#cat dekker
damian-navarro-art · 19 days
Hey guys, these are some sample pages that I worked in March, I just wanted to give all these guys a small spotlight even if it was just for 7 pages, particularly Killer Moth, he’s one of my favorite Batman villains 🙌, but this was also my chance to draw Bruce since I hadn’t ever properly draw him and as an aspiring comic artist i knew this is a must! , anyway, I hope you enjoy them!
There’s a lot of influence from BTAS and the Arkham Games! ;)
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 8 months
What DPHW Means, and Its Relationship to Smirke's 14
The following contains spoilers for all of TMA, TMP (eps 1, 2, and 3 released currently if you’re in the future), and the ARG. Spoilers for all of this are throughout so I would advise against reading any of this unless you've listened to everything mentioned. It could also spoil episodes of TMP that have yet to release but if it does I don't think it will be a major spoiler. If I'm right I think I'm only right about a fairly trivial piece of information. 
Theory of Fears; or, Zur Furchtlehre
Part 1: Opticks
Smirke's 14 isn't the truth. With or without Dekker's +1. It is, however, necessary and correct. It has also been talked about ad nauseam and isn't a topic I want to dedicate a lot of time to. Smirke's 14+1, or even TMA in general, isn't the focus of this theory nor is it that relevant past its necessity as a point of comparison.
There aren't 14+1 distinct entities in the TMA cosmology. There is a singular entity that has been given divisions by fear and labels by those that have witnessed it. There is no objective line in which to draw these divisions. No matter where you put them or what you name them these concepts will always bleed into each other. Aspects of one Entity will manifest in another because the labels are invented and Fear is a storm of concepts crashing into each other. That's not a flaw in Smirke's list but its strength. A single entity of that scale is impossible to discuss in meaningful terms, the concept has too much gravity to be properly conceptualised and so an entire spectrum of fear must be divided in order to combat it. Categorisation is a vital part of TMA's cosmology and Smirke was as correct as anyone to put those lines down where he did. The real flaw with Smirke's list is forgetting the spectrum exists and stopping seeing the shades in between the Powers.
Finding a way to categorise this concept is important, but the methodology isn't. Smirke's 14 isn't the truth. The only truth is there is a singular whole. But branding goes a long way both in terms of research and in terms of following. This branding lacks accuracy though, it is in large part arbitrary and by its nature removes the shades and the bleed. TMP takes a different approach, one only hinted at, but one that I think is now fully explainable. 
Part 2: Lost in Translation
Perhaps the most interesting mystery in TMP thus far is DPHW. However, I think based on episodes 1 and 2 of TMP (and now 3), and the Klaus excel sheet from the ARG, we have all we need to explain its utility.
In order to show that conclusion in a satisfactory manner some basic facts need stating, and the order of my thoughts on those facts needs explaining. Firstly, each DPHW is 4 digits. Secondly, each DPHW is read as 4 numbers rather than, say, a pair of 2 numbers. Thirdly, these numbers can change independently of each other. Fourthly, incidents may share CAT#R#'s but have a different DHPW as found in the Klaus sheet (a German document listing OIAR-style incident reports). Finally, the German equivalent of DPHW is TSHU also found in the Klaus sheet. We can use those facts to determine something important. Each letter of this initialism is paired with a digit meaning that DHPW is a group of 4 categories. If that is true we can intuit some of its meaning. It is likely that these numbers are a rating of sorts for each category there. To prove that's the case we would need to know the categories and fortunately we have a starting point to understanding it, German.
If the categories that DPHW describes start with the letters TSHU in German then what needs to be done to find the categories is quite simple. You pair each letter up and then find a suitable word to categorise the supernatural whose first letter starts with the respective letter from the initialism in its language. D/T, P/S, H,H, W/U. After some brainstorming in the Statement Remains PLUS Discord server we had come up with strong candidates for 3 of the 4 pairs.
The first was Deadly/Tötlich, a seemingly solid start that gave this theory some legs. Next was Painful/Schmerzlich which was a distinct enough category for the threat of an incident that proved this was a strong direction to head it. H/H proved more troublesome. To my mind the two strongest contenders here were Hypnotic/Hypnotisch or Helpless/Hilflos. Both sound very reasonable but that in itself is a problem. However the last one was found relatively easily as Weird/Unheimlich. With 3 of the 4 it seemed like this was all but correct at this stage. However, I had been thinking about this backwards and it wasn't until I had a revelation that the pieces really fell into place.
Unheimlich sounded familiar when it was suggested but not in a way I could place. It wasn't until the next day that the aforementioned revelation happened. The ARG had a huge focus on Germany, and Ep 1 of TMP revealed why. FR3-D1 uses German source code which makes German the original language for the OIAR's methodology. Meaning DPHW is the translation, and I now think it's a shoddy one at best. The reason unheimlich sounded so familiar to me is because it's a fairly important part of psychology's history.
DPHW's Weird isn't weird, DPHW's Weird is uncanny. A direct translation could give you weird but a more accurate one, especially in this instance, gives you unheimlich. Unheimlich as in Jentsch's "Zur Psychologie des Unheimlichen", and Freud's "Das Unheimlich". Both of which are essays on the uncanny. It's all about the fear of the unfamiliar, and a central example of this is Olympia from Der Sandmann, a seemingly living doll.
The German word unheimlich is obviously the opposite of heimlich, heimisch, meaning “familiar,” “native,” “belonging to the home”; and we are tempted to conclude that what is “uncanny” is frightening precisely because it is not known and familiar... - Freud, The Uncanny
This is incredibly relevant to a lot of what has been discovered so far. The uncanny as a topic in psychology was kickstarted by two Germans, and a central part of their essays was the German Der Sandmann, and a German, SSandman, was a large presence in the ARG. The strength of this connection all but solidified this theory in my mind. And, briefly, this is also related to Masahiro Mori's uncanny valley hypothesis which I'm sure I won't need to explain.
