punymarshmallow · 1 year
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Regarding Malaya in the Octopath Traveler 2 Fandom:
Spoilers for entirety of Castti’s story
I find it absolutely suspicious that the fandom has completely neglected Malaya and her significance to Castti, as if people played a version of the game without her. I notice certain shippers just seem to forget that Malaya existed (to make their Castti ship work). 
It reads badly to me; it’s not about ‘moving on’ but forgetting the character’s existence and significance. You don’t have to be a multi shipper to acknowledge a prior person’s significance. Malaya was clearly extremely important to Castti; with how explicitly queer-coded Octopath Traveler 2 has been you can easily read as them having been a couple or close to becoming a couple. 
Malaya appears POC-coded and people tend to neglect POC, in this case doubly so when you have a woman of colour. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but having seen how other fandoms behave with such characters I can’t help but raise a brow. 
You don’t have to ship Castti/Malaya, but you can’t ignore how significant Malaya was to Castti and vice versa.
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ellibean-icecream · 1 year
Like Tears in the Rain
Chapter One - Adrift
“You have the power to save lives. More than any other. That’s why… you have to live. If anyone can create a cure… It’s you… It’s up to you now…”
The apothecary’s world rocked around her. Dizziness could be a symptom of any number of afflictions, ranging from the mundane to the severe. There was no need to panic; her first course of action would be to catalog any other symptoms she was experiencing. The more information she had the more accurate her diagnosis would be. Her throat was parched, her lips dry and cracked. Perhaps some combination of sun exposure and dehydration. When was the last time she had had anything to drink? What was she last doing that might have left her so..?
Where was she? Who was she? A torrent of questions filled her mind, a dam bursting before the flood. Why couldn’t she remember anything? The unsteadiness and apparent lack of memory were possibly symptomatic of a concussion.
And just how in the hell did she know all of this?
She heard waves. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking against the bright light. Far above her, masts stretched up into the sky, sails pulled taut by the wind. She spoke, despite the ache in her throat.
“Am I… on a ship?”
That would mean the unsteadiness she had felt since earlier was nothing but the rocking of the vessel on the waves. The sailor kneeling by her side nodded, his dark skin tanned further by his many hours on the sea. He gently pressed a canteen into her hands, helping her drink it. It was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted. As the last drops fell past her lips, the kind-hearted sailor took the canteen back, standing and stepping away from her. “Finally come to, have you? Feeling better yet?”
This question came from an older looking gentleman, dressed in finer garments than the other sailors in sight. Perhaps the captain of the vessel. He looked down at her fondly, a touch of concern in his eyes.
“You’ve got the luck o’ the tides, y’know.”
The apothecary sat up slowly, measuring her body’s response. She still felt slightly dizzy and doubted if she’d be able to stand on her own. The captain reached down, helping her slowly to her feet. Even this simple action left her throat parched once more.
“Easy now, lass.You’ve had a rough time o’ it. Drink up.”
He handed her another canteen of water. This time she took her time drinking it, feeling better with each passing moment. Dehydration, then. Perhaps her loss of memory was a symptom of something separate then.
“Thank you… for saving me.”
“Couldn’t well leave you to the fishes. How’d you end up on that li’l skiff anyhow?”
“Skiff..?” She’d been on a skiff? How did she get there? Had she been part of a ship wreck? She wracked her brain, trying to find anything. Nothing. Meaningless fragments. A half remembered smile. The sound of a laugh, perhaps? Nothing that could explain how she ended up adrift in the ocean.
“I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
“C’mon now, this isn’t the time for jokes.”
A feeling bubbled in her stomach, and she lowered her head. Why would she lie about this? Why would anyone? She glanced back up at the captain, anger rising slightly before she caught his eyes. He was concerned for her. She didn’t know him, but he was concerned.
“I’m sorry, but I really can’t remember anything. Who I am, where I came from… it’s all a blank.”
His concern grew, his eyes staring piercingly into hers. She glanced away, unable to keep his intense gaze. She recognized the feeling in the pit of her stomach. Helplessness. Once more she was adrift, and once more it was the captain who saved her.
“I know one thing ‘bout you, lass. Your name. It’s Castti.”
Castti’s eyes widened slightly. She didn’t know him, but perhaps he knew her.
“Castti… How… How did you know that?”
“It’s stitched onto your outfit. What’s that uniform o’ yours, anyway?”
Castti glanced down at her attire. She wore a light blue cloak, fraying at the ends from use. Beneath this cloak a simple dress of the same color and a white apron accentuated once more in blue. Her boots and leggings were sturdy, and taken with the cloak suggested a life spent on the road. She shook her head slowly in response to his question.
“...Ah, right. Amnesia. Strange to think a person could forget their own name.”
She had to remember. He had given her her name. It was a start, but she needed more information. The crew had to know more about her arrival, and there was plenty of time before they made port.
Most of the crew had seemed happy to provide her with what information she needed. She reminded the captain of his daughter, and anyone he favored was welcomed by the crew. Most of the crew at least. One crewman had paled at the sight of her, and avoided her for the rest of the voyage.
The ship weighed anchor in Canalbrine a few days after she had been found adrift. From what she could piece together from the circumstances of her rescue, she had probably drifted from the continent to the east. How she had figured that out was still a mystery. She had found another clue to her identity. Her bag had been full of apothecary supplies, which explained her knowledge of the body, if not how she could remember it.
