#cast or crew? guest star? I’m squinting
ofmd-renewed-yet · 2 years
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me trying to read that name in the back
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creation-key · 1 year
You are apart of the Smosh crew and as a “prank” surprise for you, Smosh books Cory Mylchreest to read Reddit stories with you and Shayne Topp.
Word Count: 1,525
TW: 1 curse word, pure fluff, barely edited :(
A/n: So i’ve been recently getting back into the creative flow, as well as my obsession with Smosh videos b/c they remind me of a time when I was a little kid with no worries, sooo please do excuse this poorly written imagine that is really an excuse to distract me from actually being an adult 🫡
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You walk into the reddit room, saying hi to Brett and Kiana before sitting down on the couch. Shayne walks in shortly after, walking up to the ipad sitting on a table, unplugging and walking up to Kiana, whispering. He looks at you, smirks cheekily weirdly, and turns back to Kiana smiling widely, looking at the ipad and back up to her again.
Based on his mannerisms, you assume he’s conversing with her based on whatever reddit stories you were reading today. The schedule read, “Crazy Fangirl Stories” which you thought was fitting for you to have been picked, seeing as how your gimmick on the channel is being a massive fangirl of literally every cute white boy, your latest obsession with the Young King George star, who you have let everyone in the office know, more than once. You also have some pretty crazy stories resulting from your obsessions, which make for some funny icebreakers.
Tim calls for 10 minutes until shoot, making you look up and realize there’s more people in the audience then usual, in fact it looks as though the whole cast and crew showed up to watch the shooting today. Everyone one of them talking and smiling with excitement, confusion etched all over your face.
The cameras start rolling to test for any unforeseen difficulties that need to be fixed, while Max, or audio man as you like to call him, hooks up your microphone, turning it on asking you to test it.
“1. 2. 3. annnnd 3. 2. ONE!” You yell the 1 at the end getting a thumbs up from audio man, and a totally manly cry, as he yanks off his headphones rubbing his ears. You laugh as you watch him connect Shayne in as well, him testing even louder than you did, absolutely shattering audio man’s eardrums.
Shayne walks over and sits on his chair, looks over at you, smiles, then looks over at our audience.
Remembering that everyone is there, you finally ask Shayne,
“Hey, why is everyone here? I thought we were just reading Reddit stories? Everyone’s whispering and looking at me like they know something I don’t. And i don’t like that.” You say jokingly (maybe) glaring at your friends watching.
Shayne just shrugs his shoulders and smiles.
“I’m not sure, I think everyone just found some free time, and plus this is our only shoot today, because it’s Friday.”
You squint your eyes at him, both of you know he’s lying, but only one you actually knowing exactly what he’s lying about. You’re about to open your mouth to ask another question, when Kiana yells out 10 seconds until the intro.
You decide to put it off for now, kicking off your shoes and tucking your feet criss cross style on the couch. Seeing as how this is your 1st Reddit read story, you’re pretty nervous, but also excited since this is an area you’re familiar with.
With 5 seconds left the stage door opens and the last person you ever expect walks in, already mic’ed up, and walks (practically in slow motion) towards the couch, THAT YOU ARE ON.
You scoot over, mouth agape, the camera pointed at you, closing in on the interaction. Shayne laughs loudly, as always, and introduces you, special guest Cory Mylchreest, and the topic of the video. You look around the room seeing everyone laughing and cheering at your expense. You finally close your mouth, looking to the right of you at Cory and then at Shayne.
“So y/n, how are you feeling right now, I feel like I can see your thoughts” Shayne jokes.
Corey laughs, making you whip you head at him.
“I think i’m just in complete and utter disbelief as to how vivid this dream is.” Everyone laughs, including Cory.
“I promise it’s not dream (he grabs your hand) see!” He squeezes your hand, putting emphasis on his words.
You internally scream, but calmly lift your intertwined hands up, displaying to the camera, making a face of shock.
“Guys Cory Mylchreest is actively holding my hand. I just want you all to see this and understand what’s going on right now.” Laughter fills the room once more, before Shayne changes the subject and starts the video, telling everyone to like, subscribe, and comment who else they want to see Smosh surprise me with, I chime in with no one because my poor heart won’t be able to take anymore.
Cory laughs at that, fueling you with so much confidence that you just start cracking jokes the whole shoot, aka doing your job but like 10x better, in the hopes just to hear his laughter.
Throughout the shoot, Cory holds your hand the ENTIRE TIME never letting go, even when getting a drink of water. You were practically staring at him with heart eyes the whole time.
To your disappointment, you get to the last Reddit story. Shayne starts reading the title , him smiling as he goes on.
“AITA for saying my almost girlfriend isn’t hotter than Cory Mylchreest?
Me (23F) and this girl i was with at the time (22F) got into an argument while watching Young Charlotte because I jokingly (maybe) said Cory Mylchreest could run me over and i would apologize. She starts joking along with me until i call him hot. She responds back ‘not hotter than me though, right?’ I don’t respond because I don’t want to hurt her feelings. She immediately starts packing up her stuff and starts to leaving. I don’t stop her, because I feel as though she was being a childish, I mean no one’s hotter than that guy, but before leaving, she called me an asshole. So Reddit, am I the asshole?”
You open your mouth wide, for the 2nd time that shoot, covering it, with the hand not holding Cory’s of course, filled with immediate embarrassment.
“How did y’all find my account?” You say defeated. Everyone laughs hysterically at your embarrassment.
“So y/n, this story is 100% real? For the viewers at home who may not know for sure, could you just clarify.” You glare at Shayne knowing he only wanted you to admit it, because you were sitting right next the man who you would let run you over.
You look at Cory,
“I am so sorry.” He giggles squeezing your hand.
“That’s okay, I’d say the same about you” He smiles. You internally screaming, squeeze his hand back smiling, before looking at the camera-
“This story is 100% true. That girl and I are no longer seeing each other, seeing as how Reddit sided with me and also agreed that they too would let Cory run them over.” You finish your monologue with a deep breath, earning some cheers and whistles from your packed studio.
Shayne finishes the outro and thanks Cory for agreeing to come on and scare surprise you while promoting his show. Like a true gentleman he thanks Smosh, saying he had a fantastic time, whilst pulling you into a side hug/ cuddle on the couch. You smile, your cheeks warming up at least 10 degrees more.
Cut is yelled, and Cory is still side hugging you, pulling you off of him, he smiles at you once more before pulling you back in for full on hug saying cute things like ‘It’s so nice to meet you’ ‘I’m glad they introduced us’ ‘You’re so pretty’
You hug him back just as hard thank him, before pulling off, realizing where you are. Getting the mics and other equipment off, Cory pulls you out into the hallway away from everyone and their chatter.
“Hi” He says sheepishly.
You giggle saying hi back.
“I know this is forward, and that it’s unfair of me to ask because I am still traveling for promo and wit won’t be for a while, but do you think I could get you number so that we could go on a date?”
He looks down at you, the height difference only being a few inches, due to your amazing genes.
“I- you want my number? for a date? really?” You tilt you head in a questioning manner. He only nods his head profusely, before taking out his phone and giving it to you.
You start to type in your number before you remember,
“Wait a minute… are you even going to text me? You have built quite the reputation for yourself in recent interviews Mr. Mylchreest.” You point a finger a him, poking at his chest with it. He lets out a small giggle grabbing your finger, opening your hand, encasing yours in his saying,
“If it’s you texting, I’ll always reply.”
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A reblog of Teach a Girl to Kiss
I'm reblogging this story here, because for some reason, Tumblr has greyed out the text, and it won't let me change it. Most people can kinda squint and read it okay, and I appreciate everyone straining their eyes to read it! Stupid Dumblr!
But as the very sweet, @auntiejanetheoldsoul pointed out, the text to voice app, can't read the greyed out words, so anyone with eyesight impairment can't access it.
So frustrating!
Anyway, here's the story in full - hopefully NOT greyed out! 🤞🤞
I won't tag anyone other than Auntie Jane since you've all been tagged in this one already. ❤️
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I looked at Dean Winchester, my heart breaking. It had been too much. Too many lost friends, too many monsters, too much pain. I loved Dean with everything inside me, and I just needed him to make all the dark things disappear.
I walked closer to him, and saw his jaw clench. He had so many rules, so many walls that he put up between us, desperate to keep me out of his heart. But I needed him so badly.
I reached out and touched my fingertips to his soft, full lips.  My voice was soft and pleading when I spoke. “Please, Dean. I need you.”
He looked at me with quiet desperation before I could see in his eyes that he was caving, giving in. He clutched my upper arms, dragging me against him and…I…pulled away.
“Shit! I’m sorry!” I called out, embarrassed as the scene dissolved around us and I could almost hear the crew groan. 
This was our fifth try at this very simple scene. It was barely a page of script and I couldn’t get through it.
“Cut! Okay, cut.” I heard Phil call out as I pulled completely away from Dean, well Jensen, in utter embarrassment. “Don’t print that.” He said under his breath to the first AD, Kevin.
I wanted to fall into a hole! 
Keep reading
Of course they weren’t going to print that! It was supposed to be Kelsey’s first kiss with Dean; it was supposed to be full of long-repressed passion, the result of amazing chemistry and months worth of 'will they/won’t they' back and forths between the characters. 
And I had completely fucked it up several times now, by freezing and then actively pulling away from Jensen when he’d followed the script and pulled me to him to kiss me. Kelsey was supposed to throw her arms around Dean’s neck and kiss him back ardently; “hot and fevered” were the words in the script. It was supposed to be Dean with the reservations about the kiss, not Kelsey. 
To be fair, KELSEY had no reservations - it was me, Y/N who had all the reservations. Just…shit!
