#catch me wresting canon to try and come up with a way to write a scene of Jaden and Yuri interacting
shitpostingkats · 1 year
Jaden and Yuya are now my favorite dynamic of all time, and now that I’m being shown the similarities I’m wondering if it’s really just a coincidence GX and Arc-V are my absolute favorites out of all the Yugioh series this is insane 👀
Hehe. Gladly <3
(Uh. This got long so it's going beneath the cut for the sake of people's dashboards)
Well, first off, there's just a lot of similarities between Zarc (the original Zarc, before he split into the Yu-bois) and Jaden. Both can talk to duel spirits, both start out chipper and are driven to the edge by grief, both split into various personas/people (Jaden with himself and the supreme king, Zarc obviously into the Yu-bois), both fuse with their ace monster(s), and both carry the title of "Supreme King". Most interesting, to me at least, is how both shape a lot of their identities around what they think people want from them.
Zarc was content to be an amazing duelist, but felt pressured to put on a good show, to be more brutal. Jaden, more subtly, constructs most of his personality off being easygoing, chill, and carefree, because he internalized that his emotions are dangerous, and people would rather deal with happy Jaden than the emotional disregulation mess that he actually is.
And both of them, when they get overwhelmed, adopt a mentality of "Well, the world might as well burn with me."
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Jaden, rather than feel his grief, locks off his own trauma behind a brick wall and goes on smiling. Yuya, rather than deal with his dads disappearance, does the same.
I'd also like it noted that supreme king Jaden and supreme king Yuya have yellow eyes.
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And some teal/orange eye asymmetry
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Honestly, even dragon form Yuya and the Supreme Kings armor have similar silhouettes.
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Mostly its in the spikes on the shoulders and elbows, and the fact that Zarc Yuya forms a weird chestplate (and that this is the same art team and visual style)
Another thing I get hung up on is that both Jaden and Yuri have super poly. In GX, Jaden had to go through an entire arc of misery to get that card, and Yuri just? Has it?
So my little headcanon, is that in the original timeline, before the dimensions were split, Zarc had the spirit of The Supreme King, able to command duel monsters and wield The Gentle Dark. Unfortunately for everyone, he got a teensy bit traumatized before he could enact his destiny of defeating The Light Of Destruction. Using his powers, he fused with his dragons, nearly destroyed the world, etc, etc. When he split, the Supreme King couldn't just split into four the same way the rest of his soul could, and so while the dimensions split, the past was rewritten to attach the power to a different soul, with a different guardian to boot. Similar to how the timeline got all borked to set everything back to a late nineties world of duel monsters.
Which would make Yuya 1/4 of an alternate universe version of Jaden. And I think there's a lot of fun to be had with that idea :)
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lildevyl · 4 years
Idea that will NEVER See the Light of Day!
Okay, so, I’m going through a FUNK right now!  So, I’m just going to put all my ideas that are going through my head and the ones that I actually written down here.  Feel free to use any of them! Just tag me if ya do so I can R&R!
Art Ideas:
My Creative Buddies/Multi-Fandom Fiends as Yugioh Cards:
Okay, so I’ve kinda have some inspiration! A while ago I posted that I’ve been going through somethings and needed a distraction. Someone reached out and gave me an Art Request! I’m going to do it! I just need kick myself to get going! The Art Request is Joey Wheeler from Yugioh in Prince Aldan’s Costume from Disney’s Aladdin.
The idea and inspiration is draw all of my Creative Buddies (Mutals) and my Multi-Fandom Fiends as Yugioh Cards! And have a little text about the cards. Their special Attacks/Abilities, which cards go great with them.
Don’t Draw Chase!:
This is a two parter!
Part 1:  I do the little challenge/tag reblog of my drawing Chase and then gets transported to where Chase got transported too
Part 2:  I draw my Creative Buddies/Multi-Fandom Fiends who are Artists, drawing Chase and then they get transported to where Chase gets transported too! The Plot Twist is that they call me up wanting to know if I can help them get back, only for me to find out that they somehow got transported into a story or comic that I was working on!
Animal AU:  This is based on @septic-dr-schneep​​ Animal AU.  The Egos as Animals! I want to draw JJ as a Rabbit thumping his big paw in Morse Code. Something like this, thumpthumpthump Thump Thump Thump  thumpthumpthump.  SOS
I’m planning on drawing all the Egos as the different Animals that I want to draw them as in the Animal AU that’s probably never going to see the light of day of me writing it!
