#carpet replacement cost for 1 bedroom
carpetrepair01 · 1 year
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The Ultimate Guide to Carpet Replacement: Everything You Need to Know.
Carpet replacement refers to the process of removing an existing carpet from a space and replacing it with a new one. This can be a simple task, such as replacing a worn-out carpet in a residential home, or a larger project, such as replacing the carpeting in a commercial building or office space. Regardless of the scope of the project, carpet replacement requires careful planning, proper installation techniques, and attention to detail to ensure a successful outcome. A new carpet can transform the look and feel of a space, providing both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits such as improved insulation and sound absorption.
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echodrops · 5 months
The Promises I’m Making (2024)
Sheesh, this year it was even harder than last year to make promises. In particular, I really wanted to focus on promises that wouldn't cost as much money as in prior years, so I tried to steer clear of too many promises that would cost above the basic spending amounts... But it turns out it is really hard to make resolutions if you're broke. 😂
So here's what I'm going with:
2024 Promises
1) Step down from my administrative position and return to being a full-time faculty member. I literally cannot take the clown show that is admin at my work anymore. It is actually killing me.
2) Related to this, redecorate my new office as soon as they decide where they are going to move me.
3) Apply for new jobs!! APPLY FOR NEW JOBS!!!
4) Train my replacement in the chair position well so they are super prepared to take over in fall.
5) Put a new sink/vanity in the downstairs bathroom of the Utah house.
6) Get both bedroom floors sanded in the Utah house upstairs.
7) Finally get rid of the dirt pile in front of the Utah house.
8) Take down the remains of the wooden fence posts at the Utah house.
9) Fully clean out and prepare the Utah house to be rented out to new renters. Hopefully the next people won’t sneak in a parrot that poops all over the floor… RIP…
10) Clean off my back patio/car port area so I can park my car there again.
11) Call the plumber and replace the faucets. Even if I end up having to do it myself.
12) Get the dead tree removed from the Texas house yard and call the internet company to see about the cable around the tree root.
13) Plant roses where the old ones died in front of the Texas house. 
14) Replace my CPU fan; the bearings are going out and it’s making an annoying noise.
15) Organize my documents (especially student papers)—my desktop and documents folders give me nightmares just looking at them. 
16) Related to that, lose at least 20 pounds. 2020-2023 was not kind to me and the stress eating was real.
17) Do at least one artwork to actually use that paint program I bought. 
18) Pay my credit debt down by at least $2000. I’m still paying off the hell year, but I hope I can make progress on this.
19) Buy all the Noragami volumes I am missing and do a complete re-read of Noragami now that the series is finishing up.
20) This is super nerdy, but my bro got me the FFXIV cookbook and made me promise to actually use it, so I guess I’d better at least try to make something from it.
21) Finish at least five books this year.
22) Update HaaH at least once. Please, Echo???
23) Reach the new level cap with all jobs in FFXIV!
24) Go to the graduation ceremony for my family friend.
25) Catch up with hanging up all the charms/pins I’ve gotten recently on my corkboards; these are just sitting in boxes/bags around the house. D;
26) Fully deep clean and vacuum/detail my own car at home. No more of the “It doesn’t make sense to clean it out now; the dog is just going to go back in it.” The dog is always going to go back in it. Clean it, Echo.
27) Help my parents tear out the carpet in my old childhood bedroom.
28) See at least three new species of birds. Doesn’t matter where, just three new ones!
29) Reach 3500 followers. Can I do it? You should follow me if you’re not already; I’m pretty cool. Just sayin’!
30) Cancel all the subscriptions I don’t need. There’s literally no reason to sit around letting companies passively profit off me when I don’t even really use the services/the services keep getting worse while the costs keep going up.
31) Go out on at least a day trip to take pictures with my friend. We haven’t done this in quite some time. I need to touch grass.
32) Repair the lovely one-of-kind ceramic plate that my dog broke with kintsugi. I want to try it at least once!
33) Really look hard for my passport in my house. It’s been missing for like a year and a half now, and I don’t want to have to pay for a new one.
34) Put all the small prints, postcards, and stickers I have collected in my new mini-print books. I can even use up washi tape to decorate too. (Finally, a purpose for the washi tape…)
35) Shred the million pieces of old mail I have lying around the house. I finally got the shredder so it just makes sense to use it.
36) Have more follow-through with chores. It’s not enough to wash the clothes or do the dishes if I then procrastinate on folding the clean laundry and putting the dried dishes back in the cabinets…
37) Put reminders for birthdays and major events in my phone as well as set a monthly reminder to check these promises. Maybe I’ll be able to keep more promises if I look at the list more often throughout the year!
38) Since I can’t afford to go to the salon, spa, etc. too much this year, I should at least do some self-care days at home. Will this be the year I finally manage to use all the fancy scrubs and face masks and bath salts I keep getting from people?
39) Use up one whole notebook. It doesn’t matter what goes in the notebook, but I gotta use the whole thing from cover to cover. I have so many pretty notebooks that never get used just because they’re pretty.
40) Change the burned-out lightbulbs in the recessed lighting in the Texas house ceiling. It’s like twelve feet high and the lightbulb charger stick I bought didn’t work, so I’m going to have to find someone with a ladder. Save me, handyman. Save me.
41) Build the pretty koi paper lantern my brother got me, or the Korean temple model my coworker gave me after his trip to Korea.
42) Actually use the yoga mat I bought forever ago. At least a few times, please???
43) Finish watching the Fruits Basket remake with Kacchan. I think we stopped in the second season, RIP.
44) Spend more time with coworkers—go out to lunch more often.
45) See about removing the PMI from at least one of my house loans to try to save money. I’ve been paying on these loans long enough I shouldn’t need PMI anymore.
46) Practice my German skills (or I guess other language skills?) by translating something at least once a month.
47) Get a new bookshelf. The current ones in both my office and foyer are already overflowing. @_@
48) Make more time to call people and talk on the phone. Texting is not the same. D;
49) Get the new COVID vaccine to stay healthy.
50) I will keep my promises! 
Good luck, 2024’s me!
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Efficient Apartment Cleaning Services: Sparkling Spaces in No Time
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In today's fast-paced world, keeping your living space clean and tidy can be quite a challenge, especially for those who juggle multiple responsibilities. This is where professional apartment cleaning services come in, offering a practical solution for maintaining a spotless home without sacrificing your precious time. In this blog, we'll explore how these services can transform your apartment into a sparkling sanctuary, effortlessly.
1. Tailored Cleaning Solutions Apartment cleaning services specialize in catering to the unique needs of apartment dwellers. Whether you live in a studio or a multi-bedroom apartment, these services provide customized cleaning plans that fit your specific requirements. They can schedule cleanings based on your convenience—be it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly—ensuring that your living space is immaculate and welcoming at all times.
2. Professional Standards and Equipment One of the significant advantages of using apartment cleaning services is the professional level of clean they achieve. Equipped with the right tools and high-quality cleaning products, trained professionals can tackle dirt and grime more effectively than standard household cleaning methods. They pay close attention to detail, from deep cleaning carpets to scrubbing bathroom tiles, which means every corner of your apartment gets the expert treatment it deserves.
3. Time-Saving and Convenient For busy professionals, outsourcing cleaning tasks to apartment cleaning services can be a game-changer. Instead of spending your weekends scrubbing floors and cleaning windows, you can reclaim your time to enjoy doing what you love. Apartment cleaning services take care of all the hard work, providing you with a clean and tidy home without any of the hassles. This convenience is invaluable for those who value their time as much as their clean environment.
4. Health Benefits A clean apartment is not just pleasant to look at; it's also healthier. Regular cleaning eliminates dust, allergens, and other harmful particles from the environment, which can significantly improve indoor air quality. Apartment cleaning services often use advanced techniques and eco-friendly products to reduce the presence of allergens, benefiting everyone, especially those with respiratory issues or allergies.
5. Cost-Effective While some might think that hiring apartment cleaning services is a luxury, it can actually be quite cost-effective. Consider the amount of time and effort you would spend cleaning your apartment yourself versus the cost of hiring professionals. When you factor in the efficiency and the high standards of cleanliness achieved, the cost of hiring apartment cleaning services is often justified. Moreover, regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs and replacements due to long-term neglect, saving money in the long run.
Apartment cleaning services offer a convenient and efficient solution to maintain a pristine living environment. They save you time, improve your home's health, and can be a cost-effective alternative to personal cleaning efforts. By entrusting the cleanliness of your home to the experts, you can enjoy a sparkling space in no time, giving you one less thing to worry about in your busy life. So, if you're looking for a way to keep your home immaculate without dedicating your own time and energy, consider apartment cleaning services as your go-to option. 
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maheshexportsblog · 11 months
9 Reasons Why Choose Wool Carpets
There are several reasons why wool carpet is a great choice for your flooring needs. Here are nine key reasons:
1. Natural and Sustainable:
Wool is a natural fiber obtained from sheep. It is a renewable resource, making it an environmentally friendly choice. Wool carpets are biodegradable and can be recycled, reducing their impact on landfills. Choosing wool carpets supports sustainable practices.
2. Durability and Resilience:
Wool fibers are known for their exceptional durability. Wool carpets can withstand heavy foot traffic and maintain their appearance for a long. The natural elasticity of wool allows it to bounce back and recover from compression, making it resistant to crushing and matting.
3. Softness and Comfort:
Wool is a soft and luxurious material, providing a comfortable surface to walk, sit, or lie on. Its natural fibers create a warm and cozy atmosphere, making wool carpet an inviting choice for bedrooms, living rooms, and other areas where comfort is essential.
4. Natural Stain Resistance:
Wool fibers have a natural resistance to stains and spills. They have a thin, waxy coating that repels liquids and prevents them from being quickly absorbed. This allows for easier cleaning and maintenance of wool carpets, as spills can be blotted up before they penetrate the fibers.
5. Fire Resistance:
Wool is inherently flame-resistant due to its high moisture content and natural fibers. It has a higher ignition threshold compared to synthetic materials, and it burns slowly, often self-extinguishing when the flame source is removed. This fire-resistant property adds an extra layer of safety to your home or commercial space.
6. Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal:
Wool carpet offers a timeless and elegant aesthetic. Its natural fibers provide a rich texture and depth, creating a luxurious look and feel. Wool fibers also hold dyes exceptionally well, resulting in vibrant and long-lasting colors that can enhance the overall beauty of your space.
7. Soil and Dirt Repellency:
Wool has a unique ability to resist soiling and dirt particles. Its natural composition prevents dirt from embedding deeply into the fibers, allowing for easier cleaning and maintenance. Regular vacuuming and occasional professional cleaning can help keep your wool carpet looking fresh and vibrant for years to come.
