyes were drilling holes in my head, his jaw was tightened – it was evident I was driving him up the wall. It was just a matter of seconds before Taeyong would snap, lashing out at me.
“I am taking a break,” I answered quickly, ignoring his angry stare. I was at my limit. If Taeyong didn’t back off, it would be the end of the practice for today. One more mean word and I’d storm out of the studio. I was here voluntarily. I was doing him a favor, and I didn’t deserve this type of treatment.
“Is it a joke to you?” Taeyong carried on, and I rolled my eyes. Of course, it wasn’t a joke to me. But at the same time, I was sick and tired of his shenanigans. I wanted him to win, but not when my mental health was on the line. He was pissing me off, and I wouldn’t let him walk all over me. “I thought you decided to help us out, but you’re not trying at all.”
He did not just say that.
“What?” I rhetorically asked, standing up, poking his chest with my forefinger. “I am trying my best here. You’re the one who makes it impossible to have fun dancing. You’re making it a chore, sucking all the fun out it.”
“Then tell me what I should do for you to finally make some progress? We’ve been stuck at this part for two weeks, and you still haven’t learned how to turn right!”
“Then go ahead and find someone else who can put up with your shit. I’m out,” I spoke, bending down to pick up my stuff, ready to leave the studio. Unfortunately, before I managed to exit the practice room, the doors opened, and Seulgi walked in with a confused expression on her face.
“Hey, what’s going on here?” She asked in worry, trying to put two and two together. It wouldn’t be the first time Taeyong and I argued, but it seemed to be the most intense one so far. It didn’t sit right with her. “Please don’t tell me you fought again.”
Briefly, I summarized what happened, and Seulgi looked down at Taeyong disapprovingly. I was glad Seulgi took my side; after all, she knew Taeyong could be too demanding.
“I am a dancer, but why does it feel I am a couple counselor? You two really have to learn how to work together when I’m not around,” she scolded us, making her point. If this whole arrangement was to work out, we both needed to establish some ground rules and learn how to put our differences aside. “I have an idea.”
Oh, no.
There was something mischievous in her tone, and I didn’t particularly like it.
“Let’s finish for today,” she proposed, and I smiled, thinking it was a great idea. Taeyong and I needed some time to chill, and calling it a day seemed like an appropriate way to do it. “Let’s go out clubbing instead!” Seulgi added cheerfully, clapping her hands in excitement.
“What?” Taeyong and I asked in unison, a bit surprised by Seulgi’s statement.
“That’s my prescription for the two of you,” she started, and I rolled my eyes. Taeyong and I didn’t get along as well as she wished for us to, but it wasn’t that bad. We didn’t need to bond over a few drinks in a crowded club. We would do just fine if Taeyong learned to go easy on me. “I believe we all can benefit from clubbing.”
“How come?”
“First of all, it will remind Taeyong that dancing is about fun, not overworking oneself,” Seulgi spoke, and I hummed, agreeing with her. “Second of all, it’ll give you a chance to loosen up. Your moves are still a bit stiff during intimate parts of the choreography,” she added, and Taeyong nodded in agreement. “And I really need something to drink because wedding planning is stressful as fuck.”
Not even thirty minutes later, we were inside the club.
“It’s a very sensual song. And you two really have to work hard to convey emotions through your dance,” Seulgi started as she sipped her tropical cocktail. “You must feel comfortable around each other and just ooze longing and sexual attraction,” she added, and I almost choked on my drink.
Performing with Taeyong was going to be more difficult than I had anticipated. When Seulgi and Taeyong showed me the choreography, I was amazed. Absolutely blown away. The way their bodies moved in synchronization left me speechless, but at the same time, I was a little bit nervous because I didn’t see myself living up to their level.
I wouldn’t consider myself particularly sexy. It made me feel awkward when I thought how seductive the dance routine actually was. I wasn’t sure I could pull this off, but Taeyong still had a lot of time to teach me.
“Take her to the dance floor,” Seulgi elbowed Taeyong, almost spilling his drink. Unenthusiastically, Taeyong looked at me before standing up and extending his arm.
Drunken people were jumping around us to the rhythm, and I awkwardly swayed from side to side, staring at Taeyong. With godlike precision, he moved, getting lost in the music. One could tell straight away Taeyong was a professional dancer.
Upon noticing how stiff I was, Taeyong shook his head, yanking me against his lean body. “How about you take a five-minute break to get that stick out of your ass? You look like you have no joints,” he yelled into my ear, his breath tickling my sensitive skin.
“I’ve had too little alcohol,” I replied, but Taeyong wasn’t having it.
“When we perform on the stage, will you need alcohol to let loose too?” Taeyong challenged with a playful smirk, and I rolled my eyes, too prideful to admit he was right. I couldn’t participate in that competition drunk. We wouldn’t win if I wasn’t able to come out of my shell and show everybody I had a sensual bone in my body.
“No,” I yelled into Taeyong’s ear. “How do I let loose?” I asked, hoping to hear some words of wisdom from him.
“Mirror what I’m doing,” Taeyong guided, and I nodded, focused on my new task. I could do that. I had been mirroring Seulgi’s movements during our classes, and I was pretty good at doing it. I could copy Taeyong’s moves.
At first, Taeyong danced a few classic moves we usually did during our warm-up routine. It was easy, and I think I nailed it. Later, he wiggled his upper body, feeling the rhythm. With envy, I observed how his body executed every single move, owning it. I wish I was half as good as Taeyong. Next to him, I probably looked like a crippled kid.
Upon noticing my struggle, Taeyong began jumping around, throwing his hands in the air. He looked ridiculous, but I remained focused on my task, dancing as if I was his shadow. Our bizarre moves earned some attention from other people, but our eyes were trained on each other, slowly getting lost in our own bubble.
I was sober, and I was on my way to owning the dance floor. I couldn’t believe it was happening. Maybe Taeyong’s charisma overshadowed my poor attempts of showcasing mine; however, I was sure I made a big step in the right direction. Slowly, I was improving.
“How about we spice it up a little bit?” Taeyong shouted into my ear, and I cocked up my eyebrow, thinking what he meant by that. “Don’t be shy,” he added, yanking me against his body. Taeyong was so close I could feel his legs rub against mine. “Come on, sweetheart. Touch me, tease me, feel me up,” Taeyong snickered, getting on my nerves. Not only Taeyong was smug for no reason, but he also quoted the song, which I was slowly growing to hate.
Taeyong must’ve assumed I’d back out. Surely, he didn’t expect me to follow his instructions and actually run my hands across his chest, shoulders, and back while simultaneously swaying my hips, earning approving stares from impressed men on the dance floor. At first, he was surprised he talked me into it, but a second later, he smirked, resting his palms on my sides, slowly exploring the valley of my butt.
I had no idea I had it in me, but Taeyong helped me discover it. We were basically grinding against each other, and it somehow didn’t feel awkward at all. We were just two people having fun.
“I’m sorry I was so harsh on you,” Taeyong apologized, shouting in my ear. “I’m just stressful all the time, and I think I may sometimes take it out on you,” he added, and I looked at his face, which was dangerously close to mine.
“It’s understandable,” I replied as I wrapped my arms around Taeyong’s neck, finding it much more comfortable. Now with our bodies pressed together, it was easier to have a conversation. “I know how much you want to win this competition. I’ll try harder,” I promised, and Taeyong released a relieved chuckle.
Who would’ve thought an adult conversation would work better than shouting at each other?
“Thank you,” Taeyong spoke genuinely, and I pulled away, staring at his face. His eyes were trained on mine. No matter how many hours we had spent at the dance studio, his gaze still intimidated me sometimes.
“Ekhm, I need a break,” I said in a desperate need to break eye contact with him. The dance floor was crowded, and it was making me dizzy. I was getting dangerously hot, and it seemed like heaven to get back to our booth and finish our drinks.
“Of course, you need a break,” Taeyong teased, sending me a lopsided smirk. “It’s okay, though. We still have plenty of time to work on your stamina,” he added as he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the crowd. Carefully, we zigzagged around drunken people, trying to make it safely to Seulgi.
Unfortunately, by the bar counter, someone walked into Taeyong, almost knocking him down.
“I’m very sorry,” a man shouted, but I could sense the words weren’t genuine.
“Doyoung,” Taeyong spoke, gritting his teeth, staring at the other man. Taeyong’s grip tightened around my hand. I figured he didn’t particularly like Doyoung.
“Taeyong,” Doyoung sighed, checking Taeyong out from head to toe before his gaze shifted to me. There was something spiteful about his lingering eyes, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. For sure, there was some bad blood between two men, and I suddenly felt an urge to know more. Inquisitiveness got the best of me.
Taeyong and Doyoung kept glaring at each other almost as if it was a competition. The tension was so intense one could cut it with a knife. I cleared my throat in a poor attempt to break their stare contest, but they didn’t even acknowledge my presence.
“I saw your last performance,” Doyoung finally spoke, scoffing. “You’re getting out of it, and here I expected to kick your ass in the finale. I wouldn’t be surprised if you and your partner got eliminated next week.”
I thought I had seen Taeyong furious, but right now, I was proven wrong. The way he looked at me whenever I was a handful during our practice was nothing compared to the way he glared at Doyoung. Taeyong was scary, and I decided to not get on his wrong side ever again.
“I’d gladly kick your ass here, but I’d rather wait for the finale. You know what people say about prolonged gratification,” Taeyong talked back, and I gasped, trying to comprehend what I just heard. Taeyong was getting cocky, and it made me nervous. I was already stressed about the possibility of performing, and he just added more pressure on my shoulders.
“We’ll see about that,” Doyoung replied, focusing his scrutinizing gaze on me. “But I have to say I kinda look forward to seeing you cry again. The way I beat you the last time was spectacular.”
“Let’s go, Taeyong. Don’t waste your breath on him. He’s not worth it,” I exclaimed, pulling Taeyong’s hand, reminding him I was there the whole time. I couldn’t listen to Doyoung talk trash about Taeyong. If Taeyong wasn’t going to walk away by himself, I had to intervene and pull him aside. Doyoung was provoking him.
“And who is that?” Doyoung asked in a mocking tone, displeased by the way I looked at him. Though I didn’t know the back story, I took Taeyong’s side. At least, Taeyong didn’t try to humiliate his rival, while Doyoung had already tried a few tricks to tick Taeyong off.
“You’re right,” Taeyong said, looking at me. It was evident he was holding himself back, trying his best not to take the bait. “Let’s go,” he added, pulling me away from Doyoung.
“Who was that?” I asked as we approached our booth. Unfortunately, I didn’t get my response. Upon arrival, we noticed that Seulgi was sprawled on the table, giggling to herself.
“Is she always like this?” I inquired, concerned about how drunk Seulgi got in such a short amount of time. We were gone for thirty minutes tops, and she was barely conscious after drinking her and our drinks.
“Aww… there you are… my dear friends,” she cooed cutely, trying to attack Taeyong with cuddles. She was adorable, but it was kind of irresponsible to drink by herself when we were on the dance floor. Thankfully, nothing happened. We returned just in time to collect her and escort her home.
“I can’t believe my plan worked,” Seulgi grinned, pointing her finger at Taeyong. “You no longer have a stick up your ass,” she exclaimed at Taeyong, too drunk to realize she should be talking to me. “And look at you! You were having fun!” Seulgi yelled, extending her arms to hug me. “I am so proud of you!”
“I should take her home,” Taeyong reasoned, considering it the safest option. He could call an Uber for Seulgi or just phone her fiancée to pick her up but bringing her home himself seemed to be the most rational solution. “Will you be alright by yourself?” He inquired, and I nodded right away. It was sweet of him to look after me too. Thankfully, I barely touched my cocktail; I could get home safely on my own.
“Don’t worry about me,” I replied casually, sending him a reassuring smile. “Just make sure Seulgi makes it home safe,” I added, warming up at the way Taeyong hauled up Seulgi, carefully leading her out of the club. It made me wonder if Johnny did the same to me. Probably. He wouldn’t be that gentle, though. If anything, he’d throw me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. Or just drag me out like a corpse.
“Give me a call once you get back home,” Taeyong demanded before we parted ways.
“You went clubbing without me?” Johnny dramatically asked after I told him everything that happened on the weekend. Despite my detailed narration, it seemed as if that was the only thing he caught on to. “How could you?”
“Relax, dude,” I rolled my eyes, shuffling around my desk, getting ready for work. It was Monday morning – it was about time we start our gossip routine.
“And I was wondering… would you mind helping me researching this shady dude? There’s some conflict between him and Taeyong. And I need to know what happened,” I started, wondering if Johnny would cooperate with me and put his stalking abilities to good use.
I was too embarrassed to ask Taeyong about Doyoung. Besides, I had a hunch he would either brush me off or scold me.
“Do you know anything about this dude besides his name?” Johnny pulled out his phone, no questions asked. “Please, don’t tell me that’s the only thing you know.”
“I mean… he’s probably a dancer,” I added with a sheepish smile, making Johnny heave a deep sigh. “He must be a big deal, though. Apparently, Taeyong lost a competition to him.”
“I’ll try to find some dirt, but it may be difficult given how little info you gave me,” Johnny declared as he began his thorough research.
It took Johnny five minutes to find the correct Doyoung. It was remarkable. If it wasn’t enough for the FBI to hire him, I’d gladly present them a recommendation letter. Quickly, I opened Doyoung’s profile on my phone, scrolling through his feed.
At first glance, Doyoung seemed to be a regular bratty internet star with an overgrown ego. His follower count was impressive. Studying his profile, I learned a lot about him. Unfortunately, it had no value. There was nothing specific about his conflict with Taeyong.
“How was your date with Wendy?” I asked Johnny as I gave up on my research. Whatever was the root of their bad blood would have to remain a mystery.
“It was fine,” Johnny started, but I could tell he wasn’t entirely honest. His disappointed tone betrayed him. “She left before the waiter brought the dessert. Apparently, she didn’t particularly like when I kept calling her Wanda.”
“No hard feelings, though,” Johnny shrugged it off, trying to focus on the positive aspect of their terrible date. “At least, I’ve had two slices of cheesecake. Besides, I’m kind of into Sooyoung from the creative team now. I think she is the one.”
“Every girl you’re into is the one,” I interjected, rolling my eyes, done with his antics.
“Oh, by the way, I’ve forgotten,” Johnny chimed in, staring at me in excitement. “Taeil asked me about you,” he revealed, and I almost spat out my morning coffee.
“Are you still into him, though?” Johnny inquired, rubbing his temple in deep thought. “I haven’t heard you gush about him these days,” he pinpointed, and I wondered if my crush on Taeil was still as intense as it was a few months ago.
Taeil was insanely hot. I kept drooling whenever I saw him operate the printer. It was inappropriate to check him out whenever he bent down to change the ink, but I couldn’t help myself. Or whenever we met by the vending machine.
Good old times.
Right now, though, I rarely caught myself thinking about him. At first, I thought it was due to a hectic schedule. I was either at work or at the dance studio or getting shit-faced with Johnny on another wild adventure with him and his friends.
It was difficult to comprehend how easily my crush faded into thin air. Taeil was still sexy as fuck, but while I appreciate his looks, I wasn’t daydreaming how to get into his pants. At this point, I was just admiring his attributes in the most nonsexual way imaginable.
Apparently, the lack of response on my part was everything Johnny needed to confirm his suspicion.
“So what? Are you into Taeyong now?” Johnny asked boldly, and now, I actually choked on my coffee, thinking I heard him wrong. How did he jump to that conclusion?
“Don’t get me wrong, but it kinda looks like you’re into him,” Johnny commented, playing with a pen. “You talk about him all the time with lots of passion. I think there’s something going on between you two. Is he single?”
“I talk about him all the time because I live to complain, and recently he’s the sole reason why I gotta vent,” I defended, but Johnny didn’t seem convinced. “And I don’t know if he’s single. I don’t really care,” quickly, I rejected all accusations, but in all honesty, his words got me wondering.
Was I attracted to Taeyong?
Surely, Taeyong was ridiculously attractive. He danced well, too. Unfortunately, we didn’t click much. There was passion between us, but it wasn’t romantically stemmed. We just kept annoying each other. I wouldn’t consider it sexual. We were just getting on each other’s nerves often, unable to properly solve our differences.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, honey,” Johnny teased, and I fought the urge to throw the stapler at him. “I bet fifty bucks you’ve imagined him naked, fucking you dumb.”
What the fuck, John???
I did not imagine Taeyong naked!
Not until now, at least.
“I seriously hate you right now,” I complained, deciding it’s about time I focus on work.
After Johnny had planted naughty thoughts in my mind, each dance practice was unbearable. My mind was running wild, coming up with different scenarios involving Taeyong and me in intimate situations. It was wrong on so many levels, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop.
After months of practicing the dance routine, we decided it would be best to make some changes to the choreography. Though it was still sensual as hell, with our hands roaming each other’s bodies, we found it crucial to accentuate Taeyong’s talents.
It was a strategic plan. While typically male dancers helped the female dancers shine, we put a little twist to it. Though our performance was still pretty balanced, Taeyong had a few crucial parts of choreography, in which he would snatch everybody’s hearts.
Seulgi didn’t object to our strategy. Well… she was never there, to begin with. Seulgi was a ghost, never present during our practice, always busy doing some last-minute wedding prep.
“Let’s take a five,” Taeyong hollered as he turned off the music, sending us off to a short break. It sounded weird when it came out of his mouth, but I didn’t complain. We’ve been practicing nonstop for the past hour. At this point, I was panting.
Lying down onto the floor, I rested my head on my towel, reaching for my phone. Quickly, I unlocked it to see a series of notifications from Johnny. He had sent me a link to a video, telling me in all caps to watch it.
Having left the earphones in the locker room, I played the video quietly through my phone’s speaker. It was a short film with Doyoung. It must’ve been his performance from last year’s competition. Jamming to the music, I studied his moves.
Doyoung was really good. I mean… it wasn’t professional expertise, but I could tell he had talent. His body control was impeccable, his hip thrusts must’ve impregnated plenty of women in the audience, but his shoulder rolls were just otherworldly. Along with the female dancer, they showcased quite the performance. From the beginning to the very end, I couldn’t look away, failing to notice Taeyong approach me.
“What the hell are you doing?” Taeyong shouted, tearing my phone from my hand, double-checking what I was watching. “Why are you watching this?” He angrily asked, locking the device, wishing for it to stop playing music.
It was difficult to explain.