Phil came up to me with a kind smile. “Hey, Y/N. How ya doin’?”
I shook my head. “I’m so sorry. I’m good. We can just run it again.”
Phil held up a hand. “Hey look, no one expects anything out of you that you’re not comfortable with -”
I cut him off, shaking my head again.  “No, no, really, I’m perfectly comfortable!” The tension rolling off of me said otherwise and Phil looked stumped as to how to proceed. Obviously he needed to get the scene, but he also obviously had no intention of pushing me into a kissing scene I wasn’t okay with.
Jensen saved us both, coming up behind me and squeezing my shoulders. “Hey Phil, could you give us a bit of time, like an hour? Could we call an early lunch?”
Phil nodded, looking relieved that someone he trusted was taking over the problem. “Absolutely. Okay everyone, that's lunch! Back in an hour!” The crew dispersed, slowly but surely wandering away from the set. 
Jensen grabbed my hand and threw me a soft smile. “Come on, let’s go to my trailer for lunch.”
I nodded and followed behind him easily. I had no idea what I was going to do. This job was everything to me, I loved being on set, absolutely loved the crew and all the rest of the cast. 
I’d come on the show as a guest star for only a couple episodes, but as often happened on the show, Kelsey’s character, a badass newbie hunter, had caught on with the fans, and they’d championed the character into a bigger role on the show. 
Jensen and I seemed to have chemistry immediately, at least that’s what everyone said. To be honest, though, I’m pretty sure it was all Jensen; the man would have chemistry with a wet dish rag. 
But the characters had chemistry too, and very quickly the writers picked up on it and started to write to it, coming up with situations to build the tension and the relationship between them. 
Kelsey was quite a bit younger than Dean; she was a little younger than me too, actually. Kelsey was twenty-two (sixteen years younger than Dean) I was twenty-four (fourteen years younger than Jensen). The age gap was a major reason why Dean had wanted to keep his distance from Kelsey, believing she was way too young for him. But also, being typical Dean, he felt he was too dark and too broken for her too. Kelsey saw Dean as a mentor, but more than anything else she saw him as the man she loved. She had no qualms about being with him, but he’d shot her down a couple times already.
In other words, everything had been leading to this moment between them, where the undeniable attraction had reached its peak, and Kelsey was desperate for Dean to kiss her, to admit to their connection and help her by giving her something sweet and light in her otherwise bleak, hunter life.
It was a ridiculously big scene, and I was fucking it up.
Finally we reached Jensen’s trailer and went inside. Jensen took off Dean’s jacket and flannel, folding them carefully over the back of a chair so he didn’t piss off the wardrobe department. He wore only a green t-shirt and jeans now and I did my best not to sigh lustfully as he bent into the mini-fridge and pulled out a couple bottles of water for us.
Jesus, he was beautiful, which was part of the problem. Not that being sexy as fuck was really something he could control.  But Jensen was a ridiculously beautiful man, and in spite of spending months telling myself he wasn’t going to be interested in a costar that way, I couldn’t deny just how attracted I was to him. Every day I found myself a little more enamored, a little more besotted. 
And now I had to kiss him.  Man, I was screwed!
Jensen sat down beside me on the couch and cracked open the bottle for me. I took a deep gulp of it, trying to wet my parched throat.
“Okay, sweetheart, what’s up?”
I just shrugged at him, so he tried to guess.  “Is it kissing on film? Is it too awkward? I know this is the first time you’ll be doing a kissing scene, so it’s bound to be even more awkward than these scenes usually are. Or…or is it…” 
He trailed off for a minute and picked at the label on the water bottle.  “Is it the age difference? Does it make you uncomfortable?”
I quickly shook my head. “No, Jensen, not at all. I don’t see age like that. Past a certain point, we’re all just people. It’s nothing to do with you…it’s me…”
I was quiet for a second before I finally just bit the bullet and told him.  “I’ve never been kissed before.”
Jensen nodded.  “On screen.” I threw him a look to tell him he was being obtuse and he finally caught on. “Oh!”
I could feel myself blushing and covered my face with my hands.  “I know! This is so humiliating.”
Jensen pulled my hands away, shaking his head.  “Hey! You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”
I found myself desperate to try and explain.  “See, it’s just that for a long time, I didn’t feel very comfortable in my own skin; it took me a long time to feel…I don’t know okay, with being…intimate with someone.” I knew my face was just getting redder and redder.
But Jensen frowned and shook his head.  “Hey, Y/N, you don’t owe me, or anyone, an explanation. Your choices are your choices, you don’t have to have them okayed by anyone.”
I smiled at him appreciatively.  “Thank you.” But then I let out another little moan.  “I don’t know what I’m going to do here, though.”
An idea struck me, and my eyes widened.  “Unless -” But I cut myself off.  “No, that’s…nevermind.” I said, waving the idea away. 
“No, what?” Jensen asked.
I contemplated for a minute and then finally decided I had nothing to lose, either Jensen would say yes, and maybe I’d get through this experience, or he’d say no, and I’d only be a little bit more embarrassed than I already was. 
“Well…I was wondering if…I mean, could we practice?”
Jensen’s eyebrows shot up. “The uh…the scene…or…?” He left the question dangling there, obviously loathe to make assumptions.
I shook my head.  “No, it’s not about knowing the lines, or the blocking. That’s all fine. It’s the fact that I have absolutely no idea how to kiss someone, and I’m terrified that’s gonna become real obvious, real quick on camera.”
Jensen bit into his bottom lip and I had to hold back a groan. Jesus, this was either going to be the best moment in my life or the worst.
I back pedaled a little.  “Look, if it’s too weird or something, I mean, don’t feel you have to, or you know…”
Jensen shook his head.  “No, I think…I think it’s probably the smartest course.” His eyes flicked down to my mouth and I felt my stomach muscles clench. 
Holy shit, this was happening!
“Kay.” I said softly, turning slightly towards him.
“Yeah,” he said with a smile, his voice soft and deep, “you’re gonna need to get a little closer.”
I shuffled a bit on the couch trying to find a spot and a position where I could be comfortable and reach him easily. Finally Jensen just lifted me into his lap and I let out a little squeak of surprise.  
Jensen grinned.  “Is this okay? It’s just easier access.”
I nodded and tried to ignore the way his thick, muscular thighs felt beneath me, or the feel of his broad chest pressed up against my shoulder. One of his arms was snaked around my waist, holding me comfortably on his lap, and the other lifted to trail his fingers gently across my cheek.
“Just breathe, sweetheart, and let me show you what to do.”
I nodded again, and took a deep, steadying breath.  But I couldn’t speak as he swept his fingers, featherlight, down my neck, his thumb swiping softly over the corner of my mouth. 
“First, I’m just going to press my lips against yours gently.” His voice was just above a whisper, deep, slightly raspy, and utterly seductive. “All I want in this first pass is to get a feel for the give of your lips, to experiment with their softness.”
He bent his head and I could feel a spark ignite as he touched his lips to mine. A short, high moan issued from the back of my throat as the soft pillows of his lips pressed against me. He lingered only a second or two, pulling back slightly and then pressing forward one more time, slotting his mouth around my top lip and sucking ever so gently. But I still felt the pull lower down, as heat and damp pooled at my core.
He pulled back completely and I slowly opened my eyes to look up into his mossy green orbs; they were warm and reassuring.  
“Good, that was good.” He said.  His voice sounded a bit strained and I prayed it was because the kiss had affected him too.
I nodded and blushed; this was the best class I’d ever been a part of.
“So, you ready to go a little further?”
“Yes.” I answered quickly, making him chuckle.
“Okay, this time I’m going to kiss you for longer, and you’re going to feel my tongue press against your lips. That just means I want you to open up for me, means I wanna taste you.”
My breathing picked up at his words and I nodded frantically, reaching up for his lips, ready for his next lesson.  But he held back, teasing me. 
“Now, now,” he said with a smirk, “wait for your teacher to tell you to begin before starting the lesson.” 
His smirk melted into a warm smile as he pushed his hand into my hair, cupping the back of my head. He moved slowly to touch his mouth to mine again - too slowly for my sanity. So before he could even press his tongue against me, I opened my mouth to let him in.
A deep growl came up from his chest as he swept his tongue into my mouth. Instinctively I copied his movements, desperate to taste him too. I raised my hand to the back of his neck, playing with his short hair as he slanted his mouth over mine again and again, sucking first on my tongue and then on my lips, pulling on them greedily, nibbling at them hungrily. 
I let him feast and feast, not caring about my lack of oxygen, not caring about the time that passed, not caring about anything other than the feel of his velvety tongue and plush lips, crushed against mine.
Finally Jensen pulled away to rest his forehead on mine, breathing roughly. “Jesus, Y/N, either you were lying about this being your first kiss, or you are one hell of a fast learner.”
I grinned as I sucked much needed air into my lungs. “I just have one hell of a teacher.”
An hour later we were back on set. Our lips were a little swollen, making me sure that the make-up artists would definitely figure out how we’d spent the hour. But Jensen assured me it wasn’t too noticeable. Very quickly we were on our marks and ready to try again. 
I could hear the hope combined with worry in Phil’s voice as he yelled, “Action!”
I reached out to touch Dean’s soft lips.  “Please, Dean. I need you.”
My voice was desperate and urgent and finally Dean could no longer resist and yanked me forward, crashing me into his chest as he slammed his mouth against mine.
I let out a strangled cry and threw my arms around his neck. His strong arms wrapped tightly around my ribs lifting me off the ground as he strode forward until he had me crushed against the wall.
I slid back down his body to land on my feet, as he cupped my face in his hands. He plunged his tongue into my mouth…tasting me fully…and then…
“Cut! Fantastic guys! That was great.” Phil called out from behind the monitor. “Okay, let’s go for the close ups.”
