sublecturas · 1 month
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"Caterva", de Juan Filloy en la #LíneaA
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ratherxintense · 18 days
genghis khan
imperial asks. [[accepting.]]
genghis khan - does your muse consider themself a good person? how does this alter from reality?
Vulpes believes he is close. He recognizes that his actions are meant to terrorize people and scar them, but he believes that he chooses his targets carefully - strategically, to slant the war in Caesar's favor, not chosen by any personal interest of his own - and that makes his violence just. The suffering of his victims furthers the goals of the Legion. Once Caesar takes control of the Mojave, it will be transformed into a better place. Vulpes believes this, and believes that it absolves virtually any action against outsiders.
Yet Vulpes still wakes up sweating at night. Part of him knows that he has chosen to tread a razor-thin line, between acting as a 'pure implement' of the Legion and descending into sadism. He blames this personal crisis on the dissolute, of course. Beyond the Legion, he has known only waves of savage tribes, chem fiends, NCR profligates, and the treacherous pretenders of New Vegas. He assures himself that none of them are deserving of mercy.
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cantxswim · 5 months
Floating Rocks
Little space thread with Bezi
Buildings were buildings were buildings. You saw one overgrown office you saw all of them. But one stood out now against the late afternoon sun. It had moss and grass-cracked cement paths leading to it. She followed them, the building eventually looming over her, casting a huge shadow. It still had some cube bits to it but the big draw was the massive, bulbous part that was raised right smack in the middle. It was just about as big as the rest of it.
A half destroyed sign stood to the right of the steps leading up to heavy looking doors. She peered at it, tore away vines and brushed off the dust as best she could. She made out one word: Planetarium. There may have been a map below the name at one point but it was long gone. Glancing around, she jogged up the stairs, squeezed between the heavy metal front doors, and clicked her flashlight on as the orange sun dwindled and shadows grew as she made her way further inside.
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ofyorkshire · 4 months
What was the first thought that went through your head when you saw Bezi? Were you afraid of him? Have you ever been afraid of him?
questions for bj || always accepting (especially about people he knows 👀)
"Big," BJ said simply, voice trembling with an almost-laugh. He imagined that was what most people thought upon first meeting him. Bezi's height was his immediate most striking feature, with the rest of his alien qualities coming as an afterthought only once you came closer. "His size would be scary if he weren't nice, but Bezi is a gentle giant." A crooked, fond little smile. "My sweet beastie. Couldn't be too afraid of him."
BJ nibbled on the edge of his thumb.
"...Did scare me once, though. Before I knew he weren't human," he said. "Saw him half shifted. Hungry. That was scary before I knew. I thought he'd been possessed, like."
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dimasexual · 1 year
@caterva​ sent... ONE from Bezi <:
Faraday hit the ground hard, feeling Bezi’s strong arms around him for a moment before he was sent to the ground. Bezi rolled off and it took a moment for Faraday to get his rattled head back together. Bezi had obviously saved him from getting shot.
Stupid dumb raiders. He grabbed up his 10mm that had luckily not fallen too far from his hand and turned on his back, glaring at the raider laughing at him. Faraday wasn’t cut out for this. But Bezi was with him. Bezi looked out for him. Always did.
Faraday aimed, not for too long, and shot the dumbass raider in the head. The sack of shit went down fast, and Faraday spit the dirt from his mouth, tasting blood from a split lip. He felt the sting of his chin bleeding, smashed open from hitting the ground.
“Bezi, I got him right in the head.” It was kinda gross, but he thought Bezi might be impressed. “Did’ya see that?” Faraday turned to his companion, sitting up. Bezi wasn’t moving. His back was soaked with blood from a few obvious bullet wounds.
Faraday scrambled over to him, dropping his gun, quickly shrugging out of his backpack and fishing out a stimpak. It would stop the bleeding at least, until they got to a surgeon.
“Hey, buddy,” His voice broke, injecting the stim quickly into the back of Bezi’s shoulder. He waited for just a moment, holding Bezi’s arm to let him know he was here before turning him over into his lap, holding him.
