#cat au cat wendy
snivyartjpeg · 2 months
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nyaagolor · 3 months
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I’m dedicating to drawing everyone in ace attorney as a cute little guy. I’m (check notes) 1/3 of the way there
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bells-personal-hell · 2 months
hello one and all!!
this is a hazbin themed blog, but post will be 40% hazbin, 40% south park, and the remaining 20%, shit post! (including dsmp/mcyt, ur warned now)
but about me now....
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-my name is bell,
-i will remain ageless but im around the 18 area:3
-i am omnisexual and gender-queer, yipper
-i only post week day- i cant on weekends and wont over the summer from the looks:(
-over all tw of my acc: sh/sucide (mention, jokes, vents, ect.)
i will try and tw everything, and cut it but reblogs i cant do much abt -i write! here is a link to my rules:3
i have a slow adhd brain + dislyxia so i aploiguse- i try and spell check stuff if i rember but unlikely i will
tags!!!like 121 post dont have em, only doin this starting 4/23/24
#bells-bullshit- random shit
#bell-is-being-selfdestructive- meposting abt sh, so if you wantjust block tht tag!!
#bells-writeing-hell - things iv writen/fanfictions!!
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divider aand pfp made by me w/picsart <3
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asktheosixfamily · 1 year
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snailarts · 1 year
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Hi guuys the autism won 🥰
pt. 1 (?) let me know if I should draw more and drop all my ideas teehee. i have a lot written out.
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purpledemonchild · 8 months
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I drew the South Park girls as warriors cats.
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gn4wz-0n-b0n3z · 1 year
slowly shoves this here after making sure that the coast is clear
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ik its nowhere near summer rn but like. beach episode type shit is just as fun as halloween costume concepts
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whiskerpark · 2 years
Welcome to Whisker Park! (name undecided for now)
Whisker Park is a South Park AU that is set in the perspective of Gregory and Stan as they find their worlds flipped upside down when they awake one day as cats. This is an AU I have been fleshing out for about two years now and have the confidence to finally make it into a tumblr account and hopefully an ask blog/comic soon enough if enough people are interested! If you like South Park and you like cats, this is definitely the AU for you! I am open to any and all questions about my little AU and my little critters, this account is ran by @memefruitt and I hope that you all enjoy what I soon post! For now I will leave you all with some head shots of some of the characters and their designs.
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In order from left to right: Gregory, Stan, Estella, Cartman, Kyle, Kenny, Butters, Wendy, Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Token/Tolkien, Bebe, Red, Nichole, Heidi, Jimmy, Kevin, Annie, Nelly, Scott, David, Millie, Bradley, DogPoo, Esther, Jason, Jenny, Michael, Henrietta, Pete, Firkle (there are still many more characters and designs coming! So far I have finished these two pages of designs so if a character you like isn’t here, don’t worry! They are most likely coming <3 )
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roostertuftart · 1 year
Maybe you could draw some of your fav sp girls as cats:3?
I went kind of extreme with this one but
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goodday-goodmorn · 5 months
Rahhhh it’s Christmas and i’m back! Today’s feature (feature? Should i start calling them that? Sounds kinda cool-) is the amazing @charliemwrites, specifically a little drabble (unedited as always), based off of their Keeper/Kept AU. Not thier most recent stuff- (I think it’s Neighbor Johnny or the Woof Woof series-) You know what? Just- Here. Everything they write is gold <3
Anyhow, i present: Domesticity and Devotion
“Oh to be a wild bird…”
You sigh, chin in your palm as you leisurely stare out at the window.
“Or a stray cat.” You muse, watching as one of the kitties of the neighborhood walks along outside.
“Those fuckers have it good. No shitty job. No rent to pay. Just free pets and wandering the world… and if someone’s being a dick they can hiss and bite all they want.”
You hum, reaching for your drink and sipping on it leisurely.
“I don’t think I could survive in the wild though.”