As the crew bustled around us, Jensen leaned close to whisper against my ear. "Can I expect to see you back in class, bright and early tomorrow?"
With a small shiver, I swayed towards him. "How about an evening class tonight, teach?"
He bit into his lower lip, and gave me a look that had my heart racing and heat blossoming across my skin without so much as a touch from him.
"Hell yeah." He answered me. "Class starts at seven, and I expect you to be prompt and punctual, Ms. Y/L/N."
I giggled, slightly breathless with anticipation. "Yes, Sir."
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
Road Trip
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Maybe call this your royalty/road trip prompt, @awickedplacethisis​, it’s much shorter!  Harringrove April prompt day 14, Road Trip
Once upon a time, in Westfield Indiana—not far from Indianapolis—there was a very, very large mansion, almost a castle, where there lived a family named Harrington.
There were servants inside the mansion, and servants outside the mansion; caddies to attend the golf course, and six crews of gardeners: two for around the reflecting pools, the rest for the grounds, and a tree surgeon on retainer.  There were specialists for the indoor tennis courts, and the outdoor tennis courts, the outdoor swimming pool, and the indoor swimming pool.
And over the garage there lived a chauffeur by the name of Hargrove, imported from England years ago—together with a Rolls Royce—and a son, named William, or Billy.
 It was a different world, for Billy Hargrove, watching the Harringtons through the bushes, or getting out of his father’s car—little Stevie Harrington wore suits, and rode horses, and sometimes, when his parents were on holiday, little Stevie Harrington would invite Billy to play.  
Steve was a general, in these games, or sometimes the president, and Billy was, as ever, whatever was required, whether that was a dragon, or a magic steed, or a princess.  When Steve’s parents came back from wherever they were, Billy saw him only from the garage windows, again.
The Harrington parties were otherworldly, for Billy, watching from the apartment over the garage.  Billy folded his arms over the railing, watching the orchestra, and the fireworks—and sometimes Steve would climb his tree afterwards, with stories.  
“I brought you something,” he would say, leaning to sit a folded linen napkin on Billy’s windowsill, containing three chocolates, or sometimes, “—they’re too busy to give me a kiss goodnight, Billy, so I came to you.”
He fell out of the tree, once, and Billy yelled, and then Steve was forbidden from climbing trees, and forbidden from waking the staff in the dead of night.  He tried to climb it, still, with his cast, until Billy hid with the window closed.  Steve called softly, and then more softly still, as Billy plugged his ears under the window, until finally he went away.
 Steve ignored him, after that, until Billy made a paper airplane, stood on the edge of his railing out of sight of the car pulling in, and threw it when their fathers looked away.  Steve saw it fly into the hedge, snatched it, and stuck it in his jacket, but he didn’t look over.  Billy didn’t hear anything until Steve ran into the garage two days later, looking around wild-eyed, and waved to him, then hauled him into the hedge around the side.
His cast looked grubby—probably from climbing trees—and the hand not in a cast clutched tightly at Billy’s wrist.  “Why wouldn’t you open the window,” he muttered, huffily.
“You might fall again!” Billy whisper-yelled back at him, but it was too good to see Steve to stay mad at him, so he hugged him as hard as he could, cast and all.  
“I’d rather fall than not see you,” Steve said, and Billy swallowed, squeezing him tighter.
“I—I’ll sneak out.  We could meet in your garden,” Billy said, meaning the grounds, and Steve shook his head.  
“They’ll send you away.  They caught my mother’s maid by the pool, at night, and they sent her away.”  He thought.  “I’ll write you letters,” he said, pulling away to stare into Billy’s eyes, and squeeze Billy’s hands, even though they were covered in oil.  “I’ll leave them under the driver’s seat.  You’ll have to be fast.”
“I’ll find them,” Billy told him, nodding, and that whole summer he found pictures of their games, and stories, and once, a picture of Billy himself, and Steve, holding hands.
 That was before Steve was sent away to school.  He was different, after—they were both older, but his eyes didn’t look for Billy, and he invited different people to the pool, his friends in their tailored suits, with no oil stains.  Friends who would not be sent away.
Steve would come around while Billy was fixing cars, though, and brush his hand around Billy’s waist as he bent over an engine, or slide the trolley out to pull Billy from under the Rolls Royce as Billy changed the oil, and feed him sweet and unusual fruit.  Billy stared up at Steve Harrington’s smile as he tried mango for the first time, licking it from Harrington’s fingers as he laughed, and then star fruit, and papaya.
 Billy still watched the parties—Steve’s parents’ parties—from a tree, swinging his legs as Steve laughed, and flirted, and occasionally came over and leaned back against the tree, holding a glass of champagne up where Billy could reach down and take it.  
Once, when Steve’s dance partner wandered over, he kissed her, whispering and laughing.  Billy clenched his fingers against the tree’s branches for long minutes until they’d wandered away, and then he swung down.  He went to bed early that night.  His pillow was nearly enough to block out the music, and even the fireworks, until he heard the sound of a knock at his window.  
He opened it on Steve in his suit, and Steve crawled in, right inside Billy’s room, with his creaky old floors, stained curtains, and the picture Steve had drawn of them holding hands, before he’d been sent away to school.  
Steve stepped forward and kissed him the way he hadn’t done since they were children.  Billy stared at him, half sure he was asleep, shivering a little with the open window in only his wifebeater and shorts.  Steve’s hands were warm around his biceps.  
“Wish I could dance with you,” he whispered, then brushed a kiss against Billy’s mouth again, and Billy inhaled in a quick jerk of his lungs.  Steve leaned in again, and the floor creaked, and Billy pushed him back towards the window.  
“Ssshhh,” he whispered, his fingers sinking into the silk of Steve’s cuffs, and the warm folds where his shirt was tucked into his trousers, under his jacket.  “Sshhh…” he muttered again, letting Steve tilt his head, and kiss him softly, his mouth a little open so Billy couldn’t help chasing the warmth.  
“You really want me to go?” Steve asked, laughing against his lips, and Billy snorted softly.
“Of course I don’t,” he whispered back.  
 The next dance, Steve came and leaned against the tree, held up some champagne, and said, “Meet me at the indoor tennis court.”
“...I’ll get fired,” Billy whispered, laughing, and Steve was quiet for a long moment.
“...I’ll understand if you don’t come,” he said softly, tipping back the champagne, “—but I’ll wait until the orchestra stops.”
Billy thought about what his father would do, already, if he was caught in the tree—what Steve’s mother would do if the chauffeur-in-training startled party guests, wandering around in work clothes—but he set his jaw.  When everyone gathered around to hear Steve’s father speak on the podium in front of the fountains, Billy snuck off along the hedge—inside the hedge, within view of the house, his heart pounding—and then lingered outside of the tennis courts.  
 Steve arrived a few minutes later with a whole bottle of champagne, and slid his fingers through Billy’s, tugging him inside.  “Why didn’t you go inside?” he asked, bending to sit the bottle down, and then sliding his hands around Billy’s waist.
“...I don’t know,” Billy laughed, who’d only ever been allowed near the courts to clean, or pick up balls.  “Want to show me around?”
“This is where I play tennis, to keep me occupied, when I’m missing you,” Steve told him.  “This is the wall that makes it so I can’t see your house…” he whispered, and Billy laughed, and slid his arms around Steve’s neck, holding him close.  After a few minutes of just...molding against each other, sighing with relief, Steve’s head jerked up, his smile widening in the soft reflected light from the party.  “Here,” he whispered, “—this is the song I had to dance with somebody else, when you were right there, in the tree.”
Billy laughed again, shaking his head in disbelief.  Steve grabbed his hand, lifting it like a dance, and slid the other around his waist, kicking at Billy’s feet to get them to move.  “I don’t know how,” Billy told him, squinting down at his feet, and Steve kissed him again, missing his mouth, laughing, and leaning to try again.  
“I’ll show you,” he whispered, counting.  After a while Billy realized Steve leading meant he wouldn’t get to spin him around, so he spun Steve anyway, and Steve staggered, yanking him along.
 “...he’ll notice you’re gone,” Steve said, finally, as they lay next to each other, panting in their backs, passing the champagne back and forth for swigs.  “I’ve kept you too late.”
“I stayed,” Billy told him, leaning over for another soft kiss, and then another, because Steve Harrington was his, at least for a few hours.
 The next day, Steve came out while Billy was washing the cars, and leaned against the wall in his tailored suit.  He had a weird-looking fruit—dark red, and not very...plump looking, and he carved at it with a penknife as Billy worked.  The purple juice stained his fingers.  
“You know the story of Hades and Persephone,” Steve said, idly, and Billy thought about it, wiping sweat off his face.  
“...he stole her, didn’t he?” Billy asked.  It had sounded scary, as a child, reading from the huge illustrated book in the Harrington’s massive echoing library, but he thought, now, maybe he understood.  “So they could be together.  And her parents rained destruction on them.”
Steve grimaced.  “...this is a pomegranate.”
“Oh,” Billy said, intrigued.  He rinsed his hands and head off, pushing his hair back to see Steve open-mouthed.  
“Come here,” Steve whispered, and Billy came over, and they risked just one kiss, in the middle of the garage, with their fathers both away at work.  Billy could barely make himself let go, but he backed away, after, and leaned against a car.  “...I thought I’d bring you some seeds,” Steve said, softly.  “So you’ll stay with me.”
Billy dug his fingers into his own crossed arms, laughing.  “Sure,” but then, when Steve held out the six tiny, bright, faceted seeds, he swallowed.  “...six doesn’t seem like enough, now I see how many there are.  Give me half.”
