maliithemanic · 9 months
so this is a blast from the past.
anyone from kugyay on here still? Cat, wolf, neko.. I was on a site before kugyay.. that I really loved but I can't remember the name of it then I moved to bryniel. On neko I was ciley rae and havic rose.. ciley had a bf who irl ( so he said) was in the hospital.. I only seen him random late hours of the night or for a little while here and there on weekends.. to be honest I think about him a lot.
I was a ton of wolves HAHA!
Then on cat kugyay/bryniel I was known as Driftingsmoke, cinderclaw, smokecloud (deputy of windclan) frozenblaze, icebreath, shadow of a dangerous eagle and I also have prCinderella,
Honestly went down a rabbit hole tonight of nostalgia and I miss my friends 😅 what a time it was. I would relive it if I could.
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wizardvideo · 2 years
guys i miss rping warrior cats
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tangledinink · 1 year
This might be a strange question but were you ever on a warrior rp site called Bryniel?
LOL YES. though very briefly! i was not nearly as committed to it as i was to kugyay, but i do recognize the name. i forget which characters i had there though...
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crowesfood · 3 years
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My OCs: Weaselheart
Some people have sent asks about if I have Warriors OCs... Weaselheart is my earliest and dearest OC of mine! I used to roleplay him years ago on Kugyay and Bryniel. I’d like to create refs for the others soon <3
Despite his fearsome appearance, he’s very friendly and happy. Good Dad energies. You go, sport!
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Bryniel High Rank Interview
Hey Bryniel members! We’re going to be running a High Rank Interview column. This column is going to allow users to submit their questions they’d like asked to the high ranks. What kinds of questions can you ask? Your questions can be directed to all the high ranks, one high rank or rank groups (leaders, deputies, etc). We have decided to give a fully anonymous platform for users to submit their questions. Your questions can be both in character and out of character.  So we welcome you to participate in the ask your high ranks column! To ask a question click “Submit” on the blog or “Ask”. 
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warriorsgraphics · 6 years
hey dude! idk if you get this question a lot and i really hope i'm not being annoying but i was wondering if you still had that roleplay open or know of any warrior cat rp's that are still alive and taking members? i'm having trouble finding one and i'm dying to have a nostalgic rp
YOYOYO no worries at all oh my gosh!!
[Update: Yes, they’re closed! Sorry about that!]
There’s Illusive Shadows, which is loosely inspired by the Twin Shadows comic timeline…Beta opening tryouts close in a couple hours, so you might wanna’ hop on that quickly if you like what you see!! [x]
I’m not aware of any others right now, but I’m sure there are some around…
HEY FOLLOWERS! If you want, you should totally reply/reblog with Warriors rp groups! O: 
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wolfmarrow · 7 years
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And old OC of mine
Jeez....why am I drawing cats again lmao.
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evilwriter37 · 3 years
I hope it might amuse you to know, I've got this WIP planned and until I do some research and come up with a proper name for them, I've nicknamed one of my angel OCs "Bryniel", because it occurred to me that they play a very similar role in that story to Bryn in IF (lucky them, they get to live though) XD
Omg, that’s really cool and flattering! And lucky them!
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cushfuddled · 4 years
... One of your reviews just showed up on my youtube recommended. Absolutely jarring, since I recognize you from warrior cats roleplaying days on kugyay and bryniel hahaha
This is seriously cracking me up. I’m delighted. No worries if you don’t want to say, but who were you on Kugyay/Bryniel? XD And thanks for checking out my vids!
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ocellifera · 8 years
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in case y’all have been wondering what i’m up to! im working on donation prizes for bryniel! this strapping young man belongs to rab/dewjaw on there
eventualllly we’ll be back to regularly scheduled human stuff, so hang on!
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deliciously-foul · 6 years
Taken by: @i-nsubordination
Tagging: @for-grado @krawallerie @suicunerider @unwaveriinghearts and if you see this you’re cursed and are also tagged and have to do it :3 fite me
Name: Nicole
Pronouns: dumbass she/her
Age: 20
Birthday: Dec 17
Timezone: Chilean (i don’t fuckin know what it actually is mang)
Star sign: Sagittarius
MBTI (its that personality thing FYI, I had to look it up): ENFP
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Decent
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
How long? (Months / years): However long ago November 2015 was (unless we’re counting the uh... warrior cats thing, in that case I was 11 oof)
Platforms you've used: Tumblr, Skype, Discord (born on Kugyay and Bryniel, I learned somewhere)
Best experience: Falling in love with a friend from here, always
Writing preferences
Fluff, angst or smut?: Uh angst ahdhsbsjsh
Plots or memes?: POR QUE NO LOS DOS???