You say after a moment, realizing how you’re cuddled up in your blanket and sipping on your wendy’s lemonade, the TV playing some random comfort show and your laptop open as you halfheartedly play Papa's freezeria.
“Can barley survive in domesticity.” You mumble, glancing towards the envelope on the kitchen counter that you got this morning about a rent increase.
You sigh.
“Maybe in my next life i’ll be lucky enough to be reborn as some rich white ladies cat. Those fuckers are livin’ better than me that’s for sure.”
This is not what you meant.
When you wistfully wished to never have to step foot into the capitalist hellscape that was life again- that was not an open invitation for you to be whisked away against your will.
Apparently though, the 6 foot giant of a military man named Simion Riley, heard it as one.
Because now here you were, pampered and cared for like a bloody sugar baby or pure breed persian cat. Kept at some random location and fed and groomed and meticulously attended too.
All against your will, mind you.
However it’s hard to complain because well- you’re living life good. This realization, of just how good you have it- hits you when you feel yourself getting genuinely angry at the shitty romance novel you were reading.
The Male lead was treating the MC like shit- and the MC was letting him get away with it!
You feel your face physically grimace. To calm yourself down (because you are getting genuinely heated when she lets him shove her to the damn floor over asking him for a drink-), you set your i-pad down.
(It had been a gift; something sort of like a kindle, where you could only read books and listen to music. You weren’t sure what Simon did to it exactly- but it wasn’t just published books you had access too, comics, original works, poetry, you could get all sorts of reading stuff on here.)
“This mother fucker-“
You mumble to yourself in disbelief, shaking your head before huffing and picking the device back up. You’re close to cheering as you read the MC’s internal dialogue about wanting to bite his ass- (Truely an MC after your own heart- they were one of the main reasons you were still reading this shitshow-)
And yet, what does the main character do?
They get the drink for themselves and then let him snatch it from their hand and down it.
Nope. You’re fucking done. You’re fumin’ now, irrationally angry on the MC’s behalf because they’ve been putting up with this guy for fifteen chapters now.
The audacity of men- oh my god. You can’t believe this guy.
“Who does he think he is?!”
You grumble and then just for your own purposes you yell—
Predictably he is at your side in a moment, dropping everything for you.
You have your arms crossed, as you say, “Go get me a drink.”
He tilts his head slightly, eyes crinkled just a tad at your strange mood but doesn’t deny the order. Simply asks,
“Cold or hot?”
And with that he’s gone, returning with a fresh glass of ice cold lemonade, complete with a little lemon slice on the rim of the glass. You sip it, set it aside and cross your leg, tapping your forehead.
“Give me a kiss.”
He doesn’t hesitate for a moment, gently kissing your forehead.
His eyes are crinkled now with a bit of amusement, but he drops to his knees easy. Gently holding onto your soft thighs. (Always so gentle with you.)
“Course, pretty.”
He mumbles low, head tilted up to you in a question, “Need me to take care of you?”
You hum, absentmindedly messing with his hair and ignoring the way the question sends a slow pool of warmth into your tummy.
It’s decisive. You’re practically preening with satisfaction at his actions.
“You can go now.” You say and like that, he gets up. Not a complaint on his lips even when you notice he’s got a raging boner.
You call and he pauses, looking at you with a questioning hum.
“Kiss me again.”
And he does so, this time a soft gentle kiss on your lips. When he pulls away he mumbles an ever softer-
“Dinner will be ready in 10.”
You nod and pick up your tablet with satisfaction curling low in your gut. (For the duration of your reading all you can think about is how Simion would never.)
“And another thing-!”
Simion is absentmindedly (as absentmindedly as Simion of all people can get anyway-) rubbing circles into your back as you rant. You’re sat in his lap, coaxed into sitting there after he asked about your day.
So obviously you started to babble about the book you were reading, which turned into a whole rant session about how stupid the Male lead was.
“That stupid idiot- that moron- you wanna know what he does simion?”
He knows it’s a rhetorical question. You’re gonna tell him anyway. Still he hums to show he’s still listening.
