#cat out the bag about future projects? maybe.
harriertail · 8 months
this level of crazy support and love for the Ultimate Guide Zine makes me so so happy and invigorated for future zine projects.
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natashasnoodle · 1 year
Daydreamer | Robin Buckley x Reader
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Masterlist | R.B Masterlist
Words: 7.7k
Summary: A fluffy lengthy slow burn thanks to useless socially awkward lesbians :) Both you and Robin are the only ones in your group project willing to put in the effort to get the job done.
Looking around the hallways of your High School made you want to cry most of the time. It was far too early in the day for anyone to be functioning, and yet you had to bear witness to people apparently trying to reproduce against their lockers at seven in the morning, alongside people roughhousing just to prove that they pack a punch, and of course the popular girl cliques who decided to sing an entire concert together even though their voices sounded like a bag of cats dying.
The moral of the story is, High School wasn't your favourite.
Five days out of the week in which you attended school, you would always go home and dream of the days after graduation. Everyone always told you that High School would be the best days of your life and that you should treasure them.
At that, your eyes always widened. This was the best? Boy, that was a kick in the teeth.
Though you were sure that that didn't apply to everyone. Everyone in the world couldn't possibly think that their school days were their best days. It just wasn't possible. With certainty, you thought that you would be part of that percentage.
Freedom was all that you wanted. You wanted the freedom to choose what you wanted to do.
Sure, being stuck in a 9-5 didn't exactly scream freedom. But school most certainly didn't either. Yes, you would have bills to pay and a house to upkeep, as well as keeping yourself alive, but you wanted the time that came with finishing work for the day.
Currently, your schedule consisted of waking up at an ungodly hour for school, returning home and having a power nap, finishing homework and revising, sleeping, and then repeating. Your hobbies dwindled to the point where when people asked you about yourself you truly had no clue what to say.
Reading used to be a giant part of your life. Getting immersed in the web of tales spun by the great minds of the world always held your mind captive. Though when homework and exams took over, you just felt no motivation to pick up the pages anymore. Still, whenever someone asked what you liked to do outside of school you would always say reading, even if you hadn't properly picked up a book that was outside of your syllabus for at least two years.
Just because you hadn't been able to read properly in years thanks to the greedy hands of societal pressures didn't mean that it wasn't an activity that you enjoyed. So, you weren't completely lying.
Once school was over and you could do your 9-5, you imagined that you would be able to pick up a good work-life balance if you selected the right job that didn't stomp on you with overtime. Imagining driving home, cooking up one of your favourite dishes then settling down with a good book or doing some scrapbooking after a hard day's work always puts a smile on your face.
It gave you hope, and you just hoped that it wasn't all completely false.
Plan B was working freelance out of a van that you would somehow scrape enough money together to purchase. Maybe you could be one of those people that always showed up to markets on random fields with a selection of books and trinkets that people go wild for so that it looks like they don't buy everything from 'the man'.
You would never admit to being one of those people. It is perfectly harmless in thinking that buying a mini globe from a market is better than from your local store. It helped you feel slightly more cultured than you actually are.
The visions that you concocted for later in life may have been a clear sign that you were somewhat of a homebody, which is true. You were. But occasionally you allowed someone to enter your perfectly planned out evening.
She didn't have a face, but you knew that future you were devoted to this woman that you would potentially partner up with in life. A warm feeling spread through your chest when you allowed yourself to daydream about getting home from work to see your wife, cooking together and rambling about your days before settling down with some hot chocolates and a board game.
Getting lost in these daydreams was what kept you going through the build-up of waiting for your first classes of the day. A reminder that being here wasn't forever, and if you manifested it enough then the good things that you want in life will happen for you.
It didn't seem too unrealistic.
Again, hopefully.
"Hey". Your body shuddered as your eyes zoned in on the hand clicking its fingers in front of your face. A laugh came from beside you as you frowned and sucked on your teeth as you turned to your friend, Jen, trying to get your attention.
Pushing your backpack straps further up your shoulders from their fallen position you gave her a fake smile, only earning the all too familiar eye roll. "You were in your own little world again don't get huffy with me you gimp". As you were about to reply, she grabbed your bag handle and began guiding you towards the classroom that you shared for first period.
Unfortunately, she was dragging you behind her backwards, causing you to stumble and almost lose your footing far too many times for your liking during your short time of being kidnapped on your journey to hell. "I can walk on my own you know", you grunted out, but with a small smile as she shoved you through the classroom door.
"Oh I know, it's just more fun this way", she smirked whilst walking past you and sitting down in her seat all prim and proper.
That was the main difference between you and Jen. She seemed to take school a lot more seriously than you did. Not that you didn't work to get the grades that you needed, how could you graduate and move on if you were flunking everything? That wasn't the issue.
She just had a better outlook on the school system than you did. Making sure to properly do her hair every morning, and buying all of the stationery items that she saw, mostly to help with the organisation of due dates. You simply wrote stuff down and hoped that you'd still remember your new essay submission day after washing your hands an hour later.
Another thing about Jen is she seemed to actively pay attention in every class, with her notebooks getting full to the brim with the way that she could take copious amounts of information down with her pen at lightning speed. You don't know how she did it, she was honestly Superwoman when it came to school.
On the other hand, you dragged your feet across the floor as you yanked your bag off your back, holding the worn-down fabric handles loosely with one arm before dropping it on the floor carelessly as you slumped in your own seat, one over from Jen's.
For a few seconds, you closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, getting ready for your insanely boring psychology class. The subject itself wasn't too boring, it was something that you enjoyed doing, hence picking the subject. But the drawling voice of your elderly teacher droning on at the front of the class, plus the way he gave you assignment after assignment really put a downer on the way you viewed the subject.
You needed to pass it though, so you worked hard when you needed to. Mostly when cramming with revision at home, during class you felt no need to listen to him. His method of teaching was 'death by textbook' anyway, inputting no new narrative into his classes. You thought that his entire class was stupid.
Once more, your body shuddered as you jumped. The bell had rung, and class had started.
Eyes snapping open, you trained your attention to the front, knowing that you would only be able to do so for five minutes anyway. "Good morning class", Mr Watts stood straight at the front of the class, wearing his usual disgusting mustard suit with weird patterned elbow patches on.
Almost instantly your eyes glazed over. The next hour and a half was going to be long.
The table was much better at holding your attention than whatever the man at the front was saying, and judging from the way your subconscious picked up on the way people robotically changed the pages of their textbook at the same time, the death by textbook method was still in full swing.
You were expecting to be able to get through the next hour and a half of uninterrupted daydreaming like you normally did through Mr Watts' psychology class, though this time around something horrifying caught your attention.
The very words that are enough to put any student into an early grave.
Ones that make people want to tear their notebooks in half with their bare teeth.
"Group project".
With your head snapping up so fast, next to you Jen almost jumped out of her seat, not used to seeing you moving during most of your classes. Though the collective groan around the room covered up her embarrassment.
Letting out a large puff of air from your lips like a pufferfish, you slowly nodded your head as you tried to get through the five stages of grief about this project within the next thirty seconds. A group task would probably be okay. They have proved to be hellish in the past but as long as you could choose the people in the group then-
"And I shall be assigning the group members", Mr Watts continued. Pain rang through your forehead as you allowed your face to drop harshly onto the desk in front of you.
"Ow", you mumbled and rubbed the fresh mark that was smack bang in the middle of your head, all the while hearing Jen snort next to you at your idiocracy.
You didn't get why she was so smug in the moment, she may excel in being able to get through the average school day, but she hated group projects as much as the next guy. Especially when she couldn't be put with you. Yes, in class you paid no attention, but you were still very smart considering and weren't one of those people in groups who did no work but claimed the hard-earned grades.
Nope, you were both going to have to deal with whoever you were assigned to.
The wait was hellish. Your heart was beating in your chest as the names slowly dwindled down. Each and every time someone you liked was called your anxiety rose. The numbers were so small now and almost everyone left you knew for a fact did no work in these things.
Then Jen's name was called without yours. You shot each other apologetic looks as she got up and moved over to her group across the other side of the room, you watching longingly whilst still waiting for your name.
When it finally happened you think you must have aged ten years. It was honestly astounding how slow this man could get through a simple task. "Y/n Y/l/n". Your face scrunched up with a wince as you awaited the next names. Praying with everything within you that you got at least one person who would work with you and not leave you picking up all of the pieces.
"Michelle Coleman". Oh no. The scrunch of your face deepened if that was actually possible. She spent all of the class looking into her pocket mirror.
"Alan Howell". Good lord, he spent all of the class looking at Michelle Coleman.
"And Robin Buckley". A head tilt by you accompanied this name. Robin. Your heart thrummed in your chest as you comprehended her being in the group. Robin was someone who you had not had the pleasure of speaking to properly other than in passing but was someone who when you did pass in the halls it was an effort to look away from.
Much like you, she was someone that didn't get much attention from those in school, she stuck with her small circle as you did. She wasn't noticed often. But you noticed her.
But because you had never seen her pay you any ounce of attention back, you didn't bother with trying to speak to her. It was just some silly hallway infatuation. Not even a crush in your opinion. You didn't know her, she didn't know you. Simple as that.
The prospect of having to actually talk to her properly was still daunting to you though. Getting out of your seat to make your way over to Michelle and Alan, who didn't even think about getting up to go to you or Robin, you dragged your feet again.
Sure, getting to know someone else in the class who had piqued your attention sounded fun, scary but fun. Though working with Michelle and Alan came with their own set of obstacles. It was a fact that they wouldn't do any work, there wasn't any point in questioning it.
A few moments after you sat at the desks in front of theirs, after receiving a minimal response in return, Robin placed herself in the empty seat next to you, offering you a small yet warm smile. She got the same dry response from the other two, giving her a visible divot in between her eyebrows as she concluded that those two would be the problem in the group too.
So, after a small sigh, she turned her full attention to you, who was already zoned out and staring at a table. She released an even bigger sigh. You were notorious for not listening during classes, but she was still holding out hope that out of the three she was lumped with that you would be her saving grace.
Clearing her throat awkwardly she spoke, "So... it's Y/n, right?". Being snapped out of your daze you peered up to see her expectedly staring at you.
"Yeah", you chuckled awkwardly and tried to sit up straighter, "And you're Robin", you nodded.
With a laugh she confirmed that it was in fact her name and pursed her lips before continuing, "Do you have a preference on the study topic?".
Study topic? Right, this was a group project after all. Grimacing, you looked over to the board and noticed Robin huffing slightly. This was not a great first impression that you were making, only solidifying her fears that you would dump all of the work on her. Which was not the case, you simply just tripped when the race gunshot went off and need a few seconds to unscramble yourself.
Social cognition or social identity. You shrugged.
"It's up to you, both are interesting topics. Social cognitive theory is so interesting, being able to read how other people read other people like a textbook. Plus seeing how we all fit into the machine of society with how we interpret that 'textbook'. As for social identity, well similarly it's like having an inside scoop on that machine, but from within us based on that textbook. The internal versus external battle", your eyes widened as you realised that you had been talking her ear off. You really did love psychology, just not the class.
"Uh... sorry I'm rambling now, but yeah it's up to you both are- both are pretty cool", you shrugged with nonchalant energy, trying to play off the embarrassment. But when your eyes met Robin's you saw them sparkle with a smile.
Yeah, she wouldn't be abandoned with this project.
"No, no it's okay. I mean I agree they're both super interesting, I'm stumped on what to pick too", her brows furrowed as she looked towards the other two of the group, who were just disgustingly and shamelessly flirting in hushed tones, ignoring the fact that there was a project going on altogether.
Your lips quirked to the side, wanting to take initiative to start cracking on with the work considering there was still 45 minutes of class left, you took a gamble "Cognition?".
She tilted her head ever so slightly it was almost unnoticeable as she cracked a grin, "Sure, is that good with you two?", Robin turned to the others who frowned and looked at each other as though you were the crap on the bottom of their shoes before going back to their own conversation. "Yeah, I think it's good with them", Robin turned back to you with an eye roll, this time moving herself to fully face you, completely ignoring those on the tables behind.
You couldn't help but let out a small giggle, even through the annoyance of your project team. "You think?", you quipped in return, basking in the raspy laugh let out by the girl next to you.
It was nice. It wasn't as though you thought Robin would ever be hard to talk to from the times you had seen her in classes, but talking to anyone new is nerve-wracking. It was a fresh break from some of the other people in school who act all holier than thou. Alan and Michelle being exhibit A.
But of course you got distracted again. This time by her. She intrigued you. "How about we focus on how schemas develop, you know, how they're acquired?", she voiced, only to you this time.
Back in the land of reality you nodded, "Sounds good". Making a mental note to really try and stop getting lost in your own head, you pulled a physical notebook out of your bag. One that had seen almost no action of pen to paper, earning a somewhat judgemental look. "Do you ever do any work?", she queried with teasing undertones whilst beginning to sketch up a spider diagram.
"It's all up here", your finger harshly prodded your temple a few times to prove your point as you started writing down the titles of some journals you had read during any late-night study cramming sessions you had. Within moments you had managed to write down a variety of papers written by psychologists and their poor et al friends.
Impressed, she copied down the titles and put them into the relevant spider diagram sections. "See, not just a hatstand", you fake bragged.
"Okay genius, you can remember names, let's see how well you can put a project together though", she returned, clearly trying to add in her own bragging. The next half an hour was spent working well as a small team, without your other members. A plan was composed on milestones to complete the project within the month, it was a big one. A bohemoth of a project. Thanks Mr Watts.
A bunch of facts and figures were also dotted around the pages you had both created, so that you wouldn't forget them later and go through the annoying motions of knowing that you had forgotten something, but not remembering what it was. That was the worst.
Then the end of class bell rung, with Alan and Michelle hightailing it out of the room before you could get a word in edgeways. "Right", you slowly nodded at the now empty seats, sharing an eyeroll with Robin as you packed your bags.
"So, you have my address now".
"I do?", you frowned, you had no idea where Robin lived.
She laughed, making your frown increase, "Yeah, it's at the top of your journal page, in your book", she gestured her head towards your bag perched on the desk, and your mouth opened in an 'o' shape as you nodded. "How on Earth did you not notice me leaning across to write that?".
"Not a clue man".
Another shrug, "Anyway, if you wanted to make an early start on it, you could come over tonight? If you want, you don't have to, my Mom's making some burgers tonight so it's not like I'd let you starve, and Mom won't mind", now it was Robin's turn to start awkwardly rambling. It was sweet.
"Hey, I'd love to", you gently and quickly placed a hand on her arm to reassure her before shouldering your backpack, "What time?".
"Like 6? We can eat then study?". Sounded like a good plan, so you happily agreed before bidding her farewell and making your way over to Jen who was waiting at the door, with a smirk.
"What do you want?", you asked in monotone, walking beside her to your next class.
She simply turned to you with a smirk for a few seconds before answering, frustrating you to no end with her usual antics, "I don't want anything, just noticed that you and Robin got on like a house on fire during that class".
You turned to her confused when you reached your lockers, Jen always had to go to her locker between every class thanks to all of the supplies she brought. Every time you got a good look in her locker you could have sworn that she could supply an entire army of students. "We just talked, Jen, it was an average interaction", you justified whilst mindlessly taking her bag so that she could organise her locker shelf.
"I've been in plenty of group projects with her, sure she participates, but she doesn't talk any more than she needs to. She spoke to you". You huffed, heat rising to your cheeks at her implications, causing Jen to give you a somewhat sympathetic head tilt when she looked up. "I'm sorry I'm just pointing out the obvious. Anyway, I'm guessing it's just gonna be you two doing the work?", Jen moved the conversation along slightly.
"Yeah, I can't see them doing anything. But I'm going to Robin's for burgers and a study session tonight so we'll get the work done, even with the lack of help".
Jen's eyes widened and you groaned in frustration, having inadvertently gotten back onto and proved her point. "You're having dinner with her?".
"Burgers", you corrected, as if it made any difference.
It didn't.
An odd squeaking sound fell out of your friend's mouth, one that you had never heard before. It caused you to take a step back, to which she quickly dragged you back to your original position. "You are having dinner with her?".
You fumbled on your words, which was really not helping your case, "I mean technically but-". That was all that you needed to say for Jen to start freaking out and rambling about how you two had better not be one of those oblivious pairings where she was forced to scheme in order to get you together. Though she did admit that it sounded fun, she wasn't sure if she had the time.
With firmness you assured her that it wouldn't be the case as there wasn't a pairing to scheme for in the first place, to which she just scoffed before taking her bag back into her possession. Sometimes Jen confused the everliving hell out of you. But you gotta love her. She always has your best interests at heart.
"Robin!", Mrs Buckley yelled from the front door where you stood awkwardly on the outside waiting to be let in, right on time for 6pm. Within seconds you heard scrambling motions upstairs before hearing the speedy, rhythmic thuds of someone sprinting down the stairs. It wasn't long before you saw a flustered Robin Buckley appear next to her mother, looking a bit out of breath.
Your head tilted to the side as you took in her appearance. She looked slightly stressed?
"Your friend is here", her Mom spoke with a smile before presumably moving back into the kitchen, where she was before you pressed the doorbell.
"Gathered that, thank you Mom", was Robin's reply, earning a small shake of the head from her Mom as she walked away. "So, you can come in", she opened the door wider, giving you space to enter and remove your shoes, awkwardly placing them by the door, not quite sure where to put them as there were no others nearby. "Oh yeah, you can just leave them there", Robin smiled delicately, sensing your apprehension.
"Cool", you grinned and looked around the hallway. It seemed to be a small house, but one that was cosy, and full of character. There were lots of trinkets hanging from the walls, including a collection of spoons made from various metals.
The corners of your lips tugged up as you stared at them. "Oh yeah, my Dad found them a while back, always insists on having them by the front door for some reason", Robin shrugged, "Anyway, dinner should be ready in five, do you wanna put your bag in my room?".
After nodding, the two of you walked up the stairs and you placed your backpack full of your minimal study supplies at the bottom of her bed, safe for after dinner. "Nice room", you looked around, seeing the Blondie and Bowie posters, mixed with some floral paintings and shelves full of books.
"Nothing special", Robin followed your gaze, though you disagreed with her. It was a cool room, and like the rest of the house seemed cosy.
The next few moments were rather awkward, you were awkward anyway with being in someone's house who you'd barely spoken to before, and Robin like you was awkward by nature. Luckily, you were saved by her parents calling you both down to dinner.
You followed closely behind Robin on the way to the kitchen, having no clue where to go and feeling slightly out of place. Graciously you accepted the tasty-looking burger from Mrs Buckley and placed yourself opposite Robin on their small, circular kitchen table, considering it was the only empty placemat left.
She offered you a friendly smile before tucking into her meal, with you following suit after putting a generous amount of ketchup over your food. It was far too much, you were aware, but it wasn't harming anyone. Can't have a burger with no ketchup.
Robin failed at holding back a teasing smile at seeing how you handled your condiments, causing you to tap her foot under the table. Very soon after she managed to wallop your shin rather hard with her foot, forcing a grunt out of your chest right in the middle of a silent moment, with Robin's eyes widening.
"You okay dear?", Robin's Mom placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, concern lacing her features.
"Yeah, I'm all good", you let out a fake cough, "Just went down the wrong way is all". She moved her hand onto your back and began lightly patting, ensuring that you weren't going to choke to death in the middle of her kitchen and handed you some water before everything went back to normal, and the occasional small talk was resumed.
Robin's Dad was very interested to hear about your plans for the psychology project and was glad to see that she had made friends with someone just as eager in the group, due to having to listen to his daughter complain about everyone for 70% of her school projects.
You smiled knowing that the 30% she didn't have to complain about was because of Jen.
Robin's Mom was just glad that she wasn't being 'an anti-social hermit', receiving an embarrassed glare from her daughter that made you laugh, forcing the glare's attention to change to you.
"I am not an anti-social hermit", Robin clarified once you entered her room again, and you let out a harsh laugh before opening your bag.
"You read all of those?", you gestured to her books with a lazy flick of your head, with a mumbled 'yes' in response. "Then I think I'm going to have to disagree", you perched yourself down on her rug cross-legged clutching your notebook to your chest.
She quickly sat down next to you and eyed you curiously, making you feel like you were shrinking on the spot. Having no idea why she seemed to be staring into your soul, you pursed your lips before she spoke. "You don't think it's a bad thing?", laced with insecurity.
"No, why would I?".
She shrugged, "Most people think it is, my mother included", Robin simply said, no malice in her words, just purely believing that it was fact. A frown flitted over your face once more, being someone who preferred their own company wasn't a bad thing, so long as you weren't isolating yourself to an unhealthy degree.
"I mean, I'm the same. I like just being in my own space, doing my own thing". She considered your words for a moment and nodded before grabbing her own notebook, promptly opening it up to the pages that she created earlier.
The rest of the evening was spent compiling your notes on the topic onto one big sheet of paper, most of your information coming from your head and not physical notes, and sharing tender smiles whenever eye contact was made.
Okay, maybe Jen was right.
Damn it Jen.
On your walk home it gave you time to think. You were genuinely excited to go to Robin's the following afternoon, as it was a weekend, to continue the project, which is something that you rarely felt. Even with those you have known for years you usually want a day of socially recharging, especially on the weekend. Yet here you were wishing for the next day.
Robin seemed equally as enthusiastic that you wanted to stick to the plan of meeting regularly for at least two weeks to get the work done with plenty of time to spare. Considering her similar outlook on social life, you were left pondering if she felt the same way you did.
She did.
You were easy to get along with, someone who was finally on the same wavelength. Now, she loved her friends dearly, she really did, but occasionally there was an energy clash that left her social battery feeling low for a few days. But with you she was eager to see you again as soon as you stepped foot outside her door to begin your journey back to your own humble abode.
Throughout the night she just thought that you brought a sense of calm, the way that you spoke softly but with confidence, how you also appreciated the comfortable silences and didn't feel the need to constantly fill them, casually checking in if she was okay whilst trying to wrap her head around some harder parts of the topic. It was nice.
You were nice.
If only you had both not been so oblivious to the way you noticed each other in the halls sooner.
