#castle swimmer return
majosullivan · 1 month
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Season 3 is returning to us soon! Who here is excited? Who here is ready to be in fear for what Wendy has planned for the reat of the season?
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moss-sprout · 9 months
Siren: Me and Kappa are dating! Fizz: You can do so much better Siren: Hey! Don't say that about him, Kappa is the best- Fizz: No I know that. I'm wondering what's wrong with Kappa
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xioish · 5 months
OUGHOUGH castle swimmer is returning today!?!
im currently recovering from a small surgery … do i have time to do a quick fanart?!
HEEECKKKKKK… 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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genericpuff · 1 month
Hey, take a look at wendyliammartin's tumblr. Webtoon officially doesn't tell creators that they're due to return
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idk if you'll believe me when i say this (tho i don't blame you if you don't because unfortunately i don't have the receipts on this one, i just heard it from other ppl talking about it ages ago) but this is NOT. THE FIRST TIME. THIS HAS HAPPENED.
for those unaware, Wendy Liam Martin is the creator of Castle Swimmer, another comic that's managed by Bre Boswell (she oversees a LITERAL FUCKTON OF COMICS). Here are the statements made on Wendy's Tumblr regarding her comic's sudden return from a hiatus that's been going on since roughly late February / early March-
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Reading this was like reading a tragedy in three parts as Wendy realized her readers knew about her return date before she did. Which is just absolutely insane and - I shouldn't even have to say this - shouldn't be happening.
(btw Castle Swimmer is a very sweet comic and you should absolutely 100% read it!)
Webtoons' communication with their creators sucks ASS and it results in stuff like this happening all the time where creators find out at the last minute when they're returning from hiatus, whether they're even ready or not. IDK how Wendy's viewing this situation on her end but this feels like an absolute load of bullshit to throw her way. I hope she's at least able to get that extra week to prepare but even that feels way too sudden because not only does it not give creators a chance to plan ahead, it also doesn't give them a chance to actually build up hype for their return with their audience.
Best of luck with your return, Wendy, I hope it goes well in spite of the nonsense.
Oh yeah, and fuck you Webtoons ! <3
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Part Of Your World: Prince Eric
The Little Mermaid Masterlist
 word count: 1.2k 
description: You and Eric are childhood sweethearts who share a love for the ocean and the unknown. 
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The queen had always disliked you even as a child, all because of who you're parents were, since your dad was a pirate and your mom was a high lady turned pirate and you were very much like the both of them but that didn't matter to you or Eric.
You and Eric had grown up together, the love of the ocean and the unknown drawing you two together, you two were always together and you may or may not have had a crush on him as you grew older. When you reached the age your dad let you come on some of his voyages and sometimes Eric joined you but more often than not the queen tried to keep ashore or provide him his own boat away from you and your father.
It had been a few months since you last saw him, and you were excited to return to shore and see him and you hoped that maybe this time something would happen between you two.
"Ready to see your little boy toy?" Your dad asked with a teasing tone.
"Daaadddd." You said with a groan.
"What I see is the way you both look at each other. It reminds me of me and your mother when we were your age." He said making you smile.
"Really?" You asked him as thunder cracked.
"Yes. Take a chance on him, don't worry about his mom, he would be lucky to have someone like you as his queen." He said squeezing your hand.
A few hours later the small storm had turned into a much more serve storm making it difficult for the boat to navigate. Soon enough the boat overturned due to the winds, and you swam up to the surface level searching around for the crew.
"Dad!" You called out.
"I'm right here angel." He said as he hugged you.
You two swam around trying to get out of the storm, since you were a much better swimmer than your dad, you could navigate the waters easier. You turned around and noticed that your dad was no longer with you, making your panic.
"Dad! Dad!" You called swimming around looking for him.
The last thing you remember was reaching the shoreline before everything went black.
When you woke up, you slowly sat up looking around realizing that you were in a room and no longer on the shore. You stood up and walked over to the window and saw that you were in the castle, making you wonder how you got here.
"Oh thank god, you're awake." Eric said walking into the room making you turn and see him.