“This bastard shoves them into the ground. To the ground! Can you believe the it?”
He shakes his head lightly with a tsk.
“Exactly. God and then when they get the drink he has the audacity to snatch it from their hand and down it in one gulp before they can even say anything.”
You shake your head, so far into your little rant you don’t realize how much you’ve made yourself comfortable. Sitting in his lap fully, ranting to him like he’s an old friend. Your tongue is loose with comfort right now. And that must be what possessed you to say—
“Me personally? I could never. If you ever pulled that shit— God i don’t even know what i’d do but it would not be pretty
You close your eyes with a nod to yourself at your own words. Not aware of the way Simon’s eyes seem to soften. Not until he gently kisses the top of your head.
He says it so quietly you almost miss it. (Feverintly. Reverently. Like the very idea is absurd.)
“If i ever do something like that you run and break into my gun cabinet and bloody shoot me.”
And god his voice- he’s 100 percent fucking serious. Suddenly you feel warm and small in his lap, utterly tiny compared to the sheer size of his devotion for you.
It’s all you can do to mumble out a weak.
And the rest of the night is spent with you reading the rest of the book together. When the MC finally is able to get rid of the Male Lead, it is a joyous occasion that ends up with her absolutely clocking the guy in the face with a champagne glass. Which then leads into a curious conversation with you and ghost about how much damage that would actually do.
It’s a good day.
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Wendy has a little obsession with zipping and unzipping things, she will do it over and over to her hearts content
Grays internal temperature is actually higher than an average persons bc it has to combat his magic making his skin so cold
In a modern au, Lucy would ride a motor bike, i will not explain
Erza has a violent case of black thumb
She makes up for it by knowing how to make flower crowns
they’re the prettiest you’ll ever see
You know that joke where ppl say “the kidnapper would give you back bc you annoyed them”? yeah, That happened to Natsu
Grays favorite colors are red and purple
hes also had multiple ‘fuck it ill become a stripper’ moments
Wendy is a slow blinker. like a cat. she’ll look at you all wide eyes then do a little slow blink and turn away
Lucy is a worse cook than Natsu
it was so humbling
also, Natsu has collection of rocks
one fell at some point and he found out it was a geode
he has so many geodes you would think he gets them on purpose
They started a guild wide brawl over pancakes vs waffles
Erza has the biggest guilt complex when it comes to her bakery
They find it funny to play on it
“Wow Erza, i cant believe you. how could you cheat on your bakery?”
“you two timed bakeries?? Erza you should be ashamed.”
Wendy gets bad stomach aches so she carries around a bottle with a cocktail of different tylenols in it
shes also really good at rock, paper, scissors
dont know how bc its mostly a game of chance but she always wins
Gray is the giddiest drunk
he gets so touchy and affectionate and giggly
the people love it
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dragonwritersblog · 1 year
@angelxd-3303's Mario au has taken over my life in the best way possible, so I’ve got some headcanons that have been spinning in my head for a while and wanted to share. (Some of the ones with Mario are based on my dad.)
The first time Bowser saw Luigi be reckless and try and pet a piranha plant, he picked him up like a mama cat picking up a kitten by the scruff of its neck.
Mario used steal borrow VHS tapes of Disney movies and watch them with Luigi on an old TV he managed to fix up. (Luigi’s favourite was beauty and the beast.)
Luigi and Daisy are actually childhood friends and she decided to go look for him when he and Mario went missing. She arrived in Sarasaland through the pipe and after defending it from Tatanga, and finding Mario and Luigi, the citizens of that desert kingdom decide to make her their princess. “Wait, I’m a princess now?....aaaahhhhh!!!!” Yeah, she kind of freaked out a little bit.
Despite how warm it is in the Darklands, Luigi still gets chilled quite easily, so Bowser is more than happy to keep him warm.
(This is based off my dad) Mario LOVES Taylor Swift, specifically her more country themed songs and constantly belts them out. Peach thinks its adorable, Luigi is begrudgingly used to it after listening to Mario’s singing for years.
