#caryl future
freefromthecocoon · 2 years
TWD Finale Review
So, Thanksgiving is complete and I finally had a chance to sit and review the finale. I got kind of long winded with this so buckle up. I will do a separate Caryl review as well.
We open as Daryl arrives at the hospital to get help for Judith. He gets knocked out by a trooper. Judith wakes enough to barricade the door to delay walkers from entering and we end on the shot of them laying on the floor that we saw back at SDCC trailer time.
Opening theme. I really loved that Bear used a full orchestra to score this episode. It added a lot to the scenes.  Bear McCreary and in recent years Sam Ewing also have done a wonderful job of scoring The Walking Dead.  The 2 songs picked for this episode were perfect as well. 
Poor Jules didn’t even get a toast later. Luke shouldn’t have disappeared to go play in Potterworld. It really did feel like they only brought them back to kill them off as soon as they arrived. 
Daryl laying on a gurney as he wakes up to bloodbath of poor Luke and his family. Carol trying to take care of Daryl and Judith. The scene with Luke and his family was sad and caught their emotions. I have to say, I wouldn’t mind a Tales episode showing how they came to be a family. There was so much focus on using Connie for shipbait, that we really didn’t get enough of their story and it was a disservice to all of them, even Connie. 
I know there is frustration that Daryl and Carol don’t use their words, but I also know that goes to the chemistry that Norman and Melissa have and that translates to Daryl and Carol. They can exude so much emotion and communication with just a look. Carol knows that Daryl is looking at the scene with Luke’s family and their grief and that he is worried for Judith as she is hurt badly. Daryl makes an executive decision for a blood transfusion. I like that this was explained using a Merle memory and we do have background of Carol having some medical knowledge from years in the apocalypse, so this works, but as a nurse, I have to let a lot go with this show. 
Princess and Max literally bust Mercer out of jail. We get a mini reunion of sorts, that felt unearned to me, but we had to show his escape so he could help overthrow the government. 
I think we have spent way too much time on the Negan/Maggie dynamic, more on this later. 
Our trio of Gabe, Eugene and Rosita arrive to save the babies. Never get in the way of a mama bear whose babies are in danger.  
Judith wakes and is still out of it and so Daryl isn’t sure if what she said about Rick and Michonne was just dream talk or what. She passes out and the walkers begin attacking the hospital.  Daryl barricading Judith in her room was a nice callback to the earlier seasons of the show when Shane did the same for Rick. I’ve always rolled my eyes at the use of walkers on the show, but I do think it was done well here and in the scenes with Rosita. The walker with the rock breaking the window was definitely a Season 1 callback.
I would be walker food if I had to climb a drainpipe to get away from zombies. I REALLY loved the scoring here when Rosita popped up out of the zombies and climbed on top of the ambulance. I really thought that maybe the spoilers had it wrong that Rosita would not die. Sadly, I was wrong.
Team Family gets to the safe house that Mercer has set up and we get the payoff for Yumiko outing that Tomi is a surgeon. He begins the work to save Judith. I loved Aaron helping Lydia and giving her a pep talk on coping with losing part of her arm. Carol is nearby, always listening and watching. This poor child has lost so much and I was so glad she didn’t lose Elijah. More Negan/Maggie drama…yayy. I do like Negan’s apology here, it seems very heartfelt and sincere. They somewhat come to a truce so to speak. 
Now for the beginning of the true heartbreak. Rosita’s arc turned into one of the best of the show. Eugene and Rosita’s scene here is just everything and Christian and Josh completely knocked this out of the park. Eugene seemed to know something was off and Rosita sadly confirmed she was bit. I loved her being Rosita in this moment, telling Eugene to pull his shit together.  Rosita just wanting to spend her last moments with her family, enjoying being with them. The I love yous exchanged between Rosita and Eugene are different than the ones with Daryl and Carol later as R/E are truly platonic best friends and he immediately goes to Max who is, as Eugene calls her, his beloved. 
Daryl and Carol holding vigil over Judith is an intimate scene that calls back to Rick and Lori holding vigil over Carl so long ago.  Again the looks between Carol and Daryl without words convey so much, that’s chemistry folks.  The relief and humor when Daryl says Lil Asskicker and Judith responds as only she can with Big Asskicker.  
Mercer decides to make a stand and Zeke gives an inspiring speech as only he can as a rallying cry to Team Family. The standoff at the gate was intense and Negan was correct, arresting Pamela was a more fitting punishment as she would have escaped through death, although it was nice seeing Walker Lance again, Maggie was right to not let Pamela get off that easy.  Can I tell you that seeing Jerry stroll through those gates gave me life. I really thought we were gonna lose my cobbler king. I adore him and was happy he made it through.  
I need to mention Gabe’s arc here. Gabe went from my most hated character to one I truly loved and respected.  When we first met him, he was a cowardly man who locked his parishoners out of his church and he ended with risking his own life to open the gates for the CW people to be saved. I was also glad to see Gabe come to terms with his faith and to be able to reclaim it. Well done, Gabe. 
The scene with Team Family in the town square battling the walkers, were the final scenes filmed for the show, The videos of the confetti and the final wrap call for the show were just after this scene.   I admit, I did a little head banging hearing Living Colour’s “Cult of Personality”, it’s such a kick ass song and should be added to your playlist immediately…yes I’m old, lol. And yes, the explosion was very OTT, but I will allow it as it was the finale to a big ass show that meant a lot to all of us. 
Carol being the ultimate boss bitch in her conversation with Pamela as Daryl proudly watches his woman and Mercer slams the door shut was a chef’s kiss moment. 
I have given a lot of grief to the Negan/Maggie storyline over this season, but this scene with Lauren and JDM was so well performed. Maggie’s description of Glenn and why she cannot forgive Negan and also Maggie acknowledging that she knows he is trying to change was well-written and well-performed. In having anger with people in my own life, I completely understand the idea of letting go of anger to keep from burning yourself up, even if forgiveness isn’t a possibility. Negan seemed to grasp this and at long last respected what Maggie needs from him. I still don’t understand how they wind up in New York together, but I guess that will soon be explained.
The family dinner scene was precious to me and was a realization of Rick’s vision of a celebratory family dinner. Seeing that Dog is okay and begging for scraps was sweet. Daryl’s little head nod to Negan was appropriate. Gabe learning of Rosita’s fate was so well-performed. The music here is great too. Landslide was a total gut punch of a choice for scoring and perfect choice to convey the emotion of TWD coming to an end. 
