#I’m already jittery and weird so
yenqa · 7 months
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lucky day
in which jake freaks out and sells you coffee for 90% off for “wear a blue shirt” day.
warnings — profanity, umm theyre awkward
pairing — jake x gn!reader
wordcount — 612
a/n — happy jake day!! technically its tmrw for me but who cares!!
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You push the door open, smiling at the ring of the bell when you walk in, standing still, you scan the menu, praying they have your order.
Spotting it, you let out a smile walking up to the counter, hearing the familiar greeting.
“Hi! What can I get for you?” Jake cringes at his shaky voice, but you just smile sweetly at him, saying your order. He nods, quietly repeating your order to himself, hands slightly jittery at the pretty person in front of him.
Realizing he’s taking way too long to punch in your order, he looks up at you with wide eyes, letting out an awkward apology before finishing the order.
You chuckle, saying, “No worries, I probably would take awhile to punch in an order too.”
Jake straightens himself, now looking down slightly at you, “Third day on the job.” He jokes. You laugh along with him, noticing his slight accent.
“Where’s your accent from?”
“Your accent, did you live abroad for a while?”
He’s slightly shocked that you even noticed it, he’s tried to keep it hidden but he soon realized it was harder than it seemed. He nods, “I used to live in Australia,” He says, finished inputting your order.
You let your mouth open slightly, “That’s pretty far from here! Must’ve been a pretty big change for you to move.”
“I wouldn’t mind doing it again to see a pretty face like yours.”
Giving him a slightly shocked stare, it’s quickly transferred to a flustered smile, trying to look at anything with him. Though he seems entirely flustered too, looking down at the till trying to distract himself.
Quickly getting rid of your smile you look back at him, “So..?”
“So what?”
“What’s my total, pretty boy?”
He chokes on his saliva, barely letting out a “60 cents.”
“What? Isn’t my coffee supposed to be 6 dollars?”
Fuck, maybe hiring him for the job wasn’t the best idea management had considering he couldn’t read when someone gorgeous was infront of him. Though, his mistake was already out and he was too embarrassed to take it back, instead, he says the first thing to come to mind.
“It’s “Wear a blue shirt day”, you get 90% off!”
He thinks he’s officially done for.
“I’m not wearing blue?” You look down at your very obviously, white shirt. Looking back up you see him with a dumbfounded expression.
“I guess today’s your lucky day!” He answers, you let out a weirded our expression paired with a smile. Handing him some coins you chuckle at the few coins falling into his hands, giving him your name and walking to an empty place.
He hastily makes your drink, adding the correct mixture before calling out your name, patiently waiting for you to walk up to him.
“Thank you, pretty boy,” You grab the drink, letting your hands ever so lightly brush his hands.
“I’ll see you around, right?”
You laugh, nodding and walking to the doors. Once you exit the cafe, you’re quick to spin your drink around for any part you need to mix, instead, you’re met with a handwritten message, one rushed to write.
Stopping to read it, you scan the text, “i’d like to see you again, call me? (you dont have to obviously) shift ends at five <3, ***-***-****.
Letting out a breathy laugh, you look through the glass walls of the cafe to see a hopeful expression. You nod at him, waving goodbye. And out of the corner of your eye, you swear you can see him celebrate.
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perm taglist — @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @boyfhee @hanniluvi @teddywonss
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
Hey could I get a Bakugo X reader request where the reader takes Bakugo over to a family party because she doesn’t want to be alone with her judgmental cousin and the judgmental cousin makes a horrible comment about the reader that Bakugo disliked so he puts the cousin in her place making the whole family shook and the other cousins are impressed because finally someone stop up to the annoying cousin
Sorry if it doesn’t make sense
❦𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔪𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔱𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔰𝔢, 𝔡𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔶 𝔪𝔶 𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔰𝔞𝔭𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤❦
𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: 𝔎𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔦 𝔡𝔬𝔢𝔰𝔫’𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔪𝔢𝔞𝔫 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔫
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝔣𝔩𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔰𝔱𝔶
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“Are you sure you don’t want to go home? We could just sneak out.” You let out a deep sigh and readjusted your outfit.
“I’m sure. Plus, my cousin already saw us so if we bailed then I would never hear the end of it,” You looked at him with a smile and reached for his hand.
“Thank you for coming with me though. I know parties aren’t your thing, so I really appreciate it”.
You don’t miss the way Katsuki’s cheeks dust the lightest shade of pink as he scoffs.
“Yeah, well, you were being jittery and weird, so it kept interrupting our training time together.” You smiled wider and kissed his cheek, causing him to swat you playfully.
“Ah, now who do we have here? My dearest cousin and... Who are you?”
Katsuki could pinpoint the exact moment all colour drained from your face at the sound of your cousin’s voice. You turned to face them and composed yourself.
“(C/N), how nice to see you! This is my boyfriend, Katsuki. Aunty gave us permission to both come,” Katsuki wrapped his arm around you protectively and gave you a soft squeeze.
“Ah yes, I remember you! You’re that thug who won the sports festival aren’t you? Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it a win since Todoroki didn’t use his full power,” your cousin smirked gleefully. It was evident he was trying to get a rise out of the infamous young hero.
Katsuki’s grip tightened a bit at the mention of the festival. As much as he was changing and growing as a person, the metaphorical loss was too painful at the moment. He and Todoroki were far better friends, but the thought of their earlier interactions left a sour taste on his tongue.
Displeased with the lack of response, (C/N) turned his attention back to you with a snooty grimace.
“Anyway, Aunty (A/N) told me to tell you tha𝚝 she’s serving food soon. Hopefully, you and your boyfriend have a wonderful time,“ he spat. You could feel your cheeks heat up as Katsuki weaved his fingers between yours.
“Still ain’t too late to bail y’know,“ he murmured into your ear. You shook your head and gave him a small smile.
“There’s no way I’d miss my aunt’s (F/F)!“ Katsuki let out his own small smile.
“If you’re sure.“
As much as you weren’t exactly keen on your aunt’s offspring, the festive decor and effort she put into the food almost made it bearable to sit and enjoy.
Key word: almost.
You and Katsuki sat as closely together as you could, his plate loaded with foods that you were desperate for him to try. As such, you also loaded your own plate with your favorite foods and sat back down. It was all going so, so well, until you went to refill your plate.
“I’m going to get some more sandwiches, do yo𝚞 want me to bring anything Suki?“ you asked your boyfriend who had his mouth stuffed with a pork pie. He quickly swallowed.
“Sure, bring me back another one of those pies please,“ he asked before diving in to a sausage roll. You smiled at him and allowed your family members to converse with him.
After picking up your seconds and Katsuki’s thirds, you sat back down and eased yourself into the conversation, all before a grating voice broke out.
“Jeez, you really are two for two, aren’t you? I suppose beating up lowly civilians does make you build up an appetite. I mean, look at those plates! Stocked to the roof. No wonder your hero suit looks tighter,” You could feel your appetite slip with each word and placed the half eaten breadstick on your plate.
Katsuki watched you the entire time, sending rueful glances at the cousin. He didn,t want to embarrass you, so he held his tongue (as difficult as it was).
“Oh no, don’t stop at my saying so. Please, continue to endorse yourself, and please allow your boyfriend to continue stuffing his face too. After all, act like a brute, eat like a brute,“ he cackled. Many other family members let out their own nervous giggles and looked at Katsuki anxiously, expecting a major blow up.
Instead, he kept his breath calm and slow and reached for your hand. But all breathing techniques flew out the window when he saw your teary eyes. Katsuki took a breath before standing up. He got your attention by gently tapping your shoulder and letting out a grin through gritted teeth.
“I think I left my jacket on the couch in the next room, why don’t you go get it for me,” he asked as politely as he humanly could. You let out a tearful nod as you stumbled out of your seat.
Katsuki waited until you were out of the room before slamming his hands on the table.
“You’re a sick fuck. I know that you’re aware of that fact. But your days of terrorising my partner are fucking over, do you understand? Come near them, talk to them or even look at them funny, and I’ll fucking kill you, do you understand,” he growled lowly.
Your cousin was physically trembling, although seeming pleased with the result.
“Oh please, they’re being over dramatic. It’s just a bunch of harmless teasing-” he let out a yell as Katsuki gripped his collar over the table.
“Well, if we’re gonna fucking tease, let me begin. Your hair is greasier than a discord mod’s, and the stench of your cheap ass cologne doesn’t hide the stench of jealousy. You may have a rich mother who allows you to be an entitled little bastard, but my partner has helped so many people, including me. I’ll be fucking damned if I let you stand there and make one of the best people in this world be made to feel like shit because you can’t get any bitches.” Katsuki was panting at the end of his rant, before turning to your family members.
Many of them had agape mouths, and yet some of them looked… grateful?
You let out a small gasp at the sight of the scenario before pulling your fiery boyfriend off your cousin.
“I’m so sorry, Katsuki what the fuck?!” You could feel yourself growing anxious and horrified; your family are never going to talk to you again. You dragged Katsuki out of the room in tears, before your aunt stopped you by the time you got to the front door.
“Wait, please!” Your aunt begged. She met up with the two of you. You were ready to be disowned as you bent your head. Katsuki leaned himself into an apologetic bow, surprising your aunt.
“Please, get up! I wanted to say thank you!” Your aunty pulled Katsuki up. You both widened your eyes and looked at each other incredulously.
“I know I spoiled the boy growing up, and I regret doing so. I have tried so many times to get him to behave, and yet he never listens. Everyone else is too cowardly to stand up to him because he is a brat and throws tantrums, but after that… demonstration… he seems to have learned his lesson. I’ve never seen him so embarrassed!” She laughed. You looked at Katsuki, who was sporting a small triumphant “I told you so” look.
“I think after today, he’s going to be way more manageable. So, thank you, young Bakugou. And to prove my thanks, here’s the recipe for the pork pies I made today. I could see that you like them,” she passed him the recipe and Katsuki thanked her solemnly. She nodded her head at you both before smiling fondly.
“I’m so glad you found someone so willing to stand up for you, my little (Y/N). He clearly loves you, not everyone is willing to do that for their partner. Cherish this relationship, as love this pure is rare,” your cheeks heat increased tenfold as Katsuki linked your fingers.
“I’ll do my best, ma’am,” he promised.
“Good boy. We can’t wait to see you at the next family get together! Maybe you could straighten out my husband; he has a nasty habit of leaving his shoes near the front door!” She giggled as she walked away.
The door closed and you both simultaneously let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry, I totally lost control back there. The man was being a total bastard, and I couldn’t-” Katsuki was cut off by a searing kiss. His eyes widened before kissing you back.
“Thank you. So fucking much,” you hugged him closely as tears threatened to prick your eyes.
“You’re welcome. He was being an ass to you, and I couldn’t watch it any more,” he explained.
“Now let’s go back to my place. We’ve got pies to make!” He grinned as you shook your head and smacked his shoulder.
Thank god for his inability to hold his tongue.
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teamatsumu · 6 months
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was i meant to love you? (part three)
pairing: miya osamu x reader
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summary: the kanji on your arm says miya atsumu’s name, but every fiber of your being is in love with his twin brother.
word count: 2355
warnings: fem!reader, soulmate au, friends to lovers, mentions of cheating, whole lot of angst, swearing
taglist: @hadukada @utopiamiroh @angstylittleb1tch @sassycheesecake @i-have-no-life-charlie @tsukiran @jane57sstuff
previous part // series masterlist
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It lasted mere seconds, but it felt like forever.
When your lips met Osamu’s, he froze up completely, every muscle in his body stiffening up so much it caused his shoulders to hunch, and the change in his demeanor immediately knocked you back into your senses. You pulled back, shocked, wide eyes meeting his own flabbergasted ones. You jerked back to detach yourself from his arms, trying to look anywhere that wasn’t him.
“Samu, I’m sorry.” You choked out. “I don’t know what came over me. I’m so- I didn’t mean that-”
“It’s okay.” Osamu cut you off, voice sounding strangled and weird. You didn’t dare look at him. “It’s- it’s fine. Yer- it’s just exhaustion. Yer tired as hell. All that- uh…. travel.”
Silence descended between you two after Osamu’s jittery word vomit, before you finally looked up at him. He was staring right back, and you saw his fingers twitch. You felt the sudden urge to touch him again. Have him hold you again. You watched as Osamu’s eyes flickered to your lips, his tongue darting out slightly to lick his own. You would’ve missed it if you weren’t already looking at him. The heat in you sizzled again and your breath caught.
He wanted you too.
Abruptly, Osamu reached for your little carry on that you had abandoned when you greeted him, stuttering something about how you should head home now. So you stayed silent, choosing to follow behind him without a word.
On the drive back, you allowed yourself to stew in the new revelation, to analyze the way Osamu had looked at you right after you kissed him. You couldn’t dare hope that these dark, taboo thoughts were something Osamu could reciprocate. But you weren’t blind. You knew what you saw.
“We can’t tell Tsumu.”
His interruption was loud and firm, and it made you blink up at him. He remained focused on the road, and you watched his jaw tick when he clenched his teeth. He was white knuckling the steering wheel, and you felt a rush of guilt. He was right. You couldn’t do this. What were you thinking? You had already forced him into this impossible situation, basically making him lie to his twin brother, and somehow you were hoping that this….. could be more?
Shame. That was all you felt. Pure, unaltered shame.
You blinked away the tears that sprung into your eyes, nodding quickly in agreement with him. “Okay.”
The apartment was two bedrooms, modestly sized, not too big, but cozy enough. The kitchen was open and the bathroom was spacious, and there was a nice little genkan up front which was already littered with the twins’ shoes. You smiled at the sight.
It already felt like home.
“Yer bedroom’s this one.” Osamu commented when you were looking through the place. “You and Tsumu share so ya obviously got the bigger one.”
You nodded, remembering that you, in fact, had to share a bedroom with Atsumu. Right. Of course. You watched as Osamu placed your bags neatly against a wall in the room, before making his way out. You followed him, not used to the foreign sight of how broad his back was now. You shook your head.
“I know what ya wanna talk about, and we can’t.” He interrupted you again, and your mouth fell shut immediately. You watched his back stiffen and fall as he tried to relax. You sighed.
“I was just gonna apologize.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. “It was a mistake.”
Osamu gave you a glance, then a tiny uptick of the corner of his lips. You felt your heart ache.
“Right.” He nodded. “A mistake.”
He disappeared into his bedroom.
It was very late when Atsumu showed up that night, and he looked absolutely exhausted. He gave you a wide, lazy grin and hugged you tight, mumbling about how you were finally here. As you sank into his arms, your guilt from earlier returned. Your brain kept reminding you of the hug you shared with Osamu, and you screamed at it to shut up.
Even as you laid down next to Atsumu, watching as his heavy breathing slowly turned into snores, you remembered the feeling of Osamu’s lips on yours. Brief as it was, it caused something to zip through you, crackling through your spine. You longed to kiss him again, longer this time, to really be allowed to feel him. As you silently cried, you cursed yourself for getting tangled up in this mess. Because at this point, there was no getting out of it.
You were in love with Miya Osamu. A man who wasn’t your soulmate.
It wasn’t often that he did this, but even Kita Shinsuke was capable of altering his routine every now and then. Especially for a trip like this, which he made once a month. While following a premade schedule was preferred, Kita always made time for his loved ones, and among them was a trip to the city so he could make a rare rice delivery to his favorite Onigiri place.
The bell above the door chimed as he pushed it open with his shoulder, arms carrying the load of his precious rice. Osamu looked up from the counter, eyes brightening up at the sight of him, smiling slightly. Almost immediately, Kita noticed that his expression was…. dimmer. Something was bothering him. Kita stored the information in his brain for later.
“Why are yer visits always so late at night, Kita-san?” Osamu asked, already moving to put together a plate of Onigiri with all of Kita’s preferred flavors. While this trip was different to Kita’s usual routine, the way it happened was always the same. Kita would wrap up the daily tasks at the farm, then he would load his truck with rice and make his way to Onigiri Miya. Osamu would make him a nice fresh plate of Onigiri, and they would chat over it, catching up with each other.
“Would you rather I show up during the day? When you’re extremely busy?”
Osamu grumbled and stayed silent, knowing that Kita had a point, as always. Kita watched him slowly work as he took a place on the counter, eyeing how his back and shoulders slumped. Like an invisible burden rested on him.
“So, what’s botherin’ you?” He asked, hearing Osamu sigh.
“Nothin’. Why does it have ta be somethin’?”
Kita smiled to himself. “What happened, Osamu?”
His voice was gentle, but firm, and Osamu paused in his work to string together a very weighted sentence.
“She kissed me.”
Kita knew, instantly, who Osamu meant. There could be no other ‘she’ in his life. It was only one person, someone who Osamu had fallen unknowingly in love with years ago, and someone he had never managed to get over.
Kita sighed, staring down at the counter, thinking. He had anticipated this when he heard that she would be returning to live with the twins. He just hadn’t thought it would happen as soon as she arrived.
“And what are you thinking?” He asked.
Osamu turned to Kita then, and Kita saw how clouded his face was. He felt for his junior, truly, watching very clearly the struggle he was going through. Something he had been going through for years, trying to fight these growing feelings and living with the guilt of ever harboring them in the first place.
“‘M not thinking anythin’.” Osamu replied. “I- I feel dirty. And angry.”
Kita felt his lips twitch. He gave Osamu a small smile.
“No ya don’t.” He countered. “At least, not because of the kiss. But rather the circumstances surrounding it. Yer not mad at her, yer mad at the world for forcing you into this situation.”