The following day went without a hitch. As did the next few study sessions over the following weeks held at either yours or Robin's. There had been quite a few dinners, mostly made by Robin's Mom as yours had the tendency to overcook and simultaneously undercook a dish. In order to survive a family meal at your house you had to have been acclimatised to it since infancy.
After many burgers and delicious casseroles had been digested, the two of you would work well into the late hours of the night, forgetting that you were actually doing schoolwork due to enjoying the topic and the company so much. It felt like just hanging out with a truly good friend, no academic validation and societal pressures attached.
Though you did feel the pressure to act like a normal human being whenever Robin touched your hand to get your attention. Pair that with Robin looking like she was contemplating something during accidental touches, it made you slightly paranoid. But the rest of the time was the most stress-free you had ever been, so you coped with it.
Due to working so late into the night half of the time, and not wanting to say goodbye quite yet, there had been a few instances where you spent the night at her place, considering it was usually hers you were at late thanks to the dinners.
The night would be spent polishing off the project that had quickly become something you were both incredibly proud of, and once you were sufficiently tired from the work the activities switched between browsing her impressive collection of books, to which she let you borrow a few - bringing back the flame of your adoration of reading - and watching movies in the background whilst talking late into the night.
Robin had swiftly become your go-to person.
For the longest time you lived in your own little bubble, rarely letting anyone into the world that you had created to get through life. But somehow she had burst her way in. And you loved it.
The anonymous person in the visions of your future were starting to get a face.
Of course, whenever you showed up to school at Robin's side after an impromptu sleepover donning one of her jackets thanks to you not having any spare clothes, Jen had a whole lot of words to say about it.
She would wait for you and Robin to say your goodbyes and for her to join her friends, which took forever in Jen's opinion, and then she would bombard you with questions. Mentioning that it looked like you were doing the walk of shame. You responded each time by telling her that she was being ridiculous.
Deep down, you knew that she wasn't.
Sitting in class draped in Robin's clothing made you feel warm. Clutching the fabric in your hands a small smile rested on your face, even with Mr Watts' droning occurring in the background. You were on cloud nine.
You hadn't even noticed the way that Robin had a similar dopey smile on her face whenever she looked towards the desks in front of her and saw the back of you, her favourite jacket on your back.
The day of the project submission came and went far too quickly. You added the names of the other two members, begrudgingly earning them a grade, and the two of you handed over the giant booklet of information that you had synethesised. Glancing at each other with solemn looks, you sat back at your desks, knowing that you didn't have an excuse to constantly hang out with Robin anymore.
Yes, you had become good friends, but you were unsure if she wanted the same friendship as you. The one where you could just rock up to each others houses when you were bored, ones that wanted to spend nearly everyday together. Or if she just wanted to be more casual. Hanging out every now and then, checking in on each other if you pass in the hallways.
After the last few weeks that you had of many dinners and hangouts together, you hoped that she wished for the former too, but you were too socially awkward to check. So, you just assumed it was going to be the more casual friendship, and allowed yourself time to wallow for the rest of the day.
You weren't even sure at that point if you wanted to just be friends with Robin.
Sure, you had always admired her from afar, having always seemed like a nice and down to Earth person, and after getting to know her you wanted to be around her more, and got flustered at minimal actions. But that didn't mean-
You snapped out of your thoughts, once again looking like you were daydreaming in class. The norm. But this time instead of drifting back into your own little land like you usually did when you heard the teacher still incessantly talking at the class, your eyes were wide as you stared ahead. For once, looking like you were paying attention.
In actuality, panic was surging through you.
The remainder of the class went by agonisingly, painfully slow. Contemplating every part of the new conundrum that you were experiencing. You wanted to see Robin tonight, for the last few weeks you had seen her after school everyday, you suspected that if you stopped today you might get withdrawal symptoms. But again, the first major issue, you didn't know if Robin wanted the same, or if she was going to take this as a welcome break away from you.
Just the thought of her thinking that made your throat close and your chest constrict.
The second major issue was that you didn't even know if Robin was gay. Like you, if she was she probably had to keep it concealed thanks to Hawkins being Hawkins, so it wasn't as though you could casually waltz up to her and ask, putting both you and her at risk.
The third major issue was that even if she liked women, who was to say she liked you? Being oblivious to social cues really did have their downsides. When together you noticed the little quirks she had around you, the lingering looks, making an excuse for her hand to brush yours. However, Robin's Mom would also describe you as an anti-social hermit, so you had no clue how to properly interpret those actions.
You were a very smart person, and for once, you were stumped.
Which brings on the fourth major issue. Now that you knew, how in God's name were you supposed to tell her? To confess this giant Earth shattering confession to her?
Well the answer was simple.
You wouldn't.
Not yet at least, you wanted to ponder it. Sit on it for an unnecessarily long time until you were either forced to play your cards, or the problem disappeared completely. That is one of the best ways to go about life you thought, and so you sat there satisfied with your decision, ignoring the gnawing feeling in the back of your mind, letting you know that you were being a complete and utter idiot as you sat watching the clock tick, ready to move onto your next lesson.
Jen had once again started the topic of Robin whilst you were trying to peacefully eat your sandwich at lunch time. "Would you give it a rest?", you exasperated after painfully swallowing a hunk of sandwich that wasn't quite chewed enough yet, making you gracefully wretch before downing some water.
You hadn't choked to death.
"That was attractive", Jen laughed.
"Whatever", you grumbled, about to take another bite of your lunch, but once again interrupted by your best friend, who definitely knew how to pester a person.
"She's looking at you". With a sigh you turned to Jen, sending her a disapproving look for teasing you in this way, but when she gestured across to the other side of the cafeteria subtly with her eyes, you caved and looked. Lo and behold the person who had been plaguing your mind was indeed looking at you.
When you eyes locked, hers widened and she quickly looked down to her own food, beginning to awkwardly prod it with a fork before letting out a faux-laugh, faking participation in her groups conversation.
With a gulp you turned back to Jen who was wearing a knowing smirk. "Whatever", you again grumbled, not being able to contain the tiniest of smiles that graced your features.
"They grow up so fast", Jen mocked and wiped away a fake tear, leading to you repeating the same look of disapproval, one that you wore oh so very often these days.
Sitting at your desk at home, you couldn't concentrate. At all.
Work was piling up, and due to your nature of procrastinating you had left all of your work until last minute, which usually managed to kick your ass into gear to get the work done. But that night you were struggling.
It all just felt so empty.
You hadn't sat alone in your room to do work for almost four weeks, having had Robin over or you at hers doing the project and also getting some other classwork done. Usually, you would revel in the silence, other than some music quietly playing in the back so that you could peacefully get on with your work.
But tonight, it felt as though there was a void. An uncomfortable one.
A solid forty minutes passed of you chewing on the end of your pen like a hamster and shuffling around in your chair, with only three sentences of your essay written before you admitted defeat.
Waving the white flag, you stood abruptly, almost falling over as you lurched across your room to grab your old tattered shoes. Without even bothering to untie the laces you slipped them on, wiggling your feet around for a few seconds to get them on properly, and you bolted out the door, down the hall and towards the exit.
"I'm heading out!", you yelled into the open hallway, hoping that your Mom heard it as you rushed out into the chilly air of the night. You winced when the door accidentally slammed in your rush, knowing that your Mom would not be the most appreciative of that, and began your brisk walk, knowing that you would not be able to run all of the way to your destination without giving yourself a collapsed lung.
Robin's was only fifteen minutes away if you walked quickly, you kept thinking to yourself, keeping your gaze locked onto the pavement whilst walking, knowing that with the speed that you were going, you would definitely trip over a crooked slab or some random pebble.
What you hadn't been expecting was to bump into a person who was walking with just as much speed as you were, also not looking ahead. Groans came from both you and the stranger as you hit each other with a lot of momentum.
Instinct kicked in a split second after your brain had comprehended what was going on, and thank the heavens it did considering that person was about to fall backward onto the pavement at full force. Swiftly, you grabbed their arm and pulled them into you, keeping them upright.
"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking wh-", you began spluttering out as you regained your own balance, only to be interrupted by an all too familiar raspy voice.
"Robin?", looking up you saw the very person who was the centre of your mission. "What are you doing out here?", you queried, considering you were still rather close to your house, and Robin lived in the other direction.
She cleared her throat, an awkward energy hanging around the air as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, both of you noticing how close you still were to each other but neither of you daring to take any step backwards. "I wanted to see you".
Blinking a few times, your mind froze. Having expected Robin to not want to hang out with you as much outside of school anymore, it was like your brain had gone static at hearing that it was the opposite. "I was on my way to see you too", you laughed, "Guess we met halfway".
"Yeah, I guess we did", she smiled softly, gently scanning your features. You were standing so close to each other. "So, um...", she trailed off, tugging on the bottom of her jacket.
"Um?", you smirked as she stifled a laugh.
A moment of silence passed, neither of you knowing how to go about what you were feeling. Truly useless.
"I need to tell you something", you both blurted out at the same time, wincing at interrupting each other. "Sorry!", again you spoke at once. Shaking your head you urged her to speak first, though she was hesitant, she put on a smile. One that gave you butterflies.
"I don't even know what to say... I just- I missed you, even though we literally hung out last night, and saw each other at school, I really missed you. I've never met someone that makes me wanna spend 24/7 with them".
"I know exactly what you mean", you breathed out, butterflies racing in your stomach as you stared up at her.
"You do?".
"Yeah, you're amazing".
She swallowed thickly, the nerves building up as her lips parted, both of you staring at each other like there was nothing else in the world. She entranced you, the delicate way her freckles dusted over her nose, how her eyes stared at you with devotion, how you could feel her breath on your face, keeping you warm in the cold night.
You got lost in your thoughts again.
Whispering, Robin brought you back to reality, "Can I kiss you?". Your entire world froze and flipped upside down within a nanosecond. Heart thrumming uncontrollably in your chest, you nodded far too enthusiastically. Ordinarily you would have cringed at yourself, but before you could read too much into the overthinking and self loathing, Robin leant down and her lips were on yours, and her hands gently reached out to touch your waist.
It was clunky at first, you weren't sure how to stand, and all too quickly she pulled back, her eyes shining more than you had ever seen them shine. You couldn't help it, you leaned in again, which she eagerly accepted.
If it was possible, you would have stayed there forever. Being connected to Robin like this made you feel complete, made you feel whole. The empty feeling from earlier was gone, and now you were simply full to the brim with joy, which was unfortunately the reason that you couldn't stay like that forever.
When you starting smiling against her lips, Robin's own face broke out into a grin and she placed her forehead against yours, not wanting to let go of you just yet.
The next minute was spent smiling and staring into each others eyes, resembling an awful romantic movie that you would probably spend your entire life avoiding. But in the moment, you finally understood them.
"We have an essay due tomorrow", Robin started with a smirk.
"Indeed we do".
Her lips quirked to the side in thought, "Wanna get your stuff and head back to mine for the night? It feels empty without you", she snaked her arms around you, managing to hold you closer, which you hadn't thought possible.
"Absolutely", you gave her a quick peck, laughing at how she whined when you moved back too quickly for her liking, and started the short journey back to your house, trying not to think about how you needed to tell Jen that she was right.
As always, Jen was right. 
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alemonyoyo · 5 months
No Country for Young Humans - Chapter 3
Please read it here! Or read below and leave a kudos or comment <3 <3 Thanks!
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Words: 3152
Tags: GN Reader, No use of YN, Slight Enemies to Lovers, Misunderstanding.
Summary: It's time to start your training for your duel! The Sheriff has splurged on a new gun for you, so you'd better impress him with those skills!
Let's hope you don't get too flustered and mess up the shot-
Chapter 3 - The Training: Undertale Yellow OST: 072 - Sunnyside Farm
You stirred in your sleep, tossing and turning. Groaning ever so often at the relentless pain in your head. Why’d that guy, Edward, have to drop you so freakin’ hard!
Eventually you’d had enough of pretending to be asleep, and woke up once again in a foreign bed. The sheets were red, and smelt of gunpowder. To your right, a sleeping bag was poised on the ground.
As you woke up and let the light of the day settle better into your dreary eyes, you could see that the room was covered in sleeping gear; Hammocks and pillows and couches. Even what looked to be a cat bed?
You slowly got out of the bed, being sure to rearrange the covers neatly once you were done.
In the corner of the room was a TV and beside it was a pile of VHS’s. You walked over, examining them. Despite being left on the floor of what was quite a dingy wooden house, there was seldom any dust on them. Looking at the labels, you recognised them all as classic Spaghetti Westerns; Man Hunt, Gunslinger’s Revenge, They Call Me Renegade, No Country for Old Men. They were all quite old films… How did they make their way down here?
You stood back up, looking over to the bed you had just emerged from. It was clear this was the Feisty Fives living quarters. And the bed you were sleeping in belonged to-
“Rise an’ shine partner!” North Star crashed through the door, leading in some of the light from outside with him. It’s like it followed him, stuck to his skin. Or maybe monsters of his kind could just *glow*. “You slept quite a bit. It’s nearly midday.” He flicked on the lights before walking over to you. “If you’re not up for training today, that’s alright.” He placed his gloved hand on your shoulder, “Being a cowboy as great as me is tough work of course. Gotta make sure you’re rested!” He laughed, his eyes squinting under his hat. He had a sweet laugh, an infectious one that caught you giggling along with him. No wonder he accumulated such a posse.
“Sorry I slept in. I don’t even remember getting here.” His hand still rested on your shoulder, grounding you. You felt a little spacey after such a night, and still a little wary of this stranger. Could you even be deemed strangers anymore? You had stayed the night in his own bed! “Where did you sleep last night?”
“Oh! Uh,” He sheepishly pointed to a pillow, laid on the floor next to the bed.
“You can’t be serious!” He held up his hands in faux defence, chuckling to himself,
“It’s quite alright, darlin’. You needed a good rest, and my bed’s the best of ‘em.” You scrunch your face at the answer, turning away in slight embarrassment.
“Hey, how about you make it up to me by meetin’ me at the saloon in 15? We’ll start trainin’ soon!” Oh right, training. You had nearly forgotten, having been too carried away with the logistics of the man's bed you had just slept in, and the pretty way he called you names and-
“Sounds like a plan. See you in 15 minutes.” He tipped his hat at you before leaving. It was goofy, and stupid, and you liked it. 
Not even yesterday you were shooting at the guy, pointing spears at him. Now you’re sleeping in his bed, and meeting up with him in 15 minutes!
Speaking of which, it was time to get ready-
“Look who got themselves all pretty.” North Star lobbied his compliments to you from across the bar, walking over to meet you halfway. “Let’s get you armed up and ready! Follow me.”
With that, he slipped past you, and you followed along close behind him. He led you out of the saloon, and out of the town square. You both went down one of the paths you had tread earlier when trying to make your escape. You felt sheepish retreading those panicked steps-
Luckily you stopped far before you made it to the gate, in front of a large wooden building. “The guy that works here is a friend of mine. I’m sure he’ll be happy to let you borrow some of his wares.” That didn’t sound entirely true- But you played along for now, enjoying the game of pretend.
North Star sauntered up to the door of the building, and you stood beside him on the patio. He knocked with his knuckles, yelling out through the door; “Open up, Blackjack! Don’t make me use force!” He smirked under the pointed brim of his hat, “I make the law so I can legally shoot down your doors!” How much of this was a *game*, anyway? Was he really going to gun this door down?
Suddenly, you heard the yell of an older voice, weathered with time;
“Get off my property, North Star!” You chuckled at the angered response. “I told you I wouldn’t even sell you a gumball!”
They continued to bicker back and forth as you watched North Star play the role of the negotiator. He had played it well with you earlier when you had approached him with the spear. *Now*, however, his abilities seemed to be failing him.
“You lost one of my premium revolvers last week!” Ah jeez.
“Look, I promise this is a different scenario, Jack. I won’t even step inside. You can meet me out here.” After a small pause, you could hear some rustling from behind the door. North Star started his way down the stairs and back onto the dry sand of the dunes. You followed suit. “See? I ‘ave it all under control.” He reassured you. His confidence unwavering.
“I never doubted you for a second, sheriff.” You teased, but by the looks of his reaction, he took it completely genuinely; a broad smile and a slight blush as he responded;
“Glad to hear that, rookie.” 
Eventually, a rotund purple monster, fitted out with round glasses and a fedora, walked out of the building on a pegged leg. His wooden prosthetic squeaked and wheezed against the wooden floorboards of the patio.
“Make it speedy.” He uttered. The warm wind rolled around the three of you, and the very exchange itself felt like the beginning of a standoff. The tension was so thick, that it seemed as if at any moment, North Star would shoot through it towards Blackjack, and Jack would respond, aiming his revolver at the sheriff. Excitement! And tension and drama!
Yet, nothing had happened at all. Just stares of contemplation.
“Of cooourse, sir!” North Star seemed to mimic, adopting a playful demeanour. He was a good actor, even if you solved his scheme quite quickly; “I was just gunna ask you to sell a gun to this human.”
Blackjack retreated quickly, despite his age and lack of leg. North Star was quick to make his pleas, the facade dropping for just a moment; “I worded that poorly, hold on! This ain’t a real human, you see. I was jokin’. They’re just a very fleshy monster!” Then all was quiet. He sighed while looking over at you, giving you a weak smile.
“I’ll give ya 400G.” Before you could object to such a price, Blackjack had rushed out, revolver already in hand as He and North Star made the exchange. Before you could utter a word, the transaction was done, just the quick pull of a trigger, it was over.
“North Star! That is so expensive! You can’t possibly spend that much on just a gun!” You angrily tried to reason with him, but he kept meeting your anger with a cocky looking gaze, and a smirk that he wore all too well.
“It’s fine, it’s fine dear. I can afford it! Plus, you can have it as a gift, for taking yer old one! And accidentally bashing yer head in.” If he was just going to give you a new gun, why even bother trying to get your old one? “Of course…” He started, leaning in close to you. You could nearly see under the shadow of his hat at this distance, “I’ll be making sure you don’t run off with this ‘till our deal is done. Sound good?” He waved the gun in front of you, like bait on a fishing rod. You were flushed; embarrassed at the display.
“Sure- Sounds fine.” You crossed your arms. “Don’t ever spend that much on something so stupid ever again.” You muttered, before North Star led you off.
Close by Blackjack’s shop was a training ground, with dummies set up around the place. The area around them was littered with bullet casings.
“This is where I like to practise my aim! It’s not everyday I’m going around shooting people, so dummies will have to do.” He smiled. North Star reached down to the holster on his leg, pulling out his gun. He handed the new one he had just bought to you. “Let’s see what you can do!”
You nodded confidently, walking up to the edge of the counter that stood between you and the dummies. They were about 8 metres away, and average in size. You readied your gun, aiming it towards one of the mannequins in the centre. 
The new gun felt far heavier than the toy that had been taken from you. It was a sturdy metal, with a clean sheen to it. Yet the gun felt off in your hands, you couldn’t get the same grip that you got with the toy gun, which was far smaller in size.
“Here- let me just-” You heard North Star come up behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders, shifting them to a different position. “There.” He whispered softly, “You want to have one of your shoulders back a little like this.” His touch was very gentle, something that you didn’t expect after being manhandled by Ed the night prior. You felt tense at the closeness.
North Star stepped back from you, “Okay, try takin’ the shot.” He said, confidently. If only his faith in you was well placed-
You felt the trigger under your finger, and tried to push down, but the trigger was a lot stiffer than your other gun. It took a lot more force.
Suddenly you felt your shoulder jolt to the side, as the icy sound of a piercing bullet rang through your ears. You stepped away from the counter in slight shock, feeling your breath heave slightly in surprise.
“Woah now! We don’t wanna go shootin’ somebody's head off now do we?” You could hear the sheriff chuckle from behind you.
Looking back up, it was clear your bullet hadn’t even grazed the fabric flesh of the mannequin. A real gun is a lot different from the cheap shit you were using-
“Okay, okay. I think I know what the problem is.” He leant on the counter next to you, staring up at you under the brim of his hat. “Try aiming again. I’ll adjust.” 
Feeling a little tense at the offer, but you slowly shifted back into the stance you had adopted previously. “Good, good. You’ve got the shoulders down.” You felt him behind you, “Ah, you’re not lining up the front and back sights. Are you aiming with the barrel?” He said incredulously.
“Maybe-” You mumbled. “I’m going to be frank with you. I’ve never shot a real gun- I’ve hardly even shot that fake gun that you took from me. It’s just some toy!” 
You felt him move in closer, you could feel his breath on your neck, his chin on your shoulder.
“I could tell. That warning shot was just a fluke.” You could practically hear his smirk. “But that’s okay. That’s why we’re training. Gotta make it fair.” His voice was so close to you, and its southern twang helped pluck the pain of the ringing bullet out of your ears. 
North Star learnt one of his arms over yours, pushing it slightly to the left. It was so warm with him so close, you could barely stand. “See, you’ve gotta close one eye when you shoot. You can’t aim with both eyes open. That’s how I knew you had never shot a gun before.”
“Wow- exposed much?” You laughed, trying to release the tension of his body being so close to yours. This was strictly business after all!
“See, when you close your eye, you need to line up that front bump and back bump on the top of the gun. From where I am it’s lined up, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be lined up for you. And I can’t exactly get any closer to you to make this more accurate. Unless you’d like me to, of course~” He laughed, walking back slightly and observing your form. You hit him in the shoulder lightly,
“Shut up-” You mumbled with a slight chuckle. “Let me focus.” You tried the stance again, closing your eye and lining up the front and back bump on the top of the gun.
“Are you saying I distract you, darlin’?” North Star fell into more laughter. 
You tried ignoring him and his words. You lined up the two bumps, and right behind them was the mannequin. 
As he chuckled beside you, you pulled the trigger. The gun pushed back against your hand as you heard the bullet go flying. You heaved a breath in peeking over the counter to see if you had hit the dummy.
“Woah! Hey, good job rookie!” North Star had ceased his laughter, and wrapped a supportive arm around your shoulder. “You might’ve only hit its lower torso but you didn’t miss it! That’s for sure!” You felt yourself smile. It felt nice to succeed for once-
“Well, let’s keep going!”
By now it was late afternoon, though it could be hard to tell under the relentless desert rays. You had shot round after round, missing a couple before hitting a few. As you shot, you and North Star had exchanged some banter, and a conversation here and there.