“Why’d you go and do a stupid thing like that?”
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twicecut · 1 year
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@caterva I want you to know "REE REE motherfucker stay away from my brother" SENT me to the MOON
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ireallymisscoffee · 1 year
Please consider: Bill, as a display of his love language, giving Joel some coffee that's still good. [wisenedup]
//*sob* this is so sweet, i can't. bill knows how dear coffee is to joel and how hard it is for him to get his hands on it regularly.
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that is the softest smile. that's how he would embrace the joy that is coffee.
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
@caterva liked for a starter! for Bill; tlou
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Lincoln seemed like such a big town. She had to wonder whether or not he ever got lonely here all on his own. Though, his attitude towards other people should answer that question; being alone is a preference, one he clearly didn’t mind. She understood, she did... Alone means no one to lose, no one to worry about, it’s so much easier, but it is very lonely. 
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❝ You’ve never felt alone being here all by yourself? ❞ Queried Bailey, leaning forward over the table of the booth, fingers kept busy stroking at the faux fur of her beloved stuffed bear. ❝ I would. ❞ She stated, pulling the toy to her chest as she leaned back. ❝ I have Teddy, but he can’t talk so he’s not the best company. ❞
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caterva asked : Smash or pass for Abe: Griffin /joking
Send me “Smash or Pass” + a name and my muse will answer with 100% honesty. -- accepting
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       ❝ Smash. Everyone has thought about sleeping with themselves at one point, right? ❞
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cabbxges-and-kings · 2 years
( A.be W.oodhull ; continued )
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      𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, his gaze drifted from the parchment in front of him with raised brows. When he realized the vial of reagent wasn’t on his desk anymore and instead the water-like liquid was on the ground with the shards of glass, he released a heavy sigh from his nose with a tight draw of his jaw.
      Great. Just great.
       ❝ You just broke the reagent, ❞ he rested his forehead against his hand, suppressing the scream that wanted to release from his throat, closing his eyes to try to keep his anger inward. No, yelling wouldn’t fix anything and would only draw attention down to the root cellar if one was to overhear him. He didn’t need to explain that he had a twin that his father wasn’t aware of. ❝ I don’t know where i could possibly get another any time soon. ❞
      The fact it was so crucial to Abe’s spying made him want to punch something.
      When he returned and found Griffin in his place, unaware of everything that was going on, it took a while for Abe to ease up to the idea of having him around. When he realized the advantages of a lookalike, he kept him around, letting him keep his clothes. If he could perfect Abe’s voice and mannerisms, he could be a useful tool to erase any future suspicion. Abe would spend more time in York City or Oyster Bay without an excuse ready because his twin would be in Setauket acting like him. Mary wouldn’t be any the wiser. Griffin might have to deal with Simcoe, but even that brought some advantages. If he timed things right and everything went according to plan, he could use Griffin as bait to finally draw out and kill Simcoe, but that was far from the picture when Griffin was just getting used to his spy work.
      Obviously, he was rather clumsy with his materials so far. That only set back the murder plot another step.
      ❝ Why do you have to touch my things? This isn’t your home. ❞
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firstloss · 2 years
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Geralt snarled, shoving her to sit down beside the campfire.
"Next time," he threatened, pulling out his paltry medical supplies, "Run when I say run." He wasn't angry at her; not truly. He had been frightened; he had worried for a moment that he had lost her… that he had failed her. That would have been difficult to accept, even more so in this strange and horrible world she inhabited. - @caterva​
          Sarah swatted his hand away and pointedly scooted to the other side of the campfire to sulk. Tears, both angry and hurt, carved streaks through the dirt and blood on her cheeks. 
          “I was just tryin’ to help,” she grumbled. “You never let me do anything.”
          Not that age made much difference to a bunch of hunters. Most killed kids and adults alike; anyone was fair game when supplies ran low and desperation outweighed any sense of morality. It was always going to be Us versus Them.
          Sarah sniffed and cradled her aching arm, praying it was just a sprain.
