#castlerock fan fiction
jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Castlerock: All Hallows Eve Ch 1
Ch 1: Creation
Ch 2: Accident , ch 3 chaos
continuation of characters from A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party
Warnings: angst, smut 2 female characters, jealousy, creepiness
tags: @loomiz​ @dragsraksllib​ @super-pink-a-palouza​ @goblincxnt​ @grandpa-sweaters​ @waywardtigersandwich​
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Genevieve carefully peeled the cellophane wrap off the oblong chunk of clay. Small sculpting tools were laid out on the desk that were made for creative projects like this. Something powerful drew her to the clay in the store. Gen didn’t exactly know what she would do with it at the time but, now her fingers had purpose as she took a tool in hand to slowly sculpted away at the clay.
It still didn’t look like any form when Nadine knocked and peeked inside. “I made us lunch if you can tear yourself away from your latest creative endeavor. “
“Be there in a moment.” Genevieve shaved the clay on both sides looking at it carefully.
“You know starving artists don’t actually have to starve.” Nadine reminded her. “You just sold that picture of the cabin in the woods no one can seem to find for $500.00. Take a break.”
Genevieve pounded the clay down in frustration. “I might as well eat if I can’t get this right.” She walked out to the kitchen with Nadine.  
Nadine rubbed her back. “Get what right?”
“I have no fucking idea.” Gen cursed. “I just have something rattling in my brain that won’t take form. But it will hit like a hammer when it does.”
“I hope it doesn’t hurt when it hits you.” Nadine giggled teasing her lovingly.  “You probably just need to eat. I put hummus and crackers out to go with our turkey pita wraps.”
“Thank you, Sweetheart.” Genevieve gave her a tiny little peck on the corner of her perfectly rose thin lips. “I would probably starve without you.”
They had been dating for almost ten months. Nadine came out to her best friend hoping Gen would understand how she was feeling. Genevieve understood more than she ever picked up on.  Gen admitted to her that exact day she is bisexual. Since Nadine’s idiot parents kicked Her out, she moved in with her best friend.
To the surprise of both, the friendship easily blossomed to what most would consider a great loving relationship. Nadine doted on Gen. She brought her small gifts on her way home from work. She did most of the cooking and cleaning.  
Genevieve’s art was her work, so she worked from home.  She would sometimes disappear for hours into her creative endeavors. Nadine made sure she at least had a snack and drinks as Gen painted, drew or sculped whatever was on her mind.  
Gen really did grow to love Nadine. She suspected not as much as Nadine loved her. She was still thinking about Red, her King, or Henry Deavers as most people still called him in the whisperings of town ghost stories. It was especially prevalent around this time of year. All Hollows Eve was bigger than Halloween the night before. Only the children enjoyed Halloween. Adults had their parties All Hollows Eve into All Saints Day. Those adults brave even to throw parties that is.
Both Henry Deavers the town knew of, had disappeared. Most figured the lawyer went to New York or some other big city that better suited his talents once his Mother died. The other was a complete mystery. Genevieve knew a little more than they did. She knew She would find him again. When Gen found him, it would be in Castlerock.  
Maybe out of jealousy, when Genevieve woke after having yet another dream of her King, Nadine told her bluntly, “He was probably taken by something in the Mist or something in the woods in general on New Year's Eve. There was never any sign of him after. Something gobbled him up for sure. Shit like that always happens here. You just have to forget about people that disappear, so you don’t lose your sanity.”
This started thier first big fight. “You have no idea how I feel to say such a thing.” Gen cried. “Even if that all could be true you have no right to spit it in my face. I’ll find him. I’ll always find him. I just don’t know when or where. I love you but you will never be him.”
“I wouldn’t fucking want to be him. Worm food.” Nadine mumbled as she got out of their shared bed. But when she heard her love sob so pitifully her heart broke. “I’m sorry baby. I’ll bring you some tea. Go splash some water on that pretty little face of yours.”
Gen stood to hug her from behind laying against her back. “I’m sorry this comes between us.”
“I’ll deal.” Nadine sighed deeply. “Go on. I’ll be back with some tea and fruit if you would like.”
“I would.” Genevieve kissed her gently. “Thank you.”
Nadine was off work, so she spent the day, afternoon into the evening soothing Gen’s worries. Trying to proof she could love her better than anyone she ever dreamed. Nadine knew just where to touch Gen to have her craving more. Genevieve’s back arched as Nadine’s intimate touch made her moan. Nadine’s kisses falling over her body made her tingle with rising pleasure. Nadine easily made her forget anything she was thinking at the beginning of the day.  
When Nadine tipped Genevieve over the edge it was a blessing she relished. As soon as Gen caught her breath, she enjoyed every bit of returning the favor. Nadine writhed under her skillful humming against her clit before her tongue skills made her completely come undone.  
Nadine held Gen as she always did after. “You know All Hallows Eve is in a few days.”
“I think everyone in Castlerock knows that sweetheart.” Nadine laughed. “Half of this town is ready to lock down until All Saints Day is over. The other half hope for the best time of their lives that they think could be their last.”
“Well, if it could be our last, we might as well try to throw a party in the Marsten House.” Gen grin playing with Nadine’s hair. “There is no way the crew will be working through the holidays.”
“That’s a crazy idea.” Nadine cackled. “I love it.”  
The next day Nadine had to work. Genevieve had a meeting at Abrah’s Art & More. They were interested in some paintings of The Kid she created at the beginning of the year. She was glad to take them all to possible be sold. Gen had them hidden behind some shelves in her art room so that if Nadine came in to clean up or poke around when she was out, she would not find them. It just seemed better that way.
Sliding the shelves out from the wall, Genevieve found them safely hidden from sight. Pulling them out cautiously took some time. Once they were out, she lined them up against the wall under the window that looked out on a meadow of decaying wildflowers. It would not be long until they would crumble completely from the overnight frost and fall winds that swept through Castlerock.
