alicentflorent · 3 months
Book!Alicent and Book!Rhaenyra when they catach their show counterparts
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innervoiceartblog · 3 months
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When they ask to see your gods your book of prayers show them lines drawn delicately with veins on the underside of a bird's wing tell them you believe in giant sycamores mottled and stark against a winter sky and in nights so frozen stars crack open spilling streams of molten ice to earth and tell them how you drink a holy wind of honeysuckle on a warm spring day and of the softness of your mother who never taught you death was life's reward but who believed in the earth and the sun and a million, million light years of being.
~ 'Catachism for a Witch's Child' by J.L. Stanley
Artwork: Magic by C. Viss
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ltwharfy · 2 months
Find your 3 oldest WIPS. Then list for each:
The inspiration- Why it's still a WIP- Will you finish- Why or why not-
Try not to mean to yourself!
Thank's for the ask! Here's the answers (this is also three of my four WIPs):
"Dating Advice from Mr. I'd Let That Dump Me"
The inspiration- I started writing this around Father's Day last year. It's a story about teenage Rudy being nervous about asking Louise out for a real date, and talking to his dad about it. As folks who read my "personal" tagged posts for the last week or so know, I had a tough relationship with my dad after my parents divorce, and I think Sylvester and Rudy's relationship is an interesting one. I liked the idea of exploring Sylvester as a flawed father who still tries to play a helpful role in his son's life post-divorce.
Why it's still a WIP- Another story- I can't even remember which one- became more engaging to me to write. And then "The Amazing Rudy" aired and it just made me think even more about Sylvester and about his relationship with Rudy and this story just seemed a little too..easy or simple, I guess?
Will you finish- Why or why not? It's probably the one on this list I'm least likely to finish. I think I'd rather explore Rudy and Sylvester's relationship outside the context of Roudise some more before coming back to this. Along those lines, I can think of at least one line I came up with for this that ended up in "Loneliness Comes Around Again".
"She Fell In Love with the Drummer"
The inspiration- The horniest story I've ever written was inspired by the official "Bob's Burgers" coloring book! There's a page that has the members of the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee in their costumes from Gene's fantasy in that episode. Louise and Tina are facing each other, but in the background (so, visible in the corner of Louise's eye) is Rudy playing the drums shirtless. So, I thought it would be funny to write a story set when they are teens where Louise sees Rudy drumming shirtless and finds it hot.
Why it's still a WIP- I wrote the middle (the making out part) first. For all my other stories, I've always just started at the beginning and wrote straight through. I have ideas for what happens before and after the part that I wrote, but haven't gotten around to writing them.
Will you finish- Why or why not? I hope so. I certainly intend to. I like what I wrote so far (at least, last time I read it) and I like my ideas for the beginning and ending. And I think writing Louise and Rudy as horny teenagers is a fun change of pace from my usual ways of writing of them (which tends to be either "awkward preteen crush" or "cute established relationship").
"No, Dale, Bobby is not in New Jersey!"
The inspiration- A silly, short (at least, planned to be) "Bob's Burgers"/"KIng of the Hill" crossover inspiired by the folks on the Internet who think that Rudy's character design is similar to Bobby Hill's. I specifically got the inspuration after watching this video from the amazing @devilh0rnsinc.
Why it's still a WIP- I'm writing from the POV of Dale Gribble and, later, Hank Hill, and I've never written for either of those characters before, and I'm just nervous about making sure that I get their voices right. While I watched KotH a lot when I was younger and still enjoy cataching it on cable occasionally, I don't have the depth of knowledge for those chracters that I do for the "Bob's Burgers" that I tend to write about. Dale, especially, is such an iconic character in my book that I want to get him right.
Will you finish- Why or why not? I hope so. I think it's a really fun idea. I'd like to get it done before that "King of the Hill" revival starts airing (since I believe they are aging up the characters and this idea works better if Bobby is still a kid.)
Thanks again for the ask! It was fun to think about these stories again!
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hymnsofheresy · 2 years
The year after I got my master's degree all 3 of the Newman societies including my Newman society got shut down and the chaplains had worked for the diocese for well over a decade each. I still feel bitter over it bc the chaplain was a wonderful person who turned no one away regardless of belief and worked several people through adult catachism and helped me grow my faith far beyond what I thought was possible.
it is just absolutely devastating to hear newman centers getting shut down. these parishes exist to help young adults maintain their faith during a time of separation from their families and homes. for me, the newman center at my uni was a place where I knew I was safe and respected.
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kaaras-adaar · 1 year
What is your favorite dynamic with Kaaras and Lyrian? What about the ship that cataches you offguard and makes you smile?
