#cat theriotype vocals
edraculation · 2 years
Purring tutorial!
(pt: Purring tutorial! /end pt)
i've seen a few fellow feline therians asking for purring help, so here it is!
press the tip of your tongue to the inside of your front two bottom teeth and then slide it down until you can't anymore*. close your mouth almost all the way but leave at least a tiny opening or it won't work. make sure the back of your tongue is slightly touching the back of your upper pallet and breathe into your mouth. if it doesn't work or you want a different frequency of purr, try adjusting your tongue, changing how much of a gap you left between your lips**, or changing how hard your teeth are pressed together.
*how loud, quiet, chirpy, breathy, or growly your purr is mostly depends on how far down your tongue is. if you want a quieter, breathier purr try only bringing your tongue down half way. if you want a louder purr, bring it all the way down and even slide it as far back as you can.
**to get the gap size i've found works best, make small duck lips (?) and squeeze your teeth together. (this also clears congestion lmao)
hope this helps, catkin friends :3
(edit: made screen reader friendly)
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amr-alterhuman · 9 months
Meow I wanted to share
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felixthetherian · 5 months
trying Cat vocals
(Every Saturday is vocals day with me)
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froggowivdagudvibes · 11 months
Me, a cat therian: enjoying mimicking bird sounds
My brain: stop overthinking, not everything needs to be related to your theriotype, ur allowed to enjoy other things
Me: finds out mimicking bird sounds is a common cat activity
Me, sarcastically: well well well, never saw THAT one coming
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thatcutesysatanist · 6 months
wanted to share my progress on my cat vocals!!! my cats go crazy when i do it lol, one of my cats walked into my room after i was done recording XD
i know it’s not like… super high pitched cute kitten or whatever, but let me know if it sounds realistic!!! OvO
(oh and the picture was made by me, you can use it if you like :3)
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nox-does-stuff · 2 years
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iridescent-moon · 2 years
I think I might be cat-hearted too
"Why do you say that?"
*me on a daily basis for no reason whatsoever* MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW
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zith-ipeth · 9 days
Therianthropy and the future
What does this look like in the future? The first step, in all good revolutionary world building, is the ability to envision a future. If you cannot imagine what a future looks like without prisons, without police, without capital, without states and without borders, how do you intend to ever see that world come to life? Someone asked what therianthropy looks like in the future on a forum I was on, and most critters said that it looks like it always has, it looks like something you hide away, something you don’t tell anyone, something you don’t explain. You don’t “come out” as therian because we live in a world where you cannot
6 months ago, I told my friends I was an animal, I had yet to identify it as therianthropy, simply rather that I am a dog, that I wear ears where my ears should be and a tail where my tail should be. By “coming out” I committed the taboo, I let people in. Since then I wore my gear (ears tail gloves and a collar) through the rest of my highschool life, I had a 3.25 gpa, I got pets from my friends on occasions and walked off stage with a diploma. One of my peers, not even a friend, said genuinely she thought I would wear white ears “to match your dress, of course, like a snow fox of some sort”. I had been understood as someone who has ears, who has a tail, it was simply part of who I was. 
I’m two weeks into college, I’ve been presenting and explaining myself as an animal pretty much always when asked, I talked to my anthropology professor and he suggested a feminist cultural anthropologist manifesto about the personhood of dogs, I’ve howled with friends at the night sky in the humid air that comes with the end of summer. It is understood that I am a dog, that I am a therian. To be honest classes are kicking me in the tail end, the food is weird, I’m breaking out for the first time in a long while.
Now I’m privileged, my animality doesn’t come in waves, I exist in a more constant state, without shifts and the like, I can control my vocal stims, I’m quite social and generally likable, I’m white, middle class, pretty. I’m trans but mostly binary, I have minimal species dysphoria, and what I do have can be alleviated by means available to me. I’m a dog, one of the most easy to explain theriotypes there is, but…
I did it! I’m living in the future, I’m living in the world that so many therians said could not happen, I’m barking, snarling growling proof that we CAN have a future, that maybe just maybe we can jam our paw in the door and let the zoo full of animals I call my friends through. Maybe if people can adjust to a dog then they can get used to a cat, a snake, a leopard, a fish, a bird, a dragon, whatever else! Maybe the way that I am lucky enough to live won’t be something we can all have in our lives, but maybe, just maybe, if we can show our pups and kits that this is a life they can demand, maybe they will get to have it too.