JJ as a Rabbit.  Chase as a Golden Retriever.  Schneep as an Owl.  Marvin as a Cat or something in the feline family.  Jackie as Service Dog.  Anti as a Buzzer/Vulture something along those lines.
Draw this in Your Own Style:  I don’t think this is going to happen.  Mainly, b/c I don’t have my own style or I just don’t know what my style is!  I wanted to draw one of @huffletrax​ Marvin’s Drawings.  This might come around, when I get myself to stop staring at a blank screen or wasting time scrolling through Reddit or Tumblr and actually do something!
Fantasy AU:  Inspired by @rogue-of-broken-time​'s Fantasy AU.  I'm not sure if I'll ever get to draw this!
I want to draw like a mini comic or something.  You're walking along a path in the woods to find someone.  It's getting pretty dark, and you have no idea where to go or what's actually out here.  You see tiny little lights and then you see a floating eyeball?!  The green floating eyeball waves it's tail at you to follow it.  It leads down the path and then off the path to clearing.  There you see the person who you've been searching for!
"Ah, I see you found them, Sam!  Come in, come in!  Have a seat!"  The person points to one of the stones to sit on.  "So, what can I do for ya?" You hand them a scroll that King has order you, the Royal Scribe to give to them.  "Ah, so you want to know what actually happened?  You're the Royal Scribe?  The one to keep all the records?  I see.  Well, I can help you!  I know what did happen all to well."  They look off into the distance for some time.  "My name's Rogue and I'll tell you the tale."
Writing Ideas:
Animal AU:  This based on @septic-dr-schneep's Animal AU.  Thank You Rilia for the inspiration but I'm sorry that I won't be able to write anytime soon!
Summary:  Sarah needs a Service Dog a for her heart condition. If her heart rate reaches above a certain level she could pass-out and die.  Her father does everything he can to make sure that Sarah get the Service Dog that she needs! Sarah, names the dog Jackie after Septic City's Superhero Jackieboy Man. Some time passes and Sarah and Jackie are having a time of their lives!
Sarah's knows that do to her condition that she will never be able to follow in her father's footsteps to become an Officer, so she decides to become a Vet instead!  Being able to help others and their beloved pets.  However, Sarah and her friends notice that something really weird is going on in Septic City.  All the stray Animals have started to disappear and it's not do the Animal Shelters either!
Sarah accidentally stumbles upon the reason why the Stray Animals have been disappearing.  Some Mad Scientist/Vet have been pet-napping them and using them for his experiments.  Now, with Sarah in his grasp and them being out near the city limits of in one of the abandon warehouses, the Mad Scientist can finally start using her as a test subject!
Sarah's father, Septic City's Police Chief asks help of someone he never thought in a million years for help to help bring his daughter back in piece, Jackieboy Man.
Fantasy AU:  Inspired by @rogue-of-broken-time's Fantasy AU.  Thank You so much for the inspiration Rogue!  Hopefully, this might get written!
Summary:  In a far away land, a Kingdom lives in peace with Magic and Non-Magic users co-existing peacefully.  But things haven't always been, this peaceful between the two Races.  Magic was heavily feared and outlawed in a Kingdom where King Anti rules with an iron fist and a Black Heart.  One Kingdom welcomes all Magical beings and has kept the peace for years.  Until the Corrupted King declares war and secrets of the Corrupted King and the heir to the Magical Kingdom comes to the surface.
Wrestling AU:  This idea is inspired by the YouTuber Tournament Series by N60Sean!  He uses Create A Wrestlers of different YouTubers and it got me thinking!  A crossover of YouTube and Wresting!
Summary:  Felix Kjellberg aka "The King of YouTube" decides to start his own Wrestling Company with the help of his friends and Indie Wrestlers! The Wrestling Company is a huge success but it also catches the attention of another Wrestling Company, AEW (All Elite Wrestling).  Cody shows up on the biggest night of them all, offering to buy Felix's Company all out with no strings attached and to buy all of the Wrestlers too!  Felix refuses and now there is an all out War!
Yugioh AU:  A Crossover with YouTube and Yugioh!