Steve grinned, glancing up at him with a wry smile.  “That’s fair,” he said, nodding, and they counted them out on two plates.  Steve held the odd one up to Billy’s mouth, and he leaned in and ate it, his tongue brushing Steve’s fingers.  He helped Steve wash the juice off, after, sliding their fingers together.
 When Steve began to work at his father’s company, Billy became his chauffeur.  He waited for Steve Harrington every morning, and every evening, and Steve sat in the back, watching him in the rearview mirror.  
When Steve bought a car, he took Billy along, and on the way home, he asked him to pull off of the road, into a field.  The stars were bright, and his kisses were warm, and Billy helped him lay out a blanket.  
Billy wondered, as he fumbled with their belts, clumsy with kissing, whether it would ever happen again.
It didn’t.  
 Steve wanted ice cream, occasionally, or dinner, and asked Billy to join him, but he worked very early and very late.  He still sometimes pressed a quick kiss to Billy’s lips—if no one was looking, if he wasn’t running late—but there were no lingering touches, except one time.
The girl Steve had kissed under Billy’s tree was the daughter of another CEO, and their engagement was announced on the local radio.  Steve stared straight ahead, his jaw clenched, and then told Billy to use the back elevator, and come up to his office, right away.  When Billy got there, Steve locked the doors, and pulled Billy along to the bed behind the kitchenette.  He didn’t say anything, he just slid his hands up under Billy’s shirt, and followed them with his mouth, kissing softly up Billy’s stomach to his chest, and then across his collarbones, as Billy wriggled out of his clothes.  
They didn’t unlock the door all day, no matter whose voice came through.
 Three weeks later, when Billy climbed in the car and suggested Steve’s favorite cafe, and then the office, Steve said no.  He sat looking out the window, his eyes far away.  
Billy waited silently, full of dread.  “...Mr. Harrington?” he asked, finally, and then, because his voice gave out, he cleared his throat.  “...do you have...something to tell me?”
“No,” Steve said, smiling—sadly, Billy thought, and he clenched his hands on the wheel.  “...I think I just want to drive.  South.”
“...yeah, okay,” Billy said automatically, and then, as was ingrained, “—sir.”  Steve snorted a laugh.
As they passed through Carmel and then Indianapolis, Steve slowly relaxed, finally asking Billy to stop for breakfast when he was already an hour late for work.  It wasn’t Billy’s place to ask, and he hardly wanted to remind Steve they were not where they were supposed to be, but something must have come across in his eyes as he chewed his bacon and watched Steve, because Steve’s smile went tense again.
“It’s all handled,” he said, sipping his coffee.  “I think we can take a little road trip, don’t you?”
“For how long?” Billy asked, his fork freezing in midair, imagining just—spending time with Steve, walking, maybe.  Going to a movie theater, he thought, huffing a laugh.  He wondered whether Steve Harrington had ever been in a movie theater.
“I’m not sure,” Steve said, glancing up at him with an impenetrable expression, and Billy’s heart hurt, a little, because Steve Harrington had never been a difficult person to read.  
 After breakfast, Steve slid into the seat next to him, instead of the back, and rested his hand on Billy’s as he shifted gears.  Billy could hardly keep his eyes off it.
“How long is this road trip,” he asked, keeping his voice even, and Steve laughed, grimacing.
“Depends on you,” he said.
I ate half of the pomegranate, Billy wanted to say.
 Steve directed Billy into the garage next to a tall, narrow blue house with a long, wide porch and white trim, and Billy’s heart started to pound.  “...is anyone else staying here?” he asked, cautiously, as Steve unlocked the door, and he shook his head, watching Billy’s face.  They wandered into a fine living room, Billy thought, though sparsely furnished.  As they wandered through the kitchen and upstairs, Billy pushed open a door on a room with a small, plain bed, and his things.  His shoes, his trunk, no longer in the little apartment he shared with his dad.  
No longer overlooking Harrington House.  
“My friend Buckley has a house near here,” Steve said.  “She told me this one was coming up for sale,” he said slowly, glancing at Billy.  “...I could afford it.”
Billy was...happy, he thought, probably.  “You’re...leaving me here?” he asked, his eyes stinging, and fixed on the plain little room.  “You—you’ll visit.  Sometimes.”
“I’m—no,” Steve said sharply, grabbing his arm, and Billy yanked away to sit on the squeaky mattress.
“You want me gone before the marriage, then,” he whispered.  “I get...a few days? A day,” he bargained, glancing up at Steve, and setting his jaw.  He wanted to swear at Steve, for—for being everything he wanted, he guessed.  And everything he couldn’t have.
“No, no, I’ve broken off the engagement,” Steve said, grabbing Billy’s hands,  “—and I’ve quit.  I have a new job, Billy.”
“What,” Billy asked him, hoarsely.  
“I’m disowned,” Steve said, laughing, his voice unsteady.  “I’ve convinced my father I’m too difficult to reason with.  I’m out of the will.  I will live here.  I bought the house with my money, from Mother.”
“Here,” Billy breathed, staring around again, and then at Steve’s face.
“I hoped you would like it here,” Steve told him.  “I wanted to show you, so you could—road trip here.  Come down on weekends, maybe—”
“You packed my things,” Billy reminded him.  “Is this a little road trip, or—”
“This could be home,” Steve told him, smiling tensely.  “Come see our room.”
“...our room,” Billy laughed, disbelievingly, as Steve drew him down the hall, and into a wide, high-ceilinged room with a massive bed.  
“Our room,” Steve repeated, smiling against Billy’s lips, as Billy took shaky, bewildered breaths.  “Who would question a single gentleman having a gentleman?”
The other Harringrove April prompts I’ve done
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
T-Shirt Quilts
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Jared Padalecki x Reader
Summary: Every year the SPN crew does Secret Santa and this year you get your best friends name.
Warnings: Secret feelings, fluff, if there is angst you have to squint to see it i think
Word Count: 2,190
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You watched as Jessica, a PA, walked around carrying a basket with names on paper for the annual Secret Santa. You’ve been working on the set of Supernatural for a few months. You still didn’t know everyone so you were hoping you got someone you knew. 
Secretly you hoped it was Jared. You’ve had a huge crush on him since you guest starred last year on two episodes. You stayed in touch between your days on set last season to when you started a full time role this season. It helped that you both live in Austin. Jared quickly became your best friend over the months, but you still harbored those feelings.
Jessica walked up to you and smiled at you. ”Once you draw, let me know who you got so I can write it down. And don’t worry, us PAs have different bowls. My name is in another one.”
You smiled at her and reached into the bowl. You picked up a piece of paper and opened it. 
“I got myself?” You looked up at Jessica who was laughing.
“Put it back and draw again.” She said as her laughter died out. She held the bowl up to you once again. You put your hand back in the bowl and grabbed another paper.
You kept your face neutral as you read the name quietly to Jessica since the person you got was a few feet away. “Jared. I got Jared.” You smiled at Jessica as she smirked while writing his name down. Your heart was racing because you wanted to get him something special. More special than what you already have stored in your closet back in Austin.
Jared walked over to the both of you. Jessica smiled at him.
“Jared, have you drawn for the Secret Santa?” Jessica asked holding up the bowl. Jared shook his head. He reached into the bowl and smirked as he read the name. He turned to show Jessica and she smirked again as she was writing. “Well you guys have fun shooting your next scene. I’m off the rest of the day.”
“Bye Jessica. Merry Christmas.” Jared said. You smiled and hugged her as you wished her safe travels. Jared turned to look at you. “I have a few hours until I have to film again and I know for a fact you are here way to early since you are doing evening shoots. So would you like to accompany me to a movie and a nap in my trailer?” You laughed and nodded your head. 
That weekend you were walking around shops trying to get an idea for Jared when you walked past a craft store. You walked in just to see what they had. As you walked further into the store, you saw all the quilt supplies hanging on a wall and laying on shelves. An older woman approached you. 
“Hello dear, are you looking to make a quilt or are you looking to have one made?” She asked. 
“Um… I’m not sure.” You replied honestly. “I don’t even know what pattern I would want.” 
“Well let me just tell you more about what we do here so you can decide if you would like one. Holidays are coming up and it would be a lovely gift.” She led you towards the table that had a pamphlet on it. “We do patterns, we do quilt square patterns, and we do t-shirt quilts.”
“What are t-shirt quilts?” You asked genuinely confused. 
“They are quilts made out of t-shirts. We cut the shirt into a square and then we put them together like a quilt square pattern. And if you don’t have enough t-shirts to fill a complete quilt, you can add some fabric.”
You thought about all the Always Keep Fighting shirts Jared had given you over the summer. A few from every campaign he had done. Plus you had other Supernatural shirts based off of Sam you could add. “I think you just helped me figure out my Christmas gift for a friend. How long does it take you to make the quilt?”
Normally it would take us a while, but with the holiday season, we would have it done in a week.” She replied happily that she might have made a sale. 
“And what time do you close? I have some shirts I would like to turn into a quilt.” You said. “Do you do weighted quilts?”
“We do. It will cost you extra though.” She said. “And we close at nine tonight.” 
You smiled at her. You told her you would be back in a bit. Just had to run home to grab the shirts. She smiled and said she would be here to help you when you got back. 
You almost ran to your car to hurry. Jared was due to be at your apartment later that evening when you finished shopping. You didn’t want to risk him seeing you home and think it’s okay to come over. You ran into your room once you unlocked your apartment. Quickly opening your dresser, you grabbed one of each campaign. Then you went to the closet to grab the Supernatural shirt. You locked your apartment and rushed back to the shop. 
“I’m back.” You said smiling. Linda, the kind lady that helped you earlier led you to the quilting room to design the front of the quilt. After aligning the shirts how you wanted them, she led you to the fabric section to select something for the back. You smiled when you saw a plaid design that just screamed Sam Winchester. “I really like this. It matches the person who is getting this.”
