ultrasopp · 1 year
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I put dickolo di genova on my bussinesscard wtf i have a businesscard??
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why is it that everyone feels like they need to reinvent Swing's CardLayout? STOP REINVENTING WHEEL. please for christ's sake just use the swing defaults. every time I see an array/arraylist of JPanels I want to flip my desk.
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owllong · 2 years
Flowlayout margins
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#Flowlayout margins how to
An alternative to using CardLayout is using a A CardLayout is often controlled by a combo box, with the state of the combo box determining which panel (group of components) the CardLayout displays. The CardLayout class lets you implement an area that contains different components at different times.
#Flowlayout margins how to
It respects the components' requested maximum sizes and also lets you align components.įor further details, see How to Use BoxLayout. The BoxLayout class puts components in a single row or column. JToolBar must be created within a BorderLayout container, if you want to be able to drag and drop the bars away from their starting positions.įor further details, see How to Use BorderLayout. All extra space is placed in the center area. Using Top-Level Containers explains, the content pane is the main container in all frames, applets, and dialogs.) A BorderLayout places components in up to five areas: top, bottom, left, right, and center. If you are interested in using JavaFX to create your GUI, seeĮvery content pane is initialized to use a BorderLayout. Otherwise, if you want to code by hand and do not want to use GroupLayout, then GridBagLayout is recommended as the next most flexible and powerful layout manager. If you are not interested in learning all the details of layout management, you might prefer to use the GroupLayout layout manager combined with a builder tool to lay out your GUI. Note: This lesson covers writing layout code by hand, which can be challenging.
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shelllong · 2 years
Flowlayout java stackoverflow
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Calling up the add method without “direction” corresponds a call with BorderLayout.CENTER. This is done using one of the Class constants NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST predefined in BorderLayout and CENTER. When adding components to a container using the add method the second parameter can also be used to determine the area into which the Component is to be inserted. The following constructors of the BorderLayout class are available:Ĭreates a BorderLayout object with the default setting (0 spaces between the areas).Ĭreates a BorderLayout object with horizontal or vertical Distances of h and v pixels between the areas. Accordingly, the size of the there added component adapted. While the size of the components in the north and South by their usual height and that of the components in the west and east is determined by its usual width, the size of the central area may vary according to the size of the container. In each of these five areas a component can be inserted, making a total of five components may appear. To divide the container area into the five areas “North”, “South”, “West”, “East” and “Center” are used Object of the class BoderLayout as layout manager. You change with the Mouse the width of our frame, so there is only space for one label per line If you start the Testing class, then initially (accordingly the space required by the relatively large labeled labels) only ever two of the Labels in one line. The predefined constants LEFT (for left-justified), RIGHT (for right-justified) and CENTER (for centered alignment) as final class variables of the class FlowLayout available. Public FlowLayout (int align, int h, int v)Ĭreates a FlowLayout object with an alignment according to align and horizontal and vertical distances of h and v pixels. In the class FlowLayout we find the following constructors:Ĭreates a FlowLayout object with the default settings (centered Alignment of the lines, 5-pixel spacing).Ĭreates a FlowLayout object with an alignment according to align and the Standard setting for the distances. The size of the components is not changed. Between the components there is a distance of 5 pixels horizontally and vertically. The orientation of the components the line is centered by default. That is, the components are so long in the order their insertion from left to right side by side until there is no more space for the next component is available and started with a new line which is then filled in the same way. “Flowing” means here that the components are inserted into the container line by line from left to right Be observed. To arrange the components in a container in a fluid manner, one uses an object of the class FlowLayout as a layout manager. The only exception is the JPanel class (a Component that we will get to know in my next article). The standard layout in the container classes is BorderLayout discontinued. There are also some specialized ones Layout variants such as BoxLayout, CardLayout, GridBagLayout or overlay layout. The three most frequently used layout managers are FlowLayout, BorderLayout and GridLayout with them, we will therefore be in the deal with the following sections. I would appreciate your support in this way! What are the different types of layout manager in java? I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. The layout managers distribute the entire space the container area depends on the components entered, whereby (each according to layout) is partially inserted space or components in their Size adjusted or not displayed at all. Java provides numerous classes that implement this interface and ultimately differ in that they divide the container area into different Divide areas. This Layout Manager interface therefore defines methods which are necessary for the arrangement of AWT and Swing components. We have already seen that a layout manager can arrange the various Components in a container and such a layout Manager through an object of a class that implements the Layout Manager interface, is produced. 2 What are the different types of layout manager in java?.
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silhouetteshopru · 3 years
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Открытка от @sedisheva Привет! Воскресным вечером сижу монтирую видео МК с сочными лимонами и летним настроением по моему макету для вырезания на плоттере Sillhouette Cameo. Предлагаю тебе посмотреть уже на конечный результат Нравятся такие открытки? https://www.silhouetteshop.ru/shop/mashiny-silhouette/ #yanasedysheva #cardmaking #cardlayout #silhouettecameo #scrapbooking #lemon #summer #summercard #silhouette #режущийплоттер #cameo4 #portrait3 #curio
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mbaljeetsingh · 4 years
Create A Responsive Dashboard With Angular Material And ng2-Charts
Create A Responsive Dashboard With Angular Material And ng2-Charts
Zara Cooper
Creating a dashboard from scratch is often pretty complicated. You have to create tools to collect data on items of interest. Once collected this data has to be presented in an easy to understand and meaningful way to your users. It involves intricate planning of what data to include and how to display it effectively. Once you have a plan, implementing the design is a massive task especially since it involves building multiple components.
With Angular Material and ng2-charts, you can take advantage of schematics to cut down the effort and time you may spend building a dashboard. Angular Material ships with a number of schematics that you could use to generate a dashboard. Similarly, ng2-charts provides schematics for generating multiple chart components. In this article, I’ll illustrate how to use both ng2-charts and Angular Material to set up a dashboard fairly quickly.
An Example
To illustrate how to build a dashboard, we’ll take the example of an online store selling leather goods like bags, wallets, key holders, and so on. The store owner would like to track information such as where customers come from to their online store, how their products sell, how traffic sources relate to sales, among other things.
We’ll build a dashboard to display this information and help the store owner analyze it. The dashboard will contain four small summary cards, four different kinds of charts, and a table listing most recent orders made. The four summary cards will display information such as total revenue from sales, average order value, the total number of orders, and number of returning customers. The charts will display the number of units sold for each product, sales by traffic source, online store sessions over time, and sales for the week.
To follow along, you’ll need to have Angular CLI installed. If you do not have it installed, you can find out how to get it at cli.angular.io. If you’re not starting from a pre-existing Angular project, you need to generate one by running ng new <your project name>. For instance, to create an admin panel for the aforementioned store, we’ll run:
ng new store-admin-panel
Your project also needs to have routes configured for it. If you’re starting from a new app, select yes when prompted on whether to add an Angular Routing module during your project setup above.
Add Angular Material And Ng2-Charts To Your Project
Angular Material ships with various schematics for generating a variety of useful components like address books, trees, tables, navigation, and so on. To add Angular Material to your project, run:
ng add @angular/material
Pick a theme from the options provided in subsequent prompts. Next, you’ll be prompted to choose whether to add Angular Material typography styles and browser animations. You do not need these and could just respond no.
Next, you’ll need to install ng2-charts. ng2-charts requires charts.js as a dependency. To install ng2-charts run:
npm install ng2-charts --save
Then install charts.js:
npm install chart.js --save
To access the charts, add the ChartsModule to the AppModule’s imports.
import { ChartsModule } from 'ng2-charts'; @NgModule({ imports: [ … ChartsModule, … ] })
Lastly, install ng2-charts schematics as a dev dependency because they do not ship with ng2-charts by default.
npm install --save-dev ng2-charts-schematics
Generating A Navigation Component
First off, we’ll need to add a navigation component to help users maneuver through the app comfortably. The navigation should contain links to the dashboard and other pages that will be part of the admin panel. Angular material provides a schematic that generates a navigation component. We’ll name this component nav. Adding a side nav to the application is accomplished by running:
ng generate @angular/material:navigation nav
To link other routes in the navigation, use the routerLink directive and change the page name in the toolbar depending on what route a user is on.
// nav.component.ts ... menuItems = ['dashboard', ’sales', 'orders', 'customers', 'products'];
<!--nav.component.html--> ... <mat-nav-list> <a *ngFor="let item of menuItems" mat-list-item [routerLink]="'/'+item"> </a> ...
To see this component, add it to app.component.html.
<!--app.component.html--> <app-nav></app-nav>
This is what the NavComponent looks like.
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Navigation component (Large preview)
Since the nav will be displayed alongside other components, adding a router-outlet to it would help switch between the other different components. In the nav.component.html template, just after the closing </mat-toolbar>, replace the <!-- Add Content Here --> comment with <router-outlet></router-outlet>.
<!--nav.component.html--> <mat-sidenav-container> ... <mat-sidenav-content> <mat-toolbar> ... </mat-toolbar> <router-outlet></router-outlet> </mat-sidenav-content> </mat-sidenav-container>
In the screenshots that follow in this article, this nav component will be omitted to better highlight the dashboard we’ll be generating for the sake of the tutorial. If you’re following along while building this dashboard, the nav will still appear as pictured above in your browser with the dashboard within it.
Generate The Dashboard
The most important part of the dashboard is its layout. It needs to hold all the components mentioned earlier and be responsive when displayed on different devices. To generate the dashboard layout, you’ll need to run the @angular/material:dashboard schematic. It will generate a responsive dashboard component. Pass the preferred name for your dashboard to the schematic. In this instance, let’s name it dash.
ng generate @angular/material:dashboard dash
To view the newly generated dashboard within the nav component, add a route for it to the router.
// app-routing.module.ts import { DashComponent } from './dash/dash.component'; const routes: Routes = [{ path: 'dashboard', component: DashComponent }]; @NgModule({ imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)], exports: [RouterModule] })
Once done, to see the results, run npm start and head on over to localhost:4200/dashboard. You should see this:
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Generated dashboard component (Large preview)
The schematic generates four cards in the template and displays them in a responsive grid. The Angular Material CDK uses the Layout package to style this responsive card grid. The BreakpointObserver utility of the Layout package assesses media queries and makes UI changes based on them. There are various breakpoints available but within the generated component, only two categories are catered for. The Breakpoints.Handset and other queries that do not match it. The Layout package specifies 14 breakpoint states that you can use to customize the responsiveness of your dashboard.