You had just set off another shot, letting the ringing sound of the bullet settle in the space before you asked,
“Hey, so, I saw some VHS’s in your house. They’re yours right?”
“Yep, I scavenged them from some trash heap. It’s all human stuff from the surface. It trickles down here eventually and well- we get to collect the scraps!”
You shot another round. This one missed, to North Star’s disappointment. His saddened expression was kind of cute given the circumstances.
“No wonder you’re like a real cowboy, with all those films and stuff.”
“I guess you could say that. Maybe I was a real cowboy all along, and the good stuff knew how to find me!” He smirked.
“Sure- sure.” Another shot, this one barely missed. You grumbled in annoyance.
“I’ve always been invested in that human stuff, maybe the worlds paying me back by giving me all those movies! Like some old Western omen!”
“Of course.” You giggled, “Why do you like all this human stuff so much?” You turned to him. He sat against the counter, pondering. Not once in these past few hours had you seen him so contemplative.
After a moment he replied; “Everything just seems so happy- Even if they’re shooting over some guy's wife, or some guy's cattle, or some guy's land, they’re *free*. They can roam on their fire-proof monsters, and go riding into balls of fire all they want!” Ignoring the fire ball thing, the whole answer honestly dampened your good mood. It was clear from nearly every monster you had met that the claustrophobia of the underground had set in long before this generation of monsters was even born. 
“Yeah- I can see that.” You responded,
“So it's true?”
“That humans are fire proof?”
“Well- technically speaking *yes* but-”
“I knew it! Ceroba’s going to be so mad- I knew it!” And just like that, the mood changed back to light and cheerful. Yet you could still see a hint of sadness left in his eyes. He fronted it with a visage of happiness quite well. You decided to ignore it for now.
The name he spoke caught your attention,
“Ceroba… is she the fox lady?” He nodded,
“And my best friend. Since childhood!” It’s like he wore their friendship like a badge of honour. It was honestly quite a sweet display. 
That made everything click into place a little better. Ceroba was there before, in the bar when you approached. She probably felt safe around North Star, hence why she didn’t panic when you brandished your spear.
She had talked to you later in the night as well. She seemed a bit stoic and standoff-ish but appreciative of your arrival nonetheless. Maybe it was good to have one straight man to balance the heap of crazy cowboys.
“Have you met her?” You nodded, turning away to fire another shot. This one landed! “Nice!” You heard North Star exclaim.
“Yeah, I met her briefly. When you went to set up all *this*,” You gestured around yourself, “She had spoken with me. Just asking if I was alright.” He smiled at you.
“My oldest friend and my newest friend! Pals already huh! This is going great! And she said it’d be a bad idea-” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, looking out at the shooting range;
“That *what* would be a bad idea?” You turned to him with slight concern,
“Well, hanging out with you ‘n all.” You frowned, turning back and taking another shot. This one hit right in the head of the mannequin.
“I knew it was a good idea though! I mean, come on, a real life human! It’s like the movies but real! And you’re so much different to how I thought you’d be!”
“You barely know me yet. I barely know *you* yet.” 
“Well then that’ll just have to change right?” He smiled, patting you on the shoulder, “Plus, it feels like I’ve known you for years already.” You couldn’t tell whether or not he was just saying that, but irregardless it felt good to hear.
“Yeah- me too.” North Star seemed to perk up at hearing that, his cheeks flushing a warm teal. He turned away from you, hiding under his hat,
“It’s getting warm- Maybe we should head in for the day?” He suggested,
“Sounds good, Sheriff.” He turned to you,
“I’ll buy ya a drink?” You smiled up at him,
“Sounds like a plan, Star.”
“How was trainin’ with the boss today, newbie?”
“Good- good. I’m not the best with a gun, sadly.”
“Seemed to enjoy yourself nonetheless, hm?”
“Of course. It was fun. We’re shooting guns but I didn’t feel in danger. For once-”
“I know he had fun too. Keep it up, rookie!”
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valictini · 2 months
Hey I came across your posts about the qsmp situation and although I absolutely understand your anger and dissapointment, things are not as easy as one might think. For one, Quackity Studios and Quackity himself are already in a legal procedure against the previous admins who stole money off the project, therefore, while it is still open, they legally cannot say much about the entire situation. We do not know how deep it actually goes, so there's that. Maybe at the beginning if it had all been resolved amicably it would have worked, but I find it hard to see.
The reason why those previous admins were not contacted, in my opinion, is because they 1. stepped away from the project, meaning, they do not form part of it currently, therefore they do not necessarily need to know everything that goes on in the administration and 2. as much as it does sound stupid there were a bunch of stuff here and there that these admins leaked, in fact, I remember being really weirded out because Lea in particular (no hate to her I empathize with her situation) was talking in Twitter about things that had nothing to do with her situation, like lore stuff, and that is a breach of trust in a person that they won't go to the public inmediatly, much more now that they've kinda gathered an audience by themselves. I do believe the ex-admins deserve closure, but I do think it should be well prepared, not empty promises, like saying "oh yeah we're gonna pay you" "well how much" "we still don't know" >> that would be a disaster, both PR and legally wise.
Hey, thanks for being cordial with your ask I appreciate it!
I'll put in in a read more because there's a lot ot unpack, and I'll try my best to explain why I don't think the studio ghosting ex employees is excusable.
First of all, i agree with your first point. I don't expect news from the legal procedures Quackity is having with the people who embezzled money from him. It's no one's business but his, and yeah, he doesn't have to share anything about that. Especially if it's legally binding.
Now, my problem is how the studio never contacted any of the victims (the ex employees). This is a separate issue altogether that has no link with the embezzlement issues. And should have been treated as much.
It is a workers' right issues.
The studio had 2 months and a lot of good faith on their side, but they didn't even ask for the victims' testimonies, despite being encouraged multiple times to do so by the french union. The amicable solution definetely was on the table, but by repeatedly ignoring all the warning signs, they've now put themselves in the situation where the only way to make them acknowledge their mistakes is probably going to be through legal procedures. And that is unfortunate, because again, everyone was willing to give them grace at the beginning.
Hell, with Quackity leaving the administration, they had a chance very recently to make this right, in a way that fans and ex employees would have probably been satisfied with. Something like, "the new administration seems to know what they're doing, i am willing to trust them". But they didn't.
And the argument that the admins that werent contacted have breached their trust by talking on twitter... is still not a good reason imo? Like, it started precisely because they werent heard in private. Sure, now the cats out of the bag and some ex admins are probably mentally blacklisted by the current admins, but it's still not right to ignore them.
People posting their testimonies in public is their right, and wouldn't have happened if, again, Qstudio had asked for them privately. Also, talking about behind the scenes info about past lore is just not that big of a deal to me. They're not spoiling any future lore or event. They're not breaking anything that wasn't already broken. But, yeah maybe in their minds, that's what's happening.
To me though, the trust argument falls completely flat when people who didn't do anything wrong (like Lumi or Ryan) have been ghosted. Especially Ryan who is still supposed to be working for Qstudio. Are they fired? Are they still in but ghosted? These are questions no one should have to ask.
And to me, there are ways to keep contact with the admins without making empty promises. The message I wrote in my precedent post was, to me, not an empty promise, but here is the more professional version: we want you there and appreciate the role you had in the project, but we realistically don't know if we'll be able to keep you there. We'll be in contact in the future if the opportunity to get you back in presents itself, but for now, we have to consider you not part of the project anymore.
Yes, it's harsh, yes, this would have made the fans mad if shared in public, but its more honest and to the point than being ghosted.
Finally, I do understand that my posts might have been more angry than usual, and im sorry if I've made people feel bad in any way, but I never maintag these posts for a reason. All I hope is that the people who want to still enjoy the QSMP take care of themselves and don't go through the negative tags.
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grassclippers · 10 months
❀˖°three cheers for a hopeful Future ❀˖°
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summary-if only y/n didn't have a curious mind and they just went on there way to. But they knew they could never go back to the regular hustle and bustle of there their old life. especially since they meant a pipe cleaner of a man. ⊹𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊
T/W: cats,iced chai,suicide?,murder?
About: /first person/ italic words are thoughts you have a cat - tiki bar: a fat brown cat that you found behind a chilis y/f/d: your favorite drink pronouns: they/them y/n: your name y/n/n: your nickname y/h/l: your hair length y/h/c: your hair color y/n: is an outgoing person who likes chai and is learning to become a archaeologist and minor in film.but on there way to class they meet someone ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
A/N- i'm sorry i haven't written in a while but i realized after i watched criminal minds that this needed to be made, this fic is a bit out of character . i am planning to turn this into a series. i will also be using season one ,spencer, since he's an awkward little goof.
september,15,thursday, 9:00 am, 2005 ⋆your pov⋆
oh shit, i think as i wake up on my desk. i cranked my up to feel the knot start to emulate in my neck. if only i was in culinary school then i wouldn't have to worry about these outlandish projects.i think as i stare at my laptop that seems to have have died while i was asleep. i stand up and began to stretch my limbs. i quickly scan the room only to notice that the lights are turned off and stare in the mirror, i was wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. My y/h/l was tasseled. I look like a hobo. i quickly turn n the light and searched for my laptop charger. ⊹𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 I plug my laptop in and as i wait i go to the kitchen in my apartment. i note that my roommate has left for her classes , and that tiki bar is napping on the plush armchair you were gifted by your dads. You trudge to the kitchen and grab y/f/d. As you enter your room you observe you have an hour till classes. you turn on your phone and play your morning playlist as you open your laptop and double check that you finished your film project and turned it in. you gaze slowly shifts to your door, tiki bar has entered. you register that you should probably get ready for class .
9:45 am ⋆ spencer's pov⋆
four college students have committed "suicide" on every seventeenth since may ,on the same bridge, all at 7:15:27 am.
probably a cult or maybe a- Spencer ,morgan yelled my name. i slowly look up at him. i give him a confusing look, were here he told me as i notice we were parked on what seemed to be a the bottom level of a parking garage. i remembered that this particular parking garage, the gravet garage, from the map we were that were shown of the place in which they lives were ended.
9:45 am ⋆ your pov⋆
I quickly grab my key to my moped and shoved my phone into my bag. i gently put my headphones into my ears. i slowly drove to the ,gravet garage, that was close to my classes and by far the best garage since it was near the cutest little coffee shop. I park the colorful moped near a black suv. as i walk to the coffee shop i notice a decent amount of people almost huddled around the outside of the shop. i slowly maneuver myself around them since they seem like they could beat me up. i walk up to the counter as i am about to order i notice a skinner man who seems to be apart of the group that was taking up lot of space outside. ⊹𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 I watched as he slowly scanned the menu that was filled with sugary coffee, interesting teas, spiced chai, and breakfast foods. He looks undecided and cute. I blush at my own thoughts. "Hey do you need any help deciding on what to order?because when i say they have a killer iced chai latte. I mean it" i say to him and as I smile. He gradually turns his head to me. We make eye contact." oh my name y/n but my friends call me y/n/n. well if i had any friends." I say my smile emulating joy. "h-h-hi " he says . He stutters that is so cute."my name is spencer, did you know that chai was thought to be found at least 5,000 years ago, it was supposedly made for king. they made chai as a remedy for all his illness"spencer says. " what that's sick . did you know chai is one of my favorite drinks". ⊹𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 I say happily. "are you ready sir" the attendant behind the counter says. "may please have caramel frappe" " anything else sir" "that's all" he pays and casually walks to place where you pick up your coffee "hey, can i please i have and iced chai latte with oat milk" I walk next to spencer as I wait for my coffee to be made. "so are you with the group outside or do you also not know them?" "I-I am with them" "okie dokie, so why yall in town. i am genuinely curious. since yall look like your from the matrix" our coffee are presented to us.and we take them. "we are all apart of the FBI, and we are reschearing the suicides that happen on the north east bridge" "Thats cool, weren't they apart of a cult or something" "we are lead to think that but-"he gets cut off by a voice outside that tells that they are leaving. "well it was lovely to meet you maybe we could talk in the future" I take a napkin and write my number on it. "everlong, spence". i quickly rush out the door.
10:00 am ⋆spencer's pov⋆
I quickly shove the napkin in my pocket. Shit, i think i just flirted with someone. Morgan was the one who interrupted our conversation and he again is yelling for me to come outside the coffee shop. "were walking to the main campus to conduct interviews on friends and other college students" Morgan says. As we investigate i realize that the only thing my mind is y/n. They were so kind. i will have to try chai now.
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aqg-arts · 11 months
Hi, I'm AQG Arts!
As you can tell from my bio (and my posts), I am an 'artist' who enjoys drawing anything that will make people laugh. I also love to write, though I haven't made any posts containing my writing. I'm also currently- actually, no. No spoilers :p. Instead, let me link the project when it's ready 😉
My pronouns are she/her/they/them
Here are some fun facts about me:
. I am a bi lesbian in a straight relationship
. I am a Demigirl
. I have a yt channel
. I have a discord
. I have an insta
. Please sign the Griffin Petition uwu
. I love Halo, Warframe, COD, Ghost Recon, etc
. I have four birds (two of which are just as old as me lol); France, Prince (cocktails), Buck and Dare (parrots).
. I have two fish, one's about 5-7 yrs, the other about 2 yrs (Jerome'eis and Tiger)
. I have a cat (Kelly)
. I have a horse (Archie, pictured bellow)
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. Queerphobes
. BLERQs (Bi Lesbian Exclusionary...)
. TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist)
. MERQs (MSPEC Exclusionary...)
. Anti-gay Christians (you know the ones)
. Zoos/'MAPs'/pedos (These people are NOT Queer; They are bigots, and they are actually harming people, even if they are 'non-practising'. The difference between them and us MSPECs is exactly that: They hurt people, and we just want to live our lives.)
. Misogynists
. Pro-lifers (don't even lol)
. Pro genocide (you are disgusting)
. Racists
. AI 'artists' (anyone who uses AI with that type of mindset (iykyk) will be purged from thou blog, UwU. In other words, no AI bros)
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Here's some of my fav art things I've done (some are WIPS), just so you can get a taste of my art lol. enjoy :D
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And for those of you wondering who the last one is, these are my Halo OCs (who is also a bit of a god/prophet of mine), Kalmaya-A118 and her 'AI' buddy, Firefall, redrawn. If you wanna find out a bit more about her, just look at the lovely little things I wrote down bellow ;)
I might add to her dotn't points later, however, for now, this will have to do. Also, be warned; Kalmaya isn't actually in the Halo universe. In fact, if she was, she'd break it because she is... too powerful.
Here are some 'fun' facts about Kalmaya A118 and her bestis bud, Firefall :3
. She lives in an alternative-but-not-really-alternative universe, where her powers can be handled (she's too gay for gaylo)
. She visits the cannon timeline, but only time to time (and only to cause chaos cas she a gremlin fr)
. In her universe, they're missing a couple of people (who are in my basement), but they're only a few 'KIA' Spartan's that ppl tend to forget abt... and maybe 3 or 4 or 10 very alive ones. (Spartèmon, gotta catch em all...)
. Kalmaya is technically a demigod (on the premise that I am a God)
. Kalmaya owns a gravemind (awolololo gang for life yo)
. Kalmaya is also a bi les
. Kalmaya yoinked Umbra and a few other warframes outta their universes when she- actually, this will be hard to explain without writing a story on it (hint hint future me)
. Kalmaya is lovingly nicknamed 'Brutedundee'
. Kalmaya bonked Ballas (because I couldn't 😤)
. Kalmaya beat the living shit out of Chak Lok's corpse (because that's what real heroes do when their bestie gets hurt)
. Kalmaya is not permitted to bring a bag of live popcorn onto any ship unless it is her own and no one is aboard; if she is caught doing so, Firefall will become straight and embarrass the shit out of her...
Ima keep adding to these dot points later, but for now? For now enjoy these brain sharts >:3
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rattlyglitch · 15 days
Ocean Project Chapter 2 (also known as future octonauts)
Kwazii kept wandering around the Gup-1 after the group of five had headed off for land, looking out the windows, pacing around the room, and just overall trying to do something to distract himself. The octopod could only get so close to the forest area before the group had to rely on a Gup to get them the rest of the way there. In the Gup-1 they would have an additional two hours to travel to where the octoalerts were coming from. He didn't even understand why but Kwazii was anxious.
Maybe it was the thoughts flowing around that maybe someone while they were in this area of the forest could have snuck onto the octopod and stolen some watches or maybe it was the thought of wondering if someone had made a signal that was similar enough to an octoalert and they were being led into a trap. Kwazii decided though that the reason he was most nervous was because ever since finding his grandfather in a similar area he had been nervous about entering swamps or forests.
The tales he had been told were enough to shake Kwazii. The land had also never been a place Kwazii was too comfortable with. It was so still unlike the sea and never lulled him to sleep. He was positive that the others had noticed his pacing but they either decided it was just Kwazii being Kwazii or weren't sure how to approach the situation. Peso though helped. When Kwazii got tired and pacing or trying to find any possible way to keep his nerves at bay he leaned against the wall. After a few minutes, Peso walked over and sat in front of the cat pirate.
He gently rolled a paper ball to Kwazii who rolled it back. The two continued to roll the ball back and forth between each other. Soon Tweak and Dashi joined in and it soon began a circle of rolling the ball between one another while Captain Barnacles steered the Gup. By nightfall, the group of five arrived at the forest area. Kwazii smiled at Peso when they exited. "Thanks for the help earlier Peso. I really needed that." Peso smiled back at Kwazii. "I was glad to help you. You looked nervous and it was the right thing to do." The cat grinned and ruffled the penguin's head fur. "I'm glad then that you were here with us."
Once everyone was out of the Gup-1 Captain Barnacles called Shellington via his octowatch. "Captain it's wonderful to hear from you. Did you and the other octonauts make it safely to the forest?" Kwazii perked his ears up a bit wanting to see if he could hear the conversation. A "yes" came from Captain Barnacles and then it was difficult to make out the rest of what they were saying. His attention was brought over to Tweak though when she suddenly tossed a backpack at him.
"The plan is for two people to remain in the Gup while the other three walk in front of it and search for anyone who might be around here. You, Dashi, and Captain Barnacles will be walking out front while I drive the Gup and Peso makes sure to be in place in case there are any injuries from the folks in trouble or if one of you gets hurt." Kwazii slipped on the bag giving a nod to let Tweak know he heard her. "Let's get going then. Does Cap'n an Dashi have bags as well?" As much as the cat wanted to book for it and take off to see where the alert was coming from he knew that the others might need some more time to be ready to go into the forest.
He may have been nervous in the Gup-1 and was still nervous at the moment but Kwazii wasn't a coward. If something made him uneasy Kwazii was used to rushing in and taking care of the problem as quickly as he could rather than waiting. "We're both also ready to go Kwazii. All we need is for Tweak and Peso to get into the Gup-1." Tweak and Peso made their way into the Gup-1 before giving Captain Barnacles the thumbs up that they were ready to go. The gears of the Gup-1 started up and soon the walk through the forested area had begun. It was surprisingly wet which led Kwazii to believe it had rained before they got there or something odd had happened since the rain hadn't been seen or detected by Tracker when he sent the direction of where the octoalerts were coming from.
"Hey, cap'n do you think wherever we are going that maybe they had a ship or something that had a lot of water? I mean it's possible that Tracker could have been wrong about the weather but I don't it's like 'im to be wrong." Captain Barnacles glanced around taking in the area for a moment. "It is strangely wet, yes but that doesn't mean Tracker was wrong or right. The water seems like sea water but also some rain. I would guess that whoever did send the alerts was in water but there was a small sprinkle as well before we came here. If it was small enough it is possible that it was missed." Kwazii highly doubted that Tracker was wrong because the strong smell of salt was noticeable. Captain Barnacles glanced around taking in the area for a moment.
"It is strangely wet, yes but that doesn't mean Tracker was wrong or right. The water seems like sea water but also some of it does seem to be rain. I would guess that whoever did send the alerts was in water but there was a small sprinkle as well before we came here. If it was small enough it is possible that it was missed."
Kwazii gave a hum in acknowledgment. He continued to look around the area for any possible signs of life. After tracking for several hours into the forest a fireplace that had been put out was found. The locations of the alerts seemed to have moved through but as they tried to follow it to the new location the alerts went back to where they were again.
Almost like they kept circling. Eventually, Captain Barnacles looked at the crew. "I believe it would be best if we hid somewhere around this area and wait to see if the alerts come to us. They may think something is chasing them. If they haven't ever known of a Gup the sounds of Gup-1 may be scaring them."
"How should we hide the Gup-1? Me an Peso can't leave the three of you alone. If we're too far we can't help you if whatever we're looking for does attack." Dashi looked up at Tweak. "How about the nearest cave? Or at least fifty feet away from the fireplace? You should be able to blend in if you are that far and can get here quickly too if anything goes wrong. If you want we can use those gel bead guns you have or paintball guns to scare them off if we are in danger. If they become hostile because we scare them the worst thing to do would be injure them more with something more dangerous."
Dashi made valid points and none of the octonauts liked guns that used real bullets. Dashi herself and Professor Inkling seemed to have bad histories with the weapons and hadn't explained what it happened or why to anyone else besides Peso. The other five had their own dislikes for the weapons and the violence that came with them as well. "Ok we'll do that Dashi your idea sounds good" Tweak replied. She disappeared from view for a few moments before walking out of the octopod with two cases. "The gel guns are here and their handguns. Be careful and stay low."
Tweak handed out the guns and made sure before she left with Peso that the three of them were hidden. They laid on their stomachs and behind a thick amount of grass and bushes that seemed to promise a secure and well hidden spot to look at the fireplace and keep all attention needed on it.
"I promise to Tweak that I'll make sure Dashi an Cap'n are safe." The mechanic gave Kwazii a pleased smile. "I appreciate that but that also means you watch yourself too." Tweak gave the other two a thumbs-up before leaving the three. The group waited and hoped that their plan would work and that whatever the alerts were coming from showed up.
Don't worry in Chapter 3 the future octonauts will finally be arriving. I expected them to arrive in this one but I didn't want to rush the meeting. So cliffhanger was chosen. Chapter 3 will hopefully be out sometime next week.
