everythingranma · 1 year
I think we need a Nekoken version of that cat meme next
Here you go lol
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the-grove · 2 months
Grove Digimon Partner: Rain/Reyna/Reynya
Hi so this little project continues to be a way for our system to help figure ourselves out, define ourselves and to stretch some creative flexibility and stuff. The three of us debated if we wanted to have our own digimon and such, but ultimately we decided to have one partner, with different evolution lines... This blog post might be longer than all the others... There is also a secret fourth thing that I(Rain) mainly wanted to include as a reference to from source. I will also point out this is something, i'm doing for *us* This is not a "What would be a best digimon for Ranma the character," while Ranma is our source, we are also our own people, and while we may draw on exomemories and things from the show as inspiration. We don't want to be judged by some standard of accuracy or perfection to source. I guess to start it off the rookie/child stage: 1) Rookie/child stage: Salamon/Plotmon
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So we thought long and hard about it and Salamon was chosen because its generic small animal shaped felt like it would be a good fit for a branching line like ours. Its various descriptions across digimon media describe it as an Insecure digimon that has great potential. I feel like it would be a good buddy to talk to about things when I feel confused or uncertain about something. They might not always have the answer but talking to them would be comforting. I think we are gonna start with Reynyas line
So in our mind, the way things work would be that we would have one digivice, and digimon partner. But depending on whose fronting, will influence and interact with the data/code of our Salamon friend. When Reynyas fronting, the obvious factor to include would be her cat like nature and tbh that is the major theming around this line. And nyaow I'll(Reynya) be taken over to talk about the line. :P ADULT/CHAMPION: Gatomon/Tailmon
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(Art is From the digital monster card game) Soooooooo there were a lot of cat digimon we could have gone with, Mikemon, Meicoomon, Leomon, and black tailmon just to name a few. The reason I chose Gatomon was for a few reasons. First off one of its signature move is called Neko Punch( or Cat Punch) and well thats pretty dang close to Neko-Ken( Cat fist) also known as Catfu... which in source is the technique the old man tried to teach us and led to my formation. And while it was pretty shitty of him, I am glad to exist and Gatomon by my side I get to stand proudly. There are a few other aspects to me picking it up as well, the English name is Gatomon, which takes its name from the spanish word for cat. Our systems body is Puerto Rician and our desire to be closer to that side of our lineage. Also there are some designya elements that can be pulled from Gatomons lines for the rest of my line. ^^ ULTIMATE/PERFECT: Lynxmon!
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Lynxmon, continues the cat theme! Lynxmon is actually the armor digivolution for Gatomon if it were to use the digimantle/digiegg of courage, you can actually tell from the purple ears and markings that remain as a callback to Gatomon. While armor digimon are usually the equivalent of a Champion/Adult level digimon, there is at least some precedence for Lynxmon to be an Ultimate/Perfect level digimon as it was one in one of the digimon story games. Lynxmon. it's said to have a carefree personality which vibes with me :3. It also acts as a nice transition to the Mega/ultimate stage.
MEGA/ULTIMATE: Saberleomon!
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Funnya enough Saberleomon is also a digimon who has existed as multiple levels throughout the franchise. Saberleomon seems like a fun finale for this stage for a few reasons! One, its a big ol cat! Two, the gloves of Gatomon are specifically said to be made from saberleomon data so it's a nice tie in. Three, it's really cool and I likes it alot!!!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok So its my(Reyna) turn! Rain says he wants to do hers last. Rain and I actually focus less on aesthetics and more on a common through line for our parts of the line. Aesthetics are an aspect of it, but on thinking who we are we came across some digimon that really highlighted something important to us. I'll be up front about my theme, it is digimon who prefer not to fight but are powerful when they do. I prefer to resolve things peacefully, and unlike Rain I don't really consider myself a martial artist, but if I have power and I need to defend myself or others I should use it right? Well those were the thoughts I had when thinking about what I want my line to look like. Both a partner that will protect me and I can learn from. ADULT/CHAMPION: Siesamon!
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Siesamon is based off of the Shisa, lion-dogs that are protectors and guardians. Siesamon follows that role as a guardian. Its fiercely loyal to its tamer, and fends of calamities and evil doers. They however are also very docile and enjoy sunbathing. I can just imagine Salamon digivolving to Siesamon, and letting me pet its fur to help relax from the latest chaos happening in Nerima..or our life right now tbh. Between the color palate and the mixture of lion and dog features it seems like a fitting digivolution for Salamon. ULTIMATE/PERFECT: Tyilinmon!
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Tylinmon has some visual cohesion with siesamon, primarily the horn, and the way both of the tails and legs make use of cloud like spirals. Tylinmon is also described as a powerful digimon that detest conflict and bloodshed. The digimon reference guide puts a focus on its compassion towards all living things in the digital world, but will stand up against those who needlessly cause bloodshed. Its dedication to compassion is what makes Tylinmon appeal to me. MEGA/ULTIMATE Sakuyamon (Miko Mode Mostly))
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Sakuyamon (Miko mode) is a mode that Sakuyamon takes when she isn't fighting and is instead focused on performing Shinto rites. The digimon refrence guide says shes puts a lot of her power into her ability to exorcise evil spirits. Striving towards peace and other types of solutions to Violence, I like to think that Salamon would primarily turn into the MIko mode... but I suppose they can form change into the standard Sakuyamon form if a fight really got out of hand! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright I'm back(Rain) And I'll be going over my line. My line has two main themes going about it, martial arts.... and self acceptance. I'm bigender, and despite everyone else in this body already being ok with their identities and such, I still struggle to well be sincere and confident in embracing all of myself. And um I guess my hopes for my partner would be someone I can grow alongside with and embrace all aspects of how I feel and see myself.. And a sparring buddy!