Contrary to everyone’s beliefs, DK prefers strawberries to bananas.
Kamek and Peach get together to gossip with each other and talk about the latest fashion trends. Sometimes they bicker about who should get the best dresses for Luigi.
(Based off my dad again) Mario loves to knit, whenever winter comes round, he loves for everyone. He’s knitted little scarfs for the toads, a sweater dress for Peach, a jumper for Luigi, a blanket for Bowser (due to him being a reptile and cold-blooded) and gloves for DK. He even knits the ugliest Christmas sweaters for everyone when the holiday comes around.
The first time Luigi wore a dress was when he was five. It was a Belle dress that Daisy got him (since she knew beauty and the beast was his favourite movie) but the moment Giovanna found him wearing it, he made Luigi throw it in the trash while Aurora stood there and watched, wanting to intervene but couldn’t find it within herself to go against her husband. Luigi let Mario hold him as he cried.
The second time Luigi wore a dress was when he was captured by Bowser and dressed as Princess Peach to help Bowser practice with his proposal. He loved it so much that Kamek took note to make a green one for outside of rehearsals.
When the koopalings are playing a video game with a really hard level, they always get Luigi to help them finish it.
Peach and Daisy invite Wendy around for a regularly scheduled girls’ night and play dress-up together, do make-up and nails and watch the sappiest rom coms. Mario joins in occasionally, though he always cries when watching the movies.
Bowser used to have an alliance with King Boo after his father passed, but one day, before they got together, Luigi came to visit Bowser and the latter noticed the bruises and the tired look in his eyes, he tenderly lifts Luigi’s chin with his finger and asks, “Who did this to you?” (You know that classic trope.)  Luigi then explains how he tried to look for Mario and got trapped in a haunted mansion and tried to fight off the boos and their king. Bowser is enraged at the thought of the poltergeist hurting his closest friend and breaks off their alliance.
After King Boo finds out about that, he tries to hunt down Luigi. He gives the plumber and few scrapes, but before he could do any proper damage, Bowser is crouched over Luigi in an instant, protecting his from King Boo and demands that the ghost to not even look in his direction unless he wants to find out if he can die a second time.
Bowser is the type of guy that is “dad gets attached to a dog he doesn’t want” with Polterpup. This first time Luigi brings him home, the kids love the pup, but Bowser is a bit uneasy and jealous since he used to work with King Boo (even though Polterpup was controlled by the ghostly king), but overtime he comes to adore the pooch and spoils him with treats and toys.
Mario and Peach both wore dresses on their wedding day. Peach wore the most poofy, sparkly and pinkest wedding dress you could ever imagine (a pink version of the dress that Amy Adams wore in ‘Enchanted’) while Mario wore something close to the wedding dress from Odyssey.
There are times when Mario clings to Donkey Kong’s back and just buries himself in his fur because its so soft and warm and it makes him feel safe. However, DK doesn’t even feel Mario doing that and constantly thinks that the plumber is missing when really, he’s just fallen asleep clinging to his back.
Junior loves it when his uncle Mario throws him up into the air and catches him, as if he weighed at much as a basketball being sent soaring into the sky.
Since they were on the run, Luigi didn’t see Daisy since his parents left and only reunited when he and Mario started their business.
Peach’s favourite colour is the most specific shade of pink. Whenever you ask her, she always says that her favourite is a ‘sweet pea pink’.
(Another one based off my dad) a jackdaw bird sometimes flies into the garden of the mushroom palace and comes very friendly and close with Mario. He starts leaving food and water out for her and names her Peggy. She kind of becomes his ‘unofficial pet’.
(This one is based off me and my dad) Mario’s favourite movie growing up was ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ and introduced Luigi to it while they were still young. They grew up with the trilogy (they sobbed at the end of the third movie) until they fell throw the pipes.
Luigi glows whenever he’s happy, due to his thunderhand. Whenever he gets excited, he starts glowing like a star. Bowser finds it both adorable and beautiful.
