#carrigan tag
Actually. I think you asked me for a summary of her Deal several months ago. And, uh, I know it's taken forever, but here you go!
…This will get a bit complicated, but I'll start with the original incarnation.
Carrigan Grimm is, mechanically, a lv 14 pathfinder 2e forensic medicine investigator with the medic archetype + a smattering of rogue / thaumaturge. So, she's extremely good at healing, knowing things, investigating, sneaking, and finding weak points. Overall, she is "a prickly perfectionist with self-loathing issues up to her eyeballs. She's convinced that no one will like her, so she pushes them away to preempt the rejection. She loves the thrill of a medical challenge or the hunt for a monster, and has some distinct mad scientist tendencies, but they're more or less held in check by a deep sense of decency." (thanks, rp partner!)
Carrigan grew up in a city not-so-secretly ruled by aristocratic vampires, and was a normal human working in forensic science, specializing in autopsies. A body she was working on turned out to be not fully dead yet -- unbeknownst to her, he was in the process of becoming a vampire -- and his bite somehow turned her into a dhampir. After frantically trying to reverse it by self-amputating the fingers that were wounded in the attack, she had to face that she had become a dhampir permanently, and was closer than ever to the creatures that she loathed. She spent the next several years isolating herself, getting by as a back-alley doctor in the city's slums and drowning in self-hatred, until the day when an acquaintance asked her to look into the disappearance of a friend.
(begin campaign 1.)
Within a few months, she had honed her skills as a combat medic, killed a lot of bogeys, saved all the children of her city, and lost a close friend. She had also joined a secret order of vampire hunters called Lantern Hunters, who fight with magically summoned lantern-shaped flails that are specially suited to destroying vampires.
Carrigan didn't hate the work, and didn't hate the people she was working with, either. So, after the mission, she kept looking for new challenges and new mysteries to solve, new people to help -- anything to keep her moving.
(end campaign 1.)
Shortly after, the country was plunged into a civil war. She fought alongside the Lantern Hunters, against her homeland, at first, but got fed up with their reckless tactics and left to go monster hunting in the countryside with one of her companions for the next several years. It ended up being for the best, because the tide of the war eventually turned, and the Lantern Hunters themselves were hunted into near extinction.
(begin campaign 2.)
Fifteen years after her original mission, she was given a new one: find a dangerous artifact before it fell into the wrong hands. She spent months in enemy territory, found the artifact, had the artifact stolen by someone she thought of as a close friend, and ended up getting trapped in a city undergoing a diabolic invasion, where she and her companions spearheaded its liberation. For their deeds, they were given the opportunity to participate in the peace talks that ended the civil war, and offered roles on the Council that would replace the vampire aristocracy. Of the three, only Carrigan accepted, committing to spend two years in office.
(end campaign 2.)
At this point, she made the very difficult decision to leave the Lantern Hunters. Although they had given her purpose at a time in her life when she truly needed it, she knew that her new high-profile job could put the remaining members in significant danger, and, well… she no longer truly agreed with their ideology that all vampires deserved to be destroyed because they're vampires. Most of the vampires she'd met had been awful, wretched creatures that deserved to die, true -- but it was because of who they were as people. Vampirism had just given them the opportunity to become the monsters they had always wanted to be.
Close to the end of her council term, she was summoned by a mysterious figure for an unexpected mission -- investigate some small-town disappearances and deal with the malevolent force causing them. She was expecting familiar faces when she went to meet her companions, but there was an unexpected newcomer, sent by one of her fellow council members -- Victor, a young vampire who… shockingly, still seemed to have somewhat of a conscience, and a personality rather than a god complex.
She found him fascinating.
(In the meta, we decided to run a Halloween one-shot preview for the 3rd campaign featuring these characters, and invited another player to join us. They brought Victor, and what was planned to be a one-shot turned into a three-parter with a 12k word text rp thread.)
An explanation of Victor will come in another post.
