#cartooness speaks
cartooness · 2 years
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If this post gets 5 notes I'll do sum incorrect quotes with the squads uwu
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gift art for @cartooness of her oc lavender with the gang!! >:3c
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uswntxfootball · 4 years
My Sister’s Keeper (Hope Solo x Reader)
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request: anon ; Hi! Can you do a R and goalkeeper (Solo or Naeher or Franch) imagine where R is really worried bc her girlfriend got a broken nose and maybe R is the sister of some other USWNT player (like Tobin or Julie or Kelley or someone). Thanks!
word count: 2231 ish
your crush on the number 1 goalkeeper was pathetic (in the eyes of your sister Tobin Heath and best friend Emily Sonnett that is). what would it take for you to finally make a move? (hint: it’s a ball to the face and a broken nose). 
a/n: (au to Hope still playing for the uswnt ofc). changed things up a little for *story telling purposes* but yeah, hope (hahahahha) you enjoy it! also, never seen my sisters keeper but idc im keeping it as a title :P enjoy the fluff! :)
“Alright take five!” Vlatko says, blowing on his whistle for you all to take a break. You walk over to Emily, leaning your head on her shoulder as you take a drink water. “I swear Vlatko’s trying to kill us today.” You mumble, wiping your forehead sweat with her sleeve. “Oh god ew”. Emily gags while shaking her arm, trying to rid it of your perspiration. You let out a chuckle and turn to take another drink of water when something catches the corner of your eye. Well more like someone. The goalkeepers were still in training, with Ash, Alyssa and Hope diving left and right for saves. It’s then that Hope takes a second and wipes some sweat off her face with the hem of her shirt, giving you a look at her abs in all their glory. The water you were drinking quickly misses your mouth and ends up all over Sonnett. “What the- Y/N! What are you doing?!” Emily screeches in surprise, slapping the water bottle out of your hand. Emily’s screech draws a set of blue orbs in your direction, your cheeks quickly heating up when your eyes meet for a split second before you look away. The drenched defender takes one look at your flushed face and smirks. “You so have a crush.” “Wha- I- No!” You sputter, your cheeks betraying your false statement as they flush a deeper shade of red. “Awww lil Y/NN has a crushie wushie” she teases while pinching your cheeks. “Shut up.” You grumble, slapping her hands away. Emily and you turn to take a look once again at the keepers, and when Hope dives to the ground for the ball, Sonnett lets out a low whistle and whispers, “I approve and must I say, she is one large sip of water.” “What century did you come from?” You snort, slapping her on the side of the head. Meanwhile on the field, Hope’s eyes drift off to the side to see you and Sonnett bickering, and a soft smile spreads across her face. In the midst of her distraction, she almost gets hit in the face with a ball, but thankful for her quick reflexes, turns to catch it in time. Ashlyn stands back with a grin, having noticed it all. Hope turns to see Ash with a shit eating grin and narrows her eyes, “What are you staring at?” “Nothing. Nothing at all.” ~~ It’s quarter to nine when you get back to the hotel, having been out running errands a few minutes prior. Sonnett had been teasing you nonstop about you crush all day and quite frankly, you couldn’t blame her. You turn the corner of the hallway quickly, not bothering to look up, only to.. crash right into the woman you had been thinking of all day. “I’m so-“ “I’m-“ You both stop speaking, you looking down at the ground bashfully, not daring to look at the woman in front of you. It’s then that you notice how close you are to Hope, your head almost touching her chest and feeling her hot breath on the top of your head. Not to mention that her hands are on your waist and yours are on her... Your eyes widen and you jump away from her, cheeks flushed and you manage to stutter out, “I- I’m sorry I- uh my room uh- ye-yeah th-i-is way.” Hope giggles at your jumbled mess of words and you blush even harder, muttering a “bye” before you race down the hall. You make it to your room in record speed and you slam the door shut and let out a long exhale when you’re in your room, back against the door. “What’s wif you?” Sonnett asks, toothbrush dangling in her mouth, glancing at you in the mirror. You shake your head vigorously, refusing to talk about it. You plop down in your best friend’s bed and replay the events in the hallway over and over. It’s a few minutes later that your phone dings and you roll over to see a text from your sister. *You have a crush on Hope????