#catching up after holiday
thefisherqueen · 1 year
Reading Letters from Watson's The Norwood Builder now! Here we go :)
“From the point of view of the criminal expert,” said Mr. Sherlock Holmes, “London has become a singularly uninteresting city since the death of the late lamented Professor Moriarty.” You literally killed him, Holmes, then faked your own death and spent years in hiding because of him, and now you're complaining that he's dead and you're bored - to the very one who's still recovering from the shock that you're alive? I diagnose you with some major Readjustment Issues and should consider therapy instead of just trying to cope with inappropriate humor. Watson is very valid in calling you whimsical
"At the time of which I speak Holmes had been back for some months, and I, at his request, had sold my practice and returned to share the old quarters in Baker Street." Of course. No news here
“I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes,” he cried. “You mustn't blame me. I am nearly mad. Mr. Holmes, I am the unhappy John Hector McFarlane.” Quite the introduction! By the way, why are so many of Holmes' clients young men on the verge of a nervous breakdown?
"Familiar as I was with my friend's methods, it was not difficult for me to follow his deductions, and to observe the untidiness of attire, the sheaf of legal papers, the watch-charm, and the breathing which had prompted them. Our client, however, stared in amazement." Character growth! Well done, Watson. I'm proud of you. Freemasonary, by the way, is so broad a movement it barely means anything. This quote prompted me to do some research into the symbols of freemasonry. The watch in itself isn't the symbol, a combination of a builder's square and compasses (used to draw perfect circles) with the letter G was the most common one. I guess Watson is referring to the fact that this gentlemen's watch has an added engraving or something similar with this symbol. Also, I wonder about the connection between freemasonary and the murdered man being a builder in this case.
“Arrest you!” said Holmes. “This is really most grati—most interesting. On what charge do you expect to be arrested?” Omg. Barely caught himself there
"My companion's expressive face" Oh, the contradictions in Holmes' character writing. Is Sherlock Holmes that expressive suddenly, or is Watson just able to read him really well?
"He was flaxen-haired and handsome in a washed-out negative fashion" Watson was that judgement really necessary
"For some years he has practically withdrawn from the business, in which he is said to have amassed considerable wealth." Not working, yet amassing wealth. I'd say that's suspicious but, really, under capitalism the only people who are able to gain wealth are those not working - either exploiting or investing (likely both)
"It is known that Mr. Jonas Oldacre had received a late visitor in his bedroom upon that night, and the stick found has been identified as the property of this person, who is a young London solicitor named John Hector McFarlane." Inviting young sollicitors into his bedroom at night. Creepy behaviour. (can't help but think about Dracula's Jonathan Harker). Also, I'm glad the openly naming of suspects is restricted nowadays. No opportunity of a fair trail otherwise
"The conduct of the criminal investigation has been left in the experienced hands of Inspector Lestrade, of Scotland Yard, who is following up the clues with his accustomed energy and sagacity.” Yay, we'll get to see Lestrade again!
"One moment, Lestrade,” said Holmes. “Half an hour more or less can make no difference to you, and the gentleman was about to give us an account of this very interesting affair, which might aid us in clearing it up.” “I think there will be no difficulty in clearing it up,” said Lestrade, grimly. Power struggle. Bless Holmes for working independent and not afraid to tell the police off
“‘Here is my will,’ said he. ‘I want you, Mr. McFarlane, to cast it into proper legal shape. I will sit here while you do so.’ “I set myself to copy it, and you can imagine my astonishment when I found that, with some reservations, he had left all his property to me." Strong Jekyll and Hyde paralell here. I wonder, is murder conviction a legal reason to exclude someone from a will? I guess that doesn't even matter anymore if McFarlane would be executed. And who will the inherentence go to then? The next in line family member? Strong motive for framing McFarlane for murder, then. Next line of inquiry, I guess: who else knew about the will?
Already really liking this story! Protect this poor young sollicitor from injustice, Holmes
"He was a strange little, ferret-like man" Comparing people to animals again. Did McFarlane really say that, Watson, or was that one of your fancy additions?