Osamu frowned. “What does it matter? Either way, she ain’t- she isn’t…”
Mine. She’s not mine. She’s my fucking brother’s soulmate.
It was pretty easy to guess Osamu’s train of thought. Kita hummed and stayed quiet, watching Osamu carefully shape the rice in his hands. Truthfully, Kita was deep in thought himself. He wondered if he should share with Osamu a conversation he had had with his granny many years ago, when he was still in high school and had first noticed the way Osamu’s gaze lingered on his brother’s soulmate.
“How’s her relationship with Atsumu?” He asked, trying to confirm the theory his granny had planted in his head.
Osamu gave him a weird look, placing the now completed plate before him. “How should I know? What they do is their business.”
Kita took a bite out and reveled in how the flavor burst in his mouth.
“Maybe you should try to find out.”
Osamu still looked confused, but one look at the finality of Kita’s expression, and he just nodded slowly. Because if Kita was asking, then there was probably a damn good reason.
When Osamu got home that night, he found you sitting on a stool, leaning heavily on the kitchen counter. In front of you was a bottle of red wine half consumed, and an almost empty glass. You didn’t even look up when he entered, and Osamu almost thought you were asleep, but then he noticed your leg shaking under the table, an old habit you had never managed to kick.
“Hey,” he greeted, making your head snap up from where it was resting on your arms. You gave him a lazy smile that had Osamu’s heart racing, but he ignored it in favor of noticing the hazy, distant look in your eyes.
“How much have ya had?” He asked, slowly pulling the bottle away from you and carrying it back to the cabinet. You didn’t protest, just sighing and dropping your head back down on your arms.
“Was waiting for Tsumu.” You explained. “But it looks like he’ll be late. Again.”
Osamu didn’t even have it in him to feel that little kick of jealousy that he often experienced when he was reminded of the nature of your relationship with his twin brother. He was too tired for that. Emotionally and physically.
“C’mon, time for bed.” He announced, wrapping a hand around your arm to tug you up on your feet. You obeyed, albeit slowly, swaying as you rose. Osamu let you lean on him as he led you to your room, mind clouded once again with his complicated feelings. Once he had sat you down on your bed, he turned to leave, but your forlorn expression stopped him short.
Don’t bother her. Just leave.
“Somethin’ wrong?” He asked instead.
You blinked and looked up, as if just realizing that Osamu was there. You gave him a tiny smile, and Osamu felt his breath get stuck in his lungs. He was reminded, painfully, just how beautiful you were.
“You ever feel like the universe is taking a huge dump on you?”
Osamu froze in shock, before feeling laughter bubble up in him. He sat down on the edge of the bed next to you, trying to fight back a smile.
“All the time.”
You giggled, and the sound made some of the tension leave Osamu’s stiff shoulders. He felt himself relax the longer he was around you. You sighed and leaned your head on his shoulder, and Osamu closed his eyes, let himself believe, for a brief second, that everything would turn out okay.
“I wish you were Tsumu.”
There it was.
Osamu grit his teeth, not opening his eyes yet. He couldn’t have this conversation while looking directly at you.
“Ya don’t mean that.”
“I really do.”
A small bout of silence. “You love Tsumu.”
“I do.” You admitted. “But not the way I should love him. Not the way I love you.”
Osamu felt himself ignite at your words, feeling like he wasn’t even in his own skin. He felt almost like he was weightless, like at any moment, he would fall, crash and burn to the ground for even having this conversation with you. He recalled Kita’s words from earlier.
How’s her relationship with Atsumu?
“So yer not-” His voice broke. He cleared his throat. “Yer not in love with him?”
He felt your head move against him, shaking from side to side. It made his heart jump. Oh my god.
“Am I a horrible person?” He heard your voice pitch get higher, a sign that you were about to cry. “The universe made him for me and I’m being so ungrateful. And so, so selfish-”
“Stop.” Osamu finally opened his eyes, shifted so that you would lift your head up and look him in the eye. He saw the tears lining your lashes, and it made him reach up to cup your face, gentle as he could possibly be. Your eyelids fluttered, as if basking in his touch, and Osamu was overwhelmed with the need to kiss you.
“We’re going to figure this out. Okay? Me and you and Tsumu. All three of us. Yer not wrong for feelin’ this way. Ya can’t be. If feeling like this about someone other than yer soulmate is possible then there’s gotta be a reason for it.”
Your hands came up to cup his own, your eyes apprehensive but hanging on to his every word.
“Okay.” You whispered. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m not- This isn’t my fault.”
Osamu smiled and nodded, leaning forward to press his lips firmly against your forehead. He felt you physically relax in his hold, and his heart soared again.
Once he had finally put you to bed, the first thing Osamu did was text Kita, fingers moving quickly over the letters.
How did u know?
He waited anxiously for a reply, biting at his fingernails as he thought over the exchange you two had had earlier. In the silence of the apartment, his thoughts were louder than ever. When his phone buzzed, he rushed to open the text.
Osamu scowled and groaned, running a frustrated hand through his hair. He didn’t have time for Kita to start getting playful. Just as he was about to call his senpai, another text came through.
Look up Platonic Soulmates.
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koqabear · 1 year
there’s nothing hotter to me than taehyun knowing he’s smarter than his sexual partner and being cocky abt it 😭 is that weird omg - 🐼 anon
Pay Attention
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1.7K, smut, f!reader, warnings listed below; unedited
Taehyun seems like the type of guy that looooves to tease when he has an advantage over u. I’m talking anything and everything— height, intelligence, strength. Of course it’s all light-hearted and would never do it to put you down but MAN. imagine study sessions with him????? GODDD HEAR ME OUT. 
(smut warnings: degrading, thigh riding, choking, dry humping, overstimulation, cockwarming, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie, manhandling, pet names)
It’s a class you’ve generally had difficulties with, maybe your professor is really bad or the subject isn’t your forte, but it definitely would be Taehyun’s, trust! Is kinda confused when you ask him to study, he’s like “what do you mean that class is an easy a” but takes pity on you nonetheless and tries to help you with study sessions 
but one problem… it takes you a long time to get a good understanding of the materials. Like it doesn’t matter how good of a teacher Tae is, you’re just so confused and disoriented that he ends up teaching you slowly, patient even though you’re literally about to cry and pull your hair out. 
but it also doesn’t help that Taehyun is talking to you with his soft little voice— leaning in, praising you and encouraging you even though you get every single one of his questions wrong. You can’t help but notice how nice his hands look as he points out how to do things, more of a visual learner as he writes things down and explains concepts for you. You’re getting antsy, shifting in your seat and clenching your thighs whenever he calls you his good girl, your face feeling hot as you feel his stare burning into your skin— but you refuse to look up, afraid that he’ll be able to tell what you’re thinking the moment your eyes meet his. 
but of course, he’s too clever for his own good! He notices right away— and he gets mean about it too. You’ll be so jittery and restless, bouncing your leg as you clench your thighs together for the umpteenth time; you freeze immediately when he puts a firm hand on your knee to stop you. 
“what’s wrong baby? You seem distracted.”
He’s so condescending about it, he knows exactly what’s wrong and what you’re thinking about, but he’s just staring at you patiently while he’s massaging your inner thigh, fingers lightly drumming on your skin as you curse yourself for wearing those thin sleep shorts that drive him crazy. 
“Nothing, I’m not distracted,” you both know that’s a lie, yet Taehyun pretends to remain oblivious to your state as he nods innocently at you; you’re trying your best to pretend that the way he leans back in his seat and spreads his legs nonchalantly doesn’t affect you, but you know Taehyun can see right through that. 
“Come here,” is all he says, patting his thighs as he smiles softly at you. You’re hesitant, not because you don’t want to, but because you know you won’t be able to control yourself the moment you climb onto his lap. He knows this as well, taking in the way you remain silent, glancing back at the material in front of you as you gather up the will to resist him; instead, he leans into you, sliding an arm around your waist and pulling you back to him.
And god he’s strong, it’s so easy for him to manhandle you into his lap and it drives you nuts, resisting the urge to whimper pathetically the moment he seats you on his thigh perfectly. You’re dizzy and hot as Taehyun locks you in, pitying the way you squirm at his touch as his arms encase around your stomach, his firm hold around you making you gulp as he lays you back against his chest and rests his head on your shoulder innocently. 
“You’re so warm,” he mutters, hands already wandering as his fingertips sneak under your top; his hands are cool against your skin as you try not to flinch at the ticklish feeling, pretending as though you’re listening when he asks you to solve the example problem in the textbook. 
Your hand is shaking as you pick up your pencil; it’s hard to focus when Taehyun has become set on proving a point, shifting you on his thigh as your pussy begins rubbing on his strong thigh, the position perfect as he begins to bounce his leg mischievously. It throws you off immediately, your teeth sinking into your lip as you also become set on proving a point; you won’t let Taehyun get the satisfaction of watching you become desperate for him so easily.
So even though you feel yourself becoming wetter, even though Taehyun’s firm hands are now on your hips, subtly guiding your movements as he watches the way you rock on his thigh, you remain silent. The most he’ll get is your shaky breaths, your vision blurring as it becomes harder to focus on what’s in front of you. 
Taehyun finds your front amusing; he can feel you growing needy by the second, and he knows for a fact that you’re not paying attention to a single word in front of you.
“Is my baby too stupid for this problem too?” He coos in your ear, rubbing your thigh soothingly as you immediately fall apart in response; you’re just not strong enough, especially with the way he keeps flexing his thigh against you so nicely. He takes pity on you, condescending words flowing out of him as he watches you ride his thigh— at some point, he simply sits back and watches you make a mess on him, his gray sweatpants becoming stained as you leak uncontrollably onto him. 
“Poor thing can only think of cock, hmm?” It’s no surprise when Taehyun begins to take your shorts off, lifting your hips as he leaves you completely bare within seconds; you’re facing him now, teary eyed and needy as he simply sends you a cocky smile. 
“Come on, show me how much you want it,” he smiles, placing a loose hand on your hips as you’re back to straddling him; your hands are on his chest, head tucked into his neck as you whimper in shame, feeling how hard he is as you begin humping him mindlessly, your mind gone blank as you only think of reaching your release.
It’s all so amusing to Taehyun, eyes drifting back to your abandoned work before he sighs; you feel so good against him, so desperate as you continue to rock against him, able to feel the clear outline of his cock against you as you whine pathetically. 
“Thought you wanted to get work done?” He asks, knowing it makes you embarrassed that you get so needy for him so easily. At some point, Taehyun pushes you to sit up, cupping your face and pushing your cheeks together softly as he forces you to look at him; your dazed look only makes him laugh at you in pity. 
It takes you a second to process his words— you’re teary eyed and pathetic as you nod, still drunk on his cock as you rock your hips subtly. It’s then when his strong hand finds its way down to your throat, pressing softly as your head spins at the action; his other hand is placed firmly on your hips, preventing you from moving as he glares at you.
“Stupid little slut doesn’t care, hmm?” In a blink of an eye, you’ve shifted positions again— you’re back to how you were before, his firm chest pressed against your back as you now hover over his cock; he’s scoffing at the way you’re practically dripping on him, flushed tip rubbing against your folds as he forces you to listen to the wet sounds that come from it. It’s all so degrading; he’s reduced you to nothing but a cock hungry whore, the sight driving him mad as you whimper and beg for him to fuck you. 
The moment he finally enters you, your mind goes blank; he’s so thick and knows all the spots that could make you melt against him, and you’re practically begging for him to fuck you stupid when he places his hands on your hips, strong grip preventing you from moving an inch. 
“Solve this problem first.” 
Oh god, you’re screwed. You can’t and he knows it, watching the way you’re still determined to do so by the way you pick up your pencil shakily. But you’re stuck and he sees it; you’re reading the words over and over, unsure of what to do as you whimper pathetically; you try to move your hips subtly, you’re literally dripping down his shaft and leaving a mess on the chair as you clench around him helplessly, but all it earns you in return is his hands tightening and more filth escaping his mouth. 
“Stupid little thing, this one’s so easy,” he hisses into your ear, watching the way you struggle against his hold, too needy to think straight, “I could do this in seconds, were you really not paying attention to me at all?”
You’re ashamed to admit he’s right; even more so when he laughs in disbelief, ever so cocky at the fact that you simply can’t resist him, begging uselessly for him to let you come as he rolls his eyes in response. 
“You don’t get anything until you get this right.” 
He takes enough pity on you that he’s back to tutoring you for a second, guiding you through the problem until you finally get it right— lucky for you, your prize is him bending you over his desk and fucking you until his name is the only thing you remember. 
The moment you’re cumming around his cock, he makes you sit down again; he gives you a whole page of problems, and you think you might cry as he tells you to solve the whole thing. 
“You wanna come? Then show me how smart you are.” 
He feels so good inside you, you might just go crazy; it doesn’t help that with every problem you get right, he makes you cum, your wishes coming true until you’re too fucked to even hold your pencil right; you can’t count how many times you’ve orgasmed and been filled by him, your pussy a mess as he refuses to pull out the entire time. 
“Thought you wanted to come, didn’t you?”
By the end of it, you’ll be so filled with cum that you’ll be leaking all over the chair— but Taehyun will make sure you’ve got the material down, trust! 
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bangtanflirt · 11 months
Hello! No rush but any updates on revisiting the ruin me pretty please characters? I miss them a lot (but also take your time)
I come bearing gifts for you and any other RMPP enthusiasts! Enjoy! 💜😘
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Pairings: Jungkook x Reader x Jimin
Main Story: Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5 > Part 6 > Part 7 > Part 8 >  Part 9 >  Part 10 > Part 11 > Part 12 > Part 13 >  Part 14 > Part 15 (FINAL)
Warnings: dom/sub dynamics, female domination, slight jealousy, mxm smut, men needing permission to cum, hickeys, mentions of sub-drop and panic attacks, lying/hiding info, riding crop, cock ring, butt plug, punishment session with aftercare
Jimin traces little circles on Jungkook’s wrist, one leg tossed over the younger man’s lap and kisses planted along his jawline. The blonde presses his body as close as humanly possible, as if he’s trying to nestle himself perfectly around Jungkook’s form—leaving no inch of sofa between the two bodies. Jungkook has no objections, grabbing his lover by the waist to assist him. Small whimpers fill the room as Jimin begins kissing up on the most sensitive parts of Jungkook’s neck, sucking and biting the skin until he’s sure a hickey will bloom.
“Everyone will see” Jungkook pouts.
“Good, let them know you’re being taken care of. Tired of all those girls constantly around you.”
“You and me both.”
Jungkook pulls Jimin onto his lap as he continues, “Wish I could tell the whole world I’m taken.” The longing in his eyes is clear as day.
“Y/n’s making a lot of progress, especially after she told Minhyuk about us. Don’t worry baby, I don’t think this will be a secret for that much longer.”
The rest of the conversation is detoured by how hungrily Jimin explores Jungkook’s mouth. Making out turns into heavy petting and heavy petting turns into carnal desire. Clothes are tossed on the ground, giving way for skin-to-skin, uninterrupted love.
That is until Jungkook interrupts it.
“W-wait…we don’t have permission.”
Jimin pulls away, face flushed and pupils dilated. He mumbles a frustrated “fuck” under his breath.
There’s a stillness in the air—the men tense as they guage what’s going on in the other’s mind. Guage if they’re on the same page.
Jungkook breaks the silence first, “Just once isn’t that bad right?”
So they are on the same page.
Jimin shakes his head in agreement.
“Just this once.”
And that’s how Jungkook finds himself holding the couch for dear life, trembling as Jimin fucks into him from behind, lips chanting the man’s name like it’s his religion. The atmosphere’s more sinful than usual, with the fact that they shouldn’t be doing this hanging in the air. There’s shame, guilt, and arousal all creating a monsoon of emotions, ready to drown them at any time.
Maybe that’s why Jungkook cums so hard. And why Jimin follows, pulling out and painting Jungkook’s back with white hot strings.
The vibe is off when you arrive at Jimin’s that night. Your boyfriends are avoiding your gaze, and Jungkook’s more jittery than usual.
“Is everything alright guys?”
Jungkook’s doe eyes go wide for a second, before he consciously adjusts his expression. “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” He nervously chuckles.
You raise a brow, “Because you’re acting weird. Both of you, but especially you.”
Luckily for the youngest, Jimin takes control of the conversation.
“Everything’s perfectly fine y/n! You’re probably just tired, let’s get you in the shower so you can unwind.” He punctuates with a peck to your lips, hands already guiding your shoulders to the bathroom before you have a chance to question any further. The men only start talking once they hear the water running.
“We need to tell her. I can’t do this.”
“But hyung…she made it very clear that we aren’t allowed to do anything without her permission anymore. What if she’s disappointed in us?”
The rule is indeed one you’re most strict about, made after an ill-fated night where Jungkook sub-dropped hard and Jimin had no experience bringing him out of it—sending both boys into an anxiety attack. They were lucky you were in a position to drop everything and come home at that time, but it would be naïve to think that would always be the case.
Jimin holds Jungkook’s hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“If you’re that worried then I’ll tell her it was my idea. She’ll go easier on you.”
Jungkook adamantly shakes his head.
“No, if we’re telling the truth we should tell the entire truth.”
“You guys did what?”
Jungkook’s eyes are practically glued to the ground as Jimin explains the situation.
“We’re so sorry.”’
“Was it a scene?”