Mia – Mario’s cat – was actually a stray when they found her. Once they took her in and nursed her back to health, they realised that she had a good temperament to be a therapy animal for Mario. They’ve been inseparable ever since. Both she and Polterpup are very close and love whenever their owners meet up so they can play.
Bowser reads to Luigi at night to help him sleep. Even if he wakes up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, Bowser will always read to him until he feels safe enough to fall back to sleep.
Luigi is also an insomniac to whenever he can’t sleep, he bakes instead. Bowser found him one night taking cookies out the oven, picked him up and carried him back to bed.
This is all I’ve got for now, there might be more soon. I hope ya’ll like them.
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uhm-hi · 3 months
My fairy!Lucifer spiral gave birth to thoughts of a Peter pan! Radioapple AU
Luci as tinkerbelle, Charlie as Peter, alastor as Wendy, husk and nifty as Wendy's siblings, the rest of the hotel residents as the lost boys
Husk and nifty aren't actually related to alastor here, he just brings them to neverland anyways bc he's an asshole like that. He could be a killer in this au too and just didn't wanna leave loose ends + free labor, idk
Charlie runs into some trouble in the mainland and alastor helps her out bc it was convenient for him
She offers to bring him to neverland as thanks, he would just have to help her take care of her hotel(?)/safe haven
Alastor jumps at the chance to go. Seems awfully eager to leave the mainland 🧐 almost like he's running from something... my guy is mad sus
Luci is like Charlie darling I love you but wtf is this creepy thing you brought back home with you and when can u send him back
((like a person's reaction when their darling indoor cat somehow brings a live fucking rat home and the rat is HUGE and MEAN and SUDDENLY FRIENDS WITH THE CAT))
Luci vs alastor it's on sight. Endgame radioapple qpr or romantic partners
No, luci does not romantically love Charlie in this au and neither does alastor, they love Charlie in a parental way. Also lucifer does not die at the end, bc what happened to tink was fucked up and I refuse to think abt it happening to luci
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╰┈➤ Welcome Back to the Channel!
description: yn is a youtuber attending Garrison university in southpark. They’re learning advanced stats, how to go grocery shopping along, and how to avoid the daily destruction caused by the town’s superheroes and villains.
tags: superhero au, college au, social media au, no beta we die like kenny, comedy,
this fic is COMPLETED! Enjoy the full story now!!
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the characters:
yn's building
wendy's building
the heroes
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 ๑ no official pairing right now! maybe one will be added later on ?
 ๑ let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!!
 ๑ a little fun "what if" that turned into a much longer idea
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-> part 1: besties for life -> part 2: calm before the storm -> part 3: the storm -> part 4: patreon bonus content -> part 5: yn and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day -> part 6: settling in -> part 7: house party -> part 8: south park lore -> part 9: who tf are you? -> part 10: a chaotic collab? -> part 11: bath time -> part 12: the interview -> part 13: oh take me, radioactive lake -> part 14: pepe silvia reincarnate -> part 15: red string of CONSPIRACY -> part 16: free ice cream -> part 17: cats out of the bag -> part 18: coffee with chaos -> part 19: merch out the wazoo -> part 20: human kite slander forever -> part 21: regularly scheduled hogwarts au -> part 22: average percy jackson chad -> part 23: super hero ocs -> part 24: blasted in roku city -> part 25: party rocker -> part 26: the internship -> part 27: we have dental -> part 28: colonel mismatch -> part 29: like and subscribe
-> part 3.5: celeb notice! -> part 4.5: greatest conspiracy
-> [YN, Butters, Tweek, Craig, Stan, and Clyde] -> [YN, Mysterion, Human Kite, Professor Chaos]
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A/N: this is based on my Youtuber AU posts! I've never made an edited smau like this so I'm hoping I transition the full writing to this more dialogue centered version!
