Of all the witch motifs I could've given him... I gave him Beta Homucifer... (Re: Homulilly)
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lowrezbonuslevel · 11 months
insidious creature
Return to my Master Crown design Deluxe. Sigh
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More images and explanation under the cut!
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Honestly, a lot of the wings' sizing comes down to how much space there is in the canvas/panel (as you can tell from the wingspan discrepancy in the first two images, lol).
For better or worse, I tend to like to change MOST of their proportions on the fly (which I guess is part of Dark Matter lore. So it's actually FINE!), but can I really draw off-model if there's no "model" to begin with?! Their general height/size hasn't changed, though; they're taller than the Crown, but a little shorter than Magolor. (In this form, anyway. I still have to solidify the design of its "true true" form.)
I'm just gonna call this design "Master Crown Soul" for the time being, since it's the best I can come up with to describe it. Again, it's not so much an OC, but a THEORY! A theory that hates Halcandra and little blue catboys!! Amazing!!!
Hopefully the inspirations I took are more apparent here. It worked out that I didn't get the full design of its halo in any of these images, since I sort of consider it optional, but it's essentially a simplified version of the rings around Magolor Soul's (edit: I got the boss designs mixed up...) hands. I might reblog with a reference for that soon.
Here are links to the rest of the ever-thrilling design saga, if you wish:
First sketches/notes
Monochrome with Magolor
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galacticnova3 · 10 months
stupid poop crown post got me thinking, what is your headcannon about Magolor’s experience with the crown anyways? or does the fic pretty much summarize it?
Love that “stupid poop crown post got me thinking” is a series of words that have been said now. Language is a weapon and in a collective sense we are simultaneously very good at using it and very unskilled with it.
Anyways, I’d say the fic doesn’t really summarize it much at all, aside from the few explicit details given about what happened. Part of what made it so unnerving and traumatic for Magolor is the simple fact that, during his power trip, he didn’t realize anything was wrong. There was no second voice in his head telling him what to do, there was no immediate forceful possession; the switch from his goal being taking over Halcandra to being world domination just felt natural— indistinguishable from any other time he’d changed his mind about something. The Crown was able to manipulate him so easily, convinced him that its desires were his own, gave no indication that it was anything more than a power source. Sure, his head hurt where it dug its claws in, and not being able to easily take it off was certainly not ideal, but that’s just bad artifact design, not an obvious sign of something more sinister lurking out of sight! If he had infinite power he could just make it not do that.
Only when he had been beaten a little over half to death did he notice it wasn’t just his own mind in his head, because he wanted to stop fighting and try to bargain, but his body wouldn’t listen. That was more or less the point where he realized something was very, very wrong, but the extent to which things were wrong wasn’t immediately obvious then. It was when it wrestled full control away from him that it became clear he’d fucked up immensely, but by that point it was too late for him to really fend it off; it caught him by complete surprise. All he could really do was just try to resist becoming yet another soul lost to it and hope to last long enough for his body that wasn’t really his own anymore to be incapacitated, but that hinged on the very people he’d used as pawns in his scheme being powerful enough to defeat the entity he’d unwittingly allowed to manifest.
Then of course you have the events of the Epilogue, where he was eventually greeted with the unfortunate discovery that the Crown had more or less survived and was seeking out another host. He’d been pretty scared it would try to possess him again, but in not being at full strength he was simultaneously too weak to have been able to maintain himself as a separate person and too weak to be of any interest to it. At that point it was simply operating based on what the strongest magic sources it could reach were so it could have an unbroken vessel once more. Its relation to the Crowned Doomer is very headcanon-y in that I see them as different forms of the same entity. The Master Crown is full of souls bound by corrupted soul magic, but souls in Another Dimension eventually become Doomers once enough magic binds to them, with the strength of the initially formed Doomer being decided by the strength of the soul(magic) they form from. They can become stronger by consuming other sources of magic, be it energy spheres or each other, but that’s a tangent. Point is, the Crown itself was very unstable at that point and briefly became a sort of Grand Doomer, but when Magolor brought forth the gem apple sapling, he basically handed it a very powerful source of magic that it could anchor itself to.