Linda smiled at you as she saw your eyes light up thinking about the quilt and the person it was going to. “This will be a big quilt. Probably around six feet.”
“That’s perfect. The guy I’m getting this for is 6’4.” You said with a laugh. 
“I’m sure he will love it. I will give you a call when it is done.” Linda said. You smiled at her and left the store. 
Two weeks later you were carrying your wrapped box into the building where the SPN Christmas party was being held. You discarded your present and walked towards Jensen. 
“Hiya Jay!” You said. He turned and smiled at you. He wrapped you in a big hug.
“How’s my girl tonight?” He asked as he pulled away. 
“I’m doing good. How are you? Ready to see the family?” You asked back. 
“Better now that you're here.” You both laughed. “Of course I’m ready to see the family. It’s been a long week. Just glad I get to spend a few weeks with them without any interruptions.”
“I bet. I can’t wait to come see them on Christmas. I miss the little ones.” You said. You jumped as arms wrapped around you from behind. 
You relaxed when you heard, “I miss them too. I’m spoiling them. Nearly all the presents under my tree are for them.” Jared said. 
“Dang it Jared, I told you not to buy them anything.” Jensen said annoyed. But you noticed he wasn’t too annoyed based off the smile on his face. 
“Okay guys. We have the presents to hand out, so please grab a seat.” You heard of the sound system, which stopped Jared from replying to Jensen. 
Presents were being handed out by the PAs that did the drawings. Jessica handed you and Jared presents with a smirk before she turned to Jensen and handed him his. 
Jared laughed as he felt how heavy his was. “Someone went all out this year. Or I got bricks. Not sure.” Jensen laughed in response. 
You noticed Jared was side eyeing you as you were side eyeing him. You were nervous to see his reaction. When given the signal to open the gifts, you slowly opened yours as you also watched Jared. Jared ripped into the present. He pulled the quilt out and stood up to unfold it so he could observe the whole thing. 
“Oh my gosh.” You heard him whisper. You looked up to see tears in his eyes. Jensen looked up when he heard his best friend. 
“What is it?” Jensen asked. Jared turned the quilt so Jensen could see the Always Keep Fighting shirts lining the front. “Looks like there’s a note with it.” 
Whenever anxiety gets the worst of you, remember to Always Keep Fighting. This is your fighting blanket. It is a 20 pound weighted quilt to help you calm down when you feel like you’re out of control. Thank you for being the best role model for people around you and the people around the world. You deserve the world Jared. AKF
Jared read the note out loud. Jensen smiled and started tearing up too. He knew the battles Jared had and he was touched by the person who gave Jared this gift. 
You smiled at the two of the gushing over the quilt. You finally turned towards your gift and opened it. You pulled out a photo album. It had a picture of you, Jared, Jensen, Misha, and Alex on the cover. You flicked through the pictures. Some were cellphone pictures of you with the crew and cast, some were behind the scenes photos taken by the on set photographer, and some were from conventions. Each page had a quote on it and each quote related to the photos on those pages. You were amazed by the work someone put into your gift. 
As you continued to look through the photos. Jensen and Jared smiled at you. Jared noticed your tears building and sat by you to look through the picture with you. He was surprised you hadn’t noticed his handwriting yet. 
“This year we decided to let each other know their Secret Santa now instead of waiting a few days. So please go find your person.” Bob announced over the system. 
You looked at Jared as he looked at you. 
“Do you like it?” Jared asked. 
“I love it. This gift is beautiful. Did you do this?” You asked him. He nodded his head. You smiled bigger. “I will cherish it forever. Thank you.”
“Did you see the last couple of pages?” You shook your head no and Jared flipped to the pages for you. You noticed the majority of them from your time during the summer with him. Some you didn’t recognize. You smiled as you thought these were pictures Jared snuck of you. 
“You really are amazing Jared, thank you.” You said giving him a hug. Letting it go on longer than normal. 
“Did you get me the quilt?” He asked. You nodded. “It’s the best gift I’ve ever gotten. What made you think to do that.”
“Was shopping around and Linda, the one who made it, gave me the idea.” You said. “I was worried you wouldn’t like it. I didn’t figure you would want a blanket for Christmas.”
“Are you kidding me? This is the best. I love it. I’m going to use it all the time. Why make it weighted though?”
“Weighted blankets are supposed to help when you feel anxious. It’s supposed to help make you feel grounded. Figure you would need that when things get overwhelming.” You said. Jared smiled at you. 
Little to yours and Jared’s knowledge, you were being watched by everyone. They had set you guys up to get each other. Hoping you would both admit your feelings to one another. 
“Y/N, can I tell you something.” You nodded at the taller man.”Seeing this blanket and seeing how much thought you put into it makes me have to tell you this today. I can’t hold it back anymore.” 
“Okay. What is it?” You asked. 
“I like you Y/N. I have since you guest starred.” He said nervously. 
“Well I wish you would have said something sooner, because I feel the same.” You said back. 
“Really?” You nodded. “Since you guest starred?” You nodded once again. “You could have said something too, you know.” You laughed and leaned towards him. Jared pushed a piece of hair behind your ear and leaned in. His lips just hovering over yours. “Is this okay?” He asked. 
“Yes.” You whispered so quietly, Jared wasn’t sure he heard you. He leaned forward and finally connected your lips in a soft kiss. 
The room erupted in cheers. You both pulled away, remembering your surroundings. 
“About time you two.” Jensen said. “If all we had to do was make you secret Santa partners, we should have done that a long time ago.”
“You guys planned this?” You asked. 
Jensen nodded, “Yeah. I was the one that mentioned it because I was sick of hearing about your feelings for one another but neither of you telling each other. 
Jared laughed as he pulled you closer, as everyone else went back to their conversations. Jensen silently watched his best friend and someone who is becoming like a sister to him. 
“I’m kind of embarrassed.” You whispered to Jared. 
“Don't be.” He said looking you in the eyes. He gently grabbed your chin and brought your lips to his. “Merry Christmas Y/N.”
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damien-haass · 5 years
You Think You’re Better Than Me? (Smosh)
Pairing: Damien Haas x Reader
Words: 1429
Warnings: None!
Request: @star-mum: “So I saw that you'd be down to writing some smosh stuff so uhm can I request a Damien x Reader, maybe where in try not to laugh she just does something cute to make him laugh and it works (?) Thank you sm in advance if you write it, have a good day !!”
A/N: This is my first time writing for Damien and the Smosh cast in general so go easy on me ah. But, I do hope you enjoy, this was super fun to write and LOOK OUT for a post in the future with my request guidelines! I’m gonna start taking regular ones for Smosh and maybe some other Youtubers?
*Gifs are not mine, all credit is due to the owners.*
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“Come one, come all! Welcome back to another try not to laugh! You already know how this goes down!” Courtney happily exclaimed as she shot her fingers at the camera, one eye closing and a smile tracing her lips. Around her sitting on the stool stood Noah, Keith, Olivia, Shayne, Ian, Damien and of course, yourself, a special guest on today’s newest episode of everyone’s favourite series. 
“You wanted more, and you know we can’t deny you guys something so sweet!” Keith finished from beside Noah.
“Someone sits on the hot seat while everyone else attempts to make them laugh, hopefully ending in some spit takes and goofs and gaffs!” Ian flashed a smile as the gang clapped and shouted, some beginning to pump themselves up. Well, one person was pumping themselves up.
“I am SO READY!” Shayne shouted, flexing his muscles before turning to you, standing behind Damien.
“If you don’t know who this is, this is Y/N and its my life goal to make her laugh so hard she pees so this-” he stepped forward and pounded his chest, “is gonna HAPPEN!” 
You laughed loudly and playfully kicked his leg as everyone cheered for you, Shayne giving you crazy eyes before stepping back beside the stool.
“Y/N also happens to be our boy Damien’s lovely lady,” Ian commented making everyone ooo at you two. Damien blushes slightly as he squeezed your body close to him in a tight hug.
“Can’t wait to make water come out of her nose,” Damien smirked as he looked to you, causing you to shake your head and cross your arms. 
“You’re going down, Haas.”
“Um, you’re both going down.” Shayne stopped forward again and squared up to you both. 
“Alright alright let's go!” Courtney shouted as she ran off the stool, patting you on the back as she ran back. 
“I’ll go!” Ian yelled as he flashed everyone a sly smile, grabbing one of the water bottles underneath the stool. You shot Damien one last look as you winked, jogging behind the partition to prepare. Damien shook his head and smiled to himself, his eyes crinkling sweetly as he thought of you. 
You hadn’t been dating for long, but your relationship was beautiful. Shayne was the one who introduced you two one spring afternoon and your life had changed. He was so special, so beautiful, so charming. He had swept you off your feet without much effort, but of course, he put it in any way. Damien was a true gentleman, no man had ever loved and cared for you like Damien had. And the love wasn’t just one-sided. You were everything Damien had needed and wanted in his life and more. The two of you fit together perfectly, and everyone knew it too. That’s why they all wanted you on Smosh, after politely refusing for so long. Courtney basically begged you to get your ass down to the office. Adding in a please and thank you only after she had already bullied you into it. 
After Ian, it was your turn. Shane kept true on his promises so far, making you do an epic and slow-motion worthy spit take. Pretty much everyone made you laugh, especially Damien, But he knew exactly how to do it, knowing as soon as he muttered the words “You’re mother paid for 10 minutes, so its whateeeever you want,” you were done for. That line always worked on you, it was a cheap blow. But he knew that. 