“You can imagine, Mr. Holmes, that I was not in a humour to refuse him anything that he might ask. He was my benefactor, and all my desire was to carry out his wishes in every particular." Dosing so might cost you your life, McFarlane. *mutters about power imbalace*
“Not until I have been to Blackheath.” “You mean to Norwood,” said Lestrade. “Oh, yes; no doubt that is what I must have meant,” said Holmes, with his enigmatical smile." Oh, Holmes is delightful here! Wasn't Blackheath where McFarlane lives? My guess is that Holmes wants to know what the connection between Oldacre and McFarlane's parents was. Were they both in a same freemasonry community? That would tie it neatly together
I don't trust Oldacre's motivation in leaving his inherentance to McFarlane. Seems a bit like whitewashing of ill-gotten money to me. Then, again, he wouldn't have arranged his own murder. Or - wait - is he really dead? Since there's only some blood and charred remains found. Easy enough to fake. I have a Theory. I feel Clever (likely wrong but who cares)
"You are too many for me" Love that expression. Going to use that
"It is curious—is it not?—that a man should draw up so important a document in so haphazard a fashion. It suggests that he did not think it was going to be of much practical importance. If a man drew up a will which he did not intend ever to be effective he might do it so.” He did not ever intend the will to be effective. I think we have our villain! *Points to my theory* And - did he hide McFarlane's walking cane on purpose? Motive still not entirely clear to me. Fake your own death for life insurence, sure, but not to claim an inherentence that is currently already your own. Something most be up with that money to devise an elaborate, dangerous plot like that
“Well, it is quite possible; but the case is not clear to me yet.” “Not clear? Well, if that isn't clear, what could be clear?" Oh, Lestrade. You started so well by being picking up that Holmes had Thoughts and being willing to listen to him. But now...
Holmes thinks a bypassing third person did it. I'm not buying that. And, after Lestrade's remark that no papers were taken while a third person would have done that, I don't think Holmes is convinced anymore either
"But it is evident to me that the logical way to approach the case is to begin by trying to throw some light upon the first incident—the curious will, so suddenly made, and to so unexpected an heir." Yes! Investigate that!
"There is no prospect of danger, or I should not dream of stirring out without you." Awww! Also, famous last words, Holmes
I had to look up what black-guard means. According to the cambridge dictonary, apperently a word for someone who has no moral principles.
Holmes did you really just call a human being 'fluffly?"
Yet another murder victim who was a terrible person and is not mourned. This is really a repeating theme
“‘You knew him at that time?’ said I." “‘Yes, I knew him well; in fact, he was an old suitor of mine. Thank Heaven that I had the sense to turn away from him and to marry a better, if a poorer, man." Oh, it's personal! Good for her for getting away from him
"She rummaged in a bureau, and presently she produced a photograph of a woman, shamefully defaced and mutilated with a knife. ‘That is my own photograph,’ she said. ‘He sent it to me in that state, with his curse, upon my wedding morning.’ What the fuck. Please let Oldacre be the villian of this story
"I crawled about the lawn with an August sun on my back, but I got up at the end of an hour no wiser than before." Another very amusing image
"Unless some lucky chance comes our way I fear that the Norwood Disappearance Case will not figure in that chronicle of our successes which I foresee that a patient public will sooner or later have to endure.” Holmes! Be more kind to your chronicler!
"But I fear, my dear fellow, that our case will end ingloriously by Lestrade hanging our client, which will certainly be a triumph for Scotland Yard.” Don't give up Holmes! *points to my theory, somehow it all still fits*
"I do not know how far Sherlock Holmes took any sleep that night, but when I came down to breakfast I found him pale and harassed, his bright eyes the brighter for the dark shadows round them." Now I'm feeling sad :( Please, Watson, cheer him up
"Take your breakfast, Watson, and we will go out together and see what we can do. I feel as if I shall need your company and your moral support to-day.” Awww
“At present I cannot spare energy and nerve force for digestion,” he would say in answer to my medical remonstrances." Damn it Holmes, that not how that works. Please take care of yourself
"He led us through the passage and out into a dark hall beyond. “This is where young McFarlane must have come out to get his hat after the crime was done,” said he." Wait, didn't the housekeeper say that McFarlane left his hat behind?? *beep beep* tempered with evidence?
“What a providential thing that this young man should press his right thumb against the wall in taking his hat from the peg! Such a very natural action, too, if you come to think of it.” Holmes was outwardly calm, but his whole body gave a wriggle of suppressed excitement as he spoke. “By the way, Lestrade, who made this remarkable discovery?” “It was the housekeeper, Mrs. Lexington, who drew the night constable's attention to it.” This is hilarious. Holmes is so ready to tear this 'evidence' to treads
"The fact is that there is one really serious flaw in this evidence to which our friend attaches so much importance.” “Indeed, Holmes! What is it?” “Only this: that I know that that mark was not there when I examined the hall yesterday" Yes :) Now just find the evidence to convince the police. I also wonder how Oldacre attained McForlane's thumb imprint? Perhaps he just asked for it, since McForlane was not in a position anyway to refuse even an odd request?
"And now, Watson, let us have a little stroll round in the sunshine.” I'm making a lot of awww-sounds while reading this story. This is just so cute. I love them going out for walks!