* “EMILY ANN SONNETT GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!” ~~ Your eyes follow Hope’s every move with interest from the bench, watching as the goalie paces around the box. The game against Panama was surprisingly calm, the US with a 4-0 lead, chilling quite comfortably as the end of the first half draws near. A whistle blows, signaling the end of the first half and snapping you out of your trance. You’re one of the last to make it into the locker room, but before you do, someone turns and elbows you in the face, knocking you to the ground. “Shit! I’m so sorry!” You look up dazed to see, of course, Hope Solo staring down at you apologetically. She extends a hand out and you take it timidly, cheeks flushed and heart racing. She must have overestimated your weight or maybe it was just a side effect of her killer biceps but she pulls you up with so much force that you stumble forward, crashing into her chest. “We have to stop meeting like this,” Hope chuckles, hands on your waist to steady you. Your cheeks flush even more if possible, and you try to redirect the conversation, stammering, “I- uh we- meet-ting ha-alf ye-yeah.” You mentally facepalm at your inability to speak around her, but Hope just giggles and says, “Yes, I do believe we have a meeting to get to.” You pull away from her and walk quickly, cheeks flushed, heart pounding, and mind clouded. “Uh, hey Y/N? You know our locker room is this way right?” “Right!” ~~ The awkward encounters didn’t stop there. And by now because of it, it was obvious to the entire team that you had the hots for Hope. Every time she was within a 6 feet radius of you, you would start blushing and become a stuttering mess. Hope thought it was adorable, Tobin and Sonnett and the rest of the team thought it was pathetic. That leads to training day, one day before your game against England. You jump when your sister slaps your back and takes a seat on the bench next to you. “Too busy thinking about your girlfriend?” Tobin inquires while tying her cleats. “She’s not my girlfriend, and no” You flush, your cheeks tinted scarlet. “Why don’t you just talk to her Y/N? Ask her out?” Tobin asks. You jump again when Sonnett, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation, lets out a scoff from behind you. “Please Toby, have you seen her? Y/N would trip over her own words before she can get a ‘hi’ out.” You roll your eyes in annoyance, no way denying it, as Emily plops down on the seat to your left. “I mean I just sucked it up and asked Chris out, I’m sure you can do it.” Tobin says while patting on your back. “Oh please, I strive to be how confident you are around Chris.” You state, glancing over at the field to where the forward was standing. “Just give it a shot Y/N, you never know how it could go.” “Fine, but we all know how it’s going to go. I’m gonna not be able to get the sentence out or she’s just going to flat out say no” You sigh, leaning your head on Tobin’s shoulder. “You don’t know that for sure,” Tobin says, scratching your head softly. “Fine.” You sigh again, looking over at the field, eyes widening and cheeks flushing when you lock eyes with none other than Hope Solo. Sonnett follows your gaze and beams, “Now go get your girl tiger.” “Maybe.” ~~ You didn’t go “get your girl”. You didn’t even speak to her. You just stayed as far away as humanly possible. However, it was during PK practice that you had no choice but to be around Hope. It was you versus Hope, and no one else. As you lined up to take a shot, Hope sent you a wink, and you nearly had a heart attack right then and there. Not to mention, you missed the ball (and therefore the goal) by a wide margin, falling flat on your back. Kelley rushes over shaking her head while trying to contain her laughter, and it takes one look from her for you to know what she’s going to say. “You’re pathetic” She chuckles, lending out a hand