You walked over to where he was and hugged him, glad to see a familiar face, the only one person who you truly cared about in this world. You two stood there silently hugging grateful that you were here.
"Eric, how did I get here?" You asked him.
"I was gonna ask the same thing. I was walking Max and he was the one who found you unconscious on the shore. I brought you back here immediately." He said as everything started to make sense.
"Y/n what happened?" He asked concerned as you two took a seat on the bed.
"There was a really bad storm, the boat got overturned and I remember being with my father one minute but then the next he was gone. I kept searching for him but I couldn't find him, I barely remember making it to shore." You said sadly.
"We can search party and start checking around for your dad, I promise you, that we will find him." He said squeezing your hand as Max jumped on the bed.
"Max buddy!" You said hugging him as he kissed your face making Eric smile.
"You are more than welcome to stay here while you heal and we search for your dad." Eric said making you look at him.
"Eric what about your mom? You know she doesn't like me." You said looking at him.
"As mother and queen, she should never want a child out on the streets. I'm sure she will be upset about it at first, I'll leave you to rest before dinner." He said standing up and leaving.
"See y/n, this why I don't like my Eric going out on those ships. The sea gods aren't our friends." The queen said as you and Eric shared a look.
"One bad storm isn't a reason to stop exploring. And as for the sea gods, they may not be your friends but they are certainly mine." You said making Eric smile as you continued eating.
Over the next few days, you and Eric spent some much time together which was a great distraction for you. It made you realize just how much you truly did love Eric and how you wished that he saw you that way. The following morning, after breakfast, you ran into Grimsby.
"Anything Grimsby?" You asked him.
"I'm afraid not Miss y/n. But we will keep searching." He said giving you a small smile.
"Thank you, Grimsby." You said sadly before leaving and heading down to the beach with Max hot on your trails.
You had been sitting by the shore scratching Max's back as he rested in your lap, wondering if your father was still out there somewhere or if he was lost at sea forever.  Eric who hadn't been able to find you or Max all afternoon finally sees you guys sitting down on the shore making his heartbreak that you had to go through the same thing he did.
"I remember us always coming out here to see if we could see your dad." He said making you smile as you leaned into him.
"That was the best, or when we would try and guess the stories of the ships that were passing through or coming in." You said with a smile.
"You know even if on the off chance we don't find him, you will always have a place here with me." He said lacing a hand with yours.
"Eric, what are you saying?" You asked looking at him in shock.
"Y/n, I have always been in love with you. I hated whenever you would leave and would go for months at a time, I would anxiously wait for your letters or for you to come back. I always hated when my mother would try to set me up on dates because all I could focus on was you and search for you in them. Your love for history and the water is one of the main things, that drew to me not to mention your beauty. I understand if I am..." He said as you pressed a kiss to his lips.
"I have always loved you, Eric." You said smiling at him as you two pulled apart.
"I think that they make a rather lovely couple, don't you think your majesty?" Grimsby asked the Queen as they watched the young couple on the shore.
"I'm afraid you are right Grimsby. I have been a bit harsh to her over the years, haven't I?" The Queen asked.
"Just a little. I think an apology would be a good start to mending the relationship but for now, let's leave them be." Grimsby said as the Queen agreed.
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wendylianmartin · 1 month
i've completely forgotten: if i may ask, when is castle swimmer returning?
May 25th is what’s scheduled now.
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arpstail · 27 days
Untill castle swimmer returns!
So here are some head canons for the starving people <3
1. Nethimir is mad, like all the time. Shes mad at everything that has happened. But shes still somehow suppressing all that anger because theres nothing she can really do about it anymore
2. When kappa and arp met, kappa would constantly talk to arp about his day. He would have one sided conversations with arp, ramble on and on about prophecys, vent to him, tell him about his hopes and dreams. because all he really had was arp, he didnt have anybody else to talk to or make any connections. and even though its been a long time since kappa was alone, arp still holes every single memory and talks
3. mono loves to cook, its her hidden talent! she can make any sort of spice, dessert, drink out of basically nothing. siren and mucku are her new taste testers and they enjoy every second of it. I also imagine siren has like a bottomless stomach. Can eat alot without getting sick. But he doesnt
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See you soon my lovelies 🙏🙏🙏
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
You don't know what I'd do (for you) Part 4 (Epilogue)
Link to full fic
Link to Part 1 of the series: Me and the Devil (Walking side by side)
Hey! You two be careful out there!" Yelled Kunikida, somehow his voice reached Atsushi and Kyouka who were by the water.