After she pushed the shelves back into place, Gen looked at her creations. Something about them was haunting, mesmerizing. Her breath hitched as she let out a faint longing moan. Then it was like she was possessed, the way she worked the clay first with just her hands and then the tiny tools. Genevieve didn’t hear her phone ringing. She didn’t hear the alarm she set to remind her she had to leave for her meeting.
Genevieve marveled at him, her creation of him in clay. “Yes, I missed you to.” She murmured.
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jokeronthesofa · 5 years
Hulu Review - Castle Rock (Seasons 1 & 2): A Show for Fans of the King
Hulu Review - Castle Rock (Seasons 1 & 2): A Show for Fans of the King Hulu takes one of Stephen King’s most famous fictional locations and weaves a number of supernatural narratives together based on his works. #CastleRock
Hulu takes one of Stephen King’s most famous fictional locations and weaves a number of supernatural narratives together based on his works.
SUMMARY (Spoiler-Free) Season 1
Henry Deaver (André Holland), a criminal defense attorney who once vanished for several days as a child with no memory of what happened, is called back to his hometown of Castle Rock.  It turns out that a young man, nicknamed…
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ramascreen · 8 years
J.J. Abrams and Stephen King Bringing You CASTLE ROCK. Here's The Teaser!
J.J. Abrams and Stephen King Bringing You CASTLE ROCK. Here’s The Teaser!
As we’re entering #PresidentsDay long weekend, J.J. Abrams and Stephen King have #CastleRock surprise for ya! Abrams’ Bad Robot company tweeted this and followed by Stephen King’s tweet about the teaser for their new Hulu project, CASTLE ROCK which is based on the fictional Maine town of Castle Rock, those of you die hard Stephen King fans would recognize the place from some of his great literary…
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Castlerock: All Hallows Eve Ch 2
Ch 2: Accident
Ch 1: Creation  ch 3 chaos
continuation of characters from  A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party
Warnings: angst, jealousy, creepiness, lots of Steven King Book /movie references.  
tags @loomiz​ @dragsraksllib​ @super-pink-a-palouza​ @goblincxnt​ @grandpa-sweaters​ @waywardtigersandwich​ @sunshineandskarsgards​ @taintedglass​
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“Of course, you can go with me my King.” Genevieve giggled. “You’re right, Henry, while we are in Castlerock. You are so Brilliant.”  
She grabbed the newly created clay statue. Then she took up the paintings under her arm. She was running a little late, but he assured her the paintings would be bought from the gallery. They would be placed where they needed to be. 
Nadine had been trying to get a hold of her. She was getting worried when Gen didn’t answer her cellphone, so she clocked out early telling her boss it was an emergency.
“I know she is jealous.” Genevieve talked to the hooded robe clad six-inch clay statue sitting in the passenger seat. “Alright I will call her. But I still don’t think I should tell her about you.” She sighed. “Alright.” She parked in front of the gallery and called Nadine.
Nadine fumbled for the phone in her purse as she was driving. When she looked away just for a second a semi-truck came barreling around the corner less than a mile ahead. The driver swerved toward her as his coffee dumped in his lap.
Nadine answers the phone. “Fuck woman I have been trying to call you for...oh shit.” She sees the truck coming straight for her and screams.
“Nadine!” Genevieve screamed into her cellphone.  
A horn blared on the other side of the phone. Nadine had swerved just before the semi-truck hit her head on. She went off the road slamming into a tree. Her head smacked into the wheel before the air bag decided to deploy. She sat up blood drizzling down between her eyes.
“I’m alright.” Nadine said more to herself than Gen on the phone. She was in shock.  
“Stay there, Nadine.” Genevieve begged here. “Don’t try to move. I will call 911.”
“I’m good.” Nadine mumbled as her eyes got heavy. Light headedness over took her.
Gen hung-up. “I know I’m late, but I have to call 911.” she pounded the numbers frantically. “No, I will do it after. They will wait.”
“Hello, 911. How can I help?” The operator said.
“My girlfriend was in an accident.” Genevieve cried.
“Can I get your name?” The operator asked calmly.
“Genevieve Duchamp.” Gen answered.
“Okay Genevieve, is she bleeding?” The operator was typing as she questioned the caller. “What is your girlfriends name?”
“She isn’t with me.” Alligator tears ran down Gen’s cheeks. “I think she lost control of her car. I was returning her call and thought she was at work. But she was driving home because I didn’t answer her call. She was in the accident because of me.”
“It’s not your fault Genevieve.” The operator tried to calm her. “What is your girlfriends name? Do you know the route she could have taken from work?”  
“Her name is Nadine Tessio.” Gen grabbed a tissue from her purse to dab her eyes. “She usually takes Maple Street up the hill to our place on Red Way. “
“Thank you, Genevieve.” The operator kept typing. “I am dispatching search and rescue to that stretch of road. Just try to stay calm. Take a few deep breaths. They will be taking her to Derry Medical.”
“I can be there in twenty minutes.” Gen started her car back up.
“Don’t rush over there Genevieve.” The operator advised. “Nadine would not want you getting in an accident.”
“I won’t rush.” Gen took a deep breath. “Thank you. I will. I know it is important to you.” was the last thing the operator heard before Genevieve hung up.  
She was hearing his voice again telling her she had to take the art inside. The paintings of him had to get to their destination. That would only happen through this gallery.  
“Alright, I guess you're right.” She turned the car back off. “But you stay here. I hope they still take them. I am an hour and a half late.”  
Genevieve got the paintings inside. The curator rushed over to her.  
“I’m so glad you finally got here.” The man snapped his fingers and a someone came out from the back with bubbly water and hors d'oeuvres. “I just put some feelers out about getting these and practically have them sold already. I didn’t know what I was going to do if you decided not to sell. Have a snack and a drink while we sign the paperwork.”