// dashboard.component.js ... cards = this.breakpointObserver.observe(Breakpoints.Handset).pipe( map(({ matches }) => { if (matches) { ... } ... }) );
Going back to the dashboard, since four summary cards, four charts, and a table will be on the dashboard, we need nine cards in total. Breakpoints.Handset and Breakpoints.Tablet matches will display in a one-column grid where:
The four summary cards will span one row.
The charts will span two rows.
The table will span four rows.
Non-Breakpoints.Handset and non-Breakpoints.Tablet matches will display in four columns where:
The four summary cards will span one row and one column.
The charts will span two rows and two columns.
The table will span four rows and four columns.
It should look something like the screenshot below in non-Breakpoints.Handset and non-Breakpoints.Tablet matches. On Breakpoints.Handset and Breakpoints.Tablet matches, everything will just display in one column.
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Dashboard component with additional cards (Large preview)
Create A Card Component
In the dashboard component, all the cards are generated through iteration. To prevent repetition, when adding all the new components, we’ll create a reusable card component. The card component will accept a title as input and use ng-content to dynamically add the rest of the content. To create the card component, run:
ng g c card -m app --style css
From the dashboard component template, we’ll just take the markup enclosed within the <mat-card> tag and place it In the card template:
<!--card.component.html--> <mat-card class="dashboard-card"> <mat-card-header> <mat-card-title> <button mat-icon-button class="more-button" [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu" aria-label="Toggle menu"> <mat-icon>more_vert</mat-icon> </button> <mat-menu #menu="matMenu" xPosition="before"> <button mat-menu-item>Expand</button> <button mat-menu-item>Remove</button> </mat-menu> </mat-card-title> </mat-card-header> <mat-card-content class="dashboard-card-content"> <ng-content></ng-content> </mat-card-content> </mat-card>
To add the title as input to the card:
// card.component.ts import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core'; ... export class CardComponent{ @Input() title: string; ... }
To style the card:
/*card.component.css*/ .more-button { position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 10px; } .dashboard-card { position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 15px; right: 15px; bottom: 15px; } .dashboard-card-content { text-align: center; flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; max-height: 100%; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; } mat-card { display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
Adding Cards To The Dashboard
Since the dashboard elements will be added individually and not through iteration, the dashboard component needs to be modified to account for this. In dashboard.component.ts, remove the cards property and replace it with a cardLayout property instead. The cardLayout variable will define the number of columns for the material grid list and how many rows and columns each of the dashboard cards will span. Breakpoints.Handset and Breakpoints.Tablet query matches will display in 1 column and those that do not match will display in 4 columns.
// dashboard.component.js ... cardLayout = this.breakpointObserver.observe(Breakpoints.Handset).pipe( map(({ matches }) => { if (matches) { return { columns: 1, miniCard: { cols: 1, rows: 1 }, chart: { cols: 1, rows: 2 }, table: { cols: 1, rows: 4 }, }; } return { columns: 4, miniCard: { cols: 1, rows: 1 }, chart: { cols: 2, rows: 2 }, table: { cols: 4, rows: 4 }, }; }) ); ...
In the dash.component.html template, replace the colspan and rowspan values of mat-grid-tile elements and the cols property of the mat-grid-list element.
<!--dash.component.html--> <div class="grid-container"> <h1 class="mat-h1">Dashboard</h1> <mat-grid-list cols="" rowHeight="200px"> <!--Mini Cards--> <mat-grid-tile *ngFor="let i of [1, 2, 3, 4]" [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.miniCard.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.miniCard.rows"> <app-card title="Card "><div>Mini Card Content Here</div></app-card> </mat-grid-tile> <!--Charts--> <mat-grid-tile *ngFor="let i of [5, 6, 7, 8]" [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.rows"> <app-card title="Card "><div>Chart Content Here</div></app-card> </mat-grid-tile> <!--Table--> <mat-grid-tile [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.table.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.table.rows"> <app-card title="Card 9"><div>Table Content Here</div></app-card> </mat-grid-tile> </mat-grid-list> </div>
The dashboard will end up looking exactly like the most recent screenshot linked above.
Generating The Charts
The four charts that we need for the dashboard are:
A radar chart of products by unit sold.
A pie chart of sales by traffic source.
A bar chart of online store sessions.
A line chart of sales across the year.
Similar to creating the dashboard, generating chart components involves running a schematic. Using the ng2-charts schematics, generate the four different charts. We’ll place them in a folder called charts. Run ng generate ng2-charts-schematics:<chart type> <chart name>.
ng generate ng2-charts-schematics:radar charts/product-sales-chart ng generate ng2-charts-schematics:pie charts/sales-traffic-chart ng generate ng2-charts-schematics:line charts/annual-sales-chart ng generate ng2-charts-schematics:bar charts/store-sessions-chart
After running these commands, all four chart components are generated and are populated with sample data ready for display. Depending on what data you’d like to show, pick charts that most suit your data visualization needs. For each of the charts generated above, add the chartContainer class to the divs that enclose the canvas element in the chart templates.
<div class="chartContainer"> <canvas baseChart width="400" height="400"> ...
Next, add this styling to styles.css so that they could be accessible to all the chart components.
/*styles.css*/ ... .chartContainer canvas { max-height: 250px; width: auto; } .chartContainer{ height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
Adding Data To The Charts
The generated chart components come with sample data already plugged in. If you have pre-existing services that provide your own data, you can add this data from them to the chart components. The charts take labels for the x-axis, data or data sets, a chart type, colors, a legend as well as other customization options. To provide the data and labels to the charts, create a service that will fetch data from a source of your choice and return it in a form that the charts accept. For instance, the AnnualSalesChartComponent receives its dataset and labels from the SalesService’s getSalesByMonth method which returns an array of sales for each month for the current year. You can find this service here and data it returns here. Inject the service as a private property to the AnnualSalesChartComponent constructor. Call the method that returns the required chart data from the service within the ngOnInit lifecycle hook.
// annual-sales-chart.component.ts import { SalesService } from ’src/app/sales/sales.service'; ... export class AnnualSalesChartComponent implements OnInit { public salesChartData: ChartDataSets[] = [ { data: [], label: 'Total Sales' }, ]; public salesChartLabels: Label[] = []; ... constructor(private salesService: SalesService) { } ngOnInit() { this.salesService.getSalesByMonth().subscribe({ next: salesItems => { salesItems.forEach(li => { this.salesChartData[0].data.push(li.revenue); this.salesChartLabels.push(li.month); }); }, ... }); } }
Adding Charts To The Dashboard
The next step involves adding the charts to the dashboard, in dash.component.html. Here’s what that looks like:
<!--dash.component.html--> ... <!--Charts--> <mat-grid-tile [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.rows"> <app-card title="Monthly Revenue"> <app-annual-sale-chart></app-annual-sale-chart> </app-card> </mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.rows"> <app-card title="Product Sales"> <app-product-sales-chart></app-product-sales-chart> </app-card> </mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.rows"> <app-card title="Sales by Traffic Source"> <app-sales-traffic-chart></app-sales-traffic-chart> </app-card> </mat-grid-tile> <mat-grid-tile [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.chart.rows"> <app-card title="Online Store Sessions by Traffic Source"> <app-store-sessions-chart></app-store-sessions-chart> </app-card> </mat-grid-tile> ...
This is what the resultant responsive dashboard looks like.
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Dashboard with charts (Large preview)
Generating A Table
We’ll add an orders table to give the shop owner an overview of the most recent orders placed and their status. To generate the orders table component, run the schematic:
ng generate @angular/material:table orders-table
This will generate a table component that will look like this.
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Table generated by Angular Material schematic (Large preview)
Tables with many columns may be difficult to make responsive for handset and tablet views. When adding the table to a card, make it horizontally scrollable so that all the data can be viewed properly and is not obstructed. You can do this by adding the styling below to your table component:
<!--table.component.html--> <div class="mat-elevation-z8 small-table"> <table mat-table class="full-width-table" matSort aria-label="Elements"> ...
/*table.component.css*/ ... .small-table{ overflow-x: scroll !important; }
To add the table to the dash component:
<!-- dashboard.component.html> ... <mat-grid-tile [colspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.table.cols" [rowspan]="( cardLayout | async )?.table.rows"> <app-card title="Latest Orders"> <app-orders-table></app-orders-table> </app-card> </mat-grid-tile> ...
Adding Data To The Table
Like with charts, you can add data to the table in the ngOnInit method from a service. Additionally, you will need to modify your table’s generated data source to consume data from the service. To start off, inject the service in the table’s class constructor. Let’s take the example of a table listing the latest orders for this dashboard. To get data for the table, let’s inject the OrderService in the OrdersTableComponent constructor, change the MatTable type assertion of the table view child, and amend the list of displayed columns to reflect an order interface. If you’re interested in the data being added to the table, you can find it here. The last thing involves getting the total length of the data items available to be used to set the total in the table’s <mat-paginator>.
// orders-table.component.ts import { OrderService } from '../orders.service'; import { Order } from '../order'; ... export class OrdersTableComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnInit { ... @ViewChild(MatTable) table: MatTable
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siva3155 · 5 years
JAVA Interview Questions and Answers
java interview questions for freshers experienced developers
1. What is Java? Java is a object-oriented programming language originally developed by Sun Micro systems and released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. 2. What are the supported platforms by Java Programming Language? Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX/Linux like HP-Unix, Sun Solaris, Red hat Linux, Ubuntu, Cent OS, etc. 3. List any five features of Java? Some features include Object Oriented Platform Independent Robust Interpreted Multi-threaded 4. Why is Java Architectural Neutral? It’s compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format, which makes the compiled code to be executable on many processors, with the presence of Java runtime system. 5. What is a singleton class? Give a practical example of its usage. A singleton class in java can have only one instance and hence all its methods and variables belong to just one instance. Singleton class concept is useful for the situations when there is a need to limit the number of objects for a class. The best example of singleton usage scenario is when there is a limit of having only one connection to a database due to some driver limitations or because of any licensing issues. 6. What are the access modifiers in Java? There are 3 access modifiers. Public, protected and private, and the default one if no identifier is specified is called friendly, but programmer cannot specify the friendly identifier explicitly. 7. What is are packages? A package is a collection of related classes and interfaces providing access protection and namespace management. 8. What is meant by Inheritance and What are its advantages? Inheritance is the process of inheriting all the features from a class. The advantages of inheritance are reusability of code and accessibility of variables and methods of the super class by subclasses. 9. What is the difference between superclass and subclass? A super class is a class that is inherited whereas sub class is a class that does the inheriting. 10. What is an abstract class? An abstract class is a class designed with implementation gaps for subclasses to fill in and is deliberately incomplete.