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So I actually had some difficulty trying to find a line that felt right for me. Turuiemon and the ultimate/mega in my line actually started off as being potential options for *Reyna* but after thinking about it and Reyna going in a different direction, there was a lot for me to like about Turuiemon. It is explicitly a martial artist, the digimon reference guide mentions it being found the hinterlands of a chinese mountain province, and its agility reminds me of my own training. TBH if I were to have a partner that didn't digivolve I think I would just pick Turuiemon. I never expected myself to have such a connection to a rabbit but here we are. But this digimon does digivolve and into....
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GrapLeomon is a digimon said to have taken the data from various fighting video games. The digimon reference book it unleashes a variety of ever changing techniques. Certainly sounds like anything goes! You may also notice that grapleomon is another member of the leomon family, this is where accepting all parts of me come in. My headmates are apart of, as I am apart of them. Having a digimon in the same family as Reynyas Ultimate/Mega stage displays that bond, and uh helps me over come a fear of cats I suppose( the others are ok with them mostly, but I well I dont get scared but I do get nervous). So martial artists... embracing myself and my headmates... I wonder what the final stage is.
MEGA/ULTIMATE: Lovely Angemon
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As Reyna decided to not use Lovely Angemon and instead went for Sakuyamon... I found myself considering her. I was um. well I was uncertain about such a feminine design. Like I said, I'm bigender but I still get nervous about presenting feminine, of letting myself be soft. But...I do like the design, I do want to be feminine at least some times, and not because of a disguise, or i'm tricking someone, or because I have a curse and might as well use it. Its because thats part of who I am. It also doesn't help that shes described as a close combat specialist. She also enjoys eating tasty food while walking around and well, everyone knows when it comes to snacking the girl form is the way to go
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And those our are lines! Okay I did mention a secret 4th thing. Well originally I was trying to set you a different digimon to be *my* lines final stage. And that was Qinglongmon
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A Long twirling dragon connected to storms the wind? Why well it did remind me of one of my most important techniques. A technique that I learned when I was a pretty low point, in my exo-memories of course. The Hiryū Shōten Ha or Heaven Blast of the Dragon. Tbh It doesn't match any of the lines all too well, and i'm leaving it here mostly as a reference. But given its powerful and regalness, I also kind of like the idea that if like, Reynya, Reyna, and I came kind of co-fronted or at least were in Unison... Well Salamon could warp digivolve to it. IDK If that sounds cheesy or dumb or whatever. but yeah. This has been fun, I hope you enjoyed reading our rambles.
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doglok · 1 month
可爱小猫 😻💖 #1 #小猫 #宠物 #猫短视频 #小猫们 #病毒视频 cat #猫#可爱#cute #猫咪#cats #搞笑的猫#funnycats #可爱的猫#cutecats #有趣的时刻#funnymoments #小猫#kitten #猫 ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN9dSpgwtvY
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444names · 1 year
latinate preset from genword on jasontank.net BUT including "a" (and excluding "aa")
Ablàs Agitin Agitu Ainco Ainto Ainursul Alta Altrin Altu Aluntro Alàna Amiêm Anacrusa Anai Anblaàsta Ancua Annina Anpêr Anticropu Aoni Aonicadis Aonistiso Apan Apirkeri Apit Aplepuên Aplese Apra Aprêsseki Apum Apumpêr Apànprar Arebla Aropuii Asne Asneaspli Asnun Aspli Aspàtlir Assunu Astànpi Astênut Asuacum Atam Atan Atir Atirna Atirtu Atit Atlas Atlipriun Atrasàc Atripràl Atràm Atuluc Atun Aturto Atusa Atêspa Auspàstai Aàsblam Bakeni Blakàne Blita Blusiêma Bram Bramoti Brani Brasal Bratani Bricotêsa Britinala Cacaca Cacas Caclecan Cacre Cadla Cairdat Cancacri Candre Canpipro Cantira Cantre Cantus Capitun Capui Carcam Carcautin Care Carki Carmama Carnan Carnatfu Carpa Cartam Carànas Caràri Casatàn Caslati Catfu Catirkin Caênu Cocran Cranpi Crapin Cratoe Cruca Cràrma Cucomam Cupram Curgla Curtam Cusnimpa Cutacran Cutan Cutlasnou Dlacu Dlai Dlane Dramtam Drapum Drar Dutra Eblam Eblan Ebrantal Ecar Eprantusi Eprarànat Eprastina Epunpras Etatila Etau Eticambla Etra Etumasa Euncacuu Eurpa Eêmuna Eêmunpan Fisa Fupa Glesa Hacastin Hacate Hacuàn Ibota Ibotacai Icuasta Icusna Icutusta Iilifa Iltamain Imcas Imcatlas Imgita Inaroie Inasa Inklutan Inlan Innaspràm Inpasan Inta Intalico Intatum Ipan Ipra Ipraplàs Ipratan Irdrar Isatotatu Itatan Itau Itrande Itrinar Ittatlai Iurpa Kenai Kenas Kialnarte Kianêt Kias Kimair Kimpan Kimpas Kircusca Kirtain Kita Kitai Kittan Kleparto Klia Klua Klual Kluca Kàna Kêmeetoa Kêmetoa Kêntêsasa Kêsan Kêsta Lasuuci Lata Letaca Letata Liplanta Litan Litanmi Litasane Litatoa Litàmlam Lucranbi Lugatin Lupàtlas Lêna Mare Maro Martacur Martancas Maunliu Miênalna Mukirtaca Nalese Nama Nanca Nanitar Nantupa Nanàs Necasun Necruas Nicam Nicrama Ninpa Nisakin Nitàram Nokilas Notlapit Nucai Nusatra Nusla Nusànasa Nàlsa Nêspan Ocan Ocas Otaturota Padan Padlin Paklupràs Pamnuci Pamtlotur Panan Pancre Pani Pankirto Pannaneas Pano Pantrifa Papa Papas Peanno Peatfu Peau Penan Pifia Pilubran Pinanisti Pinarla Pintras Piplal Piplami Piplupram Piprantoe Piprutai Pirapasno Pisisam Pivacu Plainpum Plan Planàstu Plas Plàctlua Poam Praetuti Pram Pramtli Pran Praniri Pranàmne Prar Pratin Prilrua Prima Printa Pripa Prua Prêcca Prêrsua Punasa Punta Pupa