After that mission, Carrigan and Victor were uncertain they would get to work together again, but they crossed paths and got to know each other enough that when the mysterious figure that had caused them to meet in the first place sent out a new summons for an important mission, he invited Victor directly, on the condition that Carrigan would share the blame for any potential problems arising from his involvement.
Meta story short, from there the game went on a ~ten-month hiatus where we switched campaigns to a prewritten adventure with different characters. Victor's player and I were desperate to keep RPing with these two dorks, but couldn't without making things unfair for the other players in the game.
So, we decided to switch to an alternate universe.
Victor started as the player character in my rp partner's playthrough of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, which they had a lot of fic for. I converted Carrigan (Alexandria) Grimm into a character that would fit in that world.
Alex Carrigan is a forensic pathologist from London who had, a couple months prior to the start of the rp, been attacked by what she was pretty sure was a vampire -- but all the evidence of the attack had disappeared, leaving her to appear completely delusional as she desperately tried to convey that he was still out there and still a danger to people. She lost two fingers and spent a month being involuntarily hospitalized for her "delusions," eventually starting to wonder if the attack may not have happened as she remembered it. Possibly worst of all, throughout the experience, she received no support from any of her former colleagues or the people she thought were her friends. So, the moment she was free, she bought a plane ticket for Los Angeles, with the intent of not looking back for as long as she could manage.
A month later, walking to the bar, she found a broken, bleeding body lying in an alleyway, and begrudgingly decided to take him home and patch him up as best she could, rather than potentially bankrupting him by calling an ambulance. Within a few minutes, though, his heart stopped -- but he didn't lose consciousness or seem at all concerned when she brought it up.
And that was how she met Victor and begrudgingly joined the Masquerade.
In the months since, they've gotten to know each other, fought fleshwarp monsters in the sewers together, defeated a powerful fleshcrafting vampire, and become best friends.
Alex has gotten a (highly illegal) job at a shady clinic, unwillingly become a ghoul (a semi-thralled superhuman who drank a vampire's blood), adopted a cat, and lost her appendix.
It means everything to Victor that he finally has a friend, and he's terrified of losing her. He has also started working at a local theatre and is starting to get to know his new coworkers. Surely nothing weird or supernatural will happen with them.
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mirabilefuturum · 1 year
my Italian mafia brainrot yote me straight into Zsasz obsession and honestly I need a version of Gotham where there's only Zsasz plotlines because the only thing that's stopping me from rewatching Gotham is. Gotham. as in my only braincell has still not uncringed after I stopped watching after s2 and I can't put myself through that again. I need The Godfather but with Zsasz and Falcone
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daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
We’ve already talked about Laurens and Lizzie, so let’s talk about Ivy, Thea, Augusta, and Iris!!
Ahhhhh, I am in love with this crossover idea already!! Here’s some headcanons for it:
Okay, I just know that Ivy would be a protective friend over Thea - she knows that Thea’s a tough cookie ultimately and that she can protect herself, but she also knows that Thea’s an absolute sweetheart who opens herself up to be hurt a lot and she wants to prevent that from happening if she can.
Ivy might not be part of the girls’ band, but she is definitely their biggest supporter; she goes to every one of their shows she can get to, will definitely provide more background vocals for a performance if it’s needed, and will always be willing to collab with Thea on writing some songs for the band if the other girl wants.
She is also Iris and Augusta’s biggest shipper! She thinks they’re absolutely perfect for each other and, even if she does sometimes tease them about being lovey-dovey sometimes (which they definitely reciprocate once she and Sam get together), she will also gladly provide opinions on date outfits if either girl needs it and vehemently defend them if someone wants to make rude comments about their relationship.
I can definitely see Iris getting some records of musical soundtracks to play on her record player for when Ivy comes over! The two of them would have so much fun jamming out to the Chicago or Anything Goes soundtracks during sleepovers or if they’re just chilling in Iris’s room doing homework together.
Speaking of Iris and musicals, I think Ivy would definitely get her the Hair soundtrack on vinyl as a gift, both as a gentle tease about Iris’s hippy style and because Ivy genuinely thinks she’ll like the music.