I haven’t read the comics, but the Rosita goodbyes are a callback to the Comic Andrea goodbye and was really well done. I know some people have asked why Daryl wasn’t more prominent in these scenes, but filming for all this took place while Norman was out due to his concussion. I would have liked to see Rosita and Daryl say goodbye to each other, but I think they handled that as best they could. Eugene and Rosita being there together at the end was precious. 
I know we are sick to death of time jumps, but I think this one was appropriate. It was nice to see everyone catch up. Zeke and Mercer are the new leadership at the CW.   Eugene and Max have a baby named Rosey. I liked the Daryl and Connie scene. It’s obvious that each of them are content in their own lives and that each of them are happy. A really good friendship scene.  Lydia and Elijah have taken on the roles of couriers for the communities and I like them being able to do this.  Negan checking in with Judith was appropriate and I liked the payoff of him sending the compass back to her. ASZ looked wonderful and thriving as did Hilltop’s rebuilding. Chandler Riggs was on set for the last day and Greg put a hat on him and gave him a job as a background gardener, a nice little Easter egg.  
Maggie wants to begin exploring for other communities (this is the way I took this as it wasn’t clearly explained). So this explains why Daryl leaves. I won’t get into the debate about whether he should have left the kids and Carol.  I think a lot of people misconstrued that he was leaving to search for Rick and Michonne, that was not the reason he left. I will explore this more in my Caryl review of the finale. 
As I said previously, I plan to do a separate Caryl review, cause there is so much to unpack, but I will say here that Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride could read a phone book and I would watch it. They nailed their goodbye scene as we all knew they would and I gasped when Daryl told her he loved her as it was so much more than I expected we would get.  It was hard to watch him ride away, but I am left with so much hope that we will see them together again. 
I know the majority of fandom needed to see Rick and Michonne participate in the finale, I loved their scenes. The only thing I would have done differently here would have been to end with Daryl fading to black and playing the credits and then have the Richonne scenes as an end credit scene. I would also suggest watching World Beyond if you haven’t. I admit WB is a slog fest at times, but the CRM points of the show are what I refer to as tie-ins, not directly of course. But there are some definite Easter eggs from WB in the Rick scenes especially.
So, TWD has come to an end. I think overall, they stuck the landing. Obviously, the Reapers arc was a disappointment and a waste of precious time with all the characters we care about. The Negan/Maggie stuff was overplayed and I think if cutbacks had been made there, we could have gotten a more fleshed out story with the characters we care more about. But hindsight is 20/20, so I won’t belabor the point here. I think going into the finale blind and without spoilers or opinions from biased reviewers really helped my enjoyment of the episode.  If you have stuck through on this word vomit from me, I will do a more extensive Caryl review and post at a later time. Thank you all for reading this if you could slog through it, lol.
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
to the anon asking what we want - mt, you summed it up perfectly. im invested. too invested to let them go.
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I'm officially making my own little Caryl Spinoff - a selection of scenes for your enjoyment, here's part 1 "the surprise"...
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I couldn't do it justice but I REALLY want a MW and TWD crossover like I have the plot but there is no way I could write it.
(once again copy paste from discord conversations)
Plot the 141 are in the US because well Laswell told them something is going very wrong. Soap and Ghost of even all of the 141 are in Atlanta maybe to go to the CDC.
Apocalypse happens and they end up at the quarry camp. You can have everyone there being very confused and giving the soldiers a wide birth that pushed them to hang out with the Dixon's. Alternatively, they're liked but still hang out with the Dixon's because the brothers are the only other people who are competent.
So there's this weird duality where everyone else hates the brothers except for single handedly the most competent people in the camp. Also we can have ghost beating the shit out of Ed.
More people survive, Ghost theoretically hack his way out of the CDC if they end up killing Brenner. Sophia lives and the whole plot is them trying to get back to their team or to the main base if it's all of 141. I can go into more detail I have thought a lot about this
They're all very confused by the relationship between Soap and Ghost. Carol clocks it as do the Dixon's but everyone else is kind of like 'huh good friends' and if you go the girls try desperately to get with Soap.
Ghost finds it hysterical. Soap is not amused.
Anyways they are always together and eventually are caught kissing or something and the camp is shocked. There are slightly homophobic comments but the two shut it down immediately. Because no they are not dealing with that. (Ironically most of the comments would come from the Dixon's so that's interesting thought)
Also Merle was in the military so I wonder if he's heard of them
Anyway I just want soap and Ghost to take the kids and Carol under their wings speed up the badassnes process. Also, I need caryl
Another thought. CDC someone knocks on their door (Lori or Andrea maybe) (Shane's reaction would also be funny but he's trying too well.... Anyway) and Soap comes to the door with just shorts on.
He's covered in hickeys and scratches his face is flushed and he looks less than pleased to be interrupted. The Girls are shook because WHO IS IN THERE WITH HIM?!
Then Ghost appears behind him mask on and only that the rest of his body is hidden behind the door. It however is the most skin they've ever seen.
News spreads like wildfire (hehe if ykyk) and by morning everyone knows Soap and Ghost are fucking.
They couldn't give a shit and act as if nothing changed the because nothing has.
However, no one else can look at them the same way.
(I will be back soon with a 09 version of this)
Edit we back
Ok so the Captain makes his way into the camp Roach and Ghost next to him. All of the girls are just drooling because hello?! Exotic Scottish man that just oozes sex appeal. He doesn't even bat an eye at them. Merle about flips shit because HOLY THAT'S FUCKING CAPTAIN MACTAVISH THE GUY WHO STOPED WW3! He tells Daryl and both of them try desperately to get on the soldiers good side.
The first peep out of Ed gets him threatened and beaten within an inch of his life Ghost was restrained before it got worse. Mainly because the civilians didn't need to hear about how Ghost has and will again use someone's intestines to hang them. Roach knows EVERYTHING that goes on around camp. He's the one that set up the defense lines helping the Dixons.
He knows Lori and Shane are fucking had actually caught them and reported back. They just ingest information and use it for future leverage. It's not necessarily for blackmail but I mean if it happens to be used as such ¯⁠⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯ Ghost and Roach have no shame when it comes to each other and the Captain they will cuddle right up and make themselves comfortable.
Roach stole Carol and she now stays near them and Roach insist on teaching her BSL. Shane got pissed one day when MacTavish took over directing the camp only for the captain to just drag him completely for his incompetence.
The world isn't going to get better It's only going to get worse. And Shane needs to stop acting otherwise. Dale probably hates them Glenn is in awe. One day when Riley was helping Daryl butcher whatever animal he dragged in they bonded and became inseparable. Two sides of the same coin honestly those two.
