little-svt · 1 year
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GENDERNEUTRAL | FLUFF | mentions of alcohol
Wc: 836
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Seungkwan knew it was time to pack up with the way you were giggling sleepily, your head landing on his shoulder or Jihoon’s when you swayed left or right. The first time you’d done it, half the members went silent in horror, waiting for Jihoon’s reaction. A unison sigh of relief filled the room when Jihoon simply reached over and ruffled your hair, leaving your head where it was before knocking back his drink. None of the guys minded when Seungkwan brought you around, in fact, they quite enjoyed it.
“Leaving already??”, Jeonghan complained when Seungkwan started the struggle of putting on your jacket, his bag already ready to go next to him.
“It’s about that time, isn’t it?”, Seungcheol checked his watch, sucking air through his teeth at the time, “Oh, yeah. It’s way past baby’s bedtime.”
“Don’t wanna! Wanna stay, Appa!”, you pouted.
And there it was. Proof it was time to head back. Though you didn’t mind regressing when certain members were around, all of them? And in public? Boo just knew your face would turn scarlet red the moment someone brought it up tomorrow.
“We stayed out long past your bedtime, honey bear. Go around and say your goodbyes so we can head home.”, he pinched your cheek before turning you and sending you around the table.
Seungkwan wasn’t usually so strict, but with himself being intoxicated and nearly as tired as you, he had to make sure he got you home safe and sound more than anything. After saying goodbye, catching a few hugs and kisses from a select few members, Boo took your hand in his and called a taxi.
On the ride home, your arguments now felt silly with how quickly you’d fallen asleep under his arm. Your breath was gentle, but warm. Letting his posture relax, he moved your hair from your face so you could rest peacefully, before his hand returned to your shoulder, thumb rubbing in small movements as he watched you sleep. The city passed quickly in the night, the streetlamps highlighting your short trip home. After tipping and thanking the driver, Seungkwan hitched you up on his back and carried you inside.
“Come on, Baby Boo. Gotta get you ready for bed.”
Much to the boys’ disappointment, after a long evening out drinking with the guys to celebrate their 8-year anniversary, Seungkwan finally stumbled into your apartment with you on his back after refusing round three. Significantly more sober out of the two of you, he’s stuck with the task of getting you both ready for bed. You’ve already begun to fall asleep by the time he got you to the bathroom, your head against his chest and your muscles threatening to drop your full weight wherever it may land at any moment.
Deciding he was also too tired to put you both through the process of showering, he opted for setting you up on the counter and pulling your hair up and out of your face so he could work on removing your makeup and brushing your teeth. Usually, you didn’t put up too much of a fight with the toothbrush, but tonight, half asleep, half regressed, fully drunk, you had a bone to pick with having any objects inserted into your mouth.
“Baby…”, he begged, holding your head straight by your squishy cheeks so he could finish up this nightly activity that neither of you were enjoying. He almost wonders if he should have taken any of his Hyungs’ offers to help.
“Spit”, he pointed to the sink besides you.
Happy to rid your mouth of the frothy sweet paste, you spat and then once more. Without much of a warning, your eyes still closed, a cool, thick liquid was being rubbed over your cheeks and around your face, making you whip your head away and whine.
“Nn!”, you fought further, just wanting to lay your head down on his shoulder and sleep.
“Oh, I know, baby bear. But we have to wash your face.”, he sighed, “You’ll thank me in the morning.”
Finishing up with a soft washcloth, Seungkwan continued with your usual skincare on the floor with your head in his lap. Satisfied, he patted your cheeks with a soft giggle seeing you doze off. With only little adjustments of your limbs, he finishes his own skincare and gets you into your pajamas. He wiped a small strand of drool from your lips and rested your head on his shoulder again so he could lift you in his arms.
“Aishh… Baby Boo, you’re so cute, it shortens my lifespan.”, he huffs, setting you down in bed.
It didn’t take too much work to get you curled up in his arms, a plushie between you and your thumb in your mouth. Once the lights were out and his eyes were closed like yours, Seungkwan hit the shut-off button, crashing with a battery drained past empty. But he’d go as long as he needed to, to take care of his little one.
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🧸Endnote: more Boo yes I know but it’s always Boo hours 😭 he’s just… home. 🥹💖 so have another little short of my fav tangerine puppy boy because I can’t help but write about him 😪 also no reason for this song title other than I like it 😭 ALSO SHOUTOUT TO MY 🎬 ANONIE FOR EDITING 🥰🤭 ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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swee7dream · 2 months
ok i know i'm kind of known as an nct writer but svt lately .................................................. they're aight
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darl-ingfics · 12 days
Sicktember Day 11: ALT - "I didn't mean to wake you up."
Fandom: Seventeen
Sickie: Vernon (stomach flu), Joshua + Dino (regular flu)
Caregiver(s): Joshua, Dino
Word Count: 1,953
As he trudged through the door of the dorm behind the rest of the hip hop unit, Vernon believed he had never truly felt this tired before. The week had been excruciatingly long. Seventeen had been asked to attend a collaboration stage with a handful of other artists on Saturday, which had been derailed when over half of them had gone down with the flu. Or, to put it more specifically, two separate flu viruses that had assaulted them from all sides. No one had thought much of it when Seungcheol had made the decision to send Seokmin home on Monday with a cough and low-grade fever, and still didn’t after lunch when Mingyu barely made it to the trash can before throwing up. It was overwork, exhaustion. Or at least it was until Seungcheol had to run out of the subsequent meeting with their management team to avoid throwing up in the room with them. It was at that point that everyone (members, managers, EVERYONE) realized something bigger was going on, and subsequent tests revealed that, while all three members had the flu, the virus infecting the two rappers was different from the vocalist. 
But that hardly mattered when everyone knew they were in for a rough week.
The group had been picked off one by one until only five healthy members remained on Friday: Jeonghan, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, and Vernon. Their managers considered cancelling their appearance on Saturday, but Jeonghan (acting leader) and Hoshi (actively leading also) had convinced them to just send BSS, since both Soonyoung nor Seungkwan had been spared thus far, and Seokmin, as one of the first to get sick, was starting to turn the corner and argued he’d be healthy enough to get back out there if they pumped him with meds the morning of. They had, of course, been taking measures to keep the last healthy members as germ-free as possible. So their managers reluctantly agreed. But their hopes were ended with Soonyoung throwing up at 2am Saturday morning, and Seungkwan spiking a fever at 7. And because it was too late to back out now, the group chosen to represent Seventeen had been the hip hop team, since neither Seungcheol nor Mingyu had thrown up for 48 hours, and Wonwoo and Vernon hadn’t been sick at all.
The performance had been perfect. There was nothing better than sharing the stage with their colleagues, combining talents and seeing their fans eat up the interactions. 
What was less perfect was the dull throbbing assaulting Vernon’s brain. As each song wore on, it became harder and harder to ignore the pounding in his skull, the pulsing at his temples. He started to feel claustrophobic in his own skin; the sweat pouring down his face, sticking his hair to the nape of his neck, adhering his clothes to his body, was agonizing. 
Even more agonizing was that Vernon immediately knew he was getting sick. There was nothing he could do about it now. Except pray he hadn’t caught the stomach bug. 
Thankfully, the rest of his bandmates didn’t seem to pay much mind to his listless silence on their journey home. Wonwoo was usually quiet after performances, recharging his social battery, and the other two clearly weren’t back to a hundred percent yet, so everyone was mercifully quiet and lost in their own thoughts on the drive back. Vernon certainly appreciated their distraction to hide his own condition, but at the same time, he had nothing to distract him from the growing pressure in his abdomen. But he could, and definitely was, owing that to the placebo effect. 