"Lestrade knew my friend too well to disregard his words. He laid down his pen and looked curiously at him. “What do you mean, Mr. Holmes?” “Only that there is an important witness whom you have not seen.” “Can you produce him?” “I think I can.” I'm excited! Is this where Oldacre is shown to be not dead at all? Hiding in one of those attic bedrooms, is my guess?
"Holmes stood before us with the air of a conjurer who is performing a trick." Of course Holmes can not help but be Dramatic (TM) about this. What is he going to do? Smoke the man out?
"A door suddenly flew open out of what appeared to be solid wall at the end of the corridor, and a little, wizened man darted out of it, like a rabbit out of its burrow. “Capital!” said Holmes, calmly. “Watson, a bucket of water over the straw. That will do! Lestrade, allow me to present you with your principal missing witness, Mr. Jonas Oldacre.” Can't believe I got it right! A fake door, no less. Such a fun, dramatic reveal
"It was an odious face—crafty, vicious, malignant, with shifty, light-grey eyes and white eyelashes." *Sigh* There we go with the criminal faces again
Lestrade really owes Holmes a lot this time
“And you don't want your name to appear?” “Not at all. The work is its own reward. Perhaps I shall get the credit also at some distant day when I permit my zealous historian to lay out his foolscap once more—eh, Watson?" Now this is just flirting. I approve
“There's the advantage of being a builder,” said Holmes, as we came out. “He was able to fix up his own little hiding-place without any confederate" Nice tie-up. I wonder about the other loose ends? Will the freemasonry still come up?
"I thought he had not the nerve to lie quiet before an alarm of fire. We could, of course, have gone in and taken him, but it amused me to make him reveal himself; besides, I owed you a little mystification, Lestrade, for your chaff in the morning.” And this is 100% Holmes. I love that man
"It was amusing to me to see how the detective's overbearing manner had changed suddenly to that of a child asking questions of its teacher." I adore Watson's narration here. He is just shamelessly laughing at Lestrade
"He determines to swindle his creditors, and for this purpose he pays large cheques to a certain Mr. Cornelius, who is, I imagine, himself under another name. I have not traced these cheques yet, but I have no doubt that they were banked under that name at some provincial town where Oldacre from time to time led a double existence. He intended to change his name altogether, draw this money, and vanish, starting life again elsewhere.” So that was how he intended to do it. Clever scheme.
It takes a special kind of evil to be angry at a woman for rejecting you and then, as revenge, frame her child for murder. Wow.
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why-the-heck-not · 9 months
19.12.23, tuesday
0.5h of coding lol
wasn’t having the best day so decided to finally watch the barbie-movie (it’s on hbo rn) bc figured that could cheer me up
but bc the universe loves a good timing, on the grocery store trip after, some dudes came to me like ”which one of us would u fuck?” and that annoyed me way more than it should’ve. Like cmon, it’s 10pm at a grocery store; if you’re not cottage cheese or olive oil get tf out of my face
just a short evening walk bc it was windy and I was annoyed
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khunspikesficrecs · 3 months
Hiii I'm going nuts rn trying to find a specific fic - it's an office setting, vegaspete centric, Pete worked for Kinn and Vegas had a rival company. Pete winds up working for Vegas but he almost gets fired for working for the rival company first. Vegas and Pete meet at a mask night in a bdsm club at the beginning I think 🤔 if anyone has any idea what it was called or who wrote it I would be so grateful!
Hmmmm, i'll admit the premise seems familiar but I'm drawing a blank! It's definitely not something I've recc'd before but the mask night at the BDSM club both narrows it down and doesn't - you'd be surprised at how often VegasPete ends up at mask night at the bdsm club.
So once again I'm going to have to pass this one on to my followers to help track down - If anyone can think of which fic this might be, please leave a link in the replies or send me an ask!
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oculusxcaro · 9 months
What Does Your Blood Taste Like?
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Strawberry Milkshake
Your blood tastes like a strawberry milkshake, the sweet blend of ice cream, milk, and strawberries. Prominent flavours: sugar, fruit, and a pleasant cold.
Tagged byStolen from: @question-marked (♡) and... somebody else, I don't remember. Tagging: Whoever would like to do it?
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blindmagdalena · 9 months
your homelander with a scent kink is so true, i actually have a oneshot on that concept 😭 it’s my first time writing homelander, is it ok if i pitch it to u?
of course it is, darling!! y'all are always welcome to bring your fics to my attention. 🖤
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penny-hartzs · 3 months
I don't think i have the mental capacity to watch season 3 of The Bear right now 🫠
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My take on Hitori during That Scene of holiday star is that, yes I can believe that those are the actual words that he said. Kazuaki is an unreliable narrator, but I don't think he necessarily twisted Hitori's dialogue there. Especially since there's the line about how throwing up would only hurt Kazuaki more, which seems in character for me when compared to how Hitori treats Ryouta when he's trying to get his liver in BBL.