Summary:  One of Jack's friends has been kidnapped!!!  Now, he and his friends have compete in a Duel Masters Tournament to get his friends back!  Along the way, Jack discovers more about himself, and about the spirit of his puzzle Sean.
Egopocaplse:  The Universe/World of the Egos that I've been writing about!  I'm not sure if I'll ever get to write the one-shots/multi chapter stories about the Egos that I want to write.  I have most of the Head Canons of the Egos and what I like to write about these guys and have an idea on where I want to go with it.  And with the all the Guest Stars too!  I just have no idea if I'll be able to actually not only write the stories but also finish the damn things!  I have so many WIPs it's not even funny and I want to freakin' finish them but it seems like every time I'm stuck on a story, I get an idea for another!
And no, I can't really hyper focus on one thing and though I'm super into it! My brain just work like that!  I don't know why, but I just doesn't!
Love Potion:  Inspired by @m4delin and @juju-on-that-yeet Ego Ship of Illinois and Yancy!
Summary:  Yancy and Illinois have a crush on another but neither of them know it!  It’s gotten to the point where everyone in Ego Inc. has place bets on who will confess to who first!  But when Illinois and Yancy over hear the other say something, they both think that the other has crush on someone else!
Meanwhile, Yandereplier is desperate to find their Senpi!!  After helping Marvin translate one his spell books, Yandere finds a spell that they want to try out. Reveal Your True Love.  When Illinois mistakes the potion for a flavor syrup that Yandere accidentally left out on the counter, Illinois suddenly has the urge to confess his love to a very confused Yancy.
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Summary:  Hundred years have passed since the last Avatar was reincarnated. No one knows what had happened to the last Avatar an Air Bender, but now with the Commit on its way to give the Fire Nation one last powerful push.  The new Avatar, a Water Bender has been found.  A South Pole Water Bender, named Sokka.
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annerbhp · 6 years
What’s your writing process like?
A hot mess.
No, seriously. It’s a complete mess, but it’s my mess, tailored to me perfectly, and I think that’s the big battle with writing–coming up with a system that works for you, and being able to deal with it and modify when it stops working for you.
Here are my current eleven painful steps to writing a fic:
1. Conception - I daydream a lot. Like, while I’m falling asleep at night, while I’m doing the dishes, taking a shower, commuting to work, running an errand, sitting through boring meetings, I’m constantly running scenes and imagining snippets in my head. This is usually when a new story idea hits me. So I daydream about it for a long time. I start collecting emotions and visualizing moments. A lot of ideas die at this point, getting lost in the chaos of life or just not capturing my attention long term. The ones that do though, eventually crystallize enough that I feel compelled to start actually writing it down.
2. The Mad Scramble - At this point, I open a document and word vomit. It’s a scramble, to try to purge all those various imaginings and scenes and snippets of dialog and feelings and just get them down as fast as possible before they fade or I forget them. Totally out of order, totally unconnected, just vomit, vomit, vomit. Interspersed with brainstorming, since most of my stories are AU, I’ll just write long narratives of where are we, what has changed, why, and often the ideas change and evolve as I am writing them down. That doesn’t make sense, what about this instead? What would happen if that happened? In this phase I try very hard not to edit myself. I always know I can come back later and massage and edit. Again, a lot of stories die in this phase. Or fizzle out and get chucked back in the writing file as another idea starts taking over my daydreaming.
3. Rough Skeleton - After a lot of word vomiting, I usually pull back a bit to try to wrest some sort of logical order. Usually this just means shifting things around so there is a Point A: where the story starts, a Point B: what is the big dramatic beat where conflict erupts?, and a Point C: where are we when it ends? Often these specific three scenes are the first to get written, even if never in their final form. This starts to crystallize the overall journey of the fic. What is the plot change? What is the emotional change? What is the character change? And since I write mostly ship fic: how has the relationship evolved by the end? This is usually the point I can start imagining titles, which lets me know that I kind of know what the point of the fic is.
4. Useless Puttering - Now I descend back into my favorite past time: daydreaming. I imagine scenes, once again totally out of order, but that fill in between Point A and Point B, and Point B and Point C. Other important beats get established. I just dream up dialog and scenes and imagine emotions, and things just happen. Some of them get down on paper again. Not necessarily in their final place, but I get the most important dramatic beats in between the main points. The story is now full of unhelpful notes like: Have Hermione show up here and say something that makes Harry think about blah blah. Or, don’t forget that Ron is still mad at Ginny here. Was blah blah ever explained? And my least favorite placeholder: kissage. Stuff I will go back later and deal with but don’t want to now. I pretty much let myself write whatever the hell I want at this phase (the ‘good’ bits), knowing I can come back to things later. Momentum is too important here.
