#chats with nessa
wongki · 2 years
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pink wonnie the best 💗💗💗
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camzverse · 2 months
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made their suit designs + them out of suit and some doodles in the middle Yaayyyy ilove spiders
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misshcrror · 2 months
❪ ⠀ ⠀ OPEN STARTER !!! ⠀ ⠀ ❫.
Como se não bastasse o incidente com a fenda ao quase servir de oferenda e fofocas rolando a respeito disso, logo depois a missão com uma baixa da amazona que sua equipe ajudou, agora tinha mais um motivo para que as pessoas lhe olhassem de canto de olho. Depois do almoço cheio de exposições sobre Petrus e um sermão que entrou por um ouvido e saiu pelo outro... Bem, Yasemin já era uma figura meio polêmica pela quantidade de brigas que acabava arrumando por ai, mas no momento... Ela só queria ficar longe dos holofotes depois de todo o ocorrido. Estava caminhando para treinar na floresta quando ouviu o farfalhar e um galho quebrando a alguns metros dali graças a sua habilidade. ❝ ― Seja quem for, apareça logo. ❞ — Anunciou, e por via das dúvidas empunhou a nova arma ganha após a missão, deixando que a kusarigama ganhasse forma em suas mãos.
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princekitt · 2 months
nana’s to do list.
Hwang Minah (lost one, tarzan's tale)
seo&minah (começar) astrid&minah (ok) robert&minah (ok) valentina&minah (ok) pollyana&minah (ok) olimpia&minah(ok) flynn&minah (ok) gwen&minah (ok) james&minah (ok) cassie&minah (ok) ahma&minah (ok) elsie&minah (ok) baptiste&minah (ok) sophie&minah (ok) hana&minah (ok/unfollow) rapunzel&mei (ok/unfollow) ursula&mei (responder/unfollow)
príncipe kit (cinderella's tale)
adam&kit(começar) pollyana&kit (começar) gia&kit(ok) nala&kit(ok) david&kit (ok) eric&kit (ok) christine&kit (ok) ewan&kit (ok) coralie&kit (ok) anastasia&kit (ok) cinderella&kit (ok) toothfairy&kit (ok) snow white&kit (ok) oliver&kit (ok) gretel&kit (ok) romeo&kit(ok) rodrick&kit (ok) julieta&kit (ok) merida&kit (ok) elsie&kit (ok) hana&kit (ok/unfollow) helena&kit (ok/unfollow)
to build/to do
cnn list for: minah, bernardo and kit. theme for all of them.
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creatureswallows · 2 months
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itstimeforstarwars · 3 months
I watched the wicked musical for the first time today and somehow even tho I knew the basic storyline I was still surprised about what happened because there are some bits that you don't get just by listening to the soundtrack.
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avid-idiot · 1 year
I'm gonna murder them
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heavenskisses · 1 year
accidentally super swiped a guy on bumble and i think now i just have to go with and live in this new lie i created
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loving-august · 1 year
OOH YOU GRADUATED?? That's so exciting! Super proud of you luv
Not yetttttt HAHA on may I think??? But thanks <33
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not-my-circuss · 1 year
Group chats frequently feel to me like a game of CAH where we're all trying to make the funniest comment or the best roast, and im not very good at that game so thats why I don't participate much, but rather watch the chaos from the sidelines 🍿
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glitchafton · 2 years
William: Do you have anything on the updates to Rabbit Snare.
Vanessa: Yeah it's been all of 12 hours, I'm one woman, I enjoy maintaining my social life with real and work friends, and have a full time job.
William: So you haven't started yet?
Vanessa: What happened to "take your time, I want it done well."? I'm not even getting paid with anything besides not getting killed, I could have taken a freelance gig, I have a friend who's trying to start developing a game and had to turn them down because of this.
William: Specifically this?
Vanessa: Yes. I said it would take a few weeks for a reason. Last night before Abby got home and we went out so I could introduce her to some of the guys from work I took a look at it, banged my head on the desk a few times and then told Desk Dragon to look at this shit before attempting to start notating what I'm starting with.