The obvious way to test this is to take the few W ratings we have been given and compare them to the incident to which they're assigned. The first is from Ep 1, “dolls comma watching”, and was given a 7. This is a good start both in that a 7 feels appropriate as an "uncanny rank" but also that a doll is a focal point on the essays on the subject. Also in Ep 1 is "Reanimation (Partial)", again with a 7. Another very appropriate number. The last in Ep 1 is "Transformation (eyes)" with a 5. Certainly less uncanny than the previous examples so this is still strong. In Ep 2 we get a 5 for Bram Stoker's Dracula, which seems more than fair for a strange man like him, and a 7 for Frankenstein which gives parity for another story of the resurrected dead. Finally we get "Transformation (full)" at a 7, more uncanny than "Transformation (eyes)" which tracks nicely.
With what I felt was such a strong theory for the W/U pairing it helped clarify the ideas of the others. The final digit rating the uncanniness of an incident gives an idea of how these categories work and the breadth of their definitions. Up until this point I was leaning towards Hypnotic/Hypnotisch for our H/H pairing. But giving it more thought, and comparing it to TMA's own groupings, it becomes apparent that Helpless/Hilflos is more appropriate. Hypnotic effects are too aligned with things that would already be very aligned with Uncanny ones, the Stranger's Not!Them alter memories and prey on the fear of something being not quite right, so as a categorisation tool I think it makes less sense because of the greater overlap. Helpless on the other hand works better for things like The Dark, The Buried, or The Lonely. Aspects which I don't think show up in our current other 3 groups. But given the current definition of the strongest category, the fear of the uncanny, I think that helplessness is a more apt label. The fear of helplessness. Which makes H Helplessness/Hilflosigkeit.
With this level of breadth established re-examination of the final two categories is warranted. Painful/Schmerzlich is more likely to be Pain/Schmerz. Not just incidents that are themselves painful but the fear of pain, possibly including the emotional. A comparison to TMA gives this rating a strong affiliation with Entities such as The Desolation, The Corruption, or the Flesh. Similarly Deadly/Tötlich should now be broadened beyond the fear of things that will kill you, to the fear of death in a broader sense. Which makes D/T Death/Tod instead. To compare again to TMA this is The End, The Extinction, or The Slaughter. Although, while I might be describing these ideas as the fear of ____ I think it's important to know that they do appear to be more conceptual in nature rather than just if something is scary or not.
Comparing each of these assumed categories against current DPHW’s strengthens this argument. “Dolls, watching” scored 1157. It’s a very low fear of death and pain, but they present a medium fear of helplessness and a high fear of the weird. For a fear that’s rooted in paranoia that makes good sense. “Reanimation (Partial)” got a very similar rating, at 5257, but it being a corpse cranks up its fear of death. “Transformation (eyes)” got 2155 which, again, seems to fall in place with what we know. It’s more human than the doll is so it’s less weird but a physical and alarming transformation naturally seems like more of a terminal concern. Combine that with some good ol' internet death threats and it's not nothing, but not much.
As a small aside, while it's not come up in the episodes so far the Klaus sheet shows DPHW's are 0-9. There is a good bit of evidence to suggest 0 might be read as 10 here. 0 most commonly showed up in that sheet for P and the incidents often had the notes "Kriegsvolk". Literally "war people" but more accurately "army/soldier". So pain of 10 for those would track better than P of 0, and it explains why things like the watching doll rate a 1 for D and P instead of a 0, and Dr. Webber's infection is a P of 1 despite entirely removing physical and emotional pain as it goes. Because 1 is the lowest.
For Ep 2 we start with Dracula scoring a 7465, he’s undead and a killer for high death, if he kills you it hurts but it’s not extreme, he’s both hard to physically stop and has mental tricks, and he’s just a weird dude in general who always seems off somehow. Frankenstein at 5337 has aforementioned parity with the reanimation incident as you’d expect but notably less on the helplessness rating as he is just a man. Next is “Transformation (full)” at 1567. This is generally a more severe rating overall than Transformation (eyes) and you’d expect that, but I think it does show something interesting. At no point did Daria want to end her own life. The transformation is far more severe, arguably looks more life threatening, and was clearly more painful but it is explicitly and repeatedly not about dying. I take that as a suggestion that these ratings take into account more than just the mundanely observable nature of the incident. She looks very sick which would make you think of death but it rates low for it because of the emotional, or maybe supernatural, purpose of the incident. She didn’t want to die, the manifestation didn’t try to kill her, and so despite its appearance it’s low on death.
Then finally in Ep 3, we have "Infection (full body)" with a 8175. (Although I'm assuming that's a misfile and it should be Infection (Arboreal)). I think D and H here are more interesting to dig into. P is pretty obvious it's the lowest rating because it seemed actively pain-numbing as it went. W being 5 tracks too is certainly uncanny and has strange geometry but it's not full Distortion levels. So with those two out of the way we can get to the good stuff. D is the most interesting of the two to me. Because while it's pretty clear he died I don't think that's got much to do with it. Rather I think the 8 is more specifically about the way it deals with death, decay, and rot in relation to new life and the growth of other things, plants and insects. Thematically, I think there is a lot more emphasis on death as a broader concept beyond the terminal nature of the infection. For Helplessness there is also an additional element beyond whether or not he was able to do something about the infection, and that's whether he wanted to. As the symptoms worsened his desire to treat them decreased. Initially he was worried about the infection and determined to seek attention when able, then he was happy to let someone else help instead (a hallucination, which makes things more helpless), before finally wanting it to happen. These sorts of elements are things I think we're going to see factor in quite a lot.
In summary; it is my belief that DPHW is a way to rate incidents that the OIAR catalogue based upon the strength of the fear they elicit in the categories of death, pain, helplessness, and weird (uncanny). This system is effectively the TMP equivalent to Smirke's 14 from TMA. Rather than assigning each statement to an Entity each incident is rated for those qualities. These systems are distinct methodologies but each is a way to categorise the supernatural.  
Part 3: On Analogy
That is the juicy bit of this post out of the way so now I have to put a bow on it and touch upon the overarching analogy here. As alluded to by the title and some turns of phrase, it's colour theory. It's a somewhat common analogy for TMA's fears but I think it applies in equal measure to TMP and taken together might provide an insight into how the cosmologies will differ. So, to me, colour theory is not only the perfect lens in which to view the Fears as a whole, it's the perfect lens to view these methodologies.