“No! Just sex. Neither of us went into subspace.”
Your face has the slightest show of relief on it, a tiny exhale from your frowning mouth.
“But there was a chance one of you could have?”
Jungkook nods, looking like a schoolboy getting scolded by a teacher, eyes still trained on a wine stain immortalized in the carpet. He was feeling a bit hazy throughout, if he has to admit.
“For fuck’s sake guys, you know better than that.”
“so sorry” it’s quiet and low, but it’s the only thing Jungkook has said throughout the conversation.
“I’m just glad both of you are safe. Still frustrated though.”
“We won’t do it again!”
“Oh I know you won’t—not after your punishments, at least.”
Jungkook finally looks up, eyes pleading you to reconsider. Jimin’s shifting in his seat, not sure if he can handle one of your harsher punishments at the moment.
“Don’t worry Minnie, it’ll be after your dance performance.” Your voice is laced with honeysuckle sweetness, making the statement all the more fear-invoking.
“T-thank you.” He gulps.
“Of course. You won’t be able to dance for a while after I’m done with you. And baseball season’s over, right Jungkook?”
Jungkook freezes. Oh god, they were in for it.
“That’s not a number Minnie.”
You deliver another hit from the riding crop, further reddening the globes of Jimin’s ass.
“Ssorry! Three!”
“That’s better.”
Jungkook flinches with each strike, as if it’s his skin the crop is making contact with. He watches his hyung jump with every blow, fat tears rolling down his blushing cheeks. He doesn’t know if he’s more or less lucky with his punishment. He’s not getting the riding crop tonight, which he thanks the heavens for…but the vibrating cock ring + butt plug combo is making him cry just the same.
The initial plan was to dish out the same punishment for both boys, but that was altered the minute you saw Jungkook’s reaction to you holding up the crop. It was one of pure fear and no pleasure, and that’s not how you do punishments. Jimin, on the other hand, was salivating at the sight of it—in true painslut fashion.
“Don’t slow down Kook, or I’ll be even meaner.”
The youngest gets back to stroking himself at a decent pace, frustration building as he’s kept to edge with no release.
“My boys did so well” you coo, perched on the edge of the bathtub the men were soaking in. You drop a warm vanilla bathbomb in there, knowing how much Jungkook likes the scent. And rose petals for your Jiminnie. They do no more than hum in response, all energy drained from the scene. Aftercare is different after punishments like these, because you have to be even gentler when coaxing them out of subspace—no post-orgasm happy feelings to ease the process.
“How are we feeling? Use your words for me.”
“I’m good, it hurts to sit in this position for long though.”
“I’ll massage you after your bath baby. How ‘bout you Kook?”
“Still wanna cum” he whines, making you toss your head back laughing.
“Sorry Kookie, you have to learn your lesson.”
“But we learned it already, promise! Please let me cum! Let hyung come too!”
You reach over to stroke his hair, “Tomorrow baby. No more whining for the rest of the night and you’ll both get to cum as much as you want tomorrow. Okay?”
He nods, fighting back the urge to whine more. He wants to be extra good for you, show you that the punishment got all the bad out of him. So he focuses on the calm scents of the bathbomb and the way the petals float around Jimin’s torso, focuses everywhere but on his and Jimin’s painfully hard cocks.
“Remember this feeling. This is what boys who touch each other without permission get. Especially if they try to hide it afterwards. Are we clear?”
They nod yes on autopilot, and you know this lesson will be vivid in their heads for a while.
Tag list: @ttaekooks @bandaged-despair @laylasbunbunny @sweeneyblue1 @madygswich @namjooncrabs @akshstudios @severely-mentally-ill @everythangggoes @xoxostrawberrymilkxoxo @nikkiordonez12 @channiespup @dreamamubarak @shadowmoon21 @bts-trash-blog @sonje78 @lathraios
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mlmxreader · 21 days
An American Nightmare | Dean Winchester x gn!reader
↳ ❝ 12. "I don't know who he is, but he's burned and he wears a weird hat and a red and green sweater, really dirty. And he uses these knives, like giant fingernails..."
6. "Burn this place to the ground
With dean please ❞
: ̗̀➛ Dean gets a call from someone he wants to keep safe, but what he finds is a nothing short of pure fear and the knowledge that sometimes, he can't keep everybody safe - even those he cares about most.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ child death mention, burning alive, murder, swearing
↳ word count: 1000
Dean didn’t want Sam or Castiel to know about a particular case, so instead of letting them know where he was or who he was with, he left without a trace; he only took his usual supplies, and didn’t dare to use his phone or any of the cards that were in his wallet.
It was too sensitive, nobody could know.
In a sleepy little suburban town, there was a particular street; the air seemed to be as still as the aftermath of a scream, and everything seemed to hold a thick stench of singed flesh and the firm taste of metal. It was all too quiet; usually in a neighbourhood like that, Dean would’ve expected to see people walking their dogs or hanging around the local park - but no one was around.
The street was empty and dull and… and eerie.
Even when he rapped on the door that he had seen a thousand times before, something was deeply wrong.
Deeply, deeply fucking wrong.
Time seemed almost too slowed down, and it seemed as if something was blocking all good memories and all signs of anything normal going on.
He tensed up, immediately picking up on the constant chill throughout the street; even when you answered the door and allowed him in, he still felt the sharp chill, and frowned.
“Everything alright?”
You shook your head, gesturing for him to sit down at the breakfast bar as you cleared your throat. “Shit has officially hit the fan, and I - I didn’t know who the fuck else to turn to.”
Dean reached out his hand, letting you hold onto it tightly as he ran his thumb across your knuckles gently. “Well, I’m here, so you can talk - and before you ask, no one else knows I’m here.”
You nodded, clearly shaken up judging by the shake of your hands and your jitteriness. The sudden switch between flinching and heavy breathing; constantly looking around as if something was going to jump out at you at any moment.
“It all started a few weeks ago,” you explained, stuttering your way through each word as if it was terrifying to even speak of, “a few of the parents around town… they… they found out about a guy who worked at the school…”
“A few kids, they, they went missing,” hot tears were already streaming down your face. “And we… we found out he’d… he’d… Dean, I’ve seen death before but never… never like that, and, and then he got- he got let off on a, some stupid technicality…”
Dean’s face fell, rage starting to boil in his eyes. “Where is he?”
“Dead,” you whispered. “The parents and I, we… we hunted him down… and we went to the boiler room and we… we all agreed we’d burn this place to the ground so we… we did and, and, and he was inside and-”
“Slow down,” Dean said gently, squeezing your hand a little to let you know that you didn’t have to worry so much. “It’s okay.”
You sucked in a harsh breath, hardly even able to breathe as you cleared your throat. “Dean we killed him but he… he came back, and I don’t know how…”
He sat back a little, thinking about what it could have been; from the sounds of it, it was a vengeful ghost, although he couldn’t be certain without making sure that there were no objects tied to the spirit first. 
“Did anyone take anything from the scene?” He asked eventually. 
You shrugged, shaking your head. “I, I don’t think so I, I mean - who could’ve? Who, who would want something like that fucking lying around?”
Dean pursed his lips for a second. “You’d be surprised… do you think you could talk to the parents of the kids for me? See if you can find anything? They’d be more willing to talk to you than they would me.”
You nodded, still shaking and trembling. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, erm… erm, yeah… but…”
“But he came to see me last night,” you whispered, voice almost hoarse. “I, I was fast sleep, but, but… fuck… I don’t know who he is, but he’s burned and he wears a weird hat and a red and green sweater, really dirty. And he uses these knives, like giant fingernails…”
“You killed a guy you don’t even know?” Dean questioned.
You nodded. “When people tell you this guy’s killing kids… and you’re asked to help… you don’t ask questions…”
He nodded. “Fair enough. I’ll do some digging, see if I can find out who he was.”
“Not now!” You all but yelped, fear ablaze in your eyes as you frantically shook your head. “Please… please, I don’t wanna… I don’t wanna be alone if he comes back…”
Dean nodded slowly. “Sure. First thing tomorrow, then.”
“Thank you,” you breathed out. “Really, Dean, I, I don’t know how to-”
“So far, I’ve managed to keep you safe,” he started, “and well the fuck away from hunting. You don’t need to thank me - it’s my job. Saving people, hunting things… just a bonus I get to sleep in the same bed as you for once.”
You wanted to laugh along with him, you really did, but you couldn’t find it in yourself; still getting flashes of that… that monster in your head. His sickly smile as he taunted you about the children, the fucking nursery rhyme stuck in your head.
One two, Freddy’s coming for you.
Three four, better lock your door.
Five six, grab your crucifix.
Seven eight, gonna stay up late.
Nine ten, never sleep again.
You shuddered, gripping Dean’s hand a little tighter as you swallowed thickly. “I love you.”
“I know,” he said softly. “I won’t leave until I know you’re safe again, don’t worry. I promise. I’ll get to the bottom of it, and I’ll make sure he never fucking comes back - not for you, for anybody. I’ll make sure of it, I promise. I promise you, okay?”
if you made it to the end of this fic and you enjoyed it, then please, if you have any cash to spare even if it’s £1, then please consider making a donation to help Tahani to save her family. Please, every little contribution does genuinely help!
36 notes · View notes
cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
For request 🥺 viktor and a nervous reader’s first time
An attempt was made! Again, kind of ran away with the prompt in my mouth and chewed it a bit until I was chased down and made to spit it out. Sorry
Viktor x fem!Reader (18+)
Content tags: first time together | oral (f and m receiving) | simp Viktor p much
-You had…kind of expected sex to just happen naturally in your relationship. You had expected that you’d go through each new milestone as they came, from holding hands, to a first date, to a first kiss.
-And for the most part, it had happened like that. Viktor had asked you out to coffee one evening, when he was frazzled from work and already a little jittery from his rather impressive (and detrimental) caffeine intake throughout the day. 
-You’d softly denied his suggestion, and quickly replaced it with something a little less…unhealthy. You invited him over for dinner, instead, offering to make something hearty and spiced, but easy on the stomach. He’d accepted, of course, and that night had been one filled with a whole bunch of firsts.
-But now, four months into your (official) partnership, he still had yet to touch you. Well, he touched you, yes - all the time, in fact. He always liked to have a hand on some part of your body, in the most innocent sense. You’d learned quite early on that physical affection was one of the silent ways he told you he cared for you. And that he trusted you.
-What you mean is that you hadn’t…
-He hadn’t…
-You haven’t had sex. Ever.
-Not only with him, but…in general. None of your past relationships had ever gotten to a point where you’d felt safe enough to open up about that sort of thing, or made you feel comfortable enough to bare yourself so openly. But you want that, with him.
-You’ve heard as many horror stories as you have pleasantries about the whole ordeal, ranging from pain and discomfort, to not being able to come, to muscle cramps and weird noises and knocking foreheads when you tried to-
-You take a deep breath, in a vain attempt to calm yourself down. You know it’s not always like that. You know that Viktor would never hurt you, or make you feel weird or unusual for something so trivial.
-You’ve heard good things about sex, too. The emotional intimacy it could achieve, on top of the physical pleasure - little giggles and feelings of elation. One of your friends had said she’d never really experienced good sex until she’d met her partner, and they’d actually talked about what they wanted. Openly and without judgment.
-You’re a little bit cranky that you’re probably going to have to be the one who brings the subject up with your boyfriend. You wish that you could just…fall into it, and talk about it afterwards, but realistically? It’s a conversation that needs to be had.
-You want him to know what you want.
-You want to know what he wants.
-So on a weekend, as the two of you sit comfortably at your tiny dining table, eating some kind of cheesy pasta dish that you don’t know the name of, you broach the subject.
- “What do you think about sex?” you ask him, during the first lull in your mutual chatter. You want to hit yourself, with how the question comes out, but you suppose there’s no going back now.
-Viktor nearly chokes for a second on a bite of food, his gaze snapping up to yours as a light dusting of pink begins to appear on his cheeks. “Pardon me?” he coughs, clearing his throat.
-You sigh.
- “I just…I want to know where we’re at,” you explain, setting your fork down. “Most people usually…do it within the first month of being together. And we’re on month four, so I- I just want to…check in, I guess?”
-You can feel your face beginning to heat up, as the mortification sets in. “I’m not saying that we have to have had sex by now,” you ramble, “I’m just talking about the statistical average! I mean, I’ve never even done it before, so it’s not like I have any frame of reference - I just thought! It’s a thing a lot of couples do, so maybe it would be a - a good idea to - talk. About it. About if that’s something you want.”
-You set your face in your hands with a groan, feeling the tips of your ears burn from the awkwardness of it all. You knew it was going to be uncomfortable and kind of weird to bring it up, but of all the ways you could have messed it up and stuck your foot in your mouth-
- “Is it something you want?” he asks suddenly, surprising you well enough that you crack your fingers apart to peer at him with a single eye. He’s flushed, as you expected him to be, but he doesn’t look particularly embarrassed. Not like you thought he would.
-You sigh again.
- “I…think so,” you admit, finally pulling your hands away from your face. “It’s like I said - I’ve never done it. I know I’m late to the party, but-”
-He reaches across the table then, all but throwing his fork down in lieu of reaching for you. Wrapping his hand tenderly around your own, in an attempt to comfort you.
- “There is no time limit on something like this,” he tells you. “If the moment has never felt right, then that’s…that’s okay. If you’re unsure about making our relationship more physical, then we don’t need to rush. There is no rule saying we have to do certain things at a certain time.”
-You carefully knit your digits around his, staring down at the little details on his hands. The angular curve of his fingers, long and slender and dextrous, along with the little moles and freckles and scars that dot across his pale skin. You’re rendered breathless for a brief moment, upon the realization that every part of him is stupidly attractive.
- “I want you,” you mumble, shyly avoiding eye contact. “The number of times I’ve thought about you during one of my ridiculously long showers is…too many to count. I guess I just. I dunno. I’m nervous. I don’t want to be bad at it, and I don’t want to mess something up, and I’m worried I won’t….”
-You sigh for a third time.
-Thankfully, Viktor has known you for a significant amount of time by now: he knows your moods and feelings, knows your little secrets and tells. He knows what you’re thinking about, just by looking at you. You don’t need to say so much out loud.
- “Nothing you could do could put me off of you,” he promises, as he rises from his seat. Keeping your hands entwined, he maneuvers his way over to stand in front of you, bringing your knuckles up to his lips once your knees knock against him.
- “If I’m being honest, I’ve been…quite horrendous about controlling myself around you,” he admits, without an ounce of shame. “Most nights, when I’m alone in the lab, I’ve taken myself in hand to the thought of you. The way your hair smelled that morning in bed, the way your lips are so warm on mine.”
-You swallow hard, as your stomach flutters wildly.
- “And then, of course, there are the things I don’t know,” the corner of his mouth quirks up at the edge, mischievous and playful. “I like to think about the way you’d taste on my tongue, how I could make you squirm. The pretty little sounds you’d make as I gave you pleasure. How divine you’d feel, wrapped around my cock.”
-You nearly stop breathing, the softest of whines falling past your lips.
-Viktor looks down at you like he knows exactly what he’s doing, like some kind of devilish, scheming man. Bringing his lips to the back of your hand again.
- “If it’s something you want, would you let me have you?” he asks, his gaze meeting yours. “Would you allow me to make you feel good tonight? And every other night you so please?”
-If you weren’t already sitting, you know for a fact that your legs would have given out beneath you.
-The second you nod, he leans down to kiss you. Sets his cane in the crook of his elbow, and takes your jaw in hand, pressing little circles into your skin with the tips of his fingers. It’s sweet as can be, warm and comforting like you’re used to, but with a sharp bite to it.
-Sharp, like the way he nips at your bottom lip.
- “As much as I would love to have you right here,” he murmurs, barely pulling away from you, “I would at least have our first night together be somewhere more fitting. I want to take my time with you.”
-And so, the two of you find your way to the bedroom, significantly slower than you usually would, stopping every couple of steps to mesh your mouths together. Or for him to find any exposed piece of skin he can, latching onto you to suck and bite little bruises.
-By the time you actually make it to your destination, you’re mostly divest of your clothes. Save for a soft undershirt and a pair of pastel panties. Viktor fares no better, his usual vest and tie dropped somewhere along your path, his shirt hanging open and his trousers halfway unbuttoned.
-You stop at the foot of the bed, and he comes up behind you, wasting no time in getting to feel you - feel the warmth and the gentle squish of your flesh beneath his fingers. The soft hairs across your body, your skin rising into goosebumps along every trail he makes.
-His breath, hot against the back of your neck, as he slowly slides the bottom of your shirt upwards. So slowly. 
-You appreciate that he’s giving you time to back out, should you so desire: that his touches are meandering and lazy, enough that you could stop him with ease. But you don’t want him to.
-You squirm where you stand, trying, hoping that he’ll understand what you’re hinting at. But the devious bastard only smiles, laying a smattering of kisses across your shoulders.
- “You’ll have to use your words, milý,” he mutters, toying with the edge of your shirt. “How can I know what you want, if you don’t tell me?”
-Your face feels like it’s on fire, embarrassed even though you know you have no reason to be. You trust Viktor, more than you’ve ever trusted anyone: you know he’s just being a tease.
- “Take it off,” you whine, and thankfully he doesn’t push you on it further, demands no more explanation.
-The next couple minutes are a total blur, wrought with new sensations and little thrills of pleasure. He settles you comfortably on your back, once you’re fully bare to him, and for a moment he just…stares. You wouldn’t exactly call it humiliating, not with the way his eyes darken with lust, but you’re certainly shy.
