catgrantawesome · 7 years
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White House Press Secretary Cat Grant
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mitski · 7 years
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cat grant appreciation week day 1: favourite scene (any scene of cat giving advice to kara really)
every woman worth her salt knows that we have to work twice as hard as a man to be thought of as half as good.
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redfield5x5 · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week | day 6: favourite relationship
↳ Cat x Kara
You inspire me, Kara. I can see the hero within you. Now get out and make me proud.
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pagets · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week (Day Three, Favourite Funny Moment) ↳ The meta Flockhart/Ford reference. (1.19, Myriad)
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namiwave · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week - day 3: Favourite funny moment 
“My letter. Huh. Of course.”
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fictorium · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week
Day 4: Favourite inspiring speech or advice.
This is a breakup scene. It packs more punch than Kara’s actual breakups, for a start. Cat is hurt. By the end, Kara is devastated. But even in such an emotionally charged exchange, Cat is still bringing it as a mentor. 
She isn’t even mean. Not in the way she could have been. Kara gave Cat something so unexpected: a chance to know the son she gave away. Not only by getting him there, but by smoothing the path once Adam arrived. So when he showed an interest in her assistant? Cat saw a way not just to get him, but to keep him.
Who better to trust than it’s worth it, family always is Sunny Danvers? Surely she’s the last person to send Adam away. She does, and she breaks Cat’s heart right along with it.
Does Cat call her names? Threaten to fire her again? No. She uses her own failings, the ones so freshly dragged to the surface, and gives Kara a lesson from them. About priorities, about putting the work before the people you care about. About the difference between a career (a calling) and a life. A whole and happy life.
In fact, from this moment on, I think our relationship should be strictly professional. Boss, employee. That way, everything is very clear. Nobody gets confused. Nobody gets hurt.
It’s a rejection, one that stings Kara (and Cat herself, honestly) but in a lot of ways it’s the best possible decision for Kara’s job security and progression. In theory. We all know it’s better when they’re close, when they’re up in each other’s business, but when their personal lives have encroached on work this is probably smarter.
But the fact that even in heartbreak Cat still points out the mistakes to Kara gives away just how much she cares, how much she’s desperately trying not to. Sometimes the best advice is the toughest to hear.
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wondertwinc · 7 years
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CAT GRANT WEEK - day two [favorite quote] ↳ “You know, the worst decisions that I've ever made in my life were based on fear. But you showed me that there was another way to be strong, by having faith in people. By believing that goodness would prevail. And because of you, I started letting people in.” [1x19]
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bridgetteirish · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week: - Day 3: Funniest Moment
The entire blooper reel.  If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out.  Calista fucking up in character, then breaking character is delight unlike any other. 
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beyond-ambivalent · 7 years
Cat Grant Appreciation Week - Day 3: Favorite Funny Moments
Okay so this started with me making a couple of gifs which turned into 28+ tracks pretty quickly. I was more amused watching/hearing Calista so I left it as a (non-edited) video. Here’s ~4 mins of funny Cat Grant shots. This woman makes my everyday.
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catgrantawesome · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week -  day 1: Favourite scene
What is your most favourite scene with Cat? Is it her first appearance? Is it one of those inspirational scenes? Is it Cat being demanding boss or loving mom? Or maybe it is just one perfect smile. Tell us!
And meanwhile, it’s only 7 days until Cat’s return!
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mitski · 7 years
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cat grant appreciation week day 5: favourite relationship (cat and kara)
You are smart and talented and astonishing. And how many more times am I gonna have to tell you this, for you to accept who you are?
I just need you to pull up your big-girl pants, Kara, and own your power.
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redfield5x5 · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week | day 7: free day
↳ the hero’s support
- And you've been a critic, you've been a cheerleader and some say that you are a friend. - Well, I would like to think so.
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pagets · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week (Day Seven, Free Day) ↳ Calista on playing Cat and Ally McBeal. (PaleyFest LA, 2016)
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namiwave · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week - day 7: Free Day
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brokenvidrio · 7 years
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fictorium · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week: Day 1 - favourite scene
Livewire ended up airing earlier than it should, becoming the de facto fourth episode. It’s really a good thing that it did, because here we finally see Cat Grant’s layers. If her entrance was supposed to be Miranda Priestly with a twist, and the mentoring in the first three episodes more incidental, a product of her ego and thirst for a story, it feels like this was the first truly personal scene we got The Full Cat Grant.
She’s being a bit impossible, refusing to go to a safe place - something we see again later when Livewire escapes. Even then she’s willing to let Kara go, only to be genuinely touched by the news that Kara is an orphan. We’re two years in and Kara has never played that card before. Cat’s as intrigued as the audience. 
But we get more than the glimmer from the gossip queen, we get admission (via alcohol, because it’s Cat and she has her vices). Plenty of people in Cat’s position would buff and gloss their biography to create an image of perfection. For all her ego, Cat isn’t that vain. She knows the value of what she’s been through, of what she lacks as much as what she’s gained.
Then she’s back to herself, to the surface Cat who’s instantly irritated when Kara announces her plans to go anyway. Get me Supergirl, do what you want, all very chop chop. But it lingers, this new information. It mixes in with the vulnerability of Cat sharing what she did. That’s why the payoff is Cat saying she should get to know Kara better. Even if that’s a threat to Supergirl’s identity, as it turns out to be, you just know Kara is thrilled to be seen. 
There’s a lot to be said about how they’re two façades presented to each other at first - Kara Danvers the non-special human persona, and Cat Grant the Queen of All Media. Season 1 is showing us what happens when the real people behind those fronts get close to one another, and that’s what makes it the heart of the show, right alongside the Danvers Sisters. It’s deep, and it’s meaningful, and it couldn’t happen with any two random characters. 
Cat has the biggest heart of anyone Kara knows. Big enough to be the heart of Supergirl, in more ways than we realised. I for one can’t wait to have her back for two episodes. 
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