Smirke is Newton. He broke up a singular spectrum into wide chunks. The Dread Powers themselves are very analogous to a colour wheel. Colours bleed into each other and the boundaries of where one stops and starts is up for debate but red is still red, and blue is blue. That is a useful context for them, it aids discussion. Try talking about red without ever saying red and only referring to a representation of a divided whole. But all too similar to Newton's 7 colours Smirke's 14 lacks nuance, it lacks shade.
On the other hand we have DPHW and this is all shade. DPHW is CMYK. It's not one thing or another with DPHW. You don't have the pitfall of Smirke's methodology where one manifestation is in one arbitrary box. Here, assuming I'm correct, each incident is made up of constituent parts. The OIAR, and presumably its German forebear, are less interested in Smirke's occult ancient gods and more interested in bureaucratic precision. Smirke was doing research while the OIAR are doing administration. As such DPHW takes a wholly different approach. It's now all shades. This has its own problems in that it's harder to discuss in broad terms. It's such a specific methodology that it's lost a lot of what Smirke triumphed with. This is well represented already given that no one has been shown to know what it means at all yet. But if there is a truly different cosmology at play here we might see the axes of DPHW being where alliances fall.
All that leaves us with is a comparison of these two. The only way to really do that is to talk about how Smirke's 14+1 would fit in DPHW's system. This is something I touched upon briefly. Death is strongly related to The End, The Extinction, or The Slaughter. Pain to The Desolation, The Corruption, or the Flesh. Helplessness to The Dark, The Buried, or The Lonely. Weird to the Stranger, or the Spiral. But that's not all of them and even within those it's already clear that something like The Vast isn't just about helplessness, and we've already seen Daria who would likely be an avatar of the Flesh rank highly in Weird. Which hits upon what I feel is the most interesting aspect of this entire theory. We've seen what happens with Smirke's boundaries on the Entities. We don't know if Entities even exist in this setting, or if they do exist whether they'll be the same ones, or even if they're not the same ones whether they'll function under similar rules. But now we get to see what happens when there aren't those boundaries. We get to see much broader mingling than TMA showcased. It was hinted at there, especially early on before the lore really settled, but now that mingling seems to be the whole point.
And as a brief mention, and to further labour the theme, I don’t think there is enough information to really discuss how CAT#R# works but there are some analogies to work with here. From the Klaus sheet we can infer that CAT# has the following values 1/2/3/12/13/23/123. Or three non-mutually exclusive groups. What those groups are is hard to say right now. There is some soul/body/spirit stuff for the alchemic tria prima that's got some nice connections but doesn't map well now that Ep 3 is out. Either way, this is RGB. An incident can be all red, or red and blue, etc. R#'s values we can infer to be C/BC/B/AB/A/S with maybe an AS in there too. That's a linear scale of similarly unknown value but could represent something like potency/threat. If that is the case then R# is saturation. Some things are more intense than others. We also know from the Klaus sheet that CAT is the German from the "kategorie" meaning "category" the R was from the German “rang” meaning “rank” and so probably has more meaning to it than currently implied.
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irradiatedsnakes · 7 months
the Big TMA Furry List
this list with commentary/choice rationale below the cut :] i wrote a lot of thoughts down do please check it out.
jon: common raven
martin: tan jumping spider
sasha: southern flannel moth
not!sasha: red postman
tim: jackson's chameleon
melanie: eastern copperhead
georgie: triceratops horridus
basira: domestic cat (calico shorthair)
daisy: domestic dog (german shepherd)
elias: barn owl. jonah: eurasian eagle owl.
gerry: domestic dog (black doberman)
annabelle: white-booted racket-tail
jane: cabbage white
michael: spiny softshell turtle
helen: common hermit crab
oliver: black vulture
peter: risso's dolphin
mike: caelestiventus hanseni
jude: black kite
agnes: ???
nikola: stealing major's carousel horse
jared: american dog tick
breekon&hope: Hog and/or Bear. you get no more information
dekker: mouflon
gertrude: great tit
leitner: domestic cat (persian)
manuela: gray long-eared bat
rayner: olm
salesa: sea otter
simon: dodo
elaboration below !
jon: common raven
this was a choice i made before i even finished listening to the podcast back in 2020. jon's 1000% a bird to me, and the curious nature of corvids works well here. plus, i think a bird so universally ominous as a raven works perfectly as a horror protag :P i used to draw raven!jon with a couple troodon traits, mostly just cus it was fun, but i wanted to make my designs more grounded for this iteration. made them plantigrade, didn't get silly with body styles like i have with mp100 designs.
martin: tan jumping spider
if you've been here for a while you'll know that my furry martin has gone through about two million iterations. he started off as a european pine marten, to bold jumping spider, to chinese pangolin, to nine-banded armadillo, finally to nurse shark.
out of all of these the spider and the shark are my favorites. i wanted to go back to the jumping spider though- the design is really fun and i wasn't able to get the expressions right, but i'm more confident in my skills now and i'm having fun with the design. i may revisit nurse shark at some point. i switched from bold to tan jumper- i originally chose bold just cus they're my favorite jumper, but their stark black/white and iridescent aqua coloration just doens't work for martin. so, the tan jumper!
sasha: southern flannel moth
another old choice. species chosen because of a friend's fic, pharos by right (another i'm planning to reread now that i'm dipping my toes back into tma..)! southern flannel moths are poofy and orange, and their caterpillars are those super painful teddybear ones. i really like the design.
not!sasha: red postman
wanted to have her be another lepidopteran, and with all the many examples of mimicry among the group i thought red postman was a fun choice. doesn't look anything like a southern flannel moth, but that's sort of the point.
tim: jackson's chameleon
yet another choice from the oldtimes- most of the main characters are, i've mostly switched around the more secondary chars. first suggested, i believe, by @/ofdreamsanddoodles. i think there's something very fun about chameleons being basically a living mood ring & tim's Descent s1-3 showing physcially not just through the worm scars but through like, constant stress coloration during s3.
melanie: eastern copperhead
one of my favorite choices. i have a young copperhead specimen named after her. this one is quite vibes-based, but i do really like the copperhead as a viper that is not deadly. and i'm always a sucker for the "animal perceived as scary and violent that in actuality only strikes when under extreme stress" thing in furry assignments.
georgie: triceratops horridus
another favorite choice. visually, i really like how this works out, and trikes as a social and protective animal works well. she's literally got a shield on her face. horridus was chosen because i like the shape of the head and horns better than prorsus.