“Thank you, Mr.?” She put the paintings against the wall before sitting at a table nearby.”
“I’m Mr. Gaunt.” The man studied the paintings closely. “Mr. Edward Gaunt. These are really memorizing, Miss. Duchamp. Five thousand for all ten, correct?”
“That sounds reasonable.” She grabbed the papers. “Where do I sign. I want to get this done quickly. I had an emergency situation come up so I would like to get to that.”
Mr. Gaunt smirked as he sat in the chair across from her. “Of course. Sign the bottom of the pages and I will write a check. I didn’t mean to keep you longer than you wished.”  
She thought he sounded a little creepy. She quickly signed the twenty-page contract. Then left with a nice fat check that more than likely would go to her girl’s hospital stay. Genevieve raced to the hospital.
“I don’t know that for sure, Henry.” She talked to the statue on the way. “Of course, I will still throw the party. You will protect me, right?”
Nadine was stumbling on the side of the road when the search and rescue vehicles found her. Blood was dried to her face. A cut was visible though her sliced up jeans. Her hands cut up from crawling part of the way before getting up to stand.  
The EMT cleaned her wounds and put steri strips on the worst slashes until the Doctor could stitch her up. Nadine mumbled incoherently as they rushed her to Derry Medical.  
Genevieve was worried when she talked to an ER nurse and all they knew was that no one had been brought in for hours. She was panicking as sirens could be heard from an ambulance pulling in the bay. The double doors opened at the side entrance.
“Is she alright?” Gen screamed as they were pushing Nadine down the hall to an open room. “What happened?”
A security guard pulled her back from the scene. The curtain closed. The doctor, nurse and several emergency room students worked on stitching her up, running an IV and getting her stable.  
“Wait in the waiting room Miss.” The security guard’s voice was kind but firm. “They will come to talk to you when she is stable.”
“Just tell them Genevieve Duchamp is waiting.” She sat bouncing her knee. “I talked to the 911 operator.”
“I’ll be sure to tell them, Miss Duchamp.” The guard tilted his head looking at her. “Any relation to Teddy? Yesterday I was at Teddy's Amoco getting my car fixed. That man can tell some stories. Your grandfather was one of those boys that found that kid's dead body in 1959.”
“Yes, he’s my father, kind of.” She rolled her eyes. “I heard that story a million times at least.”
Teddy Jr. was just as fucked up as his Father. He was barely ever around when she was growing up. Her Mother Annette had enough by the time Genevieve was ten. For some reason they stayed in Castlerock. Her father still came around. Her Mother still had a weakness for him physically but would kick him right out, usually screaming obscenities, by morning.  
When she was an awkward teen her Father told her, she should just go on an adventure with a bunch of friends. Hopefully, they could find a dead body like his Dad. He thought it was the coolest thing to ever happen to the family name. He always wanted to find a dead body but never did. She thought is was an awful thing to what to see.  
The gas station his Father left him made him a good enough living. She never wanted for much. He paid for art lessons she wanted after she graduated high school. Her Father just used the college fund he was saving for her. He just gave her what was left after paying for her lessons so she could find an apartment with a good art studio. Which she did.  
The Guard went back to tell a nurse Genevieve was waiting. Within an hour Nadine was awake. A nurse came out to take Gen to see her.  
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Castlerock: All Hallows Eve Ch 3
Ch 3: Chaos
Ch 1: Creation   ch 2 accident
Warnings: angst, jealousy, creepiness, creepy kids laughing,  
Song: It's a dead man's party oingo boingo
tags @dragsraksllib​ @grandpa-sweaters​ @waywardtigersandwich​ @sunshineandskarsgards​ @loomis @goblincxnt​  @kaangwoo​     @taintedglass​
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 Nadine hobbled out to kitchen. She poured coffee in a mug that her love had put there for her. Genevieve was making breakfast. The Statue of the Kid sat on the counter looking towards Gen cooking. Nadine glared at the statue sticking her tongue. She gasped as she swore, she saw its mouth turn up in a grin and one eye wink.
  “Fuck.” She backed away to the table to sit down. When she took another look the face was normal. “Fucking hell that thing is creepy Gen.” 
Gen turned around with two plates of scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage, and tomato. “I don’t think that is nice of you to say about him.” She put the food on the table, then turned to grab the statue to set facing her. “He is quite a unique expression of my creativity.”
“I’m not having another fight over him.” Nadine took a deep breath. “It is just a statue made of clay.” She mumbled.
 “For now.” Genevieve mumbled back as she started eating. “Are you going to be able to come to the party tonight? I already started decorating while you were in the hospital.”
“How did you have time?” Nadine paused fork full of eggs halfway to her mouth. “You where there with me as long as they would let you. How did you decorate and sleep?”
Gen shrugged. “The point is that I did it. When the veil lifts it’s a dead man’s party as our parents always say.” She laughed. It sounded a bit wicked as she hears the clay figure of The Kid laugh to.
 “I’m still in.” Nadine started eating again. “People rising from the dead wouldn’t really be all that surprising in this part of Maine. Hopefully, they don’t kill anyone, but I guess we will deal with that when it happens.”
Both girls laugh at the absurdity of the subject. Their laughter only masks the truth they well know. If it is a strange occurrence, it is sure to eventually happen in Castlerock.
Nadine insists on cleaning everything up since Genevieve cooked. She tries to argue with Nadine to at least let her help since she still has stitches in her leg and multiple bruises, but Nadine pushes her off towards her art room.  Gen reluctantly gave in and headed to her art room. She left the statue on the table. Nadine glared at it out of his line of sight. She thought this was her chance to get rid of the thing and she would play dumb when Gen was looking for it.