to pull you up. You take it graciously, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. You meet Hope’s eyes when you stand, sticking your tongue out at her when she bursts out laughing. You couldn’t lie, her laugh made your chest tighten up and butterflies explode in your stomach. Hope kept laughing, and you roll your eyes in annoyance as you walk back to take your PK again. You look down for as long as you can this time, only looking up right before you kick. This time, with no distractions, the ball hits the back of the net, flying right by Hope’s fingertips. You look up and shoot a cocky smirk at Hope, who just rolls her eyes and mimics you falling after missing the ball. You shoot her a glare as Sonnett bursts out laughing along with the rest of the team. Tobin comes up and ruffles your hair, laughing, “Nice going lil sis.” You give her a playful shove on the chest and walk over to Sonnett who just looks at you with a grin. “Don’t.” You threaten. “You looked like a cartoo- HEY!” You cut her off by dumping the remainder of Tobin’s cup of water onto her head. She looks at you with a glare and you know you’re in for it. Hope just stands back and watches you run away from Sonnett, who has a water bottle in hand, screaming bloody murder after you. She just watches and chuckles. ~~ It’s the midst England game now, and all was going well. The US was up by 1, you had scored once, and Press had scored once, essentially making Tobin the proudest human in existence. But in the 87th minute, Kelley drew a foul and England was granted a penalty kick, with Houghton stepping up to take it. You could see Hope jumping up and down in the goal, obviously a little nervous. When she’s scanning the field and her eyes meet yours, you get a wave of confidence and shoot her a wink. Her eyes widen and cheeks flush, but realizing that she was about to save a penalty, she quickly shook her head trying to rid it of her thoughts. The whistle blows and Houghton steps up to kick. Everyone held their breath as Hope dives left, but she overshot it, her face colliding with the ball instead of her hands. Nonetheless, she saves the pk, securing the 1 point lead for the US. Your heart slams in your chest as you realize she wasn’t getting up, and quickly the game is paused as the medical team goes to check on her. You’re by her side in a flash, grimacing at the stream of blood running down from her nose. As on member of the medical team fixes her nose, one goes to request a substitute but he’s yanked down by Hope before he can. “I am fine. I don’t need a substitute” She growls, quickly releasing the man’s arm. You just shake your head, rolling your eyes at the stubborn goalkeeper. Hope’s hand reaches out to you when she stands up, and you grab it without a second of hesitation, pulling her up. Ignoring the butterflies swarming inside of you, you say, “Just be careful okay?” “No promises,” She smiles, letting out a toothy grin. You give her a playful shove and make your way back to the field. ~~ After the game, you decide to bite the bullet and do something you’ve wanted to for weeks. You look over to Hope, and your eyes widen in surprise when you notice the woman was already making her way towards you. Quickly turning around, you see Sonnett, on her way by, who sends you a wink and mouths, “Good luck, ask her out” You take a deep breath and prepare yourself to turn around again and of course, just your luck, you slam right into her. “Again?” Hope asks with her eyebrows raised, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. You just stare at her, eyes wide and heart pumping erratically in your chest. “Well?” “Willyougoonadatewithme?” You breathe out. “Um? Run that by me again?” She chuckles, placing a hand on your cheek. You melt into her touch and gulp, taking a deep breath before you saying, “Will you go on a date with m-“ Hope cuts you off with a kiss, one that you quickly and happily reciprocate. Tobin and Sonnett watch from afar grinning, Tobin slapping a hand over Sonnett’s mouth to keep her from letting out a loud squeal. It’s the type of kiss that knocks all the air out of your lungs, and you feel like you’re floating and falling all at the same time. You pull back with a grin, “Is that a yes?” Hope just chuckles and pulls you in for another kiss, but before your lips meet, she whispers: “No. It’s a hell yes.”