“Ah! I saw a drop!” Courtney yelled at Noah as Olivia stood in front of him with God knows what on her body. Noah shot forward and nodded, more water falling out of his mouth as he laughed. You laughed along as well and clapped, a large grin falling onto your face as Olivia walked back behind the partition, a proud look on her face. 
As Courtney walked out to try and successfully make Noah laugh, something you were proud to say you did, Damien landed a chaste kiss to your forehead, causing you to scrunch your face. 
“Nuh-uh, we’ve got beef, mister,” You stated, your hands flying to your hips. Damien scoffed and matched your same position. 
“Don’t be mad at me just because I’m hilarious, babe.” Now it was your time to scoff at him as you rolled your eyes, smirking up at him. 
“Yeah, Dames, you’re soooo funny.” You deadpanned at him. He shook his head as he took a step closer towards you.
“You think you’re better than me?” You cocked an eyebrow at him and his words and chuckled. Damien smiled and landed a kiss to your nose. 
“Hate to break the sexual tension here, but you’re up Damien,” Courtney said as she placed both her hands on each of your bodies. The cast snickered as you blushed, pushing Damien towards the hot seat. 
“You’ve gotta beat him, Y/N,” Shayne said coming up behind you, placing a hand around your shoulders. You smirked to yourself as you looked to Shayne, flashing him an innocent smile.
“Something’s brewing in that head of yours. You better spill.” Courtney said as Noah and Olivia appeared next to her, listening closely. You nodded to yourself and looked up at everyone. 
“Don’t you worry, I’ve got this.”
“You piece of shit!” Damien shouted as he leaned back, his lap now covered in water from his very sudden burst of laughter due to Shayne, effectively sending the water all over himself. Shayne only laughed loudly, a wide grin spread over his face. Damien shook his head as he sat back up on the stool, clearing his throat and laughing with some of the crew. You stood right next to the partition, nothing with you except your confidence, waiting for Damien to give the signal that he was ready. You squeezed the empty soda can in your hands, smirking devilishly at your boyfriend as he held up a thumbs up and hummed. Shayne slapped you on the back as you walked out, crinkling up the soda can more. 
You stepped out in front of Damien, a stern look on your face as the corners of his mouth began to turn up slightly at the sight of you. Suddenly, you threw the can to the side, opening your arms widely and stepping even closer to him. You eyed him up before letting out a thunderous burp, instantly making him begin to laugh and squirm.
“You think you’re better than me?” The whole cast and crew couldn’t contain their laughter as you remained so composed and serious, your eyes boring into Damiens.
You were going to get him. And you knew this would do it.
“You think you’re better than me?” You repeated, letting out another burp before and after, Damien’s face turning redder as you kept going, his mouth struggling to remain closed.
“You’re not my real dad,” You squinted your eyebrows, tilting your head to the side and forcing out another burp. 
“You’re barely my real mom.”
As soon as those words left your mouth, Damien lost it. His water sprayed out to the right, as he jumped off the stool, laughter and cheers coming from everyone in the room. You dropped your hands and smiled widely, doing a short celebratory dance on the spot you stood. The cast began to come back out, cheering and clapping as you ran to Damien, giving him a big hug. He wiped his mouth and pulled you close, walking you both over towards the rest of the group.
“That was good,” Damien admitted with a tilt of his head, still hugging your body close to his.
“I think the all-star award should go to Y/N, she KILLED it today!” Noah said as he looked to you. You shot him a smile and posed for the camera, taking a small bow.
“I didn’t even know she could burp like that,” Damien admitted, rubbing your back. 
“I’m telling ya, Y/N and Damien are the same person,” Shayne exclaimed to the camera before looking over at you back in Damien’s arms, his arms wrapped around your shoulders, pressing your back close to his chest as he stood behind you. You only shrugged before turning over your shoulder to sneak a look at Damien. He smiled down at you and hugged you a little closer.
“But Dames,” You started, a serious look falling on your face again, slightly confusing him and everyone else. You cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked.
“Do you think you’re better than me?”
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vikireedphotography · 4 years
The Cigar Is All You See
First, do no TV:  how badly do you want to make it in Hollywood, doctor?  
An EASEL holds a foam board telling us that inside the dark room-twinkling with spores of glittery tables, is the 2021 American Board of Radiology Conference.
Photos of two men are the evening’s GUEST SPEAKERS:  GREG CRANDON, 53 and BEN HAMMIL, 52.  Crandon is a bit pale, thinning hair on top scalp, bulging but happy eyes. He is posing with TV actor MATT KISLEYAK, 54. Matt is charismatic, and wears his TV-doctor’s uniform, Crandon is ‘on-set’ with Kisleyak and posing with an arm is around the shorter Crandon.  Under the photo it reads:
“Radiology Consultant to Hollywood, Greg Crandon (with “Med Lives” star, Matt Kisleyak).  The second photo is Hammil, who looks more like a TV star than a radiologist. Tall, long reddish hair. His photo depicts the smiling Hammill standing on a Ted Talk stage pointing and smiling.  It’s captioned: “Welcome Ted Talk Keynote Speaker on AI and Radiology, Ben Hammil of Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles”  
In a reverse fractal, Dr. Ben Hammil is on-stage, preaching new gospel.
Twenty-two years in radiology. I’ve missed things. You know what sees everything? Machine learning. Check this out.
A massive projection screen behind Hammil fills with what looks like a photo quilt of chipmunk faces (tight crops of just the eyes, nose and whiskered mouth).  
Chipmunks. Cute. Sixteen-hundred chipmunk faces. Do you see the cat?
Greg in a slightly old-school tux joins his wife, ANDREA, 47.  
In trying so hard to look younger, she forgets to be young. Everyone but the WIVES in the room are fixed on Hammil’s presentation.
(To Greg)
Can you get Matt’s autograph for Penny?  
Andrea’s body language tightens after she notices cocaine on his nose. She grabs a napkin, wipes it. No one sees the coke.  Just her ‘mothering’ him.
Fellow attendee and table-mate LEO, 42, now distracted.
(To Greg)
You missed Hammil’s award.
GREG Oh well.
Saw his Ted Talk. I played golf with him-played near him.
It’s just a tool, this software. A computer can’t deliver bad news or hold a box of Kleenex.
Greg gestures to a passing SERVER for another round of drinks.  He pivots to PENNY, 36, pretty, blond trophy wifetwo small children later.
GREG (CONT’D) Penny? I’ll get you Matt’s autograph.  I’m going to the studio tomorrow.
Penny is electrified. She points at Ben and announces to all:
Out of everyone tonight he’s the most interesting and ground-level.
She catches herself when she sees Greg’s reaction.
Greg drives his bronze BMW convertible to the GUARD-GATE. A familiar GUARD, 39, waves him through.
Moments later, Greg strides, getting tanner the closer he gets to the the SOUNDSTAGE DOOR. He glides past Matt Kisleyak’s RED FERRARRI. It’s parked next to the door. A sign designates: “Reserved for Matt Kisleyak/Med Lives.  
It’s a magical forest of cables, wisteria hanging lights, cameras, crew, fake hospital sets, ACTORS in costume, CRAFT
SERVICES TABLE loaded with EVERYTHING you could ever want. Willy Wonka time.
KEN (O.C.) Dr.Crandon?
KEN GOLDISH, 37, is one of the show’s Producers. Greg wheels in the direction of his voice.
The two walk a hallway lined with POSTERS of MED LIVES’ CAST in character. Ken is ahead and faster.
(Holding a zip drive and script.)
I have the notes on the next show. Just a few minor details.
Ken turns to see Greg brandishing his work.
(Takes the thumb-drive.) Keep the script.
They stop at the last door.
What did Matt want to see me for?
(Knocks twice) He’ll tell you.
Greg is seated next to Matt’s desk. The blinds are closed, the only light comes from a large computer monitor.
As Matt sits and shares the glow with Greg you see an unbelievably photogenic man.
(Staring and smiling at Matt.)
This isn’t ideal. You should send the full study to my office at the hospital.
Not gonna happen. It’s a favor for a good friend. I’m looking out for him. A secret second-opinion.
Greg nods into gear with a deep breath.
The star is opening the blinds. He turns around and saws his palm into Greg’s personal space.
Thanks so much for doing this.
I’m sure it’s not what you wanted to hear. Your friend definitely has stage-four lung cancer. I couldn’t tell more without labs, biopsies-
Greg stands to meet Matt’s goodbye shake.
Keep this between us?
Matt opens door. Greg pulls the rolled MED LIVES script out of his suit pocket.
I’m sorry, but a friend of my wife’s..
(Grabbing a pen.) What’s her name?
Penny. Thanks for that. I never ask, but the wife...
Got it. Hey, I’m hosting a celebrity golf tourney this weekend at Hillcrest Country Club. For Children’s Hospital. You play?
A man-cave with no man. It resembles a furniture store display. The only indicator of human occupancy is a box of Just For Men hair dye. He stands before a full-length mirror wearing new golf-wear. Looks a little ‘back to school’.
PRICE TAGS are strewn at his feet.  He snips the last tag from his BELT.
CLOSE ON: BELT/SCISSORS THE TAG READS $169.00. After a snip, it flutters down onto his new shoes. It’s quiet until-
Christ. You could go as Tiger Woods for Halloween.
Not really funny. Did you want something?
Dinner. It’s here.
(Taking a last look, then starts to undress.) Good. I’m hungry.
The celebrity event buzzes, it feels like a Christmas tree you could live-in.
Cacophonous. Seen from above, Greg disappears into a crowd of
“Children’s Hospital Of Los Angeles Annual Celebrity Golf Event 2021”
Hearing Matt from behind a potted tree he eagerly rounds the corner.
It’s Matt with Ben Hammil and a few others. Laughing. Drinking.