The party would distract her girlfriend. She would not have time to look for it until after the day of the Dead.  Nadine grabbed the thing. Holding it out In front of her refusing to look in its face she dropped it in the trash. The trash collector was only a house away. When the trucks robot arm lifted the trash can to dumb the contents, she felt relieved and went back in the house to wash dishes.
 A few hours later Nadine knocked on the art room door with some pumpkin cookies. She made dozens for the party. “Hey, Gen do you want to be a taste tester?”
“Come in.” Genevieve was working on a poster board sign of the Marsten house. She worked with blues, purples, black and a bit of oranges and yellows for glowing pumpkins. “How do you like our party sign so far?”
Nadine dropped the plate of cookies as she looked over her loves shoulder. Sitting at the corner of the paper was the statue of the kid watching Gen work.
 “It’s not that scary.” Genevieve laughed and helped Nadine clean up the cookies. She even ate one. “I think you out did yourself. This is the best cookie I have ever had in my mouth.”
“Um thanks.” She looked to the picture then came up with a reason she was scared. “Creepy kid shadows got me, I guess. Everyone will love the sign. Did you make more statues also?”
“No silly.” She kissed the top of the clay statue’s forehead. “He is an original. There can never be more than one.”
Nadine’s heart began beating so fast she grabbed her chest. She swore she saw the thing move its head to look at her. Gen was back to working on the sign by then. 
“I will have this finished in an hour.” Gen had her tongue sticking out as she worked on detailing jack-o'-lanterns in the painting. “Then we can take everything to the house before dusk. It is going to be such a wonderful night. Did I ever tell you my parents found me in the woods near the Marsten house?” “No, you never told me.” I thought the Duchamp’s were your parents.”
“Nope.” Gen replied. “No one could figure out who my real parents were so the sheriff just let them keep me. Everyone figured whoever left a baby in the woods was not much of a parent to begin with.”
“I’m sorry.” Nadine didn’t know anything else she could say. Maybe, her head injury was worse than the Doctor thought and she imagined throwing away the statue. Nothing else really makes sense. All the creepiness about it could be all in her head because of how jealous she is of Henry Deaver, The Kid, or whatever everyone wanted to call him. 
“It's okay.” Genevieve grinned wickedly. “Destiny always finds a person no matter where they end up.”
“I guess.” Nadine shrugged. “I’m going to make more cookies. I’ll be ready when you are done.”
“Sure thing, Nadine.” Genevieve said without looking away from her project. 
An hour before sundown Genevieve brings the painting out.  She had a long blood red jacket on with a hood, a black dress underneath with legging and thigh-high boots. “Already for tonight.”
Nadine turns from bagging up the goodies. “That looks great. And you look sexy as Hell.” Nadine had on black jeans and a loose-fitting black hoodie with cat ears. “I’m ready.”
The girls took Gen’s car. Nadine’s car was still at the Duchamp auto body shop. The wind blew the leaves across the path as Nadine and Genevieve walk up to the house.
 “I’m going to put the sign up.” Genevieve troted back down the driveway with the sign.
  “Alright, just be careful.” Nadine laughed changing the tone of her voice to a deep spooky one. “The witching hour will be upon us soon.” She cackled. She went into the house alone.
Genevieve went down to the bottom of the driveway. She set the sign up and looked at the town of Jerusalem's Lot. The chill in the air made her shiver. It was not that she heard him call for help. She felt him need her help.  She walked around the house into the woods. Her ears heard a humming. Then a loud stinging ringing flooded her mind. She dropped to her knees screaming covering her ears. Then there was silence. There he was laying in the leaves shivering naked.
As soon as she opened her eyes Genevieve crawls to him.  She took her long red coat off to wrap him up. “I’m here with you.”
His lips were blue from the cold.  Expressing his bewilderment with his eyes, he looks to her. He hates this part. The travel from the other side. The surprising time it happened as he communicated with her through her art. He didn’t imagine it could happen like this. A thinning happening on both sides while he was in his bath.
 “Let me help you inside where it is warmer.” She helped him to stand. “I’m sorry my coat is not longer on you, but at least it covers what only me needs to see.’
That made him chuckle a little. As they start walking to the Marsten place, guests are streaming inside. More people than were expected. Nadine did not even notice how long Gen was gone until she saw him duck into the doorway. Genevieve was by his side.  
The Kid darted his eyes around nervously. “Too much.”
Gen helped him through the staring crowd as the sounds of children laughing made her skin crawl. She got her man to a bedroom. Genevieve illuminated the scene with only her cellphone. 
The shadows of children lost surround the bed. “Play with us.” 
Genevieve gasped and dropped the cellphone on the bed. “Make them stop. Make them stop.” She buried her head in his chest.
 He covered her ears. “Go away.” He growled the command his face morphing into a grotesque old demon scaring the apparitions.
They screeched so loud as they ran the walls shook. The house not being the most stable residents started to slowly crumble. Hearing the screaming from where she saw Gen go, Nadine rushed to the room. As she looked inside Gen was looking up at her savior lovingly with trust. His hands covered the sides of her face.
His one eye caught Nadine standing frozen as the walls shook.  “Mine.” He murmured before kissing Genevieve passionately as they laid down in the bed.
The door slammed. Someone in another room yelled “fire.” Nadine ran to put it out. A huge part of the ceiling caved in in the kitchen. The punch bowl ignited when someone dropped their cigarette into it. Chaos took over.
The guests no longer thought the children were a creepy party trick. They were trying to keep people from leaving.  Nadine was trying to help everyone out safely. She could not think of what Genevieve was doing. She grabbed a iron poker from the fireplace. As soon as she swung it, nailing three of the children they vanished.
Some people could finally start to leave yet another nightmare party. The next day many would convince themselves it was the best party they ever attended. Even if some people never got home.
Genevieve and her King start to head out of the house. In the chaos no one noticed. No one that is but Nadine who saw them start to leave out of the corner of her eye.