basira: domestic cat (calico shorthair)
got a little cat/dog thing going on for dasira. i like the inversion of the usual cat/dog dynamic with their unhealthy devotion instead, and visually it just works very well for them both.
daisy: domestic dog (german shepherd)
yeah i know this one's an exceedingly obvious choice.
elias: barn owl. jonah: eurasian eagle owl.
it's the institute logo! it's him! barn owl for elias specifically because of its very sleek look, designing him went fantastically. also, i can make the eagle owl's face disk work as a mimicry of ben meredith's muttonchops, which i think is a fun design bit to give to magnus.
gerry: domestic dog (black doberman)
certified gerryguy @/gerrydelano's choice. to quote a discord message from 3 years ago (sorry ron): "i feel like.........my INSTINCT is some kind of canine because like. the whole symbolism thing about being either an obedient or rabid dog. something something muzzled all your life. being a dangerous figure if people only see the silhouette but you just want scritches and nobody'll get close enough to you." black dog symbolism + breed which has ears cropped and tail docked, unecessarily molded for a Purpose which the dog has no say in
annabelle: white-booted racket-tail
sort of my original choice- she used to be part white-booted racket-tail, part anna's hummingbird. kept with the racket-tail cus it's fun and very cute. i've had a couple people express surprise that she wasn't a spider, but i think that's way too obvious. hummingbirds, though- they steal the webs of spiders to use as material to make their nests, but can sometimes become trapped in the webs and eaten by the spiders themselves. which is probably the metaphor-via-fursona-assignment i'm most proud of in this whole list
jane: cabbage white
the cabbage white is a butterfly whose caterpillars are routinely parasitized by the parasitoid wasp the white butterfly parasite. in case you're not familiar, parasitoid wasps lay their eggs on (usually) caterpillars, which hatch on the still-living caterpillar, devouring it from the inside before eventually emerging from the consumed husk of the host. also, i really liked the image of parasitoid wasp larvae emerging from an adult butterfly, rather than a caterpillar.
michael: spiny softshell turtle
for michael and helen, i wanted to choose animals which were, in some way, their own home. turtle is an obvious choice- and spiny softshells are a favorite of mine, and sufficiently strange-looking.
helen: common hermit crab
see previous entry. also please google "hermit crab without shell"
oliver: black vulture
bit of an obvious choice, but i adore vultures so i had to. black vulture chosen because i think the monochrome color scheme + straighter face work better than a turkey vulture for him
peter: risso's dolphin
i really like the idea of a cetacean for peter and the lukases as a whole, a famously social animal for the seemingly contradictory nature of this lonely-but-huge family, plus with so many cetaceans being endangered getting that lonely angle (risso's specifically are not, though, as peter is lonely through his own choice, not by circumstance).
mike: caelestiventus hanseni
it's a dimorphodont. he feels like a pterosaur to me, and i like the idea of a vast avatar as a usually short-flying arboreal species, for the unnaturality/contrast of it.
jude: black kite
black kites are one of the species of kites known to intentionally spread fires by picking up burning sticks to flush out prey.
agnes: ???
the only one i'm still undecided on. will update.
nikola: stealing major's carousel horse
i can't top that
jared: american dog tick
great choice from @/magnusarchivememes. Takes Your Blood And Gets So Big
breekon&hope: Hog and/or Bear. you get no more information
vaguely russian animals that are large and imposing but remain somewhat generic. which is the hog and which is the bear is not consistent.
dekker: mouflon
dekker has very much mammal vibes to me. the mouflon is a neat species of wild sheep. i think the noble, imposing but kind image of the ram works well for dekker as that sort of true-good hero figure, and mouflons in particular are very nice looking with good shapes. the statement giver in distant cousin describes dekker as "though he was slightly shorter than I was, it seemed like he towered over me." which i think this sheep works well with.
gertrude: great tit
i wanted all the main eye avatars as birds, just like how i give them all glasses. just a fun little treat for me. great tit was chosen for gertrude as a kind of classic british bird, and as tits in general are VERY fiesty despite their round and adorable appearance. i really like this image of a great tit posing with a dead mouse like it's a hunter with a trophy deer. the cheek markings also work really well to bring to mind the image of old person jowls.
leitner: domestic cat (persian)
vibes. also i like the idea of him as a spoiled domestic animal. if i remember correctly, this was also @/ofdreamsanddoodles' suggestion
manuela: gray long-eared bat
she's a bat. what's to say. WELL actually okay there's the perception of bats as blind but actually having quite good vision which i think meshes in a fun way with the dark, and the way manuela does her sciency stuff.
rayner: olm
i mean, yeah
salesa: sea otter
largely design-oriented, suitably scruffy. ocean animal with strong social bonds, it was a slam dunk soon as i thought of it.
simon: dodo
how couldn't i, come on.
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ofmiceandwomen · 6 months
I was thinking about that since I have seen a post but sometimes I feel like I’m one of the few who just somehow don’t find Jon Simms relatable? Is it a personality thing? Is there anyone else who enjoys the character but doesn’t relate to him?
Is it the fact I am a wet ginger cat and he’s a wet black cat?
After the second listen I think I vibe with Melanie, Georgie, Gerry, Dekker and a bit of Gertrude more.
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hi y’all you remember those tma flight rising fandragons i posted a few months ago? Well theres more- and i need your help to pick out the final fandragon for the original series ^^
Mild spoilers ahead
Nikola- i skried out them Ages ago and i had been searching for their specific color way for Months and months. I’m Very pleased with their genes and outfit. I thought jester gave a wonderful circus tent look, seeing them without their outfit is also quite neat because the Poison gene makes them look like they are smiling a big empty grin. I gave them soap as their final gene because it reminded me of the hard plastic they’re made of And it made them look like they have a clown nose
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Jude perry- I wanted her to reference a moth to a flame and burning from the inside out. I tried some different colors and genes but eventually settled on this (i think she matches my agnes really well)
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Andre ramos (homophobic vase guy)- i wanted him to look like shattered pottery as if he tried to smash that vase to get his husband back. Just because i thought it’d be fun visually<3 he’s such a fun character i just needed to have one of my own
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Breekon and hope- i really wish there were burlier twin headed dragons but i’ll just have to cope with what aberrations give me</3 i gave him the primary gene wasp to look like a mannequin and patchwork to match nikola and the dark circus theme. Waiting for this color way took Ages too
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Jordan Kennedy (exterminator ant guy)- he’s been one of my favorite reoccurring characters in the series i really really hope he shows up in protocol. It took like- 6 separate dragons and 2 months of breeding to get his specific colors with the plague eye type.