Thus it stabilized, turned the new host into a body more to its liking, set out to kill the one that had resisted it and survived, but was ultimately defeated* by the magic catboy. Except he kinda died of magic overexertion and his injuries afterwards, but also didn’t, and going through the portal to the Dream Kingdom therefore simultaneously did and didn’t happen. Basically, death and dreams in Another Dimension is fucking weird, and the circumstances of his death were such that he basically performed the world’s first recorded soul duplication glitch without actually knowing it. One him successfully went through the portal, which was born of his dream/desire of starting over in a new life where he could try again influenced by his knowledge and experiences, which created a branch of the timeline and the “real” Dream Kingdom. The other him ended up dying, but was found and guided by Morpho Knight, which would lead to him and Lor’s meeting as described in the fic.
*I just thought I’d have fun and emphasize this bit here for anyone keeping up with the fic, won’t elaborate on why though :) its a secret
Got very ramble-y there and probably off topic, but basically his experience with the Crown was traumatic in a different way than it is in his nightmares. What fucked him up was just that he didn’t even know it was there, he doesn’t know what thoughts were and weren’t his after he put it on, it was able to render him powerless in his own body so easily. It didn’t speak to him, it was manipulative in a manner that was so different and so much more sinister than the way another person might be. It scares him to think about it; he sees himself as someone who doesn’t fall for lies because he’s usually the liar. The Crown not only violently proved he wasn’t immune, it did so flawlessly while literally digging its talons into his head— it hurt him and yet he was willing to make excuses to keep wearing it, and he doesn’t know if those excuses were his own or it telling him what to think.
When you’ve built up your identity around knowing about ancient history and artifacts and thinking you’re a genius who can’t be lied to, and had built up your dreams around being powerful, there are few things that will shake you to your core quite like being made to see you didn’t know what you were getting into, were easily made to believe things you shouldn’t have, and could have your power stripped away by something you sought out for yourself.
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interdimensional-ship · 2 months
Headcanon generator meme
1. Lor doesn't own a single pair of matching socks.
“>To be fair, I don’t own a single pair of socks period.”
2. Lor is unemployed.
“>I mean… I guess?”
3. Lor has been to prison.
“>If you count the Haldera Volcano as a prison… Not too far off from one in my case I suppose.”
4. Lor can’t sit in a chair properly.
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“>I’m starting to think this generator wasn’t designed with someone like me in mind. You try sitting in a chair when you don’t have legs, are too large to fit in most buildings let alone use most furniture, and have a rudder to worry about!”
5. If Lor was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question.
“>Ok, this one makes more sense. If it was my own portal or made by someone I trust, sure, but I’m not impulsive enough to just enter random portals if I don’t have any idea where they lead or how stable they are, even if they’re large enough to accommodate someone of my size to begin with. It’s basic warp safety!”
1. Magolor hates being alone.
Though mostly hidden by his clothing, his expression is still mostly readable as the type one makes when they really want to argue but also can’t really deny what’s been said. Being alone sucks. Nobody to play pranks on, nobody to talk to, nobody to help you when you’ve hit a rough patch, nobody to bring you back to reality when you’re stuck in your own head and don’t even realize it, nobody to take the pickles they put on your burger when you specifically asked for no pickles…
2. Magolor enjoys doing taxes.
“Uhh… Yep, sure do! Boy do I just love doing my taxes and being a perfect law abiding citizen and all that. Uh-huh.”
3. Magolor is a cat person.
“I am NOT a catboy.”
Says the catboy, who is in denial.
4. Magolor can’t make the voices go away.
“Uh, yeah I can, all I have to do is just stay awake, duh.”
If he were home right now this certainly would have started yet another conversation with Lor regarding his progress on getting over the whole nightmares stemming from a cursed artifact full of damned souls thing. Speaking of which…
5. Magolor is going to hell.
“I already DID I am NOT going through that again. Why couldn’t I get the fun quip-worthy ones? This generator is BIASED.”