8. Eco-Friendly Production:
Wool carpets often undergo eco-friendly production processes. Many manufacturers follow sustainable practices, such as using environmentally friendly dyes and minimizing the use of harmful chemicals. By choosing wool carpets, you contribute to a greener planet and support ethical production methods.
9. Longevity and Investment:
Wool carpets are known for their longevity, often lasting significantly longer than synthetic alternatives. Although wool carpets may have a higher upfront cost, their durability and resilience make them a smart long-term investment. Choosing a wool carpet can save you money in the long run, as you won't need to replace it as frequently as other types of carpeting.
When considering wool carpet for your flooring needs, choosing a reliable supplier is crucial. Mahesh Exports, a leading rugs exporter in India, stands out as a reputable and trustworthy manufacturer of hand-knotted carpets. They provide high-quality carpets and outdoor rugs of different types of variety.
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I reslise I never addressed the house we were thinking of buying...
Well we went and viewed it and instantly hated it! There was far to much work to be done it was beyond our capability. If it was just one or 2 of these problems along side decorating I might have managed but not everything...
1. The rooms were much smaller than they looked, the ceilings were really low (we are tall people!) So it made it feel cramped
2. Previous viewers were upstairs and you could hear every movement. Now I'm no expert in structural engineering but when were in our current house you can't hear people walking upstairs, it feels sturdy. This house though felt like they were going to fall through the ceiling
3. The windows were all timber framed which I wouldn't mind but they looked single glazed, there was no seel so air was coming in and you could hear the sound of the main road which was right next to the house which has frequent lorries. Not to mention most of these windows had broken locks/handles.
4. Exposed wires and missing skirting boards as well as missing bits of carpets
5. The en suite had an old sink and shower - no toilet and thats weird to me
6. The main bathroom and en suite needed replacing
7. We found out that the entire village isn't connected to gas and so it's an oil boiler. Oil boilers are banned from 2026 and so if the boiler needs replacing after this it would need to be replaced with an air source heat pump system which costs about £13,000.
8. The attic bedrooms had blinds covering the alcove storage area.. these were regularly being pulled into the empty space giving the impression there's a draft, we could also see daylight coming through.
7. Ivy was once on the side of the house which was then ripped off. When removing it. It removed a lot of the mortar and therefore it all needs repointing. You can actually see the holes from street view on Google maps.
8. The kitchen was my old kitchen, the only I have just had replaced in 2021, doors were hanging off it would need replacing.
8. It was only built 25 years ago... however the 2 people who started building the house split up part way through and sold it to this family. The family made it livable but never really finished it. It's one thing trying to finish something off that was started 3 years ago... 25 years ago is a different storey. Everything looked so tired and probably not to building regs.
9. The 2 loft bedrooms didn't have fire safety doors (something I've just learnt is a requirement from building control)
10. The garden was nice but next to the main road, made it noisey.
Overall it really made us appreciate our house, and location. OK there might not be many places I can walk the dog because we're quite rural. But when I stand in my garden all I hear is birds.
We also realised its unlikely we can afford the house of dreams... ever. So we are looking down a different route at a possible loft conversion or an orangery.
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arongerseo · 1 year
Residential Flooring Vancouver: Tips for Selecting the Perfect Style for Your Home
Choosing the right flooring for your home is essential to creating a comfortable and stylish living environment. In this article, we'll explore some essential tips to help you select the perfect flooring style for your Vancouver residence. From hardwood and laminate to vinyl flooring options, there's something to suit every taste and budget.
1. Assess Your Lifestyle and Needs
Before diving into the world of flooring, consider your lifestyle and the specific needs of your household. Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you have pets or young children?
Is your home prone to heavy foot traffic or spills?
Are you looking for low-maintenance options?Your answers will help guide you towards the most suitable flooring choice for your home.3. Explore Different MaterialsThere is a wide variety of flooring materials available to suit every style and preference. Some popular options include:
Hardwood: A timeless and elegant choice, hardwood flooring is durable and comes in various species, colors, and finishes. It's an excellent option for living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms.
Laminate: Laminate flooring is a budget-friendly alternative to hardwood that closely mimics its appearance. It's easy to install and maintain, making it an attractive choice for busy households.
Vinyl: Vinyl flooring is known for its water-resistant and low-maintenance qualities. It comes in a variety of designs, including those that resemble wood, stone, and ceramic tiles.4. Pay Attention to Room FunctionalityEach room in your home serves a unique purpose, and its flooring should reflect its function. For example, moisture-resistant materials like vinyl or tile are ideal for bathrooms and kitchens, while cozy carpets might be better suited for bedrooms.5. Consult a ProfessionalWhen in doubt, consult a Vancouver flooring expert. A professional can help you navigate the vast world of flooring options and make recommendations based on your specific needs, preferences, and budget.
2. Consider Your Budget
Selecting the perfect flooring for your home involves striking a balance between style, durability, and cost. When setting your budget, it's crucial to consider not only the initial purchase price but also the long-term expenses associated with maintaining and replacing the chosen flooring.
Here are a few factors to keep in mind while setting your budget:
Material Costs
Different flooring materials come with varying price tags. Generally, hardwood is the most expensive, followed by laminate and then vinyl. However, prices within each category can vary significantly based on factors such as quality, brand, and design. Research the average costs per square foot for each material and determine which options are within your budget.
Installation Costs
The cost of installation is another essential factor to consider. Some flooring types, like laminate and vinyl, are relatively easy to install and can be a DIY project for skilled homeowners. However, others like hardwood may require professional installation, adding to the overall cost. Be sure to account for labor expenses when setting your budget.
Maintenance and Replacement Costs
Different flooring materials have varying levels of required maintenance and lifespan. Hardwood floors, for example, can last for decades but may need refinishing every few years to maintain their appearance. Laminate and vinyl flooring, on the other hand, are low-maintenance options but may need replacement more frequently due to wear and tear. Factor in long-term costs when making your decision.
Return on Investment
If you're planning to sell your home in the future, consider the return on investment (ROI) of your chosen flooring. High-quality materials like hardwood can increase the value of your property and attract potential buyers. However, if you're on a tight budget, opting for affordable yet stylish options like laminate or vinyl can still improve your home's overall appeal.
In conclusion, setting a realistic budget for your residential flooring project involves considering material, installation, maintenance, and replacement costs. By understanding these factors and weighing the benefits against the expenses, you can make an informed decision that balances aesthetics, durability, and affordability.
Lean more about laminate flooring vancouver , vinyl flooring vancouver , commercial flooring vancouver ,
residential flooring Vancouver , Flooring Service in Kitsilano, Kitsilano Flooring Store, Kitsilano Flooring Shop, Kitsilano Flooring
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home-improvment · 1 year
21 Budget Home Improvement Ideas
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21 Budget Home Improvement Ideas
We round up a selection of quick and easy budget upgrades to inspire your next home improvement project.
If you’re an avid DIYer, you’re already on your way to saving money. But with the right planning, you can transform the feel of a whole room with a single project that only costs you a few hundred bucks.
Easy Home Upgrades You Can Do on a Budget
Pick from our round-up of value-boosting upgrades that all come in under the $500 mark—some well under. Not only will they be soft on your wallet now, but some of these will even save you money in the future. Check out our easy home improvement ideas below.
1. Refresh Your Rooms With Paint
You can give your drab, washed-out walls a burst of brilliant depth (or wash away your decorating sins with virgin white) just by picking up a paint can and having at them. That’s the power of a coat of paint: It rearranges your reality. Which is why painting is the most oft-tackled DIY home-improvement upgrade.
While you don’t have to be a pro to learn how to paint like one, there is more to a good paint job than just slathering some color on the wall. See our how to instructions to coat your walls expertly in one weekend, from the first scratch of the pole sander to the final feather of the brush.
See How to Paint a Room for full step-by-step instructions.
2. Add Crown Molding the Easy Way
Crown molding makes it to the top of most remodeling lists because it adds charm and value to a home, not because people enjoy spending a Saturday trying to get the corners just right. Luckily, there’s a simple way to beat miter-saw frustration.
Trimroc molding from Canamould Extrusions is a lightweight polystyrene foam coated in hard plaster. It cuts smoothly with a handsaw and it goes up in a flash with joint compound. No coping, no tricky angles, and ragged joints disappear with a dab of mud. So in just a weekend, you can upgrade a plain room to an elegant space—and still leave plenty of time for the rest of your list.
See How to Install Foam Crown Molding for full step-by-step instructions.
3. Install a Low-Cost Stair Runner
Want to get a good grip on slippery stairs? Try a DIY runner. After getting a quote of $2,500 to carpet her dangerously slick oak staircase, TOH reader Jaime Shackford took the project into her own hands. Using just two off-the-shelf woven runners ($125 each) and supplies from a home center, she gave her stairs an non-slip upgrade.
See How to Install a Low-Cost Stair Runner for full step-by-step instructions.
4. Install a Dishwasher to Conserve Water
That old dishwasher could be wreaking havoc on your electric and water bills. Time to switch it out for a new Energy Star-qualified dishwasher, which can save you more than $30 a year on power and almost 500 gallons of water. If you don’t have a dishwasher at all, you’re using 40 percent more water washing by hand!
The biggest cost saver of all? You can install a dishwasher yourself in an afternoon. No plumber, no electrician—and no worries that you’re squandering your retirement money on a load of clean dishes.
See How to Add a New Dishwasher or How to Replace a Dishwasher for full step-by-step instructions.
5. Rewire a Vintage Entry Lantern
Many hanging lanterns from the first half of the 20th century were humble by design, looking as if they’d been crafted by blacksmiths rather than machines.
Popularized by tastemakers of the time, such as Gustav Stickley and the Roycroft crafters, these rustic lanterns exemplified a back-to-basics design sensibility. If you’ve scored one such find at a yard sale or have one stashed in the attic, you can invite guests to “come on in” by putting back into service a vintage lantern. It’s an easy, affordable job once you get the parts.
See How to Rewire a Vintage Entry Lantern for full step-by-step instructions.
6. Renew Old Flooring With Paint
The burgundy red floor in the master bedroom of Sara and Andrew’s Massachusetts farmhouse didn’t fit the fresh and energetic personality of the newlyweds. But refinishing wasn’t an option on a limited budget. So to update the space, they painted the floor in a light checked pattern, using beige and white to warm up their cool blue walls.
Here we show how a little measuring and a couple of coats of durable floor paint can add a lot of personality to a room for a small price.
See How to Paint a Floor for full step-by-step instructions.
