#cat kugyay
maliithemanic · 9 months
so this is a blast from the past.
anyone from kugyay on here still? Cat, wolf, neko.. I was on a site before kugyay.. that I really loved but I can't remember the name of it then I moved to bryniel. On neko I was ciley rae and havic rose.. ciley had a bf who irl ( so he said) was in the hospital.. I only seen him random late hours of the night or for a little while here and there on weekends.. to be honest I think about him a lot.
I was a ton of wolves HAHA!
Then on cat kugyay/bryniel I was known as Driftingsmoke, cinderclaw, smokecloud (deputy of windclan) frozenblaze, icebreath, shadow of a dangerous eagle and I also have prCinderella,
Honestly went down a rabbit hole tonight of nostalgia and I miss my friends 😅 what a time it was. I would relive it if I could.
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guiltyzombies · 8 months
Anyone remember Neko Kugyay? Or just meeeee.
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tangledinink · 1 year
oh BIG MOOD. i was obSESSED with warrior cats for AGES. like. lowkey baby's first true hyperfixation. i deVOURED those books. they were typically too expensive for my family to buy (esp coz there were SOO many of them) so every time a new one would come out i'd beg my mom to bring me to the bookstore and then i'd straight up just sit in the aisle and read the entire thing then and there.
warrior cats is definitely, like, a huge part of what truly got me into drawing/writing/storytelling. i used to dedicate hours to illustrating scenes from those books. i had four HUGE handmade posters up on my wall as a tween with each and every cat from each and every clan that i'd update as the allegiances changed in the books. i used to design 'warriorsonas' for each and every one of my classmates because i was a super normal child. warriors is how i got into roleplaying, which was definitely a huge influence on my writing-- i read in an interview when i was, like, 11 that the erins sometimes got inspiration for warrior names from roleplay sites, and i was like!!!!! omg i have to start roleplaying on roleplay sites so that one of my warrior names get into the books!!!!
(they never did lol)
but i still obSESSIVELY roleplayed online for YEARS, i'd draw all my characters and draw my friends' characters, too, and scenes from the rps. we'd all write PARAGRAPHS upon paragraphs with, like, proper grammar and everything (because at that age and in those circles, roleplaying *with actions in asteriks* and stuff was CRINGE and everyone KNEW that the LONGER you wrote the BETTER your writing was, obvs, and that was the only factor--) i spent, like, every waking moment on this massive chatroom-based site called kugyay that had, like, hundreds and thousands of users in its heyday. granted, like, most people had more than one account (so you could have a custom profile for each character, obvi) but i remember everyone freaked out when we hit more than 10,000 accounts.
i could talk about my experience with warrior cats and all my various ocs for... like.... ages. also like. this is random and won't mean anything to most people, esp coz i only posted, like, a few pages about it, but i also want y'all to know that this graphic novel that i desperately want to bring to life and do justice someday and that i've dedicated SOOO much time thinking about is... like....... 1000% inspired by/based on warrior cats lowkey. like. i am infected. forever and ever.
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crowesfood · 3 years
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My OCs: Weaselheart
Some people have sent asks about if I have Warriors OCs... Weaselheart is my earliest and dearest OC of mine! I used to roleplay him years ago on Kugyay and Bryniel. I’d like to create refs for the others soon <3
Despite his fearsome appearance, he’s very friendly and happy. Good Dad energies. You go, sport!
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kugyay-official · 5 years
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a new plot is coming january, two-thousand-twenty. are you ready? ................................................................. join us and the plot on pawprints.kugyay.org or our discord [in sidebar]
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evils-corner · 2 years
Man I brought it up Kugyay on another post but now I'm thinking about it and I'm nostalgic about it
I joined Kugyay and was super active way back in the day, like...I wanna say 2010 ish perhaps? I met some of my best friends through that roleplay site and we sadly lost contact after my partner became inactive on there, and I eventually stopped being active as well but. Man I kinda miss those days. Idk if Kugyay is still a thing because I can find a bunch of references to it, but I can't find the actual site. That's how I got into roleplaying seriously. I kinda miss it tbh.
Anyone remember Kugyay/used to roleplay there back in the day?
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kugyaysnotsobad · 4 years
Hello again!
Wow it has been an.. incredibly long time! I always see this blog when I’m on browser tumblr and think “man, I miss those days, I wonder how everyone is doing...” but of course, this blog is very much dead and that’s okay. Still, it’s nice to see some of the sweet things folks had to say about Kugyay, and the people on it. Anyway, I just wanted to feel nostalgic for a moment, and say thank you to everyone who interacted with this blog! I got to run it, albeit for a short time, with one of my best friends, and I’m so glad we did it together. Kugyay hasn’t always had the best reputation, but it was so, so important to me and so many others. It was my second home, and the people I talked to on a daily basis were my family.  So, to everyone who sees this, and to those who don’t, I hope you have happy, successful lives! I hope you’re doing what you love, and if not now, then soon. I hope you find places where you can go to take your mind off things for a while, like Kugs was for us way back then. To my RiverClan Fam, I miss you and I think about the time we spent together a lot. I hope you’re all doing well, and thank you so much for all the memories <3 I’d like to say thank you to the community for letting me run the site for as long as I did, while not every moment was perfect, I had a blast being able to bring you all some joy! Kugs may not be in my hands anymore, but it is still alive! It’s run by some very good friends, and old site users, and if you want to take a peek, I’m sure they’d be happy to see you! (https://kugyay.org/) I hope you’re all doing well, stay amazing my friends <3 -Butterfly
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run-home-kittypet · 5 years
Looking for a new Warriors Role-play community?
Do you prefer a chill community with flexible rules on activity and character creation?
Kugyay might be worth checking out!
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Yes, that Kugyay. What started out as a small get-together spawned another revival of the classic 2009 Warriors role-play site. We use a forum system for our roleplaying threads, and a Discord for OOC discussions and announcements.
If you are familiar with our community from years past, as a returning member I can assure you the new staff is super friendly, devoted and LGBT+ friendly.
Some quick selling points-
NO minimum length requirement.
NO bans or bribes- you can create any kind of character you want.
Yes, you can be evil. There will be consequences in-universe, but you can do it.
NO activity requirement, drop in or out as you’re able.
You can even join us at our discord to just hang out! No membership required.
Community info -
Discord - https://discord.gg/cq4EAFE
DeviantART group - https://www.deviantart.com/pawprintskugyay/
We’re a smaller group in the year of our lord 2020, so don’t feel like it’s some too-big place you’d get lost in.
Feel free to drop by just for a visit!
We also have some high ranks open currently. New or old members can apply with this form!
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thrushstorm · 5 years
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my boy bugpaw! for kugyay to roleplay! he is in Skyclan :3c
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celestialkaiju · 7 years
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Anyways here’s some stuff I’ll dump! Just got finished with switching computers, so I loaded up photoshop and farted out an old warriors OC as a warmup! His name is Twistedsight and I used to rp as him <3 The other two were experiments with simple colored pencils!
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yarrowleef · 7 years
Does anyone remember a warriors role play site called Kugyay? 
It was my life from like 2008-2010-ish, and for some reason I started thinking about it again. Those were some... interesting times. I don’t think the site even exists anymore. Sometimes I question whether it ever really existed at all or if it was just a wild fever dream I made up??
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moonwaterart · 4 years
Old warrior’s OC redraw
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Oh boy... If I let slip this OC’s old name, I know someone’s gonna have old KUGYAY memories resurface. Like... We’re talking roughly 2008 KUGYAY memories. I felt like I left this OC in the dust as I really haven’t used her since elementary school, so I removed her black paws, added more scars, and gave her a new name and backstory. 
Meet Herbripple.
As an apprentice she was attacked by a dog during battle training. She managed to fight it off with the help of her mentor, Pinetalon, but she was in a bad state. She was rushed back to camp where the medicine cats of her clan, Lilacmoon and Puddlestep worked tirelessly for hours to stop the bleeding and keep her from passing. She survived... but with major scaring and this sense of guilt for living. 
Her mentor would visit her until she was able to walk around again, then the talk of moving her straight to the elders den as she wouldn’t be able to hunt or fight like she should due to the single eye issue. Overhearing that, she was scared of retiring before she even served her clan to the fullest, so she vowed that even though she felt like a burden, she would give it her all to prove she was useful to her clan. She didn’t want Pinetalon’s training to go to waste.
She trained with her mentor, promising she could still prove herself, even lashing out at her their leader, Cinderstar; telling him she was able to continue and she didn’t care how long it took her to prove she was still capable of being a warrior because she would prove it to him, Pinetalon, and all the other warriors in her clan. Sure enough, she trained and trained, learning to compensate for her flaws and sure enough, soon got her warrior name.
Herbripple now spends her days as a warrior of her clan, patrolling the boarders with her clanmates, hunting when she’s assigned to and occasionally looking after the elders from time to time, though she isn’t allowed outside the camp unless accompanied by another cat or two as Cinderstar still feels like she can’t be alone unless she’s in the camp.
Hopefully one day he can trust her enough to have an apprentice of her own.
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tangledinink · 1 year
This might be a strange question but were you ever on a warrior rp site called Bryniel?
LOL YES. though very briefly! i was not nearly as committed to it as i was to kugyay, but i do recognize the name. i forget which characters i had there though...
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ijoeymonster · 4 years
Anyone from Neko Kugyay still around?
If anyone remembers the RP site from freewebs/webs called Neko Kugyay, Cat Kugyay or Wolf Kugyay, let me know! I spent all my time on Neko Kugyay though, so I may not know you. I was AG/Joey Dawn/Sammie/Jonah Sashir and so many more. 
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kugyay-official · 5 years
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winter, summer, autumn, fall thunder, wind, shadow, river the four clans --join us at pawprints.kugyay.org--
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Back when Kugyay was a thing and first came about, I had a rogue OC named Aurora who ran a rogue army called The Army of Thirty Six (at the time only 36 breeds of cats were recognized in the world or something like that.) Of course she was an edgy looking black cat with purple eyes because I was an edgy 13 yr old who didnt know jack about RPs, OCs, stuff like that just yet. Needless to say I got banned from there within a week lmao
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