Roach is with Gleen all the time teaching him survival tricks because they are also very similar. And at the end of the day with no care they all curl up in their tent like puppies and sleep. I can see Rick and MacTavish being good friends. Also CDC absolutely doesn't happen MacTavish doesn't even let them Consider that as a possible thing.
He knows full well that place is fucked. Just directs them towards the military base in the middle of bum fuck nowhere they had been placed at. Everyone in the camp suspects Roach Ghost and MacTavish are together but it's never confirmed. Not until they are somewhere like a storage locker place sleeping for the night and MacTavish exists the next morning covered in marks.
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indigoraysoflight · 2 months
Thoughts on the TBOC teaser + sneak peek
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There is a ton of fandom discourse on this, and I appreciate you all for taking the time to share your thoughts and perspectives. I discussed a bit of this in episode #26 of our podcast, but I wanted to expand on my perspective here in a nuanced way. If you choose to read this, know that I will be very candid in this post. If your mental health needs a respite from heavy discourse, please take care of your mental health first.
It's absolutely wonderful to have Carol back. The sneak peek was exactly what I expected. It built intrigue from Daryl's POV, expanded on Carol's headspace, and set the stage. But I wish I could be excited about the teaser.
Carol's POV was beautifully nuanced and as angsty as I wanted it to be, but there was a disconnect with Daryl's POV. Although you hear the frustration in his voice, it doesn't sit well with me that a show called The Book of Carol starts with the voiceover + a shot of another character positioned with Daryl in soft lighting gazing at sunset with the juxtaposition of Carol's raw loneliness as she desperately tries to get to him.
Carol's desperation is explicit, clear, and heartbreaking, but there is an imbalance because Daryl's POV needs to convey the same level of need to "find home." Obviously, we don't have enough promo material to define that clearly yet, which is why I'm hoping that people speaking up about their true feelings will help the marketing team position future promo in a way that elicits more overwhelmingly positive reactions from their audience.
I want to make it explicitly clear that my issue here is not with Daryl's character. I'm noticing discourse around how harshly he is judged sometimes, and I agree. My issue is with the way the teaser was spliced together and marketed. My concern for the season is because his character has historically been used to incite fandom wars through shipbaiting in an attempt to please all audiences. Which never worked, festered misogyny and fandom infighting, produced mixed reactions and resulted in Daryl's character paying the price for it.
At the root of it is ambiguity. Their audience was unequivocally united when the first teaser featured the following tagline. There's a reason for it.
To find home is to find each other
It's at the core of Carol and Daryl's relationship. That is the foundation of this show, the connective tissue that the majority of their fans instantly resonated with. It's the key.
I understand that they're at the start of their promo campaign and will continue to map the viewer's journey. Promo content from now on should ideally build hype, give narrative cues/hooks, and build audience awareness and understanding to set expectations for The Book of Carol. So, we may not see this tagline written out on every teaser, but it should still reflect in the content seen on the screen so the viewers make the connection.
In the current teaser, it shows up very sharply for Carol, but with Daryl, that messaging is muddled. This is why it's not resonating with some fans — everyone is interpreting it through their own unique lens.
It's nice to see the official accounts use this tag and pro-Caryl copy to promote the show; it's a huge step forward. But again, the feelings need to be reflected in what we see on the screen. If it's generating mixed reactions — the promo content isn't hitting the mark, and in this case, it's too ambiguous.
Any marketing team worth its salt won't give you any inclination of canon, reunion, or interactions between Daryl and Carol during the promo campaign — at least not this early in the campaign. They would want to save your excitement for when those scenes show up on screen.
But I hope the promo that comes out after this gives me more snippets of Daryl's desperation to find his way back. People invest in your brand if they believe they can trust you. Trust is earned. Many people have valid trust issues after the last few years. And this is the way they can build trust with people who have felt betrayed in the past and left the fandom.
The Daryl I know, love and trust
I fell in love with Daryl first. He's one of the strongest characters on the show, not only because of what he endured but also because of his determination to nurture and protect the people he loves. Most of all, because I resonated with his unwavering loyalty to Carol and their family.
The Daryl I know struggles to understand his worth and retreats into the darkness when he is isolated. His demons find him there. Carol is the only one who can pull him out of the darkness, just like Daryl is the only one who can pull her out of hers. They're each other's guiding light. The Daryl I know and love doesn't need to choose. There is no choice. His loyalty to Carol and their family is his first priority. Always.
The articles published by big media outlets surrounding the spinoff often suggest that Daryl is "conflicted". These articles started sprouting after the showrunner's interview, which added more ambiguity to the mix. Every writer added their own understanding of the ambiguity and wrote the articles accordingly, which muddled the messaging even further.
Whether people like it or not, these articles build awareness and set the stage for the show. They're an essential form of digital marketing, offering content that audiences can consume to understand the show. So if they're missing the mark, people consuming these articles will rightfully feel confused about what the season will bring.
A showrunner who gets them
I trust Daryl completely. I know where his heart lies, what his motivations are, and how desperately he wants to get back to Carol and their family. But I don't trust the showrunner who is writing him, and I don't think his motivations align with Daryl's.
Clémence is a talented actress. Her character had the potential to be a strong ally to Daryl and Carol. But her character was twisted to suit the narrative, which included a heavy helping of unnecessary shipbaiting. I'm tired of that.
Melissa's EP status gives me hope for Carol's story, but she's not the showrunner. Norman and Melissa's acting, chemistry, and understanding of their characters and relationship can only do so much.
I really hope they pick a pro-Caryl showrunner who can do justice to Daryl and Carol's story going forward and fill it with the love, vulnerability, gentleness, and deep richness it deserves. I'd personally like to see a progressive female showrunner who isn't afraid to support Caryl and write nuanced female characters who can hold their own regardless of the circumstances.
My hopes and fears for Caryl's future
I love Daryl to pieces, but I'll be honest and say I love Carol more. If you've ever listened to the podcast, that is clear. I'm so happy to have Melissa back. I cannot wait to see Norman and Melissa act together. But, to me, this season is make-or-break. It's a chance for the network to show their audience they're listening and ready to deliver satisfying, undeniable canon for Caryl.
I don't know if your thoughts align with what I said, but I think most of us can agree that we're absolutely tired of shipbaiting, ambiguity, and seasons that promise but don't deliver explicit moments between Caryl.
I hope to god this season proves me wrong. I hope they hear the thoughts that Carylers are bravely sharing here and adjust course accordingly, not only in the promo circuit but beyond. Because whether the posts are more positively inclined or negatively inclined, the ones I read more or less hit this note — Daryl loves Carol deeply, and they will fight the world to find each other, because they are each other's home. Always.