7. Make Shade and Add Privacy With Interior Shutters
Sunlight streaming through windows can be an annoying distraction. Not to mention the neighbors who have more evening hours to look into your brightly lit living room. You could install shades to foil prying eyes, but swinging wood shutters would definitely be more beautiful.
Interior shutters were the original “window treatments,” commonly used in Southern and urban houses, and they’re still a great way to add architectural and historical detail. They also help keep out winter’s chilly winds or summer’s oppressive heat. And they’re easy to install on any window because they attach to a thin frame that either sits inside the window opening or around the outside of the casing.
See How to Hang Interior Shutters for full step-by-step instructions.
8. Give Kitchen Cabinets a Flawless, New Finish
Your cavelike kitchen feels that way because the dark cabinets have sucked all the light out of the room. But a brighter makeover doesn’t necessarily mean replacing those gloomy boxes with all-new one. As long as the frames and doors are structurally sound, you can clean them up and brush on some new paint—and within a weekend take that kitchen from dreary to sunny. All you need is some strong cleaner, sandpaper, a paintbrush, and a little elbow grease. What you don’t need is a whole lot of money, as the transformation will cost you a fraction of even the cheapest new cabinets.
See How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets for full step-by-step instructions.
9. Get More Flowers Without Spending a Dime
Dividing perennials every three to six years is a great way to thin clump-forming varieties, like the daylily (shown here), which blooms from late spring to late summer. This technique can also be used to control plant size, invigorate growth, and multiply the number of specimens in a garden. A good rule of thumb is to split apart spring- and summer-blooming perennials in late summer or before the fall frost.
See How to Divide Perennials for sull step-by-step instructions. And don’t forget to check out How to Propagate Plants at no cost for even more ways to multiply the plants you’ve already got.
10. Install a Water Filter and Ditch Expensive Bottles
Millions of households have switched to bottled drinking water because of concerns over the purity or taste of their tap water. Such problems exist across the country, regardless of whether the water comes from municipal pipeline or ground well. However, there’s an easier, less expensive way to obtain clean drinking water: install an under-sink water-filtration system.
See How to Install a Water Filter for full step-by-step instructions.
11. Lay an Eco-Friendly Layer of Insulation
It’s bad enough to have to get up in the morning, let alone get up and experience the icy shock of a cold floor. What you need is some warmth underfoot, a little cushion as you pad across the house. Enter cork. Resilient yet durable, stylish yet earthy, a natural cork floor can turn any cool room into a cozy haven.
Cork is also a lot easier to install than traditional wood flooring. Manufacturers now offer products in engineered panels that snap together without glue or nails. These floating-floor systems sit well over plywood, concrete, or even existing flooring. In one afternoon you can turn a floor into a comfortable mat where your toes can roam free without fear of the big chill—or expensive area rugs.
See How to Lay a Cork Floor for full step-by-step instructions.
12. Refinish Your Home’s Handsome Wood Door
The years and the elements hadn’t been kind to the exterior of this 94-year-old, thick, cypress door. Flakes of varnish still clung to the wood in spots, while the rest of the surface was rough and dried out from the effects of water and sun. Wood entry doors everywhere suffer from the same assaults, and many end up in the trash, replaced by low-maintenance, mass-produced metal and fiberglass surrogates. But you can breathe new life into your old door with a few affordable supplies.
See How to Refinish a Door for full step-by-step instructions.
13. Put Down a Fresh Bead of Bathroom Caulk
You’ve seen the ominous signs of aging caulk. First it was the brown tinge along the edges. Now its smooth and supple skin has turned brittle and cracked, opening the way for stubborn colonies of mildew to take hold, or for water to seep through and turn wallboard and framing mushy. Whether it’s around your sink, between a tub and its tile surround, or covering the joints of your shower stall — it has got to go.
Fortunately, caulk is cheap, and applying it isn’t difficult. All you need is an hour, a few common tools, and materials easily found at any hardware store. But as easy as it is, you still have to do it right, or you’ll be caulking again next year, says This Old House general contractor Tom Silva.
See How to Caulk Around a Tub for full step-by-step instructions.
14. Revive Your Old Deck
By the time contractor Stephen Bonesteel arrived on the scene, the condition of this pine deck was bleak. Twenty years of harsh upstate New York weather without a lick of care had turned its once-bright boards a weatherbeaten gray, flecked with slimy algae and black leaf stains.
Still, even wood this neglected can be brought back to respectability. Over the course of a week, he power-washed and hand-scrubbed the deck back to a semblance of newness, then brushed on a protective coat of semitransparent stain to protect it from the elements.
See How to Restore a Weathered Deck for this pro’s full step-by-step instructions. In addition, you’ll want to make sure your structure is stable by doing a Deck Check.
15. Add Architectural Interest With Stair Brackets
The newel post and balusters get all the attention, while the exposed side of most staircases is largely ignored. But with the addition of decorative stair brackets, a bland stringer can become an elegant eye-catcher. Here we used simple-to-install, affordable wood brackets that go up with adhesive and nails.
See How to Add Shapely Stair Brackets for full step-by-step instructions.
16. Lay Low-Cost Flooring in Laundries and Mudrooms
Long before the advent of resilient sheet flooring and plastic-laminate planks, there was vinyl tile. Originally produced as an alternative to linoleum, vinyl tile grew in popularity because it was colorful, easy to clean, and crack resistant. The 12×12-inch tiles come in dozens of colors, patterns and textures, making it easy to create checkerboard designs and floors with contrasting borders. Here we’ll show you the right way to put in self-adhesive tiles for a professional-looking and durable floor.
Cost: About $2 a square foot and $80 to $100 other materials.
See How to Lay a Vinyl Tile Floor for full step-by-step instructions.
17. Protect Walls With an Easy-to-Clean Backsplash
If installing a traditional tile backsplash feels a little out of your DIY league, putting up one made from a single sheet of solid surface material may just be your saving grace. Shaping, cutting, and gluing up this inexpensive stock material—available from companies such as Swanstone, which makes the beadboard backsplash shown here, in a variety of colors and patterns—is a weekend project most amateurs can conquer with confidence. And when you have your sleek backsplash in place, you’ll think it such a stylish protector from splashes and splatters you’ll wonder why you ever considered tile in the first place.
See How to Install a Solid-Surface Backsplash for full step-by-step instructions.
18. Prevent Mold Growth With a Bathroom Vent Fan
Installing a ventilating fan in your bath does more than just eliminate fogged-up windows, steamy mirrors and stale odors. It also helps prevent moisture-related problems, such as the growth of mold and mildew, that can be costly to remove and lead to health problems. Avoid all of that with this affordable upgrades. Here, This Old House general contractor Tom Silva shows the proper way to install a bath vent fan. In this particular installation, Tom ran the exhaust duct into the attic and through a sidewall to the outdoors.
See How to Install a Bathroom Vent Fan for full step-by-step instructions.
19. Build a Custom Tool Bench
Amy Paladino is a pro at juggling the demands of her job and family. But as with many of us, when it came to organizing tools for DIY projects, she needed a little assistance.
Here is a plan for a size-it-to-your-space tool-storage bench that doubles as a work surface. Though it may look complicated, the construction couldn’t be simpler. And you’ll be protecting your valuable tools in a custom chest, while saving on the outrageous cost of store-bought storage.
See How to Build a Tool Bench for full step-by-step instructions.
20. Ceiling Fans for Summer (and Winter) Savings
The popularity of ceiling fans continues to grow as more and more homeowners discover dramatic, year-round energy savings. In summer, ceiling fans create cooling breezes, which reduce the strain on air conditioners. In winter, they circulate heated air to keep the room warm.
Installing a ceiling fan is relatively simple, especially if the space above is accessible from an attic. However, even when it isn’t, the job is still quite doable. Here, we’ll show how to replace an old light fixture with a new ceiling fan and light, in a room with no attic above. The advantage of this approach is that you don’t have to run new wiring. The fan connects to the existing cable from the old light.
See How to Install a Ceiling Fan for full step-by-step instructions.
21. Cut Costs With a Programmable Thermostat
Going digital with a model that automatically changes the indoor temperature setting is fairly easy, and it can trim about $180 off your annual heating and cooling costs. Simple models that only control heat are sold at home centers for around $25. But units like the one shown here can handle many more functions, including cooling and humidifying. Typically they’re purchased through and installed by HVAC contractors, but you can get a good deal on one by buying online and install it yourself in no time.
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carpetinpottstown · 1 year
5 Tips About Carpet in Pottstown You Can Use Today
Completely renovated 4 bedrooms and one particular along with a half bathtub colonial property. This household capabilities alluring hardwood flooring, a spacious kitchen area with granite countertops and stainless-metal appliances, a dining home, a front room as well as a half bathtub rounds off the primary floor.
Clever Charge Guides understands that each predicament differs, and that is why personalized answers can be a precedence. Quality function and competitive pricing are different precedences as Intelligent Price Guides greatly depend on the very long-time period relationship and repeat enterprise.
Let's get started with the special open-up flooring plan on the home's major level, which contains a decorative tile floored entry primary into the living room with a vaulted ceiling, hardwood flooring and balcony forget. The beautiful hardwood flooring flows into your dining place region. 
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boisenrafn · 2 years
Tips About How To Develop Into A Much better Internal Designer
nội thất gỗ óc chó isn't essential to experience harmony at home. Decor could work for your own home in numerous methods, you just need to be ready to find out how. This article below targets several of the fantastic techniques that you could strategy interior design and possess it function at the disposal of a novice! Before you begin your interior design venture, think about your finances. There are various techniques of going about finishing 1 task, and when you know your financial budget, you will find a better understanding of how to start. Consider the cost of materials and effort, after which create a budget which fits your life-style. When you are producing selections about altering the interior furnishings of your house, buy your household concerned. Remember that they will must accept the adjustments at the same time. Judgements that are manufactured ought to be satisfactory to everybody to avoid conflict and ill feelings. Your home is the haven for every single person in your family, so everyone ought to feel better about the changes in advance. A good suggestion when you're hoping to get some internal developing carried out is usually to talk to a expert interior developer. Anyone feels they may make everything on their own, which isn't a poor quality, but expert indoor makers come with an vision for things which the normal Joe doesn't think about. If you are redesigning a child's bedroom or playroom, make it enjoyable! You may not understand anything they can achieve and what works for his or her dimensions. You need to make most of these things accessible to your kids. Try to observe the space like your youngster would. Most of all, be sure you get rid of possible hazards. Be careful when picking shades for the interior-layout task. You need a colour structure the operates harmoniously with each other to create a healthy look. It is merely as crucial to avoid integrating too many colours that conflict collectively since it is to prevent making a mundane, monotone and unexciting area. A single exceptional strategy to alter the interior decorating of your house would be to introduce habits. A number of people hesitate designs, because they think, designs are mind-boggling. The truth is that lines, swirls as well as other styles can also add drama to the look of a room. Start with small items and spot the immediate difference. Don't hurry from the wall structure paint color assortment approach. Should this be whatever you do you might not like the colour. You should attempt out some free samples and painting them, after which have a little while. Think about acquiring many samples, applying these people to your wall and after that generating your final decision. Going to a coloration all by yourself walls might change your general judgment from the suit. Fresh paint can be something you'll must purchase, so purchase a substantial-good quality company to perform the design and style career appropriately. You will simply be sorry when using poor quality fresh paint it would scratch and wear off plus injury your wall surfaces. Put money into quality painting to be certain your design and style endures. Clean up. Before beginning any home design, it is advisable to make sure everything is quite clean. Your carpet may look dreadful, but it might not need to be replaced. It can be possible that it really needs a very good cleaning up! Gt every thing cleaned up prior to picking out what you can do up coming, and you can avoid time and money. As the starting of this information has mentioned, interior design can help your property and your loved ones! You don't ought to commit several years understanding the particulars of layout, however you can invest a couple of minutes studying and taking some really good suggestions. The tried and tested tips above will certainly be of assistance to you!