The captain had been worried about her setting off by herself, without her memories. He has slipped her a small pouch of leaves, enough for a night at the inn and a couple meals. She stepped down off the gangplank and onto the dock.
Canalbrine bustled like any major port at the arrival of a new ship. Traders and passengers alike stepped down around her as they went about their business, annoyed by her taking a moment to gather herself.
“She’s one of them, isn’t she…”
The whisper passed through the crowd as more eyes turned towards her. People turned to stare at her, before slipping down streets and into buildings. It wasn’t long before she was alone at the end of the docks.
“I… appear to be causing quite a stir.”
“Excuse me!”
The two girls who had been chatting by the bridge jumped with a start, eyes widening as they saw the apothecary. Without another word the two quickly fled. Castti’s brows furrowed in frustration. Something was clearly wrong, but no one was willing to tell her what. Perhaps the innkeeper would enlighten her, if they even acknowledged her presence. A young man paused in front of the building before her, eyeing her warily. His breathing seemed oddly shallow, and after another step he dropped to his knees. Castti was by his side in an instant.
“Excuse me! Are you alright?”
The young man struggled, trying to get to his feet again before collapsing down once more. Castti eyed him over, mentally noting each visible symptom. His forehead was damp and his breathing shallow, likely he had some kind of fever.
“What’s going on here? Is something wrong with him?”
Castti stood, turning to face the new arrival. Her breath caught on her answer. The woman before her had long, flowing hair tied up in a ponytail. Her brown skin caught the light of the setting sun. She was beautiful. Castti’s face burned as she realized she was forgetting her patient.
“He’s burning up! We need to get him inside!”
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dawning-skye · 1 year
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memories of rain.
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prince-jelli-fish · 8 months
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this has been sitting in my drafts for too long
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mrpuripurin · 1 year
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gently offers you castti/malaya🌼🌼 and castti/throne🌼🗡️ sketches… 🥺🤲
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drainbangle · 3 months
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healer swap expression explorations
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stripeyworm · 1 year
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Thank you, Castti. Goodbye, Malaya
Excuse me while I CRY. I finished Castti's final chapter a while ago and it absolutely floored me. Definitely my favourite story of them all. I just had to draw it <3
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sly-s-n0nfusion · 10 months
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A little thing I hosted on Twitter
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nicandragon · 1 year
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teryyo · 1 year
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Hands of the Apothecary
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When asked how the king can repay Castti for saving Timberain she requests four tombstones with the names of her Eir's Apothecaries to be made and erected in Healeaks. There at Healeaks she will deliver a eulogy and the long delayed and deserved funeral for the Eir's Apothecaries: Emma, Andy, Randy, and Malaya. Finally she can grieve.
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ellibean-icecream · 1 year
Like Tears in the Rain Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Scars
The deed was done. Castti wished that the confrontation could have gone another way, but the foul creatures were too far gone. Whatever infection they carried had warped them irrevocably, making them little more than a disease themselves. It was her duty as an apothecary to eliminate their sickness, and she did not hesitate in her duties.
Their foul stench lingered in the air of the cavern, the sickly sweet stench of rot and decay. She pulled the cloth of her undershirt up and over her face, helping to filter out the worst of the stench. She would have to burn the bodies with purebalm leaves – if she left them here to rot that would only further soil the waters here – and she would spread purebalm across the rest of the chamber as well. The townsfolk would have to continue boiling water for the time being, but this would help in the recovery.
Castti set to work.
It was nearly morning by the time Castti made it back to town. Her stomach growled in protest; she’d been so busy treating patients she’d forgotten to eat. Something familiar in the pangs of hunger told her that this was not the first time.
“Look! That apothecary is back!”
The cry rang out from the group of townspeople, who quickly approached and gathered around her. Castti sighed internally, but forced a cheerful smile onto her face. These people needed her as a rock, as a port in the storm. They needed her help, and she always helped those in need.
The townsfolk gathered close, before backing away at the horrific stench that clung to her clothing. She’d need to wash them before leaving town, perhaps take a long bath. Just the thought of warm water made her sore muscles ache further.
“I cleared the source of the infection polluting your waters. The spring will run clean again in time. Nevertheless, I recommend boiling all your water for a good while yet.”
The townsfolk cheered out in relief and thanks, and despite herself Castti smiled again, far more genuinely. The town had been slow to accept her help, but seeing the relief in their eyes here more than made up for all the hardships. She arranged to check in on each of the patients, and Senah’s brother even offered her use of his bath, which she accepted immediately.
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aptericia · 9 months
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Drew Castti and Malaya in outfits inspired by some of their concept art! (thank you to @octopathartbooker for providing scans of the artbook 🥰)
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alch-emi · 1 year
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Good night 🌿
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mrpuripurin · 9 months
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recent OT gifts and art trades for awesome twitter and discord peeps 🥳🙌
1-castthrone art trade with @/blessedsage99/3nthien
2 & 3- Casttlaya and Castti/Temenos travel banter as gift exchange for @/digitaldreams0801
4 & 5- bday gifts for @/meansary and @/carefreejules
6- olberus art trade with @/sly-s-n0nfusion/ninfial_
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