Whether any of this resonates with you or not, I encourage you to share your own thoughts and remember to tag caryl. Share why they are important to you, why you want them to go canon and what this show and these characters mean to you. Speak from the heart and share whatever you're comfortable with because your voice has power, and you deserve to take up space.
2024 is the year of Caryl. So many have waited a long time for it. Let's hope they honour that.
To those who are genuinely excited, I'm glad you're able to find something to hold on to. I wish I could join in, but I have to be honest about my reservations to honour how I feel about this. If you took the time to read this, I thank you. Stay safe and be well. ❤️
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thegratefulsouth · 2 months
Alright I have just finished Season 1 of TWD DD and I have thoughts and questions and feelings. And energy!
I am very new to this fandom, and while I've done some searches in places, I'll still just apologise in advance for being repetitive and missing stuff. I will miss stuff every time.
I'll get Laurent out of the way, and even though it's all connected for me, the rest is Caryl.
#1 So Laurent. I have questions about his ability to see into the future. He was convinced Daryl would survive the Gladiator battle, he knew they'd all end up back together. Is this a real thing? Is it coincidence in faith? The drawing I don't care about, I'm not sure how involved he is with the manipulations, but he should definitely be able to feel that this is happening with Isabelle, given his empathic nature. So in that case, does he sense there is a reason to go along with her ways, for a future purpose we don't know about yet.
The empathic thing:
Episode 1, he says to Daryl "You're homesick. I see it in your eyes. I feel things. In my stomach. I feel your sadness." Episode 5, he tells Madame Genet that she isn't angry; her heart is broken.
He can distinguish sadness between heartbreak and homesickness- these are very specific feelings. Are there more examples? Not sure when I'll be able to watch it back. Is this significant? Is there a point to this? Is he going to make the match? Is he going to be overwhelmed by Carol's grief and guilt, though hopefully she'll just be happy and relieved when he meets her (hopefully!!).
"Daryl why don't you just kiss Carol like she wants you to?"
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What are the rules around this? I don't know how it works.
#2 Second up! The boats. Is there any evidence that any of the boats have any significance? I know they probably just make sense with the location and the storyline, etc. But when Laurent cuts the boat loose, Daryl is losing his most immediate TANGIBLE lifeline to Carol and that is because a BOAT has drifted. A boat.
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Okay, and also, I was thinking about this on my long drive to work this morning and I swear to the husks of dust on my Jim Shore Dorothy and Glinda figurine, Spotify threw THIS song I've never heard before at me. Yes, PIRATE song. Pirate song by mehro. But dear god the lyrics.
"Are you ready to let me in?"
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"I've been trying to believe what I said is what I need."
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This is such a haunting, beautiful song. I'm so thrilled to discover this artist. I'm not immune to dissolving into a puddle on the side of the road when I hear a new song that spins me out. I feel things so intensely. I'm going to do a post just for this song. This song is Caryl to me.
#3 Daryl's longing for Carol in a ramble:
I like the connection between Daryl saying "I have family back home," and Carol in the teaser clip saying Daryl is the only family she has left. It feels like a string, tying them together. Feels like they're on the same damn boat. Emotionally.
I just want to touch on the name dropping Who Are Your Friends scene with Laurent. Even though I have no idea whether this scene is supposed to have any significance or if it's just supposed to be a simple moment of connection for these two. Regardless, it is significant. Every second beyond about a week just is. So to touch on Laurent again, I'm just wondering is it possible that Daryl's a little guarded here, because he knows the kid's intuitive? Does he feel like he needs to be more careful with his emotions? He's already elevated. But he says Connie's name really easily. It's easy for him to say her name and I think that says a lot. He's trying to connect with the kid, so of course Judith and RJ pop up. Daryl got himself started, and there's a very slight gap, while he's thinking before he offers up Ezekiel. That's where he should say Rosita but she's gone, or Aaron (but too much missage? Their bond), Michonne's not there! Oh, Ezekiel! They were starting to get along? They had a hug and everything? I don't know. I like the link between Connie and Ezekiel though. Anyway Daryl has to say Carol because she is his heartbeat, so he manages to get that out and then he stops. No more names.
Laurent says they sound nice and is Daryl's response a little defensive? Even though Laurent's just a kid, he's a little intense. Daryl says, "Yeah, how do you know?"
I think that's interesting. Like he's shared as much as he's comfortable sharing and then he wants to bundle his family back up again. It's painful to talk about Carol because he misses her and he promised her and she cried when he left and she is his soulmate. She's a little too precious and valuable to be spoken about by someone who hasn't even met her.
Alrighty now I need to go find some gifs for that song post.
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growingnerves · 2 months
I saw the teaser and it got me thinking…
It’s not some mysterious happenstance that lead to Melissa McBride appearing on our screens again. She’s still around in TWDU because she is responsible for so many of the most iconic, rewatchable and deeply engaging moments and that isn’t easily forgotten among fans. We will always want her here so we can continue the story with Caryl as a united pair. And much as I share in the enthusiasm over how powerful her presence is, that alone isn’t enough! The quality of their story together still matters to us. The generic “thrills” aren’t working. I’m sure Melissa wants quality material to dive into as much as the fans do. She considers us in a way that others working on this spin-off will not. However, the fans will always be an objectively important aspect to the show’s ongoing success or failure. After all, who’s going to be watching?
It can be hard to believe our voices are being heard after countless disappointments, cruel shipbaity manipulations and needless retconning; it has often felt like we haven’t been valued. But the more we speak up about our expectations, the greater chance we have of getting them met. I don’t want past missteps to discourage us to the point of accepting something merely “inoffensive.” Let’s think of what this spin-off could be!
Nothing in those promos is engaging me on a meaningful level and this far along into a story, that shouldn’t be a difficult task. We need to see major changes going forward, especially with the writing. The title alone is unacceptable, and even if I could accept it (which I can’t!), “acceptable” isn’t enough. Once whatever future we get for Carol and Daryl is on our screens, it can’t be undone. Once it’s been decided, we will have to live with it forever. So now is the time to have the highest of expectations and demands. Nothing is set in stone yet! Now is a better time than any to pour our energy into advocating for what we want to see. I’d rather be criticizing the show now rather than once it’s been irreversibly ruined by the current showrunner (Zabel). We know we are going to see Caryl together again, that is our only guarantee atp. Which version of the spin-off we get, could still change, especially going into S3! We don’t have to settle for a lesser version of what should be OUR show.