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dubaiflooring · 2 years
The Latest Trend of Living Room Carpet In Dubai
We all know that carpets are stylish, but did you know that they can be very healthy too? Dubai Flooring offers many types of products for every budget, so there is sure to be something for everyone. Are you thinking of buying a new carpet for your home? We have got some tips for you on how to keep you in the red during this particularly difficult financial time.
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Have you ever felt that the carpets in your living room, office or even bedroom no longer make sense for your home? If so, this is one article that might provide some direction. Check out Dubai Flooring and see how they are able to offer high selling prices while maintaining large profit margins.
For many companies, there is nothing worse than expensive and cheesy carpeting that makes us shudder to walk on. We all know the benefits of buying a carpet – it makes your apartment look more welcoming, improves its overall aesthetic value, makes your room more comfortable, and provides you with a sense of relief when natural light begins to peek through your windows. But what sets carpets apart from cushions is their durability and the low-cost price. While the season of fall is upon us, many people focus on how to make their homes ready for their changing weather conditions. Winter blankets target 1’s and 2’s rooms and hot water bottles, but don't forget about our older fans - these can be replaced with some innovative options like automated carpets to help you sleep in style.
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One thing about Dubai that has one of the largest choices for carpets-. Dubai Flooring, a store specializing in offers their diverse selection of carpets at affordable prices to all- saving buyers plenty money on not feeling as duped. Is carpet really your one stop destination when you're looking for carpet? Browse some of the other stores they offer something else but what keeps people coming back is their amazing quality and affordability!
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albertasunrise · 3 years
Unlucky - Chapter 7
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Summary: As a barmaid, you learned many secrets from Escobar’s sicarios when their lips loosened from liquor so you felt it right to feed what you learned to the dashing DEA agent that frequented the bar. After taking you in to protect you, you then learn the cost of being Javier Peña’s informant.
Warnings: Fluff n Smutt, 18+
Relationships: Javier Peña x Reader, Reader x Original Female Character
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
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You'd not pushed on what Javier had said at dinner, not wanting to make a scene when the Murphys had made such a lovely dinner for you both. Placing your coat down over the back of the couch, you turned to watch your lover as he poured you both a drink. He smiled as he handed it to you, unphased by his earlier suggestion as he sat himself down and watched you from his seat. You took a sip of your drink as you paced, everything starting to settle in more now that you didn't have Steve and Connie to distract you.
"Sweetheart, you're going to wear a hole in the carpet." He joked and you stopped dead, turning on your heels.
"A baby Javi?" You expelled, eyes wild "You want to have a baby?"
"Yes." He stated simply, giving you a small nod.
"A baby!" You squeaked, eliciting a small chuckle from the agent "Javier we've only been ‘together’ a short while. We haven't even had sex!"
"Not for lack of trying on my part." Javier teased.
"Javier you almost died! I held you in my arms as you bled out right there." You yelled, pointing at the spot you had found him "I was hardly going to fuck you until I knew I wasn't going to hurt you."
"I love you Cariño." Javier stated, smiling sweetly at you "I want a future with you. I want a family with you." He paused, placing his glass on the table before standing and making his way over to you "You are it for me now. I want it all with you."
"We don't have to have a baby now if you don't want to." He interrupted, resting his forehead against yours in an attempt to ground you "I just want you to know that I'm ready when you are."
You were silent for a long while, soaking him in as you felt all your worries disappear. Your hairs raising on end as he placed a chaste kiss on your lips. This was a huge decision but as you opened your eyes and locked them with his, it didn't seem so daunting anymore.
"Okay." You breathed, nodding as you let out a shaky breath.
"Okay?" He asked, brows raising as he leaned back to look at you better.
"Okay." You repeated, "Put a baby in my Javier Peña." You grinned and he kissed you hard, heart pounding at the thought.
"When can we... What do we..." You knew what he was getting out and you smiled as you placed a soft kiss on his lips.
"We can start right now if you want." You breathed and he trembled at the thought "I came off my birth control a while ago."
That was all Javier needed to hear. He was on you in a heartbeat, tearing off your clothes and dropped to his knees before burying his face in your heat. Eating you out like a man starved. You screamed his name as he made you cum on his tongue, not having long to gather your witts before he was leading you to his bedroom and pushing you onto his bed. His clothes were removed without ceremony, large hands then pushing your legs apart so he could settle between them.
"Are you sure Hermosa?" He asked, his excitement saturating his tone and he practically vibrated when you nodded back at him.
"Fuck a baby into me guapo.' You moaned, gasping as he pushed in.
The stretch stung a little bit but as his hips started to rock slowly you felt it disappear and it was replaced with a pleasure you'd missed. He started slow, his lips tracing down your neck and along your shoulder as his length his something devastating inside of you over and over.
"Fuck." You whined, the pleasure becoming almost too much but your soft curse only spurred him on.
He picked up his pace, soon sending you over the edge and you screamed his name as you cum, clenching his length and pulling him right along with you. He slammed himself deep inside of you, moaning loudly as he spilt himself inside of you and praying silently it would take.
"Shit." He breathed, breath fanning your cheek as he came down from his high "Think we should do that again..." He panted against the shell of your ear "Just to be sure."
"I agree." You chuckled, giggling as he kissed you sweetly.
4 months later...
Your foot tapped impatiently on the tile floor as you waited for the egg timer to ding, Javier perched on the bathtub across from you. You were a week late and so you'd sprinted down the pharmacy, Javier beside you and purchased various pregnancy tests. The tension was palpable as you waited, both leaping out your skin as the timer screamed.
"Ready?" You asked him, hands shaking as you picked up the tests.
"Yep." He nodded, voice wobbling as he watched you turned them over.
He watched you closely, noting the way your face fell before you finally looked up at him. You turned them so that he could see them, his stomach sinking upon seeing the result.
"We'll keep trying Hermosa." He said softly, giving you a weak smile as you gave him a teary nod.
"I was so sure this time." You sobbed, tossing the tests in the trash.
"I know sweetheart." He said as he stood and pulled you into his arms "So was I." He mumbled against your hair "These things take time."
"I cannot believe you convinced Javi to drag us out to a club." You cackled, taking a sip of your wine as you watched him and Steve talk.
"You've both been a little down lately." She stated and your eyes shot to her "I don't know what's going on with you both and it's not my business. I did think though that you two both could do with a night to just let your hair down and enjoy yourselves."
You smiled at her. Eyes drifting to Javier who was now watching you with a soft smile before Steve nudged him and he returned his attention to his partner. You'd continued to try but still nothing and now you were starting to worry. What if something was wrong? Perhaps you weren't meant to be a mother.
"Shall we dance?" Came a deep voice beside you and you looked up to see Javier smiling beside you.
You nodded eagerly, taking his hand and following him to the dancefloor. He pulled you against his front, hands on your hips he guided your movements as the two of you allowed the music to flow through you. Your arm snaked around his neck, moaning as he placed hot kisses along your neck and you soon felt his own arousal pushing against the globes of your ass.
"Come with me." He growled in your ear, swiftly dragging you to one of the empty bathrooms and locking the door behind him "Fuck I need you now."
He shucked up the skirt of your dress as you leaned over the sink, your arousal practically dripping down your thighs. The air was snatched from your lungs the moment he plunged his length into your heat, not caring who heard you moan as he started thrusting at a punishing pace. His hand snacked around to rub your clit. This needed to be quick.
He fucked you expertly, pulling your orgasm from you quickly before he buried himself deep, cumming with a yell that would definitely be heard by anyone outside. The as quickly as you arrived, he was leading you out and back onto the dancefloor but this time you faced him, kissing eachother sweetly as you slow danced to the tame music.
You returned to the Murphy's a short while later, the couple completely oblivious to your little escapade. You stuck around a little while longer, enjoying the company for close friends before you returned home and fell asleep in each other's arms. Feeling relaxed for the first time in some time.
3 months later...
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled as Javier opened the door of the apartment, a smile crossed his lips as he took in the three of you as you raised your arms in cheer.
"What the fuck?" He chuckled, pulling you in for a sweet kiss as you made your way to his side.
"Well it's your birthday." You stated sweetly "So Connie and I threw you a party."
"I can see that." He replied, eyes scanning the apartment and settling on his loveseat that was littered with presents.
"We've cooked your favourite." Stated Connie as she motioned to the kitchen "Got the recipe of your dad."
"Well shit." Javier breathed, smiling at the blonde before his eyes settled on his partner "How did you keep this a secret?"
"With great difficulty." Steve chuckled, scrubbing a hand over his face "Your better half threatened me with death so..."
Javier barked at that, pulling you into a deep kiss that made your toes curl.
"I love it, thank you." He said sweetly, pecking you on the nose.
"You're welcome." You replied, grinning widely at him "Come on lets eat before it gets cold." You announced and everyone filtered into the kitchen, sitting around the table and digging into the food you'd prepared.
"So presents?" Squeaked Connie, clapping her hands excitedly as she bounced in her seat.
You were nervous about presents. You'd hoped that you'd have a little longer before they were handed out but now you were all sitting yourselves down in the lounge, you perching on the arm of the loveseat so you could distribute them.
"So this ones from you pops." You said, handing the medium sized package to Javier.
He ripped it open, chuckling when he opened the box to see an engraved Zippo lighter along with two packs of his favourite cigarettes.
"Thanks pops." He snorted, placing the box down on his coffee table.