 “Where are you going!” Nadine screamed. “We need to make sure everyone gets out of here safely.”
“Everything will be fine.” Gen continued to walk out. “I’m going home.”
Nadine was pissed but she did not have time to deal with whatever was going on with Genevieve and that damn creepy kid. The Marstan house was starting to crumble again. The roof had not been secured. The dry wall was barely holding up. The punch bowl was on fire and all those kids laughing as people screamed did not help the situation. 
Once Nadine helped everyone out of the house, she was exhausted. Genevieve’s car was still there. She figured her girl, if she still considered herself that, had walked to their home. Taking The Kid to their place just made the anger well up in her again. She drove back to their home as fire trucks and ambulances descended on the scene.
 Nadine tore up the driveway. She stormed in the house ready for a fight. She was ready to fight for her love or lose Genevieve forever. But their place was quiet when she entered. It was to quiet. She stomped through the place thinking she would find Gen in their bed. She pushed open the door, the room was empty. She went to the art room next. No one was there. And even though Nadine never saw Gen take the statue to the party the statue was gone too.
 She panicked. She was sure Gen told her they were going home. Her mind whorled. She concluded Henry Deaver kidnapped her girlfriend. She rushed to the police station.
“My girlfriend was kidnapped.” She was breathing heaving as she approached the women at the desk. “Henry Deaver kidnapped my girlfriend.”
The clerk rolled her eyes. “Which one? I haven’t seen either in over a year.”
 “The kid.” Nadine answered frustrated. “Whatever you want to call him. He left the party at the Marsten house with her. She said she was going home, and she isn’t there.”
“Oh, you were at that house party.” She shook her head. “Who started the fire? How did all those people get hurt. That place has never been good.”
“That has nothing to do with my girlfriend’s disappearance.” Nadine was infuriated. “We need to get a search party in the woods.”
“Well you have two options young lady.” The clerk grabbed some paperwork and motioned another police officer over. “You take a substance test. We find out what you were doing in that house. Or you sleep it off. It is not a kidnapping for her to leave with him of her own free will. She will probably be home tomorrow. If not, I would forget about her. People disappear around here all the time. No amount of searching usually helps.”
Those were like the words she told Genevieve. Now coming back to haunt her. She left but she never planned to let go. She would eventually find her love and take her back from the man, if he were truly a man, that destroyed their life.                             
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
coming soon or eventually
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I haven’t written about the Kid since New Years Eve. I Think It is fitting you could come back on All Hallows Eve. To read the first story click on text.
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I mentioned in Cozy Cove Axel’s Dad throws a yearly Masquerade Ball
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There will be more AU Willard Russel eventually. This will be that story for another time. With more kids its hard to make ends meat. His job at the slaughter house just doesn’t cut it. He will get angry easier out of frustration until he find an outlet.
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
list of stories as of Jan 30, 2020
Thanks for following ….find updated list by clicking here
Warnings 18+ lots of smut, angst, fluff. X-reader, mostly AU Bill Skarsgard & his characters but a few stories include other Skarsgard brothers, Deadpool, Tom Holland and other actors. Feel free to send requests & reblog. 
Early home coming:  Bill & X-reader warnings: angst, slight smut, fluffy. Bill comes home early after an annoying work issue forces him to leave a project. You attempt to help him get over it all before he has to go promote another project. 
The Dress: Just because I like writing the continuing story of Bill & Princess. This is her first time at an awards show. Also includes Alex Skarsgard, Scarlett Johansson and a few others. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5
The Island: various fandoms, Its a continuation of The Charity. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4
Moroccan Sands: This is Bill Skarsgard and Tom Holland with x-reader. It takes place on a movie set for the most part. Ch1, ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
The Charity- various fandoms & x-reader This a AU mystery piece that includes most Avengers actors and skarsgards plus a few others I love. Some chapters are  very smutty. used suggestions from readers who wanted to be with Bill, Tom &/or Scarlett.  ch 1, ch 2, ch3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch7, ch 8
A story of friendship: Roman Godfrey & X-reader AU Hemlock Grove. I was in a Roman mood so this is what came out  ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4 ch 5
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party: The Kid & X-Reader This plays off some talk of who the Kid really is in the Steven King Universe. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader: Merry Christmas ch 1 ch 2
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader AU Mark survived his town going nuts and is now in college where he meets you.  ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader . This is a continuation of Villains in a AU. Something like this should happen. ch 1 ch2 ch3 ch 4
Prequel Villains: Mickey and Jules Celebrate Christmas
Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist this is in and AU after all the stuff in Deadpool 2. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
Santa’s fav ELF Bill & X-Reader You are an extra in one of Bill’s movies and you you get a long very well. ch1 ch2 ch 3 ch 4
It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader , A crazy Hemlock Grove alt reality fanfic part 1  part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Bill & X Reader: Jealousy,  You are dating Bill Skarsgard & get invited to a ex’s party. 
Joy and The Angel This is a Castlerock fanfiction
Snow in Hollywood This is a reimagining of Snow White starring all Skarsgards Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Red and the Full Moon This is a reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood incorporating the lyric to the 60s song Little Red Riding Hood. Featuring Bill Skarsgard and Alex Skarsgard. 
A  Little Extra for the Extra This is extremely loosely based on my recent time working as an extra in a Tom Holland and Bill Skarsgard movie filming near me. It was great fun. Tom was cool to the extras if you were at the right place at the right time. I only got to see Bill from afar but maybe that was a good thing LOL. In place of Bill & Tom you can easily put in your favorite actor or actress in your mind.