"We will!" Yelled Atsushi, it was only due to the tiger that he heard Kunikida.
"Relax Kunikida, they're big kids." Said Dazai, walking over to him and making Kunikida scoff. "You say that like you haven't been watching them as well." Grumbled his partner.
Dazai simply smiled.
"I didn't deny that, just that they'll be alright. Atsushi's a strong swimmer and besides, Kyouka won't let anything happen to him."
Even from this distance, Dazai could see Kyouka's critical eye on Atsushi as they played. She shrieked as Atsushi splashed water at her, and she returned the favour.
Atsushi's laughter filled the air and it was a truly welcoming sound. Kunikida visibly softened hearing it. A weight on his shoulders lifting and Dazai felt the same.
The day out to the beach had been a unanimous decision.
As much as everyone wanted to keep Atsushi inside and observed under a microscope, they all knew that was a bad idea.
Atsushi was scarred, and not in a way Yosano could heal. He needed this, to run and play like the kid he was never able to be.
Under the watchful but not suffocating eye of his friends.
If Kunikida wasn't being such a mother hen, Dazai might've reminded him that this had been Kunikida's idea.
Ah well, there was plenty of time for that.
"Kenji! Help me!" Called Kyouka, clearly losing against Atsushi. Kenji looked up from where he was making a sand castle with Junichiro and grinned.
"Coming!" Junichiro watched him go and got up as well. "I've got you Atsushi!" He yelled, running to his aid.
Atsushi smiled appreciatively before he was immediately put on defence by the sheer might of Kyouka and Kenji.
Dazai chuckled at the sight. He and Kunikida went to where the "adults" were hanging out. Yosano was reading a magazine. Ranpo was eating some sweets and Fukuzawa was reading a book.
"Ah the civilised people, we've come to join you" declared Dazai, flopping onto an empty deck chair.
Yosano snorted "just you wait till I finish this. I'm gonna crush them all."
Ranpo snorted "Oh you think I won't?" Asked Yosano, a sinister smile on her face that scared everyone. Except Ranpo of course, he just smirked back. "I don't know, if I join you might be outmatched."
Yosano's eyes shined with glee "is that so? Would you care to put your money where your mouth is?"
Fukuzawa shook his head with a fond smile. While Kunikida seriously debated if these were indeed the "civilised people."
"He looks happy" said Fukuzawa, getting all of their attention. Even when he wasn't in President mode, the man was hard to ignore.
"Kyouka said he had a nightmare last night." Said Kunikida, his voice quiet even though none of the teens could hear him. Nor were they paying them any attention.
"I thought about cancelling this, but I'm glad I didn't."
Yosano nodded in agreement, putting down her magazine. "It's going to be an uphill journey, healing as much as I wish it was, is not linear."
Aint that the truth.
Atsushi bless his heart had come so far. The fact he'd even come out to the beach, said it all. In the beginning Atsushi was terrified to go out. But even more so to stay inside.
The sound of a lock clicking sent him into a panic attack. Kyouka had called them in the dead of night multiple times.
Where they'd find Atsushi had woken up screaming and sobbing. The worst were the times when Atsushi would run off.
It reminded everyone just how close they came to losing him before.
To everyone's suprise whenever Atsushi ran off, Akutugawa of all people would burst into the Agency.
Sometimes literally. Rip Bernard, the poor office door gone before it's time.
Akutagawa would shove Atsushi onto the sofa and nod at everyone. Sometimes he'd leave, but sometimes Atsushi would grab onto his coat.
And Akutugawa would roll his eyes and sit back down. They'd end up talking about a mission, quickly going back to their usual banter.
But there was no bite to it. And it escaped no one that Rashomon was always hovering nearby incase of attack.