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hammity-hammer · 1 year
Happy Holi-gays!
Here’s my spicy six holiday writing! (two months late (((:)
Thank you so much to @thefreakandthehair for the prompt, please go make sure to read everything that everyone else has been posting!
(i also made art that's on ao3 with the story- but im a sleeby boy and that shit's difficult to add in so-- go check it out on there! & my dividers were made by someone...... i cannot recall their user and i feel like a bag of dicks but if any of y'all can figure it out pls tag them for me so i know<3)
(second also-- ty to lou, ej, & cat for beta-ing for me<33 i love you guys so much!)
to read on ao3:
if you wanna read it here then here ya go!
10 days before Christmas - 1987
Eddie slams his fist on the door to apartment 2B, rattling the door on its hinges. He’s got his bottom lip bit between his teeth while he pops his knuckles, waiting anxiously for someone to let him in. After what feels like five minutes (which realistically was about thirty seconds, but when you’re nervous time seems to move exceedingly slowly, give the man a break), a very festive looking Argyle opens the door. Bells ring as he lazily waves a hello to Eddie, nods his head and takes a step back to let him inside.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, my herbaceous buddy?” He asks with a dopey grin on his face. Argyle closes the door while Eddie looks around, taking in the colorful lights and heavily decorated tree by the television.
“Well, okay, so here’s the deal. It’s our first Christmas, like, together, you know? Like, with everybody being in their little couples and no weird upside down related shit, and we’re real adults now, right? And we’re gonna have our little Christmas party together, but I was just thinking, everyone has like little traditions that they do for holidays, right?” Eddie rambles, his hands moving wildly around him while he meanders around his point. Argyle nods at him, hanging off of every word to encourage him to go on.
“What if, we all— you, me, Stevie, Jonny, Nance, and Robbie come up with our own traditions? Like, maybe we all bring one tradition that our family does or something, and we make it like a thing?” He starts again, a hopeful look on his face while he explains, “‘Cause me and Wayne have always gone and visited some of my family and like we spend a day making tamales and flautas together, and I was just thinking that I would really, really enjoy seeing everybody try and cook that shit. I like, barely have gotten the hang of it, and I’ve been helping with them and not hanging at the kiddie table for like, four years or something now.”
Argyle thinks for a second, nodding his head softly, while Eddie wrings his hands together and grins at him. Thinking about the few cousins he has on Wayne’s side always makes him happy, but when he thinks about spending holidays with them, his happiness expands tenfold. They don’t see each other often, but every time they reconnect, it’s like there was never any time in between their meetings.
“Okay brochacho, I totally am picking up what you’re putting down, and I think we totally could convince our funky little friends to do that! Just thinking about Big Byers covered in maza has me fucking excited,” Argyle laughs. He grins so wide his eyes basically close at the thought, but suddenly they shoot open, “Wait bro, where are we gonna do all this at? Jonny boy and I definitely don’t have a big enough kitchen, and I don’t think you and Nance would be able to hold all six of us, would you?”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head, dearest Argyle, for we’ve got the Harrington Manor at our disposal for the foreseeable future,” Eddie grins wickedly, throwing his arms out in front of him as if he’s displaying something in the air. “Speaking of Harrington, I do need to go see my lovely boy, so I’ll smell ya later, dude. Is it cool if I call you later to confirm the time and everything once Jonny’s home?” He asks as he spins around to leave, opening the door and taking one step outside, so he can still hear Argyle’s response.
“Sure dude, we’re spending a night in for once, so we’ll be here,” He affirms, as if he and Jonathan ever leave their apartment for anything besides work and picking up their “supply” from Eddie.
Eddie basically skips to his van, throwing the door open and hopping in. He puts in his favorite tape that Steve made him, that has a perfect cursive “You suck, Eds” written on the front. He remembers when Steve gave it to him, acting all shy and trying to use his Harrington Charm to make Eddie swoon.
He’d batted his pretty round eyes at Eddie, hiding his arms behind his back while he asked questions about metal that he already knew the answer to. Eddie’d rolled his eyes and thrown a crooked smile his way, saying, “Now, now pretty boy, I’m pretty sure we’ve already gone over this. Do you just like hearing me explain things to you a million times?” He brought his hand up to push hair out of Steve’s face, basking in the deep blush that slowly spread from his cheeks to his neck.
“I- I um… I was just wondering because… Um- I made you this? And you know, I just wanted to make sure I had, like, remembered things correctly and everything,” Steve started rambling, his hands bringing the perfectly wrapped tape in front of him, a shy smile on his face. Eddie stared shell shocked at the gift in front of him, his hand still softly brushed up against Steve’s temple. Steve nudged the tape into Eddie’s chest, blinking his eyes very obviously at him.
Eddie took the present that was given to him, and held it carefully. With the utmost caution, he peeled the black wrapping paper back, his eyes growing even bigger when he realized it was actually a mixtape that Steve made. No one had ever made Eddie a mixtape before, and especially not a mixtape covered in goofy looking hearts and two stick figures holding hands on the bottom.
He glanced up at Steve, who was biting his bottom lip anxiously, as he did a little jazz hand, “Tada! I’ve been working on this for like… A few months, honestly. I just wanted it to be perfect for you? Because you’re perfect to me?” An awkward grin graced his face while he scratched his neck with the non-jazz hand.
“Steve Harrington… I know you didn’t actually make the little ole town freak a mixtape now, did you?” Eddie whispered, a teasing grin beginning to form on his lips.
Steve’s blush deepened even further while he looked to the floor, shrugging his shoulders.“I just wanted you to have a little piece of me with you everywhere you go? You know, like, you get to hear these songs and then think of…Steve,” He mumbled and rocked back and forth on his heels. Steve blew air out of his mouth and gave Eddie a goofy grin.
“Stevie, you… You are so unbelievable,” Eddie breathed and put the tape in his front pocket. He cupped Steve’s face with his hands and gently pressed their lips together. Steve immediately kissed him back, moving his hands to Eddie’s hips and stepping closer to him. They stayed like that, kissing in Steve’s bedroom and losing track of time. Eventually, Eddie pulled back.
“No one’s ever done anything this nice for me before,” He breathed, his face barely inches from Steve’s. “You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever met, inside and out, and I really, really don’t understand why you’d spend any time doing something so sweet for me.”
“Can’t you tell why I’d do this? I feel like I’ve been so obvious!” Steve laughed, moving one hand from Eddie’s hip to cup his cheek, “I like you so much, Eds. I know that it says you suck, but that’s actually a lie. You make me so, so happy, and you’re practically all I talk about. I’m pretty sure Robin was going to murder me if I didn’t figure out some way to tell you that I have feelings for you.” He grinned and poked Eddie’s cheek, “Plus, I was getting real sick and tired of not being able to do this.” Steve kissed him softly and pulled away before Eddie could kiss back.
“Now, if I said I wanted to be your boyfriend… would that be okay?” He asked shyly, moving his hands to hold Eddie’s. Steve chewed his lip while Eddie processed, spinning the rings on Eddie’s fingers.
“I would be over the moon if I got to call you mine, pretty boy.” Eddie nodded, his reserved smile turning into a giant grin.
Eddie uses his key to unlock the front door to the “Harrington Manor”, kicking his shoes off when he gets in and putting his keys in the bowl. He wanders to his boyfriend’s room, humming a little ‘Mr. Crowley’ while he swings open the door, finding a napping Steve on the bed. He’s got his glasses falling off his nose, and Eddie’s very loved copy of The Two Towers resting open on his chest.
“Stevie, baby… Good morning,” he whispers, lightly brushing hair from Steve’s forehead. Steve huffs and shakes his head, rolling over as he presses his face into his pillow.
“C’mon, I’ve gotta talk to you about some holiday plans,” Eddie laughs, plucking the book from his boyfriend and trying to roll him back over. “You aren’t even supposed to be sleeping right now, you’re gonna mess up your sleep schedule!”
“Eds… I gotta sleeeeep, get in the bed with me, please?” Steve mumbles into the pillow, not letting Eddie roll him. He reaches out his hands and grabs at Eddie, trying to pull him on top. “So sleepy… Waited so long.”
“Baby, it’s been barely an hour, I literally haven't been gone long enough for you to be asleep.” Eddie complains as he crawls over Steve, cradling his head, so he doesn’t accidentally hurt him.
“Tell me about it,” Steve huffs, opening one eye to look at Eddie as he cracks a sleepy smile. Eddie grins back, “Stevie, can we talk now? I have a question that’s kind of important.”
Steve yawns, “Go for it.” He rests a hand gently on Eddie’s head and starts playing with his hair.
“So… You know how we don’t really have any plans for Christmas? Because Rob and Nance are doing their Hanukkah thing, and the Hopper-Byers clan has decided to vacation to Cali, excluding Jonny, so we were just going to… do nothing?” Eddie continues, “I talked to Argyle, and we want to try and do like a holiday cooking party type thing. Here. Just the six of us, no kids, and we can make our own holiday traditions.”
Steve’s eyes shoot open, “You mean like… like a family? You wanna do family things with me, Eds? And, when would we do them? Christmas is in like… a week, and I think Robs told me that Hanukkah starts soon, right?” He moves his hand down to hold Eddie’s cheek.
“Stevie, of course I wanna do family things with you, I love you. I love you so, so much. You are my family, you and Wayne, but I want to celebrate with you. I want to celebrate every single holiday we can together. And we can have the party this Saturday? I’m pretty sure everyone’s got it off, and I have Friday off, too, so I can go and get supplies. Does that sound okay?” Eddie leans into Steve’s hand, giving it a soft kiss and smiling.
“That sounds perfect, love. I’ll go call Robs and check if that works for them. Do you wanna come with me, or do you wanna stay here and rest a little?” Steve asks, pulling Eddie close to plant a soft kiss to his lips. Eddie smiles and kisses him back.
“I’ll go wherever you go, pretty boy.”
“Buckley residence, this is Nancy speaking,” Nancy answers the phone, sticking her tongue out at Robin who wasn’t able to get there quick enough.
“Oh, Steve! To what do we owe the pleasure of your call?” She leans away from Robin, who grabs for her and the phone, “Nance! That’s my best friend, I wanna talk to him!”
“Oh wow, you guys are inviting us to your house for a… holiday cooking party…? Do you mean like Christmas, because you know Robbie doesn’t celebrate that, and if you’re inviting us to a Christmas party I will be offended on her behalf, considering you’re supposed to be her best friend.” Nancy scolds, squealing when Robin grabs her by the waist. Robin plants a kiss on the side of her head, giggling when Nancy blushes.
“Okay… So you want us to come over Saturday? We’ll just have to be home in time to light the menorah and everything, so you can’t keep us too late,” Nancy questions, looking over to Robin.
She puts her hand over the receiver, “Does Saturday at 3pm sound okay to make food with the boys?” Robin nods, resting her chin on Nancy’s shoulder. Uncovering the receiver, Nancy lets Steve know that they’ll be there before hanging up.
“Not even letting me speak to my best friend in the whole world? The love of my life? Nancy, what are you doing! Are you jealous of little ole Stevie?” Robin jokes, placing dramatic, slobbery kisses to her girlfriend’s shoulder. Nancy giggles and rolls her eyes, “Darling. You see him every single day at work, and I just wanted to get him off the phone so I could spend some time with my favorite woman on the whole planet.”
Nancy turns around, wrapping her arms around Robin’s neck as she plants a soft kiss to her cheek. Robin snorts and her face starts to turn a bright red as she wraps her arms tighter around Nancy’s waist.
“I’m your favorite woman on the whole planet, Nance?” Robin whispers, a cheeky smile on her face. Nancy nods, kissing her other cheek, “Robin Buckley, you may be my most favorite person on the whole planet, not just my favorite woman.” Robin kisses her softly, knowing that Nancy’s telling the truth, if the letter she’d received 6 months ago was anything to go by.
I don’t think I have ever met someone who makes me feel the way that you do. I thought that maybe I was making things up, or that I was misreading our interactions, but I know that the way I feel about you isn’t anything that could be misread or made up. I think about you more than is probably sane, considering that we barely get to see each other as of late. I love listening to you ramble when you’re nervous, or when you’re really excited about something, or someone brings up a topic that you love. I love when you make snarky comments under your breath that you think no one can hear. I love when you protect your friends without thought, not caring what happens to you as long as they’re safe. I love when you smile, when you laugh, when you accidentally make noises because you’re so excited you have no other way to express it. I love that you love things so passionately, not caring what people have to say. I love you, Robin. I think that this may be the easiest thing I’ve ever done, although I guess I am copping out a bit, sending a letter and all. I hope that you get this soon, and I hope that I’m not wrong about your feelings.
Estaré aquí cuando me quieras, por siempre si es lo que quieres.
Para siempre,
Nancy Wheeler”
As soon as Robin finished reading the letter, she called Steve. She waited for about three rings until he picked up, “Harrington residence, this is Steve speaking.”
“Steve! Get over here, like asap! I really, really need to get to Nancy’s, like now, please,” Robin urged. She kept the phone between her shoulder and ear as she slipped her converse on.
“Nancy’s? Why do you need to go there now? It’s like… 2pm, what are you going to do at 2pm on a weekday?” Steve asked. Robin could hear him picking up his keys, though, which had her grinning.
“I think your ex-girlfriend is also in love with me? She sent me a letter? I really, really hope this isn’t some kind of sick joke, Steve. No one would do that, right? I-I mean… No one even knows, about me, I mean, so they wouldn’t know to confess to me as Nancy… Right?” Robin started rambling, almost dropping the phone while she tied her shoes.
“Robs. Calm down, dude. I don’t think anyone knows, and it’s definitely very like Nance to send you a letter like we don’t have cars and phones,” Steve laughed, “I’m leaving now, love you, see you soon.”
“I love you too, hurry your ass up before I spiral even further, please!” Robin rushed out, putting the phone back into the cradle.
It took him 20 minutes, but Steve finally pulled up to Robin’s house. He honked his horn obnoxiously, and Robin ran outside so fast she almost fell down the steps to her house.
“Dear lord, could you have taken any longer? How am I supposed to go profess my love to your ex if you take 20 minutes to get here?” She started speaking as soon as she opened the car door, throwing her bag in by her feet before throwing herself in.
“I’m sorry that I have to obey traffic laws? Would you rather I died on the way to get you to the love of your life?” He asked rhetorically, easing his foot off of the brake and heading for Nancy’s house.
“I dunno, dude, I think maybe that would not be so great, but I can’t think about anything right now besides the fact that your ex-girlfriend, one of the most literally smartest people in all of Hawkins,” Robin started, pulling down the passenger side visor and checking her hair. “Confessed her love for your current best friend and platonic soulmate, one of the most awkward and anxious people in all of Hawkins.” She continued, rubbing under her eyes and slapping her cheeks.
“You may be awkward and anxious, but you’re still a catch! Do you know how many languages you know? And, you have like the cutest freckles, and you get her weird nerd jokes! You guys are like, perfect for eachother!” Steve exclaimed, taking his eyes off the road to look incredulously at his best friend.
“I guess… you might be right. And, she wrote in Spanish! Do you know how many people have learned phrases in other languages for me? None, Steve, the answer is none. She went out and learned how to say something, just because she knows that I know the language.” Robin rambled, her hands moving wildly as Steve pulled in front of Nancy’s house.
“She totally is in love with you, please, please go get your girl, and keep me posted!” He yelled the last part as Robin got out of the car, waving her hand at him and flipping him off.
Nancy walked to her front door when she heard the bell ring, opening it to a red faced Robin.
“I love you, Nancy,” Robin started, glancing at Nancy’s face and then immediately looking at the ground. “I am so, so in love with you. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone tell me they love me, especially not the way you did, and I especially didn’t expect you to pull out Spanish on me. No one’s ever learned Spanish for me, Nance. I- I don’t think anyone’s ever really even written me a—” Nancy cut her off, kissing her quickly and softly, barely giving Robin time to react.
“You are so incredibly cute when you’re nervous,” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Robin’s face turned an even darker shade of red and her eyes widened comically.
“I-I’m sorry, I just really, really didn’t know that you felt the same way I did, and I just got the letter and I wanted to see you as soon as I could, so Steve drove me over here and now I’m here and you’re here and I just love you.” Robin laughed nervously.
“Can we- can we do that again? Please?” She whispered, ghosting her fingers along her bottom lip when she realized that Nancy had in fact kissed her. Nancy reached her hand out to Robin’s face, touching her cheek softly.
“You mean kiss?” She asked, taking a small step closer to Robin. Robin nodded, so Nancy leaned in to press their lips together again. Robin let out a small breath, kissing Nancy eagerly.
They stayed like that for what simultaneously felt like five minutes and five hours, before breaking apart to smile at each other.
“It’s just you and me now, okay?” Nancy asked as she broke the kiss, cradling Robin’s head in her hands.
Robin nodded and took one of Nancy’s hands off of her face to hold it, giving it a soft kiss.
“Cara mia, could you please come here?” Robin yells across the house to Nancy. She ties the last bow on the small gift box on the table as she waits. Nancy makes her way to the living room with a little gift bag in her hand.
“Did you finish your wrapping, lovely?” Nancy asks and sets her gift bag next to Robin’s box. She wraps an arm around Robin’s waist and plants a soft kiss on her cheek.
“I did indeed! Do you like the little bow?” She responds, twisting to kiss Nancy as she grabs the present box to hold up.
“Oh! That’s so cute! You just did that?” Nancy exclaims, gently taking the present to examine it. “This has to be the cutest thing I’ve ever gotten and I haven’t even opened it yet.”
“It’s no big deal, really! Just some ribbon and scissors and time and I got it all done!” Robin laughs awkwardly, a light blush on her cheeks. “Do you wanna open it and see if you like the gift…?” She suggests, biting her lip lightly when Nancy nods.
Nancy gently undoes the bow on top and takes her time removing the paper to reveal a small, black, hand-bound leather journal. Her mouth opens in a little ‘o’ as she opens it to find that the first page has already been written in.
“For Nancy, my beautifully brained pearl in a sea of fish-scale imitations. I adore you and you are going so, so many places.
Xx Robbie”
Nancy puffs her bottom lip out and looks up at Robin, “I’m the beautiful brain? Robs, this is so thoughtful. I love this and I’m going to write only the most special things in it. I love you.”
“I love you too! I tried really hard and had to make Steve take me to like four different bookstores to try and find the perfect journal, because they all had like boring journals with flowers and like, girly things, and you’re girly but you’re not girly, and you deserve something that’s professional but sleek, but also sturdy, which is why I went with a hand-bound one instead of just a regular old machine-bound one, and Steve thought it was sweet and so did Eddie, but nothing that they think matters because they’re not you, even though Steve did—” Robin gets interrupted in her rambling by a swift kiss from her girlfriend, pointedly shutting her up.
“It’s perfect. You’re perfect. Open your gift now, please,” She whispers, pulling the bag from the table and lightly shoving it in Robin’s hands.
Robin nods quickly and takes the tissue out of the bag, squealing when she pulls out a rubix cube. “Nancy! Are you for real right now?” She asks as she drops the bag and starts trying to solve the cube.
“One hundred percent, lovely. I know it’s not a lot but I figured it would make you happy and keep you entertained,” Nancy smiles as she watches Robin hop from one foot to the other while she fidgets.
“I absolutely love it, please, please can we light the menorah so we can cuddle on the couch and I can play with this?” Robin whisper yells and looks up at Nancy.
Nancy nods and takes the lighter from the table, “Do you wanna do this or do you want me to so you don’t have to put the cube down?”
“You, please. Thank you,” She responds, smiling softly while Nancy lights the Shamash. After Nancy lights the Shamash, Robin recites the blessings and gives Nancy the go ahead to light the first candle. She lights it and places it on the very far right side of the menorah, smiling proudly at Robin. Nancy places the Shabash back in the middle of the menorah and lets Robin begin singing ‘Maoz Tzur’, closing her eyes to take time to just listen.
When Robin finishes, Nancy holds her hand softly, “Thank you for letting me be a part of this with you, Robbie. I really appreciate it. This was very special and I’m sorry your parents couldn’t be here tonight to help.”
Robin smiles softly at her and plants a kiss to her cheek, “It’s okay, it really is. Their jobs wouldn’t let them off early enough and we’ve got a big next few days, so I’m glad I got to spend tonight with you.” She takes the hand holding Nancy’s and leads her into the living room, dropping her off at the couch.
“So, querida, do you wanna watch Rocky Horror or The Apartment?”
Jonathan hums as he licks the rolling paper and seals it closed, twisting the end and grinning to himself.
“Argyle, babe, are you ready to smoke the prettiest doobie ever made?” He asks and turns to his side, holding the joint up proudly. Argyle laughs and kisses his cheek, “I was born ready, Jonny baby. This bad boy’s about to be so good!”
Argyle lights the joint, inhaling smoothly and holding in for a second before lightly grabbing Jonathan’s chin to give him a light kiss and exhale smoke into his mouth. Jonathan inhales the smoke and breaks the kiss to exhale, chuckling at his boyfriend’s antics.
They continue smoking, keeping up the puff-puff-pass routine and occasionally sharing kisses and smoke, smiling at eachother. When they’ve finally cashed it, Argyle puts it out in their Garfield ashtray, a gift they’d received from Eddie and Uncle Wayne.
“What say you to a holiday dinner with the mystery gang? Eds and I talked about it earlier because he just, like, showed up here, and we thought it might be cool to have everyone together,” He asks, taking Jonathan’s hand to place light kisses on his knuckles.
“Oh yeah, when are we gonna do that? Also, where? I don’t think our apartment is big enough for all of us…” Jonathan looks around with glassy eyes, his lips slightly parted. He squints and turns his head back to Argyle, shrugging lightly when Argyle grins.
Argyle laughs, “We’re gonna do it on uh… Saturday? I think? And Eds volunteered Stevie’s house! But… I think he’s supposed to call soon… I can’t really remember…” He shrugs, leaning his head onto his boyfriend’s shoulder and yawning. Jonathan wraps an arm around him, pulling him in close and closes his eyes.
Suddenly, the phone rings, pulling them out of their little bubble. Argyle hops up, almost hitting their heads together before running to the phone attached to the wall. He picks it up excitedly, cheesing at his boyfriend on the couch,“Thank you for calling the Byers-Alvarez residence, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call, my righteous friend?”