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Georgie Barker- i thought she deserved some mice and her cat the admiral sitting on her shoulder i’m so happy with her colors and her outfit she Looks like a silly little ghost hunting podcaster. I gave her ghost as a tertiary gene to reference her affiliations with the end
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Adelard dekker- i’m still working on his outfit (i just cant find anything i think looks good both with his colors and salvaging his “coated in concrete” look but i figured i’d show him off anyways cause he’s Severely under appreciated.
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Now heres where i need your help- what should be the final character in my original series to fill in this missing spot? I wont be doing anything from protocol yet because i want to see more of the series play out before i make them fandragons (i might make an exception for mr bozo tho- bro has a cannon design which should be pretty easy to make)
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prairiedawn · 18 days
Mr. Dekker paced the perimeter of the garden, occasionally pausing to frown into the shrubbery.  Martin bumped his elbow. "I think that cat is staring at us."
"Well, don't stare back! Cats like to decide if they want you to pay attention to them," Jon insisted. He pointedly sat on the bench opposite the one the cat had claimed.
Martin sat down beside him with a grin. "You mean like Jons?"
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 5 months
to be understood as to understand [PODFIC]
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dfNXhqI by gracicah Podfic of "to be understood, as to understand" by the_ragnarok. Summary: "It's the third anniversary of Martin's mum's death, but his boyfriend is coming over and he's going to be fine. (He is not fine.)" Words: 50, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of cat!Jon (Podfic Series) Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Adelard Dekker, Jane Prentiss, Michael | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Helen | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives) Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Childhood Trauma, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Trans Martin Blackwood, Panic Attacks, Hand Feeding, Massage, Genderfluid Character, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Lack of Communication, Michael and Helen are the same genderfluid person, trans support group, Canon typical Martin's mum, use of prayer as coping mechanism by a nonreligious character, Podfic, Podfic Length: 30-45 Minutes read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dfNXhqI
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ziracona · 6 months
Me when Marianna says literally anything
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Me with all five of my little weirdo patients any time Alderby or Dekker’s spirit gets too close
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Jaya at the front desk watching me slowly go insane
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Elin at my deathbed asking me to think of a loved one, realizing too late that my dumb ass made her shift into a cat
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Me when Marianna suddenly stops being genuine and leans in like 🥺 to ask me something
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Claire realizing she with her pet cemetery husband is somehow still the most normal person here
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Bryce speedrunning the Stealing Milk -> Quicksilver X-Men Sweet Dreams Sequence superpower pipeline
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Me when Alderby wants me to ruin everyone’s life for Cthulhu
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Doctor Dekker
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I will not stop making memes I’m obsessed w this game
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Dear Skeppy,
:0 you replied back?? I really didn't expect you to qwq,, we were just doing our daily scrolling of this blog and I saw this so I just had to write a response immediately hehe
first of all, really?? I bet they look really cool hehe- I got this lil light blue plush cat next to my bed that really reminds me of you :3 It looks really cute so maybe someday I'll go off anon and show you a picture of it!! Although, anything a certain shade of blue reminds me of you [wait that rhymes O_O]
Anyway, you're still swearing?! You muffinhead...I don't know what I expected though(/j) but I do think that the unstoppable force would completely win the fight. I mean, it's unstoppable for a REASON- but they could also end up in a draw...ough you're gonna have me thinking about this for the rest of the day >:[ (/lh/j)
Have you maybe tried turning the timer down or...you know...following the instructions?/j Although I DO remember you saying something along the lines of "instructions are for losers" (I also secretly turned the time down whenever we were baking so it wouldn't burn..)
Have a virtual hug from me though :3 and I bet you'll get better at baking, the muffins won't stand a chance >:D
Ooooh!! Beanies!! [I have a lil obsession with those qwq] I forgot which specific pieces of merch I mentioned last but we have the 2 million muffins hoodie [I'm wearing it rn!!], the duck hoodie, and the blue and red collab hoodie hehe- Yeh! Sewing! It's entirely by hand because our machine's been broken for as long as I can remember... a couple months ago, we actually entirely hand-sewed one of our favorite costumes! It's not the best but it's entirely handmade and that's why I like it, teehee :3
Rawrgh, pick up a book soon you muffinhead >:[ there's so many good ones!! Liiiike,..uh..I've been reading Play Dead by Ted Dekker!! It's like a futuristic scenario entirely with VR and stuff! I really think you'd like it, ehe-
Sincerely, Bad {also the one from before} {From the Elusive Freaks system (our system as a whole sends a whole lot of letters here ehe-}
[Letter Sent!]
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jefferyryanlong · 11 months
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Infinite Pau Hana - November 8, 2023
"the bass"
Hour 1
Haitian Fight Song - Charles Mingus Turn Back the Hands of Time - Tyrone Davis Israelites - Desmond Dekker Bam Bam - Sister Nancy Bam Bam - Toots and the Maytals Smells Like Teen Spirit - Ben Williams Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed Girls and Boys - Blur Reflections - Diana Ross and the Supremes Flash Light - Parliament
Hour 2
Shapes of Things - Jeff Beck Siberian Breaks - MGMT Lotus Flower - Radiohead Take Up Thy Stethoscope and Walk - Pink Floyd Cat's Squirrel - Cream Rollin' and Tumblin' - Cream A Quick One While He's Away (live) - The Who Don't Let Me Fall - The Relatives Flight for Freedom - Oliver Nelson
Hour 3
Oh, Happy Day - Quincy Jones Thank You For Talkin' to Me Africa - Sly and the Family Stone Jungle Strut - Ramsey Lewis Haitian Fight Song (live) - Pentangle I've Been Lonely (For So Long) (live) - Frederick Knight I Want You (She's So Heavy) - The Beatles Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey - Freddie Hubbard Freedom - Kalapana Sweet Lei Mokihana - Hui Ohana
KTUH - 90.1 FM Honolulu, 91.1 FM North Shore, ktuh.org
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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George Brent, Paul Lukas, and Hedy Lamarr in Experiment Perilous (Jacques Tourneur, 1944)
Cast: Hedy Lamarr, George Brent, Paul Lukas, Albert Dekker, Carl Esmond, Olive Blakeney, George N. Neise, Margaret Wycherly. Screenplay: Warren Duff, based on a novel by Margaret Carpenter. Cinematography: Tony Gaudio. Art direction: Albert S. D'Agostino, Jack Okey. Film editing: Ralph Dawson. Music: Roy Webb. 