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((Tagged by: @bladesfromthedark))
((Tagging: @parttimepuff, anyone who wants to steal))
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divorcedcaejose · 3 years
Jospeh dresses up as his Tequila self every year on Halloween.
according to that one jojo animator art this is canon
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attex · 3 years
what’s the binding of isaac
severely traumatized 5 yr old kinning biblical figures and imagining a fucked up little rougelike in his head as they suffocate to death The Game
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
I assume that several people have asked you this same question in the past, but here we go.
How did you get into JoJo and what influenced you to be obsessed with your fictional one and only, Giorno Giovanna?
Lolol hi there, awh I don't mind,
Oooof it was a good few years ago a little after David pro had animated phantom blood. I remember having binge watched Bleach and I was pretty bleak when that ended and in looking for something to fill that void I stumbled upon JoJo. I didn't expect much, but by the end of it I was obsessed and started reading the manga, which was when I discovered Giogios story. It was so enthralling and I just loved his character, he felt relatable somehow and became my favorite JoJo (GioGio lol) instantly but I found myself always having to defend his character. I think that was the root of this madness you all witness everyday 🙈
Awh thank you for the ask, I hope you have an awesome day ⭐🐞💐🌟
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pregnantsecondo · 3 years
who tf is arcade
My boyfriend.
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urfaveisacatboy · 3 years
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Magolor from the Kirby Series is a Catboy! reuqested by @catboy-magolor-soul! 🐾
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Oh yes do elaborate on your (incorrect) opinion on why Magolor, known alpha gamer chad, is a twink bottom <3 -Mod Magolor
*clears throat*
In all fairness, I apparently do not know exactly what a twink is. I might be willing to concede there, but only to prevent an argument. I was under the impression that a twink is a young-looking usually gay usually male person, but every argument against me was that he was “too round”. I feel a little weird discussing weight like that, even if he is a fictional character, so I’ll summarize:
Dude sounds like a crossover between animal crossing and vocaloid, and is a small anime catboy who switches between “oh dude you rock!” and “Pathetic. You Fool. You Utter Coward” at the drop of a hat. Such adorableness and overdramatics were very easily summarized with the word “twink”, just because I don’t know a better one.
...As for the bottom thing.
For the sake of comparison I’ll need a character with similar actions. So, while I do not think these characters are similar personality wise, their actions are almost the same, and also shipping.
Let’s compare Marx and Magolor.
So both of them are traitors who wanted infinite power, right?
Marx went about this by getting Kirby to do all the dirty work for him, obtain a powerful artifact and use it to gain godlike powers before his defeat.
Magolor went about this the exact same way by that description.
...The difference though.
The difference is that Marx caused problems on purpose, went “oh no can you fix that” and then asked not-really-politely to become god.
Magolor LICKED BOOTS, being all sweet and nice to kirby and the gang the ENTIRE TIME, and dare I say, simping, just to get his way.
...And then in order to gain godlike powers he sacrificed his body mind and soul in that order to a being that literally had “master” in it’s name.
This is all in good fun btw, nothing really serious but... c’mon man. It was literally named Master. C’mon.
TL;DR: I thought a twink was a personality type but it’s actually a body type, but he’s a simp to kirby and a bottom to the crown. This entire post is one big “/j”.
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divorcedcaejose · 3 years
For the ship bingo, AvPol?
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pregnantsecondo · 3 years
Who’s the more important man in your life? Arcade or Sniper?
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pregnantsecondo · 3 years
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This will happen until 6969 notes. And after that? Well…who knows 😉
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pregnantsecondo · 3 years
who tf are jon and martin?
i know they’re from tma but who are they, really?
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If I speak about them I’ll start crying, so here’s the beginnings of their wikis, and here’s Jon’s wiki entry so you can read more about them.
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pregnantsecondo · 3 years
What on earth is The Mandela Catalogue?
Watch at your own risk, it’s very creepy
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pregnantsecondo · 3 years
Who are The Mechanisms?
You know, I don’t know how to describe them, so here’s what Spotify says.
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