When they arrived home, they were met by a welcoming party in the living room. 
“Hey superstars!” Jeonghan smiled brightly from his spot on the chair with Chan wrapped around his abdomen, (Vernon didn’t have the energy to figure out how Chan was doing that, but knew that an unwell Chan wanted nothing more than to curl into one chosen hyung’s body and not let go, so he figured physics didn’t apply to him.) Jun waved from one of the couches, but the effect was dimmed since it was only one hand waving from around Minghao’s head, as the younger dancer was slumped against Jun’s left shoulder while Jihoon’s head was pillowed on his right thigh.
At Jeonghan’s words, Soonyoung’s head appeared from the back of the other couch, hair smushed up and face red with the pattern of the throw pillow. “How’d it go?”
Seungcheol chuckled adoringly, rubbing Soonyoung’s cheek. “Fantastic.” The dancer captain nodded contentedly before falling back against the couch. Vernon smiled in spite of the horrible feeling in his gut, moving quickly away from his members to escape into the void of sleep. If he could just fall asleep right now, maybe he could avoid the inevitable. 
As Vernon hurried to his room, his feet automatically stopped outside a closed door. There was only one thing he wanted as much as, if not more than, sleep. Vernon considered the handle carefully, then tapped twice. There was no response. So he pushed it open. The hall light fell on the bed, on a deeply asleep Joshua’s arms already wrapped around Seungkwan. Vernon’s heart sank. Both of them looked so peaceful, yet so obviously ill, so in need of this sleep. Vernon wasn’t selfish enough to take the few steps to awaken his chosen comfort person. He closed the door with the gentlest click possible, and scurried to his own room, rubbing tears out of his eyes with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. 
Vernon had been able to sleep for all of an hour before his body decided enough was enough. He awoke to the worst pressure he’d ever felt in his abdomen, a tangled, cramping pain as if there were a monster writhing beneath his skin. His head was pounding worse than before. His skin was clammy and sweaty and too tight. He was going to throw up. And soon. 
There were no memories between the moment he woke up and the moment he was in the bathroom, emptying the contents of his stomach. In fact, Vernon would very much like to not be present in this moment at all. The churning in his stomach, the horrifying, acidic feeling of bile in his throat, the loss of control, the desire to instantly clean everything… Vernon would rather suffer anything else than vomiting. 
He had no idea how long he’d been in the bathroom, how many times he’d lurched over the toilet, when a hand, ever-so-gentle, was placed on his back, right between his shoulder blades. And, try as he did, Vernon couldn’t stop his muscles from tensing, an automatic, uncontrollable response of ‘get the fuck off me.’ A sign that his body knew exactly what it wanted and would reject anything else. 
And his attempted comforter knew it too. The hand withdrew, only to be replaced by the softest of grips on both of his shoulders as Chan’s voice whispered in his ear, soft as honey: “It’s okay. I’m getting Shua.”
As Chan’s soft footsteps retreated, Vernon hung his head in defeat and felt tears threatening. This was the very last thing he wanted, to be a burden to others. Now he’d likely insulted and hurt Chan by rejecting his help, and Chan was going to wake Joshua, who was also sick and needed his sleep, and the roiling of his stomach had yet to stop, and both Joshua and Chan would probably stay up to take care of him, which was the worst possible outcome in all of this, not to mention how horrific his entire body was feeling at the moment, and…
Vernon’s brain stopped completely when gentle hands wound around his abdomen, and he was enveloped in a cloud-soft hug from behind. The contact, the only thing his body wanted, opened the floodgates that had threatened for the past hour, and he let out an unrestrained sob.
“Oh, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Joshua asked, his grip tightening ever so slightly to calm the sobbing without upsetting the rapper’s fragile stomach. 
“I don’t feel good,” Vernon cried. 
Joshua clicked his tongue. “Oh, Sollie. It’s gonna be okay, baby.” Vernon sobbed again, falling back into Joshua’s arms. “Have you thrown up?” Vernon nodded. Another sympathetic tongue click. “I know you hate that.” One hand left Vernon’s stomach and pushed his hair back from his forehead. The other stayed firmly in place over his abdomen, the warmth already soothing the pain there. Vernon closed his eyes as he nodded again. “Think it’s gonna happen again?” Instead of nodding, Vernon’s face screwed shut with another round of tears, prompting Joshua’s finger to smooth over his cheeks. “Oh, sweetie, I know. I know. It’s gonna be ok-ay…” The elder broke off coughing, leaning away and retracting his hand to bury his face in his sleeve. Vernon whined against his will as Joshua’s fingers left his face, and his eyes swam with new tears, this time with guilt at his selfishness. It was only a moment before the fingers were back in his hair. “Sollie, it’s okay.” 
“I’m sorry…”
“Hey, hey, none of that.” 
“You shouldn’t be here…”
“Honey, please…”
“Hyung, you’re so sick too, I can’t…”
Joshua’s hands cupped Vernon’s face, gentle but firm. “Chwe Hansol, listen to me. It is one in the morning. You are in a heap on the bathroom floor, throwing up, which is something you fear with a burning passion. You need to focus on you. I will be fine. I am going to sit here with you until you are ready to go back to bed, and then I’m gonna stay with you until you fall asleep. Got it?” 
Vernon’s answer was to collapse forward against Joshua, face buried in the older man’s shoulder and arms scrambling for purchase around his waist. Joshua couldn’t wrap his arms back around him fast enough. 
They had been sitting like that, Joshua rocking them back and forth, for an indefinite amount of time when Vernon heard a whispered, “How can I help?” He squirmed enough to see that it was Chan, leaning in the doorway, looking incredibly young. Vernon felt like crying again for rejecting the younger’s help earlier. 
“Can you grab us a water, please?” Joshua replied quietly. “Maybe a damp towel too?”
“Of course.” The younger man sprang forward, pulling a clean wash cloth from the cabinet below the sink and dowsing it with water. He handed the cloth to Joshua before disappearing into the hallway. 
“Okay, love, I need to sit back just a bit, there we go.” The older man pressed the damp cloth to Vernon’s forehead, smoothing the damp material across his overheated skin, cradling both cheeks and the nape of his neck. Vernon’s eyes slipped closed. 
“Thank you, Shua,” he slurred. 
“Anytime, love.” 
Vernon didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep sitting up until he was jostled awake, hands tugging at both of his arms to try and stand him up. He pushed himself to his feet, only stumbling a little bit as his knees shook from sitting on them too long. His supports (Joshua and Chan, of course), wrapped his arms around their shoulders as they led him back to his bed. Vernon crawled under the waiting covers, his entire body sighing with relief at the soft surface of his bed after the cold discomfort of the bathroom floor. He settled further when he felt Chan slide into the bed against his back, Joshua climbing in on his other side. 
This was all he’d wanted. Warm and content, safe with his best friends in the entire world, Vernon let sleep pull him under once more. 
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diorkyeom · 7 months
THE @diorkyeom / @fairyhaos AO3 FIC REC LIST: PART 3
masterlist. part one. part two.
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part three of all the ao3 fics that i've read for seventeen which i've loved, kudosed, and proceeded to download so i'll always have with me! lots of these are fics that have been in my library for a while that i just never got round to reccing, so expect a lot of verkwan in this haha
(list is in order of titles!)
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By Any Other Name - bapilli
verkwan, omegaverse, oneshot
i don't even read omegaverse so idk how i even ended up reading this in the first place but. it's actually sooo so sweet. their dynamic is just sososo gentle and hansol just Likes seungkwan SO MUCH and it's So obvious and it makes me want to sob in my hands a little bit. this fic gets bonus points for its hurt/comfort elements and the gentle reassurance it has.