Cary Grant was the original choice to play the male lead in Experiment Perilous and Gregory Peck was the second. If the role had gone to either of them, the film might be remembered as more than just the other gaslighting movie of 1944, but it has been eclipsed by George Cukor's Gaslight. The part of the psychiatrist Huntington Bailey went to the stolid old reliable George Brent. Dr. Bailey gets caught up in the drama of the Bederaux family when he has a chance encounter on a train with the slightly dotty Clarissa (Cissie) Bederaux (Olive Blakeney), who tells him she's writing the biography of her brother Nick (Paul Lukas), who has a beautiful wife named Allida (Hedy Lamarr). Bailey is intrigued, but not much more, until a mixup in luggage puts him in possession of one of Clarissa's bags. That, and the enthusiasm of his artist friends Clag (Albert Dekker) and Maitland (Carl Esmond) for Allida's beauty, draws him into the Bederaux circle and arouses his suspicions that Allida is not the mentally fragile woman that her husband and others say she is. When he learns that Cissie has died of a heart attack, he opens her valise and finds the manuscript of her biography and her diary, confirming his suspicion -- and putting him in jeopardy. This is solid melodrama stuff, and director Jacques Tourneur, who directed the Val Lewton romantic horror movies Cat People (1942) and I Walked With a Zombie (1943), knows just what to do with it. He's hindered a little by an over-complicated screenplay based on a novel by Margaret Carpenter, which necessitates a lot of flashbacks and switches in point of view, so the film doesn't proceed as smoothly as it might. But he maintains the right atmosphere as the plot moves to its resolution, which involves literally lighting gas as well as gaslighting. There's a goopy happy-ending coda to the main story that strikes the wrong note for the film, but Experiment Perilous deserves to be known as more than an also-ran.
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radioprune · 2 years
numbers numbers… 1 through 15
omg!! well okay then :-)
good old fashioned lover boy - queen
liar - queen
nevermore - queen
the march of the black queen - queen (can you tell i had a queen moment?)
seven seas of rhye - queen
killer queen - queen
need your loving tonight - queen
'39 - queen
lazing on a sunday afternoon - queen
seaside rendezvous - queen
honky cat from the rocketman soundtrack
misfire - queen
waterloo sunset - the kinks
i can't decide - scissor sisters
honky cat - elton john
up the junction - squeeze
uncle albert/admiral halsey - paul & linda mccartney
san francisco - the lonely biscuits
a world of our own - the seekers
good old fashioned lover boy - queen
007 (shanty down) - desmond dekker
hot potatoes - the kinks
the idea of growing old - the features
you make me wanna die - the shivas
gods of the good shit - facing new york
mister peepers - ben folds
we are doing fine - super doppler
arrow through me - wings
touch me - the doors
just another day - lady gaga
mama nantucket - michael nesmith & the first national band
she hangs out - the monkees
roll with the flow - michael nesmith
if i ever get to saginaw again - the monkees
circle sky (live) - the monkees
soldier of love (live at the bbc) - the beatles
keep on - michael nesmith
bond themes from the early eighties - paul williams
salesman - the monkees
heart of the country - paul and linda
calico girlfriend - michael and the fnb
graceland - paul simon
what am i doing hangin round - the monkees
run of the mill (demo) - george harrison
dedicated friend - michael and the fnb
mama nantucket :-)
mama nantucket (live at the troubadour)
me and magdalena
calico girlfriend
sister golden hair - america
burned - buffalo springfield
what am i doing hangin round?
MGB-GT - peter tork
high fashion queen - flying burrito brothers
yellow river - christie
for pete’s sake <3
do i have to come right out and say it
higher and higher - peter tork
return of the grevious angel - gram parsons
me and magdalena (live)
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severingt · 11 days
SoulPM Playlist 17 February
I was asked to fill in for 3 and a half hours as another DJ had called in sick and this is what I played.  An eclectic mix, I think you'll agree?
Are Friends Electric – Tubeway Army
007 (Shanty Town) – Desmond Dekker
Alright – Supergrass
All the Way from Memphis – Mott the Hoople
Backfield in Motion – Mel and Tim
Dangling On a String – Chairman of the Board
Valerie – Stevie Winwood
My Brave Face – Paul McCartney
Photograph – Ringo Starr
Whatever Gets You thru the Night – John Lennon and Elton John
Pride – U2
Virginia Plain – Roxy Music
Stand – REM
Spirit in the Sky – Norman Greenbaum
Walking On Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
Pressure Drop – Toots and the Maytals
Manic Monday – The Bangles
Purple Rain – Prince and the Revolution
Friday I’m in Love - The Cure
Bring on the Empty Horses (long version) – Echo and the Bunnymen
Good Old Rock’n’Roll (medley) – Dave Clark 5
Brown Eyed Handsome Man – Buddy Holly
I Fought the Law – Bobby Fuller 4
I Knew the Bride – Dave Edmunds
Tiger Feet – Mud
Move on Up (album version) – Curtis Mayfield
You Can Get It If You Really Want – Jimmy Cliff
Wonderful Life – Black
The Year of the Cat – Al Stewart
Who’ll Stop the Rain? – Creedence Clearwater Revival
Tore Down a La Rimbaud – Van Morrison
When You Rock’n’Roll With Me – David Bowie
Let’s Stay Together – Al Green
You Can’t always Get What You Want (album version) – The Rolling Stones
Hallelujah – John Cale
The Warm Sweet Breath of Love – Horslips
The Boys Are Back In Town – Thin Lizzy
Baba O’Reilly – The Who (for Marco)
School’s Out – Alice Cooper
Love Train (extended) – The O’Jays
Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) – Frank Wilson
I’ll Take You There – The Staple Singers
Ain’t Gonna Bump No More (with no big fat woman) – Joe Tex
It’s Raining Men – The Weather Girls
The Rivers of Babylon – The Melodians
Our Lips Are Sealed – Funboy Three
Get It On (bang a gong) – T.Rex
99 Luftballoon – Nena 
Itchycoo Park – The Small Faces
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theteethofgod · 1 month
Hii could you do a horror rec post based on Smirke’s 15? <3 thank you:3
cannot believe i haven’t done one of these already!