VEE This is an epic kind of Vampire Romance crap that came about after a dream I had. It features Bill & Alex Skarsgard as brothers but Alex is more like Eric from True Blood. This story doesn’t have warnings on the top but the tags have any warnings you might need. Although Vampire romance should give you a good idea of what you are getting to with this one.  Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5  Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14  Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party:  ch1
warnings: creepy, smut
ch 2
h 3
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Genevieve and her best friend Nadine, prepare for their yearly New Years Eve bash.They always invite practically the whole town of Castlerock, but only the very brave show up. For most people that have survived in Castlerock long enough, know it’s no a place to be out during the night. Hell, the local bar has been closing at 8pm since the last disappearances.
But they revel in the possible dangers lurking around every corner especially in the evening hours. They have seen some weird shit growing up around here like part of the town of Derry falling practically underground like there was an earthquake, but no earthquake ever registered there  Parents kept children inside the whole year before that happened.
Now that they are adults they feel, either embrace the darkness that goes on around you or you let it drive you madd. Most people in the area lean towards the crazy side but pretend to be completely normal.
 “What if we put on the invite for everyone to wear cloaks this year?” Nadine suggested.
Genevieve agreed. “I love that idea. Oh, we need to find that Kid that they say went missing from the prison and hasn’t been seen since. Did you see his wanted posted? He’s fucking hot. We need him at the party.”
“We need him?” Nadine Smirked. “More like you think you need him because he is creepy as fuck.”
 “You say, creepy. I say, hot.” Genevieve laughed. “What ev. I want to find him. I want to know his story.”
Nadine huffed. “Fine, we can do some research and see if  anyone is talking, which I doubt bcause none in this town talks about anyone who has gone missing weather they are a good person or bad.”
 “He’s good. I just know it.” Gen grinned. “I mean he is at least as good as me.”
Nadine cackled. “Oh, so, the bar isn’t that high,”
They giggled continuing shopping for party supplies. This task is not so easy in a town like Castlerock. No after dark parties, equal no great party supply stores. They buy left over red Christmas lights and some cool looking statues from Pop’s, who never asks questions why anyone would need anything. The décor is complete.
A trip to the grocery to get chips, dips and hotdog tots and they are done for the day. They left invites in every mailbox and a handful at each store. This is mostly to tell the town they don’t care about their petty fears. Tomorrow night this party is a go.
Gen is walking down the street alone. It seems something is gnawing at her to head into the woods. The ground is covered in fog; it is dark with a chill to the air. Her small flashlight and this feeling kept her on a path leading through the woods. The hat on her hoodie pulled up over her head keeps her warm enough. She stopped when she saw a small cabin up ahead.
A little frightened she walks to the cabin anyway. Genevieve feels something is waiting inside. The hairs on the back of herr neck rise as she opened the unlocked door slowly.
“Hello, is anyone here?” Only her echo is returned.
The room is silent. The darkness blankets it other than herr flashlight with its one beam of light. She lifted the flashlight up slowly. An iron cage in the corner of the room comes into view. Gen started to walk over. Hearing shoveling she stopped. Gen pointed the flashlight towards the sound. It's him. It’s The Kid on the wanted poster. He is caged like an animal. His big sad eyes meet with hers.
Genevieve asked, “Who left you hear like this?”
He said nothing just looking at Gen pleading for help with his expressive eyes. She looked for the opening of the cage. Seeing the padlock, she rummaged through herr mini backpack to find anything to help pick the lock.
 “I’ll get you out of there.” Genevieve kept looking threw her bag as she tell him, “Just let me find something to pick the lock. I’m really good at it with just the right…Oh, yes, this safety pin will work.”
Genevieve worked on the lock as The Kid watches closely. It barely takes her a minute to pop the lock. She opened the door. Taking his hand, he leans on her a little as she helped him to the couch. Gen ran her hand through his thick brown hair holding the flashlight between the two of them. He caressed Gen’s cheek with his large hand.
 “What’s your name?” She asked.
He managed to speak in in whisper. “Here they have been calling me Henry, but I go by other names. You can call me Red or Henry like others do. Thank you, My Queen, for opening that cage. I knew you would come eventually.”
Goosebumps ran over her body. He leaned in kissing her lips as a thank you. His lips are dry and chapped. When he moves back watching for her reaction she dug in herr backpack and find some cherry Chapstick. Gen applied it to his lips gently.
 “This will help make those lips feel better.” Genevieve put the flashlight down between them so she could hold his chizeled jaw as she applied the Chapstick. “I’ll get you a drink from the kitchen if the water is working. Some of these old cabins…”
Genevieve gasped as he touched the inside of her thigh. He ran his hand up slowly unbuttoning her jeans as he watched her reaction. It seems like a split second they are naked and she is riding him moaning out as he rests his hands on your hips.  As she rolled her hips, he thrusts powerfully pushing her to the edge  of ecstasy.
Genevieve wakes in a sweat breathing heavily. Her mind swirls as she tried to remember the dream that brought her to this state. All she remembered is there is a cabin in the woods she needs to get to, but maybe during the day would be better.
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party:  ch 2
Warnings: Nothing but a little creepiness. My take on the Kid revolves around the rumor online he could be the Crimson King. I just love the idea that he manipulates everything and can appear so innocent, but he is so not. Red or Big Red is one of the things he has been called so that is why I am using it. We all want to save him and cuddle him, right?
Ch 1
ch 3
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When daylight breaks Genevieve gets ready for an adventure. She is not sure what Sh will find, but she brings some bottled water and turkey sandwiches in case she gets lost. Gen has heard of people getting lost, never to be found again, in these woods. Plus, there is something about them that always makes her ears ring.
Genevieve has never told friends that because they love to have bonfires in the woods to try to scare each other with stories they have heard about the area. It doesn’t bother her enough to ruin a good time. Once she has a beer or three Gen doesn’t even notice it.
Sticks and dried leaves crackle under her feet as she makes her way through the woods. Unsure where she is exactly going she trudges along watching for the cabin in your dreams. Gen shakes her head thinking, Why, would I ever come out here alone? Then she sees it through the trees. It’s a pretty rundown looking cabin.