          Wishing she could have her old life back. With her house, and her dad, and her uncle, and her friends from school. She didn’t want to run. She was so sick of running.
          “...I wish I’d stayed back at the QZ.”
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gerudospiriit · 3 days
😄: Does your muse laugh over their mistakes?
😅: What does your muse do when they goof up?
Emojis and Headcanons || Open!
😄: Does your muse laugh over their mistakes?
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[Most of the time, no. Nabooru has a bit of a perfectionist streak to her in too many aspects of her life to laugh at her mistakes. She doesn't get horribly down on herself for them, at least the ones that only affect HER, but she is strict on herself about learning from those mistakes and not repeating them. This is doubly true for decisions that lead to mistakes that affect the Gerudo as a whole. She is ESPECIALLY serious about these and careful about avoiding them.
If it is something less serious that IS funny, she will likely laugh about it. Basically, it depends on what the consequences of that mistake are, or if they're related to aspects she cares more about, such as combat and the like.]
😅: What does your muse do when they goof up?
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[As mentioned, she is most likely to work on learning from her mistakes to ensure she doesn't repeat them, whatever that takes. It's (typically) a subtle, internal process that doesn't usually spill into anything people would notice (i.e. she doesn't get outwardly obsessive about it). However, for minor goofs, while she also internalizes learning from it, she's less likely to dwell on those outside of the quick note to correct it.]
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deaddoveadventures · 7 days
How long do you hold grudges, and what actions might provoke them?
A list of moral questions to developing a villainous character
“What are grudges but the fuel we live on?” he mused with a shrug, although he wasn’t serious about it. Not completely, at least.
“Again, my answer is that it depends. If you cross my plans once, I might let you off the hook, but if you get in my way repeatedly…”
Curumë regarded his outstretched hand with a thoughtful look.
“I’ll make sure it won’t happen again, and the time it takes to succeed is of hardly any concern to me.” Turning towards the other, his lips curled into a soft, but unnerving smile. “Now, if you cross me personally, or hurt the few I hold dear, well, you better run for your life and pray for your soul, because I surely won’t forgive you.”
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ofyorkshire · 5 months
@caterva for Bezi; you didn't ask but I'm giving it to you anyways LOL
"No, no, no, wait—" BJ shoved at Bezi's chest in a sudden flurry of excitement. This might have been a worrying sign, except for that he was laughing. "Don't bend over. Stay just where you are..."
With great care (and even more great enjoyment), his palms skated over Bezi's shoulders and he rose ever so slowly onto his toes. Stretching. Stretching... Their lips were just close enough to brush, the warm, tickle of it encouraging a fluttery smile.
"Sweeter when you have to work for it."
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ratherxintense · 18 days
@caterva [[closed starter.]]
The walk south under a rising sun had left him slower than usual. Vulpes was grateful for the shade of the dry gorge that had led him further from known territory. The rocks here were almost pink in the morning light, bone-dry and stark against the sky.
Could anyone possibly live here?
Perhaps one of the narrow caves along the gorge would make for a decent safe house. The frumentarii needed discreet places to lay low, exchange information and retrieve equipment. This place was remote, but certainly quiet enough. Vulpes could see animal prints of some sort in the dry earth, but none that appeared human.
He ducked into one of the caves, tugging off his goggles to peer through the shadows. The tunnel appeared to go deep. Was that a light further in?
Focused on the distant reaches of the cave, Vulpes failed to notice a sharp drop underfoot. He plummeted, landing hard on one side against rocky ground, nearly a dozen feet deeper into the cave. The impact echoed on the rocks.
"Damn." How amateurish of him. Vulpes stood quickly and brushed himself off, blinking at his new surroundings. This area was still dark, but he was certain that a light flickered ahead.
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armageddonpitchman · 19 days
@caterva sent: THE FIRST 5 ASKS TO SEND 💋 GET A KISS (2 of 5)
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"Fuck it." Cooper closed the gap between him and the other man, gripping him by the collar he pulled him in for a kiss. Wrapping his arms around him he pulled away slightly, he asked jokingly, "was that what you were lookin for?"
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