-He kisses a scalding path down your body, more tongue than anything else. Stopping for a few dozen seconds to pay attention to your chest, wrapping his lips around one puffy bud, sucking hard for a couple seconds before soothing the ache with the lave of his tongue.
-Until both your nipples are drawn into stiff peaks, and the soft of your skin is littered with the dull imprint of his teeth. 
-And then he continues his path downwards.
-Kneading the insides of your squishy thighs, he slowly coaxes you to open your legs, murmuring praises all the while. He’d done the favour of removing the last of his own clothing for you, not wanting to stress you out by demanding some kind of reaction from you.
-You’re grateful for it, in a sense, but you’re also desperate to get a peek at him. Hard and dripping, watching as a pearlescent drop beads at the tip of his cock the moment you open your legs for him. You whine quietly, when you finally get to see how you’re affecting him.
-He lays kiss after kiss all over your spread thighs, foregoing his earlier cheekiness for obvious and genuine care. Treating you sweetly, with the most gentle and loving hand that he possibly can.
-He wants this to be good for you.
-He needs this to be good for you.
- “Tell me, milý,”  he says lowly, “How far have you gone on your own? Have you touched yourself here?” he lowers his thumb to your clit, already already swollen and thick with your arousal, and begins rubbing slow patterns onto it.
-You mewl at the new sensation, not overly pleasurable, but the fact that he’s the one doing it makes it infinitely better.
- “Yes,” you breathe, fisting your hands into the sheets beneath you. “I - I’ve done that. Several times, in fact. S-sometimes out here, spread open like this, on my own. Other times…”
-He quirks a brow at you.
- “Other times,” you continue, “I…use the showerhead. Once or twice when you were staying over.”
-He groans, then, letting his eyes fall shut for a few moments while he lets his cheek come to rest on your thigh. You think for a second that you’ve somehow offended him, but he’s very quick to mitigate that worry. Bright honey eyes snapping open to nearly glare up at you with palpable desire, so strong you’re made breathless again.
- “To think, I could have tasted you weeks ago,” he sighs, almost sounding genuinely saddened. But it’s quick to pass, as he descends upon you with the hunger of a man starved.
-Licking a solid stripe up your drenched slit, drawing his tongue into a point near the end to flick it against your clit. Again and again, he repeats the motion, watching with rapt attention as his spit mixes with your sticky fluids, dripping down onto the bedsheets below.
-It’s not long before he changes his technique on you, startling a moan out of you when he wraps his lips around your puffy bud and sucks. He leaves you trembling, positively quaking, with his ministrations. You never thought that you’d ever be able to have an orgasm approach so quickly, but now, as he continues his onslaught of pleasure, even going so far as to dip his finger into your drenched hole, you can’t even find it in your heart to be embarrassed about it.
-He doesn’t stop touching you, doesn’t stop pumping his slender digit into you, doesn’t stop the movement of his tongue on your desperate slit. You know he can feel you squeezing around him - he’s got to. 
-But he never stops.
-He tenderly works you over the edge, groaning and sighing along with you as you find your high, nearly grinding against his face in an attempt to seek out more, more. Anything to prolong the pleasure.
-Until you’re rendered boneless beneath him, breathing hard while you wait for all the little stars in your vision to fade away. You barely even notice him removing his finger from you, popping it into his mouth to suck your juices off, as if it’s some kind of rare delicacy.
- “Holy shit,” you squeak, followed by an almost disbelieving giggle. You can’t help yourself - you don’t think you’ve ever had an orgasm quite like that before. Your own fingers were well enough, you supposed, and the showerhead was certainly intense, but…
- “You’ve ruined me, Viktor,” you laugh, smiling down at him with a dopey grin. “I’m never going to be able to get myself off after this - I’m only going to want you.”
-His brows rise by a fraction, a moment of disbelief immediately followed by his own self-satisfied smirk.
-You’re hardly shy after that, despite being unsure of what to do and where to put your hands, or of what might feel good. Your boyfriend, to give him credit, is a good teacher - guiding you through the motions of what he likes best, what makes him squirm, what makes him come.
- “It’s you,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Your touch, and your hand wrapped tightly around his drooling cock, your mouth wrapping around the blunt, flushed head, and your tongue sliding along his shaft to slick him up.
-And it’s you who lets him rut up into your grip, staring up at him with naught but adoration shining in your beautiful eyes.
-Like you, he’s neither embarrassed nor ashamed about how quickly he reaches his end, far too pleased by the fact that you’re finally touching him. That he’s finally gotten to see the gorgeous face you make when you come, and that’s he’s gotten a taste of your perfect pussy.
-He tries to warn you before he comes, but like he had earlier, you don’t pay him any mind. Until his release hits your waiting tongue, you continue to work him.
-Until he starts whining and batting at your hand, you work him.
-It doesn’t go much further than that, for the time being. The two of you carefully and tenderly cleaning each other up in the aftermath, sharing kisses and blissful little bouts of laughter, your hands never really leaving each other’s bodies. You have as much time as you desire, to figure everything out, and to learn.
-To discover new things about one another, and forge this new part of your relationship.
-Though let’s be honest, he does get a little handsy the following morning.
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
hi queen! could you do “marry me?” with m tkachuk please? 🫶
Hi love!!❤️ Thank you for this request cause I’m a sucker for proposals and I love matty t🫶🏻 I hope you like it!!
The first time someone asked when you and Matt were going to get married was when you turned 21. You’d been dating since you were 19 and you personally weren’t in a rush to get married and as far as you could tell, neither was Matt. You were content with your relationship.
That didn’t stop people from constantly bringing it up as the years went by. It was mostly older family members who thought that the two of you should be married by now after dating for so long and it didn’t bother you, until it did.
“Maybe he’s just not the kind to want to be tied down,” one of your friends said idly, giving you a sympathetic smile. She wasn’t usually one to bring up the topic but she was talking about it more than usual lately.
“We’ve been dating for almost 6 years,” you mumbled, trying not to think too much about it.
She shrugged, “maybe you should ask him about it if it’s bothering you.”
Asking him about it was probably the adult thing to do, but you were hesitant. If you brought it up and he turned you down, you were pretty sure you’d die of embarrassment. It was bothering you though, enough that Matt began to notice something was off.
The two of you were visiting his parents during the summer before you went back to Florida for the hockey season. When he signed with the Panthers, there was a big argument whether you would move with him or not. Even though you were living together in Calgary and had been for a few years, you didn’t know if you wanted to uproot your life and move. It was the worst fight that you’d had during your entire relationship and at one point, you were sure you would break up. You both had to take a break so he went to stay with one of his teammates and after a couple weeks, you realized that you didn’t like being away from him for so long and not speaking to him. So, 10 o’clock in the night, you were going to Johnny’s to see Matt but as soon as you opened the door of your apartment, Matt was standing there already, ready to knock. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a guilty look on his face. The two of you sat down that night and talked about the situation, and you eventually decided to try Florida and if you weren’t happy there, you would work something out. You ended up loving it and even though you missed your friends, you were glad to have moved with him.
During the off season, you usually spent it with his parents so on the last night of your stay, Chantal cooked a big meal and you all sat around the fire that night. It was nice, spending time with his family who had accepted you from the very start and you were sad to be leaving so you sat with Chantal and chatted. Matt was talking to his dad, throwing glances your way every now and then. Keith seemed in a better mood than usual, grinning at his son and you wondered what they were talking about.
As the night progressed, eventually you and Matt decided to go to bed due to an early flight. He seemed jittery as you both got ready for bed and you knew something was up so when he finally got in bed, you pinned him down with a look.
“What’s going on?”
He tried to feign innocence but you knew better.
“You’ve been acting weird all evening,” you said, raising an eyebrow when he looked away.
“Just anxious to get back home,” he replied easily but you were too stubborn to let it slide so you pulled out the big guns.
“Matty,” you pouted, smiling when he groaned and sighed. He gave you a look, before crawling out of bed and walking over to his suitcase, digging around for something. He hid it when he walked back to the bed and your heart sped up, wondering if it was what you thought it was.
“I was gonna do something romantic,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed but turned towards you. He grinned, a little crooked and opened his hand, offering an engagement ring to you. It was beautiful and exactly your style. “I wanted to propose back in Calgary, before we left but I guess it didn’t feel like the right time with everything that was going on. I didn’t want you to think that I was proposing as a way to manipulate you to come to Florida with me. I wanted that to be your decision.”
“So, with all that said, marry me?” He asked, and you didn’t hesitate to let him take your left hand in his and slide the ring on your finger.
(and if taryn, brady, keith and chantal were listening to the proposal from the other side of the door, well, you couldn’t blame them.)
((alternate but kind of creepy ending: brady filming the proposal from the window and falling off the ladder because taryn was a terrible spotter))
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sourstroll · 11 months
Summer Of Cum 2023
Day 15 - Come as lube
Pairing: Daniel/Max
WC: 1516
Daniel knows he shouldn’t be doing this.
Indulging his teenage teammate’s wildest fantasies was not usually something he did, but it was getting harder and harder to deny his own feelings, the teeny tiny crush that had blossomed into something Daniel wasn’t ready to face yet.
Daniel felt a sort of hot, burning shame as he watched Max move himself into place, both of them naked. Daniel was certain he would’ve backed out by now, but seeing Max in all his glory, all pale skin and baby fat, only made him want him more.
They were already a weird tangle of limbs, Daniel sitting with his legs spread and Max sat in the space between them. Max’s legs were hooked over Daniel’s thighs, lazily hugged around his waist. In this position, they could scoot close enough to have their cocks right up against each other, perfect for what Max had wanted to do.
Daniel had almost fainted when Max mentioned he had a fleshlight a week prior, even worse off when the kid conjured up this idea that he wanted to use it with Daniel.
Daniel could barely think, barely breathe, Max pouring a generous amount of lube on his cock. Daniel was already hard, of course— he’d been fighting off the urge to pop a boner all week, so it was a relief that he could finally let himself lust after Max with just him to witness it. Max had been awkward at first, jittery, giggly, permanently flushed red as he used the silicone toy on Daniel, using gentle flicks of his wrist. Daniel had to try hard not to collapse back against the bed, leaned back on his hands instead. Daniel’s brain kept conjuring up flashes of Max fucking this thing in his free time, putting all his strength into going as deep as he could, coming into the tight pocket of silicone so hard he sees stars. It shouldn’t have turned Daniel on so much, but he was so far gone for him at this point, Daniel wasn’t sure he could make excuses for himself anymore.
“How does it feel?” Max asked suddenly, still stroking Daniel. He would easily admit that he’d imagined this exact scenario a hundred different times, not ashamed of how much he wanted Daniel. “You’re so big, can’t believe you fit in there,” Max mused, using his free hand to trace the entrance, feeling how monstrously stretched it felt. It’s an obscene sight, Max staring at Daniel with those too-blue eyes and practically drooling over how Daniel’s cock looks, nestled into the sleeve, almost too big to fit.
Daniel let out a groan, much louder than the ones he’d made before. “Feels really good,” Daniel huffed and reached down to place a hand on Max’s thigh, smoothing his hand up to his tummy, feeling the hard line of muscle there, grateful to be able to touch him like this. “You feel better,” he teased, watching Max’s expression turn helpless, like he wants to sit himself in Daniel’s lap instead of using the toy. “Have you thought about this a lot, Maxie?” Daniel asked shakily.
Max nodded eagerly, pressing the fleshlight all the way down and leaving it there for a few moments, letting Daniel relish in the feeling. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about,” he admitted, accent thicker than usual.
“Is this how you do it on yourself?” Daniel breathed, biting his lip as he watched Max’s pace slow, the squelch of the fleshlight quiet between them.
“I do it faster,” Max murmured. “I imagine it’s you, sometimes,” he admitted, looking away from Daniel for a moment, wishing he could hide his embarrassment a little better.
“You make believe it’s me?” Daniel gasped, nearly losing it at the thought of Max being so into fucking him. “You’re gonna kill me, Max,” Daniel whined, resisting the urge to push his hips up into the soft silicone.
Max made sure not to stop his stroking, finally breaking eye contact with his movements to look up at Daniel. “Would you like that? Even if I’m younger?” Max asked timidly. He’d always assumed it was an age thing for Daniel, that the thought of having his much younger teammate fuck him was too far for him. If Max had it his way, he’d be plowing into Daniel most days.
“Fuck, Max,” Daniel groaned, letting his head loll back, his hand moving to rest on top of Max’s around the toy, still letting Max guide it. “You can do whatever you want to me, seriously,” he murmured, breaths getting choppier as he watched Max go faster. He felt a bit crazy with lust, like he never wanted to stop feeling like this, never wanted Max to stop being the innocent little teenager he was, spilling all his greatest desires to him.
Max recognized Daniel’s change of behavior, knowing he was getting closer by the second; it made Max move with a bit more intention. “I want to bend you over in my driver room, so I can fuck you on my couch,” Max blurted out, feeling like Daniel would appreciate a glimpse into his mind. “I think about doing it after every race, Danny.”
Daniel’s jaw was slack as Max spoke, gingerly digging his nails into Max’s wrist. He was speechless as he imagined himself, completely at Max’s mercy, getting fucked like a slut, right on the paddock. It’s not something he’d ever done before, never even thought of testing that boundary. Knowing that Max didn’t care and would rather let his post-race adrenaline take over, just to be able to have Daniel, was too much to handle all at once, and it sent him over the edge.
Daniel let out a moan that was fit for porn, eyes closing as he came inside the fleshlight, thighs shaking and hips trying to buck into the warmth of it. Max’s pace only slowed down a bit, milking the older man of his seed.
Max watched Daniel in awe, in love with how he looked when he came, even more obsessed with how well he’d reacted to the premise of getting fucked by him. “You like that idea,” Max said, more of a statement than a question. Before he pulled the toy off of him, Max leaned forward to kiss Daniel breathless, swallowing every oversensitive mewl Daniel made, pushing his tongue into the hot cavern of his mouth.
When Max did pull away, he was panting, feeling much too worked up to not do something about it. Max leaned back, reluctantly, so they had room between them again. Daniel still seemed to be gathering himself as Max pulled the toy off of him, careful not to spill any of his come. “What a waste,” he sighed, resting his weight on his free hand behind him. Max’s eyes were trained on the slit of the toy, currently dripping with Daniel’s come. He didn’t say a word as he tipped it upside down over his cock, letting a few drops fall down his length, his cock an angry red, clearly having been neglected for far too long.
Daniel hadn’t recovered yet, thrown for another loop as he watched Max lower the silicone sleeve to his tip, spreading his come around the opening even more. Daniel knew he’d never forget the sight of Max using his come to slide into the toy with ease, wanting it burned into the back of his eyelids. “Wow,” Daniel said dumbly, unable to articulate how insanely hot Max looked at the moment.
“Danny,” Max whined softly, wanting to put on a bit of a show for him as he used the toy on himself, knowing he wouldn’t last very long. “Show me how you want me to fuck you,” he instructed, as calmly as he could when he’d never taken the reigns before, not with Daniel.
Daniel’s hands moved before his brain could catch up, replacing Max’s hand on the toy like he told him to. He didn’t break eye contact with Max once, pumping faster, harder. “Like this,” he muttered, twisting his wrist for good measure. “Hard as you want, fast as you want, for as long as you want,” he purred, using his free hand to tangle into Max’s hair, pressing another passionate kiss to his mouth. “Anywhere you want,” Daniel tacked on, whispering it against his lips.
Max was never going to last, not as long as Daniel was there, being so impossibly perfect, saying all the right things and doing them even better. “Daniel,” he gasped one last time, kissing him as he came inside the fleshlight as well, mixing with Daniel’s come. He breathed harshly after pulling away, still feeling the aftershocks as Daniel pulled the toy off, setting it on the empty side of the bed.
Daniel practically tackled Max into another kiss, laying him back on the bed and using his weight to keep him pinned down. “Fuck me, please,” Daniel begged, his eyebrows furrowing as he pleaded, moving himself so he was straddling Max, desperate for him to be balls deep inside of him already.
❀❀❀ Previous Days ❀❀❀
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hilsonamore · 20 days
THOUGHTS on S4 Ep.8: “You Don’t Want to Know”
i just finished s4 ep8: “You Don’t Want to Know”, which is very popular for the whole dialogue between house and wilson about blood types… House is type AB, universal recipient, whereas Wilson is type O, universal donor. House points out during the conversation that he is type AB (context: they were discussing a case where House had to receive a patient’s blood to test for something), and so Wilson grabs the opportunity and comments on it:
“of course you are type AB. Universal recipient. You take from everybody”
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And then House, thinking he was all stealthy (ha!), backfires with:
“Of course you are type O. Universal donor. No wonder you pay three alimonies”
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And then wilson just looks up at house and is all like, huh, how the fuck does he know what blood type i am?
“How to do you know… what blood type i am?”
And then… then there is this brilliant, rare and flabbergasted expression plastered all over House’s face. He can’t look Wilson in the eye, his own eyes have gone all hyper-alert, trying-to-guard-this-secret-with-my-life, he turns his face to the side and sips his coffee.
“I don’t. Just seemed to fit the metaphor”, says house, all jittery and awkward and nervous and everything. And then wilson asks him if he’d tested his blood for something and house denies having done that, saying that it had probably come up in a conversation between them. Yeah, HA!, as if House would have shied away from revealing he had taken a little bit of blood from somebody just to test for something, to satisfy his own twisted curiosity, which is IRONIC, because he actually did take DNA samples from Thirteen on the same episode to test her for something, which he had revealed to her by the end of the episode.