I couldn’t exactly tell Taeyong that I asked my best friend to do research on Doyoung in hopes of finding out what was the root of their conflict. Though we had never found anything substantial, Johnny would send me more footage to check out. However, regardless of how much stuff Johnny had provided me with, I was still clueless.
“Why are you shouting at me?” I spoke, biting on my bottom lip. I was in big trouble, so it was only logical to play dumb.
Taeyong stared down at me, demanding a genuine answer. His jaw was tensed, his knuckles around my phone turned white. It was just a meaningless clip, but it got him fuming at me. Regardless of what I’d tell him, he wouldn’t like the answer. I figured this much.
“Why were you watching that?” Taeyong yelled, raising his hand, almost smashing my phone against the floor. Thankfully, he held back and gently put it on my bag.
It was incredible how much the video affected Taeyong. The movie worked on Taeyong like a red rag to a bull. One moment he seemed fine, but once he figured out what I was watching, he snapped.
“You really want to know?” I challenged as I rose to my feet, staring at him. It was my turn to raise my voice. If he kept shouting at me, I was going to give him the same treatment. “Ever since that night at the club, I was curious. You were basically throwing daggers at each other, and I really wanted to know what happened between you two. You never bothered to explain it, and I didn’t want to push you.”
“Do you have your answers now?” Taeyong exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes, agitating him even more with my fed-up behavior. He was scary right now, but I refused to let him intimidate me. “Or do you want to read my diary too?!”
I resisted the temptation of saying yes to his offering. Taeyong wasn’t the type of person to write a dairy. He was exaggerating, but I didn’t want to provoke him further. At any mention of Doyoung’s name, wrath took control over Taeyong, turning him into his destructive self.
“If it makes you feel any better, I know shit about him,” I confessed, throwing my hands in the air. “I wanted to know what he did to you, but I came up with nothing. And believe it or not, the way he treated you that night made me worry. You’re my dance partner, and I care about you a lot, and it really hurt me seeing you in distress,” I spat, not thinking about consequences. I was talking without filter, probably spilling too much information.
My verbal diarrhea confused Taeyong. His huge eyes were staring at me in astonishment. He was studying my expression, wondering if everything I said was true. Oh, no! My reckless words made him uncomfortable. He must’ve grown to hate now.
In embarrassment, I looked down at my shoes. I felt terrible, and I needed to come up with something clever to say to save my dignity and ease the tension. However, before I managed to voice my sincere apology, I felt Taeyong’s hands cup my cheeks as he surged forward and kissed my breath away. It was sudden, but I reciprocated the kiss in an instant.
Stress, anxiety, anger, sexual frustration, and probably many other factors led us to this very moment. I had been daydreaming about Taeyong’s mouth on mine for a while now. And when it finally happened, I eagerly swept my tongue across his lips, deepening the kiss. Though I had tried my best to withstand the tension between us, I wasn’t oblivious to it.
Taeyong already knew almost every inch of my body, so his hands naturally began roaming across my skin. Moaning into the kiss, he held me closer, keeping me pressed against him.
“Taeyong,” I breathed out as I pulled away, only for Taeyong to smash his lips against mine again, successfully shushing me. This time around, the kiss was even more passionate, making my knees weak. In a rush, Taeyong pushed me against the wall, pushing his thigh between my legs. “We shouldn’t,” I spoke, but my tone wasn’t convincing at all. I wasn’t even sure who I was trying to convince that it was a bad idea.
“Shut up,” Taeyong demanded as he tilted his face, sucking on my bottom lip. His hands were on my butt, kneading my flesh, trying to make me moan into his mouth. In all honesty, it worked. Maybe, I whimpered incoherent sounds, but it’s was just a poor attempt to encourage him to keep kissing me.
Regardless of how much he was to gift me, I needed more. I wasn’t going to stop until I’d take everything Taeyong was willing to give.
I craned my neck to the side, and Taeyong quickly caught on, leaving a wet trail down my neck. His lips were delicate, careful not to leave a mark, while his hips were grinding against me, letting me feel how stiff he already was.
“Legs,” Taeyong ordered, gently slapping my thigh. Obediently, I spread my legs apart, letting his hand cup my sex. It was ridiculous how horny he was making me. Once his raspy voice echoed in my ears, I fulfilled his wish, waiting for another command in excitement.
“Please,” I begged, needing more of him. Whatever he planned on doing to me, I needed it now. Whether he was to tease me with his beautiful fingers or fuck me raw with his cock, he better do it now.
“Patience, sweetheart,” he whispered against my skin, pressing feather-like kisses along my collarbone. His touch was driving me insane. His hands were everywhere but where I wanted them the most. This type of teasing should be illegal.
It was more than I could take, so I took matters into my own hands. I could play this game, too. With a mischievous smirk upon my face, I hooked my forefinger under the band of his tracksuit bottoms. Unfortunately, Taeyong quickly swept my hand away.
“You’re such a bad girl,” Taeyong commented before he captured my lips again, sliding his tongue into my mouth, knowing I’d talk back to him. “You have to do everything your way. Would it kill you if you listened to me at least once?” Taeyong muttered, staring into my eyes.
Yes, I was a brat. Taeyong wanted me to submit to him, and I would do it eventually, but not before I’d tease him first. What was fun in that?
“Don’t answer that,” he added, and I rolled my eyes. Though we barely hung out outside the dance studio, Taeyong learned a lot about me. Having an answer to everything was one of those things he had the pleasure of discovering.
“Just fuck me, please,” I said nicely, staring into his eyes, hoping it would be enough to make him cave. “I can’t take it any longer,” I added, rubbing my loins against his restrained cock, making him let out a guttural moan.
My plan was working. Slowly, Taeyong was giving in, probably taking his time to think about the consequences of letting me experience instant gratification. Orgasm would’ve been sweeter if he made me wait a bit more, but it was difficult for him to control his urges.
Without any doubt, Taeyong wanted to bury his cock inside of me as much as I wanted him to fuck me dumb. We withstood so many practices without jumping at each other – I should consider it foreplay.
“Fine, but I’m gonna eat you out first,” Taeyong spoke, and I almost lost it by just imagining his jaw going between my thighs. Swiftly, he knelt in front of me, pulling my leggings down to my ankles in one fluid motion. Having kicked off my gym shoes, I wiggled the fabric off my feet, sending it flying across the dance studio.
Taeyong ran his fingers across my panties, inspecting how soaked they already were. With a smirk upon Taeyong’s face, he pressed a chaste kiss against my skin above the waistband before he yanked the undergarment down.
“Beautiful,” he said under his breath before he surged his face, taking my clit between his gorgeous lips, making me tilt my head in pleasure. Frustration got me sensitive. Even the slightest touch got me purring in delight.
Taeyong licked and nipped at my entrance, and I run my hands through his hair, encouraging him to keep going. He flicked his tongue, and I buckled my hips, wanting more.
“I need your fingers,” I pleaded, looking down at him. Taeyong looked breathtaking, with my juices were dripping down his sharp jaw, with his lips turned into a satisfied smirk. He was proud of how he was making me feel. His glistening skin was the very evidence of his skillful moves. “Taeyong, please, I am so close.”
Though I didn’t expect him to, Taeyong listened to my humble request. His middle finger slid right it, making me purr in satisfaction. I could finally feel him inside of me, and it was heavenly. His palm moved quickly, working me up.
The first orgasm was building up. Taeyong was fucking me now with two fingers while his mouth was fiddling with my clit. If it wasn’t for Taeyong’s palm, holding me still, I’d buckle right into his face for more friction.
“I’m about to come,” I declared, shutting my eyes close. As tempting as it was to peek at the mirror on the other wall and check out the view of Taeyong eating me out, it was more than I could take. My instinct to squeeze my eyes shut and welcome the orgasm was too much.
Unfortunately, it didn’t happen.
Before tiny tingles of electricity could unite and explode, shooting through me like a lightning strike, Taeyong pulled away, denying me of my orgasm. It physically hurt when instead of a blissful peak, I felt nothing.
“What the fuck?” I barked angrily, ready to pull him by his hair against my sex and press him against me, so he could finish the job.
“We’re coming together, or we’re not coming at all,” Taeyong sternly replied, standing up. His lips were swollen from all the work he was doing, and they looked even more kissable.
“I’ve never pegged you for such a teaser,” I stated matter-of-factly, still a little bit butt-hurt over the way how smug he was about not letting me come first. Maybe I was a handful most of the time, but I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve such treatment.
“I’m not,” Taeyong chimed in, biting down on his lip. “There’s just something about you that makes me want to punish for your misbehavior,” he explained, and I got it where it came from. I wasn’t the best student he could work with. “Isn’t it the sweetest torture?” Taeyong challenged before he surged forward, smashing his lips against mine again, raising my thigh and giving it a gentle rub.
“Please, Taeyong, I need you inside of me,” I begged as I ground my sex against his rock-hard cock. I couldn’t comprehend how self-disciplined and patient he was; his budge was throbbing underneath his pants. It must’ve been painful for him, and he did all of that to teach me a lesson. “Fuck me, already.”
“Relax, sweetheart. I got you,” he softly spoke as he hoisted me up, pressing me tightly against the wall. “To be honest, I expected you to lose it sooner,” Taeyong added, and I hoped he was talking about my sanity. I endured more than enough; his teasing was too much.
“How should I fuck you?” Taeyong asked, looking around the practice room, seeking a perfect spot to stuff his cock inside of me. We didn’t have a lot of options, but I didn’t care. He could fuck me in the middle of the room, and I’d eagerly spread my legs for him. “Screw it,” he cursed, gently lowering me down onto the floor. “Do you mind?” Taeyong inquired, and I shook my head as I wrapped my legs around his hips, pressing him against me.
“Strip,” I ordered, and Taeyong smirked before he pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing his lean physique. My eyes marveled at his beautiful shoulders and toned muscles. I had touched him more than I could count, but I never saw him bare, and when I finally did, I gawked.
“What about you, sweetheart? Come on, I am waiting,” Taeyong teased, and I took off my T-shirt. I was only in my sports bra, and Taeyong bit his lip, staring down at me, admiring my simple beauty. With no further comment, Taeyong leaned in, attacking my collarbone. It was hot how attentive he was, but right now, all I needed was his cock buried deep down my cunt.
Desperately, I reached to his sweatpants, palming his erection through the fabric. As soon as I touched him, Taeyong released a needy growl, rolling his hips into my hand, finally giving in to the pleasure. He lost his self-restraint, and now, he seriously needed to fill me up with his throbbing length.
“Take them off,” I breathed out, pulling by the hem of his pants. With a lowered head, Taeyong tsked before he yanked them down to his knees, wriggling out of them. Just as I expected, his cock urgently entailed my attention.
Though the thought of blowing him crossed my mind, I eventually decided not to entertain this idea too much. It was apparent Taeyong wanted to him inside of my pussy. I’d suck him dry on a different occasion. Hopefully, it would happen soon.
“Fuck me, Taeyong,” I moaned as I trembled when the tip of his cock brushed against my folds. I was embarrassingly sensitive after his ministrations, and he dared to tease me again. “Please,” I begged as I gave his length a few gentle strokes, aligning it with my entrance.
“Aaahh…” Taeyong growled, slowly pushing his dick inside of me. Inch by inch, he filled me up, stretching my walls. A lot of different sinful noises came out of his mouth as he began steadily thrusting his hips.
Taeyong’s stamina was no joke. It was hard to believe how long he could snap his hips without messing up his rhythm. His low voice mixed with my desperate moans echoed inside the room, creating a wicked symphony along with the sound of our sweaty bodies smashing against each other.
He was fucking me hard, and I was in seventh heaven. Taeyong was filling me up so good; I could come undone on his cock anytime.
“Taeyong,” I moaned his name as I watched him fuck me. Though it was hot to look at his cock disappear in my pussy, it was even sweeter to stare in the mirror. With my head turned to the side, I studied the whole picture how Taeyong was fucking me.
“I am coming,” I screamed as I felt the bliss approach. Taeyong was panting, struggling to maintain his tempo with the way my walls tightened around his sensitive cock. Once he hit my sweet spot, I was a goner. After a few thrusts, I came, digging my nails in his back.
“Fuck,” Taeyong cursed, shouting my name as he shot his load inside of me, collapsing on top of me. We were a breathless mess, our bodies sticking together, but neither of us minded. At this point, we were too spent to care. “You were incredible,” Taeyong whispered as he pulled out, rolling to the side.
“You weren’t that bad yourself,” I panted, giggling, still recovering from the mind-blowing orgasm. Thankfully, Taeyong didn’t pay much attention to my playful jab. “I meant it what I said,” I added, turning around to look at him.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” Taeyong started, staring into my eyes, showing me his sincerity. “I just can’t help myself but get angry when I see him or hear about him,” he continued, and I nodded my head, letting him know I was willing to listen.
I didn’t expect that Taeyong would agree to vent to me, but when he did, I patiently heard him out. After all, I was pretty sure we were at least friends now.
“It all happened about a year ago. We were competing in the same contest, and he made my dance partner quit. Doyoung seduced her, toyed with her, and once the trophy was his, he dumped her. Because of him, I was disqualified, and she quit dance altogether.”
Listen to his story made me both sad and angry. Doyoung had been a dick to interfere like that – he must’ve known he hadn’t stood a chance against them in a fair fight. My blood was boiling in my veins as I put all the pieces together.
Sadness took over next. The way Doyoung had manipulated Taeyong’s dance partner was upsetting. The wound had been cut so deep, she couldn’t have forced herself to keep going. Doyoung had wrecked two lives, and it made my blood boil, too.
“We’re gonna beat him. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we do,” I spoke, reassuring him. It was impossible to tend the wounds, but the least I could do is help Taeyong win. For what he had done, Doyoung deserved punishment. If I were Taeyong, I’d not hesitate to beat him up.
“I hope so,” Taeyong muttered, reaching for my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s still fine if we don’t. I’m pretty sure karma will get to him eventually,” he added with a sigh.
“I’ll work harder,” I declared, feeling an extra wave of determination wash through me. “I’ll try my best,” I said, and Taeyong smiled fondly, content to hear me say it.
“Thanks. It means a lot to me.”
For a while, we were staring at each other. It felt nice and somehow more intimate than all the fucking we had done. If we were in bed, I could do it all night. Unfortunately, we were still lying on the uncomfortable floor.
“Let’s get washed up before we get too sappy,” I added, trying to ease the tension. I really enjoyed it, but it was getting a little too much.
“I hope you don’t mind sharing the shower with me. You know… water bills are a bitch,” Taeyong spoke, and I giggled at his bullshit excuse, finding it incredibly cute, considering what we had been doing a few minutes ago.
“Of course they are,” I deadpanned, chuckling. Though his excuse was lame, I liked Taeyong enough to go with it. “Come on. Let’s go. I don’t want anyone to catch me naked.”
After that one time at the dance studio, Taeyong and I made it a regular thing. However, we kept it civilized. We wouldn’t jump each other’s bones in the open like animals like we had done the first time. Usually, we would go on small kind-of-dates, which consisted of picking up food, going to my or his place, and then rolling in the sheets.
We were having lots of fun. It was a perfect way to de-stress. After all, the finale was this Saturday, and we were nervous as hell. In all honesty, I was still scared, but these orgasms were numbing my anxiety.
“I think that’s it,” Taeyong spoke, and I smiled brightly, unable to contain my joy. It was the first time Taeyong ever approved of our performance. Most of the time, he was nitpicking, complaining about the slightest mistake, but finally, he was satisfied with it.
I was ecstatic; I never expected to live up to Taeyong’s approval. Through hard work and persistence, I managed to earn his eulogy.
“What should we do now? How about we order some food?” I asked, feeling in a celebratory mood. Maybe it was a little bit too early to drink to this small success, but it’s still worth a shot.
“We should do it again. We should dance it flawlessly at least a couple of hundred consecutive times before celebrating,” Taeyong seriously replied, and I rolled my eyes. Despite his painstaking nature, a couple of hundred times, it was a bit too much. Even for him. “Don’t give me that look. Let’s start again; five, six, seven, eight.”
Though usually, I’d complain and try to force him into a five-minute break, right now, I was oddly energized. We were dancing for the past two hours, and I was panting out of exhaustion. Nevertheless, the thoughts of finally mastering the choreography kept me going.
“I’m pretty good at this,” I confidently commented while roaming my hands across Taeyong’s shoulders before he twirled me around to the rhythm. I could tell that Taeyong was just waiting for an excuse to pause the music and scold me for making a mistake. However, much to his dismay, I executed every move impeccably. “I had a pretty good teacher,” I added, stroking his ego. The D-day was approaching, and Taeyong obviously needed an extra boost of confidence.
“I must admit you were a piece of work. I have no idea what kind of sorcery is this,” Taeyong teased, staring into my eyes. We had practiced the routine plenty of times; we could probably perform it in blindfolds and not make a single mistake. “I must be a magician or something.”
“Don’t push it,” I warned him in a very non-threatening tone, making him smirk. “But it’s only partially your success. Seulgi told me I have the it™ factor,” I proudly said, cracking Taeyong up, messing the choreography. “Is it a student-has-become-the-master kind of moment?” I asked, laughing at Taeyong. For the dance prodigy, he was getting distracted way too easily. It was suspicious.
With a broad smile upon his face, Taeyong grabbed my wrists, making me look at him.
“How about we finish up for today? I have a surprise for you,” Taeyong said, and I cocked my eyebrows, biting my bottom lip. “Not that kind of surprise,” he added, rolling his eyes at me. “We might get it on later, though.”
“What kind of surprise then?”
“Wait a second,” Taeyong spoke, quickly jogging out of the practice room. In a minute, he was back with a garment bag in his hands. “Here, that’s for you. Seulgi came in the morning to drop it off for you,” he explained, and I pulled down the zipper. It was going to be my costume for the contest, and I was curious how it looked.
I was speechless. At first, I thought it was a joke. I wouldn’t be able to perform in that. However, the more I looked at it, the more sense it made. It was a simple white suit shirt, but when mixed with a leather body harness, high-waisted shorts, and boots, it fitted the concept beautifully.
“Do you like it? I thought it was too revealing, but Seulgi insisted you would look amazing in it. I mean… it fits the mood, but if you’re not comfortable with it, we still have some time to find something else,” Taeyong blabbered, and my heart swelled. It was very sweet of him to consider my comfort above anything else.