GREG (TO SELF) Fucking guy...
Matt turns around. Seeing Greg, he’s not unhappy but there’s no reward in seeing him. Greg bounds over, socially awkward in Ben’s presence.
(To the group.)
This is Greg Crandon. He’s the Doc who makes Dr. Morrow sound like he went to medical school. Hey, Greg, this is one of your radiologist tribal members: Ben Hammil.
Yeah, we shared a bill at a radiology convention last week. I was keynote.
It was actually fun. Like an extended Ted Talk.
ANOTHER MAN IN THE GROUP Oh, that’s where I know you from!
Greg we’re doing a Four Man Cha Cha Cha wager; the losing team coughs up forty-K for the charity. You’re in, right?
Forty? It’s in my car.
The group laughs.
GREG (CONT'D) Will you excuse me?
Greg breaks away and rushes to the MEN’S BATHROOM.
Most of the crowd spills onto the fairway path, outside. Greg hustles to catch-up.
Greg approaches the REGISTRATION TABLE.
An ATTRACTIVE SWEDISH FEMALE CLUB STAFFER, 23, is dispensing Team Badges, which are mounted on a valet’s keyboard behind her.  The teams are named after Peanuts Characters.  Greg squints to see the SNOOPY Team, which is led by Matt.
FEMALE STAFFER (O.S.) Good morning! What’s your name?
Greg Crandon? I think I’m a Snoopy, on Matt’s team.
Here you are.  You’re a LINUS!
Matt invited me personally, I’m sure I’m a Snoopy.
FEMALE STAFFER It’s a perfect day for a game, you’ll have a great time.
The Staffer dangles the Linus Team badge. Greg takes it.
As he approaches, A GOLF CART WHIRRS away: Ben Hamill is the driver, Matt’s his co-pilot.
They leave a wake in the COLLECTIVE MEDIA bush they pass.
He’s on his back, snoring.
Get up! Get up! Matt’s dead! Greg! Wake up!
(Slowly waking.) What are you talking about?
Andrea turns on the bedroom TV.  Live local news broadcasts the scene outside of Matt Kisleyak’s home in Malibu.
GREG No! What?
Flowers and memorials nearly block the entrance.  
I have to see Ken Goldish.
No one on the lot today without approval. Given what’s happened I cannot do anything. Have Ken call me. Turn around and go park on the street.
Stressed, Greg scrapes his BMW on a concrete safety stanchion.
Ken is on the phone with Greg, while multitasking.  A MEMORIAL VIDEO is playing on the production monitor in his office. People on-set and walking by the open door weep.
(Puts Greg on
The show is obviously going to shutdown until the writers find an appropriate way through Matt’s death. Listen, we can’t have people talking to the press about what Matt did.
GREG (O.S.) What did he do?
His son, Liam’s cancer. You know, you saw his MRI.
He said it was a friend of his.
No. Liam collapsed at college. He’s been living at Children’s Hospital on and on for months. I don’t know if Lily chose to die but everyone was drugged and he closed the windows and messed with his central air...No more pain.
Can I call you when the show is back up? I think I have an angle on
Seriously not the time.  I gotta go. I’ll let you know about the memorial if you want, okay? Bye.
Greg saunters through his open office door head-down.
(Popped like a cork.) What did you do?
Andrea is sitting at his DESK; it’s littered with the golf clothing TAGS, the autographed script, she’s been rummaging.
GREG My desk..
I answered your office line.
Children’s Hospital Charity Committee something or other called to say they can’t refund your fortythousand dollar donation but they’d be happy to provide you with a tax form so you can declare it.  Were you trying to impress Matt Kisleyak?
GREG Be quiet.
She throws the price tags at his face.
She sits at his desk and lifts the office phone receiver.
I’m calling that charity and telling them you can’t be held responsible because you have a drug problem and I will sue them if they don’t return the forty-thousand.
She dials the Charity’s number, taking it from the tax form.
I’m warning you-
Now you’re a man, right?
Greg walks towards her, automatically, instinctively. She backs-up to get space between them.  
Now they’re both behind his desk.
We’re are so done.
In one freakish rage he grabs his office chair and swings it at Andrea. The wheeled feet break her jaw as she drops to the floor.
Greg tosses the chair aside blood from the wheels casts off all over the MED LIVES SCRIPT.  He stands over the whimpering disoriented Andrea and begins to stomp her into a near coma.
He continues as we FADE OUT.
Greg is walking up HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD.  Another sunny day.
Surrounded by TOURISTS, WORKERS, WALKERS, SHOPPERS, and CHARACTER ACTORS hawking for tips dressed as DEAD HOLLYWOOD. They appear to be moving on a giant treadmill.
The WALK OF FAME STARS peel away under Greg’s feet until he see’s Matt Kisleyak’s STAR with a growing memorial. He looks down at the bloodied LIVES MED SCRIPT UNDER HIS ARM.
Greg enter a crosswalk against traffic.
At the top we see a garden variety red brick. All of it’s -
BEN (V.O.)
-flaws, pores, grit and different colors up close. So many facets and defects.  Below that image we see a brick wall.  However once I tell you that there’s a cigar stuck in that wall? That’s pretty much all you see now. Humans make a choice, AI just sees everything...
Greg quickly turns around and RUNS into traffic.
(Into his cel phone.) Bae?  I have some good news and better news.  You know how Matt Kisleyak croaked today? I’m the proud owner of an script autographed by him. YES. The better news is it’s covered in blood.
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queenmaracasandlove · 5 years
You’re My Best (Sex) Friend - Roger Taylor x F!Reader - PART V
Word Count: +/- 2800
In the last part: Roger is on tour and Y/N is trying to move on back in London. She tells him she has been asked on a date but he doesn’t get it and say it’s a good thing. Roger comes back to London but Y/N is now dating Linda and is staying at her place before he goes back on tour. 
Warnings: None this time (I think)
A/N: To be honest I don’t really like this part but I needed it... Tell me what you think loves. 
(Credits to whoever edited this beautiful picture)
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The performance had gone perfectly, it was a good one, the audience had been particularly receptive. Y/N could not believe she had achieved to become part of such a big production in so little time. She didn’t have a role but it did not matter, she was on stage every night and she was playing her part in the performance. She was a little sad that the spotlight were preventing her from seeing the audience, she could only rely on their laughs and cheers to know if they were enjoying the show. Expect during the bow when she had time to squint her eyes and that was one of her favourite moment. When she could see the smiles on people’s face.
She was still heavy breathing because of the last dance but she had to go back on stage, let the audience applause, and enjoy it. She was smiling like crazy, she would never get bored of it and tried to enjoy the last minutes as much as possible as she was bowing. And for the first time she heard someone scream her name from the audience and she recognized it immediately, Freddie. She thought she had been imagining things but as she was going for the second bow she heard it again. She moved to the side of the stage as the leads where taking her place and tried to focus on the audience. First thing she could see was some hair that could only belong to one person, Brian. Next to him was Freddie, looking at her and waving like crazy which made her laugh but she barely had time to look around him that the curtain dropped.
She stayed on the stage for a minute, listening to the people leaving the venue. She was confused and her heart was pounding in her chest. Had they come to see her? Why didn’t they tell her beforehand ? Was Roger there too? He hadn’t called Linda’s phone but he had only been back for two days after all and they were leaving again so soon. Millions of thoughts were invading her mind when she saw a familiar face coming to her.
“Doll? Are you okay?” Linda asked
“Yes, sorry. I’m just recovering. Tonight was intense right?”
“You bet it was. Let’s get ready to go home shall we?”
Y/N nodded and followed her backstage where she would change and get rid of the make up. She liked that moment too, enjoying what was left of the adrenaline and chatting with the other performers. But tonight she felt out of place, unable to unzip her costume on her own, dropping things on the floor. She would have never dreamt of seeing them here,but they all had been so supportive even after all this time. Y/N was finished to remove her make-up when she heard some agitation in the next room. Only seconds later one of the producer of the show appeared in the communal dressing room.
“Guys we have some people who would like to congratulate you for your performance, very special guests”
It happened sometimes, when personalities or so-called important would come to see the show they usually liked to come backstage and congratulate the cast. But most of the time it was only for the leads, not the whole ensemble. Immediately Y/N’s colleagues were getting excited, wondering who was going to show up in the room tonight, but she stayed calm, at least on the outside and got up with everyone else. Of course Freddie was the first one in, congratulating everyone, followed by Brian. For a second Y/N thought that it was just the two of them but she saw John coming in right after, with Veronica.
She had never told anybody about her acquaintance with the band apart from Linda. In fact, Linda was not looking at the guests but at Y/N, asking her if she knew about it, but she shook her head. Everybody was extremely excited to have the band in their dressing room and the musicians took the time to smile to everybody but clearly they were looking for someone in particular.
“HERE IS MY STAR!” shouted Freddie, running to Y/N as soon as he saw her
“Fred’, I’m so happy to see you here” she replied, hugging him 
And she really was, and in the end she didn’t care about anybody else in the room because it was so good to see them all again. She hugged him for a while before turning to Brian.
“You were really good Y/N. Congratulations”
“Thank you Brian” she smiled
Y/N was overwhelmed by their sincere compliments and she almost teared up. Veronica was saying how happy she was because it was her first musical and she loved it when she heard little screams of excitation behind the group. She wondered what was going on and understood when she saw the blond man coming in her direction. Her heart stopped for a minute and their was a strange look between the two of them…
“Sorry I was talking to…” Roger started
But before he could end his sentence Y/N was hugging him as hard as she could. He looked surprised for a second before returning the gesture. She had missed him so much. She wasn’t too sure about how she should behave with him, where she was standing, what her feelings really were but right now she was just too happy to see him again.
