#kara danvers: superpuppy
damelola · 3 years
6 for Supercat and 9 for Deborah/Ava!
6. what would each partner say is their own best quality?
Well, Cat has sort of a list? Um, it goes on for a while. There's her brilliance, her business acumen, her communication skills, that rockin' bod, her capacity for winning, a recently discovered aptitude for ax-throwing... but if you get her three drinks in, when the Cat Grant Bravado has calmed the hell down? She'd tell you with no small amount of pride that it's being a good mother to Carter. The Adam stuff? She's still making peace with, but she really has put in the work to get it right second time out.
Kara would blush and claim she doesn't have one, because who talks about themselves that way? Cat would keep interrupting with all the things she loves about Kara, until Kara has to physically shush her and quietly admit that she's proud of her compassion. That's at the core of everything she does, both as a reporter and as a superhero. Caring about other people is cool, okay?
9. Who’s most likely to murder to protect someone?
My kneejerk reaction was oh for sure, Deborah. Mostly because lies about the fire or not, she has that spark of danger to her. That inability to forgive could be a real trigger point, too.
It's not that Ava doesn't care as deeply, although she is affected by Gen-Z malaise enough that it might rein in murderous levels of passion, but she's just generally not together enough to commit a murder. Manslaughter? Oh for sure. She could stumble into killing someone because they came for Deborah. But she's not going to be hatching plans over a matcha latte.
So that brings us back to Deborah. We've seen that she loves fiercely and not always in conventional ways. Killing someone to protect Ava (or DJ for that matter) would be something she could absolutely live with, within her own moral universe.
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swashbucklery · 3 years
Would you say Kara is your comfort character?
I don't know! Mostly because I don't use that term a ton in my own fandom day-to-day; I'm not sure it quite applies as I've always thought of that as like. Using TV characters really explicitly as a coping strategy in times of stress, which I doesn't quite hit the mark for me.
I definitely like Kara a lot, and I feel like - in any fandom that I get Big Into there's always a character who's an access point for me. I like the worldbuilding and the plot elements but the thing that I get invested in is always a specific character who I relate to strongly or like really strongly and I want to see them succeed and grow and overcome whatever it is the story asks them to overcome. Definitely for Supergirl, Kara has been that character for me.
(And also like, semi-real talk but man there is something really lovely about cape media in these tough times like. My work is intense right now with the pandemic and that parallel feeling of like - being a small part of overcoming a terrible thing bigger than one individual can solve, staying hopeful at the coal face of struggle, caring for one another during big tricky times. These are things that I also see my favourite superheroes struggling with - especially with the explicit way Supergirl is tackling it this season - and it's nice to see that echoed in stories that I love.)
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fictorium · 7 years
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Cat Grant Appreciation Week
Day 4: Favourite inspiring speech or advice.
This is a breakup scene. It packs more punch than Kara’s actual breakups, for a start. Cat is hurt. By the end, Kara is devastated. But even in such an emotionally charged exchange, Cat is still bringing it as a mentor. 
She isn’t even mean. Not in the way she could have been. Kara gave Cat something so unexpected: a chance to know the son she gave away. Not only by getting him there, but by smoothing the path once Adam arrived. So when he showed an interest in her assistant? Cat saw a way not just to get him, but to keep him.
Who better to trust than it’s worth it, family always is Sunny Danvers? Surely she’s the last person to send Adam away. She does, and she breaks Cat’s heart right along with it.
Does Cat call her names? Threaten to fire her again? No. She uses her own failings, the ones so freshly dragged to the surface, and gives Kara a lesson from them. About priorities, about putting the work before the people you care about. About the difference between a career (a calling) and a life. A whole and happy life.
In fact, from this moment on, I think our relationship should be strictly professional. Boss, employee. That way, everything is very clear. Nobody gets confused. Nobody gets hurt.
It’s a rejection, one that stings Kara (and Cat herself, honestly) but in a lot of ways it’s the best possible decision for Kara’s job security and progression. In theory. We all know it’s better when they’re close, when they’re up in each other’s business, but when their personal lives have encroached on work this is probably smarter.
But the fact that even in heartbreak Cat still points out the mistakes to Kara gives away just how much she cares, how much she’s desperately trying not to. Sometimes the best advice is the toughest to hear.
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artbysupergirl · 5 years
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A Luthor Puppy and a Super Puppy
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Kara and human time
Time is hard for humans. Don’t walk too fast. Don’t breathe like that. Don’t do this.
Alex helped her. They went to target and browsed the watch section until Kara found one with a clicking noise that didn’t annoy her. They bought six. (They’re fragile.)
Kara spent hours watching Eliza and Jeremiah and Alex (though it annoyed Alex sometimes), listening to the click of seconds, timing their breaths and their steps, learning the timing, learning to fit in.