Our dedication should be rewarded with something to look forward to, not something that causes dread. The dread of further disappointment is what drove viewers away. It burned me out to the point I never finished watching S11 of TWD. I didn’t tune in for the initial season of the spin-off because omitting Carol was the most nonsense decision imaginable. The only thing that would make me consider returning is a storyline worth my time. Because boy do I get invested when I give a damn. Imagine getting a story with actual stakes and payoff. Something a little more captivating than watching two friends suffering through seasons more of the apocalypse.
The purpose of reuniting these two is to profit on their unmatched bond and chemistry. They are capable of anything when they are together and taking their relationship to the next level would open up so many new possibilities storywise. Give us something fresh tonally. Let the relationship develop naturally into something romantic as it always should have been. That’s what’s going to get people talking and clamoring for more. That’s what’s going to get word to reach those who left. Seeing a middle aged couple headlining a series is groundbreaking tv and that representation alone could bring in loads of new eyes and reinvigorate online discussion.
What show are they trying to sell me based on the brief window into S2 with tonight’s promos? Caryl’s relationship isn’t the centerpiece here. What I saw was an attempt to catch my attention with repetitive action sequences. There’s nothing original about shootouts and car crashes and distractingly bad looking CGI blood and verbal cliches. Carol interacted with Daryl’s props? That’s the best you can give me? The unique draw this show has, that makes the appeal one of a kind, is Carol and Daryl played by Melissa and Norman. That’s an absolute narrative goldmine and something no other show on tv can claim. I’m echoing so many other fans when I say this. We are able to see the potential for greatness. An emotionally intimate slow burn relationship built over many years will always have within it a vast, complex narrative to explore that new characters cannot bring to the table. AMC has a rare gift in their hands. Continued success of the franchise hinges on the network making the right call when it comes to this duo. That’s where the attention should go. That’s the tease I was looking for tonight. That’s the upcoming payoff that would win back my trust and viewership. I want to see something I can feel passionate about again. We understand these characters aren’t learning to navigate the world without each other. They are fighting to stay alive so that they can be together again and realize their relationship in a way that is new. Caryl’s history runs deep and they couldn’t give us a single emotional beat to grasp onto in the promo- that’s how I’m feeling right now.
Side note cause I can’t help myself but I know I’m not the only one who noticed that Melissa McBride is a total smokeshow in that teaser. It’s not an obscure observation by any means haha. She looked goddamn amazing and badass and well, fucking hot 🥵 It is an undeniable privilege to see this woman on our screens again.
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fantomette22 · 1 year
In celabration of 1 year since i start playing Bloodborne for the very first time…The Old Hunters !
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Old Hunter picture :
A framed photograph from the Old workshop of a group of hunters. Surely the very first hunters of beasts in Yharnam. They seems genuinely happy.
Standing behind : Boom hammer Hunter, Saif Hunter (decorative set), Lady Maria, Gehrman the Beast Hunter, Ludwig, Gratia.
Sitting in the front : Piercing Rifle Hunter, dog, Beast Cutter Hunter, Izzy (or the bestial hunter), dog, the future first Master of the League.
And i guess Laurence or Caryll tried to take the picture. I wanted to put more characters originally bit the A3 sheets is not big enough. I had to make some choices x)
Yes the 16/03 is the day that mark 1 year since i first start playing Bloodborne. My first Fromsoftware game. It lived in my head rent free every days since. And my life as never been the same xD I learn so many cool things and meet such amazing people ! Thank you so much ! I hope to continue to share even more ideas and creations ! (Next week is Bloodborne 8th birthday as well… i will need to think of something)
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ikkleosu · 11 months
When did Caryl fall in love?
Reposting this on its own cos someone said they didn’t realise I’d written something cos it’s under the read more cut. Anyhoo this is my opinion on when Daryl and Carol fell in love/knew they were in love with each other in reply to an ask @my-mt-heart got! I disagree that Carol only realised the depth of her feelings at the end of s11 - what was her dream and Look at the Flowers all about if not her trying to pretend what she knew only too well? I think Carol fell KNOWINGLY in love first, by s2 and his search for Sophia. She knew what she felt but wasn’t entertaining it beyond making sure Daryl knew he was appreciated and wanted.
I think Daryl was in love then too but had no idea what that feeling was and was confused and angry about his attachment to her (hence the s2 uncomfortable scenes). S3 Carol is okay and comfortable enough with her feelings to be flirtatious and teasing. And Daryl is slowly warming to that, but doesn’t for one minute think she’s actually serious. He becomes more aware of his feelings when he thinks she’s died, but he likely still hasn’t put a name to it.
Season 4 I think was them closest to being together. Daryl had grown in confidence and self-assurance, and was much more relaxed with his relationship with Carol. And same for her. And then the flu happened, Carol is banished, Daryl is angry, the prison falls, they scatter to the winds. Daryl is cruel to Beth and back-slides emotionally, angry for many reasons feeling he “failed” and that he lost Carol. Carol goes through the worst thing ever in The Grove and is forever changed by it - she is the person who does what needs to be done, no matter the personal cost to herself. And that cost is her own self-worth. She no longer thinks she’s a good person or worthy, and she certainly doesn’t think she’s worthy of Daryl’s love, in any format. When Daryl sees her in No Sanctuary he knows totally and utterly he loves her and wants to be with her, but Carol has a wall up now and won’t let him in. He is determined to stick by her side and wait until she is ready. Then Beth dies and Daryl goes into his own shell - he feels again he failed, feels bad for how he treated Beth and for not saving her either time. He hates himself. Carol recognises it and tells him to feel it, but she can’t feel the things because she will be completely undone. So they drift apart in Alexandria, because of those reasons and because of the things Alexandria does to them - Daryl doesn’t feel like he fits and doesn’t know his place, Carol puts on a mask and becomes someone else. As part of that mask, she gets together with Tobin. He likes her, he’s a distraction, and emotion free sex is something she’s very used to. But it doesn’t make the pain stop, and after someone else (Denise) dies, Carol sees Daryl’s pain and sees how she will be if he dies. So she leaves. Daryl goes through his own hell with Negan. When he thinks he’s going to die his last thoughts are of Carol. Thoughts of her keep him going in his cell. And when he discovers she’s outside the Kingdom, every emotion comes rushing back. He’s so in love with her but he’s also incredibly hurt she left him. When he comes to her house he understands why she left, sees that she is not in a good place emotionally to take his love, or the truth, and he leaves hoping to give her time to heal and come back. And she heals enough to become part of something again, but now she’s attached to Henry, and Ezekiel - and Daryl has lost his moment.