Argyle nods, seemingly very into what the other person was saying. Having piqued Jonathan’s interest, he gets off the couch to see who’s called them. He walks up behind Argyle, snaking his arms around his waist before gently placing kisses onto his shoulder. Jonathan does his best to eavesdrop, and Eddie makes it especially easy as he talks loudly and excitedly on the other end.
“Stevie said we can use the Harrington Manor, so you guys can get here at like, 2:30 so we have time to get things finished before the ladies have to go back to Rob’s?”
“You got it, bud! Jonny and I will be there, should we bring anything?” Argyle responds, and finishes their conversation before hanging up the phone. He turns in Jonathan’s embrace and wraps his arms around his neck, planting a big, slobbery kiss on his lips. Jonathan returns the kiss, smiling widely at his dorky partner.
Argyle hums softly, moving one hand to hold Jonathan’s cheek, caressing it softly. He breaks the kiss after a moment, touching their foreheads together.
“I love you, sweet thing.” He whispers, rubbing his thumb up and down Jonathan’s cheek.
“I love you more, Arg.” His boyfriend responds, lightly rubbing their noses together and letting out a little laugh. He gives him one more peck before reaching up to take the hand that’s on his face into his own, swaying to an imaginary beat. Argyle joins him, lacing their fingers together. He hums softly, resting his cheek against Jonathan’s as they continue their dance together.
Argyle rang the doorbell to Jonathan’s house, taking a step back so he wasn’t right in front of the door when it opened. He looked down at the pizza box in his hands, grinning as he thought about its contents.
Jonathan opened the door, with bloodshot eyes and a goofy smile on his face. He pushed the door open a bit wider and gestured for Argyle to come in.
“Hey man, I wasn’t expecting you! Come on in, it’s just me tonight cause Will and El went out with my mom earlier,” He supplied as Argyle followed him inside and stepped out of his shoes.
“Oh, righteous! I was at work and they let me leave early, so I thought I’d come see my favorite Jonny Boy and bring him some ‘zza,” Argyle held out the box to his friend after Jonathan closed the door. He took the pizza box and walked it into the kitchen to place it on the table.
“Thanks, Arg, what kind is it?” Jonathan walked to a cabinet and pulled out two plates, setting them on the table where they’d be sitting. Argyle thanked him and opened the box with a shy smile on his face.
“It’s uh… Veggie and pineapple, just like you like it!” He turned the now opened box to Jonathan, watching him for his reaction. Argyle had placed the spinach on his pizza to look like a little marijuana leaf in the corner, and tomatoes in the center in the shape of a heart. Next to the heart was a pineapple question mark, and a little note was tucked underneath. Jonathan’s mouth opened in surprise, and he removed the note from underneath.
You’re my best friend in the whole world, my sweet cheese, my ride or die. I love you with my whole heart, and I put it on a pizza just for you! (Don’t panic, no hearts were harmed in the making of this pizza) I don’t think I’d rather spend my time with anyone but you. Please look up at me now!”
Jonathan chuckled lightly and held onto the note, his eyes moving up to look at Argyle who had a soft blush on his cheeks.
“Do you wanna maybe… be mine, Jonny?” He asked softly, chewing on his bottom lip while he waited on a response.
“Like… Your boyfriend?”Jonathan clarified. Argyle nodded, his eyes wider than they had been before.
Jonathan stepped closer to him, reaching the hand without the note up to cup Argyle’s cheek. He nodded quickly before moving in to press their lips together. Argyle immediately kissed him back, wrapping his arms around Jonathan’s waist.
Breaking away, Jonathan smiled at his now-boyfriend, “Do you wanna eat this masterpiece and roll up with me, boyfriend?”
Argyle laughed and squeezed Jonathan where he held him, “That sounds rad, boyfriend.”
Jonathan presses a tender kiss to his boyfriend’s lips, taking one step back so he can extend one of the arms connected to Argyle and spin him in a circle. Argyle laughs while he spins, his long hair gliding in the air like an aerialist’s silks.
“Aren’t you glad you stayed here now?” He asks, landing gently back in Jonathan’s arms. Jonathan smiles sweetly up at him, “I’m always glad I get to see you, babe. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
As they continue their dance, Argyle hums a soft string of notes, not seeming to match any songs that Jonathan’s familiar with. He moves their noncommittal steps into a consistent 4/4 beat, starting a shuffle as he begins to sing in a soft voice,
“Amor, adiós
No se puede continuar
Ya la magia terminó
Ahora tengo que marchar
Será mejor
Seguir nuestra soledad
Si hoy el cielo se cubrió
Quizás mañana brille el sol,”
Jonathan closes his eyes and loses himself in Argyle’s voice, letting himself be dragged wherever his partner sees fit. When Argyle begins the chorus with a dip and a dramatic,
“No sufras (más)
(Quizás mañana nuestro llanto quede atrás)
Y si me dices que tu amor me esperará
Tendré la luz que mi sendero alumbrará
Y volveré
Como un ave que retorna a su nidal
Verás que pronto volveré y me quedaré
Con esa paz que siempre, siempre tú me das
Que tú me das,”
Jonathan chuckles and kisses his boyfriend, making sure not to get him in the middle of the lyrics. Argyle smiles brightly at him, pecking his lips back. He finishes their dance, not by completing his song, but by spinning Jonathan one last time and planting an overly dramatic kiss on his hand.
“I bet you didn’t know I had that up my sleeve, Sweet Thing,” He laughs while Jonathan gives him an exasperated smile.
“I figured you could sing but… I can say I’ve never had anyone make me dance with them while serenading me.”
“Well, since you had to stay back here for me, I figured I’d let you know that even if you think we might be better apart, I’ll always come back for you,” Argyle says earnestly, making sure to keep a firm grip on Jonathan’s hands while he maintained eye contact.
“I didn’t have to stay back for you, I chose to and you know it! You totally could’ve had a fun holiday here with everyone, it’s not your fault your family decided that they suck and would rather abandon their only son than accept him,” Jonathan replies sternly, frowning and tugging his boyfriend closer.
It’s a quarter past three when Argyle and Jonathan knock on Harrington's door, eyes as red-rimmed and glossy as ever. They hold each other's hands while they wait, barely registering that the door had even opened before Eddie pokes his head out.
“What’s the password?” He croaks out in an overly dramatic voice.
Argyle jumps back a bit, and Jonathan’s eyebrows raise slightly in surprise, “Is it… Mary?” he asks tentatively.
Eddie holds a hand over his mouth, trying to suppress his laughter while he opens the door for them. “You’re fucking blitzed, dude. Is that what took you guys so long?” They both nod and giggle, sharing a look with each other before entering the household.
Argyle and Jonathan make their way through the hall before realizing that one of the doorways has mistletoe hanging from the top. Jonathan turns to his partner with a grin, “Aww shucks, Arg. Looks like someone owes me a kiss.” He winks and pulls him slightly closer by the hand.
Raising an eyebrow, Argyle takes another step toward him, “Oh, do I now?”
Jonathan bites his lip and nods slowly, completely enamored by the man in front of him. Argyle rests his free hand softly on Jonathan’s cheek, just above his jaw, and closes the space between them with a gentle kiss. Jon smiles against his lips, sighing contentedly through his nose.
After a few moments pressed together, they separate and Argyle drags Jonathan to the kitchen.
The other three are busy at their own stations, Steve sitting on a stool at the island with a big bowl of some tan mush that makes Jonathan feel a bit queasy. Robin and Nancy are working on grating potatoes and onions by the sink, getting them ready to go into latkes.
“Woah Eddie, we’ve got the white boy working on tamales? You didn’t wait to put Jonny to work?” Argyle asks with a laugh while Jonathan looks between them confused.
“Tamales? That’s what he’s doing? Why’s he got a spoon?” He stares at Steve’s hands, covered in masa with some weird looking yellow thing that he’s spreading masa on.
Eddie laughs and nods, walking behind Steve to watch his technique. “He’s making tamales, yes, I just taught him while we were waiting for you two slow-pokes. Get over here and we’ll get you making them great in no time.”
Argyle shrugs when Jonathan looks at him, “Go on, baby, Eddie won’t hurt you.” Jonathan sits by Steve and takes a spoon, watching Eddie with wide eyes while he explains tamal basics.
Watching as the women grate their vegetables, Argyle decides to walk over and help. Robin hands over some potatoes and a cheese grater with a grin on her face, “Welcome to holidays at the Harrington’s! Glad you two finally showed up, my hands are tired from doing this shit.”
With a roll of her eyes Nancy hip checks Robin and laughs, “You’ve barely been doing any of the work, babe. Just standing there staring at me the whole time.”
Robin scoffs, a bright red flush beginning to rise from her neck, “That is- that’s so not true! I promise, I totally have been… working on the latkes!”
“Ladies, ladies, it’s okay. I am here in all of my gorgeous glory to learn and to teach, I don’t care who’s doing what so long as my hands keep moving on this sacred food,” Argyle soothes, starting to grate his potatoes onto a plate in front of him.
“Eddie, I genuinely don’t think this is supposed to look like this…” Steve murmurs while staring wide eyed at the corn husk covered fully in goopy maza. Eddie walks back over to him and has to turn his head to laugh into his elbow at the sight in front of him.
“Babe- how did you manage to get maza so far up your own arm? It just- goes on the husk?” He half-scolds, amazed at his ridiculous boyfriend.
Steve shrugs and doesn’t move his arms for fear of making even more of a mess. Jonathan giggles from his seat, quiet and high pitched when he realizes just what exactly his faux-competitor has done.
“Man… I don’t know if there’s any saving that one,” He snorts as he lays his newly finished husk in the pile. Steve sighs dejectedly and groans, a dramatic pout on his face when he sees Jonathan finish.
Eddie takes a spoon and starts to clean off the husk so it’s salvageable, trying not to laugh more at his poor boyfriend. He gently kisses his cheek and moves the husk to the pile before finishing his cleaning with Steve’s arm.
“Thank you, Eds,” Steve whispers, his cheeks a bright red. He gets up from his seat and runs to the bathroom to clean his arms off and try to stave off his embarrassment, worried it may turn bad quickly.
Eddie just watches as he leaves, chuckling to himself before sitting in his chair and watching Jonathan continue with his tamales.
“You caught on really quick, Jon, I’m surprised. Argyle over there was saying he was all excited to laugh at you,” He mentions, keeping a close eye on how thick Jonathan keeps the spread while he works.
“Argyle doesn’t know anything- I help my mom cook all the time and this is just like a weird swiss roll!” Jonathan huffs out before placing more husks into the bowl. This earns another laugh from Eddie who decides to get up and take the bowl of husks so he can start filling them with meat.
“Hey man, I know some things,” Argyle shouts indignantly from across the room- taken out of his zone with the latkes.
Jonathan rolls his eyes with a smile, continuing on his work while Argyle keeps his snarky jokes audible to Robin and Nancy only.
Steve finally comes back to see that everyone’s already started actually cooking- the latkes being fried on the stove while Eddie places the wrapped up tamales in a giant pot to boil on a different burner.
“I really missed the tamales getting finished?” He pouts and stands behind Eddie, resting his chin on his shoulder.
“Yeah baby, that’s what happens when you run away for a while,” Eddie chides and puts the lid on the pot, turning around to press a soft kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead.
Robin pretends to gag, “Could you guys go be gay somewhere else, please?” Nancy giggles from next to Robin, knowing that they were absolutely standing almost exactly like that right before Steve came back.
“Hey Robs, can you do something for me?” Steve blinks his big eyes at her.
“Yeah, what’s up?” She sets the spatula she was using down and turns to him with furrowed brows.
“Fuck off!”
Eddie chokes on a laugh, completely caught off guard by his boyfriend’s hostility, “Babe- babe please, oh my god!”
Robin rolls her eyes and flips him off, grabbing her spatula again to keep cooking, “Literally suck my whole dick, Harrington.” Her girlfriend snorts at that and bites her lip to keep from laughing too hard.
“Wuh-oh! Lovers’ quarrel?” Argyle asks before he realizes that they were just kidding around with each other. Jonathan brings his hand to his lips and presses a kiss there, “You know they’re just being them, babe. It’s fine.” He soothes and Argyle laughs and nods.
By some holiday miracle, the food comes out unscathed and they’re finally able to sit down and just enjoy each other’s company. Steve and Eddie set the table, while Jonathan and Argyle start plating everything to be served. Robin and Nancy take a much deserved break before grabbing sodas and lemonade from Steve’s garage.
“All right, gays and gaydies, I present to you: our Wexi-ewish buffest,” Argyle finishes displaying the food on the table with a flourish.
“Did you really just…”
“Yeah, I think he did, Rob.”
Steve and Eddie giggle at their end of the table, having partaken in some purple palm tree delight before the food was set down. Jonathan beams at his ridiculous lover, excited to spend the holiday with his found family.
Argyle takes it upon himself to give everybody their tamales, latkes, and the various sides that they bought pre-made, before sitting himself between Robin and Jonathan. Everyone thanks him and digs in, exhausted after their long day of cooking.
“Okay, Eddie, where the fuck did you learn this recipe for the chicken? This shit’s schmackin’, I’m gonna need to kiss whichever abuela gave you this,” Argyle moans after his first bite of tamal. Eddie laughs so hard a bit of latke flies back onto his plate and he has to cover his mouth with a hand.
“I mean- if you really wanna call Wayne abuela, be my guest. I cannot control how that man reacts to you,” He responds before taking a drink of lemonade.
Jonathan giggles at his boyfriend before taking a bite. His eyes widen, “No man, I think Argyle might be onto something… this is really fucking good, man.”
Steve nods in agreement as he stuffs more tamal into his mouth, completely forgoing speaking for the time being. Robin and Nancy eat their food a bit more calmly, but still share the sentiment.
“This may just be the best tamal I’ve ever had. Not that I’ve had that many,” Robin smiles and takes another bite. Nancy wipes her mouth with a napkin, “It is really good, Eddie! Thank you for teaching the boys how to make them.”
Eddie blushes and ducks his head while he eats, “It’s just normal holiday shit- no need to thank me, guys…” Steve nudges his shoulder and shakes his head, “No sir, we are not doing that shit right now. You made our holiday special, with Argyle of course, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to properly thank you.” He maintains eye contact with his boyfriend and nods his head seriously.
“You’re right… I’m sorry- I just am not used to all this,” Eddie laughs, “You guys make the holidays really great, too, you know.”
They spend the rest of the evening eating their food, cleaning up, and generally just basking in their togetherness.
“Promise me we’ll be together every Christmas?” Steve whispers to Eddie while they’re tangled together on the couch— everyone left hours ago, leaving them to cuddle and rest peacefully.
“Whatever you want, love, I’m yours.” Eddie seals his promise with a kiss.
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adultswim2021 · 3 months
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The Venture Bros. #48: "The Better Man" | December 7, 2009 - 12:00AM | S04E07
I think I figured out a big reason why I love The Venture Bros, but unfortunately I can’t spend too much time expounding on this in a non-shallow way: it reminds me of Ducktales. Because sometimes they go on a big adventure to an exotic locale, and sometimes they have to spend an afternoon killing money-eating bugs in Uncle Scrooge’s money vault. 
In this one, Orpheus and the triad are shown up by the Outrider, the man who “stole” Orpheus’s wife. But he ends up in hot water and requires Orpheus’s help after being trapped in hell. Billy Quizboy does illegal surgery again! And: also: we get the return or H. Jon Benjamin as the master, who reveals himself to Triana and scares her away from Dean and encourages her to go live with her mom and become a dang Harry Potter. 
This one’s sorta important in that it helps drive home the fact that Triana and Dean do not belong together, and it writes her mostly out of the show. At least it writes her out of the compound (she comes back at least one other time I can think of). But mostly it’s just about the characters hanging out and stuff. Yeah, there’s a big scary monster from hell, but a lotta of the episode is just about Hank and Dean going to the mall and sexually harassing women. Dermott is there, too! He’s one of the rudest guys on the show, so cherish him. 
I am struggling to come up with compelling highlights to illustrate the fact that I enjoyed this episode, which I actually did a great deal. I think I’m just happy that it doesn't’ have a plot I feel compelled to write-up extensively. So I’ll just list gags now I liked: 
The Matthew Lesko reference. It is fucked up that that dude has a suit with question marks and not dollar signs. Could it be the Mandingo effect? Oh, in my reality we call it the Mandingo effect because–
A fairly neutral “transgender” joke! In 2009! They didn’t even gratuitously use the slur! Wait, I like a lack of slurs?? SINCE WHEN??? 
“I look like Rufio!” 
The whole scene where the Master pretends to be future Dean is bleak as fuck. Hilariously Jackson and Doc said they based his look on Bernard Goetz. I mean, look at this and tell me he doesn’t belong in the Ventureverse:
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A thing I didn't LIKE, per-se, but bears mentioning: maybe one of the worst production errors of the show has Dean wearing a suit to impress Triana, then suddenly not, then it's back again. I originally thought it was due to them shuffling the scenes in the edit but Jackson took responsibility and said he approved of the storyboards of a suitless Dean without thinking. God DAMN him!
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Christmas in December Specials (December 13, 2009)
Even MORE Christmas in December to Tell in the Dark. This night featured a few other Christmas episodes but not that many more. I'd rather not post the schedule because of SPOILERS!!! Also, I thought maybe they did something else that was special, but if I am to read Swimpedia correctly the previous Sunday's "Christmas in December" was the one that featured the shop-at-home segments and not this one. I refuse to delete this paragraph. Sorry.
I just heard the good news: Adult Swim 2021 is coming to FunnyOrDie to cover Tim and Eric projects as bonus emphemera content. W00T!
The cat is "right out" of the bag: I will be doing this in some form. In fact, I sorta regret not attempting to include more non-Adult Swim Tim & Eric stuff in the ephemera section (like the Shrek 3 promos, for instance), but that's okay. But I do sorta think those are significant in that they are an important stepping stone towards Bedtime Stories. But I'm not gonna cover Eric's music videos or his future court case (speculation)
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dawnsbreaking · 1 year
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Harry spends Hanukkah Shabbat with Rose's family.
oneshot pairing: Harry/CMC Rose word count: 4,818 read on ao3 want to be tagged in future works?
NOTES this is *technically* a sequel to 'different, but the same', but it can be read as a one-shot! there are a few references to Rafi, but you just have to know know that this is a post-villa fic in which Rose (MC) won Love Island in a couple with Rafi.
also, this is a Hanukkah fic and I am not sure that many people in the fandom are Jewish, so all of the terms that aren't defined in the text are defined below. the fic is entirely in Harry's POV so as to be easily understood from an outside perspective.
thank you for reading, if you do! this is one of those fics that was written because I, the author, am the target audience. so it's maybe a bit more niche than anything I've posted before.
*** glossary Shabbat/Shabbos - (Shabbat is the proper term, Shabbos is yiddish, used colloquially) a weekly holiday celebrated by Jewish people from sundown on Friday night to sundown on Saturday night. if the holiday is fully observed, certain tasks are forbidden in order to keep the holiday. in reform communities like mine (and the Prichard's), observance varies. some reform Jews may choose just to limit use of electronic devices in the spirit of the holiday, like Rose does in the fic. Chag sameach - (khag sam-ay-agh) lit. happy festival/happy holiday
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“Good morniiing,” Rose drawled, traipsing into Harry’s new office with her coat slung over her arm. It was snowing outside and Rose still had a few telltale flecks of white dusting the ends of her hair that hadn’t been covered by her coat’s hood. She was still carrying her work bag, too. She must have come straight to him from outside. She was unusually chipper for so early in the morning.
Harry leaned back in his desk chair, regarding her with a questioning look. The giant office chair he’d inherited from his boss made him feel just a bit like a Bond villain. He’d be right at home with a mean, white cat in his lap.
“Good morning,” he said.
“Enjoying the weather?” Rose asked, avoiding his eyes as she crossed to the window. The sill was wide enough that she could perch comfortably against the glass and watch the steady traffic six floors below them.
When Harry had taken over as lead for his current project, his boss had pulled strings to get him an office on the same floor as Rose’s. Carl Sullivan, chief operations manager for LI-Com, had turned out to be a closeted superfan of Love Island. He’d told Harry on one or two occasions that Rose had been one of his favorite winners of any past season. That only barely lessened the blow of Carl having forgotten Harry’s appearance on the show completely.
Harry watched the snow fall just past his girlfriend, waiting for her to tell her why she was acting strange.
“I’m not a fan of snow,” he said, prompted by a too-long silence.
She whirled around, finally meeting his eyes, flashing an impish grin. “Me neither.”
“You’re acting weird, Rosie.” He reached for her hand and brushed his thumb over her knuckles. It wasn’t often anymore that Harry had to worry about Rose being upset. They hardly fought and even when they did disagree, both of them were too honest to let things build for very long before addressing the issue. It helped that Rose knew he could see right through her.
Rose frowned, caught in playing up a carefree attitude Harry knew she didn’t mean. “I’m just a bit nervous to ask you something.”
This was a surprise. They’d been together officially for seven months and had overcome most of the big milestones, leaving very little to be nervous about. Harry had met her brother, she’d had dinner with Harry’s family when they’d come to visit. His parents loved her. That only left…
“The professors want you to come to Shabbos dinner during Hanukkah,” Rose blurted, confirming his suspicion before the thought had even fully formed.
The professors were Rose’s parents. Rose’s mother was a literature professor who primarily taught courses on Shakespeare while her father taught in the anthropology department at the same university. Rose and her siblings referred to them affectionately by this joint nickname, as did most of their family friends.
Harry had yet to meet the professors, but Rose spoke of them fondly. He didn’t see a reason for Rose’s nerves.
“I’d love to.” He dropped her hand, reaching instead to smooth the crease between her brows with his thumb. “What are you worried about?”
“Hanukkah’s late this year, Shabbos overlaps with Christmas eve.”
Harry failed to see the problem. He liked Christmas, sure, but spending a good portion of his childhood in the foster system had placed his expectations for the holiday nigh underground. He also enjoyed the parts of Rose’s religion that had seeped into his life through her. He’d thoroughly enjoyed the few Shabbat dinners she’d hosted at her apartment when her brother was in town.