“I can’t believe you came to see the show” she said, parting
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world” Roger smiled
“Booked the tickets all the way back from the States !” said Freddie
Y/N looked back at Roger, not sure she was believing it. All of this was so surreal.
“We should probably let you finish” said John
“Yes, we’ll be waiting for you outside” added Freddie
“Waiting for me?” Y/N asked
“Darling, we have to celebrate your amazing performance, we’re taking you out. Don’t take too long I’m dying of thirst” he replied
And just like that they all went out. Everybody was looking at Y/N and she felt much worse than when she was on stage. She had to explain how she had met them a few years back and that they were friends now and that she had no idea they were going to come and see the show tonight. Linda was next to her and hadn’t say anything. She had noticed something that she didn’t like. All this time she had thought that Y/N’s feelings for the drummer were not mutual but after seeing the way he had been looking at her she was now doubting and she was worried. 
They both got ready to go and went towards the exit. The boys and Veronica were waiting for Y/N next to the stage door, inside, talking with a few members of the crew, signing autographs. Roger saw them coming and immediately understood when he saw the woman next to Y/N, he knew she was Linda. They glanced at each other for a few seconds but not enough for anybody to notice.
“All set?” Brian asked
“Is your friend joining us?” asked John
“Oh I’m sorry I forgot to introduce Linda.” Y/N said, a bright smile on her face. “This is Linda, she’s a dancer but you’ve seen her ahah. And she’s… She’s my… friend now”
She wasn’t ashamed of it but she didn’t want people around to hear that the both of them were a couple. But everybody understood what she was implying and she could see them smiling although she did not dare looking at Roger’s reaction. It was stupid, she had made peace with her decision, or so she thought. So she looked at Linda and smiled, she really wanted her to come and meet her friends. That was important to her.
“Of course” Brian said, smiling too
Linda nodded and the smile on Y/N’s face became wider. They all decided to go to a nice pub the cast was used to go to after some shows. Linda was always making sure she was next to Y/N but was very happy to learn more about her girlfriend’s friends. Y/N could be quite an outgoing person but she had never seen her so alive. One of the only other place she seemed to shine that bright was when she was on stage. Linda was glad though to know that she had had the exact same attitude with her although on very rare occasions.
Everything was going great between the two women. They had been seeing each other for a month and all was well. Y/N’s kindness and silliness matched perfectly with Linda’s maturity and assertiveness. They spent a lot of time together, making sure to always be honest with one another. They rarely talked about Roger, they had discussed it once and it was enough. But Y/N sometimes mentioned him as a friend with the other members of the group and it was never a problem. 
There had been a few beers already. They had talked about the tour, about the show, about the next album and about life. So many things had changed in a few weeks. Brian was getting married but Freddie was no longer engaged to Mary. Y/N was sad to see Freddie’s worry but not surprised about the news. She also understood better the sadness in Mary’s voice during their last few phone calls. Life was moving on she thought, and so was she.
Because of the alcohol, Y/N was less preoccupied by the way she behaved and let herself go more than she did since she had realised her feelings for Roger. Maybe it was because of her new relationship. She was barely paying attention to the way Roger was hanging on her every word and how she was in fact doing exactly the same thing. She had to excuse herself and go to the bathroom, beer definitely working on her bladder and mind. She looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath before opening the door. Roger was leaning against the wall facing her, waiting for her.
“Hey love” he said
“Rog” she smiled
“Just wanted to spend a little minute alone with you. It’s been a while”
“I know. I’ve missed you a lot. I was sad you stopped calling…” she admitted
“I’m sorry Y/N” he came closer to her, looking into her beautiful eyes “Things got a bit crazy you know. I’ve missed you too”
She gave him a hug, she wasn’t as careful as she would have been sober but she didn’t mind. Feeling him against her felt so good. She wasn’t sure where she was sentimentally speaking but he was still her friend and she wanted to enjoy the little time she had with him.
He found her so beautiful. He has been so impressed about her performance. He never doubted her talent but he was so proud of seeing her on stage. He wanted to kiss her so badly but he couldn’t. She seemed so happy to see him but she also seemed so happy to be with Linda. All his hopes of confession had been crushed and that was hard to take it in but he still wanted to spend time with her. He had never felt so needy.
“Thanks for coming Roger. It means a lot to me”
“Y/N… You were amazing. I swear I’m not saying that just because I…You’re one of my best friend. You’re going to do amazing things” he said
His hands still on her shoulders and she was going to answer when John arrived. For a split though the world had stopped for both of them, everybody else disappearing. The bassist looked at them but didn’t say a thing. There was an awkward look between Roger and Y/N but it wasn’t like they were doing anything wrong.
“Thank you Roger” Y/N simply said
“I can’t wait to be back” he confessed as they were going back to their table
“You shouldn’t think that way” Y/N replied, stopping a few tables away from their friends “You should be enjoying the tour”
She looked at him and saw his surprise. She had noticed how sad he looked since the beginning of the night. Roger was usually so happy all the time or sometimes in a very bad mood but sadness wasn’t something you would usually see on his face. Y/N wished she had more time to talk to him, ask him about what was going on but it was clearly not the right time. Everybody was kind of looking at them although trying to pretend not to.
“Roger, you should make the most of this tour. I know the U.S leg was quite long but you’ve always said so. And now you’re going to Japan. That’s going to be amazing right? You told me so much about you’re last time there ! Come on! You’ve got an incredible album to promote, amazing fans and a fabulous culture to discover.”
“You’re right” he smiled, soothe by her words and sincerity
“And I’m sure Freddie needs his friends right now. Can’t let him down hey” she said before punching his elbow
“You might be a smart girl but you really have no strength love” he joked, unconsciously putting his arm around her shoulders before joining the rest of the group.
They were both smiling again and didn’t realize they were holding each other until it was time for them to go back to their seats. Y/N pinched her lips and went back on the bench next to Linda. She smiled at her and put a little kiss on her cheek. She felt safe here, with her friends around her, and there was nothing wrong with it. She was also not completely blind. It was a lot to take in. Linda knew about her feelings for Roger and she had met her friends, including him without any notice.
“So how long have you been together?” Veronica asked
“Well…” Y/N started
“It’s actually our first month anniversary tomorrow” Linda answered, taking Y/N’s hand inside hers under the table
“Isn’t it sweet” Freddie said “I think that’s the first time she’s been with someone for so long love. That’s good. She always looked like she was waiting for something…”
There was an uneasy look among the boy and everybody noticed it. The innuendo wasn’t well disguised. Y/N was probably the only one clueless amongst them, she thought he was talking about love, he was clearly talking about Roger. If she was now aware of her feelings she didn’t think it was obvious to everybody else. The sadness was back in the drummer’s eyes.
“I guess it was worth the wait” Linda answered jokingly, tightening her grip on Y/N’s hand. “She just needed someone to see how amazing she was”
“We all know how amazing Y/N is. We wouldn’t  be here otherwise” Roger answered, tensed
“Technically you’re on tour most of the time right?” Linda replied, looking right into his eyes
“We’ve been friends for years now. She knows we’ll always be here for her no matter what.” he snapped at her 
Y/N was not a fan of how things were going. First of all Linda was crushing her hand under the table and she didn’t like it. She quickly removed it and grabbed her glass. Furthermore, she hated how everybody was talking about her when was right in front of them.
“Why I wasn’t dating beforehand is none of your business and I don’t need to see my friends everyday to they’re here for me. Thank you very much for your concern but I’m doing just fine” Y/N said
John was now coming back too and looked at the silent group. The atmosphere had clearly changed. Thanks to Freddie though they found something new to talk about and the conversation went on as before. Y/N saw Roger whispering a sorry in her direction and Linda smiling at her, trying to see if everything was fine. Y/N was tired, she had had a long day and all the emotions were a lot to take in and thanks for her the bell from the bar was telling them it was time to go. They all gathered their things and said their goodbyes. Once again Y/N thanked her friends for coming to see her and for this amazing night. She wished them the best for the rest of the tour.
“You’re going back to Linda’s place right?” Roger asked as he was lighting a cigarette outside
“Yes… I just… I thought it would be easier for you to have place to rest while you were back” Y/N replied
“Thank you Y/N. That’s really thoughtful. And thank you for what you did with the flat, I really like it.”
“Y/N ! Taxi is here!” Linda shouted behind them
“I have to go” Y/N sadly said ‘But Roger promise me something.”
“Enjoy the rest of the tour ok? This is all you’ve ever wanted. That and money and it’s finally coming in right?” she joked
“I promise” he smiled “If you promise me you’ll be here to hear all about it.”
“Of course. I’ll always be here for you when you come back Roger. I promise” Y/N said before waving at him and joining Linda in the taxi.
She closed her eyes as soon as the vehicle was moving, completely exhausted. She needed time to reflect on that night. Her eyes still closed she thanked Linda for being here.
“I’m sorry it was so unexpected” she said “But I’m so happy you got to meet them all. It means a lot to me.”
“They’re all so crazy, but that doesn’t surprise me. I like them, especially Freddie.”
“I could have bet on it” Y/N joked
“When are they finishing the tour?” Linda asked
“End of April I think”
“You can come and live with me then if you want to. Roger will probably want his place back.”
This time Y/N opened her eyes to look at her girlfriend. She was more confused than she had ever been in her life. She wasn’t expecting it, at all. Of course everything was going well between them but it was still so soon. And she wanted to say yes, because she really liked Linda and she was bringing her so much. But at the same time it made her realise that she would have to live Roger’s apartment, and forget about her feeling for him once and for all. And that was terrifying.
Permanent taglist: @reedusteinrambles
YMB(S)F Taglist: @rogxrtaylxr
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