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JAVA Interview Questions 11. What are the states associated in the thread? Thread contains ready, running, waiting and dead states. 12. What is synchronization? Synchronization is the mechanism that ensures that only one thread is accessed the resources at a time. 13. What is deadlock? When two threads are waiting each other and can’t precede the program is said to be deadlock. 14. What is an applet? Applet is a dynamic and interactive program that runs inside a web page displayed by a java capable browser 15. What is the lifecycle of an applet? init() method - Can be called when an applet is first loaded start() method - Can be called each time an applet is started. paint() method - Can be called when the applet is minimized or maximized. stop() method - Can be used when the browser moves off the applet’s page. destroy() method - Can be called when the browser is finished with the applet. 16. Define How do you set security in applets? using setSecurityManager() method 17. What is a layout manager and What are different types of layout managers available in java AWT? A layout manager is an object that is used to organize components in a container. The different layouts are available are FlowLayout, BorderLayout, CardLayout, GridLayout and GridBagLayout 18. What is JDBC? JDBC is a set of Java API for executing SQL statements. This API consists of a set of classes and interfaces to enable programs to write pure Java Database applications. 19. What are drivers available? JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver Native API Partly-Java driver JDBC-Net Pure Java driver Native-Protocol Pure Java driver 20. What is stored procedure? Stored procedure is a group of SQL statements that forms a logical unit and performs a particular task. Stored Procedures are used to encapsulate a set of operations or queries to execute on database. Stored procedures can be compiled and executed with different parameters and results and may have any combination of input/output parameters. 21. What is the Java API? The Java API is a large collection of ready-made software components that provide many useful capabilities, such as graphical user interface (GUI) widgets. 22. Why there are no global variables in Java? Global variables are globally accessible. Java does not support globally accessible variables due to following reasons: The global variables breaks the referential transparency Global variables creates collisions in namespace. 23. What are Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism? Encapsulation is the mechanism that binds together code and data it manipulates and keeps both safe from outside interference and misuse. Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object. Polymorphism is the feature that allows one interface to be used for general class actions. 24. What is the use of bin and lib in JDK? Bin contains all tools such as javac, appletviewer, awt tool, etc., whereas lib contains API and all packages. 25. What is method overloading and method overriding? Method overloading: When a method in a class having the same method name with different arguments is said to be method overloading. Method overriding : When a method in a class having the same method name with same arguments is said to be method overriding. 26. What is the difference between this() and super()? this() can be used to invoke a constructor of the same class whereas super() can be used to invoke a super class constructor. 27. What is Domain Naming Service(DNS)? It is very difficult to remember a set of numbers(IP address) to connect to the Internet. The Domain Naming Service(DNS) is used to overcome this problem. It maps one particular IP address to a string of characters. For example, www. mascom. com implies com is the domain name reserved for US commercial sites, moscom is the name of the company and www is the name of the specific computer, which is mascom’s server. 28. What is URL? URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and it points to resource files on the Internet. URL has four components: http://www. address. com:80/index.html, where http - protocol name, address - IP address or host name, 80 - port number and index.html - file path. 29. What is RMI and steps involved in developing an RMI object? Remote Method Invocation (RMI) allows java object that executes on one machine and to invoke the method of a Java object to execute on another machine. The steps involved in developing an RMI object are: a) Define the interfaces b) Implementing these interfaces c) Compile the interfaces and their implementations with the java compiler d) Compile the server implementation with RMI compiler e) Run the RMI registry f) Run the application. 30. What is RMI architecture? RMI architecture consists of four layers and each layer performs specific functions: a) Application layer - contains the actual object definition. b) Proxy layer - consists of stub and skeleton. c) Remote Reference layer - gets the stream of bytes from the transport layer and sends it to the proxy layer. d) Transportation layer - responsible for handling the actual machine-to-machine communication. 31. What is a Java Bean? A Java Bean is a software component that has been designed to be reusable in a variety of different environments. 32. What are checked exceptions? Checked exception are those which the Java compiler forces you to catch. e.g. IOException are checked Exceptions. 33. What are runtime exceptions? Runtime exceptions are those exceptions that are thrown at runtime because of either wrong input data or because of wrong business logic etc. These are not checked by the compiler at compile time. 34. What is the difference between error and an exception? An error is an irrecoverable condition occurring at runtime. Such as OutOfMemory error. These JVM errors and you can not repair them at runtime. While exceptions are conditions that occur because of bad input etc. e.g. FileNotFoundException will be thrown if the specified file does not exist. Or a NullPointerException will take place if you try using a null reference. In most of the cases it is possible to recover from an exception (probably by giving user a feedback for entering proper values etc.). 35. What is the purpose of finalization? The purpose of finalization is to give an unreachable object the opportunity to perform any cleanup processing before the object is garbage collected. For example, closing a opened file, closing a opened database Connection. 36. What is the difference between yielding and sleeping? When a task invokes its yield() method, it returns to the ready state. When a task invokes its sleep() method, it returns to the waiting state. 37. What is the difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing? Under preemptive scheduling, the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence. Under time slicing, a task executes for a predefined slice of time and then reenters the pool of ready tasks. The scheduler then determines which task should execute next, based on priority and other factors. 38. What is mutable object and immutable object? If a object value is changeable then we can call it as Mutable object. (Ex., StringBuffer, …) If you are not allowed to change the value of an object, it is immutable object. (Ex., String, Integer, Float, …) 39. What is the purpose of Void class? The Void class is an uninstantiable placeholder class to hold a reference to the Class object representing the primitive Java type void. 40. What is JIT and its use? Really, just a very fast compiler… In this incarnation, pretty much a one-pass compiler — no offline computations. So you can’t look at the whole method, rank the expressions according to which ones are re-used the most, and then generate code. In theory terms, it’s an on-line problem. 41. What is nested class? If all the methods of a inner class is static then it is a nested class. 42. What is HashMap and Map? Map is Interface and Hashmap is class that implements that. 43. What are different types of access modifiers? public: Any thing declared as public can be accessed from anywhere. private: Any thing declared as private can’t be seen outside of its class. protected: Any thing declared as protected can be accessed by classes in the same package and subclasses in the other packages. default modifier : Can be accessed only to classes in the same package. 44. What is the difference between Reader/Writer and InputStream/Output Stream? The Reader/Writer class is character-oriented and the InputStream/OutputStream class is byte-oriented. 45. What is servlet? Servlets are modules that extend request/response-oriented servers, such as java-enabled web servers. For example, a servlet might be responsible for taking data in an HTML order-entry form and applying the business logic used to update a company’s order database. 46. What is Constructor? A constructor is a special method whose task is to initialize the object of its class. It is special because its name is the same as the class name. They do not have return types, not even void and therefore they cannot return values. They cannot be inherited, though a derived class can call the base class constructor. Constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created. 47. What is an Iterator ? The Iterator interface is used to step through the elements of a Collection. Iterators let you process each element of a Collection. Iterators are a generic way to go through all the elements of a Collection no matter Define How it is organized. Iterator is an Interface implemented a different way for every Collection. 48. What is the List interface? The List interface provides support for ordered collections of objects. Lists may contain duplicate elements. 49. What is memory leak? A memory leak is where an unreferenced object that will never be used again still hangs around in memory and doesnt get garbage collected. 50. What is the difference between the prefix and postfix forms of the ++ operator? The prefix form performs the increment operation and returns the value of the increment operation. The postfix form returns the current value all of the expression and then performs the increment operation on that value. 51. What is the difference between a constructor and a method? A constructor is a member function of a class that is used to create objects of that class. It has the same name as the class itself, has no return type, and is invoked using the new operator. A method is an ordinary member function of a class. It has its own name, a return type (which may be void), and is invoked using the dot operator. 52. What will happen to the Exception object after exception handling? Exception object will be garbage collected. 53. Difference between static and dynamic class loading. Static class loading: The process of loading a class using new operator is called static class loading. Dynamic class loading: The process of loading a class at runtime is called dynamic class loading. Dynamic class loading can be done by using Class.forName(….).newInstance(). 54. Explain the Common use of EJB The EJBs can be used to incorporate business logic in a web-centric application. The EJBs can be used to integrate business processes in Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce applications.In Enterprise Application Integration applications, EJBs can be used to house processing and mapping between different applications. 55. What is JSP? JSP is a technology that returns dynamic content to the Web client using HTML, XML and JAVA elements. JSP page looks like a HTML page but is a servlet. It contains Presentation logic and business logic of a web application. 56. What is the purpose of apache tomcat? Apache server is a standalone server that is used to test servlets and create JSP pages. It is free and open source that is integrated in the Apache web server. It is fast, reliable server to configure the applications but it is hard to install. It is a servlet container that includes tools to configure and manage the server to run the applications. It can also be configured by editing XML configuration files. 57. Where pragma is used? Pragma is used inside the servlets in the header with a certain value. The value is of no-cache that tells that a servlets is acting as a proxy and it has to forward request. Pragma directives allow the compiler to use machine and operating system features while keeping the overall functionality with the Java language. These are different for different compilers. 58. Briefly explain daemon thread. Daemon thread is a low priority thread which runs in the background performs garbage collection operation for the java runtime system. 59. What is a native method? A native method is a method that is implemented in a language other than Java. 60. Explain different way of using thread? A Java thread could be implemented by using Runnable interface or by extending the Thread class. The Runnable is more advantageous, when you are going for multiple inheritance. 61. What are the two major components of JDBC? One implementation interface for database manufacturers, the other implementation interface for application and applet writers. 62. What kind of thread is the Garbage collector thread? It is a daemon thread. 63. What are the different ways to handle exceptions? There are two ways to handle exceptions, By wrapping the desired code in a try block followed by a catch block to catch the exceptions. and List the desired exceptions in the throws clause of the method and let the caller of the method handle those exceptions. 64. Define How many objects are created in the following piece of code? MyClass c1, c2, c3; c1 = new MyClass (); c3 = new MyClass (); Answer: Only 2 objects are created, c1 and c3. The reference c2 is only declared and not initialized. 