Give Me A Chance To Be Yours - lillupon
meanie, uni au, pining, chaptered
listen guys. there is So Much stuff in the meanie tag that if i rec a meanie fic, you just know it's the best of the best. the whole best-friends-who-act-like-theyre-dating thing is delicious But add that with oblivious mingyu and pining wonu and a confession not taken seriously and jealousy and you have an absolutely stellar fic. and wow, guess what, that's exactly what this fic is
Green (With Leaves) - kaiteki
soonhoon, plant shop au, chaptered (but short)
no bc why is literally the gentlest, sweetest, fondest soonhoon characterisation ever and why is it so accurate???? i Love dramatic soonyoung and dry humour jihoon and their fun little dynamic put into the loveliest friends to lovers plot ever. y'all know that i prefer strangers/ friends to lovers over e2l for soonhoon any day and this fic does it rly well
i'm all about you - checkyeshoshi
verkwan, football (soccer), chaptered
honestly seungkwan as a firecracker of a football coach is something ive Never thought about before but it also makes so much sense???? and hansol just being The Guy dragged into the team's shenanigans is so adorable and very much him imo. also seungkwan basically just gawking at hansol's muscles the entire time >>>
Insomnia - Mistehri
soonhoon, canon au, ib insomnia zero 1, oneshot
soooo soft and soooo sweet!!! i love little canon fics bc theyre always so self indulgent and i love that for the author. also adorable jihoon who can't sleep without soonyoung?? that's absolutely adorable and i cried a bit bc my heart was Melting at how soft they are
pack off the sunset glow - orphan_account
verkwan, roadtrip, non-idols au, oneshot
*clenches fists* i love these gay little boys so so much. it's so chaotic and fun and you literally can imagine everything that happens here and seungkwan being a dramatic mess as usual makes everything soo so much better
PEACH. - petitseok
seoksoo, non-idols, age regression, twoshot
honestly ive never even read those caregiver + regressor fics before but this one :((( instantly the best one of those types of fics ever like. i don't even know what made me click on it but it's So sweet and devastating and regressor!seok now has my heart bc of course this lovely man with big doe eyes should get to act like a 3 year old every now and then to relax
The Tiger On The Mountain - natigail
soonhoon, magical realism, shapeshifter hoshi, chaptered
hnnghghfh listen. people really underappreciate the potential for hybrid fics and shapeshifter fics that hoshi's tiger agenda brings, but this uses it really well! i love the interleaving of fantasy into Totally Normal Lee Jihoon's life and dude,,, the cliché tropes r all just so good
What's In A Name - thanku4urlove
verkwan, non-idols, fluff, crack, oneshot
seungkwan is so!!! himself!!! in this fic and i literally even have one section of this fic screenshotted bc i screamed about it to my friend since it was such an on-point seungkwan characterisation. also user thanku4urlove literally writes the best verkwan fics. i think i've recced their fics in every list so far
your name is a triangle - universefactory(jaeminjeno)
soonhoon, idolverse, established relationship, oneshot
mild misunderstandings and soft relationships. that's it, that's the fic. soonyoung is Sad and Sulking but jihoon is there to knock some sense into him and all is fine once again :D okay but also the way that the members r just so caring in the fic is vv sweet too
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hoeforboo · 6 months
Little space - SVT
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—————————————————————🚫 ; This story contains NON-SEXUAL AGE PLAY // English ain't my first languages so pardon for the bad grammar
Let's start off with figuring who the caregivers, switches, and littles are. Since seventeen has many dynamics it's kind of debatable on who is who or which is which. Let's start finding out their dynamics.
Jeonghan, Jihoon, Minghao, and Vernon are the caregivers because they either act motherly or is just chill.
Wonwoo, Joshua, Hoshi, Seokmin are switches and most of them has a baby headspace.
Seuncheol, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Chan, and Junhui are the littles because even if they're viewed as the strongest or in their maturity, i know that they want to be babied (argue with the wall!!).
Seungcheol, Chan, and Joshua's main caregivers are Jeonghan and Jihoon. Junhui's main caregiver is Minghao and lastly, Mingyu's main caregivers are both Seokmin and Wonwoo.
But when some switches are also in headspace like seokmin and wonwoo, the main caregivers or the other switches out of headspace are the ones taking care of them. Now let's say that Joshua felt like slipping in his headspace and it's just him and chan home or in the dorms. I reckon that even before slipping Joshua would call or message Jeonghan or the groupchat to alert them which leads to atleast one member to take care of them, may it be a little or switch out of headspace or an caregiver, depending of who'll arrive.
And when in performances or schedules, some of the littles and switches would repress their headspace for so long that the other members would need to force or beg them to slip. All in all, they just love each other so much and would accept whatever their members are or what they feel (i love them)
If you want to see more littlespace (seventeen or kpop in general) send me reqs 🤞🤸 drink water and stay hydrated luvya!
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1-800-dk · 2 years
svt dealing with an overworked s/o
ft ot13
requested? yes
what's your favorite svt song btw? mines 2 minus 1
I despise tagging things so I fr went __ scenarios __ fluff 13 times 😭
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concerned leader cheol activated! he's literally in charge of 12 hooligans so he's seen his fair share of people overworking themselves; so if you were to overwork yourself he's making you rest immediately! he's a caregiver yall. he will take care of you and will make sure you receive so much rest! he doesn't care If you've got a 10 page essay to do he will do it himself to make sure you're not overworking.
pretends to be annoyed at the fact that you've overworked yourself when in reality he's actually concerned. constantly checks to make sure you're okay and reminds you not to overwork yourself!
gentlemen joshua! wants to know why you've not taken any breaks from your work, isn't afraid to tell you to forget working for a few hours because your health is more important than stressing out over some dumb paper you need to get finished. will make you some nice tea!
his love language is what? acts of service you're right! so when he notices you're overworked the first thing he does is run a nice warm scented bubble bath. will sooth you and remind you that it's okay to take breaks every now and then! :,] caregiver number 2 out of the grp
concerned albeit a bit dramatic but concerned! bc wdym his baby has overworked themselves?? why would you do that? he's getting you to rest one way or another. he doesn't care if he has to drag you to some space where you can lay down. you're resting!
hes forcing you to stop everything you're doing in the moment to come lay down with him. under the false premise that he's tired and would really like some cuddles! even if he's not tired he knows you need rest and won't rest on your own so it's fine if he makes you believe he's the one who needs rest right?
knows how important work is and how much you probably value getting things done on time but he also knows that sleep is inevitably more important at the moment and asks you to take a break with him because tbh he's starting to feel overworked too!
can't fathom the thought of his s/o being sick, or overworked. he just can't. he actually gets upset because you just mean the world to him and how can he be sunshine deekay if his main reason for smiling so brightly everyday isn't feeling well :(( he will pout until you rest. please be prepared for the cuddles you will receive
golden retriever bf that's also another caregiver?? bestie he's doing everything he can to help you, he's gna make you a nice meal specifically and use it as an excuse to get you to take a break "hey baby I made a nice extravagant meal I can't eat it by myself please eat with me..." he's gna feel so proud of himself after
will ask you to take a walk with him so you can get some fresh air! doesn't wanna see you overworked at all. he's torn between offering you some caffeine or forcing you to rest. logically he knows you need rest but he also knows how stressful it can feel pausing on something important. but then the boyfriend part in him is like nono you're definitely gonna go nap with me after this walk.