But noooo, he had to be all shy and clumsy and blushy with wilson, and we never even found out how he had actually come across this very vital piece of information, because, as wilson said, he just run out of the office, due to an epiphany about the case, very conveniently avoiding the conversation at hand.
And you know what? I understand why somebody wouldn’t read too much into this, especially if they were just a casual viewer, who doesn’t read too much into everything or is just out right blind but oh well- by purely just considering house’s character, his blunt truthfulness, his condescending, seemingly confident demeanour, the way his voice doesn’t flatter- just by taking these things into account and adding them up to this relatively tame situation including freaking blood types, the expected result is not awkwardness, is not avoidance, is not low, almost sweet voices. And this happens just with wilson.
Yeah sure his conversation with thirteen later on is pretty intense but do you see him flatter? Do you see him… feeling all awkward and weird?
Maybe i’m wrong maybe im not, but this, to my eyes, is pure testimony to the kind of effect wilson has on him and also the psychotic, pretty unnecessary need for house to know absolutely everything there is to know about wilson, without always having to shove it into his face (intentionally), but truly just wanting to understand him better (or stalk, whatever suits you) just for the heck of it. It’s like, when he’s with wilson, suppressed parts of his person resurface and it’s weird and he has know idea how to deal with this side of himself.
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kiss kiss fall in love already-
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kierewrites · 2 years
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Haunted Mansion
navi - masterlist
Bakugou x Reader x Kirishima
Art: anonymous? if you know artist pls message!
Mood Song: thriller
Summary: After years of torment from your sinister boyfriend, Kirishima finally teamed up with you to take down the grumpy blond and give him a taste of his own medicine for Halloween. But when October 31st rolled around, the night went far from expected.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of blood, thriller/horror, kiribaku being mean af </3 (i like it tho ¬‿¬)
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There was never an outing with the infamous Bakugou Katsuki that didn’t include scowls and curses, and tonight was no different. The closer your trio walked to the decrepit looking house, the more annoyed Bakugou grew.
It was clear after you and Kirishima pretty much begged him to come out to the town’s apparent “haunted house” on the night of Halloween, you two were up to no good.
Though there were no previous historical events attached to the house, there was still a rumor that the previous family who lived there decades ago was murdered by their youngest child who went on a wild rampage. To this day people claim the little boy walks the halls, searching for anyone who dares to trespass.
To Bakugou, it all sounded like fucking bullshit.
“This is fucking bullshit.” Bakugou huffed as he shuffled besides you and Kirishima who had stupid grins on your faces. While you were practically jumping up and down, Kirishima kept squeezing your hand and shared knowing looks with you which definitely didn’t escape Bakugou’s eye.
“Quit being a buzzkill, it’ll be fun.” Kirishima said with a grin, his hand clapping against Bakugou’s shoulder which made him growl in annoyance.
Meanwhile you kept bouncing until you landed in front of both of them, excitement gleaming in your eyes, “Yeah Katsuki, it’s perfect for Halloween!”
Both boys stared at your jittery form, eyes softening from the sight of your excitement alone. The past few months had been… weird for the three of you. Though Bakugou clearly made his own group of friends, the three of you grew pretty much inseparable compared to the others.
Just a few months ago both boys ended up confessing to each other that they liked you, which should’ve made things awkward until you confessed you liked them both too. From then, you all never quite established what you were, but none of you really felt like you needed to.
Kirishima was quick to scope out the rare soft smile on Bakugou’s face, wiggling his brows to the boy which caused Bakugou’s short lived gentle moment to fade as he shoved the boy aside with a snarl.
The two kept moving forwards, you still standing in front of them both as you began to walk backwards, index finger pointing accusingly into Bakugou’s chest as you gave him a cheshire grin.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared.”
The ash blond was ready to sling every offensive word in his vocabulary down to you as his cheeks began to flush until your back collided with a mailbox, the sudden object making you shriek and quickly jump around with your arms up defensively, only to see what your attacker was.
The feeling of warm palms curling around your shoulders made your lips plump into a pout as you already knew what cocky voice was coming.
“I think I should be more scared for you princess.” Bakugou hummed in your ear, shit eating grin surely on his face before you smacked his hand away and glared at him.
“Just you wait asshole,” You hissed, eyes narrowing up to him in a challenging glare before you grinned to Kirishima, “I’m sure you won’t have all this confidence when we get inside.”
Bakugou looked down to you unimpressed, though the smug grin evident on his face when you spun on your heel and stormed up the driveway, missing the glance the two boys shared behind you.
This was all going to be perfect. Both you and Kirishima had planned it out. Bakugou had been tormenting you since the day you met. Even being a capable hero in training, you were so easy to get spooked. Something as simple as him popping around a corner had you nearly swept off your feet, so the ash blond took advantage of it and made it his life goal to petrify you at every turn.
You mentioned to Kirishima how nervous you were about it being the month of October, surely expecting Bakugou to go all out this month to really spook you. Luckily your noble red head decided it was time for you to stand up to Bakugou and give him a taste of his own medicine.
The plan was to take him to this “haunted house” on Alms Street, walk around a bit then have Kirishima separate from the group and pretend to disappear with blood everywhere. Then when Bakugou would surely be on edge, Kirishima would pop out and scare him.
It was a seal proof plan, one that you got more and more excited about at the last day of October neared. But now as you stood before the ominously large house, you felt your nerves start to hit a bit.
Your thoughts seemed to be read as a warm hand grabbed your own and squeezed it, your head whipping back to kind red ones as Kirishima smiled down to you, “Sure you’re okay with this?”
Blinking you glanced to see Bakugou was busy inspecting around the house, already seeming to be curious as to what you two did to the place. Seeing he was distracted, you looked at Kirishima with worried eyes.
“I’m okay! Just.. you sure this house isn’t really haunted?”
Kirishima simply smiled, pulling you into a quick hug as he ran his fingers through your hair, “Don’t worry angel, it’s not really haunted. I’ve been with my siblings plenty of times.”
Letting out a sigh you smiled up at him, giving Kirishima those big warm eyes that made his heart melt every time. It was then he began to feel a pang of guilt in his chest, but Bakugou’s rough voice cut through any hesitation.
“You two done being gross? I want to get this shit over with.” Bakugou hissed, causing your head to whip around as you glared at him once more, lecturing him about being nice or something like that.
Bakugou simply grinned down to your outburst, adoring the way your face scrunched in annoyance before he gently shoved you towards the front door.
“Ladies first.”
All you could do at this point was flick him off, which surprisingly earned a loud bark of laughter from both of the boys before you stormed into the house, not knowing what you were getting yourself into.
Even knowing this was all a staged prank, you still hated the atmosphere of the haunted building. Just like any movie, the stereotypical howls of wind through the cracked windows and the eerie creaking of the old wood floors had you on high alert the whole time.
Surely Bakugou had to be slightly on edge with the spooky environment, but each time you looked at him he wore the same unimpressed face he had outside. Once he caught you staring he rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Oh right, I’m supposed to be scared.”
Your bottom lip quivered into a pout, shoulders slouching a bit at the bland reaction until you felt an elbow gently jab at your side, your attention moving to the soft redhead.
“We just got here bro, don’t get too cocky.” Kirishima sneered with a grin, his confidence making your heart race with excitement again as you smiled back to him.
Bakugou simply rolled his eyes, ignoring your silent giggles and whispers as you all walked deeper into the home. Even though you were in on the plan, the house itself still had you on edge. Just like any stereotypical house, the quality was low and eerie. Just littered on every object, wood falling almost completely apart, carpet and furniture torn up. Surely some of this damage was from rotten kids who probably visited this house previously, but you couldn’t help but think back to the story of this home and what really happened.
“How about you guys check the living room,” Kirishima spoke casually, though his eyes shot to you with a mischievous glint in them, “I’ll check the kitchen for any suspicious activity.”
Bakugou missed the wink the two of you shared as he spun around to see his two grinning idiots, “Why the hell would we split up? Shouldn’t we just stay together?”
The ash blond’s rational was articulate as always, but you wouldn’t let it ruin your plan.
“C’mon Katsuki.” You purred, placing your hand on his chest before letting your index and middle finger strut up till they reached his chin, forcing him to stare down to your cheshire grin, “You too scared to let Eijiro leave the room?”
Both boys shared a glance at your confident change in attitude, Bakugou’s eye beginning to twitch the more you teased him.
“Don’t give a fuck what shitty hair does, fuck off to the kitchen then.” Bakugou snarled, swatting your hand away which made you giggle before he stormed off to the living room.
Spinning to Kirishima you quietly skipped to him and flashed him a warm smile, “This is it Ei, we’re finally going to scare him!”
Kirishima held your hands gently as you jumped before him, his heart pounding with a certain rotten feeling as he watched your eyes light up.
“Don’t spoil it now angel.” Kirishima whispered, lightly flicking your head before leading you on to follow Bakugou.
This was the boring part, but possibly the most important. You weren’t sure how long it would take for Kirishima to set up the kitchen. Fake blood couldn’t have been easy to handle, especially because Kirishima had to be silent the entire time for this to work.
Though you wanted to quickly drag the ash blond to the kitchen and have Kirishima scare the soul out of him, you knew all good things came with patience. Bakugou on the other hand, didn’t quite see eye to eye.
“This is fuckin stupid, we should just get out of here and do something actually fun.” Bakugou huffed, tipping over one of the pillows on the couch before turning to you.
To be honest, a night outing with the two did seem like a lot of fun, but you could save that for after you scared this little punk shitless.
“We are not leaving till we explore every room in this house K,” You spoke plainly as you let your finger run along a dust covered bookshelf, “Quit being a baby.”
Bakugou let out a growl as you teased him again, stomping up behind you before gently tugging at your hair to force your head back up to him.
“You need to watch that smart mouth of yours princess.”
The position had your cheeks flush, taking you by surprise as he smirked down to you for finally having the upper hand. It was short lived though as you narrowed your eyes and stuck your tongue out. The sight had him let go of your hair as he let out a string of curses.
Surely the grump wasn’t going to last much longer, so you figured it was now or never.
“Bakugou wait.” You spoke in a hushed tone, freezing a bit as Bakugou glared over to you, “When’s the last time you’ve heard Kirishima?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, though his head did turn in the direction of the kitchen with curiosity, “The hell if I know, dipshit probably face planted on one of these uneven planks.”
The small snort that escaped your lips had Bakugou grinning, even you couldn’t help but laugh as you imagined the scenario before you glared at the smug blond.
“Have more faith in our Ei you dick.” You whispered, trying to fight the grin off your face before you pointed your attention back to the kitchen.
Though that was a very solid guess, you knew exactly why it was so silent. Kirishima was definitely ready to scare the crap out of your boyfriend.
“We should probably check on him.” You spoke softly as you looked back to Bakugou, only to see him already smugly looking down at you.
“You scared princess?”
His mocking tone had your blood at a boiling point, your teeth gritting together as you glared up to him and flicked him off, causing him to loudly bark out a laugh before he slung his arm around you.
“So dramatic.” Bakugou hummed in your ear, your eye twitching a bit. If it weren’t for the fact that Kirishima was waiting behind one of these doors ready to scare the crap out of the smug blond, you would’ve already begun fighting the boy.
So deciding to ignore his antics, you allowed him to lead you to the kitchen. Your heart raced and fingers buzzed just imagining his reaction. Finally after four years of torture with this boy, you would get sweet sweet revenge.
Bakugou was never one easy to scare. You couldn’t even picture in your head what he would look or sound like when he was. Even on the training camp during your first year, when you were supposed to walk through the maze of terror, he barely shook upon being jumpscared.
Part of you was worried that this wouldn’t startle him either, but the plan you and Kirishima formulated was too good. This was definitely going to work.
“Kirishima? Are you still here?” You called, peaking your head around the wall to pretend you were trying to search, when really you were just trying to hide the grin on your face from the boy beside you.
When you were both met with a silence unknowingly obvious to you both, you glanced to Bakugou and wiped the smug grin off to replace a concerned pout.
“Katsuki I think he might actually be hurt, go check in there.”
“What- Why me?” Bakugou shouted, eyes wide before your lips curled into a small grin causing him to growl as he shoved you away from him, “Don’t you fucking say it.”
A small giggle escaped your lips as he stormed around the wall and into the kitchen, his eyes surveying the area before he looked to you with an annoyed expression.
“He’s not in here.”
Your eyes widened at this, your breathing coming to a halt at his words. Why wasn’t he scared? Did he not see the blood all over the ground? Was Kirishima really not in the kitchen?
Quickly trotting besides Bakugou, your mouth fell agape at the sight before you. Sure enough the dingy tiled floors of the kitchen remained spotless of any blood.
“W..Where’s the blood?” You whispered, eyes wide before Bakugou looked to you with a raised brow at your statement.
“What blood?”
Blinking back to reality you looked to Bakugou, trying to keep a neutral face as you shook off his question before glancing back down to the floor.
If there was no blood here that only meant two things: Kirishima went off plan and is doing his own thing, or Kirishima is actually hurt or lost. Your plan was so crystal clear though, so there’s no way he just chose to not go through with it. Was Kirishima really in trouble?
“Y/n.” Bakugou spoke sternly, his tone causing you to whip your head to him as you tried to avoid his gaze, knowing you weren’t able to hide your worried eyes, “Why are you acting weird.. What’s wrong?”
Your blood ran cold, watching Bakugou’s fierce eyes try to read whatever was running through that little head of yours. If you told Bakugou your plan he would be pissed, and he would be even more pissed knowing Kirishima could actually be lost or hurt. You needed to investigate before jumping on any theories.
“Uh.. Nothing is wrong! Let me just check the pantry and see if he’s in there.” You spoke, forcing a smile on your face as you shakily began walking towards the door.
Bakugou didn’t miss the hesitancy in each step you took, your fear not being easily hidden as you took anxious steps. Surely Kirishima was just sitting there confused on your instruction. Even though you went over it.. Multiple times. Or maybe you didn’t give him enough time, so he had to resort to hiding in the pantry to not ruin it.
That would make sense, then you could get Bakugou upstairs to let Kirishima finish and all would be back on track.
The more your head swarmed with theories, the more your senses became less aware.
Before you could even hear the crack against the glass of the kitchen window, a small figure covered in a black robe smashed through the glass and screamed at you.
Everything was a sensory overload to you now. The sight of the small figure jumping at you and the ear slicing shatter of the glass had the breath nearly knocked out of you. Once you realized what was happening, your high pitched screams echoed through the house. Without a second to spare you stumbled backwards on your own two feet, yelping as one of one of the shards of glass sliced through your ankle before you jumped into Bakugou’s arms, letting him spin you away from the intruder and hold you protectively in his arms.
Gripping at his shirt you continued to scream, waiting for Bakugou to surely let go of you and relentlessly attack whoever dared to come after the two of you, but instead you were met with him continuing to hold you as you felt his chest vibrate.
You peaked an eye open, breath still ragged as you felt the rumbling grow stronger in his chest. Was he…?
The sound of howling laughter from behind one of the guest room doors had your head whipping up, your eyes following the familiar laugh as the door slowly opened all the way to reveal your red headed boyfriend curled over on the floor from laughter.
Immediately you reeled your head up to see Bakugou now nearly hysterical, his hold on you loosening as he had to lean against the counter for support.
Though it took a minute for the shock and raw fear to escape your core, your eyes darkened to see your two boyfriends finding this whole situation hilarious.
“Y..You..” You whispered, mouth falling in horror as you looked to Kirishima, then to Bakugou, then to the dark figure before looking to your feet, “What the…”
“I..I’m sorry Y/n,” Kirishima choked out between laughs, “Bakugou came to me first with the idea… and I j..just couldn’t resist.”
The moment Kirishima’s gaze met with Bakugou’s, they both snorted a bit before bursting into a more obnoxious tone of laughter as they struggled to keep themselves standing.
The sight had your blood run cold, not sure if your heart was racing still from the traumatic fright you just experienced or the betrayal of your two loving boyfriends.
Your eyes narrowed to both of them, seeing as they thought this was the funniest thing in the world. The revenge you would seek would be intense, you knew that much, but for now you needed to process what had just happened.
Once the two boys finally got over themselves, their eyes fell on you, a slight twinge of guilt being shared amongst them.
You simply stood there, head hanging low causing your hair to cover over your dim eyes while you remained motionless.
Both boys still fought their lips from twitching up into grins before sharing a worried look and making their way towards you.
“Don’t blame shitty hair Y/n, it was my idea.” Bakugou grumbled, moving to stand before you as you refused to look up to him. Kirishima gave you sympathetic eyes and began wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I’m sorry angel, I promise we’ll make it up to you.” Kirishima spoke softly until he realized you were trembling in his hold. His eyes widened as he looked to the blond who raised a brow at Kirisima’s startled expression, “Bro she’s literally shaking.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened for once all night, his gaze immediately falling on your quivering form as a small sniffle filled the air. The ash blond’s eyes softened as he placed a finger under your chin and forced you to look up at him. Before being able to respond, his mouth froze at the sight of warm tears streaming down your face as your lip wobbled in between your teeth.