65.What is UNICODE? Unicode is used for internal representation of characters and strings and it uses 16 bits to represent each other. 66. Can a constructor have different name than a Class name in Java? Constructor in Java must have same name as the class name and if the name is different, it doesn’t act as a constructor and compiler thinks of it as a normal method. 67. What will be the output of Round(3.7) and Ceil(3.7)? Round(3.7) returns 4 and Ceil(3.7) returns 4. 68: Can we use goto in Java to go to a particular line? In Java, there is not goto keyword and java doesn’t support this feature of going to a particular labeled line. 69. Can a dead thread be started again? In java, a thread which is in dead state can’t be started again. There is no way to restart a dead thread. 70. Is the following class declaration correct? public abstract final class testClass { // Class methods and variables } The above class declaration is incorrect as an abstract class can’t be declared as Final. 71. Is JDK required on each machine to run a Java program? JDK is development Kit of Java and is required for development only and to run a Java program on a machine, JDK isn’t required. Only JRE is required. 72. Which object oriented Concept is achieved by using overloading and overriding? Polymorphism 73. Is it possible to define a method in Java class but provide it’s implementation in the code of another language like C? Yes, we can do this by use of native methods. In case of native method based development, we define public static methods in our Java class without its implementation and then implementation is done in another language like C separately. 74. Define How destructors are defined in Java? In Java, there are no destructors defined in the class as there is no need to do so. Java has its own garbage collection mechanism which does the job automatically by destroying the objects when no longer referenced. 75. Can a variable be local and static at the same time? No a variable can’t be static as well as local at the same time. Defining a local variable as static gives compilation error. 76. Can we have static methods in an Interface? Static methods can’t be overridden in any class while any methods in an interface are by default abstract and are supposed to be implemented in the classes being implementing the interface. So it makes no sense to have static methods in an interface in Java. 77. In a class implementing an interface, can we change the value of any variable defined in the interface? No, we can’t change the value of any variable of an interface in the implementing class as all variables defined in the interface are by default public, static and Final and final variables are like constants which can’t be changed later. 78. Is it correct to say that due to garbage collection feature in Java, a java program never goes out of memory? Even though automatic garbage collection is provided by Java, it doesn’t ensure that a Java program will not go out of memory as there is a possibility that creation of Java objects is being done at a faster pace compared to garbage collection resulting in filling of all the available memory resources. So, garbage collection helps in reducing the chances of a program going out of memory but it doesn’t ensure that. 79. Can we have any other return type than void for main method? No, Java class main method can have only void return type for the program to get successfully executed. Nonetheless , if you absolutely must return a value to at the completion of main method , you can use System.exit(int status) 80. I want to re-reach and use an object once it has been garbage collected. Define How it’s possible? Once an object has been destroyed by garbage collector, it no longer exists on the heap and it can’t be accessed again. There is no way to reference it again. 81. In Java thread programming, which method is a must implementation for all threads? Run() is a method of Runnable interface that must be implemented by all threads. 82. I want to control database connections in my program and want that only one thread should be able to make database connection at a time. Define How can I implement this logic? This can be implemented by use of the concept of synchronization. Database related code can be placed in a method which hs synchronized keyword so that only one thread can access it at a time. 83. Can an Interface extend another Interface? Yes an Interface can inherit another Interface, for that matter an Interface can extend more than one Interface. 84. I want my class to be developed in such a way that no other class (even derived class) can create its objects. Define How can I do so? If we declare the constructor of a class as private, it will not be accessible by any other class and hence, no other class will be able to instantiate it and formation of its object will be limited to itself only. 85. Define How objects are stored in Java? In java, each object when created gets a memory space from a heap. When an object is destroyed by a garbage collector, the space allocated to it from the heap is re-allocated to the heap and becomes available for any new objects. 86. Define How can we find the actual size of an object on the heap? In java, there is no way to find out the exact size of an object on the heap. 87. Which of the following classes will have more memory allocated? Class Three methods, four variables, no object Class B: Five methods, three variables, no object Memory isn’t allocated before creation of objects. Since for both classes, there are no objects created so no memory is allocated on heap for any class. 88. What happens if an exception is not handled in a program? If an exception is not handled in a program using try catch blocks, program gets aborted and no statement executes after the statement which caused exception throwing. 89. I have multiple constructors defined in a class. Is it possible to call a constructor from another constructor’s body? If a class has multiple constructors, it’s possible to call one constructor from the body of another one using this(). 90. What’s meant by anonymous class? An anonymous class is a class defined without any name in a single line of code using new keyword. For example, in below code we have defined an anonymous class in one line of code: public java.util.Enumeration testMethod() { return new java.util.Enumeration() { @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public Object nextElement() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } 91. Is there a way to increase the size of an array after its declaration? Arrays are static and once we have specified its size, we can’t change it. If we want to use such collections where we may require a change of size ( no of items), we should prefer vector over array. 92. If an application has multiple classes in it, is it okay to have a main method in more than one class? If there is main method in more than one classes in a java application, it won’t cause any issue as entry point for any application will be a specific class and code will start from the main method of that particular class only. 93. I want to persist data of objects for later use. What’s the best approach to do so? The best way to persist data for future use is to use the concept of serialization. 94. What is a Local class in Java? In Java, if we define a new class inside a particular block, it’s called a local class. Such a class has local scope and isn’t usable outside the block where its defined. 95. String and StringBuffer both represent String objects. Can we compare String and StringBuffer in Java? Although String and StringBuffer both represent String objects, we can’t compare them with each other and if we try to compare them, we get an error. 96. Which API is provided by Java for operations on set of objects? Java provides a Collection API which provides many useful methods which can be applied on a set of objects. Some of the important classes provided by Collection API include ArrayList, HashMap, TreeSet and TreeMap. 97. Can we cast any other type to Boolean Type with type casting? No, we can neither cast any other primitive type to Boolean data type nor can cast Boolean data type to any other primitive data type. 98. What are synchronized methods and synchronized statements? Synchronized methods are methods that are used to control access to an object. A synchronized statement can only be executed after a thread has acquired the lock for the object or class referenced in the synchronized statement. 99. Define How does a try statement determine which catch clause should be used to handle an exception? When an exception is thrown within the body of a try statement, the catch clauses of the try statement are examined in the order in which they appear. The first catch clause that is capable of handling the exception is executed. The remaining catch clauses are ignored. 100. What will be the default values of all the elements of an array defined as an instance variable? If the array is an array of primitive types, then all the elements of the array will be initialized to the default value corresponding to that primitive type. Basic JAVA Questions with Answers pdf download 101. What is the difference between static and non-static variables? A static variable is associated with the class as a whole rather than with specific instances of a class. Non-static variables take on unique values with each object instance. 102. What is Serialization and deserialization? Serialization is the process of writing the state of an object to a byte stream. Deserialization is the process of restoring these objects. 103. What are use cases? It is part of the analysis of a program and describes a situation that a program might encounter and what behavior the program should exhibit in that circumstance. 104. Explain the use of sublass in a Java program? Sub class inherits all the public and protected methods and the implementation. It also inherits all the default modifier methods and their implementation. 105. How to add menushortcut to menu item? If there is a button instance called b1, you may add menu short cut by calling b1.setMnemonic('F'), so the user may be able to use Alt+F to click the button. 106. Can you write a Java class that could be used both as an applet as well as an application? Yes, just add a main() method to the applet. 107. What is the difference between Swing and AWT components? AWT components are heavy-weight, whereas Swing components are lightweight. Heavy weight components depend on the local windowing toolkit. For example, java.awt.Button is a heavy weight component, when it is running on the Java platform for Unix platform, it maps to a real Motif button. 108. What's the difference between constructors and other methods? Constructors must have the same name as the class and can not return a value. They are only called once while regular methods could be called many times. 109. Is there any limitation of using Inheritance? Yes, since inheritance inherits everything from the super class and interface, it may make the subclass too clustering and sometimes error-prone when dynamic overriding or dynamic overloading in some situation. 109. When is the ArrayStoreException thrown? When copying elements between different arrays, if the source or destination arguments are not arrays or their types are not compatible, an ArrayStoreException will be thrown. 110. Can you call one constructor from another if a class has multiple constructors? Yes, use this() syntax. 111. What's the difference between the methods sleep() and wait()? The code sleep(2000); puts thread aside for exactly two seconds. The code wait(2000), causes a wait of up to two second. A thread could stop waiting earlier if it receives the notify() or notifyAll() call. The method wait() is defined in the class Object and the method sleep() is defined in the class Thread. 112. When ArithmeticException is thrown? The ArithmeticException is thrown when integer is divided by zero or taking the remainder of a number by zero. It is never thrown in floating-point operations. 113. What is a transient variable? A transient variable is a variable that may not be serialized during Serialization and which is initialized by its default value during de-serialization, 114. What is synchronization? Synchronization is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to shared resources. synchronized keyword in java provides locking which ensures mutual exclusive access of shared resource and prevent data race. 115. What is the Collections API? The Collections API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operations on collections of objects. 116. Does garbage collection guarantee that a program will not run out of memory? Garbage collection does not guarantee that a program will not run out of memory. It is possible for programs to use up memory resources faster than they are garbage collected. It is also possible for programs to create objects that are not subject to garbage collection. 117. The immediate super class of the Applet class? Panel is the immediate super class. A panel provides space in which an application can attach any other component, including other panels. 118. Which Java operator is right associative? The = operator is right associative. 119. What is the difference between a break statement and a continue statement? A break statement results in the termination of the statement to which it applies (switch, for, do, or while). A continue statement is used to end the current loop iteration and return control to the loop statement. 120. If a variable is declared as private, where may the variable be accessed? A private variable may only be accessed within the class in which it is declared. 