even more dramatic than hoshi is I fear. he's out here acting like you're committing a crime by unintentionally overworking yourself. when is the last time you ate? drank water? pee'd for God's sake. he's got all these questions running through his head and won't hesitate to scold you for not looking after yourself!1! he's like haha please take care of yourself you're so sexy ahahaha
concerned but chill about it. yall vern is so laid-back and chill you wouldn't be able to tell he's concerned at first glance. i don't know why but I'm getting this inkling that he would turn on music and offer to dance with you just to distract your mind from whatever it is you're working on! he wants you to feel well focused when working and isn't going to outright force you to stop working even if he knows you probably need to he will distract you though
hes conflicted; wants you to pause what you're doing to come eat and then nap with him but like vernon he's not gonna force you to do it! he thinks it should be your choice and doesn't wanna upset you by making you stop what you're doing. even if eating and sleeping is important and he knows they're both very important he's still so conflicted. and of course you catch onto that and so to save him from torturing himself with his thoughts you do go eat and nap with him which IN return makes for a smiley happy dino
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wongki · 3 years
Pair Monsta X, Seventeen, Sf9, Ateez and Wonho with your mutuals based on personality <3
first of all anon mx, svt, sf9, ateez, AND wonho. that's a lot of people i don't know if i have enough mutuals for this svt alone is 13 people 😭 but okay let’s go.
this is gonna be based on vibes??? idk it just makes sense to me. lol also i just grouped people together and called it a day. 😅 this is all in good fun. 
seonghwa, kihyun, seungkwan (the caregivers) & @kihyunsgf, @im-a-special-bebe
the let’s have a meal together friend. it really does take a lot to really want to have a meal with someone for reasons of insecurity and such but with them you can trust that you’ll enjoy one together peacefully. 
shownu, youngbin (the protectors) @softhyungkyun, @honey-and-strawberry
the “i’m not a fighter but i will fight in your honor friend”. tends to be kind but do not mess with their loved ones. 
mingi, dk, joohoney (the affectionate) & @kyunsies, @taeminsstars
speaks for itself really. friends who wear their heart on their sleeve but also don’t. the i’ll take care of you both quietly and loudly depending on the day. 
chani, i.m, vernon (the wise) &  @playitcool,  @lsimu
you could trust them to give you good advice i think. also smart. life skills? check. probably. and if not well fake it till you make it!
wonho, wooyoung (the playful) & @soonkwans
silly in a way where you can joke around. the let’s have a picnic in the park friend. 
joshua, hwiyoung, yeosang (the royalty) & @kimsmingyu,  @wonheons,
beautiful and all it’s adjectives really. it almost feels wrong to look at them for too long. 
hongjoong, minhyuk, the8 (the artists) & @theleeminhyuk, @wonkwans
as the name says, artists. talented people who can bring their ideas into this world in the form of beautiful creations. 
san, taeyang, dino (the graceful) & @talkingtomp3, @dashingwishes,
beautiful and light and worthy of being in a museum. 
s.coups, rowoon (the knight) & @dongsungs-bitch, @hyunubear
strong and warrior type. i’d break my back for them but they might beat me to the punch and if they do i have never been worthy. they’re too great.
jun, yunho, mingyu (the healer) & @0x1-lovely, @a-drawingpanda
they’re kind and sweet. the type that if you had a bad day you can turn to them for comfort. 
hoshi, inseong (the star) & @wabisaba, @soonhoonsol
literally shines brightly. they are just people you can’t help but admire them and everything they do. 
hyungwon, wonwoo, zuho (the deadly) & @xxcaribbean ,  @kidcozyboi
by deadly i mean by looks. like they’re so beautiful it hurts but also don’t cross them cause if looks could kill...well good luck. 
dawon, jeonghan, jaeyoon (the joker) & @nzt127, @onedirecton, 
we have playful already but the jokers are a different. here to have a good time and hope you join if not then that’s okay. they’re here for themselves and that is admirable. 
woozi, jongho (the king) & @wonhos-fabuloso
i know we have royalty of up there already but while the royalty is something beautiful almost unattainable the king is handsome, powerful and strong. one must clear the path for a power this great. 
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kpopsickies · 3 years
A very soft, short verkwan drabble
I love this ship
Sickie: Vernon
Caregiver: Seungkwan
Pairing: Verkwan (of course)
Seungkwan p.o.v
¨Has anyone seen Hansol?¨ I asked walking into the kitchen. We were supposed to go on a date, but he didn't show up and I was honestly hurt.
¨I think I saw him up in his room¨ Jihoon hyung said back, scrolling on his phone.
¨five, maybe ten minutes ago¨
¨thanks hyung¨ I called running off. 
Trying to keep my annoyance in check I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked again, with the same result. ¨Hansol?¨ I said pushing the door open. Once the door was fully open I saw him curled up in his bed. ¨Sol, you awake.¨ I asked softly, although I was irritated by him being late for our date I was a bit concerned as to why he was still in bed. I gently shook his shoulder. He stirred a bit,  ¨yeah, mwake¨ he mumbled rubbing his hands over his whole face, giving a soft cough as he did so. ¨do you remember what today is?¨
¨The 14th¨
¨of what?¨
¨put it together¨
¨February 14th.... SHIT! Valentines day¨ He said sitting up quickly, before turning away from me and doubling over with a harsh cough. ¨I promise I didnt forget, I know I overslept, and missed our date, but I swear I did NOT forget¨ He rambled. I nodded but wasn't really listening, I was too preoccupied by his ghostly pale face, and bright pink nose. ¨sollie, are you sick?¨
¨no¨ He said, contradicting his statement when he pitched forward with a harsh sneeze.  I stepped next to the bed and placed the palm of my hand to his forehead, ¨You're not too warm, Id say a low fever¨
¨Im fine, give me like five minutes and Ill be ready for our date¨ He said tossing the blankets off and going to stand up. I placed my hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him back into bed. ¨We can go on a date a different day, right now you need to rest¨ He huffed and shook his head. ¨Boo, its our first valentines together, Im not going to spend it in bed¨ 
¨yes you are¨ I said pushing him down on to the bed and hovering above him. ¨You'll stay in bed unless its 110% necessary for you to get up”
¨but I had plans for valentines day¨
¨ïts okay baby, we can just celebrate when you get better¨ i said kissing his forehead.  
¨Are you hungry?¨
¨a bit yeah¨
¨Ill get breakfast and we can have a romantic breakfast date right here in your bed¨ I said smiling at the slightly younger. He pouted, I smiled knowing only I got to see this cuter side of him. I playfully copied his pouting expression, feeling relieved when he laughed, despite feeling bad. 
I returned about 20 minutes later with an assortment of sweet baked goods from the bakery down the street. I sat on the edge of his, well kind of our bed. 
¨happy valentines my love¨
¨happy valentines day Boo¨ He said kissing me softly, before the two of us dug into the food. We didn't talk much, which is rare for us but with Hansol being sick and especially with the coughing, I didn't want him hurting his voice more. 
Halfway through the food I felt like I was being watched, I looked up and saw my boyfriend staring at me with literal heart eyes.¨You're beautiful¨ He said with a cheeky smile. I blushed. ¨why do you feel its necessary to say the sweetest things so randomly¨
¨I just want you to know, because you are¨ I rolled my eyes, and covered my face trying to hide my bright pink cheeks. He pulled my hands away from my face. ¨permission to get out of bed¨
¨I have to get your gift¨
¨Alright fine, you can get up, I have to get yours too¨
The two of us were back in our bed together. ¨You first¨ we said at the same time. ¨No seriously, you go first¨ he practically begged, ¨alright fine¨ I handed him his gift. He opened it and his face broke into a huge smile. ¨the headphones I wanted¨ He said. Pulling me into a kiss. I silently cheered. SCORE
¨alright your turn to open yours¨ I opened it ans saw a small black  box within it was a silver ring. ¨its a promise ring¨ he explained pulling it out of the box. ¨and if you look here¨ he pointed to the inside of the ring. I saw the small engraving on the inside of the ring and saw the small letters My Boo <3 
I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. ¨Oh my gosh baby, its beautiful¨ He slipped the ring on my finger, thats when I noticed he had a matching silver band on his right finger.