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send  anonymous  (or  not)  questions  to  my  muse  about  their  ships,  connections,  and  any  other  of  their  relationships.
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I think that they are just an exceptionally GENTLE couple. Both Lyrian and Kaaras are gentle souls, and that's really helped them connect. Everything about them is so soft and accepting of each other, always wanting to help the other achieve their goals and make sure that they are safe from hurt.
I think that at the beginning, Kaaras saw himself in Lyrian a lot, which was initially why he didn't want to burden him with a romantic relationship. He saw that they were both too duty filled, and he saw that Lyrian was already coping with so much that he didn't want to add to that burden. He feared that being in a romantic relationship would just cause Lyrian further pain.
I think that's what really surprised me, was that Kaaras finally broke down that wall and said, alright, maybe we're NOT just friends, and maybe I'm trying to keep my distance because I'm so scared of hurting you and causing you more pain and suffering. I think, in a sense, Kaaras would consider himself selfish for taking that dive, but it's not. The both of them deserve happiness, and they've found it in each other.
(also Lyrian has really helped Kaaras with his physical disabilities and that's special).
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
Day 17: Patrick's Day
Tags: @unseeliethot @grimalkinsquill @bella-daonna @rusalkaandtheshepherdgirl @charlataninred
Written version below the cut.
Dia daoibh. Today is the final day of seachtain na gaeilge so I’ll just be picking up a few loose ends here and there. 
Talking about where you live is very easy. Just use the phrase “Tá mé i mo chonaí i ____”  and insert the name of your town, plus an urú. You can replace the town name with a general indicator of where you live, like “i gcathair”(in a city), “i mbaile” (in a town), “i sraidbhaile” (in a village), or “faoin tuath” (in the countryside). Be careful, the faoin replaces the final i, “Tá mé i mo chonaí faoin tuath.”
I did not really touch on plurals in Irish, as they are complicated. Irish has two main types of plurals, weak and strong. Weak plurals mean the genitive plural is the same as the normative singular, and strong plurals means the genitive plural is the same as the normative plural. There are some irregular nouns where all normative singular, genitive singular, normative plural, and genitive plural are all different. Unfortunately the only way to learn how to pluralise a word is to know the pattern for the set of endings, for example -eog is generally a weak plural where the normative plural is -eoga.
The vocative case in Irish is how you refer to someone, whether by name, title, or nickname. For titles or nicknames, start the phrase with the particle “a”, and then add a séimhiú where appropriate. 
For names you have to consider a few factors. If the name is not Irish, then you add the particle “a” in front and then leave it be. If it is an Irish name starting with a consonant, then you add a séimhiú, and if it starts with a vowel then do not. If it is a masculine name, you also must slenderise any broad endings by adding an I after the last vowel cluster, eg. Darragh -> a Dharraigh. For feminine names, do not add that i.
Letters in Irish generally begin with the phrase “A ___, a chara,” (do with this information what you will NDM fandom)
Let's talk dictionaries quickly. Foclóir is by far and away the best English-Irish dictionary on the internet. Teanglann is run by the organization as Focloir and does Gaeilge-Berla translations, as well as having a  Póta Focail is good for phrases, or for spotting words in fun grammatical cases that Teanglann cannot catch. However, it is generally a worse dictionary than the other two. 
Foclóir has a good section for changes words undergo due to grammar. If you hover over the indication of which section of speech any word is, e.g. verb or fem4, the link will become underlined. If you click it, a box will open on the screen. For nouns the box will tell you how to write them in the TG or the plural, for adjectives it will give it’s masculine, feminine, and plural forms, and it will conjugate out verbs. One section of speech this box specifically does not give information on are prepositional pronouns. If you want to see the conjugation of a preposition, your best bet is to use Teanglann, as it does out all preposition in both English-Irish and Irish-English.
Dia duit! Conas atá tú? Táim go maith, táim go maith. Cooper is ainm dom, agus is madra mé. Tá mé ceithre bliana d’aois. Tá gruaig dubh orm agus suile donna agam. Tá mo chuid gruaige chatach. Is madra an-dathúil mé. Tá mé i mo chonaí faoin tuath. Tá seasair i mo thealleach: cuaigair daoine agus mise. Is maith liom a bheith ag dul ar siúlta timpell na feirme. Inné, d’ith mé arán as an mbosca bruscair. Is fuath liom lon dubh, agus béarfaidh mé orthu lá éigin.
Finally, here's a little introduction paragraph, and a picture to give you hints. Catach - curly, dathúil - handsome, siúlta - walks, feirm - farm, arán - bread, bosca bruscair - bin, lon dubh - blackbird, lá éigin - someday. 