Carol is one step further down the healing path than she was at Alexandria, but she’s still pretending. It’s just a more pleasant kind of pretend, and she likes Ezekiel  - probably loves him in a way. And he understands her in a way, and lets her be whatever it is she wants to be. And that includes mother to Henry. By the start of s9, she is much more herself, and contemplating a future. Maybe she could come back and be with Daryl? But Daryl is still post-Negan angry, he’s fighty and unpredictable. One look at Henry and Carol knows what she and Henry need at that point is the easy, comfort of Ezekiel and the quiet life at Kingdom. Then Rick dies. Daryl goes to live in the woods. Carol visits him to keep him tethered, she still loves him but she can’t give him what he needs. And of course, we know what happens with Daryl. The love he has for Carol that he’s dealt with, is suddenly feeling utterly hopeless to him, when Carol says she can’t visit anymore and he tries a relationship with Leah. He thinks she’s his future. She’s like him, she gets it. That’s what he should do. But she isn’t. And Carol shows up with teenage Henry and they reconnect and have so much chemistry. They remember their feelings for each other. Daryl will do anything she asks, and Carol trusts NO ONE more than Daryl.
Daryl goes back to Hilltop, Carol carries on with Ezekiel - though she’s even more aware her “marriage” isn’t what it should be. And Ezekiel is aware of that too.
Then Henry dies. And the board is flipped in the air again. But this time Carol knows there’s only one person she wants comfort and support from, and she knows she is too tired of pretending anymore. With this grief weighing on her, she no longer has the energy to be who Ezekiel wants her to be. And she leaves him and goes to her only source of comfort - Daryl.
And Daryl is back to his s5 place, waiting for her to be okay. But still, all her old pain is there so Carol goes off on a boat for a while. And Daryl pines and waits, and takes her out on a lunch date when she gets back. Carol knows what she wants and Daryl is in a good place and they make tentative plans to runaway together.
But there’s Alpha and neither can walk away from that fight. And that reawakens all Carol’s feelings about herself, how broken she is, how much she hurts everyone, how unworthy of love she is. But what she wants breaks through in her dreams, and she’s terrified of how much she wants it - wants a life with him. It’s so hard to deal with it, especially as he is there by her side desperately wanting her to tell him what’s going on, what she wants. But she can’t see herself sticking around, alive, and doesn’t want Daryl to hurt more so she keeps herself to herself. Sees the cuteness of Connie and their friendship and tries to push him onto Connie for his own good. And then Connie nearly dies, and Carol knows now in herself Daryl will never ever love her, not in the way she wants. She’s ready to die to make up for her sins, but Lydia saves her and makes her feel worth, so she sticks around.
Then Find Me... and again shit flies. Now she finds out more about Leah, what she was to Daryl. Carol loses faith that she knows Daryl like she thought. He finally unleashes all his anger at her repeated attempts to leave or kill herself. But both are speaking at cross-purposes, and as far as we know, they never clear that up. They just slowly work back to their friendship that they both settle for as papering over the gap of what they really want. And Daryl decides to leave to do... whatever he is doing. Carol doesn’t love him like he loves her, or she wouldn’t have wanted to die, or marry Ezekiel or leave... right? Carol lets him, because he doesn’t love her like she loves him because she’s not worthy right? not like Connie or whoever? He deserves to find someone worthy of his special love. That’s where we are... and hopefully we will find out exactly what Norman means by Daryl was so close to getting what he wants, and how that is Carol.
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lola-andheruniverse · 2 months
AU Thursday - Caryl Fanfiction Rec
Melissa is back, McReedus is back (and how sweet Melissa was with Norman yesterday!), Caryl is around the corner! Sometimes it's very difficult to be Caryler, but there are other times when it's wonderful. Our AU from today is a gem from the old days, to remind us that we're still here, strong, more than a decade later, and that we still have good things to come our way. Embers written by Equuleus86/Pegasus86 is posted on 9Lives and FF.net.
Summary: For Carol Peletier, every day seems like an insurmountable struggle to get out of bed and face the world. That is, until a face she's kept locked in her heart for what feels like eternity, turns her world upside down. Some things never die.
Rated: M / Mature Word count: 109755 (29 chapters) Published: August 18, 2014 - COMPLETE Dear fellow carylers, this story is an emotional roller coaster with a sweet and deserved happy ending. We follow Carol and Daryl's relationship in two different periods, and it's very interesting how our author correlates them throughout the chapters to the point where the present differs from the past and allows a different type of future for them. She also excels in her depictions of abuse and trauma for both our characters. For all Daryl lovers out there, he's so fragile, brave and endearing in this AU! I love the way he's portrayed here, with all his S1-S4 complexity. Carol's chapters are frequently full of angst, but there's a lot of familial love too (with her mom and with Sophia) to help us endure it. I hope you enjoy this fic, beloveds, it's got it all. Also, the author's notes are a true time capsule and very fun to read. See you all tomorrow with a very, very special plot/no plot friday rec!
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katyspersonal · 3 months
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I focused on Rom and Caryll specifically for this one, as they have the biggest potential for the Micolash-level roles in the Choir! I have a post that collects the points about how it is possible that Healing Church maybe was not instantly isolated from Byrgenwerth ( x ), and under this idea Willem somewhat works too, albeit a bit more like 'eminence grise' than a present 'leader'. In short, Byrgenwerth was responsible for Fishing Hamlet massacre that became a fundament of the Church to seek eyes, Byrgenwerth is quite aware of Laurence's endeavours down to association with the Moon Presence, Willem coincidentally looks like a pope himself and Laurence is a vicar who are the guys that replace the MAIN guy, the Eye rune which is a voice of Ebrietas also served as a symbol of his pursuit for the eyes, Forbidden Woods have secret cave through which people like Fauxsefka could still access Byrgenwerth, Choir which formed from Research Hall honors Willem with their blindfolds and there are evidences of some Choir people (like Rom or Yurie the Last Scholar) "coming back" in Byrgenwerth!