a/n: also this is literally how i act around my crushes lmao 
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
strawberry shortcake s2 ep1 - horse of a different color
this one was suggested by someone who couldnt keep their mouth shut and not sing the strawberry shortcake intro theme in the middle of our economy class
no one wanted to hear that, but they  went ahead and then i actually followed up on that train of thoughts i remembered about the fucking cartoons and i knew it pronto: its a must-see shit its like slightly above the level of magical school bus series, but the final rating is for the fin not the beginning so lets begin this horseshit:
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were reviewing “horse of a different color”, it focuses indeed on strawberrys horse, honey pie pony (its her entire damn name, how sweet right? like all of them, i got diabete from this review but its the cost of maintaining this blog anyway, the kids are playing together on a that tree having fun jumping around like chimpanzees hooba hooba but sadly our filly quickly realizes she cant play king kong with them and keep falling on her ass,
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yet since theyre all retarded or young (id say its a fifty-fifty case for them kinda normal ig, i mean they ARE literal 6yo) they try several ways of getting her up on that tree, not thinking how to get her down if they ever were to succeed (good for them: aint happening) its child labor too btw, from an horse still same deal what if honey pie fell down on them? crushing them corpses with her mighty pounds? the findus company would be delighted to hear such news, im sure its some quality (sweet ass) horse meat
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once it all fails she understands a horse isnt meant to climb a tree, too big too fat its four legged, not even entertaining the relationship giraffes have with trees
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but it aint over, then (after a talk with herself) hp hears the laughters of a bunch of kids which catches her attention, it always does who can ignore that sorta noise? although she aint annoyed by it shes just into the idea of riding a bike now, shes even gonna get a go at it oh yea thats it we finally found her human hobby gogdamn shes a backward furry
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of course it fails aswell since she has no hand for the handle and shes heavy so i guess its the reason why she rides into w/e and cant stop? because otherwise she couldve also just.. actually it makes no sense does it? i mean she couldve easily stopped the ride actually how is that kid bike even holding her? ive never tried putting a pony on a bike for 6 y/o but i doubt about its capacity in not being crushed aswell as i doubt in the kids bones not being severely damaged after a visit under honey pies horsy buttcheeks
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but all of that really makes her sad: she cant play with her human friends and shes the only horse around strawberry land or whatever see me tearing it for her, theres so much emotions in this episode especially after that filly trynna get kids to get into some horseplay horseshit like dude theyre only 6, lets go easy on them, might have a problem with the parents of the kids watching this episode no one even thought how fucked up this one part is? sure horseplay isnt only sexual or w/e but it still is the visual of 6yos on all four jumping around and neighing together with their ass a little bit too exposed wow im going on a dangerous road here? aint i? not gonna sue the writers im sure it was their subconscious speaking probably got issues from their childhood, eventually got them sorted out since 2004 what do i know? aside from me not caring
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back on track : after seeing horsey being so sad the kiddos decide to get her a horse friend but where the fuck? they got no idea, they are proud nonetheless and go tell honey the good new until they are like “wait but we have no idea where to find horses!” ofc we get a big reveal, some serious strawberry shortcake lore: actually all the horses, ALL OF THEM FROM THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET are on one (1) single island: ice cream themed to diversify it all they are just chilling over there in ponyland and for some reason this one here got lost or idk guys she took the boat and checked the rest of the world out as an even younger filly, found strawberry and her friends and decided now she was a centaur  slash humanrry furry human, idk you get it but shes their friend and so on to introduce the concept of an AWESOME island full of equestrian activity and ofc ice cream but its kinda lame because who cares? everythings already made out of food, also why isnt the ice cream melting? its one water? nevermind for the introduction as i was saying, hp sings an horrendous sounding song it deteriorated my ear drums they got pierced or something  or maybe im exagerrating? either case horses cant sing:
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so to the ice cream land they go, huh
of course it wouldnt be a big adventure without an almost broken bridge oh no whatever shall we do? could we possibly cross it safely? lets try it out  guys: yay it worked good for us little stress and suspense it was wack how they got honey pie out of the hole her big ass hoove made im mesmerized by the power of friendship and sugar at this point, just in full awe for the rest of the episode probably over dosed on all the ice cream flavoured horseshit, i got some all over my mouth its dripping on my desk i gotta clean that later
next thing we know: horses its all this episode is about (aside from labor) but you see, so far hp would switch between normal human language and neighing well turns out her other fellow equines can only neigh and so they just neigh together while our english well-spoken mammal translates to the moronic kids who just smile smuggly
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of course the animals are having a welcome party then, dancing around while the morons are just bored, harsh one being a cartoon character isnt it guys? w/e theyre gonna ask for honey pie to come back home now, convinced that her natural habit isnt her place and she loves them too much to just leave them and never come back and break any plans they ever had together- oh shit looks like shes leaving forever huh? what a plot twist mark that on the bitch quota for today
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the first one to leave is the little boy btw, important thing to note: hes the biggest pussy he cant even face reality: oh no, no more pony back time before sleep thats quite a bummer, downer and man how are they going to survive now they got no animal to watch over them? jesus theyre soon, on the boat (idk where they got it from idk why suddenly theyre on a boat because then theyre once again gonna cross that bridge but ok) anyway yea theyre having a relationship crisis during that ship trip yada yada ah and the bridge, because (see i do not call them morons for now reasons obviously they deserve this title not only because theyre 6 but also because they are just daft:) they proceed, once in the middle of the bridge all 4 of them, to stop and wonder
“will the bridge be able to hold all of us? wont it break? damn i wonder if it will crack” and they talks without moving until vlam: a tree comes and breaks it (dont ask) so now theyre in trouble:
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back to ponyland: bitch pie realizes how much she misses her actual friends and that she can speak english which her other horse friends cant do so she is special and probably abnormal, shes a big outcat of the pony society and has no other reason but to escape her incoming death sentence for fraternizing with the humans of course none of the second part is true, she just wants to see the kids again so she says asta la vista baby to the neigher team and runs away see, she hasnt taken the boat and yet also arrive to the bridge? why a boat sequence then? i will skip this for now but it WILL play in the rating, imagine im the parent of the youngster watching this crap and i have to endure it
if it sucks this bad and is this illogical i might just get bored and change the channel, idc my progeny aint gonna be watching this in either case, ill make them watch political debates then interrogate them on what they learned after what but it wasnt actual political debates just random furry youtuber venting with their fursona sprites animated and thats how you make your kids retarded, the kick of this joke is that i aint planning on getting any kids but totally gonna make them watch classics too such as the attack of the killer donuts as soon as they reach 6 so they wont be dumb and probably not getting diabete or w/e in their adulthood
then honey pie saves the kids btw all of them, heavy shit
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and they all go back to strawberryland, happily after a big “wow i missed you sm, you are my real friends w/e if you dont look like me i aint speciest guys really!” theyre all vegan too btw so this works for them i havent watched enough strawberry shortcake episodes to know if they ever eat meat but i have doubts seeing how theyre into a very cannibalistic diet which include eating dessert when obviously thats what they are at least half part, this cartoon raises a lot of political questions it may have a deeper value than i first attributed to it
the end: another terrible song plays about horseshit and how tasty it is
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thats all folks
so the rating: big 6/10, so you know 5/10 if its a decent kid show where im highly eager to click on the x and get back making jams but nah