Run fast, bite hard, bark loud
Peace, love, and gratitude
-Zith Ipeth
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alterhuman-buddies · 4 days
Heya, Writer !!!!!
Saw you wanted some random questions, so;; How'd you discover your non-humanity? Can go for any of your 'types :]
(^ nfta)
Have a good day!!
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This may or may not be a huge rant that may or may not go slightly off topic :3c
I first started questioning my alterhumanity because of my friend, who is a therian. They love talking about its experiences, especially with their therian identity. I related to their psychological and physical experiences (not as much spiritual), which made me wonder if I am nonhuman in any way.
My first awakening or discovered 'type was a domestic black cat, which made a lot of sense. Other than the dream and mental shifts; I love neutral colors, I've always enjoyed meowing as a vocal stim, I've been a black cat for Halloween for two years straight (lol), the thought of having paws and sharp teeth was euphoric, fish has been a favorite food of mine for a while, and I also feel a tail and another set of ears almost constantly (which I realized wasn't something everyone experiences).
My next discovery was both the dragon and red panda 'types. I've been a huge Wings Of Fire fan, and I have way too many dragon figurines on my shelf. Wings and flight have always been fascinating to me; I wanted to do a project on dragon wingspans in fifth grade, but unfortunately, my teacher didn't let me. I don't feel my wings as much as I do the cat or red panda tails, but I know that they're feathery. Also, birds were a huge hyperfixation of mine. Plus, i have a hoard of plushies, figures, (150) rubber ducks, and so many shiny things. I'll have to post some pictures of it one day! I'm really proud of it, especially my nest of plushies. Though, I hate other people touching it without permission. My hoard, not yours.
For the red panda 'type, I think I first labeled it as a hearttype until I realized how much euphoria I got from wearing my paper red panda mask. It's like the others, which is more of a theriotype/kintype, and it took me a while to realize that! I remember when I first saw a red panda at a zoo. It was so amazing, and I just wanted to join them! I feel like that should have been a sign, but I didn't know what alterhumanity was at the time. I love making the high-pitched red panda yips (the ones that humans can hear—my vocals aren't that good) and chewing on pencils as if they're bamboo. Greens and browns are my favorite colors to wear and I absolutely love fruits!!! I feel my ears and tails most of all of the other 'types, I think red panda is my strongest 'type!
And last but not least, the wolf 'type. This is my weakest 'type, but it's still a part of me! I have a feeling it'll be the first of my four to change (if it ever changes). I don't remember how I discovered it, I think it was through a mental shift? I also feel more wolf-y when I feel like I'm in danger or if I need to protect someone/something. The thought of dens and snow are really nice for me, but I'm not too much of a meat eater. However, during my wolf shifts, I do feel cravings for steak and venison, I also feel more masculine?
I like different pronouns and names during my shifts for each 'type.
Black cat: Luci, they/it/purr/paw/meow
Dragon: Talon, they/it
Red panda: Red, it/her/vix
Wolf: [no other name], he/him
I think that's all for me to say! Thank you so much for the ask, anon, and have a good day as well! ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ
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cozy-kitty-corner · 8 months
it’s interesting. I’ve seen it said that most people who are polytherians with avians and non-avians tend to put their avian identity on the back burner. It’s never really been that way for me though: before I awakened I both felt like a cat constantly and wanted wings/the ability to fly from a very young age. However, I’ve felt my kinning in ways that don’t mingle much. I mostly have slight species dysphoria over needing wings, but not much else for either theriotype, as I believe that the avian side of me is a human hybrid of some sort. That’s the species that I have the most phantom shifts for, and the species that I would call my primary theriotype if I had to choose, despite not considering either type to be the primary one. For my bobcat theriotype, that’s the one I feel most comfortable acting as, and mostly the one that I appear to have instincts for. It’s also the one I’m happiest doing vocals for.
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edraculation · 2 years
Simple hissing tutorial!
(pt: Simple hissing tutorial! /end pt)
dedicated to @nox-does-stuff :3 thanks so much for the ask, i hope this is what you were looking for !
bare your teeth*, (gently) bite down on the sides of your tongue, and then breathe into your mouth. it should work no matter how you interpreted these instructions, but if it's not working try adjusting your tongue a bit or breathing harder :)
*i recommend doing it scrunched-nose style, you technically don't have to but it works a bit better and also looks like the biological cat angry face!!
go make noises therifolk!!