Silence drops around the area as Genevieve gets closer to the cabin. She thinks, That’s not weird at all, but I’ve come this far. She goes to the door. Looking around she knocks because who is dumb enough to just walk into a creepy old cabin. No one answers. The door creaks as she opened it slowly. It smells musty and dirty. No one seemed to be in there. Gen starts to turn to leave and then she heard the shoveling.
Genevieve turned her head seeing him in the cage. Hereyes widen as he looks to you innocently. It’s the Kid she has wanted to find. The one, she dreamed of finding here. Could that even be true? Gen is not sure what to say or do. Maybe she is just dreaming again. It all seems a bit bazaar.
His voice is barely audible. “You’re here?”
Genevieve whispered, “yeah.”
He replied, “To help?”
She asked. “Who are you?”
A slight grin appears on his face. “You know.”
Gen swallowed hard as they stared at each other for a few moments.
He whined. “Help?”
Genevieveis a little hesitant, but he seems so fragile and helpless. She still doesn’t really know what is going on. All she knows is this strong feeling to help him. She looked around the room and in every drawer for a key. Only in her dreams is Gen a master at picking a lock. She can feel him watching her as she tore up the place looking for the key. She finds it taped under the coffee table when she overturns it.
Gen holds the key up. “I found the key, Red.”
Genevieve thinks, Where did I get that name from? But she is sure that is his name or one name he likes to be called anyway.
He smiled innocetly. “Good girl. Open the door, Now.”
Shivers roll down her spine as he emphasizes the word, now. A small wicked smile crosses his lips as she unlocked his prison. He stumbles a bit as he gets to his feet trying to walk. Genevieve tries to help. They sat on the couch. She watches his hands as he studies her closely. It seems neither trusts the other in this moment.
Genevieve finally breaks the silence. “I brought water and sandwiches.”
She got up mostly to get some distance between them. She has never been so unsure about a person’s motivations in her life. Gen set the table back upright and put her bag on it.
As Genevieve got out the packed stuff, she questioned him. “How long has it been since you had food or water?”
He sighed deeply. “A while.” His body was stick thin. His face a bit gaunt. His eyes sat back in the sockets deep but still large and green.
Gen untwist the cap on a water and hand it to him first. He took small sips as if conserving it in case it is the last thing he ever drinks. When she handed him the sandwich, he took it apart carefully. Then he balled up the bread to eat.
When Genevieve  watched him stuff it in his mouth she laughed. “I guess the rumor of you being a carb addict was correct. You should eat the protein to, so you heal.”
As he chewed up the bread he nods.
She took a swig of bottled water. “If you want, I can take you back to my loft to get cleaned up?”
He smiled. “Yes.”
 “My Friend and I are supposed to throw a New Years Eve party tonight, but I can stay home and take care of you.” She mentioned even though she originally wanted him at the party. “I don’t think you should be alone or be around a lot of people right now.”
He countered, “We should go.”
That surprises her. “You want to go to the party with me?”
He nodded, “Yes.”
 “Ok, I’d like that.” Gen smiled. “Do you think you can walk? Oh, I should find you different cloths. Maybe there is some in the closet.”
He watched as she went towards a closet. He took off all his clothing throwing them in the cell. “I can walk.”
 “This will have to do.” Gen pulled a long brownish-red cloak from the closet. “It will be perfect for the party.” When she turned around she gasped. Then grinned. “Ok, Big Red. Put this on. And let’s go.”
He puts on the cloak. Then they head to herr place.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Thank you for following...
Thank you for following, reading, liking, commenting ect. Currently I am working on a Roman Godfrey AU x reader called Castle in the desert. Most of my stories are continuation like subtitles like AU Bill skarsgard, Roman Godfrey, Mark from Assignation nation, and Mickey from Villains. There are a few with multiple actors like Tom Holland, Cody fern and other Skarsgards that start with The Charity & the Island. lots of fluff, smut and a bloody good time...18+ for content
Story teller — List of stories updated April 16, 2020
List of stories updated April 16, 2020
Thanks for following. Thanks for reading, thanks for creating. Thanks for sharing.
Warnings 18+ lots of smut, angst, fluff. X-reader, mostly AU Bill Skarsgard & his characters but a few stories include other Skarsgard brothers, Deadpool, Tom Holland and other actors. Feel free to send requests/ideas & reblog. I will try to keep this updated.
Rock star Axel
You Will Remember Things That We Never Said: In this Alternate Universe fiction Axel meets Stephani while he is singing in the local band Zeitgeist. Its set up when he is in college. ch 1 ch 2    ch 3    ch 4  ch 5    ch 6​   ch 7 ch 8
starring Bill Skarsgard: My own stories with original character(s) he could play
The Stay starring Bill Skarsgard as Chris Ryan creepy slight horror genre. All I will say is this character is right in the wheel house of what Bill could play.      ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch4
THE CLUB starring Bill Skarsgard as William Casik - Alice is a prim and proper elementary school teacher. Her Husband William owns a company that does business around the world. But he has a secret. When Alice find out about his alter ego, The Sir, her life will never be the same. ch 1 ch 2  ch 4  ch5 ch 6 ch 7  ch 8 ch 9 ch 10
Bill Skarsgard (AU) & X-reader/Princess
The Charity- various fandoms & x-reader This a AU mystery piece that includes most Avengers actors and skarsgards plus a few others I love. Some chapters are  very smutty. used suggestions from readers.  ch 1, ch 2, ch3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch7, ch 8
The Island: various fandoms, Its a continuation of The Charity. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5
The Dress: Just because I like writing the continuing story of Bill & Princess. This is her first time at an awards show. Also includes Alex Skarsgard, Scarlett Johansson and a few others. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5
Bill& X Reader: Jealousy,  You are dating Bill Skarsgard & get invited to a ex’s party.