The sight had both boy’s heart stopped, not knowing if it was the saddest or most adorable thing they had ever seen. Kirishima quickly pulled you into his embrace tighter as Bakugou began to chuckle with a mock frown, his fingers brushing the wet hair stuck to your face as he rubbed his thumb along your cheek.
“Y/n baby you’re crying.” Bakugou spoke, pulling your head into his chest as you broke into a pathetic sob while the two boys shared a knowing look.
“B..Because I’m angry!” You hiccuped, your fist weakly punching at Bakugou’s chest which caused him to chuckle. You hated how the sound made your heart beat just a bit faster as he held you close.
“We made our angel cry..” Kirishima cooed almost tauntingly, running his fingers along your hair before rubbing your back, “We’re so mean Katsuki.”
Their insincere tone had your blood boil, though you knew you couldn’t be terribly angry with them. Instead you tried your best to be stern with them, shoving the two away as you glared at them.
“I trusted you asshole.” You spoke in between sniffles, pointing an accusatory finger towards the surprised redhead, your glare then shifting to the still smug blond, “And you…”
Bakugou crossed his arms and watched as your brain struggled to formulate a sentence. Most likely still overwhelmed from the scare, or the fact that your plan went terribly wrong. Instead of finishing your sentence, your face just grew red and you huffed while whipping your head the opposite direction.
“Quit your fuckin pouting princess,” Bakugou said, but his tone was much softer now as his arms now wrapped around you from behind, “You should’ve known better not to try and scare me.”
Rolling your eyes, you tried to jerk away until Kirishima stepped before you and took your hands in his own, rubbing comforting circles around them before smiling, “We’ll get him next time angel, promise.”
The sound of Bakugou’s offended growl behind you had the corner of your lip twitch upwards, though you were trying your best to hide the smile. Unlucky for you, Kirishima caught it as he placed a warm kiss on your forehead.
“And we’ll do whatever you want now, the night is yours.”
Narrowing your eyes you pointed a finger to his chest, “Even if I want to binge every Halloween movie on Disney Plus?”
“Fucking hell-” Bakugou started behind you, but Kirishima simply shot him a glare before nodding to you.
A small smile cracked on your face now, the sight catching both boy’s attention as grins formed on their own lips.
“There’s our pouty girl’s smile.” Kirishima said, beginning to smother your face with kisses causing you to cringe a bit in Bakugou’s grasp. This only had the ash blond clamp down on your waist tighter as he joined in the barrage of kisses, your smile turning into giggles as you tried to push them away.
“You gotta admit, that was fuckin hilarious.” Bakugou spoke in your ear, moving his way in front of you next to Kirishima as you wiped at the dried tears on your face and rolled your eyes.
“Yeah yeah, it was a pretty good plan.” You spoke, your expression slightly growing annoyed before you glanced behind them at the black figure still standing there, “Though breaking through the glass was a bit overkill.”
Both boys glanced to each other, their eyes finally looking at the scene upon realizing the mess on the floor.
“That definitely wasn’t part of the plan, whoever decided to dress up really went all out.” Kirishima spoke with almost impressed eyes while he waited for one of his friends to reveal themselves from behind the tarp.
“Whichever dipshit decided to do that was an idiot, glass could’ve really hurt her.” Bakugou hissed, his eyes falling to your ankle to see a small drip of blood already spreading along your white sock.
Silently Bakugou motioned for you to hop on the old counter, you did so as he tugged at his sleeve and began to apply pressure to the small wound before he looked to Kirishima, “See which dumbass I’m going to blow up then find the others, should be outside.”
Kirishima nodded, now beginning to realize how weird it was that they didn’t reveal themselves as soon as you had been scared. Gripping at the top of the black cloak, he ripped it off only for his entire body to freeze up at the sight.
Bakugou waited to hear which stupid voice was going to give an excuse as to why they changed the plan, but when he was met with silence he was even more confused. Giving one last final wipe, Bakugou huffed to himself in satisfaction when your wound began to stop bleeding as intensely.
“Well who the hell is it-” Bakugou hissed, his head whipping to Kirishima only to see nothing standing before the redhead.
Quickly moving around him, Bakugou looked everywhere for the sight of one of his shitty friends, only to find no one in sight.
Kirishima was already looking at him with wide eyes, both of them swallowing what saliva was left in their dry mouths before looking at you. Surprisingly, your face wore an unimpressed look as you folded your arms and raised a brow.
“Y/n, get upstairs.”
Admittedly, Bakugou’s stern voice had you a bit on edge. When he spoke like this, he usually meant every word. But after the scare they just put you through, you had a hard time believing much of anything.
“Very funny, haven’t you guys had enough torturing for today?” You huffed, rolling your eyes until you felt a strong arm lift you up off the counter and place you roughly down on the floor.
“Y/n, go now.” Kirishima growled, this officially shocking you since the redhead rarely ever got aggressive with you in these situations. Backing up slowly towards the stairs, you kept your eyes glued to the empty kitchen before looking to the two boys.
“T..This isn’t a part of your prank?”
The sound of a glass plate being flung into one of the cabinets across the kitchen was an answer enough for all three of you, each of you making a mad dash up the stairs as more kitchenware began to rumble and shatter within the kitchen.
Your mind was racing, surprised your heart didn’t just stop from all the jumpscares you’ve experienced in the span of a few minutes. Even in such a stressful moment, you couldn’t help but feel confused. If this was their plan all along, how did this ghost end up knowing about it? And where were all of your friends that were surely in on it?
“Y/n, go in that room ahead!” Bakugou shouted from behind you, both boys close on your tail. Nodding you quickly reached the door, never yanking a door knob faster in your life as you whipped the door open only to feel your blood run cold.
Kirishima kept his eyes on the bottom floor, his quirk already activated in a defensive manner while Bakugou watched you freeze in place.
“The fuck are you doing?! Get in!” Bakugou screamed, growing more frustrated until you slowly fell to your knees, a loud cry escaping your lips.
Once you were down, Bakugou’s gaze finally fell on the sight before him and he felt like his heart was going to stop.
Kirishima felt his heart race as more chaotic noises grew closer from downstairs, his head whipping back to the two of you only to be confused as you both stood frozen.
“What’s going on?” Kirishima shouted, not quite being able to see around Bakugou before a loud bang was heard on the side of the stairs, “Shit Bakugou we have to go!”
Bakugou’s head whipped back at the loud bang, his eyes beginning to burn as he let out a growl and grabbed your waist, lifting you up as the two boys ran into the furthest room down the hall.
You remained shriveled up in Bakugou’s arms, your loud cries echoing through the home even throughout the chaotic noises that had Bakugou’s heart break.
Once Kirishima closed the door he looked down to your hysterical form, raising a brow to Bakugou while still keeping a close eye on the locked door, “What’s her problem?”
Bakugou thought about how he should respond, the sight alone would have been enough to bring the redhead to his knees as well, so he wasn’t sure how he would handle hearing it. But before the blond could open his mouth, your quivering voice filled in.
“O..Our friends! They were dead.” You cried, hands gripping onto Bakugou’s shirt as you sobbed into his chest.
Kirishima’s eyes were wide, his gaze immediately turning to Bakugou who had a dark expression on his face, “All three of em were there, covered in blood.”
The redhead felt his knees buckle, his mouth going dry as he processed Bakugou’s words. The brutish blond never lied about these types of things, and based off the glossy look in his eyes there was no lies to be found.
Either an intruder was in this house, or the story of the demon boy was real.
“We.. we need to get the hell out of here…” Kirishima said, though his voice wavered. He didn’t know what to really do, but he understood enough that he couldn’t lose either of you too.
Bakugou nodded sternly, his grip on the back of your shirt tightening as he glanced to the door which had horrifying sounds behind it.
“The last thing we need is that little fucking demon to hurt one of us,” Bakugou growled, eyes glowing with a new passion to bring pain to whoever caused all this, “How do you think we should get out?”
Kirishima pondered it for a moment, watching as you slowly brought your face out of Bakugou’s now soaked shirt. Your eyes were filled with fear and worry, and it made both boy’s hearts break even more.
This was supposed to be a simple prank, none of you ever expected it to turn into this.
Just as the two were about to converse over ideas, a sickly creak was heard from behind the three of you. All you wanted to do was pretend you never heard it and continue thinking of a plan, but with the situation you were in you knew you had to.
As the three of you looked back, all of your mouths dropped in horror to see the familiar cloaked figure standing before you, a sharp knife covered in blood swinging around in it’s hand before it pointed it to you all.
“Leaving so soon?”
The first sound to fill the air was your blood curdling scream, both Bakugou and Kirishima were quick to snap out of their feared shock thanks to their hero training. Without needing to verbally make a plan, Kirishima lifted up the nearby nightstand and launched it towards the window, the force causing it to shatter along the awning below you all.
Without a second to debate, Bakugou grabbed your hand and led you out the window, Kirishima close behind you. With little grace the three of you slid across the awning before Bakugou wrapped his arms around both of your waists and launched you in the air with his explosions.
The three of you skidded across the uneven gravel road, new cuts forming along your skin as you all glanced up at the dreadful haunted house.
“Holy shit.” Kirishima cried, his hands tugging at his hair stressfully as he looked down at the two of you.
“We need to get the fuck out of here and call the police.” Bakugou hissed, grabbing at your hand to help you up, though you didn’t miss the tremble in his hand.
There was no more joking, no more pranks, this was real life.
“B..But our friends…” You sobbed, head whipping back to the house as you felt your legs trying to give out again, “Our friends.”
“They’re fucking gone now Y/n, we need to leave before that thing gets us too!” Bakugou shouted a bit harsher than he intended, but with all three of you on edge you didn’t seem to notice.
Just as you all spun around and began running towards the front of the development, you all stuttered once you heard slow clapping behind you. For a moment, you all made a decision to run faster assuming it was that twisted demon still tormenting you from behind, but when you heard a dreadfully familiar voice you all officially stopped, blood running cold.
“I wouldn’t say we’re totally gone.”
You were the first to spin on your heel, your mouth dropped in complete and utter shock as you saw your three “dead” friends standing before you with grins.
Immediately hot tears began to fill up as you spun to the two boys who were still turned away from you, your fists clenching as you began to beat at their backs.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! That first scare wasn’t enough you assholes?”
Kirishima began to shake, not even feeling your furied punches while Bakugou caught your wrist, giving you a dark glare before focusing it towards his friends, “We didn’t plan this part.”
Your aggravated motions paused, eyes falling back to the two boys before glancing to your friends.
“Yup, it was all us!” Mina said with a grin, her arm slung around Kaminari as she stuck her tongue out, “Gotta admit, this is the best prank we’ve ever done!”
After everything you endured tonight, you had finally had enough.
“I thought you had died.” You cried, fists clenched before you raised a brow, “How did you even do this? Why did you do this?”
“Well Bakugou and Kirishima came to us with this plan to prank you,” Kaminari explained, your dark eyes glaring to both boys besides you before turning your attention back to the grinning boy, “And we thought that was super unfair to you so we decided to double cross your double crossed double cross.”
Your brows furrowed at Kaminari’s rather foolish explanation, arms folded as you let out an annoyed puff of air, “But you still scared me, what was the point?”
“It wouldn’t have worked as well if you knew.” Sero said matter of factly as he watched the three of you just stand there, devoid of all emotion.
Still your mouth was agape, your brain not being able to process the worst thirty minutes of your life you had just experienced. Luckily you didn’t need to think of anything to say, the sounds of sharpening and explosions going off besides you.
Justice was going to be served.
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grassyhorizon45 · 3 months
Remus Lupin x DiD!Reader :D The marauders meet Y/n properly for the first time and she switches out mid-convo :(
Warnings: Jilly, uhh nothing else I don't think :>
Word count: 552
a/n: feel free to rename Y/n's other personality ya
(edit: part 2)
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“Met the new kid today, absolute weirdo,” James shrugged. Lily elbowed him in the ribs, gaining an exaggerated “ow!!” from him. “If I judged you that way I wouldn't be here, you fudgehead.”
Sirius chuckled. “Lily's right Prongs. What's so weird about this new girl anyways?”
Remus listened intently.
“She's super quiet, jittery…..And the weirdest bit is the rumors circulating about her–”
Remus perked up, “You mean that she never had a sorting ceremony?”
“I heard one moment she's Slytherin, and the next she's rocking our red and gold uniform,” James added. 
“Is that even possible?” Sirius wondered. Lily shrugged, “Maybe, if Dumbledore had something to do with it.”
Sirius whistled all of a sudden, drawing their attention to him. “Speaking of which…” He mumbled in a hushed voice, eyes diverting to the small sized girl that had just entered the common room.
Remus stood up, his mind was on autopilot, focused on greeting this beautiful new girl. 
She really wanted to make friends, something the rest of the system disagreed with. She sighed, wondering why Dumbledore had made her uniform ‘change houses’ everytime they switched causing so many rumors about them to circulate. Sure it made them feel like they could each be their very own person, but technically speaking they weren't, and they never will be.
A guy approached her when she entered the Gryffindor common room. He had lovely brown eyes and a scar on his face.
“Hi. You’re new here right?” He extended his hand to her. She shook it timidly, nodding. 
He smiled warmly, “I'm Remus, Remus Lupin. And you are?” 
She heard his friends snickering from a couch near the fireplace. She hesitated, “I- I’m Y/n.” 
“Nice to meet you, Y/n. Welcome to Gryffindor.”
She smiled back. This guy was nice. 
The both of them stood there awkwardly. 
“Er… Would you like to hang out with us?” Remus offered.
This caught her off guard a bit. “S-Sure! Only if your friends are okay with it though…” 
He laughed, “They'll be fine.”
“Guys, this is Y/n. Y/n, meet–” He inhaled, “Potter, Evans, Black and Pettigrew.”
I don’t think I can remember all that—
“Hi…” She smiled shyly.
In an instant, Y/n felt herself get pulled away, her vision blurred and her thoughts got all fuzzy……
She was dissociating.
Remus knew it seemed a bit rude but when Y/n flinched and then zoned out all of a sudden in the weirdest way possible, Remus found himself waving a hand in front of her eyes.
“You all good?” Lily asked, voicing everyone’s concern.
She gained awareness and muttered, “Yeah. Great… Who the heck are you people again?”
The Marauders exchanged quick glances before Sirius spoke up, “Remus just introduced us. D’ you have short term memory loss, Y/n?”
She put a hand behind her neck. “Amnesia, something like that.” 
Qi didn’t like these people already. Y/n was making friends, sure… That didn’t mean she had to like it…… or them. 
She got up and stretched. “I’m gonna go,” she paused. “The name’s Qi by the way. Not Y/n.”
“Told you she’s a weirdo,” James mumbled after she’d left. Lily sighed at her boyfriend’s crazy remarks. 
Remus on the other hand couldn’t wait to talk to the curious girl again.
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
I'm In Part 2
Bang Chan/Fem!Reader/Felix
So this is the part 2 of I'm In. Quite a few people asked for this so I hope it lives up to the hype! This is the frst ever threesome smut I've written so I'm sorry if it's not that great!
Warnings: Established relationship, piv sex, unprotected sex, idol!au, swearing, pwp, oral (m recieving)
Word Count: 3157 M.list
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Never in your life had you spent so much time cleaning your apartment and choosing your outfit. Not even when Chan came round for the first time. Deep down you knew you were over thinking things. Felix wouldn’t give a damn if your place was messy, considering what it was that he was coming round to discuss with you and Chan.
‘Babe calm down! You’ve been jittery all day.’
‘I know! But I want to make a good impression.’ You turned away from Chan and reorganised the fruit bowel for the 100th time that evening.’
‘what the-? You’ve known each other for years??’ Chan was confused, not understanding why you were acting this way. He came over and spun you round to face him, hand coming to gently stroke your cheek.
‘Baby, if you don’t want this-‘ You abruptly cut him off.
‘No it’ not that. I just want it to go well...’ You sighed and sat down on the sofa, flattening out your dress. You had decided on a simple summer dress, so that if everything went to plan, Felix would have easy access. Chan placed his warm hand on your shoulder and went to speak, when the doorbell suddenly rang.
‘He’s early.’ You chuckled. Chan smiled back and went to let his band mate in.
You stood with a smile when they rounded the corner, pulling Felix into a hug when he approached.
‘Hey Lix, I’m glad you came.’ He affectionately returned your embrace, squeezing lightly as he pulled back.
‘Me too.’ Chan cleared his throat as you pulled apart.
‘so... Shall we get to business?’
The three of you had done as you’d planned, ordered food and alcohol, so you could loosen up whilst discussing your boundaries.
‘So first off, everybody want’s this right?’ Chan lead the conversation. If somebody wasn’t comfortable, there had been lots of time to pull out and so far, nobody had voiced any concerns. You and Felix both nodded at the question, prompting his to continue.
‘Cool. Do either of you have any boundaries? Things you aren’t comfortable with?’ You and Felix shyly glanced at each other.
‘I don’t think so?’ Felix said, almost like he was asking a question.
‘Me neither.’ You replied confidently. ‘ Though nothing weird please.’ Both men laughed at your attempt to break the tension.
‘Don’t worry, unless I’ve severally misjudged him, I don’t think Felix is into any weird shit.’ Chan reassured you and Felix nodded with a chuckle.
‘So erm... Do we just start?’ You spoke sheepishly. Chan smirked at your timid attitude.
‘Eager?’ You blushed profusely.
‘Why don’t you start with making out a little? Get a feel for each other.’ Chan suggested, leaning back in his chair and licking his lips subtly. You bit your lip and turned to face Felix, looking at him through the curtain of your hair.