He liked eating the food that Rose and John cooked and watching Rose light the candles, as well as the quiet evenings together that followed.
Growing up reform with lenient parents, Rose didn’t strictly keep the rules of the Shabbat, but she occasionally enforced a no-electronics rule for the weekends she held dinners. To an outsider like Harry, the traditions were ideal. Good food, no work, no outside distractions.
The only downside was not getting to play video games, but Rose and John made up for it by playing Magic the Gathering or short Dungeons and Dragons campaigns with him—analogue nerdiness, it seemed, was totally kosher.
“I don’t mind,” Harry said. “My parents are staying for Christmas in York and I wasn’t planning on travelling to see them this year.”
“You’re sure?” Rose perked up a bit but, as always, she was slow to trust an easy break.
Harry knew that the Holiday season was annoying to Rose and that she harbored some frustration about constantly being overlooked as someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas. Her hesitation made sense, it might seem like a hard ask to prioritize one holiday over another.
He also wondered if, on some level, she saw this as another milestone itself. It could be difficult, he imagined, to let someone into a tradition that so few people understood.
“Of course I’m sure,” Harry said, choosing his words carefully. “I’m excited to meet your parents. And Juliet.”
He had yet to meet Rose’s younger sister, either. From what Rose had told him, he knew that she was in her first year of University, studying Marine Biology and she sounded every bit as fun and interesting as her siblings.
Rose rolled her eyes. “I’m not sure I’m ready for you to meet Jules. She’s probably got dirt on me that she’s dying to share.”
“That’s exactly why I’m excited to meet her,” Harry teased.
“God. Okay.” Rose laughed, standing from the windowsill. “I’ll let them know we’re coming, then.”
She glanced sideways, checking through the glass door of Harry’s office for watchful eyes. Finding the coast clear, she bent down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
Rose was always chaste when she kissed him in the office and people were around, she was a rule-follower to the highest degree. Harry only sometimes wished she’d indulge him in being less careful.
She pulled away. No such luck today.
“Love you,” she said, ruffling his hair.
Harry grumbled, “Do you have to do that every morning?”
“I do.” Rose laughed. “It falls right back into place, doesn’t it?”
His coarse hair required very little styling, it fell in whichever direction it had dried. 
“Even still.”
She gave him an expectant look and he relented. He could never pretend to be mad at her for very long, even if it was funny.
“Love you, too. Give the professors my regards.”
“Attaboy. Will do.”
She was out the door, leaving just the faintest trace of her glow lingering around Harry. He was excited for this step in their relationship. He loved her, and meeting her parents and participating in her traditions were both new ways to experience her. He couldn’t wait to see his favorite person in a whole new light.
The train journey from London to Cambridge was just over an hour. Harry played games on his phone while Rose listened to an audiobook. She couldn’t read on the train or in a carwithout getting sick so, any time they traveled, she listened to books while resting her head on Harry’s shoulder, watching whatever game he was playing.
FuryStone mobile wasn’t as fun as the real thing, but it was good for passing the time.
“Are you nervous?” Rose asked, pausing her book when they were nearing their stop.
Harry considered for a moment, taking Rose’s hand and threading their fingers together. She’d painted her nails one of the usual colors—light blue, as opposed to her other favorite, sage green. He loved all the things about her that were becoming predictable to him now. The way she alternated nail polish colors and the way she checked on in him when she needed reassurance herself.
“I’m a bit nervous to meet your parents, yeah, but I’m mostly excited,” he said. “Are you alright?”
She squeezed his hand, grateful that he’d caught onto her mood. “It’s just been a bit since I’ve seen my parents. No big deal.”
“Then it’ll be alright, then?”
Harry felt her nod, her hair tickling his face as she did. She was still leaning to the side, head resting against his shoulder.
“You know how I was shy and hard to read at first?” Rose asked.
“At first?”
She let out a sharp breath, as close to a laugh as Harry was going to get under current circumstances. “Right. Well, my parents are like that. Mum’s going to ask you a hundred questions about your favorite Shakespeare play and Dad’s hardly going to speak at all.”
“What if I haven’t got a favorite Shakespeare play?”
Rose pulled away, face gravely serious. “Did you read one in school?”
“I don’t remember anything about any of them, bar maybe Romeo and Juliet.”
“Oh god, don’t say Romeo and Juliet. Despite the fact that she named two of her children after characters from Romeo and Juliet, Mum’s got some strong negative opinions. Not pleasant.”
“So, what do you suggest?”
“Hamlet. Just agree with anything she says about Ophelia or Gertrude and you’re golden.”
“And you couldn’t have given me time to study?”
Rose huffed a laugh, shaking her head. “Not worth it. She’ll lose you in the first ten seconds but she’ll probably make a comment about that being my favorite Shakespeare play and then I can save you.”
“Hamlet’s your favorite Shakespeare play?”
“That and Much Ado, every Prichard’s got to have at least one.”
“Christ.” Harry chuckled. “I feel like I’m understanding you more by the second.”
Rose glared. “How do you mean?”
“You’ve got all these idiosyncrasies—which I love—but I think I’m beginning to trace the origins of them.”
“Hah.” She rolled her eyes. “Oh, also, no referring to Hanukkah as ‘Jewish Christmas’ or anything of the like. That’s annoying and my dad will lecture you on the historical significance of the holiday. You’ll get a few words out of him but at great cost.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
As the train pulled into the station, Rose checked her phone. Her brother and sister were supposed to be picking them up.
“Jules says they’re already here,” Rose said. “Bless her. If it were just John in charge of being on time we’d have been waiting for ages.”
Outside, standing against the bumper of a little blue coupe was John and Juliet, recognizable only by the fact that she looked like if Rose were shrunken a bit and dipped in pink. The mousey brown hair shared by the twins was missing on Juliet, instead her hair was bleached and dyed a convincing strawberry blonde. Her bright raspberry coat was made even brighter by the light snow falling around them.
“Jules! Your hair!” Rose shouted, taking faster yet still careful steps toward her sister. So the color was new.
Juliet smiled, flipping the shoulder-length curls with the back of a well-manicured hand. “It’s cute, right?”
While the girls caught up, Harry clapped John on the shoulder. “Good to see you, man.”
“You too!” He smiled wide. Speaking with John Prichard was a little like looking at Rose in a funhouse mirror. If Rose’s usual energy level was a four or five, her brother broke the scale. He was lively, bordering on hyperactive. But the twins had the same crinkles around their eyes when they grinned.
He’d heard stories of Rose and John’s childhood escapades, and about John’s tendency to overshadow his sister in social situations. Harry saw that first hand, too. The insecurities Rose talked about sometimes made perfect sense when confronted with her twin.
Of course she didn’t feel like the brightest person in the room when she’d spent most of her life in lock-step with someone who naturally demanded so much attention.
Harry had grown fond of John, though. Even if he reserved the right to choose Rose as his favorite Prichard twin forever and always.
John asked, “Did Rosie warn you about Shakespeare?”
“Yep. Hamlet’s my favorite.”
“Is it really?” He bounced on the balls of his feet with the question. Golden retriever, this boy was. Full of energy.
Harry laughed. “Nope, but Ro’s got good taste.”
“Harry.” Rose pulled him by the hand over to Juliet, disregarding her brother entirely. “This is my sister.”
“Hello,” he said, holding out a hand for her to shake.
“Jules, this is Harry.”
“The boyfriend!” Jules gave his hand a firm pump, she’d put every businessman Harry had ever met to shame. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
It was almost a farce, seeing his sweet, gentle, analytical Rose next to her own flesh and blood—two of the most energetic personalities he’d ever met.
The image became even more strange when Harry met the professors. In direct contrast to John and Juliet, Barbara and Martin Prichard were exactly what Harry would expect from Rose’s relatives.
They were shy introducing themselves, soft voices and careful smiles. Harry hoped they would warm up to him as he got to know them, he couldn’t imagine that they’d possibly stay so reserved all weekend.
There was also the other thing. The reality television consideration. Harry tried his level best not to think about the fact that the professors once watched him make out with their daughter on a roof terrace. And a daybed. And there was that time in the pool…
“Everything okay, baby?” Rose squeezed his hand as she pulled him aside to put their things away and wash up for dinner.
Rose led him down the hall and into a bedroom. The walls were painted a powdery blue and a shelf of young adult books stood in the corner. Otherwise, the room housed only a double bed and nightstand.
“Your old bedroom?” Harry asked, hopeful he’d get a good snoop in before their visit was finished. 
“Kinda. John and I switched a lot.”
He gestured to the bookshelf. “Your books?”
“Mostly.” Rose tried again, “Are you alright?”
“Just remembering how much we made out on the telly.” Harry shrugged, though the warmth of a blush found his cheeks. “Forgot about that ’til just a second ago.”
“I…” Rose giggled. “I’ve got to put that so far out of mind. I think Johnny made them skip steamier bits, at least.”
“Were we ever steamy enough to skip, you reckon?” He looped an arm around her waist, pulling her in. The question was mostly rhetorical, he knew that they’d only done just enough to make him embarrassed to meet her family. The real steamy bits would have been later, with Rafi.
Rose completed the embrace, tucking her head in the crook of his neck, soft giggles of embarrassment escaping as the absurdity of the situation occurred to her.
“I promise my parents aren’t being weird because of all the times they saw us snogging on Love Island,” she said, lips grazing Harry’s collarbone as she spoke. “They really are just aloof at first.”
“Do you think they’ll like me by the time we leave?” Just beneath the diverting tone of the question, there was a real hint at a fear there. Rose’s parents hadn’t just seen him kissing her on Love Island. They’d also seen him pieing her off for other girls, breaking up with her for silly reasons, angry and jealous when she chose Rafi over him. He wanted to make a good impression with the Prichards, but a worse version of him had gotten a head start.
Harry loved when Rose called him that. Her soft voice instantly put him more as ease. He pulled her tighter to him, breathing her in.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think I was nervous before but...“ He trailed off.
“I promise they love you already. They hear how fondly I talk about you.” Rose kissed his cheek and pulled back, looking into his eyes, cheeks tinged pink from the effort of sincerity.
“Alright.” Harry gave her a decisive nod, full of newfound determination at her encouragement. “Let’s get cleaned up, then.”
It only took Rose’s mother an hour of mingling in the kitchen to ask Harry about his favorite Shakespeare play. He answered as Rose had instructed, earning Barbara’s approval.
Rose swooped into the conversation before her mum could get too deep into the weeds of a dissertation on the women of Hamlet. “Are we making challah or did you buy it?”
She was rolling up her sleeves and rounding the kitchen island after a mixing bowl on the counter as if she anticipated the answer. When Barbara confirmed that, yes, they were going to bake challah fresh, Rose clapped her hands together.
“I’ll do it, then. Clear out.”
As Harry made for the living room with John, Rose stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
“Not you, you can help,” she said. In direct contrast to her usual characteristic meekness, Rose seemed at ease with her family, holding her own and taking charge of interactions. He liked seeing the sense of humor that he usually shared with her in private come out for other people she cared for, too.
Harry washed his hands as Rose instructed and joined her at the counter where she was already assembling ingredients for dough from the cabinets and fridge.
“Doing alright?” She asked, passing him a metal whisk and a small bowl.
“Doing alright,” Harry affirmed.
Rose’s parents were already more cordial with him after a short time, so he reckoned he’d make it through the holiday dinner unscathed. He focused his attention on following Rose’s instructions, surprised she could put together bread entirely without a recipe.
“I love doing the cooking at things like this,” Rose said, finally breaking the silence as she folded the mixture in a bowl and dough began to form.
Harry hadn’t done much of the work, but he enjoyed the quiet moment with her while her family chatted without them a room away.
“For the same reason you like working at all the parties you attend?” He punctuated the question with a tap on her nose, purposefully leaving a tiny flour fingerprint.
Rose frowned, leaning over to wipe the dust on the shoulder of Harry’s t-shirt without missing a beat. “Exactly. it’s good stage business.”
“Stage business?”
“That’s what John calls it, at least. Like, stuff actors do on stage to seem busy. It’s nice to have something to do for the sake of it.”
“Ah.” Harry didn’t have a great grasp on the depth of Rose’s social anxiety. He’d seen the edges of it and heard her talk about it, but the thought of what she might be feeling always surprised him. She was put-together on the outside, so he never quite knew what to think when she shared coping strategies for problems he wouldn’t even guess that she had.
It didn’t help that he wasn’t an anxious person, that he couldn’t even guess at her feelings from personal experience. He was completely in the dark with no choice but to accept the information as it came to him and do his best to mitigate the effects when Rose allowed it.
He wished more than anything that he’d understood this when they first met. There may have been less heartache for both of them if he’d known about her tendency to duck and evade conflict or perceived her discomfort in social situations enough keep her from being overwhelmed.
For the most part, Harry did his best not to harbor regrets about how he and Rose came together. He’d needed the extra time between the villa and the present to become the right man for her, and she’d needed the time with Rafi to discern what it was she needed from a partner. Even still, it was tempting to imagine all of the ways he might have mitigated harm if he’d been a bit less self-absorbed.
“Would you wash these while I knead the dough?” Rose asked, gesturing with an elbow toward the bowls and utensils they’d used as she spread a layer of flour out on the countertop.
Harry nodded, taking the dishes to the sink, wondering presently if she was assigning stage business for the anxiety he’d expressed earlier.
With the challah sorted—Jules insisted that she do the braid instead of the elder Prichard sister—Harry and Rose went to the living room where John was engaging in a playful argument with his parents while scrolling through Netflix.
"We always watch the David Tennant one when we're together, I've seen it a billion times." Rose jumped in, catching the gist of the disagreement immediately. "We watch that one because it's good. I'm completely game."
"Ugh." John rolled his eyes with a great measure of drama before settling his gaze intently on Harry. "We should let the guest have a say." Harry laughed. Though he wasn't entirely sure what was going on, he trusted his girlfriend's judgement. "I'm going to side with Rosie, sorry."
"You're outnumbered, kid." Barbara stood from the couch, smiling at having gotten her way. Harry recognized the expression from his own opinionated Prichard.
"I'm going to start dinner," she said, "but unless we want to keep Shabbat, I think we should follow tradition." "Exactly." Rose grinned, taking a seat on the couch and motioning for Harry to join her. "Tradition." Harry leaned over, murmuring to Rose for clarification, "What did I just agree to?" "We're watching a BBC dramatization of Hamlet after dinner. It's tradition."
"Oh good," Harry chuckled, "I'll finally get to see my favorite play."
John wheeled around, eyes wide with a facetious look of fear. "Don't let mum hear you."
At that moment, Rose's father, Walter, spoke, looking up over the top of a paperback science fiction novel. The man had yet to say more than five words since Harry's arrival. "Ro tells all her friends to say Hamlet. Mum sees through it anyhow."
"Then why does she still ask?" Rose ssked, though she didn't seem surprised to learn that her Shakespeare coaching had been in vain.
Walter shrugged. "S'pose she's holding out hope someone’ll say Romeo and Juliet. She loves to give that play hell."
"See." Rose took Harry's hand, giving him a playful smile. "Told you she's got nasty opinions about that one."
"Could be worse," John cut in, "she's even more weird about Macbeth—“ Rose darted a glare at her brother and he amended: “—er, the Scottish play."
It was at this point that Harry realized he was in just a bit over his head. The twins were trading inside jokes about Shakespeare, laughing about theatre traditions and their parents' superstitions. Strangely, though, Harry wasn't uncomfortable being left out. He liked seeing Rose like this. And, even if he only understood about half of what the twins said, the cadence and animation with which the jokes were delivered was enough to make him laugh and try to follow along.
“Anyway. We’re not in the theatre, I can say Macbeth all I want,” John concluded after a short pause.
“But all the world’s a stage,” Rose argued, “so…”
“That’s enough.” John chuckled. “You’re scaring your boyfriend.”
Harry shook his head adamantly, though he realized that he must seem shell-shocked in his uncharacteristic silence. “No, I’m enjoying the banter, even if I don’t completely follow.”
“It’s bad luck to say Macbeth in the theatre,” John explained, “but Mum and Rosie insist it’s bad luck in general.”
“I didn’t think you were superstitious,” Harry teased. He squeezed Rose’s hand for emphasis, giggling at the resulting pensive glare.
“I’m not, it’s just the principal of the thing, you know?”
Rose blushed, scrunching her nose as she glared between Harry and her brother. “Oh, now you’re both making fun of me. Forget it.”
“Forgotten,” John quipped. He tossed one game controller at the couch where it landed just next to Harry and then another gently into his sister’s lap. “Let’s play a few rounds before dinner, yeah?”
After a few rounds of FuryStone—and an agonizing conversation trying to explain the lore of the game to Rose’s father, who asked strangely specific questions about the game’s fantasy world—Rose volunteered herself and Harry to set the table.
Rose did most of the work, particular about the aesthetic of the place setting, while Harry stood back in the kitchen, chatting with Jules.
“Is this your first time celebrating Hanukkah?” Jules asked, rifling through a drawer in search of a box of matches.
“Yeah, my family did a non-denominational sort of Christmas growing up. They’re atheists, though.”
“Ah, well it’s nice of you to spend your Christmas here with Ro.” Jules paused, examining Harry as if sizing him up for what she was about to say. Finally, seeing him fit for the remark, she added: “She’s not invited anyone home for Jewish holidays before. It’s sweet she feels comfortable for you to be included.”
Harry could feel himself blushing. He gave Jules a noncommittal thanks and made a mental note to run this information past Rose later. He understood, though, the impulse to guard things like family and culture.
It wasn’t something he’d ever considered before meeting Rose, but he wanted to let her into those parts of his life, too, when he got the chance. Perhaps his parents would let them visit to celebrate the Lunar New Year in January. If not, he thought, he and Rose could still celebrate together at home. The idea excited him, the beginnings of building a life and sharing traditions with Rose.
“Jules, would you mind if Harry and I did the menorah candles?” Rose asked, ducking in from the dining room. “I know you usually do because you’re the youngest, but—”
“Nah, I’m not bothered,” Jules interjected, “I’ll do the Shabbos ones if Mum doesn’t want to.”
“Right, then, we’re all set up.” Rose checked her watch. “Sundown is soon.”
Jules took her hint, handing Rose the box of matches before moving quickly to gather the rest of the family in the living room. Left alone, Rose came to Harry’s side, wrapping her arms around his torso.
“I love you,” she said, speaking into his chest.
Harry chuckled with surprise, squeezing her shoulders. “I haven’t done anything.”
She looked up at him, eyes twinkling. “I just love that you slot right in with my family.”
“Hardly. I feel a bit out of place.”
“No, I just mean... I don’t know—” Rose shook her head, frowned as she tried to find the words. “There’s no one I’d rather have here with me. Thank you for being here.”
“Ah.” Harry swallowed, overwhelmed just a touch by her declaration. He managed finally, “I love you too.”
Getting to help light the menorah felt only a little less special to Harry after Rose explained that it was a task assigned to children in their house. He didn’t care, though, he was excited to have a hand in the tradition.
It was the fifth night of Hanukkah, which meant that they’d only be lighting six candles. One, Rose explained, was the shamash or the helper candle, used to light the other five.
After listening to Rose’s family recite the blessing, Harry and Rose lit the candles. He held the shamash as Jules lit it with a match, then Rose covered his hand with hers to guide him lighting the other five. It was a bit cumbersome, since he was left-handed and therefore obligated to use his left hand while Rose helped with her right, but they managed it without major issue—Rose standing just in front of Harry so they could reach more easily.
By the time they finished, Harry was beaming, watching the lights flicker in the windowsill.
“Chag sameach,” Rose said, kissing his cheek. “Now, let’s have dinner.”
A similar ritual to the menorah lighting took place at the dinner table, this time one Harry was familiar with. The family again recited another blessing while Jules lit the two Shabbat candles on their holders placed at the center of the table. Then, they blessed the bread and wine before finally having dinner.
Latkes were Harry's favorite, little potato pancakes that he paired, like Rose, with sour cream. John favored applesauce with them, to which the rest of the family greatly objected.
In direct contrast to the picture Harry's anxiety had painted for him earlier in the day, Rose's parents were completely at ease--if a little quiet--around him. They asked him questions about his job and how he and Rose had come to be reacquainted, all of which were fun and easy to answer. They also tactfully avoided any mention of Love Island, giving Harry the benefit of having grown out of his broadcasted flaws. In the light of the candles, this moment was better than his best case scenario.
He took Rose's hand under the table and held it in his lap. He loved being hers.
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thank you again for reading <3 if you are Jewish, happy Hanukkah! happy holidays, otherwise!! I hope to have more holiday fics out soon but I was happy to get this out on schedule. thank you, also, to all of the sweet people in the server that encouraged this little bit of self-indulgence, it was definitely a good break from the other things I'm working on.
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saltygilmores · 2 years
My Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: Season 1, Episode 20 ("PS I Love You")
What happens in this episode: Rory's bizarre eating habits continue to entertain. Luke hates everything. Lane gets paired up on a science project with Dean, pity the poor thing. Lorelai plays with Luke's belt. Lorelai gives Rory a confusing speech. The people in Rory's orbit are sowing the seeds for her eventual failure in life. Lor and Max are back together, but having seen this show three times before, I know it's thankfully short lived. I call Lorelai "Lor" throughout this review and I sound like fucking Christopher when I call her that but I'm tired and these reviews usually take me 3-4 hours with no breaks. There is only one episode left in Season 1 and 6 more episodes until Jess shows up. Rory and Lorelai are playing a game at Luke's where they wait to observe the first three men to walk past the window, and pick their future husband. Lorelai must choose either the first or second man to pass by or get stuck with the third. The third man to walk past the window is Kirk. This scene was very cute and funny. Until it becomes Rory's turn and the first man to walk by is this toenail infection:
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I know I pick on Jess' wardrobe, but there's also this fucknugget, who wears the same outfit every single day. Some poor cow sacrificed its life for that stupid leather jacket that probably smells. Max is back. I don't really hate him or anything. I could just...do without him. Sigh. Max calls Lor at the Inn where they make about a dozen jokes about not wearing pants. L&M have apparently been having "very successful phone calls for the last few weeks" and now they are going back to dating.