“It’s skimpy, but it’s fine. I like it,” I replied, having no idea where my confidence was coming from. A few months ago, I’d be anxious to even try it on in the confines of my bedroom. However, now I was planning on showing a lot of skin on national television during prime hours on the weekend. I must’ve gone insane.
“Do you want to try it on?” Taeyong challenged, pulling the hangers out of the bag.
“You mean… here?!”
“Come on, it wouldn’t be the first time you took off your clothes in the middle of the practice room,” Taeyong concluded, smiling at me mischievously.
“Pass,” I firmly rejected his dare, even though it felt tempting. “It’s not fun when I’m doing it alone,” I added, and Taeyong grabbed the hem of his T-shirt, more than ready to discard his clothes in a blink of an eye. “Don’t fool around,” I warned him, placing my hand over his before he managed to take his T-shirt off.
“You’re right. Let’s go to my place first,” Taeyong agreed, zipping the bag before he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the practice room.
 On the day of the performance, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache. No matter how much fantastic sex Taeyong and I had, I was not mentally prepared to perform in front of the whole nation. I felt sick, almost as if my body was telling me to quit before I’d embarrass myself on national television. Stress was eating me from the inside.
“What are you doing up so early? Let’s go back to bed,” Taeyong purred in his raspy morning voice as he sneaked his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. “You need to be rested before the performance. Trust me, you don’t want a camera to catch you yawning,” he added, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing hot air against my skin.
“Thanks for giving me one more thing to stress about,” I deadpanned, heaving a deep sigh, staring at the ceiling. It was a mistake. I should have never agreed to Seulgi’s proposition in the first place. What the hell was I thinking? “I think it’s a bad idea. We should quit.”
Taeyong wasn’t in the mood for my nagging so early in the morning; he was having none of it. “You’re being ridiculous. We’ve practiced so much. We’re gonna win it with ease,” he declared, pressing a featherlike kiss against my jaw. “But for real,” he added, climbing on top of me, trapping me between his thighs, “we’re going to win. And even if we don’t, it’s fine. Really, if somehow we lose to Doyoung and his partner, I’ll just punch him backstage.”
“How can you say that?” I said with a sigh, running my hands across his thighs, finding it rather calming. “I know you said we should rest, but how about…” I trailed, and Taeyong smiled before eagerly capturing my lips, reading me like an open book.
“Say no more,” Taeyong whispered before his hands traveled under my shirt.
Unfortunately, Taeyong’s phone started buzzing on the nightstand before he managed to pull my panties down. With a groan, he extended his arm, staring at the screen.
“It’s Seulgi.”
“What are you waiting for? It’s her wedding day. Pick it up,” I yelled at him as I fell on the pillow, admiring his handsome face when he was talking to Seulgi.
“Please, not you, too,” he barked, rubbing his face in annoyance. Though I barely could make out what she was saying, I figured this much Seulgi and I were suffering from the same stress-fuelled illness. It was her wedding day, after all. Even if it was obvious she loved Irene with a burning passion, she wasn’t immune to pre-wedding anxiety.
Seulgi was talking her stress away, and Taeyong just hummed and nodded his head, registering her words. For some reason, the pressure didn’t seem to bother Taeyong at all. It was weird, but at least he was the voice of reason, which could help me and Seulgi cope.
“Breath in, breath out,” Taeyong spoke when Seulgi made a pause long enough for him to interject. “I know it’s a big deal, but there’s nothing to worry about. You’re getting married to Irene. You love her so much,” Taeyong reminded her, winking at me, expecting Seulgi to end the call soon. “Everybody’s a little nervous; it’s completely normal.”
It was beautiful how close Taeyong and Seulgi were. They had each other’s backs in all types of situations.
About ten minutes later, Seulgi finally calmed down. Taeyong’s reassuring words swept the anxiety away, and she was more than ready to get married to the love of her life.
Once Seulgi hung up, Taeyong threw his phone on the bed and secured my legs around his hips before he leaned forward, giving me a quick kiss. “Seulgi says hi, by the way,” he added, sneaking his hand under the hem of my panties.
“What do you mean what?” Taeyong looked down at me, creasing his eyebrows in confusion.
“She knows?” I yelled, unable to comprehend how, on Earth, Seulgi figured out I was in Taeyong’s bed. She couldn’t know. She wasn’t even there when our romance bloomed. “How?”
“Yeah, is it a bad thing, though? You didn’t want to fuck me in secret, did you?” Taeyong challenged, not really answering my inquiry. Did Seulgi figure it out on her own? Or did Taeyong told her about us? And, the biggest question mark was: what were we to begin with? “Seulgi must have some sort of sixth sense. She was bothering me about the sexual tension between us since day one of your training.”
“I wouldn’t call it sexual tension per se, but there was something going on,” I replied, reminiscing how rocky our beginning was. “But I think we were interrupted…” I reminded him, and Taeyong with a playful smirk on his face dived right between my thighs.
 The streaming should begin at 8 p.m., but we had to arrive before 5 p.m., so the make-up artists and stylists could prepare us for the performance. Sitting in that chair and waiting for all pampering to be over with was stressful as fuck. I tried to preoccupy myself with an idea of Taeyong, but whenever someone threw a question in my direction, I was being pulled out of my train of happy thoughts.
I wanted to get on the stage and be done with it. Unfortunately, whoever funded that contest didn’t think of the mental health of its participants when making today’s schedule.
Punctually, the show began its transmission at 8 o’clock. However, at the very beginning, the MC had to introduce all sponsors. Going through them took him about twenty minutes. Then, they interviewed some of the eliminated dancers, asking them questions either about their experience in the competition or simply who they thought would win.
Later, they decided to rewind the contestants’ moments in the show. At first, they showed Doyoung and his partner, and a few experts analyzed their performance, wondering what the odds of them winning were.
When the host announced the rewind of Taeyong’s and Seulgi’s stages, the jury only talked about the sudden switch up, confirming it was the first time it ever happened in the grand finale. It startled a lot of people why would Seulgi drop out, but Taeyong explained it in a brief interview.
“It was a crazy coincidence, but Seulgi couldn’t participate today because she is getting married today,” Taeyong revealed, and the audience cooed loudly, obviously supporting her choice. “I was stressed at first, but Seulgi found an amazing dancer to take her spot. She really chose well,” he added, and I looked at him, trying not to cry in front of everyone.
It was almost impossible to fish out a compliment from Taeyong during practice, but right now, he did it on his own accord, melting my heart with his words.
“Everybody is dying to know more about your partner,” the MC started, shifting his attention to me. I didn’t particularly like to be put in the spotlight, but before I managed to spit some nonsense, Taeyong butt in, rescuing the day.
“Although she doesn’t have much experience in dance competitions, I think she’s a great dancer. To think of it, she is my secret weapon,” Taeyong added, and I almost ran into his arms, feeling too overwhelmed by his speech.
“Alright then, let’s see what you got after a short commercial break,” the MC cheerfully announced before I bolted out of the stage as I felt the stress crept into my head.
“Calm down,” Taeyong softly spoke as he approached me, holding my hand, drawing circles with his thumb. “You’ve got this. Just focus on me,” he added, flashing me a reassuring smile before kissing my knuckles.
“Awww… isn’t it adorable?” Someone snickered, and I didn’t need to turn my head around to know it was Doyoung. He was like a venomous snake, trying to sneak into our subconscious and make us even more anxious. It couldn’t be fair play.
“Buzz off,” I barked as I didn’t want to let him tick Taeyong off. Taeyong was my safety pin, and I didn’t want him to go full rage on Doyoung. Their backstage battle would make it to the news, but I’d rather prevent it from happening.
“With Seulgi on your arm, I was giving you a five percent chance of winning,” Doyoung started, ignoring my warning. “Now, when she’s gone, I won’t even have fun beating you on the stage,” he added, and I almost surged forward to punch him. If it wasn’t for Taeyong, who held me in my place, I’d definitely rearranged Doyoung’s face.
“Don’t let him get into your head,” Taeyong whispered into my ear, and I nodded my head, sighing. Then, it struck me. Doyoung’s motive wasn’t to mess with Taeyong but with me. He knew I was the weakest link, and he wanted to guarantee his victory by making me doubt myself. His words rung in my head, but one look at Taeyong helped me relax. We had practiced it a thousand times; there was not a chance I would make a mistake.
“Come on. Let’s go. They’re calling us out,” Taeyong mused, pulling me towards the stage.
The silence filled the auditorium when we got on the stage, taking our respective places. I stole a glance at Taeyong – he was mouthing words of encouragement seconds before the MC announced our performance.
I can hear it callin'
Loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
Callin', something in the way you wanna talk
On two sides of the stage, we moved to the rhythm, telling the story of two strangers lusting over each other from afar. With hunger in our eyes, we tried to seduce each other with sharp movements, showcasing our attributes.
You got me sayin', you got me sayin'
How you doing? Tell me what's your name (Ey, tell me what's your name?)
What's your sign? Feeling like you are into me
Taeyong ran up to me like a man enchanted by the siren’s voice, rolling his body against mine. It was his moment to shine; everybody’s eyes were on him as he owned the stage with his overflowing charisma.
Baby, we're two distant strangers
I know you don't speak my language
But I love the way she's talking to me (Talking to me)
I can hear it callin' from where you are
Loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
It was a classic game of cat and mouse. Though our bodies were so close to each other, we moved in perfect synchronization, careful not to brush against each other. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and the feeling of yearning was visible from the very last row.
Max, max, max, we can have it all (To the max)
If you back, back, back, back, back it up (Back it, back it)I'll take you where you wanna, got the gas in the tank (Wow)
If you really wanna make it last (Git, git, git)
Finally, as the song slowly progressed to the end, we were showing intense frustration. We were portraying two individuals, yearning for intimate contact, who were hastily losing their minds over uncontrollable passion.
I can hear it callin' from where you are (Callin', woo)
Loving the way you wanna talk (Love the way you talk)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up (Yeah, yeah)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
The song was to end soon. The last chorus rolled in – it was our cue. After all teasing, we finally made the connection, ready to combust out of raw craze. After three minutes of painful longing, we were to reach completion.
I can hear it callin' from where you are (Callin', woo)
Loving the way you wanna talk (Love the way you talk)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up (Yeah, yeah)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
It was all or nothing. We were finally together, touching each other with fervor.  The audience was eating our performance up – particularly when Taeyong showcased his flexibility and body control.
Tell me how you like it babe (How you)
I don't even know your name (How you, ey)
I love the way you're talking to me
It was finally time to finish our performance with a bang; we needed to show something spectacular, something Doyoung wouldn’t ever think about. As the singer began the last verse, it was my cue to run into Taeyong’s embrace. The second the last syllable rolled of the singer’s tongue, Taeyong caught me in his arms, and the lights went out to add a dramatic twist to our performance.
For a while, the audience was silent. However, a few seconds later, they roared in excitement, clapping loudly, showing how much they enjoyed our stage.
The MC was congratulating us, but I was too thrilled to register his words. I still couldn’t believe I performed on national television and didn’t trip and smash my face.
I had no idea how I found myself backstage, but there was a high chance Taeyong led me off the stage. I was too overwhelmed to do it on my own.
I even forgot that Johnny, together with Yeri – the love of his week, had backstage passes. I only remembered that when he wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug, congratulating me.
“You gotta quit that office job and start dancing professionally,” Johnny ordered, and I smiled, glad that he enjoyed my performance. “We both gotta quit. You’ll be dancing, and I’ll be a badass FBI agent.”
“You two were great,” Yeri politely said when Johnny let me go. “Thank you so much for letting me backstage.”
“No problem,” Taeyong replied as he grabbed my shaking hands. “Are you okay?” He asked, cupping my face, making me look at him. “You rocked the stage,” he added before he leaned forward to peck my lips.
Ignoring Johnny’s perplexed expression, I wrapped my arms around Taeyong in a comfortable hug. I hadn’t suitably introduced Johnny to the concept of me dating Taeyong, but hopefully, our interaction got the message across.
Emotions were slowly fading away, but I still needed Taeyong’s support. I was a rookie, and I had no experience with this type of stress. Something was calming about Taeyong’s aura; I couldn’t pinpoint what exactly, but I wasn’t going to question it.
“Anticipation is killing me,” I muttered against his skin. “Can he already go on that fucking stage?” I yelled, wondering why Doyoung’s performance didn’t start yet. I knew the MC was building up tension, but it was too much for me to handle.
“We could always skip,” Taeyong casually spoke, and I pulled away to look at him. What the hell was he talking about? I hadn’t agreed to help him out, so we didn’t wait until the end. “If we lose, we lose. If we win, your friend can accept the prize, can’t he?”
“Are you insane?”
“Maybe a little bit,” he answered with a bright smile, brushing stray hair off my forehead. “I just want to know the result already so we can go to Seulgi’s wedding and congratulate them,” he added, and I nodded my head. Though we couldn’t participate during the ceremony, the least we could do was to show up ridiculously late to the reception.
“Can they hurry the fuck up now?” I craned my neck, trying to find Doyoung and his partner. They were arguing about something right behind the curtain. Everything seemed they weren’t in the right headspace.
“I don’t think I want to see their performance,” Taeyong whispered, tightening his grasp on my waist. “How about a quickie in the dressing room? What do you say?” He proposed, and I smacked him, telling him to behave. It was tempting, but we really shouldn’t. I wouldn’t walk up that stage with messed-up post-sex hair.
“Get a grip,” I added, gently elbowing him. “Let’s just hit the snack table. I am hungry,” I spoke, pulling him away when the MC invited Doyoung and his dance partner onto the stage.
While munching on snacks, we stared at each other fondly. In some weird way, we were helping each other cope with anticipation and stress. Though it was tempting to check out their performance, we decided it was for the better if we didn’t.
They performed to “Hips Don’t Lie,” and it was almost impossible to turn my head around to check out Doyoung’s sick moves. Having considered all the videos I had seen of him, I was sure he looked gorgeous.
“What about a little peek?” Taeyong questioned, unable to control his urge to see his rival’s performance. “I thought I could endure it, but I can’t,” he added, and I nodded, giving in. Instantly, we ran to the nearest screen to watch their stage.
It was everything I imagined. Their moves were executed with precision and grace, but entertainment-wise, I was bored. They had the skills, but something about the general concept didn’t fulfill my expectations.
No matter how great of a dancer Doyoung was, he just could not pull this song off as the original artist did. Regardless of how hard he swayed his hips, it just didn’t live up to its potential. Though I wasn’t educated enough to give an honest review, it felt meh.
The audience in the studio whistled and shouted once they finished their performance, giving them a round of applause. With genuine smiles, Doyoung and his partner bowed before they ran off the stage.
Now, only thirty minutes of aggressive advertising, and we would know the winner.
“Is it too late to agree to that quickie?”
“You should’ve said so earlier,” Taeyong answered with an innocent smile as he reached to hold my hand. “The best I can do is cuddles,” he added, leading me to the couch, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. “It feels nice.”
“It does, but it doesn’t take my mind off things like a quickie would.”
“Don’t even try. I am not going on that stage with a boner in my pants,” Taeyong warned, peeling my hand off his thigh, pressing a delicate kiss against my knuckles.
Though it wasn’t as preoccupying as sex, it was still nice. And most importantly, it took our minds off the unbearable anticipation. A staff member actually needed to gently shake Taeyong’s shoulder to remind us that the MC was calling us to the stage.
Taeyong’s hand didn’t leave mine once we were waiting for the big reveal. It was fine if we lost. Next year, Seulgi and Taeyong would definitely make it to the top.
When the MC announced the winner, a few confetti bombs exploded. The audience roared in excitement, but I had no clue what was going on. Uncertainty was over – one of us won.
Stress, anticipation, and anxiety slowed down my reactions. However, I figured it would be weird if Taeyong picked me up and spun me around in his arms if we lost. It could only mean one thing – we did it.
We won.
Taeyong’s acceptance speech was short and simple. He thanked everyone who succored him discover his passion for dancing, who supported him throughout his dream, who directly helped him get this far, and me.
When I was handed the microphone for the first time that evening, I basically rephrased Taeyong words. Maybe it wasn’t my dream, but it felt damn good to assist Taeyong in achieving his. It was a bumpy road, but overall, it was all worth it.
The MC handed me a statue after shaking my hand, congratulating me once more. Taeyong, on the other hand, was gifted a huge check for 20 thousand dollars.
“Let’s go,” Taeyong whispered to me, running off the stage with me.
It was shortly before midnight when the Uber parked in front of the hotel where Seulgi’s and Irene’s reception took place. It was beautifully decorated with lights and flowers, making it look like a magical castle.
Though the security didn’t want to grant entrance, one of Seulgi’s aunts recognized Taeyong and told the man to let us in. She was nice enough to help us out, but she still found some time to glance disapprovingly at my stage costume. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gossiped to her entire family I was a prostitute.
As soon as we walked into the ballroom, Seulgi noticed us. She was sitting by the table, eating the wedding cake with Irene. In an instant, she rose from her chair and ran up to us, throwing herself on Taeyong’s neck.
“You won! I knew it!” She shouted as she gave Taeyong a bone-crushing hug. “Irene and I sneaked out for a while to watch your performance. You smashed them,” Seulgi added before she turned to me, congratulating me too.
“You were amazing,” Irene approached us, sending a polite smile. Unlike Seulgi, Irene was much calmer and collected.
“You are finally married,” Taeyong spoke, beaming. “You better have everything recorded. I gotta know every embarrassing thing that I missed,” he added in a teasing manner, earning a playful jab from Seulgi. “I bet you cried during your vows.”
“Congratulations,” I chimed in, breaking their friendly banter before it properly started. It was Seulgi’s wedding day, after all.
After we caught up, Seulgi and Irene walked off to the dance floor, leaving us by the table alone. For a while, we admired them. They looked absolutely stunning in their white suits, dancing, basking in happiness.
“Do you know where the gifts are held?” I inquired suddenly, looking around.
“Why? Did you have time to get them anything?” Taeyong asked before he stuffed his mouth with a chocolate glazed strawberry. “Or are you thinking of stealing some?”
“I just want to give them my part of the prize,” I started, making Taeyong choke on the fruit. “Seulgi’s the rightful winner, and I think it’s only right.”
“Are you sure? It’s a lot of money.”
“Yeah, I know, but I really want to do that,” I replied, fiddling with my fingers. “I don’t need this money, so I want to give it to her.”
“You’re so hot right now,” Taeyong said, making me turn my head in embarrassment. “If that’s what you really want to do, do it. But remember, you earned it.”