HOWEVER, I think Kazuaki attributes a lot more malice to Hitori than was actually there. I think Hitori in this scene is mostly just... checked out. He's distancing himself from his actions, he's trying to adjust the situation in his head so he can live with himself. If Kazuaki told Hitori that he wanted this, if they both agree the world is awful, if Hitori was really only helping him- then it's okay right? He can't stop, right? He has to keep going, because he's come so far, and he's built up this script in his head, and... why is Kazuaki protesting? Shut up, shut up, stop it, this is how it HAD to go, there was never a choice, right?
Hitori has a VERY strong moral compass- but he's actively choosing to go against where it's pointing because his guilt over Nageki is stronger than anything else.
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Allosexual romance. From what I gather, you don't read it, but is there anything that might tempt you to?
From this ask game!
Wait wait wait wait what makes you think I don't read it? Then I wouldn't read anything 😂
(I currently barely read anything, but that has time reasons 😭 don't try to juggle 3 projects and a mmo, guys. I need a new number on the exhaustion scale.)
I spent years reading the genre of bodyguard/ex-soldier/whatever romance, because there's a good bit of violence and a guaranteed happy end. I also spent years digging around for queer love stories, which honestly ends up being m/m 90% of the time, which usually means there's 2 more penises than I care to read about.
Most of the books in my book recs tag are definitely very allo.
Do I think that drawn out blowjob could have been replaced by a nice whipping? Hell yeah. But oh well. What can you do. With the exception of fewer books than I need my fingers for to count, there just isn't anything out there once you leave middle grade behind.
Sure, there's completely romance-less fantasy epic, but I don't have the energy for that anymore, either. Sex scenes are easier to skip than politics.
But finding so many ace chars (and authors 😅) here has been the best thing that's ever happened to me, and they definitely get a headstart on the scale for falling in love with them.
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cecilyacat · 6 months
I finished my book and now I need to start a new one but DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE when the sunshine court is coming out in ~~early April~~ whenever that is??? Nora????? Pls help me
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magstorrn · 8 months
chilling in the ravensthorpe longhouse after sigurd just completely ruined holger's life and suddenly the disembodied voice of basim thanks eivor for taking good care of hytham... like you're welcome bro but where are you
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017) season 3, episode 2: “One Way or Another” 
dir. Kimberly Peirce
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you-will-return · 1 year
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Girlies, we've made it
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lunaria--annua · 2 years
I have no true break from school, or no break long enough to do any digital art/ anything more complicated than quick paper scribbles except on December 21th, 22th, 23th... The only free days I have left in this year. (And Christmas is spent with family, as you probably guessed. But right after Christmas is over I immediately need to focus on school again). I will have no time during January as well. (I'm not even trying to get the best grades! I'M TRYING TO PASS!!!)
It sucks, it's not like I've abandoned this blog or art, or my stories/ characters- which I have been thinking and making notes on all this time, rewriting bits, changing things... Some of the art posts here are outdated now, even!
But I don't have time... It's so frustrating.
I'll try reblogging here and there, but other than that, nothing.
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anpanmann · 2 years
finally on vacation!! 🙌🏻
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
Hello bestie, I almost forgot it's friday xD
Welp it is technically still Friday here (for 5 more minutes) SO!
I hope you are doing good <3
It's Eclipse friday!🌑🤗
omg me getting this a single minute before midnight 😳😳😳 i'm doing good thank u!!! i hope u're doing well too <3
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stormxpadme · 2 years
would you believe me if i told you that for that emma frost gif my mind kinda. substituted her face somehow. and i was like. this is from the og series. and only after reading your tags did i realize emma wasnt in the og movies? :laughs nervously, facepalms: i should read the descriptions sometimes xD <3
No no, you're absolutely right because TECHNICALLY they threw her for five seconds in Origins Wolverine which was pre-New Timeline, but except for a couple of pretty faceclaims, we all kinda pretend that movie never existed so. Also, I will never ever complain about my friends finding pretty stuff for me <3. And as I said, even the new movies are good for something, much like the Hobbit movies and that's visuals. I completely blocked those new movies from my mind, honestly, I don't even know what they did with her there and we don't talk about that cheap ass costume either but damn, things like that diamond secondary mutation at least is always inspiring for my own stuff.
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