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Altar of Grief is very likely Rom herself despite legs not matching, as Rom in the Lake and Dungeons coincidentally has holes at the level where big legs on the altar form are! Besides, Ebrietas' lyrics seem to refer to Mensis Ritual as she is weeping for her:
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( x )
We just don't know whether Insight given her to Kos was too much and she could not linger in human plane any longer, or she willingly abandoned it seeing (the future?) what would come from School of Mensis and hid the ritual in advance... But at the same time, especially since nothing in lore says she was one of the scholars, even, she could still just be a more "successful" patient they took from Research Hall, or even one of the children that took the "wrong" path into the Sea instead of peering into Stars (Adeline approves fjhdfhfds). Or maybe one of the members that turned special, or a secret agent from Willem, or even from Micolash since concealing the ritual helps not just the humans below but himself too, or or or-
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With Caryll, it is a bit simpler: whereas Willem had a hunch of her, Ebrietas in person was finally found after Research Hall ran its course and the doctors figured, probably by patients like Living Failures, to seek for the Stars and not the Sea. This was how the Choir was formed around her, but who is a better person to be head of the Choir than THE one famous for being able to understand language of the Great Ones? Caryll could easily bridge the gap! And no matter the timeline convolutions, could've simply left Byrgenwerth with Laurence from the start but actually remembering to fear the blood all along!
But... Yeah, in the end, ever since @jarognieva pointed it out that we can't even be sure about Micolash's role in Mensis it's been a super interesting idea. That maybe School of Mensis itself functioned more on its own and Micolash was "chosen" as the most mad madman x) So, why could not Choir function in a similar way too? So Laurence would babysit BOTH of the factions full time, OR leave them to manage themselves at most only checking in for progress reports (would well explain the huge rift between his blood-drunk ass and both subordinate factions being focused on Eyes instead, too).
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freefromthecocoon · 2 years
Hope Is A Good Thing--Caryl Edition
Well, I think I have finally put my thoughts together about Caryl. 
Carol and Daryl throughout this episode were in complete sync. I think this is one reason we are all so upset they are separated for now. They really do need each other. But they can function without the other person there….just not as well as when they are together. 
Carol and Daryl can calm each other with just a touch as has been demonstrated several times throughout their arc over 11 seasons and also in these final eight episodes with emphasis on Carol being able to calm Daryl with just a touch. 
This was first evidenced in the hospital when he woke up on the gurney to the tears of Luke’s family as he succumbed to his traumas. Carol could sense Daryl’s worry about Judith’s well-being as she helped start a blood transfusion from Daryl to Judith in an amazing callback to the farm in season 2 with Rick and Carl. 
After Tomi performed surgery on Judith, we watched Caryl keep a vigil over their beloved Judith. This was a girl they got to save together. The looks that Daryl and Carol share before Judith awakes speaks volumes about the bonds that Caryl have forged over all these years. The moment Judith wakes and sees them both there, it was lovely to see Carol and Daryl smile down at the little girl who they both have repeatedly worked to protect throughout her young life. 
The time jump was frustrating as I would have liked to had that time with them. Alas, that was not presented to us, so that’s where all my Caryl moots who are excellent fic writers can come in. 
After Maggie’s discussion with Caryl about looking in other territories for what I assume are other communities, we get to the most beautiful scene in the finale.  Our soulmates sitting by a body of water together. And unlike in Find Me, they are not separated by the water, but on the same side. I like that symbolism. I was also reminded of the Season 9 premiere as they sit on the loading dock of the Sanctuary. These two have such an ease with each other at times and can say the most appropriate things and other times I want to bang my head against the wall and yell at them. I think this may be one reason we all relate to them so well. We see ourselves in Daryl and Carol. 
Earlier in the season, Norman said that Caryl had some heartbreaking scenes coming up and Lord I hate that he was right. But Norman and Melissa acted their asses off, but I suspect a lot of those emotions we saw between them were very real for not only Daryl and Carol, but for Norman and Melissa as well.
I alluded to this in my overall review of the entire episode, but I would be remiss if I didn’t say something here. Bear McCreary and Sam Ewing pulled emotional beats with the score that I don’t think would have been possible otherwise.  The scoring over this farewell scene with Caryl was perfection, it pulled at the heartstrings with crescendos when necessary and an appropriate hush of the music when Daryl said those three words. 
I pray that at some point if there were extensions to these scenes that were cut for time, we get the full scenes added back in for a 4K release. Especially that hand holding scene as they walked to Daryl’s bike. 
Daryl saying goodbye to the kids and asking Judith to watch over Carol, warmed my cold, dead heart. Then observant little Judith went and did it and told her Uncle Daryl that he deserved a happy ending as well.  Judith knows, just like Henry knew as he saw them interacting in Season 9 that these two are more than just really good friends
I said in another post, I had very low expectations going into this episode. I didn’t know how they would handle the departure of Daryl without Carol.  If you had told me that Daryl Dixon would tell Carol that he loved her, I would have called you delusional. No way would that gift be given to us. But guess what? IT FUCKING WAS!!!! DARYL LOVES CAROL AND SHE LOVES HIM BACK!!!! 
I know people have differing opinions on what canon means to them, but I am totally claiming canon on this scene alone. Words mean things folks, especially coming from Daryl Dixon. When I tell you I gasped and almost passed out, I am not lying. I have watched this scene a million times and it gets better every time I watch it. I think Carol’s reaction was meant to mirror ours as none of us was expecting that to be said.
It was hard to watch him get on that bike and leave her standing there. But she and he are brave souls. I believe in my bones they will meet again one day.  I go to my standard hope quote here: “Hope is a good thing and no good thing ever dies.” 
I hope my words have helped you somehow.  I am here for you if you need to talk. But know this, I am very hopeful about Carol and Daryl’s future. 
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my-mt-heart · 4 months
Why Explicit Caryl Canon Matters
Daryl and Carol (Caryl) fans make up a large portion of the spinoff's audience, and this audience wholeheartedly believes that Daryl and Carol are each other's only choice. It's in the writing. It's also reinforced by cast, crew, and EPs. For example, Norman has repeatedly said “If Daryl falls in love, it's forever."
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There's a misconception that Carylers are a bunch of hysterical saps – fans who only want their ship "fucking under the stars" and only care about Daryl because of Carol, but that’s not true. In reality, Caryl fans are the deepest, most intuitive thinkers in the TWD community. To them, story matters. While they recognize and adore all of the subtext, they understand that it's supposed to lead to something worth the 13-year wait. They're expecting that major sense of relief and joy from watching explicit, undeniable, canon.
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Explicit canon respects Carol's and Daryl's character development – individually and together. They started out way behind everybody else in life, convinced they weren't worthy of love. Daryl thought he was better off alone and Carol thought she was just a burden, but then they showed each other their true potential. Carol told Daryl he was a "man of honor" and Daryl taught Carol to have hope for a better future. They've struggled and suffered and strived to be good enough for each other. So, where's the payoff?