121. What is the purpose of the System class? The purpose of the System class is to provide access to system resources. 122. List primitive Java types? The eight primitive types are byte, char, short, int, long, float, double, and boolean. 123. What is the relationship between clipping and repainting under AWT? When a window is repainted by the AWT painting thread, it sets the clipping regions to the area of the window that requires repainting. 124. Which class is the immediate superclass of the Container class? Component class is the immediate super class. 125. What class of exceptions are generated by the Java run-time system? The Java runtime system generates RuntimeException and Error exceptions. 126. Under what conditions is an object's finalize() method invoked by the garbage collector? The garbage collector invokes an object's finalize() method when it detects that the object has become unreachable. 127. How can a dead thread be restarted? A dead thread cannot be restarted. 128. Which arithmetic operations can result in the throwing of an ArithmeticException? Integer / and % can result in the throwing of an ArithmeticException. 129. Variable of the boolean type is automatically initialized as? The default value of the boolean type is false. 130. What are ClassLoaders? A class loader is an object that is responsible for loading classes. The class ClassLoader is an abstract class. 131. What is the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class? An abstract class can have instance methods that implement a default behavior. An Interface can only declare constants and instance methods, but cannot implement default behavior and all methods are implicitly abstract. An interface has all public members and no implementation. 132. What will happen if static modifier is removed from the signature of the main method? Program throws "NoSuchMethodError" error at runtime . 133. Can try statements be nested? Yes 134. What is the default value of an object reference declared as an instance variable? Null, unless it is defined explicitly. 135. Can a top level class be private or protected? No, a top level class can not be private or protected. It can have either "public" or no modifier. 136. Why do we need wrapper classes? We can pass them around as method parameters where a method expects an object. It also provides utility methods. 137. What is the difference between error and an exception? An error is an irrecoverable condition occurring at runtime. Such as OutOfMemory error. Exceptions are conditions that occur because of bad input etc. e.g. FileNotFoundException will be thrown if the specified file does not exist. 138. Is it necessary that each try block must be followed by a catch block? It is not necessary that each try block must be followed by a catch block. It should be followed by either a catch block or a finally block. 139. When a thread is created and started, what is its initial state? A thread is in the ready state as initial state after it has been created and started. 140. What is the Locale class? The Locale class is used to tailor program output to the conventions of a particular geographic, political, or cultural region. 141. What are synchronized methods and synchronized statements? Synchronized methods are methods that are used to control access to an object. A synchronized statement can only be executed after a thread has acquired the lock for the object or class referenced in the synchronized statement. 142. What is runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch? Runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch is a process in which a call to an overridden method is resolved at runtime rather than at compile-time. In this process, an overridden method is called through the reference variable of a superclass. 143. What is Dynamic Binding(late binding)? Binding refers to the linking of a procedure call to the code to be executed in response to the call. Dynamic binding means that the code associated with a given procedure call is not known until the time of the call at run-time. 144. Can constructor be inherited? No, constructor cannot be inherited. 145. What are the advantages of ArrayList over arrays? ArrayList can grow dynamically and provides more powerful insertion and search mechanisms than arrays. 146. Why deletion in LinkedList is fast than ArrayList? Deletion in linked list is fast because it involves only updating the next pointer in the node before the deleted node and updating the previous pointer in the node after the deleted node. 147. How do you decide when to use ArrayList and LinkedList? If you need to frequently add and remove elements from the middle of the list and only access the list elements sequentially, then LinkedList should be used. If you need to support random access, without inserting or removing elements from any place other than the end, then ArrayList should be used. 148. What is a Values Collection View ? It is a collection returned by the values() method of the Map Interface, It contains all the objects present as values in the map. 149. What is dot operator? The dot operator(.) is used to access the instance variables and methods of class objects.It is also used to access classes and sub-packages from a package. 150. Where and how can you use a private constructor? Private constructor is used if you do not want other classes to instantiate the object and to prevent subclassing.T 151. What is type casting? Type casting means treating a variable of one type as though it is another type. Q: Describe life cycle of thread? A thread is a execution in a program. The life cycle of a thread include:Newborn state Runnable state Running state Blocked state Dead state 152. What is the difference between the >> and >>> operators? The >> operator carries the sign bit when shifting right. The >>> zero-fills bits that have been shifted out. 153. Which method of the Component class is used to set the position and size of a component? setBounds() method is used for this purpose. 154. What is the range of the short type? The range of the short type is -(2^15) to 2^15 - 1. 155. What is the immediate superclass of Menu? MenuItem class 156. Does Java allow Default Arguments? No, Java does not allow Default Arguments. 157. Which number is denoted by leading zero in java? Octal Numbers are denoted by leading zero in java, example: 06 158. Which number is denoted by leading 0x or 0X in java? Hexadecimal Numbers are denoted by leading 0x or 0X in java, example: 0XF 159. Break statement can be used as labels in Java? Yes, an example can be break one; 160. Where import statement is used in a Java program? Import statement is allowed at the beginning of the program file after package statement. 161. Explain suspend() method under Thread class> It is used to pause or temporarily stop the execution of the thread. 162. Explain isAlive() method under Thread class? It is used to find out whether a thread is still running or not. 163. What is currentThread()? It is a public static method used to obtain a reference to the current thread. 164. Explain main thread under Thread class execution? The main thread is created automatically and it begins to execute immediately when a program starts. It ia thread from which all other child threads originate. 165. Life cycle of an applet includes which steps? Life cycle involves the following steps: Initialization Starting Stopping Destroying Painting 166. Why is the role of init() method under applets? It initializes the applet and is the first method to be called. 167. Which method is called by Applet class to load an image? getImage(URL object, filename) is used for this purpose. 168. Define code as an attribute of Applet? It is used to specify the name of the applet class. 169. Define canvas? It is a simple drawing surface which are used for painting images or to perform other graphical operations. 170. Define Network Programming? It refers to writing programs that execute across multiple devices (computers), in which the devices are all connected to each other using a network. 171. What is a Socket? Sockets provide the communication mechanism between two computers using TCP. A client program creates a socket on its end of the communication and attempts to connect that socket to a server. 172. Advantages of Java Sockets? Sockets are flexible and sufficient. Efficient socket based programming can be easily implemented for general communications. It cause low network traffic. 173. Disadvantages of Java Sockets? Socket based communications allows only to send packets of raw data between applications. Both the client-side and server-side have to provide mechanisms to make the data useful in any way. 174. Which class is used by server applications to obtain a port and listen for client requests? java.net.ServerSocket class is used by server applications to obtain a port and listen for client requests 175. Which class represents the socket that both the client and server use to communicate with each other? java.net.Socket class represents the socket that both the client and server use to communicate with each other. 176. Why Generics are used in Java? Generics provide compile-time type safety that allows programmers to catch invalid types at compile time. Java Generic methods and generic classes enable programmers to specify, with a single method declaration, a set of related methods or, with a single class declaration, a set of related types. 177. What environment variables do I need to set on my machine in order to be able to run Java programs? CLASSPATH and PATH are the two variables. 178. Is there any need to import java.lang package? No, there is no need to import this package. It is by default loaded internally by the JVM. 179. What is Nested top-level class? If a class is declared within a class and specify the static modifier, the compiler treats the class just like any other top-level class. Nested top-level class is an Inner class. 180. What is Externalizable interface? Externalizable is an interface which contains two methods readExternal and writeExternal. These methods give you a control over the serialization mechanism. 181. If System.exit (0); is written at the end of the try block, will the finally block still execute? No in this case the finally block will not execute because when you say System.exit (0); the control immediately goes out of the program, and thus finally never executes. 182. What is daemon thread? Daemon thread is a low priority thread, which runs intermittently in the back ground doing the garbage collection operation for the java runtime system. 183. Which method is used to create the daemon thread? setDaemon method is used to create a daemon thread. 184. Which method must be implemented by all threads? All tasks must implement the run() method 185. What is the GregorianCalendar class? The GregorianCalendar provides support for traditional Western calendars 186. What is the SimpleTimeZone class? The SimpleTimeZone class provides support for a Gregorian calendar . 187. What is the difference between the size and capacity of a Vector? The size is the number of elements actually stored in the vector, while capacity is the maximum number of elements it can store at a given instance of time. 188. Can a vector contain heterogenous objects? Yes a Vector can contain heterogenous objects. Because a Vector stores everything in terms of Object. 189. What is an enumeration? An enumeration is an interface containing methods for accessing the underlying data structure from which the enumeration is obtained. It allows sequential access to all the elements stored in the collection. 190. What is difference between Path and Classpath? Path and Classpath are operating system level environment variales. Path is defines where the system can find the executables(.exe) files and classpath is used to specify the location of .class files. 191. Can a class declared as private be accessed outside it's package? No, it's not possible to accessed outside it's package. 192. What are the restriction imposed on a static method or a static block of code? A static method should not refer to instance variables without creating an instance and cannot use "this" operator to refer the instance. 240. Can an Interface extend another Interface? Yes an Interface can inherit another Interface, for that matter an Interface can extend more than one Interface. 241. Which object oriented Concept is achieved by using overloading and overriding? Polymorphism 242. What is an object's lock and which object's have locks? An object's lock is a mechanism that is used by multiple threads to obtain synchronized access to the object. A thread may execute a synchronized method of an object only after it has acquired the object's lock. 243. What is Downcasting? It is the casting from a general to a more specific type, i.e. casting down the hierarchy. 244. What are order of precedence and associativity and how are they used? Order of precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated in expressions. Associatity determines whether an expression is evaluated left-to-right or right-to-left. 245. If a method is declared as protected, where may the method be accessed? A protected method may only be accessed by classes or interfaces of the same package or by subclasses of the class in which it is declared. 246. What is the difference between inner class and nested class? When a class is defined within a scope of another class, then it becomes inner class. If the access modifier of the inner class is static, then it becomes nested class. 247. What restrictions are placed on method overriding? Overridden methods must have the same name, argument list, and return type. The overriding method may not limit the access of the method it overrides. 