“I am sure.”
“Then let me spoil you with my prize,” Taeyong offered, staring into my eyes. At first, I thought he was joking, but when his gaze didn’t even falter, I understood how serious he was. “Well… look at that. What are the odds?” Taeyong spoke as a familiar melody echoed within the walls of the grand ballroom. “It’s our song. Shall we dance?”
Having glanced at Seulgi, who whispered something to the DJ, I smiled at Taeyong. Though I was sick and tired of Love Talk already, it was kind of our song. We had been listening to this song too much, and regardless of how good it was, the prospect of it being our anthem terrified me.
“One last time,” I gave in, accepting Taeyong’s invitation, letting him lead me to the dance floor. Despite having mastered the choreography to it, I just wrapped my arms around his neck, slowly waltzing to it.
“That’s nothing like we practiced,” Taeyong pinpointed, and I chuckled, shaking my head. “I don’t mind, though. It’s comfy,” he added as his hands found purchase on my hips.
“Seulgi doesn’t look pleased. She didn’t expect us to perform, did she?” I whispered into Taeyong’s ear, hugging him closer. “Also, it can’t be our song. We have to change it; the sooner, the better,” I complained, but Taeyong just chuckled into my ear, humming softly.
Instead of giving me an actual answer, Taeyong decided to sing it.
“I love the way you're talking to me.”
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moonshotsx · 2 years
Hello bestie my bestie, I come bearing headcanon asks. Can I please have
Neighbors AU Jasco: 🥊
Burlesque AU: 💥
Succubus AU: 🎭
Thank youuu <3
Tumblr media
with an offer like that how can i refuse??
neighbors au
🥊 Exercise/Workout HC
jasmine loves working out, she is always in athletic wear. she's definitely a cardio kinda gal and likes to go on runs (if it's too cold, the threadmill at the gym will do
she also is the type of girl to take quick gym selfies, all sweaty but smiling because of a good workout
bosco hates to exercise but she gets away with it by being naturally tall and slim - they are surprisingly strong though and can easily carry jasmine around
it's not like jasmine hasn't tried to get bosco into working out with her... they just prefer to sit in the corner and look menacing at the other people working out at the gym
burlesque au
💥 First Fight/Making Up HC
their first big fight happens when jasmine makes bosco feel "cheap" with some comments (she was with some of her other rich friends when it happened), something that really hurts them coming from jasmine
jasmine doesn't do it on purpose and she takes a moment to realize what she has done, she tries to talk to bosco but to no avail
when they finally talk, bosco explains how, because of their job, people assume things about them that bother them greatly and to have jasmine not defend her really hurt them
succubus au
🎭 Jealous HC
out of the two of them, bosco is the more jealous and she doesn't hide her disdain for people that show interest in jasmine
jasmine is quite jealous too, as bosco is naturally flirty (being a succubus does that to you, i guess!)
bosco finds it endearing when jasmine gets jealous, and they tease her a lot for it before kissing her
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zet-sway · 3 years
Spiritual Shrios Summer - EMBRACE
This is a prompt fill for @rosenkow’s Spiritual Shrios Summer!
Prompts | release | oasis | moan | delirium | pray | sweat | whisper | afterlife | contaminated | skin | worship | incense | godless | petals | taste | nectar | caress | mirage | ripe | sundown | hallucinate | salt | intoxicated | soul | embrace | hunger | wet | adrenaline | breathe |
Rated: “E” for “Awkward but Spicy” [NSFT] AO3 Link: "Too Much and Not Enough” Pairing: Thane / FemShep Summary: Maybe it's the traces of venom in her system or maybe it's just him, but this man beneath her - this assassin, feared and infamous for the lives he's taken - swells her heart with trust. It's a new and curious thing, so different from the trust shared between brothers in arms. It's simple intimacy, and maybe… just maybe… something more.
A/N: This fic is a god damn hot mess, and yet I have literally *never* revised anything so heavily in my entire life. Was supposed to be part of a slow burn but I'm impatient. I literally can't tell if this fic is worth reading. You decide lol
Thank you @quietonewisp for your feedback on my first draft! It's unbelievable to be in the same fandom with such talented writers after all these years. Thank you also to everyone who shared encouraging words while I was pulling my hair out over this fic :) this is my first attempt at writing Shepard as a thought out character of my own creation. As a result it's pretty awkward.
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"I don't know how you do this," Shepard grunts through clenched teeth.
Every third day is yoga. And today, she thought it would be a good idea to try a headstand.
Thane guides her feet into the air, resting her knees against her elbows. Her hands are planted on either side of her head, elbows bent at a right angle to form three points of support against the floor. Truthfully, he hadn't thought she would struggle so much with this pose, given her strength.
"Push with your hands. Distribute your weight."
Slowly, he releases her calves and repositions himself behind her as she pulls in a sharp inhale, holding her balance.
"You better not be staring at my ass, Krios."
He raises a brow ridge. It's hard not to stare at her ass, thrust in the air as it is.
"You forget that I have perfect recall," he says dismissively. "I can reflect on the image of your backside at any moment of my choosing."
"So you admit you've been looking?"
"Shepard," he admonishes, "Just because I've seen your ass does not mean I consciously seek to see it." It's a stone cold lie, but an easy one to sell, especially when she makes a point of training her glutes every day during their morning PT.
Slowly, she lifts her knees into the air, shaking with the effort to retain her balance. "I bet you're an ass man," she grits out, one leg finally pointed straight into the air.
Thane sets his hands on her calves to steady her as she wills through the pose.
"I'm unfamiliar with the term."
She huffs, swallowing down a breath before speaking. "A man who prefers ass over breasts."
Only humans would have a word for something like this, he thinks. "As you know, women of my species do not have breasts."
"Yup," she hisses, slowly and carefully straightening her other leg. "That's why you've gotta be-" another shaky breath, "-an ass man."
Well… she's not wrong.
In truth, he finds breasts no more desirable than any other mundane part of the human body. The appeal, he suspects, comes from actually touching them - something he hadn't considered at all until she'd launched herself at him in the airlock weeks ago. He's replayed the experience in his mind hundreds of times by now. The insistent press of her mouth on his, her smooth human hands clutching at his shoulders... and the soft crush of her body against him. He hadn't pulled away, but he hadn't kissed her back either. Right now, he wishes he had.
There's a curious connecting thread between his return to the Normandy and her sudden urgency to speak to him - frequently. Even more curious - neither one of them has broached the subject of her impulsive kiss before his procedure.
With a relieved sigh, Shepard finally manages to straighten both legs and complete the pose. Toes pointed toward the ceiling of the shuttle bay, she trembles. It's all he can do to not close his hands around her thighs to feel every rippling muscle under her skin.
"Excellent work," he says, voice perhaps lower than he intended.
"My head hurts."
Thane shakes his head. "You're not distributing your weight through your hands. Push down, and lower your knees slowly."
She makes a strained sound, tenses her legs, and the motion is just enough to pitch her center of gravity backwards.
He catches her, but not before the rounded curve of her ass is pressed with distracting persistence against his hips. If he could have blushed, he very well might have. Looking remarkably contorted beneath her splayed hands, she grins at him.
"How's your perfect recall going to handle this one?"
He should say something, but he doesn't. With steady arms, he lowers her to the mat and she flops against it, sighing heavily. There's a familiar quiet about her, something he's come to recognize as the silence before a storm.
"...can we talk about this?"
His deflection comes instinctively. "Your mastery of the headstand will take some practice, but-"
"No," she says firmly. "This." She waves a hand between both of them. "I kissed you goodbye and we're both acting like it never happened. It was inappropriate of me. Did I upset you?"
This time he needs a minute to think.
"Shepard, I… no, you did not upset me."
"But...?" She sits up, knees drawn in a loose spread against her chest, arms looped around them. The same focus he'd seen in her face on Tuchanka is there now. But this time her expression is uncharacteristically open, visibly hanging on his next words.
She's not even trying to hide that she wants him.
So why does he resist?
Ten years ago he swore he would never love another, and he meant it. The compulsion to remain ascetic is by now second nature in him. But although the years have not dulled the memory of his beloved Irikah, they have brought a new perspective: the fires of one love are not dulled simply because the fires of another are kindled.
"I've recalled that moment more times than I can count," he says, finally.
"So... does that mean you liked it?"
"I enjoyed your kiss enough to admit that should the opportunity arise... I may not let go."
She leans closer, fingers lacing together with visible anticipation. "And what if I didn't want you to let go?"
The look in her upturned face is what does him in. In a rare display of impulse, he drops to the mat and kisses her. And this time he intends to savor it.
Somehow, the same humility that drove him to his knees before Irikah now folds him again as he gazes into the unknown with Shepard. A purpose, a reason to fight. And now perhaps... a reason to love. He's not sure if he would call it love just yet, but kissing her awakens his body like hot tea on a bitter cold morning. She draws him between her knees, lips parting eagerly beneath his seeking tongue. She tastes like coffee with an undertone of alien unfamiliarity, and his pulse quickens. He's already eager for more.
Shepard mumbles something against his mouth and he pulls away.
"You taste tingly. That's normal right?"
He smiles gently back at her. "Normal for humans, as I understand."
They lean together for another kiss before she releases him. "We still haven't done cardio."
He slips his arms around her waist and tugs her tighter against him, using his strength to pull her up with him as he stands.
"A quick jog around the hold, then?"
"...or," she says coyly, all suggestive eyes with a cautious smirk blooming across her face. "A quick jog upstairs?"
He shouldn't. At least - old habits tell him he shouldn't. But his heart says it doesn't much matter.
"Promise me one thing," he says with caution, taking her hands in his. This is not how he’d imagined his morning. After all the time they’ve spent seeking each other’s company, he hadn’t dared to think...
Shepard tips her head, listening, fingertips idly exploring the subtle texture of his scales. His throat feels dry and the words are stampeding through his mind so fast he can barely catch them.
"Embrace her memory as I have. Smile upon her with favor." The memories mingle together, threatening to overwhelm him. Shepard has already given him so much, and he still asks more of her.
"Your wife?" She leans into his neck, kissing his shoulder softly.
"Yes." He squeezes his eyes shut. His breath threatens to choke him. "I cannot and will not stop loving her. She is with me always."
Shepard smiles at him, as though he's asked the easiest thing in the world. Her next words are an intimate whisper against his lips.
"What kind of Commander would I be if I told you to stop loving your wife?"
Her breath fills his chest with warmth and wanting. Cupping her face in his hands, he kisses her glistening lips as though they were crafted specifically for him. They inhale each other, her tongue sliding against his as he breathes in her kiss. The word murmurs through his mouth and mind as a soft wind sighing through trees and grasses. "Siha."
This could be his second chance. An opportunity to fight side by side with a warrior angel, as he should have done years ago. Irikah was not a trained soldier, but she damn well could have been. She would have given everything to defend the innocent, and by all accounts, she had. Their son, alive because of her and her alone. He can taste her in the kiss, a familiar and soothing encouragement that makes his heart soar. Perhaps if he survives the mission, he will have learned something of her bravery.
There's a gentle tug on his shirt. Shepard leads him toward the elevator.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When they stumble into her cabin, her eyes are already bleary with his venom. Thane presses her into the bed, one hand cradling her neck while the other winds into her hair. His lips are slow but strong, kissing her like he knows nothing else. She's never felt so wanted before.
"How far do you want to take this?" she gasps when he trails her mouth down her jaw.
"This was your idea," his mouth is scorching on the column of her neck. She leans back to give him better access. "How far do you want to take this?"
Her insides are on fire at the feel of his mouth alone, and logic says she's crazy to jump into bed with another fucking species so suddenly. But she doesn't care - she's spent enough sleepless nights imagining this very moment. She wants his hands on her bare skin, she wants the forbidden unknowns of his alien body. With every fiber of her being, she wants. But it's easier to think about it than to say it.
"More," she says finally - breathlessly. Words are fleeting. Her hands fist the edges of his shirt and he obliges, pulling away so she can lift it off before she begins pulling off her own.
And then he surprises her by playfully rolling her on to her belly, kissing the back of her neck, her spine, palms trailing an electric line down her sides.
"I confess," he murmurs between kisses, "You were right to accuse me of being, as you say, an 'ass man.'" She moans as those strong hands settle on her backside, fingers kneading her flesh with delicious strength. Good god.
Words are difficult, but she manages. "Don't get any ideas, I'm not letting you fuck my ass."
"It wasn't my intention. Is that something humans do?"
Shepard snorts. "Don't act like you didn't know that."
He laughs like she's never heard before, a rich and jubilant peal in that dark voice she's come to savor. She can nearly feel the soft vibrations of that laugh through his hands as he presses his fingertips between her legs. “I’d rather know where you burn hottest,” he says, and she can hear the smile in his voice as he strokes her just hard enough to make his intentions understood.
"Oh fuck yes."
His palms return to her backside, sliding up to hook his fingers into her waistband. "May I?"
She nods furiously, her own hands closing over his to push her clothes off.
When she's firmly on her back again he drags down the zipper on the front of her bra. It's flung on the floor with the rest of her things and then she's bare before him, biting her lip under the heat of his hungry gaze. She wonders if he can see her body vibrating in anticipation.
"Beautiful," he murmurs, settling his knees between her thighs. He crawls up to kiss her. "For weeks, I've thought about touching you."
She hums as he strokes the rounded edges of her breasts.
"Your body is so wonderfully soft, will you tell me if there's something you don't like?"
"Yeah," is all she can manage before his mouth returns to her neck, his hands wandering like a dying man searching for water. She's certain to have hickeys by the time they're done.
Curious, she brings a hand up to stroke the delicate flesh of his throat. His answering groan confirms her suspicions, and suddenly his questing hands are not so chaste, closing with suffocating warmth around her breasts.
Shepard bites her lip. "Please don't tell me you think breasts are gross."
He shakes his head. "I'll admit I find it strange that human breasts are erogenous, given their purpose. But they aren’t ‘gross,’ as you say. Just... new." She pushes her chest into his palms and that gets a rise out of him - a lovely trembling purr in his throat. "And so soft, Siha."
"Feels good," she murmurs. With parted lips, she breathes her pleasure as he kneads her breasts in slow, sensuous circles, dipping his head to kiss along her sternum and at the tender underside of her flesh.
"I think I might like them,” he says, lips twinged upwards.
Her need flares with that simple statement and she pulls in a breath, straining against him.
"I hadn't imagined how... tempting they could be. Soft curves... ripe like fruit at peak season." A strained moan falls from her mouth when he punctuates his statement with a more appreciative squeeze and draws a thumb over one sensitive peak, his mouth close enough to make her whimper in frustration.
“You’re teasing me.”
"I’m exploring you, Siha. There’s so much to learn." He circles his fingertips around her nipples and they tighten in response. The visual alone has her reeling, electric sparks of need slipping down her spine and straight into her core. "Your body shows me what it wants," he murmurs. "My mouth begs to taste you."
He flicks his tongue out, sampling her in light, infuriating strokes, teasing until she's keening beneath his hands, eyes shut tight and panting over clenched teeth. It's hard to think about anything at all except his hands and lips and that rumbling voice shimmering across her sensitized skin.
She strangles out a moan when his lips close around her nipple and he hollows his cheeks, drawing it into his mouth before releasing it with a soft, wet pop. Her arms clamp reflexively around his neck in an unspoken order to keep still.
"Do that again," she gasps.
He complies without question, textured fingers on one breast and wet tongue on the other, toying with her. Her back arches, hands holding herself like an offering to his mouth, every touch like a phantom crack of lust between her legs. There's a low rumble in his throat, he's practically purring into her skin and she can feel it, thighs clenching together in desperation.
She whines when he finally pulls away.
"I'll be back for those," he promises. "I hadn't expected such enthusiasm."
Fingertips brush her inner thigh and she leans into the touch, wanting more - for fuck's sakes - more - gasping out a shuddering breath she didn't even know she was holding when he flattens his fused fingers into her seam. Face buried in her neck doing god knows what with his lips and tongue, he's exploring her by touch alone. Each press of his hand is excruciatingly gentle, pushing slowly into her slick channel, gliding upwards to her clit. She's so sensitive that she flinches when he brushes over it, clutching at his shoulders.
"Too much?" He asks.
She hadn't even realized her eyes were closed. Her throat is dry, but she rasps, "Not enough."
His full lips curve into a smile before he strokes her again and this time she moans, pushing back on his hand as much as she can manage. Her mind is chanting "please, please," but she won't beg. Not yet, at least.
His voice rouses her from her desperate thoughts.
”Your species makes great effort to avoid using definitive terms for this part of your body."
"Do we?” She asks, willing her thoughts to clear enough for her to speak. “I mean, there's pussy, snatch... cunt, if you're feeling profane."
His voice drops a register lower, and he leans close enough for her to feel his hot breath when he speaks. "Shepard, I believe the technical term is vulva."
She groans. Loudly. "Fuck off."
He huffs out a stiff laugh. "Perhaps you'd prefer something new. Ara'te. Chalice of Arashu."
She tries - and fails - to hide her impatience. "Really?"
"Do you find it repulsive?"
"No, I just... mixing religion and sex is kind of..." She fumbles with her answer, not wanting to offend, but the words are gone from her when he leans in and draws the flat of his tongue in a wide sweep between her legs. "-Jesus, Thane."
His voice is thick with amusement. "How interesting that you invoke the name of a god you don't believe in, if I touch you just so."
Shepard's mouth snaps shut and she looks pointedly away from him with a huff.
"But I digress," he says, fingers rippling along her seam. Scaled hands smooth over her slickness, spreading her with gentle consideration. His mouth is dangerously close, gaze fixed on her with eyes like gleaming onyx. Something in the way his voice drops sets her heart racing.
“You feel like the softest silk,” he whispers, each word rolling off his tongue in a veil of hot breath that cools over the heat of her wet center. Her eyes flutter closed as he presses his exploration, teasing her entrance with his joined fingers.
"Your body is a wellspring," he murmurs, slowly penetrating her with his hand. "Drenched with arousal… begging me into your depths."
She gasps when he takes the opportunity to flick at her with his tongue. Hips grind against his hand, desperately seeking more.
"What the fuck," she moans. "Don't stop."
He withdraws only to enter her again, this time sheathing an extra finger in her heat. Those fingers crook inside her and she damn near twitches off the bed, drawing a sound from him somewhere between amusement and arousal.
"So sensitive, Siha."