surprisingly enough, i only wanted to stop watching half of the episode and not the entirity of it so credits for thats since im an adult and not a kid, imagining kids enjoyed this sweet childish cartooness or w/e now why +1? its because of how many political questions it raised, how it made me think about our society and cakes yknow its more than kids having a conflict with an horse it talks about veganism, specism, handicap, cannibalism, the management of the limited ressources were exploiting and so on yea really makes you think, its subliminal messages to make kids smarter: they watch their dessert-imbecile counterparts doing bs and then get it right irl: good  ah- it also makes it better for you when youre watching this with your kid, you suddenly transcend to another level of spirituality, existential crisis activated or at least reasoning mode or w/e youre willing to name this the point is you arent bored still despite all of this i rated it quite low for such a serious kid cartoon what couldve possibly made me tic? 1) kids are morons and cant understand all of this, not clear enough for the targeted public 2) projection onto the characters/dialogues from the writers of their childhood traumas (the horse play event didnt go unnoticed, karren brown) 3) my little pony ripoff 4) its controversial, our society, especially in 2004 couldnt understand the depth of this shit and finally 5) i got so much ice cream flavoured horseshit all over my desk god help me this is so filthy what a fucking mess i would totally recommand it to anyone who feels like being blown away by the statements made in this work of art 6/10 but really we all know in the future, itll be a 9/10, some ahead-of-its-time-crap
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tg, out
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adobe-outdesign · 7 years
Bendy and the Ink Machine's Timeline (Revised)
A while back, I proposed a (fairly popular) timeline for BATIM that proposed that the Ink Machine was created in the 70s due to the presence of the tape recorders in the game. However, Meatly recently made two tweets that seem to disprove this:
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This would mean the gameplay couldn’t take place in the 70s - Henry would’ve been at least 20ish when he started working. The cartoon would’ve needed to run for 40 years (930-1970), and there would need to be another 30 years on top of that, which would put Henry at 90. A bit excessive, considering how he swings that axe.
However, one could argue BATIM is an anachronistic game - after all, there appear to be LED screens near the Ink Machine of all things. This would be mean that the timeline should only be judged from the events we know, rather than the time period the technology came from.
Let’s try again by listing all of the hints we have concerning the order of events:
Bendy’s art style indicates it was made in the 1930s, as that’s when black-and-white rubberhose cartoons would’ve been common.
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Joey’s letter confirms he and Henry have been apart for 30 years.
He also refers to the “old workshop“ - telling us the studio has not been used recently.
The studio is in a very decrepit state, pointing to a long time period having passed since it was last used.
Meatly’s above tweets tell us that something happened to the studio 30 years ago, hence the leftover keys and soup.
Wally and Sammy talk about the Ink Machine as if it’s just been built.  This means the machine was built about the same time the recordings were made.
Henry's ”So this is the Ink Machine, huh? Wonder how you turn it on“ line suggests that he wasn’t around when it was built. This means the machine was made after Henry left the company.
Joey sent the letter 30 years after whatever event happened to shut the studio down, meaning he was still alive at the time.
Henry’s dialogue and actions heavily suggest Joey has been pronounced dead by the time of the gameplay. This puts a gap between the time Joey sent the letter and the time Henry responded to it.
The Ink Machine was running while the studio was active, but it’s shut down by the time Henry enters.
Joey tells Henry to visit the old studio because he has something to show him there, suggesting that he may have still been using it after it was closed down.
By putting all of this together, we can get a fairly descent grasp on the timeline:
Henry joins Joey Drew Studios.
Henry leaves Joey Drew Studios.
The Ink Machine is installed.
Employees start recording messages about what’s going on.
Something happens that abruptly shuts down the studio. All items are left behind.
Joey continues to use the studio after it’s closed down.
The cartoons and failed cartoons are made at some point.
Boris is killed, probably by Sammy.
Joey sends Henry the letter inviting him back to the studio. Henry fails to respond.
The Ink Machine is shut down at some point.
Joey is pronounced dead.
Henry returns to the studio (possibly out of guilt), kickstarting the gameplay. Henry is about 50 or 60 at this time.
Now, let’s take this a step further and start filling in some blanks:
First, why was the studio studio shut down so suddenly?
The animations weren’t getting finished by the deadlines, which would cause a sharp decrease in funds.
We know that the Great Depression was around this time (1929-1939).
The Ink Machine was custom ordered, and was presumably pretty expensive.