Than there was Chuuya.
Though Dazai wasn't suprised at him showing up. The Slug had always had a big mushy bleeding heart, as much as he denied it.
It was still funny to see Kunikida's shocked face that morning seeing Port Mafia Executive Chuuya Nakahara in the Agency building.
Sitting on a chair in the infirmary by Atsushi's bed and telling him a very embarrassing story about teenage Dazai.
Because of course he was.
Dazai could only huff theatrically because Atsushi was giggling. And his ego could be stabbed multiple times, if it meant Atsushi could look so happy again.
What did pour salt in the wound though was Kunikida silently pulling his own chair out. And gesturing for Chuuya to continue.
Truly the worst act of betrayal
They'd even gone for drinks as they'd planned before all of this. Dazai had nothing to receive such cruelty.
"By the way, what's the story with Dostoyevsky?" Asked Fukuzawa, his voice dropped to a whisper at his name. He didn't want to mention the bastard even if Atsushi couldn't hear him.
Ah, speaking of cruelty.
Once Atsushi had been rescued, the bastard had fled. But with the entire Agency minus Atsushi and several members of the Port Mafia, it was child's play to locate him.
Dazai hadn't even cared to play their game. He just ran over and decked Fyodor in the face. Sending him flying into a wall with a look of suprise.
"That's for Atsushi, but you and I both know you deserve so much worse."
Fyodor had dared to smirk and Dazai had to stop himself from punching him again. "Oh? And where were you when he handed himself over to me?"
He got up.
"You should've heard him, crying and screaming in agony it was like music to my ea-"
It wasn't Dazai who hit him. Kenji's eyes blazed brightly, no one had seen him move. All they saw was Fyodor hit the ceiling so hard he definitely broke something.
"Take his name out of your mouth."
Kenji who had been guarding the infirmary, who had wept when Atsushi was safe. Stood over Fyodor, seething like an avenging angel.
"You don't get to talk about him like you know him" Said Kyouka, her blade sharp in her hands.
"You played on our fears and he tried to stop you. And he won, because Atsushi's safe and you're here alone and pathetic."
Fyodor sneered and Junichiro stood infront of Kyouka and Kenji. "That's as far as you go" he glared, his bloodlust was practically tangible. "And what? You're going to kill me?"
Junichiro shook his head.
"Deaths too good for you, you're going to suffer for what you did. You want to be the king of this world? You'll rot in a cage beneath the earth and lay forgotten and pathetic."
Among the blazing rage, Dazai felt pride. And he knew he wasn't the only one.
Kunikida stepped forward, beside Junichiro. "You have no power here, you have no one and nothing. You're done, Fyodor Dostoyevsky."
Nikolai, the clown had been apprehended. He'd been Atsushi's torturer, they'd pieced it together from whispered words and sobs.
A man called Sigma hadn't been involved but he'd been informed. He'd told the Agency everything he knew, even volunteering to take Fyodor's memories and share them with Ango.
That way any future schemes would be cut short. Fukuzawa had agreed at the plan.
Dazai nullified his ability and Chuuya used his ability to keep the rat captive. He threw him (literally) into a cold cell.
Now that, was teamwork.
Death was a mercy Dazai wouldn't grant Fyodor.
If it was up to him Fyodor would rot in a cage too small for his feeble body. And he would suffer every wound and the pain he put Atsushi through.
But no amount of suffering would give Atsushi back what he'd lost.
And Dazai refused to become a monster and lose what he'd gained. The thought only cemented in his mind when he saw Kenji stood by the door.
"I want to kill him..." He whispered, voice shaking with anger, fear, greif and sadness.
They were all just kids, weren't they?
Dazai instantly pulled him into a hug. Letting him sob and hold him close. "I know Kenji, I know."
That damn Demon had taken enough from his family, Dazai refused to let him take any more.
"He's being interrogated currently, the Port Mafia are having their turn." Said Dazai, answering Fukuzawa's question.
Oh they had his memories now, Chuuya and Akutugawa were just taking shots at him.
Fukuzawa nodded.