¨happy valentines day babe¨
¨Happy valentines day my boo¨
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
I think another thing about their dynamic is that Jun, before Jeonghan, was the “”””mom””” of svt. He took care of the kids and watched them grow. Made them breakfast, looked after them. It’s something I think about a lot when it comes to Jun and his relationship with the others. He was a caregiver to them, even when he didn’t necessarily understand what they were saying. Idk it’s just something that fascinated me about him.
ohh yeah i think about this sometimes but i haven't really thought of it in the context of his relationship with seungkwan and dino. like we talk a lot these days about how jun gets sort of babied/taken care of by the members and they definitely do treat him with affection and almost like a maknae at times. but it's not like he hasn't or doesn't take care of the members too (not that i think anyone's explicitly trying to claim this, it just doesn't get talked about as much these days)
but yeah it really is interesting bc seungkwan and dino are in the maknae line of svt and back during predebut days especially jun did take on a caregiver role. and not to analyze things too much but he probably took on this role back then bc a) he has a little brother 10 years younger than him and seems to have a soft spot for kids + knows how to play with them and b) back then he was still learning korean, and to this day he still loves food and cooking, so it made sense for that to be a way for him to connect with the members despite the language barrier
and we know jun still cooks for the members sometimes, but obviously they're all adults now so it's not like he's being a caretaker in that way. but now it's interesting to see how so many of the members have turned back around to take care of jun as well. which is probably in part bc he just has a very playful and carefree personality :')
also for anyone who hasn't seen it, here's a video where jun is making toast for the members as they get ready for school :') WARNING for fetus seventeen dfkjg
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milfgyuu · 2 years
How r u!! I missed u!!!
I’m sick (not covid, just a fever) :/ but I saw a thing on tiktok that was like some idol is the type to check ur temperature by kissing ur forehead so cause me some pain ❤️ which idols do u think would do that
🌌love uuuu
Hello love!!!! I hope you start feeling better soon! T-T I tried so hard to make this list the other night but I was ~ under the influence ~ and could not focus to save my life. I made categories and just used groups I follow. this was good for my heart I think. 
Dingdongs who would kiss your forehead to check for a fever because they are panicked dummies who can't find the thermometer: svt- junhui, hoshi, mingyu, seokmin, seungkwan, chan | bts- namjoon & jungkook | ateez- mingi & wooyoung | txt: all of them, all dingdongs | got7- jackson | exo- chanyeol & baekhyun, prob xiumin | mx- jooheon | skz- jisung | nct 127- MARK + haechan | wayv- yangx2 + hendery | dreamies- all -_- | tbz- changmin, eric, jacob, hak | enha- jake, sunoo | ace- jun | onlyoneof- nine + rie | day6- dowoon + wonpil | shinee- taemin, let’s be real.
Those who would do it in a tender, hopelessly romantic kind of way (the mature, caregiver type): svt- cheol, josh, wonu, vernon | bts- yoongi + tae | ateez- joong, hwa, yunho, san, yeosang | got7- jaebs, yugs | exo- suho, kyungsoo, kai, sehun | mx- kihyun + shownu | nct 127- tyong, john, jae | wayv- kun, winwin | tbz- sangyeon, younghoon, sunwoo | enha- jay + sunghoon | ace- donghun + seyoon | onlyoneof- kb, yoojung, and junji | day6- sungjin + youngk | shinee- onew, minho
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astrologysvt · 5 years
SVT Zombie Apocalypse Astro Reading - Part 2
iiasha asked: oh dude that interview & your last post bit abt mingyu got me really curious how you think each member would fare in a zombie apocalypse based on their charts??? (if that's not too much lmao
continued from part 1, here’s the dongsaeng line~ thanks again @iiasha for this 10/10 request. check out my masterlist for part 1! 
Seokmin: caregiver #2. similar to wonwoo, he’s got that cancer influence so he’s going to want to maintain moral but he doesn’t have the same clarity wonwoo has. while his well aspected mars makes him strong and capable, he may not be helpful on the front lines considering he doesn’t have any quick-to-action parts of his chart. he has a tendency to think too much. tbh this will frustrate him cuz of his moon square mars. it’d feel like his moon is incapacitating his active, capable mars. he’s like “I SHOULD BE FIGHTING” and mingyu is like, sit down and help me cook, and he’s like “ya u rite.”
Mingyu: i mentioned it in an ask before, but mingyu is certainly capable on all fronts. he’s got such a good mix of energies that allow him to act quickly, while also giving him these super methodical and analytical qualities through his taurus and virgo placements. his strong emphasis on earth and fire while everyone else has so much air will make him capable of acting while everyone else is deliberating, but this dynamic may make him quick to argue with his members as he simply does not understand why they choose NOW TO TALK ABOUT THESE THINGS. 
Minghao: so i do think he’s probs savage #3, but the way i see his energies play out in him NOW, i dunnoooo man. he has these very aggressive energies in his sun square mars that’d make him great for zombie combat. but at the same time, he has such an intellectual/logical filter that is so well developed in him now, that he may struggle to access that part of himself. and if he does access it, it will take a serious toll on him if he stays in that mindset for long. so yeah, savage #3 but he’ll start to get zombie cabin fever or whateva. 
Seungkwan: so there are parts where i think seungkwan’s leadership will come through with all of that cap, and the parts of him that are so aware, so logical, and so present. with that being said, his chart is very much geared towards people rather than combat lmao. his virgo moon MAY get too high strung, but if he can pull it together i can see him being a “moral” leader in the sense that he’d be able to offer both constructive as well as emotional support. like the invisible backbone to the group.
Vernon: oh man, i think he’s too zen for this tbh. he has such an intellectual chart that is SO not built to process these types of events. you have strategic intellectual like jeonghan, joshua & wonwoo and then creatively intellectual like vernon that can’t really apply his dreamy chart’s skills to these circumstances. he may be great at coming up with unorthodox plans/solutions, but wont be able to help in figuring out how to execute them. will generally need direction, and the chaotic environment may cause him to retreat into his head. needs a buddy at all times. 
Chan: so he’s kind of this weird mix of jeonghan, minghao, and vernon. he has this very intellectual chart but he really and truly is more geared to apply these energies to developing an art/skill. not the zombie apocalypse. he is very scathing and strategic through his scorpio mars, but again, he may struggle he keep that mindset for long and mainly applies this to his wits. not to mention, those pisces placements can make him very sensitive and in his head. with that being said, in the end, i think he’ll be able to translate his savage scorpio mars to some incredibly clever zombie take downs. 
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little-svt · 2 years
Seventeen’s Vocal Unit as Holiday prompts
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Jeonghan ♡
Mistletoe Mischief - Though Autumn was Jeonghan’s favorite season, Winter would be a close second if he could ever get over his aversion to cold temperatures. Especially after finding a new excuse to engage in one of his favorite activities. He’d catch you when you’d least expect it, terrorizing you throughout the entire Holiday season. He’d wait patiently for his reward once he retrieved his trusty mistletoe from his pocket, when you walk into a room to fetch something only to hear him clear his throat, holding it above your head with his lips puckered between short giggles.