As always, beneath the cut
The Buried:
The Descent
As Above So Below
The Borderlands
The Corruption:
Cabin Fever
28 Days Later
When Evil Lurks
The Crazies
The Dark:
The Others
When The Lights Went Out
Don’t Breathe
The Desolation:
Saint Maud
House of Wax
The End:
Lake Mungo
Talk To Me
The Eye:
My Little Eye
Be My Cat
The Flesh:
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Stop Motion
The House That Jack Built
The Hunt:
Ready Or Not
You’re Next
Eden Lake
The Lonely:
Let The Right One In
Get Out
A Ghost Story (this will land on all my horror lists and if you don’t see the vision that’s on you)
The Slaughter:
The Wailing
The Spiral:
Silence Of the Lambs
The Invisible Man
His House
Nightmare On Elm Street
The Shining
Night House
The Stranger:
The Thing
Goodnight Mommy
One Hour Photo
The Vast:
The Colour out of Space
The Void
Gemini Home Entertainment
Open Water
The Web: (puppet master interpretation, i’ve never seen a good spider film)
Cabin in the Woods
The Wicker Man (1973)
Final Destination (all of them)
and you said 15 so we’re including Dekker’s addition of
The Extinction:
Melancholia (it’s a horror film to me)
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hisdarkconsort · 6 months
100 Questions
I stole this from another blog and it was from years ago but I don't care. Most people either don't know me at all or only know me from The Rabid House discord server which I'm no longer in.
1. What is your nickname?
Saturn or Shay but I definitely go by Saturn online lately.
2. How old are you?
35 but mentally like 18-20ish (sometimes even younger) and I'm not just saying that to be funny. I am autistic.
3. What is your birth month?
4. What is your zodiac sign?
I am a Libra Sun, Scorpio Rising and Saggitarius Moon
5. What is your favorite color?
Blue and Black...not together. I wear alot of black head to toe cause I'm an alt girl.
6. What’s your lucky number?
Thirteen...and no I'm not a T Swift fan.
7. Do you have any pets?
Yes, a cat named Dekker. He's named after the gay actor/musician, Thomas Dekker, who I just say is the male version of myself because we just have alot in common as far as interests go.
8. Where are you from?
USA in the Midwest
9. How tall are you?
5 feet 6 inches
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I own alot but I only wear my Vans
12. What was your last dream about?
I have been dreaming alot about someone else's Dark Urge character, no not Sylvan.
13. What talents do you have?
Absolutely none.
Obsessing over characters and/or people to the point I lose sleep and annoy anyone I talk to.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I say yes, but I predict shit on accident all the time.
15. Favorite song?
I've never had a favorite song in my life because it changes constantly.
16. Favorite movie?
Well I was obsessed with the Twilight series for YEARS. And owned/still own a shit ton of merch and own all 5 movies in several different versions. (DVD, Blu-ray, Extended) Plus the little BTS videos they were sold seperately. I was also really obsessed with FSOG.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Nobody because I am Aro. But my perfect guy would definitely be gay or at least bi/pan and a perfect women would be a hot lesbian lmao. Everyone has to be queer. LMAO But I don't want a relatonship tbh.
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Absolutely fucking not. Churches make me highly uncomfy and I am far from religious.
20. Are you religious?
Does believing in science and the supernatural count? Christianity is a cult.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Yes but never arrested.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not huge celebrities. But I have hopped into a live podcast just to talk to Thomas Dekker lmao and I used to talk to one of his besties occasionally on IG and she also followed me until they had a falling out. His sister still follows my rarely active IG account.
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Currently not wearing any.
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
No thanks.
28. What type of music do you like?
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
 I have. I'll spare the story though cause its a big yikes.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my right side.
32. How big is your house?
I live in a tiny apartment in an eleven story building.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Left overs or whatever is available in my fridge that morning.
34. Have you ever left the country?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
Trying to think of one...and I use too many dirty words...
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
3 days
39. Do you have any scars?
All over. I have acne scars, injury scars.
My bigger ones include my elbow from a bicycle accident when I was little, a round scar on my knee from getting pushed into my bed frame, and a cresent scar on my index finger from it getting shut in a heavy door at work that needed stitches and therapy. I still cannot bend my finger all the way but gaming with a controller helped alot.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I care to know of.
41. Are you a good liar?
No, I suck. I"m way too blunt and honest.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
No. I’m ridiculously oblivious and don’t want to assume things about people.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I can do a shitty Kermit and a shitty british accent.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
No, its literaly midwest news reporter accent. I don't talk like a news reporter...just American news reporters lack accents so that they can sound clear?
45. What is your favorite accent?
I would say British or Irish but I'm so used to those accents because I watch so many things where people have those accents that I don't notice the accent.
46. What is your personality type?
I forget. I don't care enough.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I would say my old winter coat that I no longer wear...because one...it isn't my style and two...the zipper broke and it’s too small. My second would probably be my "The Shining" Vans.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
Like fold it? Yes. In both ways.
49. Do you have an innie or an outie bellybutton?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Mostly no. But if I see one suddenly and its moving fast...I might jump.
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
Italian Pasta dishes or Chinese food. Or Mexican.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I'm very messy and unorganized both. Its kinda embarressing.
55. Most used phrase?
I go through phases and its usually whatever the internet is saying. I keep up with slang even though I'm old. Lol
56. Most used word?
Honestly...the F word. I don't even realize I say it.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Like 5-10 mins.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck on them then bite when I think my teeth can handle it.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Always when alone..out loud and I even have full blown conversations as if I were talking to someone else. Its very delulu but at least I'm actually aware I'm doing it. I think its a habit from my childhood that I never outgrew. I'm also autistic so it also might be why.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
I stay in tune at least.
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossiper?