248. What is constructor chaining and how is it achieved in Java? A child object constructor always first needs to construct its parent. In Java it is done via an implicit call to the no-args constructor as the first statement. 249. Can a double value be cast to a byte? Yes, a double value can be cast to a byte. 250. How does a try statement determine which catch clause should be used to handle an exception? When an exception is thrown within the body of a try statement, the catch clauses of the try statement are examined in the order in which they appear. The first catch clause that is capable of handling the exception is executed. The remaining catch clauses are ignored. 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Master The Worlds Most Popular Programming Language And Become A Pro Developer From Scratch. Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch What you’ll learn: 103 LecturesUnderstand variables and perform operations with themCreate Arrays to store dataCreate multidimensional arrays to store dataGet the input from the userCreate and manipulate files on the systemUse text input and output to store dataUse binary input and output to store dataUnderstand Object Orient Programming principals in depthUse abstract classes and interfaces to model your classesHandle exceptionsUse Java GUI API to create user interfaces for your Java programsUse the collections framework to store your dataUse multithreading to make your program execute multiple tasks at the same timeConnect you program to a database, store and fetch dataUse Java servlets to create dynamic web contentUse Java server pages to create dynamic web contentUse Java Server Faces to create dynamic web content Requirements: Eclipse and Netbeans(We will download both in the first video) Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch Description: Over 4400 Enrolled Students Are Already Learning Java, Enroll Now And Start Learning Today Join me on this fantastic journey where we are going to explore Java from ground up. If you never coded before and want to learn Java this is a perfect course for you. We are going to start from basics so that you will feel comfortable writing your own code. This course assumes no previous experience and takes you from beginner concepts like variables, functions and classes and then goes into more detail while we explore advanced Java concepts. We are also going to learn Object Oriented Programming principles which will help you learn any other programming language after you have mastered Java in this course!! I have also added challenging task for you to complete and test your knowledge which is going to bring you from a complete beginner to an experienced developer comfortable writing any program in Java. You will also benefit from my quick response (I check Udemy forums every day if some student has encountered a problem) and you will also get assistance from the other students taking the course. If you are a complete beginner join now and master the worlds most popular programming language, on the other hand if you are a developer already, then it will not hurt you to add one more powerful programming language at your disposal!! Topics Covered Variables Loops Conditionals Classes Objects Methods Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Inheritance Polymorphism Abstract Classes Interfaces Handling Exceptions Creating Files Text Input / Output Binary Input / Output Java Graphical User Interface Collections Multithreading Java Database Programming Java Servlets Java Server Pages Java Server Faces Enroll Now You Will Not Be Disappointed!! Who this course is for: Complete Beginners Students with programming experience who want to learn Java Who is the target audience? Complete BeginnersStudents with programming experience who want to learn Java Course content of Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch: Total Lecture:81 How To Study This Course Downloading and setting up our environments Variables Numeric operations and String concatenation Augmented Assignment Operators and Increment and Decrement Operators Getting Input from the user Displaying Current time Assignment The if statement Nested If-else statements Switch statement Logical Operators Using if-else statement to controll the input from the user Conditional Expressions Loops Nested Loops Using loops to controll the user input Assignment Classes Constructors with parameters Methods Static, final and scope of a variable Visibility Modifiers Data encapsulation Passing objects to methods Assignment Introducing arrays Processing arrays For each loop Arrays and methods The Arrays class Multidimensional arrays Assignment Inheritance Super, overriding and overloading The Object class Primitive and Reference variables The equals method The protected modifier and preventing Extending and Overriding Assignment Abstract Classes Interfaces Assignment Exceptions Getting information from exceptions and throwing our own exceptions The finally clause The File class Writing and reading data Reading data from the web Assignment FileInputStream and FileOutputStream DataInputStream and DataOutputStream BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream RandomAccessFile class Assignment JFrame Adding a button to our JFrame Layout Managers Using JPanel as a subcontainer Helper Classes Image Icons Other components Listeners and Inner classes Alternative ways to create listeners Mouse Listeners and Mouse Adapters The Timer class Simple Login App More GUI Components Processing JComboBox and JList JScrollBar and JSlider CardLayout, BoxLayout and Box JTabbedPane Menus Dialogs JColorChooser and JFileChooser Assignment ArrayList and LinkedList Stacks, Vectors, Sets and Maps Note About Collections 6 more sections Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch course Read the full article
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🃏Tarot Tutorial Tuesday video posted to my YouTube channel (Link in bio) 👀 Sample Spreads: the "motives of others" & "situation" spread (which is like a modified version of the Celtic cross). ✨When I was editing, I noticed an orb floating through the shot at the beginning of the video, which was pretty cool. 👍🏼#tarot #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotforecast #tarotreadersofinstagram #taro #tarotreading #oracle #oraclecards #oraclecardreading #psychicreading #tarottuesday #tarottutorials #tarottutor #tarottutorialtuesday #sungoddessashley #sungoddess #youtubechannel #youtube #youtuber #youtubevideo #video #videos #sample #astrology #cardreading #cardlayout
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javatutorialcorner · 7 years
Design Patterns - Strategy Pattern
Strategy Pattern
Use strategy when you need to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it. Related patterns include State, Flyweight, Decorator, Composite.
Where to use
•When you need to use one of several algorithms dynamically. •When you want to configure a class with one of many related classes (behaviors). •When an algorithm uses data that clients shouldn't know about.
•Reduces multiple conditional statements in a client. •Hides complex, algorithmic-specific data from the client. •Provides an alternative to subclassing. •Can be used to hide data that an algorithm uses that clients shouldn't know about.
•Clients must be aware of different strategies. A client must understand how strategies differ before it can select the appropriate one. •Increases the number of objects in an application.
Strategy Pattern Class Diagram
In the class-diagram above: •The Strategy interface defines the behavior that is common to all the concrete implementations. •The ConcreteStrategy encapsulates an implementation of a specific algorithm or behavior that is defined through the Strategy interface. •The Context provides certain services that is defined by the Strategy interface and implemented by different ConcreteStrategy classes depending on behavior.
Strategy Pattern Example
This example uses sorting algorithms. Two sorting algorithms (Bubble sort and Quick sort) are implemented and the client can select either of the algorithms. The SortInterface describes what the algorithms must be able to do, sort(). The classes QuickSort and BubbleSort both implements the SortInterface and each have their own algorithm for sorting. SortingContext maintains a reference to a Strategy object and forwards client requests to the strategy. SortingClient set the concrete strategy in the context and invokes the context to run the algorithm.
public interface SortInterface { public void sort(double[] list); } public class QuickSort implements SortInterface { public void sort(double[] u) { sort(u, 0, u.length - 1); } private void sort(double[] a, int left, int right) { if (right <= left) return; int i = part(a, left, right); sort(a, left, i-1); sort(a, i+1, right); } private int part(double[] a, int left, int right) { int i = left; int j = right; while (true) { while (a[i]< a[right]) i++; while (smaller(a[right], a[--j])) if (j == left) break; if (i >= j) break; swap(a, i, j); } swap(a, i, right); return i; } private boolean smaller(double x, double y) { return (x < y); } private void swap(double[] a, int i, int j) { double swap = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = swap; } } public class BubbleSort implements SortInterface { public void sort(double[] list) { //Bubblesort algorithm here } } public class SortingContext { private SortInterface sorter = null; public void sortDouble(double[] list) { sorter.sort(list); } public SortInterface getSorter() { return sorter; } public void setSorter(SortInterface sorter) { this.sorter = sorter; } } public class SortingClient { public static void main(String[] args) { double[] list = {1,2.4,7.9,3.2,1.2,0.2,10.2, 22.5,19.6,14,12,16,17}; SortingContext context = new SortingContext(); context.setSorter(new QuickSort()); context.sortDouble(list); for(int i =0; i< list.length; i++) { System.out.println(list[i]); } } }
When SortingClient is executed the result is:
c:>0.2 c:>1.0 c:>1.2 c:>2.4 c:>3.2 c:>7.9 c:>10.2 c:>12.0 c:>14.0 c:>16.0 c:>17.0 c:>19.6 c:>22.5
Strategy Pattern Usage Example
The strategy pattern is used in the implementation of the LayoutManager in Java. The LayoutManager can be configured to work with different layout objects, such as FlowLayout, CardLayout, GridLayout, etc. These classes encapsulate the actual algorithms for laying out visual components that the LayoutManager uses to render the interface on the screen. By changing the Layout (algorithm) we can dynamically change how the interface is rendered.
from Java Tutorials Corner http://ift.tt/2woelM2 via IFTTT
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xpresslearn · 8 years
80% off #Projects in Java – $10
Master Java Programming Building Ten Projects
All Levels,  –   Video: 7.5 hours,  47 lectures 
Average rating 3.7/5 (3.7)
Course requirements:
Basic Knowledge of Java
Course description:
Java is the world most popular language and it powers billions of devices and systems worldwide. It is one of the most sought after programming skill and provide ample jobs and freelance opportunities. We bring together best of Java training with our unique offering where you will learn the most of the popular java APIs building ten assorted projects. It will help you learn the correct use of Java API along with best development practices.
Project 1: Media Player
Objectives: Create a media player using JavaFX with Sliders and JavaFX menus. The media player will be able to play audio files and video. Sliders will control the position in the media and the level of the volume.
Project 2: Game
Objectives: Manipulate Images with user input and collisions. Threads will be used to update image positions to create animation. KeyListeners will be used to update a position of a piece in the game.
Project 3: Messenger
Objectives: Create GUI using swing objects and use Java dot net to pass messages to and from clients. A server will run waiting for messages from clients. Users can login with a client by choosing a username. The server will send login and logout prompts to all logged in users.
Project 4: Database Explorer
Objectives: Continue to use Swing objects to create GUIs. Use MySQL drivers to connect and execute queries on a database. Information retrieved will be stored and displayed in JTable.
Project 5: Akka
Objectives: Use Akka to create a workload distribution system using Actors. An Actor System will create actors to process a range of numbers to check for primes. Akka will be used to utilize system resources more effectively.
Project 6: TextEditor
Objectives: Open and save files using a GUI. A CardLayout will be used to switch between the menus. User passwords will be encrypted and then stored. When a user logs in the input password will be encrypted and checked against the stored password.
Project 7: Servlets
Objectives: Create servlets to convert the TextEditor project into an applet. Servlets will work to save and read information from server. The servlets will also verify a user’s login information and create a session. An apache server will be setup to host the applet and a Tomcat server will host the servlets.
Project 8: Maven Projects
Objectives: Convert existing projects into Maven projects to handle dependencies easier. Create a local repository and create an Archetype to start a new project. The local repository will store a private project to be a dependency for another project.
Project 9: Camera
Objectives: Use OpenCV to access camera devices on the pc. Save screenshot to a file. Use OpenCV classifiers to enable face detections.
Project 10: Website Parser
Objectives: Use Jsoup to parse elements from a website. Different elements will be stored in tabbed panes and have clickable urls that will launch a browser.