"Okay this ones from Connie." You stated, handing him the large box that was immaculately wrapped in neutral paper.
Once again he tore it open, his eyes growing wide when he opened the box to reveal an expensive bottle of whiskey. One he'd mentioned a while ago was his favourite.
"Shit Con you shouldn't have." He breathed, looking up at her with a shocked expression.
"Happy Birthday Javi." She replied, smiling sweetly at him.
"Give him mine." Said Steve, bouncing in his seat like a kid at christmas.
You handed it to him and Javier snorted at the terrible wrapping, smiling at the thought his partner had tried hard to wrap it nicely for him. He laughed when he opened it. Pulling out a moustache grooming set, punching his friend playfully as he remembered the conversation they'd had at the bar about who had the better beard.
"I guess that leaves your present hun." Connie squeaked and you nodded nervously, picking up the small package.
"Happy Birthday baby." You said sweetly, handing it to him and then perching on the seat.
You chewed your thumb nail nervously as he pulled away the paper to reveal a non-descript box. He looked up at you a moment, eyebrow quirking before clicking the box open and your heart stopped as you awaited his response.
His eyes watered as he looked down at container in his hands. One single plastic stick sat in the centre, painted with two little pink lines. In the lid, was an image that took his breath away and he finally tore his eyes away from in to look at you.
"Really?" He asked, his voice small as a single tear slipped down his cheek.
You could only nod, smiling at him as he dropped the box and threw himself at your feet. He wrapped his arms around your middle as he sobbed into your belly, placing kisses there.
"What the fuck is going on?" Steve asked, walking over to his wife who had picked up the box "You're having a baby?" He practically yelled upon seeing what was in his wife's hands.
"Yes." You sobbed, grinning from ear to ear as Javier stood and wrapped his arm around you.
"Oh my god!" Squealed Connie, sprinting over to the two of you and pulling you into a firm hug "Was this..."
"Planned?" She nodded "Yes." You replied, smiling sweetly.
"We've been trying for around 8 months." Stated Javier as he placed a kiss on your temple "Fuck this is the best present you could ever give me."
"How far along at you?" Connie asked, grinning at you.
"A little over 3 months." You confirmed and she bounced on her toes in excitement.
"I'm so happy for you both." Stated Steve, throwing his arm around his partners shoulder before kissing your cheek "You're gonna make awesome parents."
"Fuck yeah we will." You confirmed, elliciting a chuckle from everyone.
"We'll be the best."
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Part 8
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Tags: @hayley-the-comet , @mishasminion360 , @ajeff855 , @pedritomando , @supernaturalgirl20 @dihra-vesa , @nicolethered , @practicalghost , @theanothersherlockian
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furnituremoving96 · 3 years
Dryer Repair Near Me
Appliance Repair San Diego
Oceanside Appliance Repairs
2645 Vista Pacific Dr Oceanside, California 92056 760-496-5437 https://oceansideappliancerepair.com/ No matter the dimensions of your home improvement project, it's important to remember that there are extra potential issues than you may at first realize. Which is simply the way it goes with home renovations. Carpenters possess a very distinct set of expertise. A handyman might possibly not have the skill to do home improvements. For that reason, it's important that will you look at this write-up. If you will be taking care of a fresh home improvement project, make sure of which you are complimenting your environment as opposed to fighting against it. If you are usually in an place that has higher winds, then you most likely are not spending much period outside. As such, it would become in your greatest interest to function on indoor arrangements. By the same token, you can easily still enjoy the outside, by simply putting a glass structure. This can help block out the environment while still providing you with an outdoors environment. New flooring can instantly update any room. You may choose to complete typically the work yourself, or perhaps most flooring companies can install the flooring of your choice (either carpet, ceramic tile, hardwoods, or other) in an almost no time, normally about 1 day. In the event that you are searching for an useful diy project, try out "building up. " Walls create a lot of squandered space. Add coordinating bookcases in the lounge room or develop a window chair where your household may sit and read. Simple projects such as these can create every space in your home useful and valuable to the family. To save on your time expenses, try changing your lighting bulbs. Compact neon light bulbs in addition to LED light lamps cost more compared to regular light light bulbs, but use much less energy to lighting your home and keep going longer. You should see returns upon your monthly energy bill in no time after upgrading all of the normal bulbs within your home with one of these. Synthetic building supplies have a location in do it yourself jobs, and that location is usually outside. Synthetics tend to stand up to be able to sun and weather a lot better than the healthy materials they replace. (Stone is the notable exception to this rule. ) For wood in particular, there are the number of man-made replacements that present similar attractiveness plus superior durability. Whenever your do-it-yourself or even renovation project is definitely big enough, you will likely be working together with a contractor, that will have sub-contractors working for him in turn. If problems arise about the job, your general contractor may fault his subs. Since the homeowner, you will be the boss. Get sympathetic but firm in reminding typically the general contractor that he is in the end responsible for his subs' work. If you are searching for home improvement projects which might be guaranteed in order to raise the associated with your home, you can't go wrong with a bathroom or perhaps kitchen remodel. Constructors and real estate agents estimate that perfecting these bedrooms is likely to be able to earn you more compared to 100 percent back again on your expense when you put your current home for sale. Not all projects will be hard around the house. There may well even be movers London Ontario . If an individual are not completely sure on how to undertake it, a person may hurt your self instead of assisting. You could have just examine some great improvement suggestions applicable to many projects. They may be advantageous tips, so use them wisely.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
One Good Turn Deserves Another
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Category: Angst 
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Eri
Additional Tags: Vigilante!Class 1-A
Trigger warning for themes of child abuse!
Izuku’s lips were curled into a cold, smug smile as his bright eyes beheld the lofty penthouse suite displayed by the floor-to-ceiling glass panes framing the luxurious condominiums nestled between the beach and the sprawled city complex. Izuku perched on the balcony railing of the adjacent condominiums’ penthouse complex that he was currently sharing with twenty other young vigilantes looking to score a quick buck in the chaotic, unforgiving, cold-hearted world they lived in. They’d all seen terrible, horrible things that prompted them to turn their backs on society’s definition of “hero” and carve their paths. To this day, Izuku marveled at the miracle of their coming together to form one of Japan’s most notorious heist organizations. 
“Has she left yet?” Katsuki grunted as he strode out of the open set of glass doors. His heavy boots thunked against the smooth stone bottom of the balcony. Izuku’s emerald eyes remained fixed on the spread of clear glass several yards away, particularly on the thirty-something-year-old woman running a blow dryer through her voluminous brown hair. Izuku was mildly impressed with her haircare routine; even from the considerable distance, he could see the ripples of her hair gloss with the fluorescents’ unflattering light. Her bathroom was as large as the standard bedroom, but that didn’t mean the condos invested in slightly better lightbulbs. 
“Not yet,” Izuku responded without looking at his number-one partner-in-crime. “We still have fifteen minutes until her suitor is supposed to pick her up.” Katsuki only grunted in response, watching with disdain as the older woman smoothed nonexistent creased from the sapphire blue dress that hugged her figure in every scandalous way possible. Izuku could almost hear her six-inch-heels clacking as she exited the bathroom to cross through the walls. She disappeared into the bowels of the suite to head towards the penthouse door. 
“What’s this broad do again that makes her richer than God?” 
“She’s the assistant CEO of a software development company specializing in programming high-tech support items.” Indeed, the infamous burglars had targeted her after multiple magazine spotlights and television specials revealed her lavish life’s intimate details, down to a complete tour of her pompous penthouse home. The exposés had been mainly focused on her widowed status, chronicling her tumultuous rise to fame after her husband’s sudden death after only a few years of blissful marriage. Izuku remembered the bitter tears streaming from her eyes as she reminisced about her loving husband. The waterworks had cemented in his mind that she was the perfect victim for their newest scheme. 
Katsuki and Izuku both straightened slightly as the receivers in their ears buzzed with static. 
“Hey, hey!” Izuku could hear Denki’s broad grin in the fuzzy audio of the transceiver. “The John’s in the building and heading up to the penthouse.” Izuku pressed the respond button to answer, still crouching on the railing by balancing on his metal-plated boots. Denki always served as their mole, because his easygoing and sunny personality just lured people into a false sense of security so easily.
“Is it time?” Hanta called as he poked his head out of the open glass doors. 
“Almost.” Hanta stuck out a thumbs-up before vanishing into the room, shouting for Ochako and Mina to go out onto the balcony for Phase II of the rob-the-rich-lady plan. Ochako trotted out onto the lengthy stone structure, chewing on a licorice candy as she leaned against the railing beside Izuku. 
“If only I’d lived like that, life could’ve been so much different,” the brunette mourned sourly as she tore off a large chunk of the red candy and crushed it between her teeth with excessive force. Izuku laughed dryly with a nod of agreement. 
“I would feel bad because she’s a single mother, but wait until the world sees the reports of employee abuse we mailed into the news networks,” he laughed gleefully. Sure, they stole and occasionally beat people to a bloody pulp, but only people who deserved it. Many of the common folk revered them as a troupe of Robin Hoods, stealing from the obnoxiously wealthy and abusive to aid the poor and struggling. At least, that’s what many of them told themselves to justify their questionable deeds. Try as they like to harden their hearts to their bitter realities, sometimes their human sides tried to nose back into their lives. 
“She’s leaving,” came Denki’s quick report in their transponders. Izuku could hear girlish giggling and the baritone droning of a man in the background of the audio. Denki, disguised in a janitor’s outfit, whistled as stood with his mop and side-eyed them. “Heading up. Be there or be square.” 
“All right. Denki’s moving in to disable the motion sensors,” Izuku reported. Mina had joined them on the balcony, and she enthusiastically punched the air with her fists. 
“All right! Let’s bleed this bitch for everything she has!” the pink girl crowed. Izuku languidly stood up on the metal railing, balancing his center to stand at his full height with only the thin rail cementing him to the building. Ochako skipped over to touch Mina with her pink finger pads, and the girl immediately floated up a few inches from the balcony, giggling as she did so. 
“I can never get used to how weird this feels!” Mina trilled, laughing joyfully as Hanta pushed the back of her head to make her body somersault in the air slowly. As she righted herself, Izuku grabbed her gently by the elbow to drift her to the balcony rail. “All right! The Mina Rocket is ready to go!” she declared. Izuku grinned widely, then flung Mina to send her sailing across the gap between the buildings. The few patrons lingering by the pool failed to notice the pink vigilante floating in the sky in the dark fringe of the lofty condos. Katsuki snorted as Mina bumped into the window with a gentle smack. She hurriedly grasped onto the building’s thin stone rim before she bounced off. She hovered beside the building, staring at the red blip of light within the condo’s dark recesses that indicated the security system was still armed. 