Early home coming:  Bill & X-reader warnings: angst, slight smut, fluffy. Bill comes home early after an annoying work issue forces him to leave a project. You attempt to help him get over it all before he has to go promote another project.
Bill and Princess/x-reader: long distance Valentine? Bill has to leave the night before Valentine Day for a meeting the next morning.
Bill & Ex-Reader: EVERYONE IS WATCHING sometimes the bedroom isn’t as private as you think.
The Bake off: Bill and x-reader/Princess are quarantined together. A month into their time together they come up with the Bake-off idea. Lots of smut, some baking lol. Ch 1   ch 2
Villains fan fiction
Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader . This is a continuation of Villains in a AU. Something like this should happen. ch 1 ch2 ch3 ch 4
Prequel Villains: Mickey and Jules Celebrate Christmas
Mickey’s Valentine’s Day surprises This is only 2 chapters. AU Mickey, Sweetie Pie and Jules several months after the event that brought them back together after the movie Villains. If you want to know how they got to this point read Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader. But you don’ t have to. Ch1 Ch2
Mark: Assassination Nation
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader AU Mark survived his town going nuts and is now in college where he meets you.  ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader: Merry Christmas ch 1 ch 2
Mark and x-reader: You’re mine, Valentine. The first in my Valentine’s  themed stories. This is more of the reader and Mark at college several months after what happened in the last story. ( Assassination Nation: Mark and X-reader) Mark is pretty much just horny & wants sex but he will put together some Valentine’s day surprises to get it.
Mark & X-Reader:Party At Greenwald’s A virus is sweeping the county. The University closes. You might make it home but Mark insists you stay with him in Salem. Memories haunt him from this place.ch 1 CH 2   ch 3  ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch 7
Castlerock fanfic
Joy and The Angel This is a Castlerock fanfiction
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party: The Kid & X-Reader This plays off some talk of who the Kid really is in the Steven King Universe. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
Hemlock Grove Fan Fiction: Roman Godfrey
CLUB VEE This is the first thing I posted on Tumbler. It is a vampire-type romance that I connected to Roman and Princess starting with their Valentine’ s Day plans. So its an origin story for Club Vee. Ch 1Ch 2 Ch3 Ch 4 Ch 5  Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 Ch 14 Ch 15 Ch 16 Ch 17 Ch 18 Ch 19 Ch 20 Ch 21
It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader , A crazy Hemlock Grove alt reality fanfic part 1  part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Roman & his Princess Valentine’s Day This story continues the relationship from It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader. It will also include characters from VEE. But you really don’t have to read either to follow this story if you don’t want to. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch 4 ch5
A story of friendship: Roman Godfrey & X-reader AU Hemlock Grove. I was in a Roman mood so this is what came out  ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4 ch 5
Roman & his Princess: blood wolf moon eclipse Princess is having a hard time with her hunger. Is Olivia the only one that can really help her?
Roman & his Princess: Life is Just a Fantasy A little role play night out with these characters where Roman is the Dominant more than usual and Princess plays  the submissive role. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4
Roman & Princess: Let’s up the game Roman wants to make a sex tape. ch1 ch2 ch3
Roman & Princess: The agreement Princess plays with her dominant personality. Roman decides maybe he could handle the threesome she wants if he looks at it as a business agreement. ch 1  ch 2 ch 3 ch4
Stuck in the Madness with You A virus has found its way to Hemlock Grove driving people to self quarantine. How will this effect Roman and those he cares about? ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
The Dinner Party Roman invites Peter and Letha to a dinner party so Letha can get out a little more since they have all quarantined her to Peter’s trailer.
Deadpool Presents:
Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist this is in and AU after all the stuff in Deadpool 2. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
Deadpool Presents: Axel’s Valentine’s Day special story Axel plans a special Valentine’s romantic over night excursion. With two kids it is difficult to have longer intimate time with his wife.  To read more about how this couple met refer to Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist Axel suggests Deadpool watch the kids which is the last thing his wife really wants ch1 ch2 ch3  ch4  ch5
Fairytales rewritten to include favorite actors/characters
Snow in Hollywood This is a reimagining of Snow White starring all Skarsgards Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Red and the Full Moon This is a reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood incorporating the lyric to the 60s song Little Red Riding Hood. Featuring Bill Skarsgard and Alex Skarsgard.
King Bill and his Queen Genevieve: A fairytale begins original smutty fairytale  where Bill of Skarsgard plans to take a diplomat’s daughter for his own. When he discovers Lady Genevieve is a virgin he still wants to fulfill their destiny in the middle of the forest clearing.
Being part of the film industry in a small way
A  Little Extra for the Extra This is extremely loosely based on my time working as an extra in a Tom Holland and Bill Skarsgard movie. It was great fun. Tom was cool to the extras if you were at the right place at the right time. I only got to see Bill from afar but maybe that was a good thing LOL. In place of Bill & Tom you can easily put in your favorite actor or actress in your mind.
Moroccan Sands: This is Bill Skarsgard and Tom Holland with x-reader. It takes place on a movie set for the most part. Ch1, ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Santa’s fav ELF Bill & X-Reader You are an extra in one of Bill’s movies and you you get a long very well. ch1 ch2 ch 3 ch 4
The Calling in this extras dream job you will be working with Bill Skarsgard, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, Robert Pattinson and a few other surprise actors on a movie that moves through decades 50s, 60s, 70s,80s. Sure your scenes don’t seem to fit together but they rarely do when filming and you just enjoy that you get to do this sort of work. Even though this is same caste as Devil All the Time it has nothing to do with that movie. enjoy this only 1% truth about being an extra. I love it but as of now it never got this good. ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
Take a seat x-reader & Bill mostly. You are a seat filler at the 2021 Oscars. Its such a unique experience. But since you break some of the rules will you ever get to do it again? And is the out come with it anyway? I think, probably.  ch 1,  ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
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