It feels like she's melting under the intensity of his touch, a thumb moving in teasing circles around her clit. She hisses, thighs clenching.
"Holy shit just touch me."
"Like this?" he asks in a tone that's infuriatingly playful, barely skimming his tongue across her clit.
"God damn it, Thane, you know what I want-"
He interrupts her, his voice suddenly more serious.
"Show me."
There's silence, and then Shepard blinks at him. "What?"
"Show me how you like to be touched."
"You want to watch me?" her mouth goes dry and her answering tone is more accusatory than she intends. "Because you're a freak, or because you don't know how to touch a woman?"
"Yes." He says simply, dodging both of her questions with irritating smugness.
Her knees twitch inward, uncertain, and with a deep inhale, he withdraws.
"Siha," he murmurs apologetically, taking her hand. "You've left all your confidence on the battlefield.”
The words slip straight through the cracks in her armor. It's painful, but he's right. Cerberus didn't bring her back because they wanted her, they brought back Commander Shepard. The woman she used to be is an afterthought. There's only the mission. The Hero of the Citadel. The Commander.
But here they are, Thane's enormous black eyes boring holes into her defenses in a silent plea for… something. His hand finds hers and their fingers intertwine, resting together on her hip. His expression is more unguarded than she's ever seen, eyes asking a silent question: Do you trust me? Do you want me?
"All my victories have been on the battlefield," she says, looking away.
His thumb soothes back and forth over her hand.
"Intimacy is not a war. What do you hope to triumph over?"
Still unwilling to meet his eyes, her face twists with discomfort.
"I haven't had a lot of partners. I'm laying here naked and you're playing games. I can't tell if you're just teasing or looking for an excuse to drive me off."
His expression softens. "Our differences are not merely physical, then."
She isn’t certain what he means, but Thane shifts to lay next to her, kissing her temple. His fingers tighten around hers in a gentle grip that doesn't let up, finally summoning her eyes back to his.
"On my heart, Siha, there is no place I would rather be than right here with you." There's a genuine apology in his tone, prying her heart open one painstaking centimeter at a time. "Do you want this?"
Her voice is small, but she doesn't hesitate. "Yes."
"Show me what you like," Thane's lips brush against her ear. "Remember that I won't forget." The way his voice rumbles makes her shiver.
He takes her hand and presses a kiss into her palm before setting it atop her thigh. It’s a relaxing gesture, indirect enough that he's not backing down while also letting her choose the next move. His lips are unhurried, traveling up her neck, against her ear, along her hairline.
Years of lackluster partners have tempered her expectations - she’s never shared herself with anyone as intense as Thane; and although she'd never admit it, his sexual confidence is damn near intimidating. But his hot breath against her ear and his endless, patient kisses are an irresistible pull of wanting.
This man is far from bored, she realizes. He's only awaiting her permission to give her something she's never experienced.
Her chest rises and falls in deep, shaky breaths. "No games," she whispers.
"No games," he agrees.
Biting her lip, she guides his hand back to the apex of her thighs. He offers no resistance, humming his approval when she slicks his fingertips through her heat and sets them carefully against her clit.
They move together then, her hand on his, teasing herself while he kisses her neck and shoulder, slowly making his way across her chest. How long has it been since she found release beneath the hands of another? The quiet intimacy of their joined hands, the subtle texture of his scales leaves her breathless, delirious with pleasure, his fingertips sliding effortlessly against her slick center. His mouth wanders over her skin, her breasts, every touch so electric she’s almost not ready for how fast her release sneaks up on her.
"I'm close," she whimpers with eyes squeezed shut, "Oh fuck, Thane, I'm so close."
"Yes, Siha,” he whispers. “Come for me."
She breaks. Every cell in her body clenches in a singularity of pressure before she's launched out in a million pieces, shimmering in the dim light. For once, it doesn't feel cold in her cabin. Waves of heat ripple under her skin, pulsing with every second she spends teasing the tail end of her climax.
She doesn't realize she has a death grip on his hand until she's gone completely still. If it hurts him, he says nothing, only wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her close. When she looks back at him, he's watching her with a knowing, lustful smile. She reaches for him, stroking his delicate neck and earning an appreciative hum that makes her heart beat just a little faster.
"Not that I didn't like you before, but..." she brushes her fingertips along his jaw, tilting his head toward her, "God damn."
Maybe human biology actually is as interesting as he proclaims, if one good orgasm can flood her with this much oxytocin. Like crossing a proverbial threshold, she feels her confidence returning, if only just to tell him we are definitely doing this again. As soon as possible.
"The privilege is mine." His voice is flecked with desire, words she believes so wholeheartedly she can almost see them in the air.
"How are you still wearing pants?"
He growls approvingly as she climbs over him and her fingertips slip beneath his waistband.
"Let's see what I'm about to get myself into," she says with a sly upturn of her lips.
"Or, if you wish - what you're about to get into yourself, " he retorts with no small amount of innuendo.
Immediately she wishes they'd done this sooner. He's... gorgeous. It isn't so much that she thought he wouldn't be, but his anatomy is every bit as colorful as the rest of him and that is a surprise. His length blooms from its internal sheath, a strong and gently ridged gradient of red and purple, nearly glowing in contrast against his green scales.
"Nice," she breathes, reaching for him. "Sorry if I don't have any pretty words to explain how much I want to put this beautiful thing in my mouth." Then she has a thought. "Do you have any fancy words for 'dick?'"
He puffs out an amused laugh and cracks a smile. "I seem to recall you saying something about religion and sex..."
"Humor me," she says, leaning in close enough to make his breath catch from the proximity of her mouth alone.
"Amo'ti," he says. "In your language-"
"Spear of Amonkira?"
He raises a brow ridge at her. "I'm impressed."
She gives his length an appreciative squeeze, testing the give of his ridges, humming at the surprising velvet texture of his skin.
"Maybe," she says slowly, matching the intensity of his gaze, "You can tell me how impressed you are after this." And without any further pretense, she engulfs him with her mouth.
In an instant, his head tips back, and she feels a familiar confidence returning. Men, she thinks, are hopelessly predictable in their pursuit of a hot mouth to fuck. And exactly as expected, Thane's hips are rolling gently forward. She slips her tongue around his length, watching the dancing iridescent scales along the shifting planes of his thighs and stomach.
In the back of her mind, she wonders if drell even do this as much as humans do. But it doesn't seem to matter when he sets his jaw in rapt concentration, visibly struggling to keep his eyes open and fixed on her. She doubles down, flattening her tongue against the underside of his shaft and hollowing her cheeks on the upstroke. His hands thread into her hair, sweeping it from where it falls in front of her eyes and gathering it around his fingers.
Tempted to tease him, she pulls back until the very tip of his length rests against her lips and sweeps her tongue across the head with a seductive smile. Their eyes lock and the sound he makes causes her core to fucking throb with wanting. One hand working him with each teasing swipe of her tongue, she slips lower, plants her lips on the base of his shaft to kiss him with an open mouth. He's shaking now, he's got to be close-
With a strangled gasp, his hips twitch away from her and she stills herself.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No," is his breathless response. "Quite the opposite. Come here."
She climbs astride him, pressing the length of their bodies together as his arms enfold her. "That good?"
"Join with me, Siha," he murmurs, his voice low and laced with need. "Find your release in mine."
An unexpected chill slips through her, tingling every nerve with an onset of understanding. She can hear it in the undertones of his voice: I want you. This was never a game. We will be whole, together.
He rocks against her just enough to grab her attention. The brush of his length between her legs is electrifying - his eyes searching, his body asking.
"I'm… uh…" Shepard bites her lip, processing the words slowly. "I haven't been with anyone since I... came back."
His fingers intertwine with hers for the umpteenth time that morning. It's a gesture she's rapidly coming to adore for all its patience and admiration. He kisses the back of her hand, voice low and steady. "You're in control, Commander."
There's something in his well-placed acknowledgement of her authority that placates her. Maybe it's the traces of venom in her system or maybe it's just him, but this man beneath her - this assassin, feared and infamous for the lives he's taken - swells her heart with trust. It's a new and curious thing, so different from the trust shared between brothers in arms. It's simple intimacy, and maybe… just maybe… something more.
Eyes never leaving his, she steadies herself and sinks down on him.
They join together with delicious slowness, his hips willfully unmoving beneath her as she takes him in. The pressure is exquisite, edging somewhere between too much and not enough, each ridge of his florid length finding its place within the scorching depths of her body. She's nearly sweating as their hips go flush, eyes tipping closed with the sweet pulse of their joining.
One painstaking second at a time, she adjusts. It doesn't hurt, but she's afraid it damn well might if she starts riding him like her lust-fueled mind is screaming to. She stifles her own desire, wills her body for control as she twists and flexes herself to banish the lingering anxiety about her reconstruction. It might even be embarrassing - wriggling against him like a damn virgin - but there's no judgement in his eyes. If anything, he's holding back his own pleasure, unmoving while he waits for her. Hands braced against his shoulders, she pushes up, finally bottoming out with a low, wanting moan. His length lodges against her deepest reaches. It feels fucking perfect.
"Fuck," she breathes with a cursory flick of her hips. "Holy shit, Thane."
Features painted with pleasured focus, he's stone still beneath her, hands patiently cradling her waist. Thane, her unlikely but disciplined lover, waiting for her next order.
Her voice is a whisper against his lips.
"Let's fucking do this."
And with that, he begins to move with her.
The groan in his throat vibrates through her entire body as she begins to ride him. Her fingers clasp around his shoulders, afraid to put too much pressure on his transplant scars. He grasps her hands in his own, holding her firm and letting her weight fall against him, hips rolling with her as she finds her rhythm.
His voice is a breathy sound somewhere beneath her. "Siha… don't hold back."
She gasps when the next thrust hits home.
"Shut up," she huffs, slanting her lips over his.
Despite their hours spent together on the battlefield, his strength is shocking. It's near impossible to tell who's riding who, his hands firmly on her hips, his body moving beneath her like the rolling ocean, all muscle and sinuous control. Either sex is way better than she remembers, or he's just that good. He ripples in and out of her depths, each of his gentle ridges strumming her like a harp, sweat rolling down the back of her neck.
His venom is already refreshing its hold on her mind when she breaks their kiss for breath. There's a kind of weightlessness to the high - she floats up, baring herself to his wandering hands. They slide against the plane of her stomach, cupping her breasts, plucking teasingly at her nipples. It's enough to make her cry out, heedless to the rest of the world, grinding on him for all she's worth. She feels the hot coil of release building within her, sensations concentrated in every point of contact. The texture of his scales against her inner thighs, his teasing fingertips on her breasts… his burning length buried within her, filling her to completion like no other.
In the throes of his venom, her cabin disintegrates, and there beneath an endless veil of stars, they are one - chasing release in the arms of the other. Words can't describe this perfect headspace. Later, all she'll be able to say is how he feels so good, wishing she could borrow his eidetic memory if only for these few perfect, fleeting moments, to revisit at her behest.
She slips one hand down to massage her clit and pitches her head back in a gasp, walls clenching involuntarily around his length, drawing a low rasp of pleasure from his beautiful, perfect mouth. Their voices are a litany of breathless sounds, a chorus of shared ecstasy - the desperate succession of skin meeting scales, the trilling of his ruby throat and the expletives that fall from her parted lips. She's close - unbelievably close - and damn near unwilling to finish if it means this moment will end, a rare second climax bearing down on her as she folds against him. Even with her hand trapped between their bodies, the sweet pebbled friction of his scales threatens to push her over the edge whether she's ready or not.
She releases with a scream, his name barely intelligible in a strangled half-sobbed cry of bliss that can't be silenced even as she buries her face in his shoulder. Thane's strong arms wind around her waist, holding her as he drives into the silken, pulsing clench of her heat with abandon. The sound of him illuminates the darkness behind her closed eyes as he spends himself within her and she can feel it - a glittering tingle of sensation radiating between her legs, up her spine and blooming into a full scale high.
And then she sags against his chest, heaving breaths in tandem with him, unable to give two tenths of a shit about her hand going numb between them.
"Thane..." She whispers. "Thane, holy shit."
"Are you hurt?"
"...No. I feel... tingly. It's good. It's so… just, good. Holy shit." Her head lolls against his shoulder. She won't open her eyes - not yet. Whatever's going on out there beyond his embrace - for once, it's not her problem. She feels over-relaxed, tinged with unreality. Like a dream. When had she gotten so damn high? If they'd barely -
...Oh, she realizes.
Drell toxin. Inside her.
Thane hums in contentment, his familiar alien hands soothing through her hair. She wonders if he feels just as sated as she does.
"Tell me it was good for you too," she whispers softly against his aural ridge.
"Siha," his voice is quiet, as if murmuring a secret, "It feels unfair to tell you how many times I will revisit this memory."
"I'll allow it, if you tell me we can do this again."
"As if you even need to ask," he chuckles breathlessly. "Yes, I’d like that."
"I don't think I've ever been fucked like that. I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk straight.”
“Not the word I would use, but I’m glad to hear I’ve pleased you.”
She feels his mouth move in a smile and takes a strong inward breath, raising her head to look at him. She can see her own silhouette in his fathomless dark eyes.
"Say it," she demands.
His brows - those gorgeous, expressive, glittering emerald brows - raise in curiosity. It must be the venom making him so vibrant.
Shepard extends one finger to gently prod his chest. "Say 'fuck.'"
He laughs beneath her and it feels like her whole body is bouncing, joining him in his mirth.
That laughter reaches his eyes and his expression softens. "I think perhaps we've overindulged. I didn't expect you'd be so heavily affected."
Her eyes widen in mock incredulity. "Overindulged? Don't you dare tell me that was too much for you."
A viridian palm settles against her cheek, his lips curled in a soft smile so rare it seems like a gift. "What I mean to say is it may have been too much for you, Siha."
She pauses, pushes herself up on shaky arms and sits back on his thighs. He's softening within her, and the retreat of him leaves a trail inside her that feels... not exactly, but... Sort of like someone stuck a breath mint where it doesn't belong. Shepard smiles inwardly. It feels kind of great.
"I'm Commander Shepard," she intones, setting her hands on her hips in a dramatic display of confidence. "I can handle getting dicked down by the most deadly lizard in the galaxy."
Thane is damn near grinning now. “My apologies, Commander. I will think twice before underestimating your abilities in the future.”
"I'm not moving until I hear you say 'fuck.'" She retorts, arms crossed.
"You're wrong, if you assume I want you anywhere but right here."
He reaches for her arms, trailing down her to her wrists to clasp her hands. Above him, she watches as though entranced, the dim light of her cabin blurring the edges of her vision and bringing the slow intertwining of their fingers into crisp focus. For all their differences, they fit together so beautifully. Her heart feels full.
Their eyes meet as he kisses her fingertips.
"Fuck you, Siha."
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biscuit-buddy · 4 years
kuzumochi. (18+)
Endeavor x Reader (Smut, Birthday Fic, 3.1k)
A/N: holy shit guys this got so much longer than expected i’m sorry if it drags at all i just had so much i wanted to get out! Also its 11:22pm so its technically still his birthday. ha. 
What do you get for the man who could already have whatever he wanted at the snap of his fingers? Being the number one pro hero meant that Enji already received truckloads of expensive things, tickets to exclusive events, and the newest technologies simply because of his status. You knew this because everything he received went through you after being thoroughly checked at security. Eight months as his personal secretary offered you a glimpse into his extravagant world and honestly left you with a small bite of bitter jealousy. Some of the things that passed over your desk could pay the rent in your measly apartment for the next year, and you were sure he never gave most of it more than a second glance. 
Your pen tapped lightly against your bottom lip as you stared at the pad of sticky notes on your desk, nothing more than illegible lines, dots, and scribbles covered the top one. With a sigh of frustration, you detach it from the stack, crumple it and toss it in the trash. Today was the first day of August, and the mental countdown to your boss’ birthday plagued your thoughts. While your job was comfortable as is, the cold treatment from the man you worked for grated on your every nerve. You’d think after nearly a year in his employment he’d begin to warm up to you, maybe even bother to remember your name. This was your chance to finally stand out to him if only you could think of something that the hero could possibly want for his birthday. 
As much as he’d probably like a break or a vacation, you were in no position to provide that for him. He obviously didn’t want for anything material either. Does he even have a sweet tooth? You wondered silently as the tapping of your pen resumed against your face. I can’t even imagine a guy like him eating a cupcake. You know what? Actually I can and it’s hilarious. I bet his mustache would burn the frosting and-
“Ahem” Well, speak - or think- of the devil and he shall appear. Endeavor himself stood at your desk with an impatient look on his stern face. The goofy smile you’d been developing at the thought of the massive man eating sweets was quickly wiped off and your back straightened at an uncomfortable pace. 
“Daydreaming on the job?” he asked, but you got the feeling he didn’t really want an answer, so you just bow your head in apology. In an embarrassed mumble, you replied, “Sorry sir, won’t happen again” and he gave a huff in response, not unlike that of a great dragon. You held back another smile at the fleeting thought of smoke puffing out of his nose in discontent, as he handed you a manila envelope stuffed to the brim with some kind of paperwork. 
“I need this hand-delivered to the Hawks Hero Office immediately. This is sensitive information I’m trusting you with.” You gingerly accepted the packet, but couldn’t avoid the brief touch of his massive hand sliding past yours. You noted briefly just how warm they were, though you shouldn’t really be surprised. Courier work isn’t exactly in your job description but lately, you’ve been desperate to suck up anyways, plus some fresh air couldn’t hurt. You stood and gave one more quick bow, “of course sir, I’d be happy to deliver it” He seemed content with your answer and turned to walk through the frosted glass double doors that led into his office without so much as another word. 
Honestly, that had gone better than most of your interactions in the past. Pleased with the slight development in your relationship you gatherers your purse and the envelope and headed for the elevator. Floors passed monotonously as you continued to float gift ideas around in your head, this was looking to be harder than you initially thought. 
Once the lift reached the lobby you made your exit, pushing past a crowd of workers who seemed to just be returning from lunch. They laughed boisterously and made no notice of you squeezing around them. Finally, you made it to the front door of the Endeavor Agency and swiped your employee ID  badge on the terminal next to the front door alerting the system that you had left the building. Fresh warm air tickled your skin as you made your way onto the sidewalk and began the trek to Hawks’ Agency. It wasn’t particularly far, only a few blocks away and the route was dotted with storefronts boasting all kinds of wares from cake to clothes to flowers.