He was staring back, eyes now slightly darker now that this was actually happening. You stood up, maybe a little too quickly, as you tried to act calm and collected.
You made your way across the room, swaying your hips seductively as you went, until you stood directly before Felix, staring down at him.
You placed you hands on his shoulders and suddenly straddled his waist, already feeling the beginning of a boner from him as you settled.  You licked your lips as you saw the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Leaning down, you finally connected your lips to his, both sighing contently as your mouths moulded together. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, so hard you were surprised it couldn’t be heard by the two men in the room.  You felt Felix’ hands come to rest on your hips, squeezing as he relaxed into the kiss. Feeling a little braver, you laced your fingers through his hair and probed his mouth with your tongue.  His hair had been recently dyed for the new comeback, and you would be lying if you said he didn’t look good with the blue hair...
‘Why don’t you touch her more?’ Chan’s voice broke through the air. Felix broke the kiss to look over to the older man, before slowly bringing his gaze back to you, silently asking fro permission. You nodded with a smile and brought him back in to kiss. His hands slowly began to trail up your body, shivers running down your spine as his fingers glided over your clothed skin, until he reached your breasts. You let out a gasp when he squeezed, kneading them with his fingers.
‘You’re soft.’ Felix breathed out. He’d clearly gotten more daring, as he pulled your dress down, revealing the top of your breasts, so he could suckle on the exposed skin.
You leaned your head back, unconsciously grinding down onto Felix, causing him to moan against your skin.
You parted your eyes slightly, chancing a glance at the man sat only a few feet from you. Chan sat at the edge of his seat, leaning forwards on his thighs.
His intense gaze was laser focused on Felix’ mouth attached to your chest. You craved for a bigger reaction from your boyfriend, so you decided to move things forwards.
You abruptly stood, causing Felix to look up at you with wide eyes, thinking he’d done something wrong. You only smirked as you looked over your shoulder to Chan. His eyes now bore into you, waiting for your next move.
You reached up to the straps of your dress and teasingly pushed the material down your body. You had to admit, you did feel a little embarrassed when your naked breasts came on display, having foregone a bra. You almost lost confidence in your little plan, ready to cover up, when you heard Felix mutter out a quiet ‘fuck’ under his breath. Dark eyes stared up at you as he started breathing heavier.
‘I knew you were eager baby.’ Chan smirked, making you blush. You looked over to see him lazily palming himself through his jeans. Felix took this opportunity to stand and pull his t-shirt over his head. He lunged forwards and took you in his arms, smashing his lips against yours.
His hands began to wonder, harshly gripping your bum, making you hiss out. You reached out and began palming him through his trousers. Felix broke the kiss and rested his head on your shoulder.
‘You’re still wearing too many clothes.’ You whispered in his ear as you undid his zip and roughly pushed his trousers and boxers down. Immediately, you took him in your hand.
‘Ah...’ He couldn’t stop the whimpers that already threatened to escape him.
‘Are you gonna let her do all the work?’ Chan breathed out. He’d now also undone his trousers and slid his hand inside.
Felix laughed lightly, before moving his hand round your body, and slipping it down the front of your panties. You whined out when his fingers teased your folds.
Your eyes were closed as you clung to Felix, until you felt a presence touch you from behind.
Your eyes shot open and craned your neck back to see Chan. He’d also stripped his clothes, letting his hot skin sit against yours and feeling his hard member poking at your backside.
‘I thought you just wanted to watch?’ You breathed as Chan nibbled at your neck. He only snorted against your skin. You giggled, taking this as your cue to carry on.
Felix bought his lips back to yours as you jerked him off.  Felix’ slender fingers rubbed at your clit softly, almost too softly... When you felt Chan’s fingers sliding under your panties from behind and started stroking the folds near your entrance.
You gasped out and clung tightly to Felix, when Chan’s fingers pushed into you.
‘don’t stop.’ Felix whined out when your hand stilled on his dick. Chan growled behind you, almost protectively.
‘She goes first.’ Felix grumbled but continued rubbing at your sensitive bud. He leaned down and started licking at your neck, your head leaning back to lean on Chan’s shoulder as you sighed out.
Chan’s free hand gently turned your face so he could kiss you. You’re heart was still beating loudly in your chest. No matter how confident you thought you were, the whole situation was intense. You’d never even been naked in front of someone you weren’t dating, and now you were being fingered by not only your boyfriend, but also one of his closest friends.
Your mouth hung open as your small gasps turned into breathy moans.
‘You close baby?’ Chan whispered in your ear. Felix hunched over and took your nipple in his mouth, all while pressing harder on your clit.
‘Ah! I’m cumming!’ You moaned out loudly, causing both men to speed up their movements. The sudden explosion between your legs was enough to make your knees buckle. If it weren’t for Felix in front of you, you would be on the floor.
You hunched forwards and wrapped your arms tightly round Felix’ neck as you caught your breath, whining slightly when Chan pulled his fingers out of you.
‘Fuck. That was so sexy. You’re so lucky you get to see that everyday.’ Chan smirked at Felix’ words, but decided to stay silent. He kissed your neck as he peeled himself away from you, helping you to disregard your soaked underwear.
‘You ready to continue baby?’ You nodded with a smile, turning to face him.
‘how do you want me?’  You smirked, beginning to stroke his member.
‘Shit, here.’ He threw down a pillow on the floor, so you wouldn’t hurt your knees. Always the gentleman.
‘You ready to fuck her Felix?’ You were now on all fours in front of him, legs spread and presenting your glistening centre to him. Felix’ eyes widened when he saw you take Chan fully into your mouth, right down to his pubic bone.
‘Fuck yes!’ Felix quickly nestled himself behind you, grasping tightly to your hips. He began to stroke his member across your folds, when he suddenly froze.
‘Do I need a condom?’ he asked, almost timidly, causing Chan to let out a breathy laugh as you sucked on his cock.
‘What do you say baby? Can he go in raw? As a special treat?’ You popped off Chan and flipped your hair to look back to Felix.
‘Just fuck me already.’ That was all Felix needed to hear to position himself back at your entrance, and roughly pushed into you. The sudden unexpected roughness from Felix was enough to make you wince and hiss out.
‘Hey!’ Chan seethed out. ‘Be careful!’
‘Shit, sorry Y/N.’ Felix squeezed your hip gently.
‘It’s ok. Please move.’ You moaned out, turning back to Chan and taking him back into your mouth.
‘My god you’re so tight! Fuck!’ Felix’ movements were fast and sloppy, overwhelmed from the feel of being inside you.
‘When was the last time you did it raw?’ Chan laughed out. Felix couldn’t answer. His eyes clamped shut with sweat running down his face as he tried to stop himself from cumming early.
You moaned around Chan as you felt another orgasm building up.
‘Shit I’m gonna cum!’ Felix moaned out behind you, movements becoming faster and harder as he released himself inside you. Felix was trembling so much and gripping your hips so tightly, you were sure you would have bruises in the shape of his hands tomorrow morning.
He’s hunched over and was basically hugging you from behind as he kissed down your back, making Goosebumps appear on your skin.
Chan pulled out of your mouth as Felix caught his breath.
‘don’t get too comfortable mate.’ Chan scolded playfully, causing Felix to groan as he pulled away from you. He cast his eyes down and saw his seed leaking out of you, sending a new wave of blood to his dick.
‘Shit... That was amazing...’ Felix leaned back against the sofa still on the floor, whilst you flipped yourself over.
‘You don’t have to tell me.’ Chan smirked. Smug bastard.
‘Shut up.’ You slapped his leg as he still stood over you, smirking. Chan kneeled down between your legs and placed his fingers between your sensitive folds, making you suck in a breath as he played with your slickness. His eyes were glued to the mess Felix left behind, and he couldn’t help but push as much cum back inside you as he could, not wanting a single drop to go to waste.
‘Think you can take me too baby?’
‘Fuck yes.’ You lunged forwards and bought him into a rough kiss as he slammed into you. You cast your eyes to the side when Chan pulled away to suck on your neck. You caught sight of Felix sat there, staring. He looked completely fucked out, eyes half closed and mouth hanging open. He was laser focused on you as Chan rocked into you.
You couldn’t help but reach your hand out to stroke across his leg and over his semi hard dick. He closed his eyes and relaxed back against the sofa as you lazily stroked him.
Chan couldn’t help but notice you were paying more attention to Felix that him as he was buried inside you. He felt a pang of jealousy so, he pulled almost all the way out and roughly slammed back into you. At the sudden assault, you gasped out and snapped your head back to face Chan.
‘You’re mine baby. Don’t forget that.’ He growled in your ear, causing you to shudder with desire. Your arms buckled beneath when Chan started playing with your clit, bud going into overdrive as you started cumming again.
‘Chan! Please don’t stop!’
‘Fuck!’ He slammed into you one last time before pulling out and quickly standing up, stroking himself to release all over your breasts.
The room was silent, apart from the heavy breathing of the three of you. You look over towards Felix and noticed his chest was now glistening . You giggled lightly, knowing he’d gotten himself off to you and Chan fucking.
You suddenly felt Chan kneeling next to you, placing gentle kisses along your bare shoulder.
‘You goof baby?’ You smiled and nodded, kissing him gently before he helped you to stand.
Felix shuffled behind you as he also stood. He shifted from one foot to the other as he tried to look smaller, as if he wasn’t sure what to do with himself now that it was over.
You quickly moved to the man and hugged him tightly, not wanting him to feel used or awkward around you now.
You cringed slightly when you remembered you were covered in Chan’s cum, but Felix didn’t seem to care, since he eagerly returned your embrace.
Pulling away, you smiled warmly as you stroked his cheek, before leaning in to kiss him.
‘Yeah.’ He confirmed with a toothy smile. Chan cleared his throat slightly.
‘Baby? Why don’t you go shower and we’ll clean up here.’ He cringed, looking down at the various fluids that now covered your living room floor.
‘Me and Felix can just clean up with the sink for now.’ Felix nodded in agreement, already looking for a towel.
‘Ah, are you sure? I feel bad making you do that.’
‘Y/N! It’s fine. We don’t mind being a little smelly for a while.’ Felix laughed, basically pushing you out of the room. You laughed along as you gave in and went to the bathroom.
As you showered, Felix and Chan were scurrying around to clean the room and themselves, before you remerged.
When you rounded the corner, you saw both men sitting on the sofa now fully clothed, looking to be mid conversation. Chan’s eyes lit up when he saw you.
‘Hey! You look cozy in that.’ He chuckled, gesturing to your fluffy robe. You smiled and made your way over, forcing your way in-between them.
‘That’s rude.’ Felix joked as he made room for you. You leaned your head on Chan’s shoulder and he put his arm around you.
‘So... What were you guys talking about?’ Chan and Felix glanced at each other, before shuffling awkwardly.
‘We were thinking..’ Chan spoke up, taking the lead ounce again. ‘That if you are ok with it, we could do this again some time?’ The breath hitched in your throat at his words. Glancing up at Chan and Felix, you could see the glimmer of hope on their faces, though they tried their best to mask it.
‘If you don’t want to then don’t feel like you need to.’ Felix spoke up when you didn’t answer right away.
‘No I’d love to do it again!’ You sat up straight. ‘But maybe we can do it on a bed next time?’ You all laughed and agreed. Even tough Chan had thrown a pillow down for you, you were sure you would still have bruised knees and palms in a few hours.
‘Crap.’ Felix cursed as he fished his phone out of his pocket.’
‘Han’s texting me. I forgot we were supposed to meet up today.’ He let out an exasperated sigh as he forced himself to stand up. ‘I need to go.’
‘Dude, you need to plan better!’ Chan laughed out.
‘I know, I know!’
‘Come on, I’ll show you out.’ Chan stood and patted him on the back. Before following after the older man, he turned to you and leaned down to hug you, which you gladly accepted.
‘I had a good time today Felix. I hope the feeling is mutual?’
‘Definitely.’ He replied with no hesitation. ‘I should go, but I’ll text you.’
‘You better!.’
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Later that night, you and Chan were cuddling on the sofa in comfortable silence, as you both watched TV.
‘So... What happened to you just watching today?’  Chan looked down at you in surprise, unsure why you were bringing that up again.’
‘I dunno. I guess I just couldn’t help myself. He was a little tense beside you as he stroked your shoulder. ‘Does it bother you? That I joined in today?’ Chan didn’t want to ask, but you bringing it up had caused his confidence to to waver.
‘No not at all!’ Chan breathed a sigh of relief.’ I only asked since you said you were into watching.’ You explained carefully, not wanting to upset or embarrass your boyfriend.
‘Yeah..’ He trailed off nervously. ‘I guess I got caught up in the moment.’ He chuckled. You smiled and sat up, moving to straddle Chan’s lap. He instinctively grabbed onto your hips. You stroked his face lovingly, and leaned down to kiss him.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too baby.’ You smiled and leaned down to kiss him softly.
‘so.’ Chan leaned his forehead against yours. ‘Do you think It’s too soon to schedule another date with Felix?’ You burst out laughing and smacked his chest.
‘You’re a horny mess Christopher!’
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likecanyoujustnot · 4 months
Cardan’s letters pov
Part 3: games
A/n: I wrote it pretty quickly. This is so much easier than the feysand one. Hm. Shouldn’t take me long to do the others
Part 2. Part 4
I was positively miserable. Another week had passed, making it 25 days she’d been gone for. I had never cared this much about time before now.
The court had noticed I wasn’t the same. Many rumours I’d been injured, or fallen ill. I supposed I was ill. Heartbreak or as close to it as I could get at the moment.
Never thought I’d feel something like this. Ever. Never thought I’d care so much about someone I’d yearn for their presence so much. To hear their voice, see their face and smile. Care so much that they could come so close to breaking my heart.
I’d come so close to just asking Taryn for help, but after all she’d done to Jude, I wasn’t inclined to speak to her.
But I knew who I would be.
“I know you’ve been seeing Jude.”
The roach looked up at me from where he sat looking at spy reports.
“What makes you say that?” The fact he didn’t deny it told me all I needed to know.
“You’re not the only one with sources.” It was a guess, but I knew him well enough to know he cared for Jude. He wasn’t likely to just ignore her.
“I am your sources.”
“That’s beside the point.” I sat at the small table across from him.
“Remind me again of the point since you already know I’ve seen her.”
Is she safe? Angry? Does she use her every breath to declare how much she hates me? I go for a less desperate question. “How is she?”
“She’s fine.” He went back to his report.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
He sighed and set down the pen. “She’s mentioned you maybe twice.”
My stomach dropped. Maybe she didn’t even see me as important enough to return to. “Is she angry?”
“As angry as someone who’s been exiled by one they trusted can be.”
“So very angry?”
“Not quite. She seems to be more… distant. Cold. She’s been using her time as a mercenary for the folk living in her area, getting paid just enough to help her sister, killing and dealing with their issues.”
She was queen now. Anything I owned now belonged to the both of us. And vice versa. She now had access to the entire royal coffers, all the gold and valuables Mab and my father collected.
Now hers.
“That news disturbs you.” He was very observant, I’d give him that.
I didn’t answer him for a while. Keeping quiet in thought.
“Does she want to come back?”
“I’m not sure, she hasn’t mentioned it.” His gaze hardened. “Besides, you exiled her, said that if she came back she’d be killed. Jude is many things, foolish is not one of them, she wouldn’t come back to a death trap.”
He didn’t know about the loophole, so I couldn’t have him relay the message.
“I spoke to Vivienne once while she was out.”
Vivi and I had been friendly. Her closeness to Rhyia caused us to interact on occasion.
“What’d she say?”
“Not much, she’s distrustful of the fae. Said Jude barely spoke to her, that she was jittery, would spend a couple minutes every day just staring at space, playing with the ring on her finger.”
The wedding ring. The one I’d used my lessons of slight hand to take as she’d worn it. Given back to her as we exchanged vows. The far didn’t do wedding rings. But I’d thought Jude would appreciate it.
She’d probably told Vivi we were married. I doubt either would’ve told the roach.
My heart ached. I’d been an idiot. Marry her and exile her in the space of a couple hours. What could go wrong?
Clearly everything.
I put my head in my hands and rested my elbows on the table. “I just want her back.”
“Maybe you should tell her that.”
“I can’t.” My voice cracked.
“Well then, not much I can do I’m afraid.”
I looked up at the roach. “Can you tell her?”
I glared at him. “I am your king-”
He stared back at me with just as much will. “Yes, but you are also my friend, Cardan. And I will not fix your mistakes for you. I will not be your go between in this weird relationship you two have going on. You want her back you tell her that, you fight for her back.”
“I’m not a fighter.” Balekin had felt the need to remind me of that every time I failed.
“Not all fighting is done with a sword.”
The roach stood up and left.
I grabbed a piece of blank paper from where he had been working and grabbed the quill.
The words came much easier to me today that they had the past times I’d tried writing to her.
You are in no mood for games. Very well. I am in no mood for them either.
Let me write it outright. You are pardoned. I revoke your banishment. I rescind my words. Come home.
Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you must.
Just come home.
I stared at the words on the page. No room for misinterpretation. I told her she wouldn’t be killed, that she would be safe, that I wanted her to come home. To me.
I needed her to come home.
My wife,
My queen,
My Jude.