Therefore, it’s reasonable to assume that the studio shut down due to budgeting issues. But what happened after it shut down?
There are a lot of coffins scattered around the place, indicating many people have been killed here. Likewise, it’s implied the cartoons are made from previous employees.
We also know there was a failed attempt to make Sammy into a cartoon at some point, meaning he should have been reported as missing.
Despite this, there doesn’t appear to have been any police activity, as no attempt has been made to hide the pentagrams or corpses.
It’s unlikely the cartoons were made while the employees were there, as that would have become nationwide news quickly and made them suspicious of the disappearances.
Sammy’s messages tell us Joey lied to the cartoons - and considering what happened to Sammy, the lie probably involved them getting transformed in the first place.
Joey was doing... something in the studio for 30 years.
Put all of this together, and it’s very possible Joey was sending out the letters to lure the employees back to the studio, then killing them there. This is why the police haven’t found the place - they didn’t know it was even still being used. Henry only escaped this fate because he didn’t respond to the letter, probably because of the falling out he and Joey had.
Speaking of which, think about what Henry says about the machine:
“So this is the Ink Machine, huh?“
He talks like he’s heard of the machine before - despite not having actually seen it. Combine this with the fact that he left before it was installed, him and Joey’s falling out, and the complaints about the machine, and it’s entirely possible that Henry left the studio because of Joey’s plan to buy the Machine.
And while we’re on the topic of the Machine, we know that:
It was shut down by the time Henry arrives.
Bendy does not appear until you turn on the machine. This presumably means he wasn’t created until that point, as otherwise he would probably still be in the studio when Henry arrives.
Joey was reported as dead by the time of Henry’s arrival.
If Joey was indeed still using it the last 30 years, it was shut down around the time of his death.
Bendy appears to be deformed, as if never properly created - or as if he’s still half-human.
Combine that with the heavy implications that Bendy could be Joey, and it’s very possible that the machine malfunctioned when Joey tried to use it on himself, which is why he was reported dead. This caused it to auto-shut down to prevent further damage, preventing Bendy from being created (until Henry came in and turned it on). This would also explain Bendy’s deformities - the process was never properly completed.
Using these theories, BATIM’s timelne looks like this:
Henry joins Joey Drew Studios.
Henry leaves Joey Drew Studios due to disputes over the Ink Machine.
The Ink Machine is installed.
Employees start recording messages about what’s going on.
The studio goes into debt due to missed deadlines and shuts down. All items are left behind.
Joey continues to use the studio after it’s closed down. He sends out letters to the employees, luring them back one by one.
After a few failed attempts (including Sammy), Boris (and presumably Alice) are created.
Boris is killed, probably by Sammy.
Joey sends Henry the letter inviting him back to the studio, possibly intending to make him Bendy. Henry fails to respond due to the bad terms they left off on.
Joey tries to turn himself into Bendy, but the machine malfunctions and shuts down.
Joey is pronounced dead.
Henry returns to the studio (possibly out of guilt), kickstarting the gameplay. Henry is about 50 or 60 at this time.
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cartooness · 3 years
Guess who forgot to cancel a thing and owes $50 hahahahahaha
And there's no way in hell my parents are giving me $50 lmaoo
If you'd like to help out ur local demi romantic asexual, dm me for my paypal info uwu
Thank you 💖💖
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cartooness · 4 years
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cartooness · 3 years
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cartooness · 3 years
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cartooness · 3 years
MWAH 💖💖💖
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cartooness · 3 years
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cartooness · 3 years
I need money to buy a book for school </3
Even a dollar helps, I do need it like SUPER soon. By September 8 soon. H.
If you can help your local latina demi romantic asexual, I'd very much appreciate it
Dm for info please <333333
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cartooness · 4 years
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cartooness · 4 years
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cartooness · 4 years
Imagine if Shiromori sounds like a 1000 year old anime girl who looks like she's 9
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