Vanessa: Even that is going to take at minimum a week. Minimum. And that's a very hopeful minimum. You might have noticed but something designed to hold digital soul fragments isn't particularly small.
Vanessa: And I had to write it in a rush without being able consider what the most efficient option was, just the one that worked.
Vanessa: And in case you forgot, I also had to create a whole new program for the worlds most specific purpose while having to track down and contain every single part of you, while you were actively fighting against me.
Vanessa: I don't know if you realize this, but normally even hacking competitions aren't these high octane speed events, much to 11 year old Vanessa's disappointment mind you, but you managed to turn programming into a speed event.
Vanessa: And on top of that, your fighting against it alone left it messier than it would have started if it was for something passive, and just glancing at the code now, if I'm not mistaken, which it's possible, this is the Tugley Wood of code, your attempts at solving the problem yourself could have completely broken it...
Vanessa: But I don't have plans tonight so this is what I'll be doing from when I get home to when I have to go back in.
Vanessa: Shit. Sorry for going on so long.
Vanessa: tl;dr: Rabbit Snare is a disaster and it's going to take time to go through it before feeling comfortable editing anything, much less working out how to add something major.
William: "the Tugley Wood of code"
Vanessa: Yeah. Disney version with the signs pointing in every direction. And if I spend too much time with it, I might just break down and start crying.
William: But it'll be a week before you can start substantial work.
Vanessa: Minimum. I explained potential time frame last night and you didn't seem to have an issue. Unless you do need it by a certain time.
William: I didn't expect some of that delay was so you could go partying.
Vanessa: I deserve a pass for that one, it was an opening for Tabby, in the art department, she does a lot of promo materials, so a bunch of us wanted to support her.
Vanessa: And I wanted people in the office to see my girlfriend in the flesh, some people needed to see she's real. Apparently I "don't seem like someone who'd date a going to be a psychiatrist" so the team wanted proof beyond photos for some reason 🙄
William: That's not much of a defense.
Vanessa: We on the drinking thing again. It was two glasses of wine. Which coincidentally is when they stopped being free.
William: No, today not the issue.
Vanessa: Is there a real time frame I should be aiming for then?
William: Nothing specific, only that I don't want to move forward with some things without the change.
Vanessa: So really it's asap, just don't fuck up?
William: Essentially, yes.
Vanessa: I'll go out less, but I'm not killing my social life completely, and the reason I emphasized it was a work event. I'm only useful to you when I work here so it's best for both of us that I'm friendly with my co-workers.
William: You obviously have enough spare time during work, you could be filling that time more productively.
Vanessa: Yeah, by eating my lunch, and finally finding the time to start watching My Girlfriend is Two Demons and Also an Office Lady and keeping the burnout at bay.
William: that's not a title.
Vanessa: Look at my screen. Look at the title. and it's actually pretty good.
Vanessa: But even though everything about Rabbit Snare is carried over with you, changes I make here stay when you show up at home, I don't even want to start adding notations while at work just in case it goes from something that no one can even see is on the machine, much less track our conversations if I alter the wrong thing.
Vanessa: If you want to go off an threaten me I guess go ahead, but it's not going to change that I'm right, and this is something I have visual evidence you can't do your self, and I couldn't make something this hard to decipher when I'm trying to fuck over the next guy.
William: Why has there been a five minute scene of one of the demon girlfriends failing to make tea?
Vanessa: My lunch break isn't long enough to explain anime tropes to you.
Vanessa: But, sir, I promise the changes to Rabbit Snare are going to happen and I'm sorry that it's something that there's no way around how long it might take.
William: You could have cleaned it up sooner.
Vanessa: It was working just fine, I didn't know that you'd want changes made. Plus, after the recent Malhare incident, I wouldn't go near anything that's become part of it/you without being explicitly told.