Puplesàca Puplipati Pupran Puprapuên Pupriunta Puta Ransa Rantalpra Rate Riecanala Runacai Runinta Ruta Rutan Sakim Sakitu Sanàca Sapam Sapursi Saru Siapa Simnutla Sintinma Sirbla Siêmeetac Susàcreas Sàmdresa Taclecapi Tadatias Tain Tainasul Takil Takirai Takisru Tala Talai Tale Talpran Talpunpi Talàn Tanenis Tanipe Tanplana Tantate Taprilta Tasi Taslat Taspu Tasre Tatràl Tatu Tauti Teastrai Telima Tepra Tetoa Tetànas Teàmla Teànpasa Ticam Tican Ticrunuca Tiial Tiitam Tiltapit Tiltato Timla Timnina Timpa Tinpêrta Tinsa Tintatan Tintran Tirtat Tita Titan Titanplim Titanti Titasarou Titatlin Tloan Totan Tracrêr Tram Tran Tranokia Trapan Trar Trartal Traràs Tratinta Triploa Trua Trucas Tukia Tulkitacu Tuma Tumairi Tumpa Tunan Tunpas Tunusna Tupraru Tusglai Tusnanpie Tustêra Tuàna Tànamkàl Tànpambri Tàranti Têrasni Ucankim Ukàrna Unla Unna Untanpil Untata Ununcac Upantadi Upastiia Upras Utatatra Utepras Utla Utrunpa Uucual Uurta Vutal Vutlas Àltan Àltintas Àrcarleun Àrcasassi Àscan Ênal Ênamar Ênao Ênar Ênastat Ênunita Êratàl
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ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 5 years
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Ranma has snapped out of the Neko-ken. 
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Title: Cat-fu . No. I'm not sleeping. I'm practicing the fist of the drunken cat! . #cat #straycat #communitycat #adoptastray #adoptnotshop #adoptedcat #catsofinstagram #catstagram #catfu #kungfu #drunkenfist #drunkencatfist #absolutetrust #lazycat #sleepingcat #mako #singaporespecial #singapore #WhiskerzAndFinz . IG @WhiskerzAndFinz (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8odsMtlutQ/?igshid=n8lr93bws27a
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darkophelia · 7 years
Artemis practicing the ancient art of #catfu. #catsofinstagram #furbaby
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evieusagi · 4 years
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Ranma 1/2 Part 3 Issue 2 - Viz Select Comics - 1994 More Catfu! Also some quality precious Kasumi lines in here. The cover for this issue is quite possibly my favorite so far.  All my scans are free to use! 
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offical-leafpool · 5 years
Crowfeather is cute
No lie, that tom cute, I'm sorry.
Sorry nightcloud I still love him smh
Fight me boo I know catfu
Also mothwing is a best friend, not lover, but great friend
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#kanyakumari #nagercoil #studyinspo #studyblr #studyblog #studyabroad #studying #studynotes #studyaccount #studygramthailand #studyspo #studylife #studygram #studymode #studytime #study #study📚 #studywithme #studyenglish #studyblogger #studygrambr #studymotivation #studygrammer #studymood #studytips #study_time #studyhard #studystudystudy #studyinspiration #studyplanner (at Nagercoil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBeyv-cAtfU/?igshid=1h3iqu6oagbab
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tealosaurus-nyx · 4 years
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Wise words from my best friend @gourmetpens 🧡 ✒️ #fountainpen #fountainpens #fpgeeks #fountainpengeeks #handwriting #fountainpenink #currentlyinked #tealquoise #tealpens #tealquoiseforever #turquoise #lettering #handlettering #cafenoteb6 #tomoeriverpaper https://www.instagram.com/p/CATfU-hJu5F/?igshid=vuqfr23lmo9
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fuko79 · 4 years
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Starting the day with a little catfu fighting to get the blood pumping!!! Everyday is a fight to be better than the last. Who says you can’t have fun while doing it?? Have an amazing day you sexy mofos!!! Be safe and happy and most importantly healthy. #fuscosmash #fuscofitness #fuscogonewild #dailyshenanigans #beexcellenttoeachother (at Warwick, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_rybQdHiVV/?igshid=12sjyacjqmmvx
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redmutuca · 5 years
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Available at strangecattoys.com/product/misappropriated-icon-2-catfu-soldier-by-igor-ventura/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHb1fzn2VF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hivkvogoycib
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igorventura123 · 5 years
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CATFU soldier. My custom 16" Kaws Companion for the Misappropriated Icon 2 show. Painting a camo pattern made of tiny skulls sounded like a good idea. 20+ hours and over a thousand individually hand-painted skulls later, I'm not that sure... but there you have it! 😄 swipe for more pictures! March 16th at 5pm @allcitygallery @thegreatergoods.co @strangecattoys #igorventura #custom #redmutuca #redmutucastudios #arttoy #designertoy #urbanvinyl #urbanvinyltoys #toyart #toyarte #toyartbrasil #toyartebrasil #picofday #art #design #arquiteturaedesign #decor #décor #brazil #brasil #toycollector #kaws #kawscompanion #missappropriation #missappropriatedicon #misappropriatedicon2 @thetoychronicle @spankystokes @toysrevil @vinylpulse @thetoyviking @hypebeast @hypebeastart @gofiguretoys https://www.instagram.com/p/BuUBfp7nQUr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10biggebjl32z
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adamhhutchins · 5 years
The Crunchyroll Anime Awards are only on Twitch
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If there’s one thing Twitch loves almost as much as gaming, it’s anime. And also arguing about anime. That’s why we’re excited to announce that this year’s Crunchyroll Anime Awards are being exclusively streamed on Twitch. And this time, everyone is invited to co-stream the show with their communities.