In theory, one of the displays you passed should have given you an idea but once more you found yourself coming up blank as you approached your destination. The young man at the front desk smiled politely when you entered  “Hi there, do you have an appointment?” his eyes flickered between you and the computer screen in front of him. 
“Actually I’m here on delivery for Endeavor” you waved the yellow folder a bit to accentuate your statement “something about sensitive information?” This really wasn’t part of the job you signed up for. Face to face interactions with strangers is so damn awkward. Luckily the receptionist probably dealt with people like you all day and didn’t bat an eye before saying
“Of course, his office is on floor 22 but if he’s not in there, try the roof. I’ll let security know you’re heading up” and he began tapping at the keyboard with one hand while making a ‘go on’ gesture toward the elevator with the other. You thought about boarding but instead made your way to the staircase. I already walked this far, might as well make it a cardio day, and give myself a good excuse to order takeout for dinner. You were truly a genius, maybe it was time to apply at NASA instead of working your ass off for Mr. Hothead. 
Twenty-two floors was a bit more of a workout than you thought it would be, and when you finally arrived at the top you were mildly sweaty cheeks ruddy and more out of breath than you’d like to admit so you take a moment to calm down before opening the doors and walking past the security guard. He gave you a sideways glance but kept his mouth shut as you knocked twice on the office doors. 
The lack of a verbal response clued you into the fact that he was likely on the roof just as the receptionist had said, so you hung a left and let yourself sprint up one more flight of stairs. Once you made it through the door marked ‘rooftop’ you spotted the winged hero perched near the railing. You announced yourself so as not to startle him,
“Excuse me, Mr. Hawks? I’m here on behalf of Endeavor, he asked me to deliver this to you as soon as possible”
He wheeled around at the sound of your voice, and his eyes lit up with amusement at your disheveled appearance. “Hey, thanks! I was kind of expecting the big man himself but you’re certainly a nice surprise” he winked and took the folder from your hands “Nobody told me Endeavor hired such a cutie to be his secretary, ya think I have any chance of poaching you from him?” Despite your earlier thoughts about NASA, you had no intention of leaving your current position so you just laughed. 
“I’m flattered but unfortunately I’ve got some oddly placed sense of loyalty for him” 
“Oh I get it” he cocked an eyebrow “I would too if I was you, the guy’s a size queen’s dream after all. Gotta love the whole naughty secretary dynamic too”
You sputtered at his bluntness “Oh god no nothing like that I-”
“Aw, I’m just teasing kid, how couldn’t I when you come up here looking like that” He gestured to your flustered appearance and you immediately regretting taking the stairs moments ago “Besides, I’d be surprised if you got him to warm up to you enough to remember your name let alone bend you over his desk” He was spot on, you had to sigh at that. 
“You’re right there, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even notice if there was an entirely different person sitting at my desk tomorrow” 
“Heh, yeah, sounds like him. But you know, his birthday is coming up maybe a gift will put you in his good graces” another effortless wink was shot your way and despite him being the one with wings, the attention really ruffled your feathers. It’s like he had a secret mind-reading quirk or something. 
“I thought of that, but I have no clue what a guy like him would even want. It’s not like shopping for your mom, where you can just give her a picture frame that says ‘Live Laugh Love’ and she cherishes it forever ya know?” Hawks snorts in amusement at your comparison. You’re right and you’ll defend that if he asks, but he doesn’t. 
“In that case, I’d be willing to let you in on a little secret, some little known Endeavor lore, a true exclusive if you ask me”
“I’m not a tabloid Hawks, just tell me already” this guy messes around a lot for being the number two hero, its an incredibly stark contrast from his only superior.
“Okay, okay, you gotta lean in though, he’d kill me if I leaked something so personal” you lean in closer as instructed and he whispers into your ear, “his favorite food... is kuzumochi” You pull back in visible disappointment. 
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, he goes crazy for the stuff. Honest to god I’ve seen him inhale an entire batch in like five minutes. You want him to notice you? Then this is the best possible way, trust me.” and for some crazy reason you do. This could actually work, if it’s really as much of a secret as the blonde claims, you’d certainly stand out among the other gifts he’s sure to get. 
You thank Hawks and turn to leave with a newfound confidence in this new plan, but not before he makes you promise to tell him how it goes after the big day. As you exit the winged hero’s agency building the work phone you were assigned chimes with a new email letting you know that you can go straight home after the drop-off, and your grin widens. Even better, now you have time to stop at the grocery store on the way home, the decision already made to go big or go home. You were bound and determined to make the kuzumochi from scratch, and it was gonna be the best damn thing your boss had ever tasted. 
The rest of the week dragged on in a painfully average way, the only thing keeping your mood afloat was the surprise dish you had been working on every night. You’d gone through multiple test batches, determined to get the flavor and consistency just right. The work paid off on the night of the 7th, just in time when you completed your best batch yet. With a content sigh, you washed your hands and packaged up the kuzumochi like a damn professional. Finally, you were able to take a long hot shower and climb into bed early with the anticipation of tomorrow bubbling in your chest.
Morning came quickly and your daily routine was done with care, then you grabbed the gift and began the short commute to work. Brain on autopilot, it seemed like no time at all until you were seated at your desk and logging in to the company’s computer system. The pristinely packaged gift was nestled into the corner of your desk, waiting for the perfect moment. 
This moment came just before lunch when a mildly scuffed up Endeavor breezed past you in a huff and headed straight into his office. This is it you thought Sure, he’s a little pissy at the moment but this’ll cheer him right up. And with that, you knocked once on the office door and peeked in. The sight of him slumped in the leather office chair in front of the massive floor to ceiling window, eyebrow cocked at your intrusion made your heart jump just a little. How can one man be so damn intimidating? You cleared your throat and began to speak with entirely false confidence.
“Sorry for barging in sir, I just wanted to give you a birthday gift. It’s not much, but I hope you’ll accept it” the whole situation reminded you of confessing to your crush with a box of chocolates in middle school, and it’s funny how some things never truly change. You presented the box to him and to your surprise he actually reached out to take it. 
His scrutinizing glare never let up as he untied the silky ribbon and lifted the lid, but once he recognized the contents his expression shifted quickly to one of surprise. 
“Is this... kuzumochi?” His gaze fell on you and it had nearly physical weight.
“Yes sir, I have it on uhm, good authority that it’s one of your favorites” should you admit that Hawks told you this bit of information? 
“I’m sorry? Its… well, it’s your birthday, right? I wanted to get you something that would stand out.” It felt silly to admit to his face. 
“And why would you need to stand out, Y/N?” You had to keep your jaw from hitting the floor when he so casually dropped your name, the name you were sure he hadn’t even known. He decided to let you mull over the question as he took a bite of your carefully crafted treat, you could hear a small satisfied hum in his throat and it gave you chills. He beckoned you closer, “it’s delicious, would you like a taste?” when you hesitated he added, “it would be awfully rude to refuse your boss on his birthday, especially after all the trouble you’ve gone to making these”
A heavy step carries you over to his desk, like lead weights attached to your ankles. As you approach he rises out of the chair, a new unreadable look replaced the one of irritation you had been so used to all these months. “Come closer,” he said when you stopped just short of the desk. He’d never spoken to you like this before, and it sent chills down your spine. A few more steps took you around the desk to where he stood, and you barely flinched when he placed a large palm on the side of your jaw, the other held a piece of kuzumochi near your mouth. His intent was clear, he was going to feed it to you by hand. “Open” he commanded softly and you couldn’t deny him if you wanted to, so you complied.
The sweetness melted over your tongue, you truly had outdone yourself here. And once the piece was securely in your mouth, a warm thumb brushed over your bottom lip where his eyes also happened to be resting, completely content in watching you chew and swallow. The intimacy of the situation wasn’t lost on you. You recalled something that Hawks had said about a ‘sexy secretary dynamic’ and once again he was right. When the taste had completely faded from your senses, you looked up to finally meet your boss’ eye. The intensity in them shook you to your very core.
“I’ll ask you again, why do you think you need to stand out?” at this, his hand dropped from your lip down to your waist “Were you hoping for some kind of special attention?” the depth of his voice made your thighs clench, knowing full well where this conversation was heading. He noticed the action and quirked his lips into the faintest smile, one full of mischievous intent. One large step forward for him pushed you back onto the sturdy wooden desk. “I can’t possibly disappoint my favorite little employee then, can I?”
You barely had time to brace your arms behind you before his hand moved over again to res on the top of your thigh, and the one that remained on your jaw guided you into a kiss. It began soft, Endeavor was no fool. He tested the waters, your willingness, before jumping right in. The second you started to kiss back it was full speed ahead. The man was experienced for sure, he knew exactly how to coax your mouth into a dance with his own. Once his tongue pushed into your mouth it was all over for you, you’ve become a slave to the feeling.
All too quickly he broke the kiss, and you had half a mind to whine at the loss of contact. When you opened your eyes you noticed he was leaned over towards the box of kuzumochi that started everything. Odd time for a snack but okay. And when he returned to face you he did have another piece in his mouth, as well as the red ribbon you used to tie it in his hands. Your mouths met once again, this time he pushed the food into yours with his tongue. While you’re distracted with the odd sensation of kissing and eating at the same time you hardly notice the way he pushed both your arms up above your head and deftly tied your wrists together with the ribbon. When he was sure they were secure he let them drop and find a home around the back of his neck.   
You swallow the kuzumochi just as he turns up the intensity, completely claiming your mouth with his own. This time, he pushes you even further back until you’re laid completely flat on the desk. His fingers rake up and down your sides while his hips press against yours. You can feel his growing excitement pushed up against you and the feeling has you nearly moaning. Nearly isn’t good enough got the number one though, and he starts trailing kisses down your jaw and further until he reaches the junction of your neck where he bites and sucks like his life depends on it. This finally brings forth the noise he was chasing, and when you go to cover your mouth from embarrassment is when you finally realize that your wrists are bound. 
Your boss’ attention is directed elsewhere though, as he reaches a hand under your skirt, past you panties, and begins to stroke your folds. You both realized how wet you’ve become at the same time, and now it’s his turn to moan. One large digit enters you as his mouth travels further south, now nipping at your collarbones and chest. Your wrists slip from around his neck and his free hand strokes upwards from your side to push your arms up over your head. Completely exposed to him he continues to ravish your skin and curl his finger in and out of your cunt. Quickly you come undone around his finger and he removes his mouth from you long enough to drag the digit along his own tongue. 
“You’re even sweeter than the kuzumochi, here” he pushes the finger into your mouth and you diligently suck the rest of your juices from it. “Good girl.” The praise itself makes you moan once again. When he’s satisfied with your work he begins to remove his pants and you finally get a glimpse of what you’re working with. You nearly get up and walk out right then, because the man is massive.
“Just relax, I’ll start slow” he reassures and stays true to his word. After a long moment of adjusting he’s fully sheathed inside you and you swear this is what heaven feels like. The moment he begins to move you know you were wrong. If that was heaven you must have finally ascended even further, to wherever gods go when they die. Endeavor fucks you hard and slow against his desk until your eyes are rolling back in your head and you can see every constellation on your eyelids. And when it’s over, you’re shaking like a leaf.
He pulls out, not giving a second glance to the fluids leaking out of you and onto the floor, and begins to untie your wrists. Both of them are red and raw from the friction of the ribbon, and he places a tender kiss on each of the marks. One more kiss on the bruised patch he left on your neck, then he’s hoisting you upwards in a sitting position. Still unsteady but slowly coming back down to earth, you feel a soft tissue wipe at the mess between your legs while a strong hand continues to keep you upright rests at your side. 
When you look up to meet his gaze, your confidence is no longer an act. “Happy birthday,” you say and for once he breaks out a genuine smile that makes him look ten years younger.
As he rests his forehead against yours he replies, “It’s not over yet” but before you can question his meaning the intercom system next to his computer rings and a voice announces “Mr. Hawks is on his way up, sir” and you choke. You did promise you’d tell him how things went. 
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borathae · 4 years
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↳ Index [Chapter 22 - The Gym]
Warnings: Seokjin being a chaotic king, OC being a little bit of a bitch, sadness
Wordcount: 4.2k
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Seokjin picks you up as always. He rings your doorbell at exactly seven thirty and you open it exactly five minutes later. As always he is wearing his gym clothes, matching with you.
“Good morning”, he greets you, shivering slightly.
“Good morning. You cold or something?” you greet him, throwing on a jacket now that you felt how cold it actually was outside.
“Yeah I overestimated the temperature today", he whines, shivering more dramatically.
Shorts and a thin tanktop really aren’t the right outfit for a crisp autumn morning as today, you have to agree with him on that.
 “At least once you’ll get moving at the gym, you’ll get warmer”, you assure him.
“For that we gotta move, so move your booty”, he says.
“I am”, you answer him and leave your apartment. You go to lock it but before you can, Seokjin stops you by sticking his head inside.
He lets out a loud yell, screaming so loudly it bounces off the walls.
“Dude? There are people sleeping inside. Why the frick did you do that?” you hiss, hitting his arm.
He shrugs his shoulders, shiteating grin on his lips.
“Gotta wake them up. We can’t be the only people awake on this cold Sunday morning”, he explains and then turns around to skip down the stairs.
You watch him with your mouth hanging open. You sometimes forget how much chaotic energy this man actually has inside of those broad shoulders of his. Diner owner Seokjin is all serious and orderly so every time real life Seokjin goes and does something borderline chaotic you are left scrambling for words.
You snort and laugh in the end, shaking your head as you lock the door. You store the keys on the pocket of your jacket, jogging over the lawn to catch up with him.
“You’re an idiot. Do you know that?” you say, nudging his arm.
“I know”, he says, confident smirk on his face, “come on let’s go”, he adds and crawls in his car.
You sit down on the passenger side, storing your gym bag between your feet.
“Dude no joke I am so looking forward to our workout today. I have so much pressure in my chest I gotta punch it all away”, you say, relaxing back in the comfortable seat.
Seokjin is a very safe driver, probably the safest of the entire town because for some reason all other people are idiots in this town. Which is ironic given Seokjin’s past as a reckless street racer, but then maybe all those dangerous stunts gave him all the skills he needed to become the towns safest driver.
Seokjin sneaks a glance at you, rolling up to a red light smoothly. You don’t even feel the car stop, that's how smoothly he approached the red light.
“Want to talk about it?” he offers, although he does already have a hunch what this is all about.
“Not really, but I think you can figure out who the culprit is”, you say to which Seokjin nods his head.
“Yeah, I can figure”, he says and then turns on his music. It serves as a distraction as much as it serves as background noise, Seokjin hates nothing more than silent car rides. He needs music or else he would probably lose his mind in the quiet.
You and him have started to work out together. It was Seokjin who suggested it one week after you came back home. You needed something to help you grow muscles in case someone would try to attack you again and Seokjin suggested you go to Johnsons gym with him. Cardio, weightlifting and even kickboxing, Seokjin made sure you’d get the full program in order to gain the strength and confidence you needed (and wanted) to defend yourself. It was hard at first, but as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months it became something you couldn’t quite live without. It made you feel strong, confident and made feel like you weren’t such a helpless, little woman anymore.
“Today’s abs focus day, right?” you ask him, watching the world drive by.
“Yeah, abs ugh my least favourite body part to work on”, Seokjin says, looking over his shoulder as he had just taken a right turn up the roads.
“The real pain are legs”, you say, massaging your thighs in emphasis.
“Nope, abs. Like that one exercise when we hand the ball back and forth? Always makes me fear that I fart all on your ass”, he says, making you laugh.
“That’s cause you squeeze too hard.”
“Seriously one day Imma squeeze and then-“, Seokjin makes loud fart noises with his mouth, “all up in your ass. Then you can officially say that you are farting my farts.”
“You’re an idiot”, you say, face palming yourself at the pure imagination of that scenario.
Johnsons gym was the only gym your town had to offer. It was located a little further east in town. The owner, Dwayne, most people liked to call him by his surname Johnson, founded the gym twenty years ago after being fed up with his hometown not having a nice gym. Or a gym in general for that matter. For his dream to become reality he bought an old, unused warehouse and in the span of two years of hard work he had turned it into the best gym of the town.
The cadmium red outside greets you first, glowing in the rising sun. Like always at that time of the day the parking lot was almost empty. You give it twenty minutes and it will be filled to even the last spot. Again, it was a really great gym.
Everyone was welcome here. No matter what size, shape, colour or gender. Johnson had not many rules in his gym, just that hatred in any form should be left at the door. Inside his gym everyone was equal.
Seokjin and you get out of his car. You wait for him until he rounded it and then stroll to the entrance next to him. 
“I brought a bottle of water for you in case you forgot it again”, Seokjin says to which you gasp.
“No joke? I literally just remembered that I forgot it at home. You are a literal savior”, you say to which Seokjin rolls his eyes.
“I knew it. You’re such a chaotic mess”, he jokes, rummaging around his bag to get your water bottle.
“Says the one who yelled into my apartment to wake my poor roommates”, you say, accepting the bottle and storing it in your bag instead.
“I just did what every sane person would have done”, Seokjin says and shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. 
You chuckle, giving him one amused look as you shake your head. He is such a dork sometimes. 
Johnsons wife, Lauren, was at the front desk when you and Seokjin entered. She greets you with a bright smile.
“Hey guys. How are you?”
“Fine, it’s freezing outside. Is Dwayne here today?” you greet her.
“Yeah, the hubby’s in the back training a few newbies”, she explains and continues folding some towels.
“Oh new customers. That’s cool”, Seokjin says, grinning. 
“Yeah he is pretty bumped, said that they all have great potential”, she says and smiles, “anyways, see you round guys I gotta help Lucy with the handlebars”, she says and then she is already jogging off to the little struggling woman in the far left corner of the spacious gym.
Another rule Johnson had in his gym was no sexism or sexual harassment. He hates nothing more than when women tell him that they are too afraid to go to the gym because of gawking, creepy guys, so in his gym he made a rule of no gawking and harassment allowed. One time, so Seokjin told you, he even dragged one of his regulars out of the gym and told him to never come back again after he caught him sexually harassing a woman at the treadmills. Yes it was indeed a really great gym.
“I’ll see you by the bikes”, Seokjin gives your shoulder a brotherly pat and then hurries off to the mens locker room.