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I understand not all fans want the same things, and maybe there's pressure to “keep everyone happy." Maybe it feels like a lose-lose situation. But from a marketing perspective, Caryl fans are a very reliable source of revenue for the show, so keeping them happy secures a reliable audience for future seasons of the show. They'll show up with their wallets out and their enthusiasm turned all the way up for Norman's and Melissa's nuanced performances. They'll create more fanart and other content. They'll make the show trend on Twitter constantly. Fans already adore Norman and Melissa, but explicit canon will amplify it further whereas keeping things ambiguous will cause a significant decline in viewership.
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Ambiguity is the reason that the "I love you" scene in the flagship's finale got mixed reactions. For the fans who also struggle with their self-image, it was important to see Daryl and Carol overcome their own insecurities and finally "take whatever happiness they could get." But instead, many saw Carol's lighthearted "I love you too" and Daryl's departure as if they were both forfeiting what they always wanted. Daryl was submitting to his solitary nature again while Carol assumed she still owed a debt to her community and Daryl would be happier without her anyway. Both of them deserved a happy ending, or at least a piece of happiness to launch them into the next part of their journey. As far as many fans were concerned, neither of them got that.
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That's why a lot of fans had a hard time watching S1 of the spinoff or opted out of watching all together. There were so many moments that teased the "possibility" of Daryl getting together with a younger, blonder woman nun while hints of Caryl's relationship were buried under more subtext. Keeping Daryl's feelings ambiguous just for the "fun" of shipbaiting cheapens Caryl's one-of-a-kind relationship, falsely indicating that their iconic beats can be recycled with someone else and still evoke the same passionate response from fans.
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Ambiguity also perpetuates ageism and gives non-Caryl fans the excuse to say hurtful things to or about Melissa. Whether or not she's online to see it makes no difference because it still degrades her and it damages other women's perceptions of beauty and worth. Explicit canon on the other hand raises both Melissa and Norman up as two powerhouse actors utilizing their unparalleled chemistry to celebrate mature romances. It brings Daryl’s defining character traits to the forefront – the nurturing traits and the epic ones. It positions Daryl and Carol as equals, and it helps drown out the harmful comments against Melissa. 
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Hopes for season 2 of the spinoff are high. Confirmation of Carol's and Daryl's romantic relationship in a way that needs no interpretation and no explanation from anyone offscreen is a dealbreaker. I know in terms of explicit canon, post-production can make all the difference, so it's crucial someone in a position of power pushes for canon that fully and unapologetically lives up to the fans' expectations, does right by the characters, and respects what Melissa wants.
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sasusc · 8 months
Just watched the season finale of the Daryl Dixon spinoff. Gonna put my thoughts in a click thing to not apoiler those who haven't seen it yet.
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I will be watching it again later today so maybe some of my feelings will change. The flow of the episode felt off? Like, here a clip of D-Day and Granpa Dixon dying on the beach...we will get back to that later so don't worry--we want to establish that fact for later. Then all the happy coincidences to get everyone out safely. Someone (a Caryler I believe) made the statement that the first season was just a big setup for the next season. I can see that.
I love Daryl and Quinn getting chained up and thinking they would be fighting each other until the lights went out. You know what this scene reminded me of?
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And I know I've made lots of observations of Daryl being like a father figure to Laurent, but they really leaned hard into that.
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There's several conversations and scenes showing Daryl filling that father role for Laurent. Everyone is telling him Laurent sees him like a father...that he's good for Laurent.
Isabelle even goes as far as comparing him going home to America as repeating history...that he's going off and leaving his kid behind like his grandpa did when he enlisted and left his pregnant wife behind. And that he should stay there in Paris because he's needed but also so he doesn't abandon his kid like the Dixon's before him. Like what? She already proven that she's willing to lie and scheme to get Daryl to do what she wants.
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I think she is trying to guilt him into staying to protect and teach Laurent. She thinks he's the best shot they have at surviving.
Then when they get to the Nest... If you haven't realized it yet, but I'm a huge Bethyl shipper. I can even get behind Daryl and Connie. Sorry, not a Caryl shipper and definitely hated Leah. Won't be shipping Daryl with anyone else. But and this is a huge BUT! This episode kinda made me want to ship Daryl and Isabelle? All the soft glances between the two...I could get behind that. I don't want to, and I never saw them together romantically until they got to the Nest. Was it just because Isabelle finally could let Quinn go? Was these scenes just there to show the audience how torn Daryl will be leaving?
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The scene where he's training the people with guns and he just keeps looking up at Isabelle? Was Daryl catching feelings?
Urg...I really don't want to ship these two.
And back to Laurent. I just knew he would follow Daryl. I was half expecting him to become a stowaway and force Daryl to keep him.
And the Carol scene? I like it. But what's going on back home? Who or what came back? It's obvious nothing that needs immediate attention to. I don't see Carol leaving the family behind to go look for Daryl if shit was going down. She knows he can take care of himself. She was expecting him within the week of the call and it's been weeks...maybe months?...since then. She knows Daryl wouldn't just promise he'll be back and not do that. So she knows something must have happened to delay him. And she needs to go get him because they have stuff in the future to take care of to protect their family.
Urg. Yeah, I'm hoping a second viewing later will help me.
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haircoveredwriter · 2 years
Okay, I feel this needs to be said (even if it’s solely as an open letter left out on my page for everyone to take or leave how they may)
We got Daryl saying “I love you” to Carol- first may I add - something he has never said to any other person on the show. I won’t go into other ships but there’s a clear definite separating between the words he chooses for her above any other female character. Same goes for Carol! She never told any other man on the show she loved them until Daryl goddamn Dixon… not bobbin, not the king, and def not her sleezebag abuser.
I understand not everyone feels the same I do and I don’t expect them too. I’m okay with others having a different viewpoint on what things mean or how they want to carry their futures in the fandom. I haven’t been and never intend to be out here trying to tell others how they should feel.
So what am I doing? What is the point of this poorly structured ramble of a post? I’m glad you asked and here it is.😄
I continue to believe there is a future forward for Caryl, and that we will see it at some point. I’m going to keep being positive; posting things that make me happy regardless of platform or twd universe show they come from. If anyone doesn’t want to see this I completely understand and respect your choice to step away. For those who are still positive, please know, there are more like-minded folks out there who will gladly respectfully discuss Caryl with you. Feel free to Dm me anytime.
Caryl on, my lovelies. Still zen and Caryl are in fucking love with each other.
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indigoraysoflight · 8 months
Nine Lives Two Mics (Caryl Podcast) | New Episode
🎙️Episode #1 - When Caryl Found Us🎙️
In this episode, we step back into the moment we started shipping #Caryl . Then we peek into the marketing nitty-gritty surrounding Caryl, & finally share our thoughts about their future.
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