5. Rereading - Now comes the phase I get stuck in endlessly. At this point, I start obsessively rereading what I’ve already written. On a good day, that means I will start editing and filling out and toning some things down (my first word vomit versions are usually over-the-top DRAMATIC), pulling threads through the fic as I go along, making sure the emotional beats are going in a believable and satisfying way. Chapters start to form if there are going to be chapters. But more often than not I just re-read and re-read with very little changes. This is another big stall out point for me.
6. Walk Away - With almost every story at this point I feel the need to walk away from the story. I get bored with it after re-reading it so many times. I get frustrated. I run out of ideas and I generally stop caring about it. I have to admit, quite a few stories die at this point. And sometimes for good reason. (This is also where I start whining to people who are kind enough to listen, as I am sure @bethanyactually and @weatheredskies and @runawaymarbles can attest.) This is a really good point to put it away and just ignore it. My daydreams go somewhere else (and inevitably this is where my next story is born). When I was writing The Changeling and hit this point, this is where the majority of the Armistice Series was born. When I was stalled out on pick it up, this is where my coffeehouse AU was born. It’s good palette cleanser. Sometimes this lasts a few days, a week, a month. For The Changeling that one time, it lasted A YEAR. (Though there were other Real Life considerations influencing that as well.) I fill out a lot of memes at this point. Get caught up with asks and comments. I read other people’s fic.
7. Hello, Old Friend - If I’ve been away long enough, coming back to the story for a fresh re-read is like coming home to an old friend. Hey, this isn’t as bad as I thought! I really like this bit here. And this new wave of energy comes up. I start daydreaming again, I re-read and modify as I go, and the story starts to fill in more and more. I start getting antsy to share it with people. I might give small snippets to my long-suffering friends who listened to all my complaining.
8. Pen and Ink - At some point the second honeymoon ends, and I start getting frustrated with the document, feel overwhelmed trying to wrap my brain around things. Depending on the size of the story, this might be post-it notes and outlining time, where I use color coded paper and/or pens to make sure there is balance between narrative POVs and plots and themes and whatever threads are being dragged through the fic. I will also hit a point when I can’t edit on the computer anymore and I print out a chapter. I will take that chapter with me to a coffee shop, pull out obnoxiously garish pens, and write all over it. This is how I know I am very nearly there. I will scribble that print out to death. I take a break again here, and then come back and input the edits on my computer. Sometimes the process has to be repeated, but more often than not, the chapter is now in rough draft format.
9. Betas Are a Writer’s Best Friend - At this point I upload the chapter/story to a google doc to share with a beta. For Armistice, I am spoiled enough to have four (!!) people looking at chapters for me right now. One is a literal Squee Beta. She reads it and squees at me and helps me believe that it is not complete garbage. Another is a beta who is very willing to completely disagree with all my life choices, which I find hugely helpful because I have to justify my choices and admit when I’m being lazy–this often leads to disgruntled rewrites that make the story better. My two original betas are great at not just grammar (which boy do I need) and catching mistakes here and there, but discussing character beats and plot points, and asking me questions, and being endlessly willing to just talk about the story with me. (How are there people this awesome that exist?)
10. Final Edits - Sometimes the final edits are painless, but often there is some melodramatic whinging on my part at this point and some rewrites, as I battle the need to just be done with it and getting it done right. Though I am also known for sitting on a final draft far too long. Like, maybe not making a single change for a week, but still not just POSTING it. Again replying to asks and getting caught up on comment replies is my best stall tactic. (hmmmm…)
11. Posting - I usually do this when I am completely sick of the chapter/story. That lets me know I am done. I am no longer daydreaming about that part of the story. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. It becomes this immutable canon-like thing in my head that can’t be changed anymore. So, I post it. And then spend the next day a total and complete wreck as I wait for validation of some sort. If I’m lucky, I get some, ride a high for a few days, and then back to Step 5 for the next chapter, because, boy, if they liked that, I can’t wait to share this next bit with them.
The End
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