You yourself go to the womens locker room, taking the locker you are always using. You have three favourite lockers you always switch between. One close by the showers, it is convenient so you don’t have to cross the entire changing room butt naked after showering. If that is occupied you take the one closer to the toilets, because there is a hairdryer right next to it. Saves precious time you would otherwise waste on waiting for a power outlet to become unoccupied. If that one is occupied as well you take the one close to the door. It is the one when you are lazy and don’t want to go check if one of your other favourites are free. Today is such a day.
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Seokjin already waits for you at the bikes, stretching out his ankles. He greets you from far away with a little nod of his head and then gets on one of the bikes.
“Wanna race?” you suggest, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
“Seriously?” he groans.
“Yeah the first five minutes we’ll warm up and then whoever gets the more kilometers in fifteen minutes wins”, you say, pressing the buttons on the settings menu.
“What’s the prize?”
“One of those protein cookies that look so good in the vending machine”, you say.
Seokjin takes a glance over to which settings you used, presses a few buttons so he is equal with you and then nods his head.
“Sounds fair. The loser has to, on top of buying the cookie, do thirty low squats.”
“Okay fine”, you agree, nodding your head, “Ready? Set. Go!”
And off you go, going slow at first to get your muscles used to the movement. Once that little four turns into a five you both screech and then start biking like crazy. You lose. Yes, Seokjin beat you with 300 meters more. Seokjin cheered like crazy, wiggling his stupid butt which only made you pout harder.
“Seriously I am so mad”, you pant, head resting on the handlebars of the bike as sweat drips down on the floor, “300 meters. For fucks sake.”
“Accept your loss and start squatting”, he says, nudging your arm.
“Dude, give me at least a minute, my legs are killing me”, you groan, basically slipping off the bike like a sad piece of cheese.
“There are no minutes. Let’s go, give me thirty squats”, Seokjin singsongs, clapping into his hands.
You groan, sending him an icy glare and then go to squat as low as possible.
“I will never race with you again”, you groan after twenty squats, your muscles burning like crazy.
“Ten to go, come on then we gonna stretch”, Seokjin says, patting your butt in a motivating manner.
“Aaaah Seokjiiiiin I hate thiiiis”, you groan, fighting through the last ten with all that you have got.
You get up, feeling like your legs are putty, holding onto Seokjin’s arm as you keep panting.
“That was good. Amazing job girl”, he pats your back, “wanna go stretch and then start with our routine?”
“Yeah let’s do that”, you say, following him through the gym over to where Johnson installed a very spacious stretching area.
Your routine goes without struggles. Forty minutes of pure abs and lower back movements. It is both heaven and hell in one sitting. And yes you did laugh like crazy once you reached the ball exercise and thought back to what Seokjin told you this morning.
Seokjin sits on the mat opposite of you, drinking water with his eyes closed. You dry off your forehead with your towel, watching him with your chin resting on your knee.
“You know I already feel a lot better than I did this morning”, you say.
“Yeah?” Seokjin closes the water bottle and lies back down on the mat, “I’m glad you do. We still gonna do some boxing though?”
“Sure. That’s the most fun part of the entire routine”, you say and then go to slap his thigh gently, “get up. I wanna go before it gets too stuffy in there.”
Seokjin sits up with a groan, now that he has to use his abs again.
“Give this old man a few seconds”, he says as he gets to his feet rather clumsily.
“Need help next time?” you tease him, which earns you a roll of his eyes.
“I am perfectly capable thank you”, he says and then laughs.
"I mean you were the one calling yourself old. I'm just trying to respect my elders", you say nonchalantly, earning yourself a well-deserved nudge to your side. 
"You are such a brat", he says, amusement lacing his voice.
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Johnson’s gym has two main areas. The bigger area which consists of the weightlifting stations, stretching area and cardio stations. It is in the front of the warehouse, you enter it when you come inside. The smaller area is past the locker rooms and through a little hallway. It consists of a boxing ring, an area for punching bags and an area for everything that was trained on mats. In here deep house music was always playing and someone always screamed like a thrill sergeant. Barry, one of Johnsons trainer and his longest friend. He was a trill sergeant once, explains his training method of yelling motivational words at the person he is coaching, but then he came out as gay and had to leave the military. These days he is working as a personal trainer and martial arts trainer in Johnsons gym and was in a happy relationship with Derrik, another trainer at Johnsons gym. He wasn’t here today, but normally he was out in the main area doing whatever things a personal trainer was doing.
Dwayne gives you a little nod of his head when you and Seokjin enter the martial arts area of the gym and then goes back to training the new customers with great potential and Barry was yelling his motivational speeches as always. It was just a normal Sunday morning and you loved that nothing really changed here in their routines. It gave you a sense of order and belonging you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Wanna help each other with binding our hands?” Seokjin offers.
“Sure, let’s sit down”, you say and sit down on a plastic chair.
Seokjin sits down next to you and reaches for your hands.
“You gotta tell me if I’m doing it too tightly”, he says and then starts wrapping your hands up in the white bandages.
“Nah, you’re doing okay”, you assure him, watching his fingers work.
Once you are all wrapped up it is Seokjin’s turn.
"You know", he starts, "I've been thinking about printing out flyers for the diner."
"Flyers?" you look at him for the briefest of moments, "why do you wanna print out flyers?" 
"Just because, you know", he moves his fingers slightly so they would rest more comfortably in the bandages, "I want to get more customers again."
"I mean we've been doing pretty good lately."
You take his other hand and start binding, tongue sticking out in concentration. 
"Yes I know we did, but I feel like we could do better. Especially because we missed out on summer customers."
You look at him, right eyebrow cocked up. 
"Not to be mean, but this is kinda your own fault."
Seokjin sighs, nodding in defeat. 
"Yeah I know, but my parents need me. You know they do."
"Mhm, yeah I guess they do", you say, deciding on not dwelling on the topic any further. Seokjin loves his parents and he would do anything for them, so fighting with him over how they are 'just using him' would only hurt him. 
"But anyway. What do you think about the idea?" he asks. 
"Yeah it's good. But maybe also consider a more modern option. You could open a website or a SNS page for the diner. I bet lotsa people would find it like that", you finish his binding, "there all done." 
"That is actually a great idea, I'll consider it. Thank you”, he says, inspecting the finished product.
“You are very welcome”, you tell him and then stand up.
You roll your shoulders and stretch out your neck.
“Can I go first?” you ask, walking to one of the many punching bags.
“Sure, you need it more than I do. Just don’t punch my face”, Seokjin says and gets in position to support you.
You had never been a fan of boxing. When you were still a little girl your father always watched boxing matches on TV while drinking beer and eating salted peanuts. You could never understand how someone willingly lets another person bash their face in, as a matter of fact as a little girl it repulsed you. Now two decades later and here you are learning boxing in your freetime.
Dwayne normally trains you and Seokjin, but because he was busy with the newbies today you decided to do it on your own. You will just repeat and work on what he had already taught you. Practice makes perfect, that’s what he is always telling you.
“That’s it. Keep breathing. One, two. One, two. That’s it”, Seokjin’s motivating yells fill your ears as you continue punching the bag in the patterns you had learned just last week.
With every punch you land, your anger and frustration gets a little less. With every contact your fist makes with the bag, your heart feels just that much lighter. Yes boxing really was amazing.
“Again. One, two. One, two. Harder. Make sure to keep your left hand straight!”
Another punch, less anger. Another punch, less pain. Another punch, less frustration.
“Last one. The kick. Just what we learned”, Seokjin barks, readying himself.
You are not great at a Brazilian kick, most of the times you are still terribly wobbly as you try to attempt it. But today you nail it with such precision even Barry stops yelling to cheer for you, clapping in his big hands.
“Impressive lil one! That was a good kick!” he calls out, giving you a thumbs up.
“Thanks”, you say, flipping your hair out of your face. There is just something about getting a compliment from a seven foot tank that just lifts your spirits.
Barry goes back to training the guy he was training before, using his signature trill sergeant voice.
Seokjin lets go of the punching bag, rolling his wrists to relax them.
“That was good. Hell yeah ___ for a second there I was actually scared. When I saw your foot fly at me I was all like ‘holy fuck she is nailing it, damn so scary…”, Seokjin’s voice drowns into the background as a familiar tatted man walks past his back, catching your attention.
Dream catcher tattoo on his ribs. a tiger lily tattoo on his forearm, apparently a tattoo on his shoulder blades now too. Jungkook. Out of all the guys it has to be Jungkook. Why is he here? Why does it have to be Jungkook you run into today? Why can’t he leave you alone? Why does he want to hurt you all the damn time?
You blink quickly, trying to get rid of the tears threatening to spill. Not here, not now. You can’t cry now. Holy shit Jungkook is here. He is here, chatting up Dwayne with a big smile on his face. Dwayne smiles back at him, patting his shoulder as if they had been friends for years. Holy shit he is here, laughing and joking with Dwayne as if he wasn’t the biggest douchebag traitor heartbreaker in human history. 
Anger explodes inside of you. Without thinking your fist connects with the punching bag, making it swing dangerously close to Seokjin’s face.
“Wooah, hold your horses. You nearly hit my best asset”, he says and points at his face, “you need to warn me before you do things like that”, he says, catching the swinging punching bag.
“Seokjin, he’s here”, you growl, making him turn around. 
Dwayne is busy inspecting Jungkook’s abs. Now fair enough, there was some progress to see here, you'll give him that, but man that proud smirk Jungkook wears just makes you want to rip something apart.
“No way. That asshole. Want me to go over there and punch him?” Seokjin says, lowering his eyes in annoyance.
“What? No. I like this gym and I don’t wanna get banned from it”, you say, shaking your head vigorously.
“Well, if you- oh shit hide!” Seokjin squeaks, trying to push you behind him as Jungkook just turned around, eyes instantly locking with yours.
He mouths your name, arm slowly rising with his finger pointing at you. Your stomach twists, your heart freezing in your chest. You can’t even hear the bassy house music anymore nor Barrys loud yelling, it is like time stands still for you. Why is he looking at you like that? Like he is genuinely surprised to see you here. 
Jungkook is the first to move, rushing to you, but instead of coming over as you had assumed he would, he rushes past you to the exit. His head is lowered, his steps fast. 
“What?” Seokjin is confused.
“This jerk”, you are angry, ridding yourself of your gloves and throwing them onto the floor with all your might.
“Where are you-“, Seokjin wants to ask you where you’re running off to, but you have already stormed off to the exit.
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There he is, wanting to flee into the mens locker room like a coward. Not with you. He can ruin the mountain for you, but not your gym.
“Jeon Jungkook!” you yell, earning yourself a panicky look over his shoulder.
He wants to open the door but you throw it closed again, stepping between him and the door.
“What the fuck is your problem? I told you to leave me alone. You stupid or something? Leave me the fuck alone. This is my gym”, your voice isn’t really of the quiet side right now.
Jungkook just keeps his head lowered, fumbling with his thumbs nervously.
“You think seeing you work out and get all sweaty would make me want you again? You sick fuck. Just leave me alone!”
Jungkook opens his mouth to speak, but you shush him real fast.
“Shut it. I’m talking!”
Jungkook tenses up, furrowing his brows as if he was uncomfortable.
“Seriously you ruined enough things in my life. I don’t need you ruining my gym for me. You hear me? I don’t want you here so fuck off and leave me the fuck alone you creepy stalker.”
“I was just…” the rest of his words get drowned out from how quietly he talks.
“Speak up!”
Jungkook flinches back, fingers starting to shake as he grabs his the waistband of his shorts for support.
“I was just about to leave. I-I didn’t k-know you’d be here. P-please don’t yell I-I’ll just leave. I’m sorry”, he stutters, making himself as small as possible.
“Good leave, cause I don’t want you here”, you spit, still far too blinded by your rage to see how serious Jungkook actually was.
“I’ll leave. I’m sorry. I’ll leave”, he forces out, practically tiptoeing past you.
“And don’t you dare come back!” you call after him as the door closes, leaving you to kick an imaginary stone with all you got.
If Seokjin hadn’t placed his hand on your shoulder, you probably would have stormed into the mens locker room to yell at Jungkook again.
“Calm down”, he says, having to use all his strength to keep you here, “he said he’ll leave. Let the poor guy be.”
“Poor guy? What the fuck?” you bark, dark eyes staring him down.
“I don’t know if you noticed but he was literally shaking”, Seokjin explains calmly.
“What? No he wasn’t. What you’re on about?”
“Weren’t you a little harsh-“
The door to the changing room opens and out comes Jungkook, dressed messily with his head hanging low and shoulders sagging.
“I said leave!” there you go again with all the unnecessary yelling.
“I am!” that’s when he raises his head and you get a good look at his tear-filled eyes, “just stop yelling. I didn’t know you’d be here. I’m sorry, I’ll leave”, he chokes out, lower lip starting to tremble.
“Oh…” is all you can say as you step out of his away and stare at him in shock. How angry were you right now?
Jungkook looks away, expression filled with pain. He storms off before you can say anything else.
“Was I actually that harsh?” you ask, stomach twisting in disgust at yourself.
“You weren’t really civil, but in the end he deserved it”, Seokjin says, draping his arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah, I don’t know…I guess he did”, you murmur.
You feel worse than you did this morning. You are angry at Jungkook and you are pretty sure you still hate him, but seeing that you made him cry still makes you feel like shit.
“Anyways. Let’s go back to training. It’s my turn to box”, Seokjin says, wanting to distract you before you fall back into the hole of sadness.
If only he knew you’ve already fallen into it, breaking both your legs and all your ribs, left screaming in pain with the knowledge that nobody will ever find you.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
The Bachelor
A birthday gift for @bellafarallones. Part 3 of the TAZ Amnesty Bachelor AU (sternclay and indruck were the first two) AKA what Vincent was up to. Apollo is from my Amnesty Super Hero fic
The entire United States to choose from and this is the best the producers could find? He’s going to win this thing with his eyes closed. Then it’s a hop, skip, and jump to some endorsement deals, his own spin-off, and then a prime time hosting slot. 
Oh, and a marriage. But that should be easy; any guy would count themselves lucky to have him.
God, that pool will be great for Instagram shots. Luckily the producers knew their biggest draw when they saw him and agreed to let Indrid continue his work as Apollo’s personal photographer and assistant. He may be a disappointment to the Cold name, but he’s good with a camera and has no interest in being recorded for the show. And if, god forbid, Apollo comes down with a cold during filming, someone will be there to bring him Day-Quil. After all, if he lets anyone see Apollo in a vulnerable state, Apollo will just have to send their father an email about Indrid’s latest failure. 
“It’s times like this we should be grateful for our genes. I know I am.” He glances at his twin, pausing his gaze on his silver hair and tattoos.
“You dye yours too. And I think there are more than a few handsome men here, so don’t get cocky.” His attention shifts for a moment as a man dressed like Smokey the Bear passes them.
“Oh come on, even with those pretentious glasses you can see I’m a cut above.”
“If you say so. And if you want to do shots of you in your suit, we need to start soon, so kindly find your room so we can get on with it.”
Not only is this easy, it’s fun. The cameras love him, and most of his fellow contestants yield to him after one remark. He’s been watching Vincent, the bachelor for this season, closely during group interactions, and it’s clear he’s already developing favorites. Annoyingly, two in particular--Joseph and Duck--are more inclined to push back at him. But it doesn’t matter; everyone has weaknesses. He’ll find theirs soon. 
Tonight is his first formal date with Vincent. They’re at an Italian place with good lighting, and Vincent is perfectly nice to look at in his lavender dress shirt and silver tie. Apollo’s done his research; Vincent is ten years his senior, took an early retirement from a position in the department of defense and now runs two consulting businesses; one for banks and museums and one for domestic violence shelters, health clinics, and other places where doing good draws enemies. The first business subsidizes the second. Vincent enjoys tennis and running, has no Instagram presence, and is an only child. 
Apollo has his plan of attack; the trouble is, Vincent isn’t interested in sitting there and being flattered (though he does blush when Apollo says the tie makes the grey in his hair look all the more distinguished). He wants to know about Apollo. 
“When you’re not taking photos, what do you like to do?”
He doesn’t correct him about who takes the pictures, smiles, “I, ah, I go to the gym.”
“I have to say it shows.” Vincent winks. It’s so corny, but Apollo can’t find it in him to hate it, “any sports, or just things like weights and cardio?”
“No, but I played football in high school. I was star running back.”
“I played my freshman year, but baseball suited me better. So when you're not ‘pumping iron’, what do you do for fun?”
There is no answer that won’t make him look too shallow or too...no, he can’t even think about that option. Damn it, he must have a normal hobby. He hedges with the truth and hopes the editors cut it for time. 
“I like movies. I, ah, I’ve been working my way through the Criterion Collection of the birth of cinema  and it’s fascinating. Did you know there was a silent film heartthrob who predates Valentino?”
“Sessue Hayakawa?” 
“You know about him?” He leans forward.
“I read a biography of him last year that was riveting. I still have it if you’d like to borrow it.”
“Yes, yes absolutely. We, we could even watch some of his films together, and the ones they inspired, you know they, they…” 
Fuck, he’s acting like Indrid, bumping the table and yammering about things that will get him nowhere. He sits back, grabs his wine and sips to cover his error. 
“I’d like that.” Is all Vincent says as they’re entrees arrive. 
“Enough about me. I was reading about your business and, ah, well, how do you even do something like that?”
Vincent describes his process, how he picks clients and what he considers when evaluating a space. Apollo fully intends to zone out with a smile. 
He hangs on every word. All too soon, Vincent is asking for dessert. 
“Is your meal okay?”
Apollo looks at the plate of spaghetti carbonara he’s been poking at, not wanting to be caught in an ugly expression while eating, “Yes, it’s delicious.”
Dessert arrives in the shape of a chocolate lava cake with sparklers, a detail which delights Vincent. It’s such a ridiculous thing to smile over. Apollo smiles back, and let’s his date feed him a bite of cake. 
Was the beach trip self-serving on Vincent’s part? Indeed. Has it also given him valuable intel? Yes, yes it has.
He now knows who’s going home next; Nico is such a fraternity-bred asshole that he should have sent him packing weeks ago. Honestly, all his comments about Barclay this morning were awful. Barclay is masculine and sweet in a way Vincent adores. He even helped Joseph during the cliff dive, which bumps him even higher in Vincent’s eyes. 
Joseph stealthily knocking Nico’s hat from his head with a frisbee was also a high point; goodness, Joseph reminds him of men he used to work with who he never, ever, admitted his feelings for (they were often his subordinates, and he prided himself on keeping a safe department). 