taglist [reply to be added]: @sula0kin @lacuna-at-dawn @anglettecolours @cocolena@sukisprettyface @feverish-dove @sweetadonisbutbetter @hand-writxen@mishstuff@sophtophie @triphovia  @lacunaanonymoused @inkedintothepaper @toodeepintofandoms@mmmaackerel @sillybilly-123@n0tangeliccc
apps used: twinote, memi message, faketube, photonote
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mystqueerion · 10 months
A south park high school au where some people around the school are monsters/fantasy creatures and others are monster hunters. Kenjorine focus and Kenny is one of the monster hunters and Marjorine, a seemingly normal girl he can't get out of his head is who he starts dating. Come to find out the reason he was so impossibly attracted to her is she's a siren
Marj- siren
Stan- werewolf
Kyle- ghost
Bebe- witch
Wendy- bebe's familiar (can shape shift from human to cat) (they're dating)
Tweek- mummy
Scott- vampire ("my blood intake ith low!")
Heidi- banshee
Everyone else just regular humans
Clyde on Craigs ass about how he could ever fall for a monster when he finds out tweek is a mummy and then Scyde 😭
Tweek is constantly in bandages so he doesn't dust away and Craig just thinks he's the clumsiest mf in the universe
He's always drinking coffee to offset his need for centuries of sleep
Tweek has the power to hypnotize and control people and raise corpses to fight for him, but they go back to dead after he stops using his power instead of staying as zombies
Kyle found out Cartman is the head of the hunters and he already fights w him all the time so he haunts him and their headquarters in an attempt to take them down
Kyle can go completely invisible for a short amount of time, can walk through walls, can possess people and objects, and can hover a bit off the ground. And when he possesses people he can hear all their thoughts
Stan got shot by Tolkien because he saw him as a werewolf on his dad's farm (like just the shadow and glowing eyes) but because he got injured he reverted back to human form so when tolkien was outside there was just a guy with a bullet wound in his leg so he took him to the hospital and cared for him for a week.
Stan can shapeshift into a giant wolf and when he does he has huge claws so he can do massive damage from that, sharp fangs he can bite with; could snap a human in half in his jaw, can run incredibly fast. He doesn't only shift on a full moon, but if it's a full moon he physically is forced into wolf form until the night ends
Tolkien doesn't understand when the hunters are out one time why the giant werewolf that caught him and was about to kill him just let him free and ran off
Bebe and Wendy are just girlbosses. Bebe is a witch and she likes brewing potions she can throw at people to attack thatll disorient them while wendy in cat form will attack with her claws while they're stunned, obviously not like Stan's bc they're just cat claws but then Bebe can use her magic to emphasize the wound
They make fun of the other monsters because "how tf did you all fall for hunters"
Marjorine is a siren so she has an alluring pull to her for people in the radius. She can intensify it at will and she really really likes Kenny so she feels guilty but she does it every time he's around her (she doesn't know she wouldn't even need to bc he just thinks she's cute on his own)
When she sings she can hypnotize people to follow her and she uses that to lead them to deadly areas because she doesn't really have good fighting powers. She has fangs if you look close enough and a lot of physical strength because of being able to drown people. When in the water she gets gills on her arms and webbed fingers. If she stays in too too long, she'll start developing a tail that's some kind of cross between mermaid tail and a tentacle she can use to drag people under.
She's in a fight with someone once and almost dies because they're a hunter equipped with gear to withstand siren charms, and the tail is growing but it hasn't fully yet so she's trying her best to stall from dying desperately hoping it'll grow in time, because they've also got her arms locked since she needs to hold off the weapons they're holding. She gets the scar on her eye from this fight and last minute she finally uses it to grab their legs and pull them under.