Long or short replies?: God it depends on my- POR QUE NO LOS DOOOOS???
Best time to write: At 4:26 sharp
Are you like your muses?: I think what makes me like them so much is that they AREN’T like me
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run-home-kittypet · 7 years
If you'd like to :o I'm not oicky. Are you still at bryniel?
It’s the polite thing to do, imo :)
Nah, some stuff happened and I left and haven’t looked back. I help run a new site called Outliers with some friends! We’re small, but I’m having a good time there. Gets my Warriors fix, y’know?
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tangledinink · 1 year
I don't think Bryniel was like invite only- it was free to join at any time I think. I had.. many characters on there when I first joined the world of rp. From the... Moonfur OCS to emo OCS to an oc that became one of my main warriors OCS, Littlefoot- {also helped me learn how to rp better n such-}
Yeah, I don't think so either, I think that was a different site. I had like a million different OC's throughout my time in the warrior cat roleplay world in general,,, some of my original guys included Sabletail (baby's first OC), Crowblaze, Fidgetwing (literally my art tag to this day,,,,), and Brownowl, and then also some edgy motherfuckers like 'Deadangel' and some ridiculous kids like 'Persimmonpucker' and 'Pawpawpatch.' Later on, (during, like, a hyperfixation resurgence) I had Whiterain, Shiverpelt, Oneflower, and Fintail, to name a few. (Though there's, like, dozens more in either category... I couldn't possibly cite them all...)
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howdy-nyalll · 7 years
Updates 7/8/17
It's been a long day.
Apparently grandma no longer wants to go into assisted living because she won't be able to stay with grandpa since their level of care needs aren't compatible with one another so they can't actually live together in any arrangement. (He needs minimal care, she needs 24/7.) there are places that offer those kind of arrangements but they aren't affordable. I'm not exactly sure what she qualifies for, we've just been hopping rehab facilities since March. (Something about how coverage starts over each time with a new rehab center.)
They're currently saying she'll get discharged from the current facility next Friday, at that point they just dump you at home. According to Medicare she is entitled to covered equipment she will need to stay in her home but the company that provides that is four weeks behind filling orders, on top of delays they failed to register picking up other equipment and so they claim they can't give her the new stuff until the old is returned. But since it already HAS been returned I think we're just stuck in limbo with no way to prove we didn't steal a wheelchair. We're currently trying to arrange rentals of what she'll need, but that's all out of pocket. But it has to be ready in a week because that's when she's out of Medicare covered days at rehab centers.
On top of the Medicare problems we do know now she needs surgery again. After the 6(?) others she’s had the femur bone has attacked crookedly to the tendons, or something like that. Doctors are offering various methods to correct this issue but because last week she flipped out over chest pains (which turned out to be nothing) she can’t get surgery covered until September. So she’ll need care until then. And whatever option she does pick for surgery will come with a 6+ week recovery, and given that every time she’s been worked on she’s become infected and re-infected over and over……well, it all really depends on what she does pick. Some options offer less likelihood of infection for a diabetic, but none offer her the chance to walk ever again.
I think that’s the current 411. Job didn’t work out for me due to chronic pain, I’m going to start applying myself even more to therapy since there isn’t much else to do.
I miss everyone at Bryniel and hope you’re all doing good.
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qrowpilled · 7 years
Warrior cat roleplays were the best on the internet. I used to roleplay my two wc ocs and it was hella fun. I also roleplayed irl. My two wc ocs are named Duskwhisker and Shadefeather ('; I rarely ever talk about them anymore but I still love them. The roleplay of the warrior cat group chat I was in broke apart bc everyone started getting into fights. I feel embarrassed to send thi s help.