Vanessa: So some on, bring the threats, only thing you'll change is that I'll get sloppy, and who knows what could happen to you if it's buggy. Not whatever your plans are, not needing to keep under the radar, you.
William: Has anyone ever told you that you get too cocky for your own good sometimes?
Vanessa: Yeah, loads of time. Doesn't change that I'm right, sir 😉
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wongki · 2 years
nessa, you’re back!! 😭 just the other day i was thinking i haven’t seen nessa on my dash in a while i wonder how she’s been and here you are <3 and just in time for ateez’s cb 👀 (obviously everyone has a life outside of this site and you’re not obligated to be here all the time, it was just something i noticed lol)
hi caylee darling angel! 💗 life got a hold of me and by life i mean work. lol but here i am back to spam your dash. hope you’ve been well? 💓💓
oh my god that comeback it hit me full force!! have been catching up with it all and oof not ready. and another tour???!??!!! no rest for the wicked they said.
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softiedancers · 2 years
the chat box is on? why hasn’t radix learned from their mistakes last year🤨
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silkylious · 2 years
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nessa i am hugging u so hard through the screen rn THANK YOU MY LOVE 💕💕
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leevhs · 2 years
The snake after finding out what its fate will be:
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Also you pass the vibe check. Have raccoon 🦝
What am I supposed to do it’s either bit or be bitten
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leviathans-watching · 11 months
hi sophie! you can deny this request if it's too suggestive for you, but i was wondering if you could write how the brothers react to an MC that walks around the house shirtless/in a sports bra if they're fem bodied when it gets too warm? it's super hot this summer and i've been doing this recently to calm down haha
no worries if you can't! anyway i hope you're well :3
~ nessa ♡
seeing you shirtless
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includes: lucifer, mammon, asmo, beel x/& gn!reader (no pronouns/body type mentioned/described)
wc: .4k | rated t | m.list | pt 2
a/n: oml this was so fun to write ty for this idea!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback, so come say hi!
warnings: minorly suggestive (thirsty brothers), explicit language
please reblog <3
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➳ lucifer is a gentleman, so he doesn’t comment on your choice of–lack of–attire, however, he finds himself looking more often than is polite, more often than he should, studiously taking in the unfamiliar slope of your shoulders, the way your spine sits in your back. you’re magnetic, and though he tries to be subtle he’s sure you’ve caught him staring by now. perhaps that’s why you keep entering the room, stopping to stretch directly in his line of sight with a poorly concealed smile across your lips. lucifer tears his eyes away, looking at his book, but the words are incomprehensible.
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➳ mammon wonders if his blush is permanently on his face. he’s seen you in a swimsuit before, hell, more than once, but this is somehow different. maybe it’s because you’re in his house, in his room, acting in such a familiar way in such a familiar setting but looking so unfamiliar, like something straight out of his dreams. and look, it’s not like he’s trying to objectify you or anything, but he can't deny that you’re attractive. distantly, he wonders if you have any freckles previously undiscovered, before he shakes himself. he’s the great mammon! he shouldn’t be swayed by some human! and yet… god, even his ears are red.
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➳ asmo whistles, eyes wide. you’d been complaining about the heat lately, something asmo’d totally forgotten was a thing, given that he was a demon in the fiery pits of hell and all, but he’d never thought this would be your solution. instead of being shy, you wink at him, continuing to wipe down the glass of the sliding door, body moving in such interesting, delectable ways. look what you’ve done to him, made him fantasize over cleaning for god’s sake! asmo continues to watch, debating the merits of stripping out of his own shirt as well.
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➳ beel doesn’t notice for a long moment, but when he does, he can’t stop himself from admiring your body, loving how it looks in its natural shape. he loves everything about you, something he hopes you know, and can’t believe how lucky he is. for once, he's not hungry, sated with the feat in front of his eyes. or maybe he’s more hungry. hard to tell. but he’s nothing if not polite, so he acts as if nothing’s happened, taking care to maintain eye contact with you respectfully, even offering his help with chores. but when you turn around… damn, he’s so lucky.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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