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Lane drops a bag of nasty Salt & Vinegar Lay's potato chips on Rory's head in a way that really made me chuckle, if I wasn't a lazy piece of shit and I thought that more than 2 people were reading these things, maybe I'd make a gif. Rory is again indulging her gross Lay's potato chip fetish, and it was bad enough when it was plain Lay's, but now she's really crossed over to the dark side and is eating Salt and Vinegar Lay's. Is each episode going to feature Rory doing something truly bizarre with food? The last three episodes have seen her take a can of sprinkle cheese into her bedroom, eat a plain slice of French toast as an on the go snack, and now she's back to eating her nasty chips. Once I notice a pattern more than twice, I start keeping track. I just want to let it be known that I think Lane is very funny, intelligent, a good friend, and an all around cool person and I rarely have any issues with her. I think we can all agree that she deserved better. Lane: What are you doing tonight? Rory: Homework, homework, and more homework (hey, I thought you just said you had a job). You? Lane: "Going to meet my science partner." Dun dun dun. Rory is again boycotting Doose's and making Lane do her shopping because she might run into Dean. If these boycotts to the two main purveyors of food in town went on long enough, would Ror & Lor eventually starve to death? Can't they go anywhere else? There's obviously a Walmart somewhere nearby.
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Luke Danes, ever a devil with the ladies, is shopping for Rachel's birthday and picks out a kittycat pot holder that meows. I like cats, but if that potholder was a dog that barked, I'd marry him. I can't stop staring at those flowers Lor is holding, they are so pretty. Luke is off on a rant about birthdays, which turns into a rant about malls. And since this is one of my favorite Luke Rants of all time. I am going to transcribe it word for word. "I don't know how to buy gifts,okay? I don't like buying gifts. I don't like getting gifts. This whole gift giving/getting process is completely insane. Suddenly on a certain day, the level of my affection for a person isn't measured by the way that I treat them or what we share. Just because I didn't buy her furry slippers or a giant shoe tree, all of a sudden I suck. No malls! I hate malls! They underpay employees and sell overpriced merchandise! They contribute to urban sprawl! They encourage materialism! The parking's a horror! You drive in, you pay a buck to park and even if you're only there for 5 minutes...." And Lor fucking cuts him off and offers to shop for him. I wanted to hear him keep going, damn it! Luke is right to be concerned. If this were my gritty Gilmore Girls Reboot (working title either The Hollow or Gritty Gilmores) Luke's Diner would have either been turned into a Starbucks within a couple of years, or went out of business and crumbled because small town economies are fragile and their local government is corrupt. Luke, handing Lor his credit card: Nothing too out there. She likes simple. Clean. Nature. Elephants and candles. Can you find her a candle shaped like an elephant? Dean shows up at the Kim residence, walks in the door without knocking or ringing the bell (okay, fine, it's a shop so I guess I'll allow it) and Mrs Kim pops out of nowhere where she begins furiously interrogating him about his motives, causing Dean to spout "Geez!" This episode is so freaking funny! Lane was paired with Dean for her science project together (poor Lane) on "mold, spores and fungus" so I guess Dean will be the test subject. Mrs. Kim is none too happy and rightfully suspicious of Dean being in her home.
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If only more people would say this to him. You go, Mrs. Kim! Lane: I invited him over to work on our science project. Mrs. Kim:
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Can't stop laughing. Does anyone besides me think way too much about the lives of Lane, Dean, Jess, Shane, and Lindsay as they all attend school together? What is that like? Does this drama (which lets face it, for all 5 people concerned, is centered around Rory) ever continue at school or does it conveniently wait until the last bell rings? There can't be many students at that school so how often do they run into each other or have classes together? Do Dean and Jess have gym class together, where they throw dodgeballs at each other (or does Jess just make excuses and go smoke under the bleachers)? Where does everyone sit in the cafeteria? Were there specially trained counselors on hand at school after Jess murdered Shane? In my unrated Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow, this would be thoroughly explored.
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I see all too, if by "see all" you mean I notice stupid shit like this:
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What is "Finger white cake" and why has it been marked down in price not once but twice? Now a real bargain at..38 cents? Come on in to Luke's and get your Clearance Finger White Cake. Dean: I'm sure once your mom gets to know me she'll like me. Lane: No, she'll hate you forever, it's nothing personal. Dean to Lane: Is this weird for you? Yes, this feels very weird. Oh, you were talking to Lane.
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Yes, going 5 minutes without hearing about Rory would be very refreshing, thank you.
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A stopped watch is still correct twice a day, and sometimes Dean Forrester has an intelligent idea. Rory found out Dean was at Lane's house and is having a snit-fit.
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This is how I look while listening to Max as well. Paris: I'm just making an observation. Rory: Great, we'll build a dome over you and jam a telescope in your head. SUCH A FUNNY EPISODE! Max and Rory are alone in a classroom, a foot apart, where he's telling her that he's concerned about her after her breakup with Dean, which Lorelai told him about without Rory's knowledge. This feels reeeaaaally super duper inappropriate. Rory also wasn't aware that Lorelai and Max were even talking anymore. This scene made me uncomfortable.
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Speaking of uncomfortable, but as in uncomfortable clothes... This scene is one of my favorites in the series. This episode is great (until it's not anymore).
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Guess who just walked in to see this? Starts with an R ends with an Achel. She is none too pleased to find out that Lorelai has not only been shopping for her man but that also she's fiddling with her man's belt.
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I just like this shot of Lane and her two cups, looking deep in thought. Rory has a tiff with Lorelai over the Dean Breakup/Max Reunion sitch and so she runs away to her grandparents' home without telling Lorelai. Max comes by the Ror & Lor residence, where Lorelai gets a call from Emily that Rory is at her house. He sees that Lor is emotional, vulnerable, and crying again. So he's either going to propose to her or try to sleep with her. Those are the only two options.
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This dark blue/denim shirt with the rolled up sleeves, blue hat, and wristwatch looks sooo hot on Luke! Why would you ever try to change him Lor? (I'm a huge rolled-up-sleeves & watches slut so this look really speaks to my lower half) Lorelai and Luke are both discussing how much they hate Dean but I only believe one of them really means it. Yeah, sure Lorelai, you want to key Dean's car. Whatever you say. Luke to Lorelai: "Coffee's on the house today." It's always on the house because Lorelai never pays for her coffee anyway.
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Hey, quit staring, his eyes are up top, Lor! Honestly. Perving is so sinful. The old one broke? Did Rachel tear it off in a fit of passion? Nah she never would she's boring as fuck.
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Tomatos Sign Spotting? No. Aww, Lorelai's going to visit her boyfriend.
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No you don't Lor. I think what you meant to say was "Let's make out in the employee break room." "You are going to be hard pressed to find another girl as fantastic as Rory." #JusticeForLindsay She is SO not convincing when we're supposed to believe she hates Dean. The DALA (Dean & Lorelai Affair) is just getting started. Dean is being a bratty little shit to Lorelai and raising his voice at her, but it's okay, he's not Jess. Dean tells his future wife Lorelai that he said I love you to Rory and all she did was sit there and he doesn't understand why that makes him a jerk. Oh I don't know, I think you may be leaving just a LITTLE bit of detail out here. Just a teeny weensy amount. Just a smidge.
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Justin Timberlake's creepy smile is making this scene all the more bothersome. What was a terrific and funny episode until now is going to crash in the last 5 minutes as it so often does on this show. As we hear one of the most confusing Lor-To-Ror advice speeches ever. In my humble opinion that no one cares about. Lorelai tells Rory that she talked to Dean, and I'm starting to feel really sad for Rory. Does she have any fucking autonomy at all? Lor is off telling Max all about her daughter's very personal business and butting in by talking to Dean, without asking Rory if it was okay first in EITHER situation. Rory looks defeated and even remarked earlier in the episode that she was tired of people trying to coddle her and protect her. Now, let's make this worse! Lor: "He said I Love you and you didn't say it back? That must have been rough on him." Um, FOCUS, Lorelai! Your daughter! Who the everliving fuck cares what your daughter's shitty boyfriend feels? Only you do because you want to fuck him. Lor: "I haven't thought enough about what I'm supposed to be teaching you." Oooh boy. This can't be good. I would expect a mother to say first and foremost, "It's okay to wait to say it until you're ready and not under pressure." and that only comes much later (sort of). My other issue is that Lor only learned a few scant details of what happened minutes earlier from Dean, who left a TON of things out (and you can totally believe everything he says), and Rory never went into any detail about why she couldn't say it (although Lorelai did ask her many times and Rory kept refusing, to her credit), so Lorelai decides she'll just fill in the blanks and guess what happened and launches her speech from there. I think the point of this weird speech is that she presumes Rory is afraid of commitment and can't express her feelings. Maybe this would sound better if she knew what Rory was feeling in the first place, instead of basing her shitty advice on a 2 minute interaction with Dean at a grocery store. I'm sure there have been a dozen interpretations of this speech but personally I thought it was strange and Lorelai just wants Dean and Rory back together so he'll be back in her home where she can fuck him.
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"It has to be right and real and has to take a lot of thought. I want you to be ready when it happens." Well, at least she said it, but she's sending mixed messages. Is it "put a lot of thought into it" or "just go for it"? Blah. It wasn't as bad as I remembered, and I'm willing to give Lorelai credit for the fact that she did try to talk to Rory several times and Rory wasn't at all forthcoming about what happened, I guess. I know it's trendy to hate on Rory but fuck, Lorelai sucks. Goodnight.
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natedogx15 · 2 years
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 16: Bad Cover Image
Previous Chapter
It was lunchtime, and Miss Bustier's class was leaving class to get something to eat. Nate walks up to Marinette and stretches.
"Man, lunch could not have come any later for me," Nate exhaustedly tells Marinette.
"Was it really that bad?" Marinette asks him.
"The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Those two do not like each other." Nate mutters as he looks tired.
"I feel bad for you. It seems like this project is going to be exhausting for you. Having to deal with Chloe." Marinette tells him in pity.
"Chloe is fine right now. She's focusing on getting the reading done and ignoring Alya and me. It's the tension I can feel and what I know is going to happen in the future that's the problem." Nate sighs.
Marinette raises an eyebrow, and he explains.
"When we have to talk with each other about our projects. I can already hear the insults Chloe has planned and Alya's anger." Nate tells her.
Marinette made a noise of understanding before opening her bag and grabbing two lunch boxes.
"Here you go. Jean-Yves asked me to bring this for you." Marinette tells him as she hands him one of the lunch boxes.
"Thanks," Nate tells her with a smile before they look for somewhere to sit.
Nino could tell something was off with Adrien when he sat next to Nino to eat. He seems down and worried about something. It looks like something was bothering him pretty badly.
"What's the matter, dude?" Nino asks his friend worriedly.
Adrien's eyes widen as if not expecting that. He turns to Nino and says.
"Oh, just thinking about the group project and my group," Adrien tells him.
"Was it that obvious that something was on my mind?" He wonders in his head.
"You sure, dude?" Nino presses to see if anything else is going on.
"Well, I may want to help Ivan but don't know how." Adrien nervously tells Nino.
Nino blinks in confusion and decides to continue this conversation.
"What do you mean help him?" Nino asks, unsure of what Adrien was on about when it came to Ivan.
"Haven't you noticed how everyone has been avoiding him?" Adrien asks Nino.
Nino purses his lips as he thinks about Adrien's question. Truthfully, he never really paid attention to things around him or Adrien. When Adrien and himself weren't talking, Nino always put his headphones on and focused on the music playing. So, he could be ignorant of what was happening around him and not very observant at times. Though, now that Adrien mentions it, he is starting to remember people avoiding Ivan and acting nervous around him.
"Huh, now that you mention it, I think I have seen people giving him the social pariah treatment," Nino tells Adrien after a couple of minutes of thinking.
"Exactly, and today in class, Mylene looked uncomfortable around him, and it seemed to upset Ivan," Adrien tells him sadly.
"I don't know what to tell you, dude. Everyone is still worried about those who got turned into an Akuma. People still think they're working for Hawkmoth somehow, I guess." Nino tells his friend with a shrug, signaling that he didn't know if they could do anything.
Adrien had a look of displeasure on his face. He knew that wasn't true from his time as Cat Noir and the reactions he's seen of the victims every time they were defeated and turned back to normal. However, he remembered the fact that others wouldn't know this.
With a heavy sigh, Adrien thought.
"Maybe Ladybug and I can talk about this at our next meeting?"
However, he also had another idea in mind.
Adrien gets out of his chair and plans to go to the bench where Ivan was quietly eating his lunch.
"What are you doing, dude?" Nino asks with a raised eyebrow as Adrien gets out of his seat.
"I'm going to try and invite Ivan over," Adrien tells him, though, with a tone of some uncertainty.
Nino looks at Adrien, then towards Ivan before sighing and saying.
"Good luck, dude," Nino tells him.
Adrien starts to walk towards Ivan, who soon sees him. Ivan looks angry when he sees Adrien coming toward him and when Adrien is close, he asks.
"What do you want? Did you come to insult and call me a monster too?" Ivan asks in irritation.
Adrien is taken aback and nervously gulps at Ivan's attitude towards him but stays convicted.
"Uh, no, I was wondering if you wanted to join Nino and me for lunch today?" Adrien nervously tells the angry teen.
Ivan looks at Adrien for a few seconds, trying to tell if Adrien's lying. However, he grunts and tells Adrien.
"No, now go away and leave me alone like everyone else," Ivan tells him angrily.
"Come on. We're in a group project together. Shouldn't we get to know each other too?" Adrien asks him.
"No, we don't. Most people work with their group then never talk to them again." Ivan bluntly tells him.
Adrien gains an embarrassed look when Ivan says that.
"Well, I know what it's like to feel alone. So I thought you'd like to have some company." Adrien tells him as he rubs the back of his head.
Ivan looks at him before glaring and going back to his lunch. Adrien dejectedly walks back over to Nino and puts his head on the table.
"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" Nino asks him.
Adrien turns his head to Nino with a disappointed look and says.
"Making friends in real life is harder than making friends online or how it's shown in media," Adrien tells Nino with a heavy sigh.
Nino pats his friend on the back.
"I know, dude, I know." Nino nods while patting him on the back.
Alya was happily stapling copies of her two different posters on the school bulletin board.
"I can't wait to see how many people will wanna join the club." Alya excitedly says as she staples her newspaper club poster.
However, her good time is interrupted by someone ripping the recently stapled poster off the wall.
"Hey!" Alya angrily shouts as she turns to who did that.
She saw Chloe was the one to rip the poster off and was now inspecting it with a bored look. She then looks at Alya with a smirk.
"Wow, I guess it makes sense you made a club for parasites," Chloe tells her while waving the poster in Alya's face.
Alya snatches the poster back and glares at Chloe while asking.
"What do you mean parasites?"
Chloe smirks and tells her.
"Everyone knows reporters are looking for someone to mess up or willing to pay them to write good things about them. You don't care as long as you get your scoops." Chloe mocks Alya while crossing her arms.
"Not every reporter is the paparazzi." Alya snaps at Chloe in anger.
"Sure they aren't." Chloe laughs as she walks by Alya.
Alya angrily mutters to herself as she staples on another poster.
"I'll show her. I'll prove that this club is reliable, and this will be a great start to my career as a successful reporter." Alya tells herself before noticing something in the yellow and white jacket Chloe is wearing today.
It looks like a ladybug-themed yoyo.
Alya's eyes widen, and she grins before running to Miss Bustier's classroom, where she left her bag. Going through it, Alya pulls out a small, light blue notebook. She pulls out a pencil and opens it before writing.
Ladybug's identity. Theory one, Chloe Bourgeois.
The resident school bully has a Ladybug-themed yoyo in her pocket. She may not look anything like Ladybug, but their magic may be able to alter her looks when transformed. No one would expect their city's protector to be a bully, so she has a good cover.
After Alya finishes writing down her notes, she closes the book and sets it back in her bag.
"Alright, then, I have my first lead for Ladybug's identity at least. Maybe I can figure out who Cat Noir is if I follow Chloe." Alya thought with a grin.
"Plus, people should know what Paris's hero is like when she's not being heroic." Alya smiles before going to put up the rest of her posters.
After lunch, Miss Bustier's class is in a new classroom for their science class. There was also a different teacher teaching this class as well.
They were a tall woman that looked to be in their late twenties-to-early thirties with short dark purple hair, light skin, and blue eyes. They had a pointed chin and a mole above the left side of their lip.
They wore black square-framed glasses, a white lab coat over their purple v-neck dress shirt, blue jeans, and red high-heels. Around her waist was a brown leather belt, and she had a brown watch on he right wrist.
"Alright, listen up for this next part." The teacher tells them in a no-nonsense tone before continuing.
"Starting today, you all will be working on group presentations about what you've learned on particle physics. Your grade will be on your presentation's structure and how well you perform during the presentation." The teacher tells them.
However, the science teacher notices one of her students not paying attention and begins marching toward the back of the class. Said student still wasn't paying attention and was drawing in their notebook while in their own little fantasy world.
Inside that fantasy, Stormy Weather and Stoneheart are chasing a guy in their middle-to-late teens.
He has tannish skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair tied in a bun behind his head.
He wore a purple unbuttoned button-up top shirt under a black dress jacket, dark grey jeans, and black boots.
The teen gasps as Stoneheart slams his hand in front of him to stop the teen from running. They then turn around to see a smirking Stormy Weather aim her parasol at them.
Stormy Weather fires a beam and traps the teen into a block of ice. Both she and Stoneheart then began to laugh maniacally. However, neither notices a person walking up behind them.
The person lifts their right arm to reveal an art tablet attached to their arm with a cyan outline of the block of ice on the screen. They use their stylist to erase the block of ice on the tablet. As this happens, the ice the teen was trapped in starts to vanish, as if erased from existence.
The two gasp before looking around, trying to figure out how the event they saw happened. The two turn around to see the person with the tablet strapped to their arm.
The person was a boy that looked the same age as Miss Bustier's class with lilac skin, grey eyes, and medium-length, spikey, orange hair curved to the left with purple tips.
The teen wore a skintight bodysuit with the torso colored white and the area below the waist black with a bright red color on their feet and lower legs in a boot-like fashion. Curved black stripes were going across their body and arms and in the middle of their chest was a black circle with light blue, red, and yellow circles in the shape of an upside-down triangle. Over their face was a black domino mask that looked eerily similar to one of Hawkmoth's butterfly outlines when he spoke to Akumas, and he also wore a black beret.
Stormy Weather looks at the person in anger and aims her parasol at them, planning to turn them into a block of ice too. However, as she raises her parasol, a cyan umbrella outline appears on the person's tablet, and they erase that image with their stylist.
Stormy Weather's parasol vanishes, and in the next second, the person drew a cage on their tablet. It then materializes around Stormy Weather, trapping her.
The teen that Stormy Weather trapped in ice runs up and gratefully hugs their hero.
"Don't worry, Theo. Super Nathaniel is here to save you." The heroic teen says with a smile.
Stoneheart roars, and the older teen hides behind Super Nathaniel for protection. Super Nathaniel smirks and prepares to draw something on his tablet.
That was the series of events Nathaniel was currently sketching out in his notebook during class as he lived those moments in his head. That came to an end when the science teacher caught his attention.
"Mr. Kurtzberg, what are you drawing?" The teacher asks in an angry no-nonsense tone as she stands next to the boy.
"Huh, oh, nothing." Nathaniel quickly tries to cover his drawings before she can see them, but the teacher manages to snatch a page and look at it.
She then begins to flail it around while saying.
"And these artistic endeavors are exactly why you are failing science."
"I'm sorry," Nathaniel says as he quickly snatches the page so no one can see them.
"You march to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch! Then you'll be really sorry!" The science teacher orders Nathaniel, who quickly stands up with his bag and notebook in his arms and starts to rush toward the door.
Unfortunately, Nathaniel ran into someone's bag in his hurry to escape and fell to the floor with the items in his arms flying off. To make a bad situation worst, Chloe was the one that snagged his fallen notebook. She looks at the pages before giving Nathaniel a mocking smirk.
"Well, someone has a crush on their club president. How cute." Chloe fake coos at Nathaniel with her smirk.
Nathaniel grabs his stuff, including the notebook in Chloe's hand, and runs off with it in embarrassment. After Nathaniel leaves the room and gets some distance, he falls to the floor while holding his book.
Hawkmoth's lair door opens, and he smiles.
"A child whose crush has been made public. It's a feeling I know all too well. Let me help you get your revenge and possibly the person of your affection." Hawkmoth says, his words having some pity.
He sends his butterfly after Nathaniel, and it eventually finds the boy and enters his stylist. After it does, the butterfly outline appears over Nathaniel's face.
"Evillustrator, I am Hawkmoth. I will give you the power to get revenge and try to win your crush's heart." Hawkmoth tells him in a calm and caring tone.
"I can?" Nathaniel asks.
"Yes, you'll have your chance to do both," Hawkmoth tells him.
"Yes, Hawkmoth," Nathaniel evilly smirks before Hawkmoth transforms him.
Nathaniel turns into an exact copy of his super form from his fantasy. He was about to go to the classroom to attack Chloe when Hawkmoth stopped him.
"Now, now, let's not do that quite yet. I want to change things from what I've been doing recently. Subtlety will be the key with you, Evillustrator." Hawkmoth tells him in a calm tone.
"But, she's right there," Evillustrator says in frustration.
"Don't worry. You'll be able to get your revenge soon. For now, I would like to test how well my enemies can handle an Akuma being around for longer periods." Hawkmoth explains to him.
Evillustrator looks angry but accepts Hawkmoth's request and runs off.
"Max, I expect you and Kim to explain my expectations for this project to your missing groupmate when he returns." Miss Bustier's class's science teacher tells the two after assigning them and Nathaniel as a group.
"Yes, mam," Max tells her as he's writing something in his notebook.
Kim looks grumpy at the fact that he has to do two projects instead of only the one Miss Bustier assigned.
"As for the rest of you. I know you don't like it, but this type of treatment you can expect more often in university. You may not be going there yet, but I still expect you to be able to handle this project and your other project as well. Not to mention your other school work." Their science teacher tells them with a stern expression.
"Yes, Miss Mendeleiev." A few students say while the others sigh or don't look too bothered by it.