“Gotcha!”, he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows,”I believe you owe me something. It’s the rules!”
Even if you sported a pout or even a scowl, you’d never get tired of his victorious smile and his glow when he received a kiss from his little angel.
Joshua ♡
Heart Melter - After a night (or a few nights) of making a mess and baking delicious treats together, you’d settle down in the living room, camping out for the night in a pile of pillows and plushies. After seemingly hours of whisperings and never leaving one another’s arms, he reveals he has a gift for you. If there was one thing about Joshua, it was that he was a gift giver. They were always genuine and thoughtful. So if he was giving you a gift around this time of year, it was going to be a heart melter.
“Do you like it, baby?”, he’d ask, tilting his head so he could look at you, patiently waiting for a response.
“I love it, Daddy!!”
Capturing you in his arms when you dove into them, his bunny smile wouldn’t leave his lips for the rest of the night.
Woozi ♡
The Season of Thoughtful Giving - Bonding during the holiday season comes in forms like shovelling the snow and salting the sidewalk, little unspoken gifts left on the counter and Jihoon doing extra tasks for you to lighten your workload without ever being asked. One thing that would always ensure it most difficult to suppress his smile would be pretending not to watch you open a gift he took what would be much too long to others to choose. The way you’d proudly show off his thoughtfulness for months after the holidays wasn’t the goal but it never failed to stroke his ego.
“Hoonie… you didn’t have to.”, you’d pout, fitting yourself in his arms, forcing his attention on you. His ‘it’s nothing’s smothered by your hugs and kisses. It’s the season of giving, after all.
DK ♡
Holiday Carols - Uncontrollable giggles left your lips as you watch Seokmin get himself tangled up in the lights, a confused look plastered on his face as he tried to untangle them. Your favourite Holiday songs were playing in the background but thanks to your laughter, they were being drowned out.
“Hey, I got it baby, don't worry!” Dokyeom exclaimed. Once he got the lights untangled, he let out a cheer before he started to wrap them around the tree. Grabbing a few ornaments yourself, you began handing them over with a proud smile on your face. With a bright smile, he took them and placed them on the tree.
Perking up when the song changed, his smile soon turned into a cheeky grin as he grabbed your hands and pulled you up off the couch, swaying you around the room, hiis sweet voice filling your ears as he sang along.
Seungkwan ♡
Snowball Fight!! - The two of you always did your holiday shopping together, teasing and bickering with one another as you simply told the other to close their eyes or look the other way. It didn’t work, of course, and it certainly wasn’t the easier option. But he liked to take you around, spend time with you and though his love language was acts of service, around this time of year, old fashioned gift giving could easily do the trick.
On the way home, after all that playful bickering, something gets into you when you see your Daddy all too annoyingly happy and before you know it, your hands are moving and a snowball lands right in his face. Though he didn’t start that snowball fight, he finished it, grinning as he helped you out of your snow covered clothes and into something comfortable for your night of Christmas movies.
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🎄Holiday Masterlist🎄
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by kamgguk
내 별들<3 yoyo the last one got too long so here we are kpop littlespace sh!teu, i need it, you need it, lets get it
[Requests: open]
Words: 56, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of ice, ice, BABY
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, GOT7, Stray Kids (Band), NCT (Band), TREASURE (Korea Band), MCND (Band), SEVENTEEN (Band), ATEEZ (Band), Monsta X (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), EXO (Band), Day6 (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Little! Yugyeom | Caregiver! Bambam, Little! Jimin | Caregiver! Seokjin, Little!Haechan | Caregiver!Taeyong, Little!Mark Lee | Caregiver!Taeyong, Little!Jungwoo | Caregiver!Doyoung, Little!Lucas | Caregiver!Ten/Taemin, Little!Yangyang | Caregiver!Kun, Little!Winwin | Caregiver!Kun, Little!Han Jisung | Caregiver! Lee Minho, Little!Felix | Caregiver!Changbin, Little!Beomgyu | Caregiver!Taehyun, Little!Soobin | Caregiver!Yeonjun, Little!Mark Tuan | Caregiver!GOT7, Little!Mingi | Caregiver!Hongjoong, Little!Yunho | Caregiver!Seonghwa, Little!Mashiho | Caregiver!Hyunsuk, Little!Asahi | Caregiver!Jihoon, Little!Huijin | Caregiver!MCND, Little!Jongin | Caregiver!Kyungsoo, Little!Baekhyun | Caregiver!Chanyeol, Little!Haruto | Caregiver!Jeongwoo, Little!Jooheon | Caregiver!Changkyun, Little!Hyungwon | Caregiver!Hyunwoo, Little!Minhyuk | Caregiver!Hoseok, Little! Bangchan | Caregiver! Hyunjin, Little! Youngjae | Caregiver! Jaebeom, Little! Jungkook | Caregiver! Namjoon, Little! Yoongi | Caregiver! Hoseok, Little! Yeosang | Caregiver! Jongho, Little! Mingyu | Caregiver! Seokmin, Little! Minghao | Caregiver! Soonyoung, Little! Xuimin | Caregiver! Suho, Middlespace! Kihyun, Little! Jihoon | Caregiver! Chan, Little! Jeonghan | Caregiver! Jun, Little! Joshua | Caregiver! Hansol, Switch! Seungkwan | Caregiver! Seungcheol, Little! Dowoon | Caregiver! Wonpil, JonginxKyungsoo, BaekhyunxChanyeol, MingyuxSeokmin, FelixxChangbin, JisungxMinho - Relationship, ChanxHyunjin, JeonginxSeungmin, MarkxHaechan, JungwooxDoyoung, JaeminxJeno, SichengxYuta, YangyangxHendery, YukheixTaemin, yoongixhoseok - Relationship, SeonghwaxHongjoong, MingixYunho, SanxWooyoung, HyunsukxJihoon, HarutoxJeongwoo, MashihoxJunkyu, YedamxDoyoung - Relationship, MinjaexSeongjun, YugyeomxBambam, YoungjaexJaebeom, DowoonxWonpil, SungjinxYounghyunXJae, BeomgyuxTaehyun, YeonjunxSoobinxKai
Additional Tags: agere, Age Regression, kpop littlespace, nothing s3xual!
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darl-ingfics · 20 days
Sicktember Day 2: Too Much of a Good Thing
Fandom: Seventeen
Sickie: S.Coups/Seungcheol, Joshua (cold)
Caregiver(s): Jeonghan
Word Count: 1972
Notes: The 'too much' refers to either the time spent outside in the pool in the late fall, or Jeonghan's cheating habits. Also temps are in Celsius for authenticity.
It was just another GOSE game. And the game was simple: capture the flag. Jeonghan’ task was even simpler: distract the opposing team’s guards so Seungkwan could swoop in and steal their flag. That task was made even easier with the presence of the open pool near where the blue team had hidden their flag. And, of course, Seungcheol and Joshua had been chosen as defenders. It was like a slam dunk for the green team, Jeonghan thought to himself. 
So, with zero warning, Jeonghan emerged from behind the building (which was, obviously, out of bounds), and threw his entire body against Joshua’s, sending him flying into the pool. Seongcheol barely had time to react to Joshua’s scream and the splash of the water before Jeonghan had wrapped his arms around the rapper and sent them both careening into the water. 
“YOON JEONGHAN!” Joshua was yelling when Seongcheol resurfaced, coughing up a mouthful of freezing, chlorinated water. Jeonghan was laughing like a madman.
“What the HELL?!” the leader cried, desperately scrubbing water and his hair out of his eyes. 