She sat in front of movies endlessly, moving to mimic them, trying to match their timing. She had a habit of scratching her face so fast it was just a blur. She was working on that.
Earth school was easy, ridiculously so. Pretending to be from earth, that was the hard part. Kara paced for hours on the grass behind their house, learning by sound how hard to put her feet down, trailed a couple steps behind Alex for long walks on the beach, making the imprint of her feet match the depth of Alex’s prints in the sand.
By college it was second nature to act like a human in terms of force. But Kara was still rarely seen without a watch.
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ryaninthesky12 · 7 years
Lena *comes home. The balcony window is shattered and there's glass everywhere*:
Kara: I thought you were never ever ever coming home ever.
Kara: So I panicked.
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lena-luthors-minion · 7 years
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Kara and her donuts
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avatarfan139 · 7 years
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cihppastelly · 8 years
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Just Supergirl cast with puppies, because reasons…
Part 7/7
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iamfrenchfrie · 8 years
Explain me how they
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can be the same person?
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damelola · 7 years
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swashbucklery · 3 years
your gauntlet idea is cool except that the scene starts after her date had already dumped her and left, so it def wasn't about that, esp when the new pieces of info fixed on what kara did *after* she saved the plane. but agree that the point is about kara finding balance in her life and stuff
Anon I mean this as respectfully as possible but, like. While technically all content posted publicly on the internet is potentially open to peer review, I very much did not ask for it in this particular case.
But since you've brought it up: it’s OK if we disagree! I’m still happy with my original idea and I’m happy to elaborate!
What we know from Nyxly passing her trial is that the point of the trial is to push the recipient to think outside the box, and that it specifically resists the conventional logic that courage = violence. We know this in part because of how Nyxly succeeds (having an honest conversation with her brother about how deeply it hurt to be betrayed), as well as from the effects of the courage totem on people around it. Alex became more bold and aggressive, sure, but for J’onn, courage meant expressing a lot of the emotions he normally keeps to himself and reminding his friends how much he cares about them. For Brainy, courage meant being bad at math sometimes. So we know that whoever attempts the gauntlet, the test of courage will ask them to do the thing that requires the most courage for them personally.
The reason I’m so into Kara’s totem challenge is because it’s a callback and I think/hope a really intentional one. In that situation in the first time, when Kara was the version of herself from the beginning of the show, the hardest and most courageous thing to do absolutely was to save the plane (in the first iteration) and to save the plane + the citizens of the city (in the second iteration).
And the real answer is that we don’t know what Kara would have to do to succeed at the courage totem’s gauntlet, and only time will tell if the show gives us the answer or not. But the theory I like the best is that the thing that they’re trying to highlight - and this is speculation, but they did some very heavy foreshadowing, anon - is that for Kara right now, saving the world isn’t a test of her courage anymore.
And that’s okay! It’s actually super rad and it’s because she’s grown as a superhero for the past 6 seasons! So even though it’s hard and scary, it’s something she’s really good at. Saving a crashing plane, stopping a robbery in progress, being Supergirl, none of those are tests of her courage because that’s a role that she’s comfortable in.
So going back and looking at the two failed test iterations, we see that the answer is not save the plane and it’s not save the plane + tons more people and I think that’s because the thing that’s hardest for Kara now is something entirely different. And maybe it’s neither thing - maybe it’s staying on the wing and integrating Kara Zor-el and Kara Danvers and Supergirl altogether, because that’s another thing that Kara’s struggled with, and that would be another good test that would tie a few elements of the series together.. But I wonder if it’s going back and trying again at another hard thing for her, which is being vulnerable with other people, and that’s the theory that makes me the happiest.
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ohladybegood · 6 years
🎶 + kara danvers (if you're watching supergirl)
I’m still watching Supergirl! I’m just like six episodes behind. Kara will always be my favorite superpuppy, though, and I’m catching up slowly but surely. 
Frou Frou – “Holding Out for aHero”
Sigur Rós – “Hoppípolla”
Fall Out Boy – “The Last of the Real Ones”
The Strumbellas – “Salvation”
Fifth Harmony – “Uptown Funk”
BONUS: please listen to Billy Raffoul’s “Forever” because the supercorp is strong with this song. The music video is also very gay and very cute.
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Kara Danvers thinks that Cake By The Ocean is actually about eating cake by the ocean don’t lie
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ryaninthesky12 · 7 years
Kara: wait, Lena! Before you go upstairs...
Kara: I can explain.
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findsupercat · 7 years
So what are your top five?
This was really, really hard and I cheated at a lot and the number of fic I still had to leave out is heartbreaking. Basically you get two top sevens (in no particular order), one for WIP and one for completed.  I tried to limit myself to one per author (sort of successfully if you only look at one category at a time and ignore honorable mentions).