I just know that Ivy and Augusta would be the joint queens of giving tongue-lashings to people who are being dicks, even beating out Santana for the crown. Everyone in Lima, adults included, fears pissing these girls off separately, but even more if they decide to gang up on someone because they will show no mercy.
Ivy would probably be nervous to tell Thea about the crush she had on Finn in middle school, even though it only lasted for about a week, when she sees how in love with that boy Thea is, but I don’t think Thea would be mad at her at all and they might even make little jokes about it from time to time.
Despite how different all their musical tastes are, I can definitely picture all of our girls performing some amazing duets! Ivy would definitely come to love country music through doing a few numbers with Thea, and would definitely be willing to croon some seventies hits with Iris. Her voice isn’t exactly made for rock music, but she would still be more than willing to sing backup for Augusta whenever she wants.
let’s talk crossovers for our ocs!!
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
Ok I know I already sent in an order and it’s super last minute, but I had THE most unhinged thought cross my mind and I am currently CLAWING at the walls over it.
Putting in an order for delivery, black coffee, steak (Gotham bc I am once again in my Anthony Carrigan era LMAO), with a side of sliders, half sandwich, corn on the cob, and toasted peanuts. Finnie, u are honest to god a LITERAL legend, thank u sm for ur services 🙏🙏
gotham!zsasz x female!reader, word count: 400 content (warnings): praise!kink, lil bit of punishment, sub/dom if you squint hard enough the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: mia i was thinking of carmen the whole time is that weird? maybe...💚
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"And what do you say? For interrupting my hit? And taking the credit?"
Victor's fingers tensed, thumb and pointer pressed into either side of your face, cheeks pushed together, unable to speak clearly. But you still answered him, dutifully, though mumbled almost to the point of incomprehension.
"I'm sorry."
"Good girl!" He jumped back excitedly, a patronising smile on his face. "That's a very good girl! A shame you weren't this well-behaved earlier."
You wondered how long this punishment was going to last, but you knew better than to ask, or to even act as though you weren't enjoying it. Which you were. Wrists cuffed behind you, kneeling on the floor in front of him, mouth drooling as he smirked and sneered and threw his praise towards you.
"So what have we learned today?"
You'd learned that Victor was incredibly posessive over his assigned tasks. That he was controlling, a perfectionist, who didn't need, and didn't want, and certainly didn't ask for, any help whatsoever. And you were currently learning that despite whatever feelings he might have for you, either romantic or purely carnal, he wasn't one for letting any misbehaviour slip by. It might not be the usual revenge that was served by him. You didn't fear for your life. But you could feel the flush of embarrassment on your cheeks when he opened his eyes wide and spoke to you as though you were an idiot. And you could sense the heat building in you, an ache in your cunt as you hoped he might punish you even further.
"Well? What have you learned?"
You mumbled something that you hoped was the right answer, trying to keep quiet in case you might have the answer wrong. You could hear his boots pounding on the floor as he stepped up as close to you as he could get.
"Say it louder. I want to hear you."
"I've... I've learned that... uh... you're the boss."
He crossed his arms and looked towards the ceiling in a dramatic show.
"Hm... good, but not good enough. We'll have to keep going."
You smiled, and he smiled back. It was a futile punishment, but he could pretend he was at least getting some semblance of revenge against you. Even though it might be backfiring completely. Why would you want to behave if this was what you received?
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aylinxc-s · 10 months
who: @thomas-carrigan where: local dog park
"Did you and Gavin make up?" She asked her younger brother, arms folded across her torso. Their dogs played jovially in the distance. Aylin's eyes fixed on them, playing some kind of animalistic version of tag.
She'd felt especially distanced from her family of late, so catching up with Thomas to better understand the situation between her adoptive siblings. It was a nice distraction and that's what she needed right now.
"Can we have a Carrigan family function without you two getting into a punch on?"