(edit: made screen reader friendly)
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amr-alterhuman · 8 months
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I do get overstimulated so maybe I am misinterpreting my tail wagging as happy wags. I do see myself wagging my tail more slowly when happy versus overstimulated. And overstimulated can be a positive or a negative thing, typically leaning towards negative outcome.
But I don't often feel phantom limbs so much as I have mental/vocal/behavioral shifts.
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zane-helps-otherkin · 9 months
Tips for a red fox, lynx, black wolf and harpy eagle therian
Requested by: Anon
General tips
Try doing quadrobics. Many of your theriotypes walk in four legs, so trying quads may help you feel more connected to them.
Mimic your fur/feathers with clothes. Using elements like color and texture.
Try doing vocals. Most of this theriotypes are known for their vocals.
Buy (or make) and use gear if comfortable. Either ears, tails and even wings or a beak.
For a red fox
Make foods that include berries and chicken. Chicken are a favorite for foxes, and they are known for being omnivores.
Buy cat toys for yourself. Cat toys may mimic some of the pray foxes usually hunt, like mice.
If comfortable (for both parties) try scaring some of your friends or family hiding in different places, placing little traps and sneaking from behind. Foxes are known for their cunning and intelligence. So this could be a fun game to reflect that.
For a lynx
Get a little bit of fake fur and stick it to the tips of your ears. To mimic those lynxes have.
Use big and strong boots to mimic their paws.
Grow your sideburns to mimic the "beard" of lynxes.
For a black wolf
Pretend you are in a pack. You can use just daydreaming or imaginative play with toys. If you have friends, you could also make a pack with them, either online via roleplay, or in real life through play.
Try some makeup that makes you feel wolf-like. You can paint a nose or use some eyeliner.
Watch videos of wolves and/or their pray. This could lead to unwanted shifts though.
For a harpy eagle
Listen to ambient sounds of rainforests. This is the habitat of these eagles.
Make paper claws. Harpy eagles have big claws that you could mimic with paper.
Use long, flowy clothes to mimic their feathers. Especially gray clothes. You can also use gray handkerchiefs in your hair to mimic the feathers these eagles have on their heads.
Requests are currently closed
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I recently realized I'm a therian but I can't pin down what my theriotype is. I think it's a canine but it's all really muddled. Like at first I thought cat because of my sounds but my tail is definitely more canine. I also get the urge to howl but not bark. I yip, purr, chitter all sorts of sounds but not bark. I'm just so eager to figure it out but don't really know what to reflect on in order to do that.
Hiya!! I'm sooo sorry this is a late response!! I'll split this into 2 parts to at least try and keep this ramble on track: tips on finding potential kintypes & then some species I personally think you might be. Sorry if this is a little disjointed, I've written it across a couple days.
Tips On Finding Kintypes:
Sorry if you've seen a few of these before!
Watch nature documentaries or clips/videos of your species. See if it feels like you're looking in the mirror. You can imagine yourself as that species in its surroundings or living amongst them. Also it's an easy way to learn more about them!!
Try out gear of your species. This isn't my fave because it could be a bit pricey but you can always DIY it! It's a way to test out what limbs/parts feel right on you. You can probably dye fur to a more fitting colour afterwards if it's the wrong species, or re-sell them. Halloween is coming up so that should make it a little easier.
Learn the vocals of kintypes. You don't need to get it perfect but 'singing-along' with your species might help you determine your kintype. It also may help you distinguish between similar vocals.
Use the label. Spend a week or so using the label & envisioning yourself as each kintype. The only way you'll know if you feel comfortable being that kin is... to be it! I think the goes for most labels.
Get creative with your kintypes. Another way to test what you connect to is to make spotify playlists or artwork relating to your kintypes.
Potential Species:
Based on your vocals alone and the fact you were kinsidering felines beforehand, I would've suggested Cheetah. They're one of the few big cats that can purr and often communicate in a sort of yipping noise, though it's called 'chirping' officially. Aster's fun fact of the day is that any feline can only purr or roar, never both 🤓.
Otherwise I would also say a Fox is a high possibility. They've got the correct vocals (though they maybe more yowl than howl), and they have the dog-like tail. Even if you don't feel a connection to the traditional red fox's appearance, there are also Silver Foxes & Arctic Foxes.