The show airs live from San Francisco on Saturday, February 16 at 6pm PT. Tune in to see winners crowned in categories like Best Fight Scene, Best Director, Best Animation, Anime of the Year, and many more. You can even make predictions on who you think will win with the Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2019 Extension and rep your community on the leaderboard.
Co-Streaming the Show
The official broadcast will air on /crunchyroll, but many Twitch streamers will be co-streaming the awards and adding their commentary to the proceedings. If you haven’t tried co-streaming yet, it’s a great way to connect streamers and their communities around things they love besides what they normally stream. You can see a full list of streamers who have signed up to co-stream the Awards at the bottom of this post. And if you’re interested in having your channel listed below you can sign up here to be included on our next update.
If you want to learn more about how to co-stream, head on over to Twitch Creator Camp for more info.
Crunchyroll Anime Awards Extension
Knowing who wins each award is great, but correctly guessing who will win is even better. Especially when you can brag about it online. So don’t forget to try the Crunchyroll Anime Awards Extension when you watch the show. You can predict winners for every category and make sure whatever community you’re watching with gets represented on the leaderboard.
Crunchyroll is also offering a special prize for co-streamers who use the Extension. The co-streamers and their communities who guess correctly on each category during the Anime Awards will be entered to win up to 1,000 one-month Crunchyroll Premium memberships to be split among the voters.
Here’s the list of Twitch partners and affiliates who have indicated they’ll be streaming the show:
2HAWKSS * abrownbag * aiikab * aphroDJiac * aroebe * averagegamer * ayashuffles * behindyouhorror * blackoreanate * blessrng * blondie * candygrace * Catfu * ceydaen * chickenprism * chozoninpo * chunandrice * cmaccari * coastward * cojagamer * cooterz * cuddleofdeath * d3n7y * daisyflux * data_dave * duxativa * dyohb * emmywithlove * fightincowboy * floe * funkmastermp * geersart * girlhero * girlwithyellowspoon * gmart * goldensplit * grammar * grimghul * gronie7 * hoddang2 * iamthanh * iKasperr * imelissa * itskuupo * itswoofy * jagolewahar * jakeeyexe * jassy * jiso * jonahveil * kaoiji * kidarkness * kingbrisk2k * kingkoinz * kun0 * kw3nji * Lawler * liberto * littlevelma * lixy * lost_pause_ * luhback * m00sician * maquannas * maw3rick * mayogax * mekabear_ * melterv * mfaplay * mithrie * moritu_on * mrchowderclam * Munchnplay * myre * naal89 * naes * nanito * nikatine * nittmv * nuja * ofnao * otiozero * ozarutwitch * paulinhohmachado * pixelsontv * quuut3842 * raeyei * realmaddox * relliktheclown * rizeupgaming * ronclaude * rukifer * runwyld * rustynai1 * samgreenmedia * scf3 * seikachu * Sekapoko * seriousgaming * shenpai * shiabun * sirvenomik * skydieray * slapsticklogic * smirky * snugzmeow * soloman * spiderdjango * sukidingels * SuperJoe * supr3m3_85 * tacticalintern * tamyhro * thejohnburk * TheSleepyDwarf * thetravelinggamer * tietuesday * topgun * trihex * tyler3p * ueligium * umidah * Vaecon * valuxitax * vio * weshunthesun * whiskeyy * wolfdnc * workingchef * Wraithyn * xxshinobazuxx * yandreaya * yellowapple7 * yuuie * zerinagaming * zico39 * zigarot * zyka11
1kry * 1maddex1 * 1poseidon3 * 20xxrey * 2dxxloyal * 727_RoadRunna * abel_byrd * about40gudguy * acapulin2013 * ace_ofshadow * Ace_Wright * acebox * aced_us * adroppedbomb * advancedark * aeroshiva * AeroSMH * Afr0Tv * ag3n7_w1nd3x * agnamore * agreatbighug * aguabeuno * aguamyst * akaahri * akashi_mk2 * akilasltu * akkadiaan_ * ako1player * alantasdf * albi1985 * alexandra10122 * alihaiy1 * alkierek * alytreta * amaite * amatoryknight * ameliabaee * amelzeee * aminhavidaembits * amossy_ * anamoura * anarionkayto * anatorline * andyoclock * anearnestginger * angelicvoice7 * angrybananas * angryslugproductions * animevagabond * annatheoreomaster * anozirafire * ant_tony_ * antapt301 * anubisp * aokiihiroto * aphrooturtle * apoxa * aprilsamurai * ArcanaFGC * ardemo * ardinan * areja * arkaanaa * Arthurthe1234 * arunise * asapmattattack * ashtastic71 * asianpowwaaa1 * ataristars * atiyana83 * atticustrash * auroradrag0n * autobodymanftw * aweclarity * awesomw557 * aylinntv * aymiecakes * ayu_osaki * aziz_hammamethd * aznanimedude * azorion_tv * azumic_tv * b00700 * babenohaze * baby_bus * baesdart * baesuki * baguettemanntv * bakusanjrpg * BalticFlame * bamringo * Bankzey * barcdawg * bardeeno * barlarkay * barnz_live * baronsolace * basedmama * batchii * batsouls * BCGiant * beardlessdwarf2 * BeastBeardtv * beefshake * beefykrazo * beefytatersplays * beethappy * BekyCat * bellrngr * benbeatsgame * benny8westside * beradbeevan * bertybert * big_nickyg92 * bigboss117pr * bigdonskillz * biggerjohn * bignoobert * bigsam_12 * biohazard2481 * blackenedangel5 * blackghost8942 * blacklotus99 * blainethepaintv * blakethenerd * blasterrtv * Bloody_legacyx * blopmaw * blu3flam318 * bocc * bochieboi * bojedi * borimakto * BornFreeTwitch * bosslady089 * botrltv * boxst * bpcasts * br0xton * braiannalfonzo * brainstv * BrainToolShow * bramblelyon * braui93 * breadthabutter * breakingbao * breeniya * breezethruyou * brionacdragon * brittanyleigh * brokeman21 * Bruhsiah * brunohikikomori * bryceistubing * btsoda * buffgardengnome * BukanasRita * bullvight_ * bundif * bunmetal * burgertamagotchi * burkie4 * buttrknifeninjaa * byteknights * c0nnie1337 * cadamari * calghoat * calrntv * canaira * canal_do_alli * candyclipz * capitv0 * captainsrirachatv * captinrouge * catnaps * catpeachgg * cavalamanca * caviryan * cdtheprodigy_ * cegrillou * celestialvee * celionarduzzi * cfggames * cganzvielezahlen * ch4s3 * chaosteo_ * ChaoticAvacado * charmanerd * chattatv * cheetahboy3000 * ChelzBZD * cherrilive * chibimiharu * chibiramen * chiblet_thief * chierri * chitaum * chloraform * chocolatethundertv * choneyman * chorzo * christheredbeard * chromedome_tv * ChubbsBots * chun_rhee * Chunadian * cinder_ash * circusan1mal * cl2en1 * clawshi * cloudi_tv * cloudookami * cmalxhisoka * cmdtshepard_ * coach_nathaniel * cobrao1 * colimann * colmity * comfey * computerchick * conan_live * connoreatspants * corrosivebullet * cosmelk * costadinov * Coughberg * cpt_hook23 * cptfusselboesewicht * crawlersxgrave * creepsters * crimsoncloudxist * crzcow * csleeper * Cursesu * cutie_shiny * cy9n * cyber_ex * cypherag * da_lolinger * daantheman * daddysteve * dadohay * daemoniumhd * daffodizzy * daftdragon * dagurrOfficial * daisuki1990 * damnjacquie * dancm * Dank840 * dannykobe3 * dapperdarius * darajh * daramk * dark2naruto * DarkBlueCow * darkocesare * darkslayer669 * darlnlala * dascrazybunny * dashxmagnum * datavase * daviscd * DazPlay1337 * dbfig * dc1gg * Dcjuggernaut * dckles_squirrel * deadachek * deadpool175 * deadpoolxweapon * deadxh * deckie * deefayy * deloria * demonaura * dendak19 * denidefdef_vr * denisphantom * denizlov * der_yugo * desire376 * determinedsloth * deVdfeenix * dexva * diego0212yt * digitaleratwitch * digitalwelt_original * digivee * discharg * disillusiontv * ditschtv * dj_free * DJClicheDarkness * djgonzo_05 * Djmm01 * djskdms * djsoboro * dngi * dobbytheblkelf * doc2812 * Dodg3rr * dojoseven * doktorreed * domino_scarlett * donarkie * DonSavage_ * dontsweattt * doodledrifter * doomsd4ys * dopepopefps * douguras * draqonette * drewmega * dring0369 * drkursic * drmedikit * DuckyDaDragonTamer * duhfishygod * dunb4gaming * e_mazing_experience * earthtoraymond * eather123 * ebenyme * einfach_nivan * einyokai * elabuelokraken * electroniclogic * eltacoboii * emasu * emilypink * emperor_zk * enfrchy * epell1 * eradikatex * eric2472005 * ericbangi * EROOBIN * esarc * estefanyop * estroth72 * etechman100 * eujuuno * evert0nchaves * eviltaiga * evozakira * ewolfblue * exlasdesign * exoticpenguin_420 * ezak931 * ezbreezylive * fabuggy * faderjockey1 * fail_mast3r * fatwabbitx * faust4712 * fayttt * FEAR_EPIDEMIC * fearsometurtle * featherinne * felixsoum * femetalalkemist * feuermoke * filamsj * filipim * findus * FinReally * firepolice69 * firstoni * fizziberry * fkflaviuskings * fkoalla * flakegriffn * flavouredblazed * fleeury * flipernoob * floxiiik * Fluffy_Kiwi101 * flurbee * flyamzim * focusjosh10 * fooli * Foolishbloodhunter * fooyung_ * forcexds * forgottenkingrade * fracer1 * freshprince_910 * frispen * froobish * frostND * frostyfrog * frz_yellow * furk80 * g4ntz3rtv * gabidesu * GaiaLancer * gameevida * gamehero * gameknights * gamenadian * gamer_insano * gamesonee * gamingemblem * gardoth64 * gaurav2567 * gavilion * gels * generationgabe * genjig * gensoncm * GentlemanMaj * ggankdt * ghostlywight * GibinatorGaming * gillbawk * girlgunner7 * GlitchinHard * gmsth * gohan200009 * goldenstroketv * golemplay * gonqueoficial * goodcharles * gravefire * grayboy98 * greyscalez * grietalatinatv * grinsgames * GrubbyLoot * gryphthingy * gspa * gulume2611 * gunsmith_cat * gyoor_ * hanguk_sama * hanle121 * haru_tachibana * hatlebee * hautaiin * havokzthename * hawkward_trent * hazedbunni * hdgamingghostlp_live * hdh2082221 * Heartlessorbit * hecktik1 * heethartheterrible * hellveingaming * hends * henrysantz * henrysneaky * herodantv * heroplayer19 * hessentovape * HettyPatel * hevgirl * heyimfoxie * heyitsmebuddha * hi_im_rav * hi_swan * hikaron_ * hilderzera * hiltzy * hinamori * hipdrew * HiTWOMAN69 * HokageLo * HomerAladdin * honyakusha * horuzi * hotohori_z * humanascension * hunnam6657 * huntertehgamer * hupsaiya * HusbandoGoddess * husky777 * hydrafx * i_r_chibikawaii * i_switchz * iamjonnylaw * icemaker32 * ickyy * icysuccess * idragonslayer818 * idreamofskyy * ifritking * iHateFLAWLESS * ihzzay * illerona * illicit_nights * ilmariexplorer * ilyavalentine * im_kywolfie * im_topp3r * ImDidja * imrumi * imsquishyy * imthenaysayer * ImTofuuu * incrediblemae * indeedee * infinatehope * infinity_biscuit * InitiaNova * instantsmile * instatune * invertid0 * irishay * iseepur3ice * istriker95i * itsmeapollog * itsmeshiggy * itssongrider * itsthegio * itstheugglife * itzallphaa * itzmac14 * itzzkrispy * ixKyuubii * iyokuu * izzy1775 * j_c_x_ * j0rt * jaanpu * jaipastrouvedepseudos * jairoglyphics_ * JamesReign * japanfm * japonawa * jardagonex * jasbran * jastikamoon * javel4life * javii510 * jayflyt * jayfromsandiego * jayjp * jazzyfreetv * jdernz * jeanpat * jeffreypesos * jellyd0ts * jennjennlive * jessedstreams * jetlifepilot * jeylaaa * jfoxyj * jgriff100 * jhoonroose * jjh0308 * jjjonesjr33 * jjongs2001 * jocksandwich * joefreshest * jogiejoey * johnnyrockoff * johnportillo * johnsonem1900 * jomojg * josephjoestar316 * josh_and_egg_roll * josh_the_choke * joshkupka * JourneyMTL * jpblink * jprprice * jrpg_zachary * jtl1e * juanchopr * juanrtech * juis * Just_Baki * JustinoKouhai * justnobodyhere * k31k * kaavale * KaelShisho * kagijpn * kainico * kalito66 * kaluripoeg * kanachou * kanyetwittee * karateromi * katenzor * kattstrike * kayoto_play * kazper * kbkingsize * kd2367 * KeannieReeves * kedrihan_ * keithdapperkombo * kelvinouteiro * kelvinwan * kerucchis * kevbotbeepboop * kevinmcolon * khaosgg * khayautik * kiddo146 * kiddreftv * Kielix * kikaedark * killacalikenny * killadelphia * killadisme * killglance * killshotkitty * kindheartedfriend * king_weeb * kingdanteal * kingkorial09 * Kingpin6100 * kingwashii * KingzVizion * kite_tales * kitsunegamereviews * kitsuragi * kitty_sinn * kitzelmich * kiwiliciouz * Kjackice * klassykylie * klaydn * knightrider956 * knubonic * koka95 * kooblikon * kotonesoul * kraoki * kratoscheky * kraziikilla * kriticalhitslive * kronetm * kryptic_ninja_ * krystal_Oborin * kudss * kurojin * kuvirus * Kyuriosity * lachri * ladycamisama * ladykahrlie * ladykaylee * lameduckg * lancextreme * Lastingmadness * lasukma * lavidiki * lay_xe * lazztheman * ldiamondie * leapered69 * LEGENDVRY * legit_karnage * lemecaigri * leobeavs * leolins10 * letsklay * LevelOneUp * lewdylife * lghtnchasercws * liamnask * liberopr10 * lilbeannn * lilincat * lilvac * linkerz * lisajj_619 * lite_umbreon * literallyxsatan * littlecolt * littlemousevr * littleredlupa * lmdylan * lmsolo * locdupprod * loffter2 * lolinia * lolsmcfee * looping_wild_show_and_co * lord_skinner * lordac91 * lordlug * loudesporttv * lovelysweets * lovlyjade * lozernewb * lps_sycknation * lucidlzs * luckygvatv * Luckythevulpix * lucy_first * luigibros * lukeiswell * lukinhasdabig1 * lukpim * lumight * lunagore * lunattik15 * lunick * Lutzalec * lyndwurm * lyshamauricex3 * lz_phantomblade * mabasei * macaveli7113 * madvgmon * madysenpai * magnytewd * majestic_era * majinstephanie * majojolive * majorstinson * malrin_kr * manicslostcause * mansgamess * mapeli * maple_baddger * marcandre2894 * marcellusmenezes * mareeziscool * maria_kat * mariopertile * markanthonyaf * markeydeee * markhusd20 * marlinxmao * maroddity * martinhello * martyshack * maskedswan * master_of_chaos * masterpink_ * mastersamii * matlechat * mattalbum_ * mattbytheway * maveric408 * maverick8308 * max_einfallslos * maxou556 * mayrim_ * MDee14 * megilino * mekkanixx * melteoc * memorystack * meowko * meraktv * metalicat206 * metatropes * metrokenshin * mezzafgc * midogeek * mikeogame * mikkimarvel * miniblaze * mirageiw * mirronsenpai * miss_bm * miss_chezza * missdjm * misssnore * mistrbluesky * mitchdoosh * mkultrakill * mkyorim * mmkprospects * modtv1337 * mogeniord * monkeynico * montug * moodshrono * moodystreams * moonbutterfly * moonlight8 * Moontype * most2k * mostcreativename3 * motaxuni * mothxwings * motokogames * mouthywench * Mr__G35 * mr_sw33ts_419 * mrbuffgaming * mrdeathxc69 * mrkrypticvirus * mrkslu * mrwaffleszzzz * MrYettah * ms_gaming16 * msbamba * MsDirtyBird98 * msemvp * msmewmew * msrag3r * mstjones87 * mtg_lexicon * musashii974 * MusicOffbeatTV * mustachenerd * mw_king * mwpxnightsky * mysticalgamer79 * mysticblaster * MysticLeeeroy * mysticmousegaming * mzfrostbite * nacholibre94 * nadedaxx8 * nanaroman * nancyvandal * nanmeira * naraxas866 * naru_sensei * narujen * natoegamer * nattadash * nazastainor * ndpokhd * nebelfuss * nekochxan * nekusasuneko * nepnuts * nerdmitherz * nerdralls * neurofourier * nezodam * ngt_mystery * nguyennguyen * nightlyght * nightmare6620 * ninamiru * ninetailshin * ninjastep13 * ninjatoine * njaa * Njagos * noblegamingpr * noctblooo * noerukoneko * noixgames * noobjawon * nordous_ * nortron_ * notduck * nothingbutgamez * notryant * nova_lmg * noy203 * nsajose * nukehands * nurse_leira * nwandy_ * nyanyarebellion * nysttren * oafkad * odysseywow * offdutyninja * officialkyanto * og1narz * ogmegbeast * ohheyybree * ohnonotagain * ojjjuj * oldtimer_kyoshii * onepunchromi * onjiary * onoderian * oogler1 * oohmz * oolongdong * opdelusion * orlexor * oshstreams * Osscarr * ostrichcrap * otaku_prince1 * otakugaming_yt * ouluh * overkill2016 * p1_Gamer * paijemonstre * pandalotgaming * pandasmasherx * pandeezblack * panpoleon * papadarius * papastephane * pappamullins * paranoidmelon * parfays2 * PastorJebediah * patbaer * pato_galstark * patosh * patschi23 * paulwerkema * PCLife * peacee * pedrogas * pelityy * perfy * peterchozen1 * peticoff * petster12 * phantom_blad3 * phantomthagod * phenomemtv * phosphosu * phtevenjohnsonxx * piadasemgrraca * picketfencekaratechop * pinkpanda_elle * pinoychan * pintarider * pixel_yuu * pixiedusty43 * pl3xtv * planktontv * playmoo666 * plobh * pocketpenny * poisoncurls * pokemanicx * pokgiandmh * polt3rgeiist * potatoe_monkey * potatotaytay * potterplayz19 * powerslight * preheet * prettypoison105 * prince0fsayians * prinny84 * prinnyshow * Prismalin * project_near * projectronin * projectt__ * properplay13 * Proutnies * psyberius_1 * PuffnPlayTV * PunchAHPack * punksmiles * puphachi * purrsephonekitten * pvradigmshift * qcklassiktv * qentizy * qgzero * qsie * quackclube * qualnkvala * quandonestgeek * quqco * ra_skippyd * rafaelrods * rager_rager * ragingnoodle94 * rainbowchi * rainekun * rainywolves * Rakkotsunami * Randm_Hero_ * ranmyakujouten * rarikii * RaveNecro * rawstarr * rawswagga * rax_tv * rayapollo * raydensinn * raythesamurai * realjayden * realwezzy * reaper_r0se * rebral * reconisawesome * reddsonn * redj350z * redline2022 * rednurd * refernocarnage * relevant007 * remenai * reoatokey * requipstar * retro_madness * retrowolfe * REVERSIHIDE * rexmuffin666 * rgs_kingsane * ricarfoxxxx * rick_gomes01 * ricky_spanish21 * rickybbe * rilkar_tv * ringoplay * rishiswaz * rithloky * rivers_008 * rizzletv * rockarchyTV * rograrocks * roistuper * rokouz * rolf_666 * romeo_lestath * ronaldinhodolol * ronit * rosestream * rperez9832 * rpgmookie * RsdAngelonfire * rtvswagger * ruinedcombat * rundenirun * Runitblacktk * rusel2 * RuSyxx * rutzo * ryakishou * ryanamercy * Ryanlemos4 * rynchan * saemi_says * sagecast * saifoxyl * saikoyg * sailepro * sailorplasma * sakuraleilani * saltny * saltynebby * samgamebox * samoanj_ * santyemaya * sarah_loopz * sarapyon1228 * sarko * savageblack_ * savvysilky * saydaqui * sayneeee * Sayon_Osu * sayuriin * schrodingerj17 * scotch_mist * scottylazer * scruffy_man * seiyoshin * sekutsuu * SenranRose * senseisam * serobaki * serpentpower * Sh1nySho3s * shaddowki * shaderose127 * shadow_doyler * shadow_gam1ng * shadowblasta * shadowkurama * shadowroninn * shaeman111 * sharkization * shawnnortonart * shazamd24 * shenbrood * shinigami420 * shinji_ * shinlives * shiyriu_amigo * shoteitv * shoux11 * showtimedr * shredmir * SillyandStrange * simon923 * simply_cj * simplyje2ns * sinagast * sinxrealize * siraussieman * sixxtysixx * skibskeet * skit3l * sky7934 * skylisette * skypanda2 * skyterrane21 * Slake_GER * sleepingwithpandas * slip_shock * sliverr2012 * slpdirewolf * sly30 * SlyFoxC * smasharina * smith0123 * smollandkoala * sneedgaming * snowbodyhere * soapdodger_ * soda4sama * solid_snake1982 * solomitte * somethingvuong * sonicplaystv * sono_kidd * sonofguns_ * soochubsta * sorafr_ * soraoblivian * souchi * soujiro89 * Soulhealer95 * southtownpro * Sparkywrecks * spartanviper201 * speedknight * spider22monkey * spiderbandit * Spike306_tv * spinwhiz * spoileritsucs * spotrise * squattinggamer * squeamish_cactus * squiishymoon * ssozung * stane4m * star_x_ta * starglowy * starkstriderv2 * startingfrom0 * stealth1192 * stealthydirgaming * steampunkgears * steampunkphoenix * steelewolf * stephkatara * stevedel * stevenlei * stickmanrules5 * stolas_nova * straightouttatokyo * stranger26 * streamaq * streambutterfly * stxtw * stylezx_ * sugarbubblesgaming * sugoisamurai * suicidestarr * supergamegeek * supergamer2011 * Superhappyandgaming * susinagi * sweetmayushii * sweetteapaul * symphoniaTV * t0mcatg * t4yn * t8tumz * tacoyakigaming * tattoomann * taug323 * taw_pain * tawilliams_12 * taydarling * tayz_ssjg * teamdoubled * teamrico * teawithmandy * teekthegamer * tefabeba * tehbadcanadian * Templar224 * tenente_rojo_ * tenshisusanoo * tercla * terrian_jones12 * tevinbarksdale * texg4real * tgykofficial * th3_crane * Th3DyslexicBear * Thatkawaiiguy_ * thatkennyguygames * Thazuya * the_arena * the_novacore * the_over_pro_gamer * the_pengwin * the_skarm_ * theangryginger * theanimepandatwitch * theawkwardgamers * thebeardsage * thebigdadshow * thecataclysm_ * thecoplacetogo * thedecalcaptain * TheEpiicHuman * thefactions * thefamous * thefrogisdead * thegamergirls3 * thegaminginfluence * thegoldenfighter * theinoobproject * theinsanity * thejoyqc * thekidcage * themartonfi1228 * themeowz143 * thenavidude * thepeachcobbler_ * ThePeoplesPineapple * thereal_shogun * therealhilf * theretrogamerroom * thesamd * thetokezen * theweekendgamerjnutt12 * theweenyboyz * theyoungmoneysniper * thggames1 * thiagosannches * thickfillet * Thiefexe * thisisjorgo * thomquist * thor_man * tier1waifu * TiltedTrojan * timmytotems * tluv_ * toastttmalone * toastydawgz * tobi_stalker * toby2k * toffifel * tohka_aryani * tommuah * Tommythedwarfz * toxa_blackrock * transformersblackops * transientx * trevoni * tridern1335 * trintek_ * triplechintyler * troyfu7 * truepine * truevoltage * trystocks * tsukimara * tsukimeplays * ttvquk1ll3r * tuckertv * tuglow * turos_kensei * tv_modern * tw_arizonablack * twilitfall * twinsfireandice * twistersanches * twitchstormtv * txrich1 * tyzillion * uffebror * ultrarice * underwordking112 * UnevenPictures * unicorlol * uninterruptibleminds * unstoppablolive * uvsane * v0ltekze * vampireking * vapame * varial_reality * vasto7 * vattgh3rn * veloxusgaming * venum_tv_ * vieo * viinicky * vikingduckie * vinsonte * VintageGamerChic * viralrespawn * vixierose * vixle90 * vllthia * vulpeslive * wa_ll_e * WafticLIVE * walead_ * walleshow * wave_asakura * wavvy__x * waynesworldx3 * wazerbrazer * weeknighthero * weiward * WekizZ * wesnasty * whiiteemilk * whoolagan * whosjimianyway * wilddreamz * wilkszera * williefresco * winged_gear * wingman700 * winitallesports * wistawii * wolfborgg * wolfkiira * wrongo * wyanoqueen * wysocereal * xanohana * xbennjii * xcupcakemonsterx * xcurryfuryx * xdionyz * xeriail * xerxi_ * xFEARxFr0st * xiiisu * xingkazma * xjbunni * xjerryplays * xjonesylove * xKINGCITYx * xkoazuko * xmoonragex * xnakx * xresurr3ctedx * xsilver_devil * xxInvaderZim182x * xxl_otaku * xyamuchax * xyzmrsrampagezyx * xzelfie * yaboytwiz * yagyu88 * yankdawg24 * ycaverna * yellzworld * ymontv * yogithemaster * yokaiartist * yokaiplayz * yoker_nivek * yonkukaido * yooniebunnie * young_gucci_56 * youngvayu * youxisilverkin * yuikaichan * yyzzil * yzxlf * zabracus * zaddrs * zakac * zarkercompany * zboywonder * zeddiccus_ * zefiixtv * zepyrah * zertox80 * zickgametv * zidane_ * ziinichen * zocker_aka_maffay * ZoeBotNA * zombiebuttnugget * ztbgaming * zyrf1
The Crunchyroll Anime Awards are only on Twitch was originally published in Twitch Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 5 years
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Ranma is stuck in Neko-ken for one more ask. 
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