Full details Learn Java Programming Master Java APIs Learn proper development practices Build Projects using java Java Programmers Developers who want to learn Java programming
“Its not clear how to instructor created the files to the left !! extremely dissatified” (Graduate Student Shreyas Ramnath)
“So far so good. Although I had some problems installing JavaFx for Eclipse.” (Raquel Redondo)
“Some of the best ideas come to life…” (Tomer Bar-Shlomo)
    About Instructor:
Eduonix Learning Solutions
Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. Our team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. We aim to teach technology the way it is used in industry and professional world. We have professional team of trainers for technologies ranging from Mobility, Web to Enterprise and Database and Server Administration.
Instructor Other Courses:
RactiveJS Fundamentals for Web Developers Learn Reactivex From Ground Up Learn Redis from Scratch RactiveJS Fundamentals for Web Developers Learn to build apps using Neo4j Learn To Build A Professional Converter App In IOS …………………………………………………………… Eduonix Learning Solutions coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Projects in Java Projects in Java course coupon Projects in Java coupon Eduonix-Tech coupons
The post 80% off #Projects in Java – $10 appeared first on Udemy Cupón.
from http://www.xpresslearn.com/udemy/coupon/80-off-projects-in-java-10/
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lesterwilliams1 · 8 years
80% off #Projects in Java – $10
Master Java Programming Building Ten Projects
All Levels,  –   Video: 7.5 hours,  47 lectures 
Average rating 3.7/5 (3.7)
Course requirements:
Basic Knowledge of Java
Course description:
Java is the world most popular language and it powers billions of devices and systems worldwide. It is one of the most sought after programming skill and provide ample jobs and freelance opportunities. We bring together best of Java training with our unique offering where you will learn the most of the popular java APIs building ten assorted projects. It will help you learn the correct use of Java API along with best development practices.
Project 1: Media Player
Objectives: Create a media player using JavaFX with Sliders and JavaFX menus. The media player will be able to play audio files and video. Sliders will control the position in the media and the level of the volume.
Project 2: Game
Objectives: Manipulate Images with user input and collisions. Threads will be used to update image positions to create animation. KeyListeners will be used to update a position of a piece in the game.
Project 3: Messenger
Objectives: Create GUI using swing objects and use Java dot net to pass messages to and from clients. A server will run waiting for messages from clients. Users can login with a client by choosing a username. The server will send login and logout prompts to all logged in users.
Project 4: Database Explorer
Objectives: Continue to use Swing objects to create GUIs. Use MySQL drivers to connect and execute queries on a database. Information retrieved will be stored and displayed in JTable.
Project 5: Akka
Objectives: Use Akka to create a workload distribution system using Actors. An Actor System will create actors to process a range of numbers to check for primes. Akka will be used to utilize system resources more effectively.
Project 6: TextEditor
Objectives: Open and save files using a GUI. A CardLayout will be used to switch between the menus. User passwords will be encrypted and then stored. When a user logs in the input password will be encrypted and checked against the stored password.
Project 7: Servlets
Objectives: Create servlets to convert the TextEditor project into an applet. Servlets will work to save and read information from server. The servlets will also verify a user’s login information and create a session. An apache server will be setup to host the applet and a Tomcat server will host the servlets.
Project 8: Maven Projects
Objectives: Convert existing projects into Maven projects to handle dependencies easier. Create a local repository and create an Archetype to start a new project. The local repository will store a private project to be a dependency for another project.
Project 9: Camera
Objectives: Use OpenCV to access camera devices on the pc. Save screenshot to a file. Use OpenCV classifiers to enable face detections.
Project 10: Website Parser
Objectives: Use Jsoup to parse elements from a website. Different elements will be stored in tabbed panes and have clickable urls that will launch a browser.
Full details Learn Java Programming Master Java APIs Learn proper development practices Build Projects using java Java Programmers Developers who want to learn Java programming
“Its not clear how to instructor created the files to the left !! extremely dissatified” (Graduate Student Shreyas Ramnath)
“So far so good. Although I had some problems installing JavaFx for Eclipse.” (Raquel Redondo)
“Some of the best ideas come to life…” (Tomer Bar-Shlomo)
    About Instructor:
Eduonix Learning Solutions
Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. Our team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. We aim to teach technology the way it is used in industry and professional world. We have professional team of trainers for technologies ranging from Mobility, Web to Enterprise and Database and Server Administration.
Instructor Other Courses:
RactiveJS Fundamentals for Web Developers Learn Reactivex From Ground Up Learn Redis from Scratch RactiveJS Fundamentals for Web Developers Learn to build apps using Neo4j Learn To Build A Professional Converter App In IOS …………………………………………………………… Eduonix Learning Solutions coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Projects in Java Projects in Java course coupon Projects in Java coupon Eduonix-Tech coupons
The post 80% off #Projects in Java – $10 appeared first on Udemy Cupón.
from Udemy Cupón http://www.xpresslearn.com/udemy/coupon/80-off-projects-in-java-10/
from https://xpresslearn.wordpress.com/2017/02/13/80-off-projects-in-java-10/
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
80% off #Projects in Java – $10
Master Java Programming Building Ten Projects
All Levels,  – 7.5 hours,  47 lectures 
Average rating 3.7/5 (3.7 (98 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Basic Knowledge of Java
Course description:
Java is the world most popular language and it powers billions of devices and systems worldwide. It is one of the most sought after programming skill and provide ample jobs and freelance opportunities. We bring together best of Java training with our unique offering where you will learn the most of the popular java APIs building ten assorted projects. It will help you learn the correct use of Java API along with best development practices.
Project 1: Media Player
Objectives: Create a media player using JavaFX with Sliders and JavaFX menus. The media player will be able to play audio files and video. Sliders will control the position in the media and the level of the volume.
Project 2: Game
Objectives: Manipulate Images with user input and collisions. Threads will be used to update image positions to create animation. KeyListeners will be used to update a position of a piece in the game.
Project 3: Messenger
Objectives: Create GUI using swing objects and use Java dot net to pass messages to and from clients. A server will run waiting for messages from clients. Users can login with a client by choosing a username. The server will send login and logout prompts to all logged in users.
Project 4: Database Explorer
Objectives: Continue to use Swing objects to create GUIs. Use MySQL drivers to connect and execute queries on a database. Information retrieved will be stored and displayed in JTable.
Project 5: Akka
Objectives: Use Akka to create a workload distribution system using Actors. An Actor System will create actors to process a range of numbers to check for primes. Akka will be used to utilize system resources more effectively.
Project 6: TextEditor
Objectives: Open and save files using a GUI. A CardLayout will be used to switch between the menus. User passwords will be encrypted and then stored. When a user logs in the input password will be encrypted and checked against the stored password.
Project 7: Servlets
Objectives: Create servlets to convert the TextEditor project into an applet. Servlets will work to save and read information from server. The servlets will also verify a user’s login information and create a session. An apache server will be setup to host the applet and a Tomcat server will host the servlets.
Project 8: Maven Projects
Objectives: Convert existing projects into Maven projects to handle dependencies easier. Create a local repository and create an Archetype to start a new project. The local repository will store a private project to be a dependency for another project.
Project 9: Camera
Objectives: Use OpenCV to access camera devices on the pc. Save screenshot to a file. Use OpenCV classifiers to enable face detections.
Project 10: Website Parser
Objectives: Use Jsoup to parse elements from a website. Different elements will be stored in tabbed panes and have clickable urls that will launch a browser.
Full details Learn Java Programming Master Java APIs Learn proper development practices Build Projects using java Java Programmers Developers who want to learn Java programming
“not too much explanation of code” (Anupama K)
“Some of the best ideas come to life…” (Tomer Bar-Shlomo)
“Not good, merely no explanation most of the tutorial time. No project plan, no distinction of project lifecycle. Enchances bad coding practises(e.g no package creation, rarely using access modifiers). Bad investement” (Ignatios Glinos)
  About Instructor:
Eduonix Learning Soultions Eduonix-Tech .
Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. Our team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. We aim to teach technology the way it is used in industry and professional world. We have professional team of trainers for technologies ranging from Mobility, Web to Enterprise and Database and Server Administration.
Instructor Other Courses:
Projects In ReactJS – The Complete React Learning Course Eduonix Learning Soultions, 1+ Million Students Worldwide | 200+ Courses (16) $10 $40 Implementing and Managing Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 Eduonix Learning Soultions, 1+ Million Students Worldwide | 200+ Courses (1) $10 $20 Learn to build an Auth0 App using Angular 2 Youtube: Beginners Guide To A Successful Channel Learn To Build A Google Map App Using Angular 2 Learn Web Development Using VueJS …………………………………………………………… Eduonix Learning Soultions Eduonix-Tech . coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Projects in Java Projects in Java course coupon Projects in Java coupon coupons
The post 80% off #Projects in Java – $10 appeared first on Udemy Cupón/ Udemy Coupon/.