“How are you doing, Denki?” 
“Me ‘n Yaomomo are almost in position.” Momo had also been deployed to the condominium, posing as a member of the cleaning staff. By now, the security officer should be passed out from a sleeping drought so their bonafide genius could replace the camera feeds with loops and replaced footage to eliminate the evidence of their involvement before it even existed. The video would show that Denki and Momo had gotten off on entirely different floors, when in fact, they would proceed to the penthouse to assist in the heist. No one would ever be the wiser that two moles had been planted in the staff. 
There was a reason they’d evaded Interpol, the Japanese Bureau of Investigation, and the Hero Commission for so long, after all. The young group of vigilantes dotted all their I’s, crossed all their T’s, and checked them twice. 
“The cameras are set,” Momo reported, whispering not to wake the slumbering guard. “The footage is good for about an hour. Let’s make the most of it.” 
“Almost done,” Denki hummed in the same channel. A faint crackling of electricity sounded as he essentially fried the security system controls. Faintly, Izuku could see the red light blip green. 
As soon as Momo and Denki reported in, Mina melted the glass with her acid, reducing it to a goop steaming on the wooden floorboards. Mina worked quickly and efficiently to carve a large hole into the window, then daintily stepped into the living room to tut at the blackened, smoking area rug. As soon as she safely entered the penthouse, Ochako released her Quirk, allowing Mina the land on the plush carpet and appraise the lofty home. 
“All right, guys, let’s move in.” Izuku used his Quirk to propel himself across the divide, bending the railing as he blasted off it. He’d bend it back later. He landed deftly in the center of the living room, clicking his tongue at the sheer obnoxiousness of the interior decor. It probably cost more than all of her employees combined made in a year. Disgusted, Izuku made a point to bend the metal floor lamp in half, exposing the wire to make sparks jump from the now-frayed metal pieces. While the others quietly used their Quirks to jump into the penthouse and Denki picked the lock so he and Momo could stroll in, Izuku set to ransacking the place to discover where the software mogul hid her stacks of cash. The others began pilfering everything valuable in sight; Tooru and Asui sprinted to the master bedroom, keen on scoring the jewelry the woman had been sure to show off in her many interviews. 
Izuku ignored the triumphant hoots and hollers as he meandered down a hallway. Just to be thorough, he opened the side closet, disinterestedly pulling out the Egyptian sheets of every color and numerous comforters to fling them into a pile on the floor. Nothing hid behind the cottony masses, and he almost abandoned the effort until he spied a suspiciously square seam in the wood peeking out. 
“Hello,” he grinned and crouched down to pry the false floor up with his fingers. Izuku had been expecting a hidden stash of cash or coins, perhaps a safe containing embezzlement or fraud documents. 
He was not expecting a pair of bright red eyes and a pale round face to be peeking up at him. 
Izuku froze. He blinked, and the pale face shrouded by the darkness blinked back. He continued to hold up the small nook entrance, oblivious to Katsuki stomping down the hall toward him. 
“Oi, what the fuck are you- what the fuck?” The blond hissed in a breath, making the small form within the crawlspace cringe in fright. With a flip of his index finger, Izuku bid Katsuki to turn on the hallway light. As he complied, the white light cascaded over Izuku’s hunched form to crash into the small space, illuminating a very tiny, disheveled little girl. Her red, puffy eyes slowly blinked as she regarded Izuku with a mixture of curiosity and fear. 
“Are you here to steal me?” 
Izuku almost lost it. Literally. He become so infuriated that his Quirk jumped out, sending red streaks and green lighting blazing across his skin. Clenching his teeth hard and breathing steadily through his nose, he managed to force his power back into control and give the little girl a strained smile. It was just so hard not to go ballistic and tear the entire penthouse upside down, because this was the most pathetic little girl Izuku had ever seen. Her white-gray hair framed her round face and her red eyes glittered like blood moons in the light. A little horn protruded from her forehead. Why the hell was this child locked in a crawlspace in a goddamn hallway closet while the penthouse owner gallivanted off on a booty call? 
“Yeah,” Izuku smiled pleasantly. “Yeah,” he repeated, convincing himself to commit to the radical change in plans. “That’s right.” His heart crushed in on itself as her eyes widened and she beamed brightly. She flung herself forward with a delighted squeal to wrap her thin arms around Izuku’s neck, burning her face into his sternum. The girl immediately began bawling loudly, spreading snot and tears all over the spandex of his suit. 
“Ungh… I… I’m so happy… I-I’ve been waiting so long for someone to know I was here… That I existed…” Izuku didn’t have the heart to tell her that he had no earthly idea she was in the penthouse, let alone related to the woman. “Mommy… Mommy locks me in here because she doesn’t want people to know. She hates me; she tells me so. She says I need to suffer, so I’m locked away to be forgotten. Just like everyone forgot Daddy, she says,” she blubbered between wails and cries. Izuku’s hands remained limply at his sides, too stunned with the cascade of events to properly comfort the girl. Her crying had attracted the attention of his cohorts, and they crammed into the small hallway to observe the strange happenings. She began to sob harder. 
“I didn’t mean it… I didn’t mean to make Daddy go away. It was an accident. An accident.” She palmed her small horn, sniveling, and it took Izuku a few seconds to puzzle out that the little girl’s Quirk had likely manifested and killed her father. It wasn’t common, but certainly not unheard of. Children with powerful, uncontrollable Quirks posed real and present dangers. The girl sniffled as she rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palm. “Mommy says it’s my fault. She says that my punishment is to be locked away and feel what it’s like to be forgotten. She tells me that one day she’ll forget me too, and I’m going to die, all alone.” 
Katsuki began cursing profusely under his breath, sparks popping from his palms as his fury mounted. 
“This is fucking ridiculous; are we gonna fucking stand for this? This bitch has her daughter locked in a fucking hole in the wall and is out there schmoozing some fuckin’ asshole-! I can’t; I fuckin’ can’t, I need- Ooooooh…!” As he grew more and more enraged, he stomped off into a side bedroom and began flinging furniture around with his herculean strength. Izuku had regained some semblance of his wits, so he hugged the small girl tightly to his person and petted her long silvery hair. Suddenly, she blinked at him. 
“Wait… You aren’t here to kill me, are you? Did my mom… Did she finally…?” As her red eyes flooded with fresh tears, Izuku hurriedly shushed her and pressed his cheek against the side of her head. 
“No, no, that’s not why we’re here at all.” 
“That’s right! We’re thieves!” Tooru beamed theatrically as she jumped over, waving her gloves around ecstatically. The little girl’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head upon witnessing an invisible woman for the first time. “We’re gonna steal you away to happier life!” The girl’s eyebrows shot up, and she craned her head to look at Izuku. 
“That’s right!” he confirmed with a cheesy grin. “Stealing is what burglars do best, right?” The girl squealed as he hoisted her up with his hands under her armpits. Her little legs kicked happily at the sudden rush of air around her. With a smile, Izuku plopped her against him, one beefy arm hooked under her comparably tiny frame. Her little hands rested on his broad shoulder, and her bright smile illuminated the condominium better than the sun ever could. When a few more loud crashes, thumps, and curses drifted down the hall, she looked worriedly towards the room Katsuki had stamped into. 
“Is he okay?” 
“Yeah, he’s just sorting out his feelings,” Denki laughed as he sidled up. “Hiya! What’s your name, squirt?” he asked as he playfully shook her hand. 
“Eri,” she giggled. 
“Eri! What a cute name,” Kyoka appraised with a nod. The others greeted her jovially as Izuku carried her into the living room. Her eyes widened when she beheld the overturned and broken furniture. 
“What are you all looking for besides me?” 
“What kind of burglars would we be if we didn’t take your mom’s money?” Shoto quipped monotonously as he resumed emptying drawers. Izuku flushed with embarrassment at the boy’s bluntness, and Eri screwed her face up into a frown. 
“Mommy isn’t a nice person. She takes money from the company and robs the workers; I hear her say so on the phone. She laughs about it.” Eri glanced concernedly up at Izuku. “What are you going to do with the money?” 
“Uh! Oh, um, we’re not gonna do anything bad,” he reassured as he strolled over to the gaping hole in the window. “We’re honest burglars. We steal from bad people and share it with good people.” It was true. They’d made anonymous donations to charities and underfunded schools and local businesses, built a children’s park overnight for a low-income neighborhood, and committed countless other good-Samaritan deeds. Of course, some of that they pocketed for personal interests and paying off essential figures, but hey, it was an investment for more heists and more good deeds, in the long run. At his explanation, Eri hummed satisfactorily and hugged his neck, her cheek squishing against his. 
“I see. That’s nice!” She then inhaled slightly as the wind whistled through the window, ruffling her hair and nightgown. Izuku smiled sympathetically as she gulped, peeking down at the ground so very far below. “Are we… Going to jump?” 
“Yeah, but it’s okay. It’s how I came, you know. We can make it! I’m going to hold on real tight to you,” he reassured her jovially. Eri nodded slowly, rotating her head to peek back at his friends, who had resumed rummaging around the apartment. Katsuki had satiated his ire and stalked back into the main room to oversee the operation. “Don’t worry about them. They’re just finishing the job. They’ll probably stay a little while, because… Well, as we like to say, one good turn deserves another.” 
The tone in the room shifted immediately. It grew dead silent as Izuku’s unspoken order dropped the temperature of the room several degrees. His grin and emerald eyes were eerily bright as he eyed them over Eri’s head. “Right, guys?” 
“Right,” Tenya whistled as he picked up the sheets in the hall and began shredding them into thin strips of cloth. Silence descended as the vigilantes began searching the penthouse once more, but their minds were no longer on cash and evidence, but something else entirely. Eri blinked repeatedly as she struggled to grasp the shift in the tension and gave Izuku an inquisitive stare. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Izuku smiled and patted the top of her head. “When tomorrow morning comes, everyone will know you exist.” Eri’s blood moon eyes widened as a big grin slowly spread across her round face. 
“Really? You mean it?” 
“Every word,” he promised. “You gotta swear, though, to keep a secret.” Eri nodded vigorously. “You can’t tell anyone about who rescued you. It’ll be a secret between just us, okay? Pinky-swear.” Izuku held up his scarred pinky, and Eri readily looped her tiny one with his, linking them in an eternal promise. “Good. Remember, one good turn deserves another. We saved you, so you help us keep our identities safe so we can keep helping other people.” With that, Izuku hugged her tight and activated his Quirk to once more spring between the two buildings. She inhaled wondrously as the wind rushed through her hair, and looked up to see the starry night sky after so long deprived of their soft, simple light. 