This is kind of long so the recs are under the cut:
Completed Fic:
Family by @pinkrabbitpro Cat gets seriously injured protecting Alex. I have a weakness for Cat proving her love in extreme ways  and (not really) unrequited pining. Favorite moment: Cat getting caught touching Kara or Cat’s disappointment when she has confirmation that Kara is Supergirl.
Let me lend a helping hand by @wistfulwatcher. Kara loses her powers and Cat…helps. Honestly this is just hot (and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t include at least one completely smutty option) but with a sneaky side of emotional involvement in the second chapter.  Favorite moment: Kara realizing that Cat is feeling vulnerable/rejected… also all the sex.
More about you by @bridgetteirish Cat decides she’s going to date Supergirl; it gets complicated and angsty quickly.  Favorite moment: The science section. I have a LOT of feelings about the science section.
A Shadow Passed by @fictorium/ @damelola Kara doesn’t save the plane.  Favorite moment: Who died?
Got a piece of my mind (to tell you who’s mine) by @itsswanqueen. I’m such a sucker for a soulmate AU.  Soulmates have their names on each other’s wrist; Cat’s is in Kryptonian. Bonus General Danvers plot. Favorite moment: Cat’s reveal and the bits about Adam.
Fallen by @spaceshipsarecool Kara is the Devil and Cat wants to make a deal. Really interesting from a theological point of view. It’s perfect. Favorite moment: Kara requesting a kiss. 
Thursday Nights by @rtarara  what if Kara landed on time fic. Kara is a prostitute and Cat is her John.  If you enjoy having your guts ripped out while you read fic, @rtarara is definitely the writer for you. Favorite Moment: “I’m an idiot, but I’m not delusional.” I’m always gonna cry in a rtarara fic. This is where I lost it in this one.  
Honorable Mention (which I didn’t count because I told you it was a favorite yesterday and this way I could sneak in another by @spaceshipsarecool):
Lab Down Under It’s perfect. Whimsical supervillain Cat and superpuppy Kara following her around and taking care of her.
Still in Progress Fic:
The Music and the Mirror by @fictorium/ @damelola The ballet AU. I will drop literally everything I’m doing when I see an update. Not even kidding. I pulled over on a road in the middle of nowhere Ohio to read a chapter and read another while helping my sister try on wedding dresses. Favorite moment: Cat freaking out over Kara’s feet. Bonding over Vodka. All of it. Just the whole fic.
Quiet Nights and Quiet Stars by @inspectorboxer​. Kara/Supergirl and Cat go on amazing dates and take on the Joker. This is actually a series with the first two being Cat and Supergirl dates and the Joker plot line really picking up in the third and fourth. I adore these stories.  Favorite moment: “Just come tonight as Kara Danvers and that will be enough.”
Chasing Fog by @pinkrabbitpro Bat fam AU. Kara is Bruce Wayne’s adopted daughter and Cat is Catwoman. The world building is amazing. It has tons of plot and is deliciously slow burn. Featuring an awesome Carter and a really interesting take on Alex. Favorite moment: Cat telling off Alex. And basically every moment with Cat, Kara and Carter all together. 
One Bridge at a Time by @dinovia-grant. Cat and Kara (and Carter) end up telepathically linked. It’s amazing and lovely and every chapter is the length of a small novel. Favorite moment: “Trickle down crazy!” and  Cat and Alex’s confrontation.
Hope it’s worth (I’ve born ready) by @hiraeth-unstuckintime​ A soulmate AU where anything written on your skin shows up on your soulmate. Cat and Kara begin communicating while Kara is still on Krypton. I’m a total sucker for a soulmate AU and this one is perfect. Favorite moment: “It’s that thing you humans do before marriage, right? You explained it to me. “
The Hidden Force by @musetotheworld​ Star Wars AU. Kara was a padawan who escaped the massacre. Such a fantastic job done with the Star Wars world/mythology. Really excellent Alex and Kara interactions and a side of pretend dating and Sanvers. Favorite moment: Basically all of Cat and Kara’s talks.
The mob bosses daughter by @supercitycarnival Mob boss!Cat and bodyguard Kara.  It’s only one chapter in but it’s amazing so far and it is off to a very promising start; I’m really excited about it. Also if you haven’t seen Full Circle mob!Cat is really REALLY hot.  Favorite moment: Kara’s reflections on Cat.
Honorable mention (It would be higher but I’m not sure it’s still updating so I didn’t want to rec it if it’s been abandoned):
Secrets by writtensword (does anyone know if they’re on tumblr?). Adam is gay and brings Kara to Thanksgiving with Cat and fam as a cover. It’s perfect and lovely. Features extremely awful Katherine Grant and a really cute Winn/Adam thing. Favorite moment: Adam coming out to Cat. 
What do you think? Anyone want to make a case for different fic? Argue that one of mine is overrated? Request themed recs?
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