Now those are out of the way, onto more canine species! Wolves are obviously the first pick when you mention the howling. I don't know how new you are to the community to please forgive me if I'm explaining stuff you know but there's actually a term called "Cladotherian." It's when you're kin of a whole section of animals. E.g if I were Cladotherian of all bigcats I'd be a lion and a tiger and a cheetah. So maybe wolf Cladotherian is a possibility?
Thinking about the yipping instead of barking, my personal top pick would be African Wild Dog. They make very high-pitched yipping sounds to communicate but they also howl to find pack members, though these howls are shorter than a wolf's. My second pick would be maned wolves as they do the similar yipping but I know less about them unfortunately!
I hope some of this was helpful! Let me know if you figure it out!
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achillez-on-pawz · 4 months
Tips on how to find your theriotype: May not be accurate.
Hi. If you've ever seen any post of mine, you'll know that I may have an upwards of 4-5 Theriotypes. Domestic cat clado, red fox, golden tiger (*), and unknown domestic dog.
I will put everything else under the cut, because I don't want a huge text post to absorb everyone's dash.
I awakened as a tiger (*) mainly after a conversation with a friend. They sent pictures of golden tigers and a liger, and after seeing that, I got a feeling in my chest. Resonance.
It feels like a deep hit, almost heavy and thick, right under where my heart is, center of my lower chest.
After some research, although, not much, (I'm studying for a Spanish exam), I can say with like, 60% certainty, that I'm most likely the previous animals mentioned.
But how did I come to that so quickly?
If you're like me (impatient), you probably hate the unknown feeling sitting inside you, like uranium in the snow /ref.
Well, here are some tips.
Write down your feelings (or do the equivalent) Writing down what you feel, feelings associated with your unknown self, can really help. Here's what I said in an audio log of my tiger/liger exploration. "It feels...super big. Feline too. My paws are HUGE.[...] it feels almost lazy? Like, I could knock you over with so much ease, but I just don't feel like it. [...]connection to water. Lounging in the sun." This, combined with my emotional/physical reaction to ligers/golden tigers is what lead me to very shallow research. I would also like to mention that placeholder theriotypes are a-okay. You're still figuring yourself out, and if labels help, feel free!
Measure your emotional reaction. This makes sense, if you're spiritual or a physical therian. (Note that I'm physically Aziraphale, and such, my knowledge on physical therians may be incorrect or limited) You will have emotional or physical reactions to your theriotype. I cry when I see myself. I may also do vocals involuntarily, and may do quads. These are both physical and emotional reactions.
Research! Light research is better than no research. And with more research, you can find and place your feelings more accurately. Going on blogs for that animal, Wikipedia, Reddits for that animal (if there is one), and veterinary websites are very good places to start.
Shifts. Write down what you feel, if you have physical, mental, vocal, or phantom shifts. These could help. For example, when I have a fox shift, I feel playful, fluffy, small, and my paws feel petite.
All in all, take your time. I remind myself to go slow. It's not the end of the world. Placeholders are okay! Just make sure to update yourself once you've put more time into it :D This is just what I do. I've had a therian journal for a longgg while. Around 2-3 months. It helps to write down what you feel. Just know that whatever happens, your identity being therian or not, you're valid <3
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🍂🌺🌲 👑
For the ask game
🍂 – What are some of your favorite alterhuman-related activities?
Quadrobics, vocals, and mask-making!
🌺 – How did you first find out you were alterhuman?
I think it was August 2023 when I awakened. I got a quadrobics video on my TikTok FYP, and I was interested, so I started looking into it. After some research, I concluded that I'm a Canada lynx. I've learned more of my theriotypes since then but yeah
🌲 – Are you a wild or domestic animal?
Both! My theriotypes are Canada lynx, domestic black cat, and Oriental shorthair. I'm questioning ragdoll cat and Maine coon.
👑 – Do you own any gear? If so, what is it?
I own gear, yes! I have made three masks for my theriotypes, two lynxes and one domestic cat. I plan on making an Oriental shorthair mask soon. I have a real fox tail and a real lynx tail from ethical sources. I also have a faux fur tail on an elastic belt, which was my first. I own four pairs of cat paw gloves. I also have a necklace with the Theta-Delta!
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