The bell rings, signaling the end of class and the school day. Nate and Marinette were packing up their things when Sabrina walked over to Marinette.
"Marinette, where would you like to meet up so we can get started on our projects?" Sabrina asks Marinette.
"Oh, we can do it in my room if you and Alix want. It's big enough, and we'll have plenty of privacy." Marinette tells Sabrina, though her tone was nervous when offering this.
"That'll work for me. I'll ask Alix and see if she's interested." Sabrina nods to Marinette before going after Alix, who had left the room with Kim and Max.
Adrien had also decided to try talking to Ivan again.
"Uh, hey, Ivan, I was wondering if you wanted to try and meet up so we can work on our projects together?" Adrien asks his male project partner.
Ivan looks at Adrien for a moment before looking over towards Myléne and sadly saying.
"No thanks, I'm already busy with something else. We can try again tomorrow if Myléne is up for it," Ivan tells Adrien before lightly pushing past him, trying to make sure Adrien isn't hurt as he does so.
"Oh, well, uh, great. I'll try to get Myléne to join us then," Adrien tells Ivan as he leaves.
Ivan doesn't say anything and continues to leave the room.
Adrien lets out a groan, and his body falls forward in disappointment. Nino walks over to his friend and pats him on the back.
"Doesn't seem like you'll have an easy time with this project, dude," Nino tells him while patting him on the back.
"What should I do, Nino?" Adrien asks his only human friend.
"I guess you could try to make the atmosphere more comfortable for everyone in your group somehow." Nino shrugs, not sure himself.
Adrien sighs as he thinks about Nino's words. He then heads outside to meet with his bodyguard.
As Nate and Marinette walked toward the stairwell, Nate suddenly found his bag yanked backward. He turns around to see an annoyed Chloe with a book in her hand. When Marinette sees this, she glares at Chloe.
"What do you want, Chloe?" Marinette asks angrily.
"Oh, can it Dupain-Cheng," Chloe tells her with equal anger as she glares at Marinette.
She then looks at Nate.
"Hurry up and get to the library. I want this project and A+ finished as fast as possible." Chloe orders Nate in a tone that makes Nate able to tell she won't accept no as an answer.
Nate sighs before nodding and waving Marinette off.
"It'll be fine. See you at home, Marinette. Do me a favor and let Jean-Yves know I'll be staying longer." Nate tells Marinette.
Marinette glares at Chloe before nodding and walking off. However, none of the three notice Evillustrator watching from the roof.
Next Chapter
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fraddit · 2 years
Wonderful @shameless-notashamed tagged me for this tag game questionnaire.
name, age, & pronouns: fraddit, older millennial, any pronouns I guess
if you could live anywhere, where would you live? We've been trying to build a house for like 2-3 years now, so I'd really love for that to actually happen someday and to actually live in that house.
something on your to-do list today: The dishes... Always the dishes...
describe your current outfit: Gray patagonia hoodie, gray sweats, wool socks. It's chilly here today.
what’s the last song you added to your playlist(s)? I haven't made a playlist in years :/
favorite holiday: Friendsgiving. It's when I give my parents the middle finger on Thanksgiving and, instead, do a big wonderful dinner with my sibling, spouse, and friends.
something you’d find in your bag/purse/backpack: Always chapstick/lip balm
something you’d find in your bedroom: In my current living situation, my bedroom is where my desk lives and also my physical therapy zone, so yoga mat and lots of massage balls and straps and blocks and foam rollers.
you’re giving a Ted Talk, what’s it about? How building and zoning codes need to be changed to force transit oriented development to reduce car use and require buildings to be built to passive house standard along with all existing structures getting deep energy retrofits, also to passive house standard, so that the human built environment can convert to being fully electrified and low energy, so that heat pumps can be used for indoor climate control and we can reduce global energy use enough to hopefully not die in the near future and also all be more comfortable in our homes and offices. Everyone start going to zoning meetings or whatever your local equivalent is, please. Eco and human friendly development is literally illegal in a lot of places right now, especially in Canada and the US.
what’s something you’d still like to do this year? Uhhhh break ground on my hypothetical house project?? Also I've been sitting on an Eddie Diaz edit for like nearly a year now that's like 90% complete and I'd love to actually finish it and post it, so that maybe two other people could find it entertaining and validate my stupid sense of humor, lol.
Now I'll be out of character and actually tag some people for once, feel free to do it and tag me even if I didn't tag you or to ignore it if I did. No pressure. @youre-not-a-cat-youre-a-rat , @toboldlynerd, @bunk-o, @h0usesoftheh0ly, @hmslusitania, @glorious-spoon, @littlespoonevan, @phd-mama, @thegeekyartist, @ebbet
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gothmikasagf · 2 years
Hello, if it’s alright, may I request a stranger things matchup? 
Gender and sexuality: cis female and heterosexual
MBTI and zodiac: INTP 5w6 and Scorpio sun
Appearance: My height is 5’0 and I’m fair skinned. I have short black  hair and the style of it is similar to a bob hair cut. I have dark brown eyes, really dark eye bags and I wear glasses. I have a lot of scars on my legs due to mosquito bites and itchiness. I wear headbands a lot and I mostly wear baggy or loose clothes (maybe even dresses if I’m in the mood.)
Personality: I’m very awkward and aloof when meeting new people and people I’m generally not close with. People have described me as intimidating and too formal because of it. The resting bitch face doesn’t help either.
I’m responsible, independent, ambitious and curious. I like learning about new things I find interesting and have a lot of goals for myself. I’m usually the leader in a group project and try my best to do things efficiently. However, I’m a perfectionist, a workaholic and a bit prideful. I’m afraid of failure and I’m hard on myself as well. I have high expectations for myself and sometimes that can transfer to other people and lead me to being hard on them. I do it out of good intention but I know it hurts people so I’m trying to tone it down. I also overwork and have a terrible sleeping schedule. 
There are also times where I get lazy and when I catch myself being lazy, I’m very hard on myself and I worry a lot especially about the future. I have a habit of suppressing my emotions, I usually don’t understand them and don’t know how to deal with them since I feel very strongly so I suppress them since that’s the only way I know and I don’t want to act irrationally because of it.
When I get close to someone, I’m very playful and cunning. I will remember things about a person so I can tease them about it later but I also remember things about them so I know what they like and how they want to be comforted etc. 
As sweet as that sounds, I never admit that to them. I was also told I have a very contagious laugh as well. I like having deep conversations with people I’m close to and getting to know them more. I would like to know their views on controversial and everyday topics and just them as a person in general. I don’t expect them to have the same views as me but just knowing their opinion makes me feel closer to them.
I have a dreamer side too, at the same time I keep it to myself because I’m afraid of showing it to people in fear of it being too childish. People keep telling me that I’m a smart person however, I don’t really agree. It’s usually because I work hard to get where I am, I’m not that smart as people say. I also have insecurities yet don’t like admitting it and cover it up with a self-assured and confident attitude.
Likes: anime, cafes, sweets, psychology, neuroscience, video games, books, coffee, quiet places, stationery, fluffy things, travel, milk tea, civil discussions, debates, mysteries, drawing, singing (I don’t like admitting that though), k-dramas, journalling, researching, playful banter or teasing and cats.
Dislikes: crowds, insects, being useless, beliefs I find to be unnecessary, the sun, weird trends, wearing revealing clothes (other people wearing it is fine though, it’s just not for me), household chores, dogs (I was unlucky to have a bad experience with them) and rules that I find to be too restricted or inefficient.
My love languages are acts of service and quality time. (It can be physical affection as well but that would take a great amount of trust.) I don’t have a type as far as I know but I just want a person that accepts me and is loyal.
I hope this was okay, and I apologize if this was too much information. Take your time with this and have a good day!
I match you with...
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Steve Harrington!
I feel like you and Steve balance each other.
He always makes sure you don’t overwork yourself, he quizzes you ang gives you a little kiss whenever you get something right but helps you with taking breaks and take care of yourself.
You might fight from time to time since he doesn’t really know what he wants to do in his future but it’s normal for couples to fight and you make up almost immediately.
He took some time to really understand his emotions too so he’s very patient with you and knows that you love him even if you don’t always say it out loud.
You spend a lot of time just talking with each other and enjoying time together.
I hope you enjoyed it!
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lilosaur · 3 years
hewwo! i've read your writings and they're so fluffy hhhhh 💖 also if it's alright, can i request scenarios for the boys(mitsuya, chifuyu, inui) when their s/o knit them a scarf or sweater?? 👉👈
ahhh tysm!! I hope you enjoy reading this, I’m glad you enjoy reading my works’ 🤎
༉‧₊˚✧ When You Knit Them a Scarf ˳೫˚∗
⟶ ticket no. 4 ɞ
w/ Mitsuya Takashi | Matsuno Chifuyu | Inui Seishu
Warnings - wearing a scarf? relationships
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ʚ Mitsuya Takashi ɞ
Mitsuya himself makes you a lot of clothes, you’d get cool clothes only available for you to wear! When you told him that you knit he probably got really excited that you two kinda have something in common!
You decided to make him a scarf since your relationship has gotten tighter over the weeks, you really put your heart and soul into the whole project, from planning it to picking out the colors to figuring out how long it should be. It may have taken you a little while to make but it was so worth it! You just hoped Mitsuya would love it as much as you do.
You decided to put it in a little gift box and buy a fancy bow to put on top, it really just adds a bit of spice to the whole thing!
You stopped by Mitsuya's house after school to bring him your little gift. Your kinda nervous to see if he’ll like it or not. but honestly he will love it When you put the gift in his hands he looked at you and smiled, his smile is so bright and warm!!
“What’s this?” He asks in his soft voice. omg his soft voice is so<33
“A gift for you!” You say excited and eager for him to open it.
Mitsuya carefully lifts open the top of the box and immediately smiles when he sees the scarf inside, you can tell he really likes it!
“Wow y/n this is so pretty, your actually amazing you know that?” When he said that you can feel little butterfly’s flutter around your stomach. he’s so sweet
“I was worried you weren’t going to like it haha” When you told him that his smile kinda faded a bit :(
“Why would you think that? Of course I’d love it, it’s coming from the most amazing person in the world, my one true love.” Your heart was about to melt… literally. Mitsuya wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a hug.
“Thank you for the scarf.” He whispered into your ear, you were blushing just a little bit and super happy that he liked it. Maybe you should make him more things in the future..
ʚ Matsuno Chifuyu ɞ
You saw on tiktok that someone made a scarf for this s/o, you wanted to do the same thing for Chifuyu.. you knew how to knit a little bit so it was time to do some research on how to get better at it. After a few practice tries you were ready to start on your big project! A scarf for Chifuyu, especially with winter coming up he’s gonna need one! You decided to put little cats that looked like peke j into the scarf, he’ll definitely love that. peke j is so cute too ngl
You took one final look at the scarf, it have a few flaws here and there but you were still new to knitting and not everything’s perfect, you just hoped Chifuyu would like it enough to wear it..
You and Chifuyu had a date tonight so you decided to give it to him then as a surprise gift! You found a nice gift bag to put it in with some fancy paper to add some pop to the whole idea.
Once your date was almost over you pulled out your gift for Chifuyu…
“Oh no you didn’t have to get me a gift y/n!”
“I want you to have it, it’s personalized for you silly!” His face looks confusing when you said that, ‘personalized for him??’
When he took out the fancy paper he saw the scarf sitting alone at the bottom, he gently pulled it out and a joyful smile appeared on his face.
“Woah this is so cool! Did you make this?” Chifuyu asks excitedly
“Mhm!” You responded too nervous to make any real conversation.
“Oh my gosh even peke j is on it, your the best y/n!!” Chifuyu made sure to give you plenty of tiny kisses all over your face while walking you home, just the thought that you made something for him warms his heart so much.!
ʚ Inui Seishu ɞ
Inui is definitely the kind of person who is almost always cold or shivering with goosebumps all over, it was your grand idea to knit him a cute and casual scarf that maybe could help him out with that. You didn’t really know what kind of theme Inui would like since he doesn’t share much of his small interests like favorite animals/colors :(
So you decided to stick to basics and make a lovely beige scarf, something simple that maybe he’ll like it? You made sure to make it long enough that it drapes down his shoulder to help keep his body warm too! Secretly planning the perfect gift hoping that Inui would like it too.
You were so close to being finished on Inui's scarf working on the last bit in your room when you hear your window start to open…
“Hey y/n whatcha doing?” Inui pops into your room from the window… it’s like 1:00 in the morning-
“Inui! What are you doing here!?” You shout lightly trying to cover up your gift for him.
“Oh are you making something? I really just kind of missed you so I wanted to come by and hang out. If your busy I can go-”
“No it’s fine I was just working on a project..”
“What kind of project?” he asks while he inspects what your hiding with you hands.
“Umm it may be a gift.. for someone…”
“Huh? Oh I get it, oops my bad did I spoil jt for myself?” Inui laughs nervously with his hand behind his neck.
“No it’s okay, im almost finished with it so you can have it once im done!”
“Can I watch you finish it?” He asks curiously.
“Oh sure..” you reply nervously with a bit of light pink developing across your face.
You spend the rest of the night knitting on your ‘project’ while Inui watches behind you. Maybe your little gift was spoiled but by the look in his eyes as he watches you, you can tell he already loves the new addition soon to be in his wardrobe.
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Wow I really enjoyed writing this, if you can knit that’s so awesome I wanna learn to knit one day!! As always thanks for reading and have an amazing day/night <3
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supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
A misunderstanding
Pairings: Ricky Hauk x reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, protected sex, break up, angst, fluff and more fluff.
Summary: you and Ricky break up after being together for years. You reluctantly go to a Halloween party that will change your life forever.
A/N: this is purely self indulgent, I was in my Ricky feels today. Also my stories are not beta read so there’s gonna be mistakes. Hope you enjoy!
Comments and reblogs are really appreciated 🥰
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You’re emotions were all over the place, you were angry with one minute and upset the next. The rest of the time you were just numb. Ricky was the love of your life, you’d thought you were his, apparently you were wrong.
He’d been staying late after college to work on a project and when he wasn’t studying he was working at the garage. It felt like you never saw him anymore and you missed him. You decided you were going to surprise him at work with dinner, his favourite from Sally’s diner. Parking up at the garage you grab the bags of food and make your way inside. When you don’t see anyone you assume he’s back in the office, so you make your way there, pushing open the door your shocked at what you see. Dropping the food into the floor you burst into tears and quickly make your way out to the car. You can hear someone calling your name but your in a daze until he grabs your arm pulling you into him.
“Hey baby please let me explain. It’s not what you think, Casey she kissed..”
“How could you Ricky? I love you, I thought you loved me too, clearly not.”
“Y/N please just listen to me.”
“Why? So you can fill me with lies?”
“You don’t trust me?”
“Really! After what I just saw your turning this on me.”
“I love you Y/N, I have been in love with you since we were fourteen. You really think I would throw away our future for anyone else?”
“What am I supposed to think when I walk in to surprise you and she’s all over you.”
“If you can’t trust me then what’s the point.”
“So it’s over?”
“Yeah I guess it is.”
You don’t say anything else, afraid if you attempt to speak he’ll hear the sadness in your voice. You just hop into your car and drive away.
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It’s been two weeks since you broke up with Ricky and god did you miss him. You’ve been going over everything in your head and you can’t remember if he kissed her back, was is really her pushing herself on him. It didn’t help that you saw him practically everywhere you went. He completely ignored you of course but you could feel his eyes on you when you weren’t looking.
Your best friend Laura had roped you into going to a Halloween party, said it would be the party of the year. She convinced you to wear a leather cat women outfit and you had to admit, you looked good. Maybe you could find someone to hook up with, take your mind off Ricky. You touch up your make up and make your way downstairs.
“Y/N….you look stunning. Ricky eat your heart out.”
“Can we not…talk about him please.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Come on lets go.”
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Your wandering through the throngs of people, Laura having gone MIA as soon as Josh appeared. You didn’t really know anyone here and you don’t do well in large crowds so you grab a beer and make your way out back. The cool air refreshing against your warm skin, your beginning to rethink this whole leather suit.
“So did you try it on with him?”
“Yeah, I kissed him but then his god damn girlfriend walked in, ex girlfriend now.”
“Look at you getting what you want, go on girl.”
“Well I didn’t get what I want though. He doesn’t want me, he said we were just friends. Can you believe it, he turned me down. Apparently he’s in love with Y/N, I mean she’s not even that pretty.”
“I think it’s cute! I heard he’s planning on marrying her.”
“Oh shut up Katie!”
They didn’t realise you could hear their whole conversation. You felt like you couldn’t breath, Ricky was telling the truth, she came on to him. God how could you be so stupid, now you’ve lost the the love of your life because you didn’t trust him. You had to get out of here. Standing up abruptly you make your way back inside, trying to push through all the people when a hand grabs your wrist. You try to pull out of their grasp but they only hold you tighter.
“Hey it’s ok, it’s just me.”
“Ricky! What are you…”
“Not here, let’s go.”
He intertwines your fingers and leads you out front towards his truck. He opens your door for you and helps you in before running around and hopping in himself. He doesn’t say a word the whole drive, he just keeps stealing glances at you, it’s not until he pulls up at cabin like house that he turns towards you.
“There’s something I wanna show you.”
Ricky helps you out and brings you towards the small house, is beautiful, nestled perfectly among the trees. He unlocks the door and when you make your way inside your blown away by what you see. There’s cables dotted all around the place creating a romantic atmosphere. There’s blankets and cushions on the floor, a small picnic basket and the fire is lit. You turn to find Ricky’s gaze already on you, a flicker of something behind his eyes.
“What’s all this?”
He slowly moves towards you, his hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“I wanted to surprise you, I’ve missed you, so damn much and I’m sorry about Casey. I meant what I said nothing happened, she came onto me but I turned her down.”
“You did all this for me? Why haven’t to spoke to me? Anytime I saw you, you just blanked me.”
“I didn’t know what to say. It killed me to not be able to hold your hand, kiss you, talk to you. I love you! I have since we were teenagers and I plan on loving you the rest of my life.”
He slowly get down on one knee, pulling a small blue velvet box out of his jacket pocket. He looks up at you, “baby I love you, I will love you until I die and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then too. Will you marry me?”
Your shaking as you sob, tears falling down your cheeks. You can’t believe this is happening, you’d though you’d lost him forever and now he’s here right in front of you asking you to be his wife.
“Yes! Yes I’ll marry you.”
He places the beautiful ring on your finger before standing up and kissing you.
“I thought I lost you. I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you, I should have known you wouldn’t do something like that.”
“Hey baby it’s ok, it’s in the past, let’s just forget about it ok?”
You nod up at him, trying to control your tears.
“How did you do all this? Who’s place is this?”
“It’s ours!”
“It’s ours, I bought it last week. I remember when we were younger you always said you wanted a house in the woods, somewhere quiet and peaceful. I’ve been saying up for it.”
“You bought us a house! Ricky!” You completely break down and he just pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, I..”
“No baby, these are happy tears I promise. I love you.”
“You eh, you look sexy as hell in that outfit baby.”
“Yeah? I think it makes me look fat to be honest and I’m roasting in it.”
“Definitely not fat and eh, I can always help take it off you.”
“Would you like that, we could christen the new house, right here in the living room, by the fire.”
The whole time you were talking your hand was slowly inching towards his obvious bulge. He really did like you in this outfit. He closes his eyes and his breathing becomes heavy.
“Are you ok?”
“Hmm Hmm.”
“Are you sure baby.” You whispered seductively into his ear. He couldn’t take it anymore he was on you in the blink of an eye, kissing you passionately. He starts to unzip your cat suit when he suddenly stops.
“Jesus Christ you’re trying to kill me baby, you’ve been going around with nothing on under this, this whole time?”
“Well yeah, it’s not exactly made for underwear lines.” He strips you out of your clothes, his own following after, a messy pile on the floor. He just stares at your naked form, admiring every dip and curve, you feel hot under his gaze. The ache between your thighs is too much, you need him. You practically jump on him as you both lay on the floor. You push him back and straddle his waist, his hands gripping your hips as you line him up and sink down on him slowly. He moans in pleasure as he fills you up.
“Miss you baby….missed this..”
“Missed…..oh god….missed you too.” You can’t get the words out with moaning.
You move up and down his cock, your hands on his chest, helping you move faster. You roll your hips up and down, bringing yourself closer to your release. Ricky is thrusting up into you, faster and faster, his moan of pleasure filling the room. He thrusts again and again and you can feel your orgasm building in your abdomen. You bite your lip as you come hard, your cunt engulfing him and sending him over the edge as he paints your walls with his come.
“Fuck……love you…”
“I love you too baby.”
You move off him and lay beside him on the blankets, your hand running up and down his chest. Your both sweaty and panting, a mixture of pleasure and exhaustion.
“I can’t believe this is our home now…thank you so much for this Ricky.”
“I’d do anything for you Y/N, your my whole world. I was a little selfish too though, I couldn’t wait to start our life together, you know marriage, house and a baby.”
“Well you’ve already sorted the house and we’re already half way to marriage, we just Gotta work on the baby now.”
“You read my mind baby.”
Permanent tag list: @lunaserenade @anaaaispunk @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @seasonschange-butpeopledont @alberta-sunrise @dihra-vesa @pintsizemama @athalien @loserrlauraa @thorins-queen-of-erebor @pascal-rascal424 @ikinmahlen @pascalisthepunkest @dindjarinneedsahug @almaeunice @jediknight122 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @colorlesswhispersunknown @stevie75 @rosie-posie08 @jediknight123 @hauntedmama @greeneyedblondie44 @prettylilhalforc @giselatropicana @the-mandalorian-066 @spanishmossmagnolia @phoenixhalliwell @sherala007 @its--fandom--darling @donnaa @javierpinme@luxmundee @littlemisspascal @hayley-the-comet @ezras-channel-rat @heartofjakku @tintinn16 @amneris21 @avengers-fixation @drinkingwhileblogging @evyiione @goddessofsprings @mylovelycomandante @pastatomata @pjkimrn @1#FreakShow @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @paintballkid711 @hocuschlocus @allthe-ships @thewintersoldierswife @practicalghost
Ricky Hauk: @a-skov @prideandpascal
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