“I’m stopping you two from winning the game!” Jeonghan exclaimed. He hit the water victoriously. “MASTER of distraction!”
“Master asshole, more like it.” Seungcheol splashed at Jeonghan, feeling a spark of pride when the vocalist squawked in indignation. 
“Cheollie, there are cameras,” Jeonghan gasped. 
“Serves you right!” Joshua splashed at Jeonghan too. This time, the guilty man just giggled manically, splashing back at both of his friends. The splashing continued for a while until all three were laughing at the absurdity of it. 
Seungkwan ran around the corner at that moment. He stopped in his tracks, then laughed aloud. “What’re you doing?!” he exclaimed. 
“Kwannie! Get the flag!” Jeonghan called, pulling back on Joshua’s arm and Seungcheol’s shirt. “I distracted the guards!” Seungkwan snapped back into attention, snatching the flag from the nearby tree and racing back towards the front of the house. 
“I really can’t believe you,” Seungcheol sighed, deflating a bit in Jeonghan’s grip as the adrenaline of the game wore off. 
“What can I say? I like to win.” Jeonghan shrugged. 
“Oh, we’re aware.” Joshua jumped on Jeonghan from behind, hands on the older man’s shoulders and pushing him under the water. Jeonghan flailed, and his friends laughed as he resurfaced and spit the water out of his mouth. 
Seokmin and Mingyu rounded the corner, Soonyoung fast behind them, and all of them started laughing immediately. 
“We can’t leave the three of you alone for a second, can we?” Soonyoung teased, hands on his hips. 
“Seriously! It’s like… 7 degrees out here!” Mingyu exclaimed. “Are you crazy?!”
“Hannie is! He pushed us!” Seungcheol argued, pointing at the culprit. “Why did you guys let the most notorious cheater past the defense line?!”
“I don’t… I seriously don’t know how he got back here,” Soonyoung wondered, looking back and forth from the pool to where they’d come from. “Hyung you didn’t…”
“Oh, I totally went out of bounds.” Jeonghan nodded proudly. “Come on, what do you take me for? An amateur?” 
“Well, joke’s on you, cause our team won anyway.” Seokmin crossed his arms over his chest with the bravado of a comic book hero. “Mingyu accidentally tripped Seungkwan, and Hoshi grabbed the flag and took us to victory.” The vocalist high fives the dancer with more dramatic flair than wholly necessary. Jeonghan splashed at the water in equally exaggerated defeat. Seungcheol and Joshua high fived as well, the elder adding an extra splash in Jeonghan’s direction for good measure. 
“Now what is this?” Jihoon sighed, hands on his hips as he approached the pool, Wonwoo and Hansol in tow.
“Hannie-hyung pushed them in so his team could get the flag,” Mingyu explained. 
Jihoon shook his head. “Aren’t you supposed to be the most mature members of the group?”
“Age is just a number,” Jeonghan replied. Jihoon simply shook his head again.
“Alright, you goofs, get out of the pool.” At the voice on their manager (as always, outwardly disappointed but with a hint of amusement), the three eldest members quickly left the water. The chill of the late autumn air bit at their skin immediately. 
“We uh… we don’t have any extra clothes,” the director said guiltily. 
“I told them we should’ve covered the pool!” their manager hissed, not so much at the director, but to the universe. “I told them! These boys are NUTS!”
“It’s okay. It’s our fault, we can deal with the consequences,” Seungcheol assured the director. 
“Besides, Carats are gonna love this!” Soonyoung squeezed Seungcheol’s bicep, which was starkly visible with his wet shirt clinging to the muscle. Seokmin ‘oooohhh’ed’ and reached to caress the leader’s chest as well, but that got both of them a sharp smack to the hand. 
“Okay, okay, focus, boys. Let’s get this outro done and get you back home,” their manager stepped in. Seungcheol mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him as the group huddled up to recap their game of capture the flag. The three eldest were grouped all the way to the left, dripping water onto the door deck, a puddle amassing beneath them. Seungcheol wrapped his arms around both Jeonghan and Joshua when the latter had surrendered to his shivering and hugged his arms around himself. The leader couldn’t help but pinch at Jeonghan’s side, his most ticklish spot, causing a poorly restrained spasm of movement that got all three of them giggling. Watching it all, their manager couldn’t help but smile too. His boys were absolutely insane, but he wouldn’t have them any other way. 
Two days later, their manager decided he certainly WOULD like to have his group be a LITTLE more level headed when he had to physically force Seungcheol to ‘go home’ from practice because he ‘couldn’t stop coughing’ and was ‘running a fever.’ This was followed by Joshua almost fainting in the middle of the studio for the same reason. And, their manager though, honestly, if the eldest members wasn’t cooperating, what kind of example was that for the rest of the group? A pretty damning example given the stunts these boys tended to pull to play healthy; their manager certainly admired their work ethic, but there had to be a line, right? 
So that was how the entire 95 line ended up staying home instead of going out for weekend shenanigans with the team: Seungcheol and Joshua miserably ill (and guilt-tripped by their manager,) and Jeonghan as punishment for that. Admittedly, it was a self-appointed ‘punishment;’ Jeonghan did honestly feel horrifically guilty that his actions had caused his best friends to get sick, (cause what else would it have been besides their jaunt in the freezing pool?) and genuinely wanted to make up for that. 
The first problem was the Seungcheol and Joshua were both in that hazy stage of a cold where the brain either hyper-fixated on very small things, or constantly teetered the line of unconsciousness. And while Joshua was so adorably the second, Seungcheol was very hung up on the fact that this situation was entirely Jeonghan’s fault. 
Which did not help the second problem: something about having to take care of Seungcheol and Joshua just automatically put Jeonghan in silly goose mode. 
After the rest of practice without his friends, Jeonghan had told the rest of the group to go out and enjoy their night; he would shower last and bear the burden to dealing with the sick members. Therefore, Jeonghan was upstairs when the door finally closed behind Soonyoung and Seungkwan, who had been hesitant to leave their hyungs alone for even a second, despite Seungcheol’s adamance that they were fine (Joshua zoning out was not helping his case). When he was finally showered and ready, Jeonghan skipped the last few steps, wincing at the sound of coughing coming from the living room. 
He found both of his invalids on the couch, Joshua’s laying listlessly with his head in Seungcheol’s lap. The leader was scrolling on his phone as Toy Story played on the TV. It took Jeonghan a minute to realize the movie was in English. Joshua looked like he was barely paying attention, eyes heavy, but Seungcheol had likely picked the language to comfort him; Shua tended to favor English when he wasn’t feeling his best. 
“Hey.” Seungcheol looked up at Jeonghan’s voice, expression unreadable. Jeonghan settled with his elbows on the back of the couch. “What do you guys want to do tonight?”
Joshua mumbled something. 
“What was that, love?” Jeonghan asked. Silence. 
“I think his fever’s up.” Seungcheol ran his fingers through Joshua’s hair.
Jeonghan frowned. “Well then I’m gonna go get dinner ready so we can get him medicated.” 
“Not me, though?” Seungcheol’s eyes were comically large as he looked up at Jeonghan. 
The younger man flicked his forehead. “I wish your fever was up so you’d shut your mouth.” 
“Rude,” Seungcheol replied, swatting at Jeonghan’s hand. 
Jeonghan just laughed, pushing away from the couch to prepare dinner. Luckily, Mingyu, the angel, had made soup for him already, without even being asked. Jeonghan considered using the microwave, but opted to heat the soup up on the stove instead. It only took a minute or two more. 