As Izuku had promised, Eri’s story was blown wide open alongside the software mogul’s scandalous finances and business practices. Izuku and the others had left Eri asleep in the penthouse suite with all their documents and scathing evidence of Eri’s abuse and the money the woman had stolen from her business partner. They dropped an anonymous call to the police to inform them of the girl’s location, and then retreated to a safe distance within the city to watch the media massacre unfold. 
The woman was discovered first. She was brought out by police not visibly harm but clearly scared within an inch of her life. Being suspended from a penthouse with only a decorative chair and some Egyptian cotton sheets to anchor you to safety would do that to a person. Next, when Izuku and the others dropped the call, the flocks of the press began to babble theories as the police swarmed into the adjacent penthouse. They’d also given anonymous information to the news media, who immediately jumped on the tragic tale of the little girl. Eri’s eyes were huge as the cop carried her carefully out of the condo, amazed by all the noise and activity developing around her. Izuku could just tell by the teary smile on her face that she was thinking, They know I’m here. They’re happy I’m safe. 
When one of the reporters shoved a microphone into her face and demanded to know who her rescuers and mother’s assailants were, Eri just smiled sheepishly. 
“It’s a secret. I can’t tell. You know, one good turn deserves another.” 
Izuku grinned to himself, biting down on his bottom lip in satisfaction. 
Sure, they weren’t saints. They’d stolen, and assaulted, and publicly slandered plenty. However, seeing that little girl’s smile broadcast on the big screen for the world to see, ready to leave an arduous life behind her and step out into the light, reminded Izuku of why he’d turned to such an existence in the first place. 
Real heroes made real change through whatever means necessary. Because, as he said… One good turn deserves another, and one bad deed brings down righteous fury.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork​
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elisafrag · 3 years
Flawed Renovation Ideas that Might Devalue Your Home
Ever thought of incorporating home renovation ideas to boost up its value? While some of them actually help in increasing its worth and get Sell My House Fast Tulsa, faulty renovation projects may end up giving the worst payoff.
We’ve discussed such flawed ideas in the following to help you remain cautious of any awful investment:
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1. Over Personalization
Home customization provides ease and comfort to your life, yet over-personalization of various aspects of your home may contribute to its overall de-valuation. Over personalization refers to altering the features of the house to a level that reverting them becomes seemingly impossible. They include:
·        Wallpapers: Stylizing the walls of your home with quirky textures certainly gives an appealing look, but preferences in this regard are highly subjective. Apply simple, decent, and natural textures to allure your potential buyers.
·        Carpeting: Excessive carpeting is a nightmare of germ ophobes. It raises hygiene and sanitary issues. Avoiding the unnecessary use of carpet minimizes cleanliness issues as well as slashes the expenses of carpets.
·        Tiling: Tiles get stained and grubby more quickly than you expect. Similarly, the preference for tile texture is area-specific. Therefore, you must remain extra-careful when renovating the floor using tiles, since they are one of the costliest upgrades.
2. Costly Additions
A yard is something that appeals the most to prospective buyers. Altering your yard for mere sunroom addition may turn out to be the costliest blunder you make in terms of renovation.
With the least return on investment, a sunroom is a luxury more than a necessity. Don’t expect homebuyers to pay bulk money just to have an outdoor reading and relaxing privilege in the afternoon.
Similarly, remote working may compel you to have a separate workspace in your home. Setting up an entire office within the premises of your home, more specifically your bedroom, is a major downgrade. Quite obviously, it will rule out the potential buyers who expect to have more bedrooms or a broader living space than a dedicated workspace.
3. Lavish Chandelier and Lighting
Getting overwhelmed by lavish chandeliers and ceiling lights, and installing them in your home may bring up a notion that you implemented a great renovation idea.
On the contrary, installing a fancy lighting system financially harms you in two ways; costly bills due to high consumption of electricity and is expensive itself. Replace them with energy-efficient LED lightings to cut back on your electricity expenses.
4. Extra Luxurious Bathroom
The bathroom is one of the most significant portions of your house and demands a timely maintenance service. A mid-range bathroom improvement surely adds value to your home. However, an overly luxurious remodeling not only turns out to be extravagant but also increases the chances of making mistakes.
A thoroughly revamped bathroom typically accompanies customized features which aren’t, in any way, conformable to your home’s future clientele.
5. A High-End Kitchen Revamp
A lavished kitchen is perhaps the most anticipated home feature for buyers to look for. It is vital to keep your kitchen well-maintained since it is the primary aspect that reflects how hygienic you are. But it is equally important to refrain from a high-end kitchen refurbishment.
Adding a built-in appliance to your kitchen is a highly expensive feature. It may ease your life a little but is a major financial loss in the long run due to its extreme consumption of electricity. Replace the outdated appliances with rather new yet cost-effective ones. Keep your kitchen clean, uncluttered and orderly, as much as you can.
6. Installing a Central HVAC System
Having controls over the heating, ventilation, and cooling system of your home indeed provides unmatched privileges. Homebuyers may prefer a house with a central HVAC system. But don’t expect them to pay you a bulk of the credit to account for its installation cost as well as your profit.
If you have plans to sell your home soon, there’s no need to install an HVAC if it lacks one. Sure, it comes with various cost-efficient features but it never adds value to your home for Sell My Home Fast Tulsa  from a resale perspective.
7. Combining Rooms to Create a Master Bedroom
Never abandon the idea of downsizing after kids move out. Downsizing provides hefty savings with huge investment potential.
Even if you consider living in your existing home for long, combining rooms to create a bigger room always remains a bad idea. It is yet another costly customization that never increases the overall worth of your home.
Instead, a house with multiple independent bedrooms carries better functional utility. Rather than adding space, keep it uncluttered and less stuffed with furniture to give it a wider look.
Final Thoughts
On a final note, we find it prudent to mention that maintenance and renovation are two separate things. Cutting back on maintenance faults just to add value to your home may turn disastrous if you’re planning to sell it soon.
Never shy away from keeping your home well-maintained, and always evaluate to Sell My House Fast Tulsa how a revamping idea would fare in the long run.
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
History Repeats Itself
: Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 : Chapter 3 : Chapter 4 : Chapter 5 : Chapter 6 :
The boys resumed working on the Time Tape right away. Ford showed his brother how to carefully use the tiny file to grind off the excess bits of metal from the miniscule framework of circuitry. Once Stan got started on his own, the young genius got to work taking apart the Time Tape’s casing, and preparing to replace the circuitry. As they worked, the only sound was the scraping of the file and their mother taking the occasional call for her phone psychic business downstairs. 
Ford was trying to tease the damaged circuits out of their casing with the tweezers he’d used to clean the sand off the new circuits. After a few failed attempts, he threw them down in frustration.
“Where are my needle-nosed pliers!?” He shuffled through all the tools and parts that had accumulated on his desk.
Stan shrugged, then winced as his arm throbbed again.
When another few minutes of exasperated searching didn’t turn up anything, Ford decided to head back downstairs and see if there was a pair among their father’s tools.
“Hey, gimme another ice pack while you’re down there?” Stan requested. The ice bag he’d been using had become nothing more than a sweaty bag of lukewarm water.
“Sure.” Ford nodded as he left the room.
Since the bag no longer soothed his aching arm, Stan picked it up and plopped it into their trash bin before resuming his task of filing down the new circuitry. The water from the bag coated his fingers, making his grip slippery. The next time his right arm throbbed with pain, his fingers twitched, and the file slipped out of his hand. He instinctively grabbed it with his left hand… and snapped the circuitry he was holding in half in the process.
Stan just stared down at his hands blankly for a couple of seconds before what he’d done sunk in. “...Crap…” he breathed. His stomach twisted and his heart rate skyrocketed. Way to go, screw-up, you’ve ruined one of your brother’s important projects yet again!
No. No, this wasn’t going to be like that. Stan looked around frantically, for a place to hide the evidence, for an escape route, he wasn’t sure. Then his eyes fell on the soldering iron. Of course! After thirty years of rebuilding the Portal, he knew how to use one of those! He could still fix it! Sure, Ford had said it was too big for such delicate work, but Stan was willing to try anything at this point.
He laid the circuitry back down in the sand mold as carefully as his shaking hands would allow. It wasn’t a perfect fit, many of the sand grains had been picked away by the first molding, but it would have to do for now. He held the soldering spool and the hot iron just a few millimeters above the first break in the circuitry. He tried to hold his hands steady as a molten drop of metal dripped into the sand, but his emotions were running away with him. His thoughts kept on circling, screw-up, screw-up, screw-up, repeating on an endless loop in his head. His breath was coming in irregular gasps, and his vision was blurring. Instead of sealing the break, the drop of metal was just a couple of millimeters off target.
“C-c’mon!” Stan grunted, sticking the tip of the soldering iron into the molten drop and dragging it to the break in the circuit, like one would drag a fountain pen through a drop of ink. All he ended up doing was melting the metal on either side of the break.
“No. No! No no no!” Stan’s frustration and fear bloomed into anger, and he slammed the soldering iron down on the desk, leaving a scorch mark in the hard plastic surface and snapping the tip of the iron right off. He stared mutely at the smoldering tip as it slowly burned a hole in the carpet. How could things have gone so wrong so quickly?
His instincts were telling him to run, but what good would that do? He was still trapped in the past with Stanford, and he’d just sabotaged their chances of fixing the thing they needed to get home. How would Ford react when he found out?
It won’t be like with the science fair. The logical part of Stan’s brain reasoned. You’ve both learned from your mistakes and grown since then.
But Stan had never been very good at listening to the logical part of his brain. The rest of his brain could only remember all the times he’d messed up before, and how his life always seemed to start a death spiral from there.
He heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and froze. He’d run out of time.
“I’ve got your ice pack. Sorry I took so long, the needle-nosed pliers were all the way down in the pawn shop. I guess dad needed them to work on an old clock someone--” Ford stopped short when he took in the devastated expression on his brother’s face. “What happened?”
“I--I--” Stan stammered, struggling to form coherent words, much less describe what he’d done. “I’m sorry-- my hand slipped-- I didn’t mean to-- no, no excuses-- I tried to fix it, I swear!”
“Hey… hey, it’s ok.” Ford rushed forward and wrapped his brother in a hug.
“It’s not ok!” Stan cried. “We need to go home, and I just ruined the thing we need to do that!”
Ford glanced over his brother’s shoulder and took in the broken circuitry and the snapped soldering iron. He quickly unplugged the iron before it caught anything on fire, but then returned to comforting his brother. 
“Stanley, it’s ok, it was just an accident.”
Stan frowned down at the ground. “It’s always an accident.”