That's when Atsushi ran over with a grin. "Well well look at what the cat dragged in" teased Ranpo. He threw a towel that Atsushi caught and bundled himself up in.
Looking all for the world like a drenched kitten. 
"Welcome to the civilised people corner, Atsushi." Said Dazai making him snort. "No offence Dazai but if it involves you it's not a very civilised corner."
Dazai gasped in mock offense and Kunikida snorted. "So true Atsushi, did you want a snack?" Atsushi nodded, but averted his eyes. 
"I... I just wanted to be close by." He said, in almost a whisper but they all caught it.
Dazai softened, scooting over and while the space was small, Atsushi slotted down beside him instantly.
He sent a reassuring look to Kyouka who nodded and went back to playing. 
Ranpo took that as a cue to regale them all with a story of a case. One that was rather light and funny. Yosano chimed in, considering she'd been there.
Atsushi listened as he munched on a snack Kunikida passed over to him. Once he was sufficiently dry, he was bundled up in a blanket.
Dazai put a protective arm over him and Atsushi let out a relieved sigh.
And maybe just maybe things would be alright once again. They'd never go back to the way they were, and Atsushi had plenty to heal from. 
But he wasn't alone.
Something told Atsushi he'd never be again. He'd broken his deal with a Demon. Atsushi had shown how far he'd go for those he loved. And in turn they showed just how far they would.
For him.
He'd missed this, and for the first time Atsushi was truly glad he'd survived.
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majosullivan · 5 months
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If anyone needs me in the next 24 hours or more, I’m going to be a bumbling mess of a emotional puddle on the floor
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thebeaconsboyfriend · 25 days
(out of character) Is it weird that I'm actually way more excited for Castle Swimmer's return tomorrow than I am for my birthday today-?
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xioish · 5 months
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first post? castle swimmer doodle? YEAAAAH! 🐠✨
castle swimmer is returning which means more drawings of my favorite merfolks! 🧜‍♂️
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babiestbubbles · 5 months
hi! sorry I died for a bit. anyways, i'm back and have severe Castle Swimmer brainrot. so, have some headcanons and look forward to some ficlets or maybe a drabble in the near future!
Absolute regressor. Barely got a childhood with the constant responsibility of fufilling prophecies so he definitely regresses to cope with that and just the stress/responsibility of being the Beacon.
Barely any gear because he's constantly drifting in and out of places. tried really hard to hold onto things. Made the mistake of getting attached to a stuffed animal more than once, but always ends up losing them in transit one way or another. At this point he actively deprives himself of gear out of fear of it getting lost again, but sometimes he dreams about the times he used to have a pacifier or a sippy cup.
Usually regresses pretty young, like older baby to older toddler at best. (3-9 years old) Likes a lot of hands on activities and movement, since most of his fun when little is playing pretend. Sometimes the fish will tell him stories, especially if he's having trouble sleeping.
Arp/Worm acts like a caregiver if/when he gets too little, but there's only so much he can do.
The Evil Witches found out after he had a nightmare and woke up inconsolable. They offer to take care of him, Mucku especially since misses taking care of people. He loves watching little shows Mono puts on for him with her magic, and even Nethimir clearly has a soft spot for him. At one point while traveling looking for Ogo they surprise him with gear they've either made/stolen for him and he actually cries because its the first bit of gear he's had in months. They try to spoil him as much as they can from then on out.
When he was trapped in the Sharks' dungeon he woke up regressed and scared more than once, especially early on. Eventually, about a week and a half in, Siren found him one day. Kappa was clearly super out of it and at first Siren was super worried that Kappa was dying or that Siren had prolonged the prophecy too long and now it was taking matters into its own hands. But kappa tried his best to explain that he was fine and eventually Siren was at least convinced that Kappa wasn't dying.
He tried to be softer with Kappa, even if he didn't know what was going on, and brought him things. Scrolls, some shells and objects, anything to entertain the boy who was clearly restless being trapped in a cage alone for over a week. Eventually he brought out some old toys of his. Pathetic little things, an old rattle, a spinning top and some other bits and bobs he'd found abandoned at the back of his closet. He'd originally brought them as a bit of a sheepish joke, he didn't have a lot of drawings of him as a child so he figured this was the closest piece of his childhood Kappa could get.