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I now challenge you to write a similar paragraph for your own pet, or about your favorite fictional animal, like Snowy from Tintin. 
Today’s seanfhocail is “Ní neart go cur le chéile” or “There is no strength without unity”.
Thank you for sticking with this mess, go raibh maith agat. Lá fhéile Padraig sona dhaoibh, agus slán libh.
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silent-dragon · 2 years
Ikimori Dorm Aesthetics & Info
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Dorm atmosphere is mostly quiet as theres many areas of tranquility as Kenshin puts its which are places where loud noises or more then 5 people are not allowed. Everyone has something to do and must do so without blantly making distractions or trouble for someone else.
One major thing thats the previous dorm leader Kenshin implemented was that all Ikimori students,all years regardless of status would not have to pay/grab 2 out of 3 meals of the day if they choose. This is a tradition in his ninja clan where they all eat together so he continues it in the dorm if others want to participate. Chiyo who is current dorm leader has this still going on strongly.
Most students room in the big temple replica dorm room buliding known as the "Kikuchi Pavillion". 2 to 3 students can share a room as togetherness & bonds are important here so its best to get to know each other. Breakfast & Dinners are served at the floor area in one long table so that everyone can eat together and pass bowls/plates of food to one another.
For students who do not wish this close type of dorm living there is a few smaller Kikuchi Pavillions or Mini Pavs as called that let one student have entire floor levels to themselves. These are more reserved for those as said have reasons they don't wanna be near many personally,introverted,or status requires this. Food for breakfast & dinner is always brought to them regardless.
There are many cleared out spaces surrounded by nature where training,sparing,yoga,and meditation are performed. Walking around the dorm area you will see numerous activities like these going on at all times. Not many Ikimori students lounge around too much.
There is also a small traditional sectioned hot spring for students to wind down at after alot of training. Is calm place to unwind and converse but do not let either Kenshin or Chiyo catach you in the wrong spring area. Theres a punishment room waiting for any misbehavior.
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laozubun · 2 years
“ are lobsters mermaids to scorpions ? ”
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        now  he's  the  one  laughing.  mermaids!  haha!!!  wuxian  slaps  his  knee,  and  wheezes  as  he  cataches  his  breath.  "  wait  wait--  i  have  another  one.  --why...why  do  fish  swim  in  schools?  because  they  can't  WALK!  "
unprompted / always accepting
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linguistlist-blog · 2 months
TOC: Histoire Epistémologie Langage Vol. 46, No. 1 (2024)
https://journals.openedition.org/hel/4802 Irène Rosier-Catach C. H. J. M. Kneepkens (1944-2023) Dossier thématique Le Notre Père, outil linguistique et objet de savoirs (XVIe-XIXe siècle) Sous la direction de Fabien Simon Fabien Simon Présentation Capucine Boidin, Cândida Barros et Ruth Monserrat « Tupi or not guarani ». Les Notre Père des XVIe-XVIIe siècles Entre corpus brésilien et paraguayen Charlotte de Castelnau L’Estoile Le Notre Père en langue amérindienne dans le Brésil des XVIe et http://dlvr.it/TB6qHt
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everi-daze · 6 months
Pokémon Black and White were the first games to not make Pikachu catachable (or seeable, iirc) in any way and I think that was very brave of them.
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beefbroganoff · 1 year
If I catach anyone posting blatant spoilers for the end of dungeon meshi before I can get the last couple volumes in english
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twins2994 · 1 year
Twins Beat Sox 10-2 Again!
Twins 10 White Sox 2 W-Ober (7-6) L-Scholtens (1-9)
The Minnesota Twins took care of business last night with a 10-2 win over the White Sox. They got back to work tonight on the South Side of Chicago. The Twins bats stayed hot in the second inning as Willi Castro and Matt Wallner singled. Eddie Julien walked and Royce Lewis crushed a Jesse Scholtens fastball out to left for another grand slam. This put the Twins up by four after two innings of play. The Twins got back to work in the third as Carlos Correa reached on an error by Tim Anderson. He reached second on a groundout and Matt Wallner hit a pop up that Tim Anderson couldn't catach. Correa scored on the play and put the Twins up by five. The Twins kept adding on in the fourth as Royce Lewis drew a two-out walk and Alex Kirilloff singled. Max Kepler hit a run-scoring single to center and the Twins lead grew to six. The White Sox finally figured Bailey Ober out in the fifth. Gavin Sheets dumped a single to left and Elvis Andrus smacked an Ober fastball out to left for a two-run homer. Bailey Ober finished off five strong innings and Louie Varland tossed two scoreless frames. Griffin Jax had a clean eighth and the Twins got back to work in the ninth. Alex Kirilloff and Max Kepler singled. Carlos Correa doubled home a run and Willi Castro lined a single off Michael Kopech. Later in the inning, Ryan Jeffers plated a pair with a base hit to center and the Twins led 10-2. Kody Funderburk had a scoreless ninth and the Twins picked up another win over the White Sox tonight.