Ford gently took his brother by the shoulders. “It was delicate, I could have snapped it just as easily.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t. You didn’t break the iron either.” Stan held his head in his hands and gave a hollow laugh. “I could’ve burned the house down. That’d be a new low, even for me.”
“You need to stop beating yourself up so much. Nothing was broken that can’t be fixed.” Ford assured him. “I told you I can form the circuits again, it’ll only take a couple of days and a new soldering iron.”
Stan groaned. “Yeah, nothing that can’t be fixed except the school's property.”
Ford scoffed. “I literally could not care less about the school’s property.”
“And your desk.”
“Trust me, I’ve burnt plenty of holes of my own in that desk.”
Stan just swallowed back tears and leaned into his brother’s shoulder.
Ford patted his back awkwardly. “I’m not mad at you. I’m sorry I always got so irate all those other times, but I’ve learned my lesson since then.”
Stan was maybe on the verge of feeling better when they both heard the familiar sound of an oldsmobile pulling into the parking space behind the pawn shop. Filbrick was home, with his usual sense of timing. Ford could feel his brother tense in his arms.
“...Maybe he went out for drinks with the coach and he’ll just go straight to bed.” The young genius hoped. Thankfully their father was more of a sleepy drunk than an angry drunk.
The heavy footfalls coming up the stairs didn’t sound like a tired, drunken stagger. They heard a muted conversation between their parents, and then the footsteps continued up the second flight of stairs to their attic bedroom.
Ford held the ice pack up to Stan’s face.
“Wha-- Ford, what the heck?”
“It’ll mask any swelling or redness from… your hormone-induced emotional outburst.” They didn’t have time to argue over whether or not Stan had just been crying.
The heavy footsteps stopped, and the door swung open. Filbrick was barely an inch taller than them at this point, and yet his impassive face loomed over them like a colossus. 
“You two left without tellin’ me. Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
“Not worried enough to come looking for us, apparently.” Ford answered flippantly. 
“I had to go use the payphone to call your Ma when neither of you came back in time for the Somners fight!” He informed them. “So not only did I spend money I shouldn’t’ve had to, I cut into her precious client time. You know she can’t take customers during the day anymore because of the baby!”
“Oh…” Ford had forgotten about that particular detail. “Sorry.” He was mostly sorry for his mother. “It was my fault, I was really anxious to get back to my science fair project.”
“And you,” Filbrick turned to Stan, who quickly lowered the ice from his face. “You left without collectin’ your pay! What kind of imbecile does that!? I had to collect it for you.”
“Oh, heh, whoops!” Stan forced on his best con man smile. “Guess I must’ve hit my head one too many times in the ring.”
“How many times have I got to tell you boys?” Filbrick shook his head. “All the brains or charm in the world can’t buy you a meal in your stomach or a roof over your head. What’s it gonna take for you two to man up and start takin’ your futures seriously?”
The two brothers remained silent, both knowing better than to try and answer this rhetorical question. Still, the irony was not lost on them. 
“Well, since you’re obviously not responsible enough to handle this money on your own, I think I’ll hang onto those winnings I picked up for you. Taking out the cost of the payphone, any potential revenu your mother might’ve lost while I was on the phone with her, and a holder’s fee, there should be just enough left for me to pay off your parking ticket.”
“Th-thanks, dad.” Stan said meekly.
“Don’t thank him, he’s taking money that’s rightfully yours!” Ford said indignantly.
“Ford!” Stan hissed, elbowing his brother hard in the ribs. He cast a wary glance up at their father. “H-he didn’t mean it!”
Filbrick stared down his rebellious son, his expression as unreadable as ever behind his dark glasses. Ford glared right back, unwavering.
“Let me clear something up for you, smart guy.” Fibrick growled. “You live under my roof. My sons. My dependents. So until you two turn 18, any money either of you make is technically mine. You’re just lucky me and your Ma make enough that we don’t need to take any of it from you.”
Stan squeezed his brother’s arm tightly and whispered in his ear. “Ford, please, don’t. Just let it go. Please.” He wasn’t sure if he was pleading with his brother not to correct their father’s grammar, or his understanding of how parental stewardship and dependents worked. Thankfully, Ford lowered his gaze and nodded.
Filbrick nodded stoically back. “And clean this room up, it smells like burnt plastic in here.”
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Writing Characters With Glasses (Or if you’re getting glasses... a heads-up):
(This is a long list, but it may be helpful)
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Glasses Problems:
First, them getting dirty.
Second, they can be uncomfortable.
Third, getting new prescriptions.
Fourth, losing them.
Fifth, breaking them.
Additional Information
1 - Dirty Glasses/Cleaning Them:
-Glasses get dirty no matter what we do all day, though we don’t always clean them every day, or every week, or even every month.
-When they get dirty enough, we might take them off because they hinder our ability to see and I hate wearing them anyway
-Rain affects glasses like it does a car window: you can’t see anymore without windshield wipers. (As an added bonus for wearing glasses, people can get better at seeing through rainy windows.)
-When we wipe off our glasses on our shirt/pants/nearest cloth-like object, it doesn’t clean them completely—sometimes it even makes them worse.
-We have special a cleaning cloth and a spray bottle given to us for our glasses when we get them, but when these get old or run out, paper towels (though they may scratch the glasses) and Windex (or whatever you use to clean your mirrors/windows) are good substitutes.
-People clean their glasses at different rates. Don’t expect my best friend’s to be as clean as mine. (I don’t know how she sees with those). I myself am a little obsessive over cleaning my glasses. I do it almost every day I wear them.
2 - Uncomfortable:
-When you’re new to wearing glasses, your ears will hurt. A lot. Specifically the part where the glasses lay, the highest part where your ears connect to your head.
-Even when you’ve had them a long time, they can hurt if you wear them too long. For instance, you’ve been up all day and all night and all day again, and you’ve had them on the entire time. Ugh.
-Speaking (or typing) of wearing them too long, they press against your head. So it’s not just your ears that hurt, it’s your head too.
-Falling asleep with them on is the worst if you fidget in your sleep. They can get in the most painful positions... Additionally, if you want to go to sleep (like on a long car ride) they will prevent you from doing so.
-They can give you headaches when you start wearing them. They can give you headaches when you stop wearing them.
-They can make certain hairstyles and hair accessories uncomfortable.
-They either slide around or are too tight, unless by some miracle they fit you perfectly.
3 - New Prescriptions/New Glasses/Contacts:
-We go to the eye doctor on a regular basis to get new glasses. Normally, it’s once a year for me. My father can go for three, five, maybe ten years before replacing his. It varies, but kids typically get them around grade 4 and replace them every year.
-New glasses cost around $100-$200. Here’s when I interrupt with an add for Zenni Optical (https://www.zennioptical.com/) These glasses cost only $20-$35! It has saved a lot of money.
Every time we get a prescription, we have to see an eye doctor. I’ll go over the procedures at the bottom of this post.
-Switching to contacts involves a testing period where you see if they’ll even fit with your eyes or if you have some kind of reaction, leaving you stuck with glasses. Once you get contacts, you can only wear them for a few hours before they begin to hurt. (Normally this is anywhere from 3-8)
4 - Losing Your Glasses:
-Can you see your bedroom floor? No? Then you might be unable to tell me where your glasses are. I’m currently missing mine, but since I can see without them (I only suffer in the one eye) and I’m lazy, I’m not searching for them, although it’s been weeks.
-Thanks to this, if someone who usually loses their glasses comes to school/work/a regularly visited place wearing their glasses, they will get greeted with “Hey! Did you get glasses?” (To which I respond: “Nope! I just lost mine.”)
-You can also lose them somewhere you’ll never find them again. For example, in the woods, off a cliff, in the ocean, at school when you can’t find them in the lost-and-found, or at an event.
5 - Breaking Glasses:
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-Have you ever read a scene like “She walked over the broken glass with caution, panic rising in her as she stared in horror- drama drama drama”? This is breaking our glasses (only we’re staring at our glasses, not whatever it was). This is it. Especially if that pair actually fit. Especially if that pair was perfect.
-Did you ever hear of the excuse ‘my dog ate my homework’? Replace ‘homework’ with ‘glasses’. (This happened to me more than once. “Who’s a good boy?” Not my dog!)
-They are not as fragile as they’re made out to be. They can even survive a punch to the face, believe or not, so long as the person punching is a second grader without experience in martial arts, or as long as the person punches like a kid.
-Dropping them is typically fine, but if you drop them on something like concrete, you’ll get a few scratches on them. They won’t break just from being dropped, though, unlike phones.
-Whenever you break them, you have to get a replacement. You don’t necessarily need to set up another eye appointment, though; you can use your old prescription if you want.
Additional Information:
-We have glasses cases in which to store them, and it’s best to keep them on your nightstand or on the bathroom counter. We lose these too. We get a new one with each pair, and I like to keep my old ones and use them for storing my things.
-We don’t always get the cleaning spray with them, but the cloths are normally consistent.
-Everyone’s glasses look different. We all have our preferences. There are different colors and frame shapes, and metal or plastic frames. I like my basic plastic frames in a dark blue or black color.
-Most people have very different prescriptions, meaning someone’s glasses not able to be used by someone else. (It can still be fun to exchange them, although I’ve heard this harms the eyes.)
-Here are images of cleaning cloths and glasses cases:
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Eye Doctor Appointment Procedures (Which may not be accurate for everyone, but this is what it’s like for me):
1. Set up appointment, as you would a normal doctor’s appointment.
2. Arrive and wait for ages. The waiting room will look like a normal waiting room most of the time, though it’s normally smaller—around seven seats, maybe. (I always liked sitting on the carpet)
3. Someone will call your name and take you to the back, where someone (sometimes the same person) will have three (?) machines) I don’t remember too well—the doctors’ offices all give me weird dissociation and mess with my memory—but they’ll have you rest your chin on part of the machine and your forehead on another. Every time, they’ll tell you not to blink.
4. The first machine will take a picture of your eyes. They’ll have you look into the machine.
5. The second has a picture of a farmhouse and field brought in and out of focus.
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6. Lastly, the machine will blow a puff of air into your eyes to test reflexes, or something. (A lady who tested my eyes once joked that it took your eyes out to clean them and put them back in before you could feel anything other than the puff of air)
7. After the machines, you’ll be taken to a room and told to sit on the weird chair and wait.
8. Once the doctor arrives, he’ll ask a few questions then test different lenses, labeling them numbers 1-10 and asking you which one makes the letters on the screen in front of you look most clear.
Behold, the lense-mixer (it’s actually called a phoropter):
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9. You’re magically given a new prescription, and you can either get frames there or off a website. It’ll take a while to get your prescriptions.
I hope this was helpful!
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