What he didn't expect is the way Kappa's eyes lit up, mesmerized by the simple toys. Kappa was so happy he could barely contain his excitement, hands practically shaking. He and Siren played with the toys all day, and even when Siren had to return them to his closet, and report back to his mother, he left Kappa with one. The small rattle. As it was clearly the boy's favorite.
The next morning, when Kappa woke up, he told Siren everything. Explained regression to him, told him why he regressed and the ins and outs. When he got to the part about caregivers he trailed off, explaining that he never really had anyone in his life to look out for him like that.
Siren, of course, immediately, albeit shyly, offered himself up. Before remembering their current dilemma. Siren vowed that at least during the time Kappa was here, he'd be the best caretaker he could be for Kappa, and he absolutely followed through.
Siren was by his side almost constantly, and always knew when Kappa was little. He picked up on ever tell, the way he'd get quieter and more reserved, the way he'd be even gigglier. Siren was, for all intents and purposes, everything Kappa had dreamed of.
When they parted ways, Kappa was devastated. In face, until he met the 3 witches he didn't regress after he left Siren. Even when he woke up from nightmares, scared and little, he'd push it down. Ignoring every desire to regress no matter how much it hurt.
Now that he's back with Siren though, he regresses super regularly. Almost every night. Between Siren, Mucku, Nethimir, and Mono, Kappa has all the love, toys, and attention he could want. And he loves every second of it.
I realized this post is too long so have these for now and I'll try to drop some more when I get a chance!
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Beautiful❤✨ Request
Poly Ariel &Eric x hybrid!reader
where the first time they met Ariel and Eric were already married and was just swimming around with her otter named Tide(a girl)and Asmodeus but he isn't the best swimmer so he has to hold onto the reader's neck
but reader got a fish hook and it left a deep scratch on her tail so she had to go on land where Ariel and Eric just happened to return home from travelling uncharted waters.
Reader manages to crawl on land but passes out because of exhaustion. Ariel and Eric see her go unconscious and try to go to her but Tide and Asmodeus hiss at them because they think they're gonna hurt her but mange to win them over
Carry her back to the palace (but while she's unconscious she turns back into a human because she's out of the water)She wakes up a few hours later, in a night gown with Tide and Asmodeus resting beside her
A maid walks in and checks on her and calls the Royal couple over and they show her around town and fall in love with her but Reader thinks she overstayed her welcome and tries to leave bit they want her to stay a bit longer by taking and walk on the beach
And they confess their feings for her and now reader always look at the scar on her thigh as a reminder of how she met her lovers
Memories: Poly Eric & Ariel x Hybrid!Reader
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You, Asmodeus, and Tide who was on hanging on your neck were swimming around the water talking and just relaxing when you felt something pierce your tail making you cry out. Tide walked down your back and let you know that you had a fish hook stuck in your tail, you decided to swim to shore that way you could pull it out.
You three reached a rock where you sat there and gently pulled the hook out of your tail with a hiss as you set it to the side, watching as blood poured from your tail. You began to panic as you tried to crawl to shore in hopes that someone might be able to help you, the last thing you remember was barely making it to shore before everything went black. 
riel and Eric had just returned home from traveling when they saw someone passed out on the beach making them concerned as they walked over to where they laid. As they got closer they could see it was a girl about their age who was hurt badly, but as they went to touch the otter and snake that were laying next to her, hissed at her. 
"Hey, hey we're not gonna hurt her." Ariel said to them. 
"We just want to get her the help she needs." Eric said to them as Ariel nodded her head.
"You are most than welcomed to come with us, so you can watch over her." Ariel said to them as Tide crawled in her arms and as Asmodeus wrapped himself around her. 
They carried you back to the castle where you got looked at by a doctor who said you would heal fine and probably just have a scar and more in-likely passed out from exhaustion. They left you in a room with Tide and Asmodeus resting beside you and would come back and check on you once you were awake. 