“Dinner’s ready!” he called finally. At his voice, Joshua instantly stumbled off the couch and to the table, but Seungcheol didn’t move, squinting skeptically towards Jeonghan. 
“Did you make it?” he asked.
Jeonghan rolled his eyes. “No. Mingyu did.”
“Thank god.” With a sigh, Seungcheol got up and pulled out the chair next to Joshua. The youngest of the trio was staring absently at the table, only half listening to the bickering around him. Seungcheol rubbed the younger’s neck a few times, frowning at the lack of response from Joshua. 
“Um, excuse me, I think I could make a mean soup if given the opportunity. It’s not my fault Mingyu got to the utensils first.” Jeonghan slid one steaming bowl across the table, steering it in front of Joshua, who picked up the accompanying spoon as if on autopilot. 
Seungcheol scoffed. “We all know that you and the kitchen do not mix.” 
“Hey! I willingly stayed back here to nurse your sorry asses back to health! I think you owe me a little more respect.”
“Only after you got us sick in the first place!” 
“What happened to ‘we can deal with the consequences?’” Jeonghan teased. The look in Seungcheol’s eyes was pure murder. But Yoon Jeonghan was nothing if not a brazen idiot who lived directly in the leader’s soft spot. The smile on his face said as much as he placed two more bowls on the table and pushed one towards the leader. He sat down to his bowl with a flourish. “So what do we want to do tonight, boys?” 
“Cuddle.” Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan immediately softened at Joshua’s simple answer. 
Jeonghan reached out to pat Joshua’s wrist lovingly. “I think we can manage that.” 
“Only if you aren’t afraid to deal with any potential consequences,” Seungcheol teased, including spirits fingers on the word of the day. 
“When are you gonna let this go?” Jeonghan whined.
Seunghceol shrugged innocently. “I just think you should have to deal with some consequences too.”
“Joshuji!!!” The younger man looked up from his soup with wide eyes. “Help me out here. Do you forgive me?”
Joshua stared at him, the wheels in his brain taking a minute to catch up. “I forgive you…” he said finally. Jeonghan cheered while Seongcheol groaned. “But…” All eyes were back on Joshua. “I won’t forget.” 
The silence was broken by Seungcheol’s laughter. “Shua, what does that even mean?” Joshua shrugged. Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan burst into laughter with that. And Joshua, completely unaware what they were laughing at, laughed with them, simply happy to bring his friends joy.
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jae-bummer · 7 years
Seventeen as Members of a Heist Mission
Request: seventeen as members of a heist mission ? 🤔🤔😂
comments: as i’m not well versed in the process/roles of a heist, i referred to THIS tv tropes page for reference. 
the mastermind
or maybe the competent mind 
because he’s just trying his best
really just a fancy way to say that he’s been put in charge of this group of lovable misfits
leads through death glares and ear pinches 
insists on team building activities after a big heist
so that’s how thirteen felons end up in a pottery class
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the partner in crime 
mastermind’s second-in-command
or in this case, the caregiver of the group
prepares bag lunches for overnight missions
with little notes of encouragement
“you’ll crack that safe on your first try! or your 23rd try. probably your 23rd try. lol jk maybe love youuuu” 
has been known to accidentally sleep through a heist
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the coordinator
mission control 
v proud of his codenames and walkie talkie system
“halo to mr. beanie. repeat, halo to mr. beanie”
helps keep everyone calm and in their designated positions
tiny lectures to himself and others about the “necessary evil” of their work
long lectures on how they can still operate while upholding their morals
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the pickpocket 
kind of a modern day aladdin tbh
hella steady hands 
busts out the martial arts when necessary
but it’s never really necessary because he’s A+ at what he does
always arguing that he didn’t become a pickpocket to touch butts
kind of became a pickpocket to touch butts
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the hacker
just really excited about being part of the team 
crazy talented at what he does
or at least that’s what the team thinks
because 99% of the time, he accidentally stumbles into the code he needs
all of the passwords on his computer are actually “password1″
amazed when his own shit gets hacked 
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the inside man
assists the team by working with the people being robbed
the most dependable to act normal
...well, most of the time
meticulous to a fault
has probably read every book possible on perfecting a heist 
originally wanted to be a pickpocket...but sweater paws
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the legend
knows way too much about way too many things 
smol, but the most intimidating 
tried to stay anonymous and communicate solely through seungcheol 
until hosh hacked his whereabouts
and now he’s helping the team with every. little. damn. thing. 
always pushing for some sort of diamond heist (heheh. heh. get it?)
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the face
aka the one responsible for public relations
mostly in charge of sweet talking the police or witnesses
because who would want to lock away that smile? 
A+ at explaining his way out of any situation 
constantly volunteering for any role on the team 
“I VOLUNTEER TO GO IN AND DISABLE THE BOMB” “seokmin. we are planting the bomb. to blow up the safe. remember?” “...right.” 
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the getaway driver
nominated himself because he was the first of the group with a license
“this car isn’t going anywhere until everyone has their seat belt on!” 
makes his own sound effects while driving 
sneeze dots on the inside glass of the windshield 
because obviously he can’t cover his mouth while speeding away from police
but he sure as hell has a free hand for snacks
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the burglar 
false sense of security incarnate 
the most aerodynamic
may or may not break the laws of physics on the daily
unsure if you should arrest him or ask for his number
claims he’s so good at what he does, that he could steal your underwear while you’re still wearing them
jun can confirm
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the distraction
because let’s be honest, he won’t stop talking long enough for someone to get distracted
and when they do? 
busts out those vocals and he becomes a distraction to everyone
members of the heist included 
almost always the reason someone gets caught
the first one to crack when interrogated 
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the acquirer 
can always find whatever the team requests
knows a guy, who knows a guy, who has a cousin who can get them whatever weird thing they need
the weirder, the better tbh
vague af about how he ends up with this shit
and no one really questions it 
has probably dabbled in the black market 
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the new kid
already pretty damn good at what he does
but still eager to learn 
protect him at all costs
too soft to go alone on a heist just yet
main job? 
doing all the jobs no one else wants to do
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ajuimaginary · 7 years
berry is back and doesn't know what to think!!!!! seungkwan could be dead, but there are drugs that can make you appear dead for a while (think romeo and juliet) without actually killing you, so i think everything is still up in the air for fakes. also, what does the ice have to do with it? what was the struggle between killer and victim? what was going on? jeonghan is sure acting suspicious but so was hansol? why didn't they GET RID OF ALL THE DANGEROUS STUFF??? ~an anxious berry 🍓
berry the ace is on the case! and you’re right, jeonghan seems mighty suspicious. but jun could still be a contender imo. i’ve been focusing more on the symbolism in the killer’s notes, and there’s lots of powerful, sometimes magical, often caregiver and often female roles the killer compares himself to: enchantress, witch, queen, princess, fairy godmother. do you think that could be significant? what do you think it means? ~🍓
That’s true, he could be faking. He used to be my top suspect, but I had decided for some reason that if he was the killer, he wouldn’t fake his death. So his death cemented the fact that I haven’t suspected him as much lately. I don’t know why? I guess I can’t imagine him causing Hansol so much distress? Even in the story he seems to still care about him. 
The ice I assumed was the fairy tale theme, because it was the Snow Queen. All of the death have had some fairy tale theme related thing in them e.g. Seokmin was Sleeping Beauty and had a literal needle. 
I agree Jeonghan is super suspicious. He’s my top suspect right now, and actually I agree Jun seems shady too. I’m going with Jeonghan and Jun tag-team right now in my theories. And yes, I picked up that very maternal kind of vibe! Cleverness but also care giving seem to be a role the killer likes to play. So it’s very Jeonghan-y?
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