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tagged by the lovely @rabbithearted , luv u!
currently reading: what dreams may come by richard matheson. it is also a re-read. i don't think at the time i first read it i appreciated it as much as i am appreciating it now, I have various sticky notes and tabs in the book right now
last song: Eurydice by Vincent Lima, listening to my nohobal playlist as background noise </3 the song just came out this year and there is another song by the same artist titled 'Orpheus'
currently watching: i am currently on my 3rd barry rewatch (it won't be the last i promise) this time in spanish! there are some translation choices that make me a little mad, like in season 2 when hank talks to barry in lululemon instead of saying "mi familia me matare" (my family will kill me) hank says "mi familia te matara" (my family will kill you) and that just?? no! hank reacts the way he reacts because his safety was in jeopardy! on the plus i got to hear cristobal call hank 'mi amor'
fic i’m currently reading: none TuT but i AM writing something that no one will know about when i post it
next on my watchlist: gotham! yes because i wanna see anthony carrigan's victor zsasz and im trying to get into more dc stuff
current obsession: god have you read the above?? barry, it's still barry and writing fics for hank and cristobal
tag, you're it! @akita-kira @bowties-and-klisses @steph-luvs-klaine @luvcall @ninjysworld and any of you lovely people that want to share!
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aurorabayrpg · 1 year
safe zone groups
please see the list below for the randomized groups of muns who will be trapped in the safe zones during the storm!
remember, while these are safe (no structural damage), the power will still be out while the storm rages on outside. everyone will be trapped in these places with no way of contacting anyone else until the next morning when the storm finally clears.
for your threads, please be sure to use the accompanied tags for all your replies so everyone can keep track of who's where!
All-Nighter Diner #aurorabay.diner
rory keaton (kaylen)
liam burke (aj)
axel mathias (sadie)
celeste zhao (dani)
chey johnson (angie)
dean redding (jewels)
cristian valdes (amanda)
ramsey rivera (rach)
avery montgomery (shera)
bennie simpson (dell)
Aurora Bay College #aurorabay.college
angel rojas (zero)
will meyers (em)
daphne danvers (allie)
kaede yamada (rach)
adriana del rosario (lilac)
vivian whitehall (amanda)
astrid hansley (lital)
harley hua (elle)
stevie mack (fish)
Golden Hour Lounge #aurorabay.lounge
vanessa gable (dell)
wren harlow (dani)
valentine meiers (kim)
bobbi jenkins (bex)
eric kang (odessa)
riley anthony (kris)
sloane danvers (indi)
dallas jones (stark)
gavin carrigan (rach)
Tidal Wave Music Shop #aurorabay.music
lexie miller (lital)
cherry koch (em)
emira dursun (megan)
ophelia chu (devin)
zandria diaz (elle)
andrew kane (peach)
daisy danvers (tay)
lily magalhaes (amanda)
zehra ozdemir (lilac)
Aurora Bay Vet Clinic #aurorabay.vet
connor rose (angie)
elmas yaren (peach)
lilah-kate millington (allie)
nelson quinn (rach)
xavier matthews (stark)
layla boyajian (odessa)
dawson young (sadie)
cami reese (kim)
diego martinez (lital)
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smzeszikorova · 1 year
Find the Words!
Thanks for the tag, @dogmomwrites! Hopefully I'll have some more writing to draw from this time lol. (Update: I did!) Tagging @kyofsonder, @angelasscribbles, @harinawa, @moonandris, @thatonecrowguy, @aether-wasteland-s, and @alwaysastrophel, but no pressure! And also anybody who sees this can join!
Your words will be sleep, ruin, cry, moment, and lost. If you can't find one, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words were several, complain, difficult, stop, and return. I swear, one of these days I'll have more documents to draw from. Progress is slow as fuck, but it's happening!
Several (From P&K Book 1):
And so Eva led the cows through the field, and the potato spinner lurched noisily behind them, flinging clumps of damp earth as it went. Petra stood several arms’ length away from the machine, kneeling down and picking up whatever potatoes she could find with the most grace she could muster. Of course, there was never much dignity in labor, she thought, but if nothing else she could at least keep her skirt out of the mud.