Scott is a vampire and he uses the guise of diabetes to make people think he's just refilling his insulin rather than going off to the side to drink blood pouches. If he doesn't drink blood for too long he'll pass out so he has to carry blood with him at school. His powers include turning into a bat, regeneration if he gets wounded, and just killing people by draining all their blood. His fangs are incredibly sharp but if he smells blood it can become a liability bc he's weak to resisting the draw to it
Heidi turns into a ghostly form and can fly and screech loud to deal sonic damage. It's also foretold whoever hears a banshee's shriek will expect a death in the family so basically she has the power to curse people. She also can turn invisible for very very short amount of time like a couple seconds but with a short cooldown, only in banshee form, and uses it to make her targets confused where she even is during her attacks on them, and they can't locate her from the scream because it's loud enough it echos the whole area. In human form she has to try and control her anger because if she doesn't and she gets too angry she'd scream LOUD and give herself away/be forced into banshee form
I was thinking about the goth kids and I like the idea of them all being monsters and being like "society just doesn't get it" of some sort but Henrietta being a witch was one of the only ones I thought of. I also think it would be really funny if one of them was a vampire after hating on the vamp kids but I don't have any further ideas than that for them
Someone asked and yes shelley would also be a werewolf but her powers are like way less than Stan's and also when she shifts her wolf form is much smaller. Basically she has wayyy better control over it than him SHSJFJ
In the story Stan keeps getting into situations that almost gives away who the monsters are because he struggles the most with fighting the instincts of his powers. And Stan being the kind kid who wanted to save all the baby cows and couldn't shoot a bunny HATES that he has to go out and kill and run around and stuff to keep himself sane. His werewolf side sort of takes over and he sort of blacks out when he's in that form because his thoughts are completely driven by instinct at that point, ESPECIALLY on the full moon forced shift.
Only a specific amount of kids were allowed to become hunters at the school after passing tests to make sure they'd be good at eliminating any monsters that made their way into the school because the humans still sort of struggle to realize most (keyword most) of the monsters atp just want to live normal lives rather than kill but a lot of them i.e werewolf Stan act based on instinct and lack of control for their powers. And some are like bebe who's favorite hobby is killing men as it should be tbh
Thats why when Kyle finds out Eric is the leader of the hunters he's like oh fuck yes an excuse to torment this bitch HDJFKF he haunts their office and like is constantly using scare tactics on him when he's invisible and possesses him to humiliate him as revenge for all his bullying
And someone asked about the vamp kids so lemme say they'd be humans who idolize vampires not actual vampires, cuz everyone else is like we have to get rid of monsters they're dangerous and meanwhile vamp kids want to be one of the monsters so bad instead of boring humans and they're like vampires are misunderstood you guys don't get it
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fereinsm · 1 year
Overhaul/Update version for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my little project call Robotnik AU.
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Characters list:
Upper row/section (above Movie Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Sonic.exe (the utmost terrifying OC/FC from the creepy pasta thingy) - Queen Boom Boo, Merc version (OC/FC made by Dan-Habiki/@Dan_Daymaker) - King Boom Boo - Lah - Su & Uh - Shadow the Hedgehog (Team Dark) - Rouge the Bat (Team Dark) - E-123 Omega (Team Dark) - Dr. Eggman Nega - Doctor Albert W. Wily (Megaman, Archie comics) - Honey the Cat - Breezie the Hedgehog - Bocoe & Decoe + Bokkun - Dark Oak/Lucas - Dark Queen/Merlina - Erazor Dijinn - Coconuts - Scratch & Grounders - General Helmut Von Stryker - Anton Veruca (Shogakukan magazines) - Junior Robotnik - Captain Whiskers & Johnny - Opal the Jellyfish (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Dive the Lemming (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Blade the Shark (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Captain Shellbreaker (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mephiles the Dark - Silver Sonic - Dark Enerjak (Knuckle) - Nazo (appeared in Sonic X's last teaser) - Eggette/Omelette Robotnik (famed OC/FC originally designed by Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha)) - Infinite the Jackal - Solaris - Black Doom - Eclipse the Darkling - Black Death - Dark Gaia (Perfect form) - Metal Sonic - Iron Queen aka Regina Ferrum - Time Eater - Mammoth Mogul - Iron King aka Jun Kun - Imperator Ix - Wendy Naugus - Bearenger the Grizzly (Witchcarters) - Carrotia the Rabbit (Witchcarters) - Falke Wulf (Witchcarters) - Walter Naugus - Fleetway's Super Sonic - Shade the Echidna - Boomer Walrus aka Anti Rotor - Patch D'Coolette aka Anti Antoine - Princess Alicia Acorn aka Anti Sally
Middle section (below Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Speedy (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Sage - T.W. Barker - Dave the Intern - Sleet & Dingo - A.D.A.M. - E.V.E. - Lyric the Last Ancient - Zor - Zash (OC/FC made by @saccharinerose) - Zeena - Zazz - Zomom - Zavok - Master Zik - Agent Stone (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Orbot & Cubot - Wes Weasely - Snively Robotnik - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Predator Hawk (Destructix) - Anti-Miles - Scourge the Hedgehog - Storm the Albatross - Wave the Swallow - Jet the Hawk - Rosy the Rascal - Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg (Destructix) - Sergeant Simian (Destructix) - Fiona Fox (Destructix) - Duck "Bill" Platypus - Bark the Polar Bear - Bean the Dynamite - Drago Wolf (Destructix) - Nicolette 'Nic' the Weasel - Razorclaw - The Foreman (Grandmaster) - Hugo Brass - Diesel - Flying Frog (Destructix) - Geoffrey St. John - Hershey the Cat - Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper (Team Hooligan) - Fleetway's Chaos (Darkon fish form)
Lower section, from left to right: - Dr. Finitevus - Grimer Wormtongue - Dr. Fukurokov - Dimitri the Echidna - Maw the Thylacine - Mecha Sally - Mecha Sonic - Mecha knuckle - Jackal Squad, named by Nibroc-Rock as Uno, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq & Sei (Shadowy figures) - Kayseri Valaedshkova (OC/FC made by dirtthefox/@Its_Dima_V) - Strike (OC/FC made by @speedofsoundsketches) - Surge the Tenrec - Kit the Fennec - Sofia the Gorgon (OC/FC made by Sofia-MMD/@GorgonSofia) - Clutch the Opossum - Kaibette the Genet (OC/FC made by @kaibette) - Rough & Tumble the Skunk - Battle Lord Kukku XV - ***Mecha Robotnik - Akhlut the Orca (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Tundra the Walrus - Mordred Hood (drawn with @adokle's style) - The Foreman/Tassel boy (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Mimic (the Mimic Octopus) - Byte the Goat (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Lightning Lynx - Iblis - Phage - Conquering Storm (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Bride of the Conquering Storm (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) - Dr. Starline - Biolizard - Sigma (Megaman, Archie comics) - Axel the Water Buffalo - Abyss the Squid - Cyani the Cobra (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Cipher the Owl (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Bleak (OC/FC made by HT-Doodles/@HtDoodles) - Clove the Pronghorn (my top fav among all the characters here) - Cassia the Pronghorn - Lien-da - Chaos - Tikal the Echidna - Pachacamac - Gae-Na - Kragok - Thrash the Devil - Warden Zobotnik & Znively (Zone Cop) - Belinda & Charlie - Nephthys the Vulture - ??? (Behind Nephthys) - Trevor Burrow the Mole (Desert Raiders) - Sonar the Fennec (Desert Raiders) - Spike the Porcupine (Desert Raiders) - Razor the Shark - Queen Angelica - Rusty Rose - Robo Tails (Brain-washed, based on Sonic Lost World's designs) - Beauregard Rabbot - Jack Rabbit - Matilda the Armadillo - Zefir (my main OC/FC) - Gamer Deer (aka 'Aleko' the Northamer Guard or the 'Gamerdeerdude' by @adokle) - Zonic (Zone Cop) - Chesah the Tarsier aka No.29 (my OC/FC) - Sandy the Caterkiller (OC/FC made by @the-hydroxian-artblog)
For the Alt version: FeReinsm on Instagram: “Overhaul/update versions for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my lil’ project - Robotnik AU. For the 2nd and 4th pics…”
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