from Udemy Cupón/ Udemy Coupon/ http://coursetag.com/udemy/coupon/80-off-projects-in-java-10/ from Course Tag https://coursetagcom.tumblr.com/post/156940392808
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP Ext JS Interview Questions and Answers
Ext JS Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. What is Ext Js? Ext JS stands for extended JavaScript. It is a JavaScript framework to develop rich UI web based desktop applications. 2. Why did you choose Ext JS? The overall design of extjs is exemplary.One can learn a lot from it’s unified architecture – no matter which language one is programming in. Extjs requires you to start with one of their base classes – ensuring a consitent model. Consistency is extremely important for the library to be reusable. Extjs documentation seems to be very comprehensive and well maintained. key aspect of the EXTJS Library is the cross-browser support. Build rich Internet applications with Ext JS Ext JS framework is the multitude of rich UI elements provided. These elements include forms, dialog boxes, tabs, trees, and grids. The Ext JS framework includes support for Ajax implementations. Ext JS integration with other Web server frameworks. Ext JS framework development into several popular integrated development environments (IDEs), including Eclipse, Aptana, and Komodo. Ext JS provides excellent performance.The framework is fully object oriented and extensible. Because it’s written in the JavaScript language 3. What are major Web browsers supported by Ext JS framework? Windows® Internet Explorer® version 6 and later. Mozilla Firefox version 1.5 and later (PC and Macintosh). Apple Safari version 2 and later. Opera version 9 and later (PC and Mac). 4. Integration of Web development server-side frameworks with Ext JS? You can use Ext JS with other common Web development server-side frameworks, including PHP, the Java™ language, Microsoft® .NET, Ruby on Rails, and ColdFusion. 5. Where Extjs extended from ? Ext JS as a project to extend the functionality that the YUI Library.A key aspect of the YUI Library is the cross-browser support.The Extjs framework is fully object oriented and extensible. Because it’s written in the JavaScript language. 6. Extjs Ajax implementation? A typical Ext JS Ajax implementation: an HTML text field and button element that posts data in the text field to a Web server when the button is clicked. 7.Do you have any advice for developers using Ext for the first time? Ext can be used by Web Application developers who are familiar with HTML but may have little or no experience with JavaScript application development. If you are starting to build a new web application, or you are revamping an existing application, then take your time to understand the basics of the library including. 8. How to access Dom element using EXTJS? The Element API is fundamental to the entire Ext library. Using traditional Javascript, selecting a DOM node by ID is done like this: var myDiv = document.getElementById(‘myDiv’); Using Extjs: Ext.onReady(function() { var myDiv = Ext.get(‘myDiv’); }); 9. what is the purpose of Element Object in Extjs? Element wraps most of the DOM methods and properties that you’ll need, providing a convenient, unified, cross-browser DOM interface (and you can still get direct access to the underlying DOM node when you need it via Element.dom) The Element.get() method provides internal caching, so multiple calls to retrieve the same object are incredibly fast The most common actions performed on DOM nodes are built into direct, cross-browser Element methods (add/remove CSS classes, add/remove event handlers, positioning, sizing, animation, drag/drop, etc.) 10. what is syntax for Ext js Button click event? Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.get(‘myButton’).on(‘click’, function(){ alert(“You clicked the button”); }); }); ulating it. 11. what is use of Ext.onReady() function ? Ext.onReady is probably the first method that you’ll use on every page. This method is automatically called once the DOM is fully loaded, guaranteeing that any page elements that you may want to reference will be available when the script runs syntax: Ext.onReady(function() { alert(“Congratulations! You have Ext configured correctly!”); }); 12. For example, to show our message when any paragraph in our test page is clicked, what is the extjs code on paragraph click? Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.select(‘p’).on(‘click’, function() { alert(“You clicked a paragraph”); }); }); or Ext.onReady(function() { var paragraphClicked = function() { alert(“You clicked a paragraph”); } Ext.select(‘p’).on(‘click’, paragraphClicked); }); 13. List out the extjs library files to include in JSP page? ext-base.js ext-all-debug.js or ext-all.js ext-all.css base.css or examples.css 14. List out the css file required to apply Extjs Theme property? xtheme-gray.css ext-all.css 15. what is purpose of MessageBox? MessageBox is asynchronous. MessageBox call, which demonstrates the readable message to user. MessageBox used for multiple purpose like Ext.Msg.alert() Ext.Msg.prompt() Ext.Msg.show({}); Ext.Msg.wait(); 16. write syntax for MessageBox show() method? Ext.MessageBox.show({ title: ‘Paragraph Clicked’, msg: ‘User clicked on Paragraph’, width:400, buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, animEl: paragraph }); 17. what is method to Update the message box body text for MessageBox? updateText( ) : Ext.MessageBox 18. what is a widget? A widget is a tiny piece or component of functionality. 19.what is parent class for all stores in extjs? how many stores exists? Ext.data.Store is parent class for all stores. A Store object uses its configured implementation of DataProxy to access a data object unless you call loadData directly and pass in your data. subclasses for Store: GroupingStore, JsonStore, SimpleStore 20. How to handle event for a extjs component? using listeners config object. For ex for grid events : listeners: {rowclick: gridRowClickHandler,rowdblclick: gridRowDoubleClickHandler} using addListener( String eventName, Function handler, , ) : void Appends an event handler to this component using on( String eventName, Function handler, , ) : void Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) For ex: store.on( “datachanged”, function( store ){ ….. }); 21. How to find no of records in a store? using store.getCount() : Gets the number of cached records. store.getTotalCount() : Gets the total number of records in the dataset as returned by the server. 22. How to handle exception while loading datastore? using loadexception event. syntax: store.loadexception() : Fires if an exception occurs in the Proxy during loading. use beforeload : ( Store this, Object options ) : Fires before a request is made for a new data object. If the beforeload handler returns false the load action will be canceled. syntax: store.on(‘loadexception’, function(event, options, response, error) { alert(“Handling the error”); event.stopEvent(); }); 23. how to handle updates for store changes? use store.commitChanges() 24. what is the purpose of each() in store? Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache each( Function fn, ) 25. how to get modified records using store object? store.getModifiedRecords() : Gets all records modified since the last commit. 26. how to get record using index? store.getAt( Number index ) : Get the Record at the specified index. 27. how to get record using id? store.getById( String id ) : Get the Record with the specified id. 28. what is the purpose of load() in store? store.load() : returns boolean Loads the Record cache from the configured Proxy using the configured Reader. For remote data sources, loading is asynchronous, and this call will return before the new data has been loaded. store.load({callback: fnCheckData, scope: this}); 29. what is purpose of loadData() in store? store.loadData( Object data, ) : void Loads data from a passed data block and fires the load event. loadData(storeData,false); False to replace the existing records cache. loadData(storeData,true) : True to append the new Records rather than replace the existing cache. 30. How many types of layout managers exist in extjs?what are they? Layouts fall under this package Ext.layout.* Types of layouts: Absolute Layout: This is a simple layout style that allows you to position items within a container using CSS-style absolute positioning via XY coordinates. Accordion Layout: Displays one panel at a time in a stacked layout. No special config properties are required other than the layout. All panels added to the container will be converted to accordion panels. AnchorLayout: This type of layout is most commonly seen within FormPanels (or any container with a FormLayout) where fields are sized relative to the container without hard-coding their dimensions. BorderLayout: Border layouts can be nested with just about any level of complexity that you might need. Every border layout must at least have a center region. All other regions are optional. CardLayout (TabPanel): The TabPanel component is an excellent example of a sophisticated card layout. Each tab is just a panel managed by the card layout such that only one is visible at a time CardLayout (Wizard): You can use a CardLayout to create your own custom wizard-style screen. FitLayout: A very simple layout that simply fills the container with a single panel. FormLayout: FormLayout has specific logic to deal with form fields, labels, etc.FormLayout in a standard panel, ColumnLayout: This is a useful layout style when you need multiple columns that can have varying content height.Any fixed-width column widths are calculated first, then any percentage-width columns specified using the columnWidth config TableLayout: Outputs a standard HTML table as the layout container.you want to allow the contents to flow naturally based on standard browser table layout rules. data, plus manip 31. How we can apply pagination in grid panel ? using Ext.PagingToolbar plugin, we can implement pagination to a grid panel syntax: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize: 25, store: store, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: ‘Displaying topics {0} – {1} of {2}’, emptyMsg: “No topics to display”, }) // trigger the data store load store.load({params:{start:0, limit:25}}); 32. what is xtype? The xtype will be looked up at render time up to determine what type of child Component like TextField, NumberField etc to create. i,e xtype = Class ———————- button = Ext.Button textfield = Ext.form.TextField radio – Ext.form.Radio grid = Ext.grid.GridPanel combo = Ext.form.Combobox toolbar = Ext.Toolbar 33. what is vtype? The validations provided are basic and intended to be easily customizable and extended. Few vtypes provided by extjs are as below: emailText : String, The error text to display when the email validation function returns false alphanumText : String, The error text to display when the alphanumeric validation function returns false urlText : String, The error text to display when the url validation function returns false 34.Why we need javascript Library? Javascript is an awesome language. It’s super flexible.Browsers are the modern UI paradigm. The javascript Libraries now must provide a rich set of UI Widgets. javascript libraries: JQuery Qooxdoo Dojo Prototype.js mootools extjs 35.how to get record object from store: var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); 36. purpose of Load mask? To apply mask to page level / component level. restrict user not to access any components in page var pageProcessBox = new Ext.LoadMask( Ext.getBody(), { msg: ‘Loading Employee details.’ } ); pageProcessBox.show(); 37. purpose of renderer in grid panel? using config option, renderer: fnCellColor where fnCellColor is method to apply color to a cell. 38. how to get selection model used in a grid panel? using grid.getSelectionModel(); method 39. how to stop editing a record? newRecord.endEdit(); 40. how to start editing a record? newRecord.beginEdit(); 41. how to commit a record modification? newRecord.commit(); 42. what is use of combo select event function? To get the selected value from a combo.using getvalue(); var selectedComboValue = mycombo1.getValue(); 43. how to get a value of textfield or combo box? using getvalue(); var selectedValue = mytextfield.getValue(); 44. how to apply css on select of combo box? using config option as emptyClass : ’emptycss’, where emptycss is a css classname 45. what are components required for grid panel? store, columnmodel, id, width,height 46. how to disable menu option for header in columnModel? using menuDisabled: true 47. how to hide the column in grid panel? using hidden : true 48. How to register callbacks to the load and exception events of the JsonStore? var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: new Ext.data.JsonStore({ listeners: { load: this.onLoadSuccess.crateDelegate(this), exception: this.onLoadException.createDelegate(this) } }), onLoadSuccess: function () { // success }, onLoadException: function () { // error }, } 49. extjs decode() ? var json = Ext.decode(response.responseText); Ext.Msg.alert(‘Error’, json.error); 50. Extjs Vs jQuery: ExtJs and JQuery are kind of apples and oranges. You can compare Ext Core to JQuery, and ExtJs to JQuery UI. Ext JS is a full-fledged widget library while jQuery (not jQuery UI) and Mootools are JavaScript frameworks that help with DOM manipulation etc. Whilst jQuery and Mootools help with the general workings of a site. jQuery UI is a much less rich set of components. Ext JS seems to be focussed on tables and storing Ext JS Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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creativepig-blog · 8 years
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Let us study some User Interface trends in the industry and understands the need to have a modish design and that a trendy design is preferred over the come-and-go UI trends.
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I just uploaded the Tarot Tutorial Tuesday video to my #youtube channel #sungoddessashley 📱💻🔮🃏🙌🏼#taro #tarot #tarotdeck #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclereader #psychic #psychicreading #intuition #intuitive #intuitivereading #youtuber #youtubevideo #youtubechannel #tarottuesday #tarottutorials #tarottutorialtuesday #learntarot #samplespread #cardspread #cardlayout #tuesdaytarot #tuesdaytarot #sungoddess #🔮 #🃏 (at Los Angeles, California)
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