Complain (from Book 3 Theodore Diaries):
Lennox, in his typical fashion, grumbled a bit about Samuel’s presence. I think Lennox finds it unprofessional to eat with his inferiors. But after I informed him that Samuel’s being there was my idea, he stopped complaining, at least to my knowledge.
Difficult (from P&K Book 1):
Catherine looked annoyed. “I don’t see why it’s your business,” she said brusquely, “and I don’t see why you felt the need to eavesdrop on my—”
“You and that server both speak very loudly. I was sitting right behind you the whole time; it was difficult to ignore. But I suppose it doesn’t matter; my point is this: the Pemokese army has a variety of programs designed to assist the families of all our veterans—”
Catherine laughed a short, doleful laugh. “Oh, yes, I’ve heard all about your benefits. I’ve also heard they don’t extend to people like us. Not that it’d make any difference if they did.”
Stop (from P&K Book 1):
“Joseph, quit standing around like an idiot and bring these two a round of beers on the house!” Then, once Joseph had vanished from sight, Estelle whipped her head back around and flicked a couple signs at Carrigan—“Stop goading, dangerous”—before ushering the recruitment officers to a nearby table.
Return (from P&K Book 1):
It might have been a totally joyless existence for Petra, but as it happened, her little sister Eva couldn’t get enough farmwork, especially where the big draft animals were concerned. So they’d made an agreement with each other: Eva would take any chores on Petra’s list that involved the animals, and in return Petra would fill the gaps on her list with whatever chores Eva didn’t feel like doing at the moment. It had seemed like a perfectly reasonable solution, and it suited both girls just fine, but since Catherine had been particularly snappish lately they’d both resolved to keep their agreement secret, even from Victoria, who was far less irritable but was also frequently assigned to spy on them and make a note of their productivity.
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#the viruses on my laptop vibing on this song after searching for hours this movie streaming site and founding absolutely nothing:🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
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Yeah, yeah, yeah ERAGON is a shitty movie we all know that; but I'm not gonna be indifferent to this👇
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Mom at movie theater watching the Batman: Ew. What's this? I want real Penguin and Riddler.
Real Penguin & Riddler:
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My heart backflipped 🥺💜💚
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Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
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I'm, like, legit nervous
Anthony Carrigan as Noho Hank in Barry (HBO) Season 3 teaser trailer
159 note - Postate 16 marzo 2022
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Original Work, Pathfinder (Roleplaying Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: Vampires, Dhampir, Gothic, Banter, Snark, Cat and Mouse, Original Character(s), Self-Worth Issues, Whump, Blood and Injury, self-surgery, Anti-Dhampir Prejudice, murdered parents backstory, not fully ttrpg mechanics compliant but pretty close, Brief Alcohol Use, Intrusive Thoughts Series: Part 2 of This Tragic Affair Summary:
Fourteen years into her country's devastating civil war, dhampir investigator and veteran vampire hunter Carrigan Grimm gets a lead on a new target -- but things don't quite go as she planned.
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
Female Character TF Bingo List:
Lee (Critters 2)
Lady Amalthea (Last Unicorn)
She Hulk (Marvel)
Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Lillith (Bordello of Blood)
Carrie White.
Nadine Cross.
Constance (Taz Mania)
Constance Hatchaway.
Karen Boyer (Spies Like Us)
Fran Fine (The Nanny).
Tiffany Valentine.
Jun/Unknown (Tekken Tag Tournament).
Santanico Pandemonium. -Alexandra, Jane or Suki (Witches of Eastwick)
Sarah Sanderson.
Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Batman Returns)
Carrigan (Casper)
Angela Franklin.
Buffy Summers.
Lisle Von Rhuman.
Any Monster High girl.
Lola Bunny.
Nancy Downs.
Trash (Return of the Living Dead)
Sil (Species)
Mirage (Aladdin tv series).
Ari (Planet of the Apes 2001).