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
I can't think of one on top of my head.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I had long hair as a young child and then my old step-mom cut it off and forced me to have short hair and I hated it for years and then when I moved out, I grew it long but now that I'm older I prefer it shorter even though right now it's long but that's because Im due for a haircut.
On other people...I dont have a preference.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Yes, but not in order.
68. Favorite school subject?
Lunch ( I hated school)
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Super introvert!!!!!
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
Dating. Not only does it make me nervous but it gives me major anxiety which now I avoid dating at all and have like no desire to.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
I used to be but now no.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
I want to but I try avoiding it because I come off as rude when I do when its not even on purpose. That's an autistic thing.
74. Are you ticklish?
I would say don't even try because I'll kick you in the face.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Not on purpose.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Kinda. I hate it.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Does weed count?
79. Who was your first real crush?
I had lots of crushes as a kid. None lasted very long.
80. How many piercings do you have?
Just 4 in my ears. I'v wanted more but I 'm a very lazy person.
81. Can you roll your R’s?
Barely and I sound weird when I do it plus I cant say words when I do it.
82. How fast can you type?
Um, not super fast but fast enough. I make frequent mistakes. And I don't use the keyboard properly like I was taught in school because I don't have very good control of my pinkies.
83. How fast can you run?
I used to be able to run pretty fast but then I got fat...
84. What color is your hair?
Dark brown almost black but I'm actually graying pretty bad at 35 (thanks mom) so I have a ton of gray hair and honestly I can't wait until its full gray so I can dye it fun colors.
85. What color are your eyes?
Hazel green but people mistake them for brown all the time because of my deepset eyes and the shadow that gets casted over them or something. I don’t really know.
86. What are you allergic to?
Liars and bullshit.
87. Do you keep a journal?
I tried in middle school but then my step mom at the time liked to invade my privacy so I stopped.
88. What do your parents do?
My dad is a delivery driver for a local delivery and shipping company. And my mom works for an art supply company and she works in shipping in the warehouse. My step-mom is what I call unimployed but runs a Bible study group and cleans her friend’s houses or house sits. My step dad works for a powerwashing company, travels for it and is only home on weekends.
89. Do you like your age?
I'm 35 and I feel 80 :/
90. What makes you angry?
Unpatient people and people who are rude. (From working in retail)
91. Do you like your own name?
My real name no, which is why I go by half of it.
92. Have you already thought of baby pet names, and if so what are they?
I want to name a cat Vegas but also now Astarion.
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child pet?
I don't care.
94. What are your strengths?
Ask me another time.
95. What are your weaknesses?
Anxiety. Dweliing on things from years ago or just hours ago that I wish I can go back and change. I overthink alot which is why I don't date anymore. I come off as very negative and rude but it's mostly unintentional. I'm easily frustrated and overreact.
96. How did you get your name?
It comes from my dad's middle name.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
No. Atleast not on my mom's side.
98. Have you ever been to a therapist?
99. Color of your bedspread?
Which one? I have two.
100. Color of your room?
White because I'm not allowed to paint.
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identityarchitect · 1 year
which ones most embody each of the fears from the magnus archives
hmm im gonna just assign them fears under the cut cus i have a lot of ocs
solace group
a glimmer of seasalt - lonely. she's too far away from anyone to be on the main communication network, so fox has to forward any messages to her, and after communications broke down she was just alone.
three tears of a fox - corruption. this girl is Literally infested. she is Literally rotting. very corruptioncore
rising birds - mmmm very tentative hunt, maybe end. ive mentioned before that her whole thing is trying to figure out how to kill iterators so that she can protect people so. yeah
stormclouds overhead - eye? maybe? during his collapse he lost lots of memory so he's using. basically feral cats as librarians to rebuild his memory. thats decently eye
cold water rushing - stranger methinks but possibly spiral. its name is a pseudonym and it hides its face i couldnt make it more stranger w/o making it an actual clown
seven crowns of bone - buried. my guy literally got eaten by a sinkhole
chorus group
collector of caged kismet - vast! he's trying to get a slugcat to go down to the void sea and then come back up which like. can you even get more vast
bells of other ballads - very tentatively flesh. she's trying to train a slugcat to be an engineer to repair iterators, and iterators are biomechanical, so i guess flesh?
caught under null thorns - im gonna be real i have no idea what CUNT is like. no assignment because of lack of personality
forgoing all glory - honestly very difficult. extinction is the closest. FAG was built to be self repairing to a fault, and designed to be an everlasting monument to the ancients, so that he'd stick around Literally Forever. which is kinda vast now that i think about him but him and his mindset is closer to extinction/end/desolation
does your kin endure - uhhhh. im giving her an honorary potential dark/desolation alignment im gonna be honest i havent thought much about her either
to reinvent as new, not yours - flesh baby!! literally a trans surgery machine, flesh as hell
69 weed leaves - corruption? hes pretty much falling apart and theres plants and shit in his machinery which is pretty corruption
equinox group (+ winters group which are technically separate)
no peaceful ending - end. no question. she died, she came back wrong, oliver banks is high fiving her as we speak
fibres of silence - im honestly gonna say slaughter. silence is VERY mad for what winter did to peace. if not slaughter then lonely
hallows of fate, damned - uhhhhhh. buried? maybe? in the sense of more metaphorical pressure. fate has very bad imposter syndrome stemming from one Really bad fuckup that ended up harming a lot of his colony, so i guess i could see her being buried.
glowing wind between speckled trees - she's probably kind of like adelard dekker or mikaele salesa in that she interacts with the entities without being bound to any of them. my girl just cares about tea. if i really really had to, maybe eye
dappled light over decaying leaves - web or eye. i dont know how just yet but this girl knows things she is not supposed to
winters group
awakening winter - web. no doubt. this man manipulates other people to his own end so much. hes also got some desolation/hunt spice in there from all the killings and ruination
nebula of snow eternal - hmm. end? possibly desolation. he was winter's first victim, and he collapsed and was literally crushed by his can (similar to how peace was) so. yeah
cycles within cycles - end! this guy was a sliverist, meaning that he believed death was the means to ascension. trying to stop winter was a win-win scenario for him; either he stops winter, or winter kills him (thus ascending him). he gave no shits
revent chorus, the silence calls - slaughter slaughter slaughter slaughter my guy went mad and started killing for as of yet unknown reasons. slaughter as hell
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