-Final Thoughts- Bailey Ober came back nicely after his break in AAA. He went five innings and allowed two runs on five hits with six strikeouts. Louie Varland fanned four over two shutout innings. Griffin Jax had a scoreless eighth and Kody Funderburk struck out two in a clean ninth. Alex Kirilloff led the way with three hits. Max Kepler, Carlos Correa, Willi Castro, Matt Wallner, and Ryan Jeffers each had two hits on the night. The Twins hit 6-for-13 with men in scoring position and left eight me on base. The Twins called up Bailey Ober and optioned Brent Headrick to St. Paul. Willi Castro and Carlos Correa wore number twenty-one for Roberto Clemente Day. Tomorrow, Pablo Lopez faces Touki Toussaint in Game 3.
-Chris Kreibich-
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ermrn03 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Steampunk Catachism Chris Bachalo & Joe Kelly Comic Book Collectibles.
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archiesfagfantasy · 1 year
im going orthodox next year coz i wanna take catachism classes at the english language antichoian branch near me but well. ultimately i think ive been called to catholicism, sadly.
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jasmineleeplays · 1 year
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Finally, King Fernando completed his Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, stopping by to say "Hi" to his son King Alfonso. He walked the holy path and gained the trait Pilgrim as well as 875 Piety.
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King Fernando's future heir, Fernando Jaimez Jimena is shaping up to be quite the Just ruler, just like King Fernando himself.
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King Fernando's daughter-in-law Milia Bernaldez Quinones has given birth to her 5th child and 4th daughter, Zahida Jaimez Jimena who is Quick and Comely.
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To reduce stress, King Fernando goes on a hunt, during which he cataches a group of illegal poachers whom he employs as trainers for him in bow work.
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Meanwhile, the Royal Court of the Kingdom of Leon has reached Level 10 and is ranked 3rd in the World.
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After waiting around for awhile for the Piety to reach 2500, we finally have enough to take the Consecrate Bloodline decision which pushes King Fernando into the 1st Level of Stress as he is Humble. King Fernando however, gains the trait Paragon, the Jimena Dynasty gains 500 renown and all of King Fernando's progeny gains the trait Consecrated Blood.
And with that, it is a good time to hit a pause for this play-through as we take on CK3 Tours and Tournaments.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Part 7
Reader wake up after 3 months she see Chuya try to 'force' feeding Dazai, Dazai dramatic tell Chuya that he didn't hungry yet Chuya scold Dazai that he didn't eat from 3 months now and he have to eat something, when Dazai's eyes meet reader he cheerful greeting reader, reader was joke back to Dazai like alway but reader can move only her mouth and her eyes (can you add Chuya react here?) Chuya tell reader that reader's boss give her a day off too so she can rest, reader ask Chuya if Mori scold her again, Chuya said he not mission was succeed, reader was dramatic happy when she know Mori happy. Dazai dramatic tell Chuya to feed Dazai already, Chuya ask why Dazai want to eat from now, Dazai dramatic whined to Chuya, untill Chuya have to feed Dazai, Dazai ask Chuya if he cook foods, Chuya said he cook it, Dazai was tease Chuya from being mother hen, Chuya was grumpy at Dazai. Koyo and reader's boss come to visit Dazai and reader, Oda and Ango come to visit too. after all of them go back, reader going to ask Dazai why he don't eat food from 3 months but she stop when she see Dazai's was empty don't have light Dazai ask reader why she save him, reader was quiet, she don't know if she should tell story about what happen to when she still young she trust Dazai with all her heart but open up about her past are really hard from her, Dazai was quiet too. Reader tell Dazai that before she join port mafia she was in gangster's group (she didn't tell Dazai about her dad) they steal food and thing to give it to other street urchins one day police catach them all and police torture reader and gangster's members, reader friend who is reader best friend she also leader this gangster group too, she was sacrifice herself so reader and other members can run away, reader was feel gulity about it, Dazai ask reader it that was a reason that reader want to die in painful way, reader nod her head. Reader said Dazai save her when she use 'Painless' in first time and he was her best friend so she going to protect Dazai no matter what (can you add Dazai react here?)
Thank you from write my request!
- Bossy anon
Hope you like it!
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