Felicia (Darkstalkers)
Peggy Bundy (Married with Children)
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Mona Lisa Vito (My Cousin Vinny)
Lorraine Mcfly (Back to the Future)
Lydia Deitz (Beetlejuice)
Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Marsha Quist (The Howling)
Minerva Mink.
Julie Bruin.
Mary Corleone.
Mrs Lovett.
Dawn Bellwether.
-Selene (Underworld).
Beatrice Horseman.
Ms Kitty.
Rayne (Bloodrayne)
Vera Webster.
Seven of Nine.
Annie Wilkes.
May Day (A View to A Kill).
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doomsdayhqs · 2 years
are the superheroes “lab babies” like in the boys and placed into foster homes unknowingly (or knowingly, depending on the situation) or is this a case of parents offering over their kids to be experimented on and then the kids are sent back to their birth parents or at least know / know of their birth parents after testing is finished? would superpowered parents automatically have a superpowered child or does the serum not go through generations like that? would it be possible a family has more than one kid but only one got the serum or only a few of the kids were picked while others weren’t? was the serum only given to newborns or could it be given to anyone of any age? sorry for all the questions i just want to be sure i have a clear understanding! thank you for your time ❤️
          another   anon   asked,   could   younger   superheroes   (or   u   know,   anyone   within   the   right   age   range)   be   legacies   of   original   members   of   the   liberty   league?
          another   anon   asked,   were   there   any   incentives   for   families   to   have   their   children   participate   in   project   echo?   like,   were   they   given   money,   other   things,   etc?
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          hi   guys,   most   of   your   questions   can   be   answered   by   reading   over   the   blume   serum   page   and   reading   through   our   tag   for   answered   lore   questions.   as   for   families   with   more   than   one   child   (   and   this   will   also   answer   the   question   regarding   incentives   for   project   echo   ),   that's   completely   up   to   the   family   themselves.   they   way   it   works   is   that   cain   industries   will   typically   choose   families   at   random   and   offer   a   fairly   large   sum   of   money   in   exchange   for   injecting   their   child   with   the   blume   serum   who   are   pretty   much   promised   to   cain   industries   and   the   liberty   league   from   then   on.   they   would   ask   every   knowing   member   to   sign   a   non - disclosure   agreement   as   well,   so   they   can   continue   perpetuating   the   lies   about   the   origins   of   superhumans.   also   you   have   to   remember   that   steve   carrigan   was   perceived   to   be   an   american   hero,   so   some   incentive   also   came   from   patriotism   as   well   and   many   families   felt   proud   to   be   chosen   to   have   superhuman   children   that   would   be   a   part   of   a   “   greater   good   ”   in   the   future.   hopefully   this   makes   sense   !
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vonspe · 3 years
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mirabilefuturum · 2 years
a gentle reminder to my fellow Noho Hank enjoyers that I'm a native Russian speaker and I'll be glad to help you with the language and the cultural things if you write fanfiction or are curious❤
(please reblog. please pass this on or just dni. likes do nothing to help spread this. my prev post about this has so much more likes than reblogs like wtf you think it does?? if you leave kudos and ✨that's it✨ I'll bite you on the ass. don't)
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betelgeusing · 2 years
I missed my absolute BABY Noho Hank
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miasma-of-fear · 3 years
anonymous sent:
(Not counting Peter for this one) I understand that you kids don't really know who your dads are, but do any of you have an idea?
"Well," Carrigan speaks up, slightly reluctant, "I know he used to work with my mom-"
"So did mine," Ophelia chimes in, scooting closer.
Carrigan turns to look at the other, tentatively continuing, "he, um, he had blue eyes like mine."
"So did mine," Ophelia repeats.
"His name was..." Carrigan thinks for a moment. "Jon, I think?"
"That's my dad's name!" Ophelia exclaims.
"My dad's named Asshole," little Coraline declares. "Or maybe Douchebag. But Asshole sounds more like a name to me."
The older two share a look, but say nothing.
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