You woke up a few hours later and realized that you were no longer on the beach but instead inside a room wearing a nightgown. You stretched and woke yourself up more and that's when you saw Tide and Asmodeus sleeping in a bed next to yours which made you smile as you heard the door open.
"Oh good you're awake! I will go let the royal couple know." The maid said giving you a smile. 
"The royal couple?" You asked her. 
"Yes, they were the ones who found you and brought you here." She said before leaving you.
A few minutes later, the door opens up and Prince Eric and Princess Ariel walk through your door with smiles on their faces. 
"Hi there, I"m Ariel, and this is Eric, how are you feeling?" Ariel asked you.
"Uh-hi im y/n, I'm feeling alright. How did you guys find me?" You asked them. 
"We had just come back from a sailing trip and we saw you passed out on the beach, your friends there wouldn't let us take you so willingly but eventually they did and the doctor was able to get you looked at." Eric said. 
"What did the doctor say about my leg?" You asked noticing it was bandaged now. 
"He said you will heal just fine but he wants to keep you here for the next few days just to make sure, is that okay with you?" They asked you. 
"Yes, it is. Thank you for allowing me to stay and for helping me." You said to them. 
"No need to thank us, tomorrow we could show you around the castle and the town if you would like?" Ariel said with a smile. 
"I would love that, thank you." You said to them,
The next few days, they showed you around the castle and town and you fell in love with it and honestly could see yourself staying here if that was an option. You guys were having breakfast when you decided to break the news to them. 
"I think I am going to leave this afternoon and head home." You said as they looked at you in shock. 
"What? Why?" They asked you, they had fallen for you and weren't ready for you to leave.
"I think I've overstayed my welcome and it's time for me to head home." You said. 
"No, you haven't. Please come walk with us to the beach so we can talk with you." They said as you agreed. 
You three made your way down to the beach where you guys walked around before coming to the spot where they found you. 
"Y/n please don't go, these past few days have been so wonderful and it's made us realize something." Eric said. 
"What might that be?" You asked them. 
"We like you a lot and would like to see how this relationship develops between us. Will you please consider staying a little longer?" Ariel asked you. 
"I guess a little longer couldn't hurt." You said making them smile as you three continued walking around. 
Now whenever you look at that scar on your leg, you are reminded how you met the two loves of your life. 
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wendylianmartin · 1 month
hey! I don't know if webtoon told you? But they announced Castle Swimmer would be returning May 18th on their Webtoon Now recent returns list. Did they not give you the green light and just...announce it?
Oh… they did not tell me that lol.
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stromuprisahat · 8 months
Baela’s time on Dragonstone had been more troubled, ending with fire and blood. By the time she came to court, she was as wild and willful a young woman as any in the realm. Rhaena was slender and graceful; Baela was lean and quick. Rhaena loved to dance; Baela lived to ride…and to fly, though that had been taken from her when her dragon died. She kept her silver hair cropped as short as a boy’s, so it would not whip about her face when she was riding. Time and time again she would escape her ladies to seek adventure in the streets. She took part in drunken horse races along the Street of the Sisters, engaged in moonlight swims across the Blackwater Rush (whose powerful currents had been known to drown many a strong swimmer), drank with the gold cloaks in their barracks, wagered coin and sometimes clothing in the rat pits of Flea Bottom. Once she vanished for three days and refused to say where she had been when she returned. Even more gravely, Baela had a taste for unsuitable companions. Like stray dogs, she brought them home with her to the Red Keep, insisting that they be given positions in the castle, or be made part of her own retinue. These pets of hers included a comely young juggler, a blacksmith’s apprentice whose muscles she admired, a legless beggar she took pity on, a conjurer of cheap tricks she took for an actual sorcerer, a hedge knight’s homely squire, even a pair of young girls from a brothel, twins, “like us, Rhae”. Once she turned up with an entire troupe of mummers. Septa Amarys, who had been given charge of her religious and moral instruction, despaired of her, and even Septon Eustace could not seem to curb her wild ways.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
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arpstail · 29 days
MAY 25th
Right around the corner yk?
Alright, start the count down guys
Stay tuned
and patient guys <3
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lord i miss them.
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