Then there’s Duck. Vincent would like an award for not spending the morning asking to rub sunblock on those arms. He’s been treated to a closer view of them the last half-hour, Duck sitting next to him in a Hawaiin shirt that shows off his biceps. The ranger just now excused himself (“gotta give the other fellas a chance to impress”) to go keep Indrid company during dinner. Polite and friendly to the core, that’s his favorite bear. 
And then there’s-
“Hiiii Vincent.” Apollo slides into the spot closest to him on the restaurant deck. 
Were Vincent choosing for an evening, Apollo would edge out even Duck. He suspects getting the younger man under some comfortable sheets to praise and fuss over him would be very nice indeed. Apollo may posture and insist to the others that he’s the dominant one in the bedroom, but this isn’t Vincent’s first go around; he knows someone who longs to be spoiled and submissive when he sees one.
But he’s here to choose his husband, not a hook-up. 
He initially assumed he’d send Apollo home after their first formal date. He knows these shows sometimes attract people who want their fifteen minutes of fame, and Apollo is one of them. But then his meticulously built image cracked, just a little, as they talked, and Vincent is so taken by what he saw that he can’t bring himself to send him home yet.
The older man slides the younger one an oyster, “try one, they’re local.”
There’s no appealing way to eat an oyster on camera, but Apollo lifts a shell and downs one. He does an excellent job masking his grimace.
“Another? Or would you like one of the grilled scallops instead?”
He watches him run a calculus. Then he slides his sunglasses down, “Scallop, please.”
Maybe there’s hope for him yet.
“Indrid, Vincent hates me!”
Indrid blinks at him.
“One of the other contestants got them to show him a bunch of footage of me putting the other men in their place and now he hates me.” Genuine panic rises in his chest as Indrid gives him absolutely no expression to work from. 
“What do you want me to do?”
“Talk to him, tell him that I’m not-”
“What you actually are? Vincent is here to choose a spouse; he has a right to not choose you.”
“Fix. It.” Apollo snarls.
His twin stands, regarding him from across the rug, “I will speak to Vincent, on one condition; you do not go after Duck ever again.”
“Traitor, you should be on my side, not his.”
Indrid shrugs, sits back down and picks up his book. 
“I’ll, I’ll tell father you’re sabotaging me.”
“You think he’ll like to hear you’re being out done by his inferior son?”
“....Damn it. Fine, fine. I’ll leave Newton alone. Now go.”
His brother has the audacity to grin at him, “I will, right after I finish this chapter.”
He’s sitting with Duck and Joseph, asking their opinion, when Indrid enters the living room.
“Did Apollo send you?” Vincent picks lint from his cardigan. 
“Yes. He’s asking me to intercede on his behalf since he thinks you hate him.”
“Oh dear, I don’t hate him. I just said I was disappointed in him.”
“Ah” Indrid perches on the arm of Duck’s chair, “That’s our father’s code for ‘I hate you.”
“Jesus.” Duck mutters.
“I suspected he was exaggerating. That’s why I agreed to talk to you; I’ve learned it’s best to verify anything  he tells me. In truth, I can’t do much for him.  If it’s not obvious, he takes after our father and our father is...not a good man. We each survive him in our own way; Apollo chose to mold himself into what he demanded we be. That does not excuse him. But perhaps it puts him into perspective.”
Vincent knows he’s not sending Apollo home this week; it’s still Nico’s turn. And his heart that taps his chest to ask, “Do you think he could change?”
Indrid says nothing. Duck is keeping his mouth shut, but his frown suggests his answer.
“This is not to defend him but” Joseph looks at Indrid, “you grew up under the same conditions and chose not to replicate them. That suggests it’s possible.”
“I just didn’t want to end up like him.” Indrid murmurs.
“And ‘possible’ don’t mean probable.” Duck adds.
Vincent rubs his temples, “You’re right. All of you. I...I think I need some time to decide how many chances to be the person I think he can be I ought to give him.”
Apollo isn’t sure what to expect. The last time Vincent asked to see him, it was to scold him. Three guys have gone home since then, and he’s been fighting back his impulses to torment and gloat, focusing instead on  making Vincent like him instead of undermining the competition. 
The door opens on a room with a bed, lots of candles, and…
“Is that whale song?”
“Yes. I picked a ‘soothing’ playlist to fit the mood.” Vincent is in linen pants and a button up short sleeve, pats the bed with a smile, “I thought a nice massage might do you good. Non-sexual, of course” he tips his head at the camera.
Apollo isn’t shy. His thirst traps are legendary. But he lays on his stomach the instant he’s down to his underwear. Vincent hums as he starts on his shoulders, checking in now and then about pressure. It would be nice if Apollo’s skin weren’t starving for gentle touches. He keeps letting out pathetic sounds, almost like chirps, as Vincent rubs him down. 
Then the worst thing happens; he gets hard. At first he tries just keeping his hips still but no, just Vincent’s touch is enough. So he tenses in hopes of not giving it away.
“Is it too hard?”
“No, I’m fine.”
The hands leave his skin and he whines like a kicked dog. 
“Would you gentlemen let us do the rest in private? I’m sure the viewers get the point.”
There’s shuffling feet and shutting doors, and then a gentle hand rolling him onto his back.
“Apollo, what’s really--oh. That explains it.” 
He scrambles to sit up, tucking his knees to his chest, “I’m sorry, you said you didn’t want it to be sexual, I didn’t do this on purpose, I swear-”
The bed squeaks along with him as Vincent sits, “Sweetheart, I’m not going to get angry with you for this. If, um, if it helps to know, the feeling is very much mutual.”
It should feel like a triumph, but his cheeks burn and he hides his face against his knees. 
“Does that bother you?”
“No! No, not at all. I wouldn’t be wooing you on T.V if I didn’t think you were attractive. Blech, I sound like one of Indrid’s romance novels. Not, not that there’s anything wrong with Indrid...liking...silly things.”
Vincent cups his face and he leans into it, wants to glue his cheek there, “Apollo, I’ve noticed you’re trying to be less...unkind since our little talk.”
“I’m trying. It’s just so very, very hard.”
“I’ve also noticed you’re letting your persona go now and then. That means a lot to me. I’m not interested in the man you think you should be; I’m interested in the man you might become, the man you are when you stop trying to be better than everyone. I like that man, I’d like to get to know him more.”
Apollo shivers as Vincent kisses his forehead, “I’ll do my best.”
“The nerve of Joseph to say things like that to me!”
Indrid doesn’t look up, “It’s a genuine concern; Vincent is older, there will likely come a time when you’ll be the one caring for him. Are you certain you’ll have the patience for that? Be willing to put your needs and wants on hold for the sake of someone else?”
That’s really what would happen? He, he could do it for Vincent, he’s certain. But could he? What if it’s hard, without glory or gain, does that make it foolish?
He chases those thoughts in dizzying circles for fifteen minutes until they crash into the solution.
“I solved it! I don't have to worry about taking care of Vincent as he ages because he'll divorce me once I reach thirty-two.”
“That is the bleakest possible conclusion.” Indrid flips his sketchbook closed. 
“Just let me have this!”
“I hate that I even have to say this but Vincent is not our father.”
“Father said he was doing what any sensible man would do.”
Indrid levels him with an unusually firm stare, “Do you not want Vincent just because he’s over thirty-two?”
“Of course not! He’s great! I, brother for goodness sake just tell me how to care for him.”
“I literally cannot do that. You have to figure it out for yourself what care looks like for you.”
He’s about to repeat his demand when his phone rings. 
“Hi, Vincent.”
“I'm so sorry, but I have to break our date tonight. I was out for a run and twisted my ankle. I just got back from the doctor; he says I sprained it, so I might be on bed rest a few days.”
“Oh no, I’m glad it’s not too serious. Would, ah, would it be alright if I came to see you?”
They agree on a time. Then he remembers the problem that preceded the phone call.
“What do I do?”
“What do you want to do for him? Or, if your positions were reversed, him to do for you?” Indrid asks flatly. 
“Call you so he doesn’t see me looking frail.”
“assume I am dead and thus no longer dealing with your nonsense”
“That’s not fair.”
Indrid flops on the bed, “I'm dead, Vincent is the only one who is coming to take care of you, what do you want him to do?”
“Tell me it’s okay and spend time with me and…”
Indrid grins, “And?”
“And watch PBS in bed.”
“It’s a start. Now please get out of my room.”
An hour later he pokes his head into Vincent’s bedroom; the older man is reclining, reading a John Grisham paperback in a robe that makes him look very suave
“How are you feeling?” He sits next to him, rubs his knee. .
 “Oh, I'm fine, just feel a little silly. It used to be I could twist an ankle and come up fine. Aging is quite the adventure.”
“I, um, I'm glad it wasn't too bad. I, I don't like the thought of you getting hurt. Bot that you'd be bad if you did! I accept that we are all very fragile beings trying not to die.
(Too dark, Cold,  pull it back).
“I mean, um, is there anything I can do to help?”
“I'd be happy to have you stay awhile.” Vincent takes his hand, let’s him lean on his shoulder as they talk. They’re midway through a discussion of famous film disasters when a small burst of black and red lands on the windowsill. He doesn’t catch his excitement in time and Vincent asks him what made him perk up. 
With a courage he did not know he possessed, he points to the bird.
“Oh! How beautiful. What kind is it?”
“Scarlet Tanager” he mumbles, “they’re not common here.”
“Do you know a lot about birds?”
He nods. 
“There are some feeders just on that balcony. And I think the binoculars a friend gave me last Christmas are still in the closet, if you’d like to use them.”
“I would” he stands, heart bubbling with terrifying warmth, “thank you, da--ah, dear.”
Mischief sweeps across Vincent’s face, “Is this where you tell me you’ve had lots of older boyfriends?”
“No. I, ah, I’ve made out some but I never dated.”
“Not even a highschool sweetheart?”
“My father made it so no teenager wanted to go near our house. Or us.” The binoculars are magnificent, the best money can buy, “I always wished I had a date to homecoming. It looked so fun, asking someone or getting asked and then having matching outfits and going out to dinner and taking pictures together. I even picked out an outfit just in case someone asked.  I think Indrid snuck out to meet his burnout--, um, meet his friends. I just sat in my room.”
“You could have asked someone yourself, couldn’t you?” Vincent makes room for him on the bed once more. 
 “And risk getting rejected in front of the whole school? No thank you.” He stares at the binoculars, afraid of what he might see if he turns, “I'm sorry, you don't need to hear all this. I’m supposed to be here taking care of you.”
Vincent opens his arms, pulling Apollo into a hug, “You know care can go two ways at once, right?”
“Not really” he mumbles into silver silk.
“Oh, sweetheart.” A kiss on his cheek, hands running soothingly up his sides, and those weak, silly noises slipping from his mouth. 
“I want it to be, I’ll be so good, I’ll take care of you, just please...please say you’d do the same?”
“Of course. That’s what love is.”
He tucks his face against Vincent’s neck, “Will you make fun of me if I say I’m frightened?”
“I don’t know how to do so much of this. I don’t know how much of me can change.”
“Are you willing to try?” Vincent kisses the shell of his ear.
“For you? Yes.”
“I choose…” Vincent looks between Apollo and Jonathan. Apollo cannot wait to spring into his arms. 
“I choose neither.”
“What!” Ned yells off camera.
“I’m sorry to both of you but I simply can’t. Jonathan, you’re a very nice man, but our connection is ultimately lacking. Apollo” Vincent meets his eyes and he forces his gaze to stay placid, “I care for you more than words can say. I know you’ve worked so very hard to change. I also know that people can easily revert to their old, cruel ways under pressure or difficulty. Marriage often involves those things, and I’m not sure you can be the man I need you to be. With those misgivings,  it wouldn’t be fair to propose to either of you. I hope you understand.”
They both say the do, shake hands, give hugs. And he does, he truly does understand. He understands that Vincent made the choice he had to, that even though he got better he is still a rotten, cruel creature who doesn’t deserve him. He was taught he deserved the world; some good that did him. It lost him the only person who might make the world a less miserable place. 
“Apollo!” Vincent jogs after him, catches up to him in an empty hall, “Apollo I-”
His heart is breaking; his old ways twine like vipers around it, “I, I’m glad you didn’t choose me you, you boring, pathetic man. No wonder you have to pay people to go on dates with you! I don’t need anyone, least of all you!”
Vincent steps back, face falling as Apollo storms off. The last thing he hears is, “And here I thought I made the wrong choice.”
He deletes his Instagram. Gets a job as a personal shopper. Goes to therapy because he will not let Indrid outshine him when it comes to unlearning how they were raised. 
It helps. Three months after the disastrous finale (for him, not for the network) he’s feeling, if not better, like he might actually try dating someone soon. He also writes two apology letters; one to Indrid and one to Vincent. Then he tears them both up and just tells Indrid that he’s trying to be less of an asshole and that he’s sorry for all the time he was one. He leaves Vincent alone; if he doesn’t want to see him, the least he can do is respect that.
It’s migration season, so he’s hiding in his favorite, super-secret birdwatching spot. It’s near a pond, so lots of birds come to drink and bathe, and he’s seen several on his list. 
Branches crack, sending nearby jays into a flap. Damn it, he’s never seen someone else here; the only person he ever told about it was-
“Hi, Apollo.”
“Vincent!” He almost falls off his stump, “how, why?”
“I’d been meaning to explore this spot ever since you spoke about it. But I, um, was also hoping I might see you in the process. Pathetic, as you might say.”
“I did, didn’t I.” Apollo stares up at him, clutching his binoculars so hard they might become disparate spyglasses, “Vincent, I am so, so, so very sorry for how I acted when we last saw each other. I was hurt, all I want is to make someone else hurt more so I stop feeling so vulnerable and powerless. I, I’ve been working on it in, in” he winces “therapy. You said once that you wanted to meet the man I might be. I realized I wanted to meet him to, to be him, not to win some show or even to get you to like me but just because I don’t want to be the other Apollo anymore.”
Vincent sits next to him, “You don’t give up, do you?”
“I, I just want to un-fuck what I can. I, how have you been?”
“Doing lots of thinking. I still know I made the right call not proposing during the finale. And that I’m ready to start dating again.”
“I hope whoever you go out with knows how lucky they are.” He says without any motive but the truth.
Vincent plucks a late-blooming wildflower and offers it to him, “It’s not a rose, but then again, this isn’t a proposal. It’s just a date, if you still want one.”
“So badly.” 
The older man leans in, kissing him softly as his spine turns to soup, “I’m looking forward to meeting the, um, latest version of you.” He snickers at his own phrasing.
Apollo pulls him into a second kiss, “Me too.”
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afraidofchange · 3 years
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What is your character’s favourite physical activity?: In her youth, Ana kept in shape as an active member of the Egyptian military, and Overwatch itself. Her favourite methods of working out were sparring, jogging, and actually yoga to stretch and destress. In her older age now, she still enjoys yoga, but would prefer to just do light weights or some cardio to keep herself relatively in shape.
What is your character’s favourite weather?: Ana is used to the warm to hot temperatures of Cairo and the deserts she was often sent to defend the city from incoming omnics. She doesn’t mind temperatures as low as 5C but anything after that, she’ll start complaining. She likes beach weather and sunshine.
What is your character’s favourite season?: Summer; a perfect time for vacation in her elderly years, but fall time is close.
What is your character’s least favourite season?: Winter. She doesn’t like the cold, and it makes her arthritis act up.
Is your character a morning person, night owl, or something else entirely?: Ana is used to being awake at all hours depending on the shift she was working at her station. In her youth, sometimes she wouldn’t sleep for days if it was required of her to continue the mission, even at the detriment of her own health. Nowadays, she’s probably more of a night owl given how she operates as the Shrike and for her own personal reasons.
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react?: Ana probably laughs at first; she’s heard plenty of things over the years and not much fazes her. If it is something extremely personal and pointed, such as bringing up her relationship with her daughter, Fareeha, then she may be more liable to react in sharp anger, likely to give the person a taste of their own medicine - or more than likely, sleep dart them so they shut up.
What is your character’s favourite beverage?: Tea, black. Maybe with a pinch of sugar. 
Does your character know how to swim?: Yes, 
It’s the first day of truly good weather that your character has seen this year. What do they do?: Enjoy the sunshine in her big sunhat and glasses, with a fruity beverage out on the balcony or the beach.
What was your character’s last nightmare?: Ana has repeating nightmares of the day she was shot sometimes, especially around the anniversary of that date. She also has many nightmares about her daughter, and the current world state with Talon and omnics.
What was your character’s last pleasant dream?: Now and again, Ana has dreams of a sexual nature she enjoys.
What is your character’s worst fear?: Losing her daughter Fareeha.
What is your character’s favourite colour to wear?: Blue, navy, black.
From your point of view, what is your character’s worst flaw?: Ana is the type to believe she is doing the right thing, even if it hurts others sometimes. It’s what caused the strain in the relationship with Fareeha - she didn’t want her daughter to follow in her footsteps, to lead the kind of life she’s lived taking people’s lives and being at risk day in and day out, but it was Fareeha who idolized her mother, who wanted to be just like her, and so Ana intervened, and prevented her from getting to be a part of Overwatch before it was eventually shut down. This is Ana’s worst flaw is she thought she was doing the right thing for Fareeha, but instead, caused more pain and suffering because of it.
From your point of view, what is your character’s greatest strength?: Ana’s resilience and after she was knocked off her proverbial pedestal after her ‘death’ and began rethinking her life ahead, she has learned and acknowledged her wrong doing, and apologized to Fareeha, and the two are slowly building their relationship back up.
Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?: Extrovert turned introvert with age.
What method of transportation does your character use?: Whatever vehicle she can procure to do the job necessary.
How does your character feel about sex?: Ana loves sex, but prefers it with partners she also loves over casual hook ups (which she did in her very young adulthood but after meeting Fareeha’s father Sam, she was common law with him for years and after that, took a long time to start seeing anyone again). She feels that it’s natural and a wonderful form of intimacy to share with someone else, and enjoys it even more in her 60s now.
Has your character ever deliberately set out to emotionally hurt someone?: With her worst flaw in mind, her hurting Fareeha was doing so out of love and her belief that it was the right thing to do. She is not a petty or mean spirited woman, so unless someone purposely hurt her first, she would never set out to emotionally hurt someone in cold blood, so to speak.
TAGGED BY: @annelistre​ <3​
TAGGING: anyone who wants to steal it, tag me!
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