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lilydoeswrite · 2 months
wattpad link previous chapter series masterlist next chapter
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summary: It is the 66th Hunger Games when Oceana Fontaine is reaped as tribute, and at just thirteen years old, the odds are certainly not in her favour. As much as it is seen as an honour for Oceana to represent her district in the games, it is also practically a death sentence. But Oceana knows she needs to go home and is determined to, no matter how low her chances are and with the help of her mentors, she might just do that. But if she is to win, she will have to learn where her biggest strengths start to turn into her biggest flaws and weigh her options carefully as she starts making choices that pushes her morality and the lengths she will go to for love.
tags: slow burn (finnick x oc), violence, death, canon typical violence the usual stuff when it comes to the hunger games, weapons, not sure what else
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“She’s alright!” Briar squeals loudly, smiling widely at me as Gill helps me sit up properly, passing me my flask of water as he encourages me to drink it. “You had us so worried, Oceana! Don’t you dare pass out again!”
“Sorry,” I apologise, slightly embarrassed as I open the flask, sipping some water. “Where’d you find the water?”
“Found a pond nearby,” Giselle smiles at me as I quench my thirst, “there’s a whole lot to the island worth exploring but don’t rush yourself, it’s important that you’re okay.”
It’s weird how caring they are towards me but I appreciate their kindness regardless. I take some food out of my bag to eat as I’m bombarded with a dozen questions on what had happened and if I was okay. I do my best to reassure them that I’m feeling better now although they don’t completely take my word for it, which is how I find myself stuck in the middle of the pack walking next to Gill who occasionally turns to look at me in order to ensure that I’m okay as we head to the pond.
It’s as if we’ve stumbled upon a sanctuary. Tall trees and bushes with flowers surround the pond as sunlight reflects off the pool which glimmered and shined under the sunlight. I wonder how Giselle had managed to find the pond with it so carefully concealed. We take a seat next to the water as we admire the swans which come and go. I'm holding onto my knife tightly until I’m assured that they aren’t Muttations of any sort– you can’t ever be too careful in the games. 
Filling up my flask, I sit cross legged on the floor in the comfortable silence which fills the air. For one reason or another, the atmosphere is calming. “Are we going to hunt more or lay low?” I ask, looking at Briar who shrugs her shoulders.
“It depends, I guess,” She says as she sets up a snare, “perhaps we’ll just lay low for now and maybe tonight or tomorrow we’ll continue hunting. Al, Chase and I already searched the surrounding perimetre– no one here so far but they’re probably further into the island.” 
I nod, looking at Gill who seems rather relaxed, throwing small rocks at the pond as it skips a couple times before plunging into the depths of the pond. 
The calmness everyone seems to be experiencing right now seems too good to be true, there’s no way the Gamemakers don’t have another twist coming our way so I don’t manage to loosen up, even as the sun begins to set into yet another pretty sunset. I want to be able to admire the sky in peace right now as it looks just like a painting but I can’t seem to; I feel restless and jittery, and overall, just uneasy. 
Everyone is talking excitedly about what they have in mind to try to form a plan for either tonight or tomorrow but I can’t help but think about how my short spell of passing out could harm my sponsorship chances. What if people thought of me as weak and incapable now? Surely, I can’t let them have such an impression of me. I need to redeem myself. “How about we go hunting tonight?” I say and everyone turns to look at me.
“Are you sure, Oceana?” Gill asks, “I mean, I’m sure it’s no problem but we just want to make sure that you’re alright.”
“I am, don’t worry,” I smile as he passes me a piece of squirrel meat for me to chew on. “Come on, I’m dying to get back into action, I’m sure everyone is.”
Silence fills the air as everyone now thinks of what to answer me until Briar breaks it, putting her arm around my shoulder, “that’s the spirit!” She says joyfully, “come on, guys! You heard the girl, let’s go!”
“I’m up for it,” Chase says, “but I’m not sure if that’ll be the smartest idea, we have no idea what this island will bring.”
“God, you’re starting to sound like Alvise,” Briar sighs, shaking her head.
Everyone goes back and forth for a while, debating– well more like arguing– if we should go hunting throughout the night or simply lay low. After a while, we finally come to a compromise– to simply repeat what we had done the previous night. Thirty minutes of arguing only to do the same thing as last night seems a little stupid but considering how much half of us wanted to hunt and how adament half of us were on laying low, I’m surprised we could even reach an agreement. 
I feel tired and weak for no reason as I rub my eyes tiredly before splashing my face with some of the water from the pond. I stare at the pond which now reflects the moon which hangs gracefully in the sky as night creatures start to come out, the sweet singing of the birds now replaced with the occasional hoot as the swans continue to wade in the water. No tent is set up today and we simply rely on our sleeping bags as I unroll mine.
Then, the seal of the Capitol can be seen, the anthem catching our attention and all of us turn to look. The headshot of the girl appears, she’s from district twelve and then the Capitol seal reappears. This means that the boy Giselle had slashed is still somewhere alive and she groans in frustration. 
“Oh come on!” Giselle exclaims, clearly frustrated that the boy somehow didn’t manage to succumb to death, “only one death?”
“Should’ve just finished him off, Giselle,” Chase remarks and Giselle remains quiet but grumbles something under her breath. 
“I’ll take first watch,” Briar says, beckoning Alvise to come to sit next to her, “Giselle and Chase, you guys can go after me.”
“I assume Gill and I will take the last one,” I say and Briar nods.
“You need as much rest as you can get,” she pats my head like I’m a child, which I suppose I am compared to her as she’s eighteen– close to Aurora’s age. “Go get some sleep.”
I nod and tuck myself into my sleeping bag as I try my best to let my muscles relax. It takes me a second to realise the chances of me getting decent sleep is zero to none. But, unlike in the Capitol where I could run off to the balcony, I have to try to force myself to sleep. Any fatigue would be seen as weakness– not to mention that the image the Capitol audience has of me is surely tainted now. I’m more than frustrated with myself, how could I be so stupid to let myself pass out? Surely I could’ve sucked it up. Or maybe I could’ve done something to avoid it. Did I just make Finnick and Coral’s job of getting me sponsors harder? What if I’m unable to get sponsors now? I take a deep breath in to calm myself down before I force myself to shut my eyes and try to come up with something to think about but don’t manage to.
I’m staring up at the starry night sky now as I listen to the occasional rustle of the trees and hoot of an owl, trying to make shapes out of the outline of the sky. I’m trying to recall the constellations Finnick had taught me about but don’t manage to, so I'm stuck trying to make sense of their odd shapes and figures. It’s about time when my eyelids start to feel heavy and my muscles start loosening up, my body feeling less tense as I shut them, hoping to finally drift off to sleep.
“Oceana,” Gill whispers as he shakes my body gently.
“What?” I ask, rubbing my eyes as I sit up, “is it time for our watch?”
I manage to make out the rough shape of him nodding and nod back, dragging myself out of the comfort of my sleeping bag and sit next to him, leaning against a tree. I’m still in a slight daze so I wash my face with the cold water from the pond and I’m awakened almost instantly. I let out a sigh and look at Gill who seems to be thinking about something. “What’s on your mind?” I ask.
“A lot,” he remarks, chuckling, “I hope my family is okay, mostly.”
“Yeah,” I simply say, “anything else?”
“Well, you scared the hell out of me when you passed out,” he laughs as he recounts the scene to me, “but at least you’re alright now.”
“I probably made myself look weak,” I scoff at myself, “I’ve got to find a way to redeem myself somehow. I hate to think how hard it is for Finnick and Coral to get me sponsors now.”
“Easy,” Gill shrugs, “we’re going hunting later, anyways.”
“Yeah,” I nod in agreement and silence falls once again. “I just hope I can go home.”
“You can, Oceana,” Gill says, “you’re probably the one that has the best shot out of all of us.”
I’m surprised by his comment, I had the best shot? Even compared to him who got an eleven on his training score? “Really?” I ask. 
I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it. 
I can hear him let out a sigh, “Yes.” He says, pausing to think before continuing to speak, “you’re the best with weapons out of all of us and you can be smart with your strategies. I heard of your original plan after we agreed to team up, the fact that I know you could’ve pulled it off even then says a lot, Oceana.”
“Who told you?” I ask, looking at him curiously.
“Coral told Dover after and Dover told me. I wasn’t supposed to know, and I wasn’t supposed to tell you that I knew but, here we are, I guess,” he laughs. “Just like how Finnick wasn’t supposed to get close to you.”
“What?” I ask, my voice soft and laced with confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Look, I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I’m probably going to die, so what’s the point in keeping secrets,” he says with a slightly cheerful undertone although I can’t tell if he’s joking or not. I hope he is. I hope he realises how good his chances are. “When Finnick wanted to check up on you after your private assessment with the Gamemakers, Coral got mad at Finnick when she realised how close you two got and told him to distance himself a little– to be fair, it’s true. The worst thing would be getting close and attached to the tribute you mentor only for them to die. Finnick got really angry, to say the least.”
I try my best to process Gill’s words. Did that explain the look Coral shot Finnick after? I wonder what they will be saying to each other now after the whole incident today. I hope I haven’t let either of them down. That’s the last thing I want. “Oh,” I muster out.
“But that’s besides my point,” he shakes his head, “my point is that, Oceana, you’re better than you think you are. You’re both skillful and smart. The only thing anyone can really fault you on is having too much compassion. If there’s anyone that’s going to come out of these games as a victor, it’s you. Believe in yourself, Oceana.”
“Thanks, Gill,” I try to hide my smile but I can’t. It’s nice that someone as skilled as him thinks that I’m indeed good enough to be a victor. Though, it’s the same as all the other compliments– it’s no use if I don’t actually have faith in myself because at the end of the day, though they are nice words, the nice words won’t do anything for me except for boosting my ego, I’m the only one that can do something about my fate in these games. 
We continue to talk to each other for a while, our voices filling the air as we talk about home; continuing to learn about one another before it’s time to wake the others up. I roll my sleeping bag up and stuff it in my bag before taking a drink of water and refill my flask as Gill goes around waking the others up. I check my holster which is hidden by my jacket, all my knives and daggers still placed neatly. I take one out and admire it, looking at the moon through the reflection of the blade until I hear my name being called. I grip onto my knife tightly, I have to be prepared to take my chance while I can. 
“Alright, let’s go,” Alvise says as he slings his bag onto both of his shoulders.
For the amount of sleep they’ve gotten, Giselle and Briar are far too excited to go hunting but a part of me tries to understand their excitement. It’s a new island which means new discoveries and encounters, which can either be for the better or the worse. We’re mostly familiar with the terrain as it’s similar to the previous forest except for the fact it’s less steep and that it’s by far prettier– even at night as we watch fireflies fly past us in awe.  
“It’s really pretty here,” I smile at Briar who hums in agreement as we walk through the forest. 
The further we go, the more magical it is and the excitement which was starting to die down comes back up when we hear a rustle in the bushes. All of a sudden, we’re all gripping onto our weapons and staying still, trying to find who or what was making the noise. I scan the distance and come across a sleeping horse, it’s eyes looking at me as it remains silently. Then, I’ve taken out my knife. That is no horse, that’s not how their eyes look like. That’s another tribute. 
I see panic flash in their eyes once we’ve realised each other and I set off running in their direction, sprinting as fast as I can as whoever this is, they’re quick. 
“Oceana!” I can hear Gill shouting my name as they run after me, but I’m far too concentrated on catching the tribute who’s running in a winding path before she trips on a rock and falls down onto the ground. Before she can scurry away, I’ve pinned her down with my knife in hand.
“Not that easy” she says as she kicks me, taking me off by surprise as I nearly fall to the ground before she attempts to grab the knife out of my hand. To give her credit, she’s daring. We’re in a full blown fight by the time I hear the footsteps of the rest of the pack, throwing punches at each other as she continues to wrestle the knife out of my hand. She’s given me bruises to last for days by now but so have I. 
“Finish her off!” Briar shouts, throwing her spear our way which causes the tribute to flinch in fear as she lets go of my hand to avoid it. I know what Briar is doing and so I take advantage of it, using the split second to throw a knife at her. I’m not sure where I should aim so I aim for her chest and the next thing I know, my knife is plunged into her flesh.
“Well done!” I hear Gill shouts and I smile at myself,  a sense of pride washing over me.
I’ve done it, I’ve redeemed myself.
She looks at me, eyes wide and glossy as she stumbles to the ground, her eyes gazing down at the knife and then at me, blood flowing out relentlessly as tears start to fall. I stare at her, swallowing my saliva thickly as I calm my breathing. 
I’ve done it, I’ve killed another one.
I want to tell her that I’m sorry and a million other words that I know won’t fix what had just happened but the next thing I know she’s on the forest floor, all the colour drained out of her face as she lies as blood drenches her clothes.
What have I done?
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author's note: HEY GUYS!! IM BACK (for real this time i swear)!!! sorry for not being so active in my updates, i've just been really overwhelmed with school and everything, especially now that i'm applying to go to boarding school, so things have just been really busy and hectic. i've also had massive brain fog and i've had problem focusing which doesnt help that much, but finally, i've managed to finish writing chapter eighteen which means i can put chapter fifteen out!! i promise i'll try to update as often as i can, it's just that my writing pace has really decreased so im trying to get it back and my momentum as well <33 i hope you guys can understand! as always, constructive criticism is always welcomed and if you like this, please consider to reblog or comment, it'll mean the world to me! thank you for reading <3
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dilf-whore · 2 years
my kind of girl (part 5)
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pairing: billy hargrove x f!reader
genre: friends to lovers! , fluff
summary: you grow closer and closer with the redhead you tutor… and maybe with her stepbrother too
A/N: part 5! sorry it’s pretty short but i hope you guys still like it nonetheless. let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! alsooo this would probably be an 8-part series 😗. thoughts/comments are also appreciated! send in requests too 💗
requested: no
requests are OPEN
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A few days has passed and the middle school’s Snow Ball is coming up, leaving Max all jittery and excited. Billy would often spot her in front of the mirror trying on some jewelries or go through her hair and do a bunch of hairstyles. 
Meanwhile, you and Billy have grown closer, he’s technically attached to your hip. Despite judging eyes around you, everything just seem alright whenever you’re with him - you really enjoy his company. He’d wait for you outside the classroom and grab your bag for you. He would also find himself quickly smiling like a fool whenever he sees you. The past few days were nothing but pure bliss for Billy. He can’t seem to point it out but, he sure does feel some odd things he never felt around a girl before.
It was lunch time, you and Billy were sitting across each other as he talks about his life back in California. “You know, I’m a pretty good surfer” he says, taking a bite from his food. “That’s so cool! You used to go to the beach often huh?” you ask as you place both your elbows on the table, resting your chin on the back of your hand. “Uh-huh, my mom would bring me there and we’d just - have lots of fun” he replies.
You take a sip from your juice box and lean closer towards Billy, “tell me more about her”. His body perks up, you smile as you see his beautiful blue eyes suddenly twinkle.
“Well first of all, she’s gorgeous of course i got my handsome face from her! she’s so supportive, and caring. There’s this one time...” You watch him talk about his mom with his whole heart, hands making gestures - moving from one place to another, your food already forgotten as you both got so invested. 
He grabs his wallet in his pocket and takes out a photo of him and his mom. “That’s her” he points at the blonde woman. You hold the picture, fingers brushing against each other, “she’s gorgeous Billy. You both look so happy here”
The night of the Snow Ball finally comes and you’re at Max’s room doing her beautiful red curls. You braid the front part of her hair and bring it to the side to show her face more. You clip it in place, earning a soft “ow” from her. 
“Sorry, had to make it a little tight so that it won’t get ruined” you say as you apply a little blush on her freckled cheeks. You hold her by her shoulders and make her face the mirror, “you’re so pretty” you compliment. An awkward smile forms on her face, not used to being dolled up.
 “Thanks Y/N. Still feel weird with this hair and face stuff, but I still love it though. I appreciate it”
A soft knock is heard and you signal the person to come in. Billy opens the door and stares at Max - a smile threatening to form but he’s too shy to do so, “you look great, Y/N did a good job” he finally say. “Ready to go?” he asks.
Billy parks beside the middle school gym, Max hops out of the car and goes to you and his step brother, “are you sure that you’re really okay with waiting here the whole night?” you nod in response.  “Especially you?” Max adds as she points at Billy, remembering how he’d leave her behind if she’s late even for a minute. But, that was before he learned how to be patient, “yes, I’m sure” he replies.
“Okay then” she says as she runs off, waving you both goodbye.
“so... what should we do while we wait?”
You go in front of Billy with a grin, “we can dance” you suggest.
ABBA’s Dancing Queen is playing in the background and you start swaying your body side to side and move your arms to the beat. He puts his weight on his car, crossing his arms as a small giggle escapes from his lips. You continue to dance along and do twirls from time to time, Billy watches your hair flowing perfectly as you move and your figure being perfectly lit by the moonlight.
"You’re so pretty” he mumbles to himself.
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 taglist: @slytherinintj13 @shatfairy @ribyourtoplip @1950schick @stephhevring @uglynuggy45 @sincerelii @jelly-donuts @eddiemunsonsbitch86 @mess-in-side @ineedtherapypleaseomg @koroktsuya @anitatvd @piizzaprincesss @cherriebat @gloryekaterina​ @younxii​ @angelbbygrl​ @inprixssss13​ @variety-fangirl​ @loudbluepancake​ @xcallmetaniax​ @ainhoamunson​ @fanatics30​ @daddysfavoritesexkitten​ @mochamori​ @squishiejiminiee​ @yellenabelovaa​ @glxwingrxse
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