omg dont feel embarrassed i roleplayed wc up until like last year man. i rped on this wc site called bryniel and my main ocs there were deerwatcher and puddlenose ((whom i still love DEARLY)), tbh i still feel pride in the fact i became the medicine cat of riverclan with deerwatcher even if i was a pretty bad one who resigned after 2-3 months lmAO
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High Rank Question
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This is the first question for the ask the high ranks we’re running on Bryniel. Have a question you want asked to all the high ranks or a certain one? We welcome in and out of character questions! Not every high rank will have the time to answer all the @ all high ranks question, we have included the high ranks that did participate / had the time to. Cooingdove -  Well no! I rejoined after finding an old friend of mine ( Crow.) and having her sucker me into joining the site again! Lakepaw --  Nope, When I first joined bryniel I guess my main goal was to meet the members and just have fun in general. Floodstar --   I joined Bryniel when it first opened. Most of the members on the staff were my friends, when I originally joined Bryniel my intentions were to be a good friend and support their website! I had the chance to be a high rank at the time but declined because of school. It wasn't until around 2015-2016 that I had interest in a high rank! All of the fun things happening with Hazelstar and Emberstar inspired me to want to have a high rank. Crowstorm --  Not really! When I originally joined, I was losing interest in the community, so I wasn't very active. My participation on the site was kind of sporadic, and it was only when I recently rejoined that I had the time/motivation for it. Pansysong --  Hmm, I can't say that it was. I came across Bryniel after finding out that Kugyay closed, so I was really just trying to find a fun community that I could join and start rping in again ^^ But I'm really thankful that I have the opportunity to be a high rank on such an amazing site. Palepaw --  It wasn't at first, because i was way too anxious and anti-social for me to think of myself as a highrank! as like a month or two passed of me roleplaying and talking with everyone else i figured being a highrank would be really cool, and in a way to give thanks to all the members of bryniel that supported me by giving them rad stuff like plots and events!! Pumpkinstar -- When I joined, I really just wanted to roleplay. When I saw how sweet everyone was, my intentions shifted to make friends. And then when I saw how cool the ranks were, I wanted to be a rank and make friends and roleplay. I set a personal goal to become one because it looked like a blast. So, yes! Not immediately, but soon after I joined.  Jaywhisker --  To be honest no it wasn't, I mean we all aspire to one day take the roll but I just wanted to be part of the community again and catch up with friends. I personally needed the extra space from reality itself and I found that Bryniel was the best way to cope with that. Being a High Rank only showed me how much I was valued as a member and it has really empowered my self esteem! You don't need to be a rank to feel that though, Bryniel has the best members and staff that make it so so welcoming ranks are just the happy plus one. Coalmask --  Honestly, it never even crossed my mind to be a high rank when I joined. I was about 11 when I joined, and I wasn't looking for fame or fortune. I just wanted to have some people to talk to and roleplay with! Thanks to some medical problems and experiences, I'm not the most well-liked person in real life. If anything, I was one of the least-liked. Still am, actually. But Bryniel was always about the chance of being in a sanctuary place, where I can chat and have fun. Will I say I've never thought about being a high rank, or hoped for it after a while? No, certainly not. After a while, I wanted to be a high rank. But it was, and never will be, the main reason I'm on Bryniel. Whitecreek --  I first joined the site when it was created, and I didn't want to be a high rank. I had been treated poorly in a high rank position on a different site before witch was half the reason i decided to join Bryniel when it was made, so I wasn't interested in it again. I also was a mega noob LMAO. I only ever had a 'goal' to be a high rank once, and it didn't end well, it shouldn't be a goal to be a high rank. Wanting one is fine, but in the end I think the biggest goal it to be productive, helpful, and passionate about the sight and you'll get one in no time. Whitestar -- Not at all! Being a high rank never crossed my mind before it was first offered to me. I joined Bryniel soon after it was first created, and I was still a bit of a newbie. It sounds cheesy, but all I was looking for was a place where to keep in contact with friends and develop my characters. I'm incredibly grateful of every chance I've been given to be a rank though, and I love trying to make them as interesting as possible! Lionfoot --  When I joined the site, all those many eons ago, no my main goal wasn't to become a High Rank. Back then, I actually had no idea if I would stick it out with Bryniel, due to the fact I hadn't ever RPed on a "webs" platform before, and didn't know what to expect out of the RPers; and if anything, was ready to bail on the entire thing. After a while, when I saw how awesome it actually was, I began to invest my time into just trying to keep up with the site and become "noticed" and less of a "shadowy noob". While it'd have been cool back then, the idea was waaaayyy too intimidating. Jackalwind --  Oh, definitely not. I joined Bryniel ages ago, and I was honestly too young and too nooby to care about something like a rank. I wanted one in the vague, dreamy way everyone wants one; I thought it'd be nice, and fun, etc, but I never really expected it to happen. I only really started considering the idea several years later, and I sent in a few tryouts here and there but never got one until Jackalwind- which was quite a surprise, to be frank! I joined Bryniel to be with my friends, and to grow as a writer, and even though I'